Name of the Project: Ball Clay Mining Project, Khasra No. 335 & 336, M.L. No.31/2014, Area 4.25 ha. at Village: Deshnoke, Tehsil & District: () Shri Om Prakash S/o. Shri Deva Ram.

The proposal of Shri Om Prakash S/o. Shri Deva Ram for Ball Clay Mining project (ML area 4.25 ha) with production capacity of Ball Clay 53,342 TPA. The mine is located near Village: Deshnoke, Tehsil & District: Bikaner (Rajasthan). The geographical extends of the area - are: Latitude 27°48'2.10"N to 27°48'10.60"N and Longitude-73°18'26.30"E to 73°18'33.10"E and is covered by Survey of Toposheet No. 45 E/5. This is a category ‘B’ project. As the tenure of SEIAA Rajasthan has expired, the proposal is being examined in the MoEF & CC.

The mining lease area of 4.25 ha which is a Private Land (Non-forest) land LOI has been issued in favor of Shri Om Prakash S/o. Shri Deva Ram on letter dated 17.8.2014. The mining lease agreement duly executed on dated 21.10.2014 for the mining lease of Ball Clay for an area of 4.25 ha. sanctioned vide order No. Nikhabhu/Bika/CC-7/F.1(1)31/2014/3309-19 dated 23.9.2014 for a period of thirty years from the date of registration of mining lease agreement by Directorate, Mines & Geology Department, . At the end fifth year of mine, total excavated area will be 3.9068 ha. which will be after backfilling the worked out area, the level difference between backfilled area level before excavation will be used as water reservoir and rest area will be developed green belt on around the lease periphery. Mining will be carried through opencast manual method of mining. It is reported by the PP that total mineable reserves are 969000 Tonnes. Bench height will be 3 m & width 3 m. It is reported by the PP that The OB/waste will be stacked separately & used in backfilling and development of plantation. Total water requirement will be 6.0 KLD which will be met through tanker supply from nearby villages. Ultimate working depth is 20 m.

It was reported by the Project Proponent that there is no court case/ litigation pending against the project and there is no violation of EPA Act. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 20 Lacs and cost for Environmental Protection Measures are Rs. 0.10 lac as capital cost and Rs. 0.20 lac as recurring cost.
