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Download Download © Entomologica Fennica. 19 March 2018 Checklist and key to species of the leafhopper genus Japanagallia Ishihara, 1955 with description of a new species from China (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae, Megophthalminae) Hongping Zhan, Hu Li & Renhuai Dai* Zhan, H. P., Li, H. & Dai R. H. 2018: Checklist and key to species of the leaf- hopper genus Japanagallia Ishihara, 1955 with description of a new species from China (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae, Megophthalminae). — Entomol. Fennica 29: 13–20. Anew leafhopper species, Japanagallia turriformis sp. n. of the tribe Agalliini of the subfamily Megophthalminae is described and illustrated from Yunnan Pro- vince and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China. Achecklist and key to the species of the genus are given, along with a map showing the geographical distributions of the 22 Chinese species. H. P. Zhan & R. H. Dai*, Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University; The Pro- vincial Key Laboratory for Agricultural Pest Management Mountainous Region, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China; E-mails: [email protected], *correspond- ing author’s email: [email protected] H. Li, Bio-resources Key Laboratory of Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi Sci-Tech Uni- versity, Hanzhong, Shaanxi 723000, China; E-mail: [email protected] Received 30 November 2016, accepted 2 March 2017 1. Introduction gallia now contains 28 species, of which 22 spe- cies occur in China. A checklist and key to the Ishihara (1955) established the leafhopper genus species of the genus are provided. Amap showing Japanagallia with Agallia pteridis Matsumura, the geographical distributions of the 22 Chinese 1905 (from Japan) as its type species. This genus species is also provided. is the largest group in the tribe Agalliini of the subfamily Megophthalminae (Hemiptera: Cica- dellidae) within the Palaearctic and the Oriental 2. Materials and methods regions, and most species are distributed in the southwest of China. Before this work, this genus The specimens were collected using a sweep net contained 27 species, of which 21 had been re- and light traps and examined under SZ2-ILST corded from China (Matsumura 1912, Virakta- Olympus stereoscopic microscope. The morpho- math 1973, Li 1987, Zhang & Li 1999, Cai et al. logical terminology and the classification sys- 2001, Zhang 2010, Viraktamath 2011, Virakta- tems follow Rakitov (1998), Dietrich (2005), and math et al. 2012, Li et al. 2014). Viraktamath (2011). The terminology of the fe- In this paper, a new species, Japanagallia male genitalia follows Davis (1975). The zoogeo- turriformis sp. n., is described and illustrated graphical regions of China follow Chen (1997) from Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Au- and Zhang (1998). tonomous Region of China. The genus Japana- The type material of the new species is depos- 14 Zhan et al. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 29 Fig. 1. Japanagallia turriformis sp. n.,male holotype (a–c) and fe- male paratype (d). – a. Dorsal view. – b. Lat- eral view. – c. Face. – d. Abdominal apex, ventral view. ited in the Institute of Entomology, Guizhou Uni- Description. Male. Body (Fig. 1a–b) slender. versity, Guiyang, China (GUGC). Face (Fig. 1c) across eyes slightly narrower than long; distance between ocelli approximately equal to distance between ocellus to adjacent eye; 3. Description of Japanagallia lateral margins of genae sinuated at middle. Pro- turriformis sp. n. (Figs. 1–3) notum wider than long, fore margin obviously prominent and slightly lower near eyes, hind mar- Type material. Holotype: male, China, Yunnan gin slightly concave medially. Scutellum longer Province, Yuxi City, Mt. Ailaoshan, 2,400 m, than pronotum. Forewings opaque, claval veins 8.V.2015, Yunfei Wu & Jiajia Wang leg. (light joined by two or three cross veins. trap). Paratypes: two females, same data as for Colouration. Body black. Head (Fig. 1a) with holotype; one male, China, Yunnan Province, a similar colour pattern as Japanagallia trifurcata Yuxi City, Mt. Ailaoshan, 2,400 m, 8.V.2015, Li, Dai & Li, 2014 with small brown spots on me- Yunfei Wu & Jiajia Wang leg. (sweep net); one dian line area, oval black spots on both sides. Face male, China, Yunnan Province, Yuxi City, Mt. (Fig. 1c) yellowish brown, with inverted Y- Ailaoshan, 2,377–2,400 m, 8.V.2015, Bin Yan shaped black mark on its upper median portion; leg. (light trap); one male, China, Guangxi Au- anteclypeus, frontoclypeus, and lora black; ocelli tonomous Zhuang Region, Tian’e County, milky white, with pair of black maculae near Longtan Nature Reserve, Dashanlinchang, ocelli; eyes yellowish; antennal ledges with large 18.VII.2015, Hongping Zhan leg. (sweep net). black maculae. Pronotum black, posterior mar- All in GUGC. gins with yellow lateral band, quadrangular spot Diagnosis. Forewings with basal yellow- at right third; median line with two brown irregu- brown spots changing to chocolate terminally, lar spots on both sides. Scutellum black, with yel- small spine located basally on dorsal margin of low lateral margins. Forewings (Fig. 1b) with yel- aedeagal shaft, ventral margin with basal pair of low-brown basal spots, terminally chocolate, spine like processes directed dorsally, ventral claval suture and claval veins yellowish. Legs process of aedeagus pinnacle like in ventral view yellowish, with brown spots. with end unbranched. Male genitalia. Pygofer (Fig. 2a) with caudal ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 29 • Japanagallia leafhoppers with a new species 15 Fig. 2. Japanagallia turriformis sp. n. –a. Male genitalia and subgenital plate, lateral view. – b. Style, dorsal view. – c. Connective, dorsal view. – d. Aedeagus, lateral view. – e. Aedeagus, dorsal view. – f. Female 1st valvula, lateral view. –g.Partoffemale1st valvula enlarged, lat- eral view. – h. Apex of female 1st valvula, lat- eral view. – i. Female 2nd valvulae, lateral view. – j. Apex of fe- male 2nd valvula, lateral view. lobe basally broad in lateral view, without process ventral view, tapered, then suddenly narrowing to on mesal region, caudal margin approximately el- subacute apex; shaft bent dorsally, ventral margin liptical, dorsal and distal half with short and stout basally with a pair of spine like processes directed setae, ventrocaudal margin slightly elongated. dorsally, dorsal margin with small spine basally; Valve nearly semicircular, width approximately gonopore apical. equal to length. Subgenital plates nearly triangu- Female. Body colour slightly paler than in lar, with a few scattered microsetae, basal lateral male. margin slightly concave, freely attached to each Female genitalia. Seventh sternite (Fig. 1d) other in basal part. Style (Fig. 2b) vertical and wider than long, posterior margin concavely ex- sturdy; inner arm slender and short, apex trun- cavated medially, both lateroposterior corners cated and slightly expanded. Connective (Fig. 2c) nearly rounded. Ovipositor apparently projected anterior margin narrower than posterior margin, beyond pygofer. First valvulae (Fig. 2f–h) curved with two small lobes, lateral margins strongly dorsally in lateral view; dorsolateral surface with concave, posterior margin slightly excavated me- reticulate sculptured area formed by oblique rows dially. Aedeagus (Fig. 2d) dorsal apodeme wid- of scalelike processes on distal two-thirds of ened in lateral view, rather trapezoidal, basal mar- shaft; apex subacute. Second valvulae (Fig. 2i–j) gin elongated; ventral process (Fig. 2e) well de- curved dorsally in lateral view, with broadest re- veloped, slightly longer than shaft, pinnacled in gion at apical fifth; dorsal hyaline area present, 16 Zhan et al. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 29 Fig. 3. Map of geo- graphical distributions of Japanagallia speceis in China. Abbreviations: QT, Qinghai–Tibet; NC, north China; SW, southwest; CC, central China; SC, south China. located nearly on median portion; teeth on apical 2 Aedeagus ventral process trifurcate apically part of dorsal margin positioned behind dorsal (Fig. 4a) J. trifurcata hyaline area, partly triangular, not forming den- – Aedeagus ventral process not trifurcate api- ticles. cally 3 Measurements. Body length, including teg- 3 Aedeagal shaft with pair of dorsally directed men: male (holotype and paratypes), 3.9–4.0 basal processes on ventral margin, dorsal mm; Female (paratypes), 4.1 mm. margin with small basal spine (Fig. 4b) Distribution. This species has been found in J. turriformis sp. n. Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autono- – Aedeagal shaft with pair of short ventrally di- mous Region, China (Fig. 3). rected preapical processes on ventral margin, Etymology. The new species name is derived dorsal margin without spine (Fig. 4c, w) from the Latin word “turriformis”, referring to the J. yoshimotoi aedeagus being pagodalike in ventral view. 4 Aedeagus ventral process well developed 5 Remarks. This new species is similar to J. – Aedeagus ventral process weakly deve- trifurcata but can be distinguished from the latter loped 26 by the dorsal margin of the aedeagal shaft having 5 Aedeagal shaft with basal or subbasal pro- a small spine basally, the ventral process of the cesses 6 aedeagus being pinnacle like in ventral view, and – Aedeagal shaft without basal or subbasal pro- the end tapered, unbranched, then suddenly nar- cesses 14 rowing to a subacute apex. 6 Aedeagus asymmetrical 7 – Aedeagus symmetrical 10 4.Keytomales 7 Aedeagal shaft with series of spines of various of Japanagallia species sizes on midventral margin (Fig. 4s) J. multispina 1 Aedeagus ventral process longer than – Aedeagal shaft without series of spines on aedeagal shaft 2 midventral margin 8 – Aedeagus ventral process equal or shorter 8 Gonopore surrounded by collar of uneven than aedeagal shaft 4 width (Fig. 5b, h) J. malaisei ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 29 • Japanagallia leafhoppers with a new species 17 Fig. 4. Male aedeagus of Japanagallia species from China, lateral view (a–v), anterodorsal view (w); apex of aedeagal shaft(x,ae,af),ventral view (y, z), ventrolateral view (aa), caudal view (ab), dorsal view (ac– ad). – a. J. trifurcata (Li, Dai & Li). – b. J. turrifor- mis sp. n. –c,w.J. yoshimotoi (Virakta- math). – d, x. J. curvata (Viraktamath). – e. J. curvipenis (Viraktamath, Dai & Zhang). – f, y. J. dentata (Cai & He). – g, z. J. gracilenta (Li, Dai & Li). – h, aa. J. lamellata (Zhang). – i.
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    2 8 2 5 rn~ 111112.8 2 5 ~~ 11111 . 11111 . Hg,g = 11111 . 32 1.0 ~~ 11111 ~~ IIIII~: 2.2 "- F_ IIIII~ :: ~III~ l.- I:.. .-'- ~~ :: I~ I.. " I.. " --1.1 LoL.:. .... 1.1 '-"''­ -- -- -- -- 11I1I~·8 111111.8 111111.25 11111 1.4 11111 /.6 111111.25 111111.4 IIIII /.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART MICROCOPY RESOLUTION nST CHART NATIO~Al BUREAU OF STANDARDS jqH A NATIONAl BUfllAll Of ~TANDAf!D, 1%3 A T_d=N~ ,,: ~:~:;::'~=====A=U=gus=t=;;f UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE , ViASHINmON, D.C. ~. ,f 'A CLASSIFICATION OF NORTH AMERICA.N AGALLIAN LEAF HOPPERS 1 ",. By P. W. OMA.."', junior entomologist, Dimsio? of Ta:onomy oj Inseds, Bureau oJ Entomology CONTENTS Page Page Introductiou________________._______ 1 The genus Acalliopm KlrkaIdy____. ___._ 8 HistolT__________________•.___.•__•.•___ ._ 2 The genus Aliallia Curtis.____•______.___ 24 Relationships__ . __._.____•••_•••____•.__ 2 The genus ActTat~atlia Klrkl;Jdy______ ~._ 45 Economic importance oC th~ group__ ._.._•._ 3 The genus Agalliana new genus________.•c_ 70 Characters used in the classiflcation_ ••______ 5 Literature cited.. ____________ ••_______ •__ .___ 71 Technic used in the study__. ___•__•...__._._ 6 II1ustrations....._.__ •• _. _____• __ ._•.•______ 74 Key to the genera.__ ••__._.__________ ._ 7 IndeL.___._._._.___._._.__. ___••___________ 93 INTRODUCTION The only preYious stud~v of all the North American species of the genus Agallia was that made by Osborn and Ball in 1898 (28),2 in which 12 species were treated.
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