Vol. LVII, No. 10 February 5, 2015 16 Shevat 5775 United Synagogue Leader Rabbi Wernick To Speak at Men’s Club Shabbat Dinner By Sam Husney the Men’s Club. Members of men’s clubs Beginning with the successful passing United Synagogue of Conservative at Conservative congregations throughout of the strategic plan for the “new United Chief Executive Officer Rabbi the world conduct the service on this Synagogue,” Steven C. Wernick will be the featured Shabbat, Shabbat HaChodesh. Rabbi Wernick Rabbi Wernick speaker at the annual Men’s Club Shabbat will speak following a complete traditional has spearheaded service and dinner—open to the entire Shabbat dinner, to be held in the Crystal a progressive plan congregation—on Friday, March 20. Rabbi Ballroom. The service begins at 6:30 P.M. to transform the Wernick was named one of Newsweek’s 50 and the dinner begins at 7:30 P.M. international org- Most Influential Rabbis in America and The cost of the dinner is $25 per person anization of Con- was on The Forward’s List of 50 Influential and $15 for children 13 and younger. servative cong- Jewish Leaders. Reservations can be made by bringing or regations to meet The Friday evening service, which sending a check to the Temple Israel office. the needs of what precedes the dinner and presentation, will Further information about the service, he termed “sacred be held in the Multipurpose Room and dinner and speaker is available by calling ——Continued will be conducted entirely by members of the synagogue office, 482-7800. on page 2 Rabbi Steven Wernick Planning for the Temple Israel Gala

A large committee has formed to plan Temple Israel’s Annual Din- and Harvey Kadden, Barbara and Henry Katz, Ronnie and Marc ner Dance, this year honoring outgoing President Alan Klinger Katz, Pargol and Steven Khadavi, Parveneh and Parviz Khoda- and his wife, Susan Wagner, on Sunday, April 19. Chaired by dadian, Fran and Marc Langsner, Susan and Robert Lopatkin, Simone and Robert Kahen, Elise and Richard Kestenbaum, and Veronica and Jonathan Lurvey, Trudy and Steven Markowitz, Ni- Miriam and Kenneth Kobliner, the committee includes Eleanor cole and Gary Mazer, Ofra and Rob Panzer, Moji and Omid Pour- and Kaveh Askari, Barbara Hirsch and Steven Atlas, Vivian and moradi, Eileen and Mickey Putterman, Debbie Sedaghat, Debbie Yuval Brash, Lori and Alan Cooper, Farnaz and Mike Delafraz, and Steve Shepsman, Ossie and Douglas Spector, Lynn and Gil Joanna and David Eshaghoff, Andrea and Jeff Farkas, Fariba and Weitzman, and Bracha and Marty Werber. Lee Harounian, Seth Horowitz, Sherry and Sam Husney, Freddi Voice photo by Bob Lopatkin

layout-1.indd 1 2/5/15 2:34 PM A VOICE GUEST COLUMN United Synagogue’s Shalom Club’s Years of Bonding Rabbi Wernick Will Speak at Men’s Club By Mickey Putterman Dinner March 20th EDITOR’S NOTE: The Shalom Club, the congregation’s oldest arm, has spent years form- ——Continued from front page ing lasting friendships. Club President Mickey Putterman invites you to join them and be congregations, kehillot.” He has shepherded part of the fun. the successful launch of several programs What remains over the years is the es- dine, to sip wine, to shine with enthusiasm, for USCJ, including the new Sulam for sence of human encounters, therefore let’s become tense or make sense in the political Emerging Leaders, focused on strengthen- share how unique and fulfilling Shalom or cultural arena, vent not bent to listen, to ing and transforming kehillot through the Club can be. We can with honesty relate to question, to bristle, to applaud, sometimes training of their future Leaders. To date, the past 53 years as a joy of what a group whistle when the speaker shares her or his USCJ has partnered with kehillot to engage like Shalom Club is and continues to be for personal source. We radiate a personality more than 1,000 new leaders, including of care and involvement of others in need, a large group from Temple Israel. He has of study and questioning, of bristling with also built successful partnerships with PJ It is truly an tales of new ventures and the ongoing in- Library, the Ruderman Foundation, and put of the past. We sing, tell stories, some other movement partners. enriching and of glories of our history, and recollect yes- As the son of a rabbi and a Jewish terday with conventional respect. We are educator, Rabbi Wernick was actively warming experience. in essence builders, founders, givers and involved in USY and Camp Ramah. He all who choose to take their place in the keepers, shareholders and seekers of this was born in Philadelphia and raised in adventure of life in Temple Israel of Great ever-living magnificent space, our spiritual a variety of cities across North America, Neck. home, Temple Israel of Great Neck, and of including Oakland, California, and No longer “The Young Married Set,” life itself, which surrounds and abounds Winnipeg, Manitoba, in central Canada. still we learn, still we debate, still we visit, within us. You can never be too young to He is a graduate of the University of still we encounter and still we share the at- share in all that we offer with warmth, with Minnesota and the University of Judaism tributes of joining together once a month to ——Continued on page 5 and was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary. He served as the associate rabbi FROM THE RABBI at Temple Beth Sholom in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and then as the senior rabbi at Adath Israel in suburban Philadelphia. One Day with the Hartman Institute He has also been the president of the Mid- By Rabbi Howard Stecker Atlantic Regional Rabbinical Assembly. As rabbi of Adath Israel, Rabbi Wernick took a synagogue that had been withering I’m writing from where I’m • 9 A.M. Study and discussion of Jewish and turned it into one of the region’s most participating in the second winter portion sources from Bible to Zohar that deal with vibrant congregations. He still draws on his of the Rabbinic Leadership Initiative, a pro- the theme of universalism and particular- experiences at Adath Israel as he works to gram for over 20 rabbis from varying ideo- ism in Jewish thought. Unfortunately the grow United Synagogue. logical perspectives. In the past I’ve shared scheduled instructor, Dr. Melila Hellner- teachings and insights that I gleaned from Eshed, Professor of Jewish mysticism and Mazal Tov To . . . my experience. Recently Temple Israel host- Zohar at Hebrew University, was unable • Faye and Joseph Rokhsar on the birth of ed two other rabbis from the program, Rabba their grandson, Jack Henry Rokhsar. and Rabbi David Ingber. …Hartman is In order to give a sense of the depth Daily Minyan TiMes and breadth of the program, I’d like to cultivating nuanced Mon. & Thur. 6:45 A.M. 8:00 P.M. present a chronology, with minor descrip- Monday, Feb. 16 8:15 A.M. 8:00 P.M. tions, of most of the events that transpired conversation and Tues. & Wed. 7:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M. on a single day. Below is an account of my Fri., Feb. 6 & 13 7:00 A.M. 5:15 P.M. experience with the Hartman Institute in action regarding Sat., Feb. 7 9:00 A.M. 4:40 P.M. Jerusalem on Monday, February 2, 2015. Sat., Feb. 14 9:00 A.M. 4:50 P.M. • 8 A.M. Breakfast with several of my col- Israel and Judaism. Sunday 8:15 A.M. 8:00 P.M. leagues and Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer, President of the of North to teach due to the death of her husband the night before. Dr. Biti Roi, a Lecturer in CanDle lighTing TiMes America. Yehuda spoke with us about the Friday, Feb. 6…...... ….....…...……5:00 P.M. Jewish Mysticism at Hebrew University, inaugural year of a new program, a Gap Friday, Feb. 13.....…...... ………… 5:08 P.M. Year for American and Israeli students filled in for her colleague after offering a that allows them to explore Jewish topics brief reflection about Melila’s husband and together and to engage in dialogue about leading us in the chanting, in his memory, Next Voice Issue, Deadline The next issue of The Voice, the Pu- the realities of American and Israeli life. He of a medieval poem about the soul. We rim issue, will be published on February told us that he is thrilled by the enthusiastic made plans to pay a shiva call to Melila. The 19. The deadline for that issue is Monday, engagement of North American and Israeli subsequent study and discussion raised February 9. teens that he has witnessed. ——Continued on page 5 ——2——

layout-1.indd 2 2/5/15 2:34 PM In MeMorIaM UpcoMIng events at teMple Israel Feb. 8 Family B’nai Mitzvah Workshop III 9:30 A.M. Temple Israel extends condolences With Cantor Frieder to the families of: 8 Single Connection Sunday Brunch 11:00 A.M. 8 “The Adventures of Mitzvah Man and Estie the 3:00 P.M. HAROLD B. FINK Mensch” - Presented by PJ Library Storybook Theater husband of Barbara Fink 8 TILL Movie Night Presents “The Green Prince” 7:30 P.M. and esteemed member of Temple Israel 9 Sisterhood Board Meeting 10:00 A.M. 22 Shalom Club Dinner Meeting 6:30 P.M. ANITA KINSHUCK 26 Board of Trustees Meeting 8:15 P.M. mother of Fay Mattana 28 Niggun Circle Led by Cantor Frieder 1:00 P.M. Mar. 1 Purim Carnival 10:00 A.M. May their memories be for a blessing. 5 Congregational Purim Celebration 8 TILL Movie Night 7:30 P.M. 9 Sisterhood Board Meeting 10:00 A.M. Rabbi Roth Will Lead 14 Temple Israel Players Production of “Mame” 8:00 P.M. 15 Temple Israel Players Production of “Mame” 2:00 P.M. Temple Israel Schools 15 Temple Israel Players Cast Party 6:00 P.M. On Family Trip to Israel 16 “ of the Civil War” Sisterhood Program Noon Temple Israel’s schools are travelling

A NOTE ABOUT SHABBAT SERVICES to Israel! Shaharit, the morning service on Shabbat, begins at 9:00 A.M. Director of Congregational Schools Note that Pesuqei d’Zimrah, the preparatory prayers, will take place at 8:45 A.M., Rabbi Amy Roth will lead a group of par- and the first Mourner’s Kaddish will be recited immediately prior to the Torah reading, ents and students from the Religious School at around 9:25 A.M.in the Sanctuary.      and Waxman High School and Youth House, as well as other members of the con- gregation, on a seven day educational trip to Israel from June 28-July 8. “We are attempting to create mile- stones in the lives of Temple Israel families that connect them to the congregation and further the development of family Jewish exploration,” Rabbi Roth said. “A Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a key moment in the life of a family and a natural progression of events is to take a family trip to Israel, but all are welcome to join us.” WITH TIGN The congregation’s travellers will leave from Kennedy Airport on El Al, and visit Temple Israel’s sister congrega- Wednesday, March 18, 2015 tion in Ashkelon, Kehillat Netzach Israel, conduct a Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremony 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM at Robinson’s Arch, and be joined by Se- nior Rabbi Howard Stecker for part of the Dinner, Drinks, Karaoke trip. The group will spend two nights in with y our T emple Israel Friends & Family Tel Aviv, two nights in Jerusalem includ- ing Shabbat, and two nights in a kibbutz in the north of Israel. Planned is a Jeep tour in the Golan Heights, rafting on the Jordan River, a hands-on volunteer expe- rience with a food bank, and floating in the Dead Sea. There will also be special activities for young children on the trip. The trip, which includes flights to and from Tel Aviv, hotels, seven days of touring '*    in a luxury air-conditioned bus, a licensed %))$  -­‐%*&$  English-speaking tour guide and meals,

is arranged by Da’at Educational Expedi- tions. Prices start at $5,189.  # “This will be a powerful, group bond-   !"("  ing experience for all ages,” Rabbi Roth      "  "   said. She invited inquiries for further infor- mation about the trip by calling her or Wax- man Youth House Director Danny Mishkin              at 482-7800. ——3—— 108 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023  (516) 482-7800  www.tign.org

layout-1.indd 3 2/5/15 2:34 PM FROM THE BETH HAGAN NURSERY SCHOOL and weaving Joseph’s coat. We have invited a spinner and a weaver to our event. They will bring their wheels and looms and give a demonstration. We are so excited Learning Through Science to display our projects and share what we learned. By Rachel Mathless Beth HaGan recently acquired a state of the art block set created by the Blue Man Beth HaGan celebrated Tu B’Shevat, the birthday for the trees, with a beautiful seder. All the children contributed their favorite fruits from which the Land of Israel is blessed— …children can come dates, figs, pomegranates, and so many exotic fruits. We drank some wine (grape juice), did some really creative art work and had birthday cake. A good time was had by all. and create We are assiduously at work on the Torah Science Fair. Our projects reflect a month- long study of topics ranging from the solar system, the plant cycle, the five senses, and whenever the spirit sea life. We have been hypothesizing and We are so excited experimenting. We’re learning how fabrics moves them to do so. are made and designed and the journey Group and distributed by “Imagination to display our projects the challah takes all the way from the Playground.” These open-ended creative wheat seed in the field to our Shabbat table. blocks are housed in their own space and and share what We’ve studied shadow and light—why our children are free to create and negotiate shadows “grow” and “shrink.” We’ve been and collaborate on all sorts of imaginative we learned. experimenting with many different fabrics pieces. It is fascinating to listen to the conversations. These blocks help children with critical thinking, problem solving, and social development. Their work is elaborate and helps the children make sense of the world around them. The room is always open and children can come and create whenever the spirit moves them to do so. Registration for our wonderful summer program as well as the 2015-2016 school year is open now. Please call the office for an application. Congregation Thanks Sponsors of Kiddush Appreciation is expressed by the Temple Israel officers and Board of Trustees to members who have generously sponsored and enhanced the Sabbath kiddush. Contributions toward the kiddush on December 13 were made by Claudia and Beth HaGaners learned about silkworms eating mulberry leaves for the Science Fair. Bruce Newman in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Aaron, and Jennifer Berookhim and Robert Somekh in honor of their Auf Ruf. The congregational kiddush on December 20 was co-sponsored by Raeann and Ashley Nemiroff in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Martin, and Kiumarz Geula in memory of his father, Hoshang Geula. A contribution toward the kiddush on December 27 was made by Susan and Arden Smith in honor of Dr. Smith chanting the Torah portion Parashat Vayigash on the 50th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah. The congregational kiddush on January 24 was sponsored by Lauraine and Jonathan Kanders in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Richard. A contribution toward the kiddush on January 31 was made by Helene and Kenneth Horowitz in honor of the Bar The Beth HaGan Dolphins class prepares Joseph’s coat for their science project. Mitzvah of their son, Spencer. ——4——

layout-1.indd 4 2/5/15 2:34 PM Guest Column: GivingVoice GuestYour Children Column: What Shalom You Club’s Had Years of Bonding ——Continued from page 2 Was it punishment when you misbe- who is blind in a certain way, not necessar- ——Continued from page 2 you to join us, become a member, and look ideas, celebrations and we never, never A congregant of mine at my last posi- haved? Was it shame? ily one who cannot physically see). love, with ongoing determination. forward to one Sunday a month for dinner forget simchas. tion, before I came to Great Neck, told me Was it Judaism? Did they bring you But Dr. Mogel uses this passage to refer You as a congregant and membership and an evening which is a winner always. The Board members of the Shalom the following: “Parenting is about learning to the synagogue, on the High Holidays? to our children, and in doing so I think that in the Shalom Club are a formula for suc- You will always be most welcome in Club invite you to join the club: Renee and to let go. We cannot always be there for our On Shabbat? Was it a love of the Divine, of she sums up all of this quite nicely: cess. When we find each other the shidach is the Shalom Club. Our preference is not to Elliot Fleischer, Betty Lager, Estelle Nadler, children. We teach them our values, we fill things unseen? “Keeping too close an eye on our chil- everlasting. The mere fact that several new deal with chronology but with a psychol- Eileen and Mickey Putterman, Ellen and them with useful information, and then Was it a sense of purpose, of belong- dren is a stumbling block. If they don’t have groups can also make the very same state- ogy of life that is full of open doors, fresh Milton Rosen, and Bela and Mel Schoenfeld. we leave them alone. We cannot always be ing? Was it the drive to succeed? the chance to be bad, they can’t choose to be ment is simply a testimony to Temple Israel there to hover over them in case they fall or Dr. Wendy Mogel is an author who good. If they don’t have the chance to fail, and its distinctive and compelling personal- make a mistake.” does marvelously what each of us should they can’t learn. And if they aren’t allowed ity. Our families have grown and from time One Day with the Hartman Institute We have to be careful, ladies and gen- do: she uses the texts of Jewish tradition to to face scary situations, they’ll grow up to to time we are treated to an evening of shar- ——Continued from page 2 tlemen, not to let our love stifle our chil- teach us about our lives today. In particular, be frightened of life’s simplest challenges.” ing their present history with us. We are de- questions that we applied to contemporary Jewish life. How is the Jewish experience of dren. Teach them to swim; don’t be there she has written books on parenting that see Our next generation is indeed pre- lighted to find family members, whatever God and history unique? What are the parameters of our loyalty to our people specifically with the life jacket, the noodle, the pole and children and their behavior through the lens cious; they will carry our body of learning, the age, enlighten us by their expertise, their and to humanity overall? the canoe. We have to give them indepen- of ancient Jewish texts. In her book, “The practice and values into the future. But we story, their own unique and compelling mo-mo- • 1:30 P.M. Discussion with leaders of the Jewish Pluralism Watch, an advocacy group dence. That is what raising the next genera- Blessing of a Skinned Knee,” she points to a cannot treat them like they are precious. ments of special interest. It is truly an en- for religious freedom and empowerment for all Jews in Israel. The discussion included tion is all about. classic statement of Jewish law, from the so- We have to teach them to swim. We have to riching and warming experience. an analysis of efforts in the Knesset to extend legitimacy to non- and to I was chatting over this sermon idea called “Holiness Code” of Leviticus (19:14): give them the independence that they need We are a group of men and women expand the rights of women in religious life. with Rabbi Eckstein a few weeks ago, and Do not put a stumbling block in front of the to flourish. concerned with understanding and living • 3:30 P.M. Meetings with three Knesset Members from various parts of the political spec- he said something to me which I never blind. (This is one of those classic passag- The greatest mitzvah of parenthood is the Jewish experience. We try to make that trum: Dr. Shimon Ohayon (Yisrael Beiteinu), Michal Biran (Labor) and Dr. Aliza Lavie would have come up with myself, but I es that simply cries out for interpretation. to let go. Don’t give your children what you happen through visits to places of Jewish (Yesh Atid). Dr. Ohayon and Dr. Lavie described, with variations, their commitment to think works so well here. He pointed out Rashi tells us that this can refer to anybody didn’t have; give them what you did have. interest, and encourage meeting with Jews Orthodox Halakhah as the defining criterion for policies regarding personal status. Discus- to me that parents will often say that they from around the world. We’ve traveled to sion got quite heated as our cohort, largely Reform and Conservative rabbis, challenged want to give their children what they didn’t Israel together, as well as Barcelona and them on their stated parameters for Halakhic authority and their refusal to advocate for have growing up. But what we should say Between the Dance Floor and Balcony Budapest ——Continued in order from topage deepen 2 our under- separation of religion and state when it comes to matters of personal status and issues af- instead is, “I want to give them what I did standinginvite to theof thedance, Jews or ofhow the the world. dance We’ve itself mightfecting look the different. public square. have.” met Aswith with the many Black things Jewish in life,community proper balance• 6:30 generallyP.M. Dinner yields with the my most colleagues satisfying at a local restaurant. After we enjoyed a collegial Your parents may not have been able to andoutcome. made Too visits little to balconymany of and our our rare participation and meal may together, become Yehuda rote. TooKurtzer little shared dance somefloor of the successes and challenges of the Muslim give you a Lexus or a Caribbean vacation. beautifuland we may Sephardic miss out on synagogues, feeling part whichof the action.Leadership Initiative, a Hartman program that brings North American Muslim leaders to But what did they give you? Was it love? have Weopened are nottheir the doors first in onesGreat toNeck. straddle It the participation Institute to learn and about contemplation. Israel and Judaism. As we read Was it decent, but not fancy, home-cooked hasrecently heightened in the Torah,and deepened Moses took our timesense out of from beingI can’t with overstate the Israelites the impact to seek that insight the Hartman Institute is having in multiple realms food? Was it their time? Was it an emphasis Jewishfrom God awareness regarding everywhere. the purpose of his overall withinmission. and “Show beyond me yourthe Jewish essence,” community he asked in Israel and in North America. For religious on the importance of family? Was it a love God in We an stand ultimate on the balcony threshold moment. of tomor tomor-- and lay leaders, for adults and teens, for IDF officers and Israeli educators, Hartman is cul- of reading, or of helping the neighbor in row inWith our the community fall holiday which season gives behind us usan and tivating a full year nuanced of Temple conversation Israel activities and action ahead, regarding Israel and Judaism. If you consider the need, or of singing or building things in the ongoingI invite each sense of of us commitment to increase our and commitment respon- single to the daydance I described floor as aswell somewhat as the balcony. of a microcosm, you get a small sense of the transfor- garage or digging in the garden or playing sibilityBased not on only my to own each experience other, but with also our to community,mative impact I am of confident this visionary that time institution. spent in For me personally it is exceeding expectations in the great outdoors? theboth broader places will synagogue increase family.our appetite We invitefor the dance.and impacting my own thinking in ways I will continue to share.

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layout-1.indd 7 10/21/14 6:48:13 PM layout-1.indd 5 2/5/15 2:34 PM ANNE AND MILTON CANTOR FRIEDER’S SNITKOFF FUND DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of: From Generation In appreciation of: Cynthia Kushel Cantor Frieder’s assistance The Brash family in helping Gail succeed in Delores Gordon to Generation reading her Torah portion Micky and Allan on Shabbat Greenblatt Gail and Jeffrey Elise and Richard Zahler Kestenbaum Cantor Frieder’s kindness Beverly Sternlieb Sandy Levine Heidi Siegel and friends Temple Israel Gratefully Acknowledges In honor of: Their son, Jordan, FUND The Following Contributions becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of: Carol and Marc All of Ellen and Milton ISRAEL SOLIDARITY FUND YAD B’YAD FUND Seidenberg Rosen’s happy family In honor of: In appreciation of: Cantor Frieder occasions Rabbi Stecker for his Karen Ashkenase, Marsha Yvonne and Frederic Joan Schussheim efforts on behalf of the IDF Levin, Bunny North, Rakowitz Susan and Dennis Brenda Kopelowitz and In memory of: Brustein Madelyn Dubiner for USHERS FUND Walter Blazer being “living angels” in In honor of: Ellen and Milton In memory of: her time of need The marriage of Josh Rosen Joseph Soleimani Viola Esikoff Smolinsky, son of Carol Fannie Rosen Maureen Mayer and Steve Smolinsky, to Milton Rosen Nahideh Rahimi In honor of: Emily Goldberg Cheryl Eisberg Moin Brenda and Natie The marriage of Rachel PASTORAL FUND and Seth Moin Kopelowitz 50th wedding Husney, daughter of In appreciation of: anniversary Sherry and Sam Husney, The Pastoral Committee’s DAILY MINYAN FUND Iris and Charles to Jonathan Saat support and comfort In appreciation of: Kopelowitz The marriage of Keith during the mourning All those who led the Varda and Alan Sazer, son of Lois and period evening service during the Solomon Gary Sazer, to Kate Thoman Daryl Schulman and shiva period for Barbara and Howard family Grace Barkas In memory of: Spun Daryl Schulman and Grace Barkas In honor of: family Daryl Schulman and In memory of: Van Frankel family Larry Kreditor Joseph Josephs In honor of: Herbert I. Sugarman Manijeh and Jack Arden Smith’s 50th Bar Esther Parris Moallem In memory of: Mitzvah anniversary Libby Weston Barbara and Howard Constance Frankel The engagement of Jackie Spun Van Frankel Schultz, daughter of For the recovery of: Joseph Boverman Barbara and Leonard Natie Kopelowitz Manijeh and Jack RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Schultz, to Russell Freeman Iris and Charles Moallem In honor of: Alise Kreditor and Adler Aghdas Monasebian The birth of their Jeffrey Englander and Larry Greengrass Nancy and Sidney granddaughter, family Carol and Steve Freedman Ellie Ashkenase Smolinsky Karen and Donald In memory of: WAXMAN HIGH SCHOOL Ashkenase Adele Fishman Contribution: AND YOUTH HOUSE FUND Julius Schneider Alise Kreditor In memory of: ADULT EDUCATION FUND Marilyn Schneider Nahideh Rahimi In honor of: Jerome Legatt RABBI ADELSON’S Parvaneh and Parviz Sherry Husney’s special Stacee and Jeffrey DISCRETIONARY FUND Khodadadian and birthday Bernstein In memory of: family Cheryl Eisberg Moin Larry Kreditor Irving Mirsky and Seth Moin For the recovery of: Jeffrey Fleit Marjorie and Jonathan Ed Goldfeder Joy Steinberg Hoffman LIBRARY FUND Alise Kreditor and Barbara and Jerry Shimel Monahemi In memory of: Jeffrey Englander and Ackerman Elise and Richard Harry Berman family Warren Rodnick Kestenbaum Joseph Boverman Cheryl Eisberg Moin Sonya and Bernard Moji and Omid Hannah Berman and Seth Moin Desatnick Pourmoradi Sylvia Lupkin Manny Bardash Aghdas Monasebian Stanley Lupkin Cheryl Eisberg Moin Contribution: Moji and Omid and Seth Moin Anna and Darren Kaplan Pourmoradi PRAYER BOOK FUND In honor of: ADULT EDUCATION FUND ETHEL AND JACK SIDNEY ACKERMAN FUND Spencer Horowitz, son of In honor of: ACKERMAN FUND In memory of: Helene and Kenneth Sherry Husney’s special In memory of: Harold Fink Horowitz, becoming a birthday Joy Steinberg Elihu Nemiroff Bar Mitzvah Cheryl Eisberg Moin Barbara and Jerry Linda and Bill Susan Lehrhoff and Seth Moin Ackerman Ackerman and family ——6——

layout-1.indd 6 2/5/15 2:34 PM TEMPLE ISRAEL FUND Murray Gold In honor of: Leonard Gold The engagement of Jackie From Generation Benjamin Smoler Schultz, daughter of Carole Rodnick Barbara and Leonard Joseph Jacobson Schultz, to Russell to Generation Arlene Paul Caitung Freeman Clara Kahn The birth of Ellie Cyrus Kahn Ashkenase, granddaughter Sol Brownstein of Karen and Donald Howard Brownstein Ashkenase Bernard Schultz Joyce and Burton Leonard Schultz Weston and family Temple Israel Gratefully Acknowledges Francine Citron Harold Citron In appreciation of: The Following Contributions Kathryn Bloomfield Madelyn Gould for her Matthew Bloomfield kindness Harry Gorelick Kate Sosnow Abraham Schrager Betty Zimmermann Michael Gorelick Mindy Horowitz Susan Brustein Alice M. Brustein Marcia Weiss Edward Scheiner Contribution: Dennis Brustein Leonard Weiss Joyce Weston Robert Miller Bessie Glatstein Mendel Weisel Kate Kimelman Loretta Klein Barbara Meyers Samuel Kimelman In memory of: Pauline Katz David Rogers Martin Kimelman Joseph Boverman Fradelle Schefren Barbara Schultz Rae Gordon Bela and Mel Faye Weitzman Nahideh Rahimi Carol Goldberg Schoenfeld Howard Weitzman Robin and Jeroen Louis Emanuel Sylvia Ashkenase Hoshang Geula Bours and Aaron David Emanuel Donald Ashkenase Natasha and Aghdas Monasebian Sara Shalom Rokhsar Dotty Katz Benjamin Ganjian Joyce and Burton Joseph Rokhsar Mildred Katz Hilda Rubinstein Weston and family Blanche Salus Frogel Toby Katz Barbara Green Arlene Wigler Stein Roberta Frogel Derris Sylvia Hymes Alexander Hyman Lori Stein Freudman Marjorie Weinberg Pearl and Kenneth Muriel Hyman Frieda London Irwin Reich Hymes Abraham Damast Stephen London Helene Wasserman Florence Becker Gary Damast Etta Achenbaum Jesse Feingold Robert Rutkin-Becker Felice Lesser William Achenbaum David Feingold Dora Hysen Roberta Russo Frank Zimmermann Irving Saks Arlene Hysen Sanford Wolf Betty Zimmermann Muriel Geller Max Denberg Basami Ferber George DePinna Sonia Sarah Silverstein Susan Yellin Isaac Forst Jane Blum Stanley Silverstein Joseph Kurzon Cheryl Sperber Reda Wallner Sanford Wolf Sylvia Salzberg Beatrice Baynash Helene Schachter Arlene Wolf Louis Schreiber Adele Gentin Helen Menies Sophie Arlene Freudman Sam Goldfarb Jules North Diane Lichtenstein Lori and Paul Merrill Ann Jenny Bachenheimer Mildred Ortner Freudman Schneiderman Bunny North Melvin Ortner Charles Baldinger Herbert Abrahams Benjamin Glatstein Lester Phillips Malkah Schulman George Abrahams Loretta Klein Karen Ashkenase Daniel Bernstein Shimel Monahemi Jeffrey Bernstein Irving Mirsky Frank Seskin Nancy Bader and habbat ervIces Jack Seskin Michael Leventhal s s Leonard Seskin Dorothy Schwartz ——Continued from back page Moussa Ohebshalom Effie Apelast Friday, February 13 Ebby Ohebshalom Weinberg Evening Service 5:15 P.M. Charles S. Goltman Daniel Fink • Adele Warren Simon Fink Saturday, February 14 Ayoob Bagdadi Augusta L. Orenstein Edna Saraf Michael Orenstein Shabbat Shekalim Ruth Rand Ram Ethel Kleitman Morning Service 9:00 A.M. Carol Bourne Arlene Lurie Weekly Portion: Mishpatim Ruth Iteld Oscar Albert Exodus 21:1 - 24:18; 30:11 - 16 Melissa Jurin David Albert Haftarah: II Kings 11:17 - 12:17 Mary Balkoff Samuel Yafeh Sabbath Service Officers and Greeters: Pearl Glowatz Shahram Yafeh Lynn Weitzman, Keyvan Frouzan, Natalia Wundheiler Leonard Ram Rachel Geula and Brent Greenspan Fran Langsner Carol Bourne Morton Jay Jacobson Havurah Service 10:00 A.M. TORAH FUND Arnold Jacobson Junior Congregation 10:30 A.M. In honor of: Arlene Lurie Toddler Service 11:00 A.M. Harry Silberglait Boris Shatanof Minhah 4:50 P.M. Elaine Silberglait Linda Sherman Se’udah Shelishit 5:20 P.M. Farideh Beroukhim Ma’ariv 5:55 P.M. In memory of: Elyahou Beroukhim Havdalah 6:10 P.M. Walter Handelman Jacklin Youdim Marlene Handelman ——7——

layout-1.indd 7 2/5/15 2:34 PM Periodicals TEMPLE ISRAEL VOICE Postage Paid Marc Katz, Editor at Great Neck, NY Associate Editors: Rabbi Marim D. Charry, Paula Charry, Angela Jones, Ronnie Katz Photographers: Robert Lopatkin, Ofra Panzer, Milton Putterman

TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREAT NECK 108 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 Phone: 516-482-7800 • Fax: 516-482-7352 • E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.TIGN.org Published bi-weekly by Temple Israel of Great Neck, New York, from mid-August to mid-June. Periodicals postage paid at Great Neck, NY. Postmaster: Send address changes to Temple Israel Voice at address above. Publication No. USPS 078-740. Subscription $5.00 per annum.

TEMPLE ISRAEL STAFF Howard A. Stecker...... Senior Rabbi Raphael Frieder...... Cantor Seth Adelson...... Associate Rabbi Mordecai Waxman*...... Rabbi Emeritus Leon Silverberg...... Executive Director Rabbi Amy Roth...... Director of Congregational Schools Rachel Mathless...... Director, Beth HaGan Daniel Mishkin...... Director, Waxman High School OFFICERS Alan M. Klinger...... President Shahram Delafraz...... Vice President Daniel Goldberger...... Vice President Madelyn Gould...... Vice President Seth Horowitz...... Vice President Robert Lopatkin...... Vice President Zina Rutkin-Becker...... Vice President Rebecca Yousefzadeh Sassouni...... Vice President Irving H. Lurie*...... Honorary President *Deceased AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF

D’var torah shabbat servIces By Rabbi Marim D. Charry A NOTE ABOUT SHABBAT SERVICES Yitro Saturday, February 7 Shaharit, the morning service on Shabbat, begins at 9:00 A.M. In this portion we read of the greatest event in the entire Note that Pesuqei d’Zimrah, the preparatory prayers, history of the people of Israel—the revelation at Mt. Sinai. The will take place at 8:45 A.M., and the first Mourner’s Kaddish portion opens with an account of the visit of Jethro, Moses’ father- will be recited immediately prior to the Torah reading, in-law, to the Israelite camp just after they have crossed the Sea. at around 9:25 A.M.in the Sanctuary. Jethro suggests an administrative arrangement to Moses, which significantly enhances Moses’ effectiveness as a judge. The people • then proceed to the foot of Mt. Sinai where they engage in three days of purification in preparation for God’s appearance. The Friday, February 6 proclamation of the Ten Commandments itself is accompanied by Evening Service 5:15 P.M. smoke and fire and the sound of the shofar. The effect on the people is overwhelming, so much so that they cannot bear to hear God’s • voice directly and Moses serves as an intermediary. The experience of Sinai establishes a covenantal relationship between God and Saturday, February 7 Israel, which is to last to eternity and put its distinctive stamp on Morning Service 9:00 A.M. the entire future development of the people. Weekly Portion: Yitro Exodus 18:1 - 20:23 Mishpatim Saturday, February 14 Haftarah: Isaiah 6:1 - 7:6; 9:5 - 6 We find details of the covenant entered into between God and Sabbath Service Officers and Greeters: Israel in this portion. Since the relationship is all-inclusive, we Rebecca Friedman-Charry, Eleanor Askari, find rules pertaining to social conduct, morality, ethics, civil and Keyvan Frouzan and Diana Stein criminal law and ritual concerns. Like the Ten Commandments, B’nai Mitzvah the source of these rules is divine. The legal material set forth BRANDON FARAJOLLAH here is not a code in the strict sense, since there are significant son of Navid and Ramin Farajollah subjects not touched upon. (These subjects are, however, dealt ETHAN YOUSSEFI with elsewhere in the Torah.) On the other hand, the material son of and Albert Youssefi does make clear that God’s demands of His people cover matters Junior Congregation 10:30 A.M. of conscience as well as matters usually subject to juridical Toddler Service 11:00 A.M. control. The portion concludes with an account of the ratification Shabbat HaMishpachah 4:00 P.M. of the covenant, and Moses ascends Mt. Sinai to remain there for Minhah 4:40 P.M. 40 days and nights for the purpose of writing down the specific Se’udah Shelishit 5:10 P.M. details. Thus, the freedom gained at the Exodus has now been Ma’ariv 5:46 P.M. confirmed and institutionalized in law. The next stop will be to Havdalah 6:01 P.M. create a physical institution that will serve as the embodiment ——Continued on page 7 and reminder of the experience at Sinai.

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