Annex 1: Number of Interventions and Issues Addressed by Each of the Characters Interviewed in La Pelota Vasca
Annex 1: Number of interventions and issues addressed by each of the characters interviewed in La pelota vasca. Name Identification in La pelota Number of Themes addressed by the character vasca interventions Javier Elzo Professor of Sociology. Psico- 19 Polarization (2), media (2), Basque society sociologist. Threatened by (2), ATS (9), Kale Borroka, Nationalist (5), ETA. Vascos-Carlismo (2), Basque people, Threatenees (3), Truce (3), PP (2), Self- government (2), State. Xabier Arzalluz President of the PNV 16 Vascos (2), Pueblo Vasco, ETA (2), State, Non-nationalists, PP, PSOE, PNV (5), Nationalists (5), Statute (4), Constitution (2), Victims (2), HB, Truce, Self- government (3), Dialogue. José Antonio President of the Basque 14 Vascos (5), Non-nationalists (2), Ardanza Government ( Lehendakari ) from Nationalists (5), Statute (3), Aznar, PP (3), 1985 to 1998 with the Basque Constitution (2), ETA (2), Truce (2), Self- Nationalist Party (PNV) government, PNV (2), State. Felipe González President of Spain from 1982 to 13 ETA (5), State (2), GAL (2), Prisoners (2), 1996 with the Spanish Socialist PP, Nationalist (3) Statute, Victims, PNV Labour Party (PSOE) (2), Media, Self-government, Basque society, Tortures. Iñaki Gabilondo Journalist 13 ETA (2), Nationalists (2), Victims (2), PSOE, PP (3), Threatenees (2), HB (4), Dialogue (3), PNV. Antoni Batista Journalist 12 ETA (6), PP (3), Media (3), Truce (3), Nationalists (2), Non-nationalists (2), HB, PSOE (2), Constitution, Dialogue. Iñaki Villota Priest 12 Nationalists (4), ETA (4), Church (3), PP, Statute, Vascos, Vascos-carlismo, Media (2), Arana (2), Self-government, Aznar. Cristina Widow of the Basque police 11 Prisoners, Explanation... (3), Sagarzazu officer ( ertzaina ) Ramón Doral, Consequences…(7).
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