
Ilsington Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs C Retallick, Barton, Ilsington, , , TQ13 9RT. Telephone No: 01364 661532 E Mail: [email protected]

Ilsington Parish Council Meeting at Ilsington Village Hall Tuesday the 25th June 2019

MINUTES OF THE MEETING Present: Cllr M Wills Cllr R Steemson Cllr R Bainbridge Cllr S Harcourt- Smith Cllr S Hember Cllr J Hodge Cllr A Patch Cllr Mrs J Prior Cllr Mrs C Reeve Cllr M Retallick Cllr R Winsor

Also in attendance: Cllr G Gribble – Devon County Councillor, Mrs Retallick (Clerk) and 3 members of public. Councillors are reminded that they must declare any prejudicial interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Cllr Wills welcomed everyone to the meeting 19/88. To accept apologies for absence. None 19/89 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda. None declared 19/90 Clerks report. The few matters which have been raised during the month have been added to this agenda or future agendas, they include a request for a dog waste bin in Ilsington, Templar Way 200 celebrations and concerns over the layout of a road junction in Vale. Clerk confirmed that the broken bars and granite post at Halford, Liverton have been reported to Highways and are on the list for repair 19/91 PUBLIC FORUM & MEMBERS COMMENTS – (limited to 10 minutes) (Applicants with planning applications for consideration may also speak for up to 3minutes on behalf of their own application) A member of the public reported that she and other residents have met to discuss the major planning application in Liverton, she acknowledged the parish councils comments to the planning authority of objection and asked if the council would fund a planning consultant to assist prepare environmental report and a written response for the group to support the concerns and objections of local residents, the exact costs are not known at the moment. The chairman reminded the meeting that was not an item on the agenda and no decision could be made at the moment, the clerk will need to confirm if this would be a power that a parish council could assist with. Other ways to fund this could be crowd funding. The chairman confirmed that the planning authority are aware of the council’s interest and will keep the parish informed when it goes onto their planning committee agenda. Cllr Patch asked if his plan could be submitted to DCC highways re the Liverton footpath scheme, Cllr Steemson advised that he needs to speak to a resident at the Liverton Village end of the road about a road fixture. 19/92 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting 21st May 2019. These were signed as a true record of that meeting. 19/93 To receive reports from District, County Councillors, DNPA Ranger and Police. Cllr G Gribble had received a complaint about weeds at Summerland’s Court he confirmed these are the owner’s responsibility and not highways. The gravel store gate are being

Ilsington Parish Council (Full Council meeting)

repaired this Thursday, the caravan on the road has been labelled by TDC for removal from the highway. Cllr Retallick reminded Cllr Gribble that the hedges at Ramshorn Down are growing over onto the highway. Cllr Patch asked if the hedgerow from opposite the Star Inn to Exeter Cross was highways responsibility as they are also growing over onto the highways, Cllr Retallick believes the Forestry Commission owns part of that hedge, he will investigate that. (Cllr Gribble left the meeting) Cllr Patch reported he has spoken to the TDC officers about travellers' transit sites and his full report was circulated prior to tonight’s meeting. He has suggested that the District Council investigate the provision of official Transit Sites in suitable areas (with deposit/rent charged) as a solution to Unauthorised Encampments. Cllr Patch has asked TDC to confirm that the gravel pit is not being consider by DCC as a transit site and they have confirmed that since it is an active gravel store swift action will be taken to move any travellers on – assurances have been received by Cllr Patch that the Gravel Pt is not being considered as a future Transit Site/site for 'Negotiated Stopping'. Cllr Patch asked the council to consider adopting NALC Recommended Good Practice co- option procedure and if it could be a future agenda item. Cllr Retallick noted that he had spoken to the contractor repairing the gate at the Gravel Pit and was shown the cutting marks where the travellers gained access from cutting through the padlock, the contractor also confirmed that the site is manned while the lorries were being loaded. Cllr Patch again suggested obtaining pre-emptive injunctions but that he understands that it is for DCC to pursue this. Cllr Steemson reported that Mrs Pamela Wood is the new Chair and Vice Chair is Peter Harper, the Sunday volunteers group are meeting at Haytor on 14th July 19/94 Business Brought forward by the Chairman. None 19/95 Recommendations from Finance and Standard Committed – to make decisions. The committee are recommending the clerk's hours of employment are increased by 3 hours, this has been evidenced as needed through a log of hours recorded over the last 2 months. The meeting were in agreement of this proposal. Internal audit issues – these were discussed by the committee and reported within the minutes, the clerk took advice and both internal audit reports plus the explanation notes which have been annotated will be submitted to the external auditor. The councillors agreed to accept and action the advice given. 19/96 Annual Report, Statement of Governance and Accounting Statement for year end March 2019. The Chairman read the statements from the Annual Governance Statement and the councillors responses were recorded, the Statement of accounts were agreed and signed accordingly. 19/97 Beating the Bounds- update and planning for end celebrations – Led by Cllr Steemson He informed the meeting that the medals and new boundary stone have been ordered. Walks have been organised to involve the local Primary schools in early September. The first 2 walks have been well supported and the third walk starts at 10am this Saturday Approx. £1000 of the budget has been spent to date. He asked the councillors to confirm the guest list for the celebration event which includes 2 invites to each of the neighbouring parishes, the district and county councillors, land owners and eligible walkers from the walks. Cllr Steemson advised the meeting that there were concerns with a stone on the boundary with Newton Abbot; it may need to be moved for safety reasons. The new boundary stone between Ilsington and will be unveiled soon and the media have been invited to record the event. Collections have been taken at each walk and there will be a donation given to a local charity. 19/98 Lengthsman – Led by Clerk No tenders were received so the working group were looking at alternative ways to deliver this project. The clerk has a Lengthsman from another parish that would like to see the amount of work and sites and she arrange a tour of the parish. Cllr Wills has spoken to a local contractor who would be interested in some of the contract again he will arrange a tour of the

Ilsington Parish Council (Full Council meeting)

areas of interest. Cllr Winsor will contact a local voluntary group who may take on some tasks, he will also see if any work could be paid work. Cllr Retallick noted that the local contractor would have equipment available to carry out some of the tasks. The contract that is being referred to has been through full council and agreed and at the moment the working group do not recommend adding or removing any of the tasks, however it would be good to review the contract once it finishes in March 2020. Cllr Steemson proposed the working group should be delegated responsibilities to carry on and action this project within the budget already approved, Cllr Wills seconded the proposal and all were in favour. 19/99 Little Meadow Play Area – Led by Cllr Patch. Cllr Retallick declared an interest in this item. While campaigning Cllr Patch had received requests for extra play equipment at Little Meadow, Liverton, the clerk had written to the trustees in anticipation of this request and confirmed that the trustees do not wish to see any permanent development of the ground. The Chairman suggested that if residents would like a play park they should write to the council. 19/100 Neighbourhood Plan – Led by Cllr Patch He, the chairman and the clerk had attended a workshop which had given information about neighbourhood plans and the advantages to the parish, it is a big commitment. A representative from TDC would come out to give a presentation to the council. IF this is something the parish would like to be involved with it would not be just councillors involved but the larger community. The meeting agreed that there is an interest in this project, although it was suggested that a public meeting might be better attended after the Summer, and the clerk will seek further advice on how to proceed. 19/101 Parish Newsletter – led by Cllr Patch Cllr Patch asked if the council would consider producing a quarterly newsletter on Council news – allowing also for promoting resident consultations on Parish/Council matters such as the previous 2 items – which would be delivered to every household free of charge, as he felt that information from the council was not reaching the greater community. Cllr Reeve asked about the costs for developing and delivering this and the estimation is approx. £4/5,000. There are companies that will deliver leaflets etc and Cllr Patch will investigate those costs. Cllr Prior suggested improvements to the parish magazine which already exists and maybe this could be revised to include parish council news, although Cllr Patch felt that the magazine did not have sufficient coverage of Parish Residents, and in any case served a different purpose. The meeting was in favour of exploring this and the clerk will speak to the editor of the magazine. 19/102 Liverton Telephone Kiosk renovations – to set a date for working party to meet Cllr Steemson proposed that the working party should be given delegated powers to carry on with this project within budget already agreed, this was agreed by all. The meeting of the working party will be on Monday 1st July at 7pm at the bus shelter in Liverton. 19/103 To consider the planning applications received from District Council and National Park Authority. a) DNPA 0259/19 – Proposed Erection of agriculture storage building (retrospective) including welfare facilities (9.5 m x 3.6m) at Willis Cross Farm, Liverton. No objection. Grant of Planning Permission  TDC 19/00499/FUL Location - 4 Chapel Court, Kittersley Drive. Proposal: Erecting Timber Fence And New Log Garage  TDC 0111/19 Proposal: Replacement roof covering to rear elevation Site address: Cobstone Cottage, Higher Brimley, Bovey Tracey.  DNPA 0122/19 Proposal: Erection of extension to dwelling Site address: 5 Hill Crest, Ilsington  DNPA 0219/19 Proposal: First floor bedroom and en suite extension at Heather Cottage, Haytor  TDC 18/02515/FUL Co Operative Retail Service, Trago mills app 19/104 To receive reports from Parish Councillors on outside bodies.

Ilsington Parish Council (Full Council meeting)

Cllr Prior reported from the Ilsington Village Hall AGM – The electrical tasks are completed. There is still some work for the kitchen and other accessories within the hall. The history group have purchased a data projector for community use. The committee would like to buy 75 new chairs which can be transported on a trolley and they will be approaching the council for a grant toward them. Booking are up since the election and the accounts are looking good. The committee are concerned with the amount of dog fouling around the village hall and will ask the Parish Council’s advice as the willow dome is a favourite place for dog mess, there are plans to build a new tunnel within the play park. The School/Community mini bus is now being parked in Ilsington Village Hall car park. The Village Shop AGM is on Wednesday 26th June at 7.30pm. Cllr S Harcourt Smith reports that Ilsington Primary School no longer has an administrator and she is helping at the moment, the school are advertising for a part time administrator. Cllr S Hember – has not attended an IPFARA meeting and asked when the AGM is. Cllr Patch – asked if the Community Mini bus is now available for bookings – Cllr Harcourt Smith advised that it is, but the procedures need to be finalised and publicised. Cllr Reeve reported from the Liverton Village Hall committee who have recently cleaned the hall, bookings are good and the next film night is on 7th July. The committee are investigating updating the booking form and the Charity Afternoon Teas and Coffee Mornings are popular for raising funds as the hall hire is free – the last 2 have each raised over £500. The committee are keen to link with the Bovey Tracey memory café, and have offered use of the Cinema for a 'reminiscence' screening. The Christmas event will be Sunday 15th December. Cllr Wills – attended the Jane Ford meeting, the Charity funds are good and there are 12 parish leavers from Blackpool Primary this year and 2 from Ilsington, the charity will also donate funds to the schools' libraries. 19/105. To authorise payments of cheques presented. 1 C Retallick 639.68 2 A Marshall Internal Audit 175.00 3 IVH (Hall rental) 16.00 4 IVH (Hall rental) 44.00 5 Liverton VH ( Hall rental) 30.00 6 HMRC 4.60 7 HP Instant Ink 12.49 DD BT 82.62 8 SWW 109.10 9 Moor print 95.00 10 R Winsor 30.00 1238.49 19/106 Correspondence and Emailed correspondence already circulated. An email regarding the closure of the local Fire Service was circulated earlier today, it has been acknowledged with a request made for a representative to attend the July full council meeting.

To confirm the next meeting of Ilsington Parish Council on Tuesday 23rd July 2019 in Liverton Village Hall at 7.30 pm. .

Meeting closed 9.50pm

Signed …………………………………………… Date ……………………………………...

Items for next agenda Fire Service Co-option of councillors

Ilsington Parish Council (Full Council meeting)