This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. Status of World Language Education in Minnesota Fiscal Year 2013 Report To the Legislature As required by Minnesota Statutes, Minnesota Laws 2007 Regular Session Chapter 146, Article 2, section 43 COMMISSIONER: Brenda Cassellius, Ed. D. Status of World Language Education in Minnesota February 2012 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Ursula Lentz Student Support 651-582-8664
[email protected] Cost of Report Preparation The total cost for the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) to prepare this report was approximately $ 3,884.08. Most of these costs involved staff time in analyzing data from surveys and preparing the written report. Incidental costs include paper, copying, and other office supplies. Estimated costs are provided in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 2011, section 3.197, which requires that at the beginning of a report to the Legislature, the cost of preparing the report must be provided. Cost of Report Preparation Special funding was not appropriated to cover the costs of preparing this report. Most of the costs involved staff time in analyzing data from surveys and preparing the written report. Incidental costs include paper, copying, and other office supplies. Estimated costs are provided in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 2011, section 3.197, which requires that at the beginning of a report to the legislature, the cost of preparing the report must be provided. Minnesota Department of Education Costs: The following is an estimate of the cost incurred by MDE: $3,884.08 Other Agency Costs: (List the agency such as local school districts, federal agencies, other state agencies.) The following is an estimate of the cost incurred by these agencies: $ 0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST FOR PREPARING THIS REPORT: $3,884.08 3 Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 4 PURPOSE AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 A.