Child Notice Sudan 2016 UNICEF The Netherlands UNICEF Belgium UNICEF Sweden Co-funded by the European Union Child Notice Sudan 2016 Authors: Chris Cuninghame, Abdelrahman Mubarak, Husam Eldin Ismail, Hosen Mohamed Farah With support from: Denise Ulwor (UNICEF Sudan), Tahani Elmobasher (UNICEF Sudan), Majorie Kaandorp (UNICEF The Netherlands), Steering Committee established by National Council for Child Welfare Design: Schone Vormen Print: Impress B.V., Woerden 2016 For further information, please contact: Majorie Kaandorp Children’s Rights Advocacy Officer UNICEF The Netherlands Tel: + 31 (0)88 444 96 50 Email:
[email protected] The Child Notice has been produced by UNICEF The Netherlands, UNICEF Belgium and UNICEF Sweden as part of the project Better information for durable solutions and protection which is financially supported by the Return Fund of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Co-funded by the European Union 2 UNICEF Child Notice Sudan The project “Better information for durable solutions and protection”, generates child-specific country of origin information analysis (Child Notices) on countries of origin of children on the move to Europe. The Child Notices describe the situation of children in the countries of origin providing legal and practical information on education, health care, child protection, armed conflict, juvenile justice, trafficking etc. The Child Notices have been developed based on this Methodology Guidance on Child Notice. The countries of origin have been chosen based on migration flows of children (with and without families), return figures, EU and national priorities.