Newsletter Date The German Society of Issue 105 April 2017 Vereinsnachrichten

Founded in 1783 and Incorporated by Act of the General Assembly of Maryland Chapter 100, February 3, 1818

President’s Message-Anton Smoot Inside this issue:

President’s Message 1 Liebe Mitglieder – that our society is financially Dear Members, sound and that our member- Women’s Auxiliary 2 ship is strong and growing. 100th Anniversary I hope this message finds The German Society of Mary- all of our members well and land is continuing its goal to ’s Battle 4 safe. A warm welcome to all Monument preserve and promote the Ger- of our newest members that man heritage, language, tradi- have joined our great society Getting to Know You 5 tions and history thru many in the past couple of months. programs. I encourage all of German Language 6 This coming April I will be our members to visit our web- Courses, Part III stepping down as President of site to discover all the wonder- ful events that are happening Schuler School Exhibit 7 the German Society of Mary- land. The past 3 years have now or in the near future. The German Society of Meet the Director, Tom 9 been an amazing journey and I Maryland is always looking Werner could not have done my job Additionally, a complete for new members that are without the help of many peo- Baltimore Immigration 10 listing of all the scheduled energetic and willing to put ple. All of your ideas and sug- Museum events for all the German Or- their talents to work. I gestions provided a great tool ganizations in Maryland can be encourage all of you to spread The Origin of German 11 in helping me not only do my found at the word of this noble and Last Names job but also guide the society All these organi- honorable organization to into the future. The extremely German Internet Radio 11 zations are working very hard anyone that would like to talented and knowledgeable to provide not only traditional learn more about us. members of the Board of Di- events but also encompass new The purpose of the rectors guided me in all the As always, best wishes and ideas for the future. Visit the German Society of important decision that had to speedy recovery to any of our website and get out among Maryland is to pre- be made. A heartfelt thank you sick or shut-in members and I your fellow Germans! serve and promote to all of you for your input, hope to see many of you at an the German heritage knowledge and guidance dur- Our annual meeting will event. and traditions ing my tenure. It truly has be held on April 21st at through educational, been an honor to serve as your The Zion Lutheran social and benevolent president! Mit freundlichen Grüssen, programs; and to Church in Baltimore. I Anton G. Smoot develop the unity Things were quite a bit dif- encourage all of you to President ferent in the German Commu- and continuity of the attend and look forward [email protected] German American nity when I joined in 1986. community in the Even though we have lost to seeing you at this very State of Maryland some clubs, we are making important event. progress on several other

fronts. I am happy to report

P a ge 2 Vereinsnachrichten Issue 105 April

Publication Dates: Unser Kalender January-March: Deadline 12/15 April-June: Deadline 3/15 April 1-8, 2017 Schuler School Exhibition, ‘Fur to Feathers’ July-September: Deadline 6/15 April 21, 2017 Annual Meeting-Zion Church 6:00 PM; Dinner 6:30 FREE to members October-December: Deadline 9/15 April 23, 2017 AATG Awards—Zion Church 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM April 29, 2017 Club Fidelitas Spring Fest/Valley Mansion Links: German Society Website: April 30, 2017 Women’s Auxiliary May 6, 2017 Maifest at Zion Language School; 10am-2pm Deutschamerikanischer Bürgerverein: May 21, 2017 German Society Picnic, North Point State Park July 22, 2017 117 th Annual German Festival/Maryland State Fairgrounds German Marylanders: German American Radio: Proud Member of the German American Heritage Foundation The Women’s Auxiliary of the German Society of Maryland celebrate their 100th Anniversary

On April 30 th , the Frau- vided not just in the city, but enhilfsverein will celebrate extended to needy persons of their 100 th Anniversary. The German ancestry in several of German Society extends their the surrounding counties. congratulations to President Following both World Eva Kelleher and all of the Wars and even to this day the members, both past and present Women’s Auxiliary has aided on this wonderful milestone. those emigrating from Ger- The Auxiliary many. (Frauenhilfsverein) was found- The Auxiliary works ed in 1917. The founding hap- Auxiliary’ to exist independent- and the Auxiliary. During closely with the German So- pened quite by accident and ly but coordinate efforts with that time, more than fifty ciety and continues to make it proved to be a great assistance the Society. On April 17, 1917, families were provided with their mission to help those in to the German Society. Many the ‘Ladies’ Auxiliary to the food, warm clothes, shoes need. They support the Red of the wives and daughters had German Society’ was formally and fuel. By January 1, Cross, the victims of earth- joined the German and Austrian organized with Mrs. Carl A. 1918, the Ladies’ Auxiliary quakes, floods and other nat- Red Cross Society in Baltimore Luederitz as president, Mrs. had grown to 186 members. ural disasters and are support- in 1914. Keep in mind that the Henry Wood as vice president, The Auxiliary has been con- ive of groups and institutions Society consisted, at that time, a secretary, treasurer and twelve sistent in their efforts to that assist battered and exclusively of men. When rela- committee members. They give. In peacetime, the great abused women. The Auxilia- tions between the assumed immediately the chari- depression proved a chal- ry also supports the German and Germany were severed, it table work of the society. lenge. In 1931 funds were language school at Zion, as made it impossible for the The timing was perfect be- distributed to those hit hard- well as other cultural events. women to continue their work. cause it was around the time of est. The Society and Auxil- They strongly support and They offered their services to the First World War and many iary took care of a considera- promote the German lan- the German Society of Mary- Germans living in Maryland ble number of seaman who guage which is evident in land. The Executive Commit- had lost their jobs due to the became stranded in Balti- their meetings where German tee of the German Society re- anti-German hysteria and really more during the layup of is spoken and their beloved solved to organize a ‘Ladies needed the assistance. The aid American shipping on the German Volksmusik is sung. came from the German Society East Coast. Relief was pro- Vereinsnachrichten Issue 105 April P a ge 3

A Big Welcome to our NEW Members

Josef and Mary Göhring REMINDER TO ALL MEMBERS Marlene Haas Don’t forget our Annual Membership meeting. April 21, 2017 at Zion Church 6:00 PM Richard O’Hara FREE to members. Bring a dessert. RSVP: 410-685-0450 or via email at Kevin Schwab [email protected] P a ge 4 Vereinsnachrichten Issue 105 April Did you Know? Baltimore’s

The Battle Monument which Baltimore, Maryland, com- The monument was con- total cost of the project was is located in Battle Monument memorates the Battle of structed between 1815 and approximately $150,000. Square on North Calvert Baltimore with the British 1826. It stands 39’ tall. It is To recognize the donors, a Street between East Fayette fleet's bombardment of Fort topped by the statue of Lady bronze plaque was installed. and East Lexington Streets in McHenry, the Battle of North Baltimore wearing a crown It is not clear what happened Point, and the stand-off at of victory and she holds a to the plaque and during Hampstead Hill, also known as laurel wreath in one hand more recent renovations, the Loudenschlager’s Hill, and and a ship’s rudder in the fence holding the plaque now . It honors other. was removed and either sto- those who died in September When it came time to restore len or not re-installed by the 1814 during the . the monument in 1997, the city. This renovation, a few It was sponsored by the City German Society stepped up years ago, facilitated the and the "Committee of with a $5,000 donation. It removal of Lady Baltimore Vigilance and Safety" led by wasn’t the only contributor, for her own protection. She Mayor Edward Johnson and but was the most generous. was replaced with a concrete military commanders: Brig. Our past president, Brigitte replica. The original Lady Gen. John Stricker, Maj. Gen. Fessenden was, at the time, Baltimore is resting com- Samuel Smith and Lt. Col. the City’s historic preserva- fortably at the Maryland George Armistead (of Ft. tion planner and worked first Historical Society. McHenry). hand on the project. The 100 Years Ago Baltimore Sun, April 20, 1917, pg. 14 For the past months, we have provide readers with a glimpse played by the been flooded with stories of of yesteryear. orchestra. When protests and demonstrations, it was being many that include persons dis- Refused to Salute the played last night, respecting our flag and/or our it is said, national anthem. These pro- Flag Esslinger and his tests are for many reasons and Father and Son who son refused to the disregard for ‘Old Glory’ Sat When Anthem stand. Chief Yeoman W.J. extends from kneeling during Burdy, who has charge of the our national anthem to stomp- was Played Arrested enlistment station for the ing on a burning flag. navy in the lobby, was told of Edward Esslinger, a druggist, this. Burdy immediately 72 years old, 1514 East Balti- went to the Esslingens and Well here is a story that was more Street and his son, Dr. asked them why they did not printed in the Baltimore Sun Richard I. Esslinger, a physi- stand. The elder Esslinger is 100 years ago (April 1917). It cian, 30 years old, were arrest- alleged to have said that they is the same story..two men ed at the New Theater last had stood up once and would refuse to stand for the national night when, it was alleged they not do so again. Dr. Esslinger anthem. The difference be- refused to stand up when “The is alleged to have then said” tween the 2017 protests and Star-Spangled Banner” was “To h---- with you and the flag being played. that of 100 years ago was too.” primarily the punishment. Of The theatre is showing a patri- Both men were immediately course, one of our freedoms is otic moving picture this week arrested by Patrolmen Schaefer that to peacefully protest and and just before each perfor- and Hobbs and locked up at the this article has been included to mance the national anthem is Western Policy Station. Vereinsnachrichten Issue 105 April P a ge 5

in 2014. In 1960, he made his first trip Getting to Know You! to Germany. In 1963, he joined the Bal- timore Kicker’s group flight from New ‘Getting to know you, getting to and professionally. Debra serves on the York to Frankfurt. Since these early know all about you’...what a great song boards of the Maryland Genealogical Soci- trips he made many trips back to Germa- with a great purpose. The German ety (MGS), the Mid-Atlantic Society ny visiting distant relatives and Society would like to ‘get to know you’ (MAGS) and the Carroll County Genealog- friends. His most recent trip was in 2013 our members. Our new page will spot- ical Society (CCGS). She is also a member with his son, John, daughter, Lisa, and light our members. of the Association of Professional Genealo- grandson, Bennett Rhodes. Bennett and gists (APG) and the William Winchester his brother, Jackson are studying German Just provide us with: Chapter of the Daughters of the American in high school. Three of John and Josie’s four chil- Name, Where you live, What you do, Revolution as well as many other state and dren studied German, John and Frank at Your ‘German’ connection, How long local genealogical societies. Mt. St. Joseph High School and Lisa, at have you been a member of the GSM?, Meet Member Archbishop Seton-Keough High what are your Hobbies School. (His other daughter, Katie, stud- Then send it with your photo to John Foertschbeck ied Spanish.) While his children were in [email protected]. high school (1980-1988), his family John currently lives hosted exchange students Also, if you have news you wish to in Woodbine, Carroll from the Albert Schweitzer share or news about a member that may County. He was born Real Schule in Solingen, Ger- have moved from the area, send it to and raised in High- many, and his kids travelled me. Let’s get to know each other! landtown and attended with the program to Germany Sacred Heart of Jesus on several occasions. His son Meet Member Catholic Church and John continued German stud- Debra A. Hoffman Elementary ies at UMBC and also hosted school. He graduated students from Hannover and Debra re- from Mt. St. Joseph visited there as well. sides in New High School. John’s hobbies are geneal- Windsor, John worked as a Computer Systems ogy, local history, computer graphics Maryland and Analyst for the US Government and as an design work, authoring, and travel- independent Information Technology Con- ing. His latest book, German Catholic works as a sultant. He is now retired. Since his retire- Parishes of Maryland and Pennsylva- part-time ment he has authored several books; nia , self-published in 2013, presents an professional worked on local history projects with the overview of German immigration in Bal- genealogist Carroll County Genealogical Society and timore, as well as, the growth of German specializing in Carroll County Media Center; and has trav- Catholic parishes in Maryland and Penn- Maryland and elled with his wife (Josie), family, and sylvania. The book can be purchased German friends. online at research. She His German connection begins with his is the owner of Hoffman Genealogical paternal great-grandparents, Johann Meet Member Services. Foertschbeck and Anna Deuerling. They John Dausch emigrated from Neufang, Oberfranken, Debra’s interest in German genealo- Germany, arriving in Baltimore in Except for gy is due to her background and ances- 1886. His paternal grandmother’s father, college in try through her father. All of his lines George Rockstroh, emigrated from Kateri- Ontario, high are German with the exception of one. na, Austria, and his wife Mary Ahles was school teach- All of her father’s ancestors came to the probably a first generation German- ing in Houston, American from Baltimore. His maternal U.S. from the 1830s to the 1880s. They and graduate grandfather, John Betch, was of German all settled in Baltimore. descent but so far John has been unable to school at Debra has been a member of the locate details relating to the Betch German U.Md. / German Society for a few years and has origins. College Park, enjoyed her membership. John was a member of the Eichenkranz John has been Gesangverein from 1960-1965 and is a a lifelong Her passion is genealogy and that is member of the Baltimore Kickers, which Baltimorean. what she spends all of her spare time he joined in 1963. He is a ‘new’ member of Continued on page –7- doing. She does this both personally the German Society of Maryland, joining P a ge 6 Newsletter Title Issue 105 April

German Language Courses-Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Why should schools have a German language program? Why should a student learn German?

By Shelley Arnold Mandarin as the language all global This is the third and final installment of minded managers should learn. the article, German Language Classes, Germany is the second largest export- Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. This er and is the largest economy in the is the ‘Tomorrow’ segment. If you read EU, the fourth largest in the world. last issue’s installment, you know that Germans are world class engineers as tomorrow is not a rosy picture. German is evident with their multiple global classes are declining. Student enroll- companies including Lufthansa, ment is down. Why? The language is Germany is proud of their 99% literacy Bosch, BMW, Volkswagen, etc. Ger- seen as a difficult language. When you rate. German belongs to the three most man products are associated with top think of learning German, you immedi- learned languages in the world as well as notch quality and customer service. ately think of long difficult words and the ten most widely spoken languages in It is estimated that 68% of Japanese extremely difficult grammar. There is the world. students study German…Japan, the no wonder students are not lining up to Science : The German language is used second most powerful economy in the be placed on the German language in the scientific world only second to world, shows that their students un- waiting list at their high school or uni- English. German was actually the fa- derstand the business advantages of versity. There are however, many good vored language in scholarly communica- knowing German. US students reasons for schools to offer and stu- tion for the first part of the 20 th century should take heed. It is estimated that dents to learn the German language. (1). German scientist have snagged German companies account for about German and English have some 22 Nobel Prizes in Physics (latest Peter 700,000 jobs in the US with US com- things in common. The German lan- Grünberg, 2007), 30 in Chemistry (the panies in Germany providing about guage is difficult, but there are some latest, Stefan W. Hell, 2014), and 25 in the same employment opportunities. similarities with English. The main Medicine (the latest Thomas C. Südhof, German literacy could make the dif- similarity is the alphabet. Unlike other 2013) and many laureates from other ference even with a similarly qualified languages, Germany uses the same al- countries received their training in Ger- candidate. phabet. There are also words that man universities. Eleven Nobel Prizes in Widely Spoken Language : German sound similar, such as Mutter and Literature (latest Herta Müller, 2009) is the most widely spoken native lan- Mother, house and Haus and many that have been awarded to German-language guage in the EU, the second most- have been taken from the English lan- writers, and seven Germans and Austri- spoken language on the continent of guage such as baby, internet and com- ans have received the Peace Prize. Europe and when it comes to native puter. We English speakers are also The Germans are also innovators and speakers, German is number one (far seeing a bump in the number of Ger- have been for centuries. Today, they are more than English, Spanish or man words entering into our market- on the cutting edge of many new prod- French). German is among the top place through commercials, television, ucts and new technologies. They are five most widely used languages on etc. committed to research and development the Internet, the official language of Education: In 2011, Germany was the and export more high tech products than seven countries (Germany, Austria, fourth most popular destination for stu- any country other than ours. For this Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxem- dents from abroad with more than a reason two thirds of the world’s leading bourg, as well as parts of Italy, France quarter million foreigners being en- trade fairs take place in Germany includ- and ). In the English- rolled in German schools. Many of the ing the granddaddy of them all, CeBit, speaking world, German is also the universities offer low or no tui- which is the world’s largest trade fair for third most taught foreign language. tion…even to US students. See information and communication technol- German is at tenth place as one of the ogy. See major languages of the world. e-game-plan/why-american-students- Germany’s Economy : Behind English, With reference to the Internet, Ger- are-flocking-germany-staying-n515961. Germany comes in second after man websites make up a huge part of the worldwide web. Sites with the .de Newsletter Title Issue 105 April P a ge 7 ending constitute the most popular artistic, contributed to their specific continue to represent the largest ethnic top-level domain in the world, with field in the German language. It is the group in the US and second largest in those domains affiliated with a partic- language of Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Maryland. The Goethe Institute reports ular country. In fact, the .de is only Schubert, Wagner, Brahms, Dürer, that about 14.5 million people worldwide surpassed by .com, which is used in Goethe, Nietzsche, Mann, Einstein and are learning German. It is taught in 144 all countries. So when you learn Ger- many more. countries around the world. man, you open the door to millions of other sites. More locally we can thank our ances- I love reading Mark Twain’s comments tors for the Christmas tree, Kindergar- on the of my favorites, Travel : One fourth of the tourists ten and so many of our other day to “Never knew before what eternity was that visit the U.S. speak German and day traditions. I particularly like our made for. It is to give some of us a Germany is the second most popular State song and the striking similarity to chance to learn German." European destination for American ‘O Tannenbaum’ as well as the beauti- tourists. The language is spoken by ful colors in our state flag…hmmmm Why German? Warum Nicht???? more than 100 million people world- those colors look familiar. (1) Schmidhuber, J. (2010) “Evolution of National Nobel wide. Prize Shares in the 20th Century”, Posted September 14, 2010 Today, 17.1% of the US population Our Global Heritage : Where does boasts German ancestry, Maryland’s the German language fit our global German population is at 15.2%,, giv- heritage? Some of the greatest minds, ing us another good reason to offer the whether musical, literary, scientific or language. The German-Americans Getting to Know You! Schuler School –Hosting 8th (Continued from page 5) Annual Fur to Feathers

His childhood home was a rowhouse with The Schuler School of Fine Arts is hosting the 8th Annual Fur to marble steps in the Patterson Park neigh- Feathers Juried Animal Exhibition from April 1-8, 2017 at its historic borhood, and he thought sauerkraut and studio in Station North. This year esteemed painter Christine Merrill turkey were a standard combo until will judge entries. shocked fellow college students who came Christine Merrill was born in from anywhere else advised him otherwise. Baltimore and graduated from the His education was in history (particularly Schuler School. . She specializes Maryland's), but his career was with the in the depiction of dogs. Her U.S. Treasury Department, from which he work has been represented by the graduated after 30 years of service. During William Secord Gallery in New that time, he provided tours of certain his- York City, where she has had toric sites in Baltimore and participated in eight successful one-person Living History projects, including Civil exhibitions. War reenacting and portraying such figures The show will be held from April 1-8, 2017 at the school, located at 7 as H. L. Mencken. In retirement, he daily East Lafayette Avenue in Baltimore. Weekend hours are 2:00-5:30 pm posts on Facebook about historical and and the exhibit will be open on weekdays from 1:00-4:00 pm. cultural topics he finds interesting. His paternal ancestry is Swabian and Bavarian, If you have questions or want more information, please call(410-685- his command of German is moderate, he 3568) or e-mail us at [email protected]. often attends German cultural events and For more information: Zion Church's German language service, and since 2002 has been a member of the German Society of Maryland.

Newsletter Title Issue 105 April P a ge 8 Join the German Society of Maryland

APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Name: ______Street Address:______City:______State:______Zip:______Spouse (Optional):______Phone:______Email:______Referred by:______“I hereby apply to be a member of the German Society of Maryland” Annual dues $25.00. Spouse included at no extra cost.. I wish my newsletter to be sent via email at the above email address : I wish my newsletter to be sent through US postage at the above postal address: Lifetime Membership: $250.00 Mail to: The German Society of Maryland P.O. Box 22585 Baltimore, Maryland 21203-4585

Musicians from Germany to Perform with Avanti Der Erste Mai Orchestra Tag der Arbeit! You’re Invited! May Day is an ancient festival to welcome the spring weather and to drive away evil spirits. It is also an Avanti Orchestra of the Friday Morn- Silver Spring, MD. There are no ing Music is honored and delighted to occasion to campaign for and celebrate tickets and they collect no admis- workers rights, particularly in Berlin. present on June 24, 2017 at 7:30 PM sion. There is free convenient park- (doors open 30 minutes prior to the May 1 is a public holiday in all German ing. The goal of the Avanti Orches- states. performance), Chilean born, Alvaro tra of the Friday Morning Music Parra, a first violinist with the Berlin Club is to provide excellent concerts Philharmonic, Berlin, Germany, Mr. accessible to all. Parra will perform the Beethoven Vio- lin Concerto in D major and Brahms For Additional Information Email: Symphony No. 4 in E minor. The per- [email protected] formance will be held at the Cultural Arts Center, Montgomery College, located 7995 Georgia Avenue, in

Help the German Society be more efficient and save paper. If you have an email address and would like to receive your ‘Vereinsnachrichten’ via email, send an email to Bärbel Otto at [email protected]. This action alone saves paper and postage P a ge 9 Vereinsnachrichten Issue 105 April Meet Director Tom Werner

he has served in multiple financial posi- Tom has served as president of Club tions for several German organizations. Fidelitas, Maryland Oktoberfest, After college, he entered his life-long Deutschamerikanischer Buergerverein field of insurance. His first position was von Maryland and of course, the Ger- as a Home Office trained underwriter for man Society of Maryland. He has INA in 1964. He left there around 1969 served many other offices including to join his father’s independent agency, that of Financial Secretary, Treasurer the Werner Insurance Agency. After the and Chairman of Investments for those agency was sold, he did what any enter- clubs listed above as well as the Balti- prising entrepreneur would do, he opened more Kickers, where he has also his own agency, Werner Agency, Ltd. served as president of the Board of His agency was not like retail agencies Trustees and as a Board member. He that we purchase our insurance from to- is a member of all of the above as well day. His agency was an Excess & Sur- as the Edelweiss Club, the Society for plus Lines agency, meaning it catered to the History of the Germans in Mary- Tom Werner, born Thomas Alfred those businesses that had difficulty in land and previously Deutsche Werner, to Alfred and Mercedes (Will) finding insurance for reasons such as haz- Geselligkeit. He has sat and continues Werner on January 26, 1941, has been ardous risk or required amounts of insur- to serve on multiple boards, commit- an active member of the German com- ance. He worked with the retail agents in tees and time sensitive projects such as munity for over twenty six years. placing coverage. Tom sold his agency in the festivals. He has been a delegate 2006, when he retired. for the German Society to the Tom was schooled in Maryland Catho- Deutschamerikanischer Buergerverein lic schools and Connecticut public Tom has three children, Alfred, Wendi and AGAS. He currently serves as schools, moving to Connecticut as a and Jamie, from an earlier marriage. He Treasurer of the new German Ameri- young child and returning to Maryland has 5 grandchildren. He and Kay can Verein. He is a lifetime director during High School to attend Calvert Schneck, also a member of the German of the German Society. Hall College, only to return again to Society, are long time residents of the finish High School and graduate from Thornleigh neighborhood of Towson. Tom loved canoeing and swimming, Staples in Westport, Connecticut. Together they enjoy travelling as well as was a backpacker and skier and now participating in the activities of the clubs enjoys travelling, reading and history. Tom spent four years in the Air Force, He is a valued member of our Society. stationed in Washington State and that make up the Maryland German com- serving as an electronics technician for munity. an air to air guided missile system. He It was a trip to Germany to meet his first completed college using the GI Bill grandchild that sparked the interest that attending the University Maryland led to Tom’s deep involvement with the University College, where he majored German-American community and in in Business Administration and mi- realizing the need to brush up on some nored in Economics. This education German language skills before returning has served him well in business and as to Germany. That trip included skiing the Alps in Austria.


We encourage all students from first grade through university level to become student members of our Society. Email their name, grade or level, and name of the school to the Society at [email protected] and stating that you wish to become a student member. This is FREE. NO ANNUAL DUES! P a ge 10 Newsletter Title Issue 105 April

bers of the Renaissance Institute of Baltimore Immigration Museum Update Notre Dame University, 4th grade students of the Monarch Academy in Glen Burnie (Charter School), and Point, has been open on week- most recently students of the Univer- ends from 1-4 pm and by spe- sity of Baltimore, as shown in the cial appointment. The muse- photo. Partnerships with other Balti- um tells the story of Balti- more institutions such as Baltimore more’s immigration history, Heritage, the Natioanl Heritage Area with the Germans representing Association, AIA, the Lutheran Immi- the largest group. Visitors have gration and Refugee Service organiza- included families, individuals, tion, and the Mayor’s Office of Im- students and children from all migrant and Multicultural Affairs over the country as well as have been established and proven from Germany; many have shared their Since last May, the Baltimore to be the most helpful. family’s histories and donated records and Immigration Museum, located in the histor- artifacts which are much appreciated. Please call Brigeitte or ic Immigrant House (Deutsches Emigran- Nick Fessenden at 443-542-2263 if tenhaus) at 1308 Beason Street in Locust Visiting groups included mem- you would like more information or visit the website at In Memoriam-Sister Anne Colette Potthast

The Society extends their sin- various elementary schools during her being a very sought after facilitator at cere sympathy to the family of Sister long career. Her musical talents be- retreats and religious services. Anne Collette Potthast, SNDdeN. Sister came apparent while she was attending She is survived by fourteen nieces and Anne passed away on January 22 at the St. Bernadine’s School, where she and nephews, great-great nieces and neph- age of 87. She was the Grand-daughter former past president, Ted Potthast per- ews in the hundreds. She was not of William Potthast, one of the founders formed in a recital. She played the pi- alone with her membership in the Ger- of the Potthast Bros. Furniture Company. ano and Ted the violin. After entering many Society. Many of the Potthast She is a long-time member of the Ger- the convent she became a student of family were and continue to be active man Society. She was a music teacher at Sacred Theology. This resulted in her members of the society. Spargelzeit

What do the Germans like almost as One huge difference is the German much as their beer? Why ‘Spargel’ Spargel is predominantly white and the of course. Spargel season is in the name refers to the white variety. The Spring and runs through June. green variety is available and has been Spargel, also known as asparagus, is creeping into the markets over the past huge in Germany. They celebrate few years. It is my understanding that with Spargel Festivals and at those the difference is sunlight. The green green, store in damp dish towel in re- festivals you can buy and eat aspara- has been allowed to poke through the frigerator (no more than one day), do gus prepared in a variety of ways. ground, whereas the white has not. It not use aluminum pots, use minimal The local restaurants serve piles of is estimated that about 80,000 tons of water with a little salt and butter and Spargel and there are actually Spargel are produced in Germany…and sugar), the straighter the stalk the bet- Spargel stands on just about every that amount only meets about 60% of ter, and if you can squeeze a little fluid street corner. It is such a treat and the population’s consumption needs. from the ends, it is good and fresh. loved in Germany, it has nicknames Some Spargel tips: Peel before prepar- such as ‘Königsgemüse )King’s ing (if this isn’t done at the market, you The best news: 1 pound has only 70 Vegetable)’ and ‘Frühlingswonne may want to invest in an asparagus calories. It is also rich in potassium, (Springtime Delight)’. peeler), never snap like you do the folic acid, and vitamins C, B1, and B2.

Newsletter Title Issue 105 April P a ge 11

The Origin of German Last Names—Top 100 German Family Names

The meanings of German last 17. Schröder carter 48. Peters Greek rock 75. Böhm of Bohemia 18. Neumann new man names are those as originally de- 49. Stein rock, stone 76. Schulte from Schulthei 19. Braun brown debt-broker fined when these names became 50. Jung young 20. Werner OHG defense 51. Möller miller 77. Albrecht OHG > no- surnames. For example, the sur- army 52. Berger from French -> ble> famous name Meyer means dairy farmer 21. Schwarz black shepherd 78. Franke of Franconia

today, whereas in the Middle Ages, 22. Hofmann landed farmer 53. Martin latin war-like 79. Winter winter Meyer was designated to people 23. Zimmermann carpenter 54. Friedrich OHG > peace,> 80. Schumacher cobbler, who were stewards of landholders. 24. Schmitt smith powerful shoemaker 25. Hartmann strong man 55. Scholz mayor 81. Vogt steward Most names derive either from ar- 26. Schmid smith 56. Keller cellar 82. Haas MHG - nickname chaic professions (Schmidt, Müller, 27. Weiß white 57. Groß big for rabbit hunter; Weber, Schäfer) or places (not too 28. Schmitz smith 58. Hahn rooster 83. Sommer summer many of those in the following list 29. Krüger potter 59. Roth from rot -> red 84. Schreiber writer, scribe but e.g. Brinkmann, Berger, Frank). 30. Lange long 60. Günther Scandinavian 85. Engel angel 31. Meier MHG -> steward of warrior 86. Ziegler brickmaker (The acronyms OHG and MHG landholder; leaseholder 61. Vogel bird 87. Dietrich OHG people’s stand for Old High German and 32. Walter leader, ruler 62. Schubert MHG Schu- ruler Middle High German respectively.) 33. Köhler charcoal-maker ochwürchte -> shoemaker 88. Brandt fire, burn Maier MHG 1. Müller miller 34. -> steward of 63. Winkler from Winkel - 89. Seidel mug landholder; leaseholder 2. Schmidt smith >angle 90. Kuhn councilman Beck Bach 3. Schneider taylor 35. from -> stream; 64. Schuster shoemaker 91. Busch bush Bäcker -> baker 4. Fischer fisher 65. Jäger hunter 92. Horn horn König 5. Weber weaver 36. king 66. Lorenz derived from latin 93. Arnold OHG strength 6. Schäfer shepherd 37. Krause curly-haired Laurentius of an eagle 7. Meyer MHG -> steward of landhold- 38. Schulze mayor 67. Ludwig OHG luth famous, 94. Kühn councilman er; leaseholder 39. Huber land owner war 95. Bergmann miner 40. Mayer steward of land- 96. Pohl Polish 8. Wagner wagoner 68. Baumann farmer holder; leaseholder 97. Pfeiffer piper 9. Becker from Bäcker -> baker 69. Heinrich OHG heim -> 41. Frank from Franconia 98. Wolff wolf 10. Bauer farmer home > powerful 42. Lehmann serf 99. Voigt steward 11. Hoffmann landed farmer 70. Otto OHG ot ->inheritance 43. Kaiser emperor 100. Sauer sour 12. Schulz mayor 71. Simon Hebrew God has 44. Fuchs fox 13. Koch cook listened Source : About German 45. Herrmann warrior 14. Richter judge Graf 46. Lang long 72. count, earl 15. Klein small Kraus 47. Thomas Aramaic twin 73. curly-haired /names/a/German- 16. Wolf wolf 74. Krämer small trader, dealer Surnames.html German Amerian Internet Radio’s Bright Future The internet radio station throughout the world, digital our Society, the Edelweiss Club has radio accounts for 19% of all and many of our members. found itself on the ground radio transmissions. In January it launched floor of a world-wide revolu- germanamericanra- a classical music station, which tion in the future of radio. The was conceived at a is currently accessible over the days of AM and FM radio are meeting of the Board of Direc- internet and will soon be heard numbered. tors of our Society during a on internet radios; many auto- Canada is already clos- discussion of the demise of the mobiles are now equipped with ing down AM radio. Norway programs of the Edelweiss Club internet radios accessible via is the first country to abolish and the Radio Klub. The station satellite. FM radio and replace it with is now entering its 4th year of Prepare yourself for the fu- digital radio. germanamerican broadcasting and has about ture by tuning in and getting used to is a prime example 2,000 regular listeners. It has internet radio via germanamerican- of digital radio. Already, received financial support from OFFICERS LIFETIME DIRECTORS OFFICE MANAGER Anton G. Smoot-President Shelley ‘Dolch’ Arnold Bärbel Otto Dr. James D. Schaub-1st VP John K. Aymold, Jr.* Past newsletters are posted on our website,, Kurt Wittstadt-2nd VP Dandridge Brooke as is our history, Pioneers in Service’. Dr. Mary Upman-Secretary Linda Butt For more German-American happenings check the website for the Theodore J. Potthast, Jr.-Treasurer Dr. David Denisch Deutschamerikanischer Bürgerverein von Maryland at Hon. Gerard Wm. Wittstadt-Counselor Prof. Dr. Mohamed Esa or DIRECTORS Brigitte V. Fessenden* Kraig Dean Dr. Maureen Helinski This newsletter is published by The German Society of Maryland, founded in 1783 by Act of the General Assembly of Maryland. It is a Steven Harper Prof. Dr, Armin Mruck non-profit, tax exempt corporation pursuant to the provisions of Dr. Michael J. Kurtz Michael J. Nieberding* §501c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gerhard Meinzer Betty Niemann Please submit articles or items of interest to Rev. H.J.Siegfried Otto * Paul-Gerhard Otto Shelley Arnold, Editor at [email protected] Shirley Santora Bernard Penner, Esq. Theo. J. Potthast, Jr.,Esq.* Anton Smoot The German Society of Maryland Elizabeth Wittstadt Dr. James Schaub* Kurt Wittstadt Irma Tillman Visit us on the web Gen. M. Hall Worthington Dr. Mary Upman P.O. Box 22585 Baltimore, Maryland 21203-4585 Christel van der Berg Gail Zik 410-685-0450 Dr. Maureen Helinski, EX OFFICIO Thomas A. Werner* Email: [email protected] Webmaster President- Women’s Auxiliary Hon. Gerard W. Wittstadt Eva Maus Kelleher * = past president