From the Editor:

Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History (hereafter Clio) originally started as a triannual journal in 1971, and then turned quarterly at volume 10. With volume 35 Clio went back to its triannual publication schedule. Please keep this in mind when searching for articles and reviews.

The Index is separated into two sections.

Section A is for articles, review articles, book reviews, responses from an author, and columns. -It is organized alphabetically, by author. -The following key applies:

A Article RA Review Article BR Book Review C Column R Response, Reply, and Reaction

Section B is for any special features that may appear in issues, such as notes from the editor, booknotes, and prefaces. -Since these features don’t appear as frequently, the full description is retained for clarity. -It is sorted alphabetically, by literature type.

Section A

Issue Year Type Page Author Title Review Author, Book

18.1 1988 BR 94 Abbas, Ackbar Andreas Huyssen, After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism 17.3 1988 A 249 Achinstein, Sharon “How To Be a Progressive without Looking Like One: History and Knowledge in Bacon’s New Atlantis” 29.3 2000 BR 364 Adamczyk-Garbowska, S. Lillian Dremer, Women’s Holocaust Writing: Monika Memory and Imagination 39.1 2009 A 53 Adams, Jenni “The Dream of the End of the World: Magic Realism and Holocaust History in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Everything is Illuminated” 8.3 1979 A 417 Adams, Timothy Dow “The Contemporary American Mock-Autobiography” 20.1 1990 A 1 Africa, Thomas W. “Women in the Historical Thought of Arnold J. Toynbee” 8.1 1978 A 71 Ahlers, Rolf “The Overcoming of Critical Theory on the Hegelian Unity of Theory and Praxis” 32.4 2003 BR 486 Aldridge, A. Owen Frederic Cople Jaher, The Jews and the Nation: Revolution, Emancipation, State Formation, and t he Liberal Paradigm in America and 11.3 1982 A 261 Aldridge, A. Owen “The Interplay of History and Literature” 10.3 1981 BR 338 Aldridge, A. Owen James F. Lea, Kazantzakis: The Politics of Salvation 4.2 1975 A 183 Aldridge, Adriana Garcia “Two Latin-American Theorists of de the Historical Novel” 8.1 1978 BR 131 Alexander, James W. Nancy F. Partner, Serious Entertainments: The Writing of History in Twelfth-Century England 16.2 1987 A 103 Allen, James Smith “Obedience, Struggle and Revolt: The Historical Vision of Balzac’s Father Goriot” 11.2 1982 BR 213 Allen, Judson Boyce Douglas Kelly, Medieval Imagination: Rhetoric and the Poetry of Courtly Love 37.1 2007 BR 144 Allen, Nicholas Gustave de Beaumont, Ireland: Social. Political, and Religious 17.4 1988 A 311 Allen, Robert van Roden “Pathway to Hölderlin” 39.1 2009 BR 122 Allred, Jeff Gordon Hutner, What America Read: Taste, Class, and the Novel, 1920–1960 5.2 1976 BR 253 Altick, Richard D. John R. Reed, Victorian Conventions 8.3 1979 BR; R 465 Altizer, Thomas J.J.; Harris, Errol E. Harris, Atheism and Theism Errol E. 20.1 1990 A 53 Alves, Abel A. “History, Mexico, the United States and Humanity in the Writings of Octavio Paz” 42.1 2012 BR 114 Alznauer, Mark Thomas A. Lewis, Religion, Modernity, and Politics in Hegel 20.3 1991 BR 283 Anchor, Robert Samuel Kinser, Rabelais’s Carnival: Text, Context, Metatext 16.2 1987 A 121 Anchor, Robert “Narrativity and the Transformation of Historical Consciousness” 14.3 1985 A 237 Anchor, Robert “Bakhtin’s Truths of Laughter”

27.3 1998 BR 449 Anderson, Antje Schaum Garrett Stewart, Dear Reader: The conscripted Audience in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction 29.1 1999 A 47 Anderson, Carolyn “Narrating Matilda, ‘Lady of the English,’ in the Historia Novella, the Gesta Stephani, and Wace’s Roman de Rou: The Desire for Land and Order” 27.1 1997 A 57 Anderson, Douglas “The Textual Reproductions of Frederick Douglass” 26.4 1997 BR 523 Anderson, James A. Eric S. Mallin, Inscribing the Time: Shakespeare and the End of Elizabethan England 33.4 2004 BR 463 Anderson, Judith H. Marcy L. North, The Anonymous Renaissance: Cultures of Discretion in Tudor-Stuart England 32.4 2003 BR 504 Anderson, Kathleen Carol Hanbery MacKay, Creative Negativity: Four Victorian Exemplars of the Female Quest 42.2 2013 A 209 Anderson, Kyle David “Chinese Decamerons: Making Sex Revolutionary(?)” 32.3 2003 BR 369 Anderson, Thomas Richard McCoy, Alternatives of State: Scared Kingship in the English Reformation 35.1 2005 A 29 Anderson-Irwin, “ ‘But the serpent did not lie’: Christopher Reading, History, and Hegel’s Interpretation of Genesis Chapter 3” 35.2 2006 RA 225 Andrea, Bernadette “Travels Through ‘Islam’ in Early Daniel Vitkus, Turning Turk: English Theater and Modern English Studies” the Multicultural Mediterranean, 1570-1630

Richmond Barbour, Before Orientalism: London’s Theatre of the East, 1576-1626

Gerald M. MacLean, The Rise of Oriental Travel: English Visitors to the Ottoman Empire, 1580-1720 26.1 1996 A 79 Andres, Sophia “The Unhistoric in History: George Eliot’s Challenge to Victorian Historiography ” 21.2 1992 BR 173 Ankersmit, F.R. Lionel Gossman, Between History and Literature 19.1 1989 RA 63 Ankersmit, F.R. (No title) Christopher Norris, Derrida 35.2 2006 BR 245 Ankersmit, Frank Aviezer Tucker, Our Knowledge of the Past: A Philosophy of Historiography 27.3 1998 BR 464 Anspaugh, Kelly Thomas C. Hofheinz, Joyce and the Invention of Irish History: “Finnegans Wake” in Context 25.3 1996 BR 338 Anspaugh, Kelly Scott W. Klein, The Fictions of James Joyce and Wyndham Lewis: Monsters of Nature and Design 22.4 1993 RA 377 Aoudjit, Abdelkader “The End of History and the Last Man” 39.2 2010 RA 213 Appelbaum, Robert “The Comestible Commodity, Ken Albaba, Beans: A History Subject of History” Ken Albala, Pancake: A Global History

Janet Clarkson, Pie: A Global History

Carol Helstosky, Pizza: A Global History

Bruce Kraig, Hot Dog: A Global History

Pierre Laszlo, Citrus: A History

Josh Ozersky, The Hamburger

Andrew F. Smith, Hamburger: A Global History 38.1 2008 RA 61 Appelbaum, Robert “New Worlds” James Horn, A Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America

Nora E. Jaffary, ed., Gender, Race and Religion in the Colonization of the Americas

Karen Ordahl Kupperman, The Jamestown Project

Peter C. Mancall, ed., The Atlantic World and Virginia, 1550–1624

Terrence Malick, dir., The New World

Crandall Shifflett, ed., Virtual Jamestown,

Captain John Smith, ed. by James Horn, Writings, with Other Narratives of Roanoke, Jamestown, and the First English Settlement of America 34.3 2005 BR 381 Appelbaum, Robert Juliet Cummins, ed., Milton and the Ends of Time 17.2 1988 A 139 apRoberts, Ruth “Arnold and Cambridge Platonists” 4.1 1974 BR 127 Aptheker, Herbert Helmut Fleischer, Marxism and History 1.3 1972 BR 84 Aptheker, Herbert George Steiner, In Bluebeard’s Castle: Some Notes Towards the Redefinition of Culture 9.3 1980 BR 465 Arac, Jonathan Edward W. Said, Orientalism 6.2 1977 BR 212 Arac, Jonathan Ioan Williams, The Realist Novel in England: A Study in Development 4.2 1975 BR 269 Arac, Jonathan William Callaghan, ed., Aesthetics and the Theory of Criticism: Selected Essays of Arnold Isenberg 35.1 2005 BR 121 Ardis, Ann L. Marysa Demoor, ed., Marketing the Author: Authorial Personae, Narrative Selves and Self- Fashioning, 1880-1930 24.4 1995 A 381 Arieti, James A. “The Machiavellian Chiron: Appearance and Reality in The Prince” 10.1 1980 A 5 Arieti, James A. “Empedocles in Rome: Rape and the Roman Ethos” 31.3 2002 A 237 Arner, Lynn “History Lessons from the End of Time: Gower and the English Rising of 1381” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 224 Ashcroft, Bill Ann Blake, Leela Gandhi, and Sue Thomas, 5 England through Colonial Eyes in Twentieth-Century Fiction 25.2 1996 BR 223 Asher, Lyell Lars Engle, Shakespearean Pragmatics: Market of His Time

Ned Lukacher, Daemonic Figures: Shakespeare and the Question of Conscience 38.1 2008 BR 88 Astell, Ann W. Jessica Brantley, Reading in the Wilderness: Private Devotion and Public Performance in Late Medieval England 22.3 1993 A 221 Aubrey, James R. “Race and the Spectacle of the Monstrous in Othello” 2.3 1973 BR 312 Audi, Robert Howard E. Kiefer, ed., Mind, Science and History 31.1 2001 A 1 Averill, Roger “Empathy, Externality and Character in Biography: A Consideration of the Authorized Versions of George Orwell” 43.1 2013 BR 103 Avery, Todd James Walter Caufield, Overcoming Matthew Arnold: Ethics in Culture and Criticism 33.3 2004 BR 351 Bacigalupo, Massimo Steven G. Yao, Translation and the Languages of Modernism: Gender, Politics, Language 11.2 1982 A 165 Backscheider, Paula R. “Cross-Purposes: Defoe’s History of the Union” 14.1 1984 BR 106 Bahti, Timothy Mark Krupnick, ed., Displacement: Derrida and After 31.2 2002 BR 221 Baker, Anne Dorothee E. Kocks, Dream a Little: Land and Social Justice in Modern America 25.3 1996 RA 293 Baker, Robert S. “Aldous Huxley: History and David Bradshaw, Aldous Huxley Between the Wars: Science Between the Wars ” Essays and Letters

James Sexton, Aldous Huxley’s Hearst Essays 13.1 1983 BR 86 Baker, Robert S. Graham Holderness, D.H. Lawrence: History, Ideology, and Fiction 17.1 1987 BR 94 Baker, Sheridan Michael McKeon, The Origins of the English Novel 1600-1740 16.3 1987 BR 288 Baldassaro, Lawrence John Freccero, Dante: The Poetics of Conversion 37.2 2008 BR 288 Ballaster, Ros Susan Staves, A Literary History of Women’s Writing in Britain 1660-1789 34.4 2005 BR 480 Ballaster, Ros Ellen Pollak, Incest and the English Novel, 1684- 1814 34.1/2 2004/ A 19 Banerjee, Anindita “The Trans-Siberian Railroad and 5 Russia’s Asia: Literature, Geopolitics, Philosophy of History” 1.3 1972 BR 97 Barac, Vladimir A. Owen Aldridge, ed. and intro., Comparative Literature: Matter and Method 9.1 1979 BR 158 Barbeau, Anne T. George McFadden, Dryden the Public Writer, 1660-1685 12.1 1982 A 1 Barber, David S. “ ‘The Poet of Unity’: Muriel Rukeyser’s Willard Gibbs” 41.1 2011 A 1 Barbour, Richmond “Corporate Praxis and the Legacy of Privateering: The Jacobean East India Company” 19.3 1990 A 251 Barnaby, Andrew “Machiavellian Hypotheses: Republican Settlement and the Question of Empire in Milton’s Readie and Easie Way” 31.1 2001 A 33 Barnaby, Edward T. “Thackeray as Metahistorian, or the Realist Via Media” 33.1 2003 BR 91 Barnes, James J. Meredith L. McGill, American Literature and the Culture of Reprinting 1834-1853 15.2 1986 A 137 Barnouw, Dagmar “Speech Regained: Hannah Arendt and the American Revolution” 9.3 1980 A 393 Barnouw, Jeffrey “The Critique of Classical Republicanism and the Understanding of Modern Forms of Polity in Vico’s New Science” 13.3 1984 BR 291 Baron, Xavier Jean Frappier, trans. Raymond J. Cormier, Chrétien de Troyes: The Man and His Work 2.3 1973 BR 323 Barrell, R.A. Martin Kallich, Horace Walpole 38.1 2008 BR 75 Barrow, Jr., Mark V. Linda Kalof, Looking at Animals in Human History 39.3 2010 BR 388 Barthelemy, Anthony Thomas P. Anderson and Ryan Netzley, eds., Acts of Reading: Interpretation, Reading Practices, and the Idea of the Book in John Foxe’s Actes and Monuments 34.4 2005 BR 466 Bartolovich, Crystal Douglas Bruster, Shakespeare and the Question of Culture: Early Modern Literature and the Cultural Turn 42.1 2012 BR 95 Bassi, Romana Federica Dallasta, Eredità di carta: Biblioteche private e circolazione libraria nella Parma farnesiana (1545–1731) 42.3 2013 BR 409 Bates, Catherine John Pollack, The Pun Also Rises: How the Humble Pun Revolutionized Language, Changed History, and Made Wordplay More Than Some Antics 14.3 1985 BR 335 Battenhouse, Roy Roland Mushat Frye, The Renaissance Hamlet: Issues and Responses in 1600 10.3 1981 BR 323 Battenhouse, Roy Darryl J. Gless, “Measure for Measure,” The Law, and the Covenant 7.2 1978 A 193 Battenhouse, Roy “Measure for Measure and King James” 40.1 2010 A 13 Baucom, Ian “Reading a Letter: Republicanism, Empire, and the Archives of the Atlantic” 31.1 2001 BR 92 Baucom, Ian Joseph McLaughlin, Writing the Urban Jungle: Reading Empire in London from Doyle to Eliot 29.4 2000 BR 474 Bauerlein, Mark Eugene Goodheart, Does Literary Studies Have a Future? 44.2 2015 BR 253 Baumgarten, Murray Morgan Rooney, The French Revolution Debate and the British Novel, 1790–1814: The Struggle for History’s Authority 4.2 1975 A 173 Baumgarten, Murray “The Historical Novel: Some Postulates” 1.2 1972 BR 67 Baumgarten, Murray David C. Gordon, Self-Determination and History in the Third World 1.3 1972 A 40 Baumgarten, Murray and “Classic Statement: Dilthey on Evelyn Kanes, trans. Carlyle” 29.4 2000 BR 470 Bazargan, Susan Giuseppe Mazzotta, The New Map of the World: Poetic Philosophy of Giambattista Vico 17.3 1988 BR 301 Beasley, Jerry C. Eve Tavor, Scepticism, Society, and the Eighteenth- Century Novel 25.1 1995 BR 114 Beebee, Thomas O. Lionel Gossman and Mihai Spariosu, Building a Profession: Autobiographical Perspectives on the Beginnings of Comparative Literature in the United States 23.2 1994 BR 191 Beebee, Thomas O. James A. W. Heffernan, Representing the French Revolution: Literature, Historiography, and Art 23.1 1993 BR 103 Beebee, Thomas O. Herbert Lindenberger, The History in Literature: On Value, Genre, Institutions 21.3 1992 A 217 Beebee, Thomas O. “The Letter Killeth: ‘The Pli of Death in Jean-Paul Marat’s Epistolary Novel’” 43.2 2014 BR 285 Beecroft, Alexander Eric Hayot, On Literary Worlds 30.1 2000 RA 91 Begam, Richard “Making Modernism Matter” Lawrence Rainey, Institutions of Modernism: Literary Elites and Public Culture

Michael North, Reading 1922: A Return to the Scene of the Modern 27.1 1997 RA 109 Begam, Richard “Toward a Posthistorical Novel” Michael Valdez Moses, The Novel and the Globalization of Culture 21.3 1992 BR 311 Behrendt, Stephen C. Anne Janowitz, England’s Ruins: Poetic Purpose and the National Landscape 16.3 1987 BR 286 Beiderwell, Bruce J.M. Beattie, Crime and the Courts in England, 1660-1800 15.1 1985 A 15 Beiderwell, Bruce “The Reasoning of Those Times: Scott’s Waverley and the Problem of Punishment” 20.3 1991 A 235 Beidler, Philip D. “Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage: Henry Fleming’s Courage in Its Contexts” 39.1 2009 BR 86 Bell, Ilona Carole Levin, Dreaming the English Renaissance: Politics and Desire in Court and Culture 28.2 1999 BR 235 Bell, Ilona Heather Dubrow, Echoes of Desire: English Petrarchism and Its Counterdiscourses 38.1 2008 BR 110 Bell, Michael Theodore Ziolkowski, Modes of Faith: Secular Surrogates for Lost Religious Belief 34.3 2005 RA 297 Bellamy, Elizabeth Jane “Desires and Disavowals: Speculations on the Aftermath of Stephen Greenblatt’s ‘Psychoanalysis and Renaissance Culture’” 37.2 2008 A 193 Belletto, Steven “Kerouac His Own Historian: Visions of Cody and the Politics of Historiography” 32.1 2002 BR 121 Bender, Todd K. Francis O’Gorman, Late Ruskin: New Contexts 30.4 2001 BR 482 Bender, Todd K. Robert Hewison, ed., Ruskin’s Artists: Studies in the Victorian Visual Economy: Papers from the Ruskin Programme, Lancaster University 29.4 2000 RA 441 Bender, Todd K. “Imagological Considerations in Peter Edgerly Firchow, Envisioning Africa: Racism Conrad’s Vision of Africa?” and Imperialism in Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”

Adam Hochschild, King Leopold’s Ghost 29.3 2000 RA 441 Bender, Todd K. “The Wittgenstein Quadrille” Ernest Gellner, Language and Solitude: Wittgenstein Malinowski and the Hapsburg Dilemma

John R. Searle, Mind, Language, and Society 28.2 1999 BR 227 Bender, Todd K. Rüdiger Safranski, Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil 25.4 1996 BR 467 Bender, Todd K. Christopher GoGwilt, The Invention of the West: Joseph Conrad and the Double-Mapping of Europe and Empire 11.3 1982 A 219 Benstock, Bernard “The Assassin and the Censor: Political and Literary Tensions” 29.1 1999 BR 69 Benzel, Kathryn N. Daniel R. Schwarz, Reconfiguring Modernism: Explorations in the Relationship between Modern Art and Modern Literature 2.1 1972 A 43 Berg, William “A Note on Imagery as Ideology in Zola’s Germinal” 10.2 1981 BR 226 Berg, William J. Naomi Schor, Zola’s Crowds 2.2 1973 BR 192 Berger, Arthur Asa Roland Barthes, Mythologies 23.3 1994 RA 285 Berger, Jr., Harry “What is This Thing Called Self?” H. Perry Chapman, Rembrandt’s Self-Portraits: A Study in Seventeenth Century Identity 2.1 1972 A 49 Berger, Jr., Harry “Outline of a General Theory of Culture Change” 6.3 1977 BR 349 Bergin, Thomas G. Leon Pompa, Vico: A Study of the “New Science” 41.3 2012 BR 400 Bergvall, Åke Christopher Tilmouth, Passion’s Triumph over Reason: A History of the Moral Imagination from Spenser to Rochester 16.2 1987 BR 187 Berman, Russell A. Bruce M. Boerman, The German Historical Novel in Exile after 1933: Calliope Contra Clio

Hildegard Emmel, History of the German Novel 27.2 1998 BR 305 Bermann, Sandra L. Cristina Dell Coletta, Plotting the Past: Metamorphoses of Historical Narrative in Modern Italian Fiction 34.4 2005 BR 505 Bernard-Donals, Michael Dominick La Capra, History in Transit: Experience, Identity, Critical Theory 30.4 2001 BR 474 Bernard-Donals, Michael Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman, Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It? 29.1 1999 BR 74 Bernard-Donals, Michael Richard Marback, Plato’s Dream of Sophistry 30.2 2001 A 143 Bernard-Douglas, Michael “History and Disaster: Witness, Trauma, and the Problem of Writing the Holocaust” 43.2 2014 BR 276 Bernhard Jackson, Carla Pomarè, Byron and the Discourses of History Emily A. 27.1 1997 A 29 Berni, Christine “Taking an Ace to History: The Historical Lizzie Broden and the Postmodern Historiography of Angel Carter” 42.3 2013 BR 403 Bernstein, Jeffery Michael G. Vater and David W. Wood, ed. and trans., The Philosophical Rupture between Fichte and Schelling: Selected Texts and Correspondence (1800– 1802)

32.3 2003 A 285 Bernstein, Stephen “Politics, Modernity, and Domesticity: The Gothicism of Conrad’s The Secret Agent” 28.2 1999 BR 219 Bernstein, Stephen Mark Edmundson, Nightmare on Main Street: Angels, Sadomasochism, and the Culture of the Gothic 25.3 1996 BR 333 Bernstein, Stephen “Arnold Among the Vijay Mishra, The Gothic Sublime Neoconservatives” 31.3 2002 BR 357 Berry, Laura C. Cathy Shuman, Pedagogical Economies: The Examination and the Victorian Literary Man 39.3 2010 A 333 Berthold, Daniel “A Penchant for Disguise: The Death (and Rebirth) of the Author in Kierkegaard and Nietzsche” 35.2 2006 A 179 Berthold, Daniel “A Question of Style: Hegel and Kierkegaard on Language, Communication, and the Ethics of Authorship” 32.3 2003 BR 354 Berthold, Daniel Michael J. Inwood, Hegel 19.4 1990 A 367 Berthold-Bond, Steven “Evolution and Nostalgia in Hegel’s Theory of Desire” 28.3 1999 A 279 Bertland, Alexander “Ernst Cassirer’s Metaphysics and the Investigation of History” 25.4 1996 RA 439 Bérubé, Michael “Aesthetics and the Literal George Levine, Aesthetics and Ideology Imagination” 6.2 1977 A 131 Besançon, Alain “Michelet and Dostoyevskism in History” 9.3 1980 BR 457 Bevington, David Robert Weimann, Shakespeare and the Popular Tradition in the Theatre: Studies in the Social Dimension of Dramatic From and Function 12.1 1982 A 17 Bewell, Alan J. “Portraits at Greyfriars: Photography, History, and Memory in Walter Benjamin” 41.2 2012 A 197 Bhattacharya, Sumangala “Gender, Power, and Nation: The Promethean Heroine in Bankimchandra Chatterjee’s Rajmohan’s Wife (1864), Debi Chaudhurani (1884), and Anandamath (1882)” 36.3 2007 A 333 Bhattacharya, Sumangala “Coding Famine: Famine Relief and the British Raj in Rudyard Kipling’s ‘’” 19.1 1989 BR 77 Bialostosky, Don H. David Simpson, Wordsworth’s Historical Imagination: The Poetry of Displacement 12.2 1983 BR 204 Bies, Werner Marjorie Garber, Coming of Age in Shakespeare 38.1 2008 A 39 Bigelow, Gordon “Dracula and Economic History” 10.1 1980 A 47 Billman, Carol “History Versos Mystery: The Test of Time in Murder in the Cathedral” 41.3 2012 A 311 Binney, Matthew “Joseph-François Lafitau’s Customs of American Indians and Edmund Burke: Historical Process and Cultural Difference” 9.2 1980 A 283 Birchall, B.C. “On Hegel’s Critiques of Formal Logic” 26.2 1997 RA 229 Birns, Nicholas “Medieval Historiography” Patrick Geary, Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the End of the First Millennium

Felice Lifshintz, The Norman Conquest of Pious Neustria

Joaquin Martínez Pizarro, Writing Ravenna; The Liber Pontificalis of Andreas Angellus

Kenneth Baxter Wolf, Making History: The Normans and Their Historians in Eleventh-Century Italy 29.4 2000 BR 485 Biro, Matthew Friedrich A. Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter 28.1 1998 BR 119 Black, Gregory D. Ruth Vasey, The World According to Hollywood, 1918-1939 41.1 2011 A 53 Blaine, Marlin E. “Marvell’s ‘Horatian Ode’: Cromwell, the Sword, and the Body Politic” 24.3 1995 A 269 Blakemore, Steven “Revisionist Patricide: Thomas Paine’s Letter to George Washington” 13.3 1984 BR 297 Blaser, Kent Albert E. Stone, Autobiographical Occasions and Original Acts: Versions of American Identity from Henry Adams to Nate Shaw 9.1 1979 BR 161 Blinderman, Charles S. James G. Paradis, T.H. Huxley: Man’s Place in Nature 11.2 1982 BR 195 Block, Fred Frank Perkin, Marxism and Class Theory: A Bourgeois Critique 33.2 2004 BR 226 Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Peggy McCracken, The Curse of Eve, The Wound of Renate the Hero: Blood, Gender, and Medieval Literature 40.3 2011 A 355 Bockelman, Brian “The Borderlands of Buenos Aires: Histories and Fictions of the Argentine Quinta, 1880–1930” 37.1 2007 BR 127 Boehrer, Bruce Robert Appelbaum, Aguecheek’s Beef, Belch’s Hiccup and Other Gastronomic Interjections: Literature, Culture, and Food among the Early Moderns 39.2 2010 A 135 Bonaparte, Felicia “Written in Invisible Ink: The Deconstruction of History and Historical Narrative in William Makepeace Thackeray’s Henry Esmond” 37.3 2008 A 365 Bonaparte, Felicia “The Mythification of History and the Historicizing of Myth: Bulwer, Wagner, and Rienzi” 27.3 1998 A 335 Bonaparte, Felicia “Reading the Deadly Text of Modernism: Vico’s Philosophy of History and Max Beerbohm’s Zuleika Dobson” 33.3 2004 BR 342 Bongie, Chris Patrick Brantlinger, Dark Vanishings: Discourse on the Extinction of Primitive Races, 1800-1930 19.3 1990 A 237 Bongie, Chris “Into Darkest Asia: Colonialism and the Imperial Fiction of Jules Verne’s Michel Strogoff” 12.4 1983 R 367 Bonsiepen, Wolfgang Ludwig Siep, Recognition as the Principle of Practical Philosophy: Inquiries into Hegel’s Jena Philosophy of Spirit 10.4 1981 BR 429 Bonsiepen, Wolfgang Eugen Fink, Hegel. Phaenomenologische Interpretationen der “Phaenomenologie des Geistes” 43.1 2013 BR 124 Booker, M. Keith John Cheng, Astounding Wonder: Imagining Science and Science Fiction in Interwar America 28.4 1999 BR 445 Booker, M. Keith Eleni Coundouriotis., Claiming History: Colonialism, Ethnography, and the Novel 8.1 1978 BR 133 Bornstein, Diane Robert W. Hanning, The Individual in Twelfth- Century Romance 2.1 1972 A 65 Bourke, Paul F. “A Note on Historicism: Beard, Meinecke, and Collingwood” 42.2 2013 BR 239 Bourque, Bernard Larry F. Norman, The Shock of the Ancient. Literature & History in Early Modern France 11.3 1982 BR 300 Bouwsma, William J. Orest Ranum, Artisans of Glory: Writers and Historical Thought in Seventeenth-Century France 6.1 1976 BR 101 Bouwsma, William J. Cyriac Pullapilly, Caesar Baronius: Counter- Reformation Historian 6.1 1976 BR 102 Bowen, Barbara C. Herbert De Ley, Saint-Simon Memorialist: “Un Enchaînement si singulier…” 2.1 1972 BR 78 Bowen, Barbara C. George Huppert, The Idea of Perfect History: Historical Erudition and Historical Philosophy in Renaissance France 35.2 2006 BR 263 Bowers, John Kathy Lavezzo, ed., Imagining a Medieval English Nation

Sylvia Federico, New Troy: Fantasies of Empire in the Middle Ages 36.3 2007 BR 421 Boyd, Barbara Weiden Victoria Emma Pagán, Conspiracy Narratives in Roman History 23.2 1994 BR 196 Brantlinger, Patrick Vincent B. Leitch, Cultural Criticism, Literary Theory, Poststructuralism 20.1 1990 BR 96 Brantlinger, Patrick John R. Reed, Victorian Will 10.3 1981 BR 344 Brantlinger, Patrick Peter Marsh, ed., The Conscience of the Victorian State 26.3 1997 A 297 Brantly, Susan C. “Painting Clio’s Portrait: Metaphors on the Postmodern Palette” 18.3 1989 BR 310 Braun, Theodore E.D. Josué V. Harari, Scenarios of the Imaginary: Theorizing the French Enlightenment 24.3 1995 A 251 Braverman, Richard “Rebellion Redux: Figuring Whig History in Tom Jones” 38.2 2009 BR 222 Bredlau, Susan M. Réal Fillion, Multicultural Dynamics and the Ends of History 23.1 1993 RA 81 Breisach, Ernst “Reflections on Arnaldo Momigliano’s The Classical Foundations of Modern Historiography” 24.1 1994 BR 91 Breisach, Ernst A. Paul Costello, World Historians and Their Goals: Twentieth-Century Answers to Modernism 6.1 1976 BR 97 Brennan, John P. Northrop Frye, The Secular Scripture: A Study of the Structure of Romance 40.1 2010 A 35 Brickhouse, Anna “Toward a Theory of Narrative Unsettlement: The Ladino Account of Hernando de Escalante Fontandea” 17.3 1988 BR 294 Brockelman, Paul John Elster, The Multiple Self 25.3 1996 A 233 Brooks, Christopher K. “Controlling the Metaphor: Language and Self-Definition in Revolutionary America” 31.2 2002 A 129 Brooks, Jeffery R. “Stranger than Fiction: Historical ‘Truth’ in Malamud’s The Fixer and Samuel’s Blood Accusation” 30.3 2001 BR 364 Broomfield, Andrea Talia Schaffer, The Forgotten Female Aesthetes: Literary Culture in Late-Victorian England 26.1 1996 A 51 Brown, Carolyn E. “Duke Vicentio of Measure for Measure and King James I of England: ‘The Poorest Princes in Christendom’” 18.4 1989 A 347 Brown, David H. “The Dionysian and Apollonian Pathos of Distance in World History” 4.3 1975 BR 416 Brown, Edward J. James A. Boon, From Symbolism to Structuralism; Levi-Strauss in a Literary Tradition 44.2 2015 BR 261 Brown, J. Dillon Peter J. Kalliney, Commonwealth of Letters: British Literary Culture and the Emergence of Postcolonial Aesthetics 11.2 1982 BR 197 Brown, Judith C. Lauro Martines, Power and Imagination: City-States in Renaissance Italy 26.1 1996 BR 124 Brown, Julia Prewitt Linda Dowling, Hellenism and Homosexuality in Victorian Oxford 13.3 1984 BR 295 Brown, Nathaniel Michael Henry Scrivener, Radical Shelley: The Philosophical Anarchism and Utopian Thought of Percy Bysshe Shelly 38.2 2009 BR 226 Brownlee, Timothy Songsuk Susan Hahn, Contradiction in Motion: Hegel's Organic Concept of Life and Value 8.1 1978 A 41 Brudner, Alan S. “The Significance of Hegel’s Prefatory Lectures on the Philosophy of Law” 41.3 2012 A 289 Brugh, Patrick “The Aesthetics of Gunpowder: Grimmelshausen’s Springinsfeld and the Narration of War in Early Modern Germany” 31.3 2002 BR 340 Bruster, Douglas Michael Neill, Putting History to the Question: Power, Politics, and Society in English Renaissance Drama 25.1 1995 A 63 Buchanan, Luanne and “Hegel and America by José Ortega Michael H. Hoffheimer y Gasset” 16.1 1986 BR 81 Buckley, Jerome H. Raymond Chapman, The Sense of the Past in Victorian Literature 31.3 2002 A 279 Buckley, Michael “Irony and the ‘We’ in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit” 33.1 2003 RA 65 Buell, Lawrence “Rethinking Anglo-American Paul Giles, Transatlantic Insurrections: British Literary History” Culture and the Formation of American Literature 1730-1860 5.2 1976 A 151 Buitenhuis, Peter “Arnold Bennett: The Propagandist versus the Novelist” 43.3 2014 A 367 Bulamur, Ayşe Naz “Scheherazade in the Western Palace: Martin Amis’s The Pregnant Widow” 9.2 1980 BR 325 Bulhof, Ilse Michael Ermarth, Wilhelm Dilthey: The Critique of Historical Reason 11.1 1981 A 49 Bulhof, Ilse N. “The Cosmopolitan Orientation to History and Fernand Braudel” 4.2 1975 A 201 Bulhof, Ilse N. “John Huizinga; Ethnographer of the Past: An Analysis of Johan Huizinga’s Approach to History” 18.1 1988 BR 82 Bullock, Marcus John Frow, Marxism and Literary History 25.2 1996 A 181 Bunzl, Martin “How to Change the Unchanging Past ” 14.3 1985 BR 346 Burke, John J. John A. Vance, Samuel Johnson and the Sense of History 29.3 2000 A 295 Burke, Jr., John J. “The Homoerotic Subtext in Scott’s The Fortunes of Nigel: The Question of Evidence” 8.1 1978 A 3 Burke, Jr., John J. “Scott’s Views on History in The Fortunes of Niegel” 31.2 2002 A 115 Burke, Victoria I. “On Development: World, Limit, Translation” 12.1 1982 A 67 Burrows, Toby “ ‘Their Patron Saint and the Eponymous Hero’: Jules Michelet and the Annales School” 37.1 2007 A 1 Burstein, Miriam Elizabeth “The Fictional Afterlife of Anne Boleyn: How to Do Things with the Queen, 1901-2006” 33.1 2003 BR 107 Butler, Clark Jack Donnelly, Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice 13.4 1984 A 369 Butler, Clark (introduction) The First Encyclopaedia Article on Clark Butler, trans. Hegel (1824, 1827) 24.2 1995 BR 225 Cahalan, James M. W.J. McCormack, Dissolute Characters: Irish Literary History through Balzac, Sheridan Le Fanu, Yeats and Bowen 11.1 1981 BR 88 Cain, Thomas H. Thomas E. Maresca, Three English Epics: Studies of Troilus and Criseyde, The Faerie Queene, and Paradise Lost 14.3 1985 BR 341 Cain, William E. Jeffrey M. Perl, The Tradition of Return: The Implicit History of Modern Literature 8.2 1979 BR 299 Cain, William E. Russell Fraser, The Language of Adam: On the Limits and Systems of Discourse 38.3 2009 BR 359 Calabrese, Michael Derek G. Neal, The Masculine Self in Late Medieval England 29.4 2000 BR 459 Caldwell, Janis McLarren Laura Otis, Membranes: Metaphors of Invasion in Nineteenth-Century Literature, Science, and Politics 11.1 1981 BR 94 Calhoun, Daniel F. G.A. Cohen, Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defence

D. Ross Gandy, Marx and History: From Primitive Society to the Communist Future 8.1 1978 BR 126 Calin, Vera Matei Calinescu, Faces of Modernity 14.2 1985 BR 205 Calinescu, Matei Peter Bürger, Theory of the Avant-Garde 6.1 1976 A 3 Calinescu, Matei “The Benevolent Monster: Reflections on KITSCH as an Aesthetic Concept” 4.3 1975 A 317 Calinescu, Matei “Avant-Garde, Neo-Avant-Garde, Postmodernism: The Culture of Crisis” 23.3 1994 A 271 Caminero-Santangelo, “Testing for Truth: Joseph Conrad Bryon and the Ideology of the Examination” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 159 Campbell, Mary Baine Nabil Matar, In the Lands of the Christians: Arabic 5 Travel Writing in the Seventeenth Century 17.1 1987 BR 85 Canfield, J. Douglas Leopold Damrosch, Jr., God’s Plot & Man’s Stories: Studies in the Fictional Imagination from Milton to Fielding 10.2 1981 BR 223 Caramello, Charles Gerald Graff, Literature Against Itself: Literary Ideas in Modern Society 37.2 2008 A 239 Carden, Mary Paniccia “ ‘Kingdom by the Sea’: Romantic Histories, Vacant Futures, and Alice McDermott’s Post-September 11th Lament” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 184 Carhart, Michael Joseph Mali, Mythistory: The Making of Modern 5 Historiography 29.4 2000 A 395 Carignan, Michael I. “Fiction as History or History as Fiction? George Eliot, Hayden White, and Nineteenth-Century Historicism”

39.3 2010 BR 408 Carlson, Julie A. Richard C. Sha, Perverse Romanticism: Aesthetics and Sexuality in Britain, 1750–1832 32.3 2003 BR 360 Carlson, Julie A. Saba Bahar, Mary Wollstonecraft’s Social and Aesthetic Philosophy: “An Even to Please Me” 21.1 1991 R 89 Carr, Stephen L. Donald Ault, Narrative Unbound: Re-Visioning William Blake’s “The Four Zoas” 33.4 2004 BR 487 Carr, Steven Alan Richard Etlin, ed., Art, Culture, and Media Under the Third Reich 31.1 2001 BR 83 Carrard, Philippe Dominick LaCapra, History and Reading: Tocqueville, Foucault, French Studies 29.2 2000 BR 229 Carrard, Philippe Hayden White, Figural Realism: Studies in the Mimesis Effect 29.1 1999 BR 86 Carrard, Philippe Dorrit Cohn, The Distinction of Fiction 27.1 1997 A 1 Carrard, Philippe “Voice Trouble The Search for Women’s Words in French Histography” 26.2 1997 BR 243 Carrard, Philippe Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr., Beyond the Great Story: History as Text and Discourse 26.1 1996 BR 127 Carrard, Philippe Nina Schwartz, Dead Fathers: The Logic of Transference in Modern Narrative 24.4 1995 BR 437 Carrard, Philippe David William Cohen, The Combing of History 24.3 1995 BR 327 Carrard, Philippe Martin Jay, Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought 24.2 1995 RA 189 Carrard, Philippe “Disciplining Clio: The Rhetoric of Charles-Victor Langlois and Charles Seignobos, Positivism” Introduction aux etudes historiques 15.1 1985 A 1 Carrard, Philippe “The New History and the Discourse of the Tentative: Le Roy Ladurie’s Quotation Marks” 36.1 2006 BR 103 Carrard, Phillippe Sande Cohen, History out of Joint: Essays on the Use and Abuse of History 35.2 2006 BR 253 Carrard, Phillippe Elizabeth A. Clark, History, Theory, Text: Historians and the Linguistic Turn 22.3 1993 RA 273 Carroll, David “Poetics, Theory, and the Defense Philippe Carrad, Poetics of New History: French of History” Historical Discourse from Braudel to Chartier 7.3 1978 BR 443 Carroll, David History as Writing Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology 26.2 1997 A 143 Carroll, Noël “Periodizing Postmodernism?” 35.2 2006 BR 275 Cartelli, Thomas Kim C. Sturgess, Shakespeare and the American Nation 19.2 1990 A 127 Case, Alison “Against Scott: The Antihistory of Dickens’s Barnaby Rudge” 43.1 2013 BR 100 Casper, Scott E. Jared Gardner, The Rise and Fall of Early American Magazine Culture 39.3 2010 BR 420 Castle, Gregory Peter Hitchcock, The Long Space: Transnationalism and Postcolonial Form 33.2 2004 RA 189 Castle, Gregory “What’s All This Talk About Louise Blakeney Williams, Modernism and the History?” Ideology of History: Literature, Politics, and the Past

Nicholas Andrew Miller, Modernism, Ireland, and the Erotics of Memory 9.1 1979 A 25 Cave, George P. “The Internal Incoherence in Hegel’s Treatment of Religion” 1.3 1972 BR 78 Cawelti, John G. John Tomsich, A Genteel Endeavor: American Culture and Politics in the Guilded Age 14.3 1985 BR 338 Cebik, L.B. F.R. Ankersmit, Narrative Logic: A Semantic Analysis of the Historian’s Language 9.3 1980 A 435 Cebik, L.B. “What is Philosophy of Literature?” 1.2 1972 BR 68 Cebik, L.B. Philip Stevick, The Chapter in Fiction: Theories of Narrative Division 1.1 1971 A 7 Cebik, L.B. “Narrative and Arguments” 15.4 1986 BR 429 Cebrik, L.B. Arthur C. Danto, Narration and Knowledge 41.1 2011 A 75 Celik, Ipek A. “New Directions for Studying the Mediterranean: Eventfulness in Rhea Galanaki’s Novel The Life of Ismail Ferik Pasha: Spina nel Cuore” 44.2 2015 BR 282 Chambers, Robert Leonard Diepeveen, ed., Mock Modernism: An Anthology of Parodies, Travesties, Frauds, 1910-1935 8.2 1979 A 229 Champagne, Roland A. “Between Orpheus and Eurydice: Roland Barthes and the Historicity of Reading” 37.1 2007 BR 154 Chan, May Caroline Monica Anderson, Women and the Politics of Travel, 1870-1914 19.3 1990 BR 287 Charney, Maurice Stephen Greenblatt, Shakespearean Negotiations: The Circulation of Social Energy in Renaissance England 10.2 1981 BR 234 Charney, Maurice John Wilders, The Lost Garden: A View of Shakespeare’s English and Roman History Plays 4.2 1975 BR 250 Charney, Maurice J. L. Simmons, Shakespeare’s Pagan World: The Roman Tragedies 37.2 2008 BR 293 Chaudhary, Zahid R. Hermione de Almeida and George H. Gilpin, Indian Renaissance: British Romantic Art and the Prospect of India 39.1 2009 A 1 Chavel, Simeon “‘Oracular Novellae’ and Biblical Historiography: Through the Lens of Law and Narrative” 16.2 1987 BR 183 Chell, Samuel Thomas Vargish, The Providential Aesthetic in Victorian Fiction 16.2 1987 R 186 Chell, Samuel Response to Thomas Vargish 14.3 1985 BR 329 Chell, Samuel L. Jeffrey L. Spear, Dreams of an English Eden: Ruskin and His Tradition in Social Criticism 13.3 1984 BR 286 Chell, Samuel L. Joseph Carroll, The Cultural Theory of Matthew Arnold 9.1 1979 BR 148 Cheney, Donald Michael O’Connell, Mirror and Veil: The Historical Dimension of Spenser’s “Faerie Queene” 35.3 2006 BR 437 Chennells, Anthony Grace Moore, Dickens and Empire: Discourses of Class, Race and Colonialism in the Works of Charles Dickens 8.3 1979 A 389 Cherno, Melvin “John Knox as an Innovator in Historiographic Narration” 6.3 1977 A 307 Cherno, Melvin “Dilthey’s ‘Allgemeine Landrecht’ and the Historiography of Organic Connections” 17.1 1987 A 65 Childers, Joseph W. “Politics as Interpretation: ‘Progress,’ Language, and Party in Early Victorian England” 13.3 1984 A 247 Childers, Joseph W. “Carlyle’s Past and Present, History, and a Question of Hermeneutics” 38.2 2009 A 131 Chorell, Torbjörn “Historical Experience and Gustafsson Fascination: Oscar Levertin and the City of Bruges” 43.1 2013 BR 119 Christie, Stuart Genevieve Abravanel, Americanizing Britain: The Rise of Modernism in the Age of the Entertainment Empire 12.4 1983 R 377 Christensen, Darrel E. George R. Lucas, Jr., Two Views of Freedom inn Process Thought: A Study of Hegel and Whitehead. 8.3 1979 A 339 Christensen, Jerome C. “Politerotics: Coleridge’s Rhetoric of War in The Friend” 41.3 2012 BR 425 Christie, Stuart Mark Goble, Beautiful Circuits: Modernism and the Mediated Life 35.3 2006 A 329 Chrostowska, S. D. “ ‘A Case, an Affair, an Event’ (The Dossier by Michel Foucault” 41.1 2011 BR 138 Chu, Patricia E. Urmila Seshagiri, Race and the Modernist Imagination 43.1 2013 BR 133 Clementi, Federica K. Robert S. C. Gordon, The Holocaust in Italian Culture: 1944–2010 34.1/2 2004/ A 83 Cleveland, Basil “ The Concept of Reading in 5 Ortega’s Meditations on Quixote” 29.1 1999 A 1 Clifford, Michael “Hegel and Foucault: Toward a History Without Man” 42.3 2013 BR 414 Coates, Donna Santanu Das, Race, Empire and First World War Writing 16.4 1987 A 331 Cobb, Jr., John B. “Altizer and Christian Theology” 30.4 2001 A 417 Coe, Cynthia D. “Domesticating Time: Two Contemporary Continental Critiques of History” 39.1 2009 BR 112 Cohen, Debra Rae Elizabeth Outka, Consuming Traditions: Modernity, Modernism, and the Commodified Authentic 38.1 2008 BR 114 Cohen, Debra Rae Mark Wollaeger, Modernism, Media, and Propaganda: British Narrative from 1900 to 1945 36.3 2007 BR 462 Cohen, Debra Rae Santanu Das, Touch and Intimacy in First World War Literature 36.2 2007 BR 281 Cohen, Debra Rae Jane Potter, Boys in Khaki, Girls in Print: Women’s Literary Responses to the Great War, 1914-1918 16.1 1986 A 1 Cohen, Ed “Tom Wolfe and the Truth Monitors: A Historical Fable” 10.2 1981 BR 219 Cohen, G.A. Melvin Rader, Marx’s Interpretation of History 43.2 2014 BR 253 Cohen, Jeffery Jerome Carolyn Dinshaw, How Soon Is Now? Medieval Texts, Amateur Readers, and the Queerness of Time 12.3 1983 A 261 Cohen, Mendel F. “Incompleteness and Contextual Implication in History” 36.2 2007 A 219 Cohen, Samuel “Triumph and Trauma: In the Lake of the Woods and History” 26.1 1996 A 1 Cohen, Sande “Reading the Historians’ Resistance to Reading: An Essay on Historiographic Schizophrenia” 21.3 1992 BR 308 Cole, Steven E. Clare O’Farrell, Foucault: Historian or Philosopher? 33.2 2004 BR 211 Colish, Marcia L. Rémi Brague, The Wisdom of the World: The Human Experience of the Universe in Western Thought 15.1 1985 BR 83 Colish, Marcia L. Jesse Gellrich, The Idea of the Book in Middle Ages: Language, Mythology, and Fiction 4.3 1975 A 341 Colish, Marcia L. “Medieval Allegory: A Historiographical Consideration 40.3 2011 BR 411 Collier, Patrick Maria DiCenzo with Lucy Delap and Leila Ryan, Feminist Media History: Suffrage, Periodicals and the Public Sphere 20.1 1990 BR 84 Collins, Stephen L. H. Aram Veeser, ed., The New Historicism 19.4 1990 BR 393 Conkin, Paul A. William H. Dray, On History and Philosophers of History 42.2 2013 BR 244 Conn, Peter Richard Gray, A Brief History of American Literature 12.3 1983 BR 289 Conroy, Stephen S. Robert E. Spiller, Late Harvest: Essays and Addresses in American Literature and Culture 15.2 1986 A 171 Cook, Albert “The Gradual Emergence of History Writing as a Separate Genre” 25.3 1996 BR 329 Cook, Deborah “Aesthetics and the Literal Peter Levine, Nietzsche and the Modern Crisis of the Imagination” Humanities 21.2 1992 A 145 Cook, Deborah “Umbrellas, Laundry Bills, and Resistance: The Place of Foucault’s Interviews in his Corpus” 19.4 1990 A 229 Cook, Deborah “Nietzsche and Foucault On Ursprung and Genealogy” 14.1 1984 A 71 Cooper, Barbara T. “Embroidering on the Past: Re- Creation and Prophecy in Early Nineteenth-Century French National Historical Drama” 31.4 2002 BR 462 Corbett, David Peters Paul Peppis, Literature, Politics and the English Avant-Garde: Nation and Empire 1901-1918 22.2 1993 A 129 Corkin, Stanley “Edmund Wilson and the Problem of Marx: History, Biography and To The Finland Station” 31.2 2002 BR 216 Corman, Brian Christopher J. Wheatley, Beneath Iërne’s Banners: Irish Protestant Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century 7.3 1978 BR 490 Cormier, Raymond J. David Maskell, The Historical Epic in France, 1500-1700 22.1 1992 BR 85 Cornis-Pope, Marcel Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth, Sequel to History: Postmodernism and the Crisis of Representational Time 14.1 1984 BR 93 Coursen, H.R. Peter Loewenberg, Decoding the Past: The Psychohistorical Approach 44.2 2015 A 175 Cowan, Robert “Boys Will Not Be Boys: Idolizing the Inhuman in Musil’s Törless” 10.3 1981 BR 327 Cracraft, James Xenia Gasiorowska, The Image of Peter the Great in Russian Fiction 35.1 2005 BR 131 Crapanzano, Vincent Charles Altieri, The Particulars of Rapture: An Aesthetics of the Affects 20.2 1991 BR 196 Cresap, Steven Warren Roberts, Jacques-Louis David, Revolutionary Artist 19.2 1990 A 111 Cresap, Steven “Sublime Politics: On the Uses of an Aesthetics of Terror” 14.4 1985 A 407 Cresap, Steven “Hegel and Deconstructor” 13.2 1984 BR 197 Cresap, Steven Paul A. Bové, Destructive Poetics: Heidegger and Modern American Poetry 32.1 2002 BR 106 Crossley, Ceri Ann Rigney, Imperfect Histories: The Elusive Past and the Legacy of Romantic Historicism 24.2 1995 BR 227 Crunden, Robert M. Ernst A. Breisach, American Progressive History: An Experiment in Modernization 34.1/2 2004/ RA 99 Cruz, Anne J. “Of History, Myth, and Gender in David Boruchoff, ed., Isabela la Catolica, Queen of 5 the Reign of Isabel of Castille” Castile: Critical Essays

Marta V. Vicente and Luis R. Corteguera, eds., Women, Texts and Authority in the Early Modern Spanish World

Barbara F. Weissberger, Isabel Rules: Constructing Queenship, Wielding Power 37.3 2008 BR 458 Culleton, Claire A. Bonnie Kime Scott, ed., Gender in Modernism: New Geographies, Complex Intersections 20.2 1991 BR 206 Cumming, Mark Barton R. Friedman, Fabricating History: English Writers on the French Revolution 39.1 2009 BR 107 Cummins, Amy Marion Rust, Prodigal Daughters: Susanna Rowson’s Early American Women 37.3 2008 BR 447 Cummins, Amy Christopher Krentz, Writing Deafness: The Hearing Line in Nineteenth-Century American Literature 32.1 2002 BR 102 Cunnar, Eugene R. David Loewenstein, Representing Revolution in Milton and His Contemporaries: Religion, Politics, and Polemics in Radical Puritanism 34.3 2005 BR 347 Cunningham, Karen J. Charles Ross, Elizabethan Literature and the Law of Fraudulent Conveyance: Sidney, Spencer, and Shakespeare 25.3 1996 A 273 Curran, Jr., John E. “Spenser and the Historical Revolution: Briton Monuments and the Problem of Roman Britain” 20.2 1991 A 123 Cutrofello, Andrew “A Critique of Derrida’s Hegel Deconstruction: Speech, Phonetic Writing, and Hieroglyphic Script in Logic, Law, and Art” 15.4 1986 A 345 D’Hondt, Jaques “On Rupture and Destruction in History” 10.3 1981 BR 335 Dahl, Curtis Jonathan Arac, Commissioned Spirits: The Shaping of Social Motion in Dickens, Carlyle, Melville, and Hawthorne 15.1 1985 A 47 Daigrepont, Lloyd M. “ ‘Rip Van Winkle’ and the Gnostic Version of History” 19.1 1989 BR 73 Dale, Peter A. Mary Ellis Gibson, History and the Prism of Art: Browning’s Poetic Experiments 17.2 1988 A 109 Dale, Peter Allen “Beyond Humanism: J.A. Symonds and the Replotting of the Renaissance” 3.1 1973 BR 82 Dale, Thomas R. Edgar Johnson, Sir Walter Scott: The Great Unknown

W.E.K. Anderson, ed., The Journal of Sir Walter Scott

A. Norman Jeffares, ed., Scott’s Mind and Art

D.D. Devlin, ed., Walter Scott 41.2 2012 A 221 Dalley, Hamish “‘The Continuum of the World Corrected’: Allegorical Form and (Trans)National Communities in the Historical Fiction of Witi Ihimaera” 42.3 2013 A 331 Daly, Patrick J. Court Politics and the Original Two- Canto Rape of the Locke 29.3 2000 A 249 Daly Jr., Patrick J. “John Gray’s The Fan and the ‘Paper War’ of 1713” 21.1 1991 A 61 Danahay, Martin A. “Matter Out of Place: The Politics of Pollution in Ruskin and Turner”

15.2 1986 A 191 Daniel, Stephen H. “Metaphor in the Historiography of Philosophy” 1.3 1972 BR 93 Danner, Dan G. Ernest Troeltsch, The Absoluteness of Christianity and the History of Religions, trans. David Reid 26.4 1997 BR 512 Dasenbrock, Reed Way Louis Dupré , Passage to Modernity: An Essay in the Hermeneutics of Nature and Culture 20.3 1991 A 213 Datta, Venita “Romain Rolland and the ‘Théâtre de la Révolution’: A Historical Perspective” 38.1 2008 BR 117 Davidson, Michael Alan Filreis, The Counter-Revolution of the Word: The Conservative Attack on Modern Poetry, 1945- 1960 4.1 1974 BR 114 Davis, Earle Joseph Gold, Dickens: The Radical Moralist 3.1 1973 BR 77 Davis, Joe Lee Louis D. Rublin, The Writer in the South; Studies in a Literary Community

C. Hugh Holman, Roots of Southern Writing: Essays on the Literature of the American South 18.3 1989 A 221 Davis, Lloyd “The Story in History: Time and Truth in Scott’s The Lay of the Last Minstrel” 24.3 1995 A 291 Davison, Neil R. “Inside the Shoah: Narrative, Documentation, and Schwarz-Bart’s The Last of the Just”

36.2 2007 BR 275 de Almedia, Hermione Tim Fulford, Debbie Lee, and Peter L. Kitson, Literature, Science and Exploration in the Romantic Era: Bodies of Knowledge 9.2 1980 BR 308 de George, Richard T. John McMurtry, The Structure of Marx’s World View 10.1 1980 BR 93 de Lauretis, Teresa Maria Corti, An Introduction to Literary Semiotics

Umberto Eco, The Role of the Reader: Exploration in the Semiotics of Texts 4.2 1975 BR De Santis, Vincent P. John M. Dobson, Politics in the Gilded Age: A New Perspective on Reform

Paul A. Carter, The Spiritual Crisis of the Gilded Age

Carter E. Boren, Essays on the Gilded Age 37.3 2008 A 339 de Sousa, Geraldo U. “Portugal, North Africa, and Dryden’s Don Sebastian” 12.1 1982 BR 103 Debevec-Henning, S. Ronald Hayman, Nietzsche: A Critical Life 1.3 1972 A 21 Deegan, Thomas “George Eliot’s Novels of the Historical Imagination” 13.2 1984 A 157 deGategno, Paul J. “Daniel Defoe’s Newgate Biographies: An Economic Crisis” 18.1 1988 A 41 Degi, Bruce J. “Paul Scott’s Indian National Army: The Mark of the Warrior and The Raj Quartet” 16.1 1986 A 67 Delany, Sheila “The Politics of the Signified in Bertolt Brecht’s The Measures Taken” 43.3 2014 A 341 DeMare, Brian “The Romance and Tragedy of Rural Revolution: Narratives and Novels of Land Reform in Mao’s China” 28.1 1998 BR 105 Denlinger, Elizabeth C. Katie Trumpener, Bardic Nationalism: The Romantic Novel and the British Empire 14.4 1985 A 357 Depew, David “Narrativism, Cosmopolitanism, and Historical Epistemology” 8.3 1979 A 377 DePietro, Thomas M. “Literary Criticism as History: The Example of Auerbach’s Mimesis” 11.4 1982 A 339 Derrida, Jacques “Glas: A Selection [279-91]” 6.1 1976 BR 109 Des Pres, Terrence Lawrence L. Langer, The Holocaust and the Literary Imagination 8.2 1979 BR 287 Desan, Wilfrid Jean-Paul Satre, trans. Alan Sheridan Smith, ed. Jonathan Ree, Critique of Dialectical Reason, Theory of the Practical Ensembles 26.3 1997 BR 384 Desmond, William Richard Dien Winfield, Systematic Aesthetics 20.4 1991 A 305 Desmond, William “Being Between” 20.4 1991 A 393 Desmond, William “In Reply” 7.2 1978 A 303 Desmond, William “Hegel, Art and Imitation” 32.2 2003 BR 209 deVries, Jacqueline R. Keith Jenkins, Why History? Ethics and Postmodernity

Howard Marchitello, ed., What Happens to History: The Renewal of Ethics in Contemporary Thought 29.1 1999 BR 91 deVries, Jacqueline R. Keith Jenkins, ed., The Postmodern History Reader

42.2 2013 A 161 Dew, Ben “Commerce, Finance, and the Politic Tradition in the Histories of Paul de Rapin de Thoyras and William Guthrie” 31.4 2002 BR 468 deZur, Kathryn Katherine Eggert, Showing Like a Queen: Female Authority and Literary Experiment in Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton 10.2 1981 BR 232 Di Cesare, Mario A. Terry Comito, The Idea of the Garden in the Renaissance 11.1 1981 A 7 Dial, Joseph “Brecht’s Dialectical Dramatics as Political Praxis” 9.3 1980 BR 480 Dial, Joseph Keith A. Dickson, Towards Utopia: A Study of Brecht 8.2 1979 BR 294 Diedrick, James Peter Allan Dale, The Victorian Critic and the Idea of History: Carlyle, Arnold, Pater 40.2 2011 A 235 Divine, Susan “Sangre a borbotones: Rafael Reig and a New Understanding of City Future as City Past in Madrid” 11.4 1982 A 387 Dobbins, John and Peter “The Silhouette of Dante in Hegel’s Fuss Phenomenology of Spirit” 18.1 1988 BR 76 Donno, Elizabeth Story Margarita Stocker, Apocalyptic Marvell: The Second Coming in Seventeenth Century Poetry 16.1 1986 BR 89 Donohue, Agnes McNeill Michael T. Gilmore, American Romanticism and the Marketplace 11.4 1982 A 415 Donougho, Martin “The Semiotics of Hegel” 18.3 1989 A 275 Donovan, Ellen “Narrative Voices in Francis Parkman’s Montcalm and Wolfe” 37.1 2007 BR 137 Douthwaite, Julia Elena Russo, Styles of Enlightenment: Taste, Politics, and Authorship in Eighteenth-Century France 28.3 1999 BR 325 Downing, David B. Mark Poster, Cultural History and Postmodernity: Disciplinary Readings and Challenges 28.2 1999 BR 206 Downing, David B. Robert Holton, Jarring Witnesses: Modern Fiction and the Representation of History 12.2 1983 A 169 Dray, W. H. “R.G. Collingwood on the A Priori of History” 15.3 1986 A 259 Dray, W.H. “J.H. Hexter and The Microrhetoric of History” 10.1 1980 BR 102 Dray, W.H. L.B. Cebik, Concepts, Events and History 7.2 1978 A 265 Dray, W.H. “Point of View in History” 3.1 1973 A 55 Dray, W.H. “The Politics of Contemporary Philosophy of History: A Reply to Hayden White” 10.3 1981 A 305 Dray, William “Situational Analysis: Some Problems in Thomas Lewis’ Defense of Power” 24.4 1995 BR 434 Dray, William H. Murray G. Murphey, Philosophical Foundations of Historical Knowledge 24.1 1994 RA 81 Dray, William H. No title (The first perspective on the R.G. Collingwood, The Idea of History revised ed. of a classical text.) 23.1 1993 BR 100 Dray, William H. Gurpreet Mahajan, Explanation and Understanding in the Human Sciences 19.2 1990 BR 181 Dray, William H. Raymond Martin, The Past Within Us: An Empirical Approach to Philosophy of History 17.4 1988 BR 395 Dray, William H. Louis O. Mink, Historical Understanding 3.3 1974 BR 353 Driver, Tom F. C.A. Patrides, The Grand Design of God: The literary form of the Christian view of history 33.2 2004 A 143 Druker, Jonathan “The Shadowed Violence of Culture: Fascism and the Figure of Ulysses in Primo Levi’s Survival in Auschwitz” 38.3 2009 BR 372 Dubrow, Heather Bruce R. Smith, The Key of Green: Passion and Perception in Renaissance Culture 25.4 1996 RA 421 Dubrow, Heather “The Newer Historicism ” Patricia Fumerton, Cultural Aesthetics: Renaissance Literature and the Practice of Social Ornament

Stephen Greenblatt and Giles Gunn, Redrawing the Boundaries

Linda Gregerson, The Reformation of the Subject: Spenser, Milton, and the English Protestant Epic

Jeffrey Knapp, An Empire Nowhere: England, America, and Literature from “Utopia” to “The Tempest”

Katherine Maus, Inwardness and Theater in the English Renaissance

H. Aram Veeser, The New Historicism Reader 20.1 1990 BR 70 Duffy, Edward Michael Fischer, Stanley Cavell and Literary Skepticism 43.3 2014 BR 401 Dunn-Hensley, Susan Debra Barrett-Graves, ed., The Emblematic Queen: Extra-Literary Representations of Early Modern Queenship 14.4 1985 A 423 Dupré, Louis “A Conservative Anarchist: Eric Voegelin 1901-1985” 8.2 1979 BR 285 Dupré, Louis Jerrold Seigel, Marx’s Fate: The Shape of a Life 31.4 2002 BR 454 Dworkin, Dennis George K. Behlmer and Fred M. Leventhal, eds., Singular Communities: Tradition, Nostalgia, and Identity in Modern British Culture 11.1 1981 BR 109 Dye, James Wayne Marcel Detienne, Dionysios Slain, trans. Mireille Muellner and Leonard Muellner 7.3 1978 BR 498 Eagleton, Terry Robert F. Whitman, Shaw and the Play of Ideas 7.2 1978 R 322 Eagleton, Terry 39.2 2010 BR 269 Earle, David M. Debra Rae Cohen, Michael Coyle, and Jane Lewty, eds., Broadcasting Modernism 37.2 2008 BR 312 Easley, Alexis M. Andrew Dolkart, Biography of a Tenement House in New York City: An Architectural History of 97 Orchard Street 32.4 2003 A 397 Edelstein, Dan “Between Myth and History: Michelet, Lévi-Strauss, Barthes, and the Structural Analysis of Myth” 24.2 1995 BR 222 Egan, Kieran Theodore K. Rabb, Renaissance Lives: Portraits of an Age 21.2 1992 BR 190 Egan, Kieran Julie Thompson Klein, Interdisciplinary: History, Theory, Practice 8.2 1979 A 195 Egan, Kieran “Progress in Historiography” 5.1 1975 BR 128 Egan, Kieran Herbert J. Muller, Uses of the Future 2.3 1973 A 291 Egan, Kieran “Mythical and Historical References to the Past” 30.4 2001 BR 485 Egan, Susanna Barbara Rodriguez, Autobiographical Inscriptions: Form, Personhood, and the American Woman Writer of Color 23.2 1994 BR 206 Egan, Susanna Paul John Eakin, Touching the World: Reference in Autobiography 21.2 1992 BR 188 Egan, Susanna Timothy Dow Adams, Telling Lies in Modern American Autobiography 24.3 1995 BR 330 Egan, Susanne Martin A. Danahay, A Community of One: Masculine Autobiography and Autonomy in Nineteenth-Century Britain 4.3 1975 A 357 Eggers, J. Philip “Byron and the Devil’s Scripture: The Poet as Historian” 6.3 1977 BR 343 Eggers, Jr., Walter F. E.D. Hirsch, Jr., The Aims of Interpretation 9.2 1980 BR 311 Eggers, Walter F. John Reichert, Making Sense of Literature

Walter A. Davis, The Act of Interpretation: A Critique of Literary Reason 7.2 1978 BR 340 Eggers, Walter F. Göran Hermerén, Influence in Art and Literature 34.4 2005 BR 486 Eilenberg, Susan Steven E. Jones, ed., The Satiric Eye: Forms of Satire in the Romantic Period 34.4 2005 BR 497 Eiselein, Gregory Lisa A. Long, Rehabilitating Bodies: Health, History, and the American Civil War 19.1 1989 A 31 Eiselein, Gregory “Jefferson in the Thirties: Pound’s Use of Historical Documents in Eleven New Cantos” 3.1 1973 BR 79 Ekmanis, Rolf Dmitrij Cizevskij, Comparative History of Slavic Literatures

Gleb Struve, Russian Literature under Lenin and Stalin, 1917-1953 2.1 1972 BR 82 Ekmanis, Rolf Paul Debreczeny and Jesse Zeldin, eds., Literature and National Identity: Nineteenth-Century Russian Critical Essays 10.4 1981 A 355 Elder, Crawford L. “Vagueness as Contradictory Yet Inescapable: The Hegelian Thesis” 6.2 1977 BR 214 Ellamnn, Marie-Pierre H. J. Paul Hunter, Occasional Form: Henry Fielding and the Chains of Circumstance 41.1 2011 BR 112 Ellinghausen, Laurie R. C. Richardson, Household Servants in Early Modern England 22.3 1993 BR 295 Elton, Geoffrey Max Beloff, An Historian in the Twentieth Century: Chapters in Intellectual Autobiography 16.3 1987 BR 273 Elton, Sir Geoffrey Joseph M. Levine, Humanism and History: Origins of Modern English Historiography 17.1 1987 BR 100 Emerson, Everett Russell Reising, The Unusable Past: Theory and the Study of American Literature 11.3 1982 BR 306 Engelberg, Edward Marie Jaanus Kurrik, Literature and Negation 15.1 1985 BR 100 Epstein, Julia L. Peter Morton, The Vital Science: Biology and the Literary Imagination, 1860-1900 12.2 1983 BR 183 Epstein, Steven Eric Cochrane, Historians and Historiography in the Italian Renaissance 16.4 1987 A 357 Erdman, David V. “Honor to Altizer” 4.1 1974 BR 108 Ermarth, Elizabeth Paul de Man, Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism 16.1 1986 A 13 Ermarth, Michael “History as the Extension of the Present by Other Means: Gervinus and the Transaction of the Past” 3.1 1973 BR 91 Ermarth, Michael William M. Johnston, The Austrian Mind: An Intellectual and Social History, 1848-1938 2.2 1973 BR 203 Ermarth, Michael Georg G. Iggers, The German Conception of History: The National Tradition of Historical Thought From Herder to the Present 5.2 1976 BR 248 Ermath, Michael Heinz Angermeier, Geschichte oder Gegenwart: Reflexionen über das Verhältnis von Zeit und Geist 37.3 2008 BR 443 Ernest, John James T. Campbell, Matthew Pratt Guterl, and Robert G. Lee, eds., Race, Nation, and Empire in American History 36.1 2006 BR 144 Ernest, John W. Fitzhugh Brundage, The Southern Past: A Clash of Race and Memory 12.4 1983 A 355 Esposito, Joseph L. “Hegel, Absolute Knowledge, and the End of History” 13.2 1984 A 133 Estes, Leland L. “Incarnations of Evil: Changing Perspectives on the European Witch Craze” 5.2 1976 BR 235 Ezergailis, Andrew Hayden White, Metahistory. The Historical Imagination of Nineteenth Century Europe 42.3 2013 A 309 Fabrizio, Andrea Women Writing Their Faith: Doctrine, Genre, and Gender in This Is a Short Relation of Some of the Cruel Sufferings (For the Truth’s Sake) of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers (1662) 14.1 1984 BR 89 Fahey, David M. Michael Oakeshott, On History and Other Essays 1.3 1972 BR 83 Fain, Haskell Robert Paul Mohan, Philosophy of History: An Introduction 15.3 1986 BR 321 Fallis, Richard W.J. McCormack, Ascendancy and Tradition in Anglo-Irish Literary History from 1789-1939 31.2 2002 BR 196 Fantham, Elaine Shadi Bartsch, Ideology in Cold Blood: A Reading of Lucan’s Civil War 25.1 1995 A 21 Fargnoli, Joseph “Zuñi and Iroquois: Edmund Wilson’s People’s History”” 19.4 1990 A 331 Farrenkopf, John “Hegel, Spengler, and the Enigma of World History: Progress or Decline?” 16.3 1987 BR 279 Fast, Henry George Allen, The Importances of the Pat: A Meditation on the Authority of Tradition 10.2 1981 A 183 Fearnley-Sander, Mary “Willima Roscoe, Historian” 32.3 2003 BR 384 Feeney, S.J., Joseph J. Julia F. Saville, A Queer Chivalry; The Homoerotic Asceticism of Gerard Manley Hopkins 30.1 2000 A 51 Feibel, Juliet “Highland Histories: Jacobitism and Second Sight” 38.2 2009 BR 231 Felber, Lynette Andrew H. Miller, The Burdens of Perfection: On Ethics and Reading in Nineteenth-Century British Literature 22.1 1992 A 21 Felber, Lynette “The Fictional Narrator as Historian: Ironic Detachment and the Project of History in Anthony Powell’s A Dance to the Music of Time” 18.1 1988 A 55 Felber, Lynette “Gaskell’s Industrial Idylls: Ideology and Formal Incongruence in Mary Barton and North and South” 27.2 1998 BR 325 Feldman, Glenn Leonard Cassuto, The Inhuman Race: The Racial Grotesque in American Literature and Culture 10.1 1980 BR 106 Fell, A.P. Peter Munz, The Shapes of Time; A New Look at the Philosophy of History 9.3 1980 BR 460 Ferguson, Arthur B. Peter Clark, Alan G.T. Smith and Nicholas Tyacke, eds., The English Commonwealth, 1547- 1640: Essays in Politics and Society 44.2 2015 BR 266 Fernald, Anne E. Laura Doan, Disturbing Practices: History, Sexuality, and Women’s Experience of Modern War 2.1 1972 BR 76 Ferrua, Pietro Donald R. Kelley, Foundations of Modern Scholarship: Language, Law and History in the French Renaissance 8.1 1978 BR 117 Fichman, Martin Owen Chadwick, The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century 4.2 1975 BR 253 Fisch, Harold Robert Ornstein, A Kingdom for a Stage: The Achievement of Shakespeare’s History Plays 9.3 1980 BR 478 Fischer, Michael Robert D. Denham, Northrop Frye and Critical Method 25.4 1996 A 365 Fischer, Norman “From Aesthetic Education to Environmental Aesthetics” 18.4 1989 A 401 Fisk, Milton Gavin Kitching, Karl Marx and the Philosophy of Praxis 15.4 1986 BR 435 Fisk, Milton John Rajchman and Cornel West, eds., Post- Analytic Philosophy 43.2 2014 BR 264 Fitter, Chris Amy L. Tigner, Literature and the Renaissance Garden from to Charles II: England’s Paradise 15.4 1986 A 411 Flaherty, Peter “Reading Carnival: Towards a Semiotics of History” 31.4 2002 A 387 Flanagan, Joseph “The Seduction of History: Trauma, Re-Memory, and the Ethics of the Real” 29.2 2000 A 193 Flavour, Fivel “Hegel’s Eudaemonia” 24.3 1995 BR 344 Fleishman, Avrom Brian W. Shaffer, The Blinding Torch: Modern British Fiction and the Discourse of Civilization 19.3 1990 BR 285 Fleishman, Avrom James Kerr, Fiction against history: Scott as Storyteller 13.3 1984 BR 299 Fleissner, Robert F. Michael Slater, Dickens and Women 10.1 1980 BR 104 Fletcher, Johhn C. Hugh Holman, Windows on the World: Essays on American Social Fiction 24.2 1995 A 113 Fletcher, Robert P. “ ‘The Foolishest of Existing Mortals’: Thackeray, ‘Gurlyle,’ and the Character(s) of Fiction” 15.1 1985 BR 97 Flower, John Susan Rubin Suleiman, Authoritarian Fictions: The Ideological Novel as a Literary Genre 38.2 2009 BR 236 Floyd, Stacey Rachel Ablow, The Marriage of Minds: Reading Sympathy in the Victorian Marriage Plot 34.1/2 2004/ BR 229 Fluck, Winfried Michael Elliott and Claudia Stokes, eds., 5 American Literary Studies: A Methodological Reader 14.1 1984 BR 91 Flynn, Maureen Robert William Fogel and G.R. Elton, Which Road to the Past? Two Views of History 13.3 1984 BR 293 Fogle, Richard Harter Morris Eaves, William Blake’s Theory of Art 5.2 1976 A 175 Fogle, Richard Harter “Hawthorne, History, and the Human Heart” 4.1 1974 BR 111 Fong, David John Clive, Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian 1.1 1971 BR 53 Fong, David Mary Lascells, ed., The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume IX: A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland 43.1 2013 BR 107 Fontana, Ernest Frances Dickey, The Modern Portrait Poem: From Dante Gabriel Rossetti to Ezra Pound 7.3 1978 BR 514 Forbes, Duncan Judith N. Shklar, Freedom and Independence: A Study of the Political Ideas of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind 29.1 1999 A 23 Ford, Lisa “Heroes, Villains, and Wicked Priests: Authority and Story in the Histories of Simon Schama”

12.2 1983 BR 202 Forkner, Ben Mary Helen Thuente, W.B. Yeats and Irish Folklore 12.1 1982 BR 95 Forkner, Ben Dominic Manganiello, Joyce’s Politics

29.2 2000 BR 240 Foster, Thomas C. Gregory A. Schirmer, Out of What Began: A History of Irish Poetry in English 18.3 1989 A 239 Fourny, Jean-François “Georges Bataille and Gaston Bergery: Sorcerer’s Apprentices of the Thirties” 8.3 1979 A 365 Fowkes, William “Hegel and the End of Art: 150 Years Later” 9.1 1979 BR 145 Franco, Jean Harry R. Gavin, ed., Bucknell Review: Literature and History 28.3 1999 BR 347 Frawley, Maria H. Joss Marsh, Word Crimes; Blasphemy, Culture, and Literature in Nineteenth-Century England 33.2 2004 BR 229 Frazer, Heather T. Roy Douglas, Liquidation of Empire: The Decline of the British Empire 34.1/2 2004/ BR 180 Freeman, Kathryn David Weir, Brahma in the West: William Blake 5 and the Oriental Renaissance 16.3 1987 BR 294 Freidman, Melvin J. Edward Kessler, Flannery O’Connor and the Language of Apocalypse 9.1 1979 BR 159 French, Warren John Orr, Tragic Realism and Modern Society: Studies in the Sociology of the Modern Novel 34.1/2 2004/ BR 206 Frezza, Daria Jonathan H. Hansen, The Lost Promise of 5 Patriotism: Debating American Identity, 1890-1920 3.3 1974 BR 384 Friedenreich, Kenneth Robert B. Pierce, Shakespeare’s History Plays: The Family and the State 1.2 1972 A 37 Friedenreich, Kenneth “‘Huge Greatnesse’ Overthrown: The Fall of the Empire in Marlowe’s Tamburlaine Plays 11.2 1982 A 115 Friedman, Barton “ Tolkien and David Jones: The Great War and the War of the Ring” 20.1 1990 BR 75 Friedman, Barton R. Mark Cumming, A Disimprisoned Epic: Form and Vision in Carlyle’s French Revolution 13.2 1984 A 101 Friedman, Barton R. “Proving Nothing: History and Dramatic Strategy in The Dynasts” 2.2 1973 A 123 Friedman, Barton R. “Fabricating History: Narrative Strategy in The Lord of the Rings” 4.3 1975 BR 409 Friedman, Melvin J. Serge Doubrovsky, The New Criticism in France, Derek Coltman, trans. 23.2 1994 A 167 Fritzman, J. M. “The Future of Nostalgia and the Time of the Sublime ”

28.4 1999 BR 455 Frost, Ginger George K. Behlmer, Friends of the Family: The English Home and Its Guardians, 1850-1940 12.1 1982 A 57 Frow, John “Meditation and Metaphor: Adorno and the Sociology of Art” 10.2 1981 A 155 Frow, John “System and Norm in Literary Evolution: For a Marxist Literary History” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 175 Fry, Paul H. Paul Hamilton, Metaromanticism: Aesthetics, 5 Literature, Theory 2.3 1973 BR 317 Fujimura, Thomas H. H.T. Swedenberg, England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century: Essays on Culture and Society 40.1 2010 BR 167 Fulton, Dawn Brinda Mehta, Notions of Identity, Diaspora, and Gender in Caribbean Women’s Writing 29.2 2000 A 119 Fulweiler, Howard W. “The Strange Case of Governor Eyre: Race and the ‘Victorian Frame of Mind’” 4.1 1974 BR 124 Fulweiler, Howard W. Alison G. Sulloway, Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Victorian Temper 35.3 2006 A 351 Gabriel, Joseph M. “The Mirror of Narcissus: History, and Nathan Crick Metaphysics, and the Limits of Richard Rorty’s Pragmatism” 5.3 1976 BR 371 Galan, F.W. Jonathan Culler, Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics and the Study of Literature 2.1 1972 BR 70 Galgano, Michael J. Robert Scholes, ed., The Philosopher-Critic 4.2 1975 BR 245 Gallagher, Patrick J. Gwyn Jones, Kings, Beasts, and Heroes 41.3 2012 A 359 Gan, Wendy “Diffidence, Privacy, and Retreat in Semi-Colonial China: Peking Picnic ’s Laura Leroy” 32.2 2003 A 177 Gardiner, Anne Barbeau “Judas-Friars of the Popish Plot: The Catholic Perspective on Dryden’s The Spanish Fryar” 20.1 1990 BR 91 Gardiner, Anne Barbeau Richard A. Posner, Law and Literature: A Misunderstood Relation 18.2 1989 A 153 Gardiner, Anne Barbeau “John Dryden’s Love Triumphant and English Hostility to Foreigners 1688- 1693” 14.1 1984 A 51 Gardiner, Anne Barbeau “Dryden’s The Medall and the Principle of Continuous Transmission of Laws” 11.1 1981 A 15 Gardiner, Anne Barbeau “The Roots of Authority: fidelity to Inherited Laws in Dryden’s The Hind and the Panther” 40.2 2011 A 179 Garner, Lori Ann “Architectural History, Oral Poetics, and Laзamon's Brut” 22.2 1993 BR 180 Garniner, Anne Barbeau Drucilla Cornell, The Philosophy of the Limit 37.1 2007 RA 93 Garrard, Graeme “The Postmodern Enlightenment” Katerina Deligiorgi, Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment

Peter Hanns Reill, Vitalizing Nature in the Enlightenment 17.1 1987 BR 102 Garver, Eugene Victoria Kahn, Rhetoric, Prudence and Skepticism in the Renaissance 14.2 1985 A 157 Garver, Eugene “Machiavelli and the Politics of Rhetorical Invention” 9.3 1980 BR 471 Gassman, Bryon John Sekora, Luxury: The Concept in Western Thought, Eden to Smollett 6.3 1977 BR 351 Gates, Barbara T. Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Donald Phillip Verene, eds., Giambattista Vico’s Science of Humanity 32.1 2002 BR 116 Geary, Robert F. Julian Wolfreys, Victorian Hauntings: Spectrality, Gothic, the Uncanny and Literature 10.3 1981 A 245 Gellrich, Jesse “The Argument of the Book: Medieval Writing and the Modern Theory” 21.2 1992 BR 200 Gelpi, S.J., Donald L. Len Gougeon, Virtue’s Hero: Emerson, Antislavery, and Reform

Alan D. Hodder, Emerson’s Rhetoric of Revelation: Nature, the Reader, and the Apocalypse Within 13.4 1984 A 377 George, Michael “Hegel’s Sermons” 18.2 1989 BR 214 Geritz, Albert J. Christopher Kendrick, Milton: A Study in Ideology and Form 26.4 1997 A 411 Ghisalberti, Giosué “Tragedy and Repetition in Marx’s The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte” 35.2 2006 BR 292 Gibson, Andrew Jonathan Clark, Our Shadowed Present: Modernism, Postmodernism, and History 36.1 2006 RA 69 Gikandi, Simon “Postcolonial Theory and the Pheng Cheah, Spectral Nationality: Passages of Specter of Nationalism” Freedom from Kant to Postcolonial Literatures of Liberation 5.2 1976 BR 233 Gilbert, Felix Peter E. Bondanella, Machiavelli and the Art of Renaissance History 17.4 1988 A 323 Gilead, Amihud “Plato’s Eros, Camus’ Sisyphus, and the Impossibility of Philosophical Satisfaction” 25.1 1995 RA 83 Gillespie, Michael Patrick “ ‘It Seems History is to Blame’: Interpretive Subjectivity in Joyce and His Critics” 17.3 1988 BR 290 Gillespie, Michael Patrick Cheryl Herr, Joyce’s Anatomy of Culture 1.2 1972 RA 52 Gilliam, Harriet The Historical Novel: A Critique Avrom Fleishman, The English Historical Novel: Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf 26.2 1997 BR 264 Gjevre, J.E. Penny Kane, Victorian Families in Fact and Fiction

Elizabeth Langland, Nobody’s Angels: Middle-class Women and Domestic Ideology in Victorian Culture 21.2 1992 A 157 Gladsky, Thomas S. “Kaleidoscopes and Other Configurations: Historical Theory and Literary Practice in Thomas Flanagan’s Novels”

14.3 1985 A 259 Gladsky, Thomas S. “Good Neighbors: History and Fiction in John Barth’s The Sot-Weed Factor” 16.3 1987 A 253 Glasberg Ronald “The Perversions of Folly in Grimmelshausen’s Simplicius Simplicissimus: Foreshadowings of Nazism” 37.3 2008 BR 418 Glimp, David Jeff Dolven, Scenes of Instruction in Renaissance Romance 23.4 1994 A 409 Goetsch, Jr., James Robert “ Expecting the Unexpected in Vico” 38.1 2008 BR 79 Goldin, Paul R. Wai-yee Li, The Readability of the Past in Early Chinese Historiography 23.3 1994 BR 319 Goldstein, Carl Jack M. Greenstein, Mantegna and Painting as Historical Narrative 32.4 2003 A 433 Goldstein, Joshua D. “Hegel’s Conception of Human Nature in the ‘Tübingen Essay’ of 1793” 27.3 1998 BR 471 Goldstein, Leon J. Georg G. Iggers, Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge 21.2 1992 BR 171 Goldstein, Leon J. Lionel Gossman, Between History and Literature 12.3 1983 BR 287 Golob, E.O. W.J. van der Dussen, History as a Science: The Philosophy of R.G. Collingwood 14.3 1985 A 271 Golomb, Jacob “Kafka’s Existential Metamorphosis: From Kierkegaard to Nietzsche and Beyond” 26.3 1997 BR 375 Gontarski, S.E. Lois Gordon, The World of Samuel Beckett, 1906- 1946 32.2 2003 C 205 Goodheart, Eugene “Criticism on the Age of Discourse” 28.4 1999 C 439 Goodheart, Eugene “Orwell and the Bad Writing Controversy” 25.4 1996 C 455 Goodheart, Eugene “Arnold Among the Neoconservatives” 24.3 1995 C 323 Goodheart, Eugene “The Fallacy of Constructivism” 23.1 1993 C 93 Goodheart, Eugene “Common Ground” 23.1 1993 BR 97 Goodheart, Eugene Aijaz Ahmad, In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures 22.1 1992 BR 81 Goodheart, Eugene Rob Nixon, London Calling: V.S. Naipaul, Postcolonial Mandarin 21.3 1992 BR 305 Goodheart, Eugene Brook Thomas, New Historicism: and Other Old- Fashioned Topics 20.3 1991 BR 299 Goodheart, Eugene Margaret Scanlan, Traces of Another Time: History and Politics in Postwar Fiction 8.3 1979 BR 450 Goodheart, Eugene David Bleich, Subjective Criticism 5.1 1975 A 73 Goodheart, Eugene “English Social Criticism and the Spirit of Reformation” 37.2 2008 BR 261 Goodland, Katharine Barbara H. Rosenwein, Emotional Communities in the Early Middle Ages 30.2 2001 BR 253 Goodman, Charlotte Susan J. Rosowski, Birthing a Nation: Gender, Margolis Creativity, and the West in American Literature 16.1 1986 BR 87 Goodwin, Sarah Webster Catherine Gallagher, The Industrial Reformation of English Fiction: Social Discourse and Narrative Form, 1832-1867 20.1 1990 BR 73 Gordon, Walter M. James A. Parente, The Religious Drama and the Humanist Tradition: Christian Theater in Germany and in the , 1500-1680 9.1 1979 A 75 Gordon, Walter M. “Exemplum Narrative and Thomas More’s History of King Richard III” 30.1 2000 BR 134 Gossin, Pamela Jane Thomas, Thomas Hardy, Femininity and Dissent: Reassessing the “Minor” Novels 21.2 1992 R 185 Gossman, Lionel “Response to F.R. Ankersmit by Lionel Gossman” 14.2 1985 BR 209 Gossman, Lionel Edward K. Kaplan, trans. and ed., Mother Death: The Journal of Jules Michelet, 1815-1850 7.1 1977 BR 171 Gossman, Lionel Charles Rearick, Beyond the Enlightenment: Historians and Folklore in Nineteenth-Century France 32.4 2003 BR 491 Gottfried, Roy K. Andrew Gibson, Joyce’s Revenge: History, Politics, and Aesthetics in “Ulysses” 32.2 2003 BR 216 Gould, Philip Timothy Sweet, American Georgics: Economy and Environment in Early American Literature 41.3 2012 BR 396 Grady, Hugh David Hawkes, The Culture of Usury in Renaissance England 35.1 2005 BR 144 Grady, Hugh Peter C. Herman, ed., Historicizing Theory 36.3 2007 BR 457 Graff, Ann-Barbara Mary Spongberg, Barbara Caine, and Ann Curthoys, eds., Companion to Women’s Historical Writing 35.3 2006 BR 444 Graff, Ann-Barbara Gautam Chakravarty, The Indian Mutiny and the British Imagination 39.2 2010 BR 264 Graham, Wendy Joanna Levin, Bohemia in America, 1858–1920 7.3 1978 A 375 Gram, Moltke S. “Moral and Literary Ideals in Hegel’s Critique of ‘The Moral Worldview’” 37.2 2008 A 219 Grausam, Daniel “The Crying of Lot 49, circa 1642; or, Pynchon and the Writing of World War Three” 15.2 1986 BR 211 Greaves, Richard L. Martine Watson Brownley, Clarendon and the Rhetoric of Historical Form 14.1 1984 BR 87 Greaves, Richard L. Jonathan Goldberg, James I and the Politics of Literature: Jonson, Shakespeare, Donne, and Their Contemporaries 40.3 2011 BR 416 Green, Barbara Robert Scholes and Clifford Wulfman, Modernism in the Magazines: An Introduction

Peter Brooker and Andrew Thacker, The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines, Volume 1: Britain and Ireland, 1880–1955 27.3 1998 A 387 Green, Katherine S. “ ‘You Should Be My Master’: Imperial Recognition Politics in Elizabeth Inchbald’s Such Things Are” 9.3 1980 A 419 Greenberg, Mitchell “History and Rhetoric: Oratorical Propaganda in D’Aubigné’s Histoire Universelle” 8.2 1979 BR 275 Greenblatt, Stephen J. Karl Joachim Weintraub, The Value of the Individual: Self and Circumstance in Autobiography 6.2 1977 BR 218 Greene, Donald Howard Erskine-Hill, The Social Milieu of Alexander Pope: Lives, Examples, and the Poetic Response 38.1 2008 BR 83 Greene, Virginie Stephen G. Nichols, Andreas Kablitz, and Alison Calhoun, eds., Rethinking the Medieval Senses: Heritage, Fascinations, Frames 4.3 1975 BR 411 Greenfield, Concetta Robert Scholes, Structuralism in Literature Carestia 39.2 2010 BR 240 Greenfield, Sayre Jeffrey Knapp, Shakespeare Only 30.3 2001 BR 327 Green-Lewis, Jennifer Nancy Armstrong, Fiction in the Age of Photography: The Legacy of British Realism 5.2 1976 BR 260 Greer, Sammye Crawford Walter L. Reed, Meditations on the Hero: A Study of the Romantic Hero in Nineteenth-Century Fiction 31.1 2001 A 57 Gross, Daniel M. “Foucault’s Analogies, or How to Be a Historian of the Present without Being a Presentist” 13.1 1983 BR 79 Gross, David James D. Wilkinson, The Intellectual Resistance in Europe 1.3 1972 BR 76 Gross, Seymour L. Michael Davitt Bell, Hawthorne and the Historical Romance of New England

John E. Becker, Hawthorne’s Historical Allegory 14.3 1985 A 289 Grossman, Anita Susan “Art Versus Truth in Autobiography: The Case of Lillian Hellman” 34.3 2005 BR 342 Grossman, Marshall Andrew Escobedo, Nationalism and Historical Loss in Renaissance England: Foxe, Dee, Spencer, Milton 11.1 1981 BR 91 Grossman, Marshall Wesley Morris, Friday’s Footprint: Structuralism and the Articulated Text 10.3 1981 A 279 Gruner, Rolf “Progressivism and Historicism” 8.1 1978 A 25 Gruner, Rolf “Historism: Its Rise and Decline” 5.3 1976 A 315 Guibbory, Achsah “The Poet as Myth-Maker: Ben Jonson’s Poetry of Praise 4.3 1975 BR 423 Guibbory, Achsah Isabel Rivers, The Poetry of Conservatism, 1600- 1745: A Study of Poets and Public Affairs from Jonson to Pope 13.2 1984 BR 173 Guillory, John Gerald Bruns, Inventions: Writing, Textuality, and Understanding in Literary History 32.1 2002 RA 61 Gunn, J.A.W. “Isaiah Berlin: How Much Is Too Isaiah Berlin, Personal Impressions and The Roots of Much?” Romanticism 32.3 2003 A 263 Guttman, Anna “Compromise and Contradiction in Jawaharlal Nehru’s Multicultural Nation-State: Constructing National History in The Discovery of India” 34.3 2005 BR 338 Haber, Judith David Lee Miller, Dreams of the Burning Child: Sacrificial Sons and the Father’s Witness 14.2 1985 A 137 Haberstroh, Particia Boyle “Historical Landscape in Ted Hughes’ Remains of Elmet” 39.1 2009 BR 95 Hadfield, Andrew Carole Levin and John Watkins, Shakespeare’s Foreign Worlds: National and Transnational Identities in the Elizabethan Age 37.3 2008 BR 413 Hadfield, Andrew Oliver Arnold, The Third Citizen: Shakespeare’s Theater and the Early Modern House of Commons 35.3 2006 BR 448 Hadfield, Andrew Jeremy D. Popkin, History, Historians, and Autobiography 15.2 1986 A 115 Haegert, John “Lawrence’s World Elsewhere: Elegy and History in The Rainbow” 29.1 1999 BR 96 Haggerty, George E. John Richetti, The English Novel in History 1700- 1780 25.1 1995 BR 119 Haggerty, George E. John P. Zomchick, Family and the Law in Eighteenth-Century Fiction: The Public Conscience in the Private Sphere 23.2 1994 A 111 Haggstrom, Margret Austin “Conscious Manipulation, Inadvertent Revelations: A Reevaluation of the Eighteenth- Century French Drame” 24.4 1995 A 355 Hahn, Susan “Value Conflicts and Belief Revision in Hegel’s Phenomenology” 5.3 1976 A 303 Hall, Vernon “Joyce Eye to Eye With History” 39.3 2010 BR 381 Halmi, Nicholas Brenda Machosky, ed., Thinking Allegory Otherwise 13.2 1984 A 149 Halperin, John “Trollope and the American Civil War” 12.3 1983 BR 275 Halperin, John Walter M. Kendrick, The Novel Machine: The Theory and Fiction of Anthony Trollope

Geoffrey Harvey, The Art of Anthony Trollope 12.2 1983 BR 190 Halperin, John Dennis Walder, Dickens and Religion

Thom Braun, Disraeli the Novelist 9.2 1980 BR 322 Halperin, John Juliet McMaster, Trollope’s Palliser Novels: Theme and Pattern 7.2 1978 BR 327 Halperin, John James R. Kincaid, The Novels of Anthony Trollope 5.2 1976 BR 262 Halperin, John Jane Nardin, Those Elegant Decorums: the Concept of Propriety in Jane Austen’s Novels

Stuart M. Tave, Some Words of Jane Austen

Darrell Mansell, The Novels of Jane Austen: An Interpretation 3.2 1974 A 187 Halperin, John “Politics, Palmerston, and Trollope’s Prime Minister” 24.2 1995 BR 212 Halpern, Richard Mary Thomas Crane, Framing Authority: Sayings Self, and Society in Sixteenth-Century Englamd 42.1 2012 BR 127 Hammill, Faye Jonathan Greenberg, Modernism, Satire, and the Novel 39.1 2009 BR 103 Hammons, Pamela Elizabeth Mazzola, Women’s Wealth and Women’s Writing in Early Modern England: “Little Legacies” and the Materials of Motherhood 36.2 2007 RA 237 Hammons, Pamela “Queer Theory Reassessing History” Matthew Kuefler, ed., The Boswell thesis: Essays on Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality ; Carla Freccero, Queer/Early/Modern 34.4 2005 A 395 Hammons, Pamela S. “The Gendered Imagination of Property in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century English Women’s Verse” 33.2 2004 BR 220 Handwerk, Gary Michel Chaouli, The Laboratory of Poetry: Chemistry and Poetics in the Work of Friedrich Schlegel 18.2 1989 A 103 Haney, David P. “Viewing ‘the Viewless Wings of Poesy’: Gadamer, Keats, and Historicity” 28.2 1999 BR 201 Hanna, Sara Heather James, Shakespeare’s Troy: Drama, Politics, and the Translation of Empire 15.1 1985 BR 89 Hansen, Niels Bugge Gerald Eades Bentley, The Profession of Player in Shakespeare’s Time 31.3 2002 A 257 Hanson, Philip “Against Tribalism: The Perils of Ethnic Identity in Mamet’s Homicide” 5.3 1976 BR 391 Harbert, Earl Richard C. Vitzthum, The American Compromise: Theme and Method in the Histories of Bancroft, Parkman, and Adams 3.3 1974 A 305 Harbert, Earl N. “Washington Irving’s Conquest of Granada: A Spanish Experiment That Failed” 1.3 1972 BR 94 Harder, Bernhard Judson Boyce Allen, The Friar as Critic: Literary Attitudes in the Later Middle Ages 41.2 2012 BR 259 Hardin, Richard F. David Scott Wilson-Okamura, Virgil in the Renaissance 23.1 1993 A 1 Harding, James W. “Trying to Understand Godot: Adorno, Beckett, and the Senility of Historical Dialects” 2.1 1972 BR 79 Harmon, William Hugh Kenner, The Pound Ezra 5.3 1976 A 283 Harpham, Geoffrey “Time Running Out: The Edwardian Sense of Cultural Degeneration” 8.1 1978 BR 144 Harris, Errol E. G.W.F. Hegel, The Difference Between Fichte’s and Schelling’s System of Philosophy, H.S. Harris and Walter Cerf, trans. and ed. 28.4 1999 RA 415 Harris, H.S. “The Skeptical History of Richard H. Popkin, ed., The Columbia History of Philosophy” Western Philosophy 27.4 1998 R 615 Harris, H.S. “L’etica del sapere”

23.4 1994 A 395 Harris, H.S. “Philosophy and Poetry: The War Renewed?” 14.4 1985 R 442 Harris, H.S. Response to Heinz Kimmelerle: “A Contribution to the Criticism of Myself” 8.3 1979 BR 458 Harris, H.S. José María Ripalda, The Divided Nation 8.2 1979 BR 278 Harris, H.S. Jonathan Robinson, Duty and Hypocrisy in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind 7.3 1978 BR 508 Harris, H.S. Quentin Lauer, A Reading of Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit” 7.1 1977 A 5 Harris, H.S. “Hegel and the French Revolution” 17.2 1988 A 173 Harris, Wendell V. “Ruskin and Pater―Hebrew and Hellene―Expore the Renaissance” 11.3 1982 A 283 Harrison, Jr., Joseph H. “The Hybrid Muse: Her Pedigree and Her Predicament” 9.1 1979 A 53 Harrison, Roger “Jesus, Abraham, Freedom and Fate in Hegel’s Early ‘Theological’ Writings” 37.3 2008 BR 438 Harrold, Stanley Audrey Fisch, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narrative 20.2 1991 BR 188 Harrold, William E. Peter Widdowson, Hardy in History: A Study in Literary Sociology 8.3 1979 BR 471 Harrold, William E. Lance St. John Butler, ed., Thomas Hardy After Fifty Years

Susan Dean, Hardy’s Poetic Vision in “the Dynasts”: The Diorama of a Dream 44.2 2015 BR 298 Hart, Jonathan Dominick LaCapra, History, Literature, Critical Theory 38.1 2008 BR 122 Hart, Peter Bernhard Klein, On the Uses of History in Recent Irish Writing 35.1 2005 BR 107 Hartman, Joan E. Katharine Gillespie, Domesticity and Dissent in the Seventeenth Century: English Women’s Writing and the Public Sphere 12.2 1983 A 153 Hartog, Curt “Time and Metaphor in Gibbon’s History” 19.4 1990 A 345 Hartshorne, Charles “Hegel, Logic, and Metaphysics” 18.2 1989 BR 199 Harvey, Nancy Lenz John Whitman, Allegory: The Dynamics of An Ancient and Material Technique 9.1 1979 BR 150 Harvey, Richard Leah Sinanoglou Marcus, Childhood and Cultural Despair: A Theme and Variations in Seventeenth- Century Literature 6.1 1976 BR 103 Harvey, Richard Georg G. Iggers, contribution by Norman Baker, New Directions in European Historiography 3.1 1973 BR 86 Hattiangadi, J.N. Gerard Radnitzky, Contemporary Schools of Metascience: Anglo-Saxon Schools of Metascience. Continental Schools of Metascience 3.3 1974 BR 373 Hauck, Richard Boyd John R. May, S.J., Toward a New Earth: Apocalypse in the American Novel 11.3 1982 BR 296 Hawke, David Freeman Lester H. Cohen, The Revolutionary Histories. Contemporary Narratives of the American Revolution 39.1 2009 BR 99 Hawkes, David Jonathan Gil Harris, Untimely Matter in the Time of Shakespeare 35.1 2005 RA 75 Hawkes, David “The Puffers’ Progress: Alchemy William R. Newman, Promethean Ambitions: and the Roots of Modern Science” Alchemy and the Quest to Perfect Nature

Stanton J. Linden, ed., The Alchemy Reader: From Hermes Trismegistus to Isaac Newton 21.4 1992 A 369 Hayden-Roy, Pricilla “New and Old Histories: The Case of Hölderlin and Wüttemberg Pietism” 10.3 1981 BR 346 Hayes, T. Wilson Edward W. Tayler, Milton’s Poetry: Its Development in Time

J. Marx Patrick and Roger H. Sundell, eds., Milton and the Art of Scared Song 1.1 1971 A 26 Hayes, Thomas W. “The Dialectic of History in Marvell’s Horatian Ode” 19.2 1990 BR 187 Hayes, Tom George M. Shulman, Radicalism and Reverence: the Political Thought of Gerrard Winstandley 17.3 1988 BR 292 Hayes, Tom Achsah Guibbory, The Map of Time: Seventeenth- Century English Literature and Ideas of Pattern in History 1.2 1972 RA 60 Hays, Thomas W. Utopian Images John Passmore, The Perfectibility of Man 26.1 1996 A 29 Hays, Tom “Diggers, Ranters, and Women Prophets: The Discourse of Madness and the Cartesian Cogito in Seventeenth-Century England” 19.2 1990 A 97 Heble, Ajay “Michael Ondaatje and the Problem of History” 44.2 2015 BR 248 Hecht, Paul Holger Schott Syme, Theatre and Testimony in Shakespeare’s England: A Culture of Mediation 41.2 2012 BR 263 Hecht, Paul Melissa E. Sanchez, Erotic Subjects: The Sexuality of Politics in Early Modern English Literature 10.2 1981 A 129 Hedin, Raymond “Muffled Voices: The American Slave Narrative” 24.4 1995 A 419 Hegel, G.W.F. “The Transcendental Idea of God (1975), Translated Michael H. Hoffheimer”

18.4 1989 A 379 Hegel, G.W.F. “Review of C.F. Göschel’s Clark Butler, trans. Aphorisms: Part Three” 17.4 1988 A 369 Hegel, G.W.F. “Review of C.F. Göschel’s Aphorisms: Part One and Two” 14.4 1985 A 393 Hegel, G.W.F. First German-Language Publication Clark Butler, trans. of an Autograph by Hegel 13.4 1984 BR 407 Hegel, G.W.F. “Guidelines for the Journal of Christine Seiler and Clark Butler, trans. German Literature (1807)” 12.4 1983 A 401 Hegel, G.W.F. “Fragment on the ‘Life-Course’ of Introduction by Michael H. Hoffheimer God” 10.4 1981 A 399 Hegel, G.W.F. “Two Fragments on the Ideal of Social Life” 9.1 1979 A 69 Hegel, G.W.F. “On the Religion of the Greeks and Romans, August 10, 1787” 8.3 1979 A 405 Hegel, G.W.F. “Commentary on the Bern Aristocracy (1798)” 8.2 1979 A 257 Hegel, G.W.F. “Two Fragments of 1797 on Love” 8.1 1978 A 49 Hegel, G.W.F. “Prefatory Lectures on the Philosophy of Law” 7.3 1978 A 403 Hegel, G.W.F. “On Some Characteristic Distinctions of the Ancient Poets [As Against Modern Poets]” 7.2 1978 A 247 Hegel, G.W.F. “A Conversation of Three: A Scene from Julius Caesar” 7.1 1977 A 113 Hegel, G.W.F. “Fragments of Historical Studies” 10.2 1981 BR 236 Helgeland, John Glen F. Chesnut, The First Christian Histories: Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret and Evagrius 13.2 1984 BR 188 Hellmann, John Philip D. Beidler, American Literature and the Experience of Women 20.1 1990 BR 82 Henderson, Ian C. David Seed, The Fictional Labyrinths of Thomas Pynchon 31.3 2002 A 301 Henderson, Margaret “Legends of the Rise and of the Fall: Toward a Poetics of Histories of the Australian Women’s Movement”

10.2 1981 BR 216 Heninger, Jr., S.K. Dorothy Koenigsberger, Renaissance Man and Creative Thinking: A History of Concepts of Harmony 1400-1700 9.3 1980 BR 468 Henning, Sylvie Debevec Robert Sayre, Solitude in Society: A Sociological Study in French Literature 44.2 2015 BR 293 Hepburn, Allan Erin G. Carlston, Double Agents: Espionage, Literature, and Liminal Citizens 41.3 2012 RA 379 Hepburn, Allan “Critical Judgments” Ravit Reichman, The Affective Life of Law: Legal Modernism and the Literary Imagination

Lyndsey Stonebridge, The Judicial Imagination: Writing after Nuremberg

Yasco Horsman, Theaters of Justice: Judging, Staging, and Working Through in Arendt, Brecht, and Delbo 23.3 1994 A 235 Herman, David “Zionism as Utopian Discourse” 36.1 2006 BR 107 Herman, Peter C. Lloyd Edward Kermode, Jason Scott-Warren, and Martine van Elk, Tudor Drama before Shakespeare, 1485-1590: New Directions for Research, Criticism and Pedagogy 15.2 1986 R 222 Hernandi, Paul Response to Christopher Perricone 32.1 2002 BR 87 Herndl, Diane Price Nancy J. Peterson, Against Amnesia: Contemporary Women Writers and the Crisis of Historical Memory 30.2 2001 A 169 Herzog, Annabel “The Poetic Nature of Political Disclosure: Hanna Arendt’s Storytelling” 10.1 1980 BR 109 Hess, Dale E. Zygmunt Bauman, Hermeneutics and the Social Sciences 34.4 2005 BR 475 Highley, Christopher James A. Knapp, Illustrating Past in Early Modern England: The Representation of History in Printed Books 5.3 1976 BR 385 Hill, John Donald Ault, Visionary Physics: Blake’s Response to Newton 35.1 2005 RA 87 Hill, Mike “Toward a Moral Economy of Race? Charles Mills, From Class to Race: Essays in White ‘The “Whiteness” Question’ Across Marxism and Black Radicalism Disciplines” George Yancy, ed., What White Looks Like: African American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question 34.4 2005 BR 491 Hill, Reinhold R. Clyde R. Forsberg, Equal Rights: The Books of Mormon, masonry, Gender, and American Culture 31.2 2002 A 151 Hill, Reinhold R. “God’s Chosen People: Mormon Representations of Judaism and the Jewish Order in Holocaust Literature” 3.3 1974 A 315 Hinnant, Charles H. “Changing Perspectives on the Past: The Reception of Thomas Gray’s The Bard” 35.2 2006 A 201 Hinojosa, Lynne Walhout “The Modern Artist as Historian, Courier, and Saint: Typology and Art History from Vasari to Pound” 30.4 2001 BR 489 Hoagwood, Terence Anne K. Mellor, Mothers of the Nation: Women’s Political Writing in England, 1780-1830 32.4 2003 BR 473 Hoberman, Michael Joseph A. Amato, Rethinking Home: A Case for Writing Local History 35.3 2006 BR 431 Hoberman, Ruth Robert D. Aguirre, Informal Empire: Mexico and Central America in Victorian Culture 8.3 1979 BR 469 Hodgdon, Barbara Thomas R. Whitaker, Fields of Play in Modern Drama 24.4 1995 BR 431 Hodgson, Peter C. Philip M. Merklinger, Philosophy, Theology, and Hegel’s Berlin Philosophy of Religion, 1820-1827 33.3 2004 RA 305 Hoeveler, Diane Long “Historicizing Austen” Clara Tuite, Romantic Austen: Sexual Politics and the Literary Canon

William H. Galperin, The Historical Austen 29.2 2000 BR 211 Hoeveler, Diane Long Eleanor Ty, Empowering the Feminine: The Narratives of Mary Robison, Jane West, and Amelia Opie, 1796-1812

George Haggerty, Unnatural Affections: Women and Fiction in the Later 18th Century 13.4 1984 A 401 Hoffheimer, Michael “Four Early Poems by Hegel” 29.1 1999 BR 82 Hoffheimer, Michael H. Leo Rauch and David Sherman, eds., Hegel’s Phenomenology of Self-Consciousness 27.4 1998 A 533 Hoffheimer, Michael H. “Baptism and Law in the Young Hegel” 27.3 1998 RA 415 Hoffheimer, Michael H. “Varieties of Law and Literature ” Wai Chee Dimock, Residues of Justice: Literature, Law and Philosophy

Martha Grace Duncan, Romantic Outlaws, Beloved Prisons: The Unconscious Meanings of Crime and Punishment 25.3 1996 BR 321 Hoffheimer, Michael H. Ardis B. Collins, Hegel on the Modern World 25.2 1996 BR 219 Hoffheimer, Michael H. William Maker, Philosophy Without Foundations: Rethinking Hegel 24.3 1995 BR 337 Hoffheimer, Michael H. Margaret Jane Radin, Reinterpreting Poetry 22.4 1993 BR 400 Hoffheimer, Michael H. Norbert Waszek, Eduard Gans (1797-1839): Hegelianer―Jude―Europäer: Texte und Dokumente 21.4 1992 A 345 Hoffheimer, Michael H. “The Idea of Law (Recht) in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit” 39.2 2010 A 161 Hoffheimer, Michael H. “Fatal Duality: Alexandre Dumas on and Garibaldi, Cavour, and the Myth of Anne Quinney the Risorgimento” 13.4 1984 BR 426 Hoffman, John Alfred Schmidt, History and Structure: An Essay on Hegelian-Marxist and Structuralist Theories of History 10.2 1981 A 143 Holdheim, W. Wolfgang “Auerbach’s Mimesis: Aesthetics as Historical Understanding” 25.1 1995 A 43 Hollahan, Eugene “Himmelfarb’s Culture of Poverty and Hopkin’s ‘poor Jackself’ ”

1.3 1972 BR 91 Hollingsworth, Keith P.J. Keating, The Working Classes in Victorian Fiction 32.4 2003 BR 496 Hollington, Michael Lillian Najder, Unequal Partners: Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, and Victorian Authorship 2.2 1973 BR 202 Hollister, C. Warren Christopher Brooke, Medieval Church and Society: Collected Essays 7.3 1978 BR 479 Holman, C. Hugh William C. Spengemann, The Adventurous Muse: The Poetics of American Fiction, 1789-1900 9.3 1980 BR 461 Holmes, Larry George M. Enteen, The Soviet Scholar-Bureaucrat: M.N. Pokrovskii and the Society of Marxist Historians 2.1 1972 BR 84 Holmes, Larry Nancy Whittier Heer, Politics and History in the Soviet Union 12.2 1983 BR 192 Holmes, Larry E. John Barber, Soviet Historians in Crisis, 1928-1932 6.3 1977 BR 355 Holmes, Larry E. Anatole G. Mazour, Modern Russian Historiography 4.1 1974 A 27 Holmes, Larry E. “Science as Fiction: The Concept ‘History as a Science’ in the USSR, 1917-1930” 8.2 1979 A 267 Holt, W. Stull “Si Jeunesse Savait; Si Veillesse Pouvait” 10.3 1981 A 265 Holzman, Michael “Georg Lukács’s Myth of the Golden Age” 21.3 1992 BR 316 Honohan, Iseult Dagmar Barnouw, Visible Spaces: Hannah Aredt and the German-Jewish Experience 19.4 1990 A 311 Honohan, Iseult “Arendt and Benjamin on the Promise of History: A Network of Possibilities or One Apocalyptic Moment?” 5.2 1976 A 181 Hook, A.D. “Jane Porter, Sir Walter Scott, and the Historical Novel” 7.1 1977 A 91 Hoopes, James “The Culture of Progressivism: Croly, Lippman, Brooks, Bourne, and the Idea of American Artistic Decadence” 20.4 1991 A 371 Houlgate, Stephen “William Desmond on Philosophy and Its Others” 10.4 1981 A 407 Hoy, Joyce Beck “Hegel’s Critique of Rawls” 34.4 2005 BR 472 Hubbard, Dolan Chanta M. Haywood, Prophesying Daughters: Black Religious Women and the World, 1823- 1913 36.1 2006 BR 135 Hudson, Nicholas Howard D. Weinbrot, Aspects of Johnson: Essays on his Arts, Mind, Afterlife, and Politics 24.2 1995 BR 219 Huffman, Clifford Arthur B. Ferguson, Utter Antiquity: Perceptions of Prehistory in Renaissance England 2.2 1973 A 161 Huffman, Clifford “History in Hawthorne’s Custom- Chalmers House” 1.2 1972 BR 70 Huffman, Clifford Elizabeth T. Pochoda, Arthurian Propaganda: “Le Chalmers Morte Darthur” 7.2 1978 BR 335 Hull, David L. Maurice A. Finocchiaro, History of Science as Explanation 34.4 2005 RA 443 Hulliung, Mark “Two Tales of Modernity and Its Peter Fritzsche, Stranded in the Present: Modern Discontents” Times and the Melancholy of History

Harold Mah, Enlightenment Fantasies: Cultural Identity in France and Germany, 1750-1914 33.1 2003 BR 88 Hulliung, Mark Christopher Kelly, Rousseau as Author: Consecrating One’s Life to the Truth 7.3 1978 BR 471 Hulseberg, Richard A. Mas’ud Zavaradeh, The Mythopoeic Reality: The Postwar American Nonfiction Novel 30.3 2001 BR 358 Humpherys, Anne Barbara Leckie, Culture and Adultery: The Novel, The Newspaper, and The Law, 1857-1914 15.3 1986 BR 333 Hunter, Virginia Elizabeth Rawson, Intellectual Life in the Late Roman Republic 13.3 1984 A 259 Hunter, Virginia “Change in Thucydides’ History: Cause, Process, and Agency” 13.1 1983 BR 90 Hunter, Virginia Marc Cogan, The Human Thing: The Speeches and Principles of Thucydides’ History 37.2 2008 BR 266 Huse, Ann A. Patricia Phillippy, Painting Women: Cosmetics, Canvases, and Early Modern Culture 27.4 1998 A 515 Huson, Timothy C. “Historical Christianity as a Means to Freedom in Hegel’s ‘Neufassung des Anfangs’ ”

25.2 1996 BR 212 Hutcheon, Linda Frederic Jameson, The Seeds of Time 34.3 2005 BR 333 Hutson, Lorna Alan Bray, The Friend 7.2 1978 BR 315 Huyssen, Andreas Terry Eagleton, Marxism and Literary Criticism 2.2 1973 BR 182 Huyssen, Andreas Hans Mayer, Steppenwolf and Everyman 40.1 2010 A 63 Iannini, Christopher “Notes on the State of Virginia and the Natural History of the Haitian Revolution” 28.2 1999 A 149 Ibáñez-Noé, Javier “The Dialectic of Emancipation and Power and the Nihilistic Character of Modernity” 6.3 1977 BR 346 Iggers, Georg G. Friedrich Meinecke, Historicism. The Rise of a New Historical Outlook, J.E. Anderson, trans.

Robert A. Pois, Friedrich Meinecke and German Politics in the Twentieth Century 3.3 1974 R 363 Iggers, Georg G. 29.3 2000 BR 351 Isenberg, Nancy Bonnie G. Smith, The Gender of History: Men, Women, and Historical Practice 36.3 2007 BR 428 Jackson, Ken Gary Kuchar, Divine Subjection: The Rhetoric of Sacramental Devotion in Early Modern England 28.2 1999 A 169 Jackson, Tony E. “The Desires of History, Old and New” 38.3 2009 BR 391 Jacobowitz, Susan Maeera Y. Schreiber, Singing in a Strange Land: A Jewish American Poetics 19.3 1990 A 197 Jacques, T. Carlos “The Primacy of Narrative in Historical Understanding” 12.4 1983 A 313 Jaeschke, Walter “Early German Idealist Reinterpretation of the Quarrel of the Ancient and Moderns” 42.3 2013 BR 420 Jaffe, Aaron Andrzej Gąsiorek, Alice Reeve-Tucker, and Nathan Waddell, eds., Wyndham Lewis and the Cultures of Modernity 39.3 2010 BR 416 Jaffe, Aaron Catherine Driscoll, Modernist Cultural Studies 39.3 2010 A 359 Jaillant, Lise “A Masterpiece Ripped from Oblivion: Rediscovered Manuscripts and the Memory of the Holocaust in Contemporary France” 41.2 2012 RA 245 James, David “Between Realism and Utopianism: Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Addresses to the German Fichte’s Addresses to the German Nation, ed. and trans. Gregory Moore Nation” 3.3 1974 RA 346 Jameson, Fredric J.P. Stern, On Realism 15.4 1986 A 359 Jamme, Christoph “Hegel and Hölderlin” 19.4 1990 A 353 Jamros, S.J., Daniel P. “ ‘The Appearing God’ in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit” 17.1 1987 BR 81 Jann, Rosemary Philippa Levine, The Amateur and the Professional: Antiquarians, Historians, and Archaeologists in Victorian England 1838-1886 15.2 1986 BR 214 Jann, Rosemary John D. Rosenberg, Carlyle and the Burden of History 11.2 1982 A 155 Jann, Rosemary “Changing Styles in Victorian Military History” 42.1 2012 BR 123 Jann, Rosemary Anna Vaninskaya, William Morris and the Idea of Community: Romance, History and Propaganda, 1880–1914 15.3 1986 BR 326 Janowitz, Anne Albert Cook, Thresholds: Studies in the Romantic Experience 41.2 2012 BR 267 Jarrells, Anthony Anne Frey, British State Romanticism: Authorship, Agency, and Bureaucratic Nationalism 18.3 1989 BR 315 Jay, Gregory S. Richard Shusterman, T.S. Eliot and the Philosophy of Criticism 11.2 1982 BR 191 Jay, Martin James Miller, History and Human Existence: From Marx to Merleau-Ponty 18.2 1989 BR 207 Jeffers, Thomas L. Franco Moretti, The Way of the World: The Bildungsroman in European Culture 18.2 1989 BR 212 Jeffery, David K. David Castronovo, The English Gentleman: Images and Ideals in Literature and Society 2.3 1973 BR 321 Jeffrey, David K. G.S. Rousseau and P.G. Boucè, eds., Tobias Smollett: Bicentennial Essays Presented to Lewis M. Knapp 25.2 1996 A 165 Jenkins, Hugh “From Common Wealth to Commonwealth: The Alchemy of ‘To Penhurst’” 17.2 1988 A 151 Johnson, Alan P. “The ‘Scarlet Cloud’: Ruskin’s Revaluation of the Sixteenth- Century Venetian Masters, 1859-69” 7.3 1978 BR 489 Johnson, C. William Kenneth C. Schellhase, Tacitus in Renaissance Political Thought 37.3 2008 A 395 Johnson, Maria Poggi “Critical Scholarship, Christian Antiquity, and the Victorian Crisis of Faith in the Historical Novels of Edwin Abbot” 28.4 1999 A 399 Johnson, Maria Poggi “The King, the Priest and the Armorer: A Victorian Historical Fantasy of the Via Media”

7.3 1978 BR 468 Johnson, Mark Earl MacCormac, Metaphor and Myth in Science and Religion 4.2 1975 BR 282 Johnson, Walter Alfred Haworth Jones, Roosevelt’s Image Brokers: Poets, Playwrights, and the Use of the Lincoln Symbol 20.2 1991 BR 190 Johnson, William C. Susan Ford Wiltshire, Public and Private in Vergil’s Aeneid 7.1 1977 BR 167 Johnson, William C. Richard C. Frushell and Bernard J. Vondersmith, eds., Contemporary Thought on Edmund Spenser 16.2 1987 A 139 Johnston, John “Postmodern Theory/Postmodern Fiction” 15.3 1986 A 277 Jones, David L. “Conflicting Concepts of ‘Community’ in German Society and Literature from 1914-1933” 39.2 2010 A 187 Jones, Donna V. “The End of Europe: Pessimistic Historiography in the Interwar Years and the Paradox of Universalism” 16.3 1987 A 235 Jones, E.D. “Some Psychological Shortcomings of Historians’ Explanations of Human Behavior” 2.3 1973 BR 315 Jones, W.E. L. Perry Curtis, Jr., Apes and Angels: the Irishmen in Victorian Caricature

Malcolm Brown, The Politics of Irish Literature: From Thomas Davis to W.B. Yeats 1.1 1971 BR 47 Jones, W.R. Prospects of Political History Joseph R. Strayer, On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State

Joseph R. Strayer, Medieval Statecraft and the Perspectives of History 3.2 1974 A 111 Jorgensen, Paul A. “Elizabethan Ideas of War in Hamlet” 40.1 2010 A 87 Jouve-Martín, José R. “Music, History, and Science Fiction: Philip Glass’s The Voyage and the Operatic Lives of Christopher Columbus” 2.2 1973 BR 206 Kahn, Sholom J. Leo Weinstein, Hippolyte Taine 27.4 1998 A 593 Kain, Philip J. “The Structure and Method of Hegel’s Phenomenology” 18.4 1989 A 325 Kain, Philip J. “Kant’s Political Theory and Philosophy of History” 17.4 1988 A 345 Kain, Philip J. “Hegel’s Political Theory and Philosophy of History” 7.3 1978 R 506 Kainz, Howard 43.1 2013 BR 129 Kalliney, Peter Simon J. Potter, Broadcasting Empire: The BBC and the British World, 1922–1970 44.1 2014 A 1 Kane, Laura Wildemann “On Hegel, Women, and the Foundation of Ethical Life: Why Gender Doesn’t Belong in the Family” 6.3 1977 A 237 Kantra, Robert “‘Neare twins’ in Religious Society” 22.1 1992 BR 91 Kaplan, Edward K. Arthur Mitzman, Michelet, Historian: Rebirth and Romanticism in Nineteenth-Century France 13.3 1984 A 203 Kappel, Andrew J. “Ezra Pound and the Myth of Venice” 11.4 1982 A 431 Karelis, Charles “Is Every Work of Art a Product of Its Age?” 24.1 1994 BR 109 Kaufer, David S. Jay Fliegelman, Declaring Independence: Jefferson, Natural Language & the Culture of Performance 15.3 1986 BR 330 Kaufer, David S. Donald N. McCloskey, The Rhetoric of Economics 21.1 1991 BR 99 Kauffman, Michael and Julie Thompson Klein, Interdisciplinary: History, Xavier Baron Theory, Practice 18.2 1989 RA 179 Kaufman, Peter Iver “Historians and Human Behavior: Biography As Therapy” 10.1 1980 A 35 Kaufman, Peter Iver “Action’s Frustration” 31.3 2002 BR 327 Kaul, Suvir Roxann Wheeler, The Complexion of Race: Categories of Difference in Eighteenth-Century British Culture 17.3 1988 BR 297 Kavanaugh, Thomas M. Suzanne Gearhart, The Open Boundary of History and Fiction: A Critical Approach to the French Enlightenment 16.1 1986 BR 95 Kaye, Harvey J. R.S. Neale, Writing Marxist History: British Society, Economy, and Culture since 1700 9.2 1980 A 197 Kayser, John R. and “ ‘The Last of All the Romans’: Ronald J. Lettieri Shakespeare’s Commentary on Classical Republicanism” 3.2 1974 A 219 Kazin, Alfred “Howells the Bostonian” 4.2 1975 BR 265 Keating, P.J. Samuel Hynes, Edwardian Occasions 4.1 1974 BR 120 Keating, P.J. Guinevere L. Griest, Mudie’s Circulating Library and the Victorian Novel 39.1 2009 BR 91 Kegl, Rosemary Carla Mazzio, The Inarticulate Renaissance: Language Trouble in an Age of Eloquence 32.3 2003 RA 303 Kelch, Ron “Harris’s Paradox and H.S. Harris, Hegel’s Ladder I: The Pilgrimage of Dunayevskaya’s New Beginning: Reason Can Hegel’s Method Shape a New Unity of Theory and Practice?” H.S. Harris, Hegel’s Ladder II: The Odyssey of Spirit

Raya Dunayevskaya, eds. Peter Hudis and Kevin B. Anderson, The Power of Negativity: Selected Writings on the Dialectic in Hegel and Marx 6.2 1977 BR 205 Kelley, Donald R. J.G.A. Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment, Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition 32.4 2003 BR 478 Kellner Hans Jörn Rüsen, ed., Western Historical Thinking: An Intercultural Debate 36.1 2006 RA 85 Kellner, Hans “Ankersmit’s Proposal: Let’s Keep F.R. Ankersmit, Sublime Historical Experience in Touch” 35.2 2006 BR 260 Kellner, Hans David Carr, Thomas R. Flynn, and Rudolf A. Makkreel, eds., The Ethics of History 10.2 1981 BR 213 Kelly, Donald R. Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, The Printing Press as an Agent of Change 10.1 1980 A 85 Kelly, Henry Ansgar and “Tillyard and History: Comment and Paul N. Siegel Response” 28.2 1999 BR 212 Kelly, Wyn Mary P. Ryan, Civic Wars: Democracy and Public Life in the American City during the Nineteenth Century 34.3 2005 A 251 Kemp, Theresa D. “ ‘Here must a Beheading go before’: The Antirational Androgynist Theosophy of Jane Lead’s Revelation of Revelations” 31.2 2002 BR 203 Kemp, Theresa D. Theodora A. Jankowski, Pure Resistance: Queer Virginity in Early Modern English Drama 42.3 2013 A 283 Kendrick, Matthew “The Politics and Poetics of Embodiment in Gerrard Winstanley’s Digger Writings” 17.1 1987 A 37 Kennedy, Dane “Isak Dinesen’s African Recovery of a European Past” 2.2 1973 BR 196 Kennedy, Edward D. P.J.C. Field, Romance and Chronicle: A Study of Malory’s Prose Style 38.1 2008 BR 93 Kennedy, William J. Heather Dubrow, The Challenges of Orpheus: Lyric Poetry and Early Modern England 20.2 1991 A 169 Kennelly, Laura B. “Tory History Incognito: Hume’s History of England in Goldsmith’s History of England” 11.2 1982 BR 200 Kent, Christopher Warren Roberts, Jane Austen and the French Revolution 31.4 2002 BR 472 Kent, David A. Alison Chapman, The Afterlife of Christina Rossetti 39.1 2009 A 29 Kerr, Douglas “Chinese Boxes: ‘Typhoon’ and Conrad’s History of the Chinese” 25.2 1996 RA 195 Kerrigan, William “Bloom and the Great Ones” Harold Bloom, The Western Canon 31.3 2002 BR 334 Kershner, R. Brandon Annette R. Federico, Idol of Suburbia: Marie Corelli and Late-Victorian Literary Culture 43.3 2014 BR 406 Kerwin, William Bruce Danner, Edmund Spencer’s War on Lord Burghley 29.1 1999 BR 107 Key, Newton E. Edward Higgs, History and Electronic Artefacts 31.3 2002 BR 353 Kezar, Dennis Laura Lunger Knoppers, Constructing Cromwell: Ceremony, Portrait, and Print, 1645-1661 29.2 2000 BR 222 Kezar, Dennis David Norbrook, Writing the English Republic: Poetry, Rhetoric and Politics 1627-1660 38.2 2009 A 173 Kiefer, Christian “Postmodern Romantic: Issues of Verisimilitude and Reader Response in Jim Harrison’s Dalva” 30.3 2001 BR 344 Kietzman, Mary Jo Patricia Crawford and Laura Gowing, eds., Women’s Worlds in Seventeenth-Century England: A Sourcebook 27.1 1997 BR 160 Kijinski, John L. Bernard Semmel, George Eliot and the Politics of National Inheritance 25.1 1995 BR 106 Kijinski, John L. N.N. Feltes, Literary Capital and the Late Victorian Novel 12.2 1983 BR 206 Kimbrough, R. Alan Heather A. R. Asals, Equivocal Predication: George Herbert’s Way to God 14.4 1985 BR 433 Kimmelerle, Heinz H.S. Harris, Hegel’s Development. Night Thoughts (Jena 1801-1806). 7.2 1978 R 331 Kincaid, James R. 2.3 1973 BR 319 King, Bruce Steven N. Zwicker, Dryden’s Political Poetry: The Typology of King and Nation 18.3 1989 BR 312 King, David B. Karl F. Morrison, “I AM YOU”: The Hermeneutics of Empathy in Western Literature, Theology, and Art 24.3 1995 BR 349 King, John N. Susan Frye, Elizabeth I: The Completion for Representation 44.2 2015 BR 256 Kingstone, Helen Mark Salber Phillips, On Historical Distance 43.3 2014 A 317 Kingstone, Helen “Victorian Historiography and the Recent Past: Harriet Martineau, J. R. Green, and Spencer Walpole” 33.3 2004 BR 330 Kinney, Arthur F. Jeffery Knapp, Shakespeare’s Tribe: Church, Nation, and the Theatre in Renaissance England 3.3 1974 RA 331 Kinser, Samuel Nancy S. Struever, The Language of History in the Renaissance: Rhetoric and Historical Consciousness in Florentine Humanism 26.2 1997 BR 256 Kirchhoff, Frederick Linda Dowling, The Vulgarization of Art: The Victorians and Aesthetic Democracy 25.4 1996 BR 459 Kirchhoff, Frederick Micael M. Clarke, Thackeray and Women

John R. Reed, Dickens and Thackeray: Punishment and Forgiveness 37.1 2007 A 27 Kisting, Wesley “Conscience and the ‘Gentle Paines’ of Reform in A View of the Present State of Ireland” 43.1 2014 A 33 Kitzmiller, Erika M. “Imperial Fantasies: Children’s Literature in the White City” 15.1 1985 A 31 Klein, Jürgen “Trends in Modern German Literary Theory” 30.1 2000 RA 79 Klein, Kerwin Lee “What Was the Linguistic Turn?” Ewa Domanska, Encounters: Philosophy of History after Postmodernism

Sande Cohen, Passive Nihilism: Cultural Historiography and the Rhetorics of Scholarship 25.2 1996 A 125 Klein, Kerwin Lee “Anti-History: The Meaning of Historical Culture” 20.3 1991 BR 303 Klein, Laurence E. Adrian Desmond, The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine, and Reform in Radical London 41.2 2012 BR 275 Klein, Scott W. Ryan Bishop and John Phillips, Modernist Avant- Garde Aesthetics and Contempory Military Technology: Technicities of Perception 12.2 1983 BR 208 Kleinhans, Chuck Lawrence H. Schwartz, Marxism and Culture: The CPUSA and Aesthetics in the 1930’s 24.1 1994 BR 103 Klonoski, Richard J. Bernard Williams, Shame and Necessity 22.3 1993 A 251 Klonoski, Richard J. “ The Preservation of Homeric Tradition: Heroic Re-Performance in the Republic and the Odyssey”

38.3 2009 A 319 Knapp, Peggy A. “Barry Unsworth’s Sacred Hunger: History and Utopia” 6.3 1977 A 289 Knapp, Peggy A. “Gawain’s Quest: Social Conflict and Symbolic Mediation” 26.3 1997 RA 347 Knight, Christopher “Art and the Marketplace ” Gene H. Bell-Villada, Art for Art’s Sake and Literary Life: How Politics and Markets Helped Shape the Ideology and Culture of Aestheticism 1790-1990

Martha Woodmansee, The Author, Art, and the Market: Rereading the History of Aesthetics 28.1 1998 RA 71 Knight, Christopher J. “The Saving Grace of Art” Hartman, Geoffrey H., The Fateful Question of Culture 27.1 1997 RA 129 Knight, Christopher J. “The Art of Our Necessities is Arthur Danto, After the End of Art: Contemporary Strange” Art and the Pale of History 28.1 1998 BR 98 Knoppers, Laura Lunger John P. Rumrich, Milton Unbound: Controversy and Reinterpretation 8.1 1978 BR 141 Knox, T.M. M.J. Petry, trans. and ed., Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit 29.1 1999 BR 101 Kolb, Jack Anthony H. Harrison, Victorian Poets and the Politics of Culture: Discourse and Ideology 32.2 2003 A 153 Kolbrener, William “The Jacobite Milton: Strategies of Literary Appropriation and Historiography” 20.3 1991 BR 291 Konstan, David Averil Cameron, History as Text: The Writing of Ancient History 11.1 1981 A 65 Konstan, David “The Function of Narrative in Hayden White’s Metahistory” 25.4 1996 BR 464 Korg, Jacob James Shapiro, Shakespeare and the Jews

25.1 1995 BR 101 Korg, Jacob J.B. Bullen, The Myth of the Renaissance in Nineteenth-Century Writing 24.4 1995 BR 427 Korg, Jacob Robert Bonfil, Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy 23.4 1994 A 441 Korg, Jacob “On Philosophical Tetralogy: In Response” 19.2 1990 BR 184 Korg, Jacob William Kerrigan and Gordan Braden, The Idea of the Renaissance 18.1 1988 BR 73 Korg, Jacob James Longenbach, Modernist Poetics of History: Pound, Eliot and the Sense of the Past 4.1 1974 BR 97 Korg, Jacob C.B. Cox and A.E. Dyson, eds., The Twentieth Century Mind: History, Ideas, and Literature in Britain 30.3 2001 A 267 Kow, Simon “Maistre and Hobbes on Providential History and the English Civil War” 28.1 1998 BR 111 Krebs, Paula M. Susan Meyer, Imperialism at Home: Race and Victorian Women’s Fiction 34.3 2005 BR 356 Krier, Theresa Caroline Bricks, Midwiving Subjects in Shakespeare’s England 42.2 2013 A 187 Krishnan, Madhu “On National Culture and the Projective Past: Mythology, Nationalism, and the Heritage of Biafra in Contemporary Nigerian Narrative” 34.1/2 2004/ A 1 Krishnaswamy, Revathi “History in Language, Language in 5 History” 7.3 1978 A 359 Kroeber, Karl “Coleridge’s ‘Fears’: Problems in Patriotic Poetry” 24.1 1994 BR 94 Kronick, Joseph Anthony Kemp, The Estrangement of the Past: A Study in the Origins of Modern Historical Consciousness 15.4 1986 A 391 Kronick, Joseph G. “The Limits of Contradiction: Irony and History in Hegel and Henry Adams” 36.1 2006 A 1 Krueger, Christine L. “Mary Anne Everett Green and the Calendars of State Papers as a Genre of History Writing.” 31.1 2001 BR 88 Kruger, Steven F. Carolyn Dinshaw, Getting Medieval: Sexualities and Communities, Pre- and Postmodern 15.1 1985 BR 95 Krugler, John D. A. Owen Aldridge, Thomas Paine’s American Ideology 10.1 1980 BR 111 Krupnick, Mark L. Audrey Borenstein, Redeeming the Sin: Social Science and Literature 18.2 1989 BR 210 Kuist, James M. Alvin Kernan, Printing Technology, Letters & Samuel Johnson 17.1 1987 BR 83 Kuist, James M. Lance Bertelson, The Nonsense Club: Literature and Popular Culture, 1749-1764 24.2 1995 BR 228 Kummings, Donald D. Geoffrey M. Sill and Roberta K. Tarbell, Walt Whitman and the Visual Arts 36.1 2006 BR 114 Kuriyama, Shigehisa Gail Kern Paster, Humoring the Body: Emotions and the Shakespearean Stage 44.2 2015 A 193 Kuzma, Joseph D. “Intimacy of the Dispossessed: On Liminal Relations in Blanchot and Apuleius” 15.1 1985 BR 102 Kyle, Donald G. W. Robert Connor, Thucydides 18.4 1989 A 391 Lachterman, David R. Richard Rorty, Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity 12.4 1983 BR 389 Lachterman, David R. Jean-Louis Villard-Baron, Platon et l’Idealisme Allemand 7.2 1978 A 285 Lamb, David “Hegel and Wittgenstein on Language and Sense-Certainty” 20.1 1990 A 23 Lamb, John B. “A ‘Chaos of Being’: Carlyle and the Shandean Web of History” 38.3 2009 BR 364 Lamb, Mary Ellen Meredith Anne Skura, Tudor Autobiography: Listening for Inwardness 22.1 1992 BR 97 Landau, Iddo M.A. Box, The Suasive Art of David Hume

21.4 1992 A 401 Landau, Iddo “Metafiction as a Rhetorical Device in Hegel’s History of Absolute Spirit and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ One Hundred Years of Solitude” 17.4 1988 BR 404 Lang, Berel Donald G. Marshall, ed., Literature as Philosophy, Philosophy as Literature 4.2 1975 BR 266 Lang, Berel Henri Arvon, Marxist Aesthetics, Helen Lane, trans.

Lee Baxandall and Stefan Morawski, eds., Marx and Engels on Literature and Art 29.2 2000 A 143 Lang, James M. “Public Memory, Private History: Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day”

6.2 1977 BR 216 Lange, Bernd Alex Zwerdling, Orwell and the Left 5.3 1976 BR 374 Lange, Bernd Martin Jay, The Dialectical Imagination. A History of the Frankfurt School And the Institute of Social Research 1923-1950

Trent Schroyer, The Critical Domination: the Origins and Development of Critical Theory 2.2 1973 RA 174 Lange, Bernd “The Frankfort School of Critical Theory: New Interest in Marxist Criticism” 1.3 1972 BR 85 Lange, Bernd Georg Lukács, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, trans. Rodney Livingstone 32.3 2003 BR 351 Langland, Elizabeth Dorice Williams Elliott, The Angel Out of the House: Philanthropy and Gender in Nineteenth – Century England 6.1 1976 BR 112 Langlois, Walter G. James W. Greenlee, Malraux’s Heroes and History 28.1 1998 BR 87 Lang-Peralta, Linda Betty A. Schellenberg, The Conversational Circle: Re-reading the English Novel, 1740-1775

Elizabeth Kowaleski-Wallace, Consuming Subjects: Women, Shopping, and Business in the Eighteenth Century 8.1 1978 A 15 Lanyi, Gabriel “Further Thoughts on Literary Periods” 34.3 2005 A 277 Laroche, Rebecca “Elizabeth Melville and Her Friends: Seeing ‘Ane Godlie Dreame’ through Political Lenses” 7.3 1978 BR 501 Lauer, S.J., Quentin G.W.F. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, A.V. Miller, trans. 4.1 1974 BR 129 Lauretis, Teresa le Romano Luperini, Marxismo e letteratura 2.2 1973 A 107 Lawler, Justus George “Circularity In History And Idea” 3.1 1973 A 21 Lea, James “Sinclair Lewis and The Implied America” 2.2 1973 BR 208 Leary, Lewis Wesley Morris, Toward a New Historicism 12.3 1983 BR 297 Leavey, John P. Geoffrey H. Hartman, Saving the Text: Literature/ Derrida/ Philosophy 17.1 1987 BR 89 Leavey, Jr., John P. Vincent B. Leitch, Deconstructive Criticism: An Advanced Introduction 11.4 1982 A 327 Leavey, Jr., John P. “Jacques Derrida’s Glas: A Translated Selection and Some comments on an Absent Colossus” 18.3 1989 BR 307 Leer, David Van David Marr, American Worlds Since Emerson 36.1 2006 BR 118 Lehfeldt, Elizabeth A. Lisa Vollendorf, The Lives of Women: A New History of Inquisitional Spain 28.1 1998 A 29 Lehmann, Sophia “ ‘And Here [Their] Troubles Began’: The Legacy of the Holocaust in the Writing of Cynthia Ozick, Art Spiegelman, and Philip Roth”

5.2 1976 A 211 Leibel, Helen P. “The Place of Antiquity in Ranke’s Philosophy of History” 42.2 2013 BR 267 Leick, Karen Melissa Bradshaw, Amy Lowell, Diva Poet 11.2 1982 A 137 Leinwand, Theodore B. “London Triumphing: The Jacobean Lord Mayor’s Show” 7.3 1978 BR 463 Leitch, Vincent B. Murray Krieger, Theory of Criticism: A Tradition and Its System 4.2 1975 A 225 Leland, Dorothy “On Reading and Writing the World: Foucault’s History of Thought” 32.1 2002 RA 51 LeMahieu, Michael “Postwar Philosophies, Robotic Samuel C. Wheeler III, Deconstruction and Analytic Humanities” Philosophy

John McCumber, Time in the Ditch: American Philosophy and the McCarthy Era 1.3 1972 BR 88 Leonard, Charles A. Jonathan Beecher and Richard Bienvenue, trans. and eds., The Utopian Vision of Charles Fourier: Selected Texts on Work, Love, and Passionate Attraction 43.3 2014 A 295 LeQuire, Peter Brickey “The Axial Age Debate as Political Discourse: Karl Jaspers and Eric Voegelin” 33.1 2003 BR 98 Lesinska, Zofia Debra Rae Cohen, Remapping the Home Front: Locating Citizenship in British Women’s Great War Fiction 31.3 2002 BR 338 Levin, Carole Leah S. Marcus, Janel Mueller, and Mary Beth Rose, eds., Elizabeth I: Collected Works 3.3 1974 RA 341 Levin, Daniel Gene Wise, American Historical Explanations: A Strategy for Grounded Inquiry 12.1 1982 BR 97 Levin, David Richard Reinitz, Irony and Historical Consciousness: American Historiography and Reinhold Niebuhr’s Vision 1.1 1971 A 42 Levin, David “Classic Statement: David Levin on ‘The Literary Criticism of History’” 3.2 1974 A 129 Levin, Richard “The King James Version of Measure for Measure” 7.2 1978 A 217 Levin, Richard and Roy “Afterwords and Last Words” Battenhouse 36.2 2007 BR 255 Levine, Amy-Jill Sara Raup Johnson, Historical Fictions and Hellenistic Jewish Identity: Third Maccabees in its Cultural Context 29.3 2000 BR 357 Levine, George Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth, Realism and Consensus in the English Novel: Time, Space and Narrative 3.1 1973 BR 93 Levine, Herbert S. Eberhand Jäckel, Hitler’s Weltanschauung. A Blueprint for Power 7.2 1978 A 253 Levine, Joseph “The Autonomy of History: R.G. Collingwood and Agatha Christie” 30.3 2001 BR 353 Levine, Joseph M. Mark Salber Phillips, Society and Sentiment: Genres of Historical Writing in Britain, 1740-1820 24.1 1994 RA 85 Levine, Joseph M. No title (The second perspective on R.G. Collingwood, The Idea of History the revised ed. of a classical text.) 21.2 1992 A 109 Levine, Joseph M. “Objectivity in History: Peter Novick and R.G. Collingwood” 13.1 1983 A 57 Levine, Joseph M. “Natural History and the History of the Scientific Revolution” 9.3 1980 A 379 Levine, Joseph M. “Collilngwood, Vico, and the Autobiography” 30.2 2001 BR 239 Levine, William Alessa Johns, ed., Dreadful Visitations: Confronting Natural Catastrophe in the Age of Enlightenment 44.2 2015 BR 242 Lewin, Alison Williams Albert Russell Ascoli, A Local Habitation and a Name. Imagining Histories in the Italian Renaissance 40.2 2011 BR 259 Lewis, Jayne John D. Staines, The Tragic Histories of Mary Queen of Scots, 1560-1690: Rhetoric, Passions, and Political Literature 15.2 1986 BR 216 Lewis, Thomas T. Peter Gray, Freud for Historians 10.3 1981 A 291 Lewis, Thomas T. “Karl Popper’s Situation Logic and the Covering Law Model of Historical Explanation” 10.3 1981 A 317 Lewis, Thomas T. “Rationalism and Indeterminism: Some Problems in William Dray’s Interpretation of Situation Analysis” 41.3 2012 BR 420 Leydecker, Karl Gary D. Stark, Banned in Berlin: Literary Censorship in Imperial Germany, 1871–1918 40.1 2010 RA 151 Lichtenstein, Alex “Ancestors, Children, and Exiles: James T. Campbell, Middle Passages: African New Studies of the Black Atlantic” American Journeys to Africa, 1787–2005

Kevin K. Gaines, American Africans in Ghana: Black Expatriates and the Civil Rights Era

Michael O. West, William G. Martin, and Fanon Che Wilkins, eds., From Toussaint to Tupac: The Black International since the Age of Revolution 3.3 1974 BR 359 Liebel, Helen Leopold von Ranke, ed., Georg G. Iggers and Konrad von Moltke, intro., The Theory and Practice of History 2.2 1973 A 145 Liebel, Helen “Ranke’s Fragments on Universal History” 4.1 1974 BR 102 Liebel, Helen P. Edward G. Ballard, Philosophy at the Crossroads 38.1 2008 BR 101 Lightman, Bernard Richard G. Olson, Science and Scientism in Nineteenth-Century Europe 36.1 2006 BR 130 Lindemann, Mary Johanna Eleonora Petersen, ed., The Life of Lady Johanna Eleonora Petersen, Written by Herself

Justine Siegemund, The Court Midwife 23.3 1994 BR 295 Lindenberger, Herbert Richard Lansdown, Bryon’s Historical Dramas 35.1 2005 BR 137 Linke, Uli Andreas Huyssen, Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory 35.2 2006 BR 281 Linkin, Harriet Kramer Julia M. Wright, Blake, Nationalism, and the Politics of Alienation 29.3 2000 BR 337 Linkin, Harriet Kramer Diane Long Hoeveler, Gothic Feminism: The Professionalization of Gender from Charlotte Smith to the Brontës 28.2 1999 RA 189 Linkin, Harriet Kramer “Historicizing Romantic James Chandler, England in 1819: The Politics of Historicism” Literary Culture and the Case of Romantic Historicism 25.2 1996 BR 207 Linkin, Harriet Kramer Julie A. Carlson, In the Theatre of Romanticism: Coleridge, Nationalism, Women 11.3 1982 A 271 Linnemann, Russell J. “African Literature and the Historian: Interdisciplinary Uses of African Fiction” 38.2 2009 BR 248 Lippit, Seiji M. Gregory Golley, When Our Eyes No Longer See: Realism, Science, and Ecology in Japanese Literary Modernism 36.1 2006 RA 59 LiPuma, Edward “ The Relation of Culture to History: Marshall Sahlins, Apologies to Thucydides: A Review of Marshall Sahlins’s Understanding History as Culture and Vice Versa Apologies to Thucydides and William Sewell’s Logics of History” William H. Sewell, Jr., Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation 17.1 1987 A 51 Lloyd, Tom “Society and Chaos: Schiller’s Impact on Carlyle’s Ideas About Revolution” 11.2 1982 BR 215 Lloyd-Jones, K. Paul Oskar Kristeller, Renaissance Thought And Its Sources 15.2 1986 BR 231 Llyod-Jones, K. Herbert De Lay, The Movement of Thought: An Essay on Intellect in Seventeenth-Century France 20.3 1991 BR 287 Loader, Colin Bryan D. Palmer, Decent into Discourse: The Reification of Language and the Writing of Social History 19.2 1990 A 147 Loader, Colin “Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet: A Study in Irony” 37.1 2007 BR 147 Loesberg, Jonathan Kimberly Harrison and Richard Fantina, eds., Victorian Sensations: Essays on a Scandalous Genre 36.3 2007 A 361 Loesberg, Jonathan “The Afterlife of Victorian Sexuality: Foucault and Neo-Victorian Fiction” 5.1 1975 BR 123 Loewenberg, Peter Jacques Barzun, Clio and the Doctors: Psycho- History, Quanto-History and History 26.2 1997 A 205 Loflin, Christine “Periodization in South African Literature” 37.3 2008 A 321 Lolis, Thomas G. “The City of Witches: James I, the Unholy Sabbath, and the Homosocial Refashioning of the Witches’ Community” 32.2 2003 BR 232 London, April Helen Moglen,, The Trauma of Gender: A Feminist Theory of the English Novel 2.1 1972 BR 70 Long, Eugene Thomas L.L. Duroche, Aspects of Criticism: Literary Study in Present-Day Germany

Peter Salm, Three Modes of Criticism: The Literary Theories of Scherer, Walzel, and Staiger 19.4 1990 BR 400 Long, Kenneth A. Avner Cohen and Marcelo Dascal, The Institution of Philosophy: A Discipline in Crisis? 42.3 2013 A 359 Long, Lisa Postbellum Physics and Faith in the Work of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 39.2 2010 BR 253 Looser, Devoney Karen O’Brien, Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain 34.1/2 2004/ BR 166 Looser, Devoney Mary Spongberg, Writing Women’s History since the 5 Renaissance 35.3 2006 BR 421 Loptson, Peter Christian Meier, From Athens to Auschwitz: The Uses of History 35.1 2005 A 51 Loptson, Peter “The End-of-History Idea Revisited” 26.3 1997 BR 390 Lord, Thomas C. Carl Page, Philosophical Historicism and the Betrayal of First Philosophy 29.3 2000 RA 325 Lord, Timothy C. “R.B. Collingwood: A Continental Peter Johnson, R.G. Collingwood: An Introduction Philosopher?” 22.4 1993 A 337 Lord, Timothy C. “Bryon, Nietzsche, and the Mystery of Forgetting” 22.4 1993 BR 396 Lord, Timothy C. Jorge J. Garcia, Philosophy and Its History: Issues in Philosophical Historiography 26.3 1997 A 275 Loshitzky, Yosefa “Constructing and Deconstructing the Wall” 22.2 1993 A 157 Lott, Eric “ The Eighteenth Brumaire of Abraham Lincoln: Revolutionary Rhetoric and the Emergence of the Bourgeois State” 12.2 1983 A 123 Lougy, Robert E. “Swinburne’s The Children of the Chapel: A Historical Novel for Young Victorian Readers” 12.4 1983 R 384 Lucas, Jr., George R. Reply to Darrel E. Christensen 8.3 1979 BR 475 Ludington, Townsend Alan M. Wald, James T. Farrell: The Revolutionary Socialist Years 18.4 1989 A 361 Luft, Eric von der “Hegel and Judaism: A Reassessment” 18.4 1989 A 409 Luft, Eric von der William Desmond, Art and the Absolute: A Study of Hegel’s Aesthetics 38.3 2009 RA 349 Luis-Brown, David “Transition or Self-Determination? Louis A. Pérez, Jr., Cuba in the America Decolonizing US Foreign Policy on Imagination: Metaphor and the Imperial Ethos Cuba” Lars Schoultz, That Infernal Little Cuban Republic: The United States and the Cuban Revolution 20.2 1991 A 139 Lukacs, Paul “The Abandonment of Time and Place: History and Narrative, Metaphysics and Exposition in Melville’s Moby-Dick” 37.2 2008 BR 284 Luxon, Thomas H. David Loewenstein and John Marshall, eds., Heresy, Literature and Politics in Early Modern English Literature 32.2 2003 BR 252 Lynch, Deidre Brian Southam, Jane Austen and the Navy 3.3 1974 BR 378 Lynch, Robert E. Roy W. Battenhouse, Shakespearean Tragedy: Its Art and Its Christian Premises

Harold Fisch, Hamlet and the Word: The Covenant Pattern in Shakespeare 2.1 1972 BR 77 Lynch, Robert E. Wilbur Sanders, The Dramatist and the Received Idea: Studies in the Plays of Marlow and Shakespeare 42.3 2013 BR 385 Maciver, Calum Lawrence Kim, Homer between History and Fiction in Imperial Greek Literature 40.2 2011 BR 289 MacKay, Marina Patrick Deer, Culture in Camouflage: War, Empire, and Modern British Literature

Kristine A. Miller, British Literature of the Blitz: Fighting the People’s War 36.3 2007 RA 411 MacKay, Marina “On the Afterlife of the Second Susan Rubin Suleiman, Crises of Memory and the World War” Second World War

Marianna Torgovnick, The War Complex: World War II in Our Time

Dagmar Barnouw, The War in the Empty Air: Victims, Perpetrators, and Postwar Germans 27.1 1997 A 89 Mackey, Theresa M. “Giving a Damn: An Interdisciplinary Reconsideration of English Writers’ Involvement in the Spanish Civil War ”

38.1 2008 BR 97 Mackie, Erin Susan Dwyer Amussen, Caribbean Exchanges: Slavery and the Transformation of English Society, 1640-1700 34.3 2005 BR 376 Mackie, Erin Helen Berry, Gender, Society, and Print Culture in Late-Stuart England: The Cultural World of the “Athenian Mercury” 11.1 1981 BR 101 Madden, William A. George P. Landlow, ed., Approaches to Victorian Autobiography 4.3 1975 RA 399 Madden, William A. “The Victorian Sense of the Past” Malcolm Bradbury and David Palmer, eds., Victorian Poetry 23.3 1994 A 219 Magaw, Malcolm O. “Malamud’s Dubious Dublin: The Biographer and His Square Walk in a Circle” 17.1 1987 A 21 Magaw, Malcom O. “The Fusion of History and Immediacy: Hemingway’s Artist- Hero in The Garden of Eden” 15.1 1985 BR 105 Magurshak, Dan Michael Allen Gillespie, Hegel, Heidegger, and the Ground of History 38.3 2009 BR 376 Mahoney, Dennis F. Chenxi Tang, The Geographic Imagination of Modernity: Geography, Literature, and Philosophy in German Romanticism 34.1/2 2004/ A 41 Maierhofer, Waltraud “ ‘Wasting Away is Not Permissible’: 5 German Feminist Fiction on Christina, Queen of Sweden” 31.4 2002 A 367 Maier-Katkin, Birgit “Writing for Memory: Anna Seghers, History, Literature, and Complicity in the Third Reich” 16.2 1987 BR 195 Maine, Barry Sacvan Bercovitch, ed., Reconstructing American Literary History 12.1 1982 A 31 Maine, Barry “Representative Men in Dos Passos’s The 42nd Parallel” 12.2 1983 A 139 Major, Virginia Banke “Shakespeare’s The Tempest and the Jacobean Court” 10.4 1981 A 381 Maker, William “Hegel’s Phenomenology as Introduction to Science” 36.2 2007 BR 264 Malcolmson, Cristina Elizabeth Spiller, Science, Reading, and Renaissance Literature: The Art of Making Knowledge, 1580-1670 33.4 2004 RA 439 Malcolmson, Cristina “Race and Early Modern Studies: Joyce Green MacDonald, Women and Race in The Power of an Illusion and its Early Modern Texts Genesis” Mary Floyd-Wilson, English Ethnicity and Race in Early Modern Drama 26.4 1997 A 427 Mali, Joseph “Retrospective Prophets: Vico, Benjamin, and Other German Mythologists” 14.1 1984 BR 97 Mallon, Elias D. John Van Seters, In Search of History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History 38.1 2008 A 1 Maltby, Deborah “‘Hodge?’ Cobbett, Jefferies, and the Englishness of Rural Workers” 11.3 1982 BR 313 Mane, Robert William Dusinberre, Henry Adams: The Myth of Failure 16.3 1987 BR 291 Manheim, Michael Matthew H. Wikander, The Play of Truth and State: Historical Drama from Shakespeare to Brecht 9.3 1980 BR 475 Manheim, Michael Karen Hermassi, Polity and Theatre in historical Perspective 8.1 1978 BR 138 Manheim, Michael Peter Saccio, Shakespeare’s English Kings 27.2 1998 A 221 Mann, Doug “Reconstructing the Past: A Structural Idealist Approach” 23.3 1994 A 247 Mann, Doug “The Absolute Spirit comes to Old Sarum: Hegel on the English Reform Bill” 10.3 1981 BR 332 Manning, Roger B. Kevin Sharpe, Sir Robert Cotton, 1586-1631: History and Politics in Early Modern England 33.1 2003 A 25 Manouelian, Edward “The Labor of Identity: Form and Idedogy in Stanislaw Brzozowki’s Legend of Young Poland” 26.2 1997 A 167 Mansfield, Elizabeth “Victorian Identity and the Historical Imaginary: Emilia Dilke’s The Renaissance of Art in France” 6.2 1977 A 149 Manuel, Frank E. “Michelet and the Philosophy of History” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 217 Mao, Douglas Bill Brown, A Sense of Things: The Object Matter of 5 American Literature 34.4 2005 A 419 Marder, Michael “Beyond History in History: Historiographic Threads in Foucault and Levinas” 27.3 1998 BR 429 Marek, Jayne Allyson Booth, Postcards from the Trenches: Negotiating the Space Between Modernism and the First World War

Maria DiBattista and Lucy McDiarmid, High and Low Moderns: Literature and Culture 1889-1939 8.1 1978 BR 120 Margolis, John D. J. David Hoeveler, Jr., The New Humanism: A Critique of Modern America, 1900-1940 33.4 2004 RA 427 Marotti, Arthur F. “The Interaction of Script, Print, and David McKitterick, Print, Manuscript, and the Voice in Early Modern England” Search for Order

Julia Crick and Alexandra Walsham, eds., The Uses of Script and Print, 1300-1700 19.1 1989 BR 86 Marr, David Brook Thomas, Cross-examinations of Law and Literature: Cooper, Hawthorne, Stowe, and Melville 18.2 1989 BR 196 Marr, David David Van Leer, Emerson’s Epistemology; The Argument of the Essays 13.2 1984 BR 180 Marsden, Michael T. Winfred Fluck, Jürgen Peper, and Willi Paul Adams, eds., Forms and Functions of History in American Literature: Essays in Honor of Ursula Brumm 32.4 2003 BR 482 Marsh, David Riccarcdo Fubini, Humanism and Secularization from Petrarch to Valla 39.3 2010 BR 413 Marshall, Margaret J. Barbara Sicherman, Well-Read Lives: How Books Inspired a Generation of American Women 39.2 2010 BR 258 Marshall, Margaret J. Carolyn Eastman, A Nation of Speechifiers: Making an American Public after the Revolution 40.3 2011 BR 407 Marshik, Celia Sean Latham, The Art of Scandal: Modernism, Libel Law, and the Roman à Clef 36.3 2007 A 307 Martin, Catherine Gimmelli “Rewriting Cromwell: Milton, Marvell, and Negative Liberty in the English Revolution” 27.2 1998 BR 311 Martin, Elaine Marie-Luise Gaettens, Women Writers and Fascism: Reconstructing History 7.1 1977 A 75 Martin, Jay “Remember to Remember: Henry Miller and Literary Tradition” 20.4 1991 A 335 Martine, Brian John “William Desmond, the Artwork, and a ‘Metaxological’ Understanding of Otherness” 8.3 1979 BR 429 Martines, Lauro Mark Phillips, Francesco Guicciardini: The Historian’s Craft 2.3 1973 RA 308 Marty, Marin E. “Protestant Thought” Claude Welch, Protestant Thought in the Nineteenth Century. Volume I, 1799-1870 33.3 2004 A 265 Martyniuk, Irene “‘ This is not science. This is story- telling’: The Place of the Individual and the Community in A.S. Byatt’s Possession and Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia” 22.1 1992 A 1 Marvick, Louis W. “Aspects of the Fin-de-Siècle Decadent Paradox” 1.1 1971 BR 54 Mason, Paul T. R.J. Reilly, Romantic Religion: A Study of Barfield, Lewis, Williams, and Tolkien 1.3 1972 A 66 Mason, Paul T. and A.P. “The Historian’s Craft” Fell 38.2 2009 BR 205 Matar, Nabil Bernadette Andrea, Women and Islam in Early Modern English Literature 36.1 2006 A 41 Matarrese, Craig B. “Satisfaction or Supersession? Expression, Rationality, and Irony in Hegel and Rorty.” 31.3 2002 BR 348 Matsuda, Matt K. David Gross, Lost Time: On Remembering and Forgetting in Late Modern Culture 32.2 2003 BR 242 Mattson, Kevin Alan Wald, Exiles from a Future Time: The Forging of the Mid-Twentieth Century Literary Left 35.3 2006 A 309 Maurer, Kathrin “The Rhetoric of Literary Realism in Leopold von Ranke’s Historiography” 29.3 2000 BR 345 Maxwell, Richard Jayne Elizabeth Lewis, Mary Queen of Scots: Romance and Nation and The Trial of Mary Queen of Scots: A Brief History with Documents 23.3 1994 BR 304 May, Ron Judith R. Walkowitz, City of Dreadful Delight: Narratives of Sexual Danger in Late-Victorian London 3.3 1974 BR 367 May, S.J., John R. Theodore Ziolkowski, Fictional Transfiguration of Jesus 31.2 2002 BR 227 Mayer, Robert Andrew Varney, Eighteenth-Century Writers in Their World: A Mighty Maze 27.3 1998 BR 456 Mayer, Robert Robert Weimann, Authority and Representation in Early Modern Discourse 25.2 1996 BR 216 Mayer, Robert Howard D. Weinbrot, Britannia’s Issue” The Rise of British Literature from Dryden to Ossian 19.1 1989 BR 84 Mayer, Robert P.N. Furbank and W.R. Owens, The Canonisation of Daniel Defoe 17.1 1987 A 1 Mayer, Robert “The Internal Machinery Displayed: The Heart of Midlothian and Scott’s Apparatus for the Waverly Novels” 12.1 1982 BR 83 Mayer, Sigrid, and Walter David R. Lipton, Ernst Cassirer: The Dilemma of a F. Eggers, Jr. Liberal Intellectual in Germany, 1914-1933

Donald Phillip Verene, ed., Symbol, Myth, and Culture; Essays and Lectures of Ernst Cassirer 1935- 1945 1.2 1972 RA 49 Maynard, John The Historical Novel: A Review Avrom Fleishman, The English Historical Novel: Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf 2.3 1973 BR 313 Mayo, Robert Edgar B. Schick, Metaphorical Organicism in Herder’s Early Works: A Study of the Relation of Herder’s Literary Idiom to His World-View

F.M. Barnard, Herder on Social and Political Culture 9.1 1979 BR 155 McBride, William Leon Pietro Chiodi, Sartre and Marxism 37.1 2007 BR 150 McCaw, Neil Jason B. Jones, Lost Causes: Historical Consciousness in Victorian Literature 32.2 2003 BR 227 McCaw, Neil Suzy Anger, ed., Knowing the Past: Victorian Literature and Culture 37.2 2008 A 171 McClintock, Scott “The Poetics of Fission in Robinson Jeffers” 26.4 1997 A 449 McConnell, Will “Blake, Bataille, and the Accidental Processes of Material History in Milton” 23.1 1993 A 24 McCullagh, C. Behan “Metaphor and Truth in History” 15.4 1986 A 379 McCumber, John “Contradiction and Resolution in the State: Hegel’s Covert View” 13.2 1984 BR 175 McCutcheon, Elizabeth Andrew Fichter, Poets Historical: Dynastic Epic in the Renaissance 36.3 2007 BR 434 McDonnell, Michael A. Robert Appelbaum and John Wood Sweet, eds., Envisioning an English Empire: Jamestown and the Making of the North Atlantic World 38.2 2009 BR 244 McGarrity, Maria Richard Begam and Michael Valdez Moses, eds., Modernism and Colonialism: British and Irish Literature, 1899-1939 38.3 2009 A 269 McGeough, Jared Michael “The Falsehood of History and Reality of Romance: William Godwin’s ‘Of History and Romance’” 14.1 1984 BR 109 McKenzie, Alan T. Charles Camic, Experience and Enlightenment: Socialization for Cultural Change in Eighteenth- Century Scotland 30.3 2001 BR 337 McKnight, Natalie Laura C. Berry, The Child, the State, and the Victorian Novel 17.3 1988 A 225 McLaughlin, Robert L. “History vs. Fiction: the Self- Destruction of The Executioner’s Song” 18.1 1988 A 23 McMaster, Graham “Henry James and India: A Historical Reading of The Turn of the Screw” 1.2 1972 BR 66 McNamara, Peter L. Ben Ross Schneider, Jr., The Ethos of Restoration Comedy 38.2 2009 BR 218 McPherson, Heather Daniel R. Guernsey, The Artist and the State, 1777-1855: The Politics of Universal History in British and French Painting 41.1 2011 A 31 McPherson, Kathryn R. “The Countesse of Lincolnes Nurserie and the New Motherhood in Early Modern England” 22.3 1993 A 239 McRae, Murdo William “Stephen Jay Gould and the Contingent Nature of History” 17.3 1988 A 239 McRae, Murdo William “The Paradigmatic and the Interpretive in Thomas Kuhn” 7.1 1977 A 19 McWilliams, Jr., John P. “Progress Without Politics: A Tale of Two Cities” 9.2 1980 A 229 Meachen, Edward W. “From an Historical Religion to a Religion of History: Robert Southey and the Heroic in History” 13.4 1984 A 349 Medicus, Fritz “The Work of Schelling” 42.1 2012 RA 73 Medzhibovskaya, Inessa “Russian Classics on Trial: Alexander Boot, God and Man according to Tolstoy Reflections on Critics and Criticism” Joseph Frank, Between Religion and Rationality: Essays in Russian Literature and Culture 31.2 2002 BR 187 Megill, Allan Reed Way Dasenbrock, Truth and Consequences: Intentions, Conventions and the New Thematics 34.4 2005 BR 453 Melehy, Hassan Ann Hartle, Michel de Montaigne: Accidental Philosopher 24.2 1995 BR 205 Mellor, Anne K. Maaja A. Stewart, Domestic Realities and Imperial Fictions: Jane Austen’s Novels in Eighteenth-Century Contexts

Deborah Kaplan, Jane Austen Among Women 42.1 2012 BR 119 Melton, Jeffrey Jennifer Rae Greeson, Our South: Geographic Fantasy and the Rise of National Literature 37.2 2008 BR 274 Mendelson, Sara H. Susan C. Staub, Nature’s Cruel Stepdames: Murderous Women in the Street Literature of Seventeenth Century England 33.1 2003 BR 73 Mentz, Steve Bryan Reynolds, Becoming Criminal: Transversal Performance and Cultural Dissidence in Early Modern England 2.2 1973 BR 194 Michael, Wolfgang F. Frank L. Borchardt, German Antiquity in Renaissance Myth 15.2 1986 BR 213 Michie, Donald M. Arthur B. Ferguson, The Chivalric Tradition in Renaissance England 34.1/2 2004/ BR 152 Migiel, Marilyn Valeria Finucci, The Manly Masquerade: 5 Masculinity, Paternity, and Castration in the Italian Renaissance 39.2 2010 BR 227 Miller, David Lee James Kearney, The Incarnate Text: Imagining the Book in Reformation England 10.4 1981 BR 423 Miller, Jr., Mitchell H. Merold Westphal, History and Truth in Hegel’s Phenomenology 7.3 1978 BR 503 Miller, Jr., Mitchell H. Howard P. Kainz, Hegel’s Phenomenology, Part I: Analysis and Commentary 28.4 1999 RA 429 Miller, Kristine A. “ ‘So Cruel’: Political and Domestic Trudi Tate, Modernism, History and the First World Duty in Writing of the First World War War” Suzanne Raitt and Trudi Tate, eds., Women’s Fiction and the Great War 27.2 1998 RA 289 Miller, Kristine A. “Fighting Words” John Limon, Writing After War: American War Fiction from Realism to Postmodernism

Milton J. Bates, The Wars We Took to Vietnam: Cultural Conflict and Storytelling

Miriam Cooke and Angela Woollacott, eds., Gendering War Talk 39.2 2010 BR 231 Miller, Shannon Megan Matchinske, Women Writing History in Early Modern England 38.2 2009 BR 208 Miller, Shannon Heidi Brayman Hackel and Catherine E. Kelly, eds., Reading Women: Literacy, Authorship, and Culture in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800

Kate Chedgzoy, Women’s Writing in the British Atlantic World: Memory, Place and History, 1550- 1700 29.4 2000 BR 481 Miller, Shannon Ilona Bell, Elizabethan Women and the Poetry of Courtship 33.4 2004 BR 457 Milnor, Kristina David Frederick, ed., The Roman Gaze: Vision, Power, and the Body 21.1 1991 BR 92 Milward, S.J., Peter Marc Shell, The End of Kinship: “Measure for Measure,” Incest, and the Ideal of Universal Siblinghood 12.4 1983 A 333 Min, Anselm K. “Hegel’s Retention of Mystery as a Theological Category” 2.3 1973 A 219 Miner, Earl “Problems and Possibilities of Literary History Today” 24.1 1994 A 1 Miner, Eric “Armistice in the Recent Battle of the Books: Paul de Man, Claudio Gullén, and History” 21.1 1991 A 1 Miner, Eric “Inventions of Literary Modernity” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 170 Miner, Robert Sandra Rudnick Luft, Vico’s Uncanny Humanism: 5 Reading the ‘New Science’ between Modern and Postmodern 19.4 1990 BR 389 Mingo, Steven Reynolds Judith P. Butler, Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-Century France 7.2 1978 BR 338 Mink, Louis O. Bernard Lewis, History―Remembered, Recovered, Invented 1.3 1972 BR 95 Mink, Louis O. S.P. Rosenbaum, ed. and trans., English Literature and British Philosophy. A Collection of Essays 39.3 2010 BR 384 Mirabella, Bella Julia L. Hairston and Walter Stephens, eds., The Body in Early Modern Italy 40.3 2011 A 331 Mitchell, Rosemary “Old Boars and Time-Worn Cloisters: Attacks on Early Victorian Historical Discourses and Hertiage Tourism in R. H. Barham’s The Ingoldsby Legends” 35.2 2006 BR 298 Mitchell, Rosemary Miriam Elizabeth Burnstein, Narrating Women’s History in Britain, 1770-1902 37.1 2007 BR 115 Mitchell-Boyask, Robin Victoria Pedrick and Steven M. Oberhelman, eds, The Soul of Tragedy: Essays on Athenian Drama 9.2 1980 A 269 Mitias, Michael H. “Hegel on International Law” 17.1 1987 BR 97 Mittman, Barbara G. Alain Crobin, The Foul and the Fragrant: Odor and the French Social Imagination 21.4 1992 A 411 Mogilnitsky, B.G. “Non-Marxist Historiography of Today: The Evolution of Its Theoretical and Methodological Principles” 39.2 2010 BR 245 Mohamed, Feisal G. David Hawkes, John Milton: A Hero of Our Time 7.1 1977 BR 166 Molesworth, Charles William A. McClung, The Country House in English Renaissance Poetry 6.3 1977 A 261 Molesworth, Charles “Wordsworth’s ‘Westminster Bridge’ Sonnet: The Republican Structure of Time and Perception” 4.3 1975 BR 420 Molesworth, Charles Richard Gill, Happy Rural Seat: The English Country-House and the Literary Imagination 1.2 1972 A 5 Molesworth, Charles “‘Penshurst’ and Johnson’s Historical Imagination” 27.1 1997 BR 149 Monas, Sidney John E. Bowlt and Olga Matich, eds., Laboratory of Dreams: The Russian Avant-Garde and Cultural Experiment 25.1 1995 BR 95 Monas, Sidney Andrew Baruch Wachtel, An Obsession with History: Russian Writers Confront the Past

Victor Erlich, Modernism and Revolution: Russian Literature in Transition 23.4 1994 A 423 Monas, Sidney “Verene and Cassirer: On New Beginnings” 22.3 1993 BR 291 Monas, Sidney Régine Robin, Socialist Realism: An Impossible Aesthetic 33.4 2004 A 415 Monterrey, Tomas “Julian Barnes’s ‘Shipwreck’ or Recycling Chaos into Art” 43.3 2014 BR 424 Moore, Dafydd Iain McDaniel, Adam Ferguson in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Roman Past and Europe’s Future 5.3 1976 A 331 Morales, Peter “The Novel as Social Theory: Models, Explanation and Values in Henry James and William Dean Howells” 6.2 1977 A 167 Moreau, Thérèse “Revolting Women: History and Modernity in Jules Michelet” 18.3 1989 A 291 Moreland, Kim “Henry Adams, The Medieval Lady and the ‘New Woman’” 31.4 2002 BR 437 Morgan, William W. Tim Armstrong, Haunted Hardy: Poetry, History, Memory 30.4 2001 A 375 Morris, David “Lived Time and Absolute Knowing: Habit and Addiction from Infinite Jest to the Phenomenology of Spirit” 7.2 1978 A 227 Morris, Harry “Prince Hal: Apostle to the Gentiles” 4.2 1975 BR 271 Morris, Wesley Fredric Jameson, The Prison House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Formalism 5.1 1975 A 37 Morss, David and Sandy “Lilterature and History in Petrey Contemporary French Scholarship” 32.2 2003 BR 237 Mortimer, Mildred Azzedine Haddour, Colonial Myths: History and Narrative 32.1 2002 BR 91 Moscovici, Claudia Ian Shapiro, Democratic Justice 30.3 2001 A 289 Moscovici, Claudia “An Ethics of Cultural Exchange: Diderot’s Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville” 24.2 1995 BR 208 Moscovici, Claudia David F. Bell, Circumstances: Chance in the Literary Text 22.2 1993 A 145 Moscovici, Claudia “Stendhal’s Reformulation of the Epic and the Idyll in Le Rouge et Le Noir” 8.3 1979 BR 432 Moses, John A. Leonard Kreiger, Ranke: The Meaning of History 3.1 1973 BR 88 Moses, John A. Charles E. McClelland, The German Historians and England. A Study in Nineteenth Century Views 12.2 1983 BR 186 Mosse, George L. George L. Friedman, The Political Philosophy of the Frankfurt School 8.3 1979 BR 434 Mosse, George L. Hermann Glaser, The Cultural Roots of national Socialism (Spiesser-ideology) 42.1 2012 A 53 Mowad, Nicholas “History and Critique: A Response to Habermas’s Misreading of Hegel” 34.1/2 2004/ RA 121 Mowitt, John “The Work of Comparative Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Death of a Discipline 5 Literature in the Era of Globalization” 20.2 1991 BR 198 Moye, Richard H. Carolyn Williams, Transfigured World: Walter Pater’s Aesthetic Historicism 19.2 1990 A 161 Moye, Richard H. “Thucydides’ ‘Great War’: The Fiction in Scientific History” 15.3 1986 BR 324 Muccigrosso, Robert Ira L. Mandelker, Religion, Society, and Utopia in Nineteenth-Century America 9.2 1980 BR 332 Muccigrosso, Robert Thomas Cooley, Educated Lives: The Rise of Modern Autobiography in America 29.4 2000 A 373 Mulvihill, James “ ‘The History of All Times and Places’: William Blake and Historical Representation in America and Europe” 28.4 1999 BR 449 Mulvihill, James David Bromwich, Disowned by Memory: Wordsworth’s Poetry of the 1790’s 27.2 1998 A 169 Mulvihill, James “ ‘Calm Oblivious Tendencies’: Wordsworth and the Long Term” 24.1 1994 A 37 Mulvihill, James “ ‘Essence’ and ‘Accident’ in Lamb’s Elia Essays” 18.2 1989 A 135 Mulvihill, James “History and Nationhood in Wordsworth’s White Doe of Rylstone” 13.3 1984 A 227 Mulvihill, James D. “Peacock and Perfectibility in Headlong Hall” 38.1 2008 BR 105 Munich, Adrienne Lynette Felber, ed., Clio’s Daughters: British Women Making History, 1790-1899 36.1 2006 BR 139 Murdoch, Lisa Lisa Surridge, Bleak Houses: Marital Violence in Victorian Fiction 43.2 2014 BR 258 Murrin, Michael Anthony Welch, The Renaissance Epic and the Oral Tradition 11.1 1981 BR 79 Nagel, Ernest Frederick A. Olafson, The Dialectic of Action: A Philosophical Interpretation of History and the Humanities 15.1 1985 BR 93 Nahra, Nancy Erica Harth, Ideology and Culture in Seventeenth- Century France 32.3 2003 BR 345 Nardin, Jane Mona Scheuermann,, In Praise of Poverty: Hannah More Counters Thomas Paine and the Radical Threat 1.3 1972 BR 82 Nasatir, A.P. Wilbur S. Shepperson, Restless Strangers. Nevada’s Immigrants and Their Interpreters 40.3 2011 BR 381 Neal, Derek G. Lynda L. Coon, Dark Age Bodies: Gender and Monastic Practice in the Early Medieval West 13.2 1984 BR 178 Neel, Carol L. R. William Leckie, Jr., The Passage of Dominion: Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Periodization of Insular History in the Twelfth Century 16.4 1987 A 359 Nelson, Richard “The Progressive Jeremiad, Critical Theory and the End of Republican Virtue” 14.3 1985 A 311 Nemoianu, Virgil “The Selling of Gifts: Another Look at Alienation” 12.3 1983 A 233 Nemoianu, Virgil “Evelyn Waugh and the Motley Society” 9.1 1979 A 39 Nemoianu, Virgil “The Semantics of Bramble’s Hypochondria: A Connection Between Illness and Style in the Eighteenth Century” 32.3 2003 BR 379 Netzley, Ryan Cynthia Marshall, The Shattering of the Self: Violence, Subjectivity, and Early Modern Texts 22.4 1993 A 303 Nevo, Isaac “Trying to Understand Godot: Adorno, Beckett, and the Senility of Historical Dialects” 34.1/2 2004/ RA 113 Newman, Jane O. “Where is ‘Total History’? Studying Ulinka Rublack, ed., Gender in Early Modern 5 (Gender in) Early Modern ‘Europe’” German History 33.4 2004 BR 473 Newstok, Scott William E. Engel, Death and Drama in Renaissance England: Shades of Memory 13.2 1984 BR 198 Nicholson, Carol Richard Rorty, Consequences of Pragmatism 32.2 2003 A 129 Niklas, Ursula “The Poet in the Besieged City: Heidegger and the Poetry of Zbigniew Herbert” 10.2 1981 A 199 Nissen, Henrik S. “Nissen’s Law” 9.2 1980 BR 317 Noble, Donald R. C. Hugh Holman, The Immoderate Past: The Southern Writer and History 26.4 1997 BR 503 Novak, Jr., Frank G. Eugene Halton, Bereft of Reason: On the Decline of Social Thought and Prospects for Its Renewal 21.2 1992 BR 195 Novak, Jr., Frank G. Thomas P. Hughes and Agatha C. Hughes, Lewis Mumford: Public Intellectual 16.2 1987 A 159 Novak, Jr., Frank G. “Lewis Mumford and the Reclamation of Human History” 9.2 1980 BR 305 Nowell-Smith, Patrick Rex Martin, Historical Explanation: Re-enactment and Practical Inference 43.1 2013 BR 109 Nurhussein, Nadia John Cullen Gruesser, The Empire Abroad and the Empire at Home: African American Literature and the Era of Overseas Expansion 4.1 1974 BR 95 Nye, Russel B. William H. Cartwright and Richard L. Watson, Jr., eds., The Reinterpretation of American History and Culture 13.3 1984 BR 303 O’Connell, Maurice R. Elizabeth Cullingford, Yeats, Ireland and Fascism 43.3 2014 BR 439 O’Malley, Seamus Paul Sheehan, Modernism and the Aesthetics of Violence; and Sarah Cole, At the Violet Hour: Modernism and Violence in England and Ireland 12.2 1983 A 111 O’Neal, Michael J. “History, Myth, and Name Magic in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible” 5.2 1976 A 193 O’Neill, John H. “Oldham’s ‘Sardanapalus’: A Restoration Mock-Encomium and its Topical Implications” 36.3 2007 BR 455 O’Regan, Cyril Brian K. Etter, Between Transcendence and Historicism: The Ethical Nature of the Art in Hegelian Aesthetics 33.4 2004 BR 451 O’Regan, Cyril William Desmond, Hegel’s God: A Counterfeit Double? 16.4 1987 A 381 O’Rourke, James “Mythos and Logos in the Republic” 12.1 1982 BR 91 Oaks, Guy Božidar Knežević, History, The Anatomy of Time 28.3 1999 A 245 Odney, Paul “ Thomas Gray’s ‘Daring Spirit’: Forging the Poetics of an Alternative Nationalism” 30.2 2001 BR 231 Ogden, Daryl Laura Hinton, The Perverse Gaze of Sympathy: Sado-Masochistic Sentiments from Clasrissa to Rescue 911 17.3 1988 BR 283 Ohmann, Richard and Gerald Graff, Professing Literature: An Institutional Thomas L. Jeffers History 35.2 2006 A 157 Oliver , Kathleen M. “Defoe’s Poetic Reformation: From Poem to Novel, from Pillory to Penitentiary” 35.3 2006 BR 454 Olsen, Joel Mike Hill, After Whiteness: Unmaking an American Majority 43.2 2014 BR 280 Olster, Stacy David Cowart, Thomas Pynchon & The Dark Passages of History 41.3 2012 BR 408 Oppenheimer, Paul Erik Butler, Metamorphoses of the Vampire in Literature and Film: Cultural Transformations in Europe, 1732–1933 13.3 1984 BR 273 Ormsby-Lennon, Hugh Frank Kermode, The Genesis of Secrecy: On the Interpretation of Narrative 8.2 1979 BR 303 Orr, John Jeffrey L. Sammons, Literary Sociology and Practical Criticism 22.2 1993 BR 189 Orr, Linda Ann Rigney, The Rhetoric of Historical Representation: Three Narrative Histories of the French Revolution 24.3 1995 BR 348 Osborne, John Robert Skidelsky, Interests and Obsessions: Historical Essays 36.3 2007 BR 467 Osborne, John W. Stefan Collini, Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain 33.1 2003 BR 102 Osborne, John W. David Cannadine, In Churchill’s Shadow: Confronting the Past in Modern Britain 29.1 1999 BR 111 Osborne, John W. David Cannadine, History in Our Time 23.1 1993 BR 106 Osborne, John W. Gregory M. Pfitzer, Samuel Eliot Morison’s Historical World 22.3 1993 BR 298 Osborne, John W. David Cannadine, G.M. Trevelyan: A Life in History 16.2 1987 BR 192 Osborne, John W. Rosemary Jann, The Art and Science of Victorian History 2.1 1972 A 7 Osborne, John W. “The Endurance of ‘Literary’ History in Great Britain: Charles Oman, G.M. Trevelyan, and the Genteel Tradition” 19.3 1990 A 215 Ostrowski, Donald “A Metahistorical Analysis: Hayden White and Four Narratives of ‘Russian’ History” 19.3 1990 A 271 Otte, George “Mrs. Humphry Ward, the Great War, and the Historical Loom” 25.1 1995 BR 110 Otter, Monika Peter Haidu, The Subject of Violence: The Song of Roland and the Birth of the State 13.4 1984 A 315 Ottman, Henning “Hegel’s Philosophy of Right: Changing Paradigms for Its Interpretation” 43.3 2014 BR 429 Outka, Elizabeth Jane Elizabeth Fisher, Envisioning Disease, Gender, and War: Women’s Narratives of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic 22.4 1993 A 369 Palmer, L.M. “Reflections on Arnaldo Momigliano’s The Classical Foundations of Modern Historiography” 35.3 2006 RA 407 Palmeri, Frank “Deconstructing the Animal-Human Louise E. 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Erica Fudge, ed., Renaissance Beasts: Of Animals, Humans, and Other Wonderful Creatures

David Perkins, Romanticism and Animal Rights

Nigel Rothfels, The Birth of the Modern Zoo

Cary Wolfe, ed., Zoontologies: The Question of the Animal 33.4 2004 BR 477 Palmeri, Frank Julia V. Douthwaite, The Wild Girl, Natural Man, and the Monster: Dangerous Experiments in the Age of Enlightenment

Richard Nash, Wild Enlightenment: The Borders of Human Identity in the Eighteenth Century 22.1 1992 A 37 Palmeri, Frank “The Capacity of Narrative: Scott and Macaulay on Scottish Highlanders” 14.2 1985 A 181 Paolo, Charles “Coleridge and the History of Western Civilization, c. 4004 B.C. - 500 A.D.” 20.1 1990 A 13 Paolo, Charles De “Coleridge and the Gibbon’s Controversy over The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” 36.2 2007 BR 299 Paquette, Gabriel Darrin McMahon, Happiness: A History 32.4 2003 A 415 Paquette, Gabriel “‘Hegel’s Analysis of Colonialism and Its Roots in Scottish Political Economy” 33.3 2004 BR 358 Parmenter, Jon Michael Leroy Oberg, Uncas: First of the Mohegans 38.3 2009 BR 381 Parrinder, Patrick John Paul Riquelme, ed., Gothic and modernism: Essaying Dark Literary Modernity 13.2 1984 BR 181 Parrinder, Patrick John R. Reed, The Natural History of H.G. Wells 4.1 1974 A 5 Parrinder, Patrick “Historical Imagination and Political Reality: A Study in Edwardian Attitudes” 30.1 2000 A 1 Parrish, Timothy L. “The Lesson of History: Don DeLillo’s Texas Schoolbook, Libra” 43.3 2014 BR 411 Parry, Graham Martin Wiggins, Drama and the Transfer of Power in Renaissance England 42.3 2013 BR 397 Patea, Viorica Ted Genoways, Walt Whitman and the Civil War: America’s Poet during the Lost Years of 1860–1862 10.1 1980 BR 101 Patrides, C.A. Francis C. Blessington, “Paradise Lost” and the Classical Epic

Joan Malory Webber, Milton and his Epic Tradition 3.3 1974 R 357 Patrides, C.A. 20.2 1991 A 157 Pavur, Claude N. “Restoring Cultural History: Beyond Gombrich”

29.2 2000 BR 232 Paxson, James J. John Brannigan, New Historian and Cultural Materialism 22.2 1993 A 115 Pearce, Colin D. “Changing Regimes: The Case of Rip Van Winkle” 35.2 2006 BR 287 Peel, Ellen Carolyn Dever, Skeptical Feminism: Activist Theory, Activist Practice 42.1 2012 BR 110 Peer, Larry H. Tim Blanning, The Romantic Revolution: A History 22.2 1993 BR 175 Perkins, David Gerald N. Izenberg, Impossible Individuality: Romanticism, Revolution, and the Origins of Modern Selfhood 33.3 2004 A 241 Perkins, Pam “‘Too Classical for a Female Pen’? Late Eighteenth-Century Women Reading and Writing Classical History” 18.4 1989 A 387 Perkins, Robert Peter C. Hodgson, ed., Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, One Volume Edition, The Lectures of 1827 9.2 1980 BR 331 Perkins, Robert L. Rudolf J. Siebert, Hegel’s Concept of Marriage and Family: The Origin of Subjective Freedom 9.1 1979 BR 154 Perkins, Robert L. Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation 8.1 1978 BR 146 Perkins, Robert L. G.W.F. Hegel, Faith and Knowledge, Walter Cerf and H.S. Harris, trans. and ed. 14.3 1985 BR 344 Perl, Jeffrey M. Ricardo J. Quinones, Mapping Literary Modernism: Time and Development 15.2 1986 BR 219 Perricone, Chistopher Paul Hernandi, Interpreting Events; Tragicomedies of History on the Modern Stage 25.4 1996 BR 472 Perricone, Christopher Ruby Cohn, Anglo-American Interplay in Recent Drama 24.2 1995 BR 216 Perricone, Christopher Max Harris, The Dialogical Theatre: Dramatization of the Conquest of Mexico and the Question of the Other 21.3 1992 BR 319 Perricone, Christopher Judd D. Hubert, Metatheater: The Example of Shakespeare 21.2 1992 BR 192 Perricone, Christopher Jean Alter, A Sociosemiotic Theory of Theatre 19.1 1989 A 1 Perricone, Christopher “Translation, Art and Culture”

18.2 1989 BR 204 Perricone, Christopher Timothy Murray, Theatrical Legitimation: Allegories of Genius in 17th Century England and France 14.1 1984 A 37 Perricone, Christopher “The Art Interpreter as Actor” 22.1 1992 BR 94 Person, Jr., Leland S. Lucy Maddox, Removals: Nineteenth-Century American Literature and the Politics of Indian Affairs 28.4 1999 BR 473 Peters, Rik Donald Phillip Verene, Philosophy and the Return to Self-Knowledge 27.4 1998 A 501 Peters, Rik “Talking to Ourselves or Talking to Others: H.S. Harris on Gentile’s Transcendental Dialogue” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 135 Peterson, Linda H. Margaret Reynolds, The Sappho History 5 40.2 2011 BR 280 Petrey, Sandy Owen Heathcote, Balzac and Violence: Representing History, Space, Sexuality and Death in La Comédie humaine 13.4 1984 A 331 Petry, M.J. “Hegel’s Criticism of Newton” 25.3 1996 A 255 Peyser, Thomas “Globalization in America: the Case of Don DeLillo’s White Noise” 31.4 2002 BR 449 Phegley, Jennifer Irene Tucker, A Probable State: the Novel, the Contract, and the Jews 16.2 1987 BR 194 Philbrick, Thomas Richard M. Ludwig and Clifford A. Nault, Jr., Annals of American Literature, 1602-1983 38.2 2009 BR 201 Phillippy, Patricia Peter Sherlock, Monuments and Memory in Early Modern England 37.3 2008 BR 428 Phillippy, Patricia Paul Salzman, Reading Early Modern Women’s Writing 34.1/2 2004/ BR 148 Phillippy, Patricia William J. Kennedy, The Site of Petrarchism: Early 5 Modern National Sentiment in Italy, France, and England 31.4 2002 RA 423 Picciotto, Joanna “Investigating Early Modern Marjorie Swann, Curiosities and Texts: The Culture Curiosity” of Collecting in Early Modern England

Barbara M. Benedict, Curiosity: A Cultural History of Early Modern Inquiry 33.3 2004 BR 327 Pigman III, G.W. Peter Mack, Elizabethan Rhetoric: Theory and Practice 34.1/2 2004/ A 59 Pihlainen, Kalle “Understanding and Commitment: 5 Narrative Representation in Jean- Paul Sartre’s L’Idiot de la Famille” 15.2 1986 R 225 Pike, David Response to Dwight Steward 13.1 1983 BR 82 Pineas, Rainer Katherine R. Firth, The Apocalyptic Tradition in Reformation Britain 1530-1645 36.1 2006 A 23 Pinette, Susan “‘Des dialogues curieux’: Knowledge Production in the Works of Lahontan.” 37.3 2008 BR 457 Pittock, Murray Laura O’Connor, Haunted English: The Celtic Fringe, the British Empire, and the De-Anglicization 41.2 2012 A 147 Pizer, John D. “Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, and the Galician Uprising of 1846” 20.1 1990 BR 79 Plass, Paul Paul K. Conkin and Roland N. Stromberg, Heritage and Challenge: The History and Theory of History 30.4 2001 RA 445 Plotnitsky, Arkady “Derrida’s Futures” Joseph G. Kronik, Derrida and the Future of Literature

Stuart Barnett, Hegel After Derrida 32.1 2002 BR 110 Plotz, John Joseph Meisel, Public Speech and the Culture of Public Life in the Age of Gladstone 38.2 2009 A 151 Pocci, Luca “History, Parahistory, and the Uses of Memory in Timothy Findley’s Famous Last Words” 25.4 1996 A 345 Poe, Marshall “Butterfield’s Sociology of Whig History: A Contribution to the Study of Anachronisms in Modern Historical Thought” 24.1 1994 RA 69 Polan, Dana “Art, Society and ‘Contrapuntal Criticism’: A Review of Edward Said’s Culture and Imperialism” 18.1 1988 A 1 Pollack, David “The Creation and Repression of Cybernetic Man: Technological Fear and the Secrecy of Narrative” 8.2 1979 BR 291 Pollard, Arthur John Halperin, Trollope and Politics: A Study of the Pallisers and Others 37.2 2008 BR 270 Pollard, Tanya Charles Whitney, Early Responses to Renaissance Drama. 12.3 1983 BR 285 Porter, Dale H. Eugene Webb, Eric Voegelin, Philosopher of History 21.1 1991 BR 79 Poston, Lawrence W. David Shaw, Victorians and Mystery: Crisis of Representation 40.1 2010 A 109 Premo, Bianca “An Old Father in a New Tragedy: Fatherhood in the Legal Theater of the Spanish Atlantic, 1770–1820” 26.2 1997 BR 260 Prescott, Anne Lake William M. Hamlin, The Image of America in Montaigne, Spenser, and Shakespeare: Renaissance Ethnography and Literary Reflection 12.1 1982 BR 101 Preus, J. Samuel J. Way ne Baker, Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenant: the Other Reformed Tradition 23.3 1994 BR 297 Preyer, Robert Charles De Paolo, Coleridge: Historian of Ideas 6.2 1977 BR 220 Preyer, Robert O. Clyde de L. Ryals, Browning’s Later Poetry: 1871- 1889 42.3 2014 A 225 Price, Danielle E. “Controlling Nature: Mary Webb and the National Trust” 20.3 1991 A 223 Price, David W. “Hegel’s Intertexutal Dialectic: Diderot’s Le Neveu de Rameau in the Phenomenology of Spirit” 30.3 2001 BR 332 Pritchard, James Susan Dunn, Sister Revolutions: French Lightning, American Light 40.3 2011 BR 404 Pritchard, William H. Stephen Sicari, Modernist Humanism and the Men of 1914: Joyce, Lewis, Pound, and Eliot 30.4 2001 BR 471 Provost, Paul Jean Thomas Cahill, The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everybody Thinks and Feels 32.1 2002 A 27 Pruett, Christina “The Complexions of ‘Race’ and the Rise of ‘Whiteness’ Studies” 14.2 1985 BR 222 Pugh, Evelyn L. Mary Poovey, The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer 33.2 2004 BR 215 Punter, David Avril Horner, ed., European Gothic: A Spirited Exchange 1760-1960 11.3 1982 BR 291 Putnam, Hilary Burleigh Taylor Wilkins, Has History Any Meaning? 44.2 2015 BR 239 Putter, Ad Anne Lawrence-Mathers, The True History of Merlin the Magician 5.3 1976 BR 388 Quinones, Ricardo J.T. Fraser, Of Time, Passion, and Knowledge: Reflections on the Strategy of Existence 6.1 1976 BR 94 Quinones, Ricardo J. Herbert Lindenberger, Historical Drama: The Relation of Literature and Reality 18.1 1988 BR 91 Rabaté, Jean-Michel Donald Philip Verene, Vico and Joyce 39.2 2010 BR 236 Raber, Karen Peter Mason, Before Disenchantment: Images of Exotic Plants and Animals in the Early Modern World 11.3 1982 BR 309 Racevskis, Karlis Francesco Orlando, Toward a Freudian Theory of Literature With an Analysis of Racine’s “Phèdre,” trans. Charmaine Lee 8.2 1979 A 165 Racevskis, Karlis “A Return to The Heavenly City: Carl Becker’s Paradox in a Structuralist Perspective” 24.1 1994 BR 101 Radcliffe, David Hill Malcolm Kelsall, The Great Good Place: The Country House & English Literature 35.1 2005 BR 126 Radel, Nicholas Louis Crompton, Homosexuality & Civilization 33.2 2004 A 119 Rajan, Tilottama “How (Not) To Speak Properly: Writing ‘German’ Philosophy in Hegel’s Aesthetics and Philosophy of History” 18.3 1989 BR 320 Rakow, Lana L., Andrew McLean, and Jeanette Clausen 13.1 1983 A 1 Raleigh, John Henry “Strindberg in Andrew Jackson’s America: O’Neill’s More Stately Mansions” 7.1 1977 BR 175 Raley, Harold Oliver W. Holmes, Human Reality and The Social World: Ortega’s Philosophy of History 24.1 1994 A 55 Ramsey, Colin “Cannibalism and Infant Killing: A System of ‘Demonizing’ Motifs in Indian Captivity Narratives ”

19.1 1989 BR 82 Rand, Eric Asher Horowitz, Rousseau, Nature and History 20.3 1991 BR 307 Randall, Timothy Peter Scheckner, An Anthology of Chartist Poetry: Poetry of the British Working Class, 1830s-1850s 44.2 2015 BR 307 Rankin, Sandy Alice Reeve-Tucker and Nathan Waddell, eds., Utopianism, Modernism, and Literature in the Twentieth Century 36.3 2007 RA 391 Rapaport, Herman “Benjamin as Historian” Andrew Benjamin, ed., Walter Benjamin and History

Michael Löwy, Fire Alarm: Reading Walter Benjamin’s “On the concept of History” 33.3 2004 RA 287 Rapaport, Herman “Rajan’s Fractile History” Tilottama Rajan and Michael J. O’Driscoll, eds., After Poststructuralism

Tilottama Rajan and Herman Rapport, Deconstruction and the Remainders of Phenomenology 17.4 1988 BR 400 Rapp, Carl Anthony J. Cascardi, ed., Literature and the Question of Philosophy 42.1 2012 BR 99 Rawlings, Helen Ryan Prendergast, Reading, Writing, and Errant Subjects in Inquisitorial Spain 11.2 1982 BR 202 Ray, Roger T.P. Wiseman, Clio’s Cosmetics: Three Studies in Greco-Roman Literature 31.4 2002 A 403 Redding, Paul “History as Celebration or Justification? Rorty versus the Non- Metaphysical Hegelians” 16.4 1987 A 297 Redding, Paul “Absorbed in the Spectacle of the World: Hegel’s Criticism of Romantic Historiography” 22.2 1993 BR 191 Reed, John Franklin E. Court, Institutionalizing English Literature: The Culture and Politics of Literary Study, 1750-1900 5.3 1976 BR 382 Reed, John Davide de Giustino, Conquest of Mind: Phrenology and Victorian Social Thought

Vieda Skultans, ed., Madness and Morals: Ideas on Insanity in the Nineteenth Century 24.1 1994 BR 97 Reed, John R. David Morse, High Victorian Culture 19.3 1990 BR 293 Reed, John R. Peter Allan Dale, In Pursuit of a Scientific Culture: Science, Art, and Society in the Victorian Age 17.2 1988 A 187 Reed, John R. “The Victorian Renaissance Self” 12.1 1982 BR 93 Reed, John R. Roslynn D. Haynes, H.G. Wells: Discoverer of the Future: The Influence of Science on his Thought 11.1 1981 BR 97 Reed, John R. Robert Pattison, Tennyson and Tradition 8.2 1979 A 175 Reed, John R. “Freedom, Fate, and the Future in Bleak House” 8.2 1979 BR 296 Reed, John R. Cynthia Fansler Behrman, Victorian Myths of the Sea 6.2 1977 BR 208 Reed, John R. Josef L. Altholz, ed., The Mind and Art of Victorian England 4.1 1974 BR 118 Reed, John R. John D. Rosenberg, The Fall of Camelot: A Study of Tennyson’s “Idylls of the King” 2.3 1973 A 281 Reed, John R. “English Imperialism and the Unacknowledged Crime of The Moonstone” 29.3 2000 A 271 Reed, Matt “Homo lepidopterist: Nabokov and the Pursuit of Memory”

7.3 1978 A 409 Reedy, S.J., Gerard “Rymer and History” 30.1 2000 A 25 Reeves, Margaret “Telling the Tale of The Rise of the Novel” 38.1 2008 A 17 Reid, Jeffrey “Galvanism and Excitability in Friedrich Schlegel’s Theory of the Fragment” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 199 Reid, Jeffrey Theodore Ziolkowski, Clio the Romantic Muse: 5 Historicizing the Faculties in Germany 32.4 2003 A 457 Reid, Jeffrey “Hegel on Schleiermacher and Postmodernity” 9.3 1980 A 353 Reid, W. Stanford “Murder, Maids and Magic: Sir Walter Scott’s View of Fifteenth and Sixteenth-Century Scotland” 38.3 2009 BR 367 Reilly, Terry Teresa Grant and Barbara Ravelhofer, eds., English Historical Drama, 1500-1660: Forms outside the Canon 33.1 2003 BR 78 Reilly, Terry Karen Cunningham, Imaginary Betrayals: Subjectivity and the Discourses of Treason in Early Modern England 9.2 1980 A 253 Reimer, A. James “Bloch’s Interpretation of Muenzer: History, Theology, and Social Change” 6.3 1977 A 275 Reinitz, Richard “The Use of Irony by Historians and Vice-Versa Toward a Methodology of Liberation” 6.1 1976 BR 105 Reinitz, Richard Bernard Sternsher, Consensus, conflict and American Historians 3.3 1974 BR 370 Reiss, Edmund Charles Moorman, Kings & Captains: Variations on a Heroic Theme 12.3 1983 BR 281 Reith, Louis J. Ulrich Michael Kremer, Die Reformation als Problem der amerikanischen Historiographie 3.3 1974 A 247 Reszler, Andrè “Fiction and Ideaology: The Case of Ignazio Silone” 23.3 1994 BR 299 Reverand II, Cedric D. David Bywaters, Dryden in Revolutionary England 7.3 1978 BR 466 Rhodes, James M. Melvin J. Lasky, Utopia and Revolution: On the Origins of a Metaphor, or Some Illustrations of the Problem of Political Temperament and Intellectual Climate and How Ideas, Ideals, and Ideologies Have Been Historically Related 37.2 2008 BR 307 Rice, Alison Jane Hiddleston, Assia Djebar: Out of Algeria 14.2 1985 BR 214 Richardson, David A. Maureen Quilligan, Milton’s Spenser: The Politics of Reading 43.1 2013 BR 97 Richardson, R.C. Andrew Hopper, Turncoats and Renegadoe: Changing Sides during the English Civil Wars 41.2 2012 BR 272 Richardson, R.C. Mark Nixon, Samuel Rawson Gardiner and the Idea of History 41.3 2012 BR 404 Richardson, R.C. Hilary Hinds, George Fox and Early Quaker Culture 39.2 2010 BR 250 Richardson, R.C. Nicholas McDowell, Poetry and Allegiance in the English Civil Wars: Marvell and the Cause of Wit

Edward Holberton, Poetry and the Cromwellian Protectorate: Culture, Politics and Institutions 38.2 2009 BR 193 Richardson, R. C. John Burrow, A History of Histories. Epics, Chronicles, Romances and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides to the Twentieth Century 37.1 2007 RA 103 Richardson, R.C. “Historians, History Brokers, Michael Bentley, Modernizing England’s Past: Consumers, and English Historical English Historiography in the Age of Modernism Culture 1800-1970” 1870-1970

Billie Melman, The Culture of History: English Uses of the Past 1800-1953

33.2 2004 A 163 Richardson, R.C. “Social Engineering in Early Modern England: Masters, Servants, and the Godly Discipline” 32.3 2003 RA 331 Richardson, R.C. “Continuities and Discontinuities in Alan Houston and Steve Pincus, eds., A Nation Seventeenth-Century England” Transformed: England after the Restoration

Christopher Durston, Cromwell’s Major Generals: Godly Government during the English Revolution

J.C. Davis, Oliver Cromwell

Blair Worden, Roundhead Reputations: The English Civil Wars and the Passions of Posterity 32.1 2002 A 1 Richardson, R.C. “The Generation Gap: Parental Advice in Early Modern England” 31.2 2002 RA 167 Richardson, R.C. “History and the Early Modern Daniel Robert Woolf, Reading History in Early Communications Circuit” Modern England

29.4 2000 RA 449 Richardson, R.C. “Revisiting Puritanism” William Lamont, Puritanism and Historical Controversy

Tom Webster, Godly Clergy in Early Stuart England: The Caroline Puritan Movement c. 1620- 1643

Lori Anne Ferrell, Government by Polemic: James I, the King’s Preachers and the Rhetorics of Conformity, 1603-1625

Judith Maltby, Prayer Book and People in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England 28.2 1999 BR 231 Richardson, R.C. Michael Bentley, ed., Companion to Historiography 26.3 1997 RA 367 Richardson, R.C. Markku Peltonen, Classical Humanism and Republicanism in English Political Thought, 1570- 1640

David Armitage, Armand Himy, and Quentin Skinner, Milton and Republicanism

Michael Mendle, Henry Parker and the English Civil War: The Political Thought of the Public’s “Privado” 25.2 1996 BR 228 Richardson, R.C. Anthony Fletcher and Peter Roberts, Religion, Culture, and Society in Early Modern Britain: Essays in Honor of Patrick Collinson 24.4 1995 BR 429 Richardson, R.C. Adrian Wilson, Rethinking Social History: English Society 1570-1920 and Its Interpretation 40.3 2011 BR 400 Richardson, Riché Monica L. Miller, Slaves to Fashion: Black Dandyism and the Styling of Black Diasporic Identity 10.1 1980 BR 98 Richetti, John Howard D. Weinbrot, Augustus Caesar in “Augustan” England: The Decline of a Classical Norm 12.2 1983 BR 198 Richmond, Hugh Andrew Milner, John Milton and the English Revolution: A Study in the Sociology of Literature 11.3 1982 BR 302 Richmond, Hugh Louis L. Martz, Poet of Exile: A Study of Milton’s Poetry 32.3 2003 BR 375 Riede, David Ian Balfour, The Rhetoric of Romantic Prophecy 4.3 1975 BR 426 Ringe, Donald A. John P. McWilliams, Political Justice in a Republic: James Fenimore Cooper’s America 32.2 2003 BR 246 Riquelme, John Paul Andrew Smith and Jeff Wallace, eds., Gothic Modernisms 10.3 1981 BR 342 Riquelme, John Paul Grant Webster, The Republic of Letters: A History of Postwar American Literary Opinion 8.3 1979 BR 443 Riquelme, John Paul John Burbank and Peter Steiner, trans. and eds., Structure, Sign, and Function: Selected Essays by Jan Mukařovskỳ 4.2 1975 BR 247 Robbins, R.H. V.J. Scattergood, Politics and Poetry in the Fifteenth Century 40.2 2011 BR 283 Roberts, Lee Karen Lauren Thornber, Empire of Texts in Motion: Chinese, Korean, and Taiwanese Transculturations of Japanese Literature 19.1 1989 A 41 Robertson, Joan “They’re After Everyone: Heller’s Catch-22 and the Cold War” 39.1 2009 BR 83 Robin, Diana Jane Tylus, Reclaiming Catherine of Siena: Literacy, Literature, and the Signs of Others 20.2 1991 BR 191 Robinson, Lillian S. Stephen L. Collins, From Divine Cosmos to Sovereign State: An Intellectual History of Consciousness and the Idea of Order in Renaissance England 28.4 1999 BR 463 Robinson, William B. Frank Ankersmit and Hans Kellner, eds., A New Philosophy of History 26.4 1997 BR 494 Robinson, William B. Lawrence Manley, Literature and Culture in Early Modern London 28.3 1999 BR 354 Robison, William B. Keith Jenkins, On “What is History?” From Carr and Elton to Rorty and White 23.2 1994 A 131 Roche, Mark W. and “Vico’s Age of Heroes and the Age Vittorio Hösle of Men in John Ford’s Film The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” 36.2 2007 BR 285 Rockmore, Tom Ethan Kleinberg, Generation Existential: Heidegger’s Philosophy in France, 1927-1961 1.3 1972 BR 89 Rockwell, Kiffen Harry Levin, The Myth of the Golden Age in the Renaissance 18.1 1988 BR 86 Rodenberg, Hans-Peter Heinz D. Osterle, Bilder von Amerika: Gesprache mit deutschen Schriftstellern 43.2 2014 BR 269 Roehr, Sabine Violetta Stolz, Geschichtsphilosophie bei Kant und Reinhold (Philosophy of History in Kant and Reinhold 41.3 2012 BR 414 Roehr, Sabine Shmuel Feiner, Moses Mendelssohn: Sage of Modernity, trans. Anthony Berris 13.2 1984 BR 185 Roemer, Kenneth M. Arthur Lipow, Authoritarian Socialism in America: Edward Bellamy and the Nationalist Movement 18.2 1989 A 171 Rogers, Deborah D. “The Commercialization of Eightieth-Century English Literature” 34.3 2005 BR 352 Romack, Katherine Joad Raymond, Pamphlets and Pamphleteering in Early Modern Britain 34.1/2 2004/ BR 211 Roseman, Mark Omer Bartov, Germany’s War and the Holocaust: 5 Disputed Histories 7.1 1977 A 33 Rosen, Stanley “Hegel and Historicism” 5.2 1976 BR 246 Rosen, Stanley Burleigh Taylor Wilkins, Hegel’s Philosophy of History 23.2 1994 BR 200 Rosenberg, D.M. Perez Zagorin, Milton: Aristocrat and Rebel ― The Poet and His Politics 22.1 1992 A 67 Rosenberg, D.M. “Epic Warfare in Cowley and Milton” 18.2 1989 A 123 Rosenberg, D.M. “Milton’s Paradise Lost and the Country Estate Poem” 17.3 1988 BR 305 Rosenberg, Samuel N. The Journal Annali of the Scuola Normale Superiore 9.2 1980 BR 333 Rosenblatt, Jon Steven Gould Axelrod, Robert Lowell: Life and Art 2.1 1972 BR 81 Rosenfield, Lawrence W. Manual L. Grossman, Dada: Paradox, Mystification, and Ambiguity in European Literature 11.3 1982 A 239 Rosenmeyer, Thomas G. “History or Poetry? The Example of Herodotus” 15.1 1985 A 61 Rosenthal, Abigal L. “Getting Past Marx and Freud” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 131 Ross, Charles Timothy J Reiss, Mirages of the Selfe: Patterns of 5 Personhood in Ancient and Early Modern Europe 7.3 1978 A 423 Rotenstreich, Nathan “Reflective Silence and Its Sublation” 19.4 1990 BR 397 Roth, Michael S. John H. Smith, The Spirit and Its Letter: Traces of Rhetoric in Hegel’s Philosophy of Bildung 35.1 2005 A 1 Rothstein, Eric “Augustine and the ‘Poetic Composition’ of Philosophical Investigations” 28.3 1999 BR 333 Rothstein, Eric Edward S. Casey., The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History 27.2 1998 RA 251 Rothstein, Eric “Heidegger, Harpocrates, Hypocrisy Berel Lang, Heidegger’s Silence ”

26.4 1997 BR 485 Rothstein, Eric Susan B. Brill, Wittgenstein and Critical Theory: Beyond Postmodernism and Toward Descriptive Investigations

G.L. Hagberg, Art as Language: Wittgenstein, Meaning, and Aesthetic Theory 13.2 1984 BR 171 Rothwell, Kenneth S. Karlis Racevskis, Michael Foucault and the Subversion of Intellect

Charles C. Lemert and Garth Gillan, Michel Foucault: Social Theory as Transgression 6.3 1977 RA 327 Rousseau, G.S. “Two Roads to Xanadu: Imagination Mary Warnock, Imagination Studies” Dennis Donoghue, The Sovereign Ghost: Studies in Imagination 25.2 1996 A 145 Rozett, Martha Tuck “Constructing a World: How Postmodern Historical Fiction Reimagines the Past” 32.3 2003 BR 363 Rubenstein, Jill Donald Smith, Storytelling Scotland: A Nation in Narrative 28.4 1999 BR 459 Rubenstein, Jill Leith Davis, Acts of Union: Scotland and the Literary Negotiation of the British Nation, 1707-1830 33.3 2004 BR 315 Rubinoff, Lionel Guiseppina D’Oro, Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience 2.1 1972 BR 72 Rudnick, Hans H. Northrop Frye, The Critical Path: An Essay on the Social Context of Literary Criticism 33.3 2004 BR 321 Russo, John Paul Douglas Biow, Doctors, Ambassadors, Secretaries: Humanism and Professions in Renaissance Italy 24.4 1995 A 399 Russon, John “Hermeneutics and Plato’s Ion” 22.4 1993 A 321 Russon, John “Metaphor and Truth in History” 20.1 1990 BR 78 Ruud, Jay Terence McCarthy, Reading the Morte Darthur 38.2 2009 BR 259 Ruynan, Anne Sisson Stephanie Gilmore, ed., Feminist Coalitions: Historical Perspectives on Second Wave Feminism in the United States 6.1 1976 BR 114 Ryals, Clyde de L. James R. Kincaid, Tennyson’s Major Poems: The Comic and Ironic Patterns 1.3 1972 BR 90 Ryals, Clyde de L. Thomas R. Edwards, Imagination and Power: A Study of Poetry on Public Themes 23.3 1994 BR 309 Rzadkiewicz, Chester M. Guiseppe Boffa, The Stalin Phenomenon 4.2 1975 BR 255 Sackton, Alexander W. Jackson Bate, The Burden of the Past and the English Poet 41.1 2011 BR 124 Safier, Neil Laura Dassow Walls, The Passage to Cosmos: Alexander von Humboldt and the Shaping of America 37.2 2008 BR 297 Sakaki, Atsuko Timothy J. Van Compernolle, The Uses of Memory: The Critique of Modernity in the Fiction of Higuchi Ichiyo 6.1 1976 BR 89 Sammons, Jeffery L. Robert Weimann, Structure and Society in Literary History: Studies in the History and Theory of Historical Criticism 13.4 1984 BR 424 Sass, Hans Martin Kurt Steinhauer, Hegel-Bibliographie 10.4 1981 BR 433 Sass, Hans-Martin Marx Wartofsky, Feuerbach 15.4 1986 BR 433 Sawicki, Jana Mark Poster, Foucault, Marxism and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information 7.1 1977 BR 157 Sayre, Robert Norman Rudich, ed., Weapons of Criticism: Marxism in America and the Literary Tradition 23.2 1994 BR 204 Scanlan, Margaret Francine S. Weinbaum, Paul Scott: A Critical Study 15.2 1986 A 153 Scanlan, Margaret “The Disappearance of History: Paul Scott’s Raj Quartet” 9.3 1980 A 365 Scanlan, Margaret “Fiction and the Fictions of History in Iris Murdoch’s The Red and the Green” 36.3 2007 BR 439 Scanlan, Thomas David Read, New World, Known World: Shaping Knowledge in Early Anglo-American Writing 38.3 2009 BR 385 Schafer, Sylvia Rachel G. Fuchs, Contested Paternity: Constructing Families in Modern France 28.1 1998 A 53 Schalow, Frank “At the Interface of Destiny and Freedom: The New Locus of History in Heidegger’s 1936 Schelling-Lectures” 10.1 1980 A 57 Schatzberg, Walter “Relations of Literature and Science: A Bibliography of Scholarship, 1978- 79” 9.1 1979 A 111 Schatzberg, Walter “Relations of Literature and Science: A Bibliography of Scholarship, 1977- 78” 8.1 1978 A 97 Schatzberg, Walter “Relations of Literature and Science: A Bibliography of Scholarship, 1976- 77” 7.1 1977 A 135 Schatzberg, Walter “Relations of Literature and Science: A Bibliography of Scholarship, 1975- 76” 6.1 1976 A 71 Schatzberg, Walter, ed. “Relations of Literature and Science: A Bibliography of Scholarship, 1974- 1975” 5.1 1975 A 97 Schatzberg, Walter, ed. “Relations of Literature and Science: A Bibliography of Scholarship, 1973- 1974” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 190 Schatzki, Theodore R. Cressida J. Heyes, ed., The Grammar of Politics: 5 Wittgenstein and Political Philosophy 27.3 1998 A 363 Schaub, Melissa “The Role of the Reader in Collingwood’s Philosophy of History” 26.1 1996 RA 97 Schaub, Thomas “Without Fanfare or Foucault: The Frederick M. Dolan, Allegories of America: Cold War and the Loss of a Defining Narratives, Metaphysics, Politics Narrative” Tobin Siebers, Cold War Criticism and the Politics of Skepticism

Tom Engelhardt, The End of Victory Culture: Cold War America and the Disillusioning of a Generation 26.2 1997 BR 251 Schellenberg, Betty A. Catherine Gallagher, Nobody’s Story: The Vanishing Acts of Women Writers in the Marketplace, 1670-1820 31.2 2002 BR 209 Schiff, Karen L. Pamela Caughie, ed., Virginia Woolf in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction 42.3 2013 BR 389 Schirmer, Elizabeth Dyan Elliott, The Bride of Christ Goes to Hell: Metaphor and Embodiment in the Lives of Pious Women, 200-1500 36.2 2007 A 199 Schmidt, Claudia M. “Hume and Kant on Historical Teleology” 18.2 1989 BR 189 Schmidt, Walter Andreas Dorpalen, German History in Marxist Perspective: The East German Approach 12.3 1983 BR 301 Schoeck, R.J. Josef Bleicher, Contemporary Hermeneuntics: Hermuneutics as Method, Philosophy and Critique

Adrian Marino, L’Hermeneutique de Mircea Eliade

Bernard Sharratt, Reading Relations: Structures of Literary Production―A Dialectical Text/Book 1.2 1972 A 29 Schoeck, R.J. “On Humanistic Traditions: The Whole Man and His Role in History 38.2 2009 BR 239 Scholliers, Peter James Vernon, Hunger: A Modern History 22.4 1993 A 357 Scholz, Sally J. “ ‘A Small Violence to History’: Reflecting on the Past in Fielding’s Drama Eurydice Hissed”

8.2 1979 BR 281 Schrag, Calvin O. Gerhard Schmitt, The Concept of Being in Hegel and Heidegger 10.4 1981 BR 427 Schrift, Alan D. Ingtraub Görland, Die Konkrete Freiheit des Individuums bei Hegel und Sartre 3.2 1974 A 165 Schulz, Max F. “The Perseverance of Romanticism: From Organism to Artifact’ 11.2 1982 BR 204 Schwartz, Robert Jane Routh and Janet Wolff, eds., The Sociology of Literature: Theoretical Approaches

Diana Laurenson, ed., The Sociology of Literature: Applied Studies 28.3 1999 BR 339 Schwarz, Daniel R. Douglas Mao, Solid Objects: Modernism and the Test of Production 41.1 2011 BR 119 Schwebel, Sara L. Jackie C. Horne, History and the Construction of the Child in Early British Children’s Literature 8.1 1978 A 40 Scodel, Ruth “Thucydides at Amphipolis” 7.3 1978 BR 493 Scodel, Ruth S. James M. Redfield, Nature and Culture in the Iliad: The Tragedy of Hector 40.2 2011 BR 270 Scraba, Jeffrey Elizabeth L. Bradley, Knickerbocker: The Myth Behind New York, by 20.2 1991 BR 185 Scrivener, Michael Carl Wooding, Nature into Art: Cultural Transformation in Nineteenth-Century Britain 8.2 1979 A 239 Seebohm, Thomas “Schelling’s ‘Kantain’ Critique of the Hegelian Deduction of Categories” 10.4 1981 BR 440 Seebohm, Thomas M. G.W.F. Hegel, Gesammelte Werke, eds. Friedrich Hogemann and Walter Jaeschke 15.1 1985 BR 86 Seigel, Paul N. Jonathon Dollimore and Alan Sinfield, eds., Political Shakespeare: New Essays in Cultural Materialism 42.2 2013 BR 259 Sepa, Maria Frederik Byrn Kølert, The Chicago Literary Experience: Writing the City, 1893–1953 6.2 1977 A 181 Serres, Michel “Michelet―The Soup” 43.1 2013 A 55 Schadurski, Maxim “A Newly Redeemed England in H. G. Wells’s Utopias” 13.3 1984 BR 288 Shakel, Peter J. Howard D. Weinbrot, Alexander Pope and the Tradition of Formal Verse Satire 27.4 1998 A 573 Shannon, Daniel “The Journey of the Mind of God to Us: Hegel’s Ladder and Harris’s Graduate Seminars” 42.1 2012 A 1 Shannon, Daniel E. “The Continual Return of the Female Principle in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit” 15.4 1986 BR 438 Shapiro, Gary Donald Phillip Verene, Hegel’s Recollection: A Study of Images in the Phenomenology of Spirit 8.3 1979 A 323 Shapiro, Gary “Notes on the Animal Kingdom of the Spirit” 14.2 1985 BR 216 Shapiro, Michael Sam B. Girgus, The New Covenant: Jewish Writers and the American Idea 5.2 1976 BR 257 Sharples, Edward Philip Rosenberg, The Seventh Hero: Thomas Carlyle and the Theory of Radical Activism 18.2 1989 BR 193 Sharrock, Roger Maria Couto, Graham Greene: On the Frontier. Politics and Religion in the Novels 31.1 2001 BR 107 Shaw, Harry E. Hao Li, Memory and History in George Eliot: Transfiguring the Past 16.3 1987 A 203 Shaw, Patrick W. “History and the Picaresque Tradition in Saul Bellow’s The Adventures of Augie March” 42.2 2013 BR 248 Shaw, W. David Charles LaPorte, Victorian Poets and the Changing Bible 26.3 1997 A 323 Sheets, Robin “History and Romance: Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Agnes of Sorrento and George Eliot’s Romola” 14.1 1984 BR 102 Shiner, Larry Dominick LaCapra, Rethinking Intellectual History: Texts, Contexts, Language 11.2 1982 BR 206 Shipps, Kenneth Georg G. Iggers and Harold T. Parker, eds., International Handbook of Historical Studies 9.1 1979 BR; R 133 Shipps, Kenneth; Hill, Christopher Hill, Milton and the English Revolution Christopher 15.3 1986 A 303 Shoham, S. Giora “German Socialism and Anti- Semitism: Social Character and the Disruption of the Symbiosis Between Germans and Jews” 2.1 1972 A 19 Shor, Ira Neil “The Novel in History: Lukács and Zola” 2.2 1973 BR 193 Shucard, Stephen Hugh Lloyd-Jones, The Justice of Zeus 44.1 2015 A 19 Siani, Alberto L. “The Contemporary Dialectic of United Nations Human Rights” 7.2 1978 BR 341 Siebert, Rudolf J. Jacob Viner, The Role of Providence in the Social Order 11.2 1982 BR 211 Siegel, Martin Stuart L. Campbell, The Second Empire Revisited: A Study in French Historiography 28.1 1998 BR 113 Siegel, Paul N. Clifford D. Conner, Jean Paul Marat: Scientist and Revolutionary 21.2 1992 A 129 Siegel, Paul N. “The New Historicism and Shakespearean Criticism: A Marxist Critique” 19.3 1990 BR 290 Siegel, Paul N. Paul Le Blanc, Lenin and the Revolutionary Party 15.3 1986 BR 328 Siegel, Paul N. Ernest Mandel, Delightful Murder: A Social History of the Crime Story 14.1 1984 A 1 Siegel, Paul N. “Solzhenitsyn’s Portrait of Lenin”

12.3 1983 A 211 Siegel, Paul N. “The Political Implications of Solzhenitsyn’s Novels” 9.1 1979 A 5 Siegel, Paul N. “Tillyard Lives: Historicism and Shakespeare’s History Plays” 4.2 1975 A 159 Siegel, Paul N. “Revolution and Evolution in Bennett’s The Old Wives Tale” 19.2 1990 BR 190 Siegle, Robert Linda Hutcheon, Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction

Jonathan Arac, Critical Genealogies: Historical Situations for Postmodern Literary Studies 18.1 1988 BR 88 Siegle, Robert Thomas M. Leitch, What Stories Are: Narrative Theory and Interpretation 22.1 1992 A 53 Silk, Sally M. “Writing the Holocaust/Writing Travel: The Space of Representation in Jorge Semprun’s Le grand voyage”

8.3 1979 BR 447 Silver, Mitchell George Bisztray, Marxist Models of Literary Realism

G.H.R. Parkinson, Georg Lukács 43.3 2014 BR 419 Silver, Victoria Richard Scholar and Alexis Tadié, eds., Fiction and the Frontiers of Knowledge in Europe, 1500-1800 26.4 1997 A 473 Simon, Julia “Natural Man and the Lessons of History: Rousseau’s Chronotopes ”

37.1 2007 BR 120 Singh, Jyotsna G. Annemarie Schimmel, The Empire of the Great Mughals: History, Art, and Culture 41.1 2011 BR 116 Sinno, Nadine Marilyn Booth, ed., Harem Histories: Envisioning Places and Living Spaces 28.2 1999 A 129 Sinowitz, Michael Leigh “The Western as Postmodern Satiric History: Thomas Berger’s Little Big Man” 20.2 1991 BR 202 Siskin, Clifford Alan Bewell, Wordsworth and the Enlightenment: Nature, Man, and Society in the Experimental Poetry 44.1 2014 A 51 Slavens, Jesse D. “From Kantian Morality to Hegelian Ethical Life by a Critique of Kant’s Universalizability Principle” 11.1 1981 BR 84 Slavin, A.J. Arthur B. Ferguson, Clio Unbound: Perceptions of the Social and Cultural Past in Renaissance England 23.3 1994 BR 312 Slavin, Morris Paul N. Siegel, The Great Reversal: Politics and Art in Solzhenitsyn 40.3 2011 BR 386 Smith III, William E. Nancy Bradley Warren, The Embodied World: Female Spiritualities, Contested Orthodoxies, and English Religious Cultures, 1350–1700 16.3 1987 BR 281 Smith, Bonnie G. Philip Pomper, The Structure of Mind in History: Five Major Figures in Psychohistory 2.2 1973 BR 198 Smith, Elton E. J. Philip Eggers, King Arthur’s Laureate: A Study of Tennyson’s “Idylls of the King” 11.2 1982 BR 187 Smith, Hallett Lawrence Manley, Covention 1500-1750 36.1 2006 BR 122 Smith, Hilda L. Stephen Clucas, ed., A Princely Brave Woman: Essays on Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle

Line Cottegnies and Nancy Weitz, eds., Authorial Conquests: Essays on Genre in the Writing of Margaret Cavendish

Susan James, ed., Margaret Cavendish: Political Writings 35.1 2005 BR 111 Smith, Johanna M. Caroline Levine, The Serious Pleasures of Suspense: Victorian Realism and Narrative Doubt 23.4 1994 A 377 Smith, John H. “The Language of Mastery and the Mastery of Language: The Recognition of Rhetoric in Hegel ”

26.1 1996 BR 118 Smith, Jon Ronald H. Carpenter, History as Rhetoric: Style, Narrative, and Persuasion 32.2 2003 BR 222 Smith, Jonathan Christopher Herbert, Victorian Relativity: Radical Thought and Scientific Discovery 11.1 1981 BR 107 Smith, Nicholas D. Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant, Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society, trans. Janet Lloyd 7.1 1977 BR 163 Smith, Nicholas D. Thomas D. Clareson, ed., Many Futures, Many Worlds: Theme and Form in Science Fiction 12.3 1983 A 245 Smith, Thomas S. “Performing in the Zone: The Presentation of Historical Crisis in Gravity’s Rainbow” 13.2 1984 BR 194 Smitten, Jeffery Patricia B. Craddock, Young Edward Gibbon: Gentleman of Letters 12.2 1983 BR 195 Smitten, Jeffrey Lionel Gossman, The Empire Unpossess’d: An Essay on Gibbon’s “Decline and Fall” 11.1 1981 A 29 Smitten, Jeffrey “Robertson’s History of Scotland: Narrative Structure and the Sense of Reality” 33.1 2003 A 1 Snider, Alvin “Atoms and Seeds: Aphra Behn’s Lucretius” 40.2 2011 BR 294 Snyder, Carey Faye Hammill, Sophistication: A Literary and Cultural History

Catherine Keyser, Playing Smart: New York Women Writers and Modern Magazine Culture 23.1 1993 A 51 Soderholm, James “Bryon, Nietzsche, and the Mystery of Forgetting” 34.3 2005 RA 317 Sommerville, Johann “Libels, Literature, Liberty and Andrew McRea, Literature, Satire and the Early Politics in Early Stuart England” Stuart State

Stephen Clucas and Rosalind Davies, eds., The Crisis of 1614 and the Addled Parliament: Literary and Historical Perspectives

Neil Rhodes, Jennifer Richards and Joseph Marshall, eds., King James VI and I: Selected Writings 21.1 1991 A 41 Sonn, Richard “The Early Political Career of Maurice Barrès: Anarchist, Socialist, or Protofascist?” 16.4 1987 A 345 Sontag, Frederick “Beyond History and Apocalypse” 35.3 2006 BR 426 Sorensen, Janet Beth Fowkes Tobin, Colonizing Nature: The Tropics in British Arts and Letters 1760-1820 21.1 1991 BR 83 Sorge, Thomas Robert Weimann, Shakespeare und die Macht der Mimesis. Autorität und Repräsentation im elisabethanischen Theater 10.2 1981 BR 228 Sosnoski, Patricia Harkin Mark A. Weinstein, ed., The Prefaces to the Waverley Novels by Sir Walter Scott

David Brown, Walter Scott and the Historical Imagination 39.3 2010 BR 402 Spadaccini, Nicholas William Egginton, Theater of Truth: The Ideology of (Neo)Baroque Aesthetics 44.1 2014 A 115 Sparby, Terje Stefan “The ‘Open Closure’ of Hegel’s Method and System: A Critique of Terry Pinkard’s Naturalized Hegel” 41.1 2011 BR 107 Spates, William Kaara L. Peterson, Popular Medicine, Hysterical Disease, and Social Controversy in Shakespeare’s England 12.3 1983 BR 292 Spear, Jeffrey L. John P. Farrell, Revolution as Tragedy: The Dilemma of the Moderate from Scott to Arnold 1.2 1972 BR 65 Speck, William A. Paul K. Conkin, The Heritage and Challenge of History 34.1/2 2004/ BR 144 Spence, Sarah R. Howard Bloch, The Anonymous Marie de France 5 28.4 1999 A 375 Spiller, Elizabeth A. “ ‘Searching for the route of inventions’: Retracing the Renaissance Discovery Narrative in Gabriel García Márquez” 4.2 1975 BR 276 Spiller, Robert E. Erik H. Erikson, Dimensions of a New Identity 1.1 1971 A 37 Spiller, Robert E. “Emerson’s The Young American” 42.3 2013 BR 425 Spiro, Mia Lisa Naomi Mulman, Modern Orthodoxies: Judaic Imaginative Journeys of the Twentieth Century 39.1 2009 BR 79 Sponsler, Claire Jody Enders, Murder by Accident: Medieval Theater, Modern Media, Critical Intentions 21.3 1992 A 265 Sponsler, Claire “Narrating the Social Order: Medieval Clothing Laws” 3.1 1973 A 7 Sporn, Paul “Marriage and Class Conflict: The Subversive Link in George Moore’s A Drama in Muslin” 13.2 1984 BR 190 Sprinker, Michael Hans Aarsleff, From Locke to Saussure: Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History 43.3 2014 BR 434 Sprintzen, David Ronald D. Srigley, Albert Camus' Critique of Modernity 44.2 2015 RA 217 Stabler, Jane “‘I’ve Got New Mythological Machinery’: Byron and the Book Trade” 41.1 2011 BR 103 Staines, John D. Geraldo U. de Sousa, At Home in Shakespeare’s Tragedies 7.3 1978 BR 512 Stam, James H. Richard Norman, Hegel’s Phenomenology: A Philosophical Introduction 34.4 2005 BR 458 Stanivukovic, Goran V. Jennifer A. Low, Manhood and the Duel: Masculinity in Early Modern Drama and Culture

Markku Peltonen, The Duel in Early Modern England: Civility, Politeness, and Honour 33.3 2004 BR 346 Stanley, Sandra Kumamoto Tim Woods, The Poetics of the Limit: Ethics and Politics in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry 36.2 2007 A 177 Stanton, Kamille Stone “The Domestication of Royalist Themes in The Concealed Fancies by Jane Cavendish and Elizabeth Brackley” 8.2 1979 BR 282 Stark, Cruce Earl N. Harbert, The Force So Much Closer Home: Henry Adams and the Adams Family 4.3 1975 A 383 Stark, Cruce “The Development of a Historical Stance: the Civil War Correspondence of Henry and Charles Francis” 39.1 2009 BR 116 Stark, Jared Michael Bernard-Donals, Forgetful Memory: Representation and Remembrance in the Wake of the Holocaust 22.2 1993 BR 186 Stearns, Peter N. Roger Smith, Inhibition: History and Meaning in the Sciences of the Mind and Brain 36.2 2007 BR 290 Stec, Loretta Diana Wallace, The Women’s Historical Novel, British Women Writers, 1900-2000 24.1 1994 A 21 Steeves, H. Peter “Phenomenology and the Possibility of Narrative” 37.2 2008 BR 303 Steinhoff, Anthony J. Alon Confino, Germany as a Culture of Remembrance: Promises and Limits of Writing History 10.4 1981 BR 444 Steinkraus, Warren E. Quentin Lauer, S.J., Essays in Hegelian Dialectic 10.4 1981 BR 437 Stepelevich, Lawrence S. André Liebich, Between Ideology and Utopia: The Politics and Philosophy of August Cieszkowski 8.1 1978 BR 136 Stephens, James Robert Tittler, Nicholas Bacon: The Making of a Tudor Statesman

Joel J. Epstein, Francis Bacon: A Political Biography 13.1 1983 A 37 Stessel, H. Edward “Melville’s White-Jacket: A Case Against the ‘Cat’” 30.2 2001 BR 258 Stetz, Margaret D. Carole G. Silver, Strange and Secret Peoples: Fairies and Victorian Consciousness 15.2 1986 BR 223 Steward, Dwight David Pike, Lukács and Brecht

22.4 1993 BR 391 Stillman, Peter G. Mark Tunick, Hegel’s Philosophy: Interpreting the Practice of Legal Punishment 8.3 1979 BR 455 Stillman, Peter G. George Armstrong Kelly, Hegel’s Retreat from Eleusis 27.2 1998 BR 320 Stockton, Sharon Bruce Clarke, Dora Marsden and Early Modernism: Gender, Individualism, Science 26.1 1996 BR 111 Stockton, Sharon Michael Tratner, Modernism and Mass Politics: Joyce, Woolf, Eliot, Yeats 24.3 1995 A 231 Stockton, Sharon “Virginia Woolf and the Renaissance: The Promise of Capital and the Violence of Materialism” 43.3 2014 RA 385 Stouck, Jordan “The Ghosts of Canadian Criticism: History and Social Justice” Alison Calder and Robert Wardhaugh, eds., History, Literature, and Writing of the Canadian Prairies; Marlene Goldman, DisPosession: Haunting in Canadian Fiction; and Ruth Panofsky, The Literary Legacy of the MacMillan Company of Canada: Making Books and Mapping Culture 9.2 1980 RA 297 Strauss, Gerald Johann Gustav Droysen, Historik. Band 1: Rekonstruktion der ersten vollständigen Fassung der Vorlesungen (1857); Gundriss der Historik in der ersten handschriftlichen (1857/1858) und der letzen gedruckten Fassung (1882) 6.1 1976 A 23 Strout, Cushing “Radical Religion and the American Political Novel” 42.2 2013 A 137 Stryer, Steven “The Style of Discontinuity: Prose Patterning and Historical Change in Paul de Rapin de Thoyras and Thomas Salmon” 19.1 1989 BR 79 Styan, J.L. David Grene, The Actor in History: Studies in Shakespearean Stage Poetry 11.2 1982 BR 189 Styan, J.L. Herbert R. Coursen, Jr., Christian Ritual and the World of Shakespeare’s Tragedies 15.3 1986 A 239 Sullivan, Sherry “Indians in American Fiction, 1820- 1850: An Ethnohistorical Perspective” 10.1 1980 BR 112 Summers, Joseph H. R.I.V. Hodge, Foreshortened Time: Andrew Marvell and Seventeenth Century Revolutions 24.4 1995 BR 440 Sunic, Tomislav Barry Smith, Philosophy and Political Change in Eastern Europe 24.2 1995 A 169 Sunic, Tomislav “Marx, Moses, and the Pagans in the Secular City”

23.2 1994 BR 198 Sunic, Tomislav Lutz Niethammer, Posthistoire: Has History Come to an End? 19.1 1989 A 51 Sunic, Tomislav “History and Decadence: Spengler’s Cultural Pessimism Today” 11.4 1982 A 361 Sussman, Henry “The Metaphor in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind” 27.3 1998 BR 460 Sutton-Ramspeck, Beth Jennifer Green-Lewis, Framing the Victorians: Photography and the Culture of Realism 4.1 1974 A 51 Suvin, D. “Communication in Quantified Space: The Utopian Liberalism of Jules Verne’s Science Fiction 3.3 1974 A 257 Suvin, Darko “Brecht’s ‘Caucasian Chalk Circle’ and Marxist Figuralism: Open Dramaturgy As Open History” 30.2 2001 A 195 Suzuki, Mihoko “Anne Clifford and the Gendering of History” 33.4 2004 A 367 Swan, Jesse G. “ ‘Imbodies, and Imbrutes’: Constructing Whiteness in Milton’s A Maske Presented at Ludlow Castle” 20.2 1991 A 109 Swearingen, James E. “Time and History in Blake’s Europe” 11.2 1982 BR 208 Swearingen, James E. Christine Gallant, Blake and the Assimilation of Chaos 30.1 2000 BR 128 Sweet, Nanora Harriet Kramer Linkin and Stephen C. Behrendt, eds., Romanticism and Women Poets: Opening the Doors of Reception 11.1 1981 BR 106 Tabachnick, Stephen E. Thomas J. O’Donnell, The Confessions of T. E. Lawrence: The Romantic Hero’s Presentation of Self 44.2 2015 BR 271 Tai, Jeremy Michael Gibbs Hill, Lin Shu, Inc.: Translation and the Making of Modern Chinese Culture 29.4 2000 A 417 Tarlton, Charles D. “ ‘The deeds of great men’: Thoughts on the Literary Motives and Imaginary Actions of Machiavelli’s New Prince” 28.1 1998 BR 93 Tarter, Michele Lise Elizabeth Reis, Damned Women: Sinners and Witches in Puritan New England 3.3 1974 BR 375 Tathem, Campbell John P. White, Mythology in the Modern Novel: A Study of Prefigurative Techniques 5.3 1976 A 345 Taylor, Donald S. “Literary Criticism and Historical Inference” 2.3 1973 A 239 Taylor, Donald S. “R.G. Collingwood: Art, Craft, and History” 33.4 2004 A 379 Taylor, Jonathan “On History, Chaos, and Carlyle” 23.2 1994 BR 210 Taylor, Mark Donna B. Hamilton, Shakespeare and the Politics of Protestant England 22.2 1993 A 101 Taylor, Mark “Prospero’s Books and Stephano’s Bottle: Colonial Experience in The Tempest” 20.3 1991 BR 295 Taylor, Mark Edward Burns, Character: Acting and Being on the Pre-Modern Stage 16.1 1986 A 35 Taylor, Mark “Imitation and Perspective in Henry V” 4.2 1975 BR 258 Tennyson, G.B. R.S. Neale, Class and Ideology in the Nineteenth Century

Patricia Hollis, ed., Class and Conflict in Nineteenth-Century England, 1815-1850

Louis Cazamian, The Social Novel in England, 1830-1850, Martin Fido, trans.

James Clark Sherburne, John Ruskin, or the Ambiguities of Abundance: A Study in Social and Economic Criticism 11.1 1981 A 5 The Editors: Robert H. Clio Ten Years Later Canary, Henry Kozicki, and Clark Butler 35.1 2005 BR 103 Thompson, Ann Pascale Aebischer, Shakespeare’s Violated Bodies: Stage and Screen Performance 25.3 1996 RA 301 Thompson, Kenneth C. “The Night of the Living Dead: David Von Drehle, Among the Lowest of the Dead: David Von Drehle’s Among the Lowest The Culture of Death Row of the Dead: The Culture of Death Row” 34.3 2005 BR 386 Thomson, Ann Stephen Orgel, Imagining Shakespeare: A History of Texts and Visions 16.3 1987 BR 282 Thorpe, James Joseph Wittreich, Interpreting “Samson Agonistes” 7.3 1978 BR 497 Thorson, Gerald John L. Greenway, The Golden Horns: Mythic Imagination and the Nordic Past 7.1 1977 BR 177 Thorson, Gerald Dorothy Burton Skaardal, The Divided Heart: Scandinavian Immigrant Experience Through Literary Sources 35.3 2006 RA 395 Thraister, Barbara H. “The Demonic Side of Witchcraft” Nancy Caciola, Discerning Spirits: Divine and Demonic Possession in the Middle Ages

Walter Stephens, Demon Lovers: Witchcraft, Sex, and the Crisis of Belief

Philip C. Almond ed., Demonic Possession and Exorcism in Early Modern England: Contemporary Texts and their Cultural Contexts

Marion Gibson, ed., Witchcraft and Society in England and America, 1550-1750 37.1 2007 A 69 Tilghman, Carolyn M. “ Autobiography, Activism, and the Carceral: An Analysis of the Prison Writing of Lady Constance Lytton” 43.1 2013 A 77 Titlestad, Michael “The Wrecking Light in the Literary Imaginary” 17.3 1988 A 211 Tobin, Mary-Elisabeth “Bridging the Cultural Gap: Fowkes Eighteenth-Century Narrative and Post-Modernism” 26.3 1997 BR 380 Todd K. Bender Eugene Hollahan, Hopkins Against History 25.4 1996 A 393 Toise, David W. “ ‘A More Culpable Passion’: Pamela, Joseph Andrews, and the History of Desire” 29.2 2000 A 167 Tollebeek, Jo “Seeing the Past with the Mind’s Eye: The Consecration of the Romantic Historian” 42.3 2013 BR 430 Tomlinson, Susan Emily Bernard, Carl Van Vechten and the Harlem Renaissance: A Portrait in Black and White

4.3 1975 A 299 Toynbee “Narrative History: The Narrator’s Problems” 2.2 1973 BR 171 Toynbee, Arnold Roland N. Stromberg, Arnold J. Toynbee, Historian for an Age of Crisis 9.2 1980 BR 321 Tracy, Robert P.D. Edwards, Anthony Trollope: His Art and Scope 1.3 1972 A 34 Trask, David W. “A Note on Relevance and History” 27.2 1998 A 195 Trela, D.J. “Sir Walter Scott on Oliver Cromwell: An Evenhanded Royalist Evaluates a Usurper” 27.1 1997 BR 163 Trela, D.J. Sally Mitchell, The New Girl: Girls’ Culture in England, 1880-1915 41.1 2011 BR 134 Trigg, Dylan Julai Hell and Andreas Schönle, eds., Ruins of Modernity 44.1 2014 A 87 Trisokkas, Ioannis “Anachronism, Antiquarianism and Konstellationsforschung: A Critique of Beiser” 42.3 2013 BR 393 Trubowitz, Rachel Achsah Guibbory, Christian Identity, Jews, and Israel in Seventeenth-Century England 33.4 2004 BR 467 Trubowitz, Rachel Mary Beth Rose, Gender and Heroism in Early Modern English Literature 43.1 2013 A 1 Tsao, Tiffany “The Multiplicity of Humanity in the Orangutan Adoption Accounts of Alfred Russel Wallace and William Temple Hornaday” 39.1 2009 BR 126 Tucker, Amanda Robert J. Holton, Cosmopolitanisms: New Thinking and New Directions 35.1 2005 BR 116 Tunick, Mark Alice Ormiston, Love and Politics: Re-Interpreting Hegel 22.4 1993 RA 383 Tunick, Mark “Hegel Against Fukuyama’s Hegel” 44.1 2014 A 147 Turken, Alper “Brandom’s Hegel: The Missing True Infinite” 18.3 1989 A 255 Turner, Alden R. “William Dunlap’s Thirty Years Ago: Morality, Madness, and American Fiction ‘Founded on Fact’” 1.3 1972 BR 81 Turner, Arlin F. Garvin Davenport, The Myth of Southern History: Historical Consciousness in Twentieth-Century Southern Literature 15.1 1985 BR 91 Turner, Joseph W. Harry E. Shaw, The Forms of Historical Fiction: Sir Walter Scott and His Successors 14.1 1984 BR 95 Tuttle, Howard N. Ernst Breisach, Historiography: Ancient, Medieval, Modern 12.1 1982 BR 99 Tuttle, Howard N. Ilse Bulhof, Wilhelm Dilthey: A Hermeneutic Approach to the Study of History and Culture 12.4 1983 BR 396 Tuttle, Howard N. and Rudolf Makkreel, Dilthey: Philosopher of the Human Otto Pöggeler Studies 36.2 2007 BR 294 Ueda, Atsuko Hosea Hirata, Discourses of Seduction: History, Evil, Desire, and Modern Japanese Literature 40.3 2011 A 307 Ullyot, Michael “Early Modern Biography, New Historicism, and the Rhetoric of Anecdotes” 9.2 1980 BR 314 Ulmer, Gregory L. P.N. Medvedev/M.M. Bakhtin, The formal Method in Literary Scholarship: A Critical Introduction to Sociological Poetics 28.3 1999 A 261 Uraizee, Joya “ ‘She Walked Away Without Looking Back’: Christophine and the Enigma of History in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea”

44.2 2015 BR 288 Utell, Janine Robert Spoo, Without Copyrights: Piracy, Publishing, and the Public Domain 42.2 2013 BR 263 Utell, Janine David Rando, Modernist Fiction and News: Representing Experience in the Early Twentieth Century 31.1 2001 BR 100 van Slyke, Gretchen Claudia Moscovici, Gender and Citizenship: The Dialectics of Subject-Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Culture 24.3 1995 BR 333 Vann, Richard T. William A. Green, History, Historians, and the Dynamics of Change 16.2 1987 R 185 Vargish, Thomas Response to Samuel Chell 16.1 1986 BR 92 Vargish, Thomas Alexander Welsh, George Eliot and Blackmail

14.2 1985 A 119 Varsava, Jerry A. “Auto-Bio-Graphy as Metafiction: Peter Handke’s A Sorrow Beyond Dreams” 14.1 1984 BR 99 Varsava, Jerry A. T.K. Seung, Semantics and Thematics in Hermeneutics 28.3 1999 BR 364 Vedder, Catherine Barbara Leah Harman, The Feminist Novel in Victorian England 25.3 1996 RA 313 Veitch, Jonathon “Walking for Dat Cake: Race, Eric Sundquist, To Wake the Nations: Race in the Minstrelsy and the ‘Reconstruction’ Making of American Literature of American Culture” Ann Douglas, Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s 3.3 1974 BR 381 Velz, John W. Clifford Chalmers Huffman, “Coriolanus” in Context 28.1 1998 BR 101 Venet, Wendy Hamand Susan E. Marshall, Splintered Sisterhood: Gender and Class in the Campaign Against Woman Suffrage 23.4 1994 A 335 Verene, Donald Phillip “A Course of Life: My Autobiography” 21.4 1992 A 329 Verene, Donald Phillip “Vico’s Road and Hegel’s Owl as Historiographies of Renaissance Philosophy” 42.1 2012 A 27 Vernon, Jim “Hegel, Edward Sanders, and Emancipatory History” 40.2 2011 A 209 Vetere, Lisa “Imagining the Mastery Of Cotton Mather: The Performance of Antebellum Manhood in Charles W. Upham’s Lectures on Witchcraft (1831)” 6.2 1977 A 193 Viallaneix, Paul “Michelet and the Legend of Joan” 7.2 1978 BR 344 Vincieri, Paolo Lucio Colletti, Marxism and Hegel 36.2 2007 A 155 Vinken, Barbara “Wounds of Love: Modern Devotion According to Michelet” 43.3 2014 BR 397 Viroli, Maurizio Paul Oppenheimer, Machiavelli: A Life Beyond Ideology 5.3 1976 BR 393 Vitelli, James Sacvan Bercovitch, ed., The American Puritan Imagination: Essays in Revaluation 40.1 2010 A 131 Voigt, Lisa “Captivity and Narrative Interest in the Early Modern Atlantic” 8.3 1979 BR 439 Volek, Emil Ladislav Matejka and Irwin R. Titunik, eds., Semiotics of Art: Prague School Contributions 38.2 2009 BR 197 Vollendorf, Lisa Margaret R. Greer, Walter D. Mignolo and Maureen Quilligan, eds., Rereading the Black Legend. The Discourse of Religious and Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires 34.1/2 2004/ BR 154 Vollendorf, Lisa Helen Nader, ed., Power and Gender in Renaissance 5 Spain: Eight Women of the Mendoza Family, 1450- 1650 10.1 1980 A 21 von Bawey, Petermichael “Dramatic Structure of Revolutionary Language: Tragi- Comedy in Brecht’s The Mother” 39.3 2010 A 307 Vorachek, Laura “Reading Music: Representing Female Performance in Nineteenth- Century British Piano Method Books and Novels” 43.2 2014 A 197 Vranjes, Vlasta “Jane Austin, Lord Hardwicke’s Marriage Act, and the National Courtship Plot” 38.3 2009 A 293 Waage, Fred “Reading Urban Ecology in George R. Stewart’s The Years of the City” 16.3 1987 BR 284 Waddington, Raymond B. Lauro Martines, Society and History in English Renaissance Verse 31.4 2002 BR 459 Wagner-Martin, Linda David Ellis, Literary Lives, Biography and the Search for Understanding 23.2 1994 A 149 Wainwright, Valerie “Discovering Autonomy and Authenticity in North and South: Elizabeth Gaskell, John Stuart Mill, and the Liberal Ethic” 11.1 1981 BR 104 Wald, Alan Stephen Ingle, Socialist Thought in Imaginative Literature 12.2 1983 BR 201 Walker, Lawrence D. Stephen A. Kippur, Jules Michelet: A Study of Mind and Sensibility 12.1 1982 BR 104 Walker, Lawrence D. Julius I. Loewenstein, Marx against Marxism 31.3 2002 BR 343 Wallace, Beth Kowaleski Harriet Guest, Small Change: Women, Learning, Patriotism, 1750-1810 14.1 1984 BR 104 Waller, Gary F. John Guillory, Poetic Authority: Spenser, Milton, and Literary History 23.3 1994 BR 316 Walsh, Harry Irene Masing-Delic, Abolishing Death: A Salvation Myth of Russian Twentieth-Century Literature 21.1 1991 A 23 Walsh, Harry “The Great Schism in Russia: New Artistic Reactions of Old Historical Controversies” 12.3 1983 BR 278 Walsh, W.H. Dale H. Porter, The Emergence of the Past: A Theory of Historical Explanation 11.3 1982 BR 293 Walsh, W.H. William Dray, Perspectives on History 3.1 1973 BR 84 Walsh, W.H. William Todd, History as Applied Science 20.1 1990 A 39 Wang, Orrin N.C. “Allegories of Praxis: The Reading of Romanticism and Fascism in A.O. Lovejoy and Leo Spitzer”

31.4 2002 BR 443 Ward, Michael J. Tim Spiekerman, Shakespeare’s Political Realism: The English History Plays 13.1 1983 BR 75 Ward, Paul L. L. Pompa and W.H. Dray, eds., Substance and Form in History: A collection of Essays in Philosophy of History 7.3 1978 BR 485 Ward, Paul L. Maurice Mandelbaum, The Anatomy of Historical Knowledge 34.3 2005 BR 364 Warner, J. Christopher Kevin Sharp and Steven N. Zwicker, eds., Reading, Society, and Politics in Early Modern England 33.1 2003 BR 83 Warnicke, Retha M. Sarah M. Dunnigan, Eros and Poetry at the Courts of Mary Queen of Scots and James VI 9.1 1979 A 89 Warren, Leland E. “History-As-Literature and the Narrative Stance of Henry Fielding” 20.3 1991 A 253 Warren, Paul “Explaining Historical Development: A Marxian Critique of Cohen’s Historical Materialism”

10.3 1981 BR 329 Wasiolek, Edward Boris Sorokin, Tolstoy in Prerevolutionary Russian Criticism 14.3 1985 BR 331 Waswo, Richard Jonathan Dollimore, Radical Tragedy: Religion, Ideology, and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries 14.4 1985 A 379 Waszek, Norbert “Hume, History, and Hegel” 35.2 2006 BR 270 Watkins John Alan Shepard and Stephan D Powell, eds., Fantasies of Troy: Classical Tales and the Social Imaginary in Medieval and Early Modern Europe 16.1 1986 A 49 Watkins, Daniel P. “A Reassessment of Keats’s Otho the Great” 38.3 2009 RA 339 Watkins, John “Ambassadors, Factors, Translators, Brinda Charry and Gitanjali Shahani, eds., Spies: Agents of Transcultural Emissaries in Early Modern Literature and Culture: Relations in the Early Modern Mediation, Transmission, Traffic, 1550-1700 World” Timothy Hampton, Fictions of Embassy: Literature and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe 37.3 2008 BR 433 Watkins, John Elizabeth H. Hageman and Katherine Conway, eds., Resurrecting Elizabeth I in Seventeenth-Century England 34.1/2 2004/ BR 139 Watkins, John Thelma Fenster and Daniel Lord Smail, eds., 5 Fama: The Politics of Talk and Reputation in Medieval Europe 26.4 1997 BR 514 Watson, Jay Ian Ward, Law and Literature: Possibilities and Perspectives 31.2 2002 RA 179 Watson, Julia “Two-way Reflections” Susanna Egan, Mirror Talk: Genres of Crisis in Contemporary Autobiography 5.2 1976 BR 265 Watson, Melvin R. Terry Eagleton, Myths of Power: A Marxist Study of the Brontës 40.1 2010 A 1 Watson, Tim (introduction) “Historical Form and Geographical Place in Atlantic Narratives” 11.3 1982 BR 299 Watterson, William C. Agnes Heller, Renaissance Man 13.3 1984 BR 284 Webb, Eugene Dante Germino, Political Philosophy and the Open Society 13.1 1983 BR 84 Webb, Eugene Franz Borkenau, End and Beginning: On the Generations of Cultures and the Origins of the West 37.1 2007 A 49 Webster Garrett, Erin L. “The Politics of Ambivalence: Romance, History, and Gender in Mary W. Shelley’s Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck” 5.1 1975 A 3 Weimann, Robert “ ‘Reception Aesthetics’ and the Crisis in Literary History” 41.1 2011 BR 129 Weinaur, Ellen Shawn Thomson, The Fortress of American Solitude: Robinson Crusoe and Antebellum Culture 13.3 1984 BR 278 Weiner, Andrew D. John N. King, English Reformation Literature: The Tudor Origins of the Protestant Tradition 9.2 1980 BR 327 Weiner, Andrew D. Richard Helgerson, The Elizabethan Prodigals 21.4 1992 A 381 Weiner, Scott E. “Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit: ‘The Science of the Umkehrung of Consciousness’”

12.1 1982 BR 89 Weingartner, Rudolph H. Guy Oaks, ed., Georg Simmel: Essays on Interpretation in Social Science 17.3 1988 A 265 Weinryb, Elazar “If We Write Novels So, How Shall We Write History?” 9.1 1979 BR 152 Weinstein, Fred Saul Friedländer, History and Psychoanalysis 42.1 2012 BR 103 Weissman, David Mark D. White, Kantian Ethics and Economics: Autonomy, Dignity, and Character 2.2 1973 BR 186 Weisstein, Ulrich Robert Weimann, Literaturgeschichte und Mythologie: Methodologische und historische Studien 17.1 1987 BR 91 Welsh, Alexander William Twining, Theories of Evidence: Bentham and Wigmore 16.1 1986 BR 84 Welsh, Alexander Myron Magnet, Dickens and the Social Order 42.2 2013 BR 254 Wenke, Robert J. Andrew Shryock and Daniel Lord Smail, Deep History: The Architecture of Past and Present 26.2 1997 A 189 Wesling, Donald “Michel Serres, Bruno Latour, and the Edges of Historical Periods ” 2.2 1973 BR 197 West, Elinor Jane Maddock Joan Stambaugh, Nietzsche’s Thought of Eternal Return 11.3 1982 BR 310 Westendorp, Tj. A. Marshall Walker, Robert Penn Warren: A Vision Earned 35.3 2006 A 369 Westerman, Molly “ ‘ Of Skulls or Spirits’: The Haunting Space between Fictional(ized) History and Historical Note” 28.1 1998 A 1 Westman, Karin E. “The Character in the House: Virginia Woolf in Dialogue with History’s Audience” 28.3 1999 RA 303 Westphal, Kenneth R. “ ‘Hegel’s’ Epistemology? Reflections on Some Recent Expositions” 27.4 1998 A 551 Westphal, Kenneth R. “Hegel, Harris, and the Spirit of the Phenomenology” 20.4 1991 A 353 Westphal, Merold “William Desmond’s Humpty Dumpty Hegelianism” 14.4 1985 A 395 Westphal, Merold “Isben, Hegel, and Nietzche” 14.4 1985 BR 448 Westphal, Merold G.W.F. Hegel, Gesammelte Werke. Band 9. Phänomenologie des Geistes. 13.4 1984 BR 415 Westphal, Merold Niels Thulstrup, Kierkegaard’s Relation to Hegel

Mark C. Taylor, Journeys to Selfhood: Hegel & Kierkegaard 10.4 1981 BR 425 Westphal, Merold James Yerkes, The Christology of Hegel 41.3 2012 BR 389 Whatley, E. Gordon John F. Vickrey, Beowulf and the Illusion of History 29.4 2000 BR 465 Wheatley, Christopher J. J. Douglas Canfield, Heroes & States: On the Ideology of Restoration Tragedy 43.2 2014 A 143 Whistler, Daniel “Shelling’s Poetry 43.2 2014 A 177 Whistler, Daniel and Kahl, “Two Poems by F. W. J. Shelling” Judith (Translators) 6.1 1976 A 43 Whitaker, Thomas R. “Since We Have Been A Conversation” 1.3 1972 RA 61 Whitaker, Thomas R. “History and Prophecy: A Few Questions” 13.3 1984 BR 301 White, David A. Harry R. Garvin, ed., Science and Literature 1.2 1972 A 14 White, David A. “Imagination and Description: Collingwood and the Historical Consciousness” 34.1/2 2004/ BR 235 White, Deborah Elise Michael Naas, Taking on the Traditions: Jacque 5 Derrida and the Legacies of Deconstruction 3.3 1974 A 277 White, Hayden “The Historical Text as Literary Artifact” 3.1 1973 A 35 White, Hayden V. “The Politics of Contemporary Philosophy of History” 1.3 1972 A 5 White, Hayden V. “The Structure of Historical Narrative” 38.3 2009 BR 395 Whitney, Charles Anada Abeysekara, The Politics of Postsecular Religion: Mourning Secular Futures 37.1 2007 BR 131 Whitney, Charles Marta Straznicky, ed., The Book of the Play: Playwrights, Stationers, and Readers in Early Modern England 34.3 2005 BR 360 Whitney, Charles Paola Pugliatti, Beggary and Theatre in Early Modern England 22.3 1993 A 195 Whitney, Charles “The Naming of America as the Meaning of America: Vespucci, Publicity, Festivity, Modernity” 33.4 2004 BR 483 Whitson, Roger T. Saree Makdisi, William Blake and the Impossible History of the 1790s 42.2 2013 BR 272 Whitted, Qiana Jared Gardner, Projections: Comics and the History of Twenty-First-Century Storytelling 19.1 1989 A 17 Wiesehan, Gretchen “Facing the Father, Facing the Past: Three Texts by Peter Härtling” 26.1 1996 BR 114 Wiesenfarth, Joseph Max Saunders, Ford Madox Ford: A Dual Life. Volume 1: The World before the War 18.1 1988 BR 80 Wikander, Matthew H. Dale B.J. Randall, “Theatres of Greatness”: A Revisionary View of Ford’s “Perkin Warbeck” 11.3 1982 BR 304 Wikander, Matthew H. Susan Staves, Players’ Sceptres: Fictions of Authority in the Restoration 9.2 1980 BR 329 Wikander, Matthew H. J. Douglas Canfield, Nicholas Rowe and Christian Tragedy 12.3 1983 BR 294 Wilbanks, Evelyn Rivers Charles Trinkaus, The Poet as Philosopher: Petrarch and the Formation of Renaissance Consciousness 9.2 1980 A 179 Wiles, Timothy J. “Tammanyite, Progressive, and Anarchist: Political Communities in The Iceman Cometh” 25.1 1995 A 3 Wiley, Catherine “Making History Unrepeatable in Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts” 34.4 2005 BR 502 Williams Jr., Vernon J. John Ernest, Liberation Historiography: African American Writers and the Challenge of History, 1794-1861 30.1 2000 BR 123 Williams, Anne James Watt, Contesting the Gothic: Fiction, Genre and Cultural Conflict, 1764-1832 12.1 1982 A 45 Williams, Jeffrey C. “The Myth of the Lost Generation: The British War Poets and Their Modern Critics” 27.3 1998 BR 441 Williams, Julia McElhattan Gill Plain, Women’s Fiction of the Second World War: Gender, Power, and Resistance

Karen Schneider, Loving Arms: British Women Writing the Second World War 23.3 1994 A 257 Williams, Louise B. “British Modernism, History, and Totalitarianism: The Case of T.E. Hulme ”

14.1 1984 A 15 Wilson III, Raymond J. “Solzhenitsyn’s August 1914 and Lenin in Zurich: The Question of Historical Determinism” 41.3 2012 A 339 Wilson, Jeffrey Dirk “Vico’s Metaphysics of Poetic Wisdom” 32.1 2002 BR 94 Wilson, Luke Kenneth Gross, Shakespeare’s Noise 13.1 1983 A 17 Wineke, Donald R. “The Relevance of Machiavelli to Shakespeare: A Discussion of 1 Henry VI” 24.2 1995 A 147 Winfield, Richard Dien “Hegel on Classical Art: A Reexamination” 43.1 2013 BR 114 Winkiel, Laura Jon Hegglund, World Views: Metageographies of Modernist Fiction 26.4 1997 BR 519 Winspur, Steven Jean-Michel Rabaté, The Ghosts of Modernity 27.1 1997 BR 156 Winter, Kari J. Jennifer Fleischner, Mastering Slavery: Memory, Family,, and Identity in Women’s Slave Narratives 5.1 1975 A 55 Wise, Gene “The contemporary Crisis in Intellectual History Studies” 10.3 1981 BR 340 Wiseman, T.P. Kenneth Quinn, Texts and Contexts: The Roman Writers and Their Audience 44.2 2015 BR 277 Wittenberg, David Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen, American Nietzsche: A History of an Icon and His Ideas 43.3 2014 BR 415 Wittreich, Joseph Thomas Fulton, Historical Milton: Manuscript, Print, and Political Culture in Revolutionary England 18.2 1989 BR 201 Wixson, Douglas C. Paul Barolsky, Walter Pater’s Renaissance 2.2 1973 BR 180 Wixson, Douglas C. Urs Jaeggi, Literatur und Politik: Ein Essay

Wolfgang Paulsen, ed., Der Dichter und Seine Zeit: Politik im Spiegel der Literatur 40.2 2011 BR 275 Woertendyke, Gretchen J. Lloyd Pratt, Archives of American Time: Literature and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century 40.3 2011 BR 395 Wolfe, Eric A. Mark L. Kamrath, The Historicism of Charles Brockden Brown: Radical History and the Early Republic 36.2 2007 BR 259 Wolfe, Heather Jill Seal Millman and Gillian Wright, Early Modern Women’s Manuscript Poetry 20.3 1991 A 271 Wolfshohl, Clarence “Gilbert White’s Natural History and History” 39.3 2010 BR 394 Womack, Peter Curtis Perry and John Watkins, eds., Shakespeare and the Middle Ages 40.3 2011 BR 391 Womersley, David Leon Guilhamet, Defoe and the Whig Novel: A Reading of the Major Fiction 30.3 2001 A 309 Wong, Cynthia F. “Like Idealism is to the Intellect: An Interview with Kazuo Ishiguro” 26.2 1997 BR 248 Wong, Cynthia F. Tomi Suzuki, Narrating the Self: Fictions of Japanese Modernity 24.2 1995 A 127 Wong, Cynthia F. “The Shame of Memory: Blanchot’s Self-Dispossession in Ishiguro’s A Pale View of Hills” 10.1 1980 BR 96 Wooden, Warren W. Andrew D. Weiner, Sir Philip Sidney and the Poetics of : a Study of Contexts 20.1 1990 BR 67 Woodring, Carl Clifford Siskin, The Historicity of Romantic Discourse 12.3 1983 BR 296 Woodring, Carl P.M.S Dawson, The Unacknowledged Legislator: Shelly and Politics 37.3 2008 BR 423 Woods, Susanne Andrew Hadfield, Shakespeare and Republicanism

John F. McDiarmid, ed., The Monarchial Republic of Early Modern England: Essays in Response to Patrick Collinson 34.3 2005 BR 369 Woods, Susanne Patricia Phillippy, Women, Death, and Literature in Post-Reformation England

Lucinda M. Becker, Death and the Early Modern Englishwoman 4.2 1975 BR 280 Worster, Donald Lewis P. Simpson, The Man of Letters in New England and the South: Essays on the History of the Literary Vocation in America 24.3 1995 BR 342 Wright, Beth S. John Barrell, Painting and the Politics of Culture: New Essays on British Art, 1700-1850 21.3 1992 A 243 Wright, Beth S. “An Image for Imagining the Past: Delacroix, Cromwell, and Romantic Historical Painting” 23.1 1993 A 63 Wright, Julia M. “ ‘A Small Violence to History’: Reflecting on the Past in Fielding’s Drama Eurydice Hissed”

36.2 2007 BR 269 Yadav, Alok Jody Greene, The Trouble with Ownership: Literary Property and Authorial Liability in England, 1660- 1730 30.2 2001 BR 250 Yanni, Carla Barbara J. Black, On Exhibit: Victorians and Their Museums 18.4 1989 A 417 Young, Art Charles De Paolo, Coleridge’s Philosophy of Social Reform 14.2 1985 BR 219 Young, James E. Lennard J. Davis, Factual Fictions: The Origins of the English Novel 41.2 2012 BR 280 Youngblood, Denise J. Cristina Vatulescu, Police Aesthetics: Literature, Film, and the Secret Police in Soviet Times 36.3 2007 BR 443 Yount, Janet Aikins David E. Brewer, Afterlife of Character, 1726-1825 41.2 2012 A 173 Yountchi, Lisa “An Ode to Great Friendship: Russia, Iran, and the Soviet Tajik Writer” 38.2 2009 BR 254 Yu, Timothy Yunte Huang, Transpacific Imaginations: History, Literature, Counterpoetics 16.3 1987 A 221 Zande, Johan van der “Theodor Fontane and the Study of History” 13.2 1984 A 123 Zanger, Jules “Living on the Edge: Indian Captivity Narrative and Fairy Tale” 7.3 1978 R 475 Zavarzadeh, Mas’ud 37.1 2007 BR 160 Ziębińska-Witek, Anna Richard Ned Lebow, Wulf Kansteiner, and Claudio Fogu, eds., The Politics of Memory in Postwar Europe 33.1 2003 RA 53 Ziegler, Georgianna “Elizabeth I, A Once and Future John Watkins, Representing Elizabeth in Stuart Queen” England: Literature, History, Sovereignty

Michael Dobson and Nicola Watson, England’s Elizabeth: An Afterlife in Fame and Fantasy 8.3 1979 BR 460 Zimmerman, Marc Carlos Blanco Aguinaga, De Mitólogos y Novelistas 7.1 1977 A 53 Zimmerman, Marc “Structural Historicism and Literature: A Brief Survey Towards a Marxist Synthesis” 21.3 1992 A 285 Zlatic, Thomas D. “The ‘Seeing Eye’ and the ‘Creating Mouth’: Literacy and Orality in Mark Twain’s Joan of Arc”

16.4 1987 A 317 Zong-Qi, Cia “Hegel’s Phenomenological Dialectic and the Structure of Whitman’s ‘Song of Myself’ ” 37.2 2008 BR 279 Zook, Melinda S. Patricia Springborg, Mary Astell: Theorist of Freedom from Domination 33.3 2004 BR 336 Zook, Melinda S. Sharon Achinstein, Literature and Dissent in Milton’s England 40.2 2011 BR 265 Zuroski Jenkins, Eugenia Eric Hayot, The Hypothetical Mandarin: Sympathy, Modernity, and Chinese Pain

Section B Type Page Author Title 4.1 1974 Bibliography 73 Schatzberg, William, ed. “Relations of Literature and Science” (First Installment) 3.2 1974 Bibliography 235 Huffman, Clifford Chalmers A Bibliography of the Writings of Irving Ribner 21.2 1992 Booknotes 207 McLean, Andrew and Leland Person 20.2 1991 Booknotes 209 Kirchoff, Frederick, Xavier Baron and Jay Ruud 20.1 1990 Booknotes 101 McLean, Andrew, Frederick Kirchhoff, and Jay Ruud 19.3 1990 Booknotes 297 Kummings, Donald D., Frederick Kirchhoff, and Thomas C. Reeves 19.1 1989 Booknotes 90 Leeds-Hurwitz, Wendy, Frederick Kirchhoff, Donald D. Kummings, David A. Iyegha, and James D. Smead 18.4 1989 Booknotes 407 Long, Kenneth A. and Bruce W. Speck 18.4 1989 Booknotes 421 Butler, Clark and Shelia McGarry Bruening 18.2 1989 Booknotes 217 Hayward, Oliver, Andrew McLean, Frederick Kirchhoff, and Beverly Hume 18.1 1988 Booknotes 99 Christoph, Siegfried, Daniel T. O’Hara, and James H. Shea 17.4 1988 Booknotes 409 Dray, William H. 17.3 1988 Booknotes 309 Thayer, Lee, Bernice W. Kliman, and James S. Dean 16.2 1987 Booknotes 199 Dean, James Seay, Frances M. Kavenik, and Frank N. Egerton 16.1 1986 Booknotes 99 McLean, Andrew, Dennis R. Dean, and Travis DuPriest 15.3 1986 Booknotes 337 McLean, Andrew, Barry Maine, Joseph P. Mozur, and Robert H. Canary 15.2 1986 Booknotes 235 McLean, Andrew and Kenneth R. Hoover 15.1 1985 Booknotes 109 McLean, Andrew, Alan Shucard, and Rodney Farnsworth 14.3 1985 Booknotes 351 McLean, Andrew, John Buenker, Donald D. Kummings, and Jonathan W. Zophy 14.2 1985 Booknotes 227 Dean, James Seay, José Ortega, Andrew McLean, Donald D. Kummings, Xavier Baron, and Maureen Flynn 14.1 1984 Booknotes 113 McLean, Andrew, Jay Ruud, Frank N. Egerton, Denis R. Dean, Nicholas D. Smith, and James E. Porter 13.3 1984 Booknotes 307 Holmes, Larry E., Jay Ruud, Evelyn H. Zepp, Carol Lee Saffioti, Roland Stromberg, and D. Allen Carroll 13.1 1983 Booknotes 93 Hayward, Oliver, Jay Ruud, Andrew McLean, John Longeway, Alan Shucard, Laura Gellott, and John P. Brennan 12.3 1983 Booknotes 307 Shipps, Kenneth, Jay Ruud, David Levin, Donald Kummings, Peter S. Hoff, and Paul Jean Provost 12.1 1982 Booknotes 107 Thuente, Mary Helen, R. Alan Kimbrough, Andrew McLean, Donald Kummings, and John Longeway 11.4 1982 Booknotes 441 Gay, William C. 11.3 1982 Booknotes 315 Sandstrom, Alan, Thomas C. Reeves, Andrew McLean and Kathy Squadrito 10.3 1981 Booknotes 349 Zophy, Jonathon W., Jay Ruud, and Lorman Ratner 10.2 1981 Booknotes 239 Cain, William E., Gary B. Blumenshine, Christopher Kent and Cherie Ann Haeger 10.1 1980 Booknotes 115 Becker, John E., Murray Baumgarten, Andrew McLean, John Woodcock, Frank N. Egerton 9.3 1980 Booknotes 485 Peckham, Morse, Robert G. Lowry, Andrew McLean and Thomas Dilworth 9.2 1980 Booknotes 337 Burckel, Nicholas C., Howard P. Kainz, Mary Helen Thuente, Andrew McLean, Kenneth B. Grant, Oliver Hayward and John Hollow 9.1 1979 Booknotes 163 Brogyanyi, Gabriel J., Daniel Little, S. Debevec-Henning, Bonnie G. Smith, Kenneth B. Chatlos, Andrew McLean, Townsend Ludington, José Ortega, R. Alan Kimbrough, Jon Rosenblatt and Frank Egerton 8.3 1979 Booknotes 477 Sandstrom, Alan R. and Kathy Squadrito 8.2 1979 Booknotes 307 Canary, Robert H. and Andrew Science Fiction McLean 8.2 1979 Booknotes 309 Snelders, H.A.M., Thomas Matters Philosophical Franklin O’Meara and Vincent B. Leitch 8.2 1979 Booknotes 312 Kummings, Donald D. and Writers and a Context Patricia Harkin Sosnoski 8.2 1979 Booknotes 315 Bowman, Frank Paul and Historians on History Nicholas C. Burckel 8.2 1979 Booknotes 317 McLean, Andrew, Peggy Maki Varia Horodowich and Norman J. Peterson 8.1 1978 Booknotes 149 Butler, Clark, Gary B. Blumenshine, Robert Muccigrosso, Kathy Squadrito, Sally Merrill, Andrew McLean and Nancy Lee Harvey 7.3 1978 Booknotes 517 Madden, William A., William T. Walker, III, Frederick Kirchhoff, Joseph Kestner, John Fuegi, Donald R. Mathieu, F. Xavier Baron, Andrew McLean, William C. Johnson, Rex A. Barrell and Clark Butler 7.2 1978 Booknotes 349 Little, Daniel, Jonathan W. “Expositions and Letters” Zophy and S. Debevec Henning 7.2 1978 Booknotes 352 Canary, Robert H. “Academic Critics and Popular Literature” 7.1 1977 Booknotes 181 McLean, Andrew, Gerald McNiece and Clark Butler 6.3 1977 Booknotes 358 Kirchhoff, Frederick History, Rhetoric, and Image 6.2 1977 Booknotes 223 Wiley, Margaret Lee, Robert Paul Mohan, Virginia Walcott Beauchamp, Allen W. Imershein, Larry E. Holmes, John G. Parks, Art Young, William J. Berg, Nicholas C. Burckel and Clifford H. Scott 5.3 1976 Booknotes 397 Stromberg, Roland N., A.S.G. Visions of History Edwards and Frederic W. Murray

5.3 1976 Booknotes 400 Leitch, Vincent B., Andrew Singles Fichter, Doulas G. Creighton, Donald D. Kummings and Murray Baumgarten 5.3 1976 Booknotes 404 Cummings, Sherwood and David K. Jeffrey 5.2 1976 Booknotes 271 Canary, Robert H., Andrew Oldies But Goodies McLean and Carol Lee Saffioti 5.1 1975 Booknotes 131 McLean, Andrew Wither Humanities? 5.1 1975 Booknotes 132 Canary, Robert H. and Judith Genres New and Old McDaniel 5.1 1975 Booknotes 134 McLean, Andrew, Dennis R. Legends Old and New Dean and Robert H. Canary 5.1 1975 Booknotes 136 Leitch, Vincent B., Constantine Thinkers C. Stathatos and Andrew McLean 5.1 1975 Booknotes 138 Hayes, Thomas W., Marilyn Revolutionaries Malina and Eric Sellin 5.1 1975 Booknotes 140 McLean, Andrew Dame Clio’s Daughters 5.1 1975 Booknotes 141 Sloan, Douglas, Robert H. American Dreams Canary, Carl G. Ryant and Andrew McLean 5.1 1975 Booknotes 143 McLean, Andrew Bibliographies 5.1 1975 Booknotes 144 Dean, Dennis R. Literature and Science 4.1 1974 Booknotes 135 Canary, Robert H. and Dennis Secondary Universes R. Dean 4.1 1974 Booknotes 138 McLean, Andrew, Lawrence Poets & Polybius Gutner, Henri Paucker and A.J. Podlecki 4.1 1974 Booknotes 142 McLean, Andrew Italians & Tudors 4.1 1974 Booknotes 143 Ermarth, Michael and Andrew History, Hegel & Catnach McLean 3.3 1974 Booknotes 389 Berger, Thomas L. Clio in the Age of Shakespeare 3.3 1974 Booknotes 391 Johnson, William C. and Gary The Chorus of English D. Hamilton History 3.1 1973 Booknotes 95 Canary, Robert H., Jurgen What Historians Do Herbst, Sidney Finkelstein and Roland N. Stromberg 3.1 1973 Booknotes 97 Dean, Dennis R., Hilda L. The Romantic Temper Bacharach and Murray Baumgarten 3.1 1973 Booknotes 99 Bailey, J.O., Andrew McLean, Into the Modern James Runnels and Robert A. Kahn 2.3 1973 Booknotes 325 Canary, Robert H. and Mary Collected Essays by Lynn Skinner Diverse Hands 2.3 1973 Booknotes 327 McLean, Andrew, Robert H. In Search of a Perfect Canary and Taylor Stoehr Society 2.2 1973 Booknotes 201 Simon, Stephen J. and Robert H. Canary 2.1 1972 Booknotes 86 Canary, Robert H., Henry Forms and Being Kozicki and Andrew McLean 2.1 1972 Booknotes 88 McLean, Andrew and H. Testis temporum, lux Arnold Barton veritatis 1.3 1972 Booknotes 100 Canary, Robert H. On Politics in Literature and History 1.3 1972 Booknotes 101 McLean, Andrew, Richard W. Bibliographic Tools and Etulain and Rolf Ekmains the Muse 1.3 1972 Booknotes 102 McLean, Andrew Concedo Nulli 1.2 1972 Booknotes 73 Kozicki, Henry and Robert H. Historicism Again and Canary Again 1.2 1972 Booknotes 74 Canary, Robert H. and James Models of the World Seay Dean, Jr. 7.1 1977 Forward 3 The Editors “Clio and Philosophy”

6.2 1977 Forward 121 Gossman, Lionel

39.3 2010 In Memoriam 279 Hile, Rachel E., Robert Canary, “Remembrances of Henry and Clark Butler Kozicki (1924–2009), Founding Coeditor of Clio” 39.3 2010 In Memoriam 283 Kozicki, Henry “Browning, Pauline, and Cornelius Agrippa: The Protagonist as Magus” 20.1 1990 In Memoriam 66 The Editors Lewis Leary 26.2 1997 Introduction 135 Baker, Robert S. “History and Periodization” 17.2 1988 Introduction 105 Korb, Jacob 11.4 1982 Introduction 321 Shapiro, Gary “ Introduction: Hegel, Art, and Literature” 1.3 1972 Introduction 3 The Editors No Sense of an Ending 1.2 1972 Introduction 3 The Editors On Definitions 1.1 1971 Introduction 5 The Editors Clio: Prospectus 27.4 1998 Introduction 481 Butler, Clark “H.S. Harris: The Spirit and the Letter” 27.4 1998 Introduction 485 Harris, H.S. “Philosophy and Life”

25.1 1995 Note from 1 Felber, Lynette “Clio Gets a Makeover: Editor The Changing Face of Scholarship―1971-1995” 23.4 1994 Preface 327 Butler, Clark 23.4 1994 Preface 327 Butler, Clark 20.4 1991 Preface 299 Butler, Clark 11.1 1981 Recent 113 Canary, Robert H. Articles of Interest 20.4 1991 Select 303 Books by William Bibliography Desmond 23.4 1994 Selected 329 Verene, Donald Phillip “A Course of Life: My Writings Autobiography” 23.4 1994 Selected 329 Verene, Donald Phillip Writings 13.2 1984 Special 202 Kozicki, Henry Andrew McLean, ed., Bishop Barlowe’s Dialogue Notice Against the Lutheran Factions