

5 50 45 45 65 95 95 55 50 35 55 55 55 95 95 55 7

All prices are in thousand of Rupiah. All prices are

Subject to 21% Service Charge and applicable Government Tax Subject to 21% Service Charge Sticky black rice with gel and compressed jackfruits Sticky black rice with coconut gel and compressed PISANG RAI INJIN PISANG Poached banana in rice flour with and grated coconut BUBUR DESSERT KACANG KALASAN KACANG Long bean mixed with spicy SEROMBOTAN KLUNGKUNG SEROMBOTAN Mixed vegetable, burn glazed with chili broth coconut grated and fried mung bean KENUS LAWAR chili Squid with snack bean, grated coconut, red and emba SALAD SAPI LALAH MANIS LALAH SAPI and Stir fried with vegetable , sweet chili sambal BABI GENYOL BABI , capsicum, chili, Stir fried belly with , and sweet soy BABI GORENG NASI , boiled egg Balinese with pork and yellow and crackers STIR FRIED IGA BAKAR SAUCE KECAP Marinated with TIPAT MEKALAS and steamed rice Crispy pork with classic sambal matah TIPAT crispy prawn, Rice cake with yellow chicken broth, and dried chili paste Crispy fried local duck with sweet potato rice, Crispy fried local duck sambal kalasan and sambal matah sautéed morning glory, BABI GORENG SAMBAL MATAH LARGE SELA BEBEK GORENG NASI DEN CARIK LILIT DEN CARIK SATE on lemongrass stick Minced chicken sate SAMBAL BE TONGKOL BE SAMBAL matah Grilled tuna with sambal TUM AYAM AYAM TUM yellow bumbu wrapped minced chicken with Marinated leaf in banana JAGUNG SMALL PERKEDEL Corn sambal cake with dabu-dabu