KLEE GROUP is located in the Business Center of La Boursidière ? near Le Petit Clamart and Velizy(92).

Access by public transport

Tramway T6 (Pavé Blanc station)

S then 290 (La Boursidière station)

RER B until the Robinson station (terminus)

S then Bus 595 (to the terminus)

or bus 395 (La Boursidière station) or bus 179 from Pont de Sèvres (La Boursidière station)


KLEE GROUP reception

> Ground floor, Gate L (Lorraine)


C Boulogne - Pont de Sèvres => Orléans (N118)

- From the N118 and direction Orléans, take the exit onto the

A A86 towards Créteil. - Merge onto the A86 then take exit 29 (Le Plessis-Robinson / The Boursidière) - Take immediately right. - Park your car at visitor parking and access to the gate L (Lorraine)



Versailles => Créteil (A86)

W - You're headed Creteil on the A86. - After Velizy, take exit 29 (Le Plessis-Robinson / The Boursidière) - Turn immediately right and you arrive at The Boursidière. - Park your car at visitor parking and access to the gate L

O (Lorraine)

H Créteil => Versailles (A86)

- You're headed to Versailles on the A86. - Take exit 30-Clamart (after crossing the Verrières forest). - After the traffic light, turn left for a second light and go under the freeway. - Take the first right, and recommit yourself on the A86 towards Créteil. - Take exit 29 (The Plessis-Robinson/La Bousidière) and turn immediately right. - Park your car at visitor parking and access to the gate L (Lorraine)

Orléans => Boulogne - Pont de Sèvres (N118)

- You're headed to , Pont de Sevres on the N118. - Take the D906, direction A86 towards Créteil. - After the fire, turn right to get involved on the A86 towards Créteil. - Merge onto the A86 and put you immediately on the right lane to take the first exit. - Take exit 29 (The Plessis-Robinson/La Boursidière). - Take immediately right and you arrive at the Boursidière. - Park your car at visitor parking and access to the gate L (Lorraine).

Klee Group - Centre d’Affaires La Boursidière - BP 159 - 92357 Le Plessis Robinson cedex - Tel : +33 (0)1 46 29 25 25 - Fax : +33 (0)1 46 29 25 29 - www.kleegroup.com -www.kleecommerce.com

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