Preparing Monochromatic Images for Publication: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Implications
Downloaded from Preparing Monochromatic Images for Publication: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Implications Jörg Piper Clinic “Meduna”, Clara-Viebig-road 4, D-56864 Bad Bertrich, Germany . IP address: Introduction (display, monitor) in appropriate clarity, that is, adequate In light microscopy, monochromatic images are produced luminance, contrast, and tonal values. But severe problems can using monochromatic color filters inserted into the illumi- arise when color prints have to be made from monochromatic nating light path. When compared with true-color images, the images regardless of whether they are carried out as photo image quality can be enhanced by this sort of monochromatic prints (based on the RGB gamut) or as cyan-magenta-yellow- light filtering in special circumstances. In particular, contrast, black (CMYK)-based hardcopies, inkjet, laser, or offset prints. , on sharpness, and lateral resolution can be maximized and In particular, extraordinary difficulties can be apparent when 02 Oct 2021 at 07:44:39 potential chromatic aberration can be avoided. Of course, the high-quality monochromatic RGB images have to be converted specific properties of the specimen and the respective optical into the CMYK color space in order to be processed in a print equipment will determine whether monochromatic light workflow. In this case, it sometimes seems nearly impossible filtering can improve imaging results compared with unfiltered to achieve satisfying results; all types of prints made from the white-light illumination. respective monochromatic image can appear very poor, with Moreover, monochromatic light is intimately involved in low brightness, contrast, and clarity.
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