
September 2019

This settlement profile has been prepared by National Park Authority to provide an overview of key information and issues for the settlement. It has been prepared in consultation with Parish/Town Councils and will be updated as necessary.

Settlement Profile: 1


Belstone lies on the extreme northern edge of the high moor, overlooking the valley of the . One of the remarkable features of Belstone is how little it has changed in the last 80 or so years.

In the past, its local economy revolved around farming, tin working and stone cutting. In the present

day, tourism and farming are well represented.

Settlement Profile: Belstone 2 Demographics A summary of key population statistics

Population 251 Census 2011, defined by best-fit Output Areas

Age Profile (Census 2011) Settlement comparison (Census 2011)

100+ Children Working Age Older People

90 80 & 70 North 60 & Liverton

Age 50 40 30 Cheriton Bishop 20 10 Belstone 0 Dunsford 0 5 10 Population 0 200 400 600 800


Settlement Profile: Belstone 3 Housing

Average House Prices 2016 Identifying Housing Need Excluding settlements with less than five sales, number of sales labelled

following Parishes: Lustleigh 8 Christow 11 Belstone Yelverton 18 Manaton 8 Belstone 6 22 9 Sticklepath 5 Drewsteignton 8 Buckfast 5 Dunsford 5 Liverton 6 Ilsington 7 5 Brentor 5 Bittaford 12 10 Ashburton 54 Lydford 8 Dousland 15 20 13 36 32 52 19

0 £100K £200K £300K £400K £500K

Land Registry, 2016

Settlement Profile: Belstone 4 Local Issues A summary of current development issues

Sites allocated for development No sites allocated for development in current local plan: 1 affordable units has been delivered on other sites since 2008 No recent housing survey to identify local need for housing

Issues Paper Consultation (Dec 2016) Infrastructure delivery

The following summarises issues identified by residents (no We are aware of the following items of infrastructure which are needed comments from Parish Council received): and have a reasonable prospect of being funded in the next 20 years:  None known (respondents may not have submitted address  None known details)

Settlement Profile: Belstone 5 Map 1 – Planning Considerations A map of key policy designations affecting planning decisions in this settlement

Settlement Profile: Belstone 6 Map 2 – Open Space A map of all open space with public value in this settlement

Settlement Profile: Belstone 7 Settlement Services and Connectivity

Settlement Services

Post Office Store Village Hall Village School Primary Service Bus Regular Ground Recreation Church Pub Centre Health Branch Pharmacy (fuel) Garage A B U









Belstone             If no, distance to nearest 1-2.5km 1-2.5km  1-2.5km    

Method of Travelling to work (Census 2011)

Private vehicle Home worker On Foot Passenger in private vehicle Other Bus, Minibus or Coach Bicycle Train Taxi

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Settlement Profile: Belstone 8