Painting Part 3 1
.T 720 (07) | 157 ) v.10 • pt. 3 I n I I I 6 International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa. Painting By DURWARD E. NICHOLSON Technical Writer, International Correspondence Schools and DAVID T. JONES, B.Arch. Director, School of Architecture and the Building Trades International Correspondence Schools 6227C Part 3 Edition 1 International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pennsylvania International Correspondence Schools, Canadian, Ltd., Montreal, Canadc Painting \A jo Pa3RT 3 “I find in life lliat most affairs tliat require serious handling are distasteful. For this reason, I have always believed that the successful man has the hardest battle with himself rather than with the other fellow'. By To bring one’s self to a frame of mind and to the proper energy to accomplish things that require plain DURWARD E. NICHOLSON hard work continuously is the one big battle that Technical Writer everyone has. When this battle is won for all time, then everything is easy.” \ International Correspondence Schools —Thomas A. Buckner and DAVID T. JONES, B. Arch. 33 Director, School of Architecture and the Building Trades International Correspondence Schools B Member, American Institute of Architects Member, Construction Specifications Institute Serial 6227C © 1981 by INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved International Correspondence Schools > Scranton, Pennsylvania\/ International Correspondence Schools Canadian, Ltd. ICS Montreal, Canada ▼ O (7M V\) v-V*- / / *r? 1 \/> IO What This Text Covers . /’ v- 3 Painting Part 3 1. PlGX OLORS ___________________ ________ Pages 1 to 14 The color of paint depends on the colors of the pigments that are mixed with the vehicle.
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