
/N Tins ISSUE:





li’-E.yT ^ > .if» • - e The Tavern Guild of Take extends its heartiest thanks the plunge, try to those who attended

BRADLEY’S CORNER, 900 C ole Street and supported C'.l.OUD 7, 2360 Polk S treet COVERED WAGON, 10th & Folsom Streets DENO’S RESTAURANT, Divisadero Street FICKLE FOX, 842 Valencia Street Empress Reba’s Galaxie Ball GANGWAY, 841 Larkin S treet GAS STATION, 298 Sixth Street GILDED CAGE, 126 Ellis Street CiOLD ROOM, 939 Geary Street GORDON’S, 840 Sansome Street HIGHLANDER, 395 Vermont Street HONEY BUCKET, 4146- 18th Street JUG’S LIQUORS, 2099 Market Street LEONARDA’S, 16 Leland Avenue LIBRA, 1884 Market Street LONELY BULL, 471 Turk Street LUCKY CLUB, 1801 MAPLE LEAF, 1548 MAUD’S STUDY, 937 Cole Street MEET MARKET, 1551 MISSOURI MULE, 2348 Market Street MY ROOM, 209 S tevenson S treet ON THE LEVEE, 987 Embarcadero OPERA CLUB, 621 Gough Street PARADOX, 3041 RAMROD, 1225 RED LION, 4611 Geary Boulevard RENDEZVOUS, 567 Sutter Street SPEAKEASY, 17th & Florida TACKY WENCH, 301 Turk Street TOOL BOX, 399 Fourth Street TOWER LOUNGE, 1488 Pine Street TRAPP, 72 Eddy Street

MARIN ALDO’S, 17500 Orchard Avenue, Ciuerneville HOUNDSTOOTH INN, 10 Woodland, San Rafael SUPPORT YOUR VI’S CLUB DRAKE, 1625 Sir Francis Drake, Fairfax Photograph by Walter Binder, San Francisco. TAVERN GUILD BAR MEMBERS. EAST BAY San Diego Reno Seattle BERRY’S, 352- I4th Street, Oakland Dave’s Coast Security Club Dave’s Westside Motel Dave’s Steam Bath GRANDMA’S HOUSE, 135-I2th, Oakland (Private”) 4969 Santa Monica 3001 W. Fourth Street 2402 First Ave. at Battery WATCH FOR DETAILS BIvcL, Ocean Beach, 224-90] 1 Heated Pool. 322-4403 Open 24 hours, MA 3-9338 INN-B-TWEEN, 2325 E. I4th Street, Oakland MANHOLE, 6534 F'oothill Boulevard, Oakland ON THE EMPRESS BALL OCTOBER 25. Dave’s Fox & Hounds Motel D ave’s V. I. P. Club (Your Bar) Heated Pool, 4.520 Mission Bay Behind Dave’s Westside Motel “Introductory card.s available Drive, 27.3-26.51 786-0525 at Dave’s other locatirms. PENINSULA Dino & T il’s , 2651 El Camino R eal, Redwood City Ediforiol The folowing letter was received by FAIRMONT STATIONERS Vector, attached to one of our survey 835 Larkin Street, San Francisco forms. It arrived hand-written, on white note paper, with no signature or indica­ Phone 885-1112 tion of the author. I feel that this letter The "Gay"est Stationery Store is representative of the thinking of many in San Francisco Bay Area persons; therefore, I am treating it with more attention than the ordinary “letter- to-the-Editor." My editorial reply follows to S.I.R. Members the letter. 10% Discount “A new item not mentioned on your rating sheets: 100 percent. Office Supplies For years now you have • Business Cards • Rubber Stamps been telling the public how great and successful S.I.R. is. I don’t read S.I.R. Vec­ tor every month, but when I SPECIAL BLACK LIGHT ROOM have, I have never seen a Posters - Paints - Decals financial statement. Other Psychedelic Items Money in the USA is the only true measure of suc­ cess. You could do much for GAY DEPARTMENT (rear of store) S.I.R. by publishing a Films - Book & Film Rental Service monthly financial report, if Male-Oriented Books - you are as great as you say Posters - Greeting Cards you are. Do you live up to your bragging?" Reading Room - Free Coffee PETS Larry Littlejohn, president of S.I.R., has informed me that S.I.R. has the largest budget of any homophile organ­ ization in the United States; however, ACCESSORIES our budget is not impressive, in the least, when compared to large corporations in private industry. ARTESANIAS Our financial statement is available THE to any member of S.I.R.; however, we MASCULINITY IN GROOMING do not see the benefit or the need of HOME FURNISHINGS publishing it in Vector. We are a NON­ AND ACCESSORIES LONELY BULL PROFIT organization and it is hardly congruous that we boast or try to dis­ 4148 - 18th St. play our financial prowess. (near Castro) L onely B nll ou I do not agree that the American Come in and see Phone 861-2151 dollar is the “only true measure of S p i e o i a l ^ success” in the United States. It is only our unusual line of a measure of monetary success. If I handcrafted furniture 2801 Leavenworth b b x j j s t o b : held your view, I would have to conclude and decorative items. 5ÍC AT THE CANNERY my work with Vector as a complete 11 A.M. TO 3 P.M. SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS Phone: 673-6010 failure. I receive no payment for my work on the publication and I could even You are not likely Open 7 days and HUEVOS RANCHEROS & MARGARITA $1.75 figure an economic loss in my time. But. to see any of these things evenings if I communicate one worthwhile thing elsewhere. to one person through Vector — I have DINNERS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY EVENING SIX TO ELEVEN achieved a personally satisfactory suc­ cess. S.I.R. is not in the business of making 4068- 18TH STREET (NEAR CASTRO) money. Its purpose is to improve the PHONE 552-0888 471 TURK STR EET SAN FRANCISCO 673-9891 situation of the homosexual in the United daily 10-5 States. If S.I.R. proves of help to an OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. individual, a group, or society-at-large. COCKTAILS .50 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 5 - 7 P.M. Continued on page 37 LETTERS S A N DIEGO Tbe TO THE EDITOR world famous

Editor; VOLUME FIVE The May-June 1968 Vector (p. 8) carried NUMBER NINE an article by W. E. Beardemphl concerning DOLL the gangs of punks who roamed the Castro A VOICE FOR THE HOMOSEXUAL COMMUNITY ViKiNQ Market area victimizing gay persons. The CREATIVE MEN'S HAIR STYLING article noted they were given all but a free hand and endorsement by the one time Presi­ Editor Don Collins dent of the Eureka Valley Merchants Asso­ Copyright 1969 by The Society for Individual Rights ciation, Mr. Bill Dunlap, owner of the Valley m WET SCISSORS & RAZOR E;ditorial Review Board Pride Market. My efforts toward the control CUTTING FOR A SOFT Larry R. Littlejohn VECTOR is the official monthly publication of the of this problem were noted, which efforts I NATURAL LOOK Presiiicnl Society for Individual RighLs. 83 - 6th St.. San Fran­ shall continue, and for which reason I have Bill Piatii, Director. cisco 94103, ■ FROSTING HIGHLIGHTS retained my position on the Police Community Public Relations Relations Unit. Eureka Valley, though re­ Robert Cramer ■ HAIR RELAXING 756 Ventura Place, Mission Beach Director. Publications tired from active business. across the street from the Roller Coaster ■ COLORING As a result of that article an “ unofficial" Business Management WHAT IS S.I.R.? but highly effective “boycott” of Mr. Dun­ Dale Switzer lap’s business commenced, participated in SIR is five years old and already the largest on the Treasurer active homosexual organization in the United States. New Styling Hours by “ gay” and “ straight” alike. From 66-80 SIR is dedicated to giving freedom to the homosexual percent of those who formerly traded with Advertising male and female, fi-eedom from guilt, harassment, and him, within the gay and sympathetic com­ Gene Green social injustice. 12 Noon to 8 PM munity, took their business elsewhere, with “ Believing in our democratic heritage and that ethical a levelling off estimate (from reliable inside BfACfl Circulation values are self-determined and limited only by every FOR APPOINTMENT sources) at 75 percent. This was “ gay power” Richard Lasker person's right to decide his own. we organize for; the reaffirming of individual pride and dignity regardless 626-3102 □ 2225 MARKET at work! Photography of orientation; the elimination of the public stigma at­ Sonja — Joel - Vi Mr. Dunlap recently sold his once flour­ Dancing Jim Briggs tached to human self-expression: the accomplishing of ishing business, and there is no doubt this VV. Binder effective changes in unjust laws concerning private re­ was a contributing factor. I have met with lationships among consenting adults; the giving of real and substantial aid to membei-s in difficulties; the pro­ the new owner and can assure you that we Poetry Editor moting of better physical, mental and emotional health; are no longer confronted with an anti-gay Paul Mariah the creating of a sense of community: and the estab­ feeling at the Valley Pride. The new owner. lishing of an attractive social atmosphere and construc­ “ Mr. Sam” has had many friends in the Contributor' tive outlets for members and their friends.” DECORATING? Preamble, S.I.R. Cnii.ititutum gay community, for he operates a business H. Babbitt in the Tenderloin. He has asked me to con­ J. Buckley NOTICE TO ADVËRTISKRS vey to all that he will be most pleased to HAVE YOU P. George VECTOR is produced by unpaid staff and volunteer work with us for better understanding. C. Haines workers who donate their time towards the attainment TRIED THE GREEK WAY? L. Howell of S.I.R.'s expressed goals. Advertising is solicited With the departure of Mr. Dunlap “ Castro L. Littlejohn from such firms a.s wish to support these aims, and can Gulch” for the most part is receptive toward be accepted with no condition other than that copy shall U. Martin CO UN TR Y us. However, as in all areas there are still G. Mendenhall be correct as ordered and that the magazine shall issue those who openly and repeatedly berate and M. Montezuma before the end of the month of publication. Copy .should L O O K . . . be wotxled to avoid dated material, and should be sub­ try to make life difficult for homosexuals. Si IN. HIGH B. Plath mitted accompanied by check in full payment befoi-e Vector can contribute a useful and needed the 10th of the month proceeding publication. GINGHAM service to the Community by again noting IMPORTS FROM GREECE IN the conditions in Castro Gulch — conditions Articles represent the viewpoint of the writers and are STATUES, RUGS, W ALL PLAQUES, not necessarily the opinion of the SOCIETY FOR IN­ 5 COLORS all too easily affirmed by other Gay busi­ DIVIDUAL RIGHTS. nessmen. Already there has begun an exodus HAND PAINTED WALL PLATES, WITH of our people (merchants and residents alike) AND VASES OF WHITE APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Enclosed Please Find: from this District which once held real prom­ ANCIENT DESIGN. ( ] M oney O rd e r ( ] O th er ise. Perhaps we can reverse this sad trend. MANY MORE IMPORTS ARRIVING SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS In T h e A m o u n t O f: Thomas M. Edwards FROM GREECE SOON! 83 Sixth Street-San Francisco, 94103 Telephone: (415) 781-1570 ( ) $ 100 Lifetiine Member OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY [ ] $10 1 Yr. Voting Member MsCASUAL ONLY FROM 11AM-5;30 PM 1 1 1 Yi. VECTOR Sub. A TTENTION: MEMBERSHIP COMMIETTEE ( ] N ew ( ] R enew al COVER PHOTO: WHOLESALE PRICES MAN Phone; 1201 Sutter at POLK Vector views this photograph by Walter 752-2088 Name: Render as an artistic interpretation of the 776-5606 homosexual's loneness. The figure has been ZEUS forced into “ a corner," but is bent in Citv: .Stare: Zip HOURS thoughtfulness, rather than submission. IMPORTS FROM GREECE! DAILY 10:30-7 3717 BALBOA AT 38TH AVENUE I Certify that I am twenty-one years o f age or older. SATURDAY 10-6

SIGNED: A Liberal for Supervisor?

by Connie Haines and George Mendenhall

Charming, young (34), attractive, in­ telligent and articulate—this is Dianne Feinstein. She is a native San Francis­ can who has made a favorable reputation among local liberals by fighting for jail reform. She is now seeking a first term on the Board of Supervisors. Supervisors traditionally represent seg­ ments of society, there is: an Italian, a Fo r five years no. 1 in Seattle... Black, an Irishman, and of course, the token woman. This is now Dorothy von Diane Feinstein and George Mendenhall Beroldineen. who came on the Board as a “ liberal” appointment and has program, believes more officers should concept of public health centers into the since taken a more conservative stand. be put back on the “beats” where they neighborhoods. The supervisor candidate She opposed the Board resolution that can meet people, believes that the police stressed that our sex laws are outdated would have supported Assemblyman over react out of fear, that Officer Rod­ She is enthusiastic about greatly ex­ Willie Brown's controversial sex law. ney Williams should be made Deputy ported Assemblyman Browns consensual She has made it clear that she is proud Chief of the Police Department, states sex law. to have helped to cut taxes; although, that the powerful Police Officers Asso­ Some Board members have poor at­ this meant reducing aid to the needy. ciation will not dominate the Board and tendance records because their pro­ Feinstein is already getting questions believes officer Michael O’Brien (who fessions must also be maintained to about the fact that millionaire Louis killed a Black man in an alley and was afford them a steady income. Dianne Lurie, considered a “ law and order” freed of the charge) would have been emphasizes that she is financially inde­ spokesman, is on her finance committee. washed out early if there had been ade­ pendent and will devote her time ex­ She explains this by saying that he quate psychological testing in the de­ clusively to being a full-time Board “ knew me when I was a child" and is partment. She concludes that civil service member. a longtime friend of the family. examinations often do not get the right S.I.R. members and friends may meet Dianne (she is the kind of informal men for the right jobs. Dianne Feinstein when she appears at person that you feel that you can call S.I.R. Center on a September Friday novT- tliere are 2, Although she did not offer a specific “ Dianne” from the start) identifies her­ Forum. She will answer questions on iDOtli. Tor a n d n e v r self as a “ liberal;” while von Berolden- plan, Dianne said that she favors a na­ Wed., Sept. 17, the Annual Candidates’ gen says that she doesn’t want any tional welfare and the expansion of the Night at S.I.R. label. ATLAS CLUB Taking on Sheriff Mathew Carberry publicly endeared Dianne to many lib­ erals who have long been aware of this S.I.R. Building Fund Auction man’s shocking indifference toward prisoner care. Dianne has consistently Nearly one thousand persons crowded attended the auction in the RAMROD, called out for more humane treatment into the RAMROD on the Folsom Street contributing to the fund by biding on of prisoners at the city and county jails, Miracle Mile between the hours of 3p.m. and buying various items. and for additional staffing. She served and midnight on Aug. 10, to attend an as Chairman of the Adult Detention Ad­ auction, with total proceeds going to Struck by the homophile community’s visory Board, on the Woman’s Board of S.I.R.’s building fund. motivation and organization in conducting Terms and Parole, and is now a member An enthusiastic crowd bid excitedly and supporting a fund-raising event, of the Mayor’s Crime Commission. on both the unusual and the useful, the TIME/LIFE dispatched a photographer Dr. Bertram Feinstein, Dianne’s hus­ bazaar and the mundane, in the bustling to record the auction highlights. The band, is Associate Chief of Neurosur­ bar. Approximately $1,000 was collected photographs of the auction are to be gery at Mount Zion Hospital. Her for S.I.R.’s building fund. Items of a used in a future issue of TIME, when daughter, Kathy, is 12. A native of San wide variety were donated by generous the magazine prints its in-depth story on Gay life in San Francisco. Francisco, she lives with her family in persons anxious to contribute their part % a spacious English home in the Pacific to “the cause.” The auction was a side of the homo­ Heights district, where Vector inter­ Various personalities in the homophile phile community which is often over­ viewed her. community hightened the event by contri­ looked; binding together in a fun-filled Some of Dianne Feinstein’s impres­ buting their presence and entertaining and useful event to benefit the homophile sions on the local police are significant. the crowd with their wit. Competitive cause. This event is one of several to be She is enthusiastic about greatly ex­ boundaries were dropped for the event. scheduled and held to collect money for panding the police-community relations Bar owners from throughout the city S.I.R, s building fund. Dear Madam Soto-lhce Will Success Spoil jane Groin? ______by Aida Soto-lbce

Ballroom in Los Angeles, California. As a person attains high position in the arts or business they are expected to maintain social contact with their public or their fellow employees. They are likely to find themselves frozen in ad­ vancement or sliding backwards without this contact even if it borders on being a crashing bore. Ah yes, I remember so well not too long ago when I was with the Southern Idaho were judging an amateur contest. The semi-retired star of the Dash Rhinegold by Wagner in Bliss, opera and concert stage. Idaho. I received a phone call from the Dear Madam Soto-Voce: head of the womans’ guild in the nearby My problem is that I have too little town of Glenns Ferry, asking if I and patience, and my lover has too much. two others from our company would My lover has recently been promoted to grace them by judging a talent contest. a very good position in the bank where I accepted and asked Don Suise, the com­ he works. It seems that now he is get­ pany ticket manager and his lover Jane ting roped into more unnecessary dull Groin, who was playing Flosshilda the activities that don’t really interest him Rhine Nymph. It turned out that we like, the company bowling league and were judging an amature contest. The the company mixed chorus. He was even very thought put Miss Groin in agony chosen to judge a beauty contest at the from the beginning. The program opened S E P T . 13 9 til 2 bank’s annual picnic. I attended a few with Miss Marsha Newton in a pink of these affairs and found it almost im­ dotted Swiss pinafore playing “Nola” on possible to restrain my tongue and the spoons; then Ginny Bigs and Dova temper. Staller in matched calico print dresses He seems so calm about all these sang “The Old Rugged Cross” in Duet. impositions on the time that we should This was followed by Miss Opal Villa­ spend together. He says his position nueva in a puffy white peasant blouse “ obliges him to be at all these activi­ and full red satin skirt playing “ Lady ties.’’ Madam, because of all these activ­ of Spain” on the accordion while doing ities are so time consuming and I feel a tap dance! There were several other that they are so silly, that we seem to acts of similar style for some time longer. fight more and more. 1 feel that our After the show, as we were putting relationship is in danger. the top up on my Packard Phaeton, Please Advise. Miss Groin started to rave about what Home Alone a gross imposition the whole trip to DANCIW ANYTIME Glenns Ferry had been. Calm Don Suise Dear Home. didn’t want to fight in front of me, and What your lover is talking about is since we hadn’t left town, said nothing. AND IF YOU MUST GO TO L.A. BE SURE TO VISIT what the French call “ nobless oblige” In the car and on the way, I felt that DAVID'S IN HOLLYWOOD or “ nobility is obliged.” I must admit I must interject for the good of their that I have frequently found myself in relationship and the future of Miss PARADOX DAVID'S the same position as your lover. Way Groin’s career. I told her that it was back when I was a young struggling absolutely essential that she change her 3041 GEARY BOULEVARD 7013 MELROSE starlet with the Ashland Avenue Ideal attitude and treatment of people or she SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES Opera Company in St. Paul, Minnesota would probably lose a lover and spend Telephone 387-2141 934-5730 I was never called on to do anything the rest of her career singing no part but sing. As time passed and I became bigger than that of a Rhine Nymph. more famous, I w’as called on to involve If the public is going to make a star DINNERS NIGHTLY 6 unlit 70 myself in many non-operatic appearances out of someone, they expect that person BRUNCH SATURDAY 5 SUNDAY 11 until 4 from being a judge at a cooking contest to be concerned with the things that in Lame Deer, Montana, to judging a they consider important. Politicians, per- muscle man show at the Garden of Allah Cmtimied on page 36 LOS ANGELES ’69 Ma^da at the Theatre MILL by Jeff Buckley AS MAGDA SEES IT Los Angeles was hot last month but campiest movie of the year, ‘The Krem­ by Magdalena Montezuma only weather-wise. The bar scene, es­ lin Letter’, in which George Sanders pecially in the Hollywood area, was as and Burges Meredity portray drag Well baby, it’s not Mother Goose that craftsy, it seemed a little too much. busy and as varied as it ever was. How­ queens. As for ‘Myra Breckinridge’ — is the subject of GEESE. This off-Broad- “ Parents and Children” is a parallel ever, one Sunday three of the most I have not heard how they plan to in­ way success has arrived in town with hate/love scene between husband and popular bars, all owned by the same troduce the dildo which, as I recall from much pro and con comment on it’s treat­ wife at the same time their young son guys, were visited briefly by police or reading that so-so novel by Gore Vidal, ment of the “ controversial subject of is waking to the love of a young man in 228 E. BLITH D ALE ST. fire personnel in response to calls now played a most important part in the homosexuality’’. Unfortunately, due to his upstairs bedroom. The “ V. Woolf’- deadline time, I witnessed one of the ish battle of the parents is carried off Phone: 388-5050 known to have been made by another story. Perhaps they plan auditions — bar owning group. In the bar business though that is hardly the word — to prevues of the show now open at the by Frank Thompson and Merle McDill in here, as in politics, all is fair. select something suitable. The FFA and Encore, and therefore it may not be a very active fashion. The pseudo/sex On the local political scene we await Chauncey’s owner should follow develop­ fair to the production which had had it’s scene of the two boys portrayed by Jim the selection of a new police chief. The ments here! And ailing TVentieth Cen­ share of troubles prior to the official Sink and Bill McQuiston is busy, if a □ opening. I think the main problem of the little too hurried and matter of fact for choice will probably be Inspector Davis tury Fox could certainly do with a good UPHOLSTERING the next in command under the last chief, financial ‘goose’ at the moment so maybe show is that they tried a little too hard the supposedly virginal Little Bill. Thomas Reddin, who resigned in April these two films will put them back in the and the point that was being made was The most jarring note of the evening as part of a dramatic political move to black ink column. so hammered home that unless you hap­ is the “ Hair’’-y finale which has the help Mayor Yorty’s then slim chance at Addenda for your bar guide: The pen to be the ultra-hardheaded type, entire cast and various heretofore unseen □ re-election. Reddin joined the dullest and Tradesman, on Melrose Avenue, is now your attention begins to wander very personnel on stage clothed in filmy white most reactionary of the local TV stations. called The Zodiac; it has become the soon. Music and'^a tight show have been cloaks over their nude bodies entreating Channel 5, as their star announcer at a busiest after hours spot in Hollywood as added to the production (which was done us not to “ come to the sunshine’’ this □ salary reputed to be $1(X),000 yearly. well as being a popular bar. David’s is in N.Y. without the psychedelic touchs time, but rather to find out that “ love "We Sell — His nightly drab and little red school- the name for the old Red Raven and it I am told) and sometimes they are just is the answer” . As I stated earlier, one house pontifications assure the sweet is as busy as ever. The Better Mousetrap too much of a distraction from the ac­ can get the message of the playlets Workmanship’' old ladies and semi-literate red necks on Melrose closed several weeks ago. tion in front and yet sometimes you can’t very early and very easily, but for those who abound in this town that he is not The Arena, also on Melrose, is a liquor wait to see the next slide come on the Continued on page 36 only for law and order but for what he bar similar to The Ramrod. It has a fan­ rear screen. calls ‘morality’. And so, whoever is tastic mural on the back wall (by Dirk The show is made up of two one-act WORLD GUIDE BOOK chosen will not be any worse than either of San Francisco) but does not show' plays dealing with love and showing us TRIPPING AROUND Reddin or his late predecessor, Parker, movies. The other active leather bars that love can solve everything from who left an efficient but Victorian ma­ are The Gearbox, which serves liquor loneliness to old age, as well as get you VI’S CLUB THE WORLD? chine behind when he died. and The Falcon’s Lair. And in the High­ into your friendly, neighborhood frater­ I have not mentioned places to eat in land Park district a new health club nity. The title play concerns the Christ­ the Los Angeles area before and as they opened on Eagle Rock Boulevard: it is mas visit of a young girl to her parents have just re-opened after the summer called The Aquarius. and an old schoolteacher. She brings along her roommate/lover much to the DRAKE vacation I would like to put in a few honestly unsolicited words for Lillian’s. surprise of the silver lame surburia Hundreds of It is on La Brea between Sunset and household. Candi Thornell in the role of ED MILLER OR ROLLING DOWN Debora, the returning daughter, is more Santa Monica Boulevards. 'The two own­ GORDON'S at the Grand Beautiful TO RIO? ers, old Hollywood hands, serve home- convincing in her singing than her act­ cooked dinners (even the bread is baked MOST WORTHY CAUSE ing, but Kathryn Wiget is properly butch/fem enough to convey the exact DANCING ■ POOL TABLES Framed Antique YOU OR YOUR FRIENDS there) from six to ten o’clock except on AUCTION GOING TO EUROPE? Sunday and Monday. Wine or liquor is extent of her relationship to Debora on S.I.R. Benefit not served but if you bring your own her first entrance. No one in this or in Engravings LE GUIDE GRIS bottle they will happily provide glasses. All-Star Auctioneers the other one-act comes as close to be- One block from (enlarged and revised) Lillian’s is celebrating its fourth anni­ lievability as Merle McDill in a fine Marin Town & Country Club is a complete guide to Europe Many Unusual Items at up to 50% off versary this month and in such a com­ delineation of the frustrated latent and the rest of the world outside schoolteacher. The “ sex” scene is the United States - Bars, Hotels, petitive business this speaks for itself. New and White Elephant handled well and I do not think would Your Hosts; and other facilities — 67 world Dine early but be sure to make a res­ SEPTEMBER 14-SUNDAY countries including Latin America ervation. offend anyone but the most puritan Claude and Don 12 maps of major European cities While cruising over at Schwab’s drug­ 2 'T IL ? (not in this day of “X” rated films). 74 listing in London alone. store I heard that Mae West is almost Joan Schumacher and Frank Thompson Cal-Art Be Sure To Attend are properly whitefaced and wooden in certain to take the part of the woman 2343 MARKET LE GUIDE GRIS agent in ‘Myra Breckinridge’ and that Contributions Needed the roles of the misunderstanding par­ % VECTOR she will contribute some original dialogue. From S. I. R. Members ents. 1625 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE DAILY 11-7 • SUNDAY 12-4 83 Sixth Street Part two of the double bill beings with FAIRFAX • MARIN COUNTY San Francisco. California 94103 I also heard that even director John In the Playroom Huston wants to be in this film now roll­ a flower-giving musical number which For the lasting enjoyment of your S5 00 ing at Twentieth Century Fox. Huston GORDON’S entreats the audience to “come and see art work — let us do your framing. love” . Although very nice and artsy- has just completed what should be the 840 Sansome - San Francisco The Police Bent V' Behind the Scene

Gourmet Glide Methodist International Soul Foods Women's Rights and S.I.R. ------i------by Del Mart in Louisiana Gumbo Gay Show Del Martin is chairman of Citizens Alert, of the Equal Employment Opportunity Honduran Malis an organization advocating police reform. Commission to de-sexegrate their help The evening of July 21, saw a graphic Armenian Flaming Brochettes She is a founding member of Daughters wanted ads. “Whereas, the future of the homophile example of the Church and the homo­ community depends upon unity — for Memphis Ham Hocks of Bili tis. The Vector staff likewise, concerned with promoting participation by women phile community united, a gay show in united we stand, and divided, they will Dinners from S2.95 Pam Allen, a member of the in S.I.R., spoke to me about the possi­ the sanctuary of Glide Memorial Metho­ pick us off one by one; and 6:00 to 11:00 Women’s Liberation, suggested at the bility of a Woman’s Page for the maga­ dist Church, 330 Ellis, San Francisco. “Whereas, the future of the homophile Glide Conference on “Emerging Life The show was one of several "happen­ Mon — Sat zine. It was a sincere, well-meaning offer community depends on greater under­ Styles” that possibly the first break­ — but unthinking, even insulting. In ings” held at Glide in conjunction with standing; and through with men on the subject of the actuality it was just another put down, a two-week conference on “ Emerging “Whereas, reliable research can bring Lunches from S1.60 liberation of women might come through relegating women to a particular section Life Styles,” sponsored by the Glide about better understanding: 11:30 to 2:30 the male homosexual. The Rev. Ted and not involving them in the mainstream Foundation and the National Sex and “Therefore, the Empress Reba, Sov­ Mon — Fri Mcllvenna disagreed vehemently, and cer­ of S.I.R.’s activities. And another oppor­ Drug Forum. ereign of San Francisco’s Fairyland, the tainly there is enough evidence that many tunity for those who would skip the The show, "Gay Life With Style,” High Queen of all the queens. Supreme men in the homophile community do women to skip the page! was arranged and emceed by Bill Plath, Ruler of North America’s Homophile react bitterly against women. But secondly, S.I.R. as an organiza­ and carried a full bill of Gay performers Communities, hereby decrees to her loyal Soul Music Thurs - Sun However, interestingly enough, prior tion and the males in the homophile com­ presenting Gay-oriented entertainment. subjects of the Greater Bay Area that Evenings to this encounter I had been invited by munity as a whole should realize that the Playing to an enthusiastic and apprecia­ they give full cooperation to Tom Maurer, the Vector staff to do an article on liberation of women will lead ultimately tive audience was the popular comedi­ the Grand Wizard of the Kinsey Insti­ \/ women’s rights. I decided to take them to the liberation of men as well. Both enne, J. J. Van Dyke, currently appear­ tute.” up on it because 1 do believe it is a valid sexes are tied to ill-fitting roles, which is ing at Finnochio’s, who lamented the The show, desingèd to provide insight the Scene subject and should be considered quite certainly what the younger generation is trials of the “over-forty fairy.” Big into the homophile community’s life Cocktail Lounge seriously by the Society for Individual pointing out quite graphically. Bonding a Jimmy Madus of the Frolic Room style, was warmly received by the au­ Clay & Fillmore 567-0593 Rights. woman to the home and relegating to her “brought down the house” with his dience. The show might well be described First of all, S.I.R. has always en­ full responsibility for the rearing of chil­ Shirley Temple number. Don Burton, a as the highlight of Glide’s conference on couraged women to join and participate dren, simply because she is biologically youthful newcomer, sang a medley of life styles. in organizational functions, but it has capable of bearing children, has certainly gay protest songs, concluding the score never really grappled with the problems proved illogical and damaging to a helluva with a beautiful and original ballad of the Lesbian. That the female homo­ lot of psyches. It isn’t only the male dedicated to his lover. sexual has not been particularly active homosexual who has suffered because of Pantomine is a major part of Gay and does not turn out in numbers to “the dominant mother and the absent or entertainment, and artists in this me­ homophile fund-raising benefits, for in­ weak father” ! dium appearing in “drag” included: Pat Now Featuring stance, might well be related directly to As Una Stannard said in her book. Montclair of the Frolic Room, Randy some very important issues in the The New Pamela, “a good mother is as “ Little Michelle,” and the Princess Royal THE MARVIN GARDENS women’s riglits movement — equal pay 9TH W A ^ is the smashing new dis­ rare as a good lover.” As a society we Fanny both of the Scoreboard,and Rox­ covery in n en'siK ial skin conditioner. for equal work, limitation of opportuni­ EVERY THURSDAY 9 PM TO 1 AM Not only fef tqhIhWfor rcfreshinj- have glorified and at the same time anne of the Grubstake'. Charlie Kay did for giving kou th k tu m e exhitaratirig ties for women in education and profes­ damned “Momism.” Must we continue his touching clown act, and Go-Go dan- EVERY SUNDAY 6 PM TO 10 PM skin sensamn a$/a Blunge in th4 surf. ; sions, job discrimination except in low- 9TH WAVE actuallyVombats th^it old this insanity? Let’s face it. There is Fanny both of the Scoreboard, and Rox- look on rfiens skin/ The stress and paying clerical work, restrictions on over­ strain of today's ¡Vingbrings Imes — nothing innate or instinctual about and Chuck of the Frolic Room, Lucky of wrinkes— dried upf skin.^ Men lo w old time and weight lifting (protective laws the Scoreboard and Louis. prem atur^. W hii wants to look old which effectively keep women from motherhood. There are courses in hos­ before theii\tim(^ not you. Piano accompanist for the show was attaining promotions, etc.). pitals for expectant mothers on the care Banish thosà awsfeet— ttioe4-tell‘ and feeding of babies, and Dr. Spock is Bob Turner. Behind the scenes, Laird tale age line t/ook younger! Feel The Lesbian may not be as dis­ younger! Be ^ouw^r! take afplunge no lady. Suttom handled the sound and Barbara in the surf. advantaged as the male homosexual with and Pat controlled the lights. Remember — 9T« WAVE kekpkyou legal problems of enticement or entrap­ We cannot afford to leave the rearing looking good. Money back if/not de­ of children to happenstance, to untrained Midway in the performance, Del Mar­ lighted. Try it at oiH expensi-ydu’ll ment by decoy police officers, but in the be glad you did. iHREE MONlyfS women who may or may not have an tin read the following proclamation from SUPPLY- onty $3.90 Postage PaM. homophile movement she has always con­ Nothing to lose extept winkles aptitude for this profession. Children do Empress Reba, who was unable to at­ cerned herself with these questions (as crowsfeet! j ■i not belong to women. They are the tend: \ evidenced by the many convention pro­ TRAD')^MARKs^ responsibility of both men and women in grams of the Daughters of Bilitis). It is our society. time that the male homosexual recog­ At the same Glide conference, John HEAR nized and supported his “sister” in the The Candidates In Person McHale, a nationally renowned futurist, Send order to:V| additional discrimination she faces,.just CANDIDATES NIGHT AT S.I.R. pointed out that the period in the life of Wednesday, Sept. 17 because she is a woman! A few thouglit the individual when he shows the greatest so when they joined the picket line in 8 pm — S.I.R. Center AVE PRODUCTS growth in intelligence is between the ages P.O. Box S67. Dept IB front of the Hearst Building when the Also a discussion of the San Francisco. CA 94101 of six months and four years. Yet our National Organization for Women pro­ major ballot propositions greatest investment fiscally is at the col­ 7 p.m. Dinner — $1.50 2742 - 17TH ST. (BETWEEN BRYANT AND HARRISON) tested the failure of the San Francisco lege level when our capacity to learn is in newspapers to comply with the mandate Continued on page 33 Presidentas Column New Officers for a h s Man’s Greatness? FOR THE MAN APART DOB & NOVA ------t>y Larry Littlejohn FROM THE CROWD a'f'92, MAN WALKS ON THE MOON! We and reject those who are different. As a 56^ On New officers will be taking over both live in exciting times. More is happening social being man today is scarcely a day the Daughters of Bilitis and NOVA soon. in our lifetime than has happened at older than tribal man who lived in caves NOVA will have a party for Sue anytime in histoiy. Change is dramatic and feared the unknown and the dif­ PET SHOP (Happy Birthday!) at 10 PM on Satur­ and rapid. We have harnessed the power ferent. Mankind took a giant step for­ of atomic energy. We have transplated OPEN EVERY DAY day, Sept. 13. Nominations for officers ward in the physical sphere when man will be heard at the 8 PM meeting earlier human hearts. We have taken the first stepped on the moon. Will mankind now or they can be mailed to NOVA (see step in man’s epic journey into space. be inspired to take a giant step fonvard below). The party-meeting will be at 850 MAN WALKS ON THE MOON! And in the human sphere? Can we. each of Elizabeth Street in San Francisco. millions of Americans must continue to us, love one another in the wealth of Girls and guys are both welcome to live furtive and secretive lives to escape our individualities instead of destroying ENCHILADAS consignment to the role of sub-humans a Saturday, August 30 party-dance at each other because of our differences? JUMBO DOGS 8 PM. This one will be at 25920 Moody and second class citizens. The U.S. Su­ Can we now begin to love our fellow preme Court rules that homosexuals may Road, Los Altos. NOVA will be using man simply because he is man and not TACOS Californian its new tape recorder for the first time. be deported as undesirable aliens because fear and hate him because he is different: homosexuals may properly be classified Instructions on how to get to this event because he is Jew\ or black, or homosex­ HAMBURGERS as psychopaths. Our friend and member are at S.I.R. (781-1570). Gals can stay ual. or any other difference? Today there Snacks Frank Bartley is murdered by an under­ TAMALES over night (bring sleeping gear) and is as much challenge in our human lives horseback ride on Sunday. cover vice officer in Berkeley. The homo­ as there is in space. In our generation CHILI CON CARNE sexual employee is fired from his job. The Highlander, a SF bar, has chal­ we could change human relationships as 10 AM TO 10 P M - The homosexual serviceman is given an dramatically and as rapidly as we have BREAKFAST lenged NOVA to softball. (Contact Jan 1147 POLK 775-1262 undesirable discharge. advanced from Kitty Hawk to Cape at 648-5165 or ask at The Lancers in MAN WALKS ON THE MOON! Yet Oakland. Kennedy. Whether we change the quality man continues to stumble on earth. We of life in this generation or destroy all NOVA heard Attorney David Clayton continue to kill, torture, mistreat, scorn, life is up to each one of us. speak at an August meeting at S.I.R. Center. on the peninsula, it's The Harding Daughters of Bilitis upset the gay crowd gathered for its great August Theatre Dinner-Dance. They surprised the group 616 DIVISADERO with a very movable Go-Go Girl. The (AT HAYES) crowd enjoyed a Jackson’s dinner and a rock band. No one wanted to go home SAN FRANCISCO and talk of another such event is started 563-7536 already. OPEN 10 AM (SUN.-NOON) Over $100 was collected at the D.O.B. MIDNIGHT SHOWS FRI. & SAT. “flea market” sale at the Cow Palace w in August. S.I.R. even ended up with four archaic D.O.B. typewriters. Connie OFFERING THE thanks all who participated. MOST IN Discussion groups continue with one scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 7 at 2 pm. d MALE SHOWS Call Connie (below) for details. New officers will take the reigns of A THEATRE FOR THE the local D.O.B. chapter on Friday, Sep. 137 EAST FOURTH 12, when elections are held. Come along GAY COMMUNITY and see the newly remodeled offices at in beautiful 1005 Market Street (near 6th Street) downtown San Mateo ! Meeting time: 8 pm. open daily t il 5:30 where good friends meet OUR PRICE $4 Both NOVA and D.O.B. have monthly 344-5342 newsletters. For more information call 2651 EL CAMINO REAL * TUBS. AND THURS. $3 TILL 7 PM Connie (D.O.B.) at 237-6003 or write REDWOOD CITY 366-4955 NOVA at Box 6184, Albany. 2 OR MORE AFTER TPM $3. ea. Street ^ S.I.R. welcomes women to all events... 1942 Nlorfcct San Francisco Sunday Champagne Brunch Check the S.I.R. calendar for September telephone 626-0683 ADULTS PLEASE! 11-3 $1.50 in this issue. We wish to thank the women’s groups for their generous cover­ age of S.I.R. events in their newsletters. PAGE 16 SEPTEMBER 1909 — VECTOR PAGE 17 THE PLACE WHERE

in the place where her breasts come together two thumbs’ width of POETEY channel ride my HANDS eyes to anchor hands to angle Hands drop to the side. Shake loose. in the place where her legs come together The air carries them I said 'you smell like the FROM THE S.I.R. to the keyboard ocean ’ and lay down my tongue POETRY WORKSHOP where your eyes balance OISTILLE“ 0^^ beside the dark tooth edge to prepare for music. of sleeping 'swim' she told me and / GIN did, I did Before you played for me □ ISTILLCD M IOM lOOl CRAIN HCUTRAL SPIRITS I thought you were Percy Schelley

BOTTLED BY Judy G rahn or Artur Rimbaud, GRENIER DISTRIBUTING CO SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. and held your glass hands FROM BOTH SIDES like poems,

Love, I ha ve seen you they are molten and musical. from both sides. Beethoven walks around cd Lying inside you together as you do, like the rain. j / i A J j O à de male and female, with my tongue William Barber running from breast i c U H £ M to taut nipple of chest, from the Eternal Cave s W HITE DRUM to tip of rod, naming inside the cave fortunately the gkins an inhabitant traversing peel back to let in strokes of measured us in feelings of pulp moving in-ches in-ches under the mouth who finds and my tongue running how sweet to be up the sac, seam, head, how blonde your engulfing the flower hips fit and its stamen. The stretch of my tongue from root / kiss your to stem, from neck ears your blood to and based bangs into my like a statue of liberty love my life beats your phallus ge.sturing sing it upwardly, upmanly From full-mouthed breast fortunately the skins shout to triarrgnlar temple tambourine speeches of the, I, lying we understand betiveen the two, am hunted brush of your hair in electric ivith love, my ears who find your discharge them equally belly a White Drum thumping Miss Maxine W e ld o n and worship them Divine. snare to come upon how JERRY HAHN TRIO I have .seen you. Love, blonde you are from both sides and 542 UNION STREET bare been your man and / suck your lips your teeth SAN FRANCISCO have been your u'oman: bite into my I erect two temples and lie life my red love 421-5765 between them and. Love, take it I have seen you Closed Monday BOTTIEO BY from both sides. Judy G rahn GRENIER DISTRIBUTING CO Featuring Prime Rib I SAN fRANCISCO, CAUf. Paul Mai'iah Nightly Vector: Would you comment on the “Gay is This Month Good” slogan? Jones: I basically agree with it. except that I might change the wording to "Gay Can Be Good” . It all depends on the indi­ Interview With Dorr Jones vidual's approach to it. The value of the phrase is in its affirmation that one’s life by Don Collins can be worhtwhile in spite of the struggle he must face in this restricted culture at this time in history. It’s certainly the proper VECTOR initiates its “[nten-iew of the the house on the south, complete with a small persecute us, but. beyond that, there must place to start...self-acceptance must come Month” feature with “Dorr” Jones. This garden house built for a household staff. The be accelerated efforts in educating, changing first before you can be free to consider man of many talents and interests is devotiny glass solarium atop the house commands a attitudes, correcting all the misinformation anything good. his life to belying others. He is very concerned vieiv of the San Fancisco Bay, Marin County which has been so widely accepted by the Vector: There is often a link inferred be­ with human rights and has been especially and the Berkeley Hills. Jones was in the general public (and too many confused homo­ tween the Homophile movement a>7d Com­ involved with three minority groups: Homo­ home fiamishings field for eight years prior sexuals) ...really getting into people’s hearts munism and other political factions. What is sexuals, Blacks ami the Aged. to beginning his career in social .service. His and minds. your feeling on this? Domi'in Buck Jones is celebrating his 15th taste and knowledge of furniture and objets I do a great deal of public speaking on the Jones: It is absurd, complete and utter anniversary in the Homophile movement. He d'art is evident in the decor which completes subject to various groups and organizations, nonsense. Of course, there may be homosex­ has served as president of the Society for and compliments a fascinating residence with- to try to get through to people, especially uals who are communists. As I said, we have Individual Rights in San Erancisco and the oid stealing attention from it. the young who will be holding responsible all kinds, we represent a complete cross- Mattachine Society of Neiv York. He has been Jones was dressed for the interview in a positions, making the law changes and other section of the population as individuals, but actively involved as a member of the Boards .stylish, though conservative gray business decisions of importance in just a few years. there is certainly no link to the movement. of Directors of the Cmincil on Religion and sju'i with broad pin stripes. He wears his This is one area in which I think that I am There’s also the other the right. the Homosexual. Citizens Alert and the Ten­ hair relatively long and looks like the success­ doing much good. I speak to seminarians, I’m sure there were some homosexuals fool­ derloin Commute, Inc. A Friend of One. Inc. ful. “turned on” person that he is. Being university and high school students, nurses ish enough to vote for Ronald Reagan or (Los Angeles) since ¡956; he has also been a immediately placed at ease by Jones’ cordial and church groups. In fact. I’ve covered all Max Rafferty. The movement itself is not member of A.R.C. in Sacramento and has (if electric) personality, the interview began. the major Protestant denominations, the political, except in seeking a law change given .support to the Albany Trust of London Jewish Community Center and even the favoring sexual freedom between consenting (the organization which played an important Vector: Mr. Jones, would you briefly de­ National Conference of Catholic Charities. It adults. Since homosexuals are extremely op part in the legalization of homosexuality in scribe your fam ily background? is interesting to see the reactions in the pressed under either communism or facism England). He nmv serves as a consultant to Jones: Well, another recent article referred discussions which follow such meetings. There it would be unwise to ally ourselves with the Indiana University's Institute for Sex Re­ to it as “ a prominent mid-western family... have been many who. for the first time! far right or left. We should, however, take search. working closely as an advi.sor to the pure Establishment in background”. I were challenged to reach decisions about an interest in the elections, as befits all local “Kinsey project”. Having attended num­ wouldn’t go that far. I do come from hearty their own sexual identity. The few hositle responsible citizens. The joint efforts of ho­ erous local, regional and national conferences pioneer stock, a family which goes far back questions were usually asked by persons who mosexual organizations in establishing a on the subject, one of his great pleasures into American History, and we've had our obviously were ill-informed or struggling with come them.” And this is a real problem. against such admittance, but I still consider "candidates’ night” is excellent. We need to came when the Daughters of Bilitis met in successes. But...we've always been involved their own identifications. Many are astonish­ The Brooks Brothers suit type generally it one of the movement’s greatest failures. hear the candidates and question them about Denver for their national convention and with the mainstream of living. Many family ed to see a man dressed in a business suit can’t afford to picket, or won’t. I can under­ their views on all subjects which are impor­ Vector: It is often suggested that the Homo­ named him an honorary S.O.B. (Son of members have been ministers, lawyers and freely speaking about the problems society stand this position and can certainly respect tant in our lives (including their positions phile movement should link itself with other Bilitis). The list of distinctions is seemingly teachers, concerned with what happens to causes for homosexuals. It destroys the "ap­ it in some cases. There is a risk involved, on homosexuals, but certainly not that sub­ minorities, such as the Blacks. Would you etuiless, but it is sufficient to say that Dorr their fellowmen. It is a family which has had pearance” sterotype many have held, along and not everyone needs to fly a ba.nner for ject alone). Gay people are inclined to have comment on this? Jones is certainly not apathetic, a stay-at- its share of sadness, but always seems to with other strange ideas about our living the cause. There are those who have accom­ their own ghettos, but it is important to be home or lazy. He is dedicated to insuring conquer with love and a great sense of patterns. We need more speakers and dis­ plished much for the movement by quietly Jones: I’m not opposed to minorities linking involved with all aspects of community life. personal freedoms for all people in all areas, humor. cussion groups. There is just not enough working behind the scenes. However, I also forces in their battles with similar problems, Vector: What changes in the movement have almost to fanaticism. (He gets ttartindarly Vector: You’re from Michigan aren't you? contact with those who need the information. know many “ closet types” who are suffering but 1 doubt whether allying ourselves with you noticed since your interest began? outraged at the mention of censorship orpolice Jones: Yes. After college graduation I Vector: There is currently a great contro­ because they never took a stand on anything. militant groups could ever be entirely success­ Jones: Things have come into the open. entrapment.') moved to New York City where I lived for versy on militancy in the Homophile move­ I dare say that many of them are known to ful. We have many common problems, but We have come through the McCarthy era Jones has worked in his present rapacity a few years and then 1 came to San Fran­ ment. What are your opinions on militancy? their families, friends and business associ­ we must also realize that there are major when we all lived in fear of witch hunts. for five years, as executive director of a pri­ cisco ten years ago. Jones: I don’t really know what to tell ates. A little honesty about their own self­ differences of culture, language, color, etc., Homosexuality has become a very "in” sub­ vate foundation tvhich sponsors programs and Vector: What does your fam ily think abotd you. I’m tom in half on this issue. Half in acceptance might work wonders. 1 thoroughly which demand different goals. I seriously ject during the sixties and it is featured in gives financial assistance to elderly Negroes. your tvork in the Homophile movement? favor of the evolutionary approach to our enjoy the beauty of the male body and doubt whether the Black Panthers, for ex­ books, magazines, plays, films and televi­ He holds a BA degree in Sociology from a Jones: They’ve always been interested in problems (trying to work within, but bring welcome the liberation which has come in the ample, could fully understand the homophile sion. Some of the coverage is not entirely Michigan college and has continued his studies individual rights and have been understand­ about changes in the system), and the other form of long hair, beards and colorful clothes. movement’s objectives, and they might find good, but at least it’s drawing attention. in California to qualify himself as a Geron­ ing. 1 send them news articles and try to half of me completely sympathetic to a more (Some of those picketing were even nude to us undesirable in their quest for ultra-mas­ We can hope that some of the more enlight­ tologist. (Gerontology is the study of the keep them informed. I'm sure they realize militant approach. But while I’m frequently their waists, enjoying the afternoon sun.)... culinity (not aware that we have thousands ened people will seek further information. sociological and psychological aspects of ag­ 1 live a more rewarding life than confining with the militants in spirit and strongly But. I question whether this is a good way of the very masculine types): for they are We’ll never get through to some of them. ing). He maintains an office in Jackson my energies to the D.A.R.! (with a merry share their feelings of impatience; I’m not to reach people at this location. Those pass­ reacting to a matriarchal family system. I Even the Methodist’s John Wesley speaks of Square and belongs to numerous professional chuckle). always with them when it comes to tactics. ing by were so involved with looking at the also have strong objections to violence and “ invincible ignorance and prejudice.” societies, serving as a board member for Vector: Would you briefly describe your 1 have picketed at the Federal Building and scene, they failed to give proper attention unnecessary property damage. Homosexuals Vector: How do things, in regard to the or­ several of them. He was recently honored by experiences in the Homophile movement? at an American Medical Association conven­ to the cause of it. Or else they questioned are represented on all levels of our society, ganizations, differ on the West Coast as being included in the International Directory Jones: In a word...frustration! We've been tion. One day I joined the Committee for the taste involved, only on the basis of ap­ running the gambit from the degreesof social opposed to the East Coast? of Gerontologists (a sort of Who's Who in fighting all these years for rights which Homosexual Freedom picket line on Califor­ pearance. when under other circumstances, acceptance (based on wealth, education, etc. Jones: It's basically a matter of geographic the field). should already be ours. Homosexuals are not nia street in front of States Lines. However, they might have opened their minds. There at the top of the scale) to those numbered competition. Each side trying to be the cen­ Jones lives in a unique home on Russian asking for special privileges: just for an end that day I carefully observed the effect the are many other points too length for this ampng the disadvantaged. The degree to ter of the movement. There isn’t any real Hill. Though spacious (ten rooms), the house to discrimination and the constant invasions demonstration was having on persons in the interview, but I certainly do not think a which one finds it desirable to ally himself difference in basic objectives: just sort of an is a Maybeck type, broich-shingle, which has of privacy and the verbal abuse which makes financial district. I felt that, in that highly more "urgent approach” to these matters with a minority group must also depend on East Coast-West Coast jealousy, coupled with a cottage appeal. Built soon after the '06 anyone feel like less than a first class citizen. conservative area, I was more effective than should not be dismissed lightly. I do appre­ where he is on that ladder: for his position different approaches and personality clashes. quake, it is finished entirely in wood panel­ Vector: What goals do you see that the their usual pickets in hip dress. I discussed ciate the militants involving the intelligent, would definitely be related to the kinds of All organizations (including churches) have ing. The living room has a magnificent brick Homophile movement should be primarily this with the CHF and they brought up a sensitive, young people who are not yet problems he faces. This whole area is much these problems. and tile fireplace which dominates the room. working to obtain? very good point. They said, "You get us the allowed in the sacred halls of our established too complex to cover adequately this after­ Continued on page SO A large, enclosed, well-kept garden adjoins Jones: Reform the laws which are used to men in suits to picket and we’ll gladly wel­ organizations! I know all the arguments noon. The Bar Tour Books Introducing . East Bay Visit Sexual Maneuuers ------by Tequila Mockingbird ------by Frank J. Howell A trip to the peoples republic of Oak­ have dinner at a bar and restaurant Sexual Maneuvers and Stratagems by and the wife finds out. Scorc-No points. land (in the eastern sector) has been only a few blocks walking distance from A.H. Chapman, Putnam, 1969, $5.95 Stampede leads up to the methods em­ long overdue. Never having been a BERRYS. The analysis of the multitude of games ployed by other people against the homo­ person who likes to tour bars alone, I Only two blocks down 14th street, and we mortals play with and against each phile. Police tactics and tricks employed talked my friend. Carta Blanca, into other are springing up so rapidly that 11 to 2 then two blocks over to 12th street by fast traveling lawyers are vividly joining me. Our whirlwind tour included brought us to GRANDMA’S HOUSE. patents should be granted. sketched. The poor, silly queer always Martinis — Manhattans — Gibsons seven bars in six hours. An austere brick building on the outside, Dr. Chapman, a psychiatrist who grad­ loses. Score-No points. uated from Yale Medical School, has MY ROOM DOUBLES - 70 cents First stop was BERRYS at 352-14th it has an elegant Victorian interior with Cat's Claiv is merely the blackmail Street (that’s about three blocks east of one wall covered with all of the latest joined the pack. Last year he gave us routine practiced by some sick homo­ .) BERRYS has been going for Put-Offs and Come-Ons, which read like sexuals against each other. Nothing new many years and once was known as a an appendix to Dr. Eric Berne’s Games here. Score-No Points. Lunches Served Daily hangout for some pretty raunchy types. People Play. Now he has narrowed the Gentle Twist represents a long term Monday thru Saturday However, with bartenders concerned with territory to the bedroom. device perfected by the young male 11 ;00atn — 3:00pm their customers welfare, the quality of The maneuvers and stratagems of vir­ homosexual (frequently adolescent) to persons has vastly improved. A full tually every sexual arrangement and purposely embarrass his parents as the dining room has been added to BERRYS hangup are detailed. We find impotence, years roll by. He delights in displaying but due to the hot summer nights in infidelity, games related to childhood and his homoerotic self in public when the 209 Stevenson 392-8840 Oakland, dinner is served only on Friday adolescence, and the homosexual. Some appropriate relatives are nearby. This One half block south of Market off Third nights. Their outstanding prime rib din­ fifty case histories are utilized as illus­ behavior serves as a reflection on the San Francisco ner including an after dinner drink at trations. repressed desires and child rearing the bar is only $2.75, and one of the Chapman’s style is not always as methods of mom and dad. This defeats best values in town. Checking over the graceful as Dr. Berne’s, but the insights everybody. Score-No Points. Tavern Guilds bar calendar on the back are frequently challenging. The good Apparently the queer always seems wall and consulting with Jack, the bar­ posters concerning activities in San Fran­ Dr. Chapman emerges as a rather typi­ to lose! tender, Carta Blanca and I decided to cisco. Most of the bars in Oakland, by cal old line therapist when he focuses The game played by this reviewer is the way, sell Vector and keep their attention on the homophile. (Chapter 6- called injustice collecting. pÿLflJU-iULiLna fi fl B.B.O_ttJLiLIUJLlUlJUULILIUL^ caoogOgQOOOOpOO 0 0. customers informed of S.I.R. and Tavern “ Homosexual Maneuvers and Strata­ Cure — Join a homophile organization Guild activities. After a glass of sherry gems” ). The more conservative reader and help fight injustice. At least that at the bar (G’MAS HOUSE is a beer/ is assured that homosexuals are “ treach­ way you’re bound to collect a few points. wine license) we asked the handsome erous as friends and co-workers: at waiter for a table in the dining room. critical moments they fail those who FIRST TIME OFFERED GRANDMA’S dinners, a delight to the depend on them.” gourmet as well as the gourmand, con­ He feels therapy is useless because sist of an extensive and excellent smor­ these poor creatures do not desire cure. gasbord followed by and entree selected Prevention is the only universal remedy S.I.R. NEEDS \ T antalizing from their dinner menu. Coffee follows to cling to and with that we’re off to FINANCIAL SUPPORT this and if you still have room, dessert. the games! for the A very pleasant dinner in comfortable, Teeter-Totter is skillfully played by the 1969 V-D Prevention attractive surroundings at only six dol­ bi-sexual, who is naturally making an program lars for the two of us. effort to balance both sides of his world. After dinner we headed further east But events often become complicated TO DELIGHT YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS to another beer bar at 2325 East 14th GREAT NUDE GUYS - FANTASTIC BODIES street called the IN-B-TWEEN. We never did find out just what the bar GAY COLOR was in between, but suspect that the SETS CONTAIN CARDS FOR EVERY OCCASION: customers are in between two very plea­ GET WELL, GREETINGS, HUMOROUS, MISS YOU sant bartenders. Gene, a familiar face IMPORTANT DAY, CLOSE FRIENDS, PARTY, BIRTHDAY, ETC. around San Francisco, and a good look­ GREETING CARDS $1.00 EACH ing blond bartender, whose name we COMPLETE SET OF 9 DIFFERENT CARDS $5.00 POSTAGE PREPAID - OVER 21s ONLY didn’t catch. The decor of the bar is basic and simple, with a busy pool table DiSAP CARD CO. at the rear. Boys and girls are equally comfortable at the IN-B-TWEEN. P.O BOX 1807, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 94101 Continuing still further east, we came Large Selection Quality Electronics to the MANHOLE, at 6534 Foothill Hi-Fi & Stereo Component Systems Blvd., which reminded us a bit of the ()/>eii 'HI " l\ M. ^iFinnrinrinnririnnnnmnnnnrirg^^ a a a a b m nnrb PARADOX out on Geary here in San 2500 MARKET STREET • 621 2500 Continued on page 32 where an officer does not have grounds Legal for an arrest, his entry into the home, obtained by ruse and subterfuge, violates Vote Vote Vote the privacy of defendant’s home and is The Political Committee will be placing DECOY VIOLATES RIGHT OF PRIVACY unlawful. The Court then ruled that all thousands of educational political pamph­ ------— by Legal Committee evidence of conversations and acts by lets in the hands of San Francisco’s gay the defendant while in his home would set in October. Who are the candidates be inadmissible at the forthcoming trial. that support YOUR interests? The District Attorney filed an appeal May a police officer who accepts a The defendant suggested that the Register to Vote with S.I.R. registrars from the court’s ruling, but thereafter, social invitation into one’s home by pos­ officer drop by for a drink. The officer ... Here is the September 1-10 schedule ing as a homosexual, thereafter arrest follow'ed in a car to the defendant’s possibly fearful of establishing a “ dan­ at S.I.R. Center. gerous” precedent should the ruling be his unsuspecting victim on the basis of home, w’here they spent an hour en­ Sept. 1-5...... Register 5-10 pm upheld, abandoned the appeal and dis­ conduct that occurs solely within the gaged in conversation and drinking beer. 6 ...Register 9-12 pm missed the charges against defendant. privacy of the home? The victim, finally succumbing to the 7 ...Register 6-9 pm attentions of the decoy, reached over Consequently, the ruling of the Munici­ 9,10...... Register 5-10 pm This w'as the important and novel legal and “ squeezed” his companion on the pal Court on this important constitutional Final registration day is September question that confronted a resident of thigh. Instantly, the vice-squader an­ question represents the opinion of only 10. S.I.R. registrars will also be in bai-s, Contra Costa County earlier this year. nounced that he was under arrest. Walk­ one Judge in Contra Costa County and baths, at meetings and special events. He was arrested in his home by Con- ing to the door, the officer signaled with is not binding elsewhere. Nonethless, Voter Information: Nights only: coixi police and charged with “ loitering a light and two more Concord crusaders the case, although limited in scope to a 781-1570. about a public toilet for the purpose of burst through the door. Together, the single defendant, represents an impor­ soliciting another to commit a lewd or three officers handcuffed their hapless tant application of the Fourth Amend­ GORDON'S lascivious act.” (Penal Code. Section prey and hustled him off to jail. ment in restricting zealous police officers MOST WORTHY CAUSE 647(d).) The defendant had entered a who feel that “ anything goes” in trap­ public lavatory and used the commode AUCTION This shocking police tactic, however, ping homosexuals, including the planting for its intended law’ful purpose. A plain­ raised serious constitutional problems of decoys in the home. Perhaps, at least S.I.R. Benefit clothes man loitering about the urinals, (in addition to obvious ethical questions). in Concord, the police now will devote SEPTEMBER 14-SUNDAY apparently waiting for an easy an-est. In a brief prepared by members of the their duty hours to the serious problem struck up a conversation. He told the 2 'TIL ? S.I.R. Legal Committee, and filed in the of curbing crime in the streets, instead of hounding and harrassing citizens who In the Playroom victim that he had recently been dis­ Municipal Court by Mr. B. J. Beckwith, are guilty only of being homosexual. charged from the service and was “just chairman of the committee, the defen­ GORDON'S J.M. killing time.” dant contended that the police conduct 840 Sansome - San Francisco constituted an unlawful "search and seizure’’ of evidence under the Fourth Amendment: since (1) the plain-clothes POLK STREET BOUND man, when he entered the home, did DON’T FORGET not have legal grounds to make an arrest, and (2) the defendant, in touching the officer, did so in reliance on the privacy and seclusion of his home. Under the lewd solicitation statute which the defendant allegedly violated, the police, to make an arrest, must have reasonable grounds for believing that the defendant was; (1) loitering in a public restroom and (2) intended to solicit VfHILE CRUISING AROUND Lee a lewd act. In the present case, however, Cactus even assuming that the defendant had 1718 POLK STREET Viceroy “ loitered” , it was clear that he had Van Heusen BETWEEN CLAY AND WASHINGTON neither said nor done anything while in the rest room that would show “ lewd” From $6 OPEN 24 HOURS intent. Therefore, to provide the missing GREAT LATE BREAKFASTS element of the offense, it was necessary for the police to entice their victim into CAMPY NEALBURGERS committing a so-called lewd act. This STUD HOT DOGS would then be evidence that a prior w ith or without cheese lewd intent was lurking in defendant’s 431-6582 mind when he spoke to the officer in THE GAYEST LITTLE RESTAURANT ON POLK STREET the restroom. (MAYBE EVEN SAN FRANCISCO) At a pre-trial hearing, Mr. Beckwith moved to exclude all evidence obtained by the officer while in the home. The Municipal Court Judge agreed that 449 CASTRO STREET - SAN FRANCISCO Lpt\s Eat Goìo Costumed Corinthian Ice SHütiu^ Event Culinary Experience IVìzes and Surprnes Seeks Educators ------by Julius Sept.28ö>«:30-IZ:00 The vastness of everything which has Colorful posters on the walls tell where Professional educators are needed by occurred recently in connection with the Jaime Ostos, Fermin Murillo and Pepe the Corinthian Foundation. The founda­ spectacular lunar landing and return to Luis Vazquez will be meeting the angry tion is developing an education pro­ earth has blown everything we were but LONELY BULL next week. One gram to qualify for grants from various going to write, completely out of our wall is entirely covered with an attrac­ institutions and foundations. mind. tive and decorative sarape, draped in How can we use superlatives about cape fashion against a chili red. The Corinthian foundation’s program this or that restaurant when the far- You would be out of your mind to with a luscious I green will be based on the broad outline that therest out restaurant of all time was expect anything less than an exquisite only $3.50?... S.I.R. has adopted to educate the gen­ the Apollo II with it’s tiny plastic dishes steak menu from a restaurant with such Oh, by the way, if you’ve been won­ eral public on homophile matters. The of pre-prepared foods which the three a name. And we can attest to the fact dering whatever happened to that husky program will include the publication and astronauts ate as they buzzed around that the LONELY BULL SPECIAL ex-navy body builder who used to be distribution of essays, radio and televi­ the earth and then the moon at unheard- STEAK is the best value in town since the "bouncer” at KENO’s back in 1954, sion appearances, and personal appear­ of speeds. Who can top that culinary the Golden Cask special of a few years wonder no more. His name is MARTY ances before interested groups. experience!...... ago. Best of all, the succulent baked and he’s again on the local scene as After the moon and space extravagan­ The thrust of the foundation’s educa­ potato is NOT served wrapped in kitchen co-owner with Bob, of the LONELY za, we’ve decided to tell you about what tional work is to emphasize the homo­ cooking foil, and the vegetables are BULL. is perhaps the smallest, most intimate phile’s humanity and to replace mistaken always fresh and in season. There isn’t Marty and Bob do not want the and newst dining in San Francisco. Not presumptions with facts. Interested per­ a can or deep freeze in the LONELY LONELY BULL to become known much larger than the interior of the sons are asked to contact S.I.R. Center b u l l ’s kitchen, not because it’s not “ strictly” as a steak house so an East APOLLO II itself, the attractive little and leave their name and phone number. big enough for one, but because both Indian or South-of-the-border special is dining room at the LONELY BULL, Help is urgently needed and will be Marty and Bob believe in only season­ offered each Friday, Saturday and Sun­ deeply appreciated. resembles a matador’s dressing room able fresh vegetables. Would you believe day, which at the moment, are the only Maxine Weldon is currently appearing every at the Plaza de Torres de Barcelona. that a 12 ounce steak special is served Cordirmed on page 38 Wednesday through Sunday, at the PAPER DOLL, with the Jerry Hahn Trio. Miss Wel­ don sings Soul, Blues and Jazz. iTaLabLaLaLaLabLiLalaLiLnbLäLaLaüiLaLaLsbbbiLiilaLiLilaLalaLalaLilali Ü U We are happy to announce 99® week every U week at Gordon's — U Examiner Attacks Sunday Brunch with Robbie ...... 99® U n Bill Brown. Chef The San Francisco Examiner often n Monday Chicken in the Basket ...... 99® U Tuesday Lasagna Dinner ...... 99® G lists the names of arrested homosexuals Ü c i u r a n \ Wednesday Fish n' Chips ...... 99® and has attacked homosexuality in the E Thursday Chefs Special ...... 99® G past. The Examiner tried to slip another IS Above served with Salad, bread & butter n G attack through in its August 8 issue. The Ernie’s of the Gay Set Regular menu available daily The Examiner stated, in an article on n G DINNER Sunday thru Thurs. 6 p m to 1 1 p m crime, that “murderers are often homo­ n HOURS Friday & Saturday 6 p m to 1 2 a m G sexuals.” It says “research” shows this to G be true. n Gordon's Playroom & Downstairs Bar 5.1. R. is deeply involved in keeping n G tab on research and studies involving Thursday thru Saturday—8pm to 2am G n Sunday 3:00 to 2:00 am homosexuality. In its five-year history, D G S.I.R. has yet to discover any source that G SlRs 2nd Annuo! claims that murderers are “often homo­ n The Jumping Frog is alive sexual.” n G In a Vector article. Captain Martin and swinging at The Playroom G Lee, Chief of Inspectors of the San Fran­ n Stinday Beer Bust Draft 15c cisco Police Department, emphasized that n 8 4 0 t S t r e e t — G homosexuals were rarely involved in n 986-0110 4 - 7 G murders. LË G 5.1. R. is now attempting to discover the Examiner “research” source as we go E G ce Hdidai to press. ncicigiciciciFicicicicicicncciciciciciP cicicicigicicicicicicicicicicicii — George M. FRIDAY FORUM HAS 'GUT' Join in.

Jack Morrison Evelyn Whitehorn by Steve Haines How does this end the system? Well, ED. NOTE: The following article was Mrs. Whitehorn threw some light on this written for VECTOR by Steve Haines, subject. She pointed out that almost half a writer for the Berkeley Tribe. The of the young men in Lompoc Federal article presents the “gut ” of what was Prison, where her son is doing a five- concluded at the S.J.R. Friday Night year hitch for draft resistance, are in­ Forum, August 8. Members of the panel carcerated there for either possession of group were: S.F. Supervisor Jack Mor­ dope or draft resistance. These are felo- rison; ENelyn Whitehorn, mother of a nites. Ex-felons cannot vote, even if they draft resister; Mike Music, of the CATH­ wanted to after the Chicago debacle. OLIC WORKER; Loren Bascom, of the Which brings us to the sad case of BIRD Resistance; and Steve Haines. i4s the Supervisor Morrison, who, being a part article shows, the Friday Night Forum of the system (and a good one too) must e a lu i clu b doesn’t skirt contemporary issues. defend its ability to respond to social 330 RITCH STREET-PH O N E: 392-3582 needs. Nobody supports the war in Viet Nam The point being that the system which today — if S.I.R.’s recent Friday night denies the will of the majority (as in panel discussion of the war issue is any Chicago) and throws its best products indication of national sentiment. The into prisons (as in Lompoc) for the crime politicos (S.F. Supervisor Jack Morrison) of having strong moral convictions is too don’t like it. And the liberal-radical left far gone to respond to anything save the (Loren Bascom, Mike Music and I) petty demagogues. doesn’t like it. Why are we still in Viet Nam? We If nobody supports the war, then why are still in Viet Nam because too few the hell are we still there? It’s a good, people, including the liberals and the question and was somehow avoided by mothers, have the courage or determi­ the panel (including myself). The answer nation to get us out. President Nixon goes something like this. Senator Mc­ announced that he was bringing 25,000 Carthy and the late Senator Robert of “our boys’’ home from one side of Kennedy proved in the primaries last his mouth, while upping the monthly year that it was acceptable, even fash­ troop shipments to Viet Nam with the ionable, to oppose the war in Viet Nam. other. Where were the liberals and mod­ During these primaries, our involvement erates to call him a liar loudly and in in Viet Nam was anlyzed and criticized public? 1 NEW 1 on moral, political and economic grounds. Social reform in this country, during NEW PAPER BACKS 1 MALE NUDE MAGAZINES I The culmination of this sentiment was the past ten years, has been left to the Leather Boys...... 2.95 BOOKS Istalion...... 5.00 1 the Democratic convention in Chicago, radicals. They have the courage and de­ The Male Brothel .... . 1.95 1 Spartan ...... 2.50 1 where the street radicals and the Mc­ termination to protest stupidity, immor­ Gay Revolution...... 1.25- iPhalic Development No. 1 5.00 1 Carthy kids met, joined forces, and ality and injustice. We started as well- 'The First Job ...... 1.95 Phalic Development No, 2 5.00 ended the process of electoral politics, behaved social reformers and have now Little Boy Homo...... 1.95 SECOND Rawhide Male No. 2 . . .. 5.00 as we have known it in this country. come to the point where we know with Come Blow your Horn . 1.95 FLOOR Play Time Teens ...... 5.00 Sure, Nixon went on and got elected by the certainty of James Rector that we Groping...... 2.95 Boys Next Door...... 5.00 that same process. Only when you sub­ will be shot in the streets for our beliefs. Boy whore ...... 1.50 Up-Close No. 2 ...... 5.00 tract all legally qualified citizens who Nobody supports the war in Viet Nam. plus many more on display. 1 plus many more on display. | did not register, did not vote, or voted But we will be there ten years from now for another candidate, you will see that unless you do something about it. The 272 O’Farrell Street a surprisingly small minority of Ameri­ debate has gone on for years: the time cans elected our current president. for words is over. DORR JONES to popular myth, most child molestors are Continued from page 21 heterosexuals. In cases of contact with young Vector: How do the Homophile organiza­ persons, teenagers are often the aggressors: they make themselves available arxi even tions differ, such as the Mattachine Society initiate the action. Furthermore, you do not andS.I.R.? “make” a homosexual by having a sexual After September 1st... Jones: Again, it’s a matter of approach. experience with him or her. Too many people A NEW address for Some of the organizations seem to develop think that homosexuality is all physical... into social clubs, others follow a more serious they leave out the important mental and vein. There is frequent bickering in trying A D O IM I S emotional parts of his nature. According to to serve all types, for special interests enter the Kinsey studies, if a homosexual exper­ Now located a few doors farther west at the picture...ranging from drag queens to ience made a homosexual: there would be leather boys, with all variations in between. 384-386 Ellis Street millions more than there are already in this Vector: What do yem see as the individual's country. It is ridiculous for society to imply role in "the cause"? that homosexual sex is so contagious that Jones: He must value his worth as an in­ an introduction to it would render anyone CBitKimS HOUSE (our old building at 348-350 Ellis St. dividual first of who is trying to helpless! This is all part of the myths about 135 TWELTH STREET • OAKLAND • 444-9966 will be torn down to be replaced by a cope with being a “ unique” male or female homosexuals based on fear and ignorance. (between Ook and Modison) 16-floor high rise apartment building in a society which is not always friendly to Homosexuality cannot be explained. How­ under Urban Development) his natural motivations. If he can work for ever, let’s stop talking about cures, because the movement, we would certainly welcome in itself it is not an illness. Now in stock and selling like wild: him. But most of all, he has the responsibility Vector: The churches are beginning to be­ not to degrade it. Some of our worst enemies come interested in the subject. What is your DINNERS NIGHTLY Homosexual Underground Classics are insecure homosexuals. feeling on homosexuality and religion? 6:30 TO 10 (fiction) 14 titles, new ones added fre­ Vector: It is feared by many that the United Jones: At one time I was a ministerial States is on the verge of, or in danger of a quently, ea...... 1.95 student, but I decided that the church was SMORGASBORD vast movement toward faeism. Do y

P A G E 35 PAGE 3J, VECTOR-SF,PTEMBF,R 1969 VE(7rOR-SEPTEMBER 1969 HEAR Magdalena The Candidates In Person THE SCOREBOARD Continued from page 13 CANDIDATES NIGHT AT S.I.R. \\IC Wednesday, Sept. 17 ACTIONS TAKEN TOWARD 362 362 who may have dosed off or been trip­ 8 pm — S.I.R. Center S.I.R. OBJECTIVES ( ping on the light show, the finale leaves Also a discussion of the no doubt as to what playwrite Gus Weill major ballot propositions • APPEALED TO PUBLIC UTILITIES 1678 1678 was trying to convey. As I say, I did 7 p.m. Dinner — $1.50 COMMISSION TO REQUIRE TELE­ see a prevue and many of the production PHONE COMPANY TO INCLUDE faults may be taken care of by producer Madftm Soto-lhce HOMOPHILE ORGANIZATIONS Philip Oesterman prior to the late August CATEGORY IN YELLOW PAGES MESSAGE official opening. Certainly anyone in­ Continued from page 10 AND TO ACCEPT S.I.R. DISPLAY terested in seeing a frank presentation formers, and salesmen all know how im­ ADVERTISEMENT. (Awaiting Deci­ EXCHANGE of homosexual love should see the show, portant it is to give attention to all sion Now) but those who are only interested in kinds of audiences. People who are aware 155‘> • Contributed a 13-week radio scries on 3rd Floor—Neal Clift Bldg. “cheap thrills” should stick to one of the that you’ve made a special effort for Siin Francisco 9Î115 homosexuality for U.S. and Canadian 272 O’Farrell Street telephone 931—9296 outlets, being heard in 1969. more “ underground” types of entertain­ them will become youi‘ loyal fans. If San Francisco 94102 ment to be found in the city. anyone starts up the ladder of success • Published “Pocket Lawyer” for use of all homosexuals. Next month I will let you know what and looks down their nose at those be­ • Published essay, “The Homosexual I think of Richard and Rex’s cavorting low, they should remember that the feet and the Military.” in “ Staircase,” as well as my views on of the ladder are at the bottom and CUT FLOWERS - PLANTS ❖ that that’s where their support can best • Offered $1,000 reward for appre­ THE LIBRA the Bela Darvi Film Festival being held CANDLES • CARDS t be kicked out. hension and conviction of murderers 1884 MARKET AT LAGUNA in Bolinas the end of the month . . . till PLANT HOSPITAL ❖ She stared silently at the swan on the of 4 men on San Francisco streets. WILL then . . . Moving madly thru the city • SEEKING AN INJUNCTION TO CLOSE SEPTEMBER 2 in search of tmth, justice and the Amer­ radiator cap for a long time. Then she smiled, kissed her lover and relaxed. PRICELESS FLOWER SHOP? PROHIBIT USE OF POLICE AND ican way . . . Luv, Magda. DECOYS IN EAST BAY. WILL Well, Mr. Alone, Miss Groin has at­ OPEN SEPTEMBER 17 tended more super market openings than REG U LAR, ON-GOING Jayne Mansfield, been on the late T.V. 1472 California St. S.I.R. ACTIVITIES Tours Planned with shows more often than Tiny Tim and is MAN-ROOT: A Poetry Quarterly San Francisco 94109 • Furnishes speakers on homosexuality YO U in Mind! FOR RESERVATIONS CALL now such a portrait of charm as an P.O. Box 982 P. Mariah & R. Tagett opera star that she gets a huge ovation 474-5451 to Bay Area organizations, schools and 1607 Jackson at Polk 552-0886 So. San Francisco Price t. 00 Issue when she goes on stage as well as when colleges. San Francisco, Ca 94109 California 94080 or 3.00 Year she goes off. • Publishes essays on homosexuality for 474-3950 education of professionals and the general public. • Makes numerous radio and television appearances to advance homosexual acceptance by our society. • Pursues a program of education of the religious community. BOUTIQUE • Monitors local and state legislative activity, taking appropriate action, as AND HAIR STYLING SALON indicated. FOR THE MALE ANIMAL • Gifts For You To Give Or Keep HOURS: SI.00 to $100.00 8:45 A.M. TO 8:30 P.M. COMPLETE DINNERS 7-11 PM EDITORIAL Continued from page i Sip cider and shop . . . MONDAY THRU SATURDAY DAILY EXCEPT TUESDAY you will see no statement or bill from Sundoys by Appointment SPECIAL S1.95 209 Sanchez Street S.I.R. Our payment will be the satisfac­ Jim Henderson, Proprietor 600 ELLIS • SAN FRANCISCO • 673-7628 SUNDAY BRUNCH 12-3 tion of having helped other human $1.00 includes bar drink MALE NUDE beings. We spell satisfaction with an open 10 a.m. to 2 a .m .. . , phone 664-7766 “ s” , not a dollar sign! ★ CHUCK AND DAVES ^ SUNDAY GOURMET SMORGASBORD CATALOG OF I am pleased that you took the time Elactric Supply & Repair Service ^ All you can eat for SI.95 6 - 10 PM • All types of electrical building repairs ZENITH FILMS to read Vector and respond to our sur­ C o cktails 50c Draft Beer 25*^ vey. I would be even more pleased if you (110 V & 220 v) Monday to Friday 4 :3 0 -7 PM AND PHOTOS would expand your reading to include • All types of lighting fixtures repaired some of the works of Henry David and installed BRADLEY'S CORNER ONLY Thoreau. I believe that it would expand • Lamp & light fixtures made tn order $2.00 your thinking, enjoyment of life, and 900 COLE STREET at Carl ion the N car e Electric building supplies I ne ! might also help you to appreciate S.I.R., I You must state: • Low voltage lights, outside & inside, Vector, and the joy of working without "I am 21 years sold and installed a profit motive. If you like, you may • Doorbell and Door releases repaired & of age or over" contact me through Vector, and I will installed and sign Your Hosts: Vince. Ron. John. Chuck, Buck. Tony, & Bill happily loan you my personal copy of “ Walden.” 3819 - 17th Street — San Francisco R. A. ENTERPRISES 431-5622 Don Collins Store Open Thursday & Saturday Only 6311 Yucca St., Hollywood (28) Calif. Editor Lei’s Eat Continued from page 27 nights that dinners are being served. But they are served these nights from six till eleven and reservations can be THE D1RT7 OLE made by telephone. Of especial delight to us recently was the East Indian Chicken Curry, served over a generous portion of saffron rice, with many taste tempting condiment FRENCHMAV embellishments such as plump raisins, chooped peanuts, flaked coconut, chutney or watermelon pickels, grated lemon peel and egg yellows, just to name a few. We were further pleased to learn BAS EM ALL that the curry was not made fire-engine hot, but spicy enough to set before the Maharaja of Indore. □ Pat Rocco Male Film Review We haven’t tried any of the “ south- NUDIST MAGAZINES □ Champions of-the-border” dishes yet, but one look □ Golden Boys No. 19 at Marty will dispell any doubts you $3.00 TITLES $7.50 TITLES may have as to his ability to prepare □ Tom Boys No. 2 □ L'Affaire No. 2 authentic dishes native to our Latin □ Brothers No. 2 neighbors. □ Chicken Licken Actually, it’s not too difficult to find □ S & M Scene GAY BOOKS a parking space near 417 Turk Street; □ Country Boys No. 5 $1.50 TITLES it’s just enough blocks away from the □ Grapevine No. 1 main stream area, to make parking □ Male Whore possible during the evening hours. Lack $3.50 TITLES □ Virgin Boy of parking space is real death to so □ The Boyfriends □ Special Service many dinner houses situated in densely O Gaytano $1.75 TITLES populated neighborhoods, but the avail­ □ Hunk □ Glory Hole ability of parking space is an extra □ Avanti No. 2 □ Two Gay Sleuths asset and offering of the LONELY □ First Class Male No. 1 BULL. n The Novice Homosexual $5.00 TITLES We wish you’d try a week-end dinner $1.95 TITLES □ Black Male with Bob and Marty and let us know if □ The Lonely Boy D Bonanza No. 1 you had a steak or the house special. □ A Boy for Hire □ Mr. Groovey If it is the East Indian Curry, we know □ I Found What I wanted you’ll love it. Since we haven’t tried the □ Troy and his Friends “ south-of-the-border” special yet, we’d □ Naked Boyhood No. 3 $2.95 TITLES like to hear from you as to what you □ Puppy Dog Tales □ Truck Stop □ Leather think of what everyone tells us is authen­ □ The Gooser □ Naked Youth Vol. 1 No. 1 tically delicious. A big bargain for only □ Gay Guy □ Don's Boys Vol. 1 No. 2 two dollars, even if it is generous on □ A Handsome Young the calorie count. □ Butch No. 13 Man with Class □ Tiger Man No. 6 Since the dining room is small, and □ Greyhuff No. 5 $3.50 TITLES there seems to be nowhere to expand, □ Private Stock □ Male Call perhaps you had better not tell your friends about the delicious weekend din­ ner bargains at the LONELY BULL. Clip and Mail Today:clip-clip-clip — clip — clippity — clip— clippity- You may find it so crowded that you’ll have to wait hours and hours for a Lé Salon, 1118 Polk S t , San Francisco, Calif. 94109 table — unless, of course, you telephone for a reservation. Not big, spectacular, extravagant and NAME______out of this world, the LONELY BULL . will remind you of what must have been ADDRESS. the epitome of intimate dining for our astronauts in APOLLO II. CITY_____ STATE_ ZIP