

IV. Red List of Vascular of the Wadden Sea Area*

CONTRIBUTORS: Denmark: P. Wind : M. van der Ende, E. Garve, A. Schacherer The : J. B. M. Thissen'"


In the aquatic part of the Wadden Sea area, there are only very few vascular plants, mainly Zostera marina and Z. noltii, but floristically the Wadden Sea islands are among the most important areas of northwestern Europe, especially for plants of coastal dunes and salt marshes (Mennema & Weeda, 1983). However, according to Raabe (1981), the Schleswig-Holstein part is relatively poor in this respect. One has to bear in mind that the number of vascular plants of some Wadden Sea is- lands has increased a lot in this century: e.g. for Vlieland, Terschelling, Ameland and Schiermonnikoog, the flora list comprised 60-90% more species in 1986 than in 1870 (Westhoff & van Oosten, 1991). About one century ago, the dunes were in a very poor state because of intensive exploitation (Westhoff, 1985).

Delimitation of the area and selection of species At the Trilateral Governmental Conference in Esbjerg, it was decided to work out a Red List of the species which can be found in and which are typical for typical coastal ha- bitats only. The vascular plants of the Wadden Sea itself (aquatic and intertidal part), the salt marshes and the dunes,excluding plantations, have been taken into consideration. So, for example, the flowering plants of arable land have been deliberately excluded from the Red List. (The weed flora of the Wadden Sea islands used to be very rich [Westhoff & van Oosten, 1991].) Further, the list has been restricted to indigenous or naturalized species. As a guide- line, the lists of Prins et al. (1983 a, b) have been used. The apomictic-species of the ge- nera Rubus and Taraxacum have not been assessed, because of lack of information on

This list forms part of the Report on the RED LISTS OF BIOTOPES, FLORA AND FAUNA OF THE TRILATERAL WADDEN SEA AREA. For basic information concerning, for example, func- tion of these lists, species taken into account, structure of the lists and abbreviations used, see also the general introduction to the Red Lists. " " Author of the introductory text.

Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Hamburg und Bundesamt ffir Naturschutz, Bonn 44 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area their distribution and status. Subspecies are only mentioned if this adds any value, e.g. if the specific subspecies is threatened, whereas the species as such is not. The and the scientific names follow the standard list for plants in Germany (Zentralstelle ffir die floristische Kartierung, 1993).

Data source Denmark: As in the case of the other species groups, the Danish Wadden Sea Red List of vascular plants is an updated version of the Danish national Red List (Asbirk & So- gaard, 1991). Germany: The status of the vascular plants of Niedersachsen has been based, to a large extent, on the Red List of that region (Garve, 1993). For Schleswig-Holstein, howe- ver, the status categories of the Red List (Mierwald & Beller, 1990) had to be adapted to the situation in the Wadden Sea part. The Netherlands: The status of the species has been determined with the aid of the atlases by Mennema et al. (1980, 1985) and van der Meijden et al. (1989), which give the distribution in the two periods before and after 1950. This information was updated from some new publications, mainly Westhoff & van Oosten (1991) and Weeda et al. (1985- 1994). Threats In 1956, Westhoff pointed out that the loss of species in the coastal dunes has in general been relatively slight. At that time, the main threats were extraction of drin- king water, drainage of adjacent agricultural fields, which cause the desiccation of hu- mid and wet dune slacks, and afforestation, which causes desiccation too and even di- rectly the destruction of natural habitats. Nowadays, one has to take more threats into ac- count, namely atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (Bellemakers et al., 1993; Veer et al., 1993), recreation (van Zoest, 1994), regulation of moving sand and coastal defense (Jans- sen, 1994). Desiccation and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen cause the dominance of a few grasses and of the invasive neophyte moss Campylopus introflexus. Recreation concen- trates on the beach and disturbs typical beach plants, like the three species of the Red List. Pioneer plants are threatened by fixation of moving sand. The flora of the outer dunes is threatened by regression of the coastline, but also to some extent by the measures which are taken to counteract this process. A specific effect of coastal defense is the loss of brackish waters. Several plants of gradients between fresh and salt water are disappearing. A lot of salt marshes and their characteristic plants disappeared locally because of embanking and reclamation. In 1932 the sublittoral Zostera marina populations perished because of the ,,wasting disease". After 1965, also Zostera noltii began to decline in the Dutch part because of in- creasing pollution (den Hartog & Polderman, 1975). The relevant effects of eutrophica- tion are turbidity and high densities of microalgae and lugworms (Arenicola marina L.) (Philippart & Dijkema, 1995). Since about 1972 Zostera noltii has been recovering in the Dutch part. In the German Wadden Sea mass development of macroalgae probably cau- sed a recent decline of seagrass (Reise et al., 1994). Seagrasses are also threatened by fis- hery of shellfish (de Jonge & de Jong, 1992). Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 45

Regulation of human disturbance is not always beneficial to the flora. Some rare spe- cies benefit from a certain, slight, amount of eutrophication or treading, e.g. the Red List species Alyssum alyssoides, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Asparagus officinalis ssp. prostra- tus and Dactylorhiza maculata. On some salt marshes, especially in Schleswig-Holstein, grazing pressure restricts plant diversity (Stock, 1993). Low intensity grazing, however, can be beneficial to the flora of salt marshes (Scherfose, 1993) and dunes (Westhoff, 1985).


In the Wadden Sea area, a total of 248 (sub)species of vascular plants are threatened in at least one subregion. Of these, 216 (sub)species are threatened in the entire area and are therefore placed on the trilateral Red List. 17 (sub)species of the listed vascular plants are (probably) extinct in the entire Wadden Sea area. The status of 47 (sub)species of vas- cular plants is (probably) critical; 61 (sub)species are (probably) endangered; the status of 65 (sub)species is (probably) vulnerable and that of 26 (sub)species susceptible.

REFERENCES Asbirk, S. & S. Sogaard (Eds), 1991. ,,Rodliste 90". - S~rligt beskyttelseskr~evende planter og dyr i Danmark. (Red Data book of threatened plants and animals in Denmark - with English summary) - Milj~ministeriet, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, Kobenhavn, 222 pp. Bellemakers, M. J. S., Maessen, M., Cals, M. J. R. & J. G. M. Roelofs, 1993. Effectgerichte maatre- gelen tegen verzuring en eutrofiering van oppervlaktewateren. Katholieke Universiteit, Nijme- gen, 147 pp. Garve, E., 1993. Rote Liste der gef~ihrdeten Farn- und Blfitenpflanzen in Niedersachsen und Bre- men. 4. Fassung vom 1.1.1993. - Infn. Naturschutz Nieders. 13, 1-37. Gravesen, P, 1983. Forelobig oversigt over botaniske lokaliteter. 4. S~nderjyllands Amt. - Miljomi- nisteriet, Fredningsstyrelsen, Kobenhavn, 158 pp. Hansen, K. (red.), 1981. Dansk feltfIora.- Gyldendal, Kobenhavn, 757 pp. EIartog, C. den & P. J. G. Polderman, 1975. Changes in the seagrass populations of the Dutch Wad- denzee. - Aquat. Bot. i, 141-147. Janssen, M., 1994. Dynamisch kustbeheer. - Duin 17(2), 17-19. Jonge, V. N. de & D. J. de Jong, 1992. Role of tide, light and fisheries in the decline of Zostera ma- rina L. in the Dutch Wadden Sea. - Netherl. Inst. Sea Res. Publ. Ser. 20, 161-176. Meijden, R. van der, Plate, C. L. & E. J. Weeda, 1989. Atlas van de Nederlandse flora. 3: Minder zeldzame en algemene soorten. Rijksherbarium, Leiden, 264 pp, Mennema, J., Quene-Boterenbrood, A. J. & C. L. Plate (Eds), 1980. Atlas van de Nederlandse flora. 1: Uitgestorven en zeer zeldzame planten. Kosmos, Amsterdam, 226 pp. Mennema, J., Qu~ne-Boterenbrood, A. J. & C. L. Plate (Eds), 1985. Atlas van de Nederlandse flora. 2: Zeldzame en vrij zeldzame planten. Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht, 349 pp. Mennema, J. & E. J. Weeda, 1983. Vascular plants. In: Ecology of the Wadden Sea. Ed. by W. J. Wolff. Balkema, Rotterdam, 3, 9/38-9/50. Mierwald, U. & J. Belier, 1990. Rote Liste der Farn- und Blfitenpflanzen Schleswig-Holsteins. 3. Fas- sung. Landesamt ffir Naturschutz and Landschaftspflege, Kiel, 64 pp. Pedersen, A., 1983. The vegetation of the Wadden Sea islands of Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein. In: Ecology of the Wadden Sea. Ed. by W. J. Wolff. Balkema, Rotterdam, 3, 9/137-9/165. Philippart, C. J. M. & K. S. Dijkema, 1995. Wax and wane of Zostera noltii L. in the Dutch Wadden Sea. - Aquat. Bot. 49, 255-268. Prins, D., Kuhbier, H., Pedersen, A., Mennema, J. & A. M. Kooijman, 1983 a. Main list with indige- nous or naturalized phanerogams and pteridophytes of the Wadden Sea area. In: Ecology of the Wadden Sea. Ed. by W. J. Wolff, Balkema, Rotterdam, 3, 9/323-9/344. 46 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

Prins, D., Kuhbier, H., Pedersen, A., Mennema, J. & A. M. Kooijman, 1983 b. Separate list with indi- genous or naturalized plants of smaller islands and ,, high-sands ". In: Ecology of the Wadden Sea. Ed. by W. J. Wolff. Balkema, Rotterdam, 3, 9/345-9/346. Raabe, E.W., 1981. Uber das Vorland der 6stlichen Nordseek/iste. - Mitt. ArbGem. Geobotanik in Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg 31, 1-118. Reise, K., Kolbe, K. & V. de Jong, 1994. Makroalgen und Seegrasbest~inde im Wattenmeer. In: Warn- signale aus dem Wattenmeer. Ed. by J. L. Lozan, E. Rachor, K. Reise, H. yon Westernhagen & W. Lenz. Blackwell, Berlin, 90-100. Scherfose, V., 1993. Zum EinfluB der Beweidung auf das Gef~l~pflanzen-Artengeffigevon Salz- und Brackmarschen. - Zeitschr. Okol. Naturschutz 2, 201-211. Stock, M., 1993. Salt marshes in Schleswig-Holstein: from a green towards a natural succession. - Wadden Sea Newsletter 1993-1, 11-14. Veer, M., Meulen, F. van der, Heil, G. W. & A. M. Kooijman, 1993. Ecotoopbeheer in droge duinen: sturende processen en limiterende factoren. In: Effectgerichte maatregelen tegen verzuring en eutrofi~ring in natuurterreinen. Ed. by M. Cals, Graaf, M. de & J. Roelofs. Katholieke Universi- teit, Nijmegen, 147-170. Westhoff, V., 1956. De verarming van flora en vegetatie. In: Vijftig jaar natuurbescherming in Ne- derland. Natuurmonumenten, Amsterdam, 151-186. Weeda, E. J., Westra, R., Westra, C. & T. Westra, 1985. Nederlandse oecologische flora 1. IVN, Am- sterdam, 304 pp. Weeda, E. J., Westra, R., Westra, C. & T. Westra, 1987. Nederlandse oecologische flora 2. IVN, Am- sterdam, 304 pp. Weeda, E. J., Westra, R., Westra, C. & T. Westra, 1988. Nederlandse oecologische flora 3. IVN, Am- sterdam, 302 pp. Weeda, E. J., Westra, R., Westra, C. & T. Westra, 1991. Nederlandse oecologische flora 4. IVN, Am- sterdam, 317 pp. Weeda, E. J., Westra, R., Westra, C. & T. Westra, 1994. Nederlandse oecologische flora 5. IVN, Am- sterdam, 400 pp. Westhoff, V., 1985. Nature management in coastal areas of Western Europe. - Vegetation 62, 523- 532. Westhoff, V. & M.F. van Oosten, 1991. Plantengroei van de Waddeneilanden. KNNV, Utrecht, 417 pp. Wind, P., 1994 a. Oversigt over botaniske lokaliteter. Bind 10. Ribe Amt.- Miljoministeriet, Fred- ningsstyrelsen, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, Kobenhavn, 176 pp. Wind, P., 1994 b. Oversigt over botaniske lokaliteter. Status og forvaltningsbehov.- Miljoministeriet, Fredningsstyrelsen, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, Kobenhavn, Vol. I, 68 pp; Vol. 2, 94 pp. Zentralstelle ffir die floristische Kartierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland-Nord (Hrsg.), 1993. Standardliste der Farn- und Bliitenpflanzen der Bundesrepublik. - Floristische Rundbr. Beih. 3, 48O pp. Zoest, J. van, 1994. Effecten van openluchtrecreatie op natuurwaarden van de Waddeneilanden. Landelijke Vereniging tot Behoud van de Waddenzee, Harlingen, 74 pp.


EX - Extinct: Erica cinerea Ajuga pyramidalis (?) Pi]ago ]utescens (?) Alyssum alyssoides Genista gennamca Ana camp tis pyramidalis PIieracium vulga turn Carex dioica (?) PIypericum humifusum Carex hostiana []lecebrum vertici]]aturn Chenopodium botryodes (?) A4arrubium vulgate

Question-marks indicate that in one of the subregions the status of threat is uncertain. Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 47

(?) Ranunculus hederaceus Silene nutans Ranunculus tripartitus Sparganium natans Subularia aquatica Stellaria aquatica Zannichellia palustris ssp. polycarpa (?) Thalictrum flavum Tlffchophorum cespitosum CR - Critical: Tuberaria guttata Arnica montana Utricularia minor Artemisia campestris Baldellia ran unculoides EN - Endangered: Bassia hirsuta Acinos arvensis =Satureja acinos Blysm us compressus Alopecurus bulbosus Ca]litriche brutia Anagallis minima =Centunculus minimus Calystegia soldanella Antennaria dioica Carex caryophyllea Apium gra veolens Carex ericetorum Apium inunda turn Carex p u]icaris A triplex gla briuscula Carex pun cta ta A triplex la cinia ta Catabrosa aquatica Botrychium lunaria filiformis Bupleurum tenuissimum Cochlearia o[ficinalis Carex trinervis Cram be maritima Carex viridula Cuscuta epithymum =C.oederi Deschampsia setacea =C.serotina ssp. serotina Dianthus carthusianorum Carlina vulgaris Dianthus deltoides dissectum Eleocharis acicularis Cotula coronopifoh'a Equisetum variegatum Dactylorhiza incarnata Eriophorum vaginatum Drosera in termedia Euphorbia paralias Epipactis palustris Filago vulgaris Erica scoparia Gentianella campestris ssp. baltica Euphrasia micran tha Gnapha]ium luteo-album Galium sterneri Hammarbya paludosa Gentiana pneumonanthe Hermmium monorchis Gentianella uliginosa Horde um marin um Gymnadenia conopsea Hottonia pa]ustrfs peduncula ta Huperzia se]ago Helictotrichon pubescens Juncus capitatus Hyperfcum pulchrum Juniperus communis Hypochoeris glabra Orchis morio Isolepis fluitans Pilulalffa globulifera Juncus pygmaeus Pinguicula vulgaris La thyrus linifolius (?) Rhynchospora alba Limosella aquatica Rhynchospora fusca Liparis loeselii Sagina subulata Listera cordata Schoenoplectus pungens Littorella uniflora 48 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

(?) Lysimachia thyrsiflora Crepis tectorum (?) Myosurus minimus Dactylorhiza maculata Myriophyllum alterniflorum Dacty]orhiza maja]is Narthecium ossifragum Dactylorhiza praetermissa Odontites litoralis E]eocharis m ultica ufis Oenanthe lachenalii E]eocharis quinqueflora Pedicularis palustris Eryngium maritim um Pedicularis sylvatica Euphrasia stricta Platanthera bifolia Fi]ago minima serpyllifolia (?) Galeopsis speciosa Polygonum oxyspermum ssp. rail Ha]imione portulacoides = Atrip]ex portu- Potamogeton gramineus lacoides Potamogeton perfolia tus Hierochloe odorata Pyrola rotundifolia Inu]a britannica Ruppia cirrhosa Juncus anceps Ruppia maritima Juncus balticus Schoenoplectus triqueter Juncus inflexus Schoenoplectus X carinatus Lathyrus maritimus =L. japonicus Schoen us nigricans Lepidium campestre Scorzonera humilis Linum catharticum Scutellaria minor Lycopodie]la inundata Senecio erucifolius Lycopodium davatum (?) Stachys arvensis Menyanthes trifoliata Ulex europaeus Ophioglossum vulgatum Vaccinium vitis-idaea Osmunda regalis Vulpia bromoides Parapholis strigosa Parnassia palustris VU - Vulnerable: Peplis portula Agrostis vinealis =A.stricta ssp.stricta Anagallis teneHa Potamogeton polygonifolius (?) Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. maritima Potamogeton trichoides (?) Artemisia absmthium Potentilla argentea Asparagus officinalis ssp. prostratus Pyrola minor (?) Atriplex Iongipes Blysm us rufus Ranunculus baudotii Bnza media Rhinanthus angustifolius Caltha palustris (?) Rhinanthus angustifolius ssp. halophi- Carex distans ]us Carex extensa Rhinanthus minor Carex vesicaria Rosa pimpinellifolia Carex viridula van pulchella Sagina nodosa =C.oederi ssp. oederi Samolus valerandi =C.oederi ssp. pulchella Sderan th us perennis =C.scandinavica Silene otites =C.serotina spp, pulchella Taraxacum celticum agg. Centaurium erythraea Taraxacum palustre agg. Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 49

Thalictrum minus (?) Cicuta virosa Torilis nodosa Crithmum maritimum Triglochm palustre Deschampsia wibeliana Utricularia a ustralis Desmazeria marina Vaccinium myrtillus Galeopsis segetum Zostera marina (?) duncus bulbosus ssp. kochii Zostera noltii Lactuca tatarica Lithospermum officinale SU - Susceptible: Polygonatum odoratum Ajuga reptans Potamogeton coloratus Alisma ]anceola turn Ranunculus auricomus Apium nodiflorum Sedum album Arabis hirsuta Smyrnium olusatrum Berberis vulgaris Spergula morisonii Carex hartmanii Thym us pulegioides Carex lasiocarpa Trifolium striatum Carex remo ta Xanthium albinum ssp. albinum (?) Cerastium pumilum


Status of threat in the subre- Red List gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) Threats NL Nds SH DK Kleine steentijm Acinos arvensis (Lam.)Dandy Gemeiner Steinquendel EN HAB, AGR =Satureja acinos (L.)Scheele EN Voldtimian Zandstruisgras Agrostis vineafis Schreb. Sand-Straul~gras VU AGR, HAB =A.stricta J.F.Grnelin ssp.stricta * * CR Sand-Hvene Piramidezenegroen Ajuga pyramidalis L. Pyramiden-G0nsel EX EX Pyramide-La~beles Kruipend zenegroen Ajuga reptans L. Kriech-G0nsel SU SU Krybende Laebeles Slanke waterweegbree Alisma lanceolatum With. Lanzett-FroschlOffel SU SU Lancet-Skeblad Knolvossestaart Alopecurus bulbosus Gouan Knollen-Fuchsschwanz EN WAT EN EN Knold-Raevehale Bleak schildzaad Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L. 1 Kelch-Steinkraut -EX? ? EX EX (*) Gr&dodder 50 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK Hondskruid Anacamptis pyramidalis Pyramiden-Spitzorchis ~X AGR EX - (L.) Rich. Horndrager ii Anagaflis minima (L.) Dwergbloem E.H.L.Krause Acker-Kleinling EN AGR, WAT VU EN CR VU ,i ( =Centunculus minimus L_) Knudearve Teer guichelheil Anagallis tenella (L.) L. Zarter Gauchheil VU WAT VU Spaed arve Rozenkransje Antennaria dioica (L.)Gaertn. Gemeines KatzenpfOtchen EN EUT VU EX CR * Almindelig Kattefod Wondklaver Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. Gemeiner Wundklee VU? WAT * VU ? maritima (Schweigg.) Corb. Rundbaelg

Selderij Apium graveolens L. Echter Sellerie EN WAT, AGR EN EN CR Vild Selteri Ondergedoken moeras- scherm Apium inundatum (L.) Rchb.fiL EN HAB, EUT, VU EX EN SU Flutender Sellerie AGR, WAT Svemmende Sumpskaerm i .... Groot moerasscherm Apium nodiflorum (L.) Lag. KnotenbliJtiger Scheiberich SU SU Vand-Selleri j, Ruige scheefkelk Arabis hirsuta (L.) Stop. Rauhaarige G~nsekresse SU SU Stivh~ret Kalkkarse Engels gras Armeria maritima (Mill.) WiUd. Gemeine Grasnelke * AGR, WAT VU * * * Engelskgraes Wolverlei EUT, AGR L. Arnika CR EX EX EN SU Arnica montana DIS ~lm. Guldblomme Absintalsem Artemisia absinthium L. 1 Wermut VU? ? CR * (*) (*) Have-Malurt Averuit Artemisia campestris L. Feld-Beifu& CR AGR SU EX SU * Mark-Bynke I, Liggende asperge Asparagus officinalis L. ssp. Spargel (ssp. prostratus) VU AGR EN * prostratus (Dum.) Corb. Asparges (ssp. prostratus) Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 51

Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK ii Kustmelde Atriplex glabriuscula Edmon- Kahle Melde EN DIS EN SU CR * ston Tykbladet Maelde rl Gelobde melde Atriplex laciniata L. Gelappte Melde EN DIS EX CR * Selv-Maelde ii Spiesmelde (var. Ionglpes) Atriplex Iongipes Drejer Gestielte Spie~melde VU? DIS ? * CR * Stilk-Maelde Stijve moerasweegbree Baldellia ranunculoides Igelschlauch CR WAT, EUT EN CR EX (L.) Parl. Aim. S~pryd

Ruig zoutkruid Bassia hirsuta (L.)Asch. Rauhhaarige Dornmelde CR DIS, WAT EX CR VU Tangurt Zuurbes Gemeine Berberitze, SU Berberis vulgans L. Sauerdorn SU iAIm. Berberis ii Platte bies Blysmus compressus Flaches Quellried CR WAT EN EX CR * (L) Link Fladtrykt Kogleaks II Rode bies AGR, HAB, (Huds.) Link Rotbraunes Quellried MU EN CR * Blysmus rufus WAT Redbrun Kogleaks ii Getobde maanvaren Botrychium lunana (L.) Swartz Echte Mondraute EN EUT VU CR CR ~AIm. M~nerude II Bevertjes Briza media L. Gemeines Zittergras MU AGR VU Aim. Hjertegraes ! Zwenkdravik Bromus tectorum L.2 Dach-Trespe * SU . (*) * Tag-Hejre II Fijn goudscherm Bupleurum tenuissimum L. Salz-Hasenohr EN AGR CR CR * Smalbladet Hareere II

Callitriche brutia Petagna Stielfr(Jchtiger Wasserstern CR EUT CR Stilkfrugtet Vandstjerne Gefleugeld sterrekroos Callitriche stagnalis stop. Teich-Wasserstern * SU * Storfrugtet Vandstjerne 52 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

Status of threat in the subre- Red List gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) Threats NL Nds SH DK Dotterbloem Caltha palustris L. Sumpf-Dotterblume MU WAT VU VU VU * Eng-Kabbeleje Zeewinde Calystegia soldanella Strand-Winde CR DIS (L.) Roem. & Schuft. SU CR CR SU Strand-Snerle Zompzegge Carex canescens L. !Grau-Segge SU * * * Gr& Star 'Voorjaarszegge Carex caryophyllea Lat. Fr0hlings-Segge CR AGR EX EN V&r-Star Tweehuizige zegge EX EUT, WAT, Carex dioica L. Zweih~lusige Segge EX EX EX AGR Tvebo Star Zilte zegge Carex distans L. Entferntahrige Segge VU AGR * VU EN * Fjernakset Star Heidezegge Carex ericetorum Po//ich Heide-Segge CR AGR, EUT CR Lyng-Star Kwelderzegge Carex extensa Good. Strand-Segge VU AGR, HAB * SU EN * Udspilet Star Zeegroene zegge Carex flacca Schreb. Blaugr0ne Segge * AGR, WAT * VU * * Bl~lgren Star Kleine Knotszegge Carex hartmanii Caj. Hartmans Segge SU SU Hartmans Star Blonde zegge Carex hostiana DC. Saum-Segge EX WAT, AGR EX EX EX Skede-Star Draadzegge Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. Faden-Segge SU SU Tr&d-Star Vlozegge WAT, Carex pulicaris L. Floh-Segge CR EN EX EX * AGR, EUT Loppe-Star Stippeizegge I Carex punctata Gaudin Punktierte Segge CR WAT SU CR Prikket Star Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 53

,= Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK u IJle zegge Carex remota L. WinkeI-Segge SU SU Akselblomstret Star II II Drienervige zegge Carex trinervis Degl. Dreinervige Segge EN * EN EX VU Klit-Star II Blaaszegge Carex vesicaria L. Blasen-Segge VU WAT SU VU * Blaere-Star II Carex viridula # Michx. Geelgroene zegge / Dwergzegge = C. oederi EN WAT VU VU CR = C.serotina Merat ssp. seroti- Kleine Gelb-Segge na /Erte Star

Carex viridula oedocar- ssp. I 0a # (Anderss.) Schmid Geelgroene zegge = C.demissa Hornem Grene Segge * SU * = C.tumidicarpa Anderss. Gren Star = Coederi ssp. oedocarpa Anderss. Carex viridula var. pulchella # ~Lonnr.) Schmid = C.oederi ssp. oederi Dwergzegge = C.oederi ssp. pulchella Spate Segge VU WAT VU VU CR * = C.scandinavica Davies Host-Star = C.serotina Meratspp. pul- chella (LOnnr.) Driedistel Carlina vulgaris L. s.str. Golddistel EN HAB,EUT VU CR Bakketidsel II Echte karwij Carum carvi L. Wiesen-K0mmel * * VU * Kommen II Watergras Catabrosa aquatica (L.) Quellgras CR WAT CR EX EN SU P.Beauv. Taeppegraes II Echt duizendguldenkruid Echtes Tausendgt~lden- Centaurium erythraea Rafn VU WAT VU SU kraut Mark-Tusindgylden

# Obviously there is a problem concerning the taxonomy of Carex viridula which could not be solved on the trilateral level. 54 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

i Status of threat in the subre- Red List i Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area I (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK ,J i: Scheve hoombloem Cerastium diffusum Pers. Viermanniges Hornkraut DIS * SU SU VU Firehannet Hensetarm ii i| Steenhoornbloem Cerastium pumilum Curtis Dunkles Zwerg-Hornkraut SU? SU ? Liden Hensetarm H Beursjesganzevoet Chenopodium botryodes Sm. Dickbl.~ttriger G~tnsefu& EX EX Drue-G&sefod ii Draadgentiaan Cicendia filiformis (L.)Detarbre Heide Zindelkraut CR WAT, EUT EN EX Bitterblad n Waterscheerling Cicuta virosa L. Wasserschierling SU? SU (*) Aim. Gifttyde II Spaanse ruiter Cirsium dissectum (L.) Hill Englische Kratzdistel EN WAT, AGR EN Engelsk Tidsel II Engelss lepelblad AGR, DIS, Cochleana anglica L. Englisches Ltfffelkraut * * VU WAT Engelsk Kokleare II Echt lepelblad Cochlearia officinalis L. Gebrauchliches Ltfffelkraut CR WAT SU CR CR * Laege Kokleare II Goudknopje Cotula coronopifolia L. Krahenfu&-Laugenblume EN AGR, WAT SU EN EN Firkl~ft I' Zeekool Crambe maritima L. Meerkohl CR SU EX Strandk~l Smal streepzaad Dach-Pippau, Mauer-Pip- VU AGR EN Crepis tectorum L. Dau i Tag-H~geskaeg II Zeevenkel Crithmum maritimum L. SU SU Stranddild II Klein warkruid Cuscuta epithymum (L) L QuendeI-Seide CR AGR EX EN EN SU Lyng-Silke II Vleeskleurige orchis Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.)See Steifbl~ttriges Knabenkraut EN WAT, EUT VU CR * Kedfarvet Gogeurt ii Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 55

Status of threat in the subre- j' Red List 4 Threats gions of the Wadden Sea AreaL, ! / (trilateral) NL Ntis SH DK ii Gevlekte orchis Dactylorhlza maculata (L.) Soo Geflecktes Knabenkraut VU HAB, AGR VU VU VU * L Plettet G~geurt ii Breedbladige orchis EUT, WAT, Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) Breitblattriges Knabenkraut VU VU EN EN * Hunt & Summerh. AGR Maj-G~geurt ii Rietorchis Dactylorhiza praetermissa 0bersehenes Knabenkraut VU EUT, WAT, VU SU (Druce) Soo AGR ~ Priklaebet G~geurt ii Moerassmele Deschampsia setacea (Huds.) Borst-Schmiele CR WAT, EUT CR CR SU Hackel Fin Bunke

Deschampsia wibeliana (Son- Schlamm-Schmiele SU HAB, WAT SU SU der) Part.

Laksteeltje Desmazeria marina (L.) Druce SU SU

Karthuizer anjer Dianthus carthusianorum L. Karthauser-Nelke CR HAB, EUT CR Karteuser-Nellike Steenanjer Dianthus deltoides L Heide-Nelke CR HAB, EUT SU CR Bakke-Nellike ii Kleine zandkool Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC 1 Mauer-Doppelsame * su * (*) (*) Mursennep ii Kleine zonnedauw Drosera intermedia Hayne Mittlerer Sonnentau EN WAT CR VU Liden Soldug n Ronde zonnedauw Drosera rotundifolia L. Rundbl~ittriger Sonnentau * WAT, AGR * VU * Rundbladet Soldug Naaldwaterbies Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. NadeI-Sumpfsimse CR WAT, EUT SU EX EN SU [' & Schult. N&le-Sumpstr& ] r Veelstengelige waterbies WAT, EUT, Eleocharis multicaulis (sin.) Vielstengelige Sumpfsimse VU CR Sm. Mangestaenglet Sumpstr~ AGR, HAB I' Armbloemige waterbies Eleocharis quinqueflora VU WAT VU EN EN Wenigbl0tige Sumpfbinse i (F.X.Hartmann) O. Schwarz F~blomstret Kogleaks 56 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK Moeraswespenorchis Epipactis palustris (L.) Echter Sumpfwurz EN WAT VU EN CR * Crantz. Sump-Hullaebe

Equisetum variegatum Bonte paardestaart Bunter Schachtelhalm CR WAT CR CR Schleicher ex. Web. & Mohr Liden Padderokke ii Rode dophei Erica cinema L. Grau-Heide EX ? EX Gr~lyng ii Bezemdopheide Erica scoparia L. EN ? EN

Eenarig wollegras Eriophorum vaginatum L. Scheidiges Wollgras CR WAT EX EX Tue-Kaerutd i ! Blauwe zeedistel iEryngium maritimum L. Stranddistel VU DIS, WAT VU EN VU Strand-Mandstro Zeewolfsmelk Euphorbia paralias L. CR DIS CR Kilt-Vertemaelk Slanke ogentroost AGR, HAB, Euphrasia micrantha Rchb. Schlanker Augentrost EN EN CR * Lyng-Ojentr~st EUT, AFF

Stijve ogentroost AGR, HAB, Euphrasia stricta Owoiff ex. Steifer Augentrost VU * VU VU * J.F.Lehm. EUT Spids Ojentr~st Geel viltkruid Filago lutescens Jord.1 Gelbliches Filzkraut EX? EX (*) Gulgr& Museurt Dwergviltkruid HAB, EUT, Filago minima (sin.)Pets. Zwerg-Filzkraut VU EN VU * * AFF Liden Museurt Duits viltkruid HAB, EUT, Filago vulgaris Lain Deutsches Filzkraut CR CR CR * AFF Kugle-Museurt Bleekgele hennepnetel Galeopsis segetum Necker Saat-Hohlzahn SU SU Gul Hanekro ii Dauwnetel Galeopsis speciosa Mill. Bunter Hohlzahn VU? su vu (*) Hamp-Hanekro Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 57

Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK

Galium sterneri Ehrendf. Sterners Labkraut EN EUT CR * Liden Snerre Duitse brem Genista germanica L. Deutscher Ginster EX EX EX Tysk Visse Verfbrem Genista tinctoria L. F~rber-Ginster * AGR, EUT VU * * Farve-Visse Klokjesgentiaan Gentiana pneumonanthe L. Lungen-Enzian EN WAT, AGR VU EX CR * Klokke-Ensian Veldgentiaan (ssp. baltica) Gentianella campestris Baltischer Enzian CR WAT CR CR EX VU ssp.baltica (Murb.) A. & D.Love Baltisk Ensian Slanke gentiaan Gentianella uliginosa (Willd) Sumpf-Enzian EN WAT EN CR VU Borner Eng-Ensian Bleekgele droogbloem Gnaphalium luteo-album L. Gelbwei6es Ruhrkraut CR WAT CR EX Gulhvid Evighedsblomst Grote muggenorchis Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) Gro6e-Handelwur-z EN WAT EN CR R.Br. Langakset Tr~dspore I Gesteelde zoutmelde i Halimione pedunculata (L.) Gestielte Keilmelde EN DIS, AGR Aellen * EN CR * Stilket Kilebaeger Halimione portulacoides (L.) Gewone zoutmelde Aeilen Strand-Salzmelde VU DIS, AGR, HAB * * EN * (= Atriplex portulacoides) Stilkles Kilebaeger Veenmosorchis Hammarbya paludosa Sumpf-Weichwurz CR WAT, EUT EX EX CR SU (L.) O. Kuntze Femkantet Hjertelaebe Zachte haver Helictotrichon pubescens Flaumiger Wiesenhafer EN AGR, EUT SU EN (Huds.) Pilger Ounet Havre

Honingorchis Herminium monorchis (L.) Einknollige Honigorchis, CR WAT CR R.Br. Einknolle Pukkellaebe Breukkruid Hemiaria glabra L. Bruchkraut * SU * Brudurt 58 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK Dicht havikskruid Hieracium vulgatum Fries Gemeines Habichtskraut EX EX Almindelig Hegeurt Veenreukgras Hierochloe odorata (L.)P.Be- Duft-Mariengras VU * EN * auv. Vellugtende Festgr~s Zeegerst Hordeum marinum Huds. Strand-Gerste CR WAT, AGR EN EX EX Strand-Byg Veldgerst Hordeum secalinum Schreb. Roggen-Gerste * * VU * * Eng-Byg Waterviolier Hottonia palustris L. Wasserfeder CR WAT EX * Vandrellike Dennewolfsklauw Huperzia selago (L.) CR EUT SU CR Schrank & Mart. Otteradet Ulvefod I Liggend hertshooi Hypericum humifusum L. Liegendes Hartheu EX? WAT, AGR EX EX (*) EX? Dv~rg-Perikon Kantig hertshooi Hypericum maculatum Crantz Kanten-Hartheu SU * SU * Kantet Perikon Fraai hertshooi Hypericum pulchrum L. iSch0nes Johanniskraut EN SU VU CR - Smuk Perikon

Glad biggekruid HAB, EUT, Hypochoeris glabra L. Kahles Ferkelkraut EN CR EN VU SU AFF Glat Kongepen Grondster Illecebrum verticillatum L. QuirUge Knorpelmiere EX WAT EX Bruskbaeger Engelse alant Inula britannica L. Wiesen-Alant MU WAT VU VU * Sol~je-Alant Vlotende bies WAT, 1Solepis fluitans (L.)R.Br. Flutende Schuppensimse EN AGR, EUT, VU CR SU Flydende Kogleaks HAB DuJnrus Juncus anceps Laharpe Zweischneidige Binse VU WAT * EN * Sand-Siv Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 59

F , Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area! (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK Noordse rus Juncus balticus Willd. Baitische Binse VU * CR * Klit-Siv IL L, Kleine knolrus 1 Juncus bulbosus ssp. kochfi ZwiebeI-Binse SU? su - ? I (F.W,Schultz) Reichg. Opret Siv IL Koprus WAT, Juncus capitatus weigel Kopf-Binse CR EX EX CR VU Fin Siv AGR, EUT i Zeegroene rus Juncus inflexus L. Blaugr(Jne Binse VU WAT VU Bl&gr& Siv Zeerus Juncus maritimus Lam. Strand-Binse * AGR * SU * Strand-Siv Dwergrus Juncus pygmaeus L. Zwerg-Binse EN WAT, EN CR * AGR, EUT Dvaerg-Siv Jeneverbes Juniperus communis L Gemeiner Wacholder CR AGR CR CR * Aim Ene Smal fakkelgras Koeleria arenaria (Dum.)Conert Sand-Schillergras * * VU * Klit-Kambunke Strandsla Lactuca tatarica (L.) Tataren-Lattich SU SU CAMeyer Strand-Salat

Knollathyrus Lathyrus linifolius (Reichard) Berg-Platterbse EN EN Bassler Krat-Fladbaelg ii Zeelathyrus Lathyrus maritimus (L.) Strand-Platterbse VU WAT, DIS SU EN * * Bigel. (=L. japonicus Willd) Strandaert ii Veldkruidkers Lepidium campestre (L.) R.Br..1 Feld-Kresse VU SU vu * (*) Salomons Lysestage ii Lamsoor Limonium vulgare Mill. GewOhnlicher Strandflieder * VU * * Taetblomstret Hindebaeger ii Slijkgroen Limosella aquatica L. Schlammkraut EN WAT CR VU CR Dyndurt 60 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK Geelhartje .

Linum catharticum L. Purgier-Lein VU AGR, WAT * VU VU * Vild Her ii Groenknolorchis Liparis Ioeselii (L.) L.CMRichard Sumpf-Glanzkraut EN WAT EN CR Mygblomst i] Kleoine keverorchis

Listera cordata (L) RBr. Kleines Zweiblatt EN * EX Hjertebladet Fliglaebe ii Glad parelzaad Lithospermum officinale L. Echter Steinsame SU SU Leege-Stenfre ii Oeverkruid Littorella uniflora (L.)Asch. See-Strandling EN WAT, EUT EN EN CR Strandbo Ii ~Smalle rolklaver Lotus glaber MiU. ,Salz-Hornklee * * VU * Smalbladet Kaellingetand ii Moeraswolfsklauw Lycopodiella inundata Gemeiner Moorb~rlapp VU WAT * VU EN * (L.) Holub Liden Ulvefod iJ Grote wolfsklauw Lycopodium clavatum L. Keulen-B~rlapp VU AGR, HAB, SU VU EN SU Aim. Ulvefod EUT, AFF ii Moeraswederik Lysimachia thyrsiflora L. Straul~-Gilbweiderich EN? WAT EX VU (*) * Dusk-Fredles ii Malrove Marrubium vulgare L.. 1 Gemeiner Andorn EX? AGR EX - ? Kransburre Waterdrieblad Menyanthes trifoliata L. Dreibl~ttriger Fieberklee VU WAT VU EN VU * Bukkeblad Muizestaart Myosurus minimus L.. 1 M~luseschw~nzchen EN? AGR CR VU (*) (*) Musehale Teer vederkruid Myriophyllum altemiflorum Wechselbl0tiges Tausend- EN WAT, EUT VU EX - * oc. blatt H~r-Tusindblad i1 Beenbreek Narthecium ossifragum (L.) Beinbrech EN WAT CR * Huds. Benbr~ek Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 61

Status of threat in the subre- Red List I giens of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) Threats NL Nds SH DK k~ Vroege ogentroost Odontites litoralis (Fries) Fries Salz-Zahntrost EN WAT * CR * Strand-R~ttop i1_ i Zilt torkruid i Oenanthe lachenalii Wiesen-Pferdesaat EN IC.C.Gmelin. * EN CR Eng-Kfaseskaerm IL Oenothera ammophila Focke Zandteunisbloem =O.oakesiana (A.Gray) Denen-Nachtkerze * * * * VU Robbins ex. S. Watson & Coult Klit-Natlys L , Addertong Ophioglossum vulgatum L Gew0hnliche Natternzunge VU AGR, WAT * EN EN * !Aim. Slangetunge L I Harlekijn Kleines Knabenkraut/Sa- Orchis morio L. CR WAT, AGR VU EX lep Knabenkraut Salep-Gegeurt Koningsvaren Osmunda regalis L. K0nigsfarn VU WAT * VU VU SU Kongebregne Dunstaart Parapholis strigosa (Dumort.) Gekr0mrnter DQnnschwanz VU AGR * VU VU * Hubb. Spidshale Parnassia Pamassia palustris L Sumpf-Herzblatt VU WAT VU CR * Aim. Leverurt Moeraskartelblad Pedicularis palustris L. Sumpf-Lt~usekraut EN WAT VU CR CR * Eng-Troldurt Heidekartelblad Pedicutaris sylvatica L. Wald-L~tusekraut EN AGR, EUT, VU EX VU * Mose-Troldurt HAB, WAT Waterpostelein Peplis portula L. Sumpfquendel MU WAT, HAB * VU EN SU Vandportulak Melkeppe Sumpf-Haarstrang, Olse- Peucedanum palustre SU * (L.) Moench nich Kaer-Svovlrod Zanddoddegras Phleum arenarium L. Sand-Lieschgras * VU * Sand.Rottehale Pilvaren HAB, WAT, L. Pillenfarn CR AGR, EUT CR EX CR VU PiUedrager 62 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

ii ...... i ...... Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK II I Kleine bevernel Pimpinella saxifraga L. Kleine Pimpinelle SU * * * Aim. Pimpinelle II Vetblad Pinguicula vulgaris L. Echtes Fettkraut I CR CR EX SU Aim. Vibefedt II I Welriekende nachtorchis Platanthera bifolia (L.) Zweiblattrige Waldhyazint- EN EUT, AGR, VU EN CR * L.C.M.Richard he HAB Bakke-G~gelilje i Moerasbeemdgras Poa palustris L. 3 Sumpf-Rispe SU * (*) * Stortoppet R~pgraes ii Liggende vleugeltjesbloem Hose QuendeI-Kreuzbl0mchen EN EX * Spaed Maelkeurt ii i Gewone vleugeltjesbloem Polygala vulgaris L. GewOhnliche Kreuzblume VU EUT VU VU * * Aim. Maelkeurt ii i Welriekende salomonsze- gel Polygonatum odoratum (Mill) Duftende WeiSwurz, Sa- SU SU Druce lomonssiegel Kantet Konval ii i Kleine duizendknoop Polygonum minus Huds. Kleiner KnOterich * su * (*) * Liden Pileurt ii i Polygonum oxyspermum Mey- Zandduizenknoop er & Bunge ssp. raii (Bab.) Sand-KnOterich EN CR VU Webb & Chater Sand-Pileurt i Weegbreefonteinkruid Potamogeton coloratus Gef~rbtes Laichkraut SU SU Hornem. Vejbred-Vandaks ii i Ongelijkbladig fonteinkruid Potamogeton gramineus L. Gras-Laichkraut EN WAT, EUT EN EN SU * Graesbladet Vandaks Doorgroeid fonteinkruid Durchwachsenes Laich- Potamogeton perfo/iatus L. kraut = EN WAT EX - SU * Hjertebladet Vandaks = = Duizendknoopfonteinkruid WAT, EUT, Potamogeton po/ygonifo/ius KnOterich-Laichkraut VU * VU VU * Pourr. AGR Aflangbladet Vandaks Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 63

Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK Haarfonteinkruid Potamogeton trichoides Haarbl~ttriges Laichkraut VU WAT VU * Chain. & Schlechtend. HArfin Vandaks Viltganzerik Potentilla argentea L. Silber-Fingerkraut VII ? EX * * * S~alv-Potentit Bleek kweldergras Puccinellia capillarJs Haar-Salzschwaden * SU SU * * (Liljeblad) Jansen Slap Annelgraes Klein wintergreen Pyrola minor L. Kleines WintergrOn VU ? VU VU VU Liden Vintergr~n Rend wintergreen Pyrola rotundifolia L Rundblattriges Wintergr0n EN WAT VU EN CR * Klit-Vintergron Dwergvlas Radiola linoides Reth Zwerg-Lein VU WAT VU EN EN * Tusindfr~ Gulden boterbtoem Ranunculus auricomus L Gotd-Hahnenful~ SU SU Nyrebladet Ranunkel Zilte waterranonkel Brackwasser-Wasser- Ranunculus baudotii Godr. hahnenfur~ VU EUT * EN VU * Strand-Vandranunkel Klimopwaterranonkel Ranunculus hederaceus L. Efeubl~ttriger Hahnenfui~ EX? WAT EX (*) Vedbend-Vandranunkel Driedelige waterranonkel Dreiteiliger Wasserhahnen- FX WAT Ranunculus tripartitus oc fui5 EX

Grote ratelaar Rhinanthus angustifolius Gro&er Klappertopf VU WAT, EUT VU VU VU * C.CGmelin (Coll.) Stor Skjaller

Rhinanthus angustifolius ssp. VII? (*) vu halophilus (U.Schneider) See Strand-Skjaller Kleine ratelaar Rhinanthus minor L. Kleiner Klappertopf VII AGR * VU VU * Liden Skjaller Witte snavelbies Rhynchospora alba Wei~es Schnabelried CR? WAT EX (*) * (L.) Vahl Hvid Naebfro 64 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

Status of threat in the subre- Red List gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) Threats NL Nds SH DK I Bruine snavelbies Rhynchospora fusca Braunes Schnabelried (3R WAT EX EX (L.) Ait. ill. Brun N~ebfre II I' Duinroosje Rosa pimpinellifolia L. D0nen-Rose MU * EN VU Kilt-Rose II I II Spiraalruppia Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Schraubige Salde EN EUT, WATi VU SU CR l Grande Langstilket Havgraes I II Snavelruppia Ruppia maritima L. Meeres-Salde EN EUT, HAB, VU EN CR WAT Aim. Havgraes I II Sierlijke vetmuur Sagina nodosa (L.) Fenzl Knotiges Mastkraut MU WAT * EN VU Knude-Firling I II Priemvetmuur Sagina subulata (Swartz) Pfriemen-Mastkraut CR WAT - CR C.Presl. SyI-Firling I II Pijlkruid Sagittaria sagittifolia L. Pfeilkraut * SU Aim. Pilblad i

Salix hastata L. SpieE,-Weide * WAT SU Spyd-Pil I I! Waterpunge Samolus valerandi L Salz-Bunge VU WAT * EN Samel i i1 Stekende bies Schoenoplectus pungens Amerikanische Teichsimse CR WAT CR CR EX (Vahl) Palla

i ,i Driekantige bies Schoenoplectus triqueter !Dreikantige Teichsimse EN HAB, WAT - (L.) Palla EN CR

ii Bastaardbies Schoenoplectus X carinatus Tide-Simse EN Smith EN SU

I I ii Knopbies Schoenus nigricans L. Schwarzes Kopfried EN i WAT VU EN EX Sort Skaene I it Overblijvende hardbloem Scleranthus perennis L. Ausdauernder Kn~uel VU VU VU Flerw Knavel Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 65

Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK Jl Kleine schorseneer Scor'zonera humilis L. Niedrige Schwarzwurzel EN EUT, AGR EN Lay Skorsoner ii Klein glidkruid Scutellaria minor Huds. Kleines Helmkraut EN WAT, EUT EN :Liden Skjolddrager u Wit vetkruid Sedum album L Wei6e Fetthenne SU SU Hvid Stenurt ii Viltig kruiskruid Senecio erucifolius L Raukenblattriges Greis- EN WAT EX - * kraut Smalfliget Brandbaeger Nachtsilene Silene nutans L. Nickendes Leimkraut CR HAB, AGR, CR EUT Nikkende Limurt Oorsilene Silene otites (L.)Wibel OhrlOffeI-Leimkraut VU HAB, AGR VU VU CR SU Klit-Limurt Zwartmoeskervel Smymium olusatrum L. SU SU Makedonisk Persille Kleinste egelskop Sparganium natans L. CR WAT EX * Spaed Pindsvineknop Heidespurrie Spergula morisonii Boreau FrQhlings-Spergel SU SU V&r-Spergel Akkerandoorn Stachys arvensis (L) L. Acker-Ziest FN? AGR CR EN (*) Ager-Galtetand Waterrnuur Stellaria aquatica (L)scop. Wasserdarm CR SU EX Kl~vkrone Priemkruid Subularia aquatica L. ~friemenkresse EX EX Sylblad Schraallandpaardebloem Taraxacum celticum agg. MU AGR, WAT VU VU ? Eng-Malkebette Moeraspaardebloem Taraxacum palustre agg. ,Sumpf-Kuhblume VU WAT, AGR VU Smalbladet Malkebotte 66 Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area

...... t ...... Status of threat in the subre- Red List Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area (trilateral) NL Nds SH DK Poelruit Thalictrum flavum L. Gelbe Wiesenraute ~:R? (*) CR * GuI-Frostjerne Kleine ruit Thalictrum minus L. Kleine Wiesenraute VU * VU EX * Sand-Frostjerne Grote tijm Thymus pulegioides L. Gemeiner Thymian SU SU Bredbladet Timian Knopig doornzaad Torilis nodosa (L.)Gaertn. KnaueI-Kiettenkerbel MU AGR VU EN VU Knudret Randfro Veenbies Trichophorum cespitosum I Rasige Haarsimse CR WAT EX EN * (L) Hartman Tue Kogleaks IZevenster Trientalis europaeus L. I Europaischer Siebenstern * * SU Skovstjeme Vogelpootklaver Trifofium omithopodioides L Vogetfur~artiger Klee * * SU

Gestreepte klaver Trifolium striatum L Streifen-Klee SU SU SU Stribet Klover Moeraszoutgras Triglochin palustre L Sumpf-Dreizack VU AGR * EN VU * Kaer-Trehage Gevlekt zonneroosje Tuberaria guttata (L.) Fourr. Geflecktes Sandr(~schen CR ? CR CR En&rig Stensoloje Gaspeldoorn Ulex europaeus L.. 1 Stechginster EN HAB VU EN EN (*) Tornblad Loos blaasjeskruid Utricularia australis R.Br, S0dlicher Wasserschlauch VU WAT, EUT VU VU * Slank Blaererod Klein blaasjeskruid Utricularia minor L. Kleiner Wasserschlauch CR WAT EX - * Liden Bl~rerod Grote veenbes Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait. Groi%fr0chtige Moosbeere * * SU Storfrugtet Tranebaer Vascular Plants of the Wadden Sea Area 67

Status of threat in the subre- Red List ; (trilateral) Threats gions of the Wadden Sea Area NL Nds SH DK Blauwe bosbes Vaccinium myrtillus L. Heidelbeere VU SU * CR Bl&baer Rode bosbes 'Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. Preiselbeere EN * * CR Aim Tyttebaer Duinviooltje Viola tricolor ssp curtisii D~Jnen-Stiefm0tterchen * DIS, HAB * * VU * (Forst.) Syme Klit-Stedmoderblornst

Eekhoorngras Vulpia bromoides (L.) SFGray Trespen-Federschwingel EN AGR, EUT VU CR CR Langstakket Vaeselhale Oeverstekelnoot Xanthium albinum ssp. albi- i EIb-Spitzklette SU SU Rum (Widder) H. Scholz sstr

Zannichellia palustris L. ssp. Brede zannichellia polycarpa (Rchb) K Richter Sumpf-Teichfaden EX WAT EX Stor Vandkraus

Groot zeegras EXL, EUT, . Zostera marina L. GewOhnliches Seegras VU PAR EN EN VU Aim. Baendeltang Klein zeegras Zostera noltii Hornem :Zwerg-Seegras VU EXL, EUT SU EN VU * I Dvaerg-Baendeltang

Introduced in Denmark. Anthropochorous in Denmark. Anthropochorous in the Wadden Sea area.

Status of threat: EX = Extinct; CR = Critical; EN = Endangered; VU = Vulnerable; SU = Susceptible; " = not endan- gered; ? = status of endangerment is not exactly known; - = species does not occur; -I?) = species probably does not occur; (*)= it is unknown if or if not this species occurs. Threats: AFF = afforestation; AGR = agriculture; CLI = climatic change; DIS = disturbance; EUT = eutrophi- cation; EXL = exploitation of living resources; EXM = mineral exploitation; FOR = forestry; HAB = loss of habitat; PAR = parasites; POL = pollution; WAT = water regulation.

For more detailed descriptions see the general introduction to the Red Lists.