E464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 13, 2003 happy and decent life which was denied to Community Health Centers. At a time when A TRIBUTE TO DOROTHY M. Shlomo Argov. the number of uninsured Americans continues COHEN, 29TH CONGRESSIONAL I’m sure the sympathies of all of us who to increase and federal and state governments DISTRICT WOMAN OF THE knew him go out to his family. I am inserting are facing budget shortfalls, community health YEAR—2003 a copy of Mr. Argov’s obituary that appeared centers continue to provide vital services at in the Washington Post. reasonable cost to millions of Americans. This HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF [From the Washington Post, Feb. 24, 2003] bipartisan initiative calls for doubling the cur- OF CALIFORNIA ISRAELI DIPLOMAT SHLOMO ARGOV DIES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rent level of funding for the consolidated .—Shlomo Argov, 73, the former Thursday, March 13, 2003 Israeli ambassador to Britain who was para- health centers program by 2006. The addi- lyzed during an assassination attempt by tional funds would double access to com- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Palestinian militants that triggered Israel’s prehensive health care for the millions of honor Women’s History Month. Each year, we invasion of Lebanon in 1982, died Feb. 23. Americans who currently are without health in- pay special tribute to the accomplishments He has been in Jerusalem’s Hadassah hos- made by our nation’s most distinguished surance. pital since the shooting. Hospital officials women during the month of March. It is my said he died from complication from wounds Community health centers are local, non- great honor to recognize extraordinary women that left him completely paralyzed and on profit, community-owned health care providers who are making a difference in my district. life-support machines. Israeli Prime Minister an- serving low-income and medically underserved I stand today, to pay special recognition to nounced at the start of Sunday’s weekly urban and rural communities. Health centers Ms. Dorothy Cohen, an outstanding woman of Gabinet meeting that ‘‘this morning, before have a proven 30-year track record of pro- California’s 29th Congressional District. Over the years, Dorothy has been an outspoken ad- dawn, Ambassador Shlomo Argov died.’’ viding cost-effective, comprehensive, quality Gunmen from the guerrilla fac- vocate for the residents of the city of South tion, which has ties to Libya, and Iraq, care. Past investment in community health Pasadena, California. shot Mr. Argov after a diplomatic meeting centers has resulted in improved health and Ms. Cohen has been a member of the outside London’s Dorchester Hotel. Three quality of life for many Americans, as well as South Pasadena City Council since 1994, Abu Nidal members were convicted in the a reduction in over all national health care serving as Mayor for two terms. Some of her shooting. The shooting was Israel’s stated pretext spending. greatest accomplishments on the Council in- for invading Lebanon four days later and clude the re-opening of City Hall five days a Community health centers provide health week, repainting the city’s historic water tower, laying siege to Beirut for three months until care services to uninsured and low-income in- Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and his advocating for a quarterly city newsletter and fighter were forced out of the country. The dividuals in medically underserved areas. serving as its editorial advisor for seven years, invasion also marked the start of an 18-year They are vital to the fabric of health care in adoption of the tiger lily as the city flower, and Israeli military presence in south Lebanon, our country. This year, more than 1,000 health her efforts to preserve the quality of life for the which ended with Israel’s withdrawal in May centers will serve nearly 14 million children citizens of South Pasadena. 2000. and adults in 3,400 communities across the Dorothy is a fourth generation Californian Reuven Merhaz, a former colleague of Mr. and a forty-one year resident of South Pasa- Argov, said Sharon, who was defined min- country. Of these, 5 million are uninsured; dena. Prior to her marriage in 1950 to Jerry ister at the time, had planned the Lebanon 750,000 are homeless; 850,000 are migrant Cohen, a reporter and features writer for the invasion, well before Argov was shot. and seasonal farmworkers; 5.4 million are ‘‘The war plan was ready,’’ Merhav told Los Angeles Times, she was a reporter and Israel Radio on Sunday. ‘‘He [Sharon] made residents of rural areas; and nearly 9 million television columnist for the San Diego Union no secret of it. He had presented the plan to are people of color. Tribune. While raising her children, she the Americans some months earlier.’’ Community health centers are vital in my worked part-time for fourteen years for the Mr. Argov, who was born in Jerusalem, South Pasadena Unified School District. Dur- studied in Washington and London and congressional district. Health Centers have joined Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in significantly increased the use of preventive ing that time, she actively participated in the South Pasadena Parent Teacher Association 1959. He served as ambassador to Mexico and health services such as Pap smears, mammo- and the Girl Scouts of America. the Netherlands before assuming his position grams, and glaucoma screening services as ambassador to Britain in 1979. A long-time supporter of public libraries, Ms. The Jerusalem Post described Mr. Argov as among the populations they serve. Health Cohen was a cofounder of the Friends of the ‘‘brilliant and suave’’ and ranked him with Centers have increased substantially the num- South Pasadena Public Library Bookstore in orator and historian Abba Eban, Israel’s first ber and proportion of immunized children, and 1984. She currently serves as the chair of its ambassador to the United Nations, who died have made significant strides in preventing Steering Committee and volunteers weekly in in November. the bookstore. She is past president of the Victor Harel, a deputy director general at anemia and lead poisoning. Furthermore, the Israeli Foreign Minister, said that at the Health Centers contribute to the health and Friends of the Library, Library Board of Trust- time of the shooting. Mr. Argov was in his well-being of their communities by reducing ees and the League of Women Voters. Dorothy has participated in numerous city physical and intellectual prime, jogging the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, every day and conversing in fluent English task forces over the years, such as the Down- and Spanish in addition to his native He- keeping children healthy and in school, and town Revitalization Task Force, the General brew. helping adults remain productive and on the Plan Advisory Committee, and the Mission While he remained lucid after the shooting, job. Street Specific Plan Committee. Most recently, he was emotionally devastated by the aware- she co-chaired the Gold Line Railway Station ness of his disability, Harel told the radio. Expanding community health centers is a ‘‘He was fully conscious for the first two or proven, viable, and cost-effective way to bring Art and Design Advisory Committee. I ask all Members of Congress to join me three years.’’ he said ‘‘But he couldn’t do health services to uninsured populations and today in honoring a remarkable woman of anything on his own. The paralysis was underserved communities. The bipartisan total. He also got more and more medica- California’s 29th Congressional District, Doro- tion, so visiting him became harder and REACH Resolution would enable health cen- thy M. Cohen. The entire community joins me harder.’’ ters to serve 20 million Americans, including 9 in thanking Ms. Cohen for her continued ef- Mr. Argov’s survivors include three chil- million individuals without health insurance. As forts to make the 29th Congressional District dren. Cover the Uninsured Week comes to a close an enhanced place in which to live. f and with 41 million Americans living with no f RESOLUTION TO EXPAND ACCESS insurance we need to find ways to address THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNITY TO COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS this crisis. The REACH Resolution is a step in ACT OF 2003—H.R. 997 the right direction. The resolution would send HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO a clear message that Congress supports ef- HON. STEVE KING OF MASSACHUSETTS forts to provide critical health care to low- and OF IOWA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES moderate-income urban and rural commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 13, 2003 nities. I urge my colleagues to support this im- Thursday, March 13, 2003 portant legislation. Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I have intro- introduce the Resolution to Expand Access to duced legislation to make English the official

VerDate Jan 31 2003 07:19 Mar 14, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MR8.046 E13PT1 March 13, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E465 language of the United States Government. English has resulted in very serious con- (The Providence (RI) Journal-Bulletin, Apr. The English language is the carrier of liberty sequences. 5, 2002, originally reported by Alisha A. Pina) and freedom throughout history and the world. I urge my colleagues to cosponsor The LINGUISTIC GHETTO HITS PROFESSIONALS For centuries, our common tongue, English, English Language Unity Act of 2003 in the Even though many immigrants to the U.S. has been the uniting force in this great nation, 108th Congress so that we can ensure that all bring impressive resumes and skills, the lan- knocking down ethnic and religious barriers to Americans have the opportunity to attain the guage barrier sidelines thousands. The sto- make us truly one nation. Today, as we rally American dream. ries are endless and familiar: for unity and patriotism a common means of LANGUAGE BARRIER DANGEROUS, OFTEN The Iraqi political refugee who was a col- communication propels us toward our goal. DEADLY, FOR IMMIGRANTS lege professor in Iraq, with a doctorate in international development from Oklahoma The English Language Unity Act declares The high rate of immigration to the United State University. A specialist in agriculture, English the language of the United States. States is rapidly changing the face of Amer- he now directs terminal traffic at Atlanta’s ica, primarily due to the massive numbers of Like its predecessors, it does not affect the Hartsfield International Airport. teaching and study of other languages. It does limited-English speakers arriving daily to our shores. There are 21.3 million people liv- The West African surgeon who once not deter the use of other languages in the trained other doctors as a member of the home, community, church, or elsewhere. The ing here today who do not speak English ‘‘very well.’’ World Health Organization, and once served Act includes commonsense exceptions to the Following are but a few recent snapshots as the only doctor in a refugee camp in policy, for international relations, national se- of appalling episodes that occur regularly in that housed thousands of people. He curity, teaching of languages, and preservation communities around the U.S. Tragic situa- worked nonstop, rarely getting a full night’s of Native Alaskan or Native American lan- tions like these can be averted if immigrants sleep. Today, he works in a warehouse in are given every opportunity to learn English: Lithonia, Ga. He can’t be certified as a doc- guages. tor in America until he masters English well A common language has enabled genera- PHILADELPHIA STRUGGLES UNDER LANGUAGE enough to pass the medical exams. tions of Americans to realize the dream of BARRIERS American opportunity and freedom. Studies Language has become a big problem in (Cox News Service, Jan. 15, 2002, originally continue to prove those who know English get Philadelphia, with about 65,810 Philadel- reported by John Blake) better jobs, earn more money and receive bet- phians, or 4.6 percent of the city’s popu- ter health care than those who cannot speak lation, being isolated by language barriers. JAPANESE WOMAN DIES IN FREEZING TEMPERA- TURES, LANGUAGE BARRIER CONTRIBUTING the language. As a result, an emphasis on Two recent examples of linguistic troubles: Elderly Russian-speaking residents were FACTOR English decreases reliance on the federal gov- ‘‘clueless’’ after being thrown out of their A woman holding a crude map of a tree ernment. adult day care center because they didn’t un- next to a highway and wandering around a The need for official English appears in our derstand recent eligibility changes that had landfill aroused the suspicions of Minnesota newspapers every day—injuries in the work- been sent to them in the mail and were writ- police, who later determined she was looking place, mistranslations at hospitals, people who ten in English. for the treasure featured in the fictional are unable to support themselves and their Dominican Republic shopkeepers couldn’t movie ‘‘Fargo.’’ Though officials attempted families—all because they could not speak meet requirements of food inspectors be- to explain to the woman, who spoke only English. cause they didn’t speak English. Japanese, that neither the movie nor the Recognizing a common language is neither (Philadelphia Daily News, Sept. 25, 2002, treasure was real, attempts to overcome the racist nor exclusionary. It is a principle en- originally reported by Scott Flander) language barrier were nearly insurmount- acted by 177 countries worldwide to allow for CRASH CAUSED BY LANGUAGE GAP able. Six days after being placed on her way home, her body was found by a bow hunter 60 An accident on a state highway in New the transmission of ideas and customs and to miles east of Fargo. allow people of multiple cultures to come to- Hampshire was caused when an English gether. This bill does not inhibit people from speaking passenger said, ‘‘You’re going to take a left at exit 5,’’ while trying to teach (The Bismarck Tribune, Jan. 8, 2002, speaking other languages, nor does it attempt a Spanish speaking driver how to operate a originally reported by Deena Winter) to place any limits on culture, religion or cus- motor vehicle. The driver proceeded to make TEENAGE MOMS GET UNEXPECTED ‘SURPRISE’ toms. a sharp left and collide with a tree. The car Each year the California Department of The Unity Act gives newcomers an oppor- was totaled, but both occupants escaped Social Services prints calendars to help teen- tunity to succeed in the United States. It unharmed. bonds the newcomer with his fellow Ameri- age mothers cope with a daunting world. (The (Manchester, NH) Union Leader, July They include nutritional tips for babies and cans, allowing both to reach for the highest mothers, immunization charts, job and do- 23, 2002, originally reported by Sherry Butt rung on the economic ladder and provide for mestic violence hotlines, tips for living a re- Dunham) a family. sponsible life. According to the U.S. Department of Edu- MEDICAL MISHAPS This year an unexpected surprise: A toll- cation, those with limited English proficiency Immigrants, both because of language free number for a phone sex line. The number are less likely to be employed, less likely to be problems and cultural differences, are at risk was printed by mistake on 32,000 Spanish- employed continuously, tend to work in the for communicating with their doctors. language calendars sent to 169 county There’s the story of the Hispanic mother least desirable sectors and earn less than CalWORKS offices, community organizations who gave her child 11 teaspoons of cough and job centers across the state. those who speak English. Annual earnings by medication because she read the English limited English proficient adults were approxi- Normally, someone at the department, who word ‘‘once’’ as the identically spelled Span- would call the phone numbers to make sure mately half of the earnings of the total popu- ish word for eleven. The child lived, but the they were correct, would proofread the lation surveyed. mistake could have been fatal. English- and Spanish-language calendars, Few doubt this reality. In a 1995 poll by the But this year, after the English-language Luntz Research firm, more than 80 percent of (Passaic (NJ) Herald News, July 2, 2002, version was translated into Spanish at Chico immigrants supported making English the offi- originally reported by Sarah Brown) State, no one at the department proofread it. cial language of the United States. They are MAN ACCUSED OF KILLING BROTHER-IN-LAW, joined by 86 percent of all Americans who USES LANGUAGE BARRIER TO SHOW INNOCENCE (Sacramento Bee, Jan. 1, 2002, originally agree with English as the official language of Language skills played a central role in a reported by John Hill) Rhode Island courtroom when the defense the United States. IMMIGRANTS FACE DEADLY MIX DUE TO claimed the accused had not been read his Similar English legislation in the 104th Con- LANGUAGE GAP rights in his native language of Gujarati. gress, H.R. 123, drew 197 bipartisan House The 25-year old, who had been in the United Orange County, Calif., is dealing with a cosponsors and won a bipartisan vote on Au- States for 12 years, is accused of murdering startling increase in the number of Hispanics gust 1, 1996. That spirited effort, led by our his brother-in-law in a Portsmouth hotel. and immigrants killed on the job, part of a 33 late colleague Bill Emerson, is unfinished busi- Though the accused gave a statement ad- percent rise nationwide, even as the overall ness that we must attend to for the benefit of mitting to the crime, the defense claims that number of fatalities has declined. An inves- all Americans. the charges of murder, conspiracy to commit tigation into the records found that nearly Mr. Speaker, I would respectfully request murder, committing assault with the intent half of the persons killed while working over that the following document, prepared by the to rob, conspiring to commit robbery and the last three years were immigrants. discharging a firearm while committing a Experts say that language barriers and national group U.S. ENGLISH, Inc. be inserted crime of violence resulting in a death should lack of training play a major role in the into the RECORD. This document is a compila- be dismissed because the Miranda warning trend. OSHA investigations have found a tion of news stories from major newspapers was meaningless to a man whose 1991 report lack of understanding of instructions and a across the United States which highlights nu- card gave him an ‘‘LB’’ [language barrier] lack of use of safety gear in many inquiries merous incidents where the inability to speak grade in reading and writing. following workplace incidents. Worse, OSHA

VerDate Jan 31 2003 07:25 Mar 14, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MR8.050 E13PT1 E466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 13, 2003 found that many immigrant worker casual- (Associated Press, Oct. 12, 1997, originally In seeking full congressional representation, ties go unreported. reported by Lauran Neergaard) we often have stressed the District’s taxpaying One Orange County worker died from a fall f status because most of us pay federal taxes into a 175–degree vat of chemicals at an Ana- and because uniquely among American citi- heim metal-plating shop. Though the com- ON EVE OF WAR D.C. VETERANS STAND WITH NORTON ON INTRO- zens, D.C. gets no vote in Congress in return. pany’s instruction manual clearly forbid However, today we emphasize a duty of citi- walking on the 5-inch rail between tanks, it DUCTION OF D.C. VOTING RIGHTS was printed in English, not a language that BILL zenship far more important, requiring far great- the worker understood. A subsequent inquiry er sacrifice. Ever since America’s first war, the into the accident found that many of the re- Revolutionary War, that was waged to elimi- cent hires were neither trained to handle HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON nate taxation without representation, D.C. resi- hazardous materials nor proficient in OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA dents have fought and died for their country. English. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES They have done so often disproportionately. In Thursday, March 13, 2003 World War I, the District suffered more casual- (The Orange County (CA) Register, Oct. 21, Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- ties than three states; in World War II, more 2001, originally reported by Natalya duce the ‘‘No Taxation Without Representation casualties than four states; in the Korean War, Shulyakovskaya and Alejandro Maciel) Act’’ in the House, and simultaneously our more casualties than eight states; and in Viet- LANGUAGE BARRIER IMPEDE POLICE good friend, Senator JOE LIEBERMAN, will intro- nam, more casualties than ten states. INVESTIGATIONS duce the same bill in the Senate. The bill Since I have been in Congress, I have par- ticipated in ceremonies that have sent D.C. After failing to solve only two of 11 homi- would afford the residents of the District of Co- cides in the prior 12 months, Lexington, Ky., lumbia the same congressional voting rights residents to the Persian Gulf War, to Afghani- police had failed to make arrests in six of 13 enjoyed by all Americans. The introduction of stan, and now to the Iraqi border. I have never homicides in an eight month span in 2001. Of- this legislation follows a well-attended Town been able to vote in their name, and our resi- ficials attribute the lack of closure to the Meeting on voting rights last week of deter- dents are without any representation in the difficulty with the language barrier, encoun- mined D.C. residents intent on obtaining Con- Senate. Yet, in today’s military, each is a vol- tering more witnesses and relatives who gressional voting rights, especially today as unteer who has willingly taken on the most spoke English poorly or not at all. ‘‘Any the nation prepares for war. weighty of all the obligations of citizenship. time you have a language barrier, it’s going Our bill is particularly inspired by the District Thus, I introduce our voting rights bill today for to slow you down,’’ said Lt. P. Richardson of the Lexington Police. of Columbia’s 46,000 veterans, who are rep- D.C. residents but particularly for our residents resented by three distinguished veterans who serving in the military today and the nearly appeared with me at a press conference this 50,000 veterans who live in our city. (Lexington (KY) Herald-Leader, Aug. 28, 2001, morning. I especially thank my friend, former Encouraged by the 9–0 Senate Committee originally reported by Jefferson George) Secretary of the Army Clifford Alexander, who vote that took the city’s voting rights bill to the LANGUAGE BARRIER OFTEN TURNS ROBBERY also served in the United States Army. Sec- Senate floor last year, we are now in the INTO MURDER retary Alexander has long worked for equal throes of preparations to take our case to the Police in New Jersey stepped up patrols rights for the American people, and especially country. Let us begin by telling America what after a series of attacks on gas station at- for D.C. residents, and was the lead plaintiff in too many do not know about service and sac- tendants in the early morning hours. Gas one of the D.C. voting rights cases before the rifice without representation. station employees in New Jersey are espe- U.S. Supreme Court, Alexander v. Daley. I am I urge my colleagues to support this vital cially vulnerable, as the Garden State is one also personally indebted to Secretary Alex- legislation. of only two states to prohibit self-serve gaso- ander, who preceded me as an especially dis- line. f tinguished chair of the Equal Employment Op- Police surveillance and drive-bys were in- TRIBUTE TO BOB HITZHUSEN creased to allay fears among workers, portunity Commission. I am also grateful to the though officials cautioned late-night gas at- other veterans who are here today. Both are HON. IKE SKELTON tendants, 95 percent of whom are estimated D.C. residents and graduates of the service OF MISSOURI not to speak English, to not resist when con- academies—Wesley Brown, the first black fronted with a robbery situation. ‘‘The lan- graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES guage barrier could play a big part,’’ said former chair of my Service Academy Selection Thursday, March 13, 2003 Sgt. Steve Choromansky, ‘‘Sometimes a rob- Board and George Keys, a graduate of the Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, it has come to ber might think someone is stalling, when U.S. Air Force Academy and current Selection they’re just unsure of the situation.’’ my attention that a long and exceptionally dis- Board Member as well as a former chair. The tinguished career at the Missouri Farm Bureau Service Academy Selection Board performs an will soon come to an end. Mr. Bob Hitzhusen (The Bergen County (NJ) Record, Aug. 28, indispensable service for D.C. residents and has announced his retirement after 25 years 2001, originally reported by Leslie Koren for our country. Board members spend count- and Peter Pochna) of service to the farmers of Missouri. less hours screening, interviewing and select- Bob launched his professional agriculture SPANISH-LABELING MISTAKE IN BABY FORMULA ing candidates for me to nominate to the na- career after graduating with a degree in Agri- Hundreds of batches of infant formula were tion’s service academies. culture Economics from Iowa State University. recalled when it was found that the prepara- I also invited the current chair of my Service After serving as an admissions counselor at tion instructions in Spanish were incorrect. Academy Board, Mr. Kerwin Miller, to partici- Iowa State for two years, he joined the legisla- As written, the Spanish instructions created pate in the press conference today, and he tive staff of Congressman Wiley Mayne in a product that could lead to seizures, irreg- originally agreed to speak. However, Mr. Miller 1975, serving in Congressman Mayne’s Wash- ular heartbeat, renal failure or death in in- not only serves on my Service Academy fants. ington, DC office. Board, he also is the Executive Director of the Bob joined the staff of the American Farm D.C. Office of Veterans Affairs. Mr. Miller was Bureau in 1975 as a full-time lobbyist, starting (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Jul. 11, forced to decline for reasons that sharply un- his career with the Farm Bureau. In his posi- 2001) derscore the very reason why we are here tion as lobbyist, he worked with several con- BILLIONS SPENT ON MEDICAL MISHAPS today. Mr. Miller is unable to appear at this gressional delegations and followed key agri- An immigrant woman gave her 85-year-old press conference because of a rider attached cultural issues. mother a dangerously high dose of blood to the District’s annual appropriations legisla- Bob joined the Missouri Farm Bureau staff pressure medicine because she couldn’t un- tion that prohibits city officials, except for as Director of National Legislative Programs in derstand the label’s English-language in- elected officials, from lobbying on behalf of 1978. In this position, he was responsible for structions. The Food and Drug Administra- their own voting rights. Not only is the District Farm Bureau’s policy development program tion estimates that $20 billion a year is spent of Columbia denied voting rights, but the Con- and was actively involved in lobbying for Farm hospitalizing people who, because of the lan- gress adds insult to injury by attaching this Bureau members on state and national levels. guage barrier, take the wrong dose of medi- cation, take the wrong medication entirely outrageous provision to our own budget to de- He has played an active role in every major or mix drugs in dangerous combinations. liberately hamstring the city in its quest for vot- farm program re-write since the 1973 Farm Health experts say millions of immigrants ing rights. This provision is hideously un- Bill. In addition, he has been actively involved risk injury or death because warnings on American, and I again will seek to have it re- in international trade legislation, including or- medicine bottles only come in English. pealed, especially this year. ganizing agricultural support for the North

VerDate Jan 31 2003 07:19 Mar 14, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MR8.055 E13PT1