P L a I N F I E L D G I O R N E I N R R E I D , ^ IIATS, CAPS,A T Etand P E

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P L a I N F I E L D G I O R N E I N R R E I D , ^ IIATS, CAPS,A T Etand P E PLAINFIELD By William M. Drake & Son. Freedom to all opinions oandidly expressed. One Dollar and twenty-five cents per year. w h o l e n o . 88- V O LUM E H. NO. 31. PLAINFIELD, ESSEX COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1850. - a - ly. “And,” said Nate, when Wiling thi* story, “ot UNITED WE STAND. The Lying Servant. the course of a winding river. Bnt nothing j THE PLAINFIELD GAZETTE. all th* tight tights’ that ***r I had, that h’fled snow A unity of opinion seems to prevail in regard to There lived in Swabia a certain lord, piotu, just of the sort could he discern, so that his spirit began gave me th* d—ndeet *o*! I was so tight that I I> PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY, BT the Hats and Caps sold by Mills, all agree as to their and wise, to whose lot it fell to have a serfing-man, to revive, and be was fcin to join in discourse with good qualities and low prices, which are caused by couldn’t op*n my eyes or month tor two days, and William M. Drake & Son. a great rogne, and above all, addicted to the vice of the lord. Bat the lord held his peace, and looked a strict adherance to the Cash system. as on* who excepts an evil thing. when ray eyes did op*n, I was so tight that I expect­ tBT Printing Office in Front-*t. opposite the 2nd JOHN MILLS, lying. The name of the lord is not in the story, Suddenly the way became steep, and they descen­ ed every moment te see my head bai* *pe«M d$y Presbyterian Church. 202 Broad st., opposite the Common Newark. therefore the reader need not trouble himself about ded into a low and woody valley in which was a all abeatthe room! T e r m s .— T o Village Subscribers, One Dollar and it. broad and black river, creeping fearfully along, like Twenty-Fire Cents per annum, payable'in advance. NEW SUMMER GOODS. The knave was given to boast of his wondrous tbe dark stream of Lethe, without bridge or boat to AN ARMY OF MONKEYS. Mail Subscribers One Dollar per annum payable D. BULLMAN has in store and is prepared to travels. He had visited countries which are nowhere serve his custumers with New and Beautiful Summer to be found in the map, and seen things which mor- he wen near. A SOVIL SUSPENSION BRIDOX. in advance. Goods, of the most elegant styles, including “Alas! alas!” cried tbe knave, and the anguish Fifty cents will be added to the above rates if not Silk Tissues, Barrage, s ^ tal’eye never beheld. He would lie through the “ They are coming towards the bridge; they wilf oosed from the pores of his pale face. “A h! miser­ paid in advance. T oil De Linde. twenty-four hours of the clock—for he dreamed false­ most likely cross by the rocks yonder,” observed French Prints. able me! this then is the river in which liars must MW No paper discontinued until all arrears are hoods in his sleep, to the truth of which he swore Raoul. Organdie Lawns, perish r “ How—swim it I asked. “ It is a torrent ther* •paid, except at the option of the publishers. Toil Dunor. when he was awake. His lord was a cunning and V Also, a few pieces Linen Ginghams at Is pr yard. virtuous mun, and used to see the lies in tne valet's “ Even so,’ said the lord, “this is the stream of “ Oh. no!” answered the Frenchman , “monkey* which I spake, but the ford is sound and good for Job Printing f. May 14. 1850.[120. D. BULLM AN. mouth, so that he was often caught—hung, as it would rather go into fire than water. If they can­ were, in his own untruths, as in • trap. Neverthe­ troe-men. Spur we our horses, knave, for the night not leap the stream, they will bridge it.” NXATLY EXECUTED AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. MILLINERY! MILLINERY7!! less, he persisted still the more in his lies, and when ; approacheth, and we have yet far to go.” “Bridge i t ! and how T” 332 Broad St. Newark. any one said, “ How can that be 1 he would answer, “My life is dear to me,” said the trembling serv- “Stop a moment, Captain—yon shall see.” The Mrs. S. Macknet has the honor of announcing with fierce oaths and protestations, that so it was. ing-man, “ and thou knowest were it lost my wife half human voice* now sounded nearer, and w* to the Ladies of Plainfield and vicinity, that G iornEinrR EiD , He swore, stone and bone, and might the , and would be disconsolate. In sincerity, then 1 declare could perceive tbat the animal* were approaching manufacturers and w holesale d ealers is she has opened a splendid assortment of so forth ! Yet was the knave useful in the house­ that the fox whieh I saw in tbe distant country was the spot where we lay. Presently they appeared SPRING MILLINERY, hold, and quick and handy; therefore he was not not larger than he who fled from us in the wood this upon the opposite bank, headed by an old grey ^ IIATS, CA PS,a embracing all the modern improvement and the disliked by his lord, though verily a great liar. m orning!” chieftain and officered like so many soldiers. They latest fashions, to which she invites all visiting Then laughed the lord aloud, and said— Straw Goods, Silk & Satin Bonnets, Newark to give her a call. It chanced, one pleasant day in spring,* after the were, as Raoul stated, of the eomadreja or ring­ MW Cleaning, Pressing and Trimming will be rains had fallen heavily, and swollen much the “ Ho, knave, wert thou afraid of thy life 1 and will tailed tribe. U M BR E L LA S Sl PARASOLS. nothing cure thy lying 1 Is not falsehood, whieh J0-I9 Courtlaudt-st., a^oiningthe Western Hotel. done with neatness and dispatch. floods, that the lord and the knave rode out togeth­ One—an aid-de-camp, or chief pioneer, perhaps— 102 ] ^ x ORK. er, and their way passed through a shady and si­ kills the soul, worse than death which has mastery ran out upon a projecting rock, and, after looking only over the body! This river is no more than any THE GOODS ARE INSIDE, lent forest. Suddenly appeared an old and' well- across the stream, as ET calculating the distance, A nd I am bound to have them crown fox. “Look ! exclaimed the master of the other, nor hath it a power such as I feigned. The scampered back, and appeared to communicate with T e TAND P E l l l T c M T A K E N O U T , knave; “look, what a huge beast! never before ’ » *aft- ‘nd the waters gentle as those we have tbe leader. This produced a movement in the troop. EDWARD DEACON, And we will take the Tea out first at 2s fid pr lb. have 1 seen a reynard so large !” “ Doth this beast already p«*ed, but who shall pass thee over the Commands were issued, and fatigue parties were MANUFACTURER OF of this day, in it thou must needs sink unless Coffe 1* Sugar 2s 6d. per 7 lb Molasses Is 9d. per surprise thee by its hugeness ?” replied straight the ! detailed, and marched to the front. Meanwhile Improved Pen and Pencil Cases, gallon, Butter 11 cents. Hams 10 cents, Shoulders penitence come to help the over, and cause the to fid. per lb. & Smoked Beef wonderful high, that’s serving-groom, casting his eye slightingly on tha I several of the comadrejas—engineers, no donbt—ran in Gold and Silver. No. 5 Lib­ the way we say it. If you don’t believe, call and animal, as he fled for fear away into the cover of the look back on tbe gulf of thy lies, as on a danger along the bank, examining the trees on both side* from which thou bast been delivered by heaven’s erty Place, cor. of Maiden see npposise J. Pound’s old Bakery. brakes ; “ by stone and bone, I have been in a king­ of the Arroyo. Plainfield, April 1st. 1850. D. VAIL. Lane New-York. [122. dom whare the foxes are as big as are the bulls in grace. At length they all collected around a tall potion- And as he ralied against his servant, the lord rode BARGAINS IN this!” Whereupon, hearing so vast a lie, the lord wood, that grew over the narrowest part of the on into tbe water, and both in safety reached the answered calmly, >hut with mockery in his heart, stream, and 20 or 30 of them scampered up its trunk STRAW GOODS, opposite shore. Then vowed the knave, byfetone and “ In that kingdom there must be excellent lining for On reaching a high point, the foremost—a strong AS cheap if not cheaper than any wholesale bone, from that time forward he would duly meas­ BARBER & HUH DREhSER, or retail store in New York, a handsome ns- the cloaks, if furriers can there be' found well to fellow—ran out upon a limb, and, taking several ure his words, and glad was he to escape. Such is Next door to the Gazette Office. - sortment of Ladies, Misses nnd Boys HA.TS dress skins so large!” turns of his tail around it, slipped off, and hung of allmost every description at YOUNG’S, No 96 the story of the lying servant and thc merry lord, by in Plainfit-ld.
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