1 [Planning Code, Zoning Map - Establishing 12 Named Neighborhood Commercial Districts]


3 Ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish 1) the Inner Balboa Street

4 Neighborhood Commercial District (NCO) generally including the properties along

5 Balboa Street between 2nd and 8th Avenues, 2) the Outer Balboa Street NCO generally

6 including the properties along Balboa Street between 32nd and 39th Avenues, 3) the

7 Bayview NCO generally including the properties along 3rd Street from Yosemite to

8 Jerrold Avenues, 4) the Cortland Avenue NCO generally including the properties along

9 Cortland Avenue between Bonview and Folsom Streets, 5) the Geary Boulevard NCO

10 generally including the properties along Geary Boulevard betvveen rJlasonic and 28th

11 Avenues, 6) the Mission Bernal NCO generally including the properties along Mission

12 Street between Cesar Chavez and Randall Streets, 7) the San Bruno Avenue NCO

13 generally including the properties along San Bruno Avenue between Hale and

14 Olmstead Streets, 8) the Cole Valley NCO generally including the properties along Cole

15 Street from Frederick to Grattan Streets and some parcels north of Carl Street and

16 south of Parnassus, 9) the Lakeside Village NCO generally including the properties

17 along Ocean Avenue between to 19th Avenue, 10) the Lower

18 NCO generally including the properties along Haight Street between

19 Webster and Steiner Streets, 11) the Lower NCO generally including non-

20 contiguous properties along Polk Street from Geary Boulevard to Golden Gate Avenue

21 with frontage on Geary Boulevard, Golden Gate Avenue, and other side streets, and 12)

22 the Inner Taraval NCO generally including the properties along Taraval Street from 19th

23 to Forest Side Avenues; amending the Zoning Map to include the new Neighborhood

24 Commercial Districts; affirming the Planning Department's determination under the

25 Environmental Quality Act; making findings of consistency with the General

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 1 1 Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and adopting

2 findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code,

3 Section 302.

4 NOTE: Unchanged Code text and uncodified text are in plain Arial font. Additions to Codes are in single-underline italics Times New Roman font. 5 Deletions to Codes are in strikethrough italics Times l-kw Roman font. Board amendment additions are in double-underlined Arial font. 6 Board amendment deletions are in strikethrough /\rial font. Asterisks(* * * *) indicate the omission of unchanged Code 7 subsections or parts of tables. 8 9 Be it ordained by the People of the City and County of :

1O Section 1. Findings.

11 (a) The Planning Department has determined that the actions contemplated in this

12 ordinance comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources

13 Code Sections 21000 et seq.). Said determination is on file with the Clerk of the Board of

14 Supervisors in File No. 191260 and is incorporated herein by reference. The Board affirms

15 this determination.

16 (b) On January 9, 2020, the Planning Commission, in Resolution No. 20611, adopted

17 findings that the actions contemplated in this ordinance are consistent, on balance, with the

18 City's General Plan and eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. The Board

19 adopts these findings as its own. A copy of said Resolution is on file with the Clerk of the

20 Board of Supervisors in File No. 191260, and is incorporated herein by reference

21 (c) Pursuant to Planning Code Section 302, this Board finds that this Planning Code

22 amendment will serve the public necessity, convenience, and welfare for the reasons set forth

23 Ill

24 Ill 25 Ill

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 2 1 in Planning Commission Resolution No. 20611, and the Board incorporates such reasons

2 herein by reference.

3 4 Section 2. The Planning Code is hereby amended by amending Sections 201 and 5 781.5, and adding Sections 727, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744 and 745, to 6 read as follows: 7 SEC. 201. CLASSES OF USE DISTRICTS. 8 In order to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Code, the City is hereby 9 divided into the following classes of use districts:

10 * * * *

11 Named Neighborhood Commercial Districts 12 (Defined in Sec. 702(a)(1 )) 13 * * * * 14 Lakeside Village NCD CDefl_ned in Sec. 7272 * * * * 15 Inner Balboa Street Neighborhood Commercial District CDeflned in Sec. 7352 16 Outer Balboa Street Neighborhood Commercial District CDefl_ned in Sec. 7362 17 Bay_view Neighborhood Commercial District CDefl_ned in Sec. 7372 18 Cortland Avenue Neighborhood Commercial District CDeflned in Sec. 7382 19 Geary_ Boulevard Neighborhood Commercial District CDefl_ned in Sec. 7392 20 Mission Bernal Neighborhood Commercial District CDefl_ned in Sec. 7402

21 San Bruno Avenue Neighborhood Commercial District CDeflned in Sec. 7412 Cole Valley_ Neighborhood Commercial District CDefl_ned in Sec. 7422 22 Lower Haight Street Neighborhood Commercial District CDefl_ned in Sec. 743 2 23 Lower Polk Street Neighborhood Commercial District CDefl_ned in Sec. 7442 24 Inner Taraval Street Neighborhood Commercial District CDefl_ned in Sec. 745 2 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 3 1 SEC. 727. LAKESIDE VILLAGE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. 2 The Lakeside Village Neighborhood Commercial District is located in the southwestern part of 3 the City and stretches along Ocean Avenue Junipero Serra Boulevard to 19th Avenue. It is a 4 neighborhood serving shopping corridor nestled among single-family homes. Lakeside Village has 5 small ground-floor retail, restaurant, and medical office space and is serviced by the M-line streetcar. 6 Building controls for the Lakeside Village Neighborhood Commercial District promote low-

7 intensity development which is compatible with the existing scale and character ofthe District. 8 Commercial development is limited to one story. Rear yard requirements at all levels preserve existing 9 backyard space. 10 Commercial use provisions encourage the full range ofneighborhood-serving convenience 11 retail sales and services at the first story provided that the use size generally is limited to 3, 000 square 12 feet. However, commercial uses and features which could impact residential livability are prohibited, 13 such as auto uses, financial services, general advertising signs, drive-up facilities, hotels, and late- 14 night activity" eating and drinking establishments are restricted, depending upon the intensity ofsuch 15 uses in nearby commercial districts. 16 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the ground story. Existing 17 residential units are protected by prohibitions ofconversions above the ground story and limitations on 18 demolitions. Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Sections 207(c)(4) 19 and 207(c)(6) ofthis Code. 20 Table 727. LAKESIDE VILLAGE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 21 ZONING CONTROL TABLE 22 Lakeside Village NCD 23 Controls 24 BUILDING STANDARDS 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 4 1 Massing_ and Setbacks §§ 102, 105, 106, 250- 2 Varies, but generally_ 26-X See Height and Bulk Height and Bulk 252, 260, 261.1, 270, MaQ. Sheet HTl 2 {gr more infgrmation. Height Limits. 271. See also Height and 3 scu!Q.ting required on Alleys Q_er § 261.1. Bulk District MaQ.s 4 5 Foot Height Bonus 5 {gr Active Ground § 263.20 P in some districts Floor Uses 6 Required at grade level and at each succeeding §§ 130, 134, l 34Ca1Cel, Rear Yard level or Story_: 25% o[_lot, but in no case 7 136 less than 15 {§et 8 Front Setback and §§ 130, 131, 132, 133 Not Required. 9 Side Yard

10 Street Frontage and Public Realm

11 StreetscaQ_e and Pedestrian § 138.1 Required 12 lmQ.rovements

13 Required,· controls aQ.Q.ly_ to above-grade Q_arking setbacks, Q_arking and loading entrances, active 14 Street Frontage uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-[_acing § 145.1 Requirements ground-level SQ.aces, transQ.arency_ and 15 .&nestration, and gates, railin&S, and grillwork. ExceQ.tions Q_ermitted {gr historic buildings. 16 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145. 4 {gr § 145. 4 17 Commercial SQ_eciflc districts. 18 Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see§ 155(!1 {gr § l 55(rl Restrictions SQ_eciflc districts 19 Miscellaneous 20 Lot Size {Per P UQ. to 4,999 square [§et,· C 5, 000 square [§et §§ 102, 121.1 21 DeveloQ.mentl and above Planned Unit 22 §304 DeveloQ.ment c 23 Awning §_' 136.1 .f_ 24 Cano72y_ or Marquee § 136.1 NP 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 5 §_§_ 262, 602-604, 607, 1 Signs As permitted by §_ 607.1 607.1, 608, 609 2 General Advertising §_§_ 262, 602, 604, 608, NP 3 Signs 609, 610, 611 General Plan Commerce 4 Design Guidelines Subject to the Urban Design Guidelines and Industry Element 5 6 Jzoning CategorJ!. J §. Re[_erences Controls 7 I I 8 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 9 Develoement Standards Usable 012.en S12.ace 100 square [eet Q_er unit i[ Q.rivate, or 13 3 square 10 §_§_ 135, 136 [?er Dwelling Unitl &et Q_er unit i[_common 11 No car rJ.arking required. Maximum Q_ermitted Q_er §_ 151..1 Bike Q_arking required Q_er §_155. 2. I[ 12 OtfStreet Parking §_§_ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 - car Q.arking is Q_rovided, car share SQ.aces are Requirements 156, 161, 166, 204.5 13 required when a Q_roject has 50 units or more Q_er §_166. 14 Dwelling Unit Mix §§_ 207. 6, 207. 7 Not required 15 Use Characteristics 16 Single Room §_ 102 r_ 17 OccuQ.ancy Student Housing §_ 102 r_ 18 Residential Uses Controls hJ!. StorJ!. 19 1st 2nd 3rd+ 20 Residential Uses §_ 102 r_ p r_ 21 Accessory Dwelling §_§_102, 207Cc1C41, P Planning Code Sections 207Cc1C42 and 22 Unit Density 207Cc2C62 207Cc1C62. 1 unit Q_er 800 square {got lot arec;±.,_or the 23 Dwelling Unit §_§_ 102, 207 density g_ermitted in the nearest ResiEleAtial Density 24 District, whichever is greater. 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 6 1 bedroom 275 square {got lot area, or the 1 GrouQ. Housing §208 density__ Q.ermitted in the nearest ResiEleRtial Density__ 2 District, whichever is greater. Homeless Shelters Density__ limits regulated by_ the Administrative 3 §§ 102, 208 Density__ Code 4 P UQ. to twice the number of_dwelling units 5 otherwise Q.ermitted as a Use in the district and meeting all the requirements of_§ 6 Senior Housing 202.2([2Cll. C uQ. to twice the number o{_dwelling §§ 102, 202.2(f), 207 Density__ units otherwise Q.ermitted as a Use in 7 the district and meeting all requirements of_§ 202.2([20 l, exceQ.t {gr § 202.2([20 LCDWvl, 8 related to location. 9 Loss o(_Dwelling_ Units Controls hr.. Storr.. 10 1st 2nd 3rd+ 11 Residential § 317 NP NP Conversion c 12 Residential 13 Demolition and §_)_fl c c c Merger 14 - 15 Controls 16 Zoning_ Categorr.. § Refjrences NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS 17

18 Develoe.ment Standards 19 Floor Area Ratio §§ 102 l 123, 124 1.8 to 1 20 P UQ. to 2,999 square [§et; C 3, 000 square [§et Use Size § 102 and above 21 No car Q.arking required. Maximum Q.ermitted 22 O{[:Street Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 - § 151. Bike Q.arking required Section Requirements 156, 161, 166, 204.5 155.2. Car share SQ.aces required when a Q.rofect 23 has 25 or more Q.arking SQ.aces §166. 24 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 7 None required i{_gross floor area is less than 1 O(f:Street Freight §§ 150, 152, 153 -155, 10, 000 square {§et. Exce2tions [2_ermitted [2_er §§ Loading 161, 204.5 2 155and161. 3 Commercial Use Characteristics 4 Drive-u2 FacilitJ.. § 102 NP Formula Retail §§ 102, 303.1 c 5 Hours o{_ 02eration § 102 P 6 a.m. - 11 [2.m.,· C 11 [2.m. - 2 a.m. 6 Maritime Use § 102 NP 7 Open Air Sales §§ 102, 703Cb2 See§ 703Cb2 8 Outdoor ActivitJ.. P i{_located in (font o{_building; C i{_located § 102, 145.2 9 Area elsewhere Walk-uQ Facilit!!. C' 1 n"> n 10 ~ L Controls hJ!.. Storr. 11 NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 1st 2nd 3rd+ 12 Agricultural Use Category_ 13 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2cc2 NP NP NP 14 Industrial Agriculture, Large 15 §§ 102, 202.2cc2 Scale Urban c c c 16 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2cc2 f_ f_ f_ 17 Neighborhood Automotive Use Category_ 18 Automotive Uses* § 102 NP NP NP 19 Parking Garage, § 102 20 Private c c c Parking Garage, 21 § 102 NP NP Public c 22 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c 23 Parking Lot, Public §§ 102, 142, 156 c NP NP 24 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation Use Category_ 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 8 1 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation §§ 102, 202. 4 NP NP NP 2 Uses* 3 Arts Activities § 102 NP NP NP Entertainment, 4 § 102 NP NP General c 5 Entertainment, § 102 c NP NP 6 Nighttime 02en Recreation § 102 7 Area c c c 8 Passive Outdoor § 102 Recreation c c c 9 Industrial Use Category_ 10 Industrial Uses § 102, 202.2(d1 NP NP NP 11 Institutional Use Categor}!, 12 Institutional Uses* § 102 f_ c NP 13 Child Care FacilitJ!. § 102 f_ p p 14 Hos72ital § 102 NP NP NP Medical Cannabis 15 §§ 102, 202.2(e1 NP NP NP Dis72ensarJ!.. 16 Public Facilities § 102 c c c 17 Religious Institution § 102 f_ c NP 18 Residential Care § 102 p p f_ 19 FacilitJ!. Sales and Service Use Categorl!. 20 Retail Sales and § 102 f_ NP NP 21 Service Uses* 22 Adult Business § 102 NP NP NP 23 Animal Hos72ital § 102 NP NP NP

24 Bar §§ 102, 202.2(a1 f_ NP NP Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2(a1 NP NP NP 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 9 1 Flexible Retail § 102 NP NP NP Gym § 102 r_ NP NP 2 Hotel § 102 NP NP NP 3 Kennel § 102 NP NP NP 4 Liquor Store § 102 r_ NP NP 5 Massage § 102 NP NP NP 6 Establishment Massage, Foot/Chair § 102 NP NP NP 7 Mortuary § 102 NP NP NP 8 Motel §§ 102, 202.2ca1 NP NP NP 9 Services, Financial § 102 NP NP NP 10 Services, Fringe § 102 NP NP NP 11 Financial Services, Health § 102 r_ NP NP 12 Services, § 102 r_ NP NP 13 Instructional 14 Services, Limited § 102 r_ NP NP Financial 15 Services, Personal § 102 r_ NP NP 16 Services, Retail § 102 p NP NP 17 Prof§ssional

18 Storage, Se![ § 102 NP NP NP Tobacco 19 P arffehernalia § 102 c NP NP 20 Establishment Trade ShoQ § 102 r_ NP NP 21 Non-Retail Sales and § 102 NP NP NP 22 Service* 23 Design Prof§ssional § 102 p NP NP 24 Trade Ofjj_ce § 102 r_ NP NP 25 Utilitv and lnfjastructure Use CategorJ!.

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 10 Utility and 1 § 102 C(5) C(5) C(l) Infjastructure* 2 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP 3 Public Utilities Yard § 102 NP NP NP 4 *Not listed below 5

6 (1) C if a Macro WTS Facility" P ifa Micro WTS Facility.


9 The Inner Balboa Street Neighborhood Commercial District is located along Balboa Street 10 between 2nd Avenue and 8th Avenue in the Richmond District ofSan Francisco. The District is a small-

11 scale linear shopping street which provides convenience goods and services to the surrounding

12 neighborhood as well as limited comparison shopping goods for a wider market. 13 The Inner Balboa Street Neighborhood Commercial District controls provide for mixed-use

14 buildings which approximate or slightly exceed the standard development pattern. Rear yard 15 requirements above the ground story and at residential levels preserve open space corridors ofinterior 16 blocks.

17 Most new commercial development is permitted at the ground and second stories. 18 Neighborhood-serving businesses are strongly encouraged. Eating and drinking and entertainment 19 uses, however, are confined to the ground story. The second story may be used by some retail stores,

20 personal services, and medical, business and professional offices. Parking and hotels are monitored at

21 all stories. Limits on late-night activity, drive-up facilities, and other automobile uses protect the 22 livability within and around the District, and promote continuous retail frontage. 23 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the ground story. Existing

24 residential units are protected by limitations on demolition and upper-story conversions. Accessory 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 11 1 Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Sections 207(c){4) and 207(c){6) ofthis 2 Code.


7 Zoning Category_ §. Re(!rences Controls 8 BUILDING STANDARDS 9 Massing and Setbacks 10 §§ 102, 105, 106, 250-252, 260, 261.1, Varies, but generally__ 40-X See Height and Bulk Map Height and Bulk 11 270, 271. See also Sheet HT03 fjJr more infjJrmation. Height sculpting Limits. Height and Bulk required on Alley__s per§_ 261.1. 12 District Maps 13 5 Foot Height Bonus fjJr Active Ground 14 ' Floor Uses § 263.20 E 15 Zoned 40-X or 50-X 16 Required at the Second Story__ and at each succeeding §§ 130, 134, level or Story__ o[_the building, and at the First Story__ i[ Rear Yard 17 l 34(a2(e2, 136 it contains a Dwelling Unit: 25% o[)ot de]2_th, but in no case less than 15 &et 18 Front Setback and §§ 130, 131, 132, 133 Not Required. 19 Side Yard 20 Street Frontage and Public Realm

21 Streetscape and Pedestrian §_ 138.1 Required 22 Improvements 23 Required,· controls apply__ to above-grade parking Street Frontage setbacks, parking and loading entrances, active uses, § 145.1 24 Requirements ground floor ceiling height, street-[_acing ground- level spaces, transparency__ and [§nestration, and 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page -12 gates, railings, and grillwork. Exce12tions r_ermitted 1 Jj;r historic buildings. 2 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145. 4 -fjJr sr_ecifl.c § 145.4 3 Commercial districts. Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see § 155 (r 2 -fjJr sr_ecifl.c §155{r) 4 Restrictions districts 5 Miscellaneous 6 Lot Size (Per P ur_ to 9, 999 square {§et,· C 10, 000 square [§et and §§ 102, 121.1 Develor_ment2 above 7 Planned Unit §304 8 Develor_ment c 9 Awning, Cano72y or § 136.1 f_ ?iJfn111r11100 ..LY.iWl ~VJ;\..'\,/ 10 §§ 262, 602-604, Signs As r_ermitted bv § 607.1 11 607, 607.1, 608, 609 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, 12 NP Signs 609, 610, 611 13 General Plan 14 Design Guidelines Commerce and Subiect to the Urban Design Guidelines Industry_ Element 15

16 Zoning Categor}!_ §. Refjrences Controls 17 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 18

19 Develoe_ment Standards 20 Usable Or_en Sr_ace 100 square {§et r_er unit i[_r_rivate, or 133 square §§ 135, 136 [Per Dwelling Unit Z [§et r_er unit i[_common 21 No car r_arking required. Maximum Qermitted Qer 22 § 151. Bike r_arking required r_er §155.2. ![_car OtfStreet Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 - r_arking is r_rovided, car share sr_aces are Requirements 156, 161, 166, 204.5 23 required when a 12rotect has 50 units or more r_er §166. 24 Dwelling Unit Mix §,§ 207. 6, 207. 7 Not required 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 13 1 Use Characteristics Single Room 2 § 102 Occu12.ancy_ £ 3 Student Housing § 102 £ 4 Residential Uses Controls by_ StorJ!. 5 1st 2nd 3rd+ 6 Residential Uses § 102 £ £ £ 7 Accessory_ Dwelling §§102, 207Cc1C4l, P Planning Code Sections 207CclC4l and Unit Densiry 207(cl(6l 207CclC6l. 8 1 unit 800 square -(JJot lot area, or the densiry Dwelling Unit §§ 102, 207 12.ermitted in the nearest Residential District, 9 Densiry whichever is zreater. 10 1 bedroom 2 75 square -(JJot lot area, or the Grou12 Housing §208 densiry 12.ermitted in the nearest Residential 11 Densiry District, whichever is greater. 12 Homeless Shelter Density__ limits regulated by_ the Administrative §§ 102, 208 13 Densiry Code

14 P U12. to twice the number o[Dwelling Units otherwise 12.ermitted as a Use in the 15 district and meeting all the requirements o[_§ Senior Housing 202.2(/)_0 l. C U12. to twice the number o[Dwelling §§102, 202.2(f), 207 16 Densiry Units otherwise 12.ermitted as a Use in the district and meeting all requirements o[_§ 17 202.2(/)_0 l, exce12.t -(JJr § 202.2(/)_0 lCDWvl, 18 related to location. Loss o[_Dwelling 19 Controls by_ StorJ!. Units 20 1st 2nd 3rd+ 21 Residential § 317 NP Conversion c c 22 Residential 23 Demolition and § 317 c c c 24 Merger 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 14 1 Zoning Category_ §. Re(!rences Controls 2 NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 3 Develoement Standards 4 Floor Area Ratio §§ 102, 123, 124 2.5 to 1 5 P u72 to 3,999 square [§et,' C 4, 000 square '[§et Use Size §§ 102, 121.2 and above 6 No car 72arking. Maximum 72ermitted 72er § 151. 7 OtfStreet Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 - Bike 72arking required 72er Section 155.2. Car Requirements 156, 161, 166, 204.5 share s72aces required when a _Qrotect has 25 or 8 more _Qarking s72aces 72er § 166. 9 None required i[_ Gross Floor Area is less than Off-Street Freif!ht QQ 150. 152. 153 -155. 10, 000 square [eet. Exce72tions 72ermitted 72er §§ 10 Loading 161, 204.5 155and161. 11 Commercial Use Characteristics 12 Drive-u72 FacilitJ!_ § 102 NP 13 Formula Retail §§ 102, 303.1 c 14 Hours o[_ 072eration § 102 P 6 a.m. - 2 a.m.,· C 2 a.m. - 6 a.m.

15 Maritime Use § 102 NP 072en Air Sales §§ 102, 703(.Ql See§ 703(.Ql 16 Outdoor ActivitJ!_ §§102, 145.2 P i[_located in front,' C i[_located elsewhere 17 Area 18 Walk-u72 F acilitJ!_ § 102 E 19 Controls by_ Story_ NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 20 1st 2nd 3rd+ 21 Agricultural Use Category_ Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2(c1 NP NP NP 22 Industrial 23 Agriculture, Large §§ 102, 202.2(c1 Scale Urban c c c 24 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2(c1 25 Neighborhood E E E

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 15 1 Automotive Use Categ_ory_ 2 Automotive Uses* § 102 NP NP NP Automotive Rer_air § 102 c NP NP 3 Automotive Service §§ 102, 202.2(b) NP NP 4 Station c 5 Gas Station §§ 102, 187.1, 202.2(b1 c NP NP Parking Garage, 6 § 102 Private c c c 7 Parking Garage, § 102 c c c 8 Public 9 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c

n ___ .L~---- T ~~ n_.J_ 7.!~ l'l' 1n"'l 1 ,{,., 1CL f1 f1 f1 runttng .LJut, r uuttc; ~~ 1VL l"tL 1.JV L L L 10 1 1

Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation Use Categ_ory_ 11 Entertainment1 Arts 12 and Recreation § 102 NP NP NP Uses* 13 Arts Activities § 102 f_ c c 14 Entertainment, § 102 f_ NP NP 15 General Entertainment, 16 § 102 p NP NP Nighttime 17 Movie Theater §§ 102, 202.4 p NP NP 18 Or_en Recreation § 102 c c c Area 19 Passive Outdoor § 102 20 Recreation c c c 21 Industrial Use Categ_ory_ 22 Industrial Uses § 102, 202.2(d1 NP NP NP 23 Institutional Use Category_ p 24 Institutional Uses* § 102 c c p 25 Child Care Facility_ § 102 f_ f_

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page '16 1 HosrJtal § 102 NP NP NP Medical Cannabis 2 §§ 102, 202.2(e) DR DR NP Disr_ensary_** 3 Public Facilities § 102 c c c 4 Residential Care § 102 E_ E_ E_ FacilitJ_ 5 Sales and Service Use Categ_or}!_ 6 Retail Sales and § 102 E_ E_ NP 7 Service Uses*

8 Adult Business § 102 NP NP NP § 102 9 Animal Hosr_ital c NP NP n ('(' 11),, ,,II.., ,.,G--> n ]>.Tn ]>.Tn Dllr ~~ 1 UL-, L-UL-.L- _ll_ !._ ill_ .lYl 10 Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2(a2 c c NP 11 Flexible Retail § 102 E_ NP NP 12 Hotel § 102 c c c 13 Kennel § 102 c NP NP 14 Liquor Store § 102 E_ NP NP Massage 15 § 102 c NP NP Establishment 16 Massage, § 102 E_ NP NP 17 Foot/Chair

18 Mortuary_ § 102 NP NP NP Motel §§ 102, 202.2(a2 NP NP NP 19 Restaurant §§ 102, 202.2(a2 p NP NP 20 Restaurant, Limited §§ 102, 202.2(a2 E_ NP NP 21 Services, Financial § 102 p c NP 22 Services, Fringe § 102 P(l2 NP NP 23 Financial Services, Limited 24 § 102 E_ NP NP Financial 25 Storage, Se![ § 102 NP NP NP

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 17 1 Tobacco Para12.hernalia § 102 c NP NP 2 Establishment

3 Trade Sho12. § 102 f_ c NP Non-Retail Sales 4 § 102 NP NP NP and Service* 5 Design Pro[?ssional § 102 f_ f_ NP 6 Trade Ofjj_ce § 102 f_ p NP 7 Utility_ and lnfjastructure Use Category_ Utility and 8 § 102 C(2) C(2) C(2) Infrastructure* 9 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP 10 I Public Utilities Yard I § 102 INP 'NP 11 *Not listed below 12

13 (1) FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT. Fringe Financial Services are NP within any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer 12.ursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any 14 FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer, Fringe Financial Services are P subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 249.35(c)(3). 15 (2) C ifa Macro WTS Facility,· P ifa Micro WTS Facility. 16


18 The Outer Balboa Street Neighborhood Commercial District is located along Balboa Street

19 between 32nd Avenue and 39th Avenue in the Richmond District o[San Francisco. The District is a 20 small-scale linear street which provides convenience goods and services to the surrounding

21 neighborhood as well as limited comparison shopping goods for a wider market. 22 The Outer Balboa Street Neighborhood Commercial District controls provide for mixed-use

23 buildings which approximate or slightly exceed the standard development 12.attern. Rear yard

24 requirements above the ground story and at residential levels preserve open s12.ace corridors o[interior 25 blocks.

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page ·1s 1 Most new commercial development is permitted at the ground and second stories.

2 Neighborhood-serving businesses are strongly encouraged. Eating and drinking and entertainment 3 uses, however, are confined to the ground story, The second story may be used by some retail stores, 4 personal services, and medical, business and professional offices. Parking and hotels are monitored at 5 all stories. Limits on late-night activity, drive-up facilities, and other automobile uses protect the 6 livability within and around the District, and promote continuous retail frontage. 7 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the ground story. Existing 8 residential units are protected by limitations on demolition and upper-story conversions. Accessory 9 Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to subsections 207(c)(4) and (c)(6) ofthis 10 Code.


12 ZONING CONTROL TABLE 13 14 Outer Balboa Street NCD

15 Zoning_ Categ_orl!., ,§. Re[erences Controls 16 BUILDING STANDARDS

17 Massing_ and Setbacks §§ 102, 105, 106, 250- 18 Varies, but generally 40-X See Height and Bulk Height and Bulk 252, 260, 261.1, 270, Map Sheet HT04 {!?r more in{!?rmation. Height 19 Limits. 271. See also Height sculpting required on Alleys per§ 261.1. and Bulk District Maps 20 5 Foot Height Bonus 21 [!?r Active Ground § 263.20 f_ Floor Uses zoned 22 40-X or 50-X 23 Required at the Second Story and at each §§ 130, 134, 134(al(el, succeeding level or Story o[_the building, and at the 24 Rear Yard 136 First Story i[_it contains a Dwelling Unit: 25% o[ 25 lot depth, but in no case less than 15 feet

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 19 Front Setback and 1 §§ 130, 131, 132, 133 Not Required. Side Yard 2 Street Frontage and Public Realm 3 Streetscar_e and 4 Pedestrian § 138.1 Required Imr_rovements 5 Required,· controls fffJ]2ly_ to abo~e_:gr_qd§ parking 6 setbacks, 12arking and loading entrances, active Street Frontage uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-[_acing § 145.1 7 Requirements ground-level sr_aces, transr_arency_ and .&nestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. 8 Excer_tions r_ermitted -{j;Jr historic buildings. 9 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145. 4 -{j;Jr sr_ecifl_c § 145.4 Con1Jrtercial districts. 10 Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see § 15 5 (r 2 -{j;Jr sr_ecifl_c §155{r) 11 Restrictions districts 12 Miscellaneous Lot Size CPer P ur_ to 9, 999 square "[§et; C 10, 000 square "[§et and 13 §§ 102, 121.1 Develor_ment2 above 14 Planned Unit §304 c 15 Develo12ment Awning, Canor_y_ or 16 § 136.1 p Marquee 17 §§ 262, 602-604, 607, Signs As r_ermitted by_ § 607.1 18 607.1, 608, 609 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, NP 19 Signs 609, 610, 611 20 General Plan Design Guidelines Commerce and Subiect to the Urban Design Guidelines 21 Industry_ Element 22 23 Zoning CategorJ!. § Refjrences Controls 24 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 20 1 Develoe.ment Standards Usable 0-Qen SQace 100 square &et Q_er unit i[Qrivate, or 13 3 square 2 §§ 135, 136 [Per Dwelling Unit l &et Q_er unit i[common 3 No car Qarking required. Maximum Q_ermitted Q_er § 4 Otf:Street Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 151. Bike QarkingrequiredQ_er §155.2. ![car Requirements -156, 161, 166, 204.5 Qarking is rzrovided, car share SQ_aces are required 5 when a Q_rofect has 50 units or more Q_er §166.

6 Dwelling Unit Mix §§207.6, 207.7 Not required Use Characteristics 7 Single Room § 102 8 OccuQ_ancy_ E 9 Student Housing § 102 E 10 Residential Uses Controls by_ StorJ!..

11 1st 2nd 3rd+ 12 Residential Uses § 102 E E E 13 Accessory_ Dwelling §§102, 207 {_cl {_4 l, P ]2_er Planning Code Sections 207{_cl{_41 and Unit Densi{Jl.. 207{_cl{_61 207{_cl{_61. 14 1 unit Q_er 800 square [r)ot lot area, or the densi{Jl.. Dwelling Unit 15 §§ 102, 207 Qermitted in the nearest Residential District, Densi{Jl.. whichever is greater. 16 1 bedroom Q_er 275 square [r)ot lot area, or the Grou/2_ Housing 17 §208 densi{Jl.. {2_ermitted in the nearest Residential Densi{Jl.. District, whichever is greater. 18 Homeless Shelter §§ 102, 208 Densi{Jl.. limits regulated by_ the Administrative Code 19 Densi{Jl.. 20 P UQ to twice the number o[Dwelling Units otherwise rzermitted as a PrinciQal Use in the 21 district and meeting all the requirements al§ Senior Housing 202.2(f){_l l. C U/2_ to twice the number o[Dwelling 22 §§ 102, 202.2(f), 207 Densi{Jl.. Units otherwise Q_ermitted as a Princif2_al Use in the 23 district and meeting all requirements al§ 202. 2(f){_l1, exce]2_t [r)r § 202. 2 (fl 01 {_D l(jv 1. related 24 to location. 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 21 Loss o[.Dwelling 1 Controls by_ Story_ Units 2 1st 2nd 3rd+ 3 Residential § 317 c c NP 4 Conversion Residential 5 Demolition and §_ill c c c 6 Merger

7 8 Zoning Category_ §. Refjrences Controls 9 NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES

10 Develo12.ment Standards 11 Floor Area Ratio §§ 102, 123, 124 2.5 to 1 12 P UQ to 3,999 square [§et; C 4, 000 square [§et and Use Size §§ 102, 121.2 13 above No car 12arking. Maximum 12ermitted 12er § 151. §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 14 OtfStreet Parking Bike 12arking required 12er Section 155. 2. Car share 153 -156, 161, 166, Requirements s12aces required when a 12rofect has 25 or more 15 204.5 12arking s12aces 12er § 166. 16 None required i[_ Gross Floor Area is less than OtfStreet Freight §§ 150, 152, 153 - 10, 000 square [§et. ExceQtions 12ermitted 12er §§ 17 Loading 155, 161, 204.5 155and161. 18 Commercial Use Characteristics 19 Drive-u12 Facility_ § 102 NP 20 Formula Retail §§102, 303.1 c 21 Hours o[_ 012eration § 102 P 6 a.m. - 2 a.m.,· C 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. 22 Maritime Use § 102 NP 23 OQ_en Air Sales §§ 102, 703 @1 See§ 703Cb1 Outdoor Activity_ §§ 102, 145.2 P i[_located in -[!ant,· C i[_located elsewhere 24 Area 25 Walk-u12 Facility_ § 102 E

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 22 1 Controls by Story NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 2 1st 2nd 3rd+ Agricultural Use Categ_orJ!. 3 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2(c) NP NP NP 4 Industrial 5 Agriculture, Large §§ 102, 202.2(c) Scale Urban c c c 6 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2(c) p 7 Neighborhood E E 8 Automotive Use Categ_orJ!. 9 Automotive Uses* § 102 NP NP NP §' JU2 10 Automotive Rerzair c NJJ NP Automotive Service §§ 102, 202.2{k) NP NP 11 Station c 12 §§ 102, 187.1, Gas Station c NP NP 202.2021 13 Parking Garage, § 102 14 Private c c c 15 Parking Garage, § 102 Public c c c 16 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c 17 Parking Lot, Public §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c 18 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation Use Categ_orJ!. 19 Entertainment1 Arts 20 and Recreation § 102 NP NP NP Uses* 21 Arts Activities § 102 E c c 22 Entertainment, § 102 NP NP General E 23 Entertainment, § 102 NP NP 24 Nighttime E 25 Movie Theater §§ 102, 202.4 E NP NP

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 23 012.en Recreation 1 § 102 Area c c c 2 Passive Outdoor § 102 c c c 3 Recreation 4 Industrial Use Categpr"J!. Industrial Uses § 102, 202.2Cd2 NP NP NP 5 Institutional Use Categpr"J!. 6 Institutional Uses* § 102 p c c 7 Child Care Facility_ § 102 p p p 8 Hospital § 102 NP NP NP 9 Medical Cannabis H 102. 202.2Ce) DR DR NP DisQensary_ H 10 Public Facilities § 102 c c c 11 Residential Care § 102 f_ f_ f_ 12 Facility_ 13 Sales and Service Use Categpr"}!. Retail Sales and 14 § 102 f_ f_ NP Service Uses* 15 Adult Business § 102 NP NP NP 16 Animal HosQital § 102 c NP NP 17 Bar §§ 102, 202.2ca2 f_ NP NP 18 Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2ca2 c c NP

19 Flexible Retail § 102 f_ NP NP § 102 20 Hotel c c c Kennel § 102 c NP NP 21 Liquor Store § 102 f_ NP NP 22 Massage § 102 c NP NP 23 Establishment 24 Massage, Foot/Chair § 102 f_ NP NP 25 Mortuary_ § 102 NP NP NP

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 24 1 Motel §§ 102, 202.2(a2 NP NP NP Restaurant §§ 102, 202.2(a2 p NP NP 2 Restaurant, Limited §§ 102, 202.2(a2 E NP NP 3 Services, Financial § 102 p c NP 4 Services, Fringe § 102 P02 NP NP 5 Financial Services, Limited 6 § 102 NP NP Financial E 7 Storage, Sel[ § 102 NP NP NP 8 Tobacco P araQhernalia § 102 NP NP 9 c Establishment 10 Trade ShoQ § 102 E c NP 11 Non-Retail Sales and § 102 NP NP NP Service* 12 Design Pro{§ssional § 102 E p NP 13 Trade Ofjj_ce § 102 p E NP 14 Utilitv.. and Infjastructure Use Categ_orv.. 15 Utility and § 102 C(22 C(22 C(22 16 Infrastructure* Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP 17 Public Utilities Yard § 102 NP NP NP 18 19 *Not listed below 20 (12 FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT. Fringe Financial Services are NP within any_ FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffrr Q.Ursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any_ 21 FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile bu(frr, Fringe Financial Services are P subfect to the restrictions set forth in Section 249.35(c2(32. 22 23 (22 C ifa Macro WTS Facility,· P ifa Micro WTS Facility. 24 25 SEC. 737. BAYVIEW NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT.

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 25 1 The Bayview Neighborhood Commercial District is located along Third Street between

2 Yosemite and Jerrold Avenues. It is a linear district located along a heavily trafficked thoroughfare

3 which also serves as a major transit route. In addition to providing convenience goods and services to

4 the surrounding neighborhood, the District offers a wide variety of comparison and specialtv goods 5 and services to a population greater than the immediate neighborhood. 6 The building standards permit moderately large commercial uses and buildings. Rear yards are 7 protected at residential levels. 8 A diversified commercial environment is encouraged for the District, and a wide variety of uses

9 are permitted with special emphasis on neighborhood-serving businesses. Eating and drinking,

10 entertainment, financial service, and certain auto uses generally are permitted with certain limitations

11 at the first and second stories. Other retail businesses, personal services, and o(fices are permitted at

12 all stories ofnew buildings. Limited storage and administrative service activities are permitted with 13 some restrictions. 14 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the second story. Existing 15 residential units are protected by limitations on demolitions and upper-story conversions. Accessory

16 Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Sections 207(c)(4) and 207(c)(6) ofthis

17 Code.


19 ZONING CONTROL TABLE 20 21 BayyiewNCD 22 Zoning_ Categ_orr. ,§.. Refjrences Controls BUILDING STANDARDS 23 Massing_ and Setbacks 24 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 26 §§ 102, 105, 106, 250- 1 Varies, but generally_ 40-X See Height and Bulk Height and Bulk 252, 260, 261.1, 270, MaQ Sheet HTl 0 {Qr more in{Qrmation. Height Limits 271. See also Height and 2 scufoting required on Alley_s Q_er § 261.1. Bulk District MaQS 3 5 Foot Height Bonus 4 {Qr Active Ground § 263.20 P in some districts Floor Uses 5 Required at the lowest Story_ containing a 6 §§ 130, 134, 134{_a2{_e1, Dwelling Unit, and at each succeeding level or Rear Yard 136 Story_ o{_the Building: 25% o[_lot deQth, but in no 7 case less than 15 &et. {_62 8 Front Setback and §§ 131, 132, 133 Not Required. Side Yard 9 Street Fro11tage a1id Public 1?..eal11i 10 StreetscaQ_e and 11 Pedestrian § 138.1 Required lmQrovements 12 Required,· controls aQ_Q_ly_ to above-grade Q_arking 13 setbacks, Q_arking and loading entrances, active Street Frontage uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-[_acing § 145.1 14 Requirements ground-level SQ_aces, transQ_arency_ and 15 "&nestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. ExceQtions Q_ermitted {Qr historic buildings. 16 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145. 4 {Qr SQ_eciflc § 145.4 17 Commercial districts. Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see§ 155(!2 {Qr 18 § l 55(r2 Restrictions SQ_eciflc districts 19 Miscellaneous 20 Lot Size {_Per P UQ to 9,999 square &et; C 10,000 square &et § 102, 121.1 Develo12ment2 and above 21 Planned Unit § 304 22 DeveloQ_ment c 23 Awning §§ 102, 136 f_ 24 CanOQ.Y. or Marquee §§102, 136 p 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 27 §§ 262, 602-604, 607, 1 Signs As permitted bv § 607.1 608, 609 2 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, NP 3 Signs 609, 610, 611 General Plan Commerce 4 Design Guidelines Subject to the Urban Design Guidelines and Industry_ Element 5 6 Zoning CategorJ!. §. Re(!rences Controls 7 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 8 9 IDeveloement Standards I I - - I <5U square {eet per unit i{ private, or 100 square 10 Usable Upe.n Spac.e §§ 135, 136 {fer Dwell mg Unzt Z '{§et per unit i[_common 11 No car parking required. Maximum permitted per § 151. Bike parking required per § 155. 2. !{_car 12 O(fStreet Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 parking is provided, car share spaces are Requirements -156, 161, 166, 204.5 13 required when a project has 50 units or more per § 166. 14 Dwelling Unit Mix §§ 207. 6, 207. 7 Not required 15 Use Characteristics 16 Single Room § 102 E 17 Occupancy_ Student Housing § 102 18 E Controls bJ!. StorJ!. 19 Residential Uses 1st 2nd 3rd+ 20 Residential Uses § 102 E E E 21 Accessory_ Dwelling §§ 102, 207{__cl{__4l, P per Planning Code Sections 207{__cl{__4l and 22 Unit DensitJ!_ 207{__c){__6l 207{__c){__6l. 1 unit per 600 square {got lot area, or the densitJ!_ 23 Dwelling Unit §§ 102, 207 permitted in the nearest Residential District, DensitJ!_ 24 whichever is greater. 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 28 1 bedroom Q_er 210 square {got lot area, or the 1 Group Housing §208 density__ 72ermitted in the nearest ResiEleAtial Density__ 2 District, whichever is greater. Homeless Shelter Density__ limits regulated by_ the Administrative 3 §§ 102, 208 Density__ Code 4 P UQ to twice the number o[_Dwelling Units 5 otherwise Q_ermitted as a PrinciQal Use in the district and meeting all the requirements of§ 6 Senior Housing 202.2(f)(l ). C UQ to twice the number o[_Dwelling I §§102, 202.2(f), 207 Density__ Units otherwise Q_ermitted as a PrinciQal Use in 7 the district and meeting all requirements o[_§ 202.2(f)(Jl, exceQ_t [{Jr§ 202.2(f)(ll(D2(Jv2, 8 related to location. 9 Controls by Story Loss o{ Dweiling_ Units 10 1st 2nd 3rd+ 11 Residential § 317 C(l2 Conversion c c 12 Residential 13 Demolition and § 317 c c c Merger 14

15 16 Zoning_ Category §. Re{j!rences Controls NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS 17

18 Develoement Standards 19 Floor Area Ratio §§ 102, 123, 124 3. 6 to 1 20 P UQ to 5, 999 square [§et,· C 6, 000 square [§et I Use Size §§ 102, 121.2 and above 21 No car Qarking required. Maximum Q_ermitted Q_er ! 22 O(fStreet Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 § 151. Bike Q_arking required Q_er Section 155.2. I Requirements -156, 161, 166, 204.5 Car share SQ_aces required when a Qrof ect has 25 23 or more 12.arking SQ_aces Q_er § 166. 24 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 29 None required if Gross Floor Area is less than 1 Off-Street Freight §§ 150, 152, 153 -155, 10, 000 square feet. Exceptions permitted per §§ Loading 161, 204.5 2 155and161. 3 Commercial Use Characteristics

4 Drive-up Facility Formula Retail §§102, 303.l 5 Hours of Operation No limit 6 Maritime Use 7 Open Air Sales §§ 102, 703(b) See§ 703(b) 8 Outdoor Activity §§ 102, l 45.2(a) P iflocated in front.' C iflocated elsewhere 9 Area Walk-up Facility p 10 Controls by Story 11 NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 12 Agricultural Use Category 13 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2(c) 14 Industrial Agriculture, Large 15 §§ 102, 202. 2 (c) Scale Urban 16 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2(c) p 17 Neighborhood Automotive Use Category 18 §§ 102, 187.l, 202.2(k), Automotive Uses* 19 202.5 20 Automotive Repair 21 Parking Garage, Private 22 Parking Garage, 23 Public 24 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 25 Parking Lot, Public §§ 102, 142, 156

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 30 Service, Motor 1 § 102 NP NP NP Vehicle Tow 2 Service, Parcel § 102 NP NP NP 3 Delivery_ Vehicle Storage 4 § 102 NP NP NP Garage 5 Vehicle Storage Lot § 102 NP NP NP 6 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation Use Categ_or)!_

7 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation § 102 NP NP NP 8 Uses* 9 Arts Activities § 102 f_ c c Entertainment, 10 § 102 p p NP General 11 Entertainment, § 102 f_ f_ NP 12 Nighttime 13 Movie Theater §§ 102, 202.4 f_ f_ NP 012.en Recreation 14 § 102 Area c c c 15 Passive Outdoor § 102 c c c 16 Recreation Industrial Use Categ_orJ!. 17 Industrial Uses § 102 NP NP NP 18 Institutional Use Categ_orJ!. 19 Institutional Uses* § 102 p p p 20 Hosrzital § 102 c c c 21 Job Training § 102 f_ f_ p 22 Medical Cannabis §§ 102, 202.2(e) DR DR NP Disrzensary_** 23 Public Facilities § 102 c c c 24 Sales and Service Use Categ_or)!_ 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 31 Retail Sales and 1 102, 202.3 f_ f_ f_ Service Uses* H 2 Adult Business § 102 c c NP 3 Animal Hospital § 102 c c NP 4 Bar §§ 102, 202.2(_a2 P(.22 P(.22 NP 5 Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2(_a2 c c NP p 6 Flexible Retail § 102 NP NP Hotel § 102 c c c 7 Kennel § 102 c c NP 8 Liquor Store § 102 NP NP NP 9 Massage l' 1 n"I 'Jn" G-) 0 0 7>.Tn )' 1 V~, .JV.JU \_,, \_,, -D'.L 10 Establishment

11 Massage, Foot/Chair § 102 f_ c NP Mortuary.. § 102 c c c 12 Motel §§ 102, 202.2(_a2 NP NP NP 13 Restaurant §§ 102, 202.2(_a2 P(.22 P(.22 NP 14 Restaurant, Limited §§ 102, 202.2(_a2 P(.22 P(.22 NP 15 Retail Sales and § 102 p f_ P(.22 16 Service, General Services, Financial § 102 f_ f_ NP 17 Services, Fringe § 102 P(.32 NP(.32 NP(.32 18 Financial 19 Services, Limited § 102 f_ f_ NP Financial 20 Storage, Self § 102 c c c 21 Tobacco 22 Para2hernalia § 102 c NP NP Establishment 23 Trade Sho2 § 102 f_ c c 24 Non-Retail Sales and § 102 NP NP NP 25 Service*

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 32 1 Design Pro{§ssional § 102 E E E Service, Non-Retail 2 § 102 Pro{§ssional c c c 3 Storage, Commercial § 102 c c c 4 Trade O{fj_ce § 102 E E p 5 Utilitv and Infjastructure Use Category_ Utility_ and 6 § 102 C(4) C(4) C(4) Infjastructure * 7 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP 8 Public Utilities Yard § 102 NP NP NP 9

10 *Not listed below

11 (12 THIRD FLOOR RESIDENTIAL CONVERSION: Boundaries: Ar12_licable to the Ba}!.view NCD 12 Controls: A Residential Use ma}!. be converted to an Institutional Use, other than a Medical Cannabis Disr_ensar}!_, as a Conditional Use on the third star}!. and above i{_in addition to the criteria set f{Jrth in 13 Section 303, the Commission fl.nds that: 14 (a2 The structure in which the Residential Use is to be converted has been [{Jund eligible .f!Jr listing on the National Register o{_Historic Places,· 15 (b1 The r_ror_osed use is to be o]2_erated b}!. a nonr_rofl.t r_ublic benefl.t corr_oration,· and (c2 No legally residing residential tenants will be disr_laced. 16 (22 THIRD STREET SPECIAL USE DISTRICT 17 Boundaries: A722licable onl}!. to the r_ortion o[_the Third Street SUD as shown on Sectional Mar_ 10 SU 18 zonedNC-3. Controls: O[fsale retail liquor sales are NP; drive-u2 [_acilities [{Jr Restaurants and Limited- 19 Restaurants are C. 20 (}2 FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT Fringe Financial Services 21 are NP within an}!. FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile bufj§r r_ursuant to Section 249.35. Outside an}!. FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile bufj§r, Fringe Financial Services are P subiect to the restrictions set 22 .f!Jrth in Section 2 49. 35 (c2 (} 2.

23 (42 C i[_a Macro WTS Facility; P i[_a Micro WTS Facility.

24 Ill

25 Ill

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 33 1 SEC. 738. CORTLAND AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. 2 The Cortland Avenue Neighborhood Commercial District is located along Cortland Avenue 3 between Bonview and Folsom Streets. The District is a small-scale linear shopping street which

4 provides convenience goods and services to the surrounding neighborhood as well as limited 5 comparison shopping goods for a wider market. 6 The Cortland Avenue Neighborhood Commercial District controls provide for mixed-use

7 buildings which approximate or slightly exceed the standard development pattern. Rear yard 8 requirements above the ground story and at residential levels preserve open space corridors ofinterior

9 blocks.

10 Most new commercial development is permitted at the ground and second stories.

11 Neighborhood-serving businesses are strongly encouraged. Eating and drinking and entertainment

12 uses, however, are confined to the ground story. The second story may be used by some retail stores,

13 personal services, and medical, business and professional offices. Parking and hotels are monitored at

14 all stories. Limits on late-night activity, drive-up facilities, and other automobile uses protect the 15 livability within and around the District, and promote continuous retail frontage. 16 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the ground story, Existing

17 residential units are protected by limitations on demolition and upper-story conversions. Accessory 18 Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Sections 207(c)(4) and 207(c)(6) ofthis

19 Code.

20 Table 738. CORTLAND AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 21 ZONING CONTROL TABLE 22 Cortland Avenue NCD 23 24 Zoning Categ_or'J!, §. Re[_erences Controls 25 BUILDING STANDARDS

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 34 1 Massing and Setbacks §§ 102, 105, 106, 2 250-252, 260, 261.1, Varies, but generally_ 40-X See Height and Bulk Height and Bulk 270, 271. See also Marz Sheet HT11 -{gr more in-{grmation. Height 3 Limits. Height and Bulk sculrzting required on Alley_s rzer § 261.1. 4 District Marzs 5 5 Foot Height Bonus -{gr Active Ground § 263.20 P in some districts 6 Floor Uses 7 Required at the Second Story_ and at each §§ 130, 134, succeeding level or Story_ o[_the building, and at the Rear Yard 8 134Ca1Ce1, 136 First Story_ i{_it contains a Dwelling Unit: 25% o[)ot derzth, but in no case less than 15 &et 9 Front Setback and §§ 130, 131, 132, 133 Not Required. 10 Side Yard 11 Street Frontage and Public Realm

12 Streetscarze and Pedestrian § 138.1 Required 13 Imrzrovements 14 Required," controls aJ212_ly_ to above-grade rzarking setbacks, rzarking and loading entrances, active 15 Street Frontage uses, ground "floor ceiling height, street-lacing § 145.1 Requirements ground-level SJ2_aces, transrzarency_ and f§nestration, 16 and gates, railings, and grillwork. Excerztions 17 rzermitted -{gr historic buildings. Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145.4 -{gr srzecifl.c 18 § 145.4 Commercial districts. 19 Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see § 155 (!' L -{gr srzecifl.c §155(rL 20 Restrictions districts Miscellaneous 21 Lot Size (Per P urz to 9, 999 square &et," C 10, 000 square [§et and §§102, 121.1 22 Develorzment1 above 23 Planned Unit § 304 c Develorzment 24 Awning, Canoe.y_ or § 136.1 p 25 Marquee

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 35 §§ 262, 602-604, 607, 1 Signs As permitted bv § 607.1 607.1, 608, 609 2 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, NP 3 Signs 609, 610, 611 General Plan 4 Design Guidelines Commerce and Sub[ect to the Urban Design Guidelines 5 Industry_ Element


7 Zoning Categor}!, §. Re[_erences Controls


9 IDevelovment Standard<; I 10 Usable Open Space 100 square [J;et per unit i[;Jrivate, or 13 3 square §§ 135, 136 11 [Per Dwelling Unitl [J;et per unit i{_common No car 12arking required. Maximum permitted per § 12 §§ 145.1, 150, 151, Of.l:Street Parking 151. Bike parking required per §155.2. ![_car 153 -156, 161, 166, Requirements parking is provided, car share spaces are required 13 204.5 when a protect has 50 units or more 12er §166. 14 Dwelling Unit Mix §,§ 207. 6, 207. 7 Not required 15 Use Characteristics 16 Single Room § 102 E_ 17 Occupancy_ Student Housing § 102 E_ 18 Residential Uses Controls by_ StorJ!. 19 1st 2nd 3rd+ 20 Residential Uses § 102 p E_ E_ 21 Accessory_ Dwelling §§102, 207 {_c1(_42, P per Planning Code Sections 207{_c2{_42 and 22 Unit DensitJ_ 207 {_c1(_62 207{_c2{_62. 1 unit eer 800 square (got lot area, or the densitJ_ 23 Dwelling Unit §'§ 102, 207 permitted in the nearest Residential District, DensitJ_ 24 whichever is greater. 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 36 1 bedroom [2_er 275 square fjJot lot area, or the 1 Grou12 Housing §208 density f2.ermitted in the nearest ResiEleAtial Density 2 District, whichever is greater. Homeless Shelter 3 §§ 102, 208 Density limits regulated bv the Administrative Code Density 4 P u12 to twice the number o[_Dwelling Units 5 otherwise 12ermitted as a Princi12al Use in the district and meeting all the requirements o[_§ 6 Senior Housing 202.2(f)Cl1. C u12 to twice the number o[_Dwelling §§ 102, 202.2(/), 207 Density Units otherwise 12ermitted as a Use in the 7 district and meeting all requirements o[_§ 202.2(j)_CJ exce12t fjJr § 202.2(j)_CJ lCDWvl. related 8 l, to location. 9 Loss of.Dwelling Controls hl' Storr 10 Units 1st 2nd 3rd+ 11 Residential § 317 NP 12 Conversion c c 13 Residential Demolition and § 317 c c c 14 Merger 15

16 Zoning CategorJ!. §. Refjrences Controls 17 NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 18

19 Develoement Standards Floor Area Ratio §§ 102, 123, 124 2.5 to 1 20 P u12 to 3, 999 square [§et,· C 4, 000 square [§et and Use Size §§ 102, 121.2 21 above

' 22 No car 12arking. Maximum 12ermitted 12er §_ 151. O[fStreet Parking §§145.1, 150, 151, 153 Bike 12arking required 12er Section 155.2. Car share 23 Requirements -156, 161, 166, 204.5 s12aces required when a 12rotect has 25 or more 24 12arking s12aces 12er § 166.


Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page >7 None required i[_ Gross Floor Area is less than 1 O(f::Street Freight ff 150, 152, 153 -155, 10, 000 square &et. Exce2tions 72_ermitted Qer ff Loading 161, 204.5 2 155and161. 3 Commercial Use Characteristics 4 Drive-u72_ FacilitJ!._ f 102 NP Formula Retail ff 102, 303.l c 5 Hours o[_ 0Qeration f 102 P 6 a.m. -2 a.m.,· C 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. 6 Maritime Use f 102 NP 7 0Qen Air Sales ff 102, 703{Q1 See f 703{Q1 8 Outdoor ActivitJ!._ ffl02, 145.2 P i{_located in front; C i[_located elsewhere Area 9 TTT 11 n •7•.1 0 1n""I n VV atK-U12. I' UC:llll 'i_ £. 10 ~ Controls by Story 11 NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 1st 2nd 3rd+ 12 Agricultural Use Category 13 Agriculture, §f 102, 202.2(c1 NP NP NP 14 Industrial Agriculture, Large 15 ff 102, 202.2(c1 Scale Urban c c c 16 Agriculture, ff 102, 202.2(c) E E E 17 Neighborhood Automotive Use Category 18 Automotive Uses* f 102 NP NP NP 19 Automotive ReQair f 102 c NP NP 20 Automotive Service ff 102, 202.2(b1 c NP NP 21 Station

22 Gas Station ff 102, 187.1, 202.2{Q1 c NP NP Parking Garage, 23 102 [;_ Private f c c 24 Parking Garage, f 102 c c c 25 Public

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 38 1 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c Parking Lot, Public §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c 2 Entertainment Arts and Recreation Use CategorY., 3 1

Entertainment1 Arts 4 and Recreation § 102 NP NP NP Uses* 5 Arts Activities § 102 NP NP NP 6 Entertainment, § 102 f_ NP NP 7 General Entertainment, 8 § 102 f_ NP NP Nighttime 9 Movie Thf!ater §§ 102, 202.4 f_ NP NP 10 0Qen Recreation § 102 c c c 11 Area Passive Outdoor 12 § 102 c c {;;_ Recreation 13 Industrial Use CategorY., 14 Industrial Uses § 102, 202.2(d2 NP NP NP 15 Institutional Use CategorY., 16 Institutional Uses* § 102 p c c 17 Child Care FacilitJ!.. § 102 f_ f_ f_ HosQital § 102 NP NP NP 18 Medical Cannabis §§ 102, 202.2(e) DR DR NP 19 DisQensary_** 20 Public Facilities § 102 c c {;;_ Residential Care 21 § 102 f_ f_ f_ FacilitJ!.. 22 Sales and Service Use CategorY., 23 Retail Sales and § 102 f_ f_ NP 24 Service Uses* Adult Business § 102 NP NP NP 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 39 1 Animal HosQ.ital § 102 c NP NP Bar §§ 102, 202.2ca1 NP NP 2 E Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2ca1 c c NP 3 Flexible Retail § 102 NP NP NP 4 Hotel § 102 c c c 5 Kennel § 102 c NP NP 6 Liquor Store § 102 E NP NP 7 Massage § 102 NP NP Establishment c 8 Massage, § 102 NP NP 9 Foot/Chair E

10 Mortuary_ § 102 NP NP NP

11 Motel §§ 102, 202.2ca1 NP NP NP Restaurant §§ 102, 202.2ca1 NP NP 12 E Restaurant, Limited §§ 102, 202.2ca1 E NP NP 13 Services, Financial § 102 E c NP 14 Services, Fringe § 102 POl NP NP 15 Financial Services, Limited 16 § 102 p NP NP Financial 17 Storage, Sel[ § 102 NP NP NP 18 Tobacco P araQ.hernalia § 102 NP NP 19 c Establishment 20 Trade ShoQ. § 102 p c NP 21 Non-Retail Sales § 102 NP NP NP and Service* 22 Design Profj!ssional § 102 E E NP 23 Trade Ofli.ce § 102 E E NP 24 UtilitY.. and ln(!astructure Use CategprJ!.. 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 40 Utility and 1 § 102 C(2) C(2) C(2) Infrastructure* 2 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP 3 Public Utilities Yard § 102 NP NP NP 4 5 *Not listed below 6 (12 FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT. Fringe Financial Services are NP within any_ FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile bu@r Qursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any_ 7 FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile bu@r, Fringe Financial Services are P subtect to the restrictions set forth in Section 249.35(c)(3). 8 (2) C if a Macro WTS Facility; P if a Micro WTS Facility. 9

10 sEC. 739. GEARY BOULEVARD NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. 11 The Geary_ Boulevard Neighborhood Commercial District is located along Geary_ Boulevard 12 between Masonic and 28th Avenues. It is a linear district located along a heavily_ trafficked

13 thoroughfare which also serves as a mator transit route. In addition to woviding convenience goods

14 and services to the surrounding neighborhood, the District offers a wide variety ofcomQ_arison and 15 sQ_ecialty goods and services to a QOQ.ulation greater than the immediate neighborhood. 16 The building standards Q_ermit moderately_ large commercial uses and buildings. Rear yards are

17 wotected at residential levels.

18 A diversified commercial environment is encouraged for the District, and a wide variety ofuses

19 are Q_ermitted with SQ_ecial emQhasis on neighborhood-serving businesses. Eating and drinking, 20 entertainment, financial service, and certain auto uses generally_ are Q_ermitted with certain limitations 21 at the first and second stories. Other retail businesses, Q_ersonal services, and offices are Q_ermitted at 22 all stories ofnew buildings. Limited storage and administrative service activities are permitted with 23 some restrictions. 24 Housing develomnent in new buildings is encouraged above the second story_. Existing 25 residential units are protected by_ limitations on demolitions and UQ.per-story_ conversions. Accessory_

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 41 1 Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Sections 207(c)(4) and 207(c)(6) ofthis 2 Code.


4 ZONING CONTROL TABLE 5 Gear}!, Boulevard NCD 6 Zoning_ Categ_o!:J!. §'.Refjrences Controls 7 BUILDING STANDARDS 8

9 !Massing_ and Setbacks ' I 10 §§ 102, 105, 106, 250-252, 260, 261.1, Varies, but generally_ 40-X See Height and Bulk Height and Bulk 11 270, 271. See also Map Sheets HT03-04 {gr more infgrmation. Height Limits Height and Bulk sculrzting required on Alley_s per § 261.1. 12 District Maps 13 5 Foot Height Bonus § P(l) in some districts 14 '(jJr Active Ground 263.20 Floor Uses 15 Required at the lowest Story_ containing a Dwelling §§ 130, 134, Unit, and at each succeeding level or Story_ o[the 16 Rear Yard l 34(a1(e1, 136 Building: 25% o[_lot depth, but in no case less than 17 15 &et. (61 Front Setback and 18 §§ 131, 132, 133 Not Required. Side Yard 19 Street Frontage and Public Realm 20 StreetscaJ2.e and 21 Pedestrian § 138.1 Required Improvements 22 Required,· controls apply_ to above-grade parking 23 setbacks, parking and loading entrances, active Street Frontage uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-{acing § 145.1 24 Requirements ground-level spaces, transparency_ and &nestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. Exceptions 25 permitted {gr historic buildings.

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 42 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145. 4 {gr S!2_eciflc 1 § 145.4 Commercial districts. 2 Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see § 155(J-1 {gr S!2_eciflc §155(r) 3 Restrictions districts 4 Miscellaneous Lot Size (Per P Uf2. to 9, 999 square &et,· C 10, 000 square &et and § 102, 121.1 5 Develo!2_ment1 above 6 Planned Unit § 304 Develo!2_ment c 7 Awning §§ 102, 136 f_ 8 Cano!2_y_ or Marquee §§102, 136 f_ 9 §§ 262, 602-604, 607, Signs As permitted bv § 607.1 10 608, 609 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, 11 NP Signs 609, 610, 611 12 General Plan 13 Design Guidelines Commerce and Subiect to the Urban Design Guidelines Industry_ Element 14

15 Zoning Categor}!_ §. Refj,rences Controls 16 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 17 Develoement Standards Usable 0Qen SQace 80 square &et unit i[_wivate, or 100 square &et 18 §§ 135, 136 [Per Dwelling Unit Z !2_er unit i[_common 19 No car !2_arking required. Maximum Jl.ermitted !2_er § §§ 145.1, 150, 151, Of.l:Street Parking 151. Bike Qarking required !2_er § 155.2. ][_car 20 153 -156, 161, 166, Requirements Qarking is Qrovided, car share S!2_aces are required 204.5 21 when a !2_rofect has 50 units or more Qer § 166. 22 Dwelling Unit Mix §§207.6, 207.7 Not required Use Characteristics 23 Single Room § 102 f_ 24 Occu!2_ancy_ 25 Student Housing § 102 p

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 43 1 Controls hJ!.. StorJ!.. Residential Uses 1st 2nd 3rd+ 2 Residential Uses § 102 E E 3 E Accessory_ Dwelling §§ 102, 207 (_cl (_41, P Planning Code Sections 207(_c1(_41 and 4 Unit DensitJ!. 207(_cl(_61 207(_c1(_61. 5 1 unit 600 square (got lot area, or the densitJ!. Dwelling Unit §§ 102, 207 Q.ermitted in the nearest Residential District, DensitJ!. 6 whichever is greater. 7 1 bedroom 210 square (got lot area, or the GrouQ. Housing §208 densitJ!. Q.ermitted in the nearest Residential DensitJ!. 8 District, whichever is greater. 9 Homeless Shelter n,.,, .. ,.,,....:-1-.. §§ 102, 208 DensitJ!. limits regulated by_ the Administrative Code Ut:ft.'>lt !:'. 10 P UQ. to twice the number o[Dwelling Units 11 otherwise Q.ermitted as a Use in the district and meeting all the requirements o[_§ 12 Senior Housing 202.2{f)_(_l 1, C UQ. to twice the number o[_Dwelling §§ 102, 202.2(/), 207 13 DensitJ!. Units otherwise Q.ermitted as a Use in the district and meeting all requirements o[_§ 14 202.2{f)_(_l1, exce12t (gr§ 202.2(f)_(_ll(_D)(jv1, related to location. 15 Controls hJ!.. StorJ!.. 16 Loss o[_Dwelling_ Units 1st 2nd 3rd+ 17 Residential § 317 c c C(_21 18 Conversion Residential 19 Demolition and fill c c Q 20 Merger 21

22 Zoning_ Categ_orJ!.. §. Re(!rences Controls 23 NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS 24 Development Standards 25 Floor Area Ratio §§ 102, 123, 124 3.6 to 1

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 44 P up_ to 5, 999 square &et; C 6, 000 square &et and 1 Use Size §§ 102, 121.2 above 2 No car Q_arking required. Maximum Qermitted p_er § §J 145.1, 150, 151, Ofl:Street Parking 151. Bike parking required Q_er Section 155.2. Car 3 153 -156, 161, 166, Requirements share SQ_aces required when a Qrofect has 25 or 204.5 4 more parking SQ_aces Q_er § 166. None required i[_ Gross Floor Area is less than 5 Ofl:Street Freight §§ 150, 152, 153 - 10, 000 square &et. Exceptions Q_ermitted p_er §§ 155 Loading 155, 161, 204.5 6 and 161. 7 Commercial Use Characteristics 8 Drive-uQ_ Facili[J!__ § 102 NP Formula Retail §§ 102, 303.1 9 c .r 1 n'1 hT~ ]; ••• ;+ IIours of 012_eration ::LJ...':!..!:. 1VU ttffttt 10 Maritime Use § 102 NP 11 0Qen Air Sales §§ 102, 703@2 See§ 703@2 12 Outdoor Activi[J!__ §§ 102, 145.2Ca2 P i[_located in front; C i[_located elsewhere 13 Area Walk-uQ Facili[J!__ § 102 14 E Controls by Story 15 NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 1st 2nd 3rd+ 16 Agricultural Use Category 17 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2cc2 NP NP NP 18 Industrial Agriculture, Large 19 §§ 102, 202.2cc2 Scale Urban c c c 20 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2cc2 E E E 21 Neighborhood

22 Automotive Use Category H 102, 187.1, Automotive Uses* NP NP 23 202.2@2, 202.5 c 24 Automotive Repair § 102 c c NP 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 45 Parking Garage, 1 § 102 Private c c c 2 Parking Garage, § 102 c c c 3 Public Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 4 c c c Parking Lot, Public §§102, 142, 156 c c c 5 Service, Motor § 102 NP NP NP 6 Vehicle Tow Service, Parcel 7 § 102 NP NP NP Delivery__ 8 Vehicle Storage § 102 NP NP NP 9 Garage 10 Vehicle Storage Lot § 102 NP NP NP Entertainment Arts and Recreation Use Categ_orJ!. 11 1 Entertainment Arts 12 1 and Recreation § 102 NP NP NP 13 Uses* Arts Activities § 102 NP NP NP 14 Entertainment, § 102 p E_ NP 15 General 16 Entertainment, § 102 E_ E_ NP Nighttime 17 Movie Theater §§ 102, 202.4 E_ p NP 18 072en Recreation § 102 c c c 19 Area Passive Outdoor 20 § 102 Recreation c c c 21 Industrial Use Category__ 22 Industrial Uses § 102 NP NP NP 23 Institutional Use Categ_orJ!. 24 Institutional Uses* § 102 p p p 25 Hos72ital § 102 c c c

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 46 1 Job Training § 102 E. E. E. Medical Cannabis 2 §§ 102, 202.2{e) DR DR NP DisQ.ensary_** 3 Public Facilities § 102 c c c 4 Sales and Service Use Categ_orY., Retail Sales and 5 §$ 102, 202.3 p Service Uses* E. E. 6 Adult Business § 102 c c NP 7 Animal Hos72ital § 102 c c NP 8 Bar §§ 102, 202.2{a1 E. E. NP 9 Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2(a1 c c NP 10 Flexible Retail § 102 NP(61 NP NP

11 Hotel § 102 c c c Kennel § 102 NP 12 c c Liquor Store § 102 NP NP NP 13 Massage §102, 303(o1 NP 14 Es tab lis hment c c Massage, 15 § 102 NP Foot/Chair E. c 16 Mortuary_ § 102 c c c 17 Motel §§ 102, 202.2(a1 NP NP NP 18 Restaurant §§ 102, 202.2{a1 p p NP 19 Restaurant, Limited §§ 102, 202.2{a1 p p NP Retail Sales and 20 § 102 P(31 P(31 Service, General E. 21 Services, Financial § 102 E. E. NP 22 Services, Fringe § 102 P(41 NP NP 23 Financial Services, Limited 24 § 102 NP Financial E. E. 25 Storage, Sel[ § 102 c c c

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 47 1 Tobacco Para-12hernalia § 102 c NP NP 2 Establishment p 3 Trade ShoQ § 102 c c Non-Retail Sales 4 § 102 NP NP NP and Service* 5 Qesign Pro[?ssional § 102 E p E 6 Service, Non-Retail § 102 Pro[?ssional c c c 7 Storage, § 102 8 Commercial c c c 9 Trade Otflce § 102 E E E 10 Utilitv and lnfjastructure Use Category_ Utilitv and 11 § 102 C(5) C(5) C(5) lnfjastructure * 12 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP 13 Public Utilities Yard § 102 NP NP NP 14 *Not listed below 15 (1) Additional 5 [?et for NC-3 Qarcels zoned 40' or 50' with an Active Use on the ground floor 16 within the following areas: Geary from Masonic Avenue to 28th Avenue, exceQt for parcels on the north side of Geary Boulevard between Palm Avenue and Parker Avenue, see § 263.20. 17 (2) THIRD FLOOR RESIDENTIAL CONVERSION: 18 Boundaries: Applicable to the Geary Boulevard NCD Controls: A Residential Use may be converted to an Institutional Use, other than a Medical Cannabis 19 Dispensary, as a Conditional Use on the third story and above ifin addition to the criteria set forth in Section 303, the Commission finds that: 20 (a) The structure in which the Residential Use is to be converted has been found eligible 21 .for listing on the National Register o[Historic Places; (b) The QrOQosed use is to be operated by a nonprofit public benefit corporation; and 22 (c) No legally residing residential tenants will be disQlaced.

23 (3) GEARY BOULEVARD FORMULA RETAIL PET SUPPLY STORE AND FORMULA RETAIL EATING AND DRINIGNG SUBDISTRICT: ApQlicable only for the Qortion ofthe Geary 24 Boulevard NCD between 14th and 28th Avenues as maQQed on Sectional MaQs 3 SU and 4 SU Formula Retail pet su12Qly stores and formula retail eating and drinking uses are NP. 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 48 (4) FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT. Fringe Financial Services 1 are NP within any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer pursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer, Fringe Financial Services are P subtect to the restrictions set 2 forth in Section 249.35(c)(3).

3 (5) C ifa Macro WTS Facility" P ifa Micro WTS Facility.

4 (6) Pin the geographic area described as Flexible Retail Zones in Section 202.9.

5 (7) C in the geographic area described as Flexible Retail Zones in Section 202.9.



8 The Mission Bernal Neighborhood Commercial District is located along between

9 Cesar Chavez and Randall Streets. It is a linear district located along a heavily trafficked thoroughfare

10 which also serves as a major transit route. In addition to providing convenience goods and services to

11 the surrounding neighborhood, the District offers a wide variety of comparison and specialty goods

12 and services to a population greater than the immediate neighborhood.

13 The building standards permit moderately large commercial uses and buildings. Rear yards are

14 protected at residential levels.

15 A diversified commercial environment is encouraged for the District, and a wide variety of uses

16 are permitted with special emphasis on neighborhood-serving businesses. Eating and drinking,

17 entertainment, financial service, and certain auto uses generally are permitted with certain limitations

18 at the first and second stories. Other retail businesses, personal services, and o(fices are permitted at

19 all stories of new buildings. Limited storage and administrative service activities are permitted with

20 some restrictions.

21 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the second story, Existing

22 residential units are protected by limitations on demolitions and upper-story conversions. Accessory

23 Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Sections 207(c)(4) and 207(c)(6) ofthis

24 Code.


Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 49 1 Table 740. MISSION BERNAL NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT

2 ZONING CONTROL TABLE 3 Mission Bernal NCD 4 Zoning CategorJ!. §. Re(§rences Controls 5 BUILDING STANDARDS 6

7 Massing and Setbacks 8 H 102, 105, 106, 250-252, 260, 261.1, Varies, but generally_ 40-X See Height and Bulk Height and Bulk 9 270, 271. See also Marz Sheets HT07and HTl 1 {gr more in{grmation.

Limits TT • 1 j 1 ,. 1 ,,, (' ""\ ...... - 1 1 Height and Bulk netg_nt sr.;ut/2_ttng_ reg_utrea un .litte)!_S 12er 2 LVl .1. 10 District Ma]2_s 11 5 Foot Height Bonus {gr Active Ground § 263.20 P in some districts 12 c Floor Uses 13 Required at the lowest Story_ containing a Dwelling §§ 130, 134, Unit, and at each succeeding level or Story_ o[_the 14 Rear Yard 134Ca1Cel, 136 Building: 25% o[_lot derzth, but in no case less than 15 15 f§et. C6l Front Setback and 16 §§ 131, 132, 133 Not Required. Side Yard 17 Street Frontage and Public Realm 18 Streetscarze and 19 Pedestrian § 138.1 Required Jmrzrovements 20 Required,· controls arzrzly_ to above-grade rzarking 21 setbacks, rzarking and loading entrances, active Street Frontage uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-{_acing § 145.1 22 Requirements ground-level srzaces, transrzarency_ and cf§nestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. 23 Excerztions rzermitted {gr historic buildings. 24 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145.4 {gr srzecifj_c § 145.4 Commercial districts. 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 50 Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see§ 155(rl [!Jr SQ_eci-fic 1 §155{r) Restrictions districts 2 Miscellaneous 3 Lot Size (Per P UQ to 9, 999 square fj;et,· C 10, 000 square fj;et and § 102, 121.1 4 DeveloQmentl above Planned Unit § 304 5 DeveloQ_ment c 6 Awning §§102, 136 E 7 Canorzll. or Marquee §§ 102, 136 p §§ 262, 602-604, 607, 8 Signs As Q_ermitted by § 607.1 608, 609 9 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, ?.TD -0..L 10 Signs 609, 610, 611

11 General Plan Design Guidelines Commerce and Subf ect to the Urban Design Guidelines 12 Industry Element 13 Zoning Category_ §. Re[!rences Controls 14 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 15 Develoement Standards 16 Usable 0Qen SQ.ace 80 square fj;et Q_er unit i{_Qrivate, or 100 square fj;et §§ 135, 136 17 [Per Dwelling UnitZ Q_er unit i{_common No car Q_arking required. Maximum Q_ermitted Q_er § 18 §§ 145.1, 150, 151, OtfStreet Parking 151. Bike Q_arkingrequiredQ_er § 155.2. J[_car 153 -156, 161, 166, Requirements Q_arking is Q_rovided, car share SQ.aces are required 19 204.5 when a Q_rofect has 50 units or more Q_er § 166. 20 Dwelling Unit Mix §,§207.6, 207.7 Not required 21 Use Characteristics 22 Single Room § 102 OccuQ_ancy E 23 Student Housing § 102 E 24 Residential Uses Controls by_ Story_ 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 51 1 1st 2nd 3rd+ § 102 p 2 Residential Uses E E Accessory_ Dwelling §§ 102, 207{_c1{_41, Planning Code Sections 207{_c1C41 and 3 Unit Densit;y_ 207{_c1{_61 207{_c1{_61. 4 1 unit 600 square wot lot area, or the densit;y_ Dwelling Unit Densit;y_ §§ 102, 207 r.ermitted in the nearest Residential District, 5 whichever is greater. 6 1 bedroom 210 square wot lot area, or the Grour. Housing §208 densit;y_ r.ermitted in the nearest Residential Densit;y_ 7 District, whichever is greater. 8 Homeless Shelter §§ 102, 208 Densit;y_ limits regulated by_ the Administrative Code Densit;y_ 9 P Uf2 to tlvice the 11un1ber ofDYvellin,g [_]nits 10 otherwise r.ermitted as a Use in the district and meeting all the requirements o[_§ 11 Senior Housing 202.2(f)_{_J1, C UQ. to twice the number o[_Dwelling §§ 102, 202.2(0, 207 12 Densit;y_ Units otherwise r.ermitted as a Use in the district and meeting all requirements o[_§ 13 202.2(/)_{_l 1, excer.t wr § 202.2(/)_{_l 1CDWv1, related to location. 14 Controls bl!, StorY, 15 Loss o[_Dwelling Units 1st 2nd 3rd+ 16 Residential § 317 c c co1 17 Conversion 18 Residential Demolition and § 317 c c c 19 Merger 20

21 Zoning Category_ § Re{j!rences Controls 22 NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS 23 Development Standards 24 Floor Area Ratio §§ 102, 123, 124 3. 6 to 1 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 52 P U"f2. to 5,999 square &et,· C 6,000 square -{§et and 1 Use Size §§ 102, 121.2 above 2 No car [2_arking required. Maximum 72ermitted [2_er § §§ 145.1, 150, 151, O(f:Street Parking 151. Bike [2_arking required 72er Section 155.2. Car 3 153 -156, 161, 166, Requirements share S[2_aces required when a [2_rotect has 25 or 204.5 4 more [2_arking S[2_aces [2_er § 166. None required i[_ Gross Floor Area is less than 5 O(f:Street Freight §§ 150, 152, 153 - 10, 000 square -[§et. Exce[2_tions Q_ermitted J2er §§ Loading 155, 161, 204.5 6 155 and 161. 7 Commercial Use Characteristics 8 Drive-u[2_ FacilitJ_ § 102 NP Formula Retail §§ 102, 303.1 9 c i' 1 n'1 7\T ~ ];'"";' IIours of Orzeration 1YU ttf!Ut 10 ~ Maritime Use § 102 NP 11 0[2_en Air Sales §§ 102, 703022 See§ 703Cbl 12 Outdoor ActivitJ!_ Area §§ 102, 145.2Ca2 P i[_located in ftont,· C i[_located elsewhere 13 Walk-u[2_ F acilitJ!_ § 102 f_ 14 Controls by_ Story_ NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 15 1st 2nd 3rd+ 16 Agricultural Use Category_

17 Agriculture, Industrial §§ 102, 202.2cc2 NP NP NP Agriculture, Large 18 §§ 102, 202.2cc2 Scale Urban c c c 19 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2cc2 f_ p f_ Neighborhood 20 Automotive Use Category_ 21 §§ 102, 187.1, Automotive Uses* NP NP 22 202.2cb2. 202.5 c 23 Automotive Re[2_air § 102 c c NP Parking Garage, 24 § 102 Private c c c 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 53 Parking Garage, 1 § 102 Public c c c 2 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c 3 Parking Lot, Public §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c 4 Service, Motor § 102 NP NP NP Vehicle Tow 5 Service, Parcel § 102 NP NP NP 6 Delivery_ Vehicle Storage 7 § 102 NP NP NP Garage 8 Vehicle Storage Lot § 102 NP NP NP 9 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation Use Category_ 10 Entertainment Arts 1 § 102 NP NP NP 11 and Recreation Uses* Arts Activities § 102 NP NP NP 12 Entertainment, § 102 E_ E_ NP 13 General 14 Entertainment, § 102 E_ E_ NP Nighttime 15 Movie Theater §§ 102, 202. 4 E_ E_ NP 16 OQ.en Recreation Area § 102 c c c 17 Passive Outdoor § 102 c c c 18 Recreation Industrial Use Category_ 19 Industrial Uses § 102 NP NP NP 20 Institutional Use Categorr. 21 Institutional Uses* § 102 p p p 22 HosQ.ital § 102 c c c 23 Job Training § 102 p E_ E_ 24 Medical Cannabis §§ 102, 202.2(e) DR DR NP DisQ.ensary_** 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 54 1 Public Facilities § 102 c c c Sales and Service Use Category_ 2 Retail Sales and §§ 102, 202. 3 p 3 Service Uses* E E 4 Adult Business § 102 c c NP 5 Animal Hosl2.ital § 102 c c NP 6 Bar §§ 102, 202.2(a1 P01 El NP Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2(a1 NP 7 c c Flexible Retail § 102 NP01 NP NP 8 Hotel § 102 c c c 9 Kennel § 102 c c NP 10 Liquor Store § 102 NP NP NP 11 Massage § 102, 303(o1 NP Establishment c c 12 Massage, Foot/Chair § 102 p c NP 13 Mortuary_ § 102 c c c 14 Motel §§ 102, 202.2(a1 NP NP NP 15 Restaurant §§ 102, 202.2(a1 P(21 P(21 NP 16 Restaurant, Limited §§ 102, 202.2(a1 P(21 P(21 NP 17 Retail Sales and § 102 p Service, General E E 18 Services, Financial § 102 E E NP 19 Services, Fringe § 102 P01 NP NP 20 Financial Services, Limited 21 § 102 p NP Financial E 22 Storage, Se![ § 102 c c c 23 Tobacco 24 ParaQhernalia § 102 c NP NP Establishment 25 Trade ShoQ § 102 E c c

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 55 Non-Retail Sales and 1 § 102 NP NP NP Service* 2 Design Pro[§:,ssional § 102 f_ f_ f_ 3 Service, Non-Retail § 102 c Pro[§:,ssional c c 4 Storage, Commercial § 102 c c c 5 Trade O(fl.ce § 102 f_ f_ f_ 6 Utilitv and In(!astructure Use Category_ 7 Utilitv and § 102 C(2) C(4) C(4) 8 I n(!astructure * 9 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP

n 1 1• T TJ •1 •.1 • TT 1 f' 1 n""I • rn • rn •rn I ruottc: uttttttes 1 uru 1JYr I 1vr I 1vr 10 1~ I

11 *Not listed below

12 (12 THIRD FLOOR RESIDENTIAL CONVERSION: Boundaries: AQ12_licable to the Mission Bernal NCD 13 Controls: A Residential Use may_ be converted to an Institutional Use, other than a Medical Cannabis 14 DisQ.ensary_, as a Conditional Use on the third story_ and above if_in addition to the criteria set [9rth in Section 303, the Commission fl.nds that: 15 (a2 The structure in which the Residential Use is to be converted has been [9und eligible [9r listing on the National Register o[_Historic Places," 16 (b2 The Q_roQ_osed use is to be OQ.erated by_ a Q.Ublic bene-(j_t corQ_oration,· and 17 (cl No legally_ residing residential tenants will be disQ.laced.

18 (22 MISSION STREET FORMULA RETAIL RESTAURANT SUBDISTRICT Boundaries: Generally_ aQ.Q.licable only_ [9r the Q.Ortion o[_the Mission Bernal Neighborhood 19 Commercial District betv11een 14th and Randall Streets, as designated on Sectional MaQ. 7SU o[_the ZoningMaQ.. 20 Controls: Formula Retail Restaurants and Limited Restaurants are NP.

21 (32 FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT Fringe Financial Services are NP within any_ FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffj;r Q.Ursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any_ 22 FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffj;r, Fringe Financial Services are P subiect to the restrictions set hrth in Section 249.35(c2(32. 23 24 (42 C i{_a Macro WTS Facility,· P i[_a Micro WTS Facility. 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 56 1 sEC. 741. SAN BRUNO AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. 2 The San Bruno Avenue Neighborhood Commercial District is located along San Bruno Avenue

3 between Hale and Olmstead Streets. The District is a small-scale linear shopping street which provides 4 convenience goods and services to the surrounding neighborhood as well as limited comparison

5 shopping goods for a wider market.

6 The San Bruno Avenue District controls provide for mixed-use buildings which approximate or

7 slightly exceed the standard development pattern. Rear yard requirements above the ground story and

8 at residential levels preserve open space corridors o[interior blocks.

9 Most new commercial development is permitted at the ground and second stories.

10 Neighborhood-serving businesses are strongly encouraged. Eating and drinking and entertainment

11 uses, however, are confined to the ground story. The second story may be used by some retail stores,

12 personal services, and medical, business, and professional o(Oces. Parking and hotels are monitored at

13 all stories. Limits on late-night activity, drive-up facilities, and other automobile uses protect the

14 livability within and around the district, and promote continuous retail frontage.

15 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the ground story. Existing

16 residential units are protected by limitations on demolition and upper-story conversions. Accessory

17 Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to subsections 207(c)(4) and (c)(6) ofthis

18 Code.



21 22 San Bruno Avenue NCD

23 Zoning Categor}l, ~ Re[_erences Controls 24 BUILDING STANDARDS

25 Massing and Setbacks

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 57 §§ 102, 105, 106, 250- 1 Varies, but generally_ 40-X See Height and Bulk Height and Bulk 252, 260, 261.1, 270, MaQ Sheet HTl 0 -{j_Jr more in-{j_Jrmation. Height Limits. 271. See also Height 2 scufoting required on Alley_s Q_er § 261.1. and Bulk District MaQs 3 5 Foot Height Bonus 4 -{j_Jr Active Ground § 263.20 E Floor Uses 5 Required at the Second Story_ and at each 6 §§ 130, 134, l 34Ca2(e1, succeeding level or Story_ o[the building, and at Rear Yard 136 the First Story_ i[_it contains a Dwelling Unit: 25% 7 of)ot deQth, but in no case less than 15 [§et 8 Front Setback and §§ 130, 131, 132, 133 Not Required. Side Yard 9 Street Frontage and Public 1l_ealm 10 StreetscaQ_e and 11 Pedestrian § 138.1 Required lmQrovements 12 Required,' controls aQQlY. to above-grade Q_arking 13 setbacks, Q_arking and loading entrances, active Street Frontage uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-[_acing § 145.1 14 Requirements ground-level SQ_aces, transQ_arency_ and 15 .&nestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. Excep__tions p_ermitted -{j_Jr historic buildings. 16 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145. 4 -{j_Jr SQ_ecifj_c § 145.4 17 Commercial districts. Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see § 155(r1 -{j_Jr 18 § l 55(r1 Restrictions SQ_ecifj_c districts 19 Miscellaneous 20 Lot Size (Per P UQ to 9, 999 square fj;et,· C 10, 000 square [§et §§ 102, 121.1 DeveloQment1 and above 21 Planned Unit §304 22 DeveloQ_ment c 23 Awning, Canor.y_ or § 136.1 Marquee E 24 §§ 262, 602-604, 607, Signs As Q_ermitted by_ § 607.1 25 607.1, 608, 609

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 58 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, 1 NP Signs 609, 610, 611 2 General Plan 3 Design Guidelines Commerce and Industry_ Sub[ect to the Urban Design Guidelines Element 4 5 Zoning Category_ §. Refj!rences Controls 6 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 7

8 Develoement Standards Usable 012en S12ace 100 square (§et unit i[l2.rivate, or 133 square 9 §§ 135, 136 fPer Dwellinz Unit 7 feet ner unit if rnmmrm 10 No car l2.arking required. Maximum l2.ermitted §§ 145.1, 150, 151, § 151. Bike l2.arking required §155.2. ][_car 11 OffStreet Parking 153 -156, 161, 166, l2.arking is l2.rovided, car share Sl2.aces are Requirements 12 204.5 required when a l2.rofect has 50 units or more §166. 13 Dwelling Unit Mix §§ 207. 6, 207. 7 Not required 14 Use Characteristics 15 Single Room § 102 p 16 Occul2.ancy_ 17 Student Housing § 102 E Residential Uses Controls by_ Story_ 18 19 1st 2nd 3rd+

20 Residential Uses § 102 E E E Accessory_ Dwelling §§102, 207CclC4l, P Planning Code Sections 207CclC41 and 21 Unit DensitJ!. 207CclC61 207CclC61. 22 1 unit 800 square {got lot area, or the densitJ!. 23 Dwelling Unit DensitJ!. §§ 102. 207 l2.ermitted in the nearest ResiEleRtial District, whichever is greater. 24 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 59 1 1 bedroom 12er 275 square {got lot area, or the Grou72 Housing DensitJ!_ §208 densitJ!_ 72ermitted in the nearest ResieeRtial 2 District, whichever is greater. Homeless Shelter DensitJ!_ limits regulated by_ the Administrative 3 §§ 102, 208 Dens it)!_ Code 4 P u72 to twice the number o[_Dwelling Units 5 otherwise 12ermitted as a Princi72al Use in the district and meeting all the requirements o[_ § 6 202.2(j)_(_J1. C UJ2 to twice the number o[_Dwelling Senior Housing DensitJ!_ §§ 102, 202.2(/), 207 Units otherwise Qermitted as a Princi72al Use in 7 the district and meeting all requirements o[_ § 202.2(j)_{_l exce72t {gr § 202.2(j)_{_l l{_Dl(jvl, 8 1, related to location. 9 Loss o[_Dwelling Units Controls by_ Story_

10 1st 2nd 3rd+ 11 Residential Conversion §_)J_J_ c c NP Residential Demolition 12 § 317 and Merger c c c 13

14 Zoning Category_ .§. Re[grences Controls 15 NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 16

17 Develoe,ment Standards 18 Floor Area Ratio §§ 102, 123, 124 2.5 to 1 P u72 to 3,999 square [§et,· C 4,000 square [§et 19 Use Size §§ 102, 121.2 and above 20 No car r_arking. Maximum r_ermitted r_er § 151. §§ 145.1, 150, 151, OffStreet Parking Bike 12arking required 12er Section 155.2. Car 21 153 -156, 161, 166, Requirements share s72aces required when a r_rofect has 25 or 204.5 22 more r_arking SQ.aces Qer § 166. None required i[_ Gross Floor Area is less than 23 OffStreet Freight §§ 150, 152, 153 - 10, 000 square [§et. Excer_tions Qermitted 12er §§ Loading 155, 161, 204.5 24 155 and 161. 25 Commercial Use Characteristics

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 60 1 Drive-UQ. Facilit;J!_ § 102 NP Formula Retail H 102, 303.1 c 2 Hours o{_OQ.eration § 102 P6am-2am;C2am-6am 3 Maritime Use § 102 NP 4 OQ.en Air Sales §§ 102, 703 (Q2 See § 703@2 5 Outdoor Activif;J!_ Area §§ 102, 145.2 P i[_located in front,· C if_located elsewhere 6 Walk-uQ. Facilit;J!_ § 102 E_ 7 Controls by Story NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 8 1st 2nd 3rd+

9 Agricultural Use Category 10 Agriculture, Industrial 2·2· 102, 202.2Cc2 NP NP NP Agriculture, Large §§ 102, 202.2(c2 11 Scale Urban c c c 12 Agriculture, §§ 102. 202.2Cc2 p E_ E_ Neighborhood 13 Automotive Use Category 14 Automotive Uses* § 102 NP NP NP 15 Automotive ReQ.air § 102 c NP NP 16 Automotive Service §§ 102, 202.2@2 c NP NP 17 Station §§102, 187.1, 18 Gas Station c NP NP 202.2Cb2 19 Parking Garage, § 102 c c c 20 Private Parking Garage, § 102 c 21 Public c c 22 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c 23 Parking Lot, Public §§102, 142, 156 c c c

24 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation Use Category 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 61 Entertainment Arts 1 1 § 102 NP NP NP and Recreation Uses* 2 Arts Activities § 102 NP NP NP 3 Entertainment, General § 102 E NP NP 4 Entertainment, § 102 p NP NP Nighttime 5 Movie Theater §§ 102, 202. 4 E NP NP 6 Og_en Recreation Area § 102 c c c 7 Passive Outdoor § 102 c c c 8 Recreation 9 Industrial Use CategorJ!. f' 1 n'"1 '"1n'"1 '"1fr.J) ?\TD ?\TD ?\TD Industrial Uses )' 1 UL, LUL.L U lYl lYl lYl 10 Institutional Use CategorJ!. 11 Institutional Uses* § 102 p c c 12 Child Care FacilitJ:!. § 102 p E E 13 Hos-g_ital § 102 NP NP NP 14 Medical Cannabis §§ 102, 202.2(e) DR DR NP Dis-g_ensar}!. * * 15 Public Facilities § 102 c c c 16 Residential Care § 102 p p 17 FacilitJ:!. E 18 Sales and Service Use CategorJ!. Retail Sales and 19 § 102 p NP Service Uses* E 20 Adult Business § 102 NP NP NP 21 Animal Hos-g_ital § 102 c NP NP 22 Bar §§ 102, 202.2(a1 E NP NP 23 Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2(a1 c c NP 24 Flexible Retail § 102 NP NP NP Hotel § 102 25 c c c

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 62 1 Kennel § 102 c NP NP Liquor Store § 102 NP NP 2 E Massage Establishment § 102 c NP NP 3 Massage, Foot/Chair § 102 E NP NP 4 Mortuary_ § 102 NP NP NP 5 Motel §§ 102, 202.2{g) NP NP NP 6 Restaurant §§ 102, 202.2{_a2 p NP NP 7 Restaurant, Limited §§ 102, 202.2{_a2 E NP NP 8 Services, Financial § 102 E c NP Services, Fringe 9 § 102 P02 NP NP Financial 10 Services, Limited § 102 E NP NP 11 Financial Storage, Sel[ § 102 NP NP NP 12 Tobacco 13 P araQhernalia § 102 c NP NP Establishment 14 Trade ShoQ § 102 E c NP 15 Non-Retail Sales and § 102 NP NP NP 16 Service*

17 Design Profj:ssional § 102 E E NP

18 Trade Ofllce § 102 E E NP Utilitv and ln(J:astructure Use Category_ 19 Utility and § 102 C{_22 C(22 C(22 20 Jnfjastructure * 21 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP 22 Public Utilities Yard § 102 NP NP NP 23 *Not listed below 24


Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 63 (I) FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT. Fringe Financial Services 1 are NP within any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer pursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer, Fringe Financial Services are P subject to the restrictions set 2 hrth in Section 249.35(c){3).

3 (2) C ifa Macro WTS Facility,' P ifa Micro WTS Facility. 4 5 SEC. 742. COLE VALLEY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT.

6 The Cole Valley Neighborhood Commercial District is located along Cole Street from

7 Frederick to Grattan Streets and includes some parcels north of Carl Street and south ofParnassus. It

8 is a local shopping district with a mix ofretail uses in a residential neighborhood that is near a transit

9 line.

10 Building controls for the Cole Valley Neighborhood Commercial District promote low-intensity

11 development which is compatible with the existing scale and character of the area. Commercial

12 development is limited to one story. Rear yard requirements at all levels preserve existing backyard

13 space.

14 Commercial use provisions encourage the full range of neighborhood-serving convenience

15 retail sales and services at the first story provided that the use size generally is limited to 3, 000 square

16 feet. However, commercial uses and features which could impact residential livability are prohibited,

17 such as auto uses, financial services, general advertising signs, drive-up facilities, hotels, and late-

18 night activity,' eating and drinking establishments are restricted, depending upon the intensity ofsuch

19 uses in nearby commercial districts.

20 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the ground story. Existing

21 residential units are protected by prohibitions of conversions above the ground story and limitations on

22 demolitions. Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Sections 207(c)(4)

23 and 207(c){6) o[this Code.


Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 64 1 Cole ValleJ!.NCD 2 Controls 3 BUILDING STANDARDS 4 Massing_ and Setbacks 5 §§ 102, 105, 106, 250- Varies, but generally_ 40-X See Height and Bulk Height and Bulk 252, 260, 261.1, 270, 6 Ma12 Sheet HT06 -{j_Jr more in-{j_Jrmation. Height Limits. 271. See also Height and sculpting required on Alleys per § 261.1. 7 Bulk District Maps 5 Foot Height Bonus 8 0r Active Ground § 263.20 P in some districts 9 Floor Uses Required at grade level and at each succeeding 10 §§ 130, 134, 134[a1[e1, Rear Yard level or Story_: 25% o[)ot depth, but in no case 136 11 less than 15 [§et Front Setback and 12 §§ 130, 131, 132, 133 Not Required. Side Yard 13 Street Frontage and Public Realm 14 Streetscape and 15 Pedestrian § 138.1 Required Improvements 16 Required; controls apply_ to above-grade parking 17 setbacks, parking and loading entrances, active Street Frontage uses, ground fl_oor ceiling height, street-{_acing § 145.1 18 Requirements ground-level spaces, transparency_ and .-&nestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. 19 Exceptions permitted -{j_Jr historic buildings. 20 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145.4 -{j_Jr § 145.4 Commercial speci"fj_c districts. 21 Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see§ 155(t1 -{j_Jr §155(r1 22 Restrictions speciflc districts 23 Miscellaneous Lot Size (Per P up to 4, 999 square [§et,· C 5, 000 square [§et 24 §§ 102, 121.1 Developmentl and above 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 65 Planned Unit 1 § 304 c DeveloQ.ment 2 Awning § 136.1 E 3 CanoQ.)!_ or Marquee § 136.1 NP 4 §§ 262, 602-604, 607, Signs As Q_ermitted by_ § 607.1 607.1, 608, 609 5 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, NP 6 Signs 609, 610, 611 General Plan Commerce 7 Design Guidelines Subject to the Urban Design Guidelines and Industry_ Element 8 9 !zoning Categpr'J!. i§References I Co11trols I 10 I I

11 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 12 Develoement Standards 13 Usable OQ.en SQ.ace 100 square [§et Q_er unit i{_Q.rivate, or 133 square §§ 135, 136 [Per Dwelling Unitl [§et Q_er unit i{_common 14 No car 12.arking required. Maximum Q_ermitted 15 Q_er § 151.1. Bike Q_arking required §155.2. I[ O(fStreet Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 - car Q.arking is 12rovided, car share SQ.aces are Requirements 156, 161, 166, 204.5 16 required when a Q_roject has 50 units or more 17 Q_er §166. Dwelling Unit Mix §§ 207.6! 207.7 Not required 18 Use Characteristics 19 Single Room § 102 20 OccuQ_ancy_ E 21 Student Housing § 102 E 22 Residential Uses Controls by_ Stor'J!. 23 1st 2nd 3rd+ Residential Uses § 102 p 24 E E Accessory_ Dwelling §§102, 207CclC4l, P Q_er Planning Code Sections 207CclC4l and 25 Unit Density__ 207CclC6l 207CclC6l.

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 66 1 unit Qer 800 square -{j_Jot lot area, or the 1 Dwelling Unit §§ 102, 207 density permitted in the nearest ResiEleRtial Density 2 District, whichever is greater. 1 bedroom 72_er 2 75 square -{j_Jot lot area, or the 3 Grouy_ Housing §208 density 2ermitted in the nearest ResiEleRtial Density 4 District, whichever is greater. Homeless Shelters Density limits regulated by_ the Administrative 5 §§ 102, 208 Density Code 6 P U12. to twice the number o[Dwelling Units 7 otherwise 72_ermitted as a PrinciQal Use in the district and meeting all the requirements o[_§ 8 Senior Housing 202.2([201. C U12. to twice the number o[ §§ 102, 202.2(/), 207 Density Dwelling Units otherwise 72_ermitted as a 9 Princiy_al Use in the district and meeting all 10 requirements o{ §' 202.2(})0 2. exce72_t tor § 202.2([20 lCDWv2. related to location. 11 Loss o(_Dwelling_ Units Controls by_ Storr. 12 1st 2nd 3rd+ 13 Residential § 317 NP NP Conversion c 14 Residential 15 Demolition and f1ll c c c Merger 16 - 17

18 Zoning_ Categ_orr. § Refjrences Controls NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS 19

20 Develol!..ment Standards 21 Floor Area Ratio §§ 102 ! 123, 124 1.8 to 1 22 P uy_ to 2, 999 square -{§et,- C 3, 000 square -[§et Use Size § 102 and above 23 O[[:Street Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 - No car 2arking required. Maximum 72_ermitted 24 Requirements 156, 161, 166, 204.5 72_er § 151. Bike 2arking required Qer Section 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 67 155.2. Car share S72_aces required when a Qrotect 1 has 25 or more Qarking SJ2.aces 72_er §166. 2 None required i{_gross -floor area is less than Off:Street Freight H 150, 152, 153 -155, 10, 000 square [§et. ExceQtions 72_ermitted 72_er §§ 3 Loading 161, 204.5 155and161. 4 Commercial Use Characteristics 5 Drive-UQ FaciliQ!. § 102 NP 6 Formula Retail §§ 102, 303.1 c 7 Hours o[_ 0Qeration § 102 P 6 a. m. - 11 J2.. m. ,· C 11 J2.. m. - 2 a. m. 8 Maritime Use § 102 NP 0Qen Air Sales §§ 102, 703@2 See§ 703{_b) 9

/1.., d~nrn.t< A r>f-i'tl-ih 1 p 7f' lAr>f'lfo,.l TJ/I fVA1/lf Af h117l,.l7Vlrr' r 7f' lAr>f'lfo,.l \.JW£l4VV/, ..... i,t..VH!:'., §102, 145.2 .L "l L-Vlvl.41-\,...-l.4 "'" l' VIH V{ Ul..4H-l.4Hb(;,1 '--'"' "l i.vvwi..vvi. 10 Area elsewhere 11 Walk-uQ FaciliQ!. § 102 p 12 Controls by_ Story_ NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 13 1st 2nd 3rd+

14 Agricultural Use Category_ Agriculture, 15 §§ 102, 202.2{_c2 NP NP NP Industrial 16 Agriculture, Large §§ 102, 202.2{_c) Scale Urban c c c 17 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2{_c2 18 Neighborhood E E E 19 Automotive Use Category_ 20 Automotive Uses* § 102 NP NP NP Parking Garage, 21 § 102 Private c c c 22 Parking Garage, § 102 c NP NP 23 Public 24 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c Parking Lot, Public §§ 102, 142, 156 c NP NP 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 68 1 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation Use Categ_orJ!.. Entertainment Arts 2 1 and Recreation §§ 102, 202.4 NP NP NP 3 Uses* 4 Arts Activities § 102 E c c Entertainment, § 102 NP NP 5 General c 6 Entertainment, § 102 NP NP Nighttime c 7 012.en Recreation § 102 8 Area c c c 9 Passive Outdoor § 102 Recreation c c c 10 Industrial Use Categ_orJ!.. 11 Industrial Uses § 102, 202.2Cdl NP NP NP 12 Institutional Use Categ_orJ!.. 13 Institutional Uses* § 102 p c NP 14 Child Care Facility__ § 102 p E E 15 HosQ.ital § 102 NP NP NP Medical Cannabis 16 §§ 102. 202.2ce1 NP NP NP Dis12.ensary_ 17 Public Facilities § 102 c c c 18 Religious Institution § 102 E c NP 19 Residential Care § 102 p Facility__ E E 20 Sales and Service Use Categ_orJ!.. 21 Retail Sales and § 102 NP NP 22 Service Uses* E 23 Adult Business § 102 NP NP NP 24 Animal HosQ.ital § 102 NP NP NP Bar §§ 102, 202.2ca1 NP NP 25 E

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 69 1 Cannabis Retail §§102, 202.2(al NP NP NP Flexible Retail § 102 E_ NP NP 2 Gym § 102 p NP NP 3 Hotel § 102 NP NP NP 4 Kennel § 102 NP NP NP 5 Liquor Store § 102 E_ NP NP 6 Massage § 102 NP NP NP Establishment 7 Massage, Foot/Chair § 102 NP NP NP 8 Mortuary § 102 NP NP NP 9 Motel §§ 102, 202.2(al NP NP NP 10 Services, Financial § 102 NP NP NP 11 Services, Fringe § 102 NP NP NP Financial 12 Services, Health § 102 E_ NP NP 13 Services, § 102 E_ NP NP 14 Instructional Services, Limited 15 § 102 E_ NP NP Financial 16 Services, Personal § 102 E_ NP NP 17 Services, Retail § 102 E_ NP NP 18 Pro&ssional Storage, Sel[ § 102 NP NP NP 19 Tobacco 20 ParaQhernalia § 102 c NP NP Establishment 21 Trade ShoQ § 102 E_ NP NP 22 Non-Retail Sales and § 102 NP NP NP 23 Service* 24 Design Pro&ssional § 102 E_ NP NP p 25 Trade Otfice § 102 NP NP

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERViSORS Page 70 1 Utilitv and In(Jastructure Use Category_ Utilitv and 2 § 102 C(l) C(l) C(l) In(Jastructure * 3 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP 4 Public Utilities Yard § 102 NP NP NP 5 *Not listed below 6 (1) C ifa Macro WTS Facility,· P ifa Micro WTS Facility. 7


9 The Lower Haight Street Neighborhood Commercial District is located along Haight Street

10 between Webster and Steiner Streets. The District is a small-scale linear shopping street which

11 provides convenience goods and services to the surrounding neighborhood as well as limited

12 comparison shopping goods for a wider market.

13 The District controls provide for mixed-use buildings which approximate or slightly exceed the

14 standard development pattern. Rear yard requirements above the ground story and at residential levels

15 preserve open space corridors ofinterior blocks.

16 Most new commercial development is permitted at the ground and second stories.

17 Neighborhood-serving businesses are strongly encouraged. Eating and drinking and entertainment

18 uses, however, are confined to the ground story. The second story may be used by some retail stores,

19 personal services, and medical, business and professional offices. Parking and hotels are monitored at

20 all stories. Limits on late-night activity, drive-up facilities, and other automobile uses protect the

21 livability within and around the District, and promote continuous retail frontage.

22 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the ground story. Existing

23 residential units are protected by limitations on demolition and upper-story conversions. Accessory

24 Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Sections 207(c)(4) and 207(c)(6) ofthis 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 7i 1 Table 743. LOWER HAIGHT STREET NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT


4 Lower Haight Street NCD

5 Zoning CategorJ!. §. Re(!rences Controls 6 BUILDING STANDARDS

7 Massing and Setbacks 8 §§ 102, 105, 106, 250-252, 260, 261.1, Varies, but generally_ 40-X See Height and Bulk Ma12 Height and Bulk 9 270, 271. See also Sheet HT07 [9r more in[9rmation. Height scul12ting Limits. Height unJ Bulk required on Alley_s £_er § 2 61.1. 10 District Ma12s 11 5 Foot Height Bonus [9r Active Ground 12 § 263.20 p Floor Uses 13 Zoned 40-X or 50-X

14 Required at the Second Story_ and at each succeeding §§ 130, 134, level or Story_ o{..the building, and at the First Story_ i[ Rear Yard 15 134(al(el, 136 it contains a Dwelling Unit: 25% o[)ot de12th, but in no case less than 15 [§et 16 Front Setback and §§ 130, 131, 132, 133 Not Required. 17 Side Yard 18 Street Frontage and Public Realm 19 Streetsca12e and Pedestrian § 138.1 Required 20 Im12rovements

21 Required; controls a1212ly_ to above-grade 12arking setbacks, 12arking and loading entrances, active uses, 22 Street Frontage ground "floor ceiling height, street-[_acing ground- § 145.1 Requirements level s12aces, trans12arency_ and &nestration, and 23 gates, railings, and grillwork. Exce12tions 12ermitted .f9r historic buildings. 24 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145. 4 [9r s12edfic § 145.4 25 Commercial districts.

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 72 Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see § 155 (r l (gr Sf2_ecifl_c 1 §155{r) Restrictions districts 2 Miscellaneous 3 Lot Size (Per P UJ2. to 9, 999 square {§et,' C 10, 000 square {§et and §§ 102, 121.1 4 DeveloQmentl above Planned Unit §304 5 Develo!2_ment c 6 Awning, CanOQY or § 136.1 Marquee .e 7 §§ 262, 602-604, Signs As f2_ermitted by § 607.1 8 607, 607.1, 608, 609 9 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, !'\no !'\Jn t'\7 1 NP Signs VV./l V...l V! V...l ...l 10 General Plan 11 Design Guidelines Commerce and Subiect to the Urban Design Guidelines Industry Element 12

13 Zoning CategorJ!. §. Refj!rences Controls 14 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 15

16 Develoe,ment Standards 17 Usable 0Qen SQace 100 square {§et f2_er unit i[Qrivate, or 13 3 square §§ 135, 136 [Per Dwelling Unitl .&et J2_er unit i[common 18 No car Qarking required. Maximum Qermitted f2_er 19 § 151. Bike Qarking required Qer §155.2. ![_car O[[:Street Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 - ]2_arking is Qrovided, car share Sf2_aces are 20 Requirements 156, 161, 166, 204.5 required when a Qrotect has 50 units or more f2_er 21 §166. 22 Dwelling Unit Mix §,§ 207. 6, 207. 7 Not required Use Characteristics 23 Single Room § 102 24 Occuf2_ancy .e 25 Student Housing § 102 .e

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 73 1 Residential Uses Controls by_ Story_ 2 1st 2nd 3rd+ Residential Uses § 102 3 E E E Accessor}'. Dwelling §§102, 201 Ccl C41, P Q_er Planning Code Sections 207Cc1C41 and 4 Unit Densit;y_ 207Cc1C61 207Cc1C61. 5 1 unit 800 square fj;Jot lot area, or the densit;y_ Dwelling Unit §§ 102, 207 r.ermitted in the nearest Residential District, Densit;y_ 6 whichever is greater. 7 1 bedroom 2 75 square fj;Jot lot area, or the Grour. Housing §208 densit;y_ r.ermitted in the nearest Residential Densit;y_ 8 District, whichever is greater. 9 Homeless Shelter Densit;y_ limits regulated bl'. the Administrative §§ 102, 208 1 Densit;y_ LUUe" 10 P UQ to twice the number o[_Dwelling Units 11 otherwise r.ermitted as a Use in the district and meeting all the requirements o[_§ 12 Senior Housing 202.2(j)_CJ 1. Cur. to twice the number o[_Dwelling §§ 102, 202.2(/), 207 13 Densit;y_ Units otherwise r.ermitted as a Use in the district and meeting all requirements o[_§ 14 202.2(j)_CJ 1, excer.t fj;Jr § 202.2(j)_CJ lCD)(jv 1, related to location. 15 Loss o[_Dwelling Controls by_ Story_ 16 Units

17 1st 2nd 3rd+ Residential 18 § 317 c c NP Conversion 19 Residential 20 Demolition and § 317 c c c Merger 21 22 Zoning Category_ §. Re(!rences Controls 23 NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 24

25 !Development Standards I

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 74 1 Floor Area Ratio §§ 102, 123, 124 2.5 to 1 P u72 to 3, 999 square {get; C 4, 000 square {get 2 Use Size §§ 102, 121.2 and above 3 No car 72arking. Maximum 72ermitted 72er § 151. OtfStreet Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 - Bike 72arking required 72er Section 155.2. Car 4 Requirements 156, 161, 166, 204.5 share s72aces required when a 72roiect has 25 or 5 more 72arking s72aces 72er § 166. None required i{_Gross Floor Area is less than 6 OtfStreet Freight §§ 150, 152, 153 -155, 10, 000 square {get. Exce72tions 72ermitted 72er §§ Loading 161, 204.5 7 155and161. 8 Commercial Use Characteristics Drive-u72 Facility__ § 102 NP 9 k'nvVJ/11dn /)otnil ;:;;:; 7n? :?n:? 1 .J. VI lll-Llt-tf

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 75 Automotive Service 1 §§ 102, 202.2@) NP NP Station c 2 Gas Station §§ 102, 187.1, 202.2@1 c NP NP 3 Parking Garage, § 102 Private c c c 4 Parking Garage, § 102 5 Public c c c 6 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c 7 Parking Lot, Public §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c

8 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation Use Categ_orJ!. Entertainment Arts 9 1 and Recreation § 102 NP NP NP 10 Uses* p 11 Arts Activities § 102 c c Entertainment, 12 § 102 f_ NP NP General 13 Entertainment, § 102 f_ NP NP Nighttime 14 Movie Theater §§ 102, 202. 4 f_ NP NP 15 02en Recreation § 102 16 Area c c c Passive Outdoor 17 § 102 Recreation c c c 18 Industrial Use Categ_orJ!. 19 Industrial Uses § 102, 202.2(dl NP NP NP 20 Institutional Use Categ_orJ!. 21 Institutional Uses* § 102 p c c 22 Child Care Facility_ § 102 p f_ p 23 HosQ_ital § 102 NP NP NP Medical Cannabis 24 §§ 102, 202.2(el DR DR NP Dis2ensary_** 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 76 1 Public Facilities § 102 c c c Residential Care 2 § 102 p FacilitJ!__ f. E 3 Sales and Service Use Category_ 4 Retail Sales and § 102 NP Service Uses* E E 5 Adult Business § 102 NP NP NP 6 Animal Hosr;zital § 102 c NP NP 7 Bar §§ 102, 202.2ca2 p NP NP 8 Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2ca2 c c NP 9 Flexible Retail § 102 E NP NP 10 Hotel § 102 c c c

11 Kennel § 102 c NP NP Liquor Store § 102 NP NP 12 E Massage § 102 NP NP 13 Establishment c 14 Massage, § 102 NP NP Foot/Chair E 15 Mortuary_ § 102 NP NP NP 16 Motel §§ 102, 202.2ca2 NP NP NP 17 Restaurant §§ 102, 202.2ca2 p NP NP 18 Restaurant, Limited §§ 102, 202.2ca> p NP NP 19 Services, Financial § 102 E c NP Services, Fringe 20 § 102 NP NP Financial PCJ2 21 Services, Limited § 102 p NP NP 22 Financial 23 Storage, Sel[ § 102 NP NP NP 24 Tobacco P arar;zhernalia § 102 c NP NP 25 Establishment

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 77 1 Trade Shop § 102 p c NP Non-Retail Sales 2 § 102 NP NP NP and Service* 3 Design Pro(§ssional § 102 E E NP 4 Trade Office § 102 E E NP 5 Utilitv and lnfjastructure Use Categorl!.. Utility and 6 § 102 C(2) C(2) C(2) Infrastructure* 7 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP 8 Public Utilities Yard § 102 NP NP NP 9 1 O *Not listed below

11 (1) FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT Fringe Financial Services 12 are NP within any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer pursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer, Fringe Financial Services are P subject to the restrictions set 13 forth in Section 249.35(c)(3).

14 (2) C ifa Macro WTS Facility,· P ifa Micro WTS Facility.



17 The Lower Polk Street Neighborhood Commercial District is located along Polk Street and

18 includes non-contiguous parcels from Geary Street to Golden Gate Avenue with frontage on Geary

19 Street, Golden Gate Avenue, and other side streets.

20 The District is located along a heavily trafficked thoroughfare which also serves as a major

21 transit route. In addition to providing convenience goods and services to the surrounding

22 neighborhood, the District offers a wide variety ofcomparison and specialty goods and services to a

23 population greater than the immediate neighborhood.

24 The building standards permit moderately large commercial uses and buildings. Rear yards are

25 protected at residential levels.

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 78 1 A diversified commercial environment is encouraged for the District, and a wide variety of uses 2 are permitted with special emphasis on neighborhood-serving businesses. Eating and drinking, 3 entertainment, financial service, and certain auto uses generally are permitted with certain limitations 4 at the first and second stories. Other retail businesses, personal services, and offices are permitted at 5 all stories ofnew buildings. Limited storage and administrative service activities are permitted with 6 some restrictions. 7 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the second story. Existing 8 residential units are protected by limitations on demolitions and upper-story conversions. Accessory 9 Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Sections 207(c)(4) and 207(c)(6) o[this 10 Code.


12 ZONING CONTROL TABLE 13 Lower Polk Street NCD 14 Zoning Categorr. §. Re(!rences Controls 15 BUILDING STANDARDS 16

17 Massing and Setbacks 18 §§ 102, 105, 106, 250-252, 260, 261.1, Varies, but generally 130-E. See Height and Bulk Height and Bulk 19 270, 271. See also Map Sheet HT02 more in[9rmation. Height Limits Height and Bulk sculpting required on Alleys per § 261.1. 20 District Maps 21 5 Foot Height Bonus -fjJr Active Ground § 263.20 P in some districts 22 Floor Uses 23 Required at the lowest Story_ containing a Dwelling §§ 130, 134, Unit, and at each succeeding level or Story_ o[the 24 Rear Yard 134(a)(el_ 13Q Building: 25% o[_lot depth, but in no case less than 25 15 fj;et. (62

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 79 Front Setback and 1 §§ 131, 132, 133 Not Required. Side Yard 2 Street Frontage and Public Realm 3 StreetsCff{2e and 4 Pedestrian § 138.1 Required lmQrovements 5 Required,' controls ffJ272ly_ to above-grade 12_arking 6 setbacks, {2arking and loading entrances, active Street Frontage uses, ground -floor ceiling height, street-[_acing § 145.1 7 Requirements ground-level SQ.aces, transQ_arency_ and .&nestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. 8 ExceQ_tions Q_ermitted -{j_Jr historic buildings. 9 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145. 4 -{j_Jr S{2_eci-(j_c § 145.4 Commercial districts. 10 Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see§ 155(r1 "{j_Jr S{2_eci-(j_c §155{r) 11 Restrictions districts 12 Miscellaneous Lot Size (Per P UQ. to 9,999 square {§et,· C 10,000 square {§et and 13 § 102, 121.1 DeveloQ.mentl above 14 Planned Unit § 304 c 15 DeveloQ_ment 16 Awning §§102, 136 f__ Cano{2y_ or Marquee §§102, 136 f__ 17 §§ 262, 602-604, 607, Signs As Q_ermitted by_ § 607.1 18 608, 609 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, 19 NP Signs 609, 610, 611 20 General Plan 21 Design Guidelines Commerce and Subf ect to the Urban Design Guidelines Industry_ Element 22

23 Zoning_ Categ_orr. ,§_ Re(frences Controls 24 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES

25 Develoe_ment Standards

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERViSORS Page 80 Usable OQ.en SQ.ace 80 square [§et ]2_er unit i{_Q.rivate, or 100 square [§et 1 §§ 135, 136 []'er Dwelling Unit l {!.er unit i{_common 2 No car Q.arking required. Maximum {2ermitted § §§ 145.1, 150, 151, OfI:Street Parking 151. Bike {!.arking required {!_er § 155.2. ][_car 3 153 -156, 161, 166, Requirements Q.arking is 72rovided, car share SQaces are required 204.5 4 when a Qrofect has 50 units or more Qer § 166. 5 Dwelling Unit Mix §§ 207. 6, 207. 7 Not required 6 Use Characteristics Single Room § 102 f_ 7 OccuQancy 8 Student Housing § 102 f_ 9 Controls hr. Storr. Residential []ses 10 1st 2nd 3rd+ 11 Residential Uses § 102 f_ f_ p 12 Accessory Dwelling §§ 102, 207Cc2C42, P Qer Planning Code Sections 207Cc2C42 and Unit Densi(J!. 207Cc2C62 207Cc2C62. 13 1 unit Qer 600 square -{j;ot lot area, or the densi(J!. 14 Dwelling Unit Densi(J!. §§ 102, 207 Qermitted in the nearest Residential District, whichever is greater. 15 1 bedroom {!_er 210 square -{j;ot lot area, or the GrouQ Housing §208 densi(J!. Qermitted in the nearest Residential 16 DensitJ!. District, whichever is greater. 17 Homeless Shelter §§ 102, 208 Densi(J!. limits regulated by the Administrative Code 18 Densi(J!. 19 P Uf2. to twice the number o[_Dwelling Units otherwise l2ermitted as a PrinciQal Use in the 20 district and meeting all the requirements o[_§ Senior Housing 202.2([10 2. C Uf2. to twice the number o{_Dwelling §§ 102, 202.2(0. 207 21 DensitJ!. Units otherwise Qermitted as a PrinciQal Use in the district and meeting all requirements of§ 22 202.2([10 2. excef2_t -{j;r § 202.2([10 )CD)(jv 2, related 23 to location. Controls hr. Storr. 24 Loss o[_Dwelling_ Units 1st 2nd 3rd+ 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 81 Residential 1 § 317 c c C(I) Conversion 2 Residential 3 Demolition and § 317 c c c Merger 4 5 Zoning Categor}!. ,§_ Re[_erences Controls 6 NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS 7 Development Standards 8 Floor Area Ratio §§ 102, 123, 124 3. 6 to 1 9 P Uf2 to 5, 999 square {get,· C 6, 000 square {get and Use Size H 102, 12r2 10 above No car {2arking required. Maximum 72ermitted l2_er § §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 11 OtfStreet Parking 151. Bike {2arkingrequiredper Section 155.2. Car 153 -156, 161, 166, Requirements share Sl2_aces required when a l2_rofect has 25 or 12 204.5 more {2arking Sl2_aces l2_er § 166. 13 None required i[_ Gross Floor Area is less than OtfStreet Freight §§ 150, 152, 153 - 10, 000 square {get. Excel2_tions permitted l2_er §§ 14 Loading 155, 161, 204.5 155and161. 15 Commercial Use Characteristics 16 Drive-uf2 Facility_ § 102 NP 17 Formula Retail §§ 102, 303.1 c 18 Hours o[_ 0{2eration § 102 No limit

19 Maritime Use § 102 NP 20 Open Air Sales §§ 102, 703(b2 See§ 703(b2 Outdoor ActivitJ!_ Area §§ 102, 145.2(a2 P i[_located in front; C i[_located elsewhere 21 Walk-ul2 FacilitJ!_ § 102 E 22 Controls hY. Stor}!_ 23 NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 1st 2nd I 3rd+ 24 Agricultural Use Categor}!_ 25 Agriculture, Industrial §§ 102, 202.2(c2 NP NP INP

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 82 Agriculture, Large 1 §§ 102, 202.2(c) Scale Urban c c c 2 Agriculture, §§ 102, 202.2(c) E E E 3 Neighborhood 4 Automotive Use Categ_or}!. §§102, 187.1, Automotive Uses* NP NP 5 202.2(b2. 202.5 c 6 Automotive ReQair § 102 c c NP 7 Parking Garage, § 102 Private c c c 8 Parking Garage, § 102 9 Public c c c 10 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c 11 Parking Lot, Public §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c Service, Motor 12 § 102 NP NP NP Vehicle Tow 13 Service, Parcel § 102 NP NP NP Delivery_ 14 Vehicle Storage § 102 NP NP NP 15 Garage 16 Vehicle Storage Lot § 102 NP NP NP

17 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation Use Categ_or}!. Entertainment Arts 18 1 § 102 NP NP NP and Recreation Uses* 19 Arts Activities § 102 NP NP NP 20 Entertainment, § 102 E E NP 21 General Entertainment, § 102 NP 22 Nighttime E E 23 Movie Theater §§ 102, 202.4 E E NP 24 0Qen Recreation Area § 102 c c c 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 83 Passive Outdoor 1 § 102 Recreation c c c 2 Industrial Use Category_

3 Industrial Uses § 102 NP NP NP 4 Institutional Use Category_

5 Institutional Uses* § 102 p f_ f_ 6 Hosl2.ital § 102 c c c 7 Job Training § 102 f_ f_ f_ Medical Cannabis 8 §§ 102, 202.2(e) DR DR NP Disl2.ensary_** 9 Public Facilities § 102 c c c 10 Sales and Service Use Category_

Retail Sales and 11 §§ 102, 202. 3 f_ f_ f_ Service Uses* 12 Adult Business § 102 c c NP 13 Animal Hosl2.ital § 102 c c NP 14 Bar §§ 102, 202.2(al n n NP 15 Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2(al c c NP 16 Flexible Retail § 102 NP NP NP 17 Hotel § 102 c c c Kennel § 102 c NP 18 c Liquor Store § 102 NP NP NP 19 Massage § 102, 303(0) NP 20 Establishment c c 21 Massage, Foot/Chair § 102 p c NP 22 Mortuary_ § 102 c c c Motel §§ 102, 202.2(al NP NP NP 23 Restaurant §§ 102, 202.2(al f_ f_ NP 24 Restaurant, Limited §§ 102, 202.2(al f_ f_ NP 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 84 Retail Sales and 1 § 102 f_ f_ f_ Service, General 2 Services, Financial § 102 f_ f_ NP 3 Services, Fringe § 102 P(2) NP NP Financial 4 Services, Limited § 102 p f_ NP 5 Financial 6 Storage, Sel[ § 102 c c c 7 Tobacco ParaQhernalia § 102 c NP NP 8 Establishment 9 Trade ShoQ § 102 f_ c c Non-Retail Sales and 10 § 102 NP NP NP Service* 11 Design Pro'{§ssional § 102 f_ p f_ 12 Service, Non-Retail § 102 c c c 13 Pro'{§ssional Storage, Commercial § 102 c c c 14 Trade O[/i_ce § 102 p f_ f_ 15 Utilitv and In(!astructure Use CategorJ!. 16 Utilitv and § 102 C(3) C(3) C(3) 17 In(!astructure *

18 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP Public Utilities Yard § 102 NP NP NP 19

20 *Not listed below

21 (11 THIRD FLOOR RESIDENTIAL CONVERSION: 22 Boundaries: AQQlicable to the Lower Polk Street NCD Controls: A Residential Use may_ be converted to an Institutional Use, other than a Medical Cannabis 23 Dis2ensary_, as a Conditional Use on the third story_ and above i{_in addition to the criteria set [grth in Section 303, the Commission fl_nds that: 24 (al The structure in which the Residential Use is to be converted has been [{Jund eligible {gr listing 25 on the National Register ofHistoric Places,·

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 85 @) The proposed use is to be operated bv a nonprofit public benefit corporation; and 1 (c) No legally residing residential tenants will be displaced. 2 (2) FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT Fringe Financial Services 3 are NP within any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer pursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer, Fringe Financial Services are P subject to the restrictions set 4 forth in Section 249.35(c){3).

5 (3) C ifa Macro WTS Facility; P ifa Micro WTS Facility.


8 The Inner Taraval Street Neighborhood Commercial District is located along Taraval Street

9 between 19th and Forest Side Avenues in the Inner Sunset neighborhood. It is separated from the

10 Taraval Street Neighborhood Commercial District by 19th Avenue. The District is a small-scale linear

11 shopping street which provides convenience goods and services to the surrounding neighborhood as

12 well as limited comparison shopping goods for a wider market.

13 The District controls provide for mixed-use buildings which approximate or slightly exceed the

14 standard development pattern. Rear yard requirements above the ground story and at residential levels

15 preserve open space corridors ofinterior blocks.

16 Most new commercial development is permitted at the ground and second stories.

17 Neighborhood-serving businesses are strongly encouraged. Eating and drinking and entertainment

18 uses, however, are confined to the ground story. The second story may be used by some retail stores,

19 personal services, and medical, business and professional offices. Parking and hotels are monitored at

20 all stories. Limits on late-night activity, drive-up facilities, and other automobile uses protect the

21 livability within and around the District, and promote continuous retail frontage.

22 Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the ground story. Existing

23 residential units are protected by limitations on demolition and upper-story conversions. Accessory

24 Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Sections 207(c){4) and 207(c){6) ofthis

25 Code.

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 86 1 Table 745. INNER TARA VAL STREET NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT

2 ZONING CONTROL TABLE 3 4 Inner Taraval Street NCD

5 Zoning_ Categ_orr. §. Refjrences Controls 6 BUILDING STANDARDS

7 Massing_ and Setbacks 8 §§ 102, 105, 106, 250-252, 260, 261.1, Varies, but generally_ 40-X See Height and Bulk Mae Height and Bulk 9 270, 271. See also Sheets HT06 [r)r more in[r)rmation. Height sculeting Limits. Height and Bulk required unAlle'!!_s Q_er § 261.1. 10 District MaQs 11 5 Foot Height Bonus [r)r Active Ground 12 §263.20 f_ Floor Uses 13 Zoned 40-X or 50-X 14 Required at the Second Story_ and at each succeeding §§130, 134, level or Story_ o[_the building, and at the First Story_ i[ Rear Yard 15 134{_a1(el, 136 it contains a Dwelling Unit: 25% oOot deQth, but in no case less than 15 &et 16 Front Setback and §§ 130, 131, 132, 133 Not Required. 17 Side Yard 18 Street Frontage and Public Realm

19 StreetscaQe and Pedestrian § 138.1 Required 20 ImQrovements 21 Required," controls aQQly_ to above-grade Qarking setbacks, Qarking and loading entrances, active uses, 22 Street Frontage ground 8._oor ceiling height, street-lacing ground- § 145.1 Requirements level SJ2_aces, transQarency_ and [f,nestration, and 23 gates, railings, and grillwork. Exceetions eermitted .f2r historic buildings. 24 Ground Floor Required on some streets, see § 145. 4 -{j_Jr SQeciflc § 145.4 25 Commercial districts.

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 87 Vehicular Access Restricted on some streets, see§ 155(!2 (gr S[2_ecifl.c 1 §155(r) Restrictions districts 2 Miscellaneous 3 Lot Size (Per P UQ to 9,999 square [£et,· C 10,000 square &et and §§ 102, 121.1 4 Develo[2_ment2 above Planned Unit §304 c 5 DeveloQment 6 Awning, CanOQJ!.. or § 136.1 Marquee E 7 §§ 262, 602-604, Signs As [2_ermitted by_ § 607.1 8 607, 607.1, 608, 609 9 General Advertising §§ 262, 602, 604, 608, NP ('1;f'T1/JCI t::no t::in t::11 ui5,11.-0 VV./l VJ. V! V.1. .1. 10 General Plan 11 Design Guidelines Commerce and Subtect to the Urban Design Guidelines Industry_ Element 12

13 Zoning_ Categ_or}!_ §. Re{!!rences Controls 14 RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 15

16 Develoement Standards 17 Usable 0Qen SQace 100 square &et []_er unit i[Qrivate, or 133 square §§ 135, 136 [Per Dwelling Unit Z .&et 2er unit i[_common 18 No car Qarking required. Maximum [2_ermitted [2er ' 19 § 151. Bike Qarking required []_er §155.2. ![car O(fStreet Parking §§ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 - JJ_arking is [2_rovided, car share S[2_aces are 20 Requirements 156, 161, 166, 204.5 required when a [2rotect has 50 units or more 21 §166. 22 Dwelling Unit Mix §§ 207. 6, 207. 7 Not required Use Characteristics 23 Single Room § 102 24 Occu[2_ancy_ E 25 Student Housing § 102 p

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 88 1 Residential Uses Controls by Story 2 3rd+ Residential Uses p 3 Accessory Dwelling §§102, 207(c)(4), P per Planning Code Sections 207(c)(4) and 4 Unit Density 207(c)(6) 207(c)(6). 5 1 unit per 800 square foot lot area, or the density Dwelling Unit §§ 102, 207 permitted in the nearest Residential District, Density 6 whichever is greater. 7 1 bedroom per 2 75 square foot lot area, or the Group Housing density permitted in the nearest Residential Density 8 District, whichever is greater. 9 Homeless Shelter Density limits regulated bv the Administrative §§ 102, 208 Density Cude 10 P up to twice the number ofDwelling Units 11 otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all the requirements of§ 12 Senior Housing 202. 2 (f) (1 ). Cup to twice the number ofDwelling §§ 102, 202.2(/), 207 13 Density Units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all requirements of§ 14 202.2(/)(1 ), except for§ 202.2(/)(1 )(D){iv), related to location. 15 Loss ofDwelling Controls by Story 16 Units


18 Residential Conversion 19 Residential 20 Demolition and Merger 21 22 Zoning Category § References Controls 23 NON-RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS AND USES 24

25 IDevelopment Standards

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 89 1 Floor Area Ratio §_§_ 102, 123, 124 2.5 to 1 P UQ to 3, 999 square [?et,- C 4, 000 square &et 2 Use Size §_§_ 102, 121.2 and above

3 No car 2arking. Maximum ]2_ermitted Q_er §_ 151. OtfStreet Parking §_§_ 145.1, 150, 151, 153 - Bike Q_arking required Q_er Section 155.2. Car 4 Requirements 156, 161, 166, 204.5 share s]2_aces required when a Q_rofect has 25 or 5 more 2arking s2aces 2er §_ 166. None required i'[Gross Floor Area is less than 6 OtfStreet Freight §_§_ 150, 152, 153 -155, 10, 000 square &et. Exce2tions 2ermitted 2er §_§_ Loading 161, 204.5 7 155and161. 8 Commercial Use Characteristics Drive-u2 FacilitJ_ §_ 102 NP 9 r\r\ ln? '.?()'.? 7 Formula .LR.etail I I _,,_ '-"...... ,! -' v ...... c 10 Hours o[_ 02eration §_ 102 P 6 a.m. - 2 a.m.,· C 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. 11 Maritime Use §_ 102 NP 12 02en Air Sales §_§_ 102, 70302,2 See §_ 703 Cbl 13 Outdoor ActivitJ!_ §_§_ 102, 145.2 P i[_located in fjont,- C i[_located elsewhere Area 14 Walk-u2 Facility §_ 102 E 15 Controls by Story 16 NON-RESIDENTIAL USES 1st 2nd 3rd+ 17 Agricultural Use Category 18 Agriculture, §.§. 102, 202. 2 CcJ NP NP NP 19 Industrial Agriculture, Large 20 §.§. 102, 202.2cc; Scale Urban c c c 21 Agriculture, §.§. 102, 202. 2 CcJ E E E 22 Neighborhood Automotive Use Category 23 Automotive Uses* §_ 102 NP NP NP 24 Automotive Re2air §_ 102 c NP NP 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 90 Automotive Service 1 §§ 102, 202.2@) NP NP Station c 2 Gas Station §§ 102, 187.1, 202.2@1 c NP NP 3 Parking Garage, § 102 Private c c c 4 Parking Garage, § 102 5 Public c c c 6 Parking Lot, Private §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c 7 Parking Lot, Public §§ 102, 142, 156 c c c

8 Entertainment1 Arts and Recreation Use CategorJ!. Entertainment Arts 9 1 and Recreation § 102 NP NP NP 10 Uses* p 11 Arts Activities § 102 c c Entertainment, 12 § 102 f_ NP NP General 13 Entertainment, § 102 p NP NP Nighttime 14 Movie Theater §§ 102, 202.4 f_ NP NP 15 0Qen Recreation § 102 16 Area c c c Passive Outdoor 17 § 102 Recreation c c c 18 Industrial Use Categorv 19 Industrial Uses § 102, 202.2Cdl NP NP NP 20 Institutional Use CategorJ!. 21 Institutional Uses* § 102 p c c 22 Child Care Facility_ § 102 p p p 23 HosQital § 102 NP NP NP Medical Cannabis 24 §§ 102, 202.2ce1 DR DR NP Disg_ensary_** 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 91 1 Public Facilities § 102 c c c Residential Care 2 § 102 f_ f_ f_ FacilitJ_ 3 Sales and Service Use Categ_ory_ 4 Retail Sales and § 102 f_ f_ NP Service Uses* 5 Adult Business § 102 NP NP NP 6 Animal HosQital § 102 c NP NP 7 Bar §§ 102, 202.2ca2 p NP NP 8 Cannabis Retail §§ 102, 202.2ca2 c c NP 9 Flexible Retail § 102 p NP NP 10 Hotel § 102 c c c 11 Kennel § 102 c NP NP Liquor Store § 102 p NP NP 12 Massage § 102 NP NP 13 Establishment c 14 Massage, § 102 f_ NP NP Foot/Chair 15 Mortuary_ § 102 NP NP NP 16 Motel §§ 102, 202.2ca2 NP NP NP 17 Restaurant §§ 102, 202.2ca2 PO) NP NP 18 Restaurant, Limited §§ 102, 202.2ca2 P02 NP NP 19 Services, Financial § 102 p c NP 20 Services, Fringe § 102 PC22 NP NP Financial 21 Services, Limited § 102 f_ NP NP 22 Financial 23 Storage, Sel[ § 102 NP NP NP 24 Tobacco ParaQhernalia § 102 c NP NP 25 Establishment

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 92 1 Trade Sho72 § 102 r_ c NP Non-Retail Sales 2 § 102 NP NP NP and Service* 3 Design Pro&ssional § 102 r_ r_ NP 4 Trade O[!J.ce § 102 r_ p NP 5 Utilitv and Infjastructure Use CategorJ!. Utility and 6 § 102 C(3) C(3) C(3) Infrastructure* 7 Power Plant § 102 NP NP NP 8 Public Utilities Yard § 102 NP NP NP 9 *Not listed below 10 (12 TARA VAL STREET RESTAURANT SUBDISTRICT: A7272licable {gr the Taraval Street NCD 11 between 12th and 19th Avenues as ma7272ed on Sectional Ma72s 5 SU and 6 SU Restaurants, Limited- Restaurants are C,- Formula Retail Restaurants and Limited-Restaurants are NP. 12 (22 FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT Fringe Financial Services 13 are NP within any_ FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer 72ursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any_ FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer, Fringe Financial Services are P subfect to the restrictions set 14 .fSJrth in Section 249.35(c2(32.

15 (32 C ifa Macro WTS Facility.' P ifa Micro WTS Facility. 16

17 SEC. 781.5. MISSION STREET FORMULA RETAIL RESTAURANT SUBDISTRICT. 18 (a) Purpose. In order to preserve the mix and variety of goods and services 19 provided to the Mission neighborhood and City residents and prevent further proliferation of 20 formula retail restaurant uses, there shall be a Mission Street Formula Retail Restaurant 21 Subdistrict, generally applicable only_ for the portion ofthe Mission Bernal Neighborhood

22 Commercial District l'lC 3 zonedportion of},1ission Street between 14th and Randall Streets, as 23 designated on Sectional Map 7SU of the Zoning Map. 24 (b) Controls. The following provisions shall apply within such Subdistrict: 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 93 1 (1) A Limited-Restaurant use or a Restaurant use that are also Formula Retail 2 uses, as defined in Planning Code Section 303.1, shall not be permitted in this Subdistrict. 3 (2) The provisions of Sections 180 through 186.1 of this Code shall govern 4 Formula Retail Limited-Restaurants and Restaurants which existed lawfully at the effective 5 date of this Code in this Subdistrict. 6 7 Section 3. Sectional Map ZN02 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San 8 Francisco is hereby amended, as follows:

9 Use District To Be Use District Hereby Zoning Map ~t---.L Biock and Lot Number Superseded Approved i:>llt:t:L 10 0715010 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0717013 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 11 0718002 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 12 0739002 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0742002 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 13 0715001 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0718003 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 14 0763016 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0717014 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 15 0718001 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0763007 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 16 0717015 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 17 0763001 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0715010A NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 18 0715011 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0718005 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 19 0717018 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0739015 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 20 0716280 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0718004 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 21 0740018 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 22 0763002 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0739001 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 23 0763006 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 0763005 NC-3 Lower Polk Street NCO ZN02 24 25

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 94 1 Section 4. Sectional Map ZN03 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San 2 Francisco is hereby amended, as follows:

3 Use District To Be Use District Hereby Zoning Map Block and Lot Number Superseded Aooroved Sheet 4 1545027 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1546017 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 5 1546018 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 6 1546018A NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1546018B NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 7 1546018C NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1546019 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 8 1546020 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1547024 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 9 1547025 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 11::A71'\0C: 1\1("' ') IV""'tl VL.V t'ilv--s:... Inner Balboa Street ~JCD Zl'J03 10 1547027 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1548023 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 11 1548025 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 12 1548026 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1548027 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 13 1549018 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1549019 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 14 1549020 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1549022 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 15 1549023 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1549024 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 16 1549025 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 17 1549026 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1549026A NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 18 1549054 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1549055 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 19 1549056 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1549057 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 20 1549071 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1549072 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 21 1549073 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 22 1637001 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1638001 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 23 1638030 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1638031 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 24 1638032 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 1639001 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03 25 1639046 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCD ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 95 1639047 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCO ZN03 1 1639048 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCO ZN03 2 1640001 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCO ZN03 1640051 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCO ZN03 3 1640054 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCO ZN03 1640055 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCO ZN03 4 1641001 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCO ZN03 1641049 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCO ----ZN03 5 1641050 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCO ZN03 1641051 NC-2 Inner Balboa Street NCO ZN03 6 1061048 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1061018 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 7 1061023 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 1062022 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1062023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 9 1062024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1062025 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 10 1062026 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1062027 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 11 1063019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1063023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 12 1063026 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 13 1064023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1064024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 14 1064031 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1064032 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15 1064060 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1065023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 16 1065026A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1065053 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 17 1066021 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 18 1066022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1066023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 19 1066026 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1066027 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 20 1067021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1066057 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 21 1066060 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1066061 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 22 1066062 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 23 1066063 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1066064 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 24 1066065 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1066066 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 25 1066067 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 96 1067019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1 1067020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 2 1067023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1067052 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 3 1067054 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1067055 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 4 1067056 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1067057 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 5 1067058 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1067059 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 6 1068001J NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1068002 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 7 1069013 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 1069015 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1069016 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 9 1069017B NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 106901 ?C NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 10 1069045 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1070001A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 11 1070003 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1071001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 12 1071003 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 13 1071004 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1083004A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 14 1083006 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1083007 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15 1083009 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1084003 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 16 1084003A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1084003B NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 17 1084005 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 18 1084010 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1084011 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 19 1084012 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1084013 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 20 1084014 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1084015 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 21 1084016 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1084017 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 22 1084018 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1084019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 23 1084020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 24 1084021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1084022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 25 1084023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 97 1084024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1 1084025 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 2 1084026 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 3 1085029 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085030 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 4 1085031 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085068 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 5 1085044 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085045 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 6 1085046 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085047 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 7 1085048 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 1085049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085050 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 9 1085051 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085052 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 10 1085053 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085054 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 11 1085055 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085056 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 12 1085057 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 13 1085058 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085059 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 14 1085060 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085061 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15 1085062 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085063 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 16 1085064 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085065 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 17 1085066 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 18 1085067 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085069 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 19 1085070 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085071 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 20 1085072 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085073 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 21 1085074 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085075 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 22 1085076 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 23 1085077 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1085078 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 24 1086001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1086025 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 25 1086027 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 98 1087001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1 1087022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1087024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 2 1087026 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 3 1088001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1088028 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 4 1088029 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1088030 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 5 1088031 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1088033 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 6 1088046 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1088047 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 7 1088048 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 1088049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1088053 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 9 1088054 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1088055 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 10 1088056 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1088057 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 11 1088058 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1088059 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 12 1088060 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 13 1088061 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1088062 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 14 1089001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1089025 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15 1089026 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1089028 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 16 1089029 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1089030 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 17 1089031 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1089032 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 18 1090001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 19 1090024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1090026 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 20 1090027 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1090042 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 21 1091001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1091024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 22 1091025 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 23 1091032 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 24 1092002 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092031 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 25 1092032 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 99 1092036 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1 1092050 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 2 1092051 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092052 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 3 1092053 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092054 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 4 1092055 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092056 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 5 1092057 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092058 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 6 1092059 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092060 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 7 1092061 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 1092062 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092063 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 9 1092064 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092065 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 10 1092066 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092067 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 11 1092068 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092069 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 12 1092070 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 13 1092071 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1092072 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 14 1092073 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1433009 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15 1433013 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1433014 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 16 1433061 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1433065 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 17 1433066 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 18 1433067 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1433068 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 19 1433069 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1434017 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 20 1434018 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1434019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 21 1434020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1434046 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 22 1435013B NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 23 1435014 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1435016 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 24 1435017 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1435018 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 25 1435019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 100 1435020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1 1435047 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 2 1436017 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1436018 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 3 1436019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1436020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 4 1436021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1436022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 5 1436023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1436048 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 6 1436049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1436050 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO 7 ZN03 1436051 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 1436052 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1436053 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 9 1436054 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1437016 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 10 1437017 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1437018 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 11 1437019 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1437019A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 12 1437020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 13 1437021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1437046 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 14 1438010 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1438011 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15 1438012 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1438013 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 16 1438014 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1438016 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 17 1438017 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 18 1438017A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1438018 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 19 1438019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1438020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 20 1438021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1438022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 21 1438023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1438024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 22 1438051 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 23 1438052 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1439019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 24 1439020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1439021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 25 1439022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 101 1439023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1 1439055 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 2 1439056 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1439057 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 3 1439059 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1439060 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 4 1439061 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1439063 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 5 1439064 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1440021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 6 1440039 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1441018 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 7 1441035 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 8 1442020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1442021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 9 1442024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1442025 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 10 1442026 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1442026A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 11 1442049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1443016 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 12 1443019 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 13 1443020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1443024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 14 1443042 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1444018 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 15 1444018A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1444019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 16 1444021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1444022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 17 1444023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 18 1446024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1446025 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 19 1446026 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1446027 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 20 1446028 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 1447019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 21 1447020A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1447021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 22 1447023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 23 1447023C NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1447049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 24 1447050 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1447051 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 25 1448045 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERViSORS Page 102 1449019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1 1449019A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 2 1449020 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 1449021 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 3 1449021A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1449021B NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 4 1449022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1449024 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 5 1450019A NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450019B NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 6 1450048 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 7 1450051 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 8 1450056 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450057 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 9 1450058 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450059 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 10 1450060 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450061 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 11 1450062 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450063 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 12 1450064 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 13 1450065 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450066 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 14 1450067 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450068 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 15 1450069 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450070 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 16 1450071 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450072 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 17 1450073 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 18 1450074 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450075 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 19 1450076 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450077 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 20 1450078 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450079 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 21 1450080 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450081 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 22 1450082 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450083 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCD 23 ZN03 1450084 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 24 1450085 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 1450086 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03 25 1450087 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCD ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERViSORS Page 103 1450088 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1 1450089 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 2 1450090 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450091 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 3 1450092 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450093 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 4 1450094 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450095 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 5 1450096 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450097 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 6 1450098 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450099 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO 7 ZN03 1450100 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 1450101 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450102 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 9 1450103 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450104 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 10 1450105 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450106 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 11 1450107 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450108 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 12 1450109 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 13 1450110 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450111 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 14 1450112 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450113 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15 1450114 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450115 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 16 1450116 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450117 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 17 1450118 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 18 1450119 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450120 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 19 1450121 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450122 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 20 1450123 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450124 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 21 1450125 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450126 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 22 1450127 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 23 1450128 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450129 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 24 1450130 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450131 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 25 1450132 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page "104 1450133 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1 1450134 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 2 1450135 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450136 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 3 1450137 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450138 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 4 1450139 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1450140 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 5 1450141 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1526001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 6 1526029 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1526031 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 7 1526033 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 1526034 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1526035 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 9 1527001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15?7036 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 10 1527037 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1527038 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 11 1528001 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1528033 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 12 1528035 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 13 1528036 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1528038 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 14 1528039 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1528040 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15 1528041 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1528042 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 16 1529001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1529043 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 17 1529044 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 18 1529045 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1529046 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 19 1529047 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1529048 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 20 1529049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1530001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 21 1530028 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1530029 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 22 1530031 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 23 15320320 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1532032E NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 24 1532032F NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1532042 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 25 1532043 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page ·105 1532044 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1 1532045 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO 2 1532046 ZN03 1532047 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 3 1532048 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1532049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 4 1532050 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1532051 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 5 1532052 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1532053 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 6 1532054 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1532055 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 7 1532056 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 1532057 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1532058 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 9 1533001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1533040 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 10 1533041 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1533042 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 11 1533042A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1533043 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 12 1533044 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 13 1534001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1534038 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 14 1534039 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1534040 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15 1534041 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1534042 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 16 1535001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1535041 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 17 1535046 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 18 1536001 1536041 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 19 1536043 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1536048 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 20 1537001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1537044 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 21 1537049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1537050 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 22 1537051 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 23 1537052 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1537053 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 24 1537054 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1537055 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 25 1537056 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page ·106 1537057 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1 1537058 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 2 1537059 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN03 1537060 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 3 1537061 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1537062 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 4 1537063 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1537064 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 5 1537065 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1537066 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 6 1537067 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1537068 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 7 1537069 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 1537070 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1537071 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 9 1537072 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1538001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 10 1538031 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1538033 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 11 1538034 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1538035 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 12 1538036 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 13 1538037 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1539003 NC-3/RM-1 Geary Boulevard NCO/RM-1 ZN03 14 1540001A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1540050 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 15 1540051 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1541001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 16 1541002 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1541040 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 17 1541042 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1541045 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 18 1542001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 19 1542042 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 '1542045 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 20 1542046 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1542047 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 21 1542048 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1543042 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 22 1543043 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 23 1543044 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1543045 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 24 1543046 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1543047 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 25 1543050 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 107 1543051 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1 1543052 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 2 1543053 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1543054 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 3 1543055 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1543056 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 4 1543057 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1543058 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 5 1543059 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1543060 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 6 1543061 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 1543062 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 7 1543063 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN03 8 9 Section 5. Sheet ZN04 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco is 10 hereby amended, as follows:

11 Block and Lot Use District To Be Zoning Map Use District Hereby Approved Number Superseded Sheet 12 1575018 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1576007 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 13 1576008 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 14 1576009 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1576010 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 15 1576011 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1576014 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 I 16 1576015 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1576020 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 17 1576021 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04

1577013 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 i 18 1577013A NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 19 1577013B NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 I 1577013C NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 20 15770130 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1577013E NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 21 1577013F NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1578014 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 'i 22 1578014A NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1578014B NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 23 1578014C NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 15780140 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 24 1578014G NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 25 1578041 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 'i08 1578042 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1 1578043 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 , 2 1578044 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1579017 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 3 15790178 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1579020 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 4 1579021 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1579022 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 5 1579023 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1579024 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 6 1579025 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1579026 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 7 1579027 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 8 1579028 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 I 1579029 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 I 9 1579030 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 ! 1579031 NC-2 Outer F3alboa Street NCO ZN04 10 1579032 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1579033 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 11 1579034 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1579035 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 12 1579036 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 13 1579037 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1579038 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 14 1579039 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1580003A NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 15 1580005 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 ' 1580005A NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 16 1580005B NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1580005C NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 17 1580005F NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 18 15800058 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 15810078 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 19 1581007H NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 15810071 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 20 1581007J NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1581010 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 21 1581033 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1581034 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 22 1581035 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 23 1606001 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1606044 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 24 1606045 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 1606046 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04 25 1606047 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCD ZN04

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 109 1606048 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1 1606049 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1606050 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 2 1606051 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 3 1606052 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1606053 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 4 1606054 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1606055 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 5 1606056 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1606057 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 6 1606058 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1606059 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 7 1606060 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 8 1607001 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1607022B NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 9 1607022C NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1607023 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCI") ZN04 10 1607024 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1607025 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 ' 11 1608001 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1608018 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 12 1608019 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 13 1609001 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1609021F NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 14 1609022 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1609022A NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 15 1609023 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1610001 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 16 1610033 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1610037 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 17 1610039 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 18 1610040 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1611001 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 19 1611001A NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1611001C NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 20 1611001E NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1611001F NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 21 1611001G NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1611001H NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 22 1612023 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 23 1612024 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 1612025 NC-2 Outer Balboa Street NCO ZN04 24 1451019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1451020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 25 1451022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 110 1451023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1 1451024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04

1451026 I 2 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1451047 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 3 1452019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1452020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 ! 4 1452021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1452022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 5 1452045 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1453017A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 6 1453018 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1453019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 7 1453020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 8 1453022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1453023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 9 1453024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1454018 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN04 10 1454019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1454021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 11 1454022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 1454022A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 12 1454022E NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 13 1454022F NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 1456016 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 14 1456019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 1456020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 15 1456021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1456022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 16 1456023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1456052 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 17 1456053 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 18 1456054 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1456055 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 19 1456056 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1456057 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 20 1456058 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 1457019 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 21 1457020 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1457021 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 22 1457022 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1457022A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 23 ---·- 1457023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1457024 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 24 ' 1457069 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 25 1458018 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page '1'1'1 1458023 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1 1458041 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 2 1459005 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1459006 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 3 1459008 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1459009 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 4 1459010 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1459033 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 5 1517037 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1518001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 6 1518027A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 1518028 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 7 --"·-- 1518029 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 8 1518033 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1519001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 9 1519035A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1519036 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN04 10 1519037 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1519039 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 11 1519043 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1519044 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 12 1519045 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 13 1519046 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1519047 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 14 1519048 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1519049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 15 1519050 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1519051 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 16 1519052 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1519053 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 17 1520035 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 18 1520036 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1520037 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 19 1520038 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1520039 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 20 1520040 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1520043 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 21 1521001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1521033 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 22 1521034 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 23 1521034A NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1521034B NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 24 1521035 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1521036 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 25 1522001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page ·1·12 1522034B NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1 15220340 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN04 2 1522035 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN04 1522036 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 3 1522037 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1522038 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 4 1523001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1523046 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 5 1523046A NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN04 1523046B NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 6 1523047 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1523048 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 7 ·- 1523049 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 8 1524001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1524036 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 9 1524037 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 15?4039 NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN04 10 1524040 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 1525001 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 I 11 1525040B NC-3 Gearv Boulevard NCO ZN04 1525040C NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 12 15250400 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 13 1525041 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 1525042 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 14 1525043 NC-3 Geary Boulevard NCO ZN04 15 Section 6. Sheet ZN06 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco is 16 hereby amended, as follows: Use District To Be Use District Hereby 17 Block and Lot Number Superseded Aooroved Zoning Map Sheet 18 1271025 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 1272002 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 19 1268028 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 1268057 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 20 1272001 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 1267009 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 21 1271024 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 22 1271026 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 1278022 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 23 1272003 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 1272004 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 24 1268056 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 1271024A NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 25 1271024B NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 113 1268055 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 1 1272005 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 Cole Valley NCO 2 1268026 NC-1 ZN06 1268029 NC-1 Cole Valley NCO ZN06 3 2341014 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2341015 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 4 2341017 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 2341018 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 5 2341040 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2341041 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 6 2341042 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2341043 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 7 2342016A NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 8 2342017 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2342018 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 n 9 2342019 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I n4?0?o NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 10 2342021 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 2342022 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 11 2343017 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 2343018 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 12 2343019 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 13 2343019A NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2343020 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 14 2343021 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2343040 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 15 2343041 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2343042 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 16 2344A018 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2344A018A NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 17 2344A018B NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 18 2344A018C NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2344A018D NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 19 2344A019A NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2344A019B NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 20 2344A019C NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 2344A0190 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 21 2344A038 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2345A018 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 22 2345A019 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 23 2345A020 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2345A021 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 24 2345A022 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2345A023 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 25 2345A024 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 1141 2345A025 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 1 2345A026 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2 2346009 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2346010 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 3 2346014 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2347009A NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 4 2347010 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2347011 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 5 2347028 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2347029 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 6 2347030 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2347031 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 7 2407001 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 8 2407028A NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2407029 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 9 2407033 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2407040 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 10 2407041 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2407042 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 11 2407043 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2407044 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 12 2407045 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2407046 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 13 I 2408001 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 14 2408041 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2408044 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 15 2408047 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2408048 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 16 2408051 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06

2408052 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 17 2408053 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 18 2408054 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2408055 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 19 2408056 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2408057 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 20 2408058 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2409001 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 ! 21 2409036 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2409037 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 22 2409038 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 23 2409041 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2409042 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 24 2409043 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2409061 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 ---"·~- 25 2410027 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page ·115 2410029 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 1 2410029A NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2410029B NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2 2410029C NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 3 2410031 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2410041 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 4 2410042 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2411001 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 5 2411021 M NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 2411022 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 6 ZN06 2411023 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO 11 I' 2412034 NC-2 ------Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 7 I 2412036 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I I 8 2412037 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 2412038 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 9 2412039 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I ~413014 NC-2 Inner Taraval NCO ZN06 I 10 I 2413038 I NC-2 I inner Taraval NCO I ZN06

11 Section 7. Sheet ZN07 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco is

12 hereby amended, as follows: 13 Use District To Be Use District Hereby Block and Lot Number 14 s uperse d ed Approve d Z on .mg Map Sh ee t 5501034 NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN07 15 5501044 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5501044A NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 16 5501045 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5501046 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 17 5501047 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 18 5501048 5501050 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 19 5501051 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5501079 NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN07 20 5501082 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5501083 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 21 5501084 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5518016 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 22 5518017 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5518018 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 23 5518019 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 24 5518031 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 Mission Bernal NCO 5518032 - _NC-3 ZN07 25 5518033 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 116 5518034 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 1 5518035 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 2 5518036 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5518037 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 3 5518038 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5518039 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 4 5518040 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5518041 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5 5518042 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5518043 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6 5518044 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5518045 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 7 5518046 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 8 5609012 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5609015 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 9 5609016 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5R09017 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 10 5609028 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5609029 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 11 5615028 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615033 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 12 5615034 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 13 5615035 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615036 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 14 5615036A NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN07 5615037 NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN07 15 5615038 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615039 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 16 5615040 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615041 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 17 5615042 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 Mission Bernal NCO 18 5615045 NC-3 ZN07 5615049 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 19 5615050 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615051 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 20 5615052 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615070 NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN07 21 5615071 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615073 NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN07 22 5615078 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 23 5615079 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615080 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 24 5615082 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615083 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 25 5615084 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page i i7 5615085 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 1 5615086 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 2 5615087 5615088 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 3 5615089 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615090 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 4 5615091 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615092 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5 5615093 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615094 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6 5615095 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615096 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 7 ------5615097 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 8 5615098 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615099 NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN07 9 5615100 NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN07 fi61fi101 NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN07 10 5615102 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615103 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 11 5615104 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615105 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 12 5615106 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 13 5615107 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615108 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 14 5615109 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615110 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 15 5615111 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615113 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 16 5615114 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5615115 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 17 5615116 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574001B NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 18 6574005 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 19 6574006 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574007 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 20 6574011 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574012 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 21 6574013 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574016 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 22 6574017 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 23 6574018 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574019 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 24 6574020 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574021 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 25 6574022 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page i i8 6574023 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 1 6574031 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 2 6574032 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574033 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 3 6574034 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574035 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 4 6574036 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574037 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5 6574038 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574039 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6 6574040 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574041 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 7 6574042 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 8 6574043 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574044 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 9 6574045 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574047 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 10 6574048 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574049 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 11 6574050 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574051 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 12 6574052 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 13 6574053 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574054 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 14 6574055 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574056 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 15 6574057 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574058 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 16 6574059 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574060 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 17 6574061 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 18 6574062 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574063 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 19 6574064 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574065 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 20 6574066 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574067 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 21 6574068 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6574069 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 22 6596001 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 23 6596001A NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596001B NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 24 6596002 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596002A NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 25 6596003 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 119 6596004 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 1 6596005 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 2 6596006 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596007 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 3 6596007A NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596010 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 4 6596011 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596015 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5 6596017 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596022 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6 6596023 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596024 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 7 ~~-- .. ~ 6596025 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 8 6596026 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596027 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 9 6596028 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596029 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 10 6596030 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596031 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 11 6596032 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596033 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 12 6596034 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 13 6596035 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596036 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 14 6596037 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596038 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 15 6596039 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596040 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 16 6596041 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596042 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 17 6596043 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 18 6596044 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596045 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 19 6596046 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596047 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 20 6596048 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596049 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 21 6596050 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596051 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 22 6596052 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 23 6596053 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596054 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 24 6596055 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596056 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 25 6596057 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 120 6596058 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 1 6596059 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596060 2 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596061 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 3 6596062 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6596063 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 4 6597018 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6597021 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 5 6597047 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6597048 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6 6635001 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6635003 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 7 6635004 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 8 6635005 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6635016 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 9 6635017 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6635018 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 10 6635032 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6635043 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 11 6635044 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6635045 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 12 6635046 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 13 6635047 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6635049 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 14 6635050 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6635051 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 15 6635053 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6635054 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 16 6635055 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6635056 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 17 6635057 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 18 6635058 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 6635059 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN07 19 0847006 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCO ZN07 0847007 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 20 0848004 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 0848005 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 21 0848006 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 0848006B NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 22 0848007 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 23 0848008 NC-2 Lower HaJgb!_~treet NCO ZN07 0848009 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 24 0848010 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 0848011 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 25 0848024 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page '12'1 0848025 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 1 0848026 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 2 0848027 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 0848028 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 3 0848029 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCO ZN07 0848030 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 4 0848031 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 0848032 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 5 0848033 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 0848034 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 6 0848035 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCO ZN07 0848036 NC-2 ZN07 7 Lower HaigQL~tr~1::t NCO 0848037 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 8 0848038 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 0848039 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 9 0848040 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 0848041 NC-2 Lower Haiaht Street NCO ZN07 10 0849008 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 0849009 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 11 0849010 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 0849011 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 12 0849012 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 13 0849013 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCO ZN07 0849014 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 14 0849015 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 0849016 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 15 0849017 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 0849018 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 16 0849019 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCO ZN07 0849020 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 17 0859001 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 18 0859025 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 Lower Haight Street NCO/RH-3 ZN07 19 0859027 NC-2/RH-3 0859028 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCO ZN07 20 0859028A NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCO ZN07 08590288 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 21 0859029 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 0859030 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 22 0859031 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 0859038 NC-2 Lower HaiQht Street NCO ZN07 23 0859039 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCO ZN07 0860002 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCO ZN07 24 0860024 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 25 0860025 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07 0860026 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCO ZN07

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 122 0860027 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 1 0860028 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 2 0860029 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 0860037 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 3 0860038 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 0860041 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 4 0860042 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 0860043 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 5 0860060 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 0860061 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 6 0860062 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCD ZN07 0860066 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCQ_ ZN07 7 0860067 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 8 0860068 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 0860085 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 9 0860086 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 0860087 NC-2 Lower Haiaht Street NCD ZN07 10 0860097 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 0860098 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 11 0860099 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 0860100 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 12 0860101 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 13 0860103 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCD ZN07 0860104 NC-2 Lower Haight Street NCD ZN07 14 0860105 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 0860106 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 15 0861001 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 0861035 NC-2 Lower Haiqht Street NCD ZN07 16 17 Section 8. Sectional Map ZN 10 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San

18 Francisco is hereby amended, as follows:

19 Use District To Be Use District Hereby Block and Lot Number Superseded Approved Z onm!:I. Map Sh ee t 20 5273013A NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5273014 Bayview NCD ZN10 21 NC-3 5278015 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 22 5278016 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5278027 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 23 5278028 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5278029 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 24 5278030 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5278031 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 25 5278032 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 123 5278033 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 1 5278034 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 2 5278035 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5278036 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 3 5278037 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5278038 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 4 5278039 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5278040 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5 5278041 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5278042 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 6 5278043 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5278044 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 7 5279004 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 8 5291008 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5291017B NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 9 5291018 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5291027 NC-3 Bavview NCO 7N10 10 5291028 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5291033 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 11 5296016 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5296017 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 12 5296018 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 13 5296019 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5296020 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 14 5296021 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5296023A NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 15 5296023B NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5296031 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 16 5296033 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5306004 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 17 5306005 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 18 5306022 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5306023 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 19 5306024 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5306025 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 20 5306026 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5306027 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 21 5306028 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5306029 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 22 5311003 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 23 5311026 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5311027 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 24 5311030 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5311033 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 25 5311035 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 124 5322001 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 1 5322002 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5322040 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 2 5322041 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 3 5322043 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5322050 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 4 5322051 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5322052 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5 5322053 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5322054 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 6 5322055 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5322056 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 7 5322057 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 8 5322058 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5322059 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 9 5322060 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5322061 NC-3 Ravview NCD ZN10 10 5322062 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5322063 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 11 5322064 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5322065 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 12 5322066 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 13 5322067 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5322068 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 14 5322069 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5323013 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 15 5323014 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5323014A NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 16 5323015 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5323015A NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 17 5323015B NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 18 5326011 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5326012 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 19 5326028 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5327001 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 20 5327002 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5327003 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 21 5327004 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5327005 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 22 5327006 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 23 5327007 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5327008 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 24 5327050 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 5338001 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10 25 5338002 NC-3 Bayview NCD ZN10

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page i25 5338005 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 1 5338006 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 2 5338053 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5339007A NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 3 5339008 NC-3 Bavview NCO ZN10 5339009 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 4 5339010 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5339011 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5 5342007 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5342008 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 6 5342009A NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5342010 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 7 5358003 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 8 5358004 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5358005A NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 9 5358008 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5358009 NC-3 Rrivview NCO ZN10 10 5358011A NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5358012 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 11 5358013 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5358014 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 12 5358015 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 13 5358016 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5358025 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 14 5358026 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5358027 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 15 5358029 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5359004 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 16 5359004A NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5359004B NC-3 Bavview NCO ZN10 17 5359005 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 18 5362003 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5362004 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 19 5385001 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5385001A NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 20 5385002 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5385003 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 21 5387010 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5387022 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 22 5387023 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 23 5387024 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5387025 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 24 5387026 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5387027 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 25 5387028 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page i26 5387029 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 1 5387030 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 2 5387031 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5387032 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 3 5387033 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411001 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 4 5411002 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411003 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5 5411004 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411005 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 6 5411006 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411007 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 7 ------~ -" 5411008 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 8 5411009 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411010 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 9 5411011 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411014 NC-3 Bavview NCO ZN10 10 5411015 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411016 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 11 5411017 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411018 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 12 5411042 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 13 5411043 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411044 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 14 5411045 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411046 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 15 5411047 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411048 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 16 5411049 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 5411050 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 17 5413017 NC-3 Bayview NCO ZN10 18 5437033A NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5437034 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 19 5437035 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5437038 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 20 5437039 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5437040 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 21 5437041 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5437042 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 22 5438021 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 23 5438022 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5438023 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 24 5438026 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5438032 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 25 5438037 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 'i27 5438038 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 1 5438039 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 2 5438040 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5438042 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 3 5438043 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5438044 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 4 5438045 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5449024 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5 5449025 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5449026 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6 5449027 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5449028 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 7 ------~- 5449029 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 8 5449031 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5449032 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 9 5449034 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5450017 NC-? San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 10 5450018 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5450019 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 11 5450020 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5450021 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 12 5450025 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 13 5450026 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5450027 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 14 5450028 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5450032 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 15 5450033 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5450035 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 16 5457022 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5457023 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 17 5457024 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 18 5457027 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5457028 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 19 5457029 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5457030 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 20 5457031 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5457032 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 21 5457035 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5457037 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 22 5457038 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 23 5458010 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5458017 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 24 5458018 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5458019 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 25 5458020 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 128 5458025 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 1 5458026 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 2 5458028 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5467007 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 3 5467010 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5467011 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 4 5467012 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5467014 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5 5467015 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5467016 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6 5467017 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5467017C NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 7 ------5467018 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 8 5467022 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5467024 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 9 5467025 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5467026 NC-? San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 10 5467027 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5467029 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 11 5467030 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5467031 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 12 5467032 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 13 5881001 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5881002 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 14 5881003 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5881004 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 15 5881005 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5881020 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 16 5881021 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5881022 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 17 5924002A NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 18 5924003 5924003A NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 19 5924005 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 San Bruno Avenue 20 5924022 NC-2/RH-2 NCO/RH-2 ZN10 5924023 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 21 5924024 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5925003 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 22 5925004 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5925005 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 23 5925006 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 24 5925012 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5925031 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 25 5925033 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5925034 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 129 5925035 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 1 5981003 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 2 5981004 NC-2 5981005 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 3 5981006 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5981007 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 4 5981008 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5981009 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5 5981010B NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5981011 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6 5981012A NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5981031 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 7 5981032 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 8 5981033 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5981034 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 9 5981035 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5981036 NC-2 San Rnmo Avenue NCO ZN10 10 5981037 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5981038 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 11 5982001 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5982002 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 12 5982002B NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 13 5982002C NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5982003 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 14 5982003A NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5982004 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 15 5982004A NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5982004B NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 16 5982004C NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5982009 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 17 6048001 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 18 6048001A NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6048001B NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 19 6048001C NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6048002 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 20 6048005 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6048006 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 21 6048010 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6048011 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 22 6048012 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 23 6048013 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6048014 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 24 6048032 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 San Bruno Avenue 25 6048036 NC-2/RH-2 NCO/RH-2 ZN10

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 130 San Bruno Avenue 1 6048037 NC-2/RH-2 NCO/RH-2 ZN10 6049001 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 2 6049002 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6049002A NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 3 6049003 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 4 6049004 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6049005 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 5 6049006 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6049007 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6 6049008 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6049009 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 7 6049010 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6049011 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 8 6049012 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 9 6049013 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6049031 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 10 6121009A NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6121010A NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 11 6121026 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 6122001 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 12 6122022 NC-2 San Bruno Avenue NCO ZN10 13

14 Section 9. Sectional Map ZN 11 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San

15 Francisco is hereby amended, as follows: Use District To Be Use District Hereby Block and Lot Number 16 S uperse ded Approved Z on .mg Map Sh ee t 5659017A NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 17 5660016 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 18 5660017 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5660018 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 19 5660019 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5660020 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 20 5660038 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5660039 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 21 5660040 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5661017 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 22 5661018 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 23 5661019 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5661020 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 24 5661021 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5661022 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 25 5662017 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 131 5662017A NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 1 56620178 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 2 5663017 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5663017A NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 3 5663019 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5663019A NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 4 5663038 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5664016 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5 5664017 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5664018 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 6 5664019 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5665016 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 7 5665017 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 8 5665018 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5665019 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 9 5665020 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5665021 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCn 7N11 10 5666016 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5666017 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 11 5666018 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5666033 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 12 5666034 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 13 5667013 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5667014 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 14 5667015 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5667016 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 15 5667017 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5667018 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 16 5668017 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5668018 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 17 5668019 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 18 5668020 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5669014 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 19 5677001 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5677031 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 20 5677032 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5677033 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 21 5678001 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5678022 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 22 5678023 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5678024 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 23 5678025 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 24 5678026 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 5678027 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11 25 5678028 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCD ZN11

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 132 5678029 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 1 5678030 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 2 5678031 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5680001 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 3 5680006A NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5680008 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 4 5680009 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5680010 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5 5682001 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5682002 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 6 5682009 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5682011 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 7 5683001 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 8 5683001A NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5683010 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 9 5683011 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5683021 NC-? Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 10 5683022 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 5684018 NC-2 Cortland Avenue NCO ZN11 11 5642020 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5642027 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 12 5642028 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 13 5642049 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5642050 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 14 5642063 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5642064 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 15 5642065 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5673018 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 16 5673019 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5673020 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 17 5673021 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5673022 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 18 5673023 NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN11 19 5673024 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5673025 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 20 5673039 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5673040 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 21 5673041 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5673051 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 22 5673052 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 23 5673053 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5673054 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 24 5673055 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5674020 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 25 5674021 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 133 5674022 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 1 5674023 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 2 5712045 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660011 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 3 6660005 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660006 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 4 6660007 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660008 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 5 6660009 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660010 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6 6660012 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660013 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 7 6660015 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 8 6660016 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660023 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 9 6660024 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660025 NC-3 Mission Berna! NCO ZN11 10 6660026 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660028A NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 11 6660028B NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660050 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 12 6660055 NC-3/RH-2 Mission Bernal NCO/RH-2 ZN11 13 6660058 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660059 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 14 6660060 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 6660061 NC-3 Mission Bernal NCO ZN11 15 16 Section 10. Sectional Map ZN 12 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San

17 Francisco is hereby amended, as follows:

18 Use District To Be Use District Hereby Block and Lot Number s uperse d ed A pp rove d Z onm~. Map Sh eet 19 7226021C NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCO ZN12 7226021 NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCO ZN12 20 7226019 NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCO ZN12 7226020 NC-1 Lakeside Village NCO ZN12 21 7225013 NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCO ZN12 22 7224002 NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCO ZN12 7226021A NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCO ZN12 23 7225014A NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCO ZN12 7225014 NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCO ZN12 24 7226021B NC-1 Lakeside Village NCO ZN12 7223003 NC-1 Lakeside Village NCO ZN12 25 7224002A NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCO ZN12

Supervisors Walton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 134 7220003 NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCD ZN12 1 72240028 NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCD ZN12 Lakeside Villaqe NCD ZN12 2 7226019A NC-1 7225014C NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCD ZN12 3 7220003A NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCD ZN12 7223003A NC-1 Lakeside Village NCD ZN12 4 7226022 NC-1 Lakeside Village NCD ZN12 7223004 NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCD ZN12 5 7226023 NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCD ZN12 7226017 NC-1 Lakeside Villaqe NCD ZN12 6

7 Section 11. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective 30 days after

8 enactment. Enactment occurs when the Mayor signs the ordinance, the Mayor returns the

9 ordinance unsigned or does not sign the ordinance within ten days of receiving it, or the Board

10 of Supervisors overrides the Mayor's veto of the ordinance.


12 Section 12. Scope of Ordinance. In enacting this ordinance, the Board of Supervisors

13 intends to amend only those words, phrases, paragraphs, subsections, sections, articles,

14 numbers, punctuation marks, charts, diagrams, or any other constituent parts of the Municipal

15 Code that are explicitly shown in this ordinance as additions, deletions, Board amendment

16 additions, and Board amendment deletions in accordance with the "Note" that appears under

17 the official title of the ordinance. 18

19 APPROVED AS TO FORM: DENNIS J. HERRERAi'City Attorney 20 ! l ~······ 21 By: ~//fk:· JUDITH A. BOYAJIAN 22 Deputy City Attprn~y

23 n:\Jegana\as2020\2000229\01419089.docx 24 25

Supervisors ijalton; Fewer, Haney, Preston, Yee, Peskin, Safai BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 135 City and County of San Francisco City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place Tails San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 Ordinance

Fi!c Mumber: 191260 Date PRssed: January 21, 20?0

Ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish 1) the Inner Balboa Street Neighborhood Commercial District (NCO) generally including the properties along Balboa Street between 2nd and 8th Avenues, 2) the Outer Balboa Street NCO generally including the properties along Balboa Street between 32nd and 39th Avenues, 3) the Bayview NCO generally including the properties along 3rd Street from Yosemite to Jerrold Avenues, 4) the Cortland Avenue NCO generally including the properties along Cortland Avenue between Bonview and Folsom Streets, 5) the Geary Boulevard NCO generally including the properties along Geary Boulevard between Masonic and 28th Avenues, 6) the Mission Bernal NCO generally including the properties along Mission Street between Cesar Chavez and Randall Streets, 7) the San Bruno Avenue NCO generally including the properties along San Bruno Avenue between Hale and Olmstead Streets, 8) the Cole Valley NCO generally including the properties along Cole Street from Frederick to Grattan Streets and some parcels north of Carl Street and south of Parnassus, 9) the Lakeside Village NCO generally including the properties along Ocean Avenue between Junipero Serra Boulevard to 19th Avenue, 10) the Lower Haight Street NCO generaiiy including the properties aiong Haight Street between VVebster and Steiner Streets, ·j ·j) the Lower Polk Street NCO generally including non-contiguous properties along Polk Street from Geary Boulevard to Golden Gate Avenue with frontage on Geary Boulevard, Golden Gate Avenue, and other side streets, and 12) the Inner Taraval NCO generally including the properties along Taraval Street from 19th to Forest Side Avenues; amending the Zoning Map to include the new Neighborhood Commercial Districts; affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and adopting findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302.

January 13, 2020 Land Use and Transportation Committee - AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE

January 13, 2020 Land Use and Transportation Committee - RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED AS A COMMITTEE REPORT

January 14, 2020 Board of Supervisors - PASSED ON FIRST READING Ayes: 10 - Fewer, Haney, Mandelman, Mar, Peskin, Preston, Safai, Stefani, Walton and Yee Excused: 1 - Ronen

January 21, 2020 Board of Supervisors - FINALLY PASSED Ayes: 1O - Fewer, Haney, Mandelman, Mar, Peskin, Preston, Safai, Stefani, Walton and Yee Excused: 1 - Ronen

City and County ofSan Frandsco Page 1 Printed at 9:21 am on 1122120 File No. 191260 I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was FINALLY PASSED on 1/21/2020 by the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco.

London N. Breed Date Approved Mayor

City and County ofSan Francisco Page2 Printed at 9:21 am on 1122120