Newsletter Date The German Society of Maryland Issue 105 April 2017 Vereinsnachrichten Founded in 1783 and Incorporated by Act of the General Assembly of Maryland Chapter 100, February 3, 1818 President’s Message-Anton Smoot Inside this issue: President’s Message 1 Liebe Mitglieder – that our society is financially Dear Members, sound and that our member- Women’s Auxiliary 2 ship is strong and growing. 100th Anniversary I hope this message finds The German Society of Mary- all of our members well and land is continuing its goal to Baltimore’s Battle 4 safe. A warm welcome to all Monument preserve and promote the Ger- of our newest members that man heritage, language, tradi- have joined our great society Getting to Know You 5 tions and history thru many in the past couple of months. programs. I encourage all of German Language 6 This coming April I will be our members to visit our web- Courses, Part III stepping down as President of site to discover all the wonder- ful events that are happening Schuler School Exhibit 7 the German Society of Mary- land. The past 3 years have now or in the near future. The German Society of Meet the Director, Tom 9 been an amazing journey and I www.germansociety-md.com Maryland is always looking Werner could not have done my job Additionally, a complete for new members that are without the help of many peo- Baltimore Immigration 10 listing of all the scheduled energetic and willing to put ple. All of your ideas and sug- Museum events for all the German Or- their talents to work. I gestions provided a great tool ganizations in Maryland can be encourage all of you to spread The Origin of German 11 in helping me not only do my found at www.md- the word of this noble and Last Names job but also guide the society germans.org. All these organi- honorable organization to into the future. The extremely German Internet Radio 11 zations are working very hard anyone that would like to talented and knowledgeable to provide not only traditional learn more about us. members of the Board of Di- events but also encompass new The purpose of the rectors guided me in all the As always, best wishes and ideas for the future. Visit the German Society of important decision that had to speedy recovery to any of our website and get out among Maryland is to pre- be made. A heartfelt thank you sick or shut-in members and I your fellow Germans! serve and promote to all of you for your input, hope to see many of you at an the German heritage knowledge and guidance dur- Our annual meeting will event. and traditions ing my tenure. It truly has be held on April 21st at through educational, been an honor to serve as your The Zion Lutheran social and benevolent president! Mit freundlichen Grüssen, programs; and to Church in Baltimore. I Anton G. Smoot develop the unity Things were quite a bit dif- encourage all of you to President ferent in the German Commu- and continuity of the attend and look forward [email protected] German American nity when I joined in 1986. community in the Even though we have lost to seeing you at this very State of Maryland some clubs, we are making important event. progress on several other fronts. I am happy to report P a ge 2 Vereinsnachrichten Issue 105 April Publication Dates: Unser Kalender January-March: Deadline 12/15 April-June: Deadline 3/15 April 1-8, 2017 Schuler School Exhibition, ‘Fur to Feathers’ July-September: Deadline 6/15 April 21, 2017 Annual Meeting-Zion Church 6:00 PM; Dinner 6:30 FREE to members October-December: Deadline 9/15 April 23, 2017 AATG Awards—Zion Church 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM April 29, 2017 Club Fidelitas Spring Fest/Valley Mansion Links: German Society Website: April 30, 2017 Women’s Auxiliary www.germansociety-md.com May 6, 2017 Maifest at Zion Language School; 10am-2pm Deutschamerikanischer Bürgerverein: May 21, 2017 German Society Picnic, North Point State Park www.md-germans.org July 22, 2017 117 th Annual German Festival/Maryland State Fairgrounds German Marylanders: www.germanmarylanders.org German American Radio: Proud Member of the German American Heritage Foundation germanamericanradio.com The Women’s Auxiliary of the German Society of Maryland celebrate their 100th Anniversary On April 30 th , the Frau- vided not just in the city, but enhilfsverein will celebrate extended to needy persons of their 100 th Anniversary. The German ancestry in several of German Society extends their the surrounding counties. congratulations to President Following both World Eva Kelleher and all of the Wars and even to this day the members, both past and present Women’s Auxiliary has aided on this wonderful milestone. those emigrating from Ger- The Auxiliary many. (Frauenhilfsverein) was found- The Auxiliary works ed in 1917. The founding hap- Auxiliary’ to exist independent- and the Auxiliary. During closely with the German So- pened quite by accident and ly but coordinate efforts with that time, more than fifty ciety and continues to make it proved to be a great assistance the Society. On April 17, 1917, families were provided with their mission to help those in to the German Society. Many the ‘Ladies’ Auxiliary to the food, warm clothes, shoes need. They support the Red of the wives and daughters had German Society’ was formally and fuel. By January 1, Cross, the victims of earth- joined the German and Austrian organized with Mrs. Carl A. 1918, the Ladies’ Auxiliary quakes, floods and other nat- Red Cross Society in Baltimore Luederitz as president, Mrs. had grown to 186 members. ural disasters and are support- in 1914. Keep in mind that the Henry Wood as vice president, The Auxiliary has been con- ive of groups and institutions Society consisted, at that time, a secretary, treasurer and twelve sistent in their efforts to that assist battered and exclusively of men. When rela- committee members. They give. In peacetime, the great abused women. The Auxilia- tions between the United States assumed immediately the chari- depression proved a chal- ry also supports the German and Germany were severed, it table work of the society. lenge. In 1931 funds were language school at Zion, as made it impossible for the The timing was perfect be- distributed to those hit hard- well as other cultural events. women to continue their work. cause it was around the time of est. The Society and Auxil- They strongly support and They offered their services to the First World War and many iary took care of a considera- promote the German lan- the German Society of Mary- Germans living in Maryland ble number of seaman who guage which is evident in land. The Executive Commit- had lost their jobs due to the became stranded in Balti- their meetings where German tee of the German Society re- anti-German hysteria and really more during the layup of is spoken and their beloved solved to organize a ‘Ladies needed the assistance. The aid American shipping on the German Volksmusik is sung. came from the German Society East Coast. Relief was pro- Vereinsnachrichten Issue 105 April P a ge 3 A Big Welcome to our NEW Members Josef and Mary Göhring REMINDER TO ALL MEMBERS Marlene Haas Don’t forget our Annual Membership meeting. April 21, 2017 at Zion Church 6:00 PM Richard O’Hara FREE to members. Bring a dessert. RSVP: 410-685-0450 or via email at Kevin Schwab [email protected] P a ge 4 Vereinsnachrichten Issue 105 April Did you Know? Baltimore’s Battle Monument The Battle Monument which Baltimore, Maryland, com- The monument was con- total cost of the project was is located in Battle Monument memorates the Battle of structed between 1815 and approximately $150,000. Square on North Calvert Baltimore with the British 1826. It stands 39’ tall. It is To recognize the donors, a Street between East Fayette fleet's bombardment of Fort topped by the statue of Lady bronze plaque was installed. and East Lexington Streets in McHenry, the Battle of North Baltimore wearing a crown It is not clear what happened Point, and the stand-off at of victory and she holds a to the plaque and during Hampstead Hill, also known as laurel wreath in one hand more recent renovations, the Loudenschlager’s Hill, and and a ship’s rudder in the fence holding the plaque now Patterson Park. It honors other. was removed and either sto- those who died in September When it came time to restore len or not re-installed by the 1814 during the War of 1812. the monument in 1997, the city. This renovation, a few It was sponsored by the City German Society stepped up years ago, facilitated the and the "Committee of with a $5,000 donation. It removal of Lady Baltimore Vigilance and Safety" led by wasn’t the only contributor, for her own protection. She Mayor Edward Johnson and but was the most generous. was replaced with a concrete military commanders: Brig. Our past president, Brigitte replica. The original Lady Gen. John Stricker, Maj. Gen. Fessenden was, at the time, Baltimore is resting com- Samuel Smith and Lt. Col. the City’s historic preserva- fortably at the Maryland George Armistead (of Ft. tion planner and worked first Historical Society. McHenry). hand on the project. The 100 Years Ago Baltimore Sun, April 20, 1917, pg. 14 For the past months, we have provide readers with a glimpse played by the been flooded with stories of of yesteryear.
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