54 Abd Al-Rahman III (912–61)
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60397-3 - A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire: From Beginnings to 1807, Volume I: Portugal A. R. Disney Index More information Index Abbasids, the 54 encourages trade 110 Abd al-Aziz 51, 53 Afonso V (1438–81) 128, 141, 158, 170 Abd al-Rahman I (756–88) 54 attains majority 129 Abd al-Rahman III (912–61) 54, 61, 68 crushes ex-regent Prince Pedro 130 Abrantes 80, 101 generous grants to nobility 132, 135 Abrantes, marquis of 272, 332 invades Castile 133 absolutism 239, 242, 250, 264–268 nurtures leading nobility 128 Academia Real das Cieˆncias 318 patronises education and learning 163, Academia Real de Histo´ria see Royal 164 Academy of History, the unusually long reign 131–133 academies 277, 278, 317 Afonso VI (1656-68) Acapulco 206, 209 and Castelo Melhor 229, 232 Achila 52 conspiracy to restore 233 acorns 14 and the cortes 240 administration see royal government marriage 231–233 Adoptionism 64 physical and mental handicaps 228 Aegean colonists 8 relinquishes power to Prince Pedro 232 Aeminium 24 see also Coimbra Afonso (bastard son of Joa˜oI) Afonso I Henriques (count 1128-43; king as count of Barcelos 128 1143–85) 73, 82, 85, 88, 90, 91 as duke of Braganc¸a129, 131 achieves autonomy 74–75 exempted from Lei Mental 128 and Augustinian canons 89 generous grants to 132 captured by Fernando II 78 opposition to regent Prince Pedro 130 and the church 88 Afonso (son of Joa˜o II) 135, 136, 143 delegates responsibility to son Sancho marriage and death of 136 78 Afonso (son of Manuel I) 159 expands
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