Weekday Morning and Evening Services — December 25‐29 CBI Chanukah Game Night & Morning: Sun, Mon 8:00 am • Tu‐F 6:30 am 2nd Great Berkeley Fry‐Off Evening: Sun‐Th 4:40 pm Sunday, December 25th, 5‐7:30 pm Friday night, December 23rd Get in the Maccabi Spirit with Games for Northside Minyan @ Sudikoff home ...... 4:30 pm grown‐ups (families welcome as well)! 1209 Shauck Ave (east side of street, past Oak Park, near Eunice) We will also hold our 2nd Great Berkeley Fry‐ Candle Lighng ...... 4:37 pm Off. Contestants can show of their sufganiyot skills for a taste test ‐ and Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat @ CBI ...... 4:40 pm everybody wins! If you want to try your hand, we have 3‐4 slots, or to

th host a game table, please be in touch with M. Victoria Suon. Saturday, December 24 Morning Service ...... 9:15 am Monday, December 26th Childcare ...... 9:15 am CBI OFFICE CLOSED Torah & Haorah Readers: Glenn Massarano Shacharit ...... 8:00 am Formal Group Time: ...... 10:30 am Kedma (3‐5 years old): Natan Kuchar ROSH CHODESH TEVET Tzafona (K‐2): Eden Gerson Th. night & Fri, December 29 & 30 Negba (3rd‐5th): TBD Shacharit ...... 6:30 am Tot Shabbat with Aron Wolgel upstairs at CBI @ 11am Parent Supervisors: Nell and Chaim Mahgel‐Friedman SHABBAT CHANUKAH PARSHAT MIKETZ Sermon by R. Cohen: Light or Lights?!? – From PotenƟal to ActualizaƟon Friday night & Saturday, December 30 & 31 Shabbat Mincha ...... 12:40 pm Chanukah Candle Lighng before* ...... 4:42 pm Seudah Shelishit ...... 4:40 pm Shabbat Candle Lighng ...... 4:42 pm Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends ...... aer 5:39 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 4:45 pm *At shul, the recital of the three blessings for the first night of Chanukah Morning Service ...... 9:15 am and the lighng of the Chanukah candle, occur prior to Havdalah. In Childcare ...... 9:15 am contrast, at home, Havdalah is recited first, followed by the lighng of the Formal Group Time ...... 10:30 am Chanukiah. One may not use the Chanukia as the candle for Havdalah. Shabbat Mincha ...... 12:40 pm Seudah Shlishit ...... 4:45 pm KIDDUSH LUNCH SPONSORS — Wishing the Cohen family nesiah tova Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends ...... 5:44 pm Paul & SerachBracha Albert, Noah & Hope Alper, Ron & Barbara Chanukah Candle Lighng aer** ...... 5:44 pm Ashkenas, Ron & Bella Barany, Miriam Barrere, Judith Bloom, Tony & * Remember to put in more oil or use bigger candles on Friday, so that Kathleen Bloom, Robert Bonem, Joel & Joanie Brodsky, Avraham & they burn 1/2 hour aer nighall. Try to light just before the Shabbat Ruchama Burrell, Robi & Miriam Cohen, Darrell Cohn & Leah Kahn, Jim & candles (without of course delaying the lighng of the Shabbat candles). Carol Cunradi, Alisa Einwohner, Nimrod & Aliza Elias, Terry & Olga ** Aer Shabbat one should first recite Havdalah at home, then light the Gordon, Preston & Anya Grant, Yakov & Rena Harari, Ezra & Toby Chanukah candles. One may not use the Chanukia as the candle for Hendon, Esther Hudes, Sam & Bathea James, Alison Jordan, Aaron Katler Havdalah. & Deb Fink, Alan & Elissa Kiner, Natan & Lili Kuchar, Ray Lifchez, Laura Lipman, Chaim & Nell Mahgel‐Friedman, Aaron Marcus, Gary & Lois Shabbat Shalem with Alan Morinis Marcus, Jonah Markowitz, Marilyn Markowitz, Glenn & Judy Massarano, January 6‐7 Ed & Phyllis Miller, Miriam Petruck, Joel & Irene Resnikoff, Mordy & Rena We are excited to welcome Alan Morinis to Beth Rosen, Harry & Dorothy Rubin, Craig & Abi Rudnick, Bob & June Safran, Israel! There will be several opportunies to learn Ory & Tamar Sandel, SaraLeya Schley, Peter Dale Sco & Ronna together, including a catered Shabbat dinner. To Kabatznick, Shaw, Henry & Violee Sibony, Jeremy Smith & sign up for Shabbat dinner, followed by a class Irene Greenberg‐Smith, Richard & Irene Smith, Joan Sopher, Bob & Naomi with Alan Morinis, please register online or Stamper, Bernie & Roz Steinberg, Ralph Suon, Joshua & Piera Willner, through the CBI Office. RSVP by Tuesday night, Fried & Ruth Wiman, Stanley & Linda Wulf, Marvin & Sheila January 3– Dinners fill up quickly, please register Yudenfreund, Joelle Yzquierdo, Shelley & Mar Zedeck, Avi, Cory, Leah & early! $10 per child, student, & young Bina Zinn professional, $18 per adult, $50 maximum per family Alan Morinis is the founder and Dean of The Mussar Instute and an CHANUKAH acve interpreter of the teachings and pracces of the Mussar tradion, 25 Kislev‐Tevet 2 about which he regularly gives lectures and workshops. Born and raised in December 24 – January 1 a culturally Jewish but non‐observant home, he studied anthropology at Throughout the week, candles should be lit aer 5:27 pm except for Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship. For the past sixteen years, the Friday and the conclusion of Shabbat (see below). nearly‐lost Jewish spiritual discipline of Mussar has been his passion, a journey recorded in the book Climbing Jacob’s Ladder (Broadway 2002).

Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scented products as there are congregants for whom these products are an irritant due to allergies or as a result of chemotherapy or other medical treatment. Thank you.

PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS SHEET FROM THE BUILDING ON SHABBAT His guide to Mussar pracce, entled Everyday Holiness: The Jewish and polics yet seek a life of purpose, and when the ancient aspiraon of Spiritual Path of Mussar, was published in May 2007. His newest book on Jewish sovereignty has been actualized in unancipated and complex Mussar, With Heart in Mind, was published in August 2014. ways. During these sessions, we shall explore the relevance of Maimonides’ Beth Israel Classes thought to pressing themes of the modern condion: The problem of modern identy; the relaonship between theology and ethics; the tension between faith and polics. SUNDAY Bernie Steinberg, Director Emeritus, Harvard Hillel, teaches at the The Zohar on Shabbat w/Reb Eliahu Klein: The most influenal myscal Graduate Theological Union, and Kevah in Berkeley, and M2 The Instute text in the history of is without a doubt the Zohar. The quesons: for Experienal Jewish Educaon, based in Chicago. He recently wrote an Who wrote it? When was it wrien? and other academic quesons is not essay on Maimonides for Oxford University Press Bibliographies. what the course is about.We will study the Zohar with the translaon of Bernie Steinberg • Tuesday, February 7, 14, 21, 28 • 7:30‐8:30 pm Rabbi Yehudah Ashlag who composed the first complete Hebrew translaon of the Zohar in the 1950's.The goal of the course is to show the profound influence of the Zohar on all aspects of the pracce of

Shabbat, specifically the Four primary meals of Shabbat, Friday night, WEDNESDAY Shabbat Morning, the Third Meal and the Fourth meal,: the M'laveh ’s Tanach and Talmud (for Teens): This course is an informal Malka. The Zohar will show the myscal, poecal and romanc noons in but intensive study group focusing on close themac readings of the all these meals. The focus of this course is not an academic analysis of the Tanach and Talmud in translaon. text, rather it is to show religious and spiritual meaning of the text as Mickey Davis • Wednesday • 4:15‐5:45 pm applied to religious pracce.

R. Eliahu Klein • Every other Sunday Morning, 9:00‐10:00 am, Jan 8, Jan Open Sources ‐ Beit Midrash: Learn independently with a hevruta (study 15, Jan 29, Feb 12, Feb 26 partner) OR Study the weekly Torah poron with Victoria Suon MONDAY Learners of all levels welcome ‐‐ Savor the Soup of the Week as you learn Daniel & Ezra with M. Victoria Suon: These narraves tell the story of Want to study with a partner, and not sure where to begin? Contact the Jewish people between the First and Second Temples. From the Maharat Victoria Suon [email protected] with any quesons, wring on the wall to the lion's den, we will explore the life and mes of and we will help you find a partner and get started! the prophet Daniel in the Babylonian court. Next, we turn to Ezra haSofer, A Beit Midrash is a welcoming space to learn and discuss Jewish texts. the pivotal figure in returning the people, and Torah, from the Babylonian Looking forward to learning together! Class on hiatus, resumes Jan. 4 exile to Jerusalem. As we journey through this crical me in Jewish history, we will learn about these amazing figures, their challenges and Intro To Kabbalah With Daniel Ma: Daniel C. Ma served choices, and how they can inform our own experiences both in the as Professor of Jewish Spirituality at the Graduate Diaspora and in Israel. Class does not meet Dec. 26 Theological Union in Berkeley from 1979‐2000. He has M. Victoria Suon — Mondays @ 12:00 pm. taught at Stanford University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is one of the world’s leading authories on NCSY LNL – Lae & Learning (for Teens; Grades 9‐12): Lae & Learning Kabbalah. He has published ten books, including: Zohar: brings Judaism to local coffee shops and serves up Torah in a relaxed and The Book of Enlightenment, The Essenal Kabbalah: The fun seng. LNL is the place for teens to ask quesons, voice their Heart of Jewish Myscism (translated into seven languages) and God and feelings, and connect with each other. the Big Bang: Discovering Harmony between Science and Spirituality. Mondays, 7:30‐8:30 p.m. • Starbucks, 2128 Oxford St, Berkeley Daniel Ma — Wednesdays • January 11, 18, 25 • 7:00‐8:30 pm

TUESDAY Jewish philosophers: The class is currently reading "A Living Covenant: Is there ever a me where being right is actually wrong? The Innovave Spirit in Tradional Judaism" by world‐renowned Join Rabba Sara Hurwitz, Dean of Yeshivat Maharat, to philosopher and social acvist, Dr. David Hartman (z"l), the founder of the explore our Torah's perspecve in Jusce and Shalom Hartman Instute in Jerusalem. Righteousness. Muni Schweig — Wednesdays @ 8:00 pm @ the Schweig home Rabba Sara Hurwitz, co‐founder and Dean of Yeshivat Maharat, the first Orthodox yeshiva to ordain women as FRIDAY clergy, also serves on the Rabbinic staff at the Hebrew Instute of Talmudic Wisdom @ 9:00 AM: Join us for a weekly class that explores Riverdale. Rabba Hurwitz completed Drisha’s three‐year Scholars Circle key sugyot (talmudic units) that discuss major Jewish quesons of Program, an advanced intensive program of study for Jewish women pracce and thought. training to become scholars, educators and community leaders. Aer R. Zac Kamenetz • January 13, 20, 27, February 3, 10, 17 another five years of study under the auspices of Rabbi , she was M. Victoria Suon • February 24, March 3, 10, May 5, 12, 19, 26, June 9, ordained by Rabbi Weiss and Rabbi Daniel Sperber in 2009. 16 • 9:00 am Rabba Sara Hurwitz • Tuesday, January 3 • 7:30‐8:30 pm Dr. Deena Aranoff • March 17, 24, 31 • 9:00 am

Maimonides & Modernity w/Bernie Steinberg: Halakhist, SATURDAY philosopher, court physician, local and world Jewish Zemirot of Shabbat with R. David Rue ‐ Seudah Shlishit: Each Shabbat communal leader, the Rambam (Moses Maimonides, 1138 we will study one Zemer (Shabbat Song), learn the tune, study the text ‐1204) inhabits diverse intellectual, social and polical and ask some quesons for further thought. Class will meet in the beit spaces. His teaching is parcularly relevant to the modern midrash during seudah shlishit. condion when move between a mulplicity of R. David Rue has been a Dayan from 1989, Rosh Beit Din from 2000. He worlds, when they reject simplisc views of God, ethics, has taught extensively in Yeshivot Bnei Akiva, the premier religious

PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS SHEET FROM THE BUILDING ON SHABBAT Zionist educaon network in Israel with over 75 schools and 24,000 experience of growing older within Jewish community and informed students. He is a close student of Rav Druckman. Class will not meet by Jewish values. Our goal is to create a place of safety for personal December 17, 31. exploraon and growth, and study. The inial group will be limited R. David Rue — Saturdays during seudah shlishit to 8 parcipants.

A one‐on‐one parent‐child learning program. Children CBI SISTERHOOD in grades 1‐8 and their parents are invited to Book Meeting: Sunday, January 15, 10:30 am # CBI. We will discuss parcipate. Guidance available in choosing learning Moonglow by Michael Chabon. Please contact Rita Kohl materials best suited to each individual need. [email protected] for information. Mishmash will meet twice a month through March, on Motzei Sunday, January 25th • 1:30‐4:30 @ CBI Shabbat, 45 minutes aer Shabbat ends. Food and snacks will be served. Donate your car/boat/vehicle to Beth Israel. Full tax write off. Jan 7 6:30 ‐ 7:30 • Jan 21 6:30 ‐ 7:30 • Feb 4 6:45 ‐ 7:45 pm • Feb Beth Israel. Contact David: 510‐849‐0961 18 6:45 ‐ 8 pm • Mar 4 Siyum! 7‐8 pm

In the Community EVENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS In Beth Israel Dreidels on the Brain Hanukkah Party Celebrang 25 Years of Afikomen Judaica! Mazal Tov‐Hadran Alach! to Miriam Petruck and R. Mimi Weisel Sunday December 25, 2:30pm ‐ 5:00pm ‐‐ FREE on completing learning Tractate Mo'ed Katan! This is the second Music 3:00 pm w/ Melita and Jen Miriam (members of Octopretzel) complete Tractate they have completed together in memory of Stories & Readings 3:45pm w/ Joel Ben‐Izzy Miriam Petruck’s father (B'rachot was the first). Books will be available to purchase and sign Community Menorah Lighng 4:30pm w/ Rabbi Chaim CBI Cooks for Berkeley Men's Shelter, Wednesday, December Shopping ALL Day 11am ‐ 5pm 28th, 5 PM‐7:30 PM: With your help, CBI prepares and serves Prizes * Friends * Nosh * dinner to more than 50 clients at the Berkeley Men’s Homeless 3042 Claremont Avenue Berkeley CA 94705 Shelter each month. Join us this month to cook, serve or clean up 510‐655‐1977 (see shifts below). Contact Maharat Victoria Sutton to sign up or learn more. 5:00 pm ‐ Cooking Shift 6:3‐‐7:30 pm ‐ Serve and Clean‐Up Shift

Asarah B’Tevet Services & Learning, and The Backpack Project Sunday, January 8—9:00 am ‐ 1 pm We will mark Asarah B’Tevet through communal fast and gemilut chasadim (acts of kindness). We will delve into the meaning of the day through learning, followed by creang resources for those who are most vulnerable in our Berkeley community. 8:00 am ‐ Shacharit 9:00‐10:00 am ‐ Learning with Eliav Goldberg, Eliahu Klein and M. Victoria Suon. 10:00‐1:00 pm ‐ The Backpack Project: Assemble and distribute backpacks with essenal supplies to homeless individuals in Berkeley. Sign up to shop for items, help assemble backpacks or distribute backpacks with Maharat Victoria Suon. Cost of each assembled backpack is approx. $20. To sponsor a backpack, or a few backpacks, please contact the CBI office. We will meet monthly from 11:30‐3 PM including a sharing lunch. We ask for a commitment to show up for 4 sessions and to engage in homework in between. The groups will be facilitated by Rabbi Mimi Weisel and/or Rabbi SaraLeya Schley.

Aging with Grace and Wisdom January 10, February 28, March 21 How do we harvest a lifeme of living? Conscious eldering is an ongoing opportunity for inner growth and exploraon of our values. We can transform the changes that the years bring to our bodies and minds into openings to ever‐deepening meaning, and even delight – and certainly not stagnaon. Join a group of like‐minded journeyers to share and expand our