mid Radio, December i8, T93

"No, Gentlemen :the risks are great enough already ;but ifI am to be televised-!" ii WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 18, 1936

39' Every Wednesday-aBBC Publication WORLD- RADIO

VOL. XXIII NO. 595 DECEMBER 18, 1936


- CHRISTMASCET DOWN ? A U.S.A. prize photograph showing

_ little brothers discussing the message they will send to

(Below) A study of an old and poor, but happy, Tyrol couple, celebrating in their home 2 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 1 8,1 9 3 6 In Christmas Programmes Abroad (From our Correspondents) AUSTRIA I.3o a.m. a celebrated in Antwerp Christmas message. from the President of the Cathedral, with the " Maitrise " of the Cathedral Republic, Edward Benes.His Czech message THE Ravag programme will, ofunderthe direction of Mgr. Ludervijk De will be transmitted at 4.28 p.m. and his message course,includechimesandtheChristmas Vocht. for German inhabitants at 5 p.m. At 6.55 p.m. hymn, and Chancellor Dr. Schuschnigg will The Brussels No. x station will broadcast onwill ring Christmas bells from St. Vitus's Cathe- deliver an address.Between 8 and 9 p.m. thereChristmas Day, at to a.m., a " Pontifical Mass "dral, in Prague, founded by Charles IV on the will beabroadcast called " The Homeland celebrated in the Cathedral of Malines. remnants of a Roman crypt dating from the Calls," especially for Austrians abroad.In the The famous " Maitrise " of Saint Rombaut, tenth century and other historic buildings. A afternoon, from 2 to 3 p.m., there will be a studio well known beyond Belgium, and directed byPontifical Mass will be transmitted from St. playletofaDickensiancharacter,mainly Canon Van Nuffel, embraces 225 performers,Vitus's Cathedral on the morning of Christmas intendedforchildren.TheCourtMusic and will give the first performance in BelgiumDay, and on Saturday evening, from the Prague Band(Hofmusikkapelle) willgivea Opera, will be broadcast one of Dvofik's concert at 4.3o p.m. The Rev. Heinrich most popular operas The Jacobin. Suso Waldeck, poet andpriest,will address the " lonely ones."" An Old DENMARK Tyroler " will talk to his fellow Tyrolers in America.Then there will be songs A Historic Organ by the Wiener Sangerknaben and by the ThehistoricorganatFrederiksborg Innsbruck Choral Society Wolkensteiner, Castle,on which Mr. Laumann will andaconcertbytheGanglberger play inthe Danish broadcasting pro- orchestra. grammes at 5 to 5.3o p.m. on Christmas During the small hours of Christmas Day, wasbuiltaboutx 610 bythe morning, from x to 2 a.m. (midnight to famousorgan -builderandorganist, x a.m. G.M.T.), Ravag will relay from EsaiasCompenius. Itwasbuilt by the PCJ station at Eindhoven, Holland, order of the Duke of Brunswick, Henry on short waves (31.28 tn.), a programme Julius, who married King Christian IV's of merry music. sister,Elisabeth.The Duke, knowing One ofthemost remarkableand hisroyalbrother-in-law'sinterestin beautiful features of the Austrian broad- music, presented the King with this casting celebrationsat Christmas time organ.It was placed in Frederiksborg will not be audible in Austria, though it Castle in1616 by Esaias Compenius will be heard throughout the American himself, and he died in Denmark a short continent. It will begin at 4.45 a.m. time after having carried out this work. G.M.T. on Christmas Day, which will The organ consists of r,00xsquare he just before midnight on Christmas pipes, all of which are of wood, forty-five Eve in New York. A choir of children of these being encased in ivory. The key3 from Hallein and district, near Salzburg, of the pedal are also of ivory.The keys willsinginthe Hallein churchyard, of the manuals are covered with plates of before daybreaks,thelovely hymn silver.In spite of its326 years, the " Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht," beside organ is very well preserved :there are the grave of its composer, Franz Xaver nofaults anywhere, anditssonority Gruber, conducted by Gruber's grand- isextraordinarily beautiful.The pipes sOn. The National Broadcasting are made of boxwood, pearwood, ebony, Company of America has arranged all and other fancy woods. the details with Ravag, and all South The organ is a beautiful monument of American stations will relay the song of the artof organ -building during the poignantgladnesswhichunites all seventeenth century, and itis admired German-speaking peoples in sentiment, by connoisseurs from all over Europe. very much as " Home, Sweet Home " When Frederiksborg Castle was burnt and certaincarolsaffect the English- down in1859, the organ, fortunately, speaking peoples.After they have done The300 -years -old historic organ at Frederiksborg Castle, whichmill be had been lent to Frederiksborg Castle their chilly duty the children are to have heardin the Danish programme on Christmas Day at Copenhagen, and thus escaped the a good hot breakfast, and parcelsto fire.After the rebuilding of the Castle take home.The cable will be used to , of the " Mass for four mixed voices, with organ,"it was returned there, and in 1895 it underwent whence Rugby will transmit to America upon by J. von Weiss. overhaul, and nothing required renewal.The short waves. Joseph von Weiss, author of the Mass " Inorgan is thus claimed to be the oldest in the On Christmas Day, at 10.45 a.m., there willhonoremSanctiBrunonis,"whichwillbe world. beaconcertbythe Vienna Philharmonic performedat the Saint Rombaut Cathedral, Orchestra and an Elisabeth Schumann concertwas born in1863,atCattaro,inDalmatia. at 6.xo p.m., followed by a performance of TheHe spent much of his life in Vienna, and is the Merry Widow of FranzLehtir,whichisas author of symphonies, operas, religious music, popular in Austria now as it has ever been. and chamber music.His " Mass for four mixedThe Cologne station will participatein the On Saturday, December z6, there will be an voices, with organ " is of romantic inspiration, broadcast entitled " Bells Ring in Cl- ristmas " elaborate description of the Cathedral of St.somewhat comparable to the Masses of Antonat 5 p.m. G.M.T. on with the Stephan in Vienna, from the catacombs to theBruckner, though of deeply religious character. traditional singing of the Soest (Westphalia) from summit of the spire, in which all the announcers At 6 p.m., the Brussels No. x station will also the gallery of the spire of the Petri Church in of Ravag will take part, preparations for this broadcast " Christmas in Bruges " by M. M. Soest.Soestitselfis famous foritsaltar broadcast having been in progress for monthsHankard. pictures, its churches, and its " Pumpernickel " past, and the great ceremonies which take place -the black bread eaten as a delicacy in Germany. there at the various seasons each year will be CZECHOSLOVAKIA Leipzig briefly indicated.It is timed to begin about President Benes to Broadcast 7 p.m.Afterwards there will be a great " Funk - The Christmas programme of the Reichssender potpourri," as it is called by Ravag, a hilariousThe main Christmas programme of the Czecho- Leipzig reflects German Christmas customs. kind of variety programme, lasting several hours.slovak broadcast begins on the evening of the For German children the most important 22nd with the great Christmas Oratorio, bypart of ChristmasisChristmas Eve. Very J. S. Bach. On the 23rd we shall hear children'sexcited and impatient, they wait for the moment BELGIUM choirs and an old Czech folk Christmas play with when the door will be opened, and, under the On Christmas Eve, the Mussels No. 2 stationmusic and carols. The programme of ChristmasChristmas -tree decorated with burning candles, will broadcast from midnight to approximatelyEve will be given a special importance by athey will find all their lovely presents. The DECEMBER 18, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 3

Reichssender Leipzig will help them through dancers will be. present to go through the jigs, the ordeal of waiting with a broadcast at 3 p.m. reels,hornpipes,etc.,playedbyaspecial on December 24." The door is still not yet augmented ceilidhe band. opened " is the item, which includes humorous tales,' short Christrhas stories, and songs.- At NORWAY 5 p.m. the Leipzig trumpet -band greets -Christ- The best " listening -season "isundoubtedly mas. - at 5.2op.m. leads to the the Christmas holidays.What,, then, are we celebration of Christmas Eve, which,- at 7 p.m., going to hear ? With the third largest tonnage isintroduced by Christmas carols, sung by intheworldi, a nation numbering only 21 children's choirs from Central Germany, where million inhabitants must remember in many especiallyare foundchildren'schoirswith floating homes in foreign harbours,fathers, excellent voices, some having gained world-wide sons and brothels, whose longings and thoughts fame.In that broadcast there will be heard the are drawn towards home and Fatherland.And t. Thomas's Choir of Leipzig, the Kreuz Choir this longing for contact with home broadcasting of Dresden, and other children's choirs from can satisfy more nearly than can any other

Thuringiaand Saxonysinging . the old agency. Christmascarols,partlyoriginatedinthat A programme for our seamen, therefore, has part of Gennany and' especially characteristic been given a considerable part on the third of it. Christmas day, and it is very varied. Norwegian children have their Christmas - HOLLAND Puck, as English children have their Santa With St. Nicholas bringing his gifts on his Claus.On the night before Christmas Eve the name -day, three weeks before Christmas, and children themselves will tell about this Puck, who is a small, short -legged fellow, witha big red New Year's Eve celebrated with almoit the But we must go very far in the same enthusiasm asitisinScotland,the woollen cap. observance of Noel is not so great in Holland as north of Norway's fanciful and isolated districts A merry reportagefrom winter sports stations, with to find a child who really has seen this gentleman it is in France or England.Its reflection in the Miss Gladys Baxter, of the CBS, as the reporter wireless programmes ischiefly of a musical so near at hand that he can describe him and tell character, and already the Christmas Oratorio stories about him. A Northerner's little boy on they will relay the first threehas promised to tell about him. of Bach and a very popular Christmas Cantata. parts of Bach's " ChristmasOratorio " given by by Hubert Cuypers have been heard over the the Rotterdam Philharmonic' Choir and Orches- POLAND ether. Theprincipalessentially -Christmas tra under Eduard Flipse. programme on December 25 will be that of the More music and songs than in previous years Catholic Radio (K.R.O.), which will start at will bebroadcast from the Polish stations 8.io a.m. (G.M.T.) with a relay of the carillon HUNGARY during this Christmas. Some forty musical concert from the tower of the Royal Palace atOn Christmas Eve Radio Budapest offersa and vocal programmes, apart from the special Amsterdam, given by M. Jac. Vincent, thespecial programme for .,lonely people whO lackChristmas talks and plays, will be broadcast famous carilloneur (who is,incidentally,thefriends or family, or who are unable to partici-from the national transmitter in Warsaw, and father of Jo Vincent, who has lately won a bigpate in the festivities of the: season: " Every-simultaneously broadcast on allthe regional reputation as a concert and oratorio soprano inbody's ','is the, name of this stations. England and on the Continent).This will betransmission.The in the The programme begins on December 24, at followed with a " Morning Dedication " duringopen air on a fine square near to the Broad- 10.3o a.m. G.M.T., with " Kolendy " Christ- which the Rev. J. Dito, O.P. (Dominican) will casting House, the candles lighted in the presence mas songs by a children's choir conducted by speak on " Peace on Earth."The lunch-timeof passers-by, and a priest will send greetingsProf. Mayzner. There will be one foreign relay- music by the station orchestra will includethrough- the. .microphone.An organ -recitalnamely, from -on the same day at about Pfitzner's Das Christeljlein and fragments fromwill follow and a member of the Budapest 2 p.m.It will consist of Christmas Eve songs Die Ktinigskinder by Humperdinck, while later aOpera House..Will sing Christmas airs.Beet- of other nations. ladies' choir will sing a cantata by Flor. Peeters,hoven's Ninth Symphony (from records) and The Christmas Eve programme will conclude the popular Antwerp organist, and a number ofthe transmission of a Midnight Mass closes thewith three items : a " Pastoral Poem "-a musical ancient and modern Christmas songs and carols. programme of. December 24. play from Lwdw, fixed for 8.3o p.m. ; " Christ- The chief items in the evening programme will On Christmas Eve, too, the Budapest groad-mas Oratorio," by J. S. Bach, by the choirs in be Bach's Cantata No. 142, " Uns ist ein Kind casting Company will distribute receiving -sets Wilno ;Midnight Mass from Gniezno Basilic geboren " and a Christmas *play, The Silent among war -disabled men and blind people who Church, relayed from Posen at ro.so p.m. Night, dealing with modern industrial problems. have applied for such during the year. ChristmasDayopensat7 a.m.with And, as everywhere in Germany and Holland, Among the special programmes of the two" Kolendy " songs from Warsaw and Katowice. Gruber's " Stille Nacht " will be in almostfollowing days the most notable is the firstA famous choir will sing during the Service to constant evidence. performance-on December 26-of the " Christ-be relayed from Posen Cathedral at 9.ro a.m. The A.V.R.O. (301 m.) starts somewhat earlier mas Cantata " by Francis Joseph Vaszy, a youngAfter a Christmas mystery play by W. Rachulski with its celebrations, and begins on SundayHungarian composer. Itisan oratorio forwith Roman Palester at the piano, to be relayed with a " Varied Christmas Evening," with fairyorchestra,chorus,andsoloistswhich hasfrom Cracow at 3.45 p.m., there will be, at 5 p.m., stories from the local Spaanders Forest(a been awarded an important prize by the Hun-a programme of national light and dance music, in romantic wood where one can easily lose oneselfgarian Musical Society, a prize which the jurywhich a number of soloists will participate. and imagine all the old stories dear to childrenhas not awarded for a number of years owingThe day's programmes include also a comic of all ages), a Christmas competition ; following, to the absence of compositions of adequateopera and dance music on gramophone records. on Tuesday, with carols suitable for singing atmerit. On Saturday, December 26, the programme home, and on Christmas Eve with a reading opens at7a.m., with " Kolendy," followed from Dickens' A Christmas Cdrol. This organisa- IRISH FREE STATE by a morning concert by the Police Band. tion has only an afternoon programme forChristmas in Ireland is primarily a religiousAmong other items .will be A Pastoralsuite Christmas Day, composed of a story, " Thefestival and in the Irish.Free State broadcastingwith a mixed choir . and soloists, -relayed from Three Kings in Sight of the Coast," a carillonprogrammes this aspect is especially featured.Posen, at 3 p.m. ;" Nouvelles Cracoviennes " concert from the Cathedral at Bois-le-Duc, a Duringtheweek whichincludesChrist's-an opera in three acts by K. Kurpinski, recital of Christmas poetry and Christmas carolsBirthday practically no item in the programme isalso relayed from Cracow, at 6.45 a.m. ;and and songs by the Children's choir, besides awithout the distinctive prefix " Christmas," and two musical items-a pianoforterecitalby short Beethoven concert under Albert vanthe week's programmes may truly be claimed toMme. J. W. Ochlewska at 8.3o p.m., and dance Raalte with Louis Zimmerman, violinist, asbe commemorative. music by the Small Orchestra, soloist. On Christmas Day President de Valera willfrom 9 p.m. onwards. The Protestant Society (N.C.R.V.) is broad-open the programme withabroadcastof casting morning and evening services both onChristmas greetings to the Irish at home and SWITZERLAND ChristmasEve and Christmas Day whichabroad.After a Children's Party, which will be Beromunster contain Christmas hymns typical of the ordinarygiven from oneof the Dublin Children'sThe following Christmas programmes to be festival Church music in the Reformed ChurchesHospitals by a special party of broadcastingbroadcast by Beromunster might be of some of Holland, as well as a number of gramophoneartists, from 10.3o p.m. until midnight Irishinterest to the English listeners :- records of Christmas music of various nations,homes everywhere throughoutthecountry December 24, 7 p.m. G.M.T., Organ and violin whilethe V.A.R.A.willbroadcastfestival will be able to hold a ceilidhe (sets of Irish dances) Christmas music by Stefi Geyer and Hans music of a more secular character, except thatinCO-7pliiticiri with thestation,in which (Continued on Page 6, Col. a). 4 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 18, 1936 tree certainly have some vague connexion with the old Germanic custom of employing fire to The Christmas- preserve them from the ghosts of the dead and of the evil spirits which are said to be especially active on the eve of the first of the twelve long nights. Evergreens were occasionally used in the same manner. The candle itself on the tree is,nodoubt, dueto Church influence, - though it seems difficult to imagine heathen firebrands on the trees. But, apart from these vague connexions, the treeisan Alsatianfolk custom which has developed and spread over the world.Its march of triumph, as one might call it, started at the beginning of the nineteenth century, when it appeared in 1808 in Eastern Prussia, in 1813 in Graz, two years later in Danzig, a year later still in Vienna (1816).1820 sees it in Hamburg, Weimar, and Prague.183o in Munich.In 1840 a Mecklenburg Grand, Duchess intro- duces it to the French court..in the same year it appears in England through the influence of the Prince Consort.The Crimean War sees it in 1855 ;eight years later its appearance is recorded in Stockholm, and as late as 1002 it is introduced into the Pustertal,in the Tyrol, where it had been resisted owing 1 b the pre- dominance of the Roman Catholic Krippe, or manger. In most Roman Catholic parts of Germany A huge illuminated Christmas tree, in the City Hall Square, Copenhagen. Beside itis a collecting box for coins,, to -day the one-time " Protestant " Christmas - to provide Christmas festivities for the poor children of the city tree has been happily united to themanger," and in many homes one sees the Christmas A number of German stations devote talks ora tree-yet.It referred to evergreens generallyKrippe under the lowest branch of the tree. otherwise refer totheChristmas -tree and itswhich were used to decorate the houses. The original confessional associations have long origin in this year's programmes. -Some authors believe that the Christmas -treebeen forgotten. NOWADAYS, the Christmas -tree seems to have isof heathen origin and try to explain the But in spite of its universal popularity there become an almost universal custom throughoutopposition of the Church inthat manner.are regions even in the tree's " own " country, the world.Even in the tropics where the actual Actually the first authentic report known toin Germany, where older or more individual tree is not obtainable residents or their servantsexist dates from z6o5.In that year at Stras-forms of prevail.The contrive some semblance of the pine tree withbourgChristmas -treeswerefirstrecorded. Christmas " pyramid," which is said to be a bamboo and green, or small artificial trees areThey had developed from the Alsatian custom form of the tree, is at home in Silesia and in used.But in spite of this seeming universalityof hanging small trees or bunches of fir branchessome parts of the province of Brandenburg. of the Christmas -tree,itisa comparativelyfrom the ceiling of the living -roomduring These pyramids are crowned by a kind of fan - recentintroduction,eveninGermany,its Christmas -tide.The first record of candles onwheel which revolves once the candles are lit. traditional home. a Christmas -tree dates from 1737. On the German North Sea coast the fishermen It may come as a surprise to some to hear Right up to thenineteenth century thedecorate their " Christmas Room " with prunes that originally the Church and its dignitaries Christmas -tree was considered a typical Protes-and home -bakedfigures mounted on wire tant custom.In Roman Catholic districts thestands.InPomeraniaa wooden standis Christmas " crib " or manger, prevailed ;this decorated with evergreen, mostly fir branches. had been introduced, in the thirteenth century, The manner of decoration also varies in each by St. Francis, and its use in Churches had beenpart of Germany.In former times there have permitted by the Pope, first in Italy, later inbeen places where a small tree was decorated Germany and the Netherlands. with one single apple,to represent the Tree A well-known authority on the subject ofof the Knowledge of Good and Evil.Some, German folk -loreexplainsthefactof theno doubt, saw a semblance, although it has ProtestantbiasoftheChristmas -tree,by (Continued at foot of col. x, page zz) pointing out that after theReformationthe Protestants were at pains to exterminate any customs inconnexion with Churchfestivals which might be termed typically Roman Catho- lic.It seems a plausible explanation thatthe Protestants should therefore adopt a Christ- mas symbol which was new and had no con- nexion with the Roman Church. If we go deeper into the origin of the Christmas - tree it is possible to say that it is a development of the old heathen cus- tom of employing ever- A Cliristritas ."pyramid" from Silesia (south-): greens at the time of the The spreading of straw on the floor is a typical Slav custom WinterSolsticeasa were strongly opposed to the tree.As far backsign of fecundity and of as 1525 the authorities of Salzburg issued athe expected reawaken- decree against the ripping off of " Christmasing of nature to new Along the North Seacoast,the Christmas tree isnot customary, but a "Christmas green."But " Christmas green " did not mean life. The lights on the Table" decorated with prunes and home -baked pastry figures takes ils place DECEMBER I 8 ,I 9 3 6 WORLD -RADIO 5 AMOS 'N' ANDY DISCUSS that likes to hear about the Kingfish, and the This being the position, with the public new baby and ever'thing. Ifigure with theconstantly asking: like Oliver Twist, for more, NBC sending out our programme reglarly on Amos 'n' Andy continue to oblige with an easy- the short waves- going, but apparently inexhaustible, supply of Amos :On which ? creative broadcasting characterisation, keeping a ANDY :You heard 'bout them. The sort ofdaily tryst with the microphone so faithfully little extra ultra frequent -sees they done use tothat statistical records are shattered one after skim us right over th'. ocean. another. Amos :Sornepin' kinda special, uh ? The team started broadcasting as " Sam 'n' ANDY : You saidit,Amos. Listen,I'll Henry " while " Amos 'n' Andy " still lingered relucidate the whole mess for you.Ever' timeamong unbornimmortals. Afterthefirst we go on the air, we go on the reg'lar, ordinary" Sam 'n'Henry " programme thecouple waves, but to reach our overseas neighbours-waited three full days for any evidence that they say, that sounds real nice, don't it ?-for ourhad been listened to, as they fervently hoped, overseas friends and neighbours, why, theyfavourably.Finally, a single letter reached the use the small little bits of waves.Get it ? studio, bearing the brief intimation :" DEAR Amos :If we want long distance,, we got toSIRS,-Ihave heard your programme, but use short waves. That what you mean ? cannot say that I like it."That inauspicious ANDY :That's right, Amos. opening of a joint career that now is unparalleled Amos :Don't sound right, somehow, Andy. in radio in both duration and vitality, occurred A Timely Message to WORLD -RADIO'S Readers

SCENE :The apartment in -which the famous ANDY :Well, anyway, that's the way itis. nearly ten years ago.In view of earlier refer- comediansforegathertoprepare theirdaily What you care how you git thar when they's ences in WORLD -RADIO'S columns to this aspect broadcast. all these nice people settin' waitin'. of the subject, it may be stated as a matter of ANDY :Now, Amos, before we start in on Amos :Certainly is nice of them to waitrecord that the date on which " Sam 'n' Henry " reg'lar business, they's something here in ouraround listenin' in case we come bobbin' in onfirst went " on the air " was January 12, 1926. mail that we'd ought to 'tend to. top of six or seven of them little old short waves. They broadcast from the Chicago station WGN. Amos :What's that, Andy ? ANDY :That's what I been tryin' to tell you, Behind them was experience gained in -a still ANDY :Why, it's this here reequest we got, Amos.I'm glad you 'preciate our Englishearlier phase in which they had broadcast over to say somepin 'bout Christmas. listeners.With Christmas coming and ever' -experimental stations-one in the Southern city Amos : Christmas ! Why, thatain'tfor thing, seems like we'd ought to take advantageof New Orleans.Details become a little vague, more'n a month.What we have to say rightof this here invitation they done extend to usto the Correll and Gosden team of to -day, now 'bout Christmas ? to send 'em some kind of a message in time toconcerning those prehistoric times extending ANDY :I know, I know.But this here iscirculate through the foreign organ of the BBC.back as far as192o. They are quite clear, different.This whatever it is we're gonna say Antos :Somepin' musical, Andy ? however, on one point :they encountered no has to be got ready in plenty of time on account ANDY :No, not that kind of a organ, Amos.clairvoyant broadcasting pioneer with vision this ain't like somepin' we says on a reg'larWhen I speaks that away, I'se alludin' to aenough at that time to offer to pay for their programme for the NBC. This here is a different magazine-what they call WORLD-RADIO-that services !It was not until they had had more kind of a propolition altogether. printsall about overseas programmes. You than two years' experience in the professional Amos :Go on, resplain me what kind of agit it, Amos ?That's fine !Come on, then,parts of " Sam 'n' Henry " that their first big propolition it is. how about it ?Does we or don't we ? opportunity opened and Amos 'n' Andy braved ANDY :First let me just ask you somepin', Amos :I'm right with yuh, Andy 1 the ether asstudio characters brought into Amos.Did you ever stop to figure out how ANDY :That's the talk, boy IThen hereexistence for presentation on a modestly ex- many people, way over on the other side ofwe go !Concentrate, Amos ! tensive network, originating in station WMAQ, the ocean, listen -in to us on the wireless ? Amos :I is. Chicago. In Santa Monica, California, recently, Amos :Wireless ?Does you mean the radio ? What kind of talk is this here " wireless " talk ? ANDY :Somepin' real nice, now, Amos, an' (Continued on next page) ANDY : just giving it to you the way Idifferent. They'llexpectsomepin'special, got it, Amos, over in , when I wascoming all that distance. circulatin"round there on my vacation. Amos :Like on the short waves ? Amos :That's right, Andy ;you was over ANDY :Don't let's start all that again, Amos, there right enough.Remember the time youwhen I thought you was all set to concentrate. called up and talkedto me andtold me AMOS' : Andy ! Igotit ! Just by con- you was in London, and me talking back to youcentratin'.How's this :" Merry Christmas, from Sam Francisco, and we was broadcastedAmos 'n' Andy." ? just like we was in our reg'lar studio ?Hot ANDY :Fine, Amos, fine !I knew you'd help dawg ! us both out once you got your mind on it.Try ANDY :Sho', sho'.I 'member that ahlright.that again, see how it sounds. Didn't I have to get me a taxi in Piccadilly and TOGETHER : Merry Christmas, Amos'n' drive on the wrong side of the road all the way Andy. to the BBC to git there in time ? That whar you was ? ANDY : Swell Lemme git at that type- Amos : writer.I'll set right down and git that off. ANDY :Sho'I was.'Bout the middle of August it was, I 'member, that the BBC and the NBC hooked -us up that away on the long-distance and we done make broadcastin' history. AMOS : We did that ? -What you just said ? The Popular Pair ANDY :Sho' we did.Just think of it, Amos, the most long distantish conversation ever putTHE comedy team credited with the authorship on th' air by the hand of man, most likely. of the only classic which American radio has Amos :You wouldn't kid me, Andy ? thus far developed are often asked the, question ANDY : Certainlynot,Amos. I'sejust"Aren't you tired ofplaying Amos 'n' Andy ? " resuscitating the faCts, like they told me when Freeman Gosden (Amos), a Virginian by birth, we doneit. And that brings us right back usuallyrepliesina Southern idiom :" Did "The hunting was great." Amos (Freeman Gosden) left, whar we started.It seems like they's more 'nyou ever hear of a coloured boy getting tired ofand Andy (Charles Correll)pose withtheir bag, near more folks all the time, over on the other side, watermelon ? " Hancock, Maryland WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER I 8 ,1936 AMOS 'N' ANDY D ISCUS S- IN CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES ABROADnear the spot where the shepherds knelt at the (Continued from page 3). Christ Child's manger. (Continued from previous page) Steingrube ;theMidnight Mass fromSt. This year as in the past, on December 24, the Mayor unveiled a bronze plate for the in-Joseph's Church at Geneva, to be transmittedat 6.45 G.M.T., President Roosevelt will take formation of posterity, reading :" Amos 'n' on all Swiss stations.On Christmas Day thethe leading role in a ceremony to be broadcast Andy broadcast to the world from this spot."poetical musical suite Vom Schonen der Weltby CBS as he lights the capital's Christmas tree It is fitting to be equally specific here, in defer- is worth mentioning. in Washington, and wishes the nation a Merry ence to the fabulous stature which the masters Christmas. of blackface comedy have attained,and to Softens A programme of quite a special kind has been National Broadcasting Corporation record the actual date of their microphone prepared for the Christmas season by the French - nativity. Amos 'n' Andy were " born," therefore, Swiss Broadcasting Company (Radio SuisseThe NBC's Christmas programmes include March 19, 1928.There is sometimes a certain Romande). a broadcastinthe course of which trans - confusion, in dealing with the almost astron- On Thursday the 24th, after omical figures with which the career of theby Maurice de Bouchor at 7.2o p.m., Sottens comedians is sprinkled, in making calculations will relay from Lugano a programme of Christ- from August x9,1929, the date upon whichmas carols sung by Ticinese children, accom- was begun the incredibly long sequence ofpanied by the Italian Swiss Broadcast Orchestra. sponsored programmes over NBC networks, and At 9.5 p.m. there will be a sacred concert by the which marked the sharp acceleration of theirMotet of Geneva, which will sing psalms set to rise in national popularity. The 2,395th pro-music by Goudimel, the great Genevese Pro- gramme was broadcast under NBC auspices last testant composer of the sixteenth century, with August, when they entered upon their eighth words by Clement Marot. Then, after the relay year of sponsored broadcasting.Adding theof the Midnight Mass, a second sacred concert earlier years already mentioned, it will be seenwill be relayed from St. Joseph's Church., that Messrs. Correll and Gosden have been The programme for Christmas Day will include leading figures in broadcasting for a decade,a " Children's Christmas "at' 6 p.m. and the during which they have been on the air more Christmas Oratorio cif J. S. Bach, relayed from than four thousand times. the Church ofSt.Thomas,Leipzig. On InbringingintoexistencetheKingfish, Boxing Day there will be running commentaries Lightnin', Madame Queen, Pearly, the highof the International Ice Hockey Match from St. diver from Kaufman's Kolored Karnival, theMoritz at to.° a.m. (G.M.T.). impressively -named Frederick Montgomery Gwindell, Sefiorita Butterfly; and a hundred and U.S.A. sixty-four more major characters in an exuberant galaxy, the joint authors have assembled more Columbia Broadcasting System than seven million words.It is the blusteringPlans alreadycompleted by the CBS start Andy, not the humble Amos, who in real lifeon December 20, with a relay from KrasIice, sitspatientlyatthe typewriterasthe two Czechoslovakia. CBSwill broadcast an comedians work out the fate of their aerial unusualconcert by achildren'sorchestra, puppets, making two copies of the conversations,employing thetoy instruments which have including the all -too -rare observations of thatmade the quaintlittlecommunity famous magnificently designated person, " Pat. Pending."everywhere, and the BBC Carol Singers from An NBC Christmas Night running commentary Heavy responsibilities come with success ofLondon, on December 23 ;thePalestrina such magnitude as Amos 'n' Andy have attained. Choir from Philadelphia; from Rome, a portionmissions from allparts of theworld will .be Reluctantly,theirpublic permitted them aof the Midnight Mass from the historic church, heard at 4.45 (G.M.T.) on Christmas morning. holiday, part of which Charles Correll spent inAra Coeli, will be broadcast on December 24 ;It will begin with the beautiful carol, " Stille England, in 1934, after the team had completed thefamouschildren'schorus," Bambini Nacht, heilige Nacht," sung in the little church five years of continuous broadcasts ;but thereTicinesi," from Lugano, Switzerland, and the oftheAustrian Alpinevillage,Oberndorf, was positiveconsternation when they wereColumbia Symphony Orchestra and a mixedwhere it was written 118 years ago.Further snowboundinnorthernMaryland andin- chorus, conducted by Howard Barlow,anditems in the programme are transmissions from voluntarilymissedtheir 2,2o2ndbroadcast. from far -away , listenerswill hearthe Argentine, from a Mission in San Francisco, A generation has grown up in America whicha programme of Christmascarols from the.from a church in Hawaii, from Japan, and from takes as a part of daily life " Amos 'n' Andy " court -yardof the Church of theNativity,the Philippines. and the proceedings of The Mystic Knights of the Sea, the Valentine Matrimonial Society, and the fluctuating fortunes of the Fresh Air Taxi Cab Co.Letters bearing the signatures of inhabitants of entire towns flowed into NBC headquarters protesting against an announced change of Amos 'n' Andy's programme time. These faithful listeners announced themselves as " regusted,S and means had to be found to placate them.Space remains for only one further example of. the comedians' infiltration into the national life.More than a hundred pairs of twins in the United States are eating their morning porridge with silver spoons sent them by Messrs. Gosden and Correll in 'polite acknowledgment of their parents having en- thusiastically named the children after radio's dusky favourites. As Andy might ask, " Not-, ain't dat sumpin'?" D. G. R.

On December 11, 14, 16, and18, Danish microphones were placed at the disposal oflisteners who wished to send messages to friends and relatives in Greenland. Members of the Greenland choir shown in the picture are wearing national costume. DECEMBER 18, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 7 in five remote partsof the country are in active construction, in which a British firm is The Rebirth of Afghanistan assisting the Afghan Government.The time isnot 'fardistant when broadcasting will be By J. M. RIZVI started from a Kabul studio. In the knowledge of all these factors, the ONE of the most colourful romances of modernZahir Shah, was enthroned on November 8,people have now gathered at Kabul, for the times has been the resuscitation of Afghanistan. three years ago. To a people used to a constitution Idd provides for Afghans a season of national Other nations have thrown off the shackles of as the soul of the nation, and who have always been reunion. thraldom, other countries have more or, lessbrought up in its lap, this incident might not I can see now the roads and mountain tracks emerged from great economic crises, and again sound very important ; but in relation to Afghan-bearing their fullest complement, for the venue other peoples have fought their way back to istan,itis one of the greatest steps that anyis the Chaman Huzuri, the national park at social order and equanimity, but none has hadmonarch has ever taken. Taking the Royal OathKabul, which was once a golf course.The that richness of setting which has been that ofin respect of the Sixth Clause of the Funda- crowds press on jubilantly and joyfully, for there Afghanistan. mental Laws of Afghanistan would have beenis a continual recognition of friends, relations, That country has been dazzled by the kaleido-an unheard-of incident in the entire Afghanand acquaintances, and much felicitation.Eyes scopic chapter of events which has made herhistory six or seven years ago. Now it is angleam, for in the memory of almost the youngest history since the termination of the Great War. established fact. present, Afghanistan was so different, before Several kings, and would-be kings have flitted The next step of considerable importance which Nadir Shah and his brothers came and gave it across the troubled scene since 1919 up to thehas, been taken by the present Governmentpeace ;it was being ravaged by sword and fire. present time.She has touched the depths ofis in education.Since 1931, practically everyThe name of the bandit who caused so much horror and affliction, only to rise again to a greatervillage of any size has had a school, and primarymisery and desolation is not mentioned, but his unity,andtoa'widerrealisationofthe education is compulsory ;food and books areferocious figure is still stamped on the people's independence which is hers. also given to the scholars. The National Univer- mind. These thoughts come to one's mind uponsity of Kabul trains students even in medical Naturally, therefore, there is a reaction towards seeing the colourful scenes that are occurringscience, and more than two hundred studentsrevelry and gaiety, and at the appointed time, at Kabul now, because now is the time of theare having advanced instruction in the variouswhen the religious ceremonials attaching to the European and American Idd are concluded in the forenoon, laughter and Universities. the spirit of festival take charge. Within the last two The sweetmeat -sellers do a tremendous trade, years nearly twoas do the makers of sherbets, the sellers of fruit, thousand miles ofand the brewers of the green tea of which metalled roadshave the Afghan isinordinately fond.Fires are been constructed, andlighted in the dusk, swords are whipped from the itisonly now that,scabbards, and they flash while the young men through them, the sing their martial songs to the fiery throbbing capital has been linked of the drums, and leap and cavort in physical and With the Russian fron- mental exuberance. tiers on the Oxus by The -great occasion, of course, is when the of motor roads.Afghans are vouchsafed a sight of their young This is important in aKing, for no event of moment in Afghanistan country where nota is complete without a ceremonial reviewing of singlefoot of railwaythe troops.The crashing of the band, the exists, and all merchand- ripplings of the feu de joie, the detonations of ise must be brought bythe artillery, and the headlong evolutions of the A handball game at Kabul, Afghanistan way of caravan routes.cavalry are dear to the Afghan heart. No longer do the chief On the dais, well in sight of all, stands the festival of Idd, and thousands of Afghans, care- cities of the country have to depend upon theKing, and the keen Afghan eye needs no free and laughing once more, are trekking intoarrival of a caravan of lumbering camels, forbinoculartoobserve movement and detail. their capital of Kabul, secure in the know-every week thousands of motor lorries arriveWhen the midday gun booms forth, and the ledge that they may leave their villages in peacein and depart from Kabul laden with mer-King departs for Dilkusha Palace, the cries of and amity, and untroubled by what may befallchandise of all kinds. the food vendors rise to the heavens amidst the them on the road. multitudes. Men from the great uplands of Kohistan Wireless and Broadcasting The King goes to his meat. So shall the people mingle with the warriors of the south-theInternal security and the proper organisationeat, for Afghanistan is free ;for the Idd that Hazaras, and the menof Jalalabad. With themof trade connexions have enormously increasedthey now celebrate is both a religious and a are the gaily attired stalwarts of the easternAfghan trade activities' so that-again for the national festival ;for under the progress of the provinces, and men who have accomplished the first time-an Afghan National Bank has beenpresent. day, the people no longer bare their long march from the Oxus and the borders of the installed at Kabul, with its branches in India, blades except on the occasions of their picturesque Golden Samarkand. Persia, Russia, and England. The flowof Afghan dances of the clans, and the hills do not see fires But a very few years ago these men, now oncetrade in its turn has enriched the Governmentof battle, but of festivals and fairs, for alt is again a unit, were split into factions by theexchequer, and the salaries of practicallyall peace now. misrule of one who promised to be a great king, Government employees and the men who have accomplished this gigantichavebeenincreased. task of unification have been his late lamented Since no National Debt, Majesty King Mohamed Nadir Shah and his assuch,exists,and brothers. tradeimprovesevery And how did Nadir Shah manage to re-estab- year,lifehas become lish the order of the kingdom after the revolu-peaceful and happy in tion ?The deeds of hisgallantry and thethe country ;nor does sacrifices that his family made may now passunemployment haunt into a legend. Here we are more concerned as toAfghan homes. In con- the actual progress which his plan producedsideration of the require- in Afghanistan, to the extent that within aments of the country, surprising space of five or six years, that moun-further improvements tain countryis now well-nigh her old selfhave also been made to- again. wards the introduction At the outset it was realised that the Afghansof Western devices of needed internal pease and external security. progress, such as aviation Nadir Shah gave them both. He gave the people on a considerable scale a constitutional Government with a fully repre-and wireless.For the sentative Parliament-whichthey never hadlatter endeavour a large in their history-and, what is more, that he madewirelessstation now it so firm that in virtue of one of its clauses itoperates at the capitai, was that the present young king, H.M, Mohamed andfivesmaller ones A view of Kandahar, from the eastern side 8 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 18, 1936 Via Black Light By CHARLES GREGORY CAUGHT in a terrific snowstorm, which sweptprinciples of Baird'sNoctovision 'arefairly readily passes light and heat from the sun, Cornwall from end to end, Jack Lawrence, well known to most people to -day." earthwards, but, whilst passing reflected light when walking from the lonely moorland station of " Good ! " grunted Markham between sundry from the earth, it refuses to pass reflected "heat. Motterham to his brother's isolated bungalowpuffs at his pipe, " then that will save further " And sine::a reflecting surfaceisalso a on the North Cornwall coast, found himselfexplanation. mirroring surface, it follows that the ionised compelled to seek the safety and shelter of the " Subsequent developments in infra -red photo- gas layer constituting Appleton's layer is also nearest habitation along his route. graphy went, in my opinion, a long way towards acting as a huge reflecting mirror for all infra -red This proved to be the residence of a Mr. Johnproving my standpoint You have perhaps seen, images radiated from the earth's surface, just Markham, who was living in retirement there. in the daily papers, the remarkable infra -red as a lake reflects all visible images from the skies' Markham was alone in the house at the time, as photographs, depicting with wonderful clarity above." his wife had gone to a nearby farm for a day ortheIsle of Man taken from the Lancashire At this unexpected statement Jack sat up, both two to attend to a sick relative.He was there-coast, and the coast of France taken from Dover,actually and metaphorically. fore delighted at receiving an unexpected guestand so on ? " " You mean," he cried," thatifitwere' to lighten his loneliness, and although the two " Yes," said Jack, " and I think them verypossible to gaze into this ionised gas layer were strangers to each other, he at once madewonderful." mirror, with infra -red sensitive eyes, one would his visitor cordially. welcome. " But not nearly so wonderful as the aerialsee reflected any, and every, part of the illumin- He quickly relieved his guest of his wet outerinfra -red photographs taken by Captain Albertated world below ? " garments, ushered him into a well -furnished and Stevens, of the U.S. Air Force.One of these, Yes. And-which is even more astounding cosy sitting -room, provided him with warm taken from an aeroplane z r,000 feet over Central-since every earthly object possesses some slippers and a comfortable armchair beside aArgentina, was thefirst ever made showingmolecular movement which constitutesheat, roaring fire, and urged him to make himselflaterally the curvature of the earth, and alsothe earth is always radiating infra -red images,' " quite at home." mountain peaks,at a distance of 33o miles whether itis illuminated or not.Such images During the tea which followed almost imme- from the camera. are, of course, extremely faint, but in theory diately, Markham, having ascertained that Jack's " The essentialfeatureof theseinfra -red theyexist,and, given powers of detection non -arrival would cause no anxiety as he was not photographs is that no visible light reaches thesufficiently sensitive,it means that the world expected, insisted he must stay for the night.film, and they are taken wholly by an illuminationbeneath would always be visible to the infra- As the roads were now impassable with snow, the eye cannot see.They definitely demonstrate red eye, no matter whether it was day or Jack really had no choice but to accept. that every object visible by the light of the night ! " Within an hour or two the two men hadsun is simultaneously radiating an invisible, or " It hardly seems credible," said Jack." I become fast friends.Both were keenly inter- ` black light ' image." cannot believe it." ested in science in general and radio and tele- " All thisis very interesting," interrupted vision in particular.For two or three hoursJack. " but I quite fail to see where it is leading after tea the two men sat round the fire chatting us." about various things. " Patience ! " answered Markham." By the Then the conversation turned to television,time I have finished you will have learnt some- and Markham's manner underwent a definitething about REAL television-a television as change.At first almost secretive, he becamefar in advance of the present day Alexandra gradually confidential, and finally unburdenedPalace transmissions as a modern multi -valve himself by saying he had made some remarkable set is of the ancient crystal. discoveriesinthatdirection,but he could " Although I worked hard, and was con- not divulge them without a promise of secrecy.stantly experimenting, I made no real progress Partly from curiosity and partly because he wasuntil 1935.In August of that year, I read an impressedbythesincerityofMarkham's account of Professor Appleton's discovery of a manner, Jack readily gave the desired pledge ofvast layer of intense heat, situated approximately secrecy. 150 miles above the earth's surface.It was this Piling a few more logs on the fire, and fillingdiscovery which, in a flash, gave me a glimpse his pipe once again from a china jar at his elbow, of a possible future for television which was Markham now settled himself more comfortablyalmost, beyond belief-a future so stagger- in his armchair, in a manner which indicated aing and amazing that Ifelt its successful long discourse was forthcoming. accomplishment would mark the greatest Having got his pipe going (temporarily), he scientificachievement everattainedby resumedtheconversationwhich had beenman." broken off by these proceedings. Jack stared at his host incredulously. " Television has always fascinated me," heSurely he must be mad! What possible // began, " and for ten years now I have spent all connexioncouldtherebebetween my available time and money on television ex- Appleton's " furnace belt " and tele- perimental work. vision ?To hide his perturbation re- " When, in 1926, Baird demonstrated to thegarding his host's sanity, he forced a world that it was possible to get, by means of laugh, saying, " What an ungodly mix- infra -red orblack light' illumination, a per- ture !Appleton's ' furnace belt' and fectly clear image of a person who was in com- television ! " plete darkness, I confess I was deeply thrilled, " To you perhaps, but notto for it seemed a much more wonderful thing to me," replied Markham sharply, and me than television by visible illumination. for the first time showing alittle " For this reason I made a close study ofasperity. all matters pertaining to infra -red rays, and it " Now let me give you a simple was not long before I formed the conclusion-illustrationofdiathermy. You contrary to Baird, I know-that the ultimatemay not be aware that infra -red future of television lay in development along these rays from the sun differ in wave- lines.I was influenced in my decision, too, bylength from those radiated by any the fact that ordinary illumination, in comparison earthly body. A clear glass screen with infra -red illumination, is far more inefficientwill prove this.It readily passes inrelationtoexpended energy. Speaking heat from the sun, acquiring no approximately, the energy value of the infra -red heat in the process.But it refuses illumination from any visible objectisnine to pass heat from a coalfire, and times greater than the visible illumination." thereby acquires heat. As Markham paused to relight his pipe, Jack " Appleton's ionised layer acts in pre- broke in,saying, " Yes,I think the generalcisely the same way asa glass screen.It DECEMBER 18, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 9 " The stream of an electron image, however, half a mile away !It was a beautiful but un- can be ' speeded up ' by the -application of an earthly sight. external voltage, and when directed with suffi- " I could see even the tiny figures of hundreds cient velocity against a suitable metal substange,of firemen clambering about near the fiery mass theprimaryelectrons" splashout "otherof molten glass and twisted steelwork, whilst secondary electrons from the surface, and thefrom the water -towers thousands of gallons of ,.. number of these secondary electrons so ejectedwater were being pumped on the blaze. may be many times greater than the number of " Again adjusting the focus of the telescope primary electrons that ejected them.By repeatingfor aclose-up 'I was enabled to see clearly, the process again at sufficient velocity, a secondnot only the white-hot girders twisting under the set of electrons can be initiated, and so on,intense heat, but recognisable faces of the spec- until an enormous degree of signal magnificationtators gazing skyward in the immediate vicinity. ihrp , lack_ can be obtained-% astly greater than that of a " I watched the scene until midnight, and ' signal impulse by a thermonic valve. then, taking very great care not to disturb the "And more amazing still, this system of elec-alignment of the telescopeI switched off, and " Why not ? The infra -red image reflected intron multiplication can be used for amplifyingcrawled to bed, worn out physically and mentally. Captain Stevens's camera at a horizontal distancethe electron emission itself from a photo cell, " As soon as it was good daylight on the of 33o miles, would also have been reflected and it is possible to magnify the cold metal outputfollowing morningIagain .switched on the there if taken from a vertical distance of 33oa million million times." apparatus, hoping against hope that my recol- 'miles, or double the height of the Appleton The sound of the hall clock striking twelvelections of the previous night were not the result layer-provided, of course, there was no changemade Markham jump to his feet." I am afraid of a fantastic dream. But no !There, clear and in the atmospheric conditions." I must postpone further theoretic details and sharp; I saw acre upon acre of tangled girders " Yes.But how can an ionised layer of gasget down to facts," he said, " it is getting veryand broken glass-all that remained of the act as an infra -red reflecting mirror ? late now. unique and incomparable Crystal Palace, now " I do not pretend to know.In any case, " About two weeks ago, in my laboratorygone for ever! Appleton has proved this self -same layer doesnear Manchester, I finished equipping my first " Next I swept the telescope round in an arc reflect wireless waves, and itis also intenselyelectric telescope television camera.It con-to the west, but all I could see were the angry hot, which it could not be if it readily passedsisted of the most powerful astronomical telescope waves of the Atlantic in a storm.By a little heat waves outwards to space." I could afford, fitted with an infra -red filter' searching ' however, I was soon rewarded by " True.But the wireless waves referred to of the kind used with infra -red cameras.In thefinding a ship, which, when brought to close by Appleton are vastly greater in wavelengthbody of the telescope was an infra -red prism, range,I could see was in serious difficulties. than infra -red waves.. Why, even waves of oneby means of which the reflected image was made Soon it was apparent she was foundering, and metre go off into space, never to return." to fall on a specially made, mosaic, infra -redfascinated, I watched the gruesome scene to a " Agreed. And a glass screen shows thatsensitive photo -cell placed inside a cathode-rayfinish, seeing not only the actual foundering of even varieties of infra -red waves have differenttube.By suitably placed electron -multiplying the ship, but the terror and agony on the faces properties as regards reflection and absorption.unitsI was able enormously to increase theof the crew as they went to a watery grave.It Or, take the ozonised layer believed to beemissivity of the photo -cell plate used, and alsowas terrible, and made me feel quite sick ! " only thirty miles above the earth.It passesto magnify, many millions of times, the electron Jack's head was all in a whirl, as he stumbled heat waves from the sun earthwards, but largelyimage flow which resulted from the reflectedto bed in the early hours of the morning, after rejects the much shorter , ultra -violet. And infrared image produced by thetelescope. listening for over an hour to Markham's vivid and, somewhere in the earth's atmosphere the deadlyThis amplified output I fed to a ' cathovisor,' or at times, almost frenzied details of the wonderful cosmic rays are practically refused admissionreceiving cathode-ray tube, and thus obtainedsights he had seen on his wonderful electric earthwards.Yet these waves are billions ofa visible picture, some twelve inches by nine, telescopetelevisioncamera, which byhis times smaller than light waves. For theseof the original invisible infra -red image. descriptions must have had a range anywhere reasons I do not think that wavelength alone " It was about so p.m. on November 3o whenbetween Iceland and Algiers. means anything, one way or the other, becauseI had completed everything to my satisfaction, He had asked, and even begged, to be allowed' as a matter 'of fact I know this mirror actuallyand my impatience was so great I could notto witness a demonstration, but Markham was exists !" wait for daylight next day, but decided onadamant in his refusal. You knowitexists ? " gasped Jackin making an immediate trial.Quite arbitrarily " Wait 1Wait ! " he cried." Soon all the amazement." Do you mean to say you haveI pointed the telescope skywards at about anworld shall know what I, John Markham, can actually gazed into it ? " angle of 45 degrees, and switched on." do. The great cinema combines will be offering " I have. But of course I didn't go up- to it. " And what did you see ? " queried Jack, me millions for my invention, for the scenes I brought it down to earth within twenty feetwho had been following all these details with the can, of course, be broadcast, or relayed to any of me, by means of anelectric ' telescope." deepest attention. cinema for public exhibition.And I shall be " An electric telescope !I have never heard " Nothing !Or practically nothing, since thehailed as the greatest inventor the world has of such an instrument.Besides, it would havevery faint and baffling images thrown on theever known. But until then, I am showing my to be' some' telescope to let you see 150 results to no one-not even to you, Jack." miles." television screen were too indistinct to be of " Oh no, it wouldn't. Are you aware the newany use. And with this Jack had perforce to be content. zoo -inch telescope now being made for the " Of course, this was to be expected since I * * had designed the amplification of the set for old CalifornianInstituteof Technology is about radiation " You say you stayed overnight with 64.0,000 times as far-sighted as the human eye ?daylight scenes, and the infra -red John Markham, of Rosecare ? "saidJack's Were it not for the curvature of the earth, andfrom the earth, at this time of the year, at night- brother next day."Well, I would sooner you haze and mist, one could get a splendid view time, was far too weak to energise it.Realising than I." of New York from here, and even read thethe futility of any further attempts, I gave the " Good gracious ! Why ? "said Jack in names of the vessels in the harbour. That is atelescope one final swing preparatory to switch- amazement. telescopic range of 3,000 miles, and we are ingoff.As Ididso,the screen suddenly " Oh, I daresay he was all right when you discussing a paltry 15o.Besides, anelectric'blazed with light, and I saw a sight I shall neverwere there, but as a general rule he is out of his telescope is immensely superior to an ordinaryforget ! mind for most of his time ! " telescope." " For there, clearly and with amazing definition, " As mad as a March hare ! " supplemented " But how isit possible to see a reflectedI saw a huge building in an inferno of flame. Mrs. Lawrence, who had been following the infra -red image in a telescope ? " It was theCrystal Palace,London,burning conversation. " He used to be, soI have " Quite easily.If a camera infra -red film canfuriously, and ablaze from end to end !I couldheard, a very clever television engineer up see it the human eye can, thanks to the factnot believe my eyes !It was impossible ! Incon- Manchester way, but too much learning turned his that any reflected image, visible or infra -red, ceivable !! brain, so they say." obtained by a camera, telescope, or microscope, " But the two towers identified it beyond Jack was too taken aback to discuss the point can now be converted into an electron image,all doubt, and the flames, by comparison, mustfurther. He had not, of course, mentioned and in consequence is capable of magnificationhave been 500 feet high 1 television to them because of his promise. But to an amazing degree." " Feverishly I worked the controls so as tolater on, when he was able to take a long walk " I fail to see why an electron image can beobtain a better view.Because smoke is noand calmly think things over, he could not magnified more than an impulse image. barrier to infra -red vision, I now succeeded in bring himself to think that Markham's exposition " There is, nevertheless, a very great difference. obtaining an amazingly clear view. The whole of on television had been the mere vapourings of a With an impulse image, inherent defects of theLondon was visible in the intense glare-not the disordered brain.Might itnot have been, thermionic valve prevent magnifications beyondglare due to visible light, but the glare due toinstead, the last flaming spark of a man's genius certain limits.These defects are known asthe infra -red radiation from an image so intenselybefore it passed into oblivion ? ' interference noises.' hot that the heat could be felt by the spectators Time alone would tell. I0 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 18, 1936 On the morning of the following day we saw some objects. We flew as low as possible-there was no question of landing-and we distin- THE MAN WHO guished a tent, camels, and men. Motionless, all motionless !With the utmost speed we flew back. The King immediately ordered a caravan, HATED consisting of military camel -riders, and off we went.I do not want to tell you now of the tremendous difficulties of this journey, but, my WIRELESS God, it was one of the most dreadful a man can go through in the desert. MY. BEN-GAVRIEL We kept losing our way, and could not find anything. Then, one night (the day had been too hot to travel), we suddenly heard a voice.A voice in the desert, a huge, loud iroice !Dolyou know what it means, sir, to hear a voice in the desert ? We flung our camels round and made for the voice, and suddenly we could even hear a few words. In English, the voice cried out to " My dear man," said the long Irishman withon keeping in touch with a recital she was tothe vast star -lit skies of the solitude." I have whom I had come over from Baghdad, " I hate give some weeks hence than with Europe. to announce." I have to announce ? Announce ? wireless !And not without reason, since the One thing, however, continued to worry me.I did not finish my thought for suddenly my Parker affair." I could not get any Beduin as camel -drivers. camel fell over a black something and threw me We were sitting in the patio of the VictoriaNo offer, were it never so high, could tempt thedown head first.I tore the palms of my hands Hotel at Damascus, and had just had a few wordsBeduin who had once crossed the Darn elopen to the bone, as I scrambled up and ran over the wireless set, which my friend hadmilt to go there again.'At lastI found antowards the black something.It was a dead ordered to be taken away in a particularly angryArmenian who, though he had never been tocamel. " Lights up," I shouted, and immediately voice.The name Parker seemed to have some this area, knew a lot about camels and travelling a carbide -reflector shone over me. Trembling, association for me which I could not quite place.in the desert.I dismissed my little caravan, andwe traced the tracks.But the light of 'the " Parker," I said, " I seem to recollect some-wrote to my brother that I had done my bestreflector broke on the dead walls of the rocks. thing happening in the desert a few years agoand that Parker had left. The men divided into patrols. We had hardly that the name Parker was connected with.He A week later an Adjman-Beduin, and, somegone two steps when suddenly there came the died tragically or something, didn't he ? " ten days after, a man of the Amir Sha'alan'svoice of a woman singing. Yes, in the middle of " He waspeople, brought me a letter from Parker and a the night, in the middle of the desert of death That's it," replied the Irishman. fewletterstoforward.Parkerwroteen- the crystal-clear voice of a woman began to sing with the Iraq Government until the abolition ofthusiastically and told me that he was nowGrieg's " Love Song."The soldiers with me the Mandate.That man and his assistant .. approaching the dreaded areas." I am appre-instantly threw themselves to the ground, and if you are interested, I will tell you the story."hensive," he wrote, " from my side because,started to pray. " Sir," the sergeant whispered, Of course I was interested, for the immensefrom the tales of the Beduin, I fear that I shall " listen !The devil is singing ;none of us will tragic fascination of the desert, which everyonenot only find no undiscovered tribes, but noreturn from the desert."I lifted his lamp from experiences who has once lived through it, nevertribes at all."That was the last I ever heardthe ground without answering him, the excite- fades. from Parker.A week passed and nothing came, ment compressing my throat, and I followed the One morning, about four years ago, Parkerthen a fortnight, and there was still nothing.At voice.I ran over a small level patch, fell over walked into my office at Baghdad.He had been the end of the third week I succeeded in per-the rocks, rushed into a wadi, always following very warmly recommended to me by mysuading the High -Commissioner to ask thethe voice,until the song was finished, and brother in London and he also had several R.A.F. whether anybody was willing to fly overanother voice called in the desert." This is letters of introduction from influential peoplethe unexploredregions.Almost the wholeLondon calling the British Empire. You have to the King and the Government.He was acorps was ready to do so.I flew with them.just heard a group of songs by Grieg, sung by nice young man, with excellent manners ;and Miss Evelyn Hopkins.Light dance music will as I learned from my brother's letters, a very follow." And already a fox-trot dashed into the well-known scientist.He told me he wanted to desert.Evelyn Hopkins ?Evelyn Hopkins ? go into the desert particularly to discover the Why,thatisParker'sfiancée! "'Parker's almost unknown tribes of Central Arabia.He fiancée," I screamed across the fox-trot. " Parker, said something about the " Darn el melt," where are you ? "I got no answer.But as I the paths of death.You know that this is a jumped over a rock I saw something in front cursed region which even the Beduin avoid.I of me-an English army tent.Listen, sir, to tried to talk him out of that idea.I pointed what I am telling you now.I wanted to turn out the absolute lack of water in this part of the round that very moment, I wanted to turn, country.But neither Parker nor his assistant, wanted to switch the light out and run away. a pink-cheeked lad about twenty-two years of A fear had caught hold of me, a raving lunatic age, would listen to reason.So all I could do fearof something vague,but indescribably was to provide a few camels for them-as you dreadful.I did not run away, but, my hands know, it's impossible to go there by car-and trembling, I lifted the little lamp and found- give them letters of introduction to the Amirs of you knowitalready-I found Parker,his the tribes through whose country they were to assistant, and the Armenian.All three dead. travel.With all this I had the feeling that I The Armenian was lying next to me, then came was helping a suicide to knot the rope with the assistant who was lying near the tent door which he would eventually hang himself.We with a face like a suffocated infant, and at last had agreed that he should send me news through Parker.Parker lay on his face, one rigid arm each tribe along his route until he reached the round the wireless set and in the other hand his unexplored area. There, he reckoned, they notebook. Dead, all three dead. Dead for days. would stay for eight days and then make their Dead from thirst.Parker's notes, written down way tothebetter-knowncountry towards to the last moment, told everything. Kuweit.In this way I should have news from Do you now understand what irony means ? him every week or, at the worst, every fortnight. A man dies in the desert while next to him, and I was present when they loaded the camels still so unreachably far away, his girl sings songs with their belongings, and Iwas somewhat of love to him ;he dies of thirst-an agonising reassured when I saw how splendidly this small death-while dance music is played to him front expedition was equipped-even to a wireless a London cabaret, where people carelessly sip receiver which, Parker said, would keep them their wine. Can you understand that suddenly in touch with Europe during the long desert a blind frenzy took hold of me and that I drew evenings. Ilearnt, however, from the little out my revolver, burning to shoot into the fox- assistant, that Parker's fiancee, whom he wanted trot which floated over the dead bodies, to shoot to marry on his return from Arabia, was a well- "Why, that is Parker's fiancee," Iscreamed across the known London singer, and he was far keener fox-trot Ilifted the little lamp and found - (Continued in col. 3, page 22) DECEMBER 18, i936 WORLD -RADIO II The Televising of The Story of WORLD -RADIO'S Christmas Cover

MR. FAWCETT MONTAGU yawned and switched " The Pater'll skin you kids," snarled Richard. We've failed: Mother." Richard kicked the off the television set. " Get out ! " hassock, savagely. " When one's seen five Lord Mayor's Shows Derck and Muriel seized Sam and melted " Failed ? " Mr. Montagu leapt to his feet televised, one gets tired of 'em," he grunted,out through the doorway like smoke before aand stared at his son, sternly." Your firm and turned to his newspaper. powerful draught. won't like that, my boy.This expedition was His wife sighed and shook her silvery head. Back in the nursery, Derek, Muriel, and Sam an important thing ! " " Fiveyearsagotelevision was a marvel,turned to their toys with somewhat subdued Richard glanced towards the children, then Henry," she murmured ; then her kindly little spirits. back towards his father and winked surrep- face lighted up." Come, it's time we were " Richard's been the limit ever since he got titiously. going. The Raynhams always dine punctually." a job with thosefilmpeople," complained "'What's happened, Dick ? " Derek hastened Mr. Montagu rose, and together thepair Derek, as he drew a picture of Grandpa on the tointerpose. " Couldn't you findFather made for the door. nursery wall in beautiful red ink. Chrisfmas ? " " I'llspeak to Nanny about the children " Perhaps Richard will " started Muriel, " We found him, all right," growled Richard. as we go downstairs," saidMrs. Montagu. when Richard himself entered.The scowl had In fact, we were about to start televising him !` Richard said he might not be back until late."now left the young man's face. -when thingswent wrong,"thespeaker Husband and wife left the house after a word " Good job I came in when I did," Richard swallowed, noisily. with Nanny, who passed into the nursery, sawchuckled. " Go on, Dick " Derek prompted. that Derek, aged ten, Muriel, aged eight, and Sam poked the second eye out of Matilda, his " Well, it was this way," Richard sat up in his Sam, the nearly -two -year -old baby, were engaged favourite doll, and maintained a dignified silence.chair and waved his hands, excitedly." We'd upon lawful amusement with their toys, and " Listen, you kids, I've some great news forgot the apparatus all set up-you've no idea slid out again to finish the exciting book sheyou," continued Richard. what difficulties we were up against in all that had started an hour ago. The " kids " regarded their elder brothersnow and in that cold-and were all ready to " Mummy and Daddy have gone out, Derek," uncertainly.Richard wasn't popular with his start shooting, when the old boy simply held announced Muriel, when the door had closedjuniors-he had a way of tweaking hair andup his hands and cried :No, gentlemen ;the behind Nanny. pinching arms. risks I'm taking are great enough already ;but Derek filled a water -pistol from a flower -vase " Wainwright, Mortimer, and Breedon haveif I'm going to be televised- ! 'That was all and regarded it thoughtfully. given me a scoop ! " he said " Richard paused, dramatically. " And Nanny's got a book," he murmured, " Wouldn't ashovel have been better ? " " You mean the old gentleman refused point pointing thewater -pistol in the direction of.asked Muriel, innocently. blank to let you televise him ? " demanded Mr. Sam, who was exploring the rent interior of his A hoarse bray of laughter came from Richard'sMontagu with every appearance of incredulity. Teddy Bear.Sam, unconscious of the peril lips. " Why-why-I shouldhavethoughthe'd which menaced his two -year -old head, muttered " Scoop-I mean an assignment-a commis- have revelled in the publicity." " Glug-glug "inahoarseundertone,and sion ." Seeing that this conveyed nothing " Perhaps he was afraid if he once allowed offered a handful of straw to Neddy, the toyto his audience, he proceeded to explain care-himself to be televised people would want to donkey. fully. " I've been promoted to the. Researchsee him climbing down chimneys," put in Mrs. Derek laidthe water -pistol down witha Department of my firm, and they've ordered meMontagu, with one of her slow smiles." And sigh. to go to Lapland to do film work for an expedition. that would ruin everything for the children ! " " S'pose we go and have a look at the televisionAnd I've got a brain-wave-that is, to take a Richard gave a gasp, and sat back in his chair. set ? " he suggested. televisioncamera and toteleviseacertain It was almost as if an idea had come to him. Muriel nodded. gentleman as he sets out on the world's mostAnd during the conversation which followed, " That'd be lovely," she observed, and madeimportant journey ! " he was curiously inattentive. for the door. " Who's the gentleman ? " inquired Derek, " Well,"saidDerek,vigorously, when,a " Come on, Sam," said Derek, and Master suspiciously. short while afterwards, the children were back Sam, dragging Teddy by itstorn stomach, " Father Christmas ! "criedRichard,andin the nursery." I'm glad Richard failed.It lolloped unsteadily after them down the corridor. struck an attitude. wasn't fair, bothering poor Father Christmas In thesitting -roomDerekapproached the " Crumbs ! " like that.As if he hasn't enough troubles- television receiver with gleaming eyes. " Good gracious ! " crooked chimneys to get down, hot fireplaces to " D'you know howitworks,Derek ? " " Glug-glug ! " step into, dangerous roofs to climb, and all that inquired Muriel, a trifle apprehensively. Richard perceived that he had indeed created a -without being bothered with television ! " " 'Course I do ! " Derek bent forward and did sensation, and went on to enlarge his explanation. Muriel nodded gravely, and Sam, having things to the knobs on the panel.He'd often " I'm setting out to -morrow for Lapland,"overbalanced, sat down heavily upon a rubber watched his father switch the set on.Quite he said, impressively, " with two members ofball, which promptly burst. suddenly, two jovial coons appeared on theour technicalstaff ;we're taking oodles of silver screen before the children.Muriel andapparatus with us. And when we get there, I'm * * Derek watched the performers with delightedgoingtopersuade them toteleviseFather It was nearly bed -time, and Muriel and Sam eyes, but Sam, after a perfunctory glance at theChristmas as he loads up his sledge and setswere upstairs alone. Nanny had gone to put the two black -faced gentlemen, wandered off. off for Europe behind his famous team of rein-bath on. Suddenly the door flew open and Derek For a time peace reigned in the sitting -room.deer with Christmas gifts for all the children rushed in. Then, quite suddenly, the air was rent by a series of the world ! " " What d'you think," he gasped. " Richard's of terrific cracklings, followed by a loud crash Derek,Muriel,andevenSamlistened got Mr. Bellamy and Mr. Spratt in the study, intheloudspeaker.The twocoonsdis-entranced as Richard told them of the greatand they're going to trick Father Christmas ! appeared from the television screen as if they'dtask he was to undertake in the next few. days. " How do you know ? " breathed Muriel. been wiped off by a sponge. *. " Quick, tell us." Sam peered round from the back of the Four weeks later-actually it was Christmas " I happened to be in the study," explained expensivereceiverandsaid," Glug-glug " Eve - the Montagu family were to be found inDerek, hurriedly." They didn't seem to notice happily, as he rocked his Teddy Bear to andtheir dining -room. Only Richard was missing. me, and they talked quite loudly, so I couldn't fro on the loop of cable connecting the set to Suddenly there came the sound of heavy feet, and help hearing what they said." the wall socket. At that moment, the doorthe door flew open.Richard Montagu nodded Muriel acceptedthisexplanation without burst open. mutely to his astonished family, dragged off the hesitation.Sam brandished a decapitated golli- What the dickens ! " heavy fur coat he wore, and slumped into a chair. wog pugnaciously. Derek looked round, and saw his elder brother, " Hullo, Mum-'lo, Dad," he cried in excited " What did they say ? " demanded Muriel. Richard, glaring at him in the doorway.Thetones. Then, noticing Derek, Muriel, and Sam, She didn't like Richard's two television friends. newcomer took one look at Sam and his occupa-his expression changed to one of ruefulness. " Iheard that blighter Bellamy saythat tion, and leapt across the room.Sam sat down " My dear boy ! " exclaimed Mr. Montagu in Father Christmas had won the first round, but forcibly and watched Richard as he refitted staccato tones. that he would win the second," said Derek with the connecting plug securely in thesocket. " What's the trouble ? " inquired Mrs. Mon-heat." They're going to play a low-down trick Glug-glug," murmured Samindignified tagu, gently. Her motherly eye had at once on the old gentleman 1" protest. remarked that her eldest son was upset. (Continued in col.z, page 12) I2 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER I 8 , 1936 His Grace THE TELEVISING OF FATHER. " Come, m'dear," said Mr. Montagu to his wife." Let's slip upstairs and 'see what Father CHRISTMAS Christmas has brought the children this year ! " THE ARCHBISHOP (Continued from previous page) Smilingly, Mrs. Montagu followed her hus- " What're they going to do, Derek ? " band up the stairs. They paused to peep OF CANTERBURY " They're -going to rig up their television kit insideRichard's bedroom.Richard layfast writes :- in the tennis pavilion opposite, and they're goingasleep, a heavy scowl upon his sleeping features. to fix up a searchlight." " Looks asif he's had a sleepless night," " Yes --yes'- observed Mr. Montagu, as they went on to the " Then they're going to hide and watch ourother bedroom.Here wild criesof delight chimney." greeted their appearance.Derek brandished a " But-but- " cowboy's outfit ecstatically, Muriel held up a Icordially com- " Listen," Derek went to the door, peepedlifelike baby doll, and Sam hit the bed -post mend this out, then shut the door carefully." They're vigorously with a large toy duck. Appeal. Thegoing to let Father Christmas come down our " He brought us just the things we wanted ! " Royal Cancerchimney, then they're going to switch on theroared Derek, happily. searchlight and televise him as he scrambles out ! " " Isn't Father Christmas a dear I " crooned Hospital de- " Oh, I say ! "Muriel's eyes glowed withMuriel to her doll. servesallthe anger, and Sam ate a large handful of earth from " Glug-glug ! " observed Sam as,with a help which canthe flowerpot. gesture of triumph, he dragged the tail out of be given toit " And that beast Spratt thoughtitafine his duck. in itsceaselessjoke when he said :` We'll let the whole world "'Well, Father Christmus certainly seems to endeavoursto see the old luny come up all covered in soot !' "have treated you well this year ! " boomed Mr: combat this scourge by rat. ent research intoDerek pushed over a pile of music savagely as Montagu." What do you say, Edith ? " He itscauses, and by skilled and sympathetiche concluded hisrecital. Muriel raised herturned to his wife.But Mrs. Montagu was treatment of those who suffer from it. hands in horror, and Sam spat out a mouthfulstaring at a dirty scrap of paper which had been of dirt. pinned across the mantelpiece. Please Send a Gift to the Earl of Granard " What can we do ? " cried Muriel, much " Deer Father Christmus," said the scrawl on upset." We can't let the poor old man bethe note." Richard is going to Telly Vise you tricked like that ! " wen you clime out of the chimbly all cuvered rile Nola " Don't see what we can do," groaned Derek, in sut.Richard is a beest.We are leeving the thinking hard." Whatever we tried,those window open so that you can get out that way. blighterswould probably-" the-speaker Sined :Derek Muriel and Sam." broke off suddenly and his eyes glowed." Got Mrs. Montagu stuffed her handkerchief in it ! " he cried. her mouth and left the room in some haste. 'Her " An idea ? " gasped Muriel." Quick-tellhusband followed her in mystified surprise. dancer us Derek strolled over to the window, and was " Tell you in the nursery," cried Derek, andabout to close it, when his eye lighted upon a 'Hospital. went through the doorway at a run. Muriel and sooty hand -mark on the sill. I FREE I Sam followed. Crumbs ! " he gasped, beckoning wildly to FULHAM RD., LONDON, S.W.3 Sam and Muriel." Come and look at this. Christmas morning. Father Christmas did read our note ! "

form of energy. Couldn't it be picked up by thepoaching on the wrong wavelength and spoiling proper apparatus and passed into our bodies inits adjacent stations !Sordid commercialism Tele-What-Next ! a suitable form ?Why not have tele-energyinterfering with the radio engineer's art ! MARMADUKE had .Then Manna - instead of food ? " Marmaduke snorted.Then from coherent duke had that overfull feeling.So Marmaduke But then he remembered that he had hadthought he passed into semi -delirious nightmare. went up to lie down. additional reasonsforeatinghisChristmas Possibly his indigestion was nearing its climax. But the receiver downstairs wouldn'tletdinner. He did not eat just to keep alive. He It seemed to him that he was sitting waiting Marmaduke sleep.So he lay and thought. ate because he enjoyed doing it. for his teletaste Christmas dinner. Now, when a genius has daydreams, itis " But, anyhow," he reflected, " food tastes With a sudden moan he leaped up from the apt to alter the history of the world.If Georgenice only because it tickles up my inside in ansort of electric -chair in which he imagined he Stephensonhadn'tstartedwondering whyenjoyable way. Couldn't I tickle up my glandswas sitting.He tore off the contacts which boiling water makes the kettle lid waltz, it isand things electrically so as to get the samewere passing the teletaste impulses into his possible that we should have no 8.15 to take us effects ? Whynotbroadcast Christmas tongue.For his mouth seemed to be filled with up to work every morning. dinners by teletaste, with a little tele-energyan assorted flavour of turkey, goose, Christmas So why be sceptical about the suggestion thatin with it ? " pudding,tea,coffee,, wine,sugar, Marmaduke's littleattack of indigestion was It occurred to him then that different peoplesalt, and all the other ingredients of Christmas responsible for changing the future of all of us ? would want their glands tickled in different ways. meals. At first, Marmaduke's thoughts were merelyHe liked goose and boiled potatoes himself, but This was monstrous" We engineers arrange bitter, just like those of an ordinary person.other folk preferred turkey and baked potatoes. everything perfectly," roared Marmacluke, " and He simply repeated to himself a number ofHundreds ofstations,eachbroadcasting athen these wretched commercial fellows spoil variationsof theidea : " Confoundthatdifferent menu, would be needed to cope withit all by edging in on their wrong wavelengths blooming wireless ! " all the varying tastes ! They imagine, I suppose, that, by giving us a But this was only the starting -point for his " Well, why not broadcast each single item ofgood teletaste dinner, they can bribe us into extremely active imagination. a meal on different wavelengths-turkey on one, listening later to their talks about the excellence If only that was television instead of tele-goose on another, baked potatoes on another,of their face creams and of their political aims noise," he mused, " it wouldn't be such a con- on another, various varietiesAnd they're so anxious that we shouldn't miss founded nuisance when I want to have a nap 1 " of drinks on others, and so on ?Each tele-eatertheir dinners that we get half -a -dozen of them But then he remembered that silent picturescould have a number of separate radio receivers. mixed up almost on the same wavelength ! " are things of the past.So, cursing this noisyWith no food to buy all the year, he could afford The noise of his roaring awakened him from modem selfishness, he puffed mentally at histhem. Then he could pick up one desired piecehis dreamy thoughts.But maybe those thoughts spark of genius. of food on each receiver and mix the electricalhad already had time to alter the future of the " If only Ihadn't eatenall that food,Iteletaste impulses before they passed into his world.For they had shown him the uselessness shouldn't mindthenoisefromtheset, body.The volume controls would ensure anof taking radio science in hand. A genius, he because I shouldn't want to have a little snooze,"ideal mixture for each of us. The man who liked now saw, must do work which cannot be he pondered. his tea very sweet, for instance, would tune ininterfered with by other people's foolishness ! " Why do I eat food ? " he asked himself. an extra strong dose of the sugar -broadcast and So the world will now have to face a future " To supply myself with energy," he an-mix it with the unsweetened tea which waswhich has no tele-energy or teletaste in it.For swered, with the proMpt intelligence whichcoming from another station." Marmaduke has decided that, with his genius always delighted him when he answered his Marmaduke gave a shudder.For the melo-and powers of imagination, he must earn his own questions. dious,butunwanted, radiosoundsfromliving by writing the sort of stories that H. G. " Couldn't I get the energy without eatingdownstairs had suddenly becomedefinitely Wellsusedtowrite-butbetterones,of the food ? " he continued. " After all, radio is adiscordant.One of those advertising stations, course I R. A. S. DECEMBER IS, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 13

Outpost of Empire


" Hullo, Templeton," he said, grinning across fearless countenance, proclaimed him no member at his superior." Been back long ? " of the womanly Ijaw people or their immediate The Captain grunted, without moving fromneighbours, the Nupe, but a runner from the his prone position on thefar bed." TenHaufa tribe further up -stream. minutes," he said, and waved a hand towards " What is it, 0 man ? " demanded Templeton the whisky bottle." Help yourself, Dane." brusquely. Dane did as he was bidden and sat down on The runner raised his spear in salute. A DARK figure moved silently round the hut,the second bed. " Lord," he said." Umdula bears a paper feeling here and there among the packing -cases, " Skin off your nose," he said, and took afrom the lord M'loki from up the river." empty bottles, books, and papers. There were deep drink." Ha-that's good.Met N'Gola " Note from Lockwood ? " The two English- two primitive beds in the hut, and thehalf - of the Ijaw just now.The scoundrel lookedmen at once showed interest.Templeton took naked figure of the black man paused near one as if he'd been conducting an argument with athe missive the Haufa held out to him, and of the beds and, with a grunt of satisfaction, traction -engine ! " read it." The Commissioner wants a report on stowed an object away in his belt, a belt from that troublelast. week with the Nupe, and feathers,leaves, human Templeton's hardfeaturesrelaxedfora which hung ostrich moment. orders you, Dane, to take it to him at Wangala hair, strange wooden ornaments, and other " The skunk walked in here and lifted myin person." things. revolver," he said." But I spotted it just in " Oh,Isay-at once ! "Dane groaned Suddenly the native halted.A tall, broad - heavily. shouldered,bootedfigureappearedinthetime.I turfed him out-on his ear I" doorway. The newcomer's eyes narrowed as he Dane grinned.Then his rather boyish face " Privilege of working on Outpost of Empire." grew grave. Templeton's irony was almost a sneer." 'Fraid looked the black man over. " N'gola's a sneaky brute," he mused." Andyour little date with your radio's off," he added, " You are a long way from your peOple, 0 this special December detachment work takesthen turned to the Haufa." It is well, 0 man, N'gola 1" the Englishman spoke in the ver-us far from the company. Hope he won't make you may go." nacular, his voice harsh, intimidating. trouble over this."Suddenly the speaker's The runner saluted and backed out 'through N'gola smirked in what was meant to be a the doorway. conciliatory way. voice changed. " Oh, I nearly forgot, here's the Lord," he said in the high-pitched voice ofmail I" He tossed a packet of letters across to Dane rose and taking his Sam Browne belt the Ijaw river people, " I was passing, andTempleton. from the wall, buckled it on over his khaki shirt I might talk with my lord The Captain looked the letters over idly. with savage movements of his fingers. Suddenly, stepped in that ". Bills-bank-subs.-that old devil Fother- however, his face cleared. N'temply." ingay writing again-oh, lord-can't a fellow " Got it ! " he cried." The Chief runs a Captain Miles Templeton crossed the hut andget away from it even in the African riverradio, too.I'll be able to listen to -night, after sat down on the bed, regarding the speaker all !You can listen here, old lad." through half -shut eyes. country ? " " Doth a dog enter its master's home and Dane chuckled, and opened a letter himself. " Thanks," Templeton lay back on the bed search for a bone while the master is away ? " " Ought to marry, Cap'n," he said. " Let theand closed his eyes." I hope the belly of he inquired softly. wife hide the bills from you. Marriage is a great' Boanerges ' doesn't fall out before you reach N'gola's eyes flickered. -Hullo ! " a sharp whistle came from theWangala." said," therebath been nolieutenant's lips. " Just listen to this. The pup's " Won't do that." Dane was papers " Lord," he got into the Fifteen and I'm going to hear him into a haversack." I tied the lad's petrol tank search ! " His beady eyes dropped tothe to the frame with a pair of your braces I Cheerio, floor. sing ! " ." No- ? " the white man leapt from the " Eh ? "Templeton looked at his brotherN'temply-fifty milesto Wangala-back to- bed and one hand swung out, plucking aofficer as if he thought the sun had caught him. morrow for a spot of carol and some dear old revolver from the other's belt.He thrust the " Sorry " Dane hastened toexplain.Christmas pud. !" and before his Captain could weaponunderthenative'snose. N'gola" The son and heir has got into the schooldemand the return of his braces, Dane was out recoiled and the light of a great fear leapt intorugger fifteen and is also singing in the permanentthrough the door. A few moments later he was his eyes. boarders' concert which is being given on Christ-rattling across country which would have tried a " Lord," he cried,his high-pitched voicemas Eve.And it's Christmas Eve to-day-iftank, seated astride a motor -bike whose open having an almost womanish quality about it asyou take me " exhaust and many rattles made its approach terror took possession of him, " there be many " I get the main facts, but I still don't under- audible from incredible distances. enemies of my lord N'temply along the river, and stand the statement which went : I'm going I took the gun so that I might the better convinceto hear him sing ',"said his superior. It was dark.Had been dark for hours. these enemies of their foolishness." " Simple," observed hisfriend. " These Templeton fiddled clumsily with the short-wave Templeton turned away, laid the revolverChristmas celebrations are unique ;the boy'sreceiver-he'd never been able to manage the carefully on the bed, then swung back on thesinging solo ;and the BBC are relaying thething like Dane could-and muttered, and even speaker.The next moment, numerous thingsconcert.I shall listen to the relay throughcursed to himself as he did so.One got into happened to N'gola.They happened quickly,the jolly old short-wave receiver, N'temply, mythat habit in the bush. and within less than five seconds the Ijaw witch - lad ! " " Why I should want to hear Gudda's brat doctor found himself reposing in the dust outside Templeton regarded the paternal enthusiastsing, Heaven only knows. Must be getting soft 4 the hut, without being quite clear how he had wearily. ...old age.Uncommon proud of the kid. got there.In the hut doorway the Captain " You will, old man," he said. " If the signals Probably be het up myself if I had a youngster studied the toe of his boot thoughtfully, anddon't fade,if the loudspeaker doesn't breaksinging over the radio-which, thank goodness, N'gola scrambled to his feet and departed indown, if the batteries don't die out, and if-"I haven't.Only fools mar-" haste.The witch -doctor's face was not a pleas- " Everything'sinapple-pieorder, fortun- Something hard and round descended on ant sight. ately." Dane had risen and, despite the appallingthe back of the Captain's head and his vocal * * * heat of the hut interior, was busily engagedmusings ceased abruptly,When Templeton The stocky Lieutenant rolled into the hut,sorting out a nest of wires which draped a boxcame round he discovered that he was lying and with a gasp of relief flung his topee across restingona packing -casenearhisbed. on his bed, bound hand and foot.The hut the room and ran a hand grimed with oil andAt that moment, however, there came the padseemed to be full of black figures, foremost grease through hair which showed glints here of bare feet in the dust outside, and a tall nativeamong which wasanativeaboutwhose and there of pure auburn. entered. The man'sbuild,hisintelligent, (Continued on page i6) WORLD-RADIO DECEMBER18, 1936

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SPECIALISED TRAINING WIRELESS & TELEVISION No need for untidy wires from room ARCONI'S and other employers requireto room-just take two FIX Invisible al hundreds of trained men nest year. We train students for ALL BRANCHES OF RADIOAerials, press one against the wall for at our Residential Colleges in Southampton andan aerial, the other for a counterpoise Colwyn Bay, and GUARANTEE APPOINT-earth, and you can have El set running MENTS. Licensed by Postmaster-General- recommended by Marconi's.New term com-atfull volume in any room in a few mences January 6th.Write for free Prospectus, minutes and THE WIRELESSCOLLEGE, COLWYNAS GOODas anOUTSIDE AERIAL BAY, or to London Office, 4, Winton Ave., N.I I. of the same height. YOUR Gramophone can teach you FRENCH ! JUST PRESS IT & IT STICKS! The New Improved Foylophone French Course costs only 52;6 complete.-Particulars, Foylophone, 121, Charing Cross Rd., W.C.2. LONDON RadioCollege, 43, Grove Park Rd., W.4, Tel. Chiswick 3244.Approved by the P.M.G. and Marconi Co. Day and boarding. Mod. fees.Prosp. free. Fit an Aerialite REPAIRS (AMERICAN) TRAPEZE "OERVICE WITHA SMILE- HENRY FORD RADIO, LTD. Aerial - American valves, components,spares, line - sendus your Quicklyfixes towallor cords :leading trade repairs ; chimney. Ns pole. No American and British receiversestimates fre:. insulators.3trong comer -Electronic House, 22, Howland Street construction. Complete Tottenham Court Road, W.I. Museum :5675. withbracketfittingsand bOft. Aerialite 9/. Ir.ted down -tend. THE NEW MISCELLANEOUS RADIAL AERIAL No pole. No screws. The spear - point brackethammersinto ALERT RADIO CO. wall or chimney.Lomplete with WE have the latest specially designed com- insulated lead-in. 3/6 Soda Water municationreceiversforDX work. (covert yoar existing set to an ALL -WAVE *Schweppes R.M.E.69, Hammarlund Pro, and Super Pro., set with an Aerialite Convertor. Particulate isalsosoldinBottles- National H.R.O., and complete range of Halli- Free on receipt of stamped addressed envelope. Large, Splits & Schweplets crafters,Skybuddy,Skychief,Skyriders, etc. Also all types of commercial All -wave chassis From your dealer, or direct --Post Free. and complete Radio -grams, table models and AERIALITE LTD.. consoles from 5 valves to 27 valves.Prices to WhittingtonStreet,Ashton - u Lyne. suit all pockets.Write for lists to 21, East Road, London, N.I. Clerkenwell 4871. DECEMBER 18, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 15 tiny searchlight mounted inthe bows and, to employ the words of P.C. Albert Jelks, which wereto become historyamongst his The Rat Invasion immediatecircleoffriends," theblinking By A.J. PETCH river was alive with rats." The police launch had struck the vanguard of a FEW who heard it will ever forget the extraor-international politics had ever seen.Stalin hadsolid mass of rats swimming strongly from the (Unary message which interruptedthepro-patted Hitler on the back, Mussolini had joked Southwark side towards the Embankment. The grammes from London Regionaland Londonwith Winston Churchill, and Laval had trotted threehorrifiedofficers saw only a heaving National at 5.2o p.m. on Christmas Eve, 1947.aboutamongstthegreatmen,scatteringmultitude of sleek backs. It was as if the familiar The dramatic suddenness of that message-andcigarette ash dowit his black coat and smilinggrey -brown surface of the river. were covered its almost unbelievably fantastic portent-had likea friendly imp.As Winston Churchillwith a living carpet, and countless little. eyes a startling effect on those whochanced to bebroadcast to the expectaht nation immediately .gleamed viciously in the yellow beam of the listening. on his return :" The miasmic vapours of warsearchlight. 1.,`A us recall the scene. In thousands ofhave too long hovered over the marshes of Thequick-wittednessof Sergeant Dawes homes Henry Hall'stea -time dance musicmisunderstanding. At last the fresh, clean windsaved the three police officers.At the first flowed rhythmically from the loudspeaker.Inofman's common sensehassweptthemappalling glimpse of the rats he sent the launch yet other thousands of homes theChildren'saway." into reverse.Then he put her straight for the Hour-with its irresistible appeal on the Eve of Yes,it promised to be areal Christmas.steps by Cleopatra's Needle at full speed. But it Christmas-had gathered enthralled youngstersThere was more money, more optimism, morewas only because they ha,d struck the vanguard,; round the receiver. Then suddenly and withoutgenuine happiness everywhere. The millions ofand not the solid mass of the rats that the three warningboththeseprogrammes werein- Greater London invaded the West End, and themen got to the Embankment before the in- terrupted. In their place came the even, seriousbrilliantly lighted streets and glittering shops vaders and, abandoning their launch, ran up the voice of the Chief Announcer, saying : were filled with an eddying, cheerfully impatient slippery steps to give warning. " We have broken into the pro- But they were too late.As they gramme to give a message of grave reached the Embankment pavement importance toallinhabitantsof the firstrats were mounting the London. Listeners who livein stepsbehindthem, .andalmost Greater London are earnestly re- simultaneously theinvading army, quested to accept without question was pouring into Central . London the seriousness of the warning I from all -parts of the river between am about to give.It concerns the Vauxhall Bridge and Blackfriars. safety of every one of you. Here is One moment the Embankment the message :Enormous numbers was a busy scene of swift -moving of rats are over -running those parts traffic. The next, chaos and tragedy of Central London lying near the took possession ofit.Mr. John River Thames. Their numbers are Griggs, a passenger on the top deck estimatedat twenty millions, and of a 33 tram which liact just stopped they have already penetrated the at the stage beforethe Aldwych streets on either side of the river tunnel,is an eye -witness- .ofthe for at least a mile:In spite of the events on the Embankment. active counter-measures takenb`y " I was sitting,Isays -Mr. Griggs, the police, the fire -brigade, and the " reading my. evening paper,when military, it appears likely that they suddenly I heard a woman scream. saltpenetratefartherintothe -- I looked out-and I shall never forget suburbs. It cannot he- stressed what I saw.The Embankment was toostronglythattheseratsare. crawling withrats. They were extremely dangerous. .We regret to coming up from the river like waves. announce that there have been many Before you could say -Jack Robinson casualtiesalready,and we must the roadway was hidden under their ask Londonlistenerstoremain running bodies.I saw a big Daimler indoors, and to ' keeptheir doors coming at a good lick of speed from and windows shut until we are able Charing Cross. Suddenly it seemed to advise them that the present very to skid and went right across the grave danger has appreciably pavement and crashed into the iron lessened.If you possess a telephone railing of the Embankment Gardens. youareasked *topass on this Below mefouror fivepeople, Message to your friends.But you two women among them,were are seriously warned that the streets trying to get on to the tram. But the of London within five miles of the Thames arethrong of last-minute shoppers on that never -rats got them.One minute they were there, likely to remain danger zones for many hours.to -be -forgotten Christmas Eve, 1947. shrieking and kicking, the next they were on the Please stay 'indoors, until you are notified by Possibly some of those care -free shoppers had ground, and the rats were all over them.I saw us that the danger has abated. The authorities readstoriesof the lemmings,thestrange a policeman running towards the tram, kicking are doing everything in their power to exter-Northernrodentswhich suddenly and un-out now and then as if to shake off something minate the vermin, and hope to check andaccountably draw together in regiments andthat worried him. Something was worrying him 4perse them in the course of the evening.battalions-thousands-millions of them-andall right-the rats. They got him about fifteen This message will be repeated every quarter ofmove irresistibly and like a tidal wave across yards from the tram. an hour, and any further information will bethe countryside. Now they were to experience " About twelve of us gathered on the top deck, given as soon as it comes to hand." a similar tidal wave, but a far more dangerousincluding the driver and conductor and three Imagine the effect of this message on those one. For the rats of London were on the move.women. We were in a pretty sound position who heard it.And then imagine the evenUp from the drains and the sewers and the there.The rats could not get up the slippery greater horror of the thousands who were given docksof London they came-an army ofsides ; they could only come at us up the steps- no such warning, but suddenly found themselves20,000,000 rats sallying" forth from the shadowsfront and rear.But even then we had all we in' a nightmare. Probably no occurrence has soof their underworld towards the spaciousnesscould do to save ourselves.I must have killed shocked the even tenor of London life as theof Central London. hundreds.They came in solid masses up the great rat invasion.It was so unexpected, so Possibly the first victim of the rat invasion wasstairs, and we took it in turns to stand and kick inconceivably fantastic, and so tragic. a police -patrol. As Big Ben struck five a policethem down again until we could hardly stand Christmas, 1947, promised to be the brightest launch was steering down the river . betweenfor weariness.Some of them kept on getting and gayest and most care -free festive seasonCharing Cross and Waterloo Bridge.On thepast us and behind us, and they were out for frit- many a year. After the ominous tension andEmbankment the headlights of passing cars blood.You wouldn't believe how fierce they war -preparations of 1946, the summer -of 1947shone like a stream of swift glow-worms ;butwere-absolutelyfearless. Kept .leapingat had at last seen EurOpe come to its senses. The all was quiet on the river.Suddenly the bowsyou and trying to get their teeth into you as if gieat conference at The Hague-a real con of the launch bumped into an obstruction andthey hadn't had food for a year. Well, that'went ference at last-had brought about the mostcame ctoasudden, lurching stop.One ofon for an hour or two-but it seemed like ages. extraordinary and wonderful reconciliation whichthe three officers immediately switched on the (Continued on page 16) WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER I 8 ,1936 THE RAT INVASION OUTPOST OF EMPIRE behind him began to shout, and soon the others were shouting, too. (Continued from page 15) (Continued from page 13) waist hung eagle -feathersdippedinblood. Templeton's face grew deadly pale. The Then things got easier.Less rats came up the " My lord N'temply hath had a long sleep,"metal plate on his chest was like a ball of fire. stairs at us and finally we were left alone.But cried N'gola, the Ijaw witch -doctor, shaking hisThe urge came upon him to scream, to shout, it wasn't until a bus with a guard of soldiers came spear so that the two skulls which hung from it to beg for mercy.But his lips remained shut. along about nine o'clock that we dared leave therattled like castanets. A look of disappointment crossed the witch - tram." " A short sleep compared with the one N'goladoctor's face. So much for Mr. Griggs's version. The samewill take very soon," Templeton told the native " N'temply isstill cold," he sneered, and sort of thing happened all over London. The coldly.His head ached as though a hammertook more pieces from thebrazier,setting brunt of the invasion was, of course, borne bywagged withinitbut hisSenses functionedthem on the metal plate. Central London. The great battalions of the ratsperfectly. He had summed up the situation in Agony swept over the doomed man in an penetrated as far as Oxford Street.But com- a glance. all -enveloping cloud.His lungs, his chest, his panies and patrols of them got much farther than " A cock croweth before it is taken for thewhole body was on fire !Suddenly he opened these places, invading the streets of Hampstead, Chief's Wedding Feast," quoted N'gola smugly.his mouth to scream-the urge could no longer Peckham, Brixton, Bloomsbury, and Bayswater. " You plan my death ? "It was a statementbe checked. But the scream never came. Practically all the casualties came with themore than a question. A shot rang out, and N'gola crashed forward first sudden overwhelming rush of rats.The N'gola slappedhisshrivelledthighs andon his face.Two more shots followed, and slow and the infirm-those who could not get cackled womanishly. pandemonium broke loosewithinthehut. to safety behind doors and windows quickly " My lord N'temply laid hands upon N'gola," The natives rushed for the dobr, jostling and enough --.--were pulled down and lost in no time. he said and, strutting forward, struck the whitefighting like mad to get through.In an instant The police were wonderful, and their casualtiesman across the face with the leopard's tail hethey were gone. were heavy.They did all they could to getcarried in hisleft hand.Templeton's eyes A moment later, Dane rushed in.Taking people to safety, and lost their own lives inflickered, and the corners of his mouth wenta leap over the witch -doctor's prostrate form, doing so.Perhaps the most heroic story of allwhite. the stocky Lieutenant hit the metal tray from concerns the defence of the plinth of Nelson's " For that, I shall hang you from a very highTempleton's chest with the barrel of his revolver. Column by four policemen, two taxi-drivers,tree, 0 N'gola," he said with icy deliberation. " Thanks-old-man," sobbed the Captain. and thirty-four shoppers of both sexes. DriversN'gola repeated the blow and those behind himand fainted. and passengers in closed cars were in mostwriggled their ash -smeared bodies and laughed Dane's good-natured facewas white and cases safe.The rats could not get at them ;in great delight. frozen as he stared at the mark. on his friend's but Mr. Griggs's story of the siege of the tram " N'gola is a Great Man ! " The witch -doctorchest.Bending down, he turned the witch - was repeated in just as dramatic a form in thebeat his bony chest with his clenched fist. doctor over.N'gola opened his eyes. A bullet case of hundreds of trams and buses. " My young men follow my greatness." along the side of the head-a mere graze-had For two hours the rats ruled Central London. " A fool will follow a fool," Templeton quotedmomentarily stunned him.Dane seized the In all the big shops frenzied crowds were helda native proverb, and a snigger of merrimentman and dragged him from the hut. A stream at bay, while the streets held no living human was heard. of curses issued from the Englishman's lips, being except those besieged and fighting for " Ohee ! " screamed N'gola." That we shallbut he did not, know he spoke.Presently he their lives in bus, or car, or tram. Every buildinglearn-for I have brought my young men herereturned, empty-handed. became a citadel, each with its epic story ofto watch the white man die ! " Cutting Templeton's ,bonds, he proceeded desperate-and in all but a few cases successful- " My spirit tells me that death stalks in the to do what he could for the burn on his friend's defence. shadow of N'gola," observed Templeton withflesh. After a time the Captain opened his eyes. But then the resources of London began to conviction. He moved-he flinched- The witch -doctor looked taken aback. Then " I did what I could to take the sting out of bear down on the invaders.Organisation took it," said Dane gently." Is it very bad ? " the place of panic. The police, the fire brigade,he recovered and, raising his spear, shook it and the garrisons from the Tower and the again. " Might be worse, oldchap," whispered " What I shall do this night shall be carriedTempleton." Why did you come back to- variousbarracksbeganthecounter-attack. night ? " Fleets of armoured cars arrived from Aldershotthrough the land on the war -drums ! " he and rushed to danger zones. Who will ever howled." And I, N'gola, shall be truly great. " Got to the Chief, handed in the reports, I shall be above all men ! found his radio out of order, so belted Boanerges forget the sight of armoured cars roaring up back to try and hear the nipper warble." and dOwn Regent Street, crushing like steam- " That is true, N'gola," said Templeton with grim humour. " Isee." Templeton looked about him. rollers the fearless but ineffective hordes of the !! Where's N'gola ?I promised I'd hang him ! " invadingrodents ? Tear -gas was used with " Come," yelled the witch -doctor, turning to his followers." N'temply shall die, but he " Your promise has been kept," said Dane tremendou's effect by the police and military, curtly, and stared morosely at the wireless set. who also advanced to the attack with leather -shall not die too soon ! " A wild yell from his black -faced audience " My God, what a Christmas ! " paddedclothesandheavyleathergloves, Templeton regarded the other's back with swinging clubs or iron bars until their armsgreeted this speech, and N'gola swung round to the bed. Bending down, he pulled away the a slight smile.He, felt better now. ached. - shirt from the prostrate man's neck, and taking " Well-aren't you going to let us hear the These methods began to tell.Even an army son and heir ? " he demanded. of 20,000,000 begins to feel its casualties whena little circular metal disc from the rags about "But I-well-I thought you wouldn't be every minute brings a massacre.From beinghis waist, he laidit on Templeton's exposed chest.Then he beckoned to ,one of his men,able to-" invaders the rats became fugitives.The peoplewho stepped forward bearing a small brazier " Good lord, I'm O.K. now.I can stand a of London themselves began to emerge fromfrom which trailed a thin sliver of smoke. lot more than that." theirfortresses,and grasping anything that " Then-you don't mind ifIswitch the might serve as a weapon, rushed in to complete " My lordisstrong," cackled the witch - doctor." We would see how strong he is ! "thing on, old boy ? " there was a great deal of the rout.For it became a rout.Cohorts ofSaying which, he thrust the haft of his speareagerness in Dane's eyes. rats dwindled to regiments of rats.Regiments and one horn -like finger into the brazier, with- Templeton shook his head." As a matter of becamecompanies.Andcompanieswere drew a glowing fragment of wood, and droppedfact, I was trying to get London myself when reduced to individual rats turning fiercely atit deftly on the metal plate which lay on histhose thugs got me." bay in whatever corner they were hunted down.victim's chest. He repeated the operation until " No ! " Dane grinned as he commenced to By 9 p.m. Central London was clear ;thethere was a little pile of burning embers onrotate the dials." We've just got time,I sorry remnants of the invaders had scuttled backthe plate. think "There was a pause, then, quite to the underworld of the river whence they " Itissaid among the Ijaw people thatsuddenly, crystal clear in the silence of the came. A shocked but victorious London beganmy lord N'temply hath a cold heart," laughedAfrican night, a boyish treble filled the hut: to look to its wounds and reason out the whyN'gola. " I would warm it for him ! " " Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and wherefore of the appalling episode. Templeton shut his teeth, and his breath Glory to the New -Born King ... " Naturalists are still divided in their theories began to come slowly,then more rapidly. Every note of the carol rang out clean and of the phenomenon which gathered together theAlready the glowing fragments were beginningtrue, bringing to the two exiles a smell of frost, millions of ThameS rats and flung them like a to heat the metal plate on his chest.Presentlythe crisp crunch of snow underfoot and the fearful wave attheMetropolis.But therethe heat grew intense.N'gola watched his crackle and warmth of a great log fire. seems to be no doubt that it was a similarvictim like a hawk. Templeton watched hisfriend'srapt face instinctive and irresistible urge as that demon- " You will die for this, N'gola 1 " Templetonas the Lieutenant listened to his son's voice. strated periodically by thestrange lemmingrapped out suddenly. Suddenly Templeton smiled.England-Carols migrations. " He,he,he-the white man burns ! "-Christmas-Outpost of the Empire ... there (Continued in col. 3, page 22) N'gola laughed gleefully. One of the menwas no ironical bitterness in his face now. DECEMBER 18) 1936 WORLD -RADIO 17

TF you remember your history you may recallthat J.Columbus discovered America practically by accident. I've just done exactly the same thing. But whereas Columbus took something like to weeks to make his discovery, I made mine in about t o seconds !And instead of turning a great big helm I twiddled a little knob !You see, I was " exploring " the SHORT wave:bands of this Bush All -Wave Superhet. Besides giving you endless fun on the SHORT waves, this remarkable new model enables you to enjoy the consistently good reception of stations on the more familiar LONG and BUSH MODEL S.S.W.37 MEDIUM waves.So you can well imagine how surprised Superhet for Long, Medium & SHORT waves A six valve (incl. rect.) 7 stage superhet for A.C. I was to learn that the set costs only 15 gns.You'd be Reception on long,medium and two short wave -bands. A.Y.C. and continuously variable tone control. Deposit 21/-. surprised too-if you were to hear it ! Special high fidelity moving coil speaker which in con- WeeklTptymontsof junction with the triode output results in quality of Your Bush dealer will be pleasedto give you this reproduction hitherto unknown in a table model. Dual ratio tuning for greater accuracy with short 41 Why not go along to -day? wave bands. Provision for Gramophone Pick-up opportunity at any time. and remote speaker.Beautiful walnut cabinet. Cash Price SHORT IVAVE

BUSH POST THIS COUPON To Bushnio Radio Ltd. (Dept.W.R.t o2), Power Road, Chiswick, London, W.4. Please send me details of the Bush S.S.W.37, and Bush superhets from THE SYMBOL OF RELIABLE RADIO 3/1 d. a week, also name of nearest Bush dealer. Nam Sold only by Appointed Dealers Address Agent for :J. A. DONALD, 114, Cambridge Street, Glasgow.'Phone Douglas 2028 Post in id. unsealed envel9pe eevds i8 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER IS, 1936 onBroadcasting TELEVISION PROGRAMMES Plato Frequencies -Vision :45 Mc/s ; Sound :41.5 Mc/s. The Director of Irish Free State Broadcasting, Dr. T..7. Kiernan, tired THIS WEEK THE MARCONI-EMI SYSTEM one night, had an interview in a dream with Plato, and remembered enough WILL BE USED next morning to communicate this to the readers of WORLD -RADIO At the close of each afternoon programme a IF broadcasting is permitted to enter the homes of the listener.If a painter makes a likeness of a chart arranged in co-operation with the Air of citizens, said Plato, it must be regulated so human being, the'observer must know, if he is to Ministry will forecast the weather. that the content of the broadcasts is good. Thejudge it properly, first that it does represent a Egyptians,recognisingthisgeneraltruth,human being -not always, in much of your though not themselves concerned with broad-modern art, an easy accomplishment ;then MONDAY, December 21 casting,standardisedthebest specimens ofhaving satisfied himself that the artist intended to 3.0 p.m. -Programme Summary ;Christmas Toys. music and painting and allother arts, and represent a human being, and not a dying sunset 3.20 -News Reel. consecrated them in their temples ;so that inor the genesis of the human race, he must be3.30 -Joan Luxton's Children's Theatre Company qualified to judge the correctness of the represen- with The Television Orchestra Trio. 4.0 -Close. io,000 years the same technique was followed. 9.0 -Programme Summary ;See 3.0. Now, change for the sake of change, is senseless ; tation ;and finally, how well it has been por- 9.20 -News Reel. change fromlessgood to goodisindeed trayed.Itisso withthecompositionsof9.30 -Scenes from " Murder in the Cathedral," by desirable ;change to bad is deplorable.The musicians.The judge must know what is being T. S. Eliot ;Cast includei Robert Speaight, Guy canonisation of art forms means what we callreproduced, how correctly, and how well, in Spaull,G. R.Schielderup, Norman Chidgey, laying down canons of art.The craving formelody, language, and rhythm. E. Martin Browne.10.0 -Close. novelty can be permitted to satisfy itself with The broadcaster, then, must possess, or have change and experiment so long as the entireabout him colleagues who possess, these quali- TUESDAY, December 22 fications.It is perhaps best, added Plato, that body of citizens is educated to appreciate the 3.0 p.m. -Programme Summary ;Vivienne Brooks canonised forms of art. Directors of Broadcasting should not themselves (Songs at the Pfte.) and Van Dock (Quick Fire The first aim of the broadcasting organisation, possess any such specialised qualifications, but cartoonist). then, I take it, he said, is to detect the rightshould be helped in the different programme 3.10 -News Reel. forms and types of music and other aural arts to sections by expert judges of music, drama,3.20 -Royal Institution Lecture Ey G. I.Taylor, offer to listeners ;and, after that, to systematise variety, literature, news, and sport.So will a F.R.S. the broadcasts so that the listeners may feelcommonwealth of wise, good, and courageous 3.35 -Film :" Morocco." men be fitted to undertake, to the benefit of the3.45 -Animals All ! 4.0 -Close. pleasureinthenationalprogrammescon- 9.0 -Programme Summary :Nancy Logan (Songs structed on this plan, and pain with the less wise, citizens, the duties of broadcasting. at the Pfte.). lesshealthyprogrammestransmittedfrom But, said Plato with a sigh, what is ridiculous 9.10 -See -See 3.45. foreign countries. is less reprehensible than what is erroneous and9.35 -News Reel. Broadcasting is primarily entertainment and immoral ;the animal noise of crooning, less 9.45 -Starlight : BebeDaniels and Ben Lyon. that programme receives the palm which gives melodious than the voices of the pigeons which 10.0 -Close. most pleasure and enjoyment to listeners.But sit outside your bedroom window *here ;the the tiny children enjoy certain programmes, the imitations of machinery and other noises by WEDNESDAY, December 23 bigger boys others ;the cultivated women and" effects " records ; the senseless exhibitionism3.0 p.m. -Programme Summary ;Cuila Bustaho youths others ; and old ones, like ourselves, have and confusion of many modern composers ; (Violin).3.15 -News Reel. our quieter, finer tastes.Which of all thesethe playing of themes based on the music of3.25 -Elsie Carlyle(Pfte.),Ken Harvey (Banjo), groups is the Director of Broadcasting to set slaves and bondsmen, called hot jazz ;the broad- Gaston Palmer (Juggler) ;The BBC Television himself toplease ?That -may I take it ?-7-iscasting of effeminate music. This may be popu- Orchestra. 4.0 -Close. our next question. lar, but is in the worst taste ; and those citizens 9.0 -Programme Summary ;See 3.0. It would obviously be impossible to please all who enjoy it are not good through any ideal of 9.15 -News Reel. listeners all the time.Are you then to imitate goodness, but only because of fear and hypo- 9.25 -See -Close. the practice' of other countries by introducing crisy, and may be trusted to fall to evil practices Children'sHours, Women's Hours, Unem- when unwatched. THURSDAY, December 24 ployed Men's Hours, Hours for the Religious, 3.0 p.m. -Programme Summary ;Bransby Williams Hours for the Highbrow, and Hours for the Importance of a Good Cellar as " Scrooge."3.15 -News Reel. Browbeaten ?Clearly, you will agree, chuckled The function of broadcastingisto charm3.25 -Interval, Time, Weather ;Christmas Party ; Plato, that is an illogical compromise for which listeners into virtuous ways of living and think- The BBC Television Orchestra. your nation has little aptitude.The best music, ing. Now, you will agree that the older citizens,4.0 -Close. the best talks and drama and variety are, let usespecially those so old that the fire which leads9.0 -Programme Summary ;See 3.0. say, such as please the best men, men of goodness to sin is dead in them, are the most virtuous. 9.15 -News Reel. and wisdom. But diffidence as well as virtue increases with 9.25 -Interval, Time, Weather ;See 3.25. old age.It is difficult to persuade elders to sing. 10.0 -Close. Pseudonymous Letters For these, Dionysus grants the stimulus of the But wisdom and goodness are not enough, wine -cup, as a pleasure for advancing years, to FRIDAY, December 25 unless fortified by courage ;else, the wise good ward off the dryness of old age and to give forget-3.0 p.m. -Programme Summary : The Christmas man is intimidated in his judgment by popular fulness. The Broadcasting Directors should, Turkey -a demonstration of Carving by B.J. clamour, letters received at the Broadcastingthen, keep always a well -filledcellar of the Hulbert. Station from " Pro Bono Publico," " Distressed oldest and most mellow wines, and engage 3.15 -News Reel. Listener," " los. Wasted ; " and he is in gravechoruses of old and virtuous citizens to render3.25-" A Lonely ChristmasintheArctic,"by Edward Shackleton. dangerof learningfromsuchanonymous songs, reminding them, through the Announcer, 3.30-" Picture Page " devised by Cecil Madden. listeners when, in truth, provided his standards that their audience is only in reality one listener ; 4.0 -Close. 'have been chosen with care and he is a good and because all of the listeners can be reduced 9.0 -Christmas Carols -The Singing Boys from St. wise and courageous man, his duty is to repelby an easy process of argument to one.Have Mary -of -the -Angels Song School. performers who seek to give pleasure to listenersthen a Drinking Chorus of elders attached to9.10 -Film :A Seasonal Tour through the Empire. in improper ways.The choiceisbetween your Athlone, Dublin, and CorkStations ;9.20-" Some UnusualChristmases,"by Com- leaving the judgment to the listeners -and we and as the songs grow noisy, when the drinking mander A. B. Campbell. have already shown how varied are their tastes - goes togreater bounds, what then should 9.30 -News Reel. and, on the other hand, training them by good andyou do ?Why, insist on young Announcers and 9.35 -Television Party. 10.0 -Close. varied programmes to take pleasure in what isforbid them the use of wine, since you think good and pain in what is bad. too highly of their fiery, passionate tempera- SATURDAY, December 26 Music is sweet concord, and songs are spellsments to feed their bodies or souls with an3.0 p.m. -Programme Summary ;Bruce McLeod's for souls ;but they must be based, in their artificialcurrentoffire,unneeded by any " Punch and Judy " ;Sutherland Felce (Conjurer composition and interpretation, on noble con- Announcer who is .fit for his high art.By setting and Comedian). ceptions. We speak of good music and badthe sober Announcers to guide the unsober3.I5 -News Reel. broadcasters, as sober Generals give rum to their 3.25 -Variety.4.0 -Close. music when we should speak of right and wrong 9.0 -Programme Summary ; BruceMcLeod's music.In order to judge a composition or a men before sending them over the top, will not " Punch and Judy " ;Russell Swann (Conjurer production of it,the judges must know the broadcast's be merrier,,and international relations and Comedian). purpose of the production, the image or reflec- be based on friendship rather than, as to=day, 9.10 -News Reel. tion it is intended to portray to the imagination on enmity ? 9.25 -Cabaret.10.0 -Close. DECEMBER 18, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 19 average ; on the other hand, there are directors TELEVISION who are not happy unless they have done twenty scenes (usually, but not always, they are bad directors), and others who consider they, Television Production havewornthemselvesoutiftheyhave Relationship with Screen and Stage succeededindoingthree. Intimateand emotionalscenestakemuchlongerthan By DALLAS BOWER scenesof abroaderand lessintimate kind.Large crowd scenes, in the hands of TELEVISION is a hybrid of stage and studio ;over and above the normal theatrical planning,a capable director, often take less time than' as but before we can consider some of the manyincludessuchvitaltechnicalwork the aseriesof quite short, close shots of the problems of the new craft of television propreparation of set -building schedules, shootingstar actor or actress. duction,itis necessary briefly to survey theschedules (number of days allotted for various In televisionpractical working conditions manner in which a producer sets about his job,scenes, etc.), dress charts (clothes necessary forfor the actor are, on the whole, nearer to the stage ;on the other hand, for the producer they are much nearer to the studio.Like sound broadcasting, television at present is a kind of journalism.Individual productions are really" leadingarticles,"viewed from the aspect of a programme -builder who, in effect, is an editor in the broad sense. A daily pro- gramme is prepared much as an issue of a news- paper is prepared.In sound -broadcasting the problems areall entirely aural, and with no precedent. But in television the wide panorama of work entailed in the visual half of the stage and screen production comes into operation. Now, itis axiomatic in theatre and cinema that what the spectator's eye seesis much more important than that which his ear hears. Let me hasten to add that by this I do not mean to excuse inaudibility of actors or any lack of proper attention to dialogue, music, or singing, but merely to make quite clear that the primary value isthe visual ;without it thereis no theatre and no cinema. This being so, by -far the greater part of the producer's time is occupied with visual matters, and the work itself is more crowded with the mechanics of production than anything purely aural.Composition, grouping, gesture in relation to dialogue, lighting, are more mechanically complicatedinthefilm studio than they are on the stage. The frame in which the action takes place is smaller ;actors must come to positions very accurately ; camera manipulation to suit action, and action to suit camera manipulation is a compromise which is inevitable in nearly every scene. Lighting, althoughmonochromatic,needsagreater subtlety in adjustment and diffusion. These same conditions apply in television, but with this singular and exclusive difference ;in television there is no repeating a scene if it The inn scene from the television production of Mr. Pickwick (Marconi -EMI process), is wrong technically, histrionically, or for any other reason ;rehearsals take place as they both in the theatre and cinema, his limitations actors to wear on certain days), property lists,do on the stage, and once the show is in trans- andfacilities,and,irrespectiveof personaland a " breakdown " sheet-a document whichmission it must run just as any " live," in dis- methods (no single producer works quite likebreaks down the continuity of the script intotinction from mechanical, entertainment does another), to appreciate certain conditions whicha form whereby it can be seen which widely in the theatre.It is in this that one finds the always obtain in both cases. dispersed groups of scenes take place in theclosest synthesis in television between theatre Before a play or musical pieceisstaged same set and have,therefore,tobeshotand cinema from a producer's point of view. the preliminary work, apart from anything on theout of continuity.This work stage itself, entails careful planning under the is handledbytheassistant separate categories of casting, design, dressing,director, working in close co- lighting, detailed work on script (such mattersoperation with the director, and as action tempo, possible inflexions,timing, takes anything between three and etc.), and sometimes a complete action plan in eighteen days to complete accord- drawings or models.The time taken up foring to the size of the production. this varies with individual producers, but usually Shooting for a film of normal is not more than two weeks.Work in the theatre " feature " length (running one with the cast begins when these projects arehour and fifteen minutes approx- decided, and, simultaneously with first rehearsals, imately) is usually scheduled for start coming into being.The time allowed forfive or six weeks, according to the rehearsal of a modern play with castis the number of exterior location usually about three weeks.That is to say, forscenes. Assuming thescript a play whose running time isthree hours, contains four hundred scenes, the production time is one hour per week or five thirty-six days allowed means that minutes per day, assuming a five-day week andeleven scenes are shot each day, twelve-hour day. A playisnot necessarilyor approximately two minutes' produced infive-minute" lumps," but for screen time.But the screen time purposes of establishing a ratio of work done toshot per day varies enormously time, we will assume it is. with thetype of work being For the production of a film-say, a subjectundertaken, and the speed at of medium scope from the point of view of thewhich particular directors work. The Pearly King, Queen and Prince of Blackfriars in picture page7. resources required-the preliminary work is Ten scenes (or set-ups) per day, very much more complicated and detailed, and, however,isconsidered a good television programme (Baird process), 20 WORLD -RADIO, DECEMBER 18, 1936 In a film studio most scenes are done at least re -productionofavaudevilleact,and theneed to devote more time in achieving an twice, sometimes as many as seven or eightproduction of a simple play or unambitiousefficiently -done piece of camera manipulation times. A tracking shot-that is to say, a shot musical work. than the actual direction of the action which which moves forward from a long view to a All original work in thetheatre or cinemacauses the manipulation to take place. Holding closer view or vice versa-always takes muchnaturally requires more rehearsal than merelyproper centre, keeping correct head room, and longer to do on account of the mechanics being thetransference of existing material in onesuch -like details take some years of training in more complicated. mediuminto [another, butthelonger camera operation for film production.Con- Elaborate tracking shots, known in studio.time needed,provided the work has been siderable credit is due to the camera operators parlance as " side tracks in three quarters,"properly thought out on paper, is devoted toin the television service for the high degree " zoom backs," " crane shots," etc., take any-histrionics, the producer's most important andof efficiency already attained ; they work under thing between four to thirty-six hours to do, fundamental business. This can he, and usuallythe disadvantage of being asked by producers according to the action involved. is, done in a rehearsal room away from the to do shots of such a kind in the short rehearsal Appreciating these facts, it will be understood stageorstudio.Thereisnosubstantial time available as would make the most ex- that in television, where the camera technique difference between produced and re -producedperienced film camera operators white with must approach that of the film in operativeprogramme material in the television studiofury. This is not a matter of over -ambitiousness technical efficiency, the production of a two-where mechanics are concerned ;for efficient on the part of producers, but necessity in order hour daily programme is very much more of anwork both 'need highly specialised attention ofto achieve the best effect and use the new undertaking than might be superficially sup-much the same sort.An example may bemedium to its best possible advantage. posed. Rehearsal time is necessarily reduced tocited in the case of the television presentation In conclusion, a brief word concerning the times far below anything comparable to achieve of the BBC Dance Orchestra and the recentactor-more popularly misnamed theartist, the same result in the theatre or the cinema.presentation of excerpts from the new operathat word covering all categories of performer. It is true that in these early days of the BBC Mr. Pickwick.Prime' facie the opera would In the film studiohe has no audience ;he service transmissions only a few original produc- seem to need more rehearsal time than the dance playstooneindividual,hisdirector.And tions are taking place, the material consistingorchestra, but the rehearsal times were the samethat individual can completely alter a perform- almostentirelyof vaudevilleentertainment,in the studio in each case.The opera had, ofance in the editing of the film, and the good novelties, illustrated talks, existing ballets, andcourse, been in musical and preliminary actionactor is very well aware of this fact.In the so on ;infact,re -production describes the rehearsal in premises away from the studio,theatre there is the psychological " contact " producer'sbusinessmoreaccuratelywhen but the mechanics, when planned, needed nobetween actor and audience, the give-and-take applied to this kind of programme material. more time than those necessary for the danceacross the footlights.Something of this, which Yet, where production mechanics pure andorchestradoinganormaldance -tunepro- isan element in the quintessence of great simple are concerned thereislittle betweengramme. The chances are that a producer will acting, returns in television.

forthcoming programmes.On December29, Television Topics Mrs.DaisyPain,whorecentlygavea successful demonstrationof ironinginthe Television O.B.s-Women's Interests television studio, will show how home washing can be carried out with a minimum of trouble. By "THE SEER" In a way that would probably be impossible in WHEN television was first mooted, the public, having in Alexandra Park an ideal natural arena sound broadcasting, Mrs. Pain will explain with the natural apprehensiveness that safe-for all kinds of outdoor pictures. A fine belt ofhow woollens can be washed without shrink- guards the race, imagined that it was just anothertrees just below the terrace makes a splendiding them,how to find grease spots on wet clothes, scientific " horror," enabling the few to see the setting for games and " countryside " pictures,and how to remove stains. many-a disturbing thought. Very soon, ofwhile, if the cameras are swung round, the Another "women's interest "featurewill course, it came to be realised that the boot wasPalace building gives a good solid backgroundbe seen on January r, when beach fashions are on the other leg-that television would permit for pictures of a more intimate kind. to be shown. An entirely new fabric for women's many to see the few, that it would permit the With only an hour at their disposal, and thatbathing -dresses is to be shown for the first time eyes of the world to be focused on a given.comparatively early in the evening, the Tele- in television. point, on things pleasant to look at and on eventsvision Production staff at the moment of their happening.,And, this arenot attemptinga being so, it is natural that one of the fondestveryambitiousNew dreams of workers in television should beYear's Eve programme. to develop the " O.B.," or " outside broadcast,"Therewill,however, side of the art.In 1932, the Baird Companybe a special celebration made a praiseworthy attempt to televise theof the occasion during Derby, and although the low -definition systemthelasttenminutes then in use gave a very crude image with aof television in 5936- picture frequency of only 121 per second, it wasfrom 9.5o to to.o p.m. possible to distinguish the blurred image of the-with the Television winning horse as it passed the post.RecentlyOrchestra in support. the German television authorities had consider- Thefirsttelevision able success in transmitting scenes at the Olympic " O.B."afterdark- Games, using the intermediate film system on aand the most spectacu- mobile van. But it has been left to the BBC to laryetstaged-took make the first serious attempt at direct tele-place on Saturday last, vision of scenes in the open air.Since regularwhenanti-aircraft de- transmissions from the Alexandra Palace began fence was demonstrated in October, viewers have seen car parades, a onthe terrace of tcur of the North London Exhibition, golfing Alexandra Palace. Under lessons, pony riding and jumping, sheep -dogby no means favour- trials, and enough other outdoor events to give aable weather conditions, foretaste of the good things to come. two Emitron cameras, All these " 0.B.s " have, of course, beenhelped by some 24 kW confined to the very near neighbourhood ofof studio lights, taken Alexandra Palace,short,flexiblelengths ofout of doors forthe cable being the only link at present availableoccasion, gaveavivid between the Emitron cameras and the tele-pictureofsearchlight vision transmitter.As time goes on, however,and gun crews at work use will be made of coaxial, or high -frequency, beforeandduringa cable, enabling great distances to be covered ;mimic air-raid and gas it is also likely that use will ultimately be made attack. ANTI-AIRCRAFT DEFENCE. - The 31st(11thLondon) A.A. Brigade, R.A.; withtwo of micro -waves to form a wireless link between Women's interests anti-aircraft guns; and the 36th A.A. Battalion, R.E., with three searchlights, in co- the cameras and the nearest coaxial cable point. are not being forgotten operation with the Royal Air force, staged a short action in repelling the attack of In the meantime, the BBC is fortunate inin thecompilation of hostile aircraft on Saturday; December 12. (Marconi-EMI System. Alexandra Palace.) DECEMBER 18, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 2I

NCOMPROMISING and traditionalquality of tone, performance and appearance, has made Marconi - phone the first choice in Radio and Radio -gramophone entertainment.This quality is just as apparent in the inexpensive models as in the luxurious Radio -gramo- phone illustrated.Whether you pay 94 guineas for an all -wave (3 -waveband) table model or 38 guineas for the all -embracing 5 -waveband Radio -gramophone, you will enjoy that same unapproachable combination of perfect musical reproduction and sound engineering.Indeed, there seems to be no good reason for accepting second or third best when a Marconiphone costs really no more.These Marconiphones are also identified, of course,withthe mostsuccessfultransmission and reception of Television.Marconi receivers are as clearly masters of Television as they have been of Sound Radio for over 40 years.

The radio -gramophone illustratedis the 3 -waveband Model 566,25 guineas.Battery models from 71 guineas to r3 guineas. Mains models 11to x4 guineas. Radio -gramophones from 22 to 38 guineas. Television from 95 to120 guineas.Convenient hire purchase terms.

RADIO -GRAMOPHONES RADIO TELEVISION MARCONI Many Marconi dealers are now giving Television demonstrations THE REAL THING daily.If you want to see how really good Television can be, see a Marconi-E.M.I. transmissiononaMarconireceiver. Ring Museum 4144 and ask for nearest demonstration.

THE MARCONIPHONE COMPANY LIMITED, RADIO HOUSE, TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON, W.I. 22 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER IS, 1936 Letters to the Editor LISTENERS' QUERY SERVICE TRANSATLANTIC STATIONS Which stationwas that ? " The Snips " The Alternative Postal Service Broadcasting House ,London, W.1. The 1937 Edition SIR, -I imagine the reception of the " Snip " of the " Radio Amateur Handbook" will be available In addition to the free service of " Which Stationshortly, price 5s. 6d. post free, from the above address. ,stations, mentioned inseveral of your corre- Was That ? " printed in these columns, replies to `spondents' letters in recent issues,is not so station identification queries can be obtained within ,unusual as appears to have been made out. forty-eight hours of receipt of details on payment of On the 28th ult., on Hilversum (301.5 m.) 6d. per query, in stamps, or P.O., accompanied by Esperanto Transmissions closing down at 11.40, WBZ came through at stamped addressed envelope (marked in left-hand Sunday :Lille, 9.40 a.m. Leciono kaj Parolado.Leningrad top corner " Postal Query Service "), and coupon (1,293 m.) 9.20 p.m. Koncerto : Soveta Esperanta Poezio. Mon- once, and gave perfect reception except for as per conditions for " Free Queries." day : Vienna, 2.40 p.m. Course.Sottens, 5.30 p.m. Elementa fading. Kurso.Radio -Lyons (215 in.), 6.30 p.m. G. Pouchet Course. Tuesday :Morayskti-Ostrava, 5.0 p.m. Rilatoj inter Cehoslo- Thus encouraged, the medium -wave band vakujo kaj Pollando.Hilversum (1,875 m.), 6.20 p.m. Kurso was searched between midnight and 12.30 a.m. Time of Reception kaj Rakontoj.Tallinn, 7.0 p.m. Informoj pri Estonio.Rio de Janeiro (31.58 m.) 10.30 p.m. Oficialaj kaj Esperantistaj Informoj. and no lessthan the following were easily TheidentificationofStationswillbegreatly Wednesday : Paris (PTT), 2.0 p.m. Course.Barcelona (41.72 logged and identified ;many on the higher facilitated if readers, in answering the first question m.), 8.10 p.m. Informoj prila Hispana M into.Leningrad in the Identification Coupon, will always add a.m. (1,293 m.), 9.50 p.m. Kolhozoj de la Leningrada Regioni. Thurs. wavelength could have been made a proposition, day :Kaunas, 8.45 p.m. InformojpriLitovujo.Friday : but were hopelessly spoilt by bad atmospherics. or p.m. to the hour of reception-e.g., 12.5 a.m. to Leningrad (1,293 m.), 9.50 p.m. Politika Revuo. Vienna tirk. indicate five minutes after midnight. 10.40p.m.EsperantaServoporEksterlando.Saturday : All stations were at R8, with moderate fading :- Hilversum (1,875 m.), 5.10 p.m. Esperantistaj Komunikajoj. a.m. LUXEMBOURGIAN (Banstead) :Possibly Leningrad.R.E.M, Rome (medium and short-wave), 6.5 p.m. Turismolokoj de (N. 17) :(I) cannot trace in lists, but presumably Lima (Peru ); ltalujo. 12.08 WCAU (Appeal by Mayor of Pa. on (2) PPZ (16.52 m.) ; PPH (25.15 m.), both at Sepetiba (Brazil): behalf of Christmas " Community (3) XOD, Shanghai (50.42 m.) ;(4) WEM, Rocky Point (N.Y.), Sing." 40.54m.; (5) WCB, Hicksville (N.Y.), 19.26 m. FINSIN IDENTIFICATION COUPON (No. 410) (Derby) : If your call is correct, possibly CR106, Santiago (Chile), 12.15 WNAC. 1 kW., on 282.8 m., but it might also be CP4, La Paz (Bolivia), This couponisvalidfor ONE QUESTION Radio Illiarnanu, on 288.4 m. ;the airlines from La Paz and only and should be cut out and attached to a 52.25 WBT (Account of Army v. Navy foot- Santiago to London are approximately 6,220 and 7,230 miles ball match). respectively. NEWNU (Lee -on -Solent) :TIRCC, San Jose separate sheet, upon which the following ques- 12.35 WJZ and WOR. (Costa Rica), last reported on 45.8 m.the call is :Radioemisora tions should be answered in the order shown. Catolica Costarricense.C.H.A.R. (Derby) :COCX, Havana A copy of the answers should be enclosed with After working the American Continent on (Cuba), on 26.5 in.WINKLE (Dunham Massey) :Apparently FREE queries. No coupon more thanone short waves, this makes a pleasant change. HJ4ABL, Manizales (Colombia), 6.07 Mc/s ;interval signal re- corded is 4 chimes. DOPEY (Dublin) :PLP, Bandoeng (Java), month old is valid. A coupon is not required from Yours faithfully, 27.25 m. GIARC (Glasgow) : Probably GBB, Rugby (22.08 m.) or readers living in countries outside Europe who J. W. SKELTON. GBU, Rugby (24.41 m.). INST. ENG. (New Moston) : W9XAZ St. Ives, Cornwall. (pronounced zee), Milwaukee (Wis.), relays WTJM, Milwaukee, desire identification of transmissions. on 31.6 Mc/s. BUN (Bingley) : PMN, Bandoeng (Java), 29.24 m. I. Time and date of reception. PATROL LEADER (Brighton) :Suggest Frankfurt -am -Main, 2. Approximate frequency in kilocycles (or, for short Annoyance by Wireless night concert, G.M.T. 23.00-01.00. EDSOME (Canterbury) : Spain has recently adopted a number of new frequencies which waves, in megacycles) per sec. (or wavelength SIR, -May Ireopen a subject at one time have not been officially allotted and, in consequence, are not in in metres). much in evidence in the Press, but which has lists for that country ; EAN is a call -sign of Araniuez-Madrid. 3. Nearest known stations, above and below. AULD KILLIE (Kilmarnock) :CJHX, Halifax (Nova Scotia), of late not been widely mentioned.I refer to on 6.11 Mc/s. SEARCHER (Heaton) :ORK, Ruysselede 4. Call,.or interval signal, if heard. annoyance by wireless.The reason which I (Belgium), on 29.04 m. GING (Swansea) : GWMS, Manchester 5. Language. City (Manchester Liners).;cannot say where the ship was at the 6. Type of receiver in use and strength of signals. assign for the loss of public interest in this time. SIKO (Portsmouth) :(1) PICYDC, Batavia (Java), on matter is that sufferers like myself, of whom 19.8 m. ;(2) W2EAR is the call -sign of an amateur experi- 7. Details of programme or signal received. mental transmitter at Brooklyn (N.J.). W.B.P.W. (Torquay) : 8. Name and address. there must be thousands, are in despair of any PMC, Bandoeng (Java), 16.54 m. ,(2) COCO, Havana 9. Nom de plume.(Proprietary names must not redress.Complaints to the police 'give only a (Cuba), 9.75 Me/s ,(3) LSX, Buenos Aires (Argentina), on be used.) 10.35 ; (4) RAN, Moscow (16.3 Mc/s), 15 kW ;(5) B. temporary relief, even if taken seriously, and in Groom, 157, Wood St., Galashiels. SCHOOL BOY (West - any case result in bad feeling among neighbours. cliff -on -Sea) : LKJ1, Jeloy, relaying an English lesson broadcast in the Oslo programme. BRUMMY (Birmingham) :(I) W8XAL, THE MAN WHO HATED WIRELESS May I suggest that the BBC could do much to Cincinnati (49.5 m.) ;(2) yes, Vienna, OER3, on 25.42m. help itslisteners by occasional references at (3) possibly UGG, Madrid, 30 m. ;itis run by the General (Continued from page so) Trades Union of Spanish Operators. BARBARA (North news time to the effect that using wireless in Berated) : WNA, Lawrenceville (NJ.), on 32.72 m. ;works with that wireless set until it split into splinters of such a way as to annoy others is illegal, and also Great Britain. SMUDGE (Forest Hill) : YV II RB, Bolivar City (Venez.), 45.84 m. WASP (S.E. 27) :Regret, cannot trace. glass and wood ?But before I could fire that to appeal to the better feelings of the culprits BLANKIE (Antwerp, Belgium) :Either GBU (24.41in.) or damned music died away and by contrast the by suggesting that wireless at secondhand is an G BS (24.69 m.), Rugby, relaying a talk to the U.S.A.ECNALL (Lancing) :(1) COCQ, Havana (Cuba), 30.77 m. ;(2) regret, silence of death descended- about these three irritating sound which decent people would not cannot trace. NEW TIMES (Peckham) :DGR, Nauen (Ger- unburied bodies, and then I became conscious wish to inflict on others ? many), 17.30 m., 7.2 kW ;directional aerial for South America ; HJ4ABD, Manizales (Colombia), 49.10 m., G.M.T. 01.00-03.30 ; of a faint rhythmic " tick -tick "-which appar- Yoursfaithfully, JVN, Tokio (Japan), 28.14 m., now replaced by the new 50 kW. ently emanated from the set and, which, on F. LUCAS MITCHELL. stations;G.M.T. 19.00-20.00;RW96, Moscow, 19.76 m., Sundays : G.M.T. 18.00-19.00 ; TIRCC, San Jose (Costa Rica), examination, I found was caused by the clock Hemel Hempstead, Herts. 45.8 m., G.M.T. 16.00-18.00 and 00.00-01.00 daily ; 22.00- of a time -switch. Evidently selected trans- lAppeals to the listening public to exercise 02.00 (Thursday) ;15.00-24.00 (Sunday). SPARROWSEED (Edgbaston) : WNA, Lawrenceville (N.J.), 32.72 m.RUSSELL mission times had been switched on daily since restraint in this direction have been made from (Blyth) :Proprietary names must not be used as noms de plume ; the travellers had met their death. . time to time in the News Bulletins -particularly PIC1DP, amateur transmitter at Batavia (Java). JACK (Dublin) : (2) too vague ;regret, cannot trace ;(3) if wavelength correct, " Damned nasty thing,a wireless set," he during the summer months. -En.] Seville (410.4 in.). PIEFACE (Hull) :Cannot trace in published said, and he spat out the end of his cigarette programmes; there are a number of small Spanish stations around this wavelength, but transmitter cannot be identified from towards the place where the wireless had been ERRATUM. -Mr. R. T. Coales, in his letter pub- details given.J. S. S. (Skipton) :If above W2XAF, Schenec- standing. lished in last week's issue, included the station tady, WNA, Lawrenceville (N.J.), 32.72 m., which was used as a check channel by the operators in the relay from London to VAS among those of I kW. He points out that New York ;the talk was fed back to London through WNA for its power should be 2 kW. the purpose of checking quality. THE RAT INVASION (Continued from page 16) THE CHRISTMAS -TREE AMATEUR TRANSMITTERS Over 40o people lost their lives in the rat (Continued from page 4) The identity of. amateur transmitters may be found invasion.Thiswastragedy.Butthereis nothing whatever to do with Adam or the apple. in the " Radio Amateur Call Book." Orders for the consolationinthe knowledge thattherat ,The apples and other edibles which are hung Winter Edition (price 6s. post free), which will be population of the Thames was practically wiped on the tree in Germany are a true modern ready in the course of a few weeks, may now be out in a few hours.And even the diminished continuation of the old heathen symbols ofplaced with thePublications Department, BBC, numbers which retired to their haunts were not fecundity -a kind of sacrifice offered that the left in peace.The L.C.C. became a tireless coming year might bring fruit and food in Letters should be addressed to the Editor, " WORLD - and ingenious Pied Piperinitsefforts to RADIO," Broadcasting House, London, W.I. Letters abundance.In some parts red-cheeked apples intended for publication should be as brief as possible, exterminateeveryratinLondon.Similar and candles are the only decoration, in others and should always be accompanied by the full name campaigns were pursued all over the country, and address of the writer, though not necessarily for an angel is at the top of the tree, and it is heavily publication. and the nation now finds itself undamaged in laden with glittering decorations. health and in property by the foul rodents which In modern times it is the custom in Germany SUBSCRIPTION RATES forcenturieshavesomercilesslyravaged 12 months Inland and Canadian, 13s, and other countries to erect big trees on the 12 months (Foreign), 15s. mankind. public squares of the cities and in the railway Other periods pro rata. Prices include postage. No Londoner will ever forget the great rat stations so that all may partake of a Merry Subscriptions to Publications Dept.,B roadca st ing House, invasion, and I, for one, never wish to hear again Christmas. London, W.1,,or 8,11, Southampton St., London, W.C.2 so strange a warning as that broadcast to the A. A. G. listening public on Christmas Eve, 1947. DECEMBERiS, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 23 microphones give a silent background, but are not so sensitive. The microphone will need to.be mounted on Christmas Fun with a Microphone some shock -proof stand, especially if it is to be By A. W. BEATT handled much while in use. A usual method of mounting it is to sling it in a strong wire ring IN the world of entertainment the valve has her best to mislead them by imitating someoneabout two or three times its diameter by means brought about a revolution in the past fourteenelse or by speaking very close to the microphone. of " catapult " rubber, the ring being mounted years.In broadcasting, the cinema, and the As in normal theatre practice, the microphone on a solid base or telescopic stand.The tele- theatre it is proving indispensable.In connex-and loudspeaker may be in the same room, scopic stands are most useful, but quite a cheap ion with the latter, microphones may be hidden when the performers can be seen as well asdesk stand can be obtained or made up that can on the stage to pick up the voices of the actors, heard.Inthiscasetheloudspeakerand be placed on a pedestal at a suitable height. while loudspeakers project the sound,aftermicrophone must not be too close together, or amplification, into parts of the auditorium wherea howl will be set up every time the volume Amplification Necessary it was previously difficult to hear.In manycontrol is turned up.The loudspeaker mayTheamplificationobtainablethroughthe of the super -theatres of the present day thebe placed in such a position that direct soundgramophone amplifierportion of awireless voices of the artists would be hardly audible infrom it cannot reach the microphone ; that is, it receiver varies according to different makes, and the more distant seats if it were not for themay be just " out of sight " of the microphone more amplification than usual is necessary for the artificial distribution of sound.With a properly behind a chair or screen.It is, perhaps, muchpurpose in hand, so it may be necessary to installedandcorrectlyoperatedsound re-more fun to have microphone and loudspeakerinterpose a stage between the microphone and inforcement system, used simply for the latterin one room, and itgives the performers anthe receiver if the former is of an insensitive purpose, the audience should not be aware thatopportunity to introduce comedy by their actions. type. A single -valve, or in the case of a very such a system is in use. The loudspeakers insensitive microphone a two -valve, battery - should help the direct sound, but not replace or Technical Requirements driven amplifier may be required.The H.T. drown it. As to thetechnicalsideof the matter, asvoltage need be only 3o to 6o volts, and most The sound reinforcement system is put toalready mentioned a wireless set with pick-uphome constructors will have the necessary com- other uses, however, by many broadcasting and terminals provides the amplifier, volume control,ponents. An L.F. transformer may be employed varietyartists,and- an entirely new kind ofand loudspeaker.The microphone may be ato couple the output of the amplifier to the input act has appeared which depends for its effectspecial one purchased from a radio store-thereof the receiver-i.e., to the pick-up sockets. on the skilful use of a microphone. An almostare some quite good ones available for aboutThe pre -amplifier may be resistance -capacity infinite variety of novel effects can be obtained25s. to 3os., though they are also obtainable coupled to the receiver in most cases, if a trans- bydeliberatelyjugglingwith former is not available, but the condenser in sound perspective with the aid of the anode lead should be a good one with mica a microphone, in much the same insulation.In the case of battery receivers it manner as striking effects can be may be necessary to apply grid -bias through produced with a camera if the the microphone or coupling transformer to latter is moved from its normal the valve used as first L.F. amplifier. position and used at close quarters The microphone leads should be kept as short and unusual angles.The as possible, especially with insensitive types. crooner isa product of sound They should also be kept away from electric - amplification-or sound " over - light leads in case they pick up hum. A switch amplification," according to one's in the microphone circuit, or in the output to views on the matter-and micro- the loudspeaker, is a useful item, and may be phone, amplifier, and loudspeaker coupled to a red warning lamp to indicate when are now part of the normal equip- the " mike " is " alive." ment of many dance bands. Individual instruments in an PHASING LOUDSPEAKERS orchestra can be accentuated by WHEN two or more loudspeakers are worked in moving the microphone close to parallel in the same room they must be correctly them, and instruments previously phased; that is, the diaphragms must move in limited in sound output can now and out in step when a signal is applied.If be given in " close up," and can the speakers are connected outof phase the compete on equal terms with a diaphragm of one will be moving out while the brass band if so desired.These diaphragm of the other is moving in, and one sound " close ups " are practically will tend to cancel the sound issuing from the the equivalent ofthe photo- other.When two speakers connected out of graphic close up " of the cinema, where the at prices varying from a few shillings to several phaseare working closetogether,the bass features of the players can be shown magnified pounds, according to quality of workmanship. response will be much reduced and reproduction to fill a screen twenty or thirty feet wide, so that Alternatively,a microphone may be im-will sound rather " thin." their expressions are easily visible to patrons inprovised from a moving -coil loudspeaker, which Itis an easy matter to phase the speakers the most distant seats of a super -cinema. makes quite a good and moderately sensitivecorrectly, since,in the case of two speakers microphone, and if fitted with an input trans-it is necessary to reverse the connexions to one Home Broadcasting former the latter will serve also as a microphonespeaker only.In the case of a larger number Much amusement is to be obtained in experi-transformer, and its primary terminals-whichof speakers the correct phasing may be found menting with a " home broadcasting " outfit,will now be its secondary terminals-should beby trial, connecting them up one at a time. particularly if the results can be used to amuseconnected to the pick-up sockets on the receiver. There is, however, another and better method the guests at a party.The guests themselvesIf there is no transformer fitted to the loud-of phasing loudspeakers.If a direct current may even like to try their skill as " Popeye thespeaker it will be necessary to obtain one. from one or two cells of a dry battery is applied Sailor," or some other screen, stage, or broad- Amongst the microphones obtainable com-to the speech -coil of a speaker, .the connexions casting star.Most listeners have available themercially in forms suitable for amateur use areto produce a movement of the cone in a given principal requirements for a successful sound carbon, condenser, moving -coil and ribbon -type direction may be noted.Thus, .if the battery amplification system, since a receiver can be usedmicrophones. There are also obtainable outfits is always connected so that it causes the cone to as an amplifier and a spare loudspeaker as a containing complete materials for the homemove inwards,thewireconnectedtothe microphone. construction of a microphone, and quite apositive of the battery may be marked with a One might start by staging a fake broadcast, useful " solid backed " transverse -current carbonred thread.When all the speakers have been using another room as a studio, when alittle model may be constructed without involvingmarked in this manner, if all the marked wires mild leg pulling of the guests at the end of a very much trouble.Carbon microphones areare connected together and to one terminal of programme made to sound more or less probable, the most generally obtainable in cheap models,the output, and the other wires are connected would serve to " break the ice."A loudspeakerand they require a battery of about 4 to 6 voltsto the remaining terminal, all speakers will be extension line could be used as the connectingand a microphone, transformer. A grid -biascorrectly phased. A flashlamp bulb may be link to the " studio."The latter could con-battery will serve for the former, as the drain connected in series with the battery and speech - veniently be a small room hung with curtains,amounts to only a few milliamps. Carbon coil to prevent an excessive current that might the heavier the better, to deaden any echo.microphones are sensitive, but are liable to givedamage thelatter.In thecase of is -ohm Competitions could be arranged in which the a varying amount of background hiss, dependingspeech -coils a slightly higher voltage may be listeners were invited to guess who was speakingon the quality of the microphone- and otherrequired to produce a visible movement of the at the microphone, while that person did his orfactors.Moving -coil, condenser, and ribbon cone. B.A. WS, WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 18, 1936 At that moment the Engineer -in -Charge of the station looked into the control -room to see I Remember . that everything was going on all right. " What's this ? " he said. " A family party ? " By "DECIBEL " " We were just swopping yarns," replied Brown. " Have you any to tell us .? " IT was a wild winter's night a -few years ago, When thelaughter had subsided Brown " Well," said the E.I.C., " you remember the and the control -room at one of the broadcasting followed with another story. old woman who called here the other day to stations in the provinces was about to settle " Talking of animals and wireless links," hesay that the wireless was troubling her, although down for what was normally the most peacefulsaid, " reminds me of another incident in con-she hadn't a receiver ? "' part of the day's work-the relaying of the latenexion with our wirelesslink. We found " Oh, yes," Brown replied. " She complained dance music from London.This was a jobone day that, when we switched on the receiverof music running through her head allthe that could be done quite well by one engineer,from the control -room, we got no signals, so I time, owing to all these wireless waves that are for once the music had started it could be leftjumped into the car and dashed off to the re-knocking about. You advised her to connect a to look after itself ;and, apart from attending toceiving post.I soon found that the trouble occasional telephone calls from other control -was due to a break in the line between there and rooms along the line, there was nothing for thethe control -room. L. "s engineer on control to do so long as music " I hadn't much time in which to do any- continued to pour forth from the loudspeakerthing before we were due to. use the link for a used for checking purposes. transmission to schools.In those days school On this particular evening the late dancebroadcasts were done by wireless link, as Post music was even more welcome thanusual. Office lines were not handed over to us until The evening so far had been rather hectic ;the six o'clock in the evening. programme had been a varied one, including broadcasts from the station's own studios and " On leaving the receiving hut, the line to the relays from other stations, and the lines to other control -room ran along the bank of a deep ditch stations had been badly damaged by the terrific at the side of a potato field before reaching some gale which had been raging.There had been poles, after which it ran overhead. constant changing over of lines, and on several " I couldn't examine the portion of the line in occasions the lines had failed completely.Wire- the potato field, as it was buried in the ground, less link had been used where- possible, butbut about fifty yards ahead from the hut I found conditions had not been good, and the station signs of excavations having been carried out in log contained more references to poor qualitythe ditch.I called to some people who: were and breaksin the programme than a con- working in the field and asked them if they knew scientious engineer -in -charge could contemplateanything about these excavations.The reply with equanimity. I got set me to work in earnest. It was with some relief, therefore, that the " It appeared that a horse had fallen into the The programme was running loose in tha garden engineers gathered round for a cup of tea in theditch earlier in the day and had to be dug out. knowledge that the lines were now behavingI was informed that a cable had been encoun-wire between her gas -ring and the water -pipe themselves, and that even if they failed, thetered in the process and had been treated like ato short-circuit the waves, didn't you ? wireless link was a reasonably good alternative.tree root and cut into little pieces. A hasty " That's right," said the E.I.C., " and I've " I only hope the cows won't get to thesearch soon revealed to me two bare ends ofjust heard that she has carried out my suggestion, wireless link aerial, as they did once," remarked cable with a gap of about to or 15 ft. betweenand it has proved completely successful." Brown.(That isn't his real name, of course.) them. Howls of laughter greeted this information. " When wasthat ? "askedGeorge,the "'Fortunately, I managed to find sufficient " Yes," continued the E.I.C., " and I can youngest member of the staff. wire in the hut to bridge the gap, and I suc-tell you something even more remarkable than " It was a year or two ago, when I was out atceeded in making a temporary connexion justthat.Last night a friend of mine was con- the receiving post doing some experiments within time for the broadcast." necting up a short-wave receiver that he had the receiver.I was sitting in the hut with a pair " We often had the same sort of difficultyjust finished making. He had a pair of 'phones of 'phones on, and suddenly I heard terrificduring the War," remarked Smith, " but weon his head with the leads hanging down and bangs and crackles in my 'phones.I looked outhadn't stocks of wire in a convenient hut near by. not connected to anything.He was about to of the window andIsaw a herd of cowsWhen we found parts of our telephone linesconnect up the batteries to his receiver when he which had brokencut to pieces by shell -fire, and there wasn'tsuddenly heard music in the 'phones. through the fence. Theysufficient slack left to make the ends meet, we " He made certain that his receiver was com- had simply ignored the looked round for some lines belonging to some- pletely' disconnected and couldn't possibly be variouswiresforming body else, usually the artillery. Two snipsworking, but he could still hemr music in the the special aerial I was with a pair of pliers and we had sufficient wire 'phones. When he found that the music con- trying out, and hadto mend our lines. That was all right until thetinued as he walked out of the house into the walkedcleanthroughartillery people came along to repair their owngarden, still wearing the 'phones, he thought it them. We had to takelines and returned the compliment by cuttingwas time to send for me, "particularly as the the 8o -foot mast downa chunk out of ours." other members of the family had the same to repair the wires." " So that's how you won the War," saidexperience when they put on the 'phones." George. " And did you hear the music ? " asked Smith. " No cheek from you, my lad," continued " I did," was the reply, " and it was quite Smith. " You ought to have been the fellow up loud.Very good reproduction of the National the pole when we were just finishing runningprogramme, in a pair of 'phones with their leads some overhead wires on one occasion. We haddangling free in the air." a lot of trduble in keeping our lines in repair " That's rather a teaser," said Brown. " Did owing to the large amount of traffic about-you solve the mystery ? " horses, lorries, and limbers-apart from shells, " We did in the end, when I suddenly remem- so it was decided to run them overhead on poles beredthattherediffusionpeople supplied instead of along the ground as they had been. programmes to a lot of the houses in that par- We were a few thousand yards behind the ticular neighbourhood.One of their overhead front line, so we thought our poles wouldn'tfeeders had fallen down and was making con- be very conspicuous and would not be likelytact with a wire fence.The National pro- to attract enemy shell -fire. gramme was running loose in the garden, and " After considerable work we got all the poleswas sufficiently strong to induce audible signals erectedwithoutanyinterference from thedirect in the telephones." enemy, and a linesman was up the last pole " I remember-" began Brown, but he making the final connexions.Suddenly a shell was interrupted by Smith. came over and landed right at the foot of this " Sorry to break up the party," Smith said, pole.The pole and the wires collapsed, and," but I must be off.I promised my wife to go strange to relate, the wireman escaped unhurt.straight home after coming off duty.If I miss But it was the beginning of the end.Thethe next bus you won't need even a pair of shells continued to arrive, and in about half an 'phones to hear the music at our house.Good- ." They simply ignored the aerial wires ;: hour our overhead lines were a complete wreck."night, all." DECEMBER 18, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 25 36 m., 24 m., and 17 m. bands. In telephony the THE SHORT WAVES bands are designated in megacycles to avoid confusion with the telegraph waves. The main telephone bands are4Mc/s, 8 Mc/s, 13 Mc/s, and 17 Mc/s, corresponding approximately to Short Wavesonthe North Atlantic 72 m., 36 m.,21 m., and 17 m. respectively.On NOT everyone realises that 5o per cent. of theset up the transmitter on 36 metres we can feelleaving England we should use4Mc/s for Eng- radiotrafficofatrans -Atlantic" express "pretty sure that we shall not have to retune itlish calls and we should have a very successful liner such as the Queen Mary is handled by again until the morning, for 36 metres " stays" circuit." For calls to America at this time we short waves.It was quite a long time ago,good " all through the night. This wave reaches should probably find 13 Mc/s the best frequency. as radio history goes, that long waves (of thea " peak " just as dawn is breaking locally. order of z,000 metres) began to supplant the That is the most suitable time to clear messages Radio -Telephone Calls original 600 -metre wave for long-distance work-addressed vid KFS and KOK-stations on the With regard to English calls, afew more ing. Now the long waves in their turn are yield-Pacific coast of the United States.It is also thehundred miles out, and we are ina position ing to short waves. These waves have, however, best time to dispose of traffic to VIS, Sidney,where 8 Mc/s or i 3 Mc/s will be better, according one property which is often a great disadvantage.Australia, for then he comes in at good strengthto the time of day.Eight Mc/s will be best Their range is world-wide. The number of shipsfor about three-quarters of an hour and will indarkness and 13 Mc/s best indaylight. which are being fitted with short-wave installa-probably not be heard again during the day. These conditions hold good for several days, by tion in order that their owners may keep in After this brief period of DX, signals fadewhich time weshall be offering 'phone calls touch with them in all parts of the world, isaway quite suddenly and the 36 -metre wave is to Ocean Gate and to Rugby with equal ease. constantly increasing, with the result that the empty once more.So back we go to 24 m. andThe 17 Mc/s wave will not be used except under limited short-wave bands allocated to shippingprobably start the morning off by clearing WSL freak daylightconditions which make both are becoming very congested. and WCC once- more. 8 MO and13 Mc/s impracticable. A day The main wavebands allotted to short-wave The days go on in that regular procession ofor so more and we shall be losing GBC and going marine working are around 36,24, and 17Conditions as we get farther across towards New up to 4 MO for WOO calls. Any calls we have metres, and if you can read morse you will afterarrivingwithin be able to hear ships working around these 500 miles ofthe waves almost any time. Also on the same bands, American coast will be you will be able to hear such coast stationsas handled onthisfre- WSL, WCC, WBF, WMR, and VBS on the quency. American side, and GKC, GKT, DAN, PCH, A few words about and FFS on the European side. the method of operating It is generally possible to establish communica- these calls. On the ship tion with the United States immediately on one man handles the leaving England. Suppose we areleaving complete call.On the Southampton on a typical trans -Atlantic liner. shore side there are two After notifying the various local coast stations partstothecircuit, on 600 and 2,100 metres that we are leaving, namely, a technical we turn to the more serious business of raising operatorwhoisre- WCC or WSL on short waves.Since it is a sponsibleformaking typical sailing we shall be leaving some time in theoriginalcontact, the middle of the day, and under these conditions choosing the right 24 metres is the wave we shall be using. Before frequencies,and ad- we can call we must obviously hear the station justing t h e circuit we want, and so the next thing to do is to generally so that " com- pick out WCC or WSL from the signals audible mercial " quality speech on the 24m. band. is possible, and a traffic operator who is respon- " Raising " U.S.A. sible only for the shore It is not so difficult as it might sound.First, subscriber and for, con- we have the receivers very closely calibrated, necting up the ship and and secondly, each of these two stations, like By courtesy ofInternotionofMarine Radio Co., Ltd. shore parties. many others, sends out a distinctive signal A small part of the radio control room of the "Queen Mary 't Suppose we have a continuously, except when itis working to a telephone call from mid - ship with normal traffic. WSL's signal is prob-York, and the only change is when we leaveAtlantic to London vid GBC, Rugby. We send, ably the most distinctive. He sends " dit-dit dit- England so far behind that we have to go to shortvia GKT over the normal telegraphic channels, a dit dit-dii"-groups of two dots-and his call -!waves to reach GKT (24 m. and 17 m.) and special message having a certain priority and ask sign. It is a very easy signal to pick out and WSL GKC (36 m.), both at Portishead near Bristol.GBC to meet us on 13 MO at a given time. is familiarly known as the " Galloping Major."The American stations become easier to raseThe time having arrived we tune in to GBC's Try the " dit-dit" signal over a few timesuntil we find we can work them on 2,100 metres 13 Me/s wave on the calibrated receiver and and you'll see why !WCC's signal is moreand after that short waves are used only forhaving put our own transmitter " on the air," straightforward, consisting of a number of V's England and for the Pacific coast of America.call him telegraphically on " tone "-that is, a and his call -sign three times ;the whole being And so we pass Nantucket Lightship with itssteady continuous wave carrier modulated by a repeated indefinitely.It may take five minutesdeep toned siren, and early in the morning wekeyed audio -frequency note.When we hear or so of calling before we " raise " either of these are lying at Quarantine just inside the" Narrows "him reply using the same system, we can tune stations, but we call and listen continuously, off New York. And here we raise GKT and getup the receiver and judge whether the call is until the station we are after " breaks " us with a the last of our English messages. going to be successful. long dash and we then know he has heard us. All the biggest trans -Atlantic ships-such as If the tone is good and strong we send to After that it is just a matter of collecting fromthe Queen Mary, Bremen, Normandie, Aquitania, him the telegraphic warning " sp " meaning him any messages he may have and sending to Berengaria, Europa, and Rex-are fitted with" speech " and switch on the microphone. him any that we may have for the States. radio -telephone equipment which works on He does the same -and we begin to converse with After " clearing " the States in this way we short waves.Thus, from a liner anywhere inthe technical operator.Perhaps we shall now can often give the short-wave transmitter athe North Atlantic one may telephone to anyask GBC for a " few words " so that we can rest.We do not need it for the English side,part of the world. The ships, however, work toline up our receiver and then if the circuit is for we are close enough to world on 2,100only two or at the most three of the nearestgood and speech is " commercial " we go " up metres. There is no need to start uti again untilcoast stations.The rest of the distance to beto traffic."This means the technical operator we have collected more traffic for the Unitedcovered is taken care of by the normal inlandswitches in the lady at the International Tele- States, or until we think WCC or WSL hasand foreign telephone services. A British ship,phone Exchange in London, and then we collected some for us. We may have to startfor. instance, will probably work to WOO, Oceanarrange details of the actual call.At this stage up if we have radio -telephone calls to England, Gate, New Jersey, and to GBC, Rugby, England.our passenger isadvised that the circuitis but more of that later. A telephone call to Paris will go from the shipready.The conversation then proceeds until We are fairly certain to collect messages forto Rugby's receiving station, from there to the eventually the familiar " three minutes please " the States after dinner-that is a very popularInternational Telephone Exchange at London,comes out across the Atlantic, the last good- message -sending time.By this time darknessand after thatitis handled as an ordinarybyes are said, and so ends the call to GBC. has fallen.Twenty-four metres is no longerContinental call. possible and 16 is the wave to use. Once having Dealing with telegraphy we spoke of the W. A. R. 26 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER IS,I 9 3 6 + + Short -Wave Technical Press Review + NEW VALVE FOR ULTRA -SHORT WAVES contained in a single glass envelope (See Figs. To summarise the characteristics of the new INCREASING attention is being paid to the possi- x and 2).The overall dimensions are of thevalve relevant to short-wave reception :- bilities of. utilising for the purposes of radioorder of two inches. Some idea of the perform- (1) Mounting of two sets of electrodes in one communication,theso-called" ultra -high " ance claimed for this minute valve may he gained envelope. frequencies. As the process of developmentfrom the published characteristics. At 150 Mcfs (2) Absence of " lossy " insulating materials goes on, " ultra -high " becomes a more elastic (z metres)thevalueofgrid -to -filament in construction. term, having continually to be stretched in its impedanceis30,000 ohms compared with 2,000which (3) A method of interconnecting the two screen applications to include shorter and shorter wave- grids by a low impedance conductor. lengths.The peculiar properties exhibited by is a common figure at these (4) A method of by-passing the screen grids valves with increasing signal frequency are now frequenciesto earth without the need for an external con- becoming better understood and changes in denser and associated relatively long leads. design make their appearance almost from week for two con- to week, embodying the latest conceptions of ventional (5) Complete shielding between input and what is necessary to produce reasonable ampli- valves in output sides. fication, output, and so on, of signals ranging push-pull. At (6) Absence of any leads common to both in wavelength roughly from eight metres down one metre this input and output. to, say, sixty centimetres and shorter.The quantity is (7) Extremely short leads. average user of a medium and long -wave receiver stillabove (8) Maintenance of extremely short distances would probably finditdifficult to recognise 5,000ohmsbetween electrodes. in the latest " acorn " size triodes and pentodes " while for (now almost standard on wavelengths of the conventional order of 7 metres downwards) the close relatives tubes it is so AN " ALL -WAVE " CONVERTER of the relatively giant valves in his own set. Fig. 2 -The new valve low as to make them A WELCOME improvement upon even the best of The development of radio valves of very short-wave converters is an instrument which small dimensions-the latest example of which completely inoperative." The valve has been found useful as a high -can be attached to a broadcast receiver and is about to be described-arises largely from the used for tuning on all wavebands.With such fact that the time of flight of electrons through quality" Class -A "amplifier,a" Class -B " the interior of the valve, and the inductancesamplifier, and as a modulator and frequencya converter attached, the broadcast set may be of the leads from the electrodes to external changer at wavelengths of 1 metre and above.tuned to some wavelength free of interference Stableoperation with some gain has been(if any !), and all tuning and band -switching, components, become of paramount importance whether on the short or medium and long at very high frequencies of oscillation.Itis obtained on test, it seems, at wavelengths of 6o an easy conception that a frequency may becentimetres, though it should be borne in mind waves may be carried out on the added unit. reached which is so high, that the time required thatastheimportanceof externalcircuit Such units are now making fairly frequent for a single oscillation is comparable with, if not design goes up with increased frequency, suchappearances in the technical press.Here, for shorter than, that required for an electron toa result is not a true measure of the capabilitiesinstance, is an example from the French Toute travel from the filament to the grid of a valve. of the valve.In " Class -B " operation, at 2 la Radio (November, 1936). The designer has The grid -cathode path of a valve, with a tunedmetres a stage gain of to decibels was obtained. used an octode valve as frequency -changer. circuit placed across it, may conveniently beIn " Class -A " the stage gain was zo decibels. It should be noted that he does not propose considered as a resistance ;while at the fre- In construction the valve constitutes an advancethat the unit should work below about 19 quencies used at present for medium- and short- on the acorn pentodes in several respects. As i n the metres, the range 19-5o metres, approximately, wave broadcasting, this resistance is high, andcase of the latter, only glass is used in can be considered to have no serious dampingthe structure of the envelope.It being effect on the tuned circuit, at higher frequencies decided that push-pull operation was .o,,OR this resistance may drop off severely.The best suited to the provision of reason- eACADCAS/ combined effects of inter -electrode capacities,able power atthe frequenciesin ACCENT. the possibility of the frequency being so highquestion (the valve is intended, by that the time of flight of electron is no longerthe way, for transmission as well as negligible compared with it, contribute to the reception), in view of the required difficulties in the way of effective amplification. shortness of leads " it seemed logi- The principlesinvolvedinovercoming thecal, if not essential " to include both first -mentioned effectare reasonably obvious valves in a single envelope and provide when the grid and filament are considered internal by-pass condensers between T as the plates of a condenser. The second casescreen and earth, or filament.The Avk presents two possibilities ;the electron transitsuppressorgridbeingconnected time may be reduced either by placing the elec- directtofilament,itisarranged Fig. 3 -Circuit of French " all -wave " converter trodesloser together-i.e., smaller valves- that 'thecapacity betweenthis or higher accelerating voltages may be applied electrodeandthescreengridshouldbeing covered in a single sweep.It is strongly to the anode.The best arrangement is foundprovide the requisite by-passing.The screen -recommended, however, that automatic volume to be a combination of the two. The matter ofgrid element, which is common to both valves,control should not be applied tothis valve. lead inductances is largely a mechanical one. is extended inside the valve envelope in such aThe reason is that even- slight changes in grid The American Institute of Radio Engineers way as to link up with an external screen, effec-bias will cause serious shifts of frequency. To publish in their Proceedings (November, 1936), tively shielding input (grid) from output (anode) the many reasons that have appeared in these a Paper describing a further departure in the circuits, an essential to stable operation. columns against the use of heptodes and octodes design of ultra -short-wave valves-two specially Experimental models in which the screenfor short-wave frequency changing, the writer designed pentodes of very small dimensions and suppressor consisted of large plates, within Toute la Radio adds the fact that these valves suitable slots for the mounting of the other elec- performsatisfactorilyinproportiontothe trodes, proving difficult to construct, in the finalmagnitude of signal applied to them. The model these large electrodes took the form ofsignals usually received on the short waves concentric cyclinders. Special constructionbeing comparatively weak, the moral is clear.. has made possible a reduction of the filament -to - A tuned signal -frequency circuit before the grid path to dimensions comparable with thefrequency -changerisused on the long and diameter of the filament-an effective measure tomedium wives, but is considered useless on reduce the transit time of electrOns.Whilethe short waves in the absence of any stages care has been taken to keep unwanted inter -of signal -frequency amplification. Instead, a electrode capacities small, it has been considered chokeisconnected across the input to the even more important that the inductances of alloctode, with a resonance frequency remote from leads be kept at a minimum-i.e., leads of aany within the band covered.To make the minimum length compatible with mechanicalarrangement more aperiodic, a fixed resistance rigidity. In the experimental amplifier, the longestis connected across the choke. No attempt is lead, including the total, distance from electrodemade to eliminate image frequencies on the to external component, did not exceed threeshort waves. The converter is shown diagram- Fig. 1 -Arrangement of elements within the valve centimetres. matically in Fig. 3. M. S. DECEMBER 18,1936 WORLD -RADIO 27 Below 100 Metres Short -Wave News Reel By "SCOTIAN" practise, so he now earnestly appealed for the return News from Overseas of his S ioo, as since he had parted with the money (December 6-so) DURINGthe evening of December so, the pro-he had come upon bad times, losing his job and VERY good reception conditions have been experi- grammes of W2XE were repeatedly interrupted bysavings, and now he was threatened with the loss enced during the week under review, with the excep- up-to-the-minute items of news from England andof his home, which was already heavily mortgaged. tion of Sunday and Monday evenings when the the Continent. . J. 0. B. 31 m. U.S. transmitters were affected by severe At 19.05 I heard the clattering of typewriters and selective fading.Strong and reliable signals have, news -recording instruments, as we were switched been obtained in the afternoons and early evenings over to the Press Radio Bureau in New York. An Empire Tour from W3XAL (56.87m.) and W2XAD.The " London, England.Baldwin makes his announce- As world interest centred upon Britain on Thursday, Bandoeng transmitters PMN (29.24 m.) and YDC ment in the House of Commons !The King has December so, I searched the short waves at various (19.8 m.) continue to be well heard, usually signing - abdicated ! "And later," Maxton considers thetimes of the day anticipating that transmitters in off at 15.3o. Monarchy has outlived itself ! "-followed by another different parts of the Empire would be active. W2XE (13.94 m.) was an R6 signal from 53.0o dash to the Bureau, where we learned that the Somewhere about noon, Lyndhurst, Australia, wason Sunday until declining slightly around 17.00. Harbour Master at Dunkirk, France, was holding audible, and for a while several musical items wereW2XAF, R5 at 18.15, became affected by severe himself in readiness with extra guards, on the water- heard at fair strength. flutter shortly after 19.00-as did all other 31 m. front, in case Prince Edward should decide to land Long before the usualschedule timeinthe stations.Much better evening conditions prevailed there.These, the actual Press bulletins, gave placeafternoon, VUB, Bombay, ,began its transmission on Monday, although the 31 m. U.S. trio were still at 19.15 to the relay from London, of a talk by with a special programme of Indian music.The unreliable owing to flutter.At 2i.5o, PRF5 was Hector Bolitho, the well-known author, on the life Indian songs characteristic of this type of broadcast the outstanding signal on the 31 m. band.The o the new King, with which he was very familiar. were heard frequently, and a glance at my collection bulletin (in English) of the Inter -American Confer- the quality of the reception was in no way impaired of WORLD -RADIO S.W. Station Identification Panels ence from LSX (28.98 m.) also came over well. by the distance covered. indicated that Hindi was the language used between W3XAL, faded out much earlier than usual on At 23.45 WIXK afforded me the opportunity ofthe items.Besides the " tablas," or drums, the Tuesday,beinginaudibleat17.30.W2XAD, listening to a discussion on the possible effect the stringed instruments, the sitar, sarangi, and tam- however, was still an excellent deeply -modulated abdication would have on the Dominions.Were boora,whichconstitutean Indianorchestra, signalat20.00. W8XK (19.72 m.), and W2XE the abdication not accepted by their Governments, accompanied the singer. (19.65 m.) attained peak strengths of R7 and R5 it would probably cause an irrevocable split.The After listening to many items, including " Godrespectively around 18.30. W2XAF and WIXK chief danger lay, it continued, in Mr. de Valera'sSave the King," VQ7LO, Nairobi, was tuned in(3E35 m.) were both R6 at 17.45, improving to decision, for were he to refuse to accept the Abdica- broadcasting an African programme of music aboutreally good signals shortly afterwards. W3XAU tion and Accession Acts, Edward VIII would remain 17.00 G.M.T. The beating of the drums, and (31.28 m.), R6 around 59.00, attained R7 by 20.3o. King of the Irish Free State ! singing of songs resembling the weifd chanting of LSX was R6 but rather unsteady, and PRF5 was Dorchester. J. L.LEB. native " boys " while " on safari," were excellentR5 at 21.3o.Later, HJiABP (31.22 m.), COCQ features.Lastly, .through the facilities offered by (30.77 m.), and COCH (31.8 m.) were wall received. W2XAD, a speech in English and French on the W2XAD providedratherunusualresult on Personal Column of the Air topic of the hour by the Canadian Prime MinisterThursday by maintaining an R8 signal as late as At 19.45 on Thursday, December so, I listened,himself concluded this " Empire tour." 22.40. W3XAL also performed very wellafter through the medium of WzXAD,to the fifteen -minute With a total listening time of about two hours, Ihis usual fade-out time. W8XK (19.72 m.) had feature entitled " The Personal Column of the Air."had heard, through the medium of the short waves, improved to R7 around 18.3o, continuing so until The object behind the venture is to reunite relatives four parts of His Majesty's Dominions on a day 22.3o. W2XAF and WIXK, both a steady R6 or friends who have become estranged, and the appeals when new pages in their history were being written. at 18.45, soon provided really excellent reception. are made by the party who is seeking them. Newcastle -on -Tyne. C. A. R. Later, WIXAL and W2XE (25.36 m.) were well The first personal appeal was made by a young in evidence, and the 49 m. band was quite lively. woman whose sister was suffering from a nervous I take this opportunity of wishing all my reade s a breakdown, brought about as the result of a lovers' DEVELOPMENTS IN JAPAN Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. quarrel.The man in the case had apparently cleared out without a further word, but the lady was THE firstshort-wavebroadcast from Japanto now convinced she was in the wrong and her sister Germany probably took place during the Olympic appealed for the return and reconciliation which Games last summer, when transmissions were made All -World would mend the invalid sister. on a 3o -kW test -transmitter. The decision to Another poignant case was that of George, who had organise the Japanese stations, on thb German left home ten years ago.His parents, now dead, model, into a world-wide service had already been Christmas ProgrammesProgrammes and his brothers and sisters, had forgiven him long taken.By doing this itis hoped permanently to ago, and to prove it his sister said, " We still have link up with the homeland Japanese Nationals living your pipe and tobacco pouch in the spot where you abroad, and to keep the world at large informed .on your own Set ! left them." regarding conditions in Japan. A new 50 -kW trans- The most pathetic appeal of the broadcast, how- mitter, which will be equipped with a number of eyer,,avas made by a man practically down and out, aerials directional to U.S.A., South America, Europe, who, in his prosperous days, had made a loan ofetc., is to begin operation before the end of the year. $soo to a friend, so that this friend would be enabled Transmissions to Europe are to be made from to pass his medical examinations in Boston.He 4-5a.m.Japanesetime(19.00-20.00 G.M.T.) understood his friend had passed and started toin Japanese, English, and French.

A Reader's Suggestionfor Simplifying Short -Wave Tuning

SIR, Ihave pleasure insubmittingasimple method for tuning in those elusive short-wave stations, which you may consider good enough to pass on toConnect this Eelex Short Wave Convertor to your your readers.I think the set and the world's finest Christmas programmes drawingisself-explana- are yours ISimple to install and operate.Switch tory, but should further controlstwoshortwavebands and floodlights technicaldetailsof thewaveband in use, also disconnecting unit, leaves additional components be setfreefornormalusewithoutalteration requiredI shallbe Suitable for every type of mains receiver (AC and AC/DC modelsavailable). Aeroplanedialwithstationnames, pleased to supply them. wavelength, and megacycles. 100-1 geared knob control, It is amazing what results forextremelyfinetuning. Handsomewalnutcabinet. can be obtained by using such s i m p'l eapparatus Price (including valve) AC or AC/DC models. 14 Its intelligently. 6 Yours faithfully, Write to -day for list No. D.56 N. THUSIAST. Wigston. J. J. EASTICK & SONS, 118 Bunhill Row, London, E.C.1 28 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 18, 1936 10.55 -Notes. 11.00 -Concert ZEESEN (DJD, DJL, DJC) (16.35- at 12.00 -News (Eng.) ;at 12.45: 21.20),16.35 -Call(Ger.,Eng.). News. 14.00 -Talk. 14.10 -For 16.45 -Folk Songs.17.00 -Sketch. Short -Wave Programmes Women.14.20 --Markets.14.30 - 17.15 - News. 17.30 - German. Chamber Music (Locatelfi, Mozart, 17.45 -Music. 19.00 -News (Eng.). Brahms, etc.). 15.55 -Exchange ; 19.15 -Germany Today. 19.30 - AI times are given in C.M.T. The daily transmission scheduleis shown in Markets. (b)16.15 -News (Fr., Mozart, Schumann-Pfte., Violin. Arabic). 17.00 -Concert ; at 20.00 -Talks.20.30 -Harpsichord. brackets after the name of each station 18.30 -News ;-Review. 19.30 - 21.00 -News (Ger., Eng.). News (Eng.,It.,Fr.). 20.45- For Wavelengths see Short -Wave List Dou ivalEnsemble. 22.45 -NewsZEESEN (DJA, DJN) (21.50-03.45), (Port.). (c)23.15 -Concert. 00.15 - 21.50 --Cal! (Get., Sp.).22.00 - News (Fr.,Sp.). 01.00 -News Topical. 22.15 -Harpsichord. 22.45 (Eng.). 01.15 -Records or Play. -News. 23.00 -Concert.00.15 - 03.45 -News.04.20 -News (Eng., News (Sp.).00.30. -Music, Poems. Sp.). 04.40 -Records orPlay. 01.15 -Topical. 01.30 -Sketch. Electrical Recordings. 17.00 -Concert. 18.30 -Music - 16.10 -17.25 -Symphony Concert. 05.45 -News (Ger.). 01.45 -Folk Songs.02.00 -News ; t Gramophone Records. Hall. 18.45 -News ; Records. 21.50 --Call (Ger., Eng.).22.00 - Music. 03.30 -News (Sp.), 19.30 -News (Eng., It., Fr.). 20.45 - For Children. 22.30 -Baritone.PHILADELPHIA (17.00-04.00),(b) 03.00 -See Wayne. ZEESEN (DJD, DJC) (21.50-0330). SUNDAY, December 20 Play (Racine) from Paris (Radio - 22.45 -News. 23.00 -Service. 23.15 21.50 -Call (Ger., Paris). 22.45 -News (Port.). (c) -Concert. 00.15 -Sports. 00.30 - Eng.) ;Talk. 23.15 -Music. PITTSBURGH (11.45-06.00), (a) 14.00 22.15 -Harpsichord. 22.45 -News ; EMPIRE 00.10 -News (Fr., Newcomers. 01.15 -News (Eng.). -Breakfast Club. 14.30 -Style and Music. 00.15 -Topical. 00.30 - Sp.). 01.00 -News (Eng.). 01.15 - 01.30 -Hitler Youth Programme. Shopping. Music and Poems. The Empire Programmes are printed Play or Records. 03.45 -News. 02.00 -News ; Band. 03.30 - 15.00 -News ;Music. 01.15 -News in outline for the convenience of over- 15.15 -Jones. 15.30 -Pepper Young. (Eng.). 01.30 -German Lesson. 04.20 -News (Eng., Sp.).04.40 - News (Sp.). 01.45 -Folk Songs. seas readers. Records orPlay. 05.45 -News 15.45 -Rhythm. 16.00-O'Neill's. 02.00 -News ; (Ger.). 16.15 -Personal Column. 16.30 - Music. 03.30 -News (Sp.). Transmission 1 (GSP. GSO, GSB), VicandSade. 16.45 -Edward 08.00 -Big Ben ;Military Band :PHILADELPHIA (17.00-04.00),(b) Mac Hugh.17.00 -News.17.15 - Robert Easton (Bass). 09.00 - 01.00 -See Wayne. MONDAY, December 21 Slim and Jack. 17.30 -Farm and Newsletter, Sports Summary. 09.25- Home. 18.45 -Values. 19.00- 10.15 -Service.* PITTSBURGH (14.00-06.00), (a) 14.00 -For Children.15.00-Southern- EMPIRE U.S. Navy Band. 19.30 -Home Transmission 2 (GSH, GSG, GSB), Forum. 20.00 -Rochester CivicTUESDAY, December 22 11.00 -Big Ben ;Symphony Con- aires. 15.30 -Strings. 15.52 -Transmission 1 (GSP, GSO, GSB), Orchestra. 21.00-Laff and Swing. Christian Science Churches. 17.30 - ' EMPIRE cert. 12.00 -Football Comment- 08.00 -Big Ben ;Musicalplay.* 21.30-P.T.A.21.45 -Young Hic- MusicHall. 18.30 -Jolly Time 08.30 -Test Match account.08.45 12.30 -Orchestra. 12.55 - kory. 1 ary.* Popper. 18.45 -Christian En- -Orchestra. 09.20 -Music talk. 22.00 -For Children atTransmission (GSP, GSO, GSB), Newsletter, Sports Summary. 13.20 22.15: . 08,00 -Big Ben ; deavour. 19.00-R.C.A.Magic 09.40 -10.00 -News. Community Forum. 22.45- Dance Band. -Music.t 13.25 -Service.*13.40- Key. 20.00 -Your English. 20.15 - Dan andSylvia. 23.00 -News. 08.21 -Marjorie Alexander (Pfte.). 13.45-Envoi.t Captain Diamond. 20.45 -Har-Transmission2 (GSH, GSG, GSB), 23.15L -Music. 23.30 -Sports. 23.45 08.30 -Test Match account. 08.45 - Transmission 3 (GSH, GSF, GSB), monica Band. 21.00-Shadyside 11.00 -Big Ben ;" Turn Round."' -Lowell Thomas. (b) 00.00 - Marjorie Alexander (Pfte.) (contd.). 14.00 -BigBen ; Isobel Baillie Church. 22.00 -We, the People. 11.32-" The Policeman's Lot." Variety. (c)03.00 -Variety. 03.30 - 08.55-" ThePoliceman's Lot". (Soprano).14.20 -Military Band. 22.30-Stoopnagle and Bud. 23.00 - 11.47 -Band. 12.15 -Dance Or- Radio Forum. 04.00 -News ; 09.10-" Round London at Night.". 15.00-" Trinity House."15.40 - News.23.15 -Thank you, Stusia. chestra.* 13.00 -News. 13.20 - DreamShip. 04.15 -Dynamos. 09.40 -10.00 -News. Service.*16.30 -Newsletter, Sports Test Match account.* 13.35-13.45- 04.35 -06.00 -Orchestras. Transmission 2 (GSH, GSG, G513). 23.30 -Golden Gate Park Band. Envoi.t Summary. 16.55-17.00-Envoi.t (b) 00.00 -Helen Traubel.00.30 - RIO DE JANEIRO (22.30-23.30), 11.00 -Big Ben :Cinema Organ. Transmission 4 (17.15-20.45 OSI, GSD, Variety. 02.00 -Walter Winchell.Transmission 3 (GSH, GSF, GSB), 22.30 -News.23.00 -Talks (Eng., 11.20 -Christmas Reading. 11.30 - GSB ;21.00-22.45GSD, GSC, 02.15 -Paul Whiteman. (c) 03.00 - 14:00 -Big Ben ;Dance Band.* etc.). Nancy Phillips (Violin). 11.45 - GSB), 17.15 -Big Ben ;Orchestra. Edwin C. Hill.03.30-Y.M.C.A. 14.21 -Dance Music.t 14.30 - Orchestra.12.00-" Empire Maga- 18.00 -Newsletter, Sports Summary. 04.00 -Organ. 04.15 -Missionary Sophie Rowlands (Soprano) ; TomROME, (a)13.20 -News ;Talks ; zine." 12.45 -Light Music. 13.00 - 18.20-Pfte: Music.t 18.30 - Broadcast. 05.00 -06.00 --Orchestras. Kinniburgh (Bass). 15.00 -Brass Band. 14.00 -15.30 -News (Eng.). News. 12.30 -Test Match account. Theatre Organ. 19.00 -Talk. 19.20 Band.* 15.30 -Harp Trio.15.45 - 'Cello , Pfte. ; Arias. News. 13.35 -13.45 -Billy Mayerl.t -Quintet.19.50 -Music.* 19.55- ROME, (a) 13.20-13.55-Pfte. Vio- TestMatch account. 16.00 - 16.30 -17.30 -News. Dances ; Songs;Transmission 3 (GSH. GSF, GSB) 21.00 -Newsletter, lin ;Popular Music.16.30 -17.30 -- Poems. 17.40 -Music and News 14.00 -Big Ben ;" ImperialAf- 20.45 -Service. News ; Folk Music ; Poems. Margot MacGibbon (Violin) ; Fred- SportsSummary. 21.20 -John erick Jackson (Pfte.). 16.30 -News. (Arabic). 18.00 -News(Ger.). fairs."14.15 -Orchestra and Trio. McCormack (Tenor).[ 21.30 - 19.05 -22.15 -From Rome (420.8 m.). 16.50 -17.00 -Orchestra. 18.21 -News (Eng.).18.44 -News 15.15-" Round London at Night." Douglas Taylor (Bari- (Fr.). 19.05 -22.15 -From Rome 15.45 -Test Match account.* 16.00 Orchestra : Transmission 4 tone) ;PercyWhitlock(Organ).RUYSSELEDE (18.30-20.00), 18.30 - (17.15-20.45GSI, (420.8 m.). 22.59 -American Hour -Quintet.* 16.30 --News. 16.50- 22.30 -22.45 -Epilogue. Records. 19.30 -News (Flem., Fr.). GSD, GSB ;21.00-22.45GSD, from Rome. News (Eng.,It.). 17.00-Serenade.t GSC, GSB), 17.15-BiglBen ; "The Opera Music. Transmission5 (GSD, GSC, GSB),SCHENECTADY (15.00-05.00),(a) Policeman's Talk. Songs.Re-Transmission 4 (17.15-20.45 GSI, GSD, 23.00 -Big Ben ;Elsie Owen (Vio- 15.00 -RadioPulpit. 15.30 - Lot." 17.32 -The view. GSB ; 21.00-22.45-GSD,GSC, 23.30 - Alphas. 18.00 -News. 18.20 - lin) ; Harry Isaacs (Pfte.). Music and American Youth. 16.00 - The Kentucky Minstrels. GSB), 17.15 -Big Ben ;" Empire Service.* 23.45 -Royal Air Force News ;Pfte. Duo. 16.15 -Trio. 19.20-RUYSSELEDE (18.30-20.00), 18.30 - Magazine."' 18.00 -News. 18.20 - Band ;Joseph Farrington (Bass). 16.30 -The World is Yours. 17.00 - Orchestra.t 19.30 -Welsh Carols. Records. 19.30 -News (Flem., Fr.). Gaelic programme. 18.40-" From Sports 20.00 -Street Show.20.30 -20.45 - 00.40-01.00 - Newsletter, Sleigh Bells.17.30 -Chicago Uni- Test Match account.* 21.00 -News.SCHENECTADY (14.55-05.00),(a) the London Theatre." 19.00- Summary. versity Discussion. 18.00 -Soprano. 21.20 -Talk. 21.35 -Orchestra and 14.55 -News.15.00 -Mrs. Wiggs. Music.t 19.05-" ImperialAf- Transmission 6 (GSD, GSC, GSB), 18.30 -Melody Matinee. 19.00 - Chorus. 22.35 -22.45 -Dance Music. 15.15 -John's othbr Wife.15.30 - fairs." 19.20 -Dance Orchestra. 02.00 -Big Ben ; Service.*02.51 - BeneaththeSurface. 19.30 -- Plain Bill. I5.45 -To -day's Children. 19.45 -Test Match account.* 20.00 JeanPougnet(Violin). 03.10 - Mysteries. 20.00 -MetropolitanTransmission 5 (GSD, GSC, GSB), 16.00 -DavidHarum. 16.15 - - " Sealed Orders."20.20 -20.45 - Hand Loom Weaving. 03.25 - Opera Auditions. (a,b) 20.30 - 23.00 -Big Ben ; Test Match BackstageWife. 16.30 -Charm. Dance Music.21.00 --News. 21.20 Stanley Pope (Baritone). 03.40- Grand Hotel.(b) 21.00 -Widow's account.* 23.17 -Dance Band. 16.45 -Experience. 17.00 -Girl - " ImperialAffairs " 21.35 - 04.00 -Newsletter, Sports Sum- Sons. 21.30-1847 Musical Camera. 23.30 -" Round London at Night." Alone. 17.15 -Mary Marlin. Adolph Hall is (Pfte.). 21.57 -22.45 - mary. 22.00 -Soprano. 22.30 -Ed. Mc- 00.00 -Reading. 00.10 -Irene 17.30 -Farm Programme.18.00 -- "Empire Magazine.' ' Connell. 23.00 -Roman Catholic Crowther(Pfte.). 00.25-" The Tenor. 18.15 -High Hatters. 18.30Transmission 5 (GSD, GSC, GSB), BOSTON (16.00-00.00),(a)16.00 - Hour. 23.30-A Tale. 00.00 - Policeman's Lot."' 00.40 -01.00 - (b) -Harding's Wife. 18.45 -Happy 23.00 -Big Ben ; DanceMusic. Old South Church, Boston. Jack Benny. 00.30 -Variety. 02.30 News. Jack. 19.00 -Character Building. 23.30-" Imperial Affairs."23.45 22.00 - Overture. " Lohengrin." -FamiliarMusic. 03.00 -Sym-Transmission -JeanHastings(Soprano) ;Annie 22.15 -Pan-American Conference - 6 (GSD, GSC, GSB), 19.30 -Pfte. 19.45 - Personal phony Orchestra. 04.00 -Harvey 02.00 -BigBen ;StreetShow.* Column. 20.00 -Pepper Young. Tait (Contralto. 00.00 -Test Match Review by Saville R. Davis. 22.30 - Hays ;Orchestra. 04.30 -05.00 - Science Reviev, by Dr. Loring B. 02.31-G.Thalben-Ball (Organ). 20.15 -Ma Perkins. (a, b) 20.30 - account.* 00.15 -Cinema Organ. News ;El Chico. 02.55-" ThePoliceman's Vic and Sade. (b) 20.45-0'Neill's. 00.40 -01.00 -News. Andrews. 22.45 -Music Review. Lot." 23.15 -SKAMLEBAEK (18.00-23.30), From 03.10 -Quintet. 03.40 -04.00 -- 21.00 -Charm. 21.30 -ClaudineTransmission 6 (GSD, GSC, GSB), 23.00 -World Review. News. Books.23.30 -Orchestra, Chorus, Kalundborg. MacDonald. 21.45 -Grandpa Bur- 02.00 -Big Ben ;StreetSliow. BOSTON (22.00-02.00), (a) 22.00 - ton.22.00 -Stocks. 22.15 -Tom 02.31-" Imperial Affairs." .02.46 Soloists. SOFIA (05.00-21.30),FromSofia Mix. 22.30 -JackArmstrong. -Cecil Baumer (Pfte.). 03.10= BOUND BROOK (14.00-03.30), (a) (352.9 m.). Talks. 23.00 -News.(b) 00.00 - 17.00 -American Youth. 22.30- Modern Radio Course :Amplifiers. 22.45 -For Children. 23.00 -Educa- "Turn Round."* 03.40 -04.00 - Stoopnagle and Bud. STOCKHOLM (08.00-22.00), From 01.00 -Morse. 01.30 -Radio Forum. tion.23.15 -Bass.23.30 -News ; News. BUDAPEST (14.00-00.00), (a)14.00 Stockholm (426.1 m.). Three XSisters. 23.45 -Top BOUND BROOK (15.00-04.00), (a) Hatters. 00.00 -Amos 'n' Andy.BOSTON (23.00-02.00),(a) 22.00 - -Orchestra. 14.50 -News. 15.00 -VATICAN CITY,(b)10.00 -For Talks.23.00 -News.(6) 00.00 - (b) 23.00 -00.00 -See 17.00 -Time Signals.19.00-U.S. 00.15 -Bridge. 00.30 -Stocks. 00.50 Anthem. Invalids (Latin, Fr.). Navy Band. (b)01.00 -Helen -News(Sp.). 01.00 -Spanish Symphonic Music. 00.15 -Home 14.00. WAYNE (12.30-04.00), (b)19.00 - Hayes. 03.30 -Radio Forum. Decorations. 00.30 --The Camera CARACAS (13.30-02.30), 13.10 -Ro- Programme. 01.30 -Variety. 03.30 Workshop. 00.45 -Music. 01.00 - man Catholic Service. 14.00 -16.30 - PittsburghSymphonyOrchestra.CARACAS (15.45-02.45), 15.45-18.30 -MusicalToast. 04.00 -05.00 - 20.00 -New YorkPhilharmonic. Orchestras. Physics in Every Day Life.01.15 - Baseball. 18.30 -Racing. 22.30- (c) 01.00 -Nelson Eddy (Baritone). -Records and Songs. 21.00 - Writing through Reading.01.30 -- 02.30 -Dance Band. Music andSongs. 22.15 -ForSKAMLEBAEK (18.00-23.00), From Music. 01.45 -Pan-American Na- CHICAGO(W9XF) (01.00-06.00),ZEESEN (DJA, DJB) (05.05-10.15), Children. 22.30 -Dance Music and Kalundborg. tions. 04.05 -GlobeTrotter. 04.10 - 05.05 -Call (Ger., Eng.) ;Concert. Songs. 23.00 -News. 23.30 - BOUND BROOK (17.00-04.00),(a) News. 06.00 -News ;Concert. 07.00 - Talks. 23.45 -Quartet. 00.00 -SOFIA (10.00-11.30 and 17.00-19.45), 17.00 -Time Signal. 18.45 -Ro- EINDHOVEN (12.30-20.00), (a) 12.30- News (Eng.). 07.15 -Symphony Trio. 00.15-Mariblanca. 00.30 - From Sofia (352.9 m.). chester Civic Orchestra. 20.00- 13.30 -For Africa and Asia : Music ; Concert. 08.30-01d Music. 09.30- OrchestraandRafaelGuinand. News ; News. STOCKHOLM (06.20-22.00), From U.S. Marine Band. (b) 23.30 - Talks ; Mission 10.15 -News ;Variety. 00.45 -Betty and Micky. 01.00, -- News. (b)19.00 -20.00 -For Africa : See Orchestra. 01.30 -Duet. 01.45- Stockholm (426.1 m:). ZEESEN (DIA, DJB, DJE, DJQ) 02.45 -Amateurs. CARACAS (15.45-02.30), 15.45-18.30 12.30. (10.55-16.00),10.55 -Call (Ger., SUVA, 05.30 -06.30 -Records. -Records and Songs. 21.00 - HUIZEN (13.30-15.30),(b)13.30 - CHICAGO (W9XF) (01.00-06.00), Call ; Y.M.C.A. 13.50 - Eng.) ; Music. 12.00 -News Music andSongs. 22.15 -For Anthem ; (Eng.) ; Music. 13.00 -News. 04.05 -GlobeTrotter. 05.00 -VATItAfll CITY, (a) 15.30 -Religious For the Dutch Indies :Music ; Minstrels. Notes (It.).(b) 19.00 -See 15.30. Children. 22.30 -Dance Music and Talks ; MissionNews ; News. 13.15 -Service. 13.30 -For Women. Songs. 23.00 -News. 23.30 - 14.50 -Music. 14.55 -News. 15.05 14.00 -News (Eng., Dutch). 14.15-EINDHOVEN, (b)00.00-01.00 (Toes.)WARSAW,17.30-18.30 - Mazurka Economics. 23.45 -For Farmers. -Chimes. 15.15 -Records :Peer " The Judge's Tale "-Play about -For the Americas : Music ; (Moniuszko) ; News ; Polonaise 00.00 -Thriller. 00.15 -War Epi- Conductor, E. T. A. Hoffmann (Lange). 15.15- Talks ; Mission News ; News. in B flat (Oginski) ;Talk ;Polish sodes. 00.30 -02.30 -Variety. Gynt Suite (Grieg). 16.00 -Folk Play and Folk Music. Music. Barbirolli.15.30 -Anthem. HUIZEN (13.30-15.30),(b)13.30 - CHICAGO (W9XF) (01.00-06.00), MOSCOW (11.00-01.00), (a, 11.00 -ZEESEN (DJD, DJL, DJC) (11.00- Anthem ;Call ;Music. 13.40 -WAYNE (12.30-04.00),(b) 20.30 - 04.05 -GlobeTrotter. 05.30 - English Programme (a) Talk on 21.20),11.00-13.00-Orchestra.16.35 News.13.50 -Pile. Records. 14.00 Schmitz (Pfte.).(c) 22.45 -Sketch. Jesse Crawford (Organ). SovietArmenia,(b)Armenian -Call (Ger., Eng.).16.45 -Army -Sports. 14.20 -Reading ; at (d)03.00 -Wayne King's Orchestra.EINDHOVEN (09.30-20.00), (a) 09.30- Music, (c) Questions and Answers. Band. 17.15 -News. 17.30 - 14.40: Talk. 15.20 -Dance Music.ZEESEN (DJA, DJB) (05.05-10.15), 11.00 -Variety. (b)18.30 -20.00 -- 12.00 -For Germany. 13.00 -For Service. 17.45 -ForChildren. 15.30 -Anthem. Variety. Holland. 15.00 -See 11.00. 17.30 - 18.00 - Concert. 19.00 - News 05.05 -Call (Ger., Eng.) ;Music. 06.00 -News ; - (a, c) Opera orConcert. 20.00 -For (Eng.). 19.15 -Newcomers. 20.00 -MOSCOW (17.30-01.00), (a, c) 17.30 Music. 06.55 -MOSCOW (17.30-01.00), Germany. 21.05 -See 11.00. 22.00 Music and Poems.20.45 -Sports. -Opgra or Concert.20.00 -For Greetings. 07.00 -News (Eng.); 17.30 -Opera or Concert.20.00 - -For Germany. (b) 23.00 -For 21.00 -News (Ger., Eng.). Germany. 21.05 -EnglishPro- Topical. 07.30 -Folk Play. 08.00 - For France.21.05 -For Holland. gramme : (a)U.S.S.R.Review, Dance Music. 09.15 -Sports ; 22.00 -For Sweden. (b) 23.00 - Spain.00.30 -For Germany, News. PARIS (Radio -Colonial) (07.00-06.00),ZEESEN (DJA, DIN) (21.50-03.45), (b) 1905 Revolution Reminiscences, 09.45 -10.15 -For Children. For Spain.00.00 -News (Eng.). (b) 07.00 -News ;Records ; Topi- 21.50 -Call (Ger., Sp.). 22.00 - (c) Revolution Songs, (d) RussianZEESEN (DJA, DJB, DJE, DJQ)PARIS (Radio -Colonial) (07.00-06.00). cal. 08.30 -Review ; Records. For Children. 22.30 -Baritone. Lesson. 22.00 -ForHungary. (10.55-16.00), 10.55 -Call(Ger., (6)07.00 -News ; Records ;Topical. 09.15 -News. 09.45 -News (Eng.). 22.45 -News. 23.00 -Service. 23.15 (b) 23.00 -For Spain. 00.00 - Eng.) ; hlusic. 12.00 -News 07.40 -Review ;Records.08.30 - (a) 10.55 -Notes.11.00 -Concert -Concert. 00.15 -News (Sp.). News (Eng.). (Eng.) ;Music.12.55 -Greetings. Topical ;Records. 09.15 -News. at 12.00: News (Eng.). 12.30 - 00.30 -New Artists. 01.15 -Sports.PARIS (Radio -Colonial) (07.00-06.00), 13.00 -News ;Call (DJQ). 13.15 - 09.45 -News (Eng.). (a)10.55 - Records. 12.45 -News. 13.15 - 01.30 -For Hitler Youth :Folk. (b) 07.00 -News ;Records ; New Artists. 14.00 -News (Eng., Notes.11.00 -Concert ;at 12.00: Concert.14.00 -Reviews.14.20 - Play.02.00 -News ; Band. 03.30 07.40 -Review ; Records. Dutch). 14.15 -Topical. 14.30 - News- (Eng.) ;at12.45 :News. Markets. 14.30 -To be announced. -News (Sp., Geri, 08.30 -Topical ;Records.09.15 - Sketch. 14.45 -Orchestra.15.45- 14.00 -Talk. 14.20 -Markets. 14.30 (b)16.15 -News(Fr.,Arabic).ZEESEN (DJD, DJC) (16.10-03.50), News. 09.45 -News (Eng.), (a) 16.00 -Sports. -" La Dame aux Camilias " 46.

DECEMBER 18, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 29 (Dumas,fits). 15.55 -Exchange. 16.45 -For Women.17.00 -Saxo- and Leon hardt (Pftes.).23.55-PITTSBURGH (11.45-06.00, (a) 14.00) Amos'n'Andy. 00.15 -Uncle (b) 16.15 -News(Fr.Arabic). phone, Pfte.17.15 -News. 17.30 - , "Empire Magazine." 00.40-01.00 -Breakfast Club.14.30 -Style and Ezra. 00.30 -Stocks. 00.50 -News 17.00 -Concert ;at 18.30: News ; Talk.17.45 -Army Band.18.15 - -News. Shopping. 15.00 -News ;Music. (Sp.).01.00 -Latin-American Con- Shipping. 19.30 -News (Eng.,It., ChamberMusic. 19.00 -NewsTransmission 6 (GSD, GSC, GSB). I5.15 -J ones. 15.30 -Pepper Young. cert.02.00 -Tow n Hall.03.00 - Fr.).20.30-" Hansel and Gretel " (Eng.). 19.15 -Germany To -day. 02.00 -Big Ben ; Science Talk.* 15.45 --Rhythm. 16.00-O'Neill's. Hit Parade. 04.00 -05.00 -Orches- (Humperdinck). from Paris (PTT). 19.30 -Literature. 19.45 -Opera 02.21 -Dance Band. 02.55 -Talk.* 16.15 -Personal Column.. 16.30 - tras. 22.40 -News (Port.).(r) 23.15 - Excerpts. 21.00 -News(Ger., 03.10-" Round London at Night."' VicandSade. 16.45 -EdwardSKAMLEBAEK (18.00-23.00), From Concert.00.15 -News (Fr., Sp.). Eng.). 03.40 -04.00 -News. MacH ugh.17.00 -News.17.15 - Kalundborg. (Erig.). 01.15 - Slim and Jack.17.30 -Farm and SOFIA (10.0-11.30 and 17.00-19.45),1 01.00 -News ZEESEN (WA, D1N) (21.50-03.45), (a)22.00 - Records or Play. 03.45 -News. 21.50 -Call(Ger.,Sp., Port.).BOSTON (22.00-23.30), Home. 18.45 -Music. 19.00 - From Sofia (352.9 m.). 04.20 -News (Eng., Sp.).04.40 - 22.00 -Talk :The Olympiad. 22.15 Talks.23.00 -News. Modern Romances.19.30 -Home STOCKHOLM (06.20-22.00), From RecordsorPlay. 05.45 -News -Band. 22.45 -News. 23.00 -BOUND BROOK (17.00-02.00),(a) Forum. 20.00-U.S. Marine Band. Stockholm (426.1 m.). (Ger.). Opera Music.00.15 -News (Sp., 17.00 -Time Signals.17.30 -Farm 21.00 -The dansant. 21.15 -Utility SUVA, 05.30 -06.30 -Records. andHome. (b)23.30 -News. Hal!. 21.45 -YoungHickory. VATICAN CITY, (a) 15.30 -Religious PHILADELPHIA (17.00-04.00),(b) Port.). 00.30 -ChamberMusic. 01.15 -Topical. 01.30 -For Women. 01.00 -Fannie Brice.01.30 -Ethel 22.00 -For Children ;at22.15 : Notes (Sp.). (b) 19.00 --See 15.30. 01.00 -See Wayne. 02.00 -See Barrymore. Male Quartet. 22.45 -Dan and WARSAW, 17.30-18.30 - Mazurka Wayne. 01.45 -Saxophone, Pfte. 02.00 - News. 02.15 -Concert. 03.30 -CARACAS (15.45-02.45), 15.45-18.30 Sylvia. 23.00 -News. 23.15 - (Moniuszko) ;'Violin ;Reading ; PITTSBURGH (11.45-06.00). (a) 14.00 News. (Sp., Ger., Port.). -Records andSongs. 21.00 - Midge Williams. 23.30 -Sports. Polish Hymns. -Breakfast Club.14.30 -Style andZEESEN (DJD, DJC) (21.50-03.50), MusicandSongs. 22.15 -For 23.45 -Lowell Thomas. (b) 00.00 -WAYNE (12.30-04.00).(a)16.30 - Shopping. 15.00- New s ;Just 21.50 -Call (Ger., Eng.).22.00 - Children. 22.30 -Dance Music and Variety. (c) 03.00 -Variety. 04.00 - Sketch. 19.15 -19.45 -Palest rina relax.15.I5 -Jones. 15.30 -Pepper Sports. 22.15 -Band. 22.45 - Songs. 23.00 -News. 23.30 - News ; DreamShip. 04.15 - Choir .from Philadelphia.Conduc- Young.15.45 -Rhythm.16.00- News. 23.00 -Opera Music. 00.15 - Educational.23.45 -Songs, 00.00- Minstrels. 04.30 -06.00 -Bulletin ; ductorMontani.(c) 00.15 -Pop - O'Neill's.16.15 -Personal Column. Topical. 00.30 -Chamber Music. 02.30 -Variety. 02.30 -02.45 -Dance Orchestras. eye the Sailor.01.30 -Burns and 16.30 -Vic andSade. 16.45 - 01.15 -News (Eng.).01.45 -Saxo- Music. RIO DE JANEIRO (22.30-23.30), Allen. Edward MacHugh. 17.00 -News. phone, Pfte. 02.00 -News ;Music.CHICAGO(W9XF)(01.00-06.00). 22.30 -News.23.00 -Talks (Eng.,ZEESEN (DJA, DJB) (05.05-10.15), 17.15 -Slim andJack. 17.30 - 03.30 -News (Sp.). 04.15-Levanti's Orchestra. etc.). 05.05 -Call (Ger., Eng.) ;Music ; Farm and Home.18.45 -Stroller's at06.00:News. 07.00 -News Matinee. 19.30 -Home Forum. (Eng.) ;Topical. 07.30 -Music. 20.00 -Clubs. 20.15-U.S. Marine 08.15 -Talk ; Band. 09.00 -Harpsi- Band. 20.45 -Have you heard ? WEDNESDAY, Dec. 23 chord.09.30 -News.09.45 -For 21.00 -Bavarian Orchestra. 21.30 - PRINCIPAL EVENTS Women. 10.00 -10.15 -Saxophone Anne Muenchen. 21.45 -Young 18.45 W2XAD :NBC Music Guild. and Pfte. Hickory.22.00 -For Children ;at SUNDAY, Dec. 20 19.15 W2XE :Palestrina Choir. ZEESEN (DJA, DJB, DJE, DJQ) 22.15:Bette Smiley.22.45 -Dan Variety Concert. 20.00 W8XK :U.S.Marine Band. (10.55-16.00), 10.55 -Call(Ger., and Sylvia.23.00 -News. 23.15 - 19.40 2R0 : Eng.) ;Music. At 12.00: News Thank you, Stusia.23.30 -Sports. 20.00 W2XE : New York Philharmonic. 22.15 W2XAF : Tom Mix, Jack Armstrong. (Eng.).12.55 -Greetings.13.00 - 23.45 -Lowell Thomas. (b) 00.00 - 20.00 W2XAD :Metropolitan Opera. 22.59 2R0 :Symphony Concert. News ; Call(DJQ). 13.15 - Variety. 02.30 -Husbandsand 21.00W8XK:Shadyside Church. 01.30 W3XAL :Ethel Barrymore. Music. 14.00 -News (Eng., Dutch) ; Wives. (e) 03.00 -Advertising Club. Topical. 14.30 -OperaMusic. 03.30 -Portraits in Harmony. 04.00 22.00 OXY :Dance Music. 01.30 W2XE, W3XAU :Burns and Allen. 15.45 -16.00 -Talk. -News ;Dream Ship. 04.15 - 22.15 W1XAL : Pan-American Conference. 04.15 W9XF :Levanti's Orchestra. ZEESEN (DJD, DJL, DJC) (16.35- Pan -AmericanPeaceConference. 22.30 W2XAF :Ed. McConnell. THURSDAY, Dec. 24 21.20),16.35 -Call (Ger.,Eng.) ; 04.30 -06.00 -Bulletin ;Orchestras. Reading.17.00 -Schumann Songs. W8XK: 18.45 W2XE : From Bethlehem. RIO DE JANEIRO(22.30-23.30), 22.30 W3XAL, Stoopnagle and Bud. 17.15 - News. 17.30 - Cantata 22.30 -News.23.00 -Talks (Eng., 23.30W8XK: Golden Gate Park Band. 20.45 TPA3 :" The Childhood of Christ (Kruger).18.15 -Variety.19.00 - etc.). 23.30 WOCAL :Orchestra, Choir. (Berlioz). News (Eng.). 19.15 -Talks. 10.45 - Sequence. 21.00 -News(Ger., ROME, (a)13.20 -News ;Talks ; 00.00 W2XAF :Jack Benny. 22.00 W2XE :The President's Greetings. Eng.). Arias. 14.00 -15.30 -News (Eng., 00.30W8XK:Variety. 23.00 W2XE : Mass (part) from Rome. ZEESEN (DJA, DJN) (21.50-03.45), Chin.). ;Light Music. Harp. Arias. 01.00 W2XE, W3XAU :Nelson Eddy. 01.00 W3XAL :Boston Symphony Orchestra. 21.50-Calt (Ger.,Sp.). 22.00 - News. 16.30 -17.30 -News.Trio. Variety ;at 22.45 :News. 00.15 - Neapolitan Songs. 17.40 -Music 02.00DJA, etc.: Band Concert. 03.00 W2XAF :Bing Crosby. News -(Sp.); Music ; Talks.02.00 and News (Arabic). 18.00 -News 02.15W8XK: Paul Whiteman. 04.45 W8XK :" Holy Night." -News ; Music. 03.30 -News (Sp.). (Ger.). 18.21 -News (Eng.). 18.44 - 02.30 W2XAF :Familiar Music. ZEESEN (DJD. DJC) (21.50-03.50), News(Fr.). 19.05 -22.15 -From FRIDAY, Dec. 25 21.50 -Call (Ger., Eng.).22.00 - Rome (420.8m.). 05.00W8XK:Orchestras. 21.30W8XK: Concert Favourites, Variety ;at 22.45 :News. 00.15 - (It.,Sp.,Port.) ;News. Opera Topical.00.30 -Cantata (Kruger). Music. Talk. South -American MONDAY, Dec. 21 22.45W8XK: Dan and Sylvia. 01.15 -News (Eng.).01.30 -Schu- Songs.News (Sp., Port.). 00.00 W8XK: 16.15W8XK: " Personal Column " (daily). Variety. mann Songs. 01.45 -Talk. 02.00 - RUYSSELEDE (18.30-20.001, 18.30 - 01.00 W3XAL :Irene Rich. News ;Music.03.30 -News (Sp.) Orchestra. 19.00 -Records. 19.30 - 19.00 W3XAL :U.S. Navy Band. 02.00 W3XAL : Waring News (Flem., Fr.). 20.00W8XK:Rochester Civic Orchestra. SCHENECTADY (14.55-05.00),(a) 22.59 2R0 :American Hour. 02.00 W2XE :" " (Dickens). 14.55 -News. 15.00 -Mrs. Wiggs. 23.45 W2XAF : Top Hatters. 03.00 W2XE, W3XAU :Philadelphia Sym- THURSDAY, Dec. 24 15.15 -John's other Wife.15.30 - phony Orchestra. PlainBill. 15.45 -Today's Chil- 23.45W8XK:Lowell Thomas. EMPIRE dren.16.00 -David Harum.16.15 00.00 W2XAF : Amos 'n' Andy. 04.00 W2XAF :Geo. R. Holmes (organ). Transmission 1 (GSP, GSO, GSB), -Backstage Wife.16.30 -Mystery SATURDAY, Dec. 26 08.00 -Big Ben ZaraNelson Chef.16.45 -Wife Saver.17.00 - 01.00 W2XAF :Spanish Programme. cCello). 08.30' -Street Show.' Girl Alone.17.15 -Mary Marlin. 03.00W8XK: Variety. 19.30 W2XAD :Variety. 09.00 -Talks.' 09.20 -Cinema 17.30 -Farm Programme.18.00 --- 04.00 W2XAF :Orchestras. 19.30 OXY :Christmas Ball. Organ.09.40 -10.00 -News. Orchestra. 18.15 -High Hatters. Transmission 2 (GSH, GSG, GSB), 18.30-Harding'sWife. 18.45 --- 20.00W8XK: High Hatters. I I.00 -Big Ben ;Harry Hopeful's Happy Jack.19.00 -Dr. Maddy's TUESDAY, Dec. 22 20.30 W2XAD, W2XAF :Revue. Party.*11.47 -Quintet.'12.17- BandLessons. 19.30 -Soprano. 18.45 W3XAL :Rochester Civic Orchestra. 21.15 W1XAL :World Youth Congress. Variety.t12.25 -Talks.12.45 - 19.45 -Personal Column.20.00 - Top Hatters. Merle Miller (Soprano) ;Roderick Pepper Young. 20.15 -Ma Perkins. 20.00 W3XAL :U.S. Marine Band. 22.00 W2XAF : Lloyd (Bass -Baritone). 13.00- (a, 20.30 -Vic and Sade. (b) 20.30 TPA3" Hansel and Grete!." 22.30W8XK: Webster Hall Orchestra. N ews. 13.20 -13.45 - 20.45-O'Neill's. 21.00 -Cheerio. 20.30 W2XE :English Christmas Songs. 23.20 2R0 :Excerpt, " Falstaff " (Verdi). Memories.[ 21.15-Marshalls. 21.30 -Stocks. DJA, etc.: Folk Music ;01.30, Carols. Transmission 3 (GSH, GSF, GSB), 21.45 -Women's Clubs. 22.00 - 23.20 2R0 : Opera Music. 00.30 14:00 -Big Ben ;Theatre Organ. While theCity sleeps. 22.15 - 23.30 W2XAF :" Mail -Bag." 01.00 W8XK: Ed. Wynne. 14.30 -RoyalAirForceBand. Tom Mix. 22.30 -Jack Armstrong. 00.00 W8XK : Variety. 02.00 W3XAL,W8XK: Barn Dance. 15.15 -Pile. Music.t15.25 -Carol 22,45 -ForChildren. 23.00 - Service.16.10-Music.t16.15- Science.23.15 -Crawford (Organ).01.00 W2XE, W3XAU :Music Hall. 02.30 W2XE : Columbia Symphony Orchestra. " Under Big Ben." 16.30 -News. 23.30 -News ;Mail. 00.00 -Amos02.30 W2XAF :Fred Astaire. 03.00W8XK:Nickelodeon. 16.50 - 17.00 - Old-timeDance 'n' Andy. 00.15 -Experience. 04.15W8XK:Pan-American Conference.05.00 W9XF :Glen Gray's Orchestra. Music.t 00.30 -Stocks.00.50 -News (Sp.). Transmission4 (I 7.15-20.45 GSI, 01.00 -Orchestra.01.30 -Spanish GSD; GSB : 21.00-22.45GSD, Programme. 02.00 -Interviews. GSC,GSB), 17.15 -Big Ben ; 02.30 -Fred Astaire ;Variety. 04.00- EINDHOVEN, (a)13.00 -16.00 -Va-ROME, (a)13.20 -News ;Talks ; DanceMusic. 18.00 -News. 05.00 -Sport Shots ;Orchestras. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 23 riety. Saxophone. 14.00 -15.30 -News 18.20 - BrassBand.t 18.40 - SKAMLEBAEK (18.00-23.00), From EMPIRE (Eng.).Trio.Talk.Arias. News. " ChristmasClack.'. 19.00- Kalundborg. MOSCOW (11.00-01.00), (a, c) 11 .00 16.30 -17.30 -News ; Orchestra : "Under Big Ben." 19.15 -Ray- Transmission1 (GSP, GSO, GSB), -English Programme :(a) Talk Songs. 17.40 -Music and News mond Newell (Baritone). 19.30 - SOFIA (10.0-11.30 and 17.00-19.45), " Empire Maga- on Soviet Shopping, (b) Music by From Sofia (352.9 in.). 08.00 -Big Ben : (Arabic). 18.00 -News(Ger.). ChristmasVariety.' 20.00 - zine." 08.45-" Imperial Affairs." Women Soloists, (c) Foreign Affairs. 18.21 -News (Eng.). 18.44 --News Carols. 20.30 -20.45 -Paul Beard STOCKHOLM (06.20-22.00), From 09.00 -Orchestra. 09.40 -10.00 - 17.30 -Opera or Concert.20.00 - (Fr.). 19.05 -22.15 -Front Rome (Violin). 21.00 -News. 21.20 - Stockholm (426.1 ni.). News. For Czechs. 21.05 -See11.00. (420.8 m.).22.59 -American Hour ChristmasPageant. 22.05- SUVA, 05.30 -06.30 -Records. Transmission 2 (GSH, GSG, GSB), 22.00 -For- Germany.(b) '23.00 - from Rome. News (Eng.,It.). " Under Big Ben."22.20 -Dance VATICAN CITY, (a) 15.30 -Religious I I.00 -Big Ben ;" Imperial Af- For Spain. 00.00 -News (Eng., Symphony Concert. Talk. Neapo- 22.25 -22.45 -Dance Notes (Eng.).(6) 19.00 -See 15.30. fairs."'11.17 -Orchestra ;Cein- Ger.). litan Songs. Music. WAYNE (12.30-04.00),(b) MOO- wen John (Soprano). 12.15 -Christ-PARIS (Radio Colonial) (07.00-06.00)'RUYSSELEDE (18.30-20.00),18.30 Transmission 5 (GSD, GSC, GSB), Ouartet. 20.30 -21.00 -Old English mas Variety.* 12.45 -Talk. 13.00 - (6) 07.00 -News ;Records. 07.40 - -Records. 19.30 -News (Flem., 23.00 -Big Ben ;Dance Orchestra. ChristmasBallads -Strings,Pfte., News. 13.20 -13.45 -Orchestra. Review ;Records. 08.30 -Topical ; Fr.). 23.20 -StudioParty. 00.00 - Vocal Solo. (c) 01.00 -Music Hall. Transmission3 (GSH, GSF, GSB), Records. 09.15 -News. 09.45 - Carols.* 00.30 -.Christmas Read- 02.00-Waring 's Pennsylvanians. 14.00 -Big Ben ;" Street Show." News (Eng.),_ (a)10.55 -Notes.SCHENECTADY (14.55-05.00),(a) ing.00.40 -01.00 -News. 11.00 -Concert ;at12.00:News 14.55 -News. 15.00 -Mrs. WiggsTransmission 6 (GSD, GSC, GSB), ZEESEN (WA, DJB) (05.05-10.15), 14.30 -Band : Franklyn Kelsey 15.15 -John's other Wife.15.30 - 05.05 -Call (Ger., Eng.) ;Music. (Bass). 15.30-" The Policeman's (Eng.) and at 12.45 : News. 14.00 - 02.00 -Big Ben ;Carol Service.. Economics.14.10 -Theatre Notes. Plain Bill. 15.45 -To -day's Children: 02.46 -SamuelKutcher(Violin). 06.00 -News ; Music. 06.55 - Lot." 15.45-" Empire Maga- 16.00 --DavidHarum. 16.15 - Greetings. 07.00 -News (Eng.). zine."'16.30 -News.16.50-17.00 14.20 -Markets. 14.30 -Concert. 03.05-" Under Big Ben " 03.20 - Conductor :Tomasi.Mme. Diaz BackstageWife. 16.30 -Charm. Dance Band.'03.40 -04.00 -News. 07.15 -Topical.07.30 -Music and -Quintet. 16.45 -Experience. 17.00 -Girl Poetry. 08.15 -Concert. 09.30- 4 (Songs), Martin (Tenor). 15.55 - Transmission (17.15-20.45GSI, Exchange ;Markets. (b) 16.15 - Alone.17.15 -Mary Marlin.17.30 BOSTON ' (22.00-23.30), (a) 22.00 - 10.15 -News ;Reading ; Sketch GSD, GSB : 21.00-22.45GSD, Talks.23.00 -News. (Klucke). News (Fr., Arabic). 17.00 -Con- -Farm Programme. 18.00 -Tenor. GSC, GSB), I 7.15 --Big Ben ; Talks. cert ;at18.30: News ;Talk. 18.15 -HighMatters. 18.30- BOUND BROOK (17.00-03.00), 17.00 ZEESEN (DJA, DJR, DJE, DJQ) 17.37 -Dance Orchestra.18.00 - Harding's Wife.18.45 -NBC Music (a) -Time Signals. 19.45 -NBC News. 18.20 -Folk -songs.( 18.40 - 19.30 -News (Eng., It., Fr.). 20.45- (10.55-16.00), 10.55 -Call(Ger., " 4 x 7=28 "-Play (Coolus). Guild. 19.45 -Personal Column. Music Guild. (b)23.30 -News. Eng.) ; Music. 12.00 -News (Eng.); Military Band. 19.10-" Soft Lights 22.45 -News (Port.).(c) 23.15 - 20.00 -Pepper Young.20.15 -Ma 01.00 -Boston Symphony Orches- Music. 12.55 -Greetings tothe and Sweet Music."19.30 -Talk.' Concert. 00.15 -News (Fr.,Sp). Perkins (a, b) 20.30 -Vic and Sade. tra. 02.30 -Town Meeting. Dutch East Indies.13.00 -News ; 19.45 -Band. 20.00 -21.00 -Orches- 01.00 -News (Eng.). 01.15 -Play 20.45-0'Neill's. 21.00 -Orchestra.BUDAPEST, 23.00 -Midnight Mass. Call (DJQ). 13.15 -Folk Songs. tra .Eva Turner (Soprano).' 21.15 or Records. 03.45 -News. 04.20 - 21.30 -MaleQuartet. 21.45 -CARACAS (15.45-02.45), 15.45-18.30 13.30 -Harpsichord.14.00 -News. -News. 2I.35 -Theatre Orchestra; News (Eng., Sp.).04.40 -Records Grandpa Burton. 22.00 -Stocks. -Records and Songs.21.00 -Mu- (Eng., Dutch) ;Topical. 14.30_ Frank Titterton (Tenor).22.00 - or Play.05.45 -News (Ger.). 22.15 -Tom Mix. 22.30 -Jack sic and Songs. 22.15 -For Children. Reading.14.45 -Concert. 15.45- Science Talk.' 22.20 -Dance Music. Armstrong.22.45 -For Children. 22.30 -Dance Music andSongs. 16.00-Talk.- 22.25 -22.45 -Dance Music. PHILADELPHIA (17.00-04.00),(a) 23.00 -Our American Schools. 23.15 23.00 -News. 23.30 -Talk.23.45- ZEESEN (DID, DJL, DJC) (16.35-Transmission 5 (GSD, GSC, GSB), 00.15 -See Wayne. (b)01.30 - -Soprano. 23.30 -News ;Ro- 02.30 -Variety. 02.30 -02.45 -Dance 21.20),16.35 -Call(Ger.,Eng.) 23.00 -Big Ben ; Orchestra ;Alleyne See Wayne. mance. 23.45 -Bridge. 00.00- Music. 30 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 18, 1936 EINDHOVEN, (b)00.00-03.00 (Fri.) -- 22.00 -22.30 -PresidentRoosevelt's 14.05 -News. 14.15 -ChristmasZEESEN (DJA, DJB) (05.05-10.15), LightMusic. 15.55 -Exchange. Variety. Greetings from Washington. 23.00- Programme.15.15 -Talk.15.30 - 05.05 -Call (Ger., Eng.).05.10 - (b) 16.15 -News (Fr.. Arabic). 17.00 HUIZEN (13.30-15.30),(b)13.30 - 23.15 -Excerpt,MidnightMass. Anthem. Concert ;at 06.00: News. 06.55 - -Concert. 18.30 -News ;Review. Anthem ;Call ;Music.13.40 - from the Ara Coeli Church, Rome.MOSCOW (17.30-01.00), (a, c) 17.30 Greetings. 07.00 -News (Eng.) ; 19.00 -Records. 19.30 -News (Eng. News. 13.50 -Mail ; Music. (r)04.00 -Orchestra: 04.15- -Opera or Concert.20.00 -For Topical. 07.30 -Carols.08.15 - It., Fr.).20.30 -To be announced. - 14.25 -Talk. 14.45 -Carols.15.00 Chimes and Carillon Recital. 04.30 Concert.09.00 -Variety.09.30 - 22.40 --News (Port.). (c) 23.15 - Play. 05.00 -06.00 - Czechs. 21.05 -English Programme: -Talk ;Chimes.15.30 -Anthem. -Christmas (a) For Children ;(b)Children's News ;Talk.10.00 -10.15 -Songs Concert. 00.15 -News (Fr., So.). MOSCOW (17.30-01.00), (a, c) 17.30 Christmas Music -Symphony Or- Songs ; (c) Russian Lesson. 22.00 - (Schumann). 01.00 -News (Eng.). 01.15 -Re- -Opera or Concert.20.00 -For chestra ; Choir. For Germany. (b) 23.00 -For Spain.ZEESEN (DJA, DJB, DJE, DJQ) cords or Play. 03.45 --News. 04.20 21.05 -ForFrance. -News (Eng., Sp.). 04.40 -Records Germany. ZEESEN (DJA, DJB) (05.05-10.15), 00.00 -News (Eng., Ger.). (10.55-16.00), 10.55 -Call(Ger., or Play. 0545 -News (Ger.). 22.00 -For Spain.(b) 23.00 -For 05.05 -Call (Ger., Eng.).05.10 --PARIS (Radio -Colonial) (07.00-06.00), Eng.) ;Music. 12.00 -News (Eng.): Spain. 00.00 -News (Eng.). Variety ;at 06.00: News. 07.00- (5) 07.00 -News ;Records. 07.40 - Music. 13.00 -News ; Call (OJQ) ;PITTSBURGH (11.45-06.00), (a) 14.00 PARIS (Radio -Colonial) (07.00-06.00), 10.15 -News (Eng.) ; Topical Music; Foreign Affairs ; Records.08.30 - Variety. 14.00 -News (Eng., Dutch); -Breakfast Club. 15.00 -News ; (b)07.00 -News ; Records. 07.40 - Pfte.: Weihnachts. Topical ;Records.09.15 -News.' Topical. 14.30-16.00-M usic: Just relax.15.15 -Starlets.16.15 - Review ;Records. 08.30 -Review ;ZEESEN (DJA, 1/113, DIE, DJQ) 09.45 -News (Eng.). (a)10.55-ZEESEN (DID, OIL, DJC) (16.35- Musical Romances. 16.30 -Magic of Records. 09.15 -News. 09.45 - (10.55-16.00), 10.55 -Call(Ger., N otes. 11.00 -Records.12.00 - 21.20),16.35 -Cali (Ger.,Eng.). Speech. 17.00 -News. 17.15 -Slim News (Eng.). (a)10.55 -Notes. Eng.) ; Music. 12.00 -News (Eng.); News (Eng.). 12.15 - Organ ; 16.45 -Address by Rudolf Hess. and Jack.17.30 -Farm and Home. 11.00 -Concert ;at 12.00: News Music. 13.00 -News ; Call (DJQ) ; Roman Catholic Address.12.45 - 17.00 -Music. 20.00 -Orchestra, 18.30 -Our Barn. 19.30 -Ensemble. (Eng.) ;at 12.45: News.14.00 - Music.14.00 -16.00 -News (Eng.) News. 13.15 -Songs ; Records. Pfte. 20.00 -High Hatters.20.15 -Gale ForeignAffairs. 14.10 -Talk. Dutch ; Concert. 14.00 -Talks. 14.20 -Markets. Page.20.30 -Orchestra.21.00 - 14.20 -Markets. 14.30-Ortambert 14.30 -Concert (Saint -Satins, Franck,ZEESEN (DJA,, DJN) (21.50-03.45). Nixon Cafe Orchestra. 21.30 - Quartet :Songs.15.55 -Markets.ZEESEN (DID, DJC, DJL) (16.35- etc.). Conductor : Tomasi. (b) 16.15 21.50 -Call (Ger.. Sp.. Port).22.00 Joan'sEscorts. 21.45 -Concert (5)16.15 -News(Fr..Arabic). 21.20),16.35 -Call (Ger., Eng.) ; -Cantata (Barthel). 22.45 -For Ensemble.22.00 -Cadet's Quartet. Carols. -News (Fr., Arabic).17.00 -Con- Women. 17.00 -Records. 18. C0 -Concert. Talks ;News ; 19.00 - cert ; at 18.30 :News ;Science. 23.15 -Carols.00.00 - 22.15-Recreo. 22.30 -Webster 18.30 -News ;Poems ;Records. News (Eng.); Talks ; Concert. 21.00 Excerpts, " A Night inVenice " Hall Orchestra.23.00 -News ;at 19.30 -News (Eng.,1t. , Fr.). 20.45- -News (Ger., Eng.). 19.30 -News (Eng., It., Fr.).20.30 (St ra uss).01.00 -Topical. 01.15 - 23.15: One -MinuteSermons . -Nativity Play. from Paris (PTT). Orchestra.02.15 -GalaConcert. " L'Enfance du Christ " (Berlioz).ZEESEN (DJA, DIN) (21.50-03.45), 22.40 -News (Port). (c)23.45 - 23.36 -Band Parade.(b) 00.00 - from Paris (Radio -Paris).22.45 - 21.50 --Call(Get.,Sp.) ;Talks ; Concert.00.15 -News (Fr., Sp.). 03.45 -Greetings (Ger,, Sp., Port). Message of Israel. 00.30 -Uncle News (Port.).(c) 23.15 -Concert. News ;Music. 00.00 -Talk by 01.00 -News (Eng.). 01.15 -Re-ZEESEN (DJD, DJC) (21.50 -03.50),- Jim. 01.00 -Ed Wynne ; Orchestra. 00.15 -News (Fr., Sp.).01.00 - Rudolf Hess.00.15 -News (Sp.) ; cords or Play. 03.45 -News.04.20 21.50 -Call (Ger., Eng.).22.00 - 02.00 -Barn Dance. (c)03.00 - News (Eng.) ;Talk.01.30 -Re- Concert.03.30 -News (Sp.). --LNews (Eng., Sp.). 04.40 -Records Music ; Talks. 02.15 -Concert. Nickelodeon. 03.30-1i ildegarde. cordsorPlay. 03.45 -News. 04.00 -News. 04.15 -Minstrels. 04.20 -News (Eng., Sp.).04.40 -ZEESEN (DID, DJC) (21.50-03.50), or Play. 05.45 -News (Ger.). 04.30 -06.00 -Orchestras ;at 05.00 : Records or Play. 05.45 -News 21.50 -Call (Ger., Eng.) ;Music.PHILADELPHIA (17.00-04.00),(b) Far North Messages. (Ger.). 22.45 -News ;Music. 00.00 - 01.30 -See Wayne. 03.00 -See SATURDAY, Dec. 26 RIO DE JANEIRO (22.30-23.30), PHILADELPHIA (17.00-04.30),(b) Christmas Address ; Concert. 01.15 Wayne. 22.30 -News.23.00 -Talks (Eng., -News (Eng.) ; Greetings. 02.15 - EMPIRE 04.00 (Fri.) -See Wayne. 9 News ; Music.03.30 -News (Sp.).PITTSBURGH (11.45-06.00), (a) 14.00 etc.). PITTSBURGH (11.45-06.00), (a)14.00 -Breakfast Club. 15.00 -News ; Transmission1(GSP, GSO, GSB),ROME, (a)13.20 -News ;Talks ; -Breakfast Club. 14.30 -Style and Music. 15.15 -Jones. 15.30 - 08.00 - BigBen ;Christmas Pfte.Duets. 14.00 -15.30 -News Shopping. 15.00 -News Just Pepper Young. 15.45 -Rhythm. Variety.*08.31 -Quintet. 09.00 - (Eng.). Violin. Light Music. News. relax. 15.15 -Jones. 15.30 -Pepper 16.00-O'Neill's. 16.15 -Persona 1 Harry Hopeful's Party.* 09.45- 16.30 -17.30 -News. Excerpt, " Fal- Young. 15.45 -Rhythm.16.09- Column. 16.30 -Vic and Sade. 10.00 -News. staff " (Verdi).17.40 -Music and O'Neill's. 16.15 -Personal Column. 16.45 -Edward MacHugh.17.00 -Transmission 2 (GSH, GSG, GSB), News(Arabic). 18.00 -News 16.30 -Vic andSade. 16.45 - FRIDAY, December 25 News.17.15 -Slim and Jack. 17.30 11.00 -Big Ben ;Military Band.* (Ger.).18.21 -News (Eng.).18.44 Edward MacHugh.17.00 -News. EMPIRE Farm and Horne.18.30 -Variety. 12.00-" Round London at Night."* -News (Fr.). 19.05 -22.15 -From 17.15 -Slim and Jack. 17.30 -Farm 20.00 -Davies (Baritone).20.15 - 12.30 -Students' Songs.)' 12.45 - Rome (420.8 m.).23.20 -Call (It., and Home. 18.45 -Stroller'sTransmission1 (GSP, GSO, GSB), Variety.20.30 -Soprano. 21.00 - Children's Hour. 13.30 -13.45 - Sp., Port.) ;News. Excerpt, " Fal- Matinee. 19.30 -Home Forum. 08.00 -Big Ben ;Carol Service.* The dansant.21.15 -UtilityHall. staff" (Verdi). Talk. Songs. News 20.00-Penna. Women. 20.15 -The 08.45-" Under Big Ben."* 09.00 - 21.30 -Concert Favourites.22.00 News. (Sp., Port.). dansant.20.30 -Light Opera Ex- Harold Williams (Baritone). 09.15 - -For Children ; at 22.15 :TeaTransmission 3 (GSH, GSF, GSB), cerpts. 21.30 -Anne Muenchen. Christmas Entertainment. 09.55- Time Tunes. 22.45 -Dan and Sylvia. 14.00 -Big Ben ;Cinema Organ.RUYSSELEDE (18.30-20.00), 18.30 - 23.00 -News. 23.15 -Ensemble. 14.25 - Hanseland G ret el " Records. 19.30 -News (Flem., Fr.). 21.45 -Young Hickory. 22.00 -For 10.00 -News. (Humperdinck). 15.25 -Football Children ; at 22.15: Tea Time 23.30 -News.23.45 -Lowell Tho- SCHENECTADY (14.55-05.00),(a) 22.45 -Dan and Sylvia.Transmission 2 (GSH, GSG, GSB), mas. (5) 00.00 -Variety. (r) 03.00- Commentary. 15.50 - News. Tunes. 10.45 -Big Ben ;Service.11.30- 16.05 -17.05 -Christmas Pantomime. 14.55 -News. 15.00 -Charioteers. 23.00 -News.23.15 -Thank you, Oratorio.t 11.45 -Street Show.* R ad ioGuide. 03.30-Choralists. 15.15-Vaas Family.15.30 -Man - Stusia. 23.30 -Sports. 23.45- 03.45 -Orchestra. 04.00 -News ;Transmission4(17.15-20.45GSI, 12.15-" Under Big Ben."* 12.30 - GSD, GSB ; 21.00-22.45GSD, hatters.16.00 -Our Schools.16.15 : Lowell Thomas. (b) 00.00 -Variety. Dance Orchestra. 13.00 -News. DreamShip. 04.15 -Minstrels. -Piano Impressions.16.30 -Mys- 01.45 -Boston Symphony Orches- 04.30 -06.004 -Orchestras ;at 05.00 : GSC, GSB),17.15 -Big Ben ; teryChef. 16.45 -Home Town. (c) 13.05 -13.45 -Studio Party.* The Children's Hour. 18.00 -News. ' tra. 02.30 -Town Meeting. DX Club. 17.00-Chasin's Music Series. 17.30 03.30 -Variety. 04.00 -Sports.Transmission 3 (GSH, GSF, GSB), 18.15-" AThieves' Kitchen." -Farm Programme. 18.00 -Stocks. 04.15 -Pan-American Peace Con- 14.00 -Big Ben ;Christmas Read-RIO DE JANEIRO (22.30-23.30), 18.45 -Quintet ; EssieAckland 22.30 -News.23.00 -Talks (Eng (Contralto). 19.30-" In Town 18.15 -Ensemble. 18.30 -Campus ference.04.30 -Arm Chair Driver. ing. 14.11-Hetty Bolton (Pfte.). etc.). Capers. 19.30 -Variety. (a,b) 04.45-" Holy Night "-Round the 14.35 -ChristmasEntertainment.* To -night.' 20.00 -Muriel Taylor 20.30 -Weekend Revue. (5) 21.30 -- World.05.15 -06.00 -Orchestras. 15.15 -Military Band and Men'sROME, (a) 13.20-13.55 - News ; ('Cello). 20.15-20.45 -" Round Continentals.22.00 --Top Hatters. RIO DE JANEIRO (22.30-23.30), Chorus. 16.00 -Christmas Variety.* Talks ;Arias ;ChristmasMusic. London at Night."*21.00 -News. 22.30 -Kindergarten. 23.00 -Or- 22.30 -News. 23.00 -Talks (Eng., 16.30 -News. 16.35-17.00-" Home 16.30 -17.30 -News ; Christmas 21.15-Music.t 21.20 -Music chestra.23.30 -News ;Contralto. etc.). Sweet Horne."f Programme.19.05-22.15 - From Hall. 22.20 -Dance Music.t 23.45 -Religion. 00.00 -Variety. Rome (420.8 m.). 22.25 -22.45 -Dance Music. ROME, (a)13.20 -News ; Talks ;Transmission4(17.15-20.45 GSI, 00.30 -Stocks. 01.00 -Variety. Music. 14.00 -15.30 -News, (Eng., GSD, GSB ; 21.00-22.45 GSD,RUYSSELEDE (18.30-20.00), 18.30 -Transmission 5 (GSD, GSC, GSB), 04.05 -Sport Shots.04.15 -05.00 -- hp.).Excerpt, " Falstaff " (Verdi). GSC, GSB), 17.15 -Big Ben ; Records. 19.30 -News (Fleur., Fr.). 23.00 -Big Ben ;Christmas Panto- Orchestras. 16.30 -17.30 -News. Band. 18.00 -Service. mime.* 00.01 -Harry Brindle 13.00 - 14.30and News. StudioParty.* SCHENECTADY (14.55105.00),(a) (Bass) ; Derek Kidner(Pfte.).SKAMLEBAEK, 17.40 -Music and News (Arabic). 18.50 -News. 19.00 -Christmas 14.55 -News.15.00 -Mrs. Wiggs. 00.25 - Football Commentary.* 18.00 -01.00 --From Kalundborg. 18.00 -News (Ger.).18.21 -News Day at Thorney How. 19.20 - 15.30 - SOFIA (10.00-11.30 and 17.00-19.45), 18.44 -News (Fr.).19.05- Symphony Orchestra.19.50-20.45 15.15 -John's other Wife. 00.45 -01.00 -News. (Eng.). Plain Bill. 15.45 -To -day's Chil-Transmission 6 (GSD, GSC, GSB), From Sofia (352.9 m.). 22.15 -From Rome (420.8m.). -Radio Christmas Party.21.00 - 16.00 -David Harum. 16.15 23.20 -Call (It., Sp., Port.) ;News. News. 21.10 -Children's Music.1- dren. 02.00 -Big Ben ;The Good OldSTOCKHOLM (06.20-22.00), From -Backstage Wife.16.30 -Charm. Stockholm (426.1 m.). Symphony Concert. Address for 21.20-Orchestras. 21.50 -22.45 - 17.00 -Girl Days.02.20 -Dance Orchestra.* Latin America. News (Sp., Port.). Dance Orchestra. 16.45 -Experience. 03.05-" Trinity House."* 03.45-SUVA, 05.30 -06.30 -Records. Alone.17.15 -Mary Marlin.17.30 04.00 -News. RUYSSELEDE (18.30-20.00), 18.30 -Transmission 5 (GSD, GSC, GSB); -Arnold's Cadets.17.45 -Science VATICAN CITY, (a) 15.30 -Religious Records. 19.30 -News (Elem., Fr.). 23.00 -Big Ben ;Harry Hopeful's Clubs.18.00 -Tenor.18.15 -HighBOSTON (21.00-23.00),(a) 21.00 - Notes (It.). (b)19.00 -Religious SCHENECTADY (14.55-05.00),(a) Party.*23.47 -Records.00.05 - Hatters. 18.30-Harding's Wife. Mail.21.15 -The World Youth Notes (Dutch). 14.55 -News.15.00 -Mrs. Wiggs. Christmas Entertainment.*00.45- 18.45 -Happy Jack. 19.00 -NBC CongressatGeneva -Report byWAYNE (12.30-04.00), (a) 15.30 -For 15.15 -John's other Wife.15.30 -- 01.00 -News. Music Appreciation Hour. 20.00 - Miss Marian Stanwood. 21.30-A Children. 16.00 -16.30 -Christmas Plain Bill. 15.45 -To -day's Children. Pepper Young. 20.15 -Ma Perkins. World Youth Programme -Talks Music -A -cappellaChoir. (5) 16.15 -Transmission 6 (GSD, GSC, GSB), and Music.22.30 -Basic English. 16.00 -David Hamm. 02.00 -Big Ben ;" Empire Maga- (a, b) 20.30 -Vic and Sade. (b) 20.45 01.00 -Columbia Workshop. 02.30 Backstage Wife., 16.30 -Joan -O'Neills. 21.00-Morrell's. 21.30 22.45 -Problems of the Pacific, by -Columbia Symphony Orchestra. Ellington. 16.45 -WifeSaver. zine."*02.46 -Theatre Orchestra ; -Claudine MacDonald. 21.45 - Prof. G. C. Allen.23.00 -News. ZEESEN (DJA, DJB) (05.05-10.15), 17.15 -Mary Ernest Butcher (Baritone).*03.35 17.00 -Girl Alone. -Peggy Cochrane (Violin).03.50- Grandpa Burton. 22.00 --Orchestra.BOUND BROOK (15.15-02.30), (a) 05.05 -Call (Ger., Eng.) ;Music. Marlin. 17.30- Farm Programme. 04.00 -News. 22.15 -Tom Mix. 22.30 -Jack 15.15 -Raising your Family- Mil- 07.00 -Talk. 07.15 -Cantata (Wol- 18.00 -Songs. 18.15 -High Hatters. Armstrong. 22.45 -For Children. ton Cross. 17.00 -Time Signals. furt).08.00 -Talk. 08.15 -Strauss 18.30-Harding'sWife. 18.45 -BOSTON (22.00-02.00), (a) 22.00 - 23.00 -Moorish Tales. 23.15 - (5) 23.30 -News. 02.00 -Barn Music.09.15 -Rococo Suite (Zil- HappyJack. 19.00-Logan's Talks.23.00 -News.(b) 00.00 - Songs. -23.30 -News. 23.35 - Dance. cher).09.45 -10.15 -For Women. Musicale. 19.30 -Golden Melodies. Mail.00.15-A Christmas Story. Spanish Home Programme. 00.00 - ZEESEN (DJA, DJB, DJE, DJQ) 20.00 -Pepper Young.20.15 -Ma 00.45 -Music. 01.00 -The Spirit of Amos 'n'Andy. 00.15 -Bridge.CARACAS (15.45-02.45), 15.45-18.30 (10.55-16.00), 10.55 -Call(Ger., Perkins. (a,b) 20.30 -Vic and Christmas, by the Rev. James H. 00.30 -News. 00.45 -Norsemen -Records andSongs. 21.00 - Eng.) ;Music.12.00 -Greetings ; Sade.(b) 20 .45-0'Neills21.00 - Perkins. 01.15 -Christmas Music of Quartet.01.00 -Concert.01.30 - Music and Songs. 22.15 -For Chil- Music.13.00 -Christmas Variety. Orchestra .21.30 -Stocks. 21.45 - the World. FarmForum. 02.00 -Variety. dren. 22.30 -Dance Music and 13.45 -Carols. 14.30-Pfte. Con- Answer me this.22.00 -While the 03.00 -FirstNighter ; Variety. Songs. 23.00 -News. 23.30 - certo in C (Beethoven) with Cortot Citysleeps. 22.15 -Tom Mix.BOUND BROOK (17,00-03.00).(a) 04.00 -Organ ;George R. Holmes. Humorous Tales.23.45 -For Far- (Recorded).15.00 -16.00 -Excerpts, 22.30 -Jack Armstrong. 22.45 - 17.00 -Time Signals. 20.30 -Sketch 04.15 -05.00 -Orchestras. mers.00.00 -Trio.00.15 -Dance Eine Nacht in Venedig " (Strauss), For Children. 23.00 -Cabin in the (b) 23.30 -News. 01.00 -Irene Rich. Band. 00.30 -Songs. 00.45 -ZEESEN (DJD, DJL, DJC) (16.35- Cotton.23.15 -Crawford (Organ). 02.00 -Waring Orchestra.02.30 -SKAMLEBAEK, 13.00-14.30and Theatre.01.00 -Waltzes.01.30 - 18.00 -22.00 -From Kalundborg. 21.20),16.35 -Call (Ger.,Eng.). 23.30 -News ; Stocks. 00.00 - Variety. Dance Band. 02.00-Anez Or- 16.45 -Carols. 17.15 -News. 17.30 Amos 'n' Andy. 00.15 -Experience.BUDAPEST, 06.00 -RepetitionofSOFIA (10.00-11.30 and 17.00-19.45), chestra. -Violin,Pfte. 17.45-" Winter- 00.30 -Science Forum. 01.00 - Midnight Mass (Recorded). From Sofia (352.9 m.). CHICAGO (W9XF)(01.00-06.00), marchen "(Illing). 19.00 -News Rudy Vallee. 02.00 -Showboat. STOCKHOLM (08.00-22.00), From 03.00 -Bing Crosby. 04.00-Pfte. ;CARACAS (15.45-02.45) 15.45-18.30, 05.00 -Glen Gray's Orchestra. (Eng.). 19.15 -Folk Music. 20.30 - 21.00 -Music. Stockholm (462.1 m.). 13.30 - Pile.21.00 -News (Ger., Eng.). Sport. 04.15 -05.00 -Orchestras. -Records. 22.15SUVA, 05.30 -06.30 -Records. HUIZEN (13.30-15.30),- (b) SKAMLEBAEK, 18.00 -20.15 -From -For Children. 22.30 -Dance Anthem ;Call. 13.35 -Variety Con-ZEESEN (DJA, DIN) (21.50-03.45). Music. 23.00 -News. 23.30 -VATICAN CITY, (a) 15.30 -Religious cert ;at 13.40: News ;at 14.00 : 21.50 -Call (Ger., Sp.). 22.00 - Kalundborg. Talks. 00.00 -Thriller. 00.15 - Notes (it.).(b) 19.00 - Religious Review ;and at 14.40: Mail. 15.30 Rococo Suite(Zilcher). 22.30 - SOFIA (10.00-11.30 and 17.00-19.45), Trio. 00.30 -Variety. 01.45- Notes (Ger.). -Anthem. Topical. 22.45 -News. 23.00 - From Sofia (352.9 m.). - 02.45 -Orchestra ; Crooner ; DanceWARSAW,17.30 - 18.30 - Carols ; Fairy Play with Music (Tiling). 00.15 STOCKHOLM (06.20 -22.00), -From Music. Christmas at Home and Abroad -MOSCOW (17.30-01.00), (a, r) 17.30 -News (Sp.).00.30 -Folk Music Stockholm (462.1 m.). -Opera or Concert.20.00 -For 01.15 -Topical. 01.30 -Carols. CHICAGO (W9XF)(01.00-06.00), Sequence ; Carols. France. SUVA, 05.30 -06.30 -Records. Germany. 21.05 -For 02.00 -News. 02.15 -Variety. 03.30 04.05 -GlobeTrotter. 05.00-WAYNE (14.15-03.00), (a) 14.15-14.30 22.00 -For Spain.(b) 23.00 -For -News (Sp.). VATICAN CITY, (a) 15.30 -Religious Shandor (Violin). -Santa Claus in an Orphanage. Spain.00.00 -News (Eng.). Notes (Fr.). (b) 19.00 -See 15.30. 16.00 -16.30 -Madrigals and Carols ZEESEN (DJD, DJC) (21.50-03.50), EINDHOVEN (00.00-01.10), (5) 00.00 WAYNE (12.30-04.30),(b)18.30 - by the New English SingersofPARIS (Radio -Colonial) (07.00-06.00), 21.50 -Call (Ger., Eng.).22.00 - Academy of Medicine. 18.45 - -Greetings From Austria.00.05 London. 17.00 -Sketch. 20.00- (5) 07.00 -News ; Records. 07.40 - Rococo Suite(Zilcher). 22.30 - Christmas Carols from the Church (Sat.) -ChristmasCarolsbythe 20.30-Kreiner String Quartet.(5) Review ; Records. 08.30 -Review ; Talk. 22.45 -News. 23.00-" of the Nativity Courtyard, Bethle- Vienna Boys' Choir.00.25 -Songs 01.30 -Orchestra. 02.00-" Christ- Records. 09.15 -News.09.45 - termerchen " 00.15 - hem, with the Choir of St. George's fromInnsbruck. 00.40 -01.10 -- mas Carol" (Dickens), with Lionel News (Eng.). (a)10.55 -Notes. Topical. 00.30 -Folk Music. 01.15 Cathedral, Jerusalem. 19.15-19.30 Concert. Barrymore as " Scrooge." (c) 03.00 11.00 -Concert ;at12.00: News. -News(Eng.). 01.30 -Carols. -Christmas Carols from Lugano.RUMEN (13.30-15,30), (5)13.30 - -Philadelphia Symphony Orches- (Eng.), and at 12.45 : News. 14.00 - 02.00 -News. 02,15 -Christmas 21.94-21.30-ChridtMaSNL. Carols. Anthem ;Call ; V.P.R.O. Talk. tra. Talks. 14.20 -Markets. 14.30- Variety. 03.30 -News (Sp.). . DECEMBER 18, 19361 WORLD -RADIO 131

2.40 -ChamberMusic. Bailer K Onigs " - PlayafterMeyer 11 a.m. (Pfte.) and the Rothschild Quartet (Schaeff-Scheefen). (Haydn, Zarebskil. OSLO, Dance Music.5.30 -Talk ; BERLINandMOST GERMANWARSAW, For Farmers.2.15 -Paul Records. December 20 STATIONS, Light Music. S U NDAY1 Rynas Orchestra. PARIS(PTT),ReinePaulet-Guy KALUNDBORG, Radio Orchestra. Berry(contd.). 5.15 -Records. MUNICHandDEUTSCHLAND- 3 p.m. 5.30-Colonne Concert. PRAGUE, SENDER, Military Band from (he German Transmission (contd.). 5.50 Feldherrnhalle.Conductor :Koh -COLOGNE, Orchestra, Violin. -News (German). MONTE CENERI," Two Dozen RADIO -ROMANIA. Orchestra and munch. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER,Christ-RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records. 5.30 Red Roses "-Play (Benedetti). Songs (contd.). 9.55 -News. BUD- PARIS (PTT),LocatelliOrchestra. mas Music -Violin and Harmo- MOSCOW, Provincial Programme. APEST(1),News. 9.20 -Jazz -Light Music. RADIO -PARIS, MUNICH, Film Music. Station Band. 'Wilhelmine Coudray(Songs). nium.3.I5 -Records. Light Music -PascalOrchestra. RADIO -PARIS, Paris Symphony Or-HAMBURG, See Stuttgart. 3.50 - ROME, " Seugnizza " (contd.). Dance Band, Orchestra, Choir, etc.DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, and chestra(Gaubert,Pierne,Yvain, Football Cup Match Report. OSLO, Orchestra (contd.).7.45 - MOST GERMAN STATIONS, STOCKHOLM, Service. STRAS- Talk. 'Steck, Hue). HILVERSUM(1,875m.),Trio BOURG, Concert (contd.).5.15 - News.9.30 -Dance Music.. VIENNA, Vienna Symphony Orches- (contd.). HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), STUTTGART, BrahmsPARIS (PTT), Concert (contd.).7.30EIFFEL TOWER, LisztConcert tra. Steiner (Violin). Concert(contd.). 3.40 -Dance Records. -News. POSTE PARISIEN, (contd.). andGlazunov Music. 5.30- News ; WARSAW,11.3 -CracowPhilhar- Band. " Swabia "-Dialect Programme. Records ;at 7.52 :FreresHILVERSUM (1,875 m.), Leeb (Lute). monic. Conductor : Dymmek.KALUNDBORG, Orchestra and Pfte. Jacasse. PRAGUE, Variety (contd.). 9.10-MaestrichtMunicipal Or- TURIN, Concert (contd.). RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records. 7.15 Gimpel (Violin). (contd.). KONIGSBERG, Topical.VIENNA, Radio Orchestra. chestra.Anspach (Tenor).9.55 - 3.15 -Station Orchestra,Quartets, Topical ; Orchestra. -LightMusic. 7.40 - News. Records. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.). Songs. WARSAW , RADIO -PARIS, Radio -Paris Guig- Revue (contd.). 9.25 -Christmas 12 noon MONTE CENERI,3.30 -Lugano nol. 7.30 -Jean Sorbier (Songs). Puzzle.9.55 -News. BERLINand MOST GERMAN Philharmonic fromtheKursaal, 6 p.m. 7.45-Pierrette Madd(Songs.).KALUNDBORG Wind Band ; at STATIONS, Light Music. Lugano. Conductor : Dassetto. ROME, 7.5 -News. 7.30 -Talk 9.10: News; Records. KONIGS- HILVERSUM (1,875m.),K.R.O. MOSCOW, News. 3.13 -Music.ATHLONE, Folk Music in Southern 7.40 - " Le perle cinesi " - Play BERG, News. 9.20 - Football Orchestra. 12.40 -Talk. HIL- MUNICH, Orchestra. Europe. 6.20 -Potted Novels. 6.35 (Giachetti). Report.9.40 -Dance Music from VERSUM(301.5 m.), 12.10 -OSLO, 3.30 -Norwegian Folk Songs -Carols and Organ. SOTTENS, Sports.7.20 -Carol by Deutschlandsender. Pella and Hardanger Fiddle Music. BERLIN," Die Sternsinger "- theScholagregorienne. 7.35 -MONTE CENERI, Poltronieri Quar- Kovacs LajosOrchestra. Sketch. (Organ). PARIS (PTT),FromtheOpera- Play (Keienburg andLeberecht), STOCKHOLM, Lazat, tet. 9.15 -Sports. MOSCOW; KALUNDBORG, RadioOrchestra. comique (contd.). PRAGUE, " The Music by Hermann Simon.6.40 Lopatnikov,Delius, Mendelssohn 9.5 -English Programme. MUN- 12.15 -Reading. I2.35 -Records. Devil and Kate" (contd.). -Sports. BEROMUNSTER, 6.30 and Rubinstein Music.Orchestra. ICH, LightLight and Dance Music. MUNICHandDEUTSCHLAND-RADIO-NORMANDIE; Concert. 3.45 -News. 6.45 -Orchestra. BRES- Lopatnikov (Pfte.). STRAS- Topical. 9.30 -Dance Re- SENDER, 12.10 -Station Orches- -Records. RADIO -PARIS, Mme. LAU, Reading. 5.15 -Dance Band. BOURG,Topical. 7.15 -Folk cords. tra. Conductor :Mihalovic. Sevrane(Songs). 3.15 -Claude 6.35 -Sequence. BUCHAREST Songs.7.30 -News.7.45 -NewsPARIS (PTT), " Sophie "(contd.). OSLO, Inauguration of the Nordsund Valty (Songs).3.30 -Paris Plucked and RADIO -ROMANIA, Jazz Band. (German). STUTTGART, " The POSTE PARISIEN,9.5 -Ama- Bridge. String Orchestra. 6.25 -Romanian Programme.6.45 Pearl Fishers "-Opera (Bizet). teurs. 9.55 - Dance Band. PARIS (PTT) Popular Music andSTRASBOURG, Fifth Nancy Con- -Choir.BUDAPEST (1), Band.TOULOUSE, Light Music. 7.55 - PRAGUE, NewsandRecords. Dance MusicbytheDerveaux servatoire Concert from the Salle 6.10 -Banda Marci Anniversary - News.TURIN, See Rome.7.40 9.35 -See Brno. Orchestra.12.45 -News. Poirel, Nancy.Madeleine Masson Talk with Cigany Music. - " Madame Pompadour -RADIO - NORMANDIE, Concert. RADIO -PARIS. Paule Maxence (Violin). STUTTGART and SOMECOLOGNE, " Hansel and Gretel " Operetta (Fall). RADIO -PARIS, "La Thebahle " (Organ) (Cesar Franck and Vierne). GERMAN STATIONS, Light Music (contd.).6.45 -Sports. VIENNA, Variety Concert.7.45 - (contd.).ROME, Choir.9.40 - 12.30 -Religious Address.12.50 - from Saarbriicken. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Band Ballad (Heine). 7.50 -Report, Dance MuSic. News. VIENNA, Chamber Music (contd.). (contd.).6.30 -Sports. WARSAW, Records ;Sports ;Poli-SOTTENS, Concert. 9.15 -Talk. VIENNA, 12.5 -Radio Orchestra. 3.25 -Talk.3.50 -Competition. FRANKFURT, Advent Concert tics.7.50 -News. STOCKHOLM, Eight Orchestral. WARSAW, Cracow Philharmonic andWARSAW, Dialogues of Plato :The (contd.).6.50 -Sports. STRASBOURG, Choir, etc. (contd.) Violin (contd.). Defence of Socrates. HAMBURG, Folk Music (contd.). TOULOUSE, News. 9.10 -Light 6.35 -Sports. HILVERSUM (1,875 8 p.m. Music. 9.45 -Paris Programme. m.), Service (contd.) ; Organ. HIL-ATHLONE, Concert (contd.).8.15 - TURIN, " Madame Pompadour 1 p.m. 4 p.m. V.A.R.A. COLOGNE, OrchestraandViolin VERSUM (301.5m.), TalkinIrish. 8.30 -Musical (contd.). ATHLONE, 1.30 -Records. (contd.). 4.30 -For Ex -Servicemen. Orchestra. 6.40 -Ramblers Or- Variety. VIENNA, " Dr.Abernethy "-Play BERLIN,Records. BRESLAU,DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Records. chestra and Artists, BERLIN, " Der Freischatz " (contd.). (contd.). 9.10 -News. 9.30- News.1.10 -For Women.1.30 - 4.15 -South -Tyrolese Carols. KALUNDBORG, News. 6.30 -Talk. BEROMUNSTER, " Erasmus and Lajos Kertasz (Tenor). Announcements.1.50 -Sequence. HAMBURG, Football Report (contd.). KONIGSBERG, Peter Arco -Re- ZWingli "-Radio Picture (Stoker).WARSAW, Light Orchestral. COLOGNE, Competition ;Hints. HILVERSUM (1,875m.),4.5- cords.6.40 -Sports. 8.40-StampfliConcert. BRES- Christ- LEIPZIG," Thuringia " - Poem LAU, Oratorio (contd.). BUCH- DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Rbman Catholic Service.4.35 - Carols mas Play.1.30 -Polish Music. Sports.4.40 -Service.HILVER- (Schroer)with Christmas AREST and RADIO -ROMANIA, 10 p.m. FRANKFURT, PlayforChildren. SUM (301.5m.). Dance Band. and Music. 6.45 -Sports. Play(contd.). 8.55 -Orchestra,ATHLONE, Variety.10.35 -News. I.45 -Talk. MONTE CENERI, Sports.6.15 - Margareta Kozen (Songs). BUDA- 4.10 -Carols. 4.30 -Sports. 4.40 - 6.45 -News. BRESLAU, Dance Band. BRNO and HAMBURG, Fairy Play, followed by Talk. OperaRecords. PEST (1), Orchestra (contd.). PRAGUE, JazzBand. BUDA- " Das heimliche Haus "-CantataKALUNDBORG, and Pfte. MOSCOW, Provincial Programme.DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, "The PEST (1), Radio Orchestra. (Baumann)(Recorded). HIL- (contd.). 4.20 -Children's Choir. MUNICH, " Des Page des Konigs " Deutschlandsender Toy ShopDEUTSCHLANDSENDER and VERSUM (1,875m.l.Records, 6.5. -Orchestra; -Notes. (contd). 4.50 -Records. KONIGSBERG, (contd.). 6.30 MOST GERMAN STATIONS, K.R.O. Orchestra.1.40 -Address. Orchestra,etc.(contd.). 4.45 -OSLO, Records.6.10 -News. EIFFEL TOWER, 8.15 -News.8.30 Dance Music. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), Records. Literary and Musical. -Orchestra.Tillus (Pfte.) (Svend- -Liszt Anniversary. Helene PignariHILVERSUM (1,879 m.), Recorda. 1.10 --Kovacs Lajos Orchestra. 1.40MONTE CENERI, Sports ;Lugano sen, Liszt, Tchaikovsky). and NicoleRolet(Pftes.)and 10.10 -News. 10.20 -Epilogue. -Rooks. Philharmonic (contd.). MOSCOW,PARIS(PTT),Concert(contd.). Lucienne Astruc(Songs). KALUNDBORG, Service. KONIGS- PAR1SLEN, Records HILVERSUM (301.5m.),News. Music ;Notes. 4.30 - Concert. POSTE Record. 6.10-HAMBURG, " DasChristelflein " 10.10 -Helene Cals (Soprano), BERG,Chess. 1.30 -Report ; MUNICH, Orchestra. PRAGUE, News ; (Pfitzner) (contd.).HILVERSUM Lensky(Violin),Pella(Organ). Records. OSLO, Records.4.40 -Talk. " Christmas Idyll "-Play (Saman). (1,875 m.), Records.8.10 -Recita- 10.40 -News.10.50 -Dance Band, LEIPZIG, 1.5 -Talk, Records.1.50 PARIS (PTT),FromtheOpera- 6.30 -Variety. tions. 8.55-Leeb (Lute). HIL-KALUNDBORG, Dance Band. -Fairy Play with Music. (contd.). 4.45-ReineRADIO-NORMANDIE, Variety, VERSUM (301.5 m.), Revue (contd.) comique Music MOSCOW, German Talk. MUNICH, MOSCOW , Swedish Talks. MUNICH, Paulet-Gity Berry Programme. RADd.).IO-PARIS KALUNDBORG, " SoldierMem- Music (contd.). News ; For Children ;Records. PRAGUE, " The Devil and Kate " (cont ROME Land TURIN ories " (contd.). 8.20 - TriosOSLO, Dance Records. OSLO, Inauguration (contd.). (contd.). 4.15 -Talk. 4.30 - Records ; Sports. (Haydn). 8.40 -Guards Band. KON-PARIS (PTT)." Sophie "(contd.). PARIS (PTT),Orchestra(contd.). German Transmission :Talk ;Re-SOTTENS, Roman Catholic Address. IGSBERG, Christmas Concert. 10.30 -News.10.45 -Dance Band. '1.25 -Talk. 1.30 -From the Opera- view ;Reading ;Play with Music. 6.25 -Song Duets. 6.50 -News. Conductor: Wollner. FIcitinke POSTE PARISIEN, Dance Band. comique. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Concert. STOCKHOLM, Service(contd.). (Soprano). 10.30 -Records. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Concert. RADIO -PARIS, Two One -Act 6.15 -News. 6.30 -Talk. STRAS-LEIPZIG, COLOGNE and FRANK-RADIO -NORM A NDIE , Records. RADIO -PARIS,Paris Symphony Plays:(a) " La coupe enchant& " BOURG, Talk ; Records ; Topical. FURT, Variety Concert (contd.). Tomasi. 10.(5 -Concert. RADIO -PARIS, Orchestra. Conductor : (LaFontaine),(b)" Lecocher STUTTGART, " Swabia " (contd.).MONTE CENERI,Play(contd.) " La Thebajde (contd.).10.45 -- Suzette Guilhert (Songs). suppose " (Hauteroche). ROME, 6.30 -Talks. 8.15-PoltronierQuartet. MOS- News. ROME, News. 10.15 - STUTTGART, See Frankfurt. 1.45 - " Scugnizza "-Operetta (Costa). TOULOUSE, 6.5 -Music. 6.50 - COW, German Talk.MUNICH. Dance Music. Talk. STOCKHOLM, Swedish Academy's News. Film Music (contd.). STRASBOURG, Choir. etc. (contd.). VIENNA, Orchestra. 150thAnniversaryFestivalfromVIENNA, Notes ;Radio Orchestra.OSLO, Talk.8.10 -Cabaret. 8.40 - 10.15 -Records. I0.30 -News. WARSAW, Report, Announcements. theBorhus. STRASBOURG, 6.45 -Variety Concert. News. TOULOUSE, Paris Programme. 10.15 1.45 -For Farmers. Concert(contd.). STUTTGARTWARSAW, Sketch ; Notes ; Records.PARIS (PTT), News. 8.30-" Sophie" -Light Music. I0.55 -News and SOME GERMAN STATIONS, - Opera - Comique (Levade). TURIN, News. 10.15 -Dance. 2 p.m. Light Music (contd.). 7 p.m. POSTE PARISIEN, Records. 8.7 Music. TURIN, Symphony Concert from the -PaulReboux. 8.20 -Sketch.VIENNA, Tenor(contd.).10.10 - ATHLONE, Records. Teatro Adriano, Rome, Conductor : 8.35 -Concert. PRAGUE, Variety BERLIN, From the Kurmark. ATHLONE, 7.5 -ChristmasStory. Records. 10.30 -News. 2.30 -Fairy Hidemaro Konoye. 7.20 -Concert from Cork Municipal (contd.). WARSAW, Dance Records. BRESLAU, Sequence. VIENNA, Competition.4.15 -Read- School of Music. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Concert ;at Play. ing.4.30 -Radio Orchestra. " DerFreischutz" - 8.30:Sports. RADIO PARIS, COLOGNE, Choir,Grape(Pfte.). WARSAW, Orchestra ;Topical. BERLIN, Historical Dialogues.8.30 -News. 2.45 -Reading. Opera (Weber). BEROMONSTER. 11 p.m. Talk. Monteverdi Concert.7.20 -Light 8.45-" La Thabalde " Tragedy DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, 5 p.m. German Classical Music.BRES- (Racine). ROME, " Le perle cinesi "ATHLONE, Ceilidhe Music. 2.15 -Sequence. 7.20 - (contd.). 8.15 -Marta Linz (Vio-BERLIN, Dance Records. BUDA- FRANKFURT, For Country People.ATHLONE, 5.30 -Pipers Band. 5.50 LAU, Sequence (contd.). PEST (I),11.5 -News. HAMBURG, Records. 2.40 -Talk. -Reading. Christmas Oratorio (Bach).BU- lin). andRADIO - RO-SOTTENS, Radio Orch. 8.30: Frido-DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Dance HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), Address.BERLIN, Literary and Musical Se- CHAREST Records. 2.10--KR,O. Orchestra ;Records. quence to Verse of Wolfgang Pitow. MANIA, Choir.7.20 -Play. BU- lin and Partner.STOCKHOLM, 2.55 -Rosa Spier Trio.HILVER- BRESLAU," Skat "-Play(Al- DAPEST (1),TalkandMusic Orchestra and Pfte. (contd.). 8.30 FRANKFURTand _ STUTTGART, SUM (301.5 m.), Books.2.10 - brecht) with Songs.BUDAPEST (contd.).7.45 -Budapest Concert Topical. 8.45 -News. STRAS- Popular Opera Records. Mozart Concert. A.V,R.O. Or- (1), 5.15 -Band. Orchestra.Operetta Music. BOURG,Sports. 8.15 -NewsHILVERSUM(301.5m.),Dance chestra.Lili Krauss (Pfte.). COLOGNE, " Hansel and Gretel "DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, "T h e (German). 8.30 -Strasbourg Cathe- Band. KALUNDBORG, Service. 2.20 - -Fairy Opera (Humperdinck). Deutschlandsender Toy Shop " - dral Choir, Station OrchestraKALUNDBORG, Dance Band. Orchestra and Rytter (Pfte.).KO-DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Von Fantasy(Illing),with Music by Christmas Music.STUTTGART,MOSCOW, Spanish Talk. NIGSBERG, Records (contd.). 2.10 Geczy Band. Hahn. Conductors : Dobrindt and " The Pearl Fishers " (Bizet) (contd.).PARIS (PTT), Dance Rand. POSTE Trombone Choir. 2.30 -FairyFRANKFURT, Scandinavian Songs Hahn. TOULOUSE, Light Music and Var- PARISIEN, Records : Light Music. Play. and Dances. 5.30 -Advent Concert.HAMBURG, " Das Christelflein "- iety. 8.55 -News. TURIN,RADIO - NORMANDIE, Records LEIPZIG, Fairy Play (contd.). 2.40 - Station Choir. Becker (Organ). OperainTwoActs(Pfitzner). " Madame Pompadour" (contd.). and Light Music. RADIO -PARIS, Talk. HAMBURG, Dialect Play(Steen). Conductor : The Composer. HIL-VIENNA, Recitation. 8.10-" Dr. Dance Music.11.30 -Light Music Music. Mandoline VERSUM (1,875m.),Records. Abernethy "-Play(AliciaRam- MOSCOW, For Children. MUNICH, 5.45 -Folk HIL- seyde Cordova). -Goldy Orchestra. 2.5-Pfte. ; Talk. Band and Choir.HILVERSUM 7.25 -Sports ; Talk ; News. STRASBOURG,News (German). FromtheOp4ra- (1,875 m.), Service (contd.).HIL- VERSUM (301.5in.),OrchestraWARSAW,Variety. 8.30-Pfte. PARIS (PTT), 7.40 -News. 7.55- Sonata in B minor (Liszt). 11.15 -Dance BandfromParis comique (contd.). PRAGUE, " The VERSUM (301.5 m.), Talks ;Re- (contd.). (PTT). Devil and Kate "-Opera (Dvofak) cords. 5.55 -News. " ChristmasRoses "-Revue(de KALUNDBORG, Loewe Ballads. 5.20 Haas), Music by Max Tak.Con- TOULOUSE, Light Music.11.55-. from the State Opera. 9 p.m. News. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records and -Talk. KONIGSBERG, Literary ductor : The Composer. LightMusic. RADIO -PARIS, andMusical. 5.15 -ChristmasKALUNDBORG,Band. 7.20 -ATHLONE, Irish Programme. 9.20 - " Leprincecharmant "-Opera- Music. Records. 7.30-" Soldier Mem- Gaelic Talk.9.30 -Variety. 12 midnight comique (Fortolis-Brun) ;" La paixLEIPZIG, " Das heimliche Haus "- ories "-Guards Band,Songs andBERLIN, " Der Freischatz " (contd.). aux champs "-Poem (Suzanne de Cantata (Baumann). 5.30 -German Monologues. KONIGSBERG," Im- 9.15 -News. 9.45 -Dance MusicFRANKFURT andSTUTTGART, Sainte -Croix). Carols. manuel Kant listens -in in 1776 "- from Deutschlandsender. BERO- Opera Records (contd.). STUTTGART, " The First Perform-MONTE CENERI, ForChildren. LiteraryandMusicalSequence MONSTER, Sampfli Concert, 9.15RADIO-NORMANDIE, Dance Music. ance of Weber's Freischiltz "-Play 5.15 -Orchestra ;Sports. MOS- (Hilpert). -Sports. BRESLAU, News.9.30 12.30 -Orchestra. RADIO -PARIS, (Locks). COW, Notes.5.15 -Talk.5.45 -LEIPZIG, COLOGNE and FRANK- -Dance Band. BRNO, 9.35 - Light Music (contd.). VIENNA, News. 2.15 -Books. Music.MNUICH, "Des Page des FURT, Variety Concert. JazzBand. BUCHAREST andTOULOUSE, Light Music. 3 w_oR.413-RADIO [DECEMBER 18, 1936 SUNDAY (December 20) Hours of Transmission in Greenviich Mean Time.11.0 -Light Music.Station Orchestra,BEROMUNSTER (Switzerland) Conductor :Willy Steiner.Military 556kc/s(539.6m.) ; 100 kW. ATHLONE (Ireland) Band, Conductor : Bohm. Prudentia Relayed by Basle:and Berne, 1,375 kc/s NATIONAL 565 kc/s (531 m.) ;60 kW. Relayed Olbrich and Paul Noack-Ihlenfeld (218.2 m.). by Dublin, 1,348 kc/s (222.6 m.) ; (Pftes.). March,Fliegerempor Time Signals :Big Ben, 12.30, 10.45 and Cork, 1,240 kc/s (241.9 m.). (Buder). Overture, Bagatelle (Rixner). a.m.-Programme from Bask. p.m. Greenwich, 10.30 a.m., 4.0,1.30-3.0 p.m. -Records. 5.30 -Church - Waltz, A toi (Waldteufel).Flieger-9.0 -Roman Catholic Service.9.45 - 9.0 p.m. D -=Droitwich. townPipersBand. ' 5.50 -Poetry marsch (Urbach).Selection, " Pa-Violin Recital. 10.30 -Hermann 9.25-10.15 a.m. (D) -Service. Reading. 6.0 -Folk Music in Southern ganini " (Lehar).Bei den ZwergenSchneider reads.11.0--ZUrich Radio 10.30-10.45 (D) -Weather Forecast. Europe No. 2, by Dr. Walter Starkie. in den Bergen (Prager).Mazurka -Orchestra. Conductor :Hofmann ; 12.30 p.m. (D) -The Commodore Grand6.20 -Potted Novels, " The Christmas Minuet (Rust).Serenade (Husadel).at 11.30: News. 12.30-1.30 p.m. (from Orchestra. Carol " by Brian Coffey. Jagdgeschwader Richthofen (Husa-Basle) " Winter " Stories, Poems and 1.30 (D) -Students' Songs : BBC Men's6.35 -Carol and Organ Recital from del). Ein heiteres Vorspiel (Kark).Songs. AlbertGinther and Otto a Chorus ; Stuart Robertson (Baritone)St. Peter's Parish Church, Drogheda. Overture, " Princess Golden Shoes Lehmann Choir. Ernest Lush (Pfte.). Organist :L.E.Bartram. 7.5-A (Rust). Liebeswerben(Derksen).4.0 -6.30 -Programme from Basle. 4.0 - 2.0 (D) -Gardening Talk. Christmas Story by Dorothy Macardle. Neapolitan Serenade (Winkler).AdventServicefromSt.Martin's 2.20 (D) -BBC Military Band. 7.20 -Concert from the Cork Municipal Pftes. :Walt (Schiitt).MandolinenChurch.5.0 -Dialect Talk :Birds in 3.0 (D) -Records. School of Music.8.15 -Talk in Irish erk I in gen (Miller). SonnebergerWinter. 5.20 -The" Concordia " 3.40 (D)-" Christianity and its Critics."by Nicolas Toibin. Spielzeug(Ortleb). Waltz,TheMusic Society Concert. 4.0 -The BBC Theatre Orchestra, con-8.30-" Waiting for a Tram "-Musical Secrets of the Adige (Carena). Pftes. : Hobbies "-Report. 6.30 -News. ,ductedby Harold Lowe ;ErikaVariety. 9.0 -An Irish Programme from March and Humoresque (Noack-6.40 -7.20 -Programme from Basle. Storm (Soprano). Galway.9.20 -Gaelic Talk onthe lhlenfeld). Puszta-Marchen (Schu-6.40 -Sports. 5.0 -Missionary Talk. Week's Church Feast Days : An t-Ath lenburg). Polka, Schlittenfahrt 5.20 -Reginald Kell (Clarinet) ;TheMicheal,O.M.Cap. 9.30 -Variety. (Klose). 6.45-" Banchetto musicale " (Schein) Kutcher String Quartet. 10.30 -Five Minute Appeal :Inter -1.0 p.m. -Records.Pfte. Concerto inby the Basle Station Orchestra.Con- 6.15 --Talk :The. Cinema. ductor : Bernhard. ,6.30 -Reginald Foort-Theatre Organ. 7.0 -Monteverdi Concert. Basle Station 17.0 -Talk :I was There. PRINCIPAL EVENTS Orchestra, Max Meili (Tenor), August ,7.20 -Fred Hartley Novelty Quintet. Wenzinger (Viola da gamba) and Fritz 7.55 -Service. SERVICES AND SACRED MUSIC 3.0 Brussels 1: " Prince Igor." Morel (Harpsichord). 8.45 -AppealonbehalfofThe A. M. 5.0 Cologne : " Hansel and Gretel." Kalundborg :Service. 7.0 Berlin :," Der Freischtitz." 7.20 -Light German Classical Music. TheatricalLadies'Guild by Ivor9.0 Zurich Radio Orchestra. - Novel lo. 10.0Italian Stations :Mass. 7.0 Hamburg : " Das Christelflein." 8.50 -The News. 10.30 Leipzig, etc.: Bach cantata. 7.0 Stuttgart :" The Pearl Fishers."8.0 till Close Down -Programme from 9.5-Tschiffely's Ride. P.M. 8.30Paris (PTT) :" Sophie " (Le-Bask. 8.0-" Erasmus and Zwingli "- ,9.55 -The BBC Singers. 12.30 Radio -Paris :Address. vade). Radio Picture (Stokar). Carols. 10.30 --Epilogue. 6.35Athlone : OPERETTAS .. 8.40 -Eduard 'Stampfli Concert. 7.20Breslau : Christmas Oratorio 4.0 Rome :" Scugizza." Monique Haas (Pfte.). Josef Bopp REGIONAL (Bach). 7.40Turin : " Madame Pompadour." (Flute).Fritz Hirt (Violin).August Time Signals :Big Ben, 12.30, 10.45 SYMPHONY CONCERTS Wenzinger('Cello). 9.15 -Sports ; p.m.Greenwich, 4.0, 9.0 p.m. 2.10Hilversum (301.5 m.) :Mozart. CHAMBER MUSIC Programme Announcements. 3.0 Strasbourg :Bizet, Mozart, etc. 5.20National :Quartet, clarinet. 12.30 p.m. (ex. Midland)-Droitwich. 4.0 Turin :Hidemaro Konoye. 7.0 Beromilnster :Monteverdi. 2.0 (Scottish)-" In Journeyings Oft." 6.30Oslo : Kramm, Tillus (pfte.). 8.15Monte Ceneri :Quartets. BRATISLAVA (Czechoslovakia) ' 2.20 (Scottish)-Droitwich. 6.30Regional :Sir Henry Wood. 8.20Kalundborg :Haydn. 1,004 kc/s (298.8 m.) ;13.5 kW. 4.0 (ex. Western, Northern) -Mozart. 7.0 Stockholm :Grevillius, Lopat- ElsieSuddaby(Soprano) ; John RECITALS 5.45-8.0 a.m.-See Prague. 8.0 -Roman nikov (pfte.). CatholicServicefromSt.Martin's Francis (Flute) ; New London String 8.0 Brussels 2: Classics. 4.15Deutschlandsender :Carols. Trio. 5.30Leipzig :Carols. Cathedral. 9.0 - RomanCatholic 9.10 H ilversum (1,875 m.): Maestricht Address.9.15 -Announcements.9.20 4.0 (Western)-" The Winter." Orchestra, Anspach (tenor arias). 7.30Radio -Paris :Songs. 4.0 (Northern) -Halifax Festival Choir 8.30Warsaw :Pfte. (Liszt). -Record.9.25 -Literary Programme. and Orchestra, Christmas Music. LIGHT CONCERTS 9.30Vienna :Songs, arias. 9.55 -See Prague. 10.0 -See Brno. 2.20Kalundborg :Radio Orch. 10.10 Hilversum (301.5 m.) :Song, 11.0-12.35 p.m -See Prague. 12.35 - 4.30 -For the Children. Regional 5.0(Regional)-Erith BritishLegion 5.0 Deutschlandsender, violin, organ. For Farmers. 12.50 -For Workers. Band ;Eric Marshall (Baritone). (6.0) :von Geczy Band. 1.5 -1.20 -For Hungarian Farmers. 5.0 Radio -Paris :Pascal Orchestra. PLAYS 1.55 -4.15 -See Prague. 4.15 -Talk 5.0 (Midland)-" Libel "-a play by 8.0 Radio -Paris :" La Regence " ; Edward Wooll. 7.0 Leipzig, etc. :Variety. from Kosice. 7.20Beromiinster : German classics. 8.45, " La Thebaide " (Racine). 5.0 (Western)-" The Masque of Lob." 8.10Vienna :" Dr. Abernethy." 5.0 -5.45 -Hungarian Transmission : 5.0 (Northern) -Recital. 7.45Budapest 1: Operetta music. Talk :" Bethlehem "-Pastoral Play. 5.0 (N. Ireland) -Carols. 8.0 Konigsberg : Christmas music. LAST NEWS BULLETINS, see Mon-5.45 -Sports. 5.50 -6.5 --See Prague. 5.0 (Scottish) -BBC Scottish Orchestra ;8.0 Sottens :Radio Orchestra. day, 6.5 -Record. 6.15 -Medical Talk. Margaret Murray (Soprano). 8.30Strasbourg :Christmas music. 6.30 -9.20 -See Prague. 9.20 -News 5.15 (Northern)-" In the Toy Shop." 9.0 Rome :Choir. DANCE MUSIC (Hungarian).9.35 -10.30 -See Brno. 5.30 (N. Ireland) -Records. 9.30Munich, etc.: Light and dance 9.30Deutschlandsender, etc., Oslo ; 5.35 (Western)-" Extremes Meet." music. 9.35, Prague ; 9.40, Rome ; 9.55, 6.0 (ex. Midland)-Barnabas Von 10.0,Budapest 1:Radio Orchestra. Poste Parisien ;10.0, Kalund-BRESLAU (Germany) 11.0Frankfurt, Stuttgart : Opera rec. borg,Warsaw ; 10.10, Brussels 2 ; 950 kis (315.8 m.) ;100 kW. Re- Geczy's Orchestra, from Berlin. 6.30 (ex. N. Ireland) -Robert Softens 11.30 Radio -Paris :Goldy Orch. 10.45, Paris (PTT) ;10.50, Hil- layed by Gleiwitz, 1,231 kc/s (243.7 (Violin) ; BBC Orchestra (Section B), OPERAS versum (301.5 m.); 11.0, Radio - m.). conducted by Sir Henry J. Wood. 2.0 Prague : " The Devil and Kate " Paris ; 11.15, Strasbourg ;12.0,4.0 a.m.-Folk Music from Beuthen. 6.40 (N. Ireland) --Service. (Dvorak). Radio-Normandie. 5.0 -See Hamburg. 7.0 -Reading. 7.55 -Services. 7.10 -7.40 -Folk Music from Beuthen. 8.45 -Appeals :(Regional,Midland, B flat (Mozart), by Elly Ney and Or-7.50 -News. 8.0 -Schumannand Northern) -Hospitals ;(Western)-nationalCatholicGirlsProtection chestra, Conductor :Hoogstraaten.Schubert Songs by the Pliiddemann Y.W.C.A. (Wales) (N. Ireland) -Society. 10.35 -News. 10.50 -Irish Songs (Hugo Wolf)byHeinrichChoir, Hilde Zimmerriemer and Kaethe CityCripples'ChristmasTreat ;Sports News by Sean O'Ceallachain. Schlusnus (Baritone). SpanishBaron.Part I. Schumann. Choir : (Scottish) -Boy Scouts' Association. 11.0-11.30-Ceilidhe Music from Caprice(Rimsky-Korsakov),Con-(a) Jager Wohlgemuth, (b) Soldaten- 8.50 --The News. Galway. ductor : Hamilton Harty. braut, (c) Waldmadchen, (d) Meerfey, (e) Der Wassermann. Des Knaben 9.5 (ex. Western, Northern, N. Ireland) 2.0 -2.30 -Echoes from the Kurmark. -Peter Dawson (Baritone). BANSKA-BYSTRICA Berglied. 'Die Kartenlegerirr.Part 11. 9.5 (Western) -Reginald Porter -Brown (Czechoslovakia)3.0 -See Stuttgart. 5.0-" The GoldenSchubert.Choir :(a) Jager, rube von -Organ. Sunday "-Literary and Musical Se-der Jagd, (b) Aria, " Die Zauberharfe." 9.5 (Northern) -Work in Progrress. 392 kc/s (765 m.) ;30 kW. quence to Verse of Wolfgang Pitow.An die Entfernte. An Sylvia. Stand- 9.5 (N. Ireland) -BBC Northern IrelandRelays Czechoslovak Stations. Krepela Chamber Sextet.Kati Rauchchen. Orchestra, conducted by Peter Mont- (Soprano). BurchardKaiser(Bari-8.40 -Dialogue :Christmas Bells. gomery ;Frank Titterton (Tenor). BERLIN (Germany) tone). Willi Krause (Speaker).Peter9.0 -See Konigsberg. Voelkner (Pfte.). 9.25 (Northern) -BBC Northern Or- 841 kc/s (356.7 m.) ; 100 kW. 9.30 -Advent and ChristmasMusic chestra, Conductor, T. H. Morrison. 6.0-" Die Sternsinger "-Advent Playof Five Centuries, from Hindenburg. 9.30 (ex. Midland, Northern) -Bourne-5.0 a.m.-Call. 5.10 -Gym. 5.30 -(Keienburg and Leberecht), with MusicChildren's Cltoir and Orchestra.Con- mouth Municipal Orchestra; DouglasConcert from Hamburg.7.0 -Gym.by Hermann Simon. 6.40 -Sports. ductor : Elisabeth Fister. 10.0 - Taylor (Baritone) ;Percy Whitlock7.25 -Talk by Herr Hilgenfeldt.7.557.0 - " DerFreischtitz " - OperaBach,Schumann, Brahms-Bernhard (Organ). -Chimes andServicefromPots- Gunther ('Cello) and Hattwig (Pile.) 9.30 (Midland) -BBC Midland Orches-dam Garrison Church. 8.55 -Cathedral(Weber). Station Choir and Orchestra, 9.30 -10.15 -Conductor :Heinrich Steiner.9.15 -(Recorded). 10.40 -Advice to Travel- tra.Eric Coates' music, conducted byChimes.9.0 -Weather. lers. the Composer. Fourth Symphony (Brahms) by theNews. 10.25 (N. Ireland) -Reading. Station Orchestra, Conductor :Fiedler9.45 -Dance Music from Deutschland -11.0 -See Berlin. 10.30-Eoilogue. (Recorded). sender.11.0-12.0 m't-Dance Records.1.0 p.m.-NeWs. 1.10 -For Women. DECEMBER 18, 106] VOR1.15-IADT6 r33 1.30 -Call of Youth.1.45 -Greetings.(Cinema Organ) and Van SchoelandBUDAPEST (No. 2) (Hungary) SUNDAY (December 20) 1.50(from Gleiwitz)-" Der Forder-(Songs) from Antwerp. 12.0 noon - 359.5 kc/s (834.5 m.) ;18 kW. turm "-Sequence. 2.30-" Tannen-Records. 12.30p.m. -Radio Or- baum und Kreuzschnabel - Fairy Playchestra.Conductor :Gason. 1.0 -11.35 a.m.-Records. 2.0 p.m.- Cigany Band. 4.15 -Talk. 4.45 -Band.Dreising and her. Children's,Choir, and (Gertraude Knab) (Recorded). News. 1.10 -Salon Orchestra.Con- theStationOrchestra,Conductors : ductor :Feron. 1.30 -2.0 -Records.5.15 -Talks.6.30 -Records. 7.50 - 3.0 -See Stuttgart. News. Dobrindt and Hahn.9.0 -News. 2.15 -Light Music by the Schnyders 9.30 -DanceMusic-Barnabasvon 5.0 (from Gleiwitz)-" Skat " - PlayOrchestra. 3.0 -Excerpts," Feest " (Albrecht), with Music by the Upper Geczy Band ;at 9.45 -Weather. (Heyermans), spoken by Vandermeulen,COLOGNE (Germany) Silesian Vocal Quartet.6.0 -Reading.etc. 3.15 -Orchestra, (contd.). 11.0 -11.55 -Dance Records. 6.15 -Station Dance Band. Con-4.0 -Excerpts,Madchen in Uniform " 658 kc/s (455.9 m.) ;100 kW. ductor :Rau.6.35-" A Small-town(Winsloe). 4.15 -Records. 5.0 a.m.-See Hamburg. 7.0 -Weather ;FRANKFURT(Germany). Holiday "-SequeAce (Ackermann). Water Level.7.5-" Der alte Turm- 1,195 kc/s (251 m.) ;25 kW. Relayed 5.0-R-obertDe Kers Dancehahn "-Idyll (Morike). 7.15 -8.15 - by Cassel, Coblenz, Freiburg and 7.20 -ChristmasOratorio (Bach).Band ;at 5.30 -Sports Results.6.0 - Trier, 1,195 kc/s (251 m.). Station Choir and Orchestra. Con-Salon Orchestra.Conductor :Feron.StationChamber Orchestra. Con- ductor :Prade. Charlotte Kraeker-Madeleine De Beurme (Songs) ;Kovacsductor :Hagestedt. 5.0 a.m.-See Hamburg. 7.0 -News. Dietrich (Soprano).Gertrud Pitzinger(Cymbalom). 6.45 -Religious Address9.0 -See Konigsberg. 7.5 -7.25 -Gym.7.45 (from Cassel) - Fritz Helbing (Organ). 8.0 (from Cassel) (Contralto). Heinz Marten (Tenor).by the Rev. Fr. Callewaert, O.P. Classical Music. Gerhard Bertermann (Baritone).9.0 - 9.30 -Records : -ProtestantService. 8.45 -Edwin News. 7.0-Pfte. Concerto in G (Mozart), with10.30 -Fritz Kober (Organ), from theEric Dwinger relates his Experiences Dohnatiyi (Records). 7.30 -Film Re- Town Hall,Millheim. Andantein Spain in November, 1936 (Recorded). 9.30 -11.0 -Station Dance Band.Con-view. Prelude and Fugue in F9.0 -Christmas Appeal.9.30-Wies ductor :Rau. (Mozart). 8.0-I.N.R. Symphony Orchestra. Con- (Reger).Prelude and Fugue in Gbaden Teachers' Choral Society.Con- (Bach). ductor :Krollmann.10.15 -From the BRNO (Czechoslovakia) ductor :Dejoncker.Helene Dinsart Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach. 922 kc/s (325.4 m.) ;32 kW. (Pfte.). Overture," Coriolanus "11.0 -SeeBerlin at 12.0noon : Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. (Beethoven). Pfte. Concerto in FAnnouncements ;'Greetings.1.0 p.m.10.30 -See Leipzig. 10.0 a.m.-Station Orchestra. Con- (Saint-Saens). IntheSteppesofHumorous Guessing Competition. 1.3011.0 -See Berlin. 1.0 p.m.-" Punch 'cluctor Bakala. Holub (Violin). Central Asia (Borodin). Overture,-Hints for Everyone. and his Christmas Surprise "-Play for Overture in D (Schubert). Excerpt Children(Reymann). 1.45 -Talk : from. the Violin Concerto in C (Beet- Christmas.2.0 -For Country People. hoven). Symphony in D-Thc Clock Photo: GlItlitaod. 3.0 -See Stuttgart.5.0 (from Cassel) - ,(1-laydn). A Berlin Museum Scandinavian Songs and Dances. 5.30 - model of "Star - Advent Concert.Station Choir, Con- 11.0 a. m :12.35 p.m. -See Prague. 12.35 ductor :Belker. Fritz Becker (Organ). -For Farmers. 12:50 -1.15 -For Farmers singers," about 6.50 -Sports. (German). 1.55 -4.15 -See Prague. whose Christmas 7.0 -See Leipzig. 4.15 -Talk. 4.35 -GermanTrans- tradition Berlin mission :Recitation ;Weber Music. broadcasts a 9.0 -Time ;News. 9.15 -Sports. Polacca brillante in E for Two Pftes. 9.30 -See Deutschlandsender. Arias, " Der Freischatz " and " Eury- play with music at 6 p.m. 11.0 p.m. -1.0 a.m. (Monday) -Popular anthe."Excerpts from the Pfte. Trio. Opera Music (Records).Hamburg 5.50 -6.5 -See Prague. 6.5 -Literary Station Orchestra, Conductor : Programme. 6.30 -9.35 -See Prague. Schlemm. Eva Schlee, Gertrud Schni- 9.35-10.30-Visvary Jazz Band. " Polyeucte " (Tinel). Austrian2.0-Malheim Male Voice Choir, from Peasant Music (Schonherr).Antar the Town Hall, Millheim. Conductor tzer, Emmy Wichmann, Stadelmaier, (Rimsky-Korsakov) ;at 8.45 -Topi- Hilcken.Grape (Pfte.).Lied der Jakschtat and Herrmann.Excerpts BRUSSELS (No. 1) (Belgium) fforn " The Seraglio" and " The Magic 620 kc/s (483.9 m.) ;15 kW. cal.10.0 -News. Bauleute(Schuler). Vespergesang (Kampf).Jugend (Kampf). Pfte. Flute "(Mozart), Overture," The 6.37-9.0 a.m.-Records :Gym. News.10.10-Brenders Jazz Band. Taming of theShrew " (Gotz). 9.0 -Records :Classical Music.10.45 Pieces from" Spitzwegbilder" (Kaun). -Felicien Bellemans (Songs). 11.0-12.0in' t -ActIli, Siegfried " Empor (Kaun).Schwesterlein, wann Aria andDuet," The Merry (Wagner), on Records. geh'n wir nach Haus (Zuccalmaglio). Wives of Windsor " (Nicolai).En- 11.0 -Light Orchestral.Rene Durand Die Abreise (Schauss).Pfte. Pieces, tr'acte, " The Daughter of the Regi- and VocalEnsemble. Adam and from " Spitzwegbilder " (Kaun). ment "(Donizetti). Duet," Don Lauwers(Clarinets). RenoSegersBUCHAREST (Romania) 823 kc/s (364.5 m.) ;12 kW. Relayed Soldatenlied.Schlussgebet(Wilst) Pasquale"(Donizetti). Excerpts, (Accordion). 11.55 -Weather. 12.0 2.45 -Reading. " Der Wildschiltz " (Lortzing). Selec- noon -Records. 12.20 p.m. -Two by Radio -Romania (Brasov), 160 kcIs tion," The FlyingDutchman," Sketches. (1,875 m.). 3.0 -Light Orchestral. Conductor : " Lohengrin " and " The Valkyrie " 5.30-6.30a.m.-Tobeannounced.Eysoldt. Schaffer (Violin). ' (Wagner). 12.30 -Salon Orchestra. Conductor : 4.30 --Where are you, Comrade? -Pro- Feron. 1.0 -News. 9.30 -Chimes, Address.9.50 -Sacred Music.9.55 -Church Notes.10.10 -gramme for Ex -Servicemen. HAMBURG (Germany) 1.10 -Radio Orchestra. 1.30 -Records : Sacred Choral Music. 10.40 -Time ;5.0-" Hansel and Gretel "-Fairy 904kc/s(331.9 m.) ; 100 kW. Light Music.2.0 -Art Notes. 2.3-Art, Literary and Sports Notes ;WaterOpera (Humperdinck). 6.45 -Sports. Overture," William Relayed byBremen, Flensburg, 2.15 -Records : Level. 10.55 -Romanian Music by7.0 -See Leipzig. Hanover,Magdeburg andStettin, Tell " (Rossini).2.30 -Records. the Marcu Orchestraat 12.10 p.m. --9.0 -Time ; News. 1,330 kc/s (225.6 m.). 3.0 -Concert Version :" Prince Igor "News. 1.0 -For Peasants. 2.0 -9.30 -11.0 -See Deutschlandsender. 5.0 a.m.-Harbour Concert. 7.0 - -Opera(Borodin)(re -arrangedbyRomanian FolkMusic. 2.45 -For News.7.20 -Gym.. 7.40 -Art Notes. Rimsky-Korsakov and Glazunov) fromFarmers. 5.0 -Time ; Weather ; Topical. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER (Germany)8.0 -Stettin Concert Orchestra.Con- the Mons Theatre. Conductor : Maurice5.10 -RadioJazzBand. 6.25 - ductor :Quast. Weynandt. 5.0 -TheHistoryofRomanian Programme.6.45 -Choral 191 kc/s (1,571 m.) ;60 kW. Operetta -Lecture Recital ; Football Re-Concert by the " Carmen " Society.5.0a.m.-See Hamburg. 7.0 -For9.0 -See Konigsberg. 9.30 -Medita- sults. 6.0 -For Young People : Record.7.20 -Play ;in the intervals :News.Peasants.8.0 -Variety. tion.10.0 -Christmas at Sea -Stories. 10.30 -See Leipzig. 7.0 -ReligiousAddress. 7.15 -Re -8.55 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor :9.0 -See Munich. 9.45 -Richard Neu- Cords :Stenka Razin (Glazunov).7.30 Rogaski.Margareta Kozen (Songs).mann (WurlitzerOrgan),fromthe11.0 -See Berlin. 1.0 p.m,--" Frau -News. Aria,Ah !Perfido !(Beethoven).Kamera, Berlin. 10.0 -Poems (ThiloHolle "-Fairy Play(Hugin),Music 8.0 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor : Ballad," The Flying Dutchman "von Trotha).10.15 -Weather. by Girnatis, followed by "Das heim- Gilson.Suite (Haydn -Wood). Over- (Wagner). Aria, " Oberon " (Weber).10.30= -See Leipzig. liche Haus "-Cantata (Baumann) (Re- ture, " Mozart " (Hahn).Selection, Overture,"Morning, Noon and Night'11.0 -See Munich. corded). 2.0-" Snow and Ice in " Mefistofele "(Boito). L'enfant Music "-Records. 2.40 -Talk : (Suppe). TchaikovskyPotpourri11.55 -Time ;Greetings. Christmas Customs. prodigue (Wormser).Ballet Music, (Urbach).Waltz, Bei uns zu Haus12.10 p.m. -Munich. Le Rois'amuse "(Delibes) ;at (Strauss). Canzonetta (Cortopassi). 3.0 -See Stuttgart ;at 3.50 -Football 8.20 :Sketch. 9.55 -News. 1.0 -Christmas Play for Children (IlseCup Match Report.5.0-Junge Laud Obrig). 1.30 -Polish Songs, Dancesvun Dorpen-Dialect Play (Steen). 9.0 -Topical. and Music (Recorded). 2.0 -Talk : BUDAPEST (No. 1) (Hungary) 5.45 -Folk Music from Kiel.Ellerbek 9.10 -Light Music.Radio Orchestra. Genealogy. 2.15-" A Winter Evening Mandoline Band and the Germania Gras (Pfte.) at 9 40 :Sketch.10.0 - 546 kc/s (549.5 m.) ;120 kW. inaPeasant'sHome "-Sequence Choir_ Conductor : Hassel feldt. News. 10.10 -Popular Records. 8.30 a.m.-News. 9.0 -Protestant(Heesemann).3.0 -Christmas Music. MarchingSongPotpourri,Jung - 11.0-12.0 m't-Brenders Jazz Band. Service. 10.0 -Roman Catholic Service.Werner Hank (Violin).Ernst Schauss Deutschland (Weninger).Folk Song 11.30 -Opera Orchestra.Conductor :(Harmonium).3.15 -Variety Records. (Berat).Dat gift keen Land so gron BRUSSELS (No. 2) (Belgium) Dohnanyi. Gyula Ka rolyi(Pfte.)..4.15 -South -Tyrolese Christmas Carols und schon (Sonderburg).Unter der 932 kc/s (321.9 m.) 15 kW. 1.0p.m. -Records. 2.50-Hiltter(arr. Reimesch). Station Choir and Dorflinde (Ritter). Wie s daheim war Programme in Flemish. ('Cello). 4.0 -Choir. 5.15 -Band.Orchestra, Conductor :Garner. Edith (Wohlgemeuth). Paraphrase on " Das 6.37-9.0 a.m.-Records ; Gym ;News.6.10 -Banda Marci-Anniversary TalkHolzl (Soprano). Geheimnis " (Wing).Wo mag es 9.0 -Gardening Talk ;Records. 9.25 -with Cigany Music. 7.45 -Operetta5.0 -Melody and Rhythm-Barnabas wohl am schonsten sein ? (Schuppert). LisztRecords. 9.55-Aerortautics.Music. Concert Orchestra. Conductor :von Geczy Band. 6.30 -Sports. Wanderlieder-Marsch. (Lindemann). 10.0 -Light Orchestral. Conductor :Rajter.9.0 -News.9.20 -Jazz Band.7.0-" TheDeutschlandsenderToy6.35 -Sports ;Weather. Walpot.10.45-Danze e arie antiche10.0 -Light Music.Station Orchestra.Shop "-Radio Fantsay(tiling)with7.0-" DasChristelflein "-Operain (Respighi)(Records). 11.0-VaesConductor :Bertha. 11.5 -News. Musicby Hahn. Emmy Goedel-Two Acts (Pfitzner).Women's Choir 34] WORLD -RADIO [DECEMBER 18, 1936 SUNDAY (December 20) 11.40-4.40 p.m.-A.V.R.O. Programme. RadioOrchestra,fromthe State5.20 -Talk :Relics of Old South J ut- 11.40-Engels (Organ). from St. James' Broadcasting Building. land. 5.50 -Weather. 6.0 -Time ; Church, The Hague.11.45 -Film Re- News.6.30 -Talk : Film Stars. view.12.10 p.m. -Kovacs Lajos Or-12.0 noon-Hollboll (Songs).I Wiirtz- and Station Orchestra. Conductor :chestra, Palla (Organ). 12.55-Gigli burgringedeKlokkertilFest7.0 -Danish Marches. Royal Life The Composer. 9.0 -News. Records. 1.10 -Kovacs Lajos Orchestra. (Lange-P.40er). Firenze(Lange-Guards Band. Conductor :Dyring. 9.30 -11.0 -See Deutschlandsender. 1.40 -Books.2.10 -Mozart Concert. Midler). Liden Karen (Heise).Hair,7.20 -SoldierMemories -RoyalLife A.V.R.O. Orchestra. Conductor : hvorletcensVingersmaekkerGuards Band. Conductor :Dyring. HILVERSUM (1,875 m.) (Holland) Treep. Lili Krauss (Pfte.). 3.40- (Nielsen).Den danske Sang (Niel-SemmyNielsen (Songs and Mono - sen). logues). YesterdayIgot my Tunic 160 kc's ;10 kW until 2.40 p.m. ;A.V.R.O. Dance Band. Conductor : (Horneman).Interview. 100 kW from 2.40 p.m. Mossel.4.10 -Christmas Carols.4.3012.15 p.m. -Reading. Potpourri of -,Sports. Danish Soldier Songs(Fr.Nielsen). 8.10 a.m.-N.C.R.V. Service. 12.35 -Records. IndulcejubiloMonologue. Musical Pictures :In the 9.10-4.40 p.m.-K.R.O. Programme.4.40-V.P.R.O. Talk. (Buxtehude). Pastorale (Pachelbel)Cantonment (Kok). Army Pictures. 9.10 a.m.-Records.9.40 -High Mass. 0, du frOhliche.Stille Nacht, heiligeMonologue.Aarhus Tattoo (Moller). 5.10-7.40-V A.R. 4. Programme. 5.1011.40 -Records. 11.55-K.R.O. Or--Talk and Records.'Nacht.5.55 -News. 6.0helmi).Ave Maria (Schubert -Wit-Comrade, be a Man !(Andersen). chestra. Conductor :van 't Woud. Czech Carols. -V A.R.AOrchestra. Conductor : 8.20 -Haydn Trios by Fessel (Violin). 12.40 p.m. -Literary Talk. 1.0 -Re-Lohoff. 6.40 -Ramblers Orchestra and1.0 -Service from Christiansborg Castle Frederiksen (Viola) and Dietzmann cords ;K.R.O. Orchestra (contd.).1.40 ('Cello). Trio in B flat. Trio in D. -Religious Address. 2.10-K.R.O.Artists. Church. Orchestra (contd.) ;Records. 7.40 till Close Down.A.V.R.O. Pro-2.20 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor -8.40 -Royal Life Guards Band. Con - gramme.7.40 -News. doctor :Dyring ;at9.10:News ; 255 -Rosa Spier Trio. 4.5 -Roman Grondahl. Rytter(Pfte.). Mus-.. - Records. Catholic Service for the Sick.4.35-7.55-" Christmas Roses "-Revue (de keteersMarch. Overture, 1_, Macon " (Auber). SyMphonic10.0-11.30-Warny Dance Band ;at Sports. Haas), Music by Max Tak.A.V.R.O. 11.0 :Chimes. Orchestra. Conductor : The Com- Rhapsody (Ludolf Nielsen).Gaelic 4.40-7.25-N.C.R.V. Programme.4.40 Melod andReelfrom " Scenes poser.9.25 -Christmas Puzzle for the KATOWICE (Poland) -Religious Service ;Nieuwland (Or-Poor Children's Fund.9.55 -News. fromythe Scottish Highlands" gin).6.55 -Records :Sacred Music. (Granville Bantock).Excerpt, " The 758 kc/s (395.8 m.) ;12 kW. 7.25tillClose Down-K.R.O.Pro-10.10 -Helene Cals (Soprano), Lensky Witch" (Enna). March (Tofft). Pfte.:5.0a.m.-Fanfares. 5. l3 -Records. gramme. 7.25 -Sports :Talk ;News ;(Violin), Palla (Organ).10.40 -News. Novelettes (Schumann). Overture,7.18 -Talk. 7.30 -Records. 9.30 - Records. 8.10 -Recitations. 8.55- Records.12.0 noon -Silesian Review. 10.50-11.40-A.V.R.O.DanceBand. " Don Giovanni" (Mozart).Selec- Leeb (Lute). lion," La vie parisienne " (Offen-1.15 p.m. -Records.1.35 --Talk.1.45 Conductor :Mossel. -To be announced. 6.15-Announce- 9.10-MaestrichtMunicipalOrches- bach). Aladdin'sCradleSong (Kuhlau). Excerpts, By the Bos-ments. 6.20 -Light Music. 6.50- tra.Conductor :Hermans. AnspachKALUNDBORG (Denmark) Literary Programme. 7.20 -To be (Tenor). 9.55 -Records. 10.10 -News. (Lange -Muller). Neu -Wien 240 kc/s (1,250 m.) : 60 kW. Relaysphorus(Strauss).Evensong (Alfred Berg).announced. 7.40 -10.0 -ProgrammeAn Copenhagen, 1,176 kc/s (255.1 m.. Gallop (Lumbye). nouncements. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.) (Holland) 7.0 a.m.-Gym. 7.35 -Weather. 7.45-4 20 -Children's Choir. Conductor :KONIGSBERG (Heilsberg) (Germany) 995 kcis ;15 kW until 2.40 p.m. ;French Talk : A Day at the Trianon.Kirstme Frus-Hjorth. 1,031 kc/s (291 m.) ;100 kW. Relayed 8.0 -German Talk : A Winter Adven- by Danzig, 1,303 kc/s (230.2 m.). - 60 kW from 2.40 p.m. 8.15 -English Fiir Elise (Beet - ture in the Dolomites. 4.50-Pfte. Records. 5 0.7 0a m -See Hamburg.8.0- 8.35-9.40 a.m.-V.A.R.A. Programme.Reading.8.30 -Talk :Literature and hoven) by Schnabel.La maja y el 9.0-9.30-" Sterne Youth. 9.0 -Service from Haderslev ruiselior (Granados) by Rubinstein. .protestant" Service. 8.35 -Records ;News ;Talk. 9.10- iiberdenflatten"-Sequence(Menzel), Jong (Organ). 9.25 -Talk. Cathedral. 10.28 -Weather.10.40- News. 5.0 -LoeweBalladsbyPer %mit.Music by Henning. 9.45 -For Mothers* 9.40-11.40-V.P.R.O. Programme. Spirito Santo.Die Uhr.Torn der9.55 -Weather ;-Programme Notes. 9.40 -Religious Programme for Chit-11.0-" The Instruments of the Orches- Reimer.Heinrich der Vogler.Die10.5 -New Poems by Gerhard Schu- dren.10.10 -Service. tra "-Talk with illustrations by the nachtliche Heerschau. mann.

" When a Limavady man tells you that he ' heered it would have been no discredit to him at the court afellaspaykin on thewireless,'please remember of Queen Elizabeth. It's out of fashion now, but it that the famous Dr. Johnson said thatc heered ' was was quite all right then.There was plenty of it at the right way to say ' heard,' that an eighteenth century court in the middle of the eighteenth century.Some poet like Pope believed that' fella 'was the right of it stayed among the gentry tilla hundred years way to say ' fellow,' and that neither of the two would ago. And you can imagine how interestedI was have dreamt of pronouncing the final' g 'in a word when a lady of station in the south of England told like 'speaking.' Both of them would have said ' spaykin.' me about the traces of this speech that were in her So there you are. You might toss your head at the Lima- own family.She could remember two of her relatives vady man but Dr. Johnson wouldn't have rebuked him. -they were ' county,' if you please -and, they always He'd have rebuked you -in words of four syllables. said' chayney 'for' china,' and ' goold 'for' gold.' " Take the case of a Tyrone labourer.You may " Wherever you go inthe province, you'll hear find it hard to believe, but this man talks the way cartloads of such survivals, and they alltell us the that courtiers and Kings used to talk.There's an same story that here in Ulster in this twentieth century, Irish flavour about it, of courses that English people we keep an English that was good enough for Queen didn't have, but still and all,it would have passed, Elizabeth and Charles II." UlsterThis is an extract from the new BBC booklet Here, in abridged form, are the talks on the dialects of Ulster which aroused such wide interest when broadcast last year in the Northern Ireland programme by The Rev. W. F. Marshall, B.A., LL.B. " ULSTER SPEAKS" WILL BE PUBLISHED NEXT MONDAY, DECEMBER 21st, and can be obtained through newsagents and booksellers in Northern Ireland, price 6d., or for 7d., including postage, from BBC Publications, 35, High Street, Marylebone, London, W.1, or from the BBC Northern Ireland Regional Offices, 35, Linenhall Street, Belfast. DECEMBER 18, 1936] WORLD -RADIO f35

10.30 -See Leipzig. 5.30 --German Christmas Carols. Auf,Concert. 5.0 -Red ArmyNotes. SUNDAY (December 20) I auf, ihr Hirten.Sieh, dort steht ein5.15 -Talk. 5.45 -Music. 6.0 - 11.0 -See Berlin. zerrissenStallchen.Uns wirdeinProvincial Programme.8.0 -German 1.0 p.m. -Chess Lesson. 1.30 -Report : Kindlein heut' geboren.Heut's sindTalk :The 1905 Revolution. 8.30 -Eleventh Liszt Anniversary Con- Tahiti.1.45 -Records :Light Music. die lieben Engelein..Auf, auf, ihr9.5 -English Programme :(a) Talk on cert. Helene Pignari and Nicole 2.10-" From Advent to Christmas Hirten.Inmitten der Nacht.Auf !Soviet Armenia, (b) Armenian Music, Rolet(Pftes.). LucienneAstruc -Trombone Choir. 2.30-" Stern- Auf !Ihr Buben steht alle g'schwind(c)Questions and Answers. 10.0 - (Songs).Apparitions.Songs :(a) putzchens Weihnachtsabend "-Fairy auf !Alle Engel zu diesem Fest.German Talk :The 1905 Army Revolt Was Liebe sei, (b) Ihr Glocken von Play (Ruth Geede). 3.0 -Topical. 0 heiliges Kind, wir griissen dich. inLiterature. I1.0 -Spanish Talk : Marling.Concerto for Two Pftes. Soviet Stamps. 3.15 -Station Orchestra.Conductor :6.0-" Thuringia " - WirelessPoem Talk :Liszt.Liebestraum. Ninth Wilcken.Schiffmann Quartet. Song(Schroer), with Christmas Music.6.45 Hungarian Rhapsody. Songs :(a) Quartet. Ruth Norden (Soprano).-Football Cup Match Report. MUNICH (Germany) S'ilestun charmantgazon,(b) Roth (Bass).Schupp (Tenor).4.45- 740kc/s(405.4 m.) ; 100kW. Mignons Lied.Ballad. " The Fourth Sunday in Advent "-7.0 -LeipzigKaleidoscope - Variety Relayed by Nurnberg,1,267kc is Literary and Musical Programme. Concert. Leipzig Symphony Orchestra (263.8 m.). PARIS (Poste Parisien)(France) andStationChar. Conductor :Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 5.15 -Christmas Music by the Konigs- Kretzschmar. Coba Wackers 959 kc/s (312.8 m.) ;60 kW. berg Chamber Music Society. Conduc- 9.0a.m.(fromAugsburg) -Winter (Soprano).Groh (Tenor).Winter -Solstice Celebrations from the Reich7.50a.m.-Call. 7.52 --Records : tor :Pogner. 6.0 -Peter Arco -Re- berg (Baritone). Hertha Glass (Pfte.). Gardoni Orchestra. 8.2 -News. 8.26 - cords.6.40 -Sports. Labour Service Camp at Oberjoch-im-Notes ;Dietetics. FritzSchroder(Organ). HildeAllgau. 10.30 -See Leipzig. 11.0 - 8.36 -Variety Re- 7.0-" Immanuel Kant listens -in to the Schmeck (Recitations). CommentaryMilitary Band Concert from the Feld-cords. 9.0 -Talk Ski-ing. 9.1 - Wireless in 1776 "-Literary and Musical by Alexander Schett!er. 9.0 -News.hernhalle. Conductor :Josef Koh -News. 9.25-Bourbie Records.9.30 - Sequence (Hilpert). 9.30 -11.0 -See Deutschlandsender. munch.12.0 noon -News.12.10 p.m.For Young People. 9.50 -Records. 8.0 -Christmas Concert.Station Or- 10.30 -Sketches and Songs (Records). chestra.Conductor :Wollner. Heti 10.45-BlareauOrchestra. 11.15 - Bohnke (Soprano). March, Weih- Song Records. 11.30-Clacquesin Trio. nachtsklange (Weninger).Overture, 11.45 -Song Records. 12.5p.m. - Heinzelmannchen (Erben). Selection, RecordsforChildren. 12.15 -Les " Hansel and Gretel " (Humperdinck). Pierre Pella, whose organ Guignols de Rip.12.45-Lise Florelly Christmas Carol (Berger). Christ- and Armand Dubos. baum (Cornelius).The 1.0 -Raymond Souplex andJane Sourza. 1.30 -Records. 1.45 -2.0 - Suite(Tchaikovsky). Seventeenth recitals are popular features Century Folk Songs :(a) Die Wcih- Musical Sketch.2.30 --Sports Report. nachtsnachtigall,(b) Wiegenliedin 5.0 -Records :Light Music. 7.0 - der Weihnacht. Die Petersburger News. 7.27 -Records : Excerpts, Schlittenfahrt (Eilenberg). of the Hilversum programmes. " Faites ca pour moi " (Gabaroche). 7.37 -Records. 7.52 -Freres Jacasse. 9.0 -News. 9.20 -FootballMatch 7.57 -Film Records. 8.7 -Paul Reboux. Report. 8.20-" Yesterday and Today "- 9.40 -11.0 -Dance Music from Deutsch- He plays to -day(301.5 m.) Sketch.8.35 -Variety Concert.9.5 - landsender. Amateurs at the Microphone.9.55 - Willie Lewis Dance Band. 10.30 -11.30 - Records :Light Music. LAHTI (Finland) at 10.10 p.m..' 166 kc/s (1,807 m.) ; 150 kW. Relayed PARIS (PTT) (France) by Helsinki, 895 kc/s (335.2 m.). 695 kcis (431.7 m.) ;120 kW. Transmits at intervals from 6.5 a.m. 6.50-9.45 a.m.-News ;Topical. 9.45 - 11.0 a.m.-Service in Swedish. 12.30 Records. p.m. -Popular Music by the Helsinki 10.0-Locatelli Orchestra.Wilhelmine LILLE (Radio PTT Nord) (France) -Station Orchestra, Conductor : Coudray (Songs). Marche Guerriere Municipal Orchestra. 1.30 -Classical Mihalovic. 1.0 -News. 1.15 -For Music. 2.0-Karelyi Cigany Band. 1,213 kc/s (247.3 m.) ;60 kW. (Filipucci). Ballet, " Coppelia " Transmits at intervals from 6.50 a.m.Children. 1.45 -Puccini Opera Records. (Delibes). Conte d'Avril (Widor). 3.0 -Records.4.5 -Talk. 2.5-Pfte. 2.40 -Talk. 3.0 -Orchestra. 6.30p.m. -Topical. 7.0 -Records : Les berceaux (Faure).Petite Suite 4.20-Vilho Kopenen ('Cello).Suite in (Borodin).Selection, " Le Chemin- G (Bach).' Berceuse(Melartin).Songs and Light Music. 7.30 -Records5.0-" Der Page des Konigs "-Play Romance sans paroles (van Goens).of Jack Hylton's Band.8.0 -Time ;after Meyer (Schaeff-Scheefen).6.5 - eau "(Leroux). Plaisird'amour Swedish Dances (Bruch). Records.8.15 -Sports.8.30 -To beOrchestra. 6.35 -CallofYouth ; (Martini). Laboiteajoujoux announced. 10.30 -News. Sports. 7.0 -Film Music, withthe (Debussy). Spanish Suite(Falla). 4.45 -Talk. 5.0 -Time Weather (Fin- Station Dance Band, Orchestra, Choir, Waltz, Myosotis (Waldteufel). Songs : nish, Swedish).5.10 -Report.5.35 -MONTE CENERI (Switzerland) etc.9.0 -News. 9.30 -11.0 -Light and (a) La lune surlebois (Clergue), Talk. 1,167 kc/s (257.1 m.) ;15 kW. Dance Music. (b)Song (Bernard),(c)Nicolette (Ravel),(d)Lemoulind'amour 6.0-Helge Virkkunen (Songs).6.25 -10.0 a.m.-Announcements ; Bible Talk. (Paray). Ballet," The Seasons" Reading.10.30 -Books. 10.45 -Re-OSLO (Norway) (Verdi). Air," Mozart " (Hahn). 6.40 -Radio Orchestra. 7.45 -Newscords.11.30 -News. 260kc/s(1,153.8m.) ; 60kW. Selection," Letimbred'argent " (Finnish,Swedish). 8.10 -10.0 -Clas-11.40 -Radio Orchestra. Relayed by Fredrikstad,722kc/s (Saint -Sans). Badinage(Jongen). sical Music. 12X-1.0 p.m. -Radio Competition. (415.4 m.) ; Hamar, 519 kc /s (578 m.); Guitarreros(Chillemont). Entre 3.30 -Lugano Philharmonic from the Notodden,1,357kc/s(221.1m.) ; naranjos (Turin).Ronde des lutins Porsgrund,850kc/s(352.9tn.) ; LEIPZIG (Germany) Kursaal. Lugano. Conductor :Das- (Nerini). Dense britannique(Fl. setto.Symphony in C (Beethoven). Rjukan, 1,348 kc 's (222.6 m.), and Schmitt). 785kc/s(382.2m.) ; 120 kW. Commiato (Dassetto). Leonora Over- Trondelag, 629 kc/s (476.9 m.). 12.0 noon -Popular Music and Dance RelayedbyDresden,1,285kc/s ture No. 3 (Beethoven). Serenade8.0 a.m.-News. 8.5 -Records. 9.35 - (233.5 m.). MusicbytheDerveauxOrchestra. (Moszkowski). Italian CapriceService. 11.45 -News. 12.0 noon -12.45p.m. -News. 1.0 -Orchestra 5.0 a.m.-See Hamburg. 7.0 -Records. (Tchaikovsky) ;at 4.0 :Sports. Inauguration of the Nordsund Bridge. (contd.).1.25 -Talk on the following 7.30 -Willy Stark (Organ) fromSt.5.0 -For Children. 3.30 -Norwegian Music.Egeil Nack-Programme. John's Church.8.0 -8.45 -To be an-5.15 -RadioOrchestra. Overture,ling (Folk Songs) ;Gunnulf Borgen1.30 -From the Opera-Comique. 4.45- nounced. 9.0 -Records of Famous " Poet and Peasant " (Suppe). Rus-(HardangerFiddle). 4.0 -Records.Reine Paulet-Guy Berry Programme. Virtuosi. sian Dance from " Boris Godunov "4.40 -Talk. 5.0 -Dance Music. 5.30 ---5.15 -Records. Talk.5.50 -Records of Guila Bustabo 9.30 -LeipzigSymphonyOrchestra. (Mussorgsky). Ballet," Lakme 5.30-Colonne Concert from the Theatre Conductor : Wcisbach. (Delibes). Arab Dance (Ganne).(Violin). 6.10 -News. 6.15 -Weather ; News. duChatelet. 7.30 -News. 8.23 - 10.30-' Das neugeborne Kindelein " Trot de Cavallerie (Rubinstein). Sports. 5.45 -Sports. 6.15 -Opera Records.6.30 -Time ;Station Orchestra.Con- Cantata (Bach).St. Thomas' Choir ductor :Kramm. Carl Tillus (Pfte.).8.30 - " Sophie "-Opera-comiquein and Gewandhaus Orchestra. Con-6.45 -News. ThreeActs(Levade). Conductor : Straubc. 7.0-" TwoDozenRedRoses "- Symphonic Prelude," Sigurd Slembe" ductor : (Svendsen). Pfte. Concerto in ARosenthal. 10.30 -News. 10.45 - Three -Act Play (Benedetti). Robert Dance Band. 11.0 -See Berlin.1.0 p.m. -Weather.8.15-Poltronieri Quartet. Quartet No. (Liszt). Symphony No. 4in F 1.5 -Talk. 1.25 -Records. 1.50 - 5 (Bertoni-Toni).Chaconne (Vitali- (Tchaikovsky). 7.45 -Talk :Mild "Der Wolf and die sieben Geisslein " Benvenuti).Death and the Maiden Winters. 8.10 -Cabaret. 8.40 --PARIS (Radio -Paris)(France) -Fairy Play (Maria Ambrosius), Music (Schubert).9.15 -9.30 -Sports. News.9.0 -Topical.9.15 -Sports 182 kc/s (1,648 m.) ;80 kW. by Hermann Ambros;us. Leipzig Notes.9.30 -10.30 -Dance Records. 7.0 a.m.-Records. 7.15 -News. 7.45 - Symphony Orchestra and Station MOSCOW (No. 1) (Russia) Gym. 8.0 -Records :Songs and Light Women's Choir, Conductor :Blumer. Music.8.40 -Italian Lessons.9.20 - 2.40 -Talk : in the Erzgebirge. 172 kc/s (1,744 m.) ;500 kW. PARIS (Eiffel Tower) (France) 1.0p.m. -Swedish Talks : (a)The 1,456 kc/s (206 m.) ;5 kW. English Lessons.10.0 -Book-keeping 3.0 -See Stuttgart. 1905 Revolution ;(b) U.S.S.R. Review.Transmits atintervals from 8.0 a.m.Lessons. 10.40 -Spanish Lesson. 5.0-" DasheimlicheHaus "- Can-2.0 -For Children.3.0 -News. 3.13 -5.30p.m. -Television. 7.30 -News.11.0 -Paris Symphony Orchestra ; Con- tata (Baumann) (Recorded). Music ;Programme Notes. 4.30 -7.55 -Topical.8.15 -News. ductor :Tomasi. Concerto in F 36] WORLD -RADIO [DECEMBER 18, 1936 SUNDAY (December 20) 11.20 -Operetta Music. SinRers, ChorusAddress. 10.15 -Concert. 11.30 -STRASBOURG (France) and Orchestra of the Prague OperettaNews.11.45-1.0 p.m. -Concert. 2.0 - 859 kc/s (349.2 m.) ;100 kW. Theatre. 12.35p.m. -For Farmers.Records.3.0 -4.0 -Sports. 1 -2.50 -Talk. 1.0 -1.15 -For German5.0 -8.0 -Programme from Geneva.5.07.0a.m.-Topical. 7.30 -Records. (Gaubert).Ballet de cour (Pierne). 7.40 -News (German). 8.0 -Gym. Selection, " Kadubec " (Yvain).Farmers.1.55 -Talk on the following-Sorel Nitzberg (Pfte.).5.30- Or - Opera. ph& Accordion Club. Conductor :8.30 -News (German). 9.30 -Records : Gavotte (Steck). Scherzo (Steck). ClassicalMusic. 10.45 -Protestant Ballet, " Siang Sing " (Flue). 2.0 p.m. -" The Devil and Kate "-Carmen Burkhardt. 6.0 -Roman Cath- Three -Act Opera (Dyadic), from theolic Address. Service. 11.30 -Roman Catholic Ser- 12.0noon-Paule Maxence(Organ). vice (German). Third Choral (Cesar Franck).EtoileState Opera. Conductor : Skvor.4.156.25 -Duetsfrom(a)" Don Gio- du soir (Vierne).Toccata (Vierne).-Talk. vanni "(Mozart),(b)" Mirella "12.0 noon -See Paris (PTT). 12.50 12.30 p.m. -Religious Address. 12.504.30 -German Transmission :Talk ; (Gounod). La nuit (Faure). Puisquep.m. -News. -News. Radio Review ;Reading ;Play with ici-bas toute ame (Faure).Duets1.15 -Viennese Operetta Music.Con- 1.0 -Paris Symphony Orchestra.Con-Music.5.50 -News (German).5.55 - from :(a) " Hercules " (Handel), (b) Juliet "(Gounod). ductor : Bour. Turkish March ductor :Tomasi.Suzette GuilbertRecord. 6.0 -News. 6.5 -Record. " Romeo and (Suppe). Overture," Die Fleder- (Songs).Soirs (Fl. Schmitt).Selec-6.10-" ChristmasIdyll "-Play(Sa- " Lakme " (Delibes). maus "(Strauss). Two Excerpts, " The tion, " La Boheme " (Puccini). Songs.man). 6.50 -News.7.0 -Sports. Dance of the Dragonflies" (Leiter). Dryade (Aubert).Serenade, Napoli6.30 -Christmas Variety.9.0 -News.7.20 -Carols by the " Schola gregor- Selection, " Roses of Florida " (Fall). (D'Ambrosio). Rustleof Spring9.20 -Record.9.25 -News (German).ienne " from Ste. Croix. Conductor : Waltz, " Der Frauenfresser " (Eysler). (Sinding). 9.30 -Record. Carraz. Potpourri, Im Operettenrausch 2.0-" Le prince charmant "-Opera-9.35 -10.30 -See Brno. 7.35 -Erasmus and the Artists -Bio- (Hruby). March," Gasparone " comique (Fortolis-Brun), followed by graphical Sketch (Hornung). 8.0 - (Millocker). " La paix aux champs "-Poem forRADIO-NORMANDIE (France) Radio Orchestra ;at 8.30:Fridolin and Partner. 2.15 -Sports. Four Part Choir and others (Suzanne 1,113 kcis (269.5 m.) ;10 kW. 3.0 -Fifth Nancy Conservatoire Con- de Sainte -Croix). 7.0 a.m.-Records. 7.10 -News. 7.50 -9.15 -9.45 -Talk :WinterSports in cert from the Salle Poirel, Nancy. 3.0 -Mme. Sevrane(Songs). TroisOrchestra.8.0 -Records.8.30 -Eng-Switzerland. Conductor : Bachelet. Madeleine minutes d'arret (Bayle-Betove).lish Sacred Music.8.45 -Orchestra. Masson (Violin). First Symphony Paimpol (Batch).La marchande de9.0 -Records.9.15 -Marches.9 30 - (Bizet). ViolinConcertoinA cierges (Desty-Ackermans).La fêteLight Music.9.45 -Records.10.0- (Mozart). Impressionsurbaines foraine (Mareze-Batell). Wa ttzes.10.15 -Light Music.10.30 - (Mariotte).Gigue for Violin (Bach). 3.15 -Claude Valty (Songs). Waltz,Records.10.45 -Light Music.11.0 - Noel (Bachelet).Introduction, Act Bye, Bye (Raiter-Leval). Le marinierPopular Music. 11.15 -Light Music. III, " Lohengrin " (Wagner). (Bousquet). Sitosavais (Acker -11.30 -Orchestra. 11.45 -Dramatic mans).Vilja's Song (Lehar). Programme. 12.25 p.m. - Roman 5.15 -Records : Light Music.6.0 - 3.30 -Paris Plucked String Orchestra.Catholic Address.12.40 -News. 1.0 - Medical Talk.6.15 -Records.6.30 - OldComrades(Teike). MinuetConcert. 2.0 -Records.2.30 -Light Topical. 7.15 -Folk Songs by La (Mozart). Arlequin et ColombineMusic. 2.45 -Records. 3.0 -Light Violette Choir. 7.30 -News.7.45 - (LacOme). Glow-worm Idyll (Lincke).Music.3.30 -Music through the Ages. News (German). 8.0 --Sports. 8.15 Tambourin (Rameau).Two Nor-3.45 --Records.4.0 -Concert.4.30 - -Press Review (German). wegian Dances (Grieg).Slav DanceLight Music. 5.0 -Records. 5.30 - 8.30 -Strasbourg Cathedral Choir, and -(Dvorak). Napoli (Mezzacapo). Light Music. 6.0 -PopularMusic. Station Orchestra, Conductor : Abbe 4.0 -Two Eighteenth Century One -Act6.15 -Records. 6.30 -MusicHall. Hoch. Mlle.aicklin(Soprano), Playsbythe" Enfans-sans-Soucy,"7.0 -Records. 7.15 -LightMusic. Mlle. Rauh (Mezzo -Soprano), Mme. presented by Pierre Berezzi :(a) " La7.40 -News. Debonte(Contralto),LeBreton coupe enchant& " (La Fontaine), (b)8.0 -Concert ; at 8.30:Sports Talk. (Tenor),Buchert(Tenor),Mary " Le cocher suppose " (Hauteroche).9.15 -Operetta Music. Excerpts, " Nor- (Baritone), Mme. Briancon-Kauff- 5.0 -Light- Music by the Pascal Or- mandie "(Misraki)," Honolulu " mann (Harp), Gregoire (Violin) and chestra.7.0 -Radio -Paris Guignol by (Cazes), " Au Soleil du Mexique " Jude (Flute). Christmas Oratorio Bilboquet and Troupe :" Pif,le rot (Yvain), " Day and Night " Lecocq), (Saint-Saens).Tenor :Old German des lotins " (Croziere). In the interval : " Les Saltimbanques " (Ganne), " Die Carol. Harp Concerto in B flat Polichinelle. Teresina " (0. Straus), " Katharina " (Handel). TwoFrenchCarols. 7.30 -Jean Sorbier (Tenor).Cantique (Lober), and " Mariska " (Cazes). Baritone : Jesusde Nazareth (NadiaBoulanger). TheRosary10.0 -Records. 10.15 -Light Music. (Gounod).Schlummerlied (Brahms). (Nevin).Noel naïf (Canal).Noel10.30 -Opera Music. 10.45 -Light Wiegenlied (Brahms). Andante (Mo- d'amour (Audrain). Music. 11.0 -Records.11.15 -Light zart).Violin :(a) Andantino (Mar- 7.45-Pierrette Madd (Songs). NoelMusic.11.30 -Records. tini),(b) Chanson Louis XIIIet noir (Lenoir).La pendulette etle12.0 m't-Dance Music.12.30-1.0 a.m. Pavane (Couperin). Song of the coucou (Pearly).Musette a Vienne(Monday) -Orchestra. Lark (Mendelssohn). Marching Song (Metayer).The Rose in her Hair (Goner). Marche nocturne (Berlioz). (Warren). RADIO -ROMANIA (Brasov) 10.15 -Records.10.30 -News.11.0 - 8.0-" La Regence "-Historical Dia- (Romania) A scene from "Madame Pompadour," News (German). logues (Davenay).8.30 -News. 160 kc/s (1,875 m.) ;150 kW. which Turin broadcasts at 7.40 p.m: 11.15 -Dance Music from Paris (PTT). 8.45-" La Thebalde " or " Les FreresSee Bucharest. ennemis "-Tragedy in FiveActs STOCKHOLM (Sweden) STUTTGART (Germany) (Racine) by Comedie-Francaise Players.ROME (Italy) 704 kc/s (426.1 m.) ;55 kW. Re- 574 kcis (522.6 m.) ;100kW. 10.45 -News.11.0 -Dance Music by 713 kc/s (420.8 m.) ; 50 kW. Relayed 5.0 a.m.-See Hamburg. 7.0 -Weather ; the Goldy Orchestra. by Naples, 1,104 kcis (271.7 m.) ; layed by Motala, 216 kc/s (1,389 m.) ; Goteborg,941kc/s(318.8m.) Gym.7.25 -7.45 -For Peasants. 8.0- 11.30 p.m. -12.15 a.m. (Monday) -Light Bad (No. 1), 1,059 kc/s (283.3 m.) ; 8.30 -Protestant Service. 2), 2) and Horby, 1,131 kc/s (265.3 m.) ;and Music by the Goldy Orchestra. Selec- Bari (No. Milan (No. Boden, 392kcis (765 m.). 9.0 -See Munich. tion, " The Circus Princess " (Kal- Turin (No. 2), 1,357 kc/s (221.1 m.). 7.30 a.m.-News. 9.0 -Rural Pro-8.0 a.m.-Talk.8.20 -Talk by Eric9.30-FrohsinnChoirfromBaden- man). Je suis le passeur du printemps Westberg, with Gramophone Illustra-Baden, Conductor :Schafer. (Goublier). Vienna,City of mygramme. 10.0 -See Turin.11.0 -Bible Reading.tions :Symphony in D minor (Franck).10.0 -See Hamburg. Dreams (Sieczinski). GipsyIdyll 9.15 -9.45 -Talk. (Ferrari). Selection," Phi -Phi "11.20 -See Turin. 11.50 -Announce- 10.30 -See Leipzig. (Christine). Serenade (Drdla). Waltz,ments. 12.0 noon -News. 12.15 p.m. -10.0 -Service from Linkoping Cathe-11.0 -See Berlin ;at 12.0 noon -Topi- Gold and Silver (Lehdr).Potpourri,Sketch. 12.45 -1.15 -Orchestra.Con-dral.11.40 -News. cal.12.50 p.m. -Announcements. Dixie Land (Stoddon). ductor :Culotta.1.20-2.0-Pfte. and2.0 p.m. (from Goteborg) -Duet in B1.0 p.m. -See Frankfurt. Violin ; Popular Music. 2.15 -Records ;flat (Berwald) by Greta Swedborg (Pfte.)1.45 -From Shops and Workshops. PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) Sports. 2.30 -Football Report.3.15 -and Fridell ('Cello). Sports ;Records. 2.0-" The First Performance of We- 638 kc:s (470.2 m.) ; 120 kW. 2.30 (from Goteborg)-" Herod and theber's " Freischtitz "-Play (Locks). 4.0-"Scugnizza " - Operetta (Costa).Three Wise Men "-Children's Nativity Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m.IntheInterval:Weather;Sports. 3.0 -Light Music from Saarbriicken. Play ;Songs.2.55 -Records. SaarbriickenOrchestra,Conductor : 5.45a.m.-Gym. ;News ;Records.6.0 -Sports ;Records. 7.5 -Time ;4.0 -Swedish Academy's 150th Anni- 6.30 -Police Messages.6.40 -SacredNews.7.30 -Talk. Kasper. Marita Griindgens, Erwin Music by the Station Chorus. Conduc-7.40-" Le perle cinesi "-One-Act Playversary Festival from the Borhus. 5.0 -Hartung (Tenor), Paul Zingel ('Cello), Baptist Service.6.15 -News.6.30 -Maria Fougner and Giinther Wolfram tor :Kohn.Nemec (Organ).7 0- (G iachett i). Talk. Karlsbad Municipal Orchestra. 7.45 8.15 -Marta Linz (Violin).Music of (Pftes.). -Reading. 8.0 -Record. 8.5 -Mozart,Pergolesi,Beethoven,Doh-7.0 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor :5.0 (from Mannheim)-Gustel Schon English Lesson.8.20 -Records.8.30nanyi, Schubert, Linz and Brahms. Grevillius. Lopatnikov (Pfte.). Radio (Soprano), Schery (Pfte.) and Ger- -For Workers.8.50-Muzik Salon9.0 -ChoralConcert. 9.40 -Dance Overture (Lazar). Pfte. Concerto No. Moch (Accompanist). Von Quartet. 9.25 -Literary Talk ; Janosik.Music. 10.0 -News. 10.15 -10.55 - 2 (Lopatnikov). Walk to the Paradise ewiger Liebe (Brahms). Da unten im 9.55 -Announcements. Dance Music. Garden from " A Village Romeo and Tale (Brahms).Pfte. :Theme and Juliet " (Delius). Overture, " A Hymn Variations (Glazunov). Guten Abend, 10.0 -Smetana Choir of Pilsen.Con- Suite, ductor :Gselhofer. 10.30 -ClassicalSOTTENS (Switzerland) of Praise " (Mendelssohn). gut' Nacht (Brahms). Das Madchen Music Lam Brno. 11.0 -Cathedral 677 kcis (443.1 m.) ; 100 kW. Relayed " Feramors " (Rubinstein). spricht(Brahms). 5.30 -Swabia - Chimes. 11.5 -Records. 11.10 - by Geneva, 401 kc/s (748 m.). 8.30 -Topical.8.45 -News. DialectProgramme. 6.30 -Talk : News. 8.55 a.m.-Chimes. 9.0 -Protestant9.0 -10.0 -Light Orchestral. Gymnastics and Sport. WORLD -RADIO [37

6.55 -Talk on the following Opera. 1,140kc/s(263.2m.) ;Florence,12.5p.m. -Radio Orchestra. Con- SUNDAY (December 2 0) 610 kc/s (491.8 in.) ;Bolzano, 536ductor : Schanherr. 2.0 -News. 7.0-" The Pearl Fishers "-Opera in N. Three Acts (Bizet).Station Orchestra kc's (559:7 m.) : and Rome (No. 3),2.15 -Book Review. and Choir, Conductor :Gorlich. Cast : 1.258 kc;s (238.5 m.). 2.40 -Chamber Music.Bailer (Pfte.) String7.0 a.m.-Time ; Hymn ; For Farmers. FritzKrauss, Mathieu Ahlersmeyer,7.30 a.m.-News. 9.0 -Rural Pro- and the Rothschild Quartet. 7.50 -News. 8.0(fromLwaw)- Georg Hann, and Felicie Huni-Mihac-gramme.10.0 -Mass from the Church Quartet in F (Haydn).Pfte. QuintetService. After the Service :Records. sck.9.0 -Time ;News. of the , Florence.11.0- in G minor (Zarebski). 10.57 -Fanfare. Christmas Eve inthe 9.30 -See Deutschlandsender. Bible Reading. 3.25 -Talk : 11.3 -Cracow Philhdrmonic. Con - 11.04 .0 a.m. (Monday) -See Frankfurt.11.20 -Felice Luscia ('Cello) and LuigiDolomites. 3.50 -Christmas Compe- doctor :Dymmek. Gimpel (Violin). Galin° (Pfte.). tition. 4.15 -Andreas Thom reads. Excerpts, " Pan Twardowski " TOULOUSE (Radio -Toulouse) (France)11.50-1.15 p.m. -See Rome. 4.40 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor : (Rozycki). Violin Concerto in D 2.15 -4.0: -See Rome. Holzer ;'at 6.0 :Programme Notes ; minor(Wieniawski). Overture 913 kc/s (328.6 m.) ; 60 kW. Sports. (Moniuszko). Gipsy Dance, " Jawn- Transmits at intervals from 11.0 a.m.4.0 -Symphony Concert from the Teatro6.45 -VarietyConcert. JechaJazz uta "(Moniuszko). Serenade for Adriano Rome. Conductor : Hidemaro 12.0 noon -News. 12.15 p.m. -Sketch. ' ., - . . ,,Band ;the Mandl Quartet ; Mimi Strings (Karlowicz).Mazurka (Zar- Konoye. Overture,Lamavai roman' (Soprano), Arnold (Tenor) ;Horn zycki) ; at12.0noon : Theatre 12.40 -Salon Orchestra.(Berlioz). 12.55-News.BrixSymphonie Concertante 1.10 -Operetta Songs. " Un dela (Compere), Hruby (Pfte.). Notes. (Mozart.Oriente imma *nario (Mali- Canebiere " (Scotto), " La Fille demero). Japanese SongSuigite (Enteracia).7.45-" The Pilgrimage to Kevelaar,"I.0p.m. -Report. 1.15 -Announce - Madame Angot "(Lecocq)," AuSeventh- Symphony (Beethoven). Ballad(Heine). 7.50 -Report andments.1.45 -For Farmers. pays du Soleil"(Scotto),"A Waltz6.0 -7.40 -See Rome. Recitation. 2.15-Rynas Orchestra. March (Grieg). Dream " Straus). 8.10-" Dr. Abernethy "-Play (Alicia Waltz(Schutt). ConcertPolka 1.25-Village(0.Band. 1,40 -Military7.40-" Madame Pompadour "-Oiler- (Poliakin). Serenade (Pinozzi). etta(Fall). In the intervals :News' Ramsey and Rudolph de Cordova) Band. 1.55 -News. 2.0 -2.15 -Pro- Trans. :Fraser. 9.10 -News. Melody (Rubinstein). Intermezzo testant Service. (German) ;Talk. Potpourri of Old Waltzes 5.0 -Orchestra. 5.15(Kockert).andAriasbyLajos -Chansonnettes.5.35 -Dance Music.10.0 -News. 10.15-10.55 - Dance9 -30 -Songs (Robrecht).Exotic Dance (Schmal- 5.55-News.6.5 -Light Music.6.40Music. Kertesz(Tenor). Esmussein stich). -Salon Orchestra. 6.50 -News. Wunderbares sein (Liszt). Im Rhein, im schonen Strome(Liszt). Die3.0 -The Dialogues of Plato -Part It 7.0-" Amours de Marins "Fantasy.VIENNA (Austria) Lorelei (Liszt).Aria, " Bank ban ".. The Defence of Socrates." 4.0- at7.55: News. atationOrchestrafromtheHotel 7.40 -Light Music ; 592kc/s(506.8rn.) 100 kW. (Erkel). Wiegenlied (Dienzl). Tranen 8.17 -Hunting Horns.8.P -Variety. . .' ThreeBristol.Conductor :Gorzynski ;at melayed by Graz and Linz, 886 kc/s (Hubay). Song(Figedy). 4.55 :Topical. 6.0 (from LwOw)- 8.40 -Orchestra and Songs. 8.55- (338.6m.) ; Innsbruck, 519kc/s Hungarian Folk Songs(Dohnanyi). News. 9.10 -Light Music. 9.45- Spring (Kodaly). LiterarySketch. 6.15 -Programme Paris Programme. (578 m.); Klagenfurt and Vorarlberg, Notes.6.20 -Records.7.20 -Sports 1,294 kc/s (231.8 m.) ; and Salzburg,10.10--" GreetingsfromVienna "-7.40 -Politics.7.50 -News. 8.0 (frorr 10.15 -Excerpts, "White Horse Inn 1,348 kc/s (222.6 m.). (Stolz-Benatzky). 10.40 -Film Music Records.10.30 -News. Lwow) -Variety. and Songs. 10.55 -News. 11.0-Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. 8.30 -Sonata in B minor (Liszt)bl Orchestra. 11.15-Chansonnettes. 11.408.45 a.m.-"Cacilienmesse" (Lemacher),WARSAW (Poland) Woytowicz (Pfte.). -Dance Music. 11.55 -News. 12.5from the Franciscan Church.10.0- 224kc/s(1,339m.) ; 120 kW.9.0-10.0 (from Lwaw)--Seredytiski Or a.m. (Monday) -Light Music.12.20-For Farmers.10.40 -Announcements. Relayedby 'Cracow, 1,022kc/s chestra. Overture," Lysistrata ' Jazz. 12.30 -Announcements. 10.45 -Vienna SymphonyOrchestra. (293.5m.) ;Katowice,758'eels (Lincke). Potpourri (Robrecht). Da! Conductor :Nilius. Steiner (Violin). (395.8m.) ; Ladz, 1,339kc/s Narzissenmadel (Siede). Walt: TURIN (No. 1) (Italy) Symphony in E flat (Oberleithner). (224 m.) ; Lwow, 795 kc/s (377.4 m.) ; (Hilderbrandt).Suite, At the Circa 1,140 kc/s (263.2 m.) ; 7 kW. Relayed Violin and Orchestra :Phantastisches Poznan, 868 kc/s (345.6 m.) ;Torun, -(Armandola).Polka, Nelly (Eisler) by Milan (No. 1) 814 kc/s (368.6 m.) ; Nachtstfick (Burgstaller). Overture 986 kc/s (304.3 m.) ;and Wilno, Mazurka (Lewandowski). Genoa. 986 kes (304.3 m.) ; Trieste. in F (Pausoertl). 536 kc/s (559.7 m.). 10.0 -Dance Records.


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FRANKFURT, News.7.10 -Hauck and Engels (Tenor) (Dittersdorff, BRATISLAVA, News (Czech, Hui Band, Soprano, Baritone. Schulz, Haydn). garian). 9.30 -Talk. 9.35- HAMBURG, News.7.10 -Hanover - DEGUeTczSyCBHaLndANDSENDER, von Scottish Dance Music froi yDecember 21 Bremen Exchange Concert.7.55- London. BRESLAU, News. 9.30 - 'Cello Concerto in A minor (Klug-EIFFEL TOMR, HomeAffairs. " Christnacht " - Nativity PI hardt).hardy.HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), 8.30 -Talk. 8.45 -Symbolism in (Haas) (Recorded). BRNO, 9.30- Report. 7.40 -News. 7.50 - Music and Poetry -Orchestra, Maria Talk.9.35 -Scottish Dance Musie News. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), N.C.R.V. Orchestra. HILVERSUM BranezeandVerroust(Songs), fromLondon. BUCHARES V.A.R.A.Orchestra.6.15 -Talks. (301.5 m.), Talk.7.10 -Children's Honnert(Recitations),Gouverne and RADIO -ROMANIA, Dinic 4 p.m. Choir. Orchestra. 9.45 -News (Frenct KALUNDBORG, Time ;News ; Talk. Choir,Records. 7.40-News ; BERLIN,Contralto,Pfte.(Bach, Records. 7.55 -Rotterdam Phil -FRANKFURT, Band, etc. (contd.). German, Romanian). BUDAPES KONIGSBERG, SeeBerlin.6.15- HAMBURG, 'Cello Concerto(contd.). (IL Orchestra and Choir (contd. Reger). 4.30 -Books. 4.50- Old Folk Song Suite (Frotscher). harmonic. Conductor : Swaap. Reading. BEROMONSTER and Flesch (Violin). 8.15 -Light Or hestral. HILER-COLOGNE, Time ;News. 9.2 SOTTENS, Haydn Music. 4.50- 6.45 -Topical. SUM (1,875 rn.)c, Orchestra (contd.); Talk.9.30 -Orchestra,- Flute. LEIPZIG, See Berlin. 6.15 -ChristmasKALUNDBORG, Orchestra,Songs. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, New Contredanses (Mozart). BRESLAU, at8.40 : Talk. HILVERSUM Party. 6.50 -Talk. 7.40 - Revue. KONIGSBERG, 9.30-11 Trillo del Diavolo (Tartini Light Orchestral. 4.50 -Books. News. 7.10 -Revue(Albrecht- (301.5m.),RotterdamPhilhar- BUDAPEST (1), 4.25-Pfte. MONTE CENERI, 6.15 -Records. Walter -Knauer). monic (contd.). EIFFEL TOWER, Symbolism i Sonata 6.30 -Parliamentary Review. 6.45- KALUNDBORG, 8.5 -18th Century Music and Poetry (contd.). COLOGNE,4.10 -Violin MONTECENERI, 'Cello,Pfte. , (Bettingen).4.40 -Talk. News. MOSCOW, Concert. Mystery Play (arr. Dumreicher) ; In- FRANKFURT, Time ;News. 9.13 Light MUNICH, See Berlin. 6.15- 7.30 -Talk :Tolstoi.7.45 -Vocal cidental Music by Grondahl. 8.55 - A 1937Calendar. 9.30 -Se DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, andInstrumental. MOSCOW, Cologne. ( Orchestral. Cantata. News. KONIGSBERG, Revue FRANKFURT,Carols. 4.30-Talk.OSLO, News. 6.30 -Indian Love Concert. MUNICH, News. 7.10- (contd.). HAMBURG, News. 9.25 -Varier HILVERSUM(301.5m.),4.40- Lyrics (Woodforde-Finden). " World Congress for Leisure andLILLE, Accordion Records.8.15- 9.50 -Concert from Cologne. Hl I Recreation"inRetrospect -Re- VERSUM (1,875m.),Orchestra . Orchestra. PARIS (PTT), Orchestra (contd.). Talk. 8.30 -Orchestra, Songs. A.R.A. LightOrchestral. ports and Music (Recorded). (contd.) :at 9.40: News. HI L KONIGSBERG, Marie -Louise Thiebault (Songs) MONTE CENERI, Vocal and In- VERSUM (301.5 i 4.35 -Microphone Visit. 4.50- OSLO, Reports from Oslo and Bergen m.), Rotterdar (Wagner, Faure ). 6.30 -News. strumental. 8.30 -To be announced. Philharmonic(contd.). 9.10- Books. POSTE PARISIEN, Records. 6.30 Ports.7.30 -Cabaret. MOSCOW, German Talks. MU- 4.30-Concert. Recitations.9.25--" De Stem de MOSCOW, -Exchange , Topical. 6.55-PARIS (PTT), Reviews.7.38 -Paris NICH,"World Congress for Lei- Volks " Workers' Choir and Artists PARIS(PIT), HenrietteRoget Violin. PRAGUE, News. 6.10-- sure and Recreation."(contd.). (Organ). 4.30-Poems ; Talk. Symphony Orchestra (Delibes, Sil- at 9.40 :News. ' French. 6.25 -Light Orchestral. ver). POSTE PARISIEN, Violin.OSLO, Cabaret(contd.). 8.10-KALUNDBORG, News. 9.10 -Re [ 4.35 inD PRAGUE, -Quintet 6.55 -Talk. Foreign Affairs.8.40 -News. . ''(Fibich). 7.6 -News. 7.32 -Records ; Books. pons. 9.40 ---Mandoline and Harr ROME, News.4.15 -Dance Music.RADIO-NORMANDIE, Children's 7.52 -Variety. PRAGUE, Talk.PARIS (PTT), Florent Schmitt Music. KONIGSBERG, News. 9.20 - STRASBOURG and RADIO -PARIS, Corner. 6.45 -Talk; News. 7.10 -To be announced. 7.40- Claire Chalande (Songs), the COM- "Feuer auf den Bergen "-Winte . Cnictior Cantata (I-Iplahortl0 ill- ( ay Ropartz STUTTGART, SeeDeutschland - Concert from Cologne. sender. 4.45 -Microphone Visit. CHAMBER MUSIC LEIPZIG, News. 9.30 -See Cologne. TURIN, News.4.15 -Dance Music. PRINCIPAL EVENTS 7.35 Sottens : Contemporary music. LILLE, Orchestra, Songs. VIENNA, 4.15 -Advent Songs and SYMPHONY CONCERTS MOSCOW, 9.5 -English Programme: Christmas Carols. Vienna Chamber 8.30 Warsaw : Chamber orchestra. (a)U.S.S.R.Review,(b)1905 Orchestra.4.50-Pfte.: Kreisler- 4.0 Strasbourg, Radio -Paris : Haydn, Ropartz. 9.0 Strasbourg : The Paris Quintet. Revolution Reminiscences, (c) Rev- iana (Schumann). 7.55Hilversum (301.5 m.)Rotterdam Phil.,9.15 Oslo :Quartet (Debussy). olution Songs, (d) Russian Lesson. Carl Flesch (violin). MUNICH, News. 9.20-A German 11.0Stuttgart, Frankfurt :Classics. Express in telephonic Communica- 5 p.m. 8.45Budapest 1 : Christmas Cantata ; BrahmsRECITALS tionwith -an AmericanExpress. No. 1. BERLIN, Carols. 5.15 -Records. 4.0 Frankfurt : Carols. 9.30 -See Cologne.

OSLO, Topical.9.15 -Quartet in GI 5.50 - Address by Dr. Goebbels. LIGHT CONCERTS . ' 6.0 Konigsberg :Old folk -songs. BEROMONSTER, Talk. 5.5 - 12.15 Radio -Paris : Popular programme. (Debussy). Music.5.30 -Talk. BRESLAU, 7.40Kalundborg :Pfte. (Schubert). PARIS (PTT), Plays (contd.). POSTE Light Orchestral.5.50 -See Berlin. 2.0 Kalundborg : Orchestral Suites. 8,0 Paris (PTT) : Florent Schmitt prog. PARISIEN, Humorous Programme. 9.17 -Lecture -Recital :The Piano. BUDAPEST (1). Pfte. 3.0Deutschlandsender : Popular orchestral. 8.5 Radio -Paris : Song, guitar. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Books. 5.0 Stuttgart, etc.: Variety concert. 9.50 -Chamber Music.PRAGUE, 5.20 -Talk.5.40 -Music.5.50- 9.30Breslau :Alpine Christmas music. News. 9.15 -Records. 9.30 - 6.30Warsaw : Orchestra, songs. ' Talk.9.35 -Scottish Dance Music ' See Berlin. PLAYS EIFFEL TOWER, Sorbonne Lecture. 7.0 Kalundborg : Russian proggramme. from London. HAMBURG, Opera Records.5.50 -- 7.0 Stockholm :Naval band, songs. 8.0 Brussels 1:" Andromaque." RADIO-NORMANDIE, Concert Se:. Berlin. HILVERSUM (1.875m.), 8.5 Kalundborg : An old Christmas play. RADIO -PARIS, Concert(contd.) Records. 5.25-" Soli Den Gloria " 7.10Breslau : Variety programme. ROME, Variety. 7.10Deutschlandsender : Barnabas von Geczy. 8.30Paris (PTT) : " The Critic " (Sheridan). SOTTENS,Contemporary Music Orchestra. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), LAST NEWS BULLETINS (subject to slight alterations) V.A.R.A. Orchestra. 7.15Beromiinster : Folk music. (contd.).9.15 -League of Nations KALUNDBORG,VienneseSongs. 7.45Warsaw ;8.30, Radio -Paris ; 8.40, Oslo ; Report. STOCKHOLM, Quartets 7.40Rome, Turin : Orchestral, vocal. (Henriques, Haydn). STRAS- t 5.20 -Talk. 5.35 -English. 8.45, Stockholm ;9.0, German Stations, BOURG, Paris Quintet. LEIPZIG,Orchestra andMunich 7.55Athlone : Orch., contralto songs. Prague, Vienna ; 9.5, Beromtinster , Chamber Duo (Carols to the Lute). 8.45 Eiffel Tower : French programme. STUTTGART, News. 9.30 -Trunk 5.50 -See Berlin. 9.45. Bucharest ; 10.0, Brussels, Italian Songs. 9.45 -Concert from Cologne. 5.15 -Literature. 8.45 Radio -Paris : Conservatoire concert. TURIN, " Oberon " (contd.). 9.20 - MOSCOW, Notes. Stations ;10.30, Athlone, Paris (PTT) ; 9.30 -Dance Music. 5.45 -Concerts. 8.50 Rome : Variety concert. 11.5, Budapest 1. Talk. OSLO, Radio Ensemble. 5.50 - 9.30Cologne, etc.: Serenade. VIENNA, " Oberon " (contd.). 9.20 - News. DANCE MUSIC News. 9.30 -Light Orchestral. PARIS (PTT), Paris Symphony Or- 9.30 Warsaw: Folk music. WARSAW, Concert (contd.).9.30 - chestra(Gluck). 5.30 -Talks. 9.35Regional, Prague : Scottish Dances. 7.10Berlin ; 9.30, Turin 10.0, Warsaw; 10.15, Folk Dances. PRAGUE, For Farmers. 5.10 - 11.30 Radio -Paris : Robert Orchestra. Rome ;10.20, Hilversum(301.5m.): German Talks, Reading and News. OPERA 10.25, Regional; 10.35, National ;11.0, 10 p.m. 5.55 -Record. 7.0 Vienna, Turin (8.50) : " Oberon." Radio Normandie, Radio -Paris. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records. 5.30 ATHLONE, Variety. 10.30 -News. -Light Music. 5.45 -London BRESLAU. Play (contd.). BUDA- Productions. RADIO -PARIS, PEST (1), News (Ger.); Records. 5.10 -Talk. RADIO -PARIS, Talks. 6.30 - " Bethlehem "-Nativity Play with poseraccompanying ; Pauline Anniversaries. Paris Symphony Orchestra (Schu- Music (Maack). Gordon (Pfte.) and Others.8.30 -COLOGNE and MOST GERMAN 5.30 -Paris Symphony Orchestra. Plays :(a) " The Critic " (Sheridan- STATIONS, Orchestra, Flute. Marie -LouiseThiebault(Songs). bert. Saint -Satins, Chabrier, Ravel).RADIO-NORIVIANDIE, Sports.7.20 DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Cantata ROME, 5.0 -5.10 -Poems. 5.50 -ROME, Records ; Sports ; Talk -Xylophone. 7.40 -News.RA- Delacre), (b) " The Feast of Bac- (French). chus " (Schnitzler-Cla,user). POSTE (Gerhard Schumann). Notes. 6.20 -News (Foreign DIO -PARIS,Orchestra(contd.). EIFFEL TOWER, Symbolism in SOTTENS, For Woman. 5.30 - Languages). 7.28 -Markets. 7.30 -Home PARISIEN, Paul Reboux.8.17 - Music and Poetry (contd.). Esperanto ; Chess. 5.50 -MusicSOTTENS, Music Lesson. 6.15 - Affairs.7.40 -Books. 7.50 -Story. Songs of 1912.8.32 -Humorous Lesson. STRASBOURG, Markets. Radio Magazine. 6.50 -News. ROME and TURIN, 7.5 -Time ; Programme. PRAGUE, PlayHILVERSUM (1,875 m.), Orchestra 5.45 -Records. STRASBOURG, For Farmers. 6.15 News. 7.30 -Talk. 7.40-0i- (contd.). (contd.).10.10 -Records, Reading. 5.15 -Talk. -Records. 6.30 -News. STUTT- RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records. HILVERSUM (301.5m.),Choir STUTTGART, COLOGNE, chestra.Conductor :Antonicelli. 10.10 -Records.10.20 - FRANKFURT, KONIGSBERG, GART, See Berlin.6.15 -Variety Totidal Monte (Soprano), Luigi 8.40-" The Bird's Awakening "- (contd.). MUNICH. Variety Concert.Olga Concert (contd.)6.45 -Report. Montesanto (Baritone). Variety. RADIO -PARIS, 8.5 -Mar - Dance Band.10.55 -Records. Praguer - Coelho(BrazilianFolkTURIN, News (Foreign Languages). cells Samson and. Leonor del -Cas- KtALUNDBORG, Christmas Greetings VIENNA, News.6.15 -For YoungSOTTENS, Ohl Music for Violin, tillo (Songs to the Guitar). 8.30 - to the Faroe Isles. , Songs), Balalaika Orchestra, Brindle People. 6.20 -Talk.6.30 -Books. Viola da Gamin and Harpsichord. Review. 8.45 -Concert arrangedPARIS (PTT), Plays (contd.). 10.30 - Band, etc.5.50 -See Berlin. 6.45 -Notes. 7.20 -Talk. 7.35 -Contemporary by the Conservatoire Old Students News. POSTE PARISIEN, Chain - VIENNA, Pfte.(contd.). 5.10 -WARSAW, 6.30 -Orchestra, Tenor. Music (Ferroud, Hindemith, Mey- Association. Conservatoire Women's bar Music. 10.30 -Records. Talk. 5.35 -English. rowiez). STOCKHOLM, Naval Choir, Recitations, Pfte. ROME,RADIO-NORMANDLE, Concert. Band,Songs. STRASBOURG, Concert. (contd.). 8.40 -Talk. RADIO -PARIS, Concert (contd.). 7 p.m. Reviews. 7.15 -Records. 7.30 - 8.50 -Variety. 10.45 -News Time. ROME, 6 p.m. News (French, German). STUTT-SOTTENS, Contemporary Music News. 10.15LDance Music. ATHLONE, 6.15 -Round the Coun-ATHLONE, Variety in Trash.7.40 - GART, News. 7.10 -Celebrity (contd.). STOCKHOLM, Reading. STRASBOURG, Quintet(contd.). ties. 6.35 -IrishNews. 6.45 - Talk. 7.55 -Orchestra, Sdney Gil - Records. 8.30 -Records of Rubinstein (Pfte.). 10.30 -News. News. trap (Contralto) (Mozart, Dvorak).VIENNA, " Oberon " (Weber). Vien- 8.45 -News. STRASBOURG, TURIN, News. 10.15 - Dance BERLIN, Address (contd.).6.15 -BERLIN and LEIPZIG, News. 7,10 - na Opera Choir and Vienna Sym- News (German).8.15 -Rich (Or- Music. phonyOrchestra. Conductor ; VIENNA, Light Orchestral Soprano,Pfte.(R. Strauss, Liszt, Dance Music BEROMONSTER, gan), Mlle. Fricker and M. Mary Marx). 6.45 - Echoes.BERO- Talk. 7.15-Grolimund'sFolk Kabasta. (Songs) from the Church of Saint -WARSAW, Dance Records. MONSTER, Time.6.5 - Books. Music Arrangements -Yodels andWARSAW, Orchestra (contd.). 7.45 - Pierre -le -Vieux. STUTTGART, 6.15 -Neapolitan Folk Songs. 6.30 HeimatklingeOrchestra. Con- News. Austrian Christmas Music.Stutt- -News. 6.40 -ClassicalMusic. ductor : The -Composer. BRATIS- gart String Quartet, Station Choir 11 p.m. 6.50 -Talk. BRESLAU, See Berlin. LAVA, 7.40-" The Tidings brought and Orchestra, etc. 6.15 -Play (Hultsch). BUCHAREST to Mary "-Play (Claude!) ;Music TURIN, See Rome.8.40 -Notes.BUDAPEST (1),1 1 .5 -News. and RADIO - ROMANIA, Talk. by Odchazel. BRESLAU, News. 8 p.m. 8.50 -Act III, " Oberon" (Weber)HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), Reading. 6.45 -Pictures from an Exhibition 7.10-" HappyHoliday "-Christ- from Vienna. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), Records. (Mussorgsky). BUDAPEST (I), mas Sequence (Schenke) ; MusicATHLONE, Orchestra (contd.).8.25 VIENNA, " Oberon " (contd.). MOSCOW, Spanish Talk. byS6zuka. BUCHARESTand -ChristmasStory. 8.40 -Or-WARSAW, Records.8.30 -Pomer- RADIO-NORMANDIE, Dance Music. Songs. 6.35 - Kosztolany Com- chestra (Litolv, Verdi). . memoration. RAD1O-ROMANIA, Pictures from anian Music Society Concert from 11.30 -From the Cabane Norm ande. COLOGNE, See Berlin.6.15 -See anExhibition(contd.). 7.15 -BERLIN and LEIPZIG, Dance Music. the Conservatoire.String Orches- RADIO -PARIS, Dance Music. Stuttgart.6.45 -Film Notes. Talk. 7.30 -Quartet in B flat (Beet- BEROMONSTER, Reading. 6.25 - tra. Conductor :Guttry. Boczek 11.30 -Robert Orchestra. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, See Ber- hoven) by the Theodoresco Quartet. PolishSongs and Dances from (Flute). (dal Abaco, Bach, Handel). STRASBOURG News(German). lin. 6.15 -Musical Sequence. 6.45- BUDAPEST (I), Kosztolany Com- Warsaw. BRATISLAVA,Play STUTTGART, and FRANKFURT, (Claudel)(contd.). BRESLAU, Serenade(Beethoven, Schumann). ' Topical. memoration (contd.). 7.25-Cigany EIFFEL TOWER, Talks. Band. Sequence (contd.).BUCHAREST FRANKFURT, See Berlin.6.15 -COLOGNE, News. 7.10 -Weekly andRADIO -ROMANIA, 8.5 - 9 p.m. Winter SolsticeFestival. 6.40 - Review. Books.8.10 -Songs.8.30 -News.ATHLONE. Orchestra (contd.). 9.10- 12 midnight Topical ;Markets. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, News. 8.45-Dinicu Orchestra. BUDA- " The Closed Door "-Christmas HAMBURG, See [Berlin. 6.15 -To 7.10 -von Geczy Band. PEST (1), Cigany Band.8.45 - Play (Rev. John Costello).9.30 -RADIO-NORMANDIE, Dance Music. be announced.6.25 -Concerto forEIFFEL TOWER, News. 7.20 - OperaOrchestra. Conductor : Variety. 12.30 -Orchestra. RADIO -PARIS,' TwoPftes. (Bresgen). 6.45 - ForeignAffairs. 7.30 -Talk : Vaszy. Palestrina Choir (limy,BERLIN, News. 9.15 -Listen to this ! Robert Orchestra. Topical.HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), Scotland. 7.45 -Review. 7.55 - Brahma). 9.30 -Orchestra. Pte. BEROMON-STUTTGART, and FRANKFURT. Orchestra (contd.).6.10 -Letters ; Home Affairs, COLOGNE, Cologne String Quartet STER, PolishMusic (contd.) Serenade (contd.). if


NATIONAL ATHLONE (Ireland) BRNO (Czechoslovakia) BUDAPEST (No. 2) (Hungary)MONDAY (December 21) I 565 kc/s (531 m.) ; 60 kW. Relayed 922 kc/s (325.4 m.) ;32 kW. 359.5 kc/s (834.5 in.) 18 kW. Time Signals (normally) :Big Ben. by Dublin, 1,348 1(0 (222.6 m.) ;Transmits at intervals from 6.15 a.m.4.45 p.m. -Talk. '6.0 -Records. 10.15 a.m., 5.15 p.m., 12 midnight. and Cork, 1,240 kc/s (241.9 m.). 4.40 p.m. -Talks in German.5.15 -8.30 -News. 8.45-GyorgySetat Greenwich, 10.30 a.m., 2.0, 6.0, 9.0,1.30-3.0 p.m. -Records.5.30 -Chil-News. 5.20 -Art' Review. 5.30 -Quintet. 11.0 a.m.-Hanover Castle Concert 11.30 p.m. dren's Hour. Record. 1.35 - For Workers. 1.0 p.m. -News. 1.20 -Music.2.0 8.30-8.50 a.m. (D) -Second Test 5.45 -6.10 -See Prague.6.10 -French -Shipping. 2.20 -Soprano, Baritone. Match -Alan Kippax from Sydney.6.15 -RoundtheCounties -Mona- COLOGNE (Germany) ghan : M.MacMahon (Fiddle) ;Lesson. 658 kc/s (455.9 m.) ;100 kW. 2.50 -Ice Report. 10.15 (D) -Service. Kildare :Luke McGarr (Accordion).6.25 -9.30 -See Prague. 9.30 -Talk 3.0 -Station DanceBand. 4.0 - 10.30 (D) -Weather Forecast. 9.35 -Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 4.20 - 6.35 -Irish News Feature. 6.45 -on the 9.35 Transmission. 11.0 a.m.-Band. 12.0 noon -News. Dialect Sequence (Schacht). 10.45 -Cinema Organ. News. 7.0 -Variety in Irish comperedScottish Dance Music front London. Sailors'ChristmasYarn(Pltimpe). 11.15 -Records. 7.40 -10.0 -10.20 -Sec Prague. 12.15 p.m. -Concert from Hamburg.4.45 -Talk. 12.0 p.m. -The BBC Northern Irelandby Giolla Chriost O'Broin. 1.0 -News.I.15 -Station Schrammel An Expert in Obstruction -Joe Biggar. I.45 -Markets: 2.0 -2.30 -5.0 -Opera Records. 5.40 -For Orchestra, conducted by Peterby John Muldoon, K.C. Ensemble. Farmers. 5.50 -See Berlin.6.15 -- Montgomery ;David Wilson (Bari- BRUSSELS (No. .1) (Belgium)Story.2.45 -Markets. 7.55 -Radio Orchestra.Conductor : 4.13 -To be announced. tone). Lieut. J. M. Doyle. Sidney Giltnap 620 Ws (483.9 m.) ;15 kW. 3.0 -See Deutschlandsender. 6.25 -Concerto for Two Pftes. (Bres- 1.0 -See 8.30 a.m. Transmits at intervals from 6.37 a.m. Edmund LOns talks about his Brother, (Contralto). Excerpts, " Cost fan Hermann Ions. gen). 1.20 -Arnold Goldshrough-Organ. tutte "(Mozart). SlavDances6.15 p.m. -Salon Orchestra. 6.45 -See Deutschlandsender.7.0 - 2.0 -Records. 6.50 -Sonata (Chopin) by Pousseele4.10 -Violin SonataonOldFolk (Dvorak). 8.25-AChristmas Songs andpances (Bettingen). 4.40 --News. 2.30 -Sophie Rowlands(Soprano) ; Story by Francis MacManus. ('Cello) and Ebbecke (Pfte.1. Review ;Talk. 7.10 - Hanover -Bremen Exchange Tom Kinniburgh (Bass). 8.40 -Radio Orchestra.Conductor :7.15 -Bridge ; Colonial Programme.Part 1: From Bremen. 3.0 -Records. Science Review.7.30 -News. 5.0 -See Stuttgart. 5.50-6-15 - See Lieut.J.M. Doyle. Overture, Berlin. 6.45 -Film Notes. 7.0 -BremenWorkers singand play. 3.30 -The Harp Trio. "Maximilian Robespierre" (Litolv).8.0-" Andromaque " - Tragedyin Part II: From Hanover.Mandoline 4.0-Dancet Records. Selection" 11 Trovatore " (Verdi). Five Acts (Racine), withIncidentalNews. 7.10 -Weekly Review. 4.30 -Maurice Reeve (Pfte.). Music by Saint-Saens.Conductor :8.0 -CologneStringQuartet andand Zither Bands. Wager,9.10-" The Cloted Door "-Christ- Engels(Tenor). QuartetinD7.55 -'Cello Centeno in A minor 5.0 -Five O'Clock-Phyllis mas Play(Rev. JohnCostello).Dejoncker. 10.0 -News. (K lughardt). "The Mountains of the Arctic." 10.10 -11.0 -Records " Louise "- (Dittersdorf). Songs (Schulz). Produced by John MtcDonagh. 9.30 8.15 -Station Orchestra. Festlicher 5.15 -The Alphas. -Variety.10.30 -11.0 -News. Opera (Charpentier). Vogelquartett (Haydn). 6.0 --The First News. Auftakt (Schmalstich). Flight of 6.20 -The Kentucky Minstrels. the Bumble -Bee (Rimsky-Korsakov). 7.20 -The Geraldo Orchestra. BANSKA-BYSTRICA Mephisto-Walter (Liszt).I rrlichter 8.0 -Street Show. (Czechoslovakia) (Jensen-Lehnhoff). Rhapsody on 8.30 -Solomon (Pfte.). 392 kcjs (765 m.) ; 30 kW. Swabian Folk Songs (Kiimpfert). Relays Czechoslovak Stations. Excerpt,"Romeo and Juliet" 9.0 -The Third News. (Berlioz). 9.0 -News. 9.20 -World Affairs. 9.25 -Variety. 9.35 -The BBC Orchestra (Section E),BERLIN (Germany) 9.50 -11.0 -Concert from Cologne. led by Laurance Turner ; The BBC 841 kc,'s (356.7 m.) ;100 kW. Chorus (Section A), conducted byTransmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. Leslie Woodgate. 11.0 a.m.-See Hamburg.1.0 p.m. - HILVERSUM (1,875 m.) 10.35 -Billy Gerhardi Band. News. 1.15 -Marchand Waltz (Holland), 11.30 -12.0 -Round London at Night, Records. 2.0 -Exchange ;Markets. 3.30 -Winter EveninginaYouth 160 kc/s ;10 kW until 2.40 p.m. ;' Hostel. 100 kW from 2.40 p.m. N.C.R.V. Programme. REGIONAL 4.0 -Bach and Reger Contralto and Christmas in Pfte. Music. 4.30 -Books. 4,50 -Read- 7.40-9.10 a.m.-Bible Reading , Medi- Time Signals(normally) :Big Bening. 5.0-01d Favourite Carols. 5.15 - tation ;Records. 10.10 -Service. 10.15 a.m., 5.15. p.m., 12 midnight.Records : " Turandot " (Puccini). 5.50 10.40 -Reading.11.10 -Records ; at Greenwich,10.30a.m.,2.0,7.0,-N.S.D.A.P.Christmas Festival. Poland; in a 11.40:News. 12.10 p.m.-Zwart 10.0, 11.30 p.m. Address by Dr. Goebbels, (Organ).1.40 -For Schools.2.15 - 10.30-10.45 a.m.--Droitwich. Records. 2.40 -3.20 -Talk. 3.40, - 6.15 -Richard Strauss, Lisztand peasant's 10.45 -BBC Scottish Orchestra ; Mar-MarxSoprano andPfte. Music. Bible Reading.4.40 -Records. jory Lorimer (Mezzo -Contralto). 6.45 -Evening Echoes. 7.0 -News. 5.25-" Soli Deo Gloria " Orchestra. 11.45 -Haydn Heard and his Band. 7.10 -Dance Music -Station Orches- Conductor : ter Braake. 6.10 -Letter- 12.45 p.m. -A Voyage on a Pilgrimtra, Bund Band,etc. 9.0 -News. house box ; News ;Report. 7.40 -News. Steamer -A. T. Begot. . 9.15-" Listen to this ! " 7.50.-N.C.R.V.Orchestra. Con- 1.0 -Records. 9.30-11.0- Raue Orchestra.Hansche ductor :v.d. Hurk ;at8.40 :Talk 1.45 -Arthur Salisbury Orchestra. and Narath (Pftes). and at 9.40: News. 10.10 -11.10 - 2.30 -The BBC WelshOrchestra ; Records, followed by Bible Reading. Gwladys Naish (Soprano). 3.30 -Horace Finch -Organ. BEROMUNSTER 3.45 (Scottish) -ForScottish Un- (Switzerland) HILVERSUM (301.5 m.) employed. 556kc/s(539.6m.) ; 100 kW. (Holland) 4.0(ex. Midland) -Margot Mac - Relayed by Basleand Berrie, 995 kc/s ;15 kW until 2.40 p.m. ; Gibbon (Violin) ;Frederick Jackson 1,375 Ice's (218.2 in.). 60 kW from 2.40 p.m. (Kite.). 11.0 a.m.-12.45 p.m. -See Sottens. V.A.R.A. Programme. 4.0 (Midland)-Maebel Dunn (So-3.0 -For Women. 3.30 -Folk Music 7.40 a.m.-Records. prano) ;Harold Green (Tenor) -by a French Horn Quartet.3.50 - 9.40-V.P.R.O. Religious Programme. Eileen Murphy (Pfte.). Haydn Music by d'Alessandro E.N.A. 10.0 -Recitations and Records.11.0 4.30 -Hotel Victoria Orchestra. (Guitar) and the Deuber Trio. 4.50- -Steyn (Organ).11.40 -Records. 5.15 --The Children's Hour. Contre-danses (Mozart). 5.0 -Talk. 11.55 -Dance Music by " De Fliere- 6.0 (ex. Western, Northern) -Dudley5.5 -Concert bySchool Children.BRUSSELS (No. ,2) (Belgium)9.0 -Time ; News. 9.20 -Talk :Paul de Lagarde. fluiters." Conductor :v.d.Borst, Beaven-Theatre Organ. ClaireMeyrat(Pfte.). 5.30 -For 932 kc/s (321.9 m.);15 kW. V. Dongen (Songs). 6.0 (Western) -The Bath GuitarYoung Philatelists. 6.0 -Time.6.5 9.30 -11.0 -Station Orchestra. Con- Programme in Flemish. ductor :Kd8n. Fritzsche (Flute). 12.40-1.25p.m.-" MelodyCircle." Octet, directed by Frances Tarrant-New Books. 6.15 -Neapolitan FolkTransmits at intervals from 6.37 a.m. Conductor : Wins. 1.40 -Educa- Bailey ;Hooper Bussell (Baritone). Songs.6.30 -News. 6.40 -Classical5.0p.m. -Light Orchestral. 7.0 - tional.1.55 -Records. 6.0 (Northern) - George WheldonMusic. 6.50 -Talk :Taoism andOperetta Records. 7.30 -News. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER 2.40 Shintoism. 2.10 -Greet Swaanswijk (Pile.). Band. 8.0 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor : (Germany)-Records and Talk.3.10 -Martha 6.20(Regional,N. Ireland) -The7.15-Grolimund's Folk Music Ar- 191kcjs (1,571m.) ;60 kW. Rolloos (Songs), Rossican(Pile.). Leslie Bridgewater Harp Quintet. rangements -Yodels and" Heimat- Gason.8.45 -Talk. 9.0 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor :Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 3.40 -Talk with Records.4.10 -For 6.20 (Midland)-Eda Kersey (Violin) ;klange " Orchestra. Conductor : The 11.0 a.m.-See Leipzig.12.45 p.m. -Children. Margaret Ablethorpe (Pfte.). Composer. 8.0 -Johanna Siebel reads. Cason. Gras (Pfte.). Overture, " Martha," (Flotow). Irish SketchesNews. 1.0 -Variety. 2.0 -Exchange ;4.40-V.A.R.A.Grand Orchestra. 6.20 (Scottish) -For Young Scots. 8.25 -9.15 -Polish Songs and Dances, Programme Notes. 2.15 -Records:Conductor :de Groot.6.15 -Talks. 6.30 (Western) -Leila Megane (Con-from Warsaw ; News. (O'Donnell). Fantasia,( Demers - semen).La Morena (Chaminade).2.25 -Talks. 7.10-V.A.R.A. Children's Choir. , tralto) ;Alwena Roberts (Harp). 2.40 -Norwegian Songs sung byConductor :Mlle. Hulscher. Records 6.30 (Northern) -The L.N.E.R. Mixed Serenade (Godard). PetiteSuite BRATISLAVA (Coleridge -Taylor).Slav RhapsodyValborg Landberg (Recorded). in the intervals. 7.40 -News ; Re- Voice Choir. 3.0 -LightOrchestral ; at3.50 -cords. 6.40 (Scottish) -Vera Canning ('Cello); (Czechoslovakia) (Friedeman). 1,004 kc/s (298.8 m.) ;13.5 kW. 10.0 -News. 10.10 -11.0 -Records. Reading. 5.0 -Books. 5.20 -Talk.7.55 -Rotterdam Philharmonic. Con- J. Wight Henderson (Pfte.). Transmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m. 5.40 -Music.5.50 -Sec Berlin. ductor :Sweep. Flesch (Violin). 7.0 -The Second News. 3.10 p.m. -Station Orchestra.Guest 6.15-" Be Like Children ! "-Musical9.10 -Recitations. 710 -Regional Announcements. Conductor :Vincourek. Lida Koman-BUCHAREST (Romania) Sequence(Paris-Jonsson). 6.45 -9.25-" De Stem des Volks " Workers' 7.30 (Regional, Midland) -The BBCcova (Songs). 4.10 -Sketch for Child- 523 kc/s (364.5 m.) ;12 kW. RelayedTopical. 7.0 -Motto ;News. Choir and Artists ;at 9.40 :News. Midland Orchestra, conducted byren. 4.25 -Talk. 4.35 -See Prague. 5.0- by Radio -Romania (Brasov),1607.10 -von Geczy Band.9.0 -News. 10.10 -Records. Leslie Heward. 9.30-11 Trillo del Diavolo (Tartini).10.20-" Ramblers "Dance Band. Ne-5.45 -Literary Programme in Klinger- kcIs (1,875 m.). 7.30 (Western) -Welsh Carols : ian. 5.45 -6.10 -See Prague. 6.10 -SeeTransmits at intervals from 4.30 a.m.9.45 -Weather. 010.55 -11,4 -Records. villeWilliams (Treble) ;Kenneth 10.0 -10.45 -"Whiter Solstice Festival" Owen (Treble) ;Nantyffyllon Chil-Brno. 6.25 -See Prague. 7.10 -To be4.0 p.m. -Reading. 4.15 -Radio announced. 7.40 - " The Tidings Conductor :Nottara.-Poem (Gerhard Schumann). Military dren's Choir. Orchestra. Band and Choir. Conductor : Menzel,KALUNDBORG (Denmark) brought to Mary "-Play (Claudel),5.0 -Time ; Weather ; Topical.5.10 7.30 (Northern) - DorothyBeer,with Music by Odchazel.9.0 -News. 240 kcIs (1,250 m.) ;60 kW. Re- Dorothy Rice (Pftes.). -Radio Orchestra.6.121-Taik.6.45FRANKFURT (Germany) lays Copenhagen, 1,176 kc/s 9.15 -News (Hungarian).9.30 -Talk-Pictures from an Exhibition (Mus- 7.30 (N. lreland)-For Ulster Farmers.on the 9.35 Transmission. 1,195kc/s(251m.) ; 25 kW. (255.1 m.). 7.30 (Scottish) -Reading. sorgsky). 7.15 -Talk. Relayed by Cassel, Coblenz, Frei-Transmits at intervals front 6.0 a.m. 9.35 -ScottishDance Musicfrom7.30 -Quartet in B flat (Beethoven), 7.45(N.Ireland) -Kathleen DauntLondon. 10.0 -10.20 -See Prague. burg and Trier, 1,195 kc/s (251 m.). 11.0 a.m.-1.0 p.m. -Andersen String (Mezzo -Soprano) ; EileenErvine by the Theodoresco Quartet.8.5 -Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. Ensemble. (Contralto) ;George Beggs (Bari- Books. 11.0 a.m.-See Hamburg.1.0 p.m. -2.0 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor tone) :Tina Bonifacio (Harp). BRESLAU (Germany) 8.10 -Sophie Jianu(Songs) :Aria,News. 1.10 -Records.2.0 -Talk ; Tuxen. AlgerianSuite(Saint - 7.45 (Scottish)-" Holly Follies." 950kc/s(315.8m.) ; 100 kW. " A Masked Ball " (Verdi).NonMarkets. 2.15 -For Children. Sans). Serenade in C (Tchaikov- 8.0 (Western) -Swansea Seamen's Relayed byGleiwitz,1,231 kc/s mi sceta (Tagliaferri).Laissez-moi2.45 -Light Orchestral. 3.45 - sky). Suite,Belshazzar'sFeast Christmas Party. (243.7 m.). chanter (Sibiceano).Three Roma-Friendly Warning in Verse (Forster). (Sibelius). 6.0 (Northern) -Northern Bell Music.Transmits at intervals from 4.0 a.m. nian Folk Songs (arr. Brediceano).4.0 -Carols byLotteJacobi(So-3.0 -Talk. 3.10 -Children's Choir. 8.30-" Men from the Other Side "11.0 a.m.-See Leipzig.1.0 p.m.- 8.30 -News. 8.45-Dinicu Orches-prano). 4.30 -Talk :Christmas Eve.3.30-Klinge (Brahms Songs).3.50 - -a new Radio Thriller ;Cast in- ews. tra.9.45 -News (French, German,5.0 -See Stuttgart.5.50 -See Berlin.Wireless Notes.3.56 -Poem. 4.0 - cludesCarolGoodner,Hartley1.15 -2.0 -Variety from Deutschland - Romanian). 6.15 (from Coblenz)-Labour ServiceTalk :Symbols and Allegories. 4.25 Power, Tony Quinn, Sydney Keith, sender.3.0 -Books. WinterSolsticeFestival. 6.55 --Weather. 4.40 -Exchange ;Mar- Charles Mason, Hay Petrie. 3.20 -Debussy Pfte.Music. Suite Markets ;Programme Notes.7.0 -kets. 4.50 -Records. bergamasque. Jeux d'eau.3.40 -BUDAPEST (No. 1) (Hungary) 9.20 (ex. Western) -The Aristocrats of 546 kc/s (549.5 m.) ;120 kW. News. 5.0 -Viennese Songs (Lehar,Stolz, Reading. Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m.7.10 -Hauck Band,Hertha FerberBenatzky), by Villie Hagbo Petersen. Harmony in " A Song at Twilight."4.0 -Light Orchestral ; at 4.50 : (Soprano), Donnecker (Baritone). 9.05.20 -Talk. 5.35 -English Lesson. 9.20 (Western) -Carol Singing. Books.5.50 -See Berlin. 4.25 p.m. -Paul Kiss (Pftc.).6.0 - Songs. 6.35-Dersii- Kosztolanyi-Time ; News. 9.15-,A 19376.0 -Time ;News. 6.30 -Talk. 9.35 (ex. Midland, Western, Northern)6.15-" Jakob Bohme "-Biographical Calendar. 7.0 -RadioOrchestra. Conductor : -Scottish Dance Music, conducted MemorialProgramme -Addressby Play (Huttsch).7.0 -News. Michael Babies. 9.30 -See Cologne. Grondahl.NielsHansen(Songs). by Jan Whyte. 7.10-" Happy Holiday "-Christmas 11.0p.m. -1.0a.m.(Tuesday) -SeeHartmann, Enna, Horneman, Smetana 9.35 (Midland) -Jean Salder and hisSequence (Schenke) : Music by Sczuka.7.25-Vidak Cigany Band. Stuttgart. and Tchaikovsky Music. 7.40-" The Serenaders. StationChoir andOrchestra,etc. 8.45 -Opera Orchestra.Conductor : Mouse on the Table "-Revue from 9.35 (Northern) -Henry Reed and his9.0 -News. Vaszy. Palestrina Choir. IlonkaHAMBURG (Germany) the Apollo Theatre. 8.5 -18th Century ' Orchestra, with Brent Wood. 9.30-11.0 - " Christnacht "-Nativity Kovits and Vincze Imre (Songs). 904kc/s(331.9m.) ;100 kW.Mystery Play (arr.Dum reicher) ; 10.0 -News Summary. PlayafterBavarian andTyrolese Christmas Cantata (Vaszy). First Relayed byBremen, Flensburg,Incidental Music by Grondahl. 8.55 - 10.25 -Billy Gerhardi Band. Carols (Haas). Women's and Madrigal Symphony in C minor (Brahms). Hanover, Magdeburg and Stettin,News. 9.10 --Reports from a Fire 11.30 -Late Newt Stimmary. Choirs,HirschbergOrchestra;etc.10.0 --News (German). 10.5 -Re- 1,330 kc/s (225.6 m.). Station, Hospital, etc. 11.40 -12.0 -Dance Records. (Recorded). cords. 11.5-Ndws. Transmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m.9.40 -Mandoline and Harp. Largo 401 WORLD -RADIO fDECEMBER 18, 1936

OSLO (Norway) stficke (Schumann). Arias from11.45 -Engel Orchestra.12.30-12.45 MONDAY (December 21) " Perseus " " Christmasp.m. -Records. TURIN (No. 1) (Italy) 260 kc/s (1,153.8m.) ;60 kW: 1,140 kc/1 (263.2 m.) ;7 kW.Re- Relayed by Fredrikstad, 722 kc/s Oratorio " (Bach), The Messiah"3.30 -5.0 -SeeBeromfinster. (Handel). 5.0 - layed by Milan (No.1), 814 Ws (415.4m.) ; Hamar,519kc/s Song, Der Tod und dasFor Women. 5.30 -Esperanto Les- (368.6 m.) ;Genoa, 986 ke/s (304.3 (578 m.) ;Notodden, 1,357 kcis Madchen (Schubert). son. 5.35 -Chess, 5.50 -Music amoroso (Munier).Serenade, Noel 6.0 -Art Review and Talks. m.) ;Trieste, 1,140 kc/s (263.2 m.); de Pierrot(Monti). Meditation (221.1 m.) ;Porsgrund, 850 kc/s Lesson :Harmony. 6.15 -Radio Florence,610Itc/s(491.8m.); (352.9in.) ;Rjukan,1,348kc/s6.30 -Orchestra (contd.). OvertureMagazine. 6.50 -News. (Calace). Romance without Words and Ballet, " Rosamunde " (Schu- Bolzano, 536 kc/s (559.7 m); and (Mezzacapo). To Spring (Pietraper- (222.6 m.) ; and Trandelag 629 kc/s 7.0 till Close -From Geneva. Rome (No.3),1,258 kcJs (238.5 : , (476.9 m.). bert).- Breton Rhapsody (Saint - tosa). Sans).Pastoral Suite (Chabrier).7.0 -Old Music for Violin, Viola da m.). 10.0 -ChristmasGreetingstotheTransmits at intervals from 10.40 a.m. Gamba and Harpsichord. 7.20 -Talk.Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. Farce Isles. 11.0 -Chimes. 4.55 p.m. -Light Music by the Radio Minuet (Ravel). Ensemble. 5.50 -News.6.0 -An-7.28 -Markets,7.30 -Home Affairs.7.35 -Contemporary Music. Colette4.0 p.m. -News. 4.15 -4.50 -Dance nouncements.6.30 -Time ;Indian7.40 -Books. Wyss (Soprano), Suzanne BornandBand.5.50 -Announcements,6.0 - KONIGSBERG (Heilsberg) Love Lyrics (Woodforde-Finden), by7.50-" La Revelation" (Magog) by (Violin), Walter ('Cello), Cherechew-News in Foreign Languages. (Germany)Rolf Tellander.7.0 -Reports fromthe Author and Leo Peltier. sky (Viola), Dennes (Oboe), Hoogs-7.5 -8.40 -See Rome. 8.40 -Announce- 1,031kc/s (291m.) ; 100 kW.Oslo and Bergen Ports. 7.30 -Cabaret.8.5-Marcelle Samson and Leonor toel (Clarinet) and Helaerts (Bas-ments. -RelayedbyDanzig,1,303kcjs8.10 -Foreign Affairs. 8.40 -Weather; del Castillo (Songs). Part I.Popu- soon).Trio forWoodWind8.50 -Part relay," Oberon "-Opera " (230.2 m.). News. 9.0 -Topical. lar Songs.Part II.Spanish and (Ferroud). " LesSerenades "-(Weber), from Vienna.9.20 -Talk South - Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 9.15 -String Quartet in G (Debussy). AmericanSongstothe Cantata (Hindemith). ConcertoEconomic Reconstruction. 9.30 - ILO a.m.-See Hamburg.1.0 p.m. - Guitar and Mandoline. 8.30 -Press for Voice, Harp and Strings (Mey-Dance Music.10.0 -News. . News. 1.10 -Reading. 1.25 -PARIS (Eiffel Tower) (France) Review. rowiez). 10.15-10.55-Angelini Dance Band. Records.2.15 -Periodicals.2.30 - 8.45 -Concert arranged by the Con-9.15 -9.35 -League of Nations Report. Talk. 2.50 -Light Orchestral ; at 1,456 kc/s (206 mi.) 5 kW. servatoire Old Students' Associa- 3.30: Books. 4.35 -Visit to Thurin-Transmits at intervals 'from 7.0 a.m. tion. ConservatoireWomen's. VIENNA (Austria) gian Home Workers. 4.50 -Books. 5.0 p.m. -Lecture from the Sorbonne. Choir. Conductor : MazellierSTOCKHOLM (Sweden) 592 kc/s(506.8nr) 100 kW. 6.0 -6.30 -Educational. 6.45 -Theatre Paul Numa(Recitations) and 704 ke/s (426.1 m.) ;55 kW. Re- Relayed by Graz and Linz,' 886 kc/s 5.0 -See Stuttgart.5.40 -Announce-Talk. 7.0 -News. 7.20 -,-Foreign ments.5.50 -6.15 -See Berlin. Batalla(Pfte.). A lamusique layed by Motala, 216 kc/s (1,389 tn.); (338.6 m.) ;Innsbruck, 519 kc/s 6.15 -Old Folk Song Suite (Frotscher)Affairs. 7.30 -Talk : Scotland. (Chabrier).Pfte.:(a) Barcarolle Goteborg,* 941kc/s(318.8 m.) ; (578 m.) ;Klagenfurt and Vorarl- --Soinano, Baritone, and the Station7.45 -PressReview.- 7.55 -Home (Faure), (b) Jardins sous la pluie Herby, 1,131 kc/s (265.3 m.) ; and berg, 1,294 ke/s (231.8 m.) ;and Orchestra. 6.45 -Topical 7.0 -News.Affairs. 8.30 -Literary Talk :Valery (Debussy). Jolibaton (Buster). Boden, 392 kc/s (765 m.). Salzburg, 1,348 kels (222.6 m.). Larbaud. Partons :oil coeur (Busser).TwoTransmits at intervals from 6.20 a.m. 7.10 -Revue (Albrecht) ;Music by8.45 -Symbolism in Music and Poetry. Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. Walter KarlKnauer. Fables(Florian). Automneet6.0 p.m. -Interview. 11.0 a.m.-Ballads by Famous Fried and StationOrchestra. Conductor : printemps (Sokolov). La lune et le BOrschelBand,etc. . 9.0 -News. 6.15 p.m. -News.6.30 -Talk. Poetesses. Bergen "- Clergue.Maria Braneze and Ver- soleil (Gretchaninov).Pfte.:(a)7.0 -Naval Band.Conductor : Wid- 9.20-" Feuerauf den roust(Songs),RobertHonnert Pantomime tendre (Rousseau), (b) 11.20 -Station Orchestra. Conductor : Winter Solstice Cantata (Neubert). (Recitations), the Gouverne Choir. ner. Frumerie (Songs). 8.0 -Reading. Holzer. Mill ecker Potpourri 9.5041.0 -Concert from Cologne. Nocturne(Busser),(c)Pieceen8.30 -Records of Arthur Rubinstein (Morena). Kometenwalzer (Zeller) IntroductoryTalkbyEdouard forme de ballet (Hile). C'etait par un(Pfte.).8.45 -News. Dujardin.Prelude a Eapres-midi Selection, "TheBirdFancier" beau jour (Rabaud). Pastourelle9.0 -10.0 -Carlo Andersen String Quar- (Zeller).12.0 noon -News. LEIPZIG (Germany) d'un faun (Debussy). Poems. Songs. (Rabaud).Recitation(de Musset). tet from Malmo. Quartet in A minor 785kc/s (382.2 m.) ; 120 kW. Hymne a la naigsance du matin Excerpts, " Caligula (Faure). La (Henriques).Quartet in G minor12.10 p.m. -Orchestra (contd.). March, 1 Relayed by Dresden,1,285kola (Fort -Caplet). Choir :Inscriptions chanson de frere Jacques (Paladilhc). (Haydn). " Das Zauberparadies " (Weinber- (233.5 m.). champetres (de Gourmont-Caplet).10.45 -News ;Time. ger)Overture, " Die Diva " (Wein- Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. Les parfums .de la nuit (Debussy).11.0 -Dance Music. berger). Entr'acte," Drei arme 11.0 a.m.-Leipzig Symphony Orches- Poems.Songs.Prelude, Act III,11.30p.m. -12.15a.m.(Tuesday) -STRASBOURG (France) Teufel " (Weinberger). Polka, tra and 'Cello Quartet.Conductor : " Ariane et Barbe bleue " (Micas). Robert Orchestra. Overture," Semi- 859 kc/s (349.2 tn.) ;100 kW. Flitterwochen (Weinberger).Over- Blamer. 1.0 p.m. -News. 1.15 - Poems. La bonne chanson (Faure), ramide " (Rossini). Serenade (Boro-Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. ture "-Der Hexenspiegel " (Eysler). Records.2.0 -For Women.2.10 - Excerpts, " Pelleas et Molisande " din).Chant sans paroles (Tchai-4.0 p.m. -Haydn and Ropartz Con- Ich hab' so lang kein Maderl gekfisst Books. 2.50 -Art Review. 3.0 - (Faure). kovsky).Aubade (Massenet).Les cert. Conductor :deVillers. (Eysler). Eysler Potpourri (Hruby). Records. 4.0 -Markets. 4.10 -Talk. petits violons du roy (Chobillon). Micheline Thirion (Pfte.) and Ros-1.0 -Records of Gigli (Tenor). 4.30 -Music.4.40 -Talk. PARIS (Poste Parisien) (France) Dance (Brahms). Minuet (Luciann). kam ('Cello). 1.30 -Announcements. 2.0 -Weather 5.0 --Station Orchestra.Conductor : 959 kc/s (312.8 m.) ; 60 kW. Spanish Dance (Sarasate). 5.0 -Markets. 5.15 -Music Talk :Markets. 2.20-R ead i ng. 2.40 - Weber. Munich Chamber DuoTransmits at intervals from 7.10 a.m. The Lied.5.45 -Records.6.0 -ForEsperanto Lesson..3.0 -Exchange. F (Carolstothe Lute). Eicerpts,12.0 noon -Exchange. 12.5 p.m. -PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) Farmers. ' 6.15 -Records of the Mills3.5 -Records :Sound Film Music. " Nussknacker und MdusekOnig "Variety Records. 12.35 -Exchange. 638 kc/s (470.2 m.) ;120 kW. Brothers. 6.30 -News Reviews.3.35 -Talk :Theodor Thomas.3.55 12.39 -Concert. 1.15 -Dialogues and 7.15 -Records : Provencal Songs.' 7.30-Talk :Cancer. (Schaub). Carols (arr.Scherrer).Military Band.1.30 -Records.2.0,Transmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m.-Time ;News (French, Gelman). Ein Marchen (Nicode).Selection, 6.0 -Call.4.35p.m. -Quintet in D (Fibich). 4.15 -Advent Songs and Christmas " Christelllein '(Pfitzner). Carols3.45,4.35 -Exchange. 5.0 -For Farmers. 5.10 -German8.15 -Rich (Organ),Mlle.FrickerCarols. Vienna Chamber Choir. (arr. Scherrer). Waltz (Brahms). 5.50-6.2 -Records :Sonata in D minorTransmission. 5.45 -News (German). and M. Mary (Songs), from theConductor : Weissenback. 4.50;-- (Brahms), by Yehudi and Hephzibah Churchof Saint -Pierre -le -Vieux.Kreisleriana tr6.15-See Berlin. 5.55 -Record. 6.0 -News. 6.10 - (Schumann)byAlice Menuhin,6.30 -Exchange.6.35-French Lesson. 6.25 -Orchestra. Organ :(a) Scour Monique (Cou-Haerdtl-Mor(Pfte.).5.10 -Theatre 6.15 -Labour Service Christmas Party.Topical.6.55 -Mlle. Meyer (Violin). perin), (b) Noel (Daquin).Duet, 6.50 -Talk. 7.0 --News. 7.47 -6.55 -Talk. 7.10 -To be announced. Talk: Viennese Premieres.5.35 - 7.10 -See Berlin. 9.0 -News. 7.6 -News.7.32 -Records. 7.40 --`Bethlehem "-Play(Masek), " L'Enfance du Christ" (Berlioz).English Lesson.6.0 -News.6.15 - 9.30 -11.0 -See Cologne. Books. 7.52-" Winter "-Variety.with Music. 9.0 -News. 9.15 - Organ :(a)Pastorale(Erb),(b)ForYoungPeople. 6.20 -Talk : 8.2 -Paul Reboux.8.17 -Songs ofRecords. Pastorale (Widor). Duet :D'unInteresting Crimes.6.30 -Christmas 1912.8.32 -Humorous Programme.9.30 --Talk on thefollowing pro- coeur qui t'aime (Gounod). Organ :Books. 6.45 -Announcements. LILLE (Radio PTT Nord) 9.17 -Lecture Recital :The Piano. RhapsodyonChristmas Carols 10.3041.0 -gramme. 7.0-" Oberon "-Opera in Three Acts ft . - (France)9.50 -Chamber Music. 9.35 -Scottish DanceMusicfrom (Gigout). (Weber), arranged for the Radio by 1,213 kc/s (247.3 m.) ; 60 kW. RecordsLight Music. London. 9,0-SoudantConcert fromMetz.Lothar Riedinger. Vienna Opera Transmits at intervals from 6.50 a.m. 10,0 -10,20 -News in German. Paris Instrumental Quintet.Con-Choir and the Vienna Symphony Or- 8.0 p.m. -Time ; Records of MarceauPARIS (PTT) (France) versation galante et amusante entrechestra. Conduetor :Kabasta. Talk 695 kc/s (431.7 m.) ;120 kW. RADIO-NORMANDIE une flute, un violon, un violoncelle (Accordion).8.15 -Literary Talk. Transmits at intervals from 6.50 a.m. et une harpe (Guillemain). Diverti-by Otto Lowe. 9.20 -News. 8.30 -Station Orchestra. Conductor : p.m. -Henrietta Roget (Organ). (France) mento in E flat (Mozart).Aria,9.30 -Light Music. Station Orchestra. Soret. Mlle.Germain (Soprano)4.0 1,113 kc/s (269.5 m.) ; 10 kW. Conductor : Holz:r. 10.30 -An- and Vienne (Tenor). 4.30 -Poems (Kahn). 4.45 -Talk : Allegro and Variations fibres and Winter. 7.0-a.m.-Records. 7.10 -News. 7.50 Finale (Pierne).Sonata for Flute,nouncements. 10.30 -News. 5.0 -Paris Symphony Orche'stra. Con--Orchestra.8.0 -Records.8.15 - Viola and Harp (Debussy).Suite ductor :Clotz. Ballet, "Paris andLight Music.8.30 -Records. 8.45 - en rocaille (Fl. Schmitt). MONTE CENERI(Switzerland) Melody.9.0 -Records.9.15 -Light WARSAW (Poland) Helen " (Gluck).Excerpts, " Or- 10.30 -News. 11.0 -News (German). 224kc/s(1,339m.) ;120 kW. ' 1,167 kc/s (257.1 m.) ;15 kW. pheus" (Gluck). Music.9.45 -Records.10.0 -Popu- Transmits at intervals from 11.0 a.m. lar Music. 10.15 -Light Music. 10.30 Relayedby Cracow,1,022 kris 5.30 -For Gardeners. 5.37 -Social STUTTGART (Germany) (293.5m.) ;Katowice,758kc/s 6.45p.m. -News. and Art Reviews. 5.52 -Talk. -Popular Music. 10.45 -Records, (Venn) Herschel 11.0-Chansonnettes. 12.0 noon - 574 kc/s (522.6 m.) ;100 kW. (395.8 tn.) ;Lodz, 1,339 kc/s (224 7.0-Mottier 6.0 -Orchestra (contd.). Marie -Louise Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. m.) ; Lw6w, 795 kc/s (377.4 m.) ; ;(Pfte.). Sonata in A (Boccherini). Thiebault (Songs). Shepherd's Song'Cello Records.12.20 p.m.-Gouin Excerpts from a Suite for 'Cello and Pilgrims' Chorus, " Tannhau-Records. 12.40 -News. 1.0 -Concert.11.0 a.m.-See Hamburg. Poznan, 868 kc/s (345.6 m.) ; Torun, (Bach).Arioso (Bach). Intermezzo 2.0 -Records. 2.15 -Light Music.1.0-2.0 p.m. -See Deutschlandsender. 986 kc/s (304.3 m.) ;and Wihm, ser " (Wagner). Traume (Wagner). 2.30-" Mnsic for the Young " (Hein- 536 kc/s (559.7 m.). (Granados).Serenade (Sgambati). Songs (Faure). 2.30 -Records. 3.0 -Light Music. 7.30 -Talk :Tolstoi. 3.30 -Records. 3.45 -Variety. 4.0 -rich Schmid) - Transmits at intervals from 5.30 a.m. 6.30 -News ;Reviews.7.20 -Radio 3.0 -See Deutschlandsender ;at 3.50 7.45 -Vocal and Instrumental.8.30-Press Review.7.30 -Weather. Concert.4.45 -For Children.5.0 -- 41.3 a.m.-Military Band. Conductor : 9.15 -To be announced. Records.5.30 -Light Music. 5.45 --Stories. 4.45 -Visit to the TechnicalChrapczynski.11.40 -News.11.50- 7.38 -Paris SymphonyOrchestra. Exhibition. Conductor :Cloez. Excerpts, " LeCurrent London Productions. 6.0- 12.0 noon -For Farmers. 2.0 p.m. - MOSCOW (No. 1) (Russia) roi s'amuse " (Delibes).Ballet deChildren'sCorner. 6.45 -Talk ;News;5.0 -Variety.Olga Praguer, CoelhoEconomics. 2.15 -Song Records. 7.0 -Sports. (Brazilian Folk Songs). Balalaika Or-2.55 -For Children.3.15 -Letters. 172 kc/s (1,744 m.) ;500 kW. la Reine (Silver). Racing. 7.20 -Xylo-chestra, Band, etc.5.50 -See Berlin. 4.30 p.m. -Concert.5.0 -Red Army8.0-Florent Schmitt Music.Clairephone.7.40 -News.8.0 -Records.6.45 -Winter Relief Report. 7.0 -3.30-Helfreich(Songs),Jarze* ski Notes. 5.15 -Literature. 5.45 - Chalande (Songs), the Composer8.40 -"The Birds'Awakening."- 7.10 -Celebrity Records. (Violin). Songs(Schubert) :a Concerts.8.0 -German Talks :(a) accompanying;Pauline GordonSiffleurs. News. Gute Nacht, (b) Der Lindenbaum, 'A Soviet Student at the Microphone, (Pfte.) and Others. Songs :(a)9.0 -Concert. 8.0 -Austrian Christmas Music. Stutt- (c) Wasserflut. Violin : Chaconne (b) A Red Army Soldier's Day. Les barques, (b) Musique sur l'eau.11.0 -Dance Music.11.30 -Variety. gart String Quartet, Station Choir (Vitali). Songs (Schubert) :(a) 12.30-1.0 andOrchestra,etc. Christmas 9.5 -English Programme : (a) Sonatine en trio.Pfte. Dances :12.0 m't -Dance Music. Music (Wetchy),Tyrolese Pastor- Warutn ?, (b) Die Post, (c) Song. U.S.S.R. Review, (b) 1905 Revolution (a)Bocane, (b)Montferrine,(c)a.m. (Tuesday) -Orchestra. Violin : (a) Caprice in E (Paganini- Reminiscences, (c) Revolution Songs, Danse de corde. ales and Crib Songs (arr. Reiter). Szymanowski),(b)Tijuca Songs (Wolf).Christmas Legend baud). (d) Russian Lesson. 10.0 -Hungarian8.30 -Plays :(a) "The Critic "-RADIO -ROMANIA (Brasov) (Senn). Heilige Nacht (Frischen- Talk : ForeignAffairs. 11.0 -Comedy (Sheridan) ;trans. by De- (Romania) schlager). Legend on " Stille Nacht,4.0(from Cracow) -Talk :Poland Spanish Talk :Soviet Students. lacre ;(b) " The Feast of Bacchus " 160 kc/s (1,875 m) ; 150 kW. Heilige Nacht."Postlude.9.0 -andBiologicalResearch. 4.15 - -One-Act Play (Schnitzler) ;trans.See Bucharest. News. Dialogues (Plato) : Excerpts, "Crito " MUNICH (Germany) by Anna Clauser.10.30 -News. 9.30 -Trunk Songs by 1111de Keefer-and " Phaedo."5.0 -Topical.5.10 740 kc/s (405.4 m.) ;100 kW. Re- ROME (Italy) Bluthardt.Advent,.-Sports. 5.20 -Announcements. 5.50 layedbyNiirnberg,1,267kc/sPARIS (Radio -Paris) (France) 713 kc/s (420.8 m.) ;50 kW. Re- Maria.Idyll.Christbaum. -Legal Talk.6.0 -For Soldiers. (236.8 m.). 182 kc/s (1,648 m.) ;80 kW. layed by Naples, 1,104 kc/s (271.79.45 -Concert from Cologne. 6.30 -Station Orchestra. Conductor: Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 6.45a.m.-Gym. 7.0 -Records. rn.) ; Ban (No. 1), 1,059 kc/s (283.311.0 p.m.-1.0a.m.(Tuesday)-Serenade. Garzyilski. Salecki (Tenor). March 11.0 a.m.-Orchestra. Conductor :7.15 -News. 7.45 -Gym. 8.0 - m.) ;Bari (No. 2), Milan (No. 2) Quintet (Beethoven). Songs. 'Cello (Gorzynski). Italian Comedy Over- List. Marius Andersen (Tenor).Records. and Turin (No. 2), 1,357 kc/s (221,1 Concerto in A minor (Schumann). ture(Keler-Bela). Waldteufel 3.30 p.m. -Orchestra.4.30 -Books.11.0-Poulet Concert Orchestra. Con- m.). Harpsichord Solos. Waltz Potpourri (Weninger). Songs. 5.0 -See Stuttgart. 5.50 -6.15 -Seeductor :Andre. 12.0 noon -ForTransmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. Selection, The Cousin from No- Berlin. Farmers. 6.0p.m. -Records ;Sports ;Talk where " (Kiinneke). Songs.Ballet 6.15-" Stent eM Flammenstossin12.15 p.m.-Poulet Concert Orchestra.(French). 620 -News in ForeignTOULOUSE (Radio -Toulouse) fantastique(Ralph). Corsican tiefer Nacht" - Winter SolsticePaulette Delrio (Songs) ;at12.45 :Languages. (France) Suite, Part I (Kaiser -Eric).Ballet, Cantata (Lauer). News ; ReviewbyPierreSeize.7.5 -Time ;News. 7.30 -Talk. 913 kc/s (328.6 rn.); 60 kW. " LesBrigands "(Maklakiewicz). 6.45 -Talk :The 1936 German Yuma-2.0 -Women's Journals.2.10 -Talk7.40 -Orchestra. Conductor : AntoM-Transmits at intervals from 8.0 a.m. Hungarian Melody (Vilmos). layan 'Expedition.7.0 -News. by Georges Colin : Boutet de Monvel,celli.Toti dalMonte (Soprano) ;7.0 p.m. -Band.7.15 -Light Music.7.45 -News ; Topical. -8.0-Records : 7.10 -The" WorldCongressfor2.30 -Three Plays (Mirbeau): (a)Luigi Moatesanto (Baritone). 7.55 -News.8.10 -Operetta Music.Light Music.8.30 (from Torun) - Leisure and Recreation" in Retros-" L'Epidemie," (b) " Amants,"(c) " Le8.40 -Talk. 8.40 -Orchestra.8.55 -News. 9.0 -Pomeranian Music Society Concert, pect -Reports with Records of FolkPortefeuille." 8.50 -Variety. f6.0 --News. Sketch.9.45 -Paris Programme. fromtheConservatoire. String Music made during the Congress,4.0 -See Strasbourg. 10.15 -10.55 -Dance Music. 10.15 - Excerpts, "Ciboulettel"Orchestra. Conductor :Gu ttry. and Music by the Station Orchestra.5 0 -Anniversaries. 5.10 -Educational (Hahn), 10.40 -Dance Music. 10.55 -Boczek (Flute).Concerto da chiesa 9.0 -News. Talk. SOTTENS (Switzerland) News. 11.0 -Songs. 11.15 -Batin B minor (dal Abaco).Suite for 9.20-A German Express Trainin5.30 -ParisSymphonyOrchestra. 677 kc/s (443.1 m.) ;100 kW.Re-Champetre Orchestra. 11.40 -FilmStrings and Flute (Bach).Concerto telephonic Communication with an Conductor ;Cloez.Marie -Louise layed by Geneva, 401 kc/s (748 m.). Music. 11.55 -News. 12.5a.m.grosso in D minor (Handel).9.30 - American Express Train. Thiebault (Songs). Overture11.0 a.m.-Quartet in D (Mozart).(Tuesday) -LightMusic. 12.30 -Folk Dances by a Village Band. 10.0 9.30 -11.0 -See Cologne, " Euryanthe '(Weber).Fantasie-11.30 -News. Announcements. -Dance Records. DECEMBER 18, 1936] WORLD -RADIO 141

HAMBURG, Light Orchestral,So- " A.V.R.O. Tuesday Night Vain " prano, Harpsichord. 6A5 - -Variety. 4 p.m. Topical. HILVERSUM (1,875 m.)KALUNDBORG, " The Nansens "- BERLIN, Variety.4.30 -Christmas Orchestra ;Records (contd.).6,40 Sketch(Locher). 7.15-LeharDecember 22TUESDAY Sequence.BUDAPEST (1), 4.30 - -PoliceMessages. HILVER- Operetta Music -Radio Orchestra. Band. SUM, (301.5m.),Dance Band. 7.55 -Records. KONIGSBERG 6.25 -Christmas Carols. 6.40 - and DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, COLOGNE, Light Orchestral. 4.50= Reports :(a) Building a Trawler, For Children. 6.45 -Records. News. 7.10 -Naval BandandLEIPZIG, Variety (contd.).LILLE, Orchestra, Violin (contd.).9.25- (b) A Dusseldorf Foundry,(c) KALUNDBORG,News. 6.30 - Singers.In the interval .Play. Records. 8.15 -Talk. 8.30 -See Te Deum (Bruckner) by the Harlem A Trawler Captain. Talk.KONIGSBERG, OrchestraLEIPZIG, News.7.10-" The Show Paris (PTT). Catholic Oratorio Society.9.55 - DEUTSCHLANDSENDER and (contd.). 6.45 -Topical. of the Month "-Variety. MONTE CENERI,8.5 -Schubert Records. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), BRESLAU, 4.10 -von Geczy Band. LEIPZIG, " 0 Freede Ober Freede "-MONTE CENERI,ItalianMusic. and Schumann Sonatas by Casella Variety (contd.).9.55-" Louise " FRANKFURT, Light Orchestral. 4.30 Christmas Play with Music (An- 7.45 -Reading. MOSCOW, Con- certs. MUNICH, News. (Pfte.) and De Signori(Violin). -Opera (Charpentier) (Records). - " Christmas in the Trenches." dert).6.50 -Topical. 7.10- 8.45 -Engel Orchestra. MOSCOW, KALUNDBORG, Concert (contd.) HAMBURG, Books.4.15 -Variety.MONTE CENERI,6.45 - News. " The Escape" -War Play(Al- verdes). German Talks.MUNICH, "The 9.10 -News. 9.25 -PeerGynt HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), K.R.O. MOSCOW, Concerts. MUNICH, Flight "-Play (contd.). Suites (Grieg) by the Radio Orches- Orchestra ; Records. HILVER- Winter Solstice.6.15 -Folk Music.OSLO, Report.7.30 -Orchestra. PARIS (PTT), Topical. 7.38-Pasde-OSLO, Orchestra.8.40 -News. tra. KONIGSBERG: News. 9.20 SUM (301.5 m.), Records.4.10 -OSLO, News. 6.30-Rantzau (Pfte.). PARIS (PIT), Talks. 8.30-" Hansel -Review. 9.25 - Musicfrom Children's Choir. 4.40 -For Child- loup Concert Orchestra (Flament, Hamburg. ren. PARIS (PTT), Pasdeloup Concert Biancheri). POSTE PARISIEN, andGretel "-Opera(Humper- MOSCOW, 4.30 -Concert. Orchestra.Jeanne Jaspar (Pfte.). Variety. 7.6 -News. 7.25 - dinck)fromtheConservatoire.LEIPZIG, News. 9.30 -Books. OSLO, 4.15 -Café Concert. 6.30 -News. POSTE PARISIEN, Amusements. 7.32 -Records. 7.47 NationalOrchestraandRaugelMONTE CENERI. Engel Orchestra. PARIS (PTT), Songs (Stahlenberg). Call ; Notes. 6.17 -Records. -Jean Lumiere.PRAGUE, See Choir. Conductor :Ing,helbrecht. MOSCOW, 9.5 -Dutch Talk 4.15 -Reading. 4.30 -Singing Les- 6.30 -Exchange ;Topical.6.42 - Bratislava. 7.10 -Talk. 7.25 - Germaine Corney, Germaine Teu- Songs.MUNICH, News.9.30 - Talk. 6.50 -Variety PRAGUE Talk on the following Programme. gelsandGermaineMartinelli. son. PRAGUE, 4.30 -Nora van News. 6.10 -See Bratislava. POSTE PARIS1EN, Paul Reboux Old Pfte. Music. Rappard (Songs). 7.30 -Christmas Oratorio(Bach). OSLO, Topical.9.15 - Hungarian 4.15 -- RADIO-NORMANDIE, Children'sRADIO-NORMANDIE,SongRe- (Records).8.17 -Records.8.35 - RADIO -PARIS, Reading. Trio. Alsatian Carols. 4.30 -Records. Corner. 6.40 -Light Music. 6.55 - cords. 7.20 -Concert. 7.40 -News. Two Plays : (a) Sous le vent (Bears), ROME, News. 4.15 -Soprano, News. RADIO -PARIS, Dramatic. RADIO -PARIS, Orchestra (contd.). (b)Trois Noels de la Vie d'unPARIS (PTT) and LILLE, " Hansel 6.30-Pasdeloup Concert Orches- 7.30 -Home Affairs.7.40 -Talk. Homme (Ferry).PRAGUE and and Gretel"(contd.). POSTE Pfte. BRATISLAVA,ChristmasOra- PARISIEN, Plays (contd.). SOTTENS and BEROMONSTER, tra. (Mozart, Duparc, Samazeuilh, ROME, 7.5 -News.7.30 -Talk. 9.15 (approx.)- 4.30 -Radio -SuisseromandeOr- Duperier). ROME,Records ; 7.45-" Aida "-Opera (Verdi). torio (contd.). PRAGUE, News. chestra(de Micheli, Delibes). News ;Talk in English.6.20 -SOTTENS, Slav Music-Romand Or-RADIO-NORMAND1E, Light Music. Christmas Oratorio (contd.). STOCKHOLM, 4.30 -The Roving News in Foreign Languages. chestra.Conductor : Haug.Bas - 8.20 -Talk ;Records. RADIO - RADIO-NORMANDIE, Variety Con- Microphone. 4.45 -Scandinavian cert. RADIO -PARIS, Soirée de Music -Vocal Trio,Pfte.Duo. Chansonniers(contd.). ROME, STUTTGART, 4.10 -See Deutsch- 9.25Kalundborg :" Peer Gynt " (Grieg). " Aida " (contd.). landsender. 4.30-" The Christmas PRINCIPAL EVENTS SOTTENS, Song Records. STOCK- Tree "-Sequence. 9.30Hamburg, etc.: Folk and dance music. HOLM, Records. STRASBOURG, TURIN, News. 4.15 -Records. SYMPHONY CONCERTS 10.0Budapest 1: Cigany Band. From the Opera-Comique (contd.). VIENNA, 4.20-Lorenzi (Baritone). 11.0 Records. STUTTGART, News. 9.20 -Re- 4.40-Czaczkes (Pfte.) (Brahms, R. 6.30Radio -Paris : Mozart, French music. Frankfurt, Stuttgart : view. 9.40 -Music from Hamburg. Strauss, Glazunov). 7.0 Sottens : Dvotak No. 5, etc. 11.30 Radio -Paris : Pascal Orchestra. TOULOUSE, News.9.10 -Fantasy. WARSAW, Reading.4.15 -Trio in 7.0 Warsaw : Modern music. OPERAS 9.45 -Paris Programme.TURIN, B flat (Schubert). 4.50 -Monologue. 7.30Prague : Christmas Oratoria. 6.30Stockholm : " La serva padrona." " Al disopradinoi "-Play (contd.). 9.10 -Jacqueline Mar- 7.50Hilversum (1,875m.) : Carl Flesch ;9.25,7.10Frankfurt :" Der Giinstling " (Wagner- cault (Pfte.).9.40 -Dance Music. 5 p.m. Te Deum (Bruckner). Regeny). VIENNA, Report. 9.10 -News. 9.35 1: 7.45Rome : " Aida." ATHLONE, 5.30 -Children's Hour. 8.0 Brussels Dvaak No. 5, etc. -Vienna Symphony Orchestra. 5.10-8.0 Deutschlandsender :Pfitzner and Berlin8.30Paris (PIT), etc. : " Hansel and Gretel." Conductor : Fall (Bayer, Dvotak). BEROMONSTER, Weather. 9.55Hilversum (301.5 m.)" Louise " (rec.). WARSAW, Concert (contd.).9.30 - A Story. 5.30 -Books. 5.40 - Philh. Orch. Poetry. 9.45 -Dance Music. Talk ; Song. BRESLAU, See 9.35Vienna :Dvoilk No. 5, etc. RECITALS Konigsberg. 5.50 -Talk. BUDA- LIGHT CONCERTS 6.30Oslo :Pianoforte. PEST (1), Band. COLOGNE, Reports (contd.). 5.20 - 12.15 Radio -Paris : Orchestra, songs. 6.45Brussels :Marcelle Meyer (pfte.) Review. 5.40 -Opera Records. 1.0 Kalundborg :Preil's Ensemble 8.0 Vienna, Kalundborg : Carols. 10 p.m. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER,Songs. 3.0 Deutschlandsender :Von Geczy, 8.45Radio -Paris : Chansonniers. ATHLONE, Variety.10.30 -News. 5.20 -Review.5.40-" Die Zupf- 3.30Sottens :Pierne programme. 9.0 Budapest 1: Daisy Guth (pfte.). BRESLAU, Concert (contd.). BU- geigenhansIn " (Recorded). DAPEST (1), Cigany Band. EIFFEL TOWER, Sorbonne Lecture. 5.0 Konigsberg,Breslau Orchestraland9.30Munich : Old pianoforte music. HILVERSUM (1,875 in.), Orchestra ; vocal. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Dance Records (contd.). HILVERSUM PLAYS Records. (301.5 m.), For Children.5.10 - 6.20Warsaw : Wilno Orchestra. 7.10Munich : " The Escape " (Alverdes). EIFFEL TOWER, The Odeon Players Records. 5.40 -Dance Band. 6.40Beromfinster : Folk music. 7.20Beromiinster : Christmas play (dialect). (contd.). KALUNDBORG, Jazz Records. 5.20 7.0 Athlone : Classics. 8.0 National : The St. Hilary Players. HAMBURG and MOST GERMAN -Talk. 5.35 -German. KONIGS- 7.10 STATIONS, Music (contd.). HIL- BERGand MOST GERMAN Cologne : " Popular tunes of yesterday."8.30Eiffel Tower : The Odeon Players. VERSUM (1,875 m.),Records. STATIONS, Orchestra,Adelheid 7.10Stuttgart :Orchestra, soprano, tenor. LAST NEWS BULLETINS, see Monday 10.10 -News. 10.15-Cigany Band. Armhold(Soprano). (Cornelius, 7.15Kalundborg : Lehar music. DANCE MUSIC 10.40--K.R.O.Melodists. HIL- Chabrier, Strauss, etc.). VERSUM (301.5 rn.), " Louise "- LEIPZIG, Records of Famous Singers. 7.30Oslo : Popular orchestral. 8.1513eromiinster ; 9.45, Warsaw ; 10.0, Opera (contd.). 10.40 -News. MOSCOW, Red Army Notes. 5.15 - 7.55Hilversum (301.5 m.) : Variety. Deutschlandsender ; 10.10,Brussels 1 ; 10/50 -Dance Band. Talk. 5.45 -Concerts. 8.0 Stockholm : Modern melodies. 10.25, Regional ;10.50, Hilversum (301.5 OSLO, Cafe Concert. 5.20 -For KALUNDBORG, Christmas Greetings Women. 5.50 -News. 9.0 Regional : Pageant of Pantomime. m.) ;11.0, National, Radio -Paris. to the Faroe Isles. PARIS (PTT), Pasdeloup Concert LEIPZIG, Dance Band. Orchestra. (Herold, Haydn). 5,30 - MOSCOW, Swedish Talks. Notes. PRAGUE, Markets. 5.10- SOTTENS, Orchestra (contd.). 6. 10 - sermann (Violin). STOCKHOLM, PARIS, Paul Reboux (Records).PARIS (PIT) and LILLE, " Hansel ITalk (German) ;Christmas Music. Talk. 6.30 -Interlude. 6,50 - " Laservapadrona "(contd.). 8.5 -Spanish Books.8.20 -Hum- andGretel "(contd.). 10.30 - 5.45 -News (German). News. STOCKHOLM,Talk. 7.30 -Talk. STRASBOURG, News. orous Stories.8.30 -Review. 8.45 News.POSTE PARISIEN, Plays RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records, 6.15 -News. 6.30-" Laserva 7.15 -Records...7.30 - News -Soirée de Chansonniers-Songs, (contd.). 10.30 -Cabaret. PRAGUE, Light Music.5.45 -London Pro- padrona "-Opera (Pergolesi). Con- (French, German). STUTTGART, Melodies, Sketches, Comedy, Revue. English News. ductions. RADIO -PARIS, English. ductor : Hellman. STRASBOURG, News. 7.10 -Orchestra, Soprano. ROME, " Aida " (contd.). RADIO-NORMANDIE, Variety Con- 5.20 -Talk. 5.30-Pasdeloup Con- 6.30 -News. STUTTGART, Folk Tenor. SOTTENS,SlavMusic(contd.). cert.10.30 -Cuban Soiree from the certOrchestra. JeanneJaspar Music. 6.45 -Talk. TURIN,7.5 -News. 7.30 -Talk, 8.10 -Books. 8.40 -Song Records. Cabane Cubaine, Paris.RADIO - (Pfte.)(Gaubert,Lazzari,Schu-TURIN, News in Foreign Languages. 7.40-" Al di sopra di noi "-Play STOCKHOLM, Modern Light PARIS,SoiréedeChansonniers mann, Chopin, Debussy). VIENNA, News. 6.30 -From Work- (Gherardini). Music. 8.45 -News. STRAS- (contd.). 10.45 -News. ROME, SOTTENS, Literature.5.20 -Radio - shop and Office. VIENNA, " Christmas "-Concert. BOURG, Press Review (German). " Aida "(contd.). Suisse romande Orchestra.Con- WARSAW, Discussion.6.20-Wilno Children's Choir, etc. 8.15 -FromtheOpera-Comique, STRASBOURG, From the Opera- ductor:Appia.Gavalda (Violin) Orchestra. WARSAW, Symphony Concert. Con- Paris. STUTTGART, Orchestra Cotnique (contd.). (Saint-Saens, Cui, etc.).STOCK- ductor :Fitelberg. Eve Band- (contd.).8.10 -Dance Records. TOULOUSE, Paris Programme. 10.15 HOLM, Scandinavian Music 7 p.m. rowska-Turska (Songs) ; ModernTOULOUSE, News, Songs.8.25 - -Music.10.55 -News. TURIN, (contd.).5.45 -Talk. Music ;Talk. News. 10.15 -Dance Music. TURIN, 5.0 -5.10 -For Women. 5.30ATHLONE, Radio Orchestra, Tenor. Light Music. 8.55 -News. TURIN, 7.50 -Humorous Monologue. "Al di sopradi noi"-Play VIENNA, Orchestra (contd.). 10.30 -Notes. BERLIN, News. 7.10-" Ballade am (ontd.). -Notes. VIENNA, Talks. 5.35 -French. 8 p.m. WARSAW, Dance Music. WARSAW, Talks. Eisfenster "-Play (Huchel) ; Music VIENNA, Austrian Christmas Carols. by Stuhlmacher. BEROMONSTER,ATHLONE, 8.5 -Chamber Music by 8.35 -Reading. YodelsandLandler. 7.20- the Dublin Trio. 8.35 -Sketch.WARSAW, News ; Concert (contd.). 6 p.m. " Drusbronner "-ChristmasPlay. 8.55 -The Sutton Singers. BRATISLAVA, Light Music. 7.10 -BERLIN, Operetta and Film Records. 11 p.m. ATHLONE, Children's Hour. 6.15 - Talk.7.25 -See Prague.BRES- BEROMONSTER, Three Cantatas Radio Orchestra. 6.35 -Irish News. LAU, News.7.10 -Winter Relief (Stern) -Radio Berne Vocal Quartet 9 p.m. BUDAPEST, 11.5 -News. 6.45 -News. Fund Concert.Orchestra. Bands. andInstrumentalists. 8.15 -HotATHLONE, Sutton Singers. 9.15-A FRANKFURTandSTUTTGART,' BERLIN, Talk.6.I5 -Songs to the BUCHAREST and RADIO -RO- Jazz. BRESLAU, Concert (contd.). Christmas Story.9.30 -Variety. Concert on Records (Bach, Mozart, Lute, Flute, Violin.6.45 -Echoes. MANIA, Carols (contd.).7.15- BUCHAREST and RADIO -ROM-BEROMONSTER, Hot Jazz.9.15 - Haydn, Remy). BEROMONSTER, Talk 6.30 - Talk ; Orchestra. BUDAPEST ANIA, Orchestra ;at 8.30: News. Notes. BRATISLAVA, See Prague. HILVERSUM (1,875m.),K.R.O. News.6.40 -Yodels and Landler. (1), Play (contd.). BUDAPEST (1), Play (contd.). 8.40 - 9.15 -News (Hungarian). 9.30 - Melodists.11.25 -Records.HIL- BRATISLAVA, 6.10 -Light Music. COLOGNE, News. 7.10-" Anno News. News. 9.35 -Oratorio from Prague. VERSUM (301.5 in.), Dance Band. BRESLAU," Der Genosseaus Dazumal "-Song Hits of YesterdayCOLOGNE, "Anno Dazumal" BRESLAU, News.9.30 -Concert 11.10 -Records. Brasilien "-Play (Schaferdiek) (Re- and To -day. (contd.).8.45 -Historical Sketch. (contd.). BUCHAREST and RO- MOSCOW, Spanish Talk. corded). BUCHAREST andEIFFEL TOWER, News. 7.20 -DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Hans MANIA, Orchestra. 9.20 -Records.RADIO-NORMANDIE, Cuban Soiree RADIO -ROMANIA, Talk. 6.10- Foreign Affairs ;Science.7.45 - Pfitzner conducts the Berlin Phil- 9.45 -News (French, German, Ro- (contd.). RADIO -PARIS, Dance Pfte.(Chopin,Liszt).6.45 -Ro- Press Review. 7.55 -Home Affairs. harmonic with Ilse Warncke (Pfte.) manian).BUDAPEST (1), Daisy Music.11.30 -Light Music -Pascal manian Carols by the MunicipalFRANKFURT, News. 7.10-" Der in a Concert of his own Music. Guth (Pfte.). 9.45 -Talk (German). Orchestra. Choir. BUDAPEST (1), Orchestra. Giinstling " - Opera (Wagner-EIFFEL TOWER, HomeAffairs.COLOGNE, News. 9.30 -English STRASBOURG, News(German). 6.45 -Play. Regeny).Conductor: Rosbaud. 8.30 -The Odeon Players. Talk. 9.45 -Music from Hamburg. TOULOUSE, Music. 11.55 -News. COLOGNE, Records (contd.). 6.45 -HAMBURG, News. 7.10-" TheFRANKFURT, "Der Giinstling "-DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, News. Snapshots. Smoking Factory Chimney "-In- Opera (contd.). 9.30 - Flinsch(Pfte.)(Weber, DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, "Die dustrial Pictures (Albrecht), MusicHAMBURG, " The Smoking Factory Liszt). Zupfgeigenhansln " (contd.). 6.25 - by Hahn.Orchestra, Male Voice Chimney " (contd.). HILVERSUMEIFFEL TOWER, The Odeon Players 12 midnight Report :Baltic Amber. Choir, etc.HILVERSUM (1,875 (1,875 m.). Orchestra, Violin (contd.). (contd.). EIFFEL TOWER, Educational.6.45 in.), Talk ;Records.7.25 -Talk ; HILVERSUM (301.5 in.), VarietyFRANKFURT, News. 9.30 -MusicalFRANKFURT andSTUTTGART, -Notes. News. 7.50-K.R.O. Symphony (contd.). Sequence. Concert (contd.). FRANKFURT, " FriedrichList "- Orchestra. Conductor : van Goud-KALUNDBORG, See Vienna. 8.35-HAMBURG, BERLIN, News. 9.30 RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records ; Sequence (Albrecht).6.30 -Anti - oever.Flesch (Violin).HILVER- Emborg Anniversary Concert. -Dance Music and Folk Music - DanceMusic. RADIO -PARIS, Waste Campaign.6.40 -Topical. SUM (301.5 na.), Records.7.10 - KONIGSBERG, Naval Band and Dance Band, Mandoline Band and light Music (contd.). 6.55 -Markets :Notes. English. 7.40 -News. 7.55- Singers (contd.). others.HILVERSUM (1,875 tn.), TOULOUSE, 12.5 -News. 121 WORLD -RADIO [DECEMBER 18, 1936

Hours of Transmission in GreenwichBRNO (Czechoslovakia) 4.0 -Light Orchestral. 4.50 -Reports:3.40-K.R.O. Orchestra. Conductor : TUESDAY (December 22) Mean Time 922 kc/s (325.4 m.) ; 32 kW. (a) Building a Trawler, Cuxhaven, (h)van 't Woud ; Records.6.40 -Police Dusseldorf Foundry, (c) A TrawlerMessages ;Talk ;Records. 7.25 - Transmits at intervals front 5.15 a.m. Caplein. Talk ; News. ATHLONE (Ireland) 4.40p.m. -German Transmission.5.20 -See Deutschlandsender. 7.50-2K.R.O. Symphony Orchestra. NATIONAL 565 kc/s (531 m.) ;60 kW. Re-For Workers ;Talk ;For Farmers.5.40 -OperaRecords. Excerpts,Conductor : van Goudoever Carl For Time Signals, see Monday layed by Dublin, 1,348 kc,'s (222.65.15 -News. 5.20 -Music Review ; " Oberon " (Weber), "La Traviata " Flesch (Violin). 8.30-8.50a.m.(D) -Second Test m.) ; and Cork, 1,240 kc/s (241.9 m.)Record.5.35 -Labour Exchange. (Verdi),"The Merry Wivesof9.25--Te Deum (Bruckner) by the Match -Alan Kippax from Sydney.1.30-3.0 p.m. -Records.5.30 -Chil-5.45 -6.10 -See Prague.6.10--Ondra Windsor "(Nicolai)," Othello,"HarlemCatholicOratorioSociety.. 10.15 (D) -Service. dren's Hour. SalonTrio. 6.40--" The Country (Verdi). 9.55 -Records.10.10 -News. 10.15 10.30 (D) -Weather Forecast. 6.15 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor :Choir "-Sketch (RysavY).Music by6.45 -Snapshots.7.0 -News. -jeno Cigany Band. 10.45 -Request Programme. Lieut. J. M. Doyle.Excerpts, " LeKonvali tik a. 7.10-" Anno Dazumal "-Song Hits10.40-K.R.O. Melodists, Conductor: 11.0 -Cinema Organ. roil'adit " (Delibes). Golden7.15 -9.0 -Programme from Morayska-of Yesterday and Today. StationLustenhouwer. Klein (Refrains); 11.30 -Records. Waltz (arr. Winter). 6.35 -IrishOstrava.7.15 -Folklore.OrchestraChamber Choir and Orchestra, etc.11.25 -11.40 -Records. 11.45 -Theatre Orchestra. News Feature.6.45 -News. andArtists. 8.0 -Talk. 8.15-Conductor :Breuer. 8.45 -Historical 12.30p.m. -Jack Wilson andhis7.0 -Radio .Orchestra ;Conductor," Musical Rarities "-Variety. 9.0 --Sketch (Griese).9,0 -News. Versatile Five. Lieut. J. M. Doyle.Overture, " IINews ;Review :Sports. 9.15 -10 -9.30 -English Talk. 1.0 -See 8.30 a.m. re pastore " (Mozart).IntroductionRecords. 9.45 -11.0 -Music from Hamburg. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.) 1.20 -Wellesley Colliery Prize Band ; andPastorale," TheMessiah " (Holland) George Cunningham (Baritone). (Handel).Suite for Strings (Lully). 995 kels ;15 kW until 2.40 p.m,: 2.15 -The BBC Empire Orchestra ; Christmas Songs and Ballads byBRUSSELS (No. 1) (Belgium)DEUTSCHLANDSENDER 60 kW from 2.40 p.m. The Grinke Trio. . Hubert Valentine (Tenor). 3.15 -Records. 7.50-" Christmas Gifts " - Humo- 620 kc/s (483.9 m.) ;15 kW. (Germany)A.V.R.O. Programme. 4.0 -This Was News. rous Monologue by Truda Barling.6.37-9.0 a.m.-Records ; Gym.; News. 1911c/s (1,571 m.) ;60 kW. 7.40 a.m.-Time ;Rivords.8.40-- 4.20 -The Hungaria Gipsy Orchestra.8.5 -Chamber Music by the Dublin12.0 noon -Records. TransMits at intervals from 5.0 a.m.A.V.R.O.A.V.R Orchestra. Conductor: . 4.50 -Records. ' Trio.8.35-" Scenes that are . . ?"12.30 p.m. -Jazz Band.1.0 -News. 11.0 a.m.-See Stuttgart. 12.45 -L - Treep. 9.40 -Service. 9.55 -Records. .5.15 -The Willie Walker Octet. -Sketch presented by J. J. MacKeown.1.10 -Light Orchestral. Durand (Songs),p.m. -News. 10.10-Palla(Organ). 10.40 -For 6.0 -The First News. 8.55 -Homely Songs sung by theGilman (Flute). 1.30 -Records. 2.0 -1.10 -Variety.2.0 -Exchange ;Pro-Women. 11.10-A.V.R.O. Orchestra. 6.25 -The BBC Orchestra (Section E),Sutton Singers. 9.15-A ChristmasArt Notes.2.15 -2.45 -For Schools.gramme Notes. 2.15 -Visitto -aConductor :Treep.In the interval conducted by Joseph Lewis;JanStory.9.30-Viriety. 10.30 -11.0 -4.55 -Notes. Christmas Toy Factory. 2.45 -Books.Records of Brailowsky (Pfte.). 12.55 Van Der Gucht (Tenor). News. 3.0 -von Geczy Band ;at 4.0 :A p.m. -Lyra Trio.1.40 -Kovacs Lajos 7.20 -The BBC Dance Orchestra. 5.0-Candrix Dance Band. 6.0 -Talk :Story. Orchestra. 2.40 -Dressmaking Lesson. 8.0 -The St. Hilary Players in " The Political Economy.6.15 -Records. 5.0 -Ilse Miehier (Rasch, Marx, Liszt,3.40 - Records. 4.10 - Children's Stranger at S. Hilary." BANSKA-BYSTRICA 6.45-Marcelle Meyer (Pfte.). 7.15 - Mozart, and Bach Songs). Choir.Conductor :Hamel.4.40 - 9.0 -The Third News. (Czechoslovakia)Records. 7.30 -News. 5.20 -Political Press Review. For Children. 5.10 -Records. 5.40- 9.20 -Science Talk. 392 kc/s (765 m.) ;30 kW. 8.0 -National Orchestra. Conductor :5.40-" Die Zupfgeigenhansln " (Re-A.V.R.O. Dance Band.Conductor : 9.40 -Mozart :Elsie Suddaby (So-Relays Czechoslovak Stations. Meulemans. Misson' (Violin).corded). 6.25 -Report : Baltic Amber.Mossel. 6.25 --Christmas Carols. 6.40 prano). Part 1: Dvorak Music. SYmphony,6.55 -Genealogy. 7.0 -Motto ; News.-ForChildren. 6.45 -Records. 10.0-" Folly and "-a revue From the New World. Slav Dances.7.10 -Bee Konigsberg. 7.10 -English Lesson. 7.40 -Time ; for Christmas Week. BERLIN (Germany) Part II :Violin Concerto. Ballet 8.0 -HansPfitzner conductstheNews. 1.1.0 -Joe Loss and his Band. Suite (Scarlatti-Tommasini).':10.0-. BerlinPhilhitimonic, withIlse7.55-" A.V.R.O. Tuesday Night 11.30 -12.0 -Dance Records. 841 kc/s (356.7 m.)';100 kW. News. Warncke (Pfse.) in a Concert of hisTrain "-Variety.Kovacs Lajos Or- Transmits at intervals from' 5.0 a.m.10.10 -11.0 -Dance Records. own Music.Overture, "Kathchenchestra, Greta Burbach, Louis Noirac; 11.0 a.m.-See Munich.1.0 p.m. - von Heilbronn."-Liebesmelodie,The Song -Singers, Pierre Palle (Or REGIONAL News. 1.15 -BerlinOperaPro- " Das Here." Pfte. Concerto. 9.0 -gas). For Time Signals, see Monday grammes.2.0 -Exchange;, Markets. News. 9.55 - " Louise "-Opera (Char- 4.30-- Old GermanBRUSSELS (No. 2) (Belgium)9.30-:Flinsch (Pfte.).Variations onpentier)(Records). 10.40 -News. 8.30-10.45 a.m.-Droitwich. 3.30 -Variety. 15 kW. 932 kes (321.9 m.); . 10.45 --The New Victoria- Cinema'Wood Carving "Sequence with " Saltine Minks" (Weber).Etude10.50-A.V.R.O. Dance Band. Con- Orchestra.'- Christmas Games and Poems (arr. Programmein Flemish. in F(Liszt): 9.45 -Weather. ductor : Mossel. 11.10-11.40-, 11.30 -The BBC Welsh 'Orchestra ;Paesler). 1.37-9.0a.m. - Records ; Gym ;10.041.0 -RecordsoftheKaiserRecords. 5.0 -See Konigsberg. - 6.0 -Talk :News. and Woitschach Dance Bands. Muriel Parkin (Soprano). _ 12.30 p.m. -Records. Gymnastics. --12.0 noon -Records :Light Music. 1.15 -Frederick Rimmer-Organ. 6.15-Jackel (SongstotheLute),12.30 -Weather. Monckemeyer (Flute), Sedding (Vio-12.31 p.m. -Operetta Waltzes.1.0 - KALUNDBORG (Denmark) 2.0 -Dance Records. News. FRANKFURT (Germany) 240 kc/s (1,250 m.) ; 60 kW. Relays 2.30 -Geiger and his Orchestra. lin). 6.45 --Evening Echoes.7.0 - 1,195kcis(251m.) ; 25 kW. 3.0 -The TorquayMunicipalOr-News ; 1.10-Brenders Jazz Band. 1.30 - Relayed by Cassel, Cobleni, Frei- Copenhagen, 1,176 kc/s (255.1 m.). chestra ;Ellis Keeler (Baritone). 7.10-" Ballade am Eisfenster "-PlayRecords. 2.0 -Announcements. Transmits at intervals from 6.0 a.m. 2.3 -2.45 -For Schools.4.55 -Notes. burg, and Trier, 1,195 ke/s (251 m.). 4.0 (Northern) -Evensong from York(Huchel);MusicbyStuhlmacher. Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m.'11.0 a.m.-Bendix String Ensemble. Minster. Station Choir and Artists. Con-5.0 -Records :Operetta Music.5.45 1.0 p.m.-Preil's Ensemble ;at 1.50 : 4.30 (ex. Northern) -Poetry Reading.ductor :Braun. ' -For Children. 11.0. a.m.-See Munich.1.0 p.m. -Reading. 3.0 -For Children. 3.50 4A5 -The Philip Whiteway Ensemble.8.0 -OperettaandFilmRecords.6.30 -Organ Records :Light Music.News ;Records.210 -Talk. 2.15- --Wireless Notes.3.56 -Poem.4.0 5.15 -The Children's Hour. 9.0 -News. 6.45 -Economics. For Women.3.0 -Light Orchestral.-Dialect Talk. 4.25 -Weather. 6.0 (ex. Western, Northern; Scottish) -9.30 -11.0 -See Hamburg. 7.0 -Records :Oscar Straus Music.Conductor :Cuja. 4.40 -Exchange ;Markets. 4.50 - Reginald King and his Orchestra. 7.30 -Talk :The Anti -Tuberculosis4.30-," Christmas in the Trenches"Jazz Records. 5.20 -TalkTrajan 6.0 . (Western)-Blaina andDistrict Campaign. -Reminiscences of Soldier -Poets. Portraitsinthe Glyptotek. 5.35 -- Silver Band ; Ronald ChiversBEROMUNSTER 8.0-." TillEulenspiegel." Talk :5.0 -2 -See Konigsberg. German Lesson.1.0 -Time ; News. Eulenspiegel.6.0-" Friedrich List "-Sequence (Baritone). (Switzerland) Christmasand Till 6.30 -MedicalTalk. 7.0-" The 6.0 (Northern) - Jack Bamford Records :Symphonic Poem, Till(Albrecht). 6.30 -Anti -Waste Cam-Hansens "-Sketch (Locher). 556 kc/s(539.6m.) ;100 kW. Eulenspiegel (R.Strauss). "Tillpaign. 6.40 -Topical.. 6.55 -Pro- (Tenor) ;Elizabeth Walton (Pfte.); 7.15-Lehar Operetta Music.Radio Ruth P. Jeffcote (Soprano). Relayed by Basle and Berne, 1,375 Eulenspiegel "-Play after Charlesgramme Notes.7.0 -News. Orchestra. Conductor :Tuxen. 6.0 (Scottish) -Christmas Concert in kc/s(2t8.2 m.). de Coster(NissenandSeitz).7.10-" DerGanstling "-Three-Act Overture,Gipsy Love." Selection, 11.0 a.m.-To be announced. 11.29 - Translation by Priem.10.0 -News.Opera (Wagner-Regeny). Station Choir " The Land of Smiles."Russian the Clachan. (Gaelic). and Orchestra. Conductor : Rosbaud. 6.40 -From the London Theatre. News. 11.40 -To beannounced.10.10 -11.0 -InaGermanCabaret Dances," Tatjana." Selection, - 7.0 -The Second News. 12.45p.m.(fromBerne) -Parlia-(Records). 9.0 -News. " Paganini."7.55 -Records. 7.20 -Regional Announcements. mentary Review.3.0 -Surprise Pro- 9.30 -11.0 -See Hamburg. 8.0 -See Vienna. 7.30 (Regional, Midland, Northern) --gramme. 3.29 -Time. 11.0p.m. -1.0a.m.(Wednesday) -8.35-Emborg Anniversary Concert, The BBC Singers (A). 3.30 -5.0 -See Sottens. 5.10A Story. Concert on Records.Italian Con-by the Radio Orchestra.Conductor : BUCHAREST (Romania) certo(Bach). Pfte.Concerto 7:30 (Western) -Welsh News. 5.30 -Books.5.40 -Talk :General 12 kW. Re- Tuxen. 9.10 -News. 9.25-- ` Peer ' Scipio von Lentulus ;The Lentulus 823 kc/s (364.5 m.) ; in B flat (Mozart).Sinfonie con-Gynt " Suites (Grieg) by 7.30 (N. Ireland) -Dance Records. layed by Radio -Romania (Brasov). certante for Violin, 'Cello, Oboe, the 7.30(Scottish) -Scottish DanceSong, sung bySchlafli(Baritone). 160 kc's (1,875 m.). Radio Orchestra. Conductor : Tuxen. Music. 6.0 -Time.6.1 -Talk.6.30 -News. Bassoon, and Orchestra (Haydn). 10.0 -ChristmasGreetings tothe 7.40 (Westefn)-Moura Lympany6.40 -Yodels and Landlers.7.20-Transmits at intervals from 4.30 a.m. Symphony in D minor (Remy). Faroe Isles.11.0 -Chimes. (Pfte.). " Drusbrrinner "-Three-ActChrist-4.0 p.m. -Read i ng. 4.15 -Records. 7.40 (N. Ireland) -Careers for Ulstermas Play. 5.0 -Time ;Weather ;Topical. 5.10 8.0Three Cantatas on Seventeenth-Records.5.50 -Talk. Women-Rosella McClure. HAMBURG (Germany) KONIGSBERG (Heilsberg) 8.0 (Regional)-Meyerbeer : MayCentury Songs (Stern).Radio Berne6.10-Rodica Soutzo (Pfte.) :Scherzo, 904 kc/s(331.9rn.) ; 100 kW. Blyth(Soprano) ; ParryJonesVocal Quartet and Instrumentalists.andBallad(Chopin),Tarantella RelayedbyBremen,Flensburg, (Germany) . (Tenor) ; Kenneth Ellis(Bass) ;8.15 -Hot Jazz. 9.15 -Announce-(Liszt). Hanover, Magdeburg and Stettin, 1,031 kc/s (291 m.) ;100 kW. The BBC Chorus (Section A) andments. 6.45 -Romanian Christmas Carols by 1,330 kc/s (225.6 m.). RelayedbyDanzig,1,303kc/s Orchestra (Section D), conducted by the Municipal Choir. 7.15 -Talk. (230.2 m.). Charles Webber. 7.30 -Radio Orchestra. 8.30 -News ;Transmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m. 8.0 (Midland)-" Sealed Orders." BRATISLAVA Sports.8.45 -Radio Orchestra. 9.20 11.0a.m.-ConcertfromBremen.Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 8.0 (Northern) -Triple Bill. -Records. 9.45 -News (French,12.5 p.m. -Topical. . 11.0 a.m.-See Munich.1.0 p.m. - 8.0 (N. Ireland) -The BBC Northern (Czechoslovakia)German, Romanian). 12.15 -Concert from Munich.1.0 -News.1.10 -Books. Ireland Orchestra, conductor, 1,004 kc/s (298.8 m.) ;13.5 kW. News ;Light Music.2.0 -Shipping.1.25 -New ChorusesandSongs - E. Godfrey Brown ;Victor Hely-Transmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m. 2.20 -Ludwig Funk (Pfte.).2.50 -Station Choir, etc. 2.10 -Books. 2.20 5.0-5.45p.m. -Hungarian Transmis- Ice Report. -For Children. 2.50 -Records. 3.40 Hutchinson (Pfte.). sion: Talk ; Visvitry (Violin). CzardasBUDAPEST (No. 1) (Hungary) 8.0(Scottish)-" Hereawa,there 3.0 -See Deutschlandsender. 4.0 --Talk.3.45 -Talk with Music (arr. awa "-Alexander McOwan. (Hubay). Caprice Viennois (Kreisler). 546 kc/s (549.5 m.) ; 120 kW. Books. 4.15 -Variety. Jager). 4.25 -Talk. 4.40 -Discussion. 8.10 (Western) -ChristmasCarols :Serenade (Mach).For Workers. Transmits at intervals from 11.5 a.m.5.0 -SeeKonigsberg. 5.40-An-5.0 -Station Orchestra.Conductor : The BBC Welsh Singers and Welsh5.45 -6.10 -See Prague. 6.10 -Light4.30p.m. -Kalmar Band. 6.0 -nouncements:- Brfickner, Adelheid Armhold (So- Orchestra. " Orchestral. Topinka (Xylophone).Station Orchestra. 6.45 -Historical6.0-LightOrchestralfromSaar- prano).Overture, " The Barber of 8.15 (Scottish) -Musicfrom the7.10 -Talk. 7.25 -9.15 -See Prague.Radio Play.8.40 -News. 9.0 -Daisybriicken. Inge Campausen (Soprano), Bagdad "(Cornelius). Espana Scottish Past: MarieThomson9.15 -News (Hungarian). 9.30 -News.Guth (Pfte.).9.45 -Talk (German).Neumeyer(Harpsichord). 6.45 - (Chabrier).Suite (Schaub).Songs (Soprano) ; Neil Forsyth (Baritone);9.35 -10.0 -Programme from Prague. 10.0-Veres Cigany Band. 11.5 -Topical. 7.0 -News. 7 (R.Strauss). ' SwedishDances BBC Scottish Singers and Strings of News. 7.10-" The Smoking Factory Chim- (Greener). Aria, " The Hermit's the Orchestra. BRESLAU (Germany) ney "-Industrial Pktures (Albrecht) ; Bell " (Maillart).Excerpts, " Tier - 8.20 (Midland) -HarryEngleman's Music by Hahn.Station Orchestra, land" (d'Albert).Waltz (Ziehrer). 950kc/s(315.8m.) ;100 kW. Male Voice Choir, etc.Conductor: Overture, " The Thieving Magpie " Quintet. 1,231kcjsBUDAPEST (No. 2) (Hungary) 8.50 (Scottish) -Scottish News. Relayed byGleiwitz, Seeker. 9.0 -News. (Rossini) ;at 6.0 : Announcements. 9.0 (ex. Midland, Northern) -Pageant (243.7 m.). 359.5 kcjs (834.5 m.) ;18 kW. 9.30 -11.0 -Dance Music andFolk6.45 -Topical.7.0 -News. Transmits at intervals from 4.0 a.m. 6.30 -String of Pantomime The BBC Revue 5.0 p.m. -For Farmers. Music -Station Dance Band, Mando-7.10 -Naval Band and Singers.In, Chorus and'TheatreOrchestra,11.0 a.m.-See Munich.1.0 p.m. -Quartet in E minor (Beethoven), byine Band, etc. Conductor ;Gebhardt.the interval :" Der Konig and die 6.50 conducted by Mark H. Lubbock. NewsExchange. the Lener Quartet.6.15 -Talk. lenge Jungfer "-Play (Feineis). 9.0 - 9.0(Midland) -Radio Cracker -1.15 -2.0' -Variety from Deutschland --StationOrchestra. 7.20 -News. News.9.20 -Political Press Review. Variety. P' sender.3.0 -For Women. 3.20 -7.50-Laszla Virany Jazz Band. HILVERSUM (1,875 m.) 9.40 -11.0 -Music from Hamburg. 9.0 (Northern)-Handel's " Messiah."For Children.3.40 -Talk. Part 2 ;The Huddersfield Choral4.10 -Band from Deutschlandsender. (Holland) Society and Orchestra ; Isobel5.0 -See Konigsberg. 5.50 -Talk : 160 kc/s10 kW until 2.40 p.m. ; COLOGNE (Germany) 100 kW from 2A0 p.m. Baillie (Soprano) ;Gladys RipleyStud Farming. - 658 kc/s (455.9 m.) ;100 kW. LEIPZIG (Germany) (Contralto) ; WalterWiddop6.0-" Der Genosse aus Brasilien "- K.R.O. Programme. Transmits at intervals frOm 5.0 a.m. 785kc/s(382.2 m.) ;120 kW. (Tenor) ; Harold Williams (Bari-Play (Schaferdiek) (Recorded).7.0 - 7.40-8.55a.m.-Records. 9.40 - Relayed by Dresden,1,285kc/s tone) ;Conductor, Malcolm Sar-News. 11.0 a.m.-Band.12.0 noon -News.Records.11.10 -Religious Address. 11.40 -Police Messages. (233.5 m.). gent. 7.10 -11.0 -Winter Relief Fund Con-12.15 p.m. -Music fromMunich. Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 10.0 -News Summary. cert -Hindenburg Symphony Orches-1.0 -News. - 11.55-K.R.O. Melodists, Conductor 11.25 -Joe Loss and his. Band. tra.Conductor :Humpert, Military1.15 -2.0 -Variety from Deutschland -Lustenhouwer ;Records. 1.40 p.m.11.0 a.m.-See Munich.1.0 p.m. - 11.30 -Late News Summary. Band, Glitek-Auf Band ; at9.0 :sender.2.45 -Markets. 3.0 -TopicalFor Women. 2.45-Haak (Organ),News. 1.15 -Records. 2.0 -For 11.40 -12.0 -Records. News. Review. Mme. Jose Cando' (Soprano). Women. 2.20 -Talk. [43 DM:EMBER 1.8.,19361 WORLD -RADIO 3.10 - Military Band. March4.30 -Light Classical Music bythe 3.0 ----LightOrchestral Greta Kux Prize -winners attheMicrophone. Radio Suisse romande Orchestra. TUESDAY (December22) (Soprano). 4.0 -Markets. 4.10 -I2.35 -Exchange. 12.39 -Records. (Oberthor). Overture, " Norma " 1.30-Liane (Bellini).Selection, " Swan Lake" Suite (de Micheli).Ballet, " Cop- For Young People. 4.30 -Music.I.15 -Film Records. pelia " (Delibes). 5.0 -Literature. 4.40 -Talk.5.0 -Records of FamousMaireve. 1.40 -Film Notes. 2.0, (Tchaikovsky).Polka (Paboucek). Musical Comedy Music. 11.55 - Singers. 3.45, 4.35 -Exchange. 6.0 -Call. Waltz (Rehor). March (Mrtek). 5.20 -Radio Suisse romande Orches- tra.Conductor : Appia.Gavalda News.12.5 a.m. (Wednesday) -Light 6.0 (from Dresden)-" 0 Freede Ober6.2 -Protestant Notes. 3.50 -Marianne Theiner (Violin). 4.10 Music. 12.20 -Orchestra. 12.30 - Freede "-Oberlausitz Christmas Play Overture, " Rienzi "-For Children. 4.30 -Nora van (Violin).Marche heroique (Saint - 6.17 -Records : Suitebreve (Aubert). Announcements. with Music (Andert).6.59 -Topical.(Wagner). 6.30 -Exchange. 6.35 -Rappard (Songs). 5.0 -Markets. Sans). 6.50 - Suite (Cui).Music from " Picco- 7.0 -News. Topical. 6.42 -Literary Talk. 5.10-5.45 - German Transmission : lino " (Guiraud). Spanish Dance, 7.10-" The Show of the Month "- Variety. 7.6 -News. 7.32 -Yvonne Economics ;Christmas Music with TURIN (No.1) (Italy) 9.0 -News. 9.30 -Books. 7.47 -Paris Pro- " La vida breve " (Falla). A Manx 1,140kcis (263.2rn.) ;7 kW. Variety. Georges Records, Martha Pitz (Soprano) and Instru- Rhapsody (Wood). 10.0 -11.0 -Fricke Dance Band. gramme with n Luie 8.2- mentalists. Pastorale(Vivaldi). Relayed by Milan (No. 1), 814 kc/s PaulReboux.Jea 8.17-mFre.red Adison Variations on 6.10 -Medical Talk.6.30 -Interlude. (368.6 m.) ; Genoa, 986 kc/s (304.3 Nord) Records.8.32 -Waltz. (Murchhauser). Christmas Music6.50 -News. m.) ; Trieste, 1,140 kc/s (263.2 m.) ; LILLE (Radio PTT Carol(Bammer). Flolence, 610kc/s(491.8m.) ; (France)8.35 -Dramatic Programme :(a) (BOddecker). 7.0 -SlavMusicbythe Romqnd Bolzano, 536 kc/s (559.7 m.) ; and "Sous le vent" - Ptayin. Three Soprano Aria (Handel). 5.45 - Orcftestra. Conductor :Haug. 1,213 kart. (247.3 m.) ;60 kW. News and Review (German). 6.0 - Rome (No. 3), 1,258 kcis (238.5 ra.). Scenes (Heart),(b)"Troia Nods Bassermann (Violin). Fifth Sym-Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m.: Transmits at intervals from 6.50 a.m.de la vie d'un Homme "-Sequence News. phony, " From the New World " 4.0 p.m. -News. 4.15 -4.50 -Records. 6.30 p.m. -News. 7.0 -Music Lesson. (Ferry). 10.30 -11.0 -Cabaret. 6.10 -See Bratislava. 7.10 -Talk. (Dvotak).Fantasia (Suk).Dances 5.0 -5.10 -For Women.5.50-Dopo- 7.30 -Records. 8 .15-Lega I Talk. 7.25 -Talk on the following Trans- " Galanta " (Bartok). lavoro Notes.6.0 -News in Foreign 8.30 -See Paris (PTT). 10.30 -News.PARIS (PT!) (France) mission. 8.10 -Books. 8.40 -9.15 -Song Re- Languages.7.5 -Time ; News.7.30 695 kc/s (431.7 m.) ;120 kW. 7.30 - ChristmasOratorio(Bach). cords. -Talk. MONTE CENERI (Switzerland)Transmits at intervals from 5.50 a.m.Station Choir and Orchestra.Con- 7.40-" Al di copra di roi "-Three- ductor: Jeremias. Zdenka Spackova Act Play (Gherardini). 1,167 kc/s (257.1 m.) ;15 kW. 2.30 p.m.-" Grand Guignol "-Three STOCKHOLM (Sweden) Transmits at intervals from 11.0 a.m. Pieces (Andre de Lorde) t(a) " Le(Soprano), Marta Krisova (Contralto), 9.10 -Jacqueline Marcault (Pfte.). 9.40 Chorovic (Tenor), Otava (Baritone) ; 704 Ices (426.1 m.) ; 55 kW.Re- -Dance Music.10.0 -News. 10.10- 6.0 p.m. -Reading, " Lady Winder-Maitre de la Mort," (b) " Une Leeon layed by Motala, 216 kc/s (1,389 6.15 at 9.0: News. 10.55 -Dance Music. mere s Fan " (Oscar Wilde). a la Salpetriere," (c) "Consultation I 0.0 -10.15 -English News. m.) ; Goteborg, 941 kc/s (318.8 m.) ; -Variety. 6.45 -News. de I 3." VIENNA (Austria) 7.0 -Italian Music. Radio Orchestra.4.0 --Songs (Stalenberg), by Paulette Photo.:Ou:11:and Conductor :Casella. Overture,Fouquet. 4.15 -Reading. 4.30 - 592 kc/s(506.8m.); 100 kW. "11giornofdice " (Cimarosa).Singing Lesson. A '_'Christmas Relayed by Graz and Linz, 886 ke/s Andantino and Fugue(Scarlatti- Orchestra. (338.6 m.) ; Innsbruck, 519 kc/s 5.0-Pasdeloup Concert (578 rn.) ; Limenta).Eight Songs for Strings Conductor :Ellis.Overture, " Le Angel," one Klagenfurt and Vorarl- (Bossi).Introduction, Theme and Pre aux Clercs " (Herold). Nocturne berg, 1,294 kc/s (231.8 m.) ;and Seven Variations (Massarani). (Haydn). Variations on an Austrian of the toys Salzburg, 1,348 Itc/s (222.6 m.). 7.45 -Reading (Perri). Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. Theme (Haydn). 11.0 a.m.-Station Orchestra. Con- 8.5 -Schubert and Schumann Sonatas5.30 -Music Talk.5.40 -Art Notes. whose making by Casella (Pfte.) and Dc Signori ductor :Schfinherr. Rosner (Violin). (Violin). Duet in A (Schubart).5.50 -Science Talk. is to be Nibelungenmarsch (Sonntag) ;at 12.0 Sonata in A minor (Schumann). 6.0-PasdeloupConcertOrchestra. noon -News. 8.45 -9.15 --Bob Engel Orchestra. Conductor :Ellis. Jeanne Jaspar 1.0 p.m. -Records of Marian Ander- (Pfte.). Pieces (Strauss) :(a) Heide - described at son(Contralto). 1.30 -Announce- (b)Traumerei,(c)Waltz, ments. 2.0 -Markets. 2.20 -For MOSCOW (No.1) (Russia) " Der Rosenkavalier."Pfte.:(a) Deutschland - Children.2.40 -For Women.3.0 - 172 kc/s (1,744 m.);500 kW. Prelude(Prokofiev), (b) Berceuse News ; Exchange. 3.5 -Records. (de la Presle), (c) Boite 8 musique sender at 3.45 -Handiwork. 4.10 -Literary 4.30 p.m. -Concert.5.0 -Red Army (Poldowski), (d) Bagatelles chinoises Review. 4.20-Lorenzi (Baritone). Notes. 5.15 -Talk.5.45 -Concerts. (Tcherepnin), (e) La danza d' Olaf 2.15 p.m: 4.40-Czaczkes(Pfte.). Rhapsody 8.0 -German Talks :(a) Collective (Pick-Mangiagalli). and Caprice in B minor (Brahms). Farm Economics, (b) Questions and6.30 -News ; Topical. 7.30 -Weather. Standchen (Strauss-Godowsky). Two Answers. 9.5 -Dutch Talk on the Etudes (Glazunov). 1905 Revolution ;Revolution Songs.7.38-Pasdeloup Concert Orchestra. 5.0 -Talk :Wireless Telegraphy in 10.0 -SwedishTalks : (a)Soviet Conductor : Ellis. Ballet," Rosaine" the last Century. 5.20 -Philosophical Woman, (b) Foreign Affairs.11.0 - (Flament). Suite,Music -Hall RADIO-NORIV1ANDIE Horby, 1,131 kc/s(265.3m.) ; Review.5.35 -French Lesson. (Biancheri).8.0 -Talks. and Boden, 392 kc/s (765 m.). 6.0 - Spanish Talk : Foreign Affairs. 8.30 (Also for Alpes-Grenoble (PTT), (France)Transmits at intervals from 6.20 a.m. News. 6.30 -From Workshop and Bordeaux -Lafayette, Limoges (PTT), 1,113 kc/s (269.5 m.) ;10 kW. 4.30 p.m -The Roving Microphone. Office. MUNICH (Germany) Mont-7.0 a.m.-Records. 7.10 -News. 7.50 7.0 (fromGraz)-" Christmas "- Lyons (PTT), Marseilles(Pm 4.45 -ScandinavianMusic. Vocal Children'sChoir, VocalQuartet, 740 kcts (405.4 m.) ;100 kW. Re-pellier(PTT),Nice -Corse, Rennes - -Orchestra. 8.0 -Records. 8.15 -Trio,Pfte. Duo ;Reading inthe Bretagne, Toulouse (PTT)).-" HanselLight Music.8.30 -Records.8.45 - Urania Quintet and others. Con- layedbyNiirnberg, 1,267kds interval. 5.45 -Talk.6.15 -News. ductor : Janda. 8.0 -Austrian (236.8 m.). and Gretel "-Three-Act Opera (H um-Popular Music. 9.0-Recordi. 9.15 -6.30-" I.aservapadrona "-Two- perdinck), from theConservatoire.Light Music.9.30 -Records. 9.45 -Act Opera (Pergolesi). Christmas Carols by the Jung -Urania Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. Conductor : Choir. Conductor :Lehner.Folk 12.45National Orchestra and Raugel Choir.Light Music. 10.0 -Records. 10.15 - Hellman.7.30 -Talk. 11.0 a.m.-Light Orchestral. Inghelbrecht. GermaineLight Music.10.30 -Popular Music. Song, Frets dich, Erd and Sternenzett p.m. -News. Conductor : 8.0 -Modern LightMusicbythe Marienhande. Weihnachtslied. Corney, Germaine Teugels and. Ger- 10.45 -Records.11.0 -Opera Music. Radio Orchestra. 8.45 -News. 9.0-10.0 Christ- 1.0 -2.0 -See Deutschlandsender.2.30 10.30 -News. 12.0 noon -Clarinet Recital. kindlmarkt. Marias Wi tgenlied. -To be announced. 3.53 -Concert.maine Martinelli. -Records Weihnachtssegen.Maria im Schnee. 5.0 -LightOrchestral. 6.0 -Winter 12.20 p.m. -Excerpts, Les Gangsters Weihnachtswanscbe. Gr3net Felder, Solstice." 6.15 -Folk Music.7.0 -PARIS (Radio -Paris) (France) duChateaud'If "(Scotto-Sarvil).STRASBOURG (France) griinet Wiesen. Krippenzauber. News. 182 kcis (1,648 m.) 80 kW. 12.40 -News. 1.0 -Concert. 2.0 - 859 kc/s (349.2 m.) ;100 kW. Weihnachtshymne.Stille Nacht, hei- 7.10-" The Escape "- WarPlay6.45 a.m.-Gym. 7.0 --Records.7.15 Records. 2.15 -Light Music. 2.30Transmits at intervals from 6.15 a.m. lige Nacht !(Gruber). 3,30 (Alverdes).9.0 -News. -Records.3.0 -Light Music. 6.30p.m. -News; Reviews.7.15- 8.35 -Reading. 9.0 -Report :Exhibi- -Press Review.7.45 -Gym. 8.0-- Records. 3.45 -OperaMusic. 9.30 -Old Pfte. Music (Handel, Bach,Messager Records.11.0 -Paris Sym- Roussillon Song and Dance Records. tion of Models and Designs for the Scarlatti) by A. Heyne. phony Orchestra. Conductor :Labis.4.0 -Concert. 4.45 -For Children.7.30 -News. 7.45 -News (German). Kaiser Franz Joseph Memorial. 9.10 - 10.0 -11.0 -Concert from Hamburg. 12.0 noon -For Farmers.12.15 p.m.5.0 -Records. 5.15 -Light Music.8.15 -From the Opera-Comique, News. -Orchestra (contd.). Maryse Tenneval 5.30 -Records. 5.45 -Current Lon-Paris. 11.0 (approx.)-News (Ger- 9.35 -Vienna SymphonyOrchestra. don Productions. 6.0 -Children's OSLO (Norway) (Songs) ;at 12.45: News ;Sports. man). Conductor :Fritz Fall. Serenade 2.0 -Reading. 2.15 -Talk.2.20 -Corner.6.40 -Light Music.6.55 - for Strings (Bayer). Symphony, 260 kc/a (1,153.8 m.) ;60 kW. 2.30 -The Sea -Records.News ;Racing Results. 7.0 -Song " From the New World " (Dvofak). Relayed by Fredrikstad, 722 kc/sReading. Records. 7.20 -Concert. 7.40 -STUTTGART (Germany) 519 kc/s 3.0 -University Lecture.4.0 -Read- 10.30 -Announcements. (415.4m.) ;Hamar, ing (Michele°. 4.15 -Alsatian Christ-News. 8.0 -Light Music. 8.20 - 574 kc/s (522.6 m.) ;100 kW. (378 m.) ;Notodden, 1,357 kc/s Talk. 8.23 -Records. 8.40 -TenorTransmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. (221.1m.) ;Porsgrund, 850 kc/smas Carols presented by Jean Variot. 11.0 a.m.-" Snowflakes" - VarietyWARSAW (Poland) 4.30 -Records.5.0 -English Lesson. Records. 224 kc/s (1,339 m.) ;120 kW. Re- (352.9 m.);Rjukan, 1,348kc/s 9.0 -Variety Concert. Concert.Station Orchestra, Wende (222.6 m.) ; and Triandelag, 629 kc/s5.20 -Talk. Band, etc. layed by Cracow, 1,022 kc/s (293.5 (476.9 in.). 5.30-Pasdeloup Concert Orchestra.10.30 -Cuban Soirée from the Cabane m.) ;Katowice. 758 kc/s (395.8 Conductor :Ellis.Jeanne Jaspar 1.10-2.0p.m. -SeeDeutschlandsender. Transmits at intervals from 10.40 a.m. Cubaine, Paris.12.0 m't-Records. 2.15-" FlowersandAnimals."2.45 m.) Lodz1,339 kc/s (224 m.) ; (Pfte.). Four Sketches (Gaubert). 12.15 a.m. (Wednesday) -Dance-Talk : The Canary Show. Lw,6w, 795 kcis (377.4 m.) ; Poznan. 4.15p.m. -Café -Concert. 5.20 - Eskualduna (Lazzari). Pfte.:(a) Music.12.30 -1.0 -Records. 868 kc/s (345.6 ro.) ;Torun, 986 For Women. 5.50 -News. 6.30 - 3.0 -See Dcutschlandsender. 4.30- Etude on a Paganini Caprice (Schu- " TheChristmasTree "-Sequence kc/s (304.3 m.) ;and Wilno, 536 Time ;Brandt Rantzau (Pfte.). Ballet mann),(b)Balladin G minor kcis (559.7 m.). (Gluck -Friedman). Shadow Dance (Lisa Heiss). (Chopin), (c) Two Etudes (Debussy). 5.0 -SeeKonigsberg. 6.0 -Folk Transmits at intervals from 5.30 a.m. (MacDowell). Preludein G flat RADIO -ROMANIA (Brasov) 11.3 a.m.-Records. 11.40 -News. minor (Chopin). Nocturne (Chopin).6.0 -Dramatic Excerpts. Music. 6.45 -Talk :Military Careers. 6.30-Pasdeloup Concert Orchestra. (Romania)7.0 -News. 11.50-12.0 noon -Farmers'Letter- La Campanella (Liszt). Conductor : Ellis. Symphony 160 kc/s (1,875 in.). 150 kW. 7.10 -Station Orchestra. Conductor : box. 2.0 p.m. -Economics. 2.15 - 7.0 --Report. r . See Bucharest. Records.3.0 -Holiday Hints. 3.10 - 7.30 -Station Orchestra. Conducto (Mozart). Aux etoiles (Duparc). Gorlich. Hedwig Jungkurth (Soprano), Divertissement and Musette (Sama- Suthaus (Tenor). 8.10 -Dance Re-Art Notes. 3.15 -Letter -box. Kramm. Overture, " William Tell 3.30 (from Poznan) -Mme. Tomkie- (Rossini). Delibes Potpourri zeuilh). Images d'Epinal (Duperier). cords.9.0 -News. 9.20 -Political 7.30 -Home Affairs. 7.40 -Talk :ROME (Italy) Press Review. wicz (Soprano) and the Salon Trio. (Urbach). LyricSuite(Grieg). 713 kc/s (420.8 m.) ; 50 kW. Relayed Piece (Liszt). Rustle of Spring Csardas (Grossmann).En TroikaForeign Policy of the Second Empire. 9.40-M us ic from Hamburg. Reboux. 8.5 -Spanish by Naples, 1,104 kcis (271.7 m.) ; 11.0p.m. -1.0a.m.(Wednesday) - (Sinding). Arias," Turandot " (Moussorgsky). La Gitana (Kreisler).8.0 -Paul Bari (No. 1), 1,059 kc/s (283.3 m.) ; (Puccini), " Othello " (Verdi). Piece Twilight(Gunstrorn). JohannBook Review. 8.20 -Humorous See 'Frankfurt. 8.30 -Press Review. Bari (No. 2), Milan (No. 2) and (Weingartner). Serenata appassion- Strauss Potpourri (Weber). Stories. Turin (No. 2), 1,357 kc/s (221.1 m$ ata (Steiner). Pastorale (Bizet). 8.40 -News. 9.0 -Topical. 8.45-" Soireede Chansonniers "- Waltz (Strauss). 9.15--Czismas Hungarian Trio. Im-Programme arranged by Jean Vorcet :Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m.TOULOUSE (Radio -Toulouse) d'annee-Songs, 4.0 -Reading. 4.15 -Trio in B flat provisations on Hungarian Songs(a) Contes defin 4.0p.m. -News. 4.15 -4.50 -Maria (France) (Schubeef). 4.50 (from Cracow) - and Dances. Hungarian PotpourriMelodies, Sketches, (b) " Phedre ouConcetta-Zama(Soprano),Barbara 913 kc/s (328.6 m.) ; 60 kW. Monologue. 5.0 -Topical. 5.10 (Griinfeld).The Swallows migratene pas Phidre Tragi-Comedy,Giuranna (Pile.).5.0 -Morse. 5.50Transmits at intervals from 8.0 a.m.(from Lodz) -Talk. 5.20 -Topical. (Hubay).Improvisations on Hun- (c)" Augal,l'an neuf "-Revue.-Dopolavoro Notes.6.0 -Records ;6.3 p.m. -Marches.6.15-Chanson- 6.0 -Discussion. garian Songs and Dances. 10.45 -Time ;News. 11.0 -DanceNews ; Talk in English.6.20 -News nettes. 6.20-WilnoOrchestra. Overture, Music by the Pascal Orchestra. in Foreign Languages. 7.5 -Time ;6.40 - Opera Music. Excerpts, " Djamileh " (Bizet). Neapolitan PARIS (Eiffel Tower) (France) 11.30 p.m. -12.I5 a.m. (Wednesday) - News.7.30 -Talk. " Tosca " (Puccini), " Rosamunde " Rhapsody(Barbieri). Waltz Light Music by the Pascal Orchestra.7.45 - " Akla " - Four -Act Opera 1,456 kc/s (206 ; 5 kW. Marche (Schubert). (Translateur).Kisses in the Dark Au printemps (Gounod). (Verdi). Intheintervals :Talks-; 6.50 -News. 7.0 -Excerpts, "Parade (deMichell). Transmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m. des sous -offs (Faidey).Lady Love Oriental Dance 5.0 p.m.-Sorbonne Lecture. 6.0- News. du monde " (Scotto). 7.15 -Salon (Siede). Serenade (Drigo). (Visciano). Souvenirsd'Ukraine 7.40 -Songs ;at 7.55 - 6.30 -Educational. 6.45 -Theatre (Ferraris).Hungarian Impromptu Orchestra. 7.0 -Symphony Concertfromthe Notes. 7.0 -News. 7.10 -Racing. News. 8.25 -Light Music. 8.55 - Roma House. Station Symphony (Schubert). Coucou(Branger).SOTTENS (Switzerland) News. 9.10-" Si vous vouliez "- Orchestra.Conductor :Fitelberg. 7.20 -Foreign Affairs ;Science Re- Les Papillons (Berger). 677kcis(443.1 ; 103 kW. view. 7.45 -Press Review.7.55 - Fantasy. 9.45 -Paris Programme. Eve Bandrowska-Turska(Songs). Relayedby Geneva, 401 kcis 10.15-PeyronninMusic. 10.40 -- IntroductoryTalk. Overture, Home Affairs. (748 m.). 8.30 -The Odeon Players. PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) Light Music.10.55 -News. " Andromeda " (Elsner).Excerpts, 638 kis (470.2 m.) ;120 kW. 11.0 a.m.-I2.45 p.m. See Beromiln-11.0 - Operetta Airs, " T h e " Fatamorgana " (Wertheim) riansmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m.ster ;at 11.30: News. Dubarry "(Millocker-Mackeben), Songs. Symphony (Palester). Songs, PARIS (Poste Parisien) (France)2.0 p.m. -Pilsen Trio. Song (Weber).3.30 p.m.-Pierne Music by the Radio WhiteHorseInn"(Stolz-Be- Suite," Der Geburtstag derIn. 959 kc/s (312.8 m.) ;60 kW. Andante tranquillo (Mendelssohn). Suisse romande Orchestra. Conduc- natzky)," Mam'zelleNitouche " fantin " (Schrecker) ;lit 8.0 -News Transmits at intervals from 7.10 a.m. Scherzo (Beethoven). tor :Appia.Overture, " Ramunt- (Nerve), " Ur)soirde Reveillon " Topical. 12.0 noon -Exchange. 12.5 p.m. -2.38 -Play (Hladik).2.50 -Records. cho."Ballet de tour.4.0 -Inter- (Moretti). 9.30 (from Cracow) -Poetry.9.45 Records. 12.10 -Radio Amateur3.0 -Exchange. lude. 11.15 -Argentine Tangos. 11.40 - Dance Music. 441 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 18, 1936

Talk. 7.40 -Sabine Niculesco 8.10-MexineVasiliu(Christmas COLOGNE, News.9.30 -Review. (Harp), Albu (Violin), (Tournier, Carols). 8.30 -News. 8.45- DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, News. Saint -Satins). BUDAPEST (I), lonesco Orchestra. BUDAPEST 9.30--Viebig Chamber Music. 9.45 - WEDNESDAYDec.23 " Azra " (contd.). (I), " Azra " (contd.). Weather. COLOGNE, News.7.15 -See Berlin. COLOGNE, Concert (contd.). HAMBURG, News. 9.25-" The 7.45 -Concert.Bielefeld Children's DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Youth First Wave " - Play (Thaer).9.40" Choir and Records. Programme (contd.). 8.15 -von -Music from Berlin. HILVER- Geczy Band, SUM (1,875m.), Orchestra,etc. 4 p.m. " Arra "-Opera (Zador) from theDEUTSCHLANDSENDER, News. Opera. 7.10 -String Quartet in C (Mozart).FRANKFURT, BRESLAU and (contd.). 9.55 -News. HILVER- BERLIN, Chamber Music.BERO- 7.45 -Youth Programme : HAMBURG, Variety. HILVER- SUM (301.5m.),Play. 9.25 - COLOGNE, Light Music (contd.). Winter SUM (1,875m.),Orchestra,etc. Records ;News. MUNSTER, MONTE CENERI, 6.45 -Snapshots. Solstice Celebration. 9.45-" Ramb- and SOFTENS, Christmas Chamber (contd.) ; at 8.40:Competition. lers "Dance Band. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Band ;FRANKFURT, News. 7.15 -See HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), V.A.R.A. KALUNDBORG, Music.4.40 -Carols. BRESLAU, Berlin. 9.5 -Beethoven Orchestra, Artists ;at 4.50: Books. In the interval :Sketch. 6.45 - 7.45 -Variety: Orchestra. 8.40 -Play. Records. 9.15 -Opera Music Talk. HILVERSUM (1,875 rn.), Carols ! BUCHAREST, and RADI 0 - Records ;KALUNDBORG, English (Bellini, Gounod, Ponehielli, Puccini, ROMANIA, BanatFolkMusic. FRANKFURT, Light Music and Report. 7.40 -News. 7.50 - (contd.). 8.20 -Viennese Music - Saint -Satins). KONIGSBERG, Iovitza Orchestra and Radio 'Or- Opera Music. 6.45 -Topical. Arnhem Orchestra. Conductor : Orchestra. 8.50 -News.KON- News. 9.20 -Calendar. 9.40 - chestra. Grozutza (Songs). BUDA- HAMBURG; "23.12.1914 Flanders" Spaanderman ;Aurora Male Voice IGSURG, Play (contd.). Orchestra. PEST (1),4.25-Lakatos Cigany -Play(Schmidt). 6.45 --Talk. Choir ; Children's Choir, Organ.LEIPZIG, " Gluck aus Glas "-PlayLILLE, Concert (contd.). Band. HILVERSUM (1,875m.), Talk. HILVERSUM (391.5m.), S Jng3. (Duvigneau). Music by Fried MOSCOW, 9.5 -English Programme. COLOGNE, 4.30 -Christmas Se- Shipping. 6.40 -News, Talks. HIL- 7.20 -Talks ; 'News. 7.55- Walter. LILLE, Notes. 8.15 - MUNICH, News. 9.50 -Serenade. V.A.R.A. Orchestra. Records. -,1 quence. VERSUM (301.5 m.), " Ram- 8.30-Tourcoing Con- OSLO, Light Orchestral. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Band. blers " Band, Records.6.10 -Talk.KALUNDBORG, Danish Romantic servatoire Concert.Alice Delcroix PARIS (PTT), Radio Film (contd.). FRANKFURT, Old Christmas Music. 6.40 -Sports.6.55 -Songs. Music. 7.30 -Reading. 7.50 - (Violjn), Bracq (Pfte.). 9.15 -Garde Republicaine Quintet. 4.30-" MotherGoose "-Sketch. MOSCOW, CzechTalk : Stalin. Songs,Pftes. (Letorey,Handel, KALUNDBORG, News. 6.30 -Talk : English Carols fromthe English MUNICH, To be announced. HAMBURG,Sketches ; at 4.15 : Stanley Baldwin. KONIGSBERG, Church, Copenhagen.St. Alban's Bach, etc.). POSTE PARISIEN, Songs by Hitler Youth. HILVER- Boys and Men's Choir. RasmussenOSLO, Reading. 8.10 -Light Or- 9.5 -Sketches : at 9.8, Talk. SUM (1,875 rit.), Nurses' Christmas News. 6.10 -Christmas Programme. chestral ;at 8.40: News ;Topical: PRAGUE, News. 9.15 -Czech 6.45 -Talk. (Organ). KONIGSBERG, News.PARIS- (PIT), Talk. 8.15 -Foreign Festival.4.40 -For Children. LEIPZIG, Talk.6.10 -Variety. 7.15 -See Berlin. 7.45-- The Dance Rand. 9.50 -Pastorale in KONIGSBERG, Orchestra. 4.30 - Affairs. 8.23 -Talk. 8.30-" lei F for Organ (Bach). MONTE CENERI,Records ; at Magic Tree "-Play (Ties).Music Paris "-RadioFilm (Duhamel- Talks. 6.15 :For Farmers.6.45 -News. by Kallenberg. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Film Music. LEIPZIG, Markets.4.10 -Records. Variot).POSTE PARISIEN, 8.2 - RADIO -PARIS, Plays (contd.). MOSCOW, Opera (contd.).. MU-LEIPZIG, News. 7.15 -See Berlin. PaulReboux. 8.18 -Variety. 4.40 -Talk. NICH, Concert. 7.45 -Talk. LILLE, Records. ROME, Orchestra. In the interval, MOSCOW, 4.30 -Opera. MUNICH, PRAGUE, SeeBrno. 8.20 - Talk.9.45 -Dance Music. To be announced. SOTTENS and MONTE CENERI, PARIS (PTT), Talks. 4.20 -Records. CHAMBER MUSIC Concert (contd.). STOCKHOLM, 4.30 -Songs. 4.45 -Reading. PRINCIPAL EVENTS 5.0 Dance Music. STRASBOURG, RADIO-NORMANDIE, Concert. Hamburg : Christmasmusic - choir, Play(contd.). STUTTGART, 4.45 -For Children. RADIO - SYMPHONY CONCERTS organ. News. 9.30-" Christmas Eve in PARIS, Talks. 4.30 -Songs. 8.0 National :Adrian Boult, Eva Turner. 7.0 Stockholm :Violin, pfte. (Franck). Alsace "-Dialect Sequence (Kipp). 4.45 -Viennese OperettaRecords. 8.0 Turin :Freccia, Milstein (violin). TOULOUSE, News.9.10 -Fantasy. ROME, News. 4.15 -Dance Music. 7.10Deutschlandsender : Quartet (Mozart). 9.45 -Paris Programme. TURIN, STOCKHOLM, 4.45 -Records. 8.0 Brussels, Eiffel Tower :Bach. Concert (contd.). STUTTGART, See Deutschland - LIGHT CONCERTS 8.0 Sottens :Christmas music. VIENNA, Variety. 9.10 -News. 9.20 sender.4.45 -Talk. 12.15 Radio -ParisVaried programme. 9.15 -Snow Report. 9.30 -Quartets TURIN, News.4.15 -Maria Golia 3.0 Deutschlandscnder :Operetta music. Paris (PTT) :Instrumental, vocal. (Beethoven, Schubert). (Pfte.). 9.30 Vienna : Beethoven, Schubert. WARSAW, Schumann Songs (contd.). VIENNA,ContemporaryChamber 4.15Warsaw :Operetta music. RECITALS 9.10 -Light Orchestral. , Music-Ippisch and Lechthaler. 5.0 Frankfurt. etc. :Variety concert. 5.0 Deutschlandsender : Beethoven pfte. 4.50 -Talk. 6.10Leipzig :Variety concert. sonata. WARSAW, Talk. 4.15 -Operetta 7.0 Beromilnster :Old music. 10 p.m. - Music.4.50 -Interview. 7.0 Sottens :Organ -old Christmas music. ATHLONE, Variety. 10.30 -News. 7.0 Monte Ceneri :Christmas music. 8.0 Warsaw : Chopin ; 8.40, Schumann. BERLIN and FRANKFURT, HAM- 5 p.m. 7.30Athlone :Oreh. Christmas songs. 8:50Athlone: Carols. BURG, LEIPZIG, Dance Music 7.45Frankfurt, etc. :Variety concert. and Light Music. BRESLAU, ATHLONE, 5.30 -For Children. 10.10 Hilversum (301.5 m.) : Organ. Dance Band. BUDAPEST (1), BEROMUNSTER, For Children. 8.10Oslo :Popular orchestral. PLAYS News (French,Italian). 10.10- 5.45 -Talk. BRESLAU, Orchestra, 8.15Deutschlandsender : Barnabas von Geczy.7:40 Rome :" L'uomo che sorride." Cigany Primas. Artists.5.50 -Notes. BUCHAR- 8.15Stockholm :Choir. 7.45Konigsberg :" The Magic Tree." COLOGNE, Review. 10.15 -Dance EST, and RADIO -ROMANIA, Music from Deutschtandsender. Folk Music (contd.). BUDAPEST 8.20Kalundborg :Viennesemusic ;opera8.10Athlone : Holy Night." DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Dance (I), Lakatos Cigany Band.5.50 - music (9.15). 8.30Paris (PTT) :" Idi Paris " (film). Music. Records. COLOGNE, Advent Music.5.30 - 8.50Beromilnster :For Swiss abroad. 8.30Strasbourg :" Ste. Odile d'Alsace." HILVERSUM (1,875m.), News Talk. 5.45 -Light Music. Chamber 9.30Munich :Serenade. 8.45 Radio -Paris :Aristophanes adaptations. Chess. 10.15 -Records. HIL- VERSUM (301.5 rn.)," Ramblers " ' Quintet, Two Pftes. 9.30VVarsaw :Popular. orchestral. TALK Dance Band.10.10 -Jong (Organ). DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Beet- 6.30Radio -Paris : 10.10 Budapest 1 : Cigany Primas. " Berlioz." 10.40 -Books. hoven Pfte. Music.5.30 -Reading. LAST NEWS BULLETINS, see Monday. KALUNDBORG, Christmas Greetings. 5.45 -Sketch (Thaer). 11.30 Radio -Paris :Mangeret Orchestra. DANCE MUSIC FRANKFURT, BERLIN, and STUTT- KONIGSBERG, Orchestra. OPERAS 9.0 Stockholm ;9.15, Prague ;9.30, Breslau, LILLE, Concert (contd.). 10.30 - GART, Light Music and Opera News. di Lammermoor " Budapestl ;9.45, Rome10.0, Deutsch - Music. 6.15Vienna"Lucia MOSCOW, German Talk. MUNICH, HAMBURG, Christmas Music, Choir, (records). la ndsender, Warsaw ; 10.15,' Turin ;10.25, Organ. 5.40 -Talk.5.50 -Notes. Concert. HILVERSUM (1,875 m.),For 6.30Budapest 1: " Azra "(Zador), from Regional ; 11.0, Radio - Normandie, PARIS (PTT), Quintet, etc. (contd.). Children. 5.40 -Talk. HIL- the Opera House. Radio -Paris ;11.15, National. 10.30 -News. POSTE PARISIEN, VERSUM (301.5 m.), 5.10- Orchestra. 10.30 -Recp rd s. " Ramblers " Band, Records. PRAGUE, News (French). KALUNDBORG, 5.20 -Oslo -Copen-OSLO, News, Topical. 6.40 -MONTE CENERI, Christmas Music Nativity Play (Midler). Music by RADIO-NORMANDIE, Film Music. hagenChristmasExchangePro- Opinions on Father Christmas. (Jachino, Corelli-Tini. Muller). Ponc. 10.30 -Excerpts, " Rose de France " gramme for Boys. KONIGSBERG, PARIS (PTT), Poulet Concert Or- 7.30 -Report. MOSCOW. OperaRADIO-NORMANDIE, Records. (Romberg). RADIO -PARIS - See Frankfurt. 5.50 -Report. chestra. ColetteReard(Pried (contd.).MUNICH, News. 7.15 - RADIO -PARIS,SonataNo. 2 Plays(contd.). 10.45 -News. LEIPZIG, Station Choir and Leipzig (Schumann, Debussy). 6.30 -News. See Berlin.7.45 -To be announced. (Faure). Yvonne Astruc ROME, News. 10.15 -Dance Symphony Orchestra (Weber, Liszt, PRAGUE, News. 6.10 -Topical.OSLO, Opinions (contd.). 7.20- Doyen (Pfte.).8.30 -News. 8.45 - Music. 6.20 -Folk Songs. 6.45 -Talk. Lopatnikov Music by the Composer Plays(Aristophanes) : (a)The STRASBOURG, Play (contd.).10.30 Wagner). -News (German).STUTTGART., . MOSCOW, Opera (contd.). RADIO-NORMANDIF., For Children. (Pfte.).7.50 -Reading. Peace(,arr.Fleischman),(b) The MUNICH, To be announced. 6.45 -Talk ; News. RADIO -PARIS (PTT), News. 7.38-Poulet Wasps Tarr. Davenay). ROME, " Christmas Eve in Alsace "(contd.).' PARIS, For Young People. 6.30 - Concert Orchestra (Rimsky-Korsa- Play (contd.). 10.15 -Dance Music from Deutsch- OSLO, 5.20 -Oslo - Copenhagen landsender. Christmas ExchangeProgramme Lecture -Recital:Berlioz.ROME, kov,Mussorgsky). POSTESOTTENS. and MONTE CENERI, for Boys. 5.50 -News. Records ; News ;Talk in German. PARISIEN, 7.6 -News. 7.37 - Christmas Concert from the Con- TOULOUSE, Paris Programme. 10.11 PARIS (PTT), Poulet Concert Or- 6.20 -News in Foreign Languages. Records. servatoire. Romand Orchestra, -Light Music. 10.55 -News chestra. 5.30 -Review. 5.40 - SOFTENS, Talks. 6.50 -News.RADIO-NORMANDIE, Concert. 7.40 Symphony Choir, Mlle. Tatianoff TURIN, News. 10.15 -Dance . Talks. STOCKHOLM, German Christmas -News. RADIO -PARIS, " Ber- (Mezzo -Soprano) STOCKHOLM, Music. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records ; (contd.). 6.15 -News. 6.30 - lioz " (contd). 7.30 -Home Review. 8.15 -Choir. 8.45 -News. VIENNA, Quartets (contd.).10.30 - Light Music.5.45 -London Pro- Christmas Eve Programme. STRAS- Affairs.7.40 -Talk.7.55 -Poems. STRASBOURG, Review (German). Notes. ductions. RADIO -PARIS, Talk. BOURG, Orchestra, Saxophone ROME, 7.5 -News. 7.30 -Notes. 8.15 -Records. 8.30-" St. OdileWARSAW, Dance Music. 5.15 -Review. 5.30-Poulet Concert (contd.). 6.30 -News. STUTT- 7.40-" L'Uomo che sorride "- d'Alsace "-Play (Darget).Music Orchestra. Colette Reard (Pfte.) GART," Spinningin the Oden- Play (Bonelli-de Benedetti). by Bertrand. STUTTGART, " A 11 p.m. (Weber, Liszt, Chopin). ROME, wald "-Play (Miinnich). 6.45 -SOTTENS, Montillet (Organ). 7.25 - Child's Dream " (contd.). Poetry.530 -Records. Talk. - Report. 7.55 -Talk. STOCK-TOULOUSE, News. 8.10 -LightBUDAPEST, 11.5 -News. SOTTENS, For Children. 5.45 -TOULOUSE, 6.3 -Concert. 6.50 - HOLM, Barkel (Violin), Brandel Music. 8.55 -News. TURIN,FRANKFURT, Operetta and Dance Durand(Accordion). STOCK- News. TURIN, News in Foreign (Pfte.). 7.45 -Review. STRAS- SymphonyConcert.Conductor : Records. HOLM, Records.5.45 -German Languages. BOURG, Topical.7.15 -Records. Frecchia.Milstein (Violin). TalkHILVERSUM (1,875 tn.),Records. Christmas -Talk, Carols.STRAS- VIENNA. News. 6.15-" Lucia di 11'30 -News (French., German). in the interval. 11.10 -Bible Reading. HILVER- BOURG, 5.30 -Orchestra. Weber Lammermoor "-Opera (Donizetti) STUTTGART, News. 7.15 -SeeVIENNA, Report and Poems. 8.15 - SUM, (301.5 m.), Books.11.10 - (Saxophone). by the Cast of the Scala, Milan Berlin.7.45-" A Child's Dream"' Rainer Maria Rilke Sequence. Records. TURIN, 5.50 -Records. (Records). -Hollinger Band. WARSAW,." Chopinin a Paris MOSCOW, Spanish Talk. VIENNA, Talk. 5.25 -Old Styrian WARSAW, Talk. 6.20 -Station Trio.TOULOUSE, Concert. 7.45 -Talk, Salon "-Lecture 'Recital by Mule- PARIS (PTT). U.S.A. Bulletin. Pastorales and Cub Songs. 7.55 -News. TURIN, 7.5 -See wicz with Szpinalski (Pfte.).8.40-RADIO-NORMANDIF., Dance Music. WARSAW, Topical. Rome. 7.40 -Light Music. Schumahn Songs by the Pro Arte 11.30 -From TheCabaneNor- 7 p.m. VIENNA, " Lucia di Lammermoor " Double Vocal Quartet. mande. RADIO -PARIS, Dance ATHLONE, Play in Irish. 7.30 - (contd.). Music. 11.30 -Light Music by 6 p.m. Radio Orchestra. Conductor :WARSAW, Song Records. 7.35 - the Mangeret Orchestra. ATHLONE, For Children. 6.15 - Lieut. J. M. Doyle (Mozart, Gau- Talk. 7.15 -News. STRASBOURG, News. STUTT- RadioOrchestra. Conductor: win). In the interval: Christmas 9 p.m. GART, " The Nativity " -Sacred Lieut. J. M. Doyle (Edward Carols by Charles Ryan (Baritone). ATHLONE, Carols (contd.).9.15 - Play (Schneider) with the Station German). 6.35 -Irish News. BERLIN, News. 7.15 -FOR ALL Christmas Story (Francis Stuart ). Choir. 11.45 -Records. 6.45 -News. GERMAN STATIONS: German 8 p.m. 9.30 -Variety. TOULOUSE, Light Music. 11.55 - BERLIN, Carols.Winterberg (Bari- Youth celebrates the Winter Solstice.ATHLONE, Radio Orchestra (contd.).BERLIN, FRANKFURT, LEIPZIG, News. tone).6.15 -Festival Music (Nau- 7.45 -Variety.BEROMUNSTER, 8.10-" Holy Night " (Siena) with News. 9.30 -Dance Music and mann). 6.45 -EveningEchoes. Old Tales and Music. BRESLAU the Pilgrim Players. 8.50 -Lesser - Light Music. BEROMUNSTER, BEROMUNSTER, News. 6.15 - and HAMBURG, News. 7.15 - known Christmas Carols. BERLIN, For Swiss Abroad. 9.30 -Talk L 12 midnight Carols. 6.30 -News. 6.40 -Talk See Berlin. 7.45 -See Frankfurt. Variety. BEROMUNSTER, Station Notes.BRESLAU, News.. 9.30 - and Reading. BRESLAU, Report : BRNO and PRAGUE, Operetta Orchestra. ,Conductor :Bernhard. Dance Band.BUCHAREST and RADIO-NORMANDIE, Dance Music. Winter inSilesia. 6.45 -Topical. Potpourri -Orchestra andArtists. Juanita Stoecklin (Pfte.). 8.50 -For RADIO -ROMANIA, Orchestra 12.30 -Orchestra. RADIO -PARIS, BUCHAREST, and RADIO - BUCHAREST and RADIO -RO- Swiss Abroad. BRNO. Operetta Pot- (contd.). 0.45 -News (French, Light Music (contd.). ROMANIA,6.5 -Talk. 6.25 - MANIA,The Planets (Gustav pourri (contd.).8.20 -See Prague. German. Romanian). BUDAPESTSTUTTGART and FRANKFURT, Romanian Christmas Carols. Hoist)(Recordsofthe London BUCHAREST andRADIO -RO- (1)," Azra "(contd.). 9.30 - Records. BUDAPEST (1), Records. 6.30- Symphony Orchestra). 7.25- MANIA. The Planets (contd.). Jazz Band. TOULOUSE, 12.5 -Light Music. DECEMBER 8, -1936] WORLD -RADIO [45 Hours of :Transmission in Greenwich6.30 -Mme. Broquet-Urbain(Pfte.).1.15 -Varietyfrom Deutschland - NATIONAL Mean Time Symphonic Etudes (Schumann). Toc-sender.2.0 -For Children.2.10 -WEDNESDAY (December 23) For Time Signals, see Monday cata (Jongen). Books.2.45 -Markets.3.0 -Gene- 10.15 a.m. (D) -Service. ATHLONE (Ireland) 7.0 -Talk :Belgium's War -disabled.alogy. 10.30 (D) -Weather Forecast. 565kc/s (531 m.) ; 60kW.7.15-Geo Van den Fontyne (Songs).3.30 -SeeDeutschlandsender ; at(Soprano),Sattler (Tenor). 6.45 - 10.45 -Cinema Organ. RelayedbyDublin,1,348kc/s7.30 -ForEx -Servicemen. 8.0 -3.50: A Flying Visit. 4.30 -ChristmasTopical.7.0 -News. 11.15 -The BBC Welsh Orchestra, (222.6 m.) ;and Cork, 1,240 kc/sEx -Servicemen'sEvening : Talks ;Sequence by Girls. 7.1 -5 -See Berlin. conductedbyMansel Thomas; (241.9 m.). Orchestra ;Records. 5.0 -Advent Music.Sopranoand7.45-" Little Gifts for Grown -Ups." Ceinwen John (Soprano). 1.30-3.0 p.m. -Records. 5.30 -9.0-" Travail de nuit "-SketchHarpsichord.5.30 -Topical.5.45 --Variety.Hauck Band and others. 12.15 p.m. -Records. Children's Hour. (Charpentier-Brohee). 9.35 -Records.Chamber Quintet with Fassbender and9.0 -News. 1.0 -The Birmingham Hippodrome6.15 -Irish Radio Orchestra. Con- l0.0 -.Fashion Talk ;Sports Review.Mauel(Pftes). 6.45 -Snapshots. 9.30 -See Berlin. Orchestra. ductor :Lieut. J. M. Doyle.Nell10.10 -Accords. 11.0 -Le Braban-7.0 -7.10 -News. 7.15 -See Berlin. 11.0-" DieverliebteTonleiter "- 2.0 -Records. Gwynn Dances (German).Selec-conne. Operetta and Dance Records. 12.0 2.30 -- Callender'sSecondBand ; 7.45 -Bielefeld Children's Choir and tion, " Tom Jones " (German). Records. Record : Overture,Mt -1.0 am. (Thursday) -Music from Franklyn Kelsey (Bass). 6.35 -Irish News Feature. 6.45 -BRUSSELS (No. 2) (Belgium) "Hansel and Gretel" (Humper-Stuttgart. 3.30 -Frederick Stone (Pfte.). 7.0 -Play in Irish presented 4.0 -Evensong from St. Paul's Cathe-News. 932 kc/s (321.9 m.) ;15 kW. dinck). Abend wirdeswiederHAMBURG (Germany) dral. by Comhar Dramuiochta Chorcaighe.Programme in Flemish (Rink). Guten Abend, gut' Nacht 7.30 -Radio Orchestra.Conductor,Transmits at intervals from 6.37 a.m. (Brahms). Die Blarnlein, sie schlafen 904. kc/s(331.9rn.) ;100 kW 4.50 -The John MacArthur Quintet. RelayedbyBremen,Flensburg 5.15 -The BBC DanceOrchestra, Lieut.J.M. Doyle. Serenade6.0p.m. -SixteenthCenturylute (Zuccormaglio).Zwei feine Stiefel (Mozart). Le Carillonneur (Gan - hab' ich an (Kahse). Wittewoll Hanover, Magdeburg and Stettin directed by Henry Hall. ChristmasMusic by Hermann Leeb. 6.15 -Talk: 1,330 kc/s (225.6 m.). 6.0 -The First News. win).In the interval : Finland. 6.30 - SalonOrchestra. schlafen (Kahse). Schlaf' ein, mein 6.20-Ncel-E. M. Stephan. Carols by Charles Ryan (Baritone).6.45 -Talk. Pappchen,schlaf'ein(Kahse).Transmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m. a 8.10-" Holy Night " (Siena),with Sextet (Beet- Records :Lyric Suite (Grieg).Es 11.0 a.m.-Orchestra. 12.0 noon - 6.40 -The BBC Military Band, con- 7.0 -Chamber Music. Topical. ductor, B. Walton O'Donnell. the PilgrimPlayers. 8.50 -Hubert hoven). Choros(Villa -Lobos). wird wohl Winter welt and breit. Rooney in illustrated Talk on the lesser 7.30 -News. Es dehnet die schneeige Flache sich12.15 p.m. -See Stuttgart. 1.0 -News ; 7.10 -Carroll Gibbons in " Soft Lights with a Music.2.0 -Shipping. 2.20 (from and Sweet Music." knownChristmasCarols, 8.0 -Wednesday Symphony Concerts aus (Krause).Folk Song, Rauhe 7.30-" Melody out of The Sky " ;Group of Singers. 9.15-A Christmas -No. 4.Bach Programme.Can- Tage. Records :Nutcracker BalletStettin) -Christmas Music. 2.50 - Fredric Bayco (Organ). StorybyFrancisStuart. 9.30 -- tata, " Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn." (Tchaikovsky).Alle Jahre wiederIce Report. 8.0 -The BBC Orchestra (Section D).Variety.10.30 -11.0 -News. Harpsichord :'(a) Chromatic Fan- kommt das Christuskind (Silcher).3.0 -See Deutschlandsender.3.45 - Kling, Gib:lichen klingeling (Wid-Talk. Conductor.AdrianBoult ;EvaBANSKA-BYSTRICA tasia, (b) French Suite in C minor. 4.0 -Sketch (Albrecht).4.15 -Songs Turner (Soprano). Overture, Fidelio by Hitler Youth. (Beethoven); Arta," A bscheulicher " (Czechoslovakia) (Fidelio) (Beethoven) ;Symphonic 392 kc/s (765 m.) ;30 kW. 4.35-" The Winter Hearth "-Sketch Poem, The AccursedHuntsmanRelays Czechoslovak Stations. (Heuer). (Cesar Franck) ;Preaule, Act2, 5.0 -Christmas Music. Station Scena and Aria (A Masked Ball)BERLIN (Germany) Choir.Gregor (Organ). Choir: (Verdi) ; Valses Nobles et sentimen- 841 kc/s (356.7 m.) ; 100 kW. (a) Freut euch ihr liebenChristen tales (Ravel). Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. (Schrader),(b) Machthoch die 9.0 --The Third News. 11.0 a.m.-See Stuttgart.1.0 p.m. - E.N.A. Tar (Leisring), (c) Lobt Gottihr 9.20 -Music Talk by Adrian Boult,News. 1.15-Bund Band.2.0 -2.30 - Christen allzugleich (Schroter). Or- D.Mua., LL.D. Exchange ;Markets. 3.30 -Books. gan Pastorale (Bach). Three Choral 9.35-" Men from the other Side "-a3.45 -Chamber Music. Christmas in Variations on "Es isteinRos' new Radio Thriller. Cast includes :5.0 -See Frankfurt..6.0 -Carols by entsprungen " (Brahms - Dishier). Hartley Power, Tony Quinn, SydneyWinterberg (Baritone). Organ Solo on " Es ist ein Ros' Keith,CarolGoodner,Charles6.15-" Die Liebe nimmt dichbet entsprungen " (Brahms). Organ : Mason, Hay Petrie. der Hand "-FestivalSuite(Nau-Norway; In dulci jubilo (Liszt).Carols :(a) 10.25 -The Leslie Bridgewater Quin-' mann) for Soprano, Child's Voice, Schlaf meinKindelein(Wicken- tet. Constance Carroius (Con-Flute, Harp, and Pfte. 6.45 -Evening hauser), (b) Kommet ihrHirten. tralto) :Tunes of . Echoes.7.0 -News. Motet, Singet dem Herrn (Schatz). 11.15 -Maurice Winnick Orchestra. 7.15 -Forall German.Stations :lighting the 5.40 -Talk.5.50 -Shipping. 11.30 -12.0 -Dance Records. German Youth celebrates the Winter 6.0 - 23.12.1914Flanders "-Play Solstice. (Schmidt). 6.45 -Talk. 7.0 -News. 7.45-" Kling,Kiang,Gloria" - 7.15 -See Berlin. REGIONAL Variety.Hass Quintet, Berlin Man-tree -candles in 7.45 -See Frankfurt.9.0 -News. For Time Signals, see Monday doline Orchestra. Reich (Accordion), 9.25-" The First Red Wave "-Play 10.15-10.45 a.m.-Droitwich. Priegnitz (Pfte.). 9.0 -News. about the Founding of the Finnish 10.45 -Records. 9.30 -11.0 -Dance Music and Light Republic (Thaer) for the 75th Birthday. /1.30 -Serge Krish Orchestra. Music. a school for ofHr.Svinhufvud,theFinnish 12.30 p.m.-Troise and his Banjolicrs, President (Recorded). with Don Carlos. BEROMUNSTER 9.40 -11.0 -Music from Berlin. 1.15-G. D. Cunningham -Organ. (Switzerland) 2.0 -The BBC Northern Orehestia ; 556kc/s(539.6m.) ;100 kW.poor children HILVERSUM (1,875 m.) Nora Moore (Soprano). Relayed by Basle and Berne, 1,375 (Holland) 3.0 -The Policeman's Lot. kc/s (218.2 m.). 160 kc/s ;10 kW until 2.40 p.m. ; 2015 -Records. 9.20-9.50a.m.-For Schools. 100 kW from 2.40 p.m. 4.0 -Dorothy Hogben's Singers and11.0a.m.-12.45 p.m. -See Monte N.C.R.V. Programme. Players. Ceneri ;at11.29, News: 3.0 p.m. - 7.40-9.10 a.m.-Bible Reading ; Medi- 4.45 -William McInulty (Violin). Talk. tation Records. 10.10--Service.- 5.15 -The Children's Hour. 3.30 -TheLanigiroHotPlayers. 10.402-Van der Horst Ensemble ;at 6.0 -The Swingtette. 4.0 -Christmas Chamber Music. 4.40 Sonata in E minor for Violin and mann).Heilige Nacht, Nacht der11.40: News and Records.1.10 p.m. 6.20 (Regional, Notthern)-The BBC-Carols by the Berne Boys' Choir. -Parker(Organ). 2.10-3125-ke- NorthernOrchestra,Conductor, Bass Continuo. Suite for Lute. unendlichen Liebe (Reichardt). Folk 5.0 -For Children.5.45 -till Close8.45 -Recitations. Songs :(a) Lieb' Nachtigall, wach'cords ;at2.40:Reading. 3.40 - T. H. Morrison. Down -Programme from Basle.5.45 Nurses' Christmas Festival from the 6.20 (Midland) -The Ritz Players. 9.0 -Bach Symphony Concert (contd.). auf,(b)Sasser die Glocken nie -Music Talk.6.0 -News.6.15 - klingen,(c) )taampoort Hospital; Rotterdam. 4.40 6.20 (Western) -The Western MaleCarols to the Lute by Hugo FrOhlin. Das musikalische Opfer.Cantata, Morgen kommt der-For Children.5.40 -Talk ;Ship- Voice Party ;Tom Daniels (Bari-6.30 -News. 6.40 -Talk and Reading : " Ich bin vergniigt."10.0 -News. Weihnachtsmann. ping. 6.40 -News ;Talks ;Records ; tone). Stendhal. 10.10 --Report : The Six Days' Racing9.0 -News.9.30 -Theatre Review. Report. 7.40 -News. 6.20 (N. Ireland) -Frank Rea and his7.0-0Id Tales and Music. Speakers,at Ghent. 10.15 -11.0 -Dance Music from7.50 -Arnhem Orchestra. Conductor : Orchestra. Recorders,Violins,Violas,'Cello,10.25-11.0-Brenders Jazz Band. Deutschlandsender. Spaanderman ; " Aurora " Male Voice 6.20 (Scottish)-Cinenia Organ. Lute and Harpsichord. Choir Children'sChoir ;Jansen 6.40 (Scottish) -With the Old Folk8.0 -Station Orchestra.Conductor :BUCHAREST (Romania) DEUTSCHLANDSENDER (Organ)' ;at 8.40: Competition. 9.55 (Gaelic). Bernhard.Juanita Stoecklin 823kcIs(364.5m.) ; 12 kW. -News ; Chess. 10.15 -Records. 7.0 -The Second News. 8.50 -For Swiss Nationals Abroad. Relayed by Radio -Romania (Bra- (Germany)11.10 -Bible Reading. 7.20 -Regional Announcements. 9.30 -Tourist Talk. 9.35 -Announce- sov), 160 kc/s (1,875 rn.). 191 kc/s (1,570 m.) 60 kW. 7.30 -,--The World goes by. ments. Transmits at intervals from 4.30 a.m. Transmits at intervals from 5.0 am. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.) 8.0 (ex. Western) -Variety.Claude 4.0 p.m. -Banat Folk Music :lovitza11.0 a.m.-See Munich. 12.45 p.m. - (Holland) Hulbert, Enid Trevor, Freddie Barn-BRATISLAVA News. berger, Jeanne De Casalis, Jean Orchestra,andRadioOrchestra :1.0 -Variety..2.0 -Announcements. 995 kc/s ;15 kW until 2.40 pan. ; (Czechoslovakia)Conductor : Rogalski. Grozutza2.I5 -Records :Old Berlin Melodies. 60 kW from 2.40 p.m. Sablon, Elizabeth Welch, Jimmy 1,004 kc/s (298.8 m.);13.5 kW. (Songs). 6.5 -Talk. 6.25 -Ro- V.A.R.A. Programme. Rogers; The BBC Variety Orches- manianChristmasCarolsbythe2.45 -Books. . - tra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Transmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m 3.0 -Operetta Music; at 3.50: Story.7.40 a.m.-Records. 9.10 -Talk. 8.20 p.m. -ChristmasPlayfromPitesti Lycee Mixed Choir..7.0 - 9.40-V.P.R.O. Religious Programme. 8.0 (Western) -Sports Causerie. ' The Planets (Mars, Venus and Jupiter)5.0-Rosl Schmidt (Pfte.).Bagatellen 10.0 -Records and Talk.11.10 -For 8.30 (Western) -Pantomime Preview.Kosice. 9.0 -News. 9.15 -News (Beethoven). Sonata in .Aflat (Hungarian).9.30 -10.0 -Programme(GustavHoist)(Recordsofthe (Beethoven). the Unemployed.11.40 -Records. 9.0(Regional) -The BBC Theatrefrom Prague. London Symphony Orchestra). 11.55 a.m.-1.25 p.m.-V.A.R.A. Or- Orchestra, conducted by Harold 7.25 -Talk. 5.30 -Hans Watzlik -reads. chestra. Conductor :Lohoff.1.40 - Lowe ;Frank Titterton (Tenor) : 7.40 -Mme. Sabine Niculesco (Harp),5.45-" The First Red Wave "-PlayRecords.2.10 -For Women. 2.40 - March(Bizet) ; Overture,LaBRESLAU (Germany) about the Founding of the Finnish 950 kes (315.8m.) ;100 kW. M. Sandu Albu (Violin) :Autumn For Children. 5.10-" Ramblers " Princesse jaune (Saint -S,is)- Sou- Promenade (Tournier), Two Ro-Republic (Thaer). Band, and Records. venir d'un bal (Gounau) ;Waltz' RelayedbyGleiwitz,1,231kc/s 6.0 -von Geczy Band ;in the interval : (243.7 m.). mantic Preludes (Tournier).Fan-Sketch. 6.45 -Topical. 7.0 -News. 6.10-R.V.U.Talk. 6.40 -Sports. (Strauss).; Suite, Othello (Coleridge -Transmits at intervals from 4.0 a.m. tasia (Saint -Satins). 6.55 -Songs. 7.20 -Talk and News. Taylor) ;Selection, Haddon Hall 7.10 -String Quartet in C (Mozart)7.55-V.A.R.A. Orchestra.Conduc- aSullivan) ; Oh Maiden, my Maiden11.0 a.m.-See Stuttgart.1.0 p.m.-.8.10-Maxime Vasiliu (Christmasby the Peter Quartet. News. Carols).8.30 -News ;Sports.8.457.45 -Youth Programme : Wintertor :v. Rocket.8.40 -Play.9.25 - (Lehitr) ;Bells of Youth (Bantock) ; -Ionesco Orchestra. 9.45 -News Records and News. Tribute (Ewing) ;Captains Three1.15 -2.0 -Variety from Deutschland - Solstice Celebrations. , 9.45-" Ramblers " Dance Band. (Cavendish) ;Love's Melody (Le -sender. 3.0 -Violin and Pfte.Sonata(French, German, Romanian). 8.15 -von Geczy Band. 9.0 -News. (Respighi).3.30 -Children's Choir. 10.10 -Jong (Organ).10.40 -Books.' Mir). 9.30-9.45-Viebig ChamberMusic. 11.10 -11.40 -Records. 9.0(Midland) -" Bethlehem " -a4.0-Beuthen Orchestra and Songs ;BUDAPEST (No. 1) (Hungary) VariationsforFlute,'Cello and Books. Choral Drama by Rutland Boughton,at 4.50: 5.50 -Announce- 546kc/s(549.5 ma ;120 kW. Pfte. on " In dulci jubilo." Trio forKALUNDBORG (Denmark) conducted by the Composer. ments. 6.0 -Report :WinterinTransmits at intervals from 11.5 a.m. Flute, 'Cello and Pfte. 240kc/s(1,250m.1;60 kW 9.0 (Northern) -"Pantomime Tour."Silesia.6.45 -Topical. 7.0 -News. 6.30 p.m.-" Azra "-Opera (Zador),10.0 -11.0 -Dance Music. Relays Copenhagen, 1,176keis 9.0 (N. Ireland) -The BBC Northern7.15 -See Berlin. from the Opera. (255.1m.) Ireland Male Voice Chorus and7.45 -SeeFrankfurt. 9.0 -News. 9.30 -11.0 -Dance Band. 9.30-Javor Jazz Band.10.0 -NewsFRANKFURT (Germany) Transmits at intervals from 6.0 a.m. Orchestra, Conductor, E. Godfrey (French and Italian). 1,195kcis(251m.); 25 kW.11.0 a.m.-1.0 p.m.-Warny Orchestra. Brown. Stuart Robertson (Baritone). 10.10-Cigany Primas from the Café Relayed by Cassel, Coblenz, Frei --1.40-Bramstoft (Violin). 2.0 - 9.0(Scottish)-Round the .BRNO (Czechoslovakia) Patria.11.5 -News. burg and Trier, 1,195 kc/s (251 m.).Julian Orchestrafrom Aalborg. 9.30 (Western)-Clee a Chan -humor- 922 ke/s (325.4 m.) ;32 kW. Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 3.50 -Wireless Notes.3.56 -Poem. ous Welsh programmefor Christmas-Transmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m. 11.0 a.m.-See Stuttgart.1.0 p.m. -4.0 -For Farmers.4.40 -Exchange ; tide. 7.0 p.m. -Operetta Potpourri. StationBUDAPEST (No. 2) (Hungary)News. 1.10 -Records.2.0 -Talks.`Markets. 4.50 -Records of the Pallas 9.45 (Midland) -Ronald Gourley (En-Orchestra and Artists.Conductor : 359.5 kc/s (834.5 rt.) ;16 kW. 2.30 -a -Eifel District Legends.;ZitherSalonOrchestra. 5.0-Overgaard tertainer at the Pfte.). Plichta. 6.30 -Band. 8.0 -Talk. 8.30 - Music. . (Folk Songs). 10.0 -News Summary. 8.20-10.0-fx Prague. Records. 3.0 -Orchestra.3.45 -Talk. 5.20 -Oslo -Copenhagen Christmas Ex- 10.25 (Midland 10.45) -Maurice Win - 4.0 (from Freiburg) -Old Christmaschange Programme for Boys.6.0 - nick and his Orchestra. BRUSSELS (No. 1) (Belgium)COLOGNE (Germany) Music. Freiburg ChamberTrio,Time ;News. 10.25 (Midland)-" The Old Wives' 620 kc/s (483.9 m.) ;15 kW. 658 kc/s (455.9 in.) ;100 kW. Stingl(Songs). 4.30-" Mother6.30 -Talk : ModernStatesmen - Tale "-reading. Transmits at intervals from 6.37 a.m.Transmits at intervals from 5.0 am. Goose "-Sketch (Recorded). Stanley Baldwin. 11.30 -Late News Summary. 5.0p.M.-'1 Winter "-Poems and11.0 a.m.-Orchestra. 12.0 noon -5.0 -Light Music and Opera Music -7.0 -Danish Romantic Music. Radio 11.40 -12.0 -PoetryReading WorksRecords. 5.30 -Trio in F (Saint -Satins).News. 12.15p.m. -See Stuttgart.StationOrchestra. Conductor: Orchestra.Conductor :Grandahl. of Swinburne. 6.0 -Talk. 6.15 -Records. 1.0 -News. Merten, Hauck Band, Gertrud Eipperle Overture, "William Shakespeare " 46] WORLD -RADIO [DECEMBER 18, 1936 Concerto grosso for Strings (Corelli-8.30-" Ici Paris "-Radio Film6.0 p.m. -Records ;News ;Talk inTOULOUSE (Radio -Toulouse) [WEDNESDAY (Member 23) Tini).Pastorale (Muller). (Duhamel-Variot). German. 6.20 -NewsinForeign 7.30 -Report:The Swiss Frontier9.15 -GardeRepublicaineQuintet,Languages.7.5 -Time ;News.7.30 (France) Government Notes. 913 kc/s (328.6 m.) ; 60 kW. Guards. Renee Mahe, Jenny Bachillat and Transmits at intervals from 8.0 a.m. d. 8.0 -9.10 -See Sottens. Mme. Doniau-Blanc, (Songs).7.40-" L'uomocite sorride,"or (Kuhlau). Amelia Waltz (Lumbye). Martenot (Ondes Musicales) and" La bisbetica domata inun altro7.0 p.m. -Film Music.7.15 -Dance Overture, " Aladdin " (Horneman).MOSCOW (No, 1) (Russia) GilberteLyon(Pfte.). Petitemodo "-Three-Act Play (Bonelli-Music. 7.40 -Viennese Orchestra. 7.30 -Reading. marche (Letorey).Pfte. :(a) Sara-de Benedetti). 7A5 -Talk. 7.55 -News. 8.10 - 730 -English Christmas Carols, from 172 kc/s (1,744 m.) ;500 kW. bande and Banff& (Handel), (b)9.0 (approx.)-Orchestra. Conductor :Orchestra.8.25 -Ray Ventura and the English Church, Copenhagen.4.30 p.m. -Opera. 8.0 -Czech Talk : Gaudiosi. In the interval: Talk.his Collegians. 8.55 --News. St. Alban's Boys' and Men's Choir.Stalin. Musette ( Bach),(c)M in uet (Rarpeau). 9.10-" VacancesdeNoel "-Fan- 9.5 -English Programme :(a) Talk Song Trios (Buster),:(a) Au bois9.45 -10.55 -Dance Music ;at10.0: Conductor : Lynggaard. Ras- (b)JoliElton,(c) News. tasy.9.45 -Paris Programme.10.15 mussen (Organ). Adeste fideles.on Soviet Shopping, (b) Music by deBettant, -SalonOrchestra. 10.40 -Film Women Soloists, (c) Foreign Affairs. Partonsjolicoeur. Rhapsody Good King Wenceslas (arr. Mans- (Jongen)." Ondes musicales 'andSOTTENS (Switzerland) Music. 10.55 -News. 11.0 -Marches. field). The Coventry Carol (arr.10.0 -German Talk : Bolshevist 11.15-Chansonnettes.11.40 -Dance Stainer). The first Noel (arr. Mans-Reminiscences.11.0 -Spanish Talk : Pfte. : (a) SuiteBergamesque 677kc/s(443.1m.) ;100 kW.Music. 11.55 -News, 12.5 a.m.- The 1905 Revolution. (Faure),(b)Humoresque (Hill). RelayedbyGeneva,401kc/s field). Sleep, Holy Babe (arr. Dykes). Vocal Trios (Jacob) :(a) Conseils (748 m.). (Thursday)-Light Music. 12.30 - Sixteenth Century Hymn. MUNICH (Germany) au amants, (b) Conseils aux fillettes,9,5-9.35 (from Geneva) -For Schools :Announcements. 8.20 -Viennese Music. Radio Or- (c) Hymn. Three Pieces for Quintet" God Jul "-Swedish Sketch (Rud- ,chestra. Conductor :Grandahl. 740 kc/s (405.4 m.) ;100 kW.Re- (Dupont). hardt). Overturein E minor (Schubert). layed byNurnberg, 1,267kc/s TURIN (No. 1) (Italy) 10.30 -News. 11.0-U.S.A. Bulletin.11.0a.m.-12.45p.m. -SeeMonte 1,140kc/s(263.2 m.) ;7 kW. ; Three German Dances (Mozart). (236.8 m.). Ceneri ;at 11.30: News. Overture, " Die Fledermaus "Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. Relayed by Milan (No. I), 814 kc/s 12.45PARIS (Radio -Paris) (France) 3.30 -5.0 -See Beromiinster. (368.6m.) ;Genoa,986kc/s (Strauss).8.50 -News ;Report. 11.0 a.m.-Light Orchestral. 80 -kW. 5.0-9.30,---Prograntmefrom Geneva. 9.15 -Opera Music. Radio Orchestra.p.m. -News. 182 kc/s (1,648 m.) ; (3043 m.) ;Trieste,1,140kc/s 6.45 a.m.-Gym. 7.0 -Records. 7.155.0 -For Children. 5.45 -Durand Florence,610 kc/s Conductor :Grondahl.Overture,1.0 -2.0 -See Deutschlandsender.2.40 (Accordion). Merovin- (263.2 m.) ; Selection,-Talks. -Press 'Review.7.45 -Gym.8.0 - 6.0 -Talk : (491.8 m.) ; Bolzano;536Ice/s " Norma "(Bellini). Records. 11.0-Pasdeloup Concertgian and Carlovingian Art.6.15 - and Rome (No. " Faust " (Gounod). Dance of the3,30-Wiirzburg Conservatoire Con- Conductor : Clergue.Radio Magazine.6.50 -News. (559.7 'm.) ; 3), (Ponchielli). Selection, cert.Conductor :Schindler.4.30 -Orchestra. 1,258 kc/s (238.5.m.). - Hours 12.0 noon -For Farmers. 12.15 p.m.-7.0-Montillet(Organ),from St.Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. " Tosca ' (Puccini). BacchanalTalks ;Records. Pasdeloup Concert Orchestra (contd.). Joseph's Church.Two Christmas (Saint -Sans). 10.0 - Christmas6.0 -Munich Printers' Choral Society's 4.0p.m. -News. 4.15 -4.50 -Maria Mlle. Valdi (Songs) ;at 12.45: News ; Chorals (Bach) :Trio on a Gre-Golia (Pfte.).5.50 -Records.6.0 - Greetings to the Faroe Isles.11.0 -- Concert, with the Munich Philhar- Divoire. 2.0 -Music gorian Chant (Pei otinus). Choi al, Chimes. monic, etc.. (Recorded). 7.0 -News.Review by News in Foreign Languages. " 7.15 -See Berlin.7.45-Pfte. QuartetReview. 2.10 -Story(Supervielle). Was Gotttutdasist wohlgetan7.5 -7.40 -See Rome. 7,40 -Light KONIGSBERG (Heilsberg) in E flat (Dveifik). 2.30 -Concert fromParis(Radio - (Kellnef).Pastorale (Guilman). Music. 8 .20-"Schneeflockehen und Bisbiglio"Colonial). Conductor: Tomasi.7.25 -Report from a Chocolate Fac-8.0 -Symphony Concert. Conductor : (Germany) Mme. Diaz (Songs), Martin (Tenor).tory.7.55 -Talk :Chocolate. Freccia. Milstein (Violin). In the Fairy Tale (Arndt); Music by Jurgen- the 1,031kc/s (291m.).;100 kW.sohn.9.0 -News.9.30 -Chess. 4.0 -Talk. 4.15 -Talk :The Cid. 8.0 -ChristmasConcertfrom interval :Talk.10.0 -News.10.15- RelayedbyDanzig,1,303kc/s 4.30-Lyane Maireve (Songs). La Conservatoire. Romand Orchestra.10.55 -Dance Music. (230.2 m.). 930 -11,0 -Serenade. Cloche (Saint-Saeas). Les Bereellux Conductor : Baud-Ecivy ; Sym- Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. (Raurd).L'Heure exquise (Hahn). phonyChoir. Mlle.Tatianoff 11.0 a.m.-See Stuttgart.1.0 p.m. -OSLO (Norway) Retraite (Leleu). 4.45 -Viennese (Mezzo -Soprano). SinfoniaonVIENNA (Austria) News.1.10 -For Children.1.40 - 260kc/s(1,153.8m.) 60 kW. OperettaRecords. 5.0 -Science FrenchCarols(Latande)." Das 592 kc/s (506.8 nt.) , 100 kW. - Records. 2.10 -For Women. 2.45 - Relayed by Fredrikstad, 722 kc/s Talk.5.15 -Books. neugeboreneKindetein "-Cantata Relayed by Graz and Linz, 886 kc/s (415.4m.) ; Hamar,519kc/s Orchestra ;at 3.30: Sports.4.30- 5.30-Poulet Concert Orchestra. Con- (Buxtehude).Concerto grosso con (338.6 m.) ;Innsbruck. 519 keis Topical. 4.45 -Talk. (578 m.) ;Notodden, 1,357 kc/s ductor :Cloez. Colette Reard unaPastoraleperit santissimo (578 m.) ;Klagenfurt and Vorart- 5.0 -See Frankfurt. (221.1 m.) ;Porsgrund, 850 kc/s (Pfte.). Invitation to the Waltz natale(Torelli). " Die Kindheit berg, 1,2)4 kc/s (231.8 m.) ;and 5.50 -TrafficReport. 6.0 -News. (352.9 m.) ; Rjukan, 1,348 keis (Weber). Liebestraum(Liszt). Jesu "-Biblical Tableaux (J. C. F. Salzburg, 1,.348 .kcis (222.6 m.). 6.10 -Christmas Programme.6.45 - (222. (476.96m.); and Trondelag, 629 Pfte.:(a)Waltz(Chopin),(b) Bach). Pieces(Biisser,Franck).Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. Topical. 7.0 -News. kc/s m.) Ballad in F minor (Chopin). 9.10 -Weather. 11.0 a.m.-Operetta Music.Station 7.15 -See Berlin. Transmits at intervals from 10.40 a.m.6.0 -For Young People. 6.30 - Orchestra. Conductor : Holzer. 7.45-" The Magic Tree "-Play5.20 p.m. -Oslo -Copenhagen Christ-Lecture -Recital : Berlioz. 7.30 -STOCKHOLM (Sweden) 12.0 noon -News. 12.10 p.m. - (Ties) ;- Music by Kallenberg.9.0 -mas Exchange Programme for Boys.Home Affairs. 7.40 -Talk :The 704kc/s(426.1m.) ; 55kW.GermanOperetta Musicby the News. 9.20 -The German Calendar. 5.50 -News. 6.30 -For Farmers.French Theatre.7.55 -Poems. RelayedbyMotala, 216 kc/sStation Orchestra. 1.0 -Records : 9.40 -11.0 -Light Orchestral. Con-6.40 -Opinions on Father Christmas.8.0 -Sonata No. 2 (Faure) by Yvonne (1,389 m.) ;Goteborg, 941kc/sPolonaises (Chopin). Rubinstein ductor :Wilcken. 7.20-Lopatnikov Music by the Com-Astruc (Violin) and Doyen (Pfte.). (318.8m.) ;Herby. 1,131 kc/s(Pfte.). 1.30 -Announcements. poser (Pfte.). Variations. Sonatina.8.30 -News. (265.3 m.), and Boden, 392 kc/s2.20 -For Children.2.40 -Astrologi- LEIPZIG (Germany) Gavotte.Danse ironique. Five8.45 -Plays (Aristophanes) :(a) " The (765 m.). cal Talk.3.0 -News. 785kc/s(382.2m.) ;120 kW. Contrasts.7.50 -Reading. Peace " (arr. Fleischman), (b) " TheTransmits at intervals from 6.20 a.m.3.5 -Christmas Concert. Strebersdorf Relayed by Dresden,1,285kc/s8.10 -10.0 -Light Orchestrals. At 8.40 : Wasps " (arr. Davenay).10.45 -5.45 p.m. (from Goteborg)-" GermanStudents' Choir ;Innozenz (Pfte. and (233.5 m.). News ;Topical. News. Christmas "-Talk in German ; CarolsHarmonium), Peichel and Stadlbauer. Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 11.0 -Dance Music-Mangeret Or-by a Girls' Choir. 6.15 -News. 6.30-3.25 -Records :Songs to the Guitar. 11.0 a.m.-Band.12.0 noon -News.PARIS (Eiffel Tower) (France)chestra. " Christmas Eve." 3.45 -Art Talk. 12.15p.m. -SeeStuttgart. 1.0 - 1,456 kc/s (206 m.) ;5 kW. 11.30p.m.-12.15a.m.(Thursday)-Light7.0-Barkel(Violin)andBrandel4.0 -Contemporary Music-Ippisc'a News. Records. 2.0 -2.20 -Talk. 2.30Transmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m. Music-Mangeret Orchestra. Over- (Pfte.). Sonatain A (Franck). and Lechthaler. Vienna Concert =Sketch. 3.0 -Records. 4.0 -4.0 p.m -Television. 4.50 -Exchange; ture," RussianandLudmilla " Tambourin (Leclair).Prelude and House Quartet, Buxbaum (Vella) Markets. 4.10 -Records :Carols.Markets. 5.0 -Lecture fromthe (Glinka). Amour etPrintemps Allegro (Pugnani-Kreisler). and Kerschbaumer (Pfte.).Minuet 4.40 -Talk. . Sorbonne.6.0 -6.30 -History Lesson. (Waldteufel).Nocturne, Cocorico7.45 -Literary Review. with Variations from the Fantasia 5.0 -Station Choir and Leipzig Sym-6.45 -Music Notes. 7.0 -News. 7.10 (Ganne).Symphonic Poem, Leda8.15(from Goteborg) -Male Voice Sonata for 'Cello and Pfte. (Lech- phonyOrchestra. Conductor :-Racing. 7.20 -ForeignAffairs. ( Fremis at). Ballet, " Isoline "Choir.8.45 -News. 9.0 -10.0 -Radio thaler).String Quartet in C minor- Weber. Overture, "Der Freischiitz"7.45 -Press Review. 7.55 -Home (Messager).Orchestral Suite, LesDance Band. (Ippisch). (Weber). LesPreludes(Liszt).Affairs. Erynnies (Massenet). 4.50 -Talk : Travel in Austria.5.0 - Carols : (a)Es ist eM Reisent8.0 -See Brussels (No. 1). STRASBOURG (France) Talk :Old Trade Customs. sprungep,(b) Weihnachtsglocken, PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) 859 160 (349.2 m.) ;100 kW. 638 )(cis (470.2 m.) ; 120 kW. 5.25 -OldStyrianPastoralesan 1 Introduction to Act III and BridalPARIS (Poste Parisien) (France) Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. St.Anthony's "Lohengrin "(Wagner). Transmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m.5.30 p.m. --Orchestra. Conductor :deCribSongs from Chorus, 959 kc/s (312.8 m.)60 kW. 6.0p.m. -News. 6.10 -Topical. Villers. Prelude, " Fiesque " (Lalo).Church, Graz.St. Peter's Childre is Overture," TheMastersingers "Transmits at intervals 'from 7.10 a.m. Choir and the Graz Teachers' Or- (Wagner). 12.0 noon -Exchange. 12.5 p.m. -6.20 -Folk Songs from ,Morayska- BalletSuite(Lacha ume). Slavchestra.6.0 -News. 6.0 -Topical.6.10 -Variety.7.Q - Ostrava. 6.45 -Talk. 7.0 -See Brno. Rhapsody(Friedemann). Saxo- NewRecords. 12.35 -Exchange. isbornthis day "- 6.15-" Lucia di Lammermoor " - News. 12.39 -Records. 12.54 -Records :8.20-" phone Solo.Excerpts, " Hans the 17.15 -See Berlin. 7.45 -Talk. Nativity Play (Muller), with Music FlutePlayer"(Ganne). SuiteThree -Act Opera (Donizetti), by the Orchestra and Songs.1.15 -Ninon(arr. Ponc). 9.0 -News. 9.15 -Czech Scala, Milan, Cast (Recorded).8.0 - 8.0-" Gliick aus Glas "-Play (Du-Querald. 1.30 -Records : Suite, funambulesque (Buster). ,vigneau) ;Music ,by Fried Walter, Dance Band.9.50 -Pastorale in F6.30 -News ;Topical. 7.15 -Re-Topical. 8.15 -Rainer Maria Rilke L'Arlesienne " (Bizet). 2.0,3.45, Wiedermann(Organ). CommemorationSequence. 9.0 - the Composer at the Pfte. 9.0 -News.4.35 -Exchange. 6.0 -Call. 6.2 -(Bach)by cords. 7.30 -News. 7.45 -News 9.30 -11.0 -See Berlin. 10.0 -10.15 -News (French). (German).8.0 -Press Review (Ger-Variety. 9.10 -News. 9.20 -Snow Jewish Programme. 6.17-Jehanne man).8.15 -Records. Report. LILLE (Radio PTT Nord) Chambard (Pfte.).6.30 -Exchange. RADIO-NORMANDIE 8.30-" St.Odile d'Alsace "-Three-9.30-Stross String Quartet.Quartet 6.35 -Records : Excerpt," Marie (France)Act Play (Darget):Music by Ber- in F (Beethoven). Quartet in (France)Magdeleine "(Massenet). 6.42 - Con- minor(Schubert). 10.30 -An- 1,213 kc/s (247.3 m.) ;60 kW. 'Topical.6.50 -Song Records.7.6 -- 1,113 kc/s (263.5 m.) ;10 kW. trand.Orchestra and Choirs. Transmits at intervals from 6.50 a.m.News. 7.32 -Aviation. 7.37 -Records.7.0 a.m,-Excerpts, " Rose Marie "ductor : deVillers. 10.30 -News nouncements. 8.30-Tourcoing Conservatoire Con-7.52 -Records : Lucienne Boyer(Friml). 7.10 -News. 7.50 -Orchestra.(German).11.0 -News. Dekroix(Violin), 8.18 -8.0 -Records.8.15 -Music.8.30 - cert. Alice (Songs),8.2 -Paul Reboux. Songs.* 9.0 -DanceMusic. 9.15 STUTTGART (Germany) WARSAW (Poland) Bracq (Pfte.).Fourth SymphonyVariety. 9.5 -Lightning Sketch. 9.8 --Records. 9.30 -Popular Music. 574 kc/s (522.6 m.) ;100 kW. 224kc/s(1,339m.) ;120 IsW. (Schumann). Violin Concerto inTalk. RelayedbyCracow,1,022kcis Pieces 10.0 -Records. 10.30 -PopularTransmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. B minor(Saint -Satins). 9.23-" In the Reformatory "-SketchMusic.10.45 -Records.11.0 -Light11.0 a.m.-Hollinger Band, Trumpeter (293.5 m.) ;Katowice, 758kc/s (Niverd) :(a) Voluptes pastorales,(Diamant-Berger). 10.0 -Lido Or-Music. 12.0 noon -Records. 12.20Corps. 12.0 noon -News. 12.15 p.m. (395.8 m.) ;Lodz, 1,339 kc/s (224 (b)Intemperies sentimentales,(c)chestra,10.30 -11.0 -Records :Lightp.m. -Songs.12.40 -News. 1.0 --Band, etc. (contd.). m.) ;Lwow, 795 kc/s (377.4 m.); Tambourin fantasque.Violin andMusic. Concert.2.0 -Records.2.I5 -Light1.0 -2.0 -See Deutschlandsender. 2.15 Poznan,868 kc/s(345.6m.) ; Pfte. (a) La chasse (Carlier-Kreis- Music.2.30 -Records.3.15 -Light-Talks.2.30 -For Boys. Torun, 986 kc/s (304.3 m.); and .ler), (b) Minuet (Porpora-Kreisler),PARIS (PTT) (France) Music. 3.30 -Records. 3.45 -Or-3.0 -See Deutschlandsender.4.45 - Wilno, 536 kc/s (559.7 m.). (c) Gopa ndk (MussoFugue (rgFransky).ck-PiePrelrne)ude, 695 kc/s (431.7 m.) ;120 kW. chestra. 4.0 -Concert. 4.45 -ForTalk. Transmits at intervals from 5.30 a.m. Choral a.Transmits at intervals from 6.50 a.m.Children. 5.0 -Records. 5.15 -Light5.0 -See Frankfurt. 11.3a.m.-Orchestra.Conductor: Dance of the Sylphs and Hungarian2.30 p.m. -Concert for the Blind.InMusic. 5.45 -Current London Pro-6.0-" Spinning in the Odenwald "-Cymermann.11.40 -News.11.50 - March, " The Damnation of Faust "theinterval; "LaJourneedesductions. 6.0 -Children's Corner.Play (Mtinnich).6.45 -Talk.7.0 -Talk.2.0 p.m. -Economics.2.15 - (Berlioz).10.30 -News. Aveux "-Sketch (Duhamel). 6.45 -Talk ; News ;Racing Results.News. 7.15 -See Berlin. Records. 2.55 -Letter -box.3.10 - 3.45-Gabriello (Songs).4.0 -Talk :7.0 -Concert. 7.40 -News. 8.0 -7.45." A Child's Dream "-HollingerFor -Children. 3.40 -Chamber Music.

LYONS (PTT) (France) FrenchFolklore. 4.10 -Talk :Records. 8.30 -Records :Ray Band from Karlsruhe. Puppen-4.0 -Talk. 4.15 (from CraccAv)--- 648 keis (463 ni.) ;100 kW. Winter. 4.20 -Records. 4.30 -Ventura'sCollegians. 9.0 -Film marsch (de Michell). Alte Hempel -Operetta Music.4.50 -An imaginary Transmits at intervals from 6.50 a.m. Alice Hena (Songs). 4.45 -Reading.Music. manner tanzen (Lindemann).interview.5.0 -Talks. 6.30 p.m. -News ;Topical. 7.30 -5.0-Poulet Concert Orchestra. Con-10.30 -Excerpts, " Rose de France " Marchenwalzer (Liihr). Bleisoldaten6.20 -Station Trio.Serenade (Swier- Surprise Programme. 8.0 -Talks. ductor : Cloez. Ballet," Idomeneo"(Romberg). (Kockert).Fantasia, Ein Kinder- zynski), Descriptive Piece (Henri- . 8.30-" Prince Igor." -Opera (Born - (Mozart). 11.0 -Dance Music. 11.30 -From the traum(Rust). DieLiliputaner quez), Fleurettes (Heller), Serenade din),fromtheSalleSaint -Gilles,5.30 -Literary Review. 5.40 -MedicalCabane Normande.12.0 m't-Dance kommen (Lindemann). Puppen- (Hoherman), Crescendo(Lassen), Moulins. Conductor :Labcy.10.30Talk.5.55 -Talks. Music. 12.30-1.0 a.m. (Thursday) - walzer (Bayer). Overture, Felix the Suite (Rybicki), Les visites (Godard), (approx.)-News. 6.0-Poulet Concert Orchestra. Con-Orchestra. Cat (Kark). Der treue Hampelmann Waltz (Hellmesberger), Suite (Naw- (Heykens). Im Nurnberger Puppen- ductor :Cloez. Colette Reard (Brasov) rocki), Hungarian Dance (Brahlus). MONTE CENERI (Switzerland) (Pfte.).Kinderszenen (Schumann).RADIO -ROMANIA laden (Wendel). Fairy -Tale Overture Serenade (Block). 1,167 kc/s (257.1 m.) ;15 kW. Pfte.:ThreePieces(Debussy) : (Romania) (Rust). Der kleine Reiter (Lincke).7.0 -SongRecords. 7.35 -Talk. 11.0 a.m.-Records : Christmas Music. (a)Prelude,(b)Sarabande,(c) 160 kc/s (1,875 m.) ;150 kW. TanzendeTeepuppen (Schmidt -7.45 -News ; Topical. 11.30 -News. Toccata.6.30 -News. See Bucharest. Hagen). Puppenlustig ;undfidel8.0-" Chopin in a Paris Salon "- 7.38-Poulet Concert Orchestra (Siede). 9.0 -News. 11.40 -Melody and Rhythm.Radio 9.30-" Christnias Eve in Alsace "-LectureRecitalby Hulewicz, with OrchestraandAmbrosetti(Pfte.). (contd.). OvertureonRussianROME (Italy) Szpinalski(Pfte.).Etude. Scherzo 12.45 p.m. -Financial Bulletin.2.0- Themes (Rimsky-Korsakov). Over- 713kc/s(420.8m.) ;50 kW.Dialect Sequence (Kipp). RelayedbyNaples,1,104kc/s10.15 -Dance Music from Deutsch-in B minor.Allegro from the Con- 2.30 -For Schools. ture," Kovantchina "(Mussorg- certo. 3.30 -5.0 -See Beromiinster. 6.0 - sky). Suite," Le Coq d'Or " (271.7 m.) ; Bari (No. 1), 1,059 kc/slandsender. (283.3 m.) ;Bari (No. 2), Milan11.0-" The Nativity "-Sacred Play8.40 (from Wilno)-Schumann Songs Records.6.15 -For Farmers.6.30 - (Rimsky-Korsakov). by the "Pro Arte " Double Vocal Records.6.45 -News. 8.0 -TouristTalk. 8.15 -Foreign (No. 2) and Turin (No. 2), 1,557(Schneider) with the Station'Choir. 7.0 -Christmas Music by the RadioAffairs. 8.23 -Talk : Menand kc/s (221.1 m.). 11.45 p.m. -1.0 a.m. (Thursday) -Re-Quartet. 9.30 -Light Orchestral. 10.0 Orchestra. Pastorale(Jachino).Books. Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m.cords. -Dance Records, DECEMBER 18, 1936] WORLD -RADIO [47

MONTE ,.CENERI, Duets. 6.15 - HOLM, Report.7.30 -Christmas Poems. 6.30 -Duets. 6.45 -News. Carols.STRASBOURG, Reviews. 4 p.m. MOSCOW, Concert.MUNICH, 7.15 -Records. 7.30 -News ATHLONE, 4.30 -Christmas Carols " The Peasant's Calendar "-Decem- (French, German). STUTTGART,Dec. 24T H U RS DAY from St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dub- ber.6.45 -Orchestra. Father and Son after the Distribu- lin. OSLO, Oratorio(contd.). 6.15 - tion of Presents "-Programme by BRESLAU, Programme about Christ- News. 6.30 -Christmas Evein Willy Reichert, Karl Berlin, Brandle mas Trees and Christmas Customs Finnmark.6.45 -Carols. Quintet, tee. SOTTENS, 8.5 -Geneva Motet So-VIENNA, "Call of the Homeland' {Recorded) 4.30 -Music fromPARIS (PTT),Organ,fromtheTOULOUSE, Light Music. 7.50 - ciety.8.25 -Concert. 8.55 -Motet (contd.). 9.10 -News. 9.20 - Cologne. BUCHAREST and Schota Cantorum. 6.30 -News. News. Society (contd.).STOCKHOLM, The Voices of the Emperors Franz RADIO - ROMANIA, Records. Christmas Greetings to Sailors at Joseph and Karl on Records.9.30 BUDAPEST (1), 4.25 -Opera Or- PRAGUE, Carols (contd.):6.10 -VIENNA, Orchestra {contd.). 7.40 - Christmas Message. 6.20 -Records. Reading. Sea. 8.45 -News.8.55 -Records. -Records, chestra. 6.35 -Sketch.6.50 -Orchestra. STRASBOURG, News (German). WARSAW, Poem (contd.). 9.10- COLOGNE. Orchestra, Schrammel WARSAW, Talk on the 7.10 -pro- 8.15 -Records. 8.30 -SeeParis -Christmas Oratorio (Bach). Quartet, Contralto, Flute, Pfte. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Symphony gramme.Songs, Pfte., Violin. Orchestra. 6.30 -Notes. 6.45 - DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, 4.30 - TOULOUSE, News.8.15 -Variety. Lighting up the Christmas Tree. Talk; News. RADIO -PARIS, FRANKFURT, LubrichChamber Plays (contd.). 6.45 -Talks. ROME, 10 p.m. Records, Announcements, and Talk VIENNA, " Homeland Carols "- Music. 4.30 -Reading. Wiener Sangerknabsn. Conductor : ATHLONE, Variety. 10.30 -News HAMBURG,4.30-Records. (Spanish).6.20 -News in Foreign 8 p.m. Languages. Gruber. Wolkensteiner Choir, G an gl- BERLIN,LightMusic. BERO- LEIPZIG, Christmas Concert. bergerOrchestra. Addressby MONSTER, Notes. 10.50 -Mid- MOSCOW,4.30-Concert. SOTTENS, Interlude. 6.20 -PlayATHLONE, Autobiography.8.15 - Variety. Chancellor Schuschnigg. nightMass. BUDAPEST(1) OSLO, Variety. 6.50 -News. STOCKHOLM, WARSAW, Exchange Programme Symphony (Beethoven) (contd.). RADIO-PARTS,4.0-Records.ROME Dance Music.. 6.I5 -News. 6.30 -BERLIN, See Deutschlandsender. 8.20 -" Holy Night " (contd.). BERO- (contd.). 8.30-" ChristmasEve COLOGNE. SeeLeipzig. 10.30 - and TURIN, News.4.15 -Christ- Report. STRASBOURG, 6.30 - Legend "-Pastoral Poem. UnfinishedSymphony(Schubert) mas Music. News. STUTTGART, Concert MONSTER, " Das Gotteskind "- (Records). SOTTENS and BEROMUNSTER, (contd.). Play with Music. BRESLAU and KONIGSBERG, See Deutschland - DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Christ- 4.20 -Dance Band. STUTTGART,TURIN, News in Foreign Languages. mas Concert. 4.30-" Peeping through the Key-VIENNA, News. 6. I 5 -Vienna Cham- sender. 8.20 -Songs and Tales 9 p.m. and EIFFEL TOWER, Gala Programme hole " (Reichert). ber Orchestra. Conductor :Aude- (contd.). BUCHAREST (contd.). VIENNA, 14ofmusikkapelle Concert. rieth. (Lortzing, Mozart, Schubert, RADIO -ROMANIA, Talk.8.30 -ATHLONE, Poems in Irish.9.15 - Story.9.30 -Variety. HAMBURG, 10.10--" A Christmas Conductor : Grossmann. Humperdinck). News ; Topical. 8.45 -Gala Christ- Carol "-Play after Dickens, with WARSAW, Musical Programme mas Programme. BUDAPEST (1),BERLIN,Light.Music. BERO- 8.10 -Records. MUNSTER, Play with Music Music.HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), (contd.). Orchestra. Orchestra.10.10 -Choir. Conduc- 5p.m. tor: Timmerman. (Carillon). 10.40 -Service. HILVERSUM ATHLONE, Carols (contd.).5.30- 7.10Athlone :Christmas music. (301.5 m.), Play (contd.). 10.10 - " The Mummers' -A Christmas Records. 10.40 -Service. Eve Play (Sean Crawford). PRINCIPAL EVENTS 7.30Stockholm :Christmas songs and greet- BERLIN, BRESLAU, " The Candles ings to Sailors. LEIPZIG, Oratorio (contd.). 10.30 burn on the Christmas Tree "- SERVICES AND SACRED MUSIC -Play with Music. 3.30Kalundborg : Copenhagen Cathedral. 7.40Rome, Turin : Nativity music. MOSCOW, Spanish Talk. 10.30 - Orchestra, etc. BEROMUNSTER, 7.50Hilversum (301.5 m.) : Orch., song, violin. Portuguese Talk. MUNICH, Notes. 5,10 -Christmas Music. 10.20 Sottens : Carols ;11.0, Mass. FRANKFURT, "Heilige Nacht" 5.40-A Christmas Tale. 5.50- 8.20Deutschlandsender :Station Orchestra. (contd.). -Christmas Music (EmilHolz). 10.30 Warsaw : Midnight mass. 10.40 Hilversum (301.5 m.) : From the " New "8.22Poste Parisien :Christmas concert. PARIS (PTT), Plays (contd.). 10.30 Zither Quartet, Songs, Oboe, 8.30Eiffel Tower :Hospitals' Gala. -News. 10.45 -French Carols. Recitations. BUCHAREST and Church, The Hague. POSTE PARISIEN, Concert RADIO -ROMANIA, News. 5.10 9.0 Hamburg :Military Band. -Christmas Music. 5.55 -Talk. 10.45 Paris (PTT) : Carols. (contd.). PRAGUE, Play.10.25 - 10.45 Strasbourg :Service. 9.0 Rome, Turin : Orchestra, organ. Records. 10.45 -Sketch.10.55 - BUDAPEST Orchestra. OPERAS Chimes. rnr6 7 5,45 -Carols. COLOGNE, Cho 10.55 Rome, Turin : 11.0 MonteCeneri,8.30Paris(FT1) :Two Christmas operas. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Variety. DER, " Christ- Prague, Radio-Normandie, Vienna; 11.50 : Carols, 12.0Stuttgart, Frankfurt :" Hansel and RADIO -PARIS, Oratorio (contd.). mas "-Cathedral Bells, Strasbourg :Midnight Masses. I0.45 -News. ROME and TURIN, Tales. Gretel " (rec.). News ;Dance Music. 10.40 - FRANKFURT, Chimes. 5.10 -Carols SYMPHONY CONCERTS RECITALS by the Frankfurt Blind Choir. 5.45 5.30Oslo : Christmas Oratorio (Borch). Talk.: The Birth of Christ.10.55 - -Christmas Folk Music. 3.25National : Carols from King's College. Midnight Mass. 8.45Radio -Paris :" L'enfanceduChrist "6.0 Budapest 1: Chimes, organ (6.30). SOTTENS, Sketch (contd.).10.20 - HAMBURG, " Doll Dance "-Play "TheNativity." 10.35 -Sacred for Young and Old with Music. (Berlioz). 7.10Warsaw : Song, pfte., violin. Concert. STOCKHOLM, Records. HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), 5.10 -9.10 Warsaw :Christmas Oratorio (Bach). 8.0 Radio -Paris : Old carols, 'cello music. STRASBOURG, See Paris (PTT). Records. 5.25 -Violin,'Cello, 10.30 -News. Pfte.,Records. HILVERSUM 9.30Brussels 2 : Belgian Music. 8.0 Vienna :Carols. 10.45-Servic ai 9.30Leipzig, etc. : Christmas Oratorio (Bach). STUTTGART and MOST GER- (301.5m.),5.10 -Kovacs Lajos 8.20Leipzig, etc.: German chimes. MAN STATIONS, Folk Programme Orchestra.5.55 -Sports. LIGHT CONCERTS PLAYS (contd.). KALUNDBORG , 5.40 -Nielsen (Pfte.) 12.15 Radio -Paris : Orchestra, songs. 5.0 Radio -Paris : Classic comedies. TOULOUSE, Paris Programme. 10.15 (Mozart, Weber). KONIGSBERG, 1.30Kalundborg : Radio Orchestra. 10.55 -News. Christmas with the Defence Forces. 8.0 BeromOnster : " Das Gotteskind." -Music. 3.0 Deutschlandsender : " Dressing the VIENNA, Records. 5.30-Borschel Band. 10.0Hamburg : " A Christmas Carol " WARSAW, Oratorio (contd.).10.10 LEIPZIG, Christmas Concert. Christmas Tree." 10.30 Leipzig : " Die Nacht des Hirten." -Poems. 10.30 -Midnight Mass. MOSCOW, 5.0 -Notes.5.I5 -Con- Stuttgart : Christmas concert. cert. MUNICH, Music. 5.0 LAST NEWS BULLETINS, see Monday OSLO,5.30 -Christmas-Oratorio 6.45Oslo :Christmas music. DANCE MUSIC (Borch). 7.0 Breslau, Konigsberg : " Christmas Eve."4.20Sottens ; 10.25, Regional ; 11.15, National; 11 p.m. PRAGUE, 5.20 -Bells.5.55 -Carols 7.0 Kalundborg :Christmas concert. 12.0 (to 3 a.m.), Paris(PTT) ;12.0(to -Children's Choir. 2 a m.), Poste Parisien. BRATISLA VA. Midnight Mass. RADIO -PARIS, Plays :(a) " L'ecole 7.0 Monte Ceneri : Christmas music. 'BEROMUNSTER Mass(contd.). des bourgeois"(Allainval),(b) BUDAPEST (1), Midnight Mass. "Lc cercle " (Poinsinet).ROME HILVERSUM (1,875nt.), Service and TURIN, 5.0 -5.10 -Talk.5.50 COLOGNE, See Deutschlandsender. (contd.). 4.15 -Notes. BRESLAU, Songs and Tales (contd.). (contd.). HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), -Notes. 7 p.m. 8.20 -Chamber Music. 9.30 - Service. 11.35 -Christmas Bells. SOTTENS, Chimes. 5.15 -Choir. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Christ- See Stuttgart. BUCHAREST and MONTE CENERI, Midnight Mass. 5.40 -Interlude. STOCKHOLM, ATHLONE, In the Garden.7.10- mas Address by Rudolf Hess, the RADIO -ROMANIA, Gala (contd.). MOSCOW,Spanish,Talk. 5.15 -DanceMusic. STUTT- " A Visit from Father Christmas." Fuhrer'sDeputy. 8.20 -Light 9.55 -News. BUDAPEST (1), PARIS (PTT), carols (contd.). POSTE GART, Christmas Concert. Sopranos, Radio Orchestra. Orchestral. Records. 9.30 -Ninth Symphony PARISIEN, Concert (contd.). VIENNA, Christmas in the Tyrolese BERLIN, LEIPZIG, " Holy Night "EIFFEL TOWER, 8.30 -Gala Pro- (Beethoven) (Records.). PRAGUE, Midnight Mass. Alps -Report with Records. 5.35 -Choir, Orchestra, etc. BERO- gramme. COLOGNE, Chamber Music. 9.30 RADIO-NORMANDIE, . Midnight -Reading. MUNSTER, ChristmasConcert.FRANKFURT, See Deutschland - -See Leipzig. Mass. RADIO -PARIS, Dance Music. WARSAW, 5.15 -Polish Stations Ex- Violin, Organ. BRESLAU, sender.8.20 -See Leipzig. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Light ROME and TURIN, Mass (contd.). change Programme -Christmas at KONIGSBERG. Christmas SongsHAMBURG, See Deutschlandsender. Music.9.45 -Weather. SOTTENS, Midnight Mass. STRAS- Home and Abroad.5.55 -Bethle- andTales. BUCHAREST and 8.20 -"Happy and Joyous"EIFFEL TOWER, Gala Programme BOURG, Service (contd.). 11.30 hem -Musical Programme. RADIO -ROMANIA, Carols.7.15 (contd.). HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), (contd.). -News (German). 11.50 -Midnight -Talk.BUDAPEST (1), Station To be announced.8.40 -N.C.R.V.FRANKFURT, See Leipzig. 9.20 - Mass. STUTTGART and FRANK- Orchestra. Orchestra. HILVERSUM (301.5 Dreamland Music. 9.40 -See FURT, " Nostalgia "-Christmas COLOGNE, " German Christmas " m.), Orchestra, etc. (contd.). 8.40- Munich. 6 p.m. " Scrooge and Marley "-Play after Sequence. (contd.). HAMBURG, Military Band.HIL- TOULOUSE, Fantasy. 11.20 - ATHLONE, " The Mummers " Dickens (Veterman). VERSUM (1,875 m.), Orchestra ;at DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Christ- 8.0 -8.15 -Concert Light Music. (contd.). 6.15 -Radio Orchestra. mas Eve Concert. KALUNDBORG, 9.40: News. HILVERSUM (301.5VIENNA, Midnight Mass. 6.35 -News. (contd.). HAMBURG, FRANKFURT, " HappyLEIPZIG and STUTTGART. See rn.), Play (contd.). WARSAW, Midnight Mass. BERLIN, BRESLAU, Orchestra, etc. andJoyous "-A MerrySledge Deutschlandsender. 8.20-" Christ-KONIGSBERG, See Breslau. 9.30 (contd.). BEROMUNSTER, Music Ride into the Land of Christmas. mas Chimes "-Music Iv Ambro- -See Stuttgart. (contd.). 6.30 -News. 6.40 - HILVERSUM (1,875nn.), News ; sius. LEIPZIG," Christmas Chimes " Poems. BUCHAREST and Christmas Story. 7.40 -News. 7.55MONTE CENERI, Play (contd.). 8.40 (contd.).9.30 -Christmas Oratorio 12 midnight RADIO -ROMANIA, Talk.6.15 - -To be announced. HILVERSUM -Christmas Carols by Dora Wyss. (Bach). BRATISLAVA, Mass (contd.). Radio Orchestra. 6.55 -Carols. (301.5 m.), Old Music (contd.). 7.15 MOSCOW, German PeacePro-MOSCOW, 9.5 -French Talk.MU-PARIS (PTT), Dance Band. POSTE BUDAPEST (1), Chimes.6.30 - -Talk. 7.40 -News. 7.50 - gramme. MUNICH, See Deutsch- NICH, Music. 9.40-" Heilige PARISIEN, Dance Records. Organ. Aeolian Orchestra, Tenor, Violin. landsender. 8.20 -See Leipsig. Nacht " -Old Bavarian Legend PRAGUE, Mass (contd.). COLOGNE, Carols. 6.30-" German KALUNDBORG, Christmas Concert.OSLO, Greetings. 8.10 -Chimes. (Thoma), Music by Kusche.Con- SOTTENS, Mass (contd.).STRAS- Christmas "-Contemporary Litera- MONTE CENERI. " The Starof 8.20 -8.30 -Christmas Address. ductor :The Composer. BOURG, Mass (contd.).STUTT- ture and Old Music. Bethlehem "-Children's Choir.PARIS (PIT),Rosenfeld(Songs).PARIS (PTT) and STRASBOURG, GART and FRANKFURT, Records : DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Christ- 7.I5 -Report. 7.30 -Organ Re- 8.15 -Records. 8.30 -Christmas Plays(contd.). POSTE PARI- " Hansel and Gretel "(Humper- mas Greetings from the Deutsch- cords. 7.45-" IfChristcame Operas with Music: (a) " Les santons SIEN, Concert (contd.). PRAGUE, dinck). landsender. Address, Choirs, back "-Play. MOSCOW, Con- de la creche "-Pastorale (de Sais), 9.20 -Records.9.50 -Play. TOULOUSE,Carols. 12.30 -Light Music. Wind Band, Quartet, Organ, Songs. cert.I MUNICH, Orchestra. 7.15 (b) " Le passager de cette nuit-la "RADIO-NORMANDIE, Variety. FRANKFURT, Folk Music (contd.). -Music. -Christmas Miraele (Schwebel), RADIO -PARIS, Oratorio (contd.). OSLO, Carols. 7.40 -Greetings. POSTE PARISIEN, 8.2 -Paul Orchestra. HAMBURG, Christmas Bells over the Reboux. 8.17-Frere Jacasse.8.22 ROME and TURLN, Heath. 6.20 -6.50 -Old Melodies. PARIS (PIT), Talks. 7.38 -Records. -Christmas Eve Concert. PRAGUE. Conductor, Tansini. Matti (Or- 1 a.m. (Friday) HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), Instru- 7.45 -Reading. POSTE PARISIEN Chimes. 8.2 -Christmas Gifts. 8.10 gan).9.40 -Dance Music. PARIS (PTT), Dance Band. POSTE mental (Ctintd.). 6.25 -Talks. 7.6 -News. 7.32 -Records. 7.47 - SOTTENS, Motet Society (contd.). Light Music. PRAGUE, Orchestra. -Russian School Choir and Bala- PARISIEN, Dance Records. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), Sports. laika Band. 8.30 -For Czechs 9.15 -On theTrackofFather 6.25 -Christmas Carols. 6.40 -RADIO - NORMANDIE,Concert. Christmas. 9.35 -Interlude. 9.50 RADIO-NORMANDIE. Records. 1.15 For Children. 6.45 -Old Music. Abroad.8.40 -Variety. -Dance Records. 1.30 -Orchestra. 7.40 -News. RADIO -PARIS, TalksRADIO -NORMANDIE, Light -" Christmas in Sweden "-Sketch. Quintetto Antigua. Reading. ROME and TURIN, Music. 8.40 -Talk. RADIO - STOCKHOLM, Records. STUTT-TOULOUSE, Light Music. KALUNDBORG,News. 6.30- 7.5 -News. 7.30 -Talk. 7.40 - PARIS, Carols, 'Cello. 8.30 -News. GART, See Leipzig. 9.30-" Listen, Reading. KONIGSBERG, Band. Nativity'Music. Conductor : 8.45-" L'Enfance duChrist "- Footsteps in the Snow 1 -Christmas 6.30-" Stars over the Huts " (Men- Previtali. Oratorio(Berlioz). ROME and Folk Programme. 2 a.m. zel) with Music. SOTTENS, See Monte Ceneri.7.15 TURIN, Concert (contd.).8.30-TOULOUSE, News.9.10 -Fantasy. LEIPZIG, Carols by Massed Choirs. -Play.7.35 -Concert. STOCK - " The Bells "-Christmas Play. 9.45 -Paris Programme. PARIS (PTT), Dance Band, 48 WORLD -RADIO [DECEMBER 18- 1936 Hours of Transmission in GreenwichBRUSSELS (No. 2) (Belgium)DEUTSCHLANDSENDER ('Cello); v.d. Pas (Pfte.). In the interval: ITHURSDAY (December 24) Mean Time. 932 Ice's(321.9 m.) ;15 kW. Records. 6.25 -Talks ; News ; (Germany)Christmas Story.7.40 -News.7.55 Programme in Flemish. 191 kc/s (1,571 m.) ;60 kW. -To be announced. ATHLONE (Ireland) Transmits at intervals from 6.37 a.m. Transmit.; at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 565 kc/s (531 m.) ;60 kW. Relayed5.0 p.m. -Light Instrumental. 8.40-N.C.R.V.Orchestra. Con- NATIONAL 11.0 a.m.-See Breslau.12.45 p.m. -ductor :v.d. Hurk ; by Dublin, 1,348 kc/s (222.6 m.) ;6.0-BrendersJazzBand. 6.25 - News. at 9.40: News. For Time Signals, see Monday and Cork, 1,240 kc/s (241.9 m.). TalkwithRecitationsinGerman 10.10 -The Dutch Reformation 10.15 a.m. (D) -Service. 1.0 -Variety. 2.0 -Christmas Variety.Church Choir. Conductor : PuL 1.30-3.0 p.m. -Records. 4.30 -Christ-and Flemish :Rainer Maria Rilke.3.0-" We decoratetheChristmas 10.30 (D) -Weather Forecast. mas Carols from St. Patrick's Cathe-Flemish by Marnix Timmermans (Carillon). 10.45 -At Home To -day. Translations Tree "-Programme bytheStation10.40 -11.40 -Christmas Service. Offi- dral,Dublin. 5.30-" The Mummers "Gysen. Chamber Choir. Conductor :Aulich, 11.5 -Records. -a Christmas Eve Play (Sean Craw-7.0-Das Marienleben (Hindemith) to ciating Clergy :Rev. Dr. J. G. Geel- 11.45 -The BBC Welsh Orchestra ; von Geczy Band and Carla Spletterkerken and Rev.J.J.Buskes, Jr. Margaret Wilkinson (Soprano). ford). Rainer Maria Rilke Text, by Flore(Soprano), Lotte Braun (Recitations). 12.45 p.m. -Merle Miller (Soprano) ;6.15 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor :Moulaert-Maas,withPaulCollaer4.30 -Lighting-up the Christmas Tree.HILVERSUM (301.5 m.) Roderick Lloyd (Bass -Baritone). Lieut.J.M. Doyle. Selection,(Pfte.).7.30 -Art Review. 5.0-" Christmas "-CathedralBells, (Holland) "ChuChinChow"(Norton),8.0-Koechlin Concert by the I.N.R.Carols, and Christmas Tales.6.0 -- 1.15 -Charles Ernesco Quintet. Casino Tanze (Giing1). Symphony Orchestra( Choirs, and 995 kc/s ;15 kW until 2.40 p.m. ; 2.0 -Eileen Pitcher (Contralto); The Christmas Greetings from the Deutsch- 60 kW from 2.40 p.m. 6.35 -Irish News Feature. 6.4? - Singers, from the Conservatoire :landsender.Address by Goetz Otto Bronkhurst Trio. News. 7.0 -Holiday Work inthe Conductors : Andre and Weynandt. A.V.R.O. Programme. 2.50 (ex.'Scottish)-" This and That," Stoffregen.Station Chamber Choir.7.40 a.m.-Time ; Palle (Organ).8.0 John Hilton. Garden. Part I. Music to Kipling's " JungleConductor: Garner (Organ).Wind 7.10-" A Visit from Father Christ- Book." Introduction and Reading.Band of the Berlin State Opera. Lutz-Records. 9.40 -Service. 9.55= 2.50 (Scottish) -Records. mas "-Helen Stauntonwiththe Lullaby. Jungle Night Song. Kale Records. 3.10 -Records. Quartet. Boys' Choir. Hildegard10.10 -Groningen Orchestra. Con- RadioOrchestra. Conductor : Nag's Song.Part II.Symphonic Erdman') (Songs). 3.25 -Festivalofnine Lessons and Lieut. J. M. Doyle. Eileen 0' Driscol I Poem, La course de printemps. ductor :Kuiler. HermanBlazer Carols from King's College Chapel, 7.0 -Christmas Eve Concert.Station('Cello), In the interval, Egbert Veen (Soprano). ChristmasMedley8.45-" Decorated with the Star of Orchestra. Conductor : Libiszowski. Cambridge. (Aston),ChristmasBells(Ellen -Bethlehem "-Play (de Pillecyn) ; Mu- (Pfte.). 12.10 p.m. --Kovacs Lajos 4.45 -The Cellini Trio. Ballet," Die Puppenfee " (Bayer).Orchestra. 1.10 -Records. berg).Christmas (Tchaikowski). sic by Van der Avort. Selection, " Les 5.15 -Joe Loss and his Band. 8.0 -Autobiography by Diarmuid petits ricns "1.40-A.V.R.O. Orchestra.Conduc- 6.0 -The First News. 9.30-I.N.R.SymphonyOrchestra (Mozart). Intermezzo, "Thetor : Treep. In the interval : Reading. O'Briain. 8.15-" Christmas comes from the Conservatoire. Conductor : Arabian Nights " (Strauss). The 6.20 -Talk by Commander R. T.but once a year "-Variety.9.0 - Andre. Symphony (Poot).Ballad. 3.40 -For Hospitals.4.10 -Records. Gould. Nutcracker Suite (Tchaikovsky). 4.25 -For Children. 5.10 -Kovacs Christmas Poetry(inIrish) -L. S. In memoriam Alban Berg (Van8.0 -Christmas Addressby Rudolf 6.40 -Mozart : Horace Green (Oboe);Gogan. 9.15-A Christmas Story. Dunne).10.0 -News. Lajos Orchestra.5.55 -Sports.6.25 The London String Trio. 9.30 -Variety. 10.30 -11.0 -News. Hess, the Ffihrer's Deputy. -Christmas Carols.6.40 -For Chil- 7.0 -Boyd Neel String Orchestra. 10.10 -Commentary on the Six Days'8.20 -9.45 -LightMusic. Stationdren. 8.0 -Van Phillips' Two Orchestras. Racing at Ghent. Orchestra. Conductor :Do brindt,6.45 -Old Music by the Quintetto BANSKA-BYSTRICA 10.25 -Concert on Records.Part 1.10.0 -11.0 -Christmas Concert. von 8.30 -Strange to Relate. LyricSuite (Alban Berg). The Antiquo. 7.15 -Talk :The Saint 9.0 -The Third News. (Czechoslovakia) Creation (Milhaud). Part II.NollGeczy Band, Herbert Jager and LeoCountry. 7.40 -Time ; News. 7.50 - 9.20-" Unto Us a Child is Born "- 392 kc/s (76$ m.) ;30 kW. for Organ (Daquin).Agnus DeiPeukert. Concert.Aeolian Orchestra.Viskil ' a Pageant of Christmas devised andRelays Czechosloiak Stations. (Tenor), Lensky (Violin). producedby Robin Whitworth ; (Beethoven).- European'Carols :(a)FRANKFURT (Germany) 8.40-" Scrooge and Marley "-Play The BBC Chorus and Orchestra. BERLIN (Germany) France, (b) Austria, (c) Denmark, 1,195kcj,(251 m.); 25kW.after Dickens's "A Christmas Carol" 10.5 -Short Mid -Week Service. (d) Italy,(e) The Netherlands, (f) Relayed by Cassel, Coblenz, Frei-(Veterman). 10.10 -Records. 10.40 - 841 kc/s (356.7 m.) ; 100 kW. Belgium. burg, and Trier, 1,195 ke's (251 m.). 10.25 -The BBC Theatre Orchestra ;Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m.12.0 m't-1.30 a.m. (Friday) -Midnight Service from the New Church, The Ernest Butcher (Baritone). 11.0a.m.-1.0p.m. -See Frankfurt. Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m.Hague. 11 .35 -11.40 -Ch ristmas Bells. 11.15 -Lew Stone and his Band. 1.0 -News ; Records. Mass from Antwerp Cathedral. 11.0a.m.-Orchestra. 1.0p.m. - 11.30 -12.0 -Dance Records. 2.0 -InternationalChristmasPro- Records.2.0 -For Children. KALUNDBORG (Denmark) gramme : Carols of America. Belgium,BUCHAREST (Romania) 3.0 -American, Belgian, Italian,Yugo- 240kc/s(1,250rn.) ; 60kW. REGIONAL Italy, Yugoslavia, Poland and Sweden. 823kc/s(364.5m.) ; 12kW.slav,PolishandSwedishCarols RelaysCopenhagen, 1,176kc/s 3.0-" HanselandGretel "-Fairy Relayed by Radio -Romania (Brasov)(Recorded). (255.1 m.). For Time Signals, see Monday 4.0-Lubrich Chamber Music.Irm-Transmits at intervals from 6.0 a.m. 10.15-10.45 a.m.-Droitwich. Opera (Humperdinck) (Recorded). 160 kc/s (1,875 in.). 5.0-" TheCandlesburnontheTransmits at intervals from 4.30 a.m. gard Overhotf (Soprano), the Com- 11.0a.m.-1.0p.m.--BendixString 10.45 -The BBC Northern IrelandChristmas Tree "-Programme by the4.0 p.m. -Records :Sacred and Sym- poser (Pfte.). Pfte. :Nachtstiick.Ensemble. 1.10 -Christmas Songs by Orchestra ;Evelyn Gibb (Soprano). Soprano Songs. Weihiaachts-Harriet Vendelhaven. 11.45 -Cinema Organ. Station Orchestra, Berlin Soloist En-phonic Music. 5.0 -Time ; Weather ; semble. Ramin WindInstrumentTopical. 5.10 -ChristmasMusic. pastora le. 1.30 -Radio Orchestra.Conductor : 12.15 p.m. -Forum Orchestra. Ensemble, Hanger (Baritone), UrsulaRadio Orchestra. Conductor :Rogal-4.30 -Reading. 5.0-Chri stmasGrondahl. Hellemann (Danish Songs). I.15 -Records. Chimes. 3.30 -Christmas EveServicefrom Prasch (Speaker). ski. 5.55 -Talk. 2.0 -Reginald Foort-Theatre Organ. 6.15 -L. -Radio OrChestra.Conductor :.5.10 -Carols by the Frankfurt BlindCopenhagenCathedral. 4.30 - 2.30 -Royal Air Force Band. 7.0-" Holy Night "-Programme by Choir. Conductor :Warner. Weather. 4.45 -Talk. 5.15 -Weather. 3.15 (Scottish 4.0) -The BournemouththeStationChoir,Orchestraand Rogalski. In a toy -shop (Engle- Artists. Conductors : Heinrich Steiner man).Carol (Dragoi).Five Romanian5.45 -Christmas Folk Music. Kle-5.20 -Greetings toDanish Sailors' Municipal Orchestra :Conductor, ham mer (Guitar). Mandoline Ensembleafloat : Danish Songs. Clifford Curzon and WeigelFranziskaLiebing and Christmas Carols (Cuclin).Weih- Richard Austin ; nachten(Koaigsberger). 6.55 -and Children's Choir. 5.40 -Ernst Nielsen (Pfte.).Sonata (Pfte.). Paul Klinger (Recitations). 7.0 -See Hamburg. in D - (Mozart).Rondo in E flat 3.30 (Scottish) -Mid -Week Service. 8.0 -See Deutschlandsender. Carols(Brediceano), by Mme. 8.20-" Holy Night " (contd.). Acade Barbu. 7.15 -Talk :8.0 -See Deutschlandsender. (Weber). 4.45 -Records. . " Christmas in different Countries."8.20 -See Leipzig. 6.0 -Time News.6.30 -Reading. 5.15 -The Children's Hour. 9.0 -11.0 -Light Music. Kauffmann 9.20-" Dreamland Music." Hauck7.0 -8.15 -Christmas Concert. 6.0 (Regional) -Upper Norwood Sal-Band, Jungherr Accordionists, Chars 8.30 -News ;Topical. 8.45 - lotte Toepfer (Soprano), Margarete Gala Christmas Programme. 9.55 Band.Overture, " Princess Golden ivation Army Band ;Clifford Deri -News. Shoes "(Rust). MarchenwalzerKONIGSBERG (Heilsberg) (Baritone). Arnold (Contralto), Thiele and Hahn (Heumann). Sonneberger Spielzeug (Germany) 6.0 (Midland) -ApplebyMatthews(Pftes.). (Ortleb). ViolinSolo(Bazzini). 1,031kc/s(291m.) ;100 kW. (Pfte.). BUDAPEST (No. 1) (Hungary) Excerpt, Fairy-tale Suite (Suk). RelayedbyDanzig,1,303 Ws 6.0(Western) -The BlaenclydachBEROMUNSTER 546 kc/s (549.5 m.) ;120 kW. 9.40 -See Munich. (230.2 m.). String Orchestra. (Switzerland)Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m.11.0 p.m. -1.0 a.m. (Friday) -SeeTransmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 6.0 (Northern) -The BBC Northern 556kc/s(539.6m.) ;100 kW.4.25p.m. -Opera Orchestra. Con-Stuttgart. 11.0a.m.-1.0p.m. -See Frankfurt. Orchestra. Relayed by Basle and Berne, 1,375ductor :Fridl. 6.0 -Chimes. 1.0 -News ;Records ;Reading. 6.0' (N. Ireland) -NorthernIreland kc/s (218.2 m.). 6.30 -Organ Reci tal,from the AcademyHAMBURG (Germany) 2.0 -See Berlin Brass Band, conducted by Edward11.0 a.m. (from Basle) -Opera, Oper-of Music. 7.0 -Station Orchestra. 904 kc/s (331.9 m.) ;100 kW. Re-3.0 -Orchestra. Furness ;William Whitford (Xylo-etta and Film Music.11.24 -News.Conductor :Bertha.8.10 -Records. layed by Bremen, Flensburg, Han-4.0 -Christmas Vespers. Mixed phone). 11.40-12.45 p.m. -Sextet. 3.0 -9.30 -Ninth Symphony (Beethoven), over, Magdeburg and Stettin, 1,330Choir and Tollkiihn (Organ).5.0 - 6.0(Scottish) -Next Week You'llChristmas Address for Invalids. by the Philadelphia Symphony Or- kc/s (225.6 m.). Christmas with the Defence Forces. Hear 6.10 -Saturday Sport. 3.30 -5.0 -See Sottens. chestra (Records). Transmits at intervals from 5.15 a.m.5.30-Borschel Band.6.30-" Stars 6.15 (Midland) -The Teversall Col-5.0 -Announcements. 5.10 -Christ-I I .0-M idnigh t Mass. 11.0 a.m.-Orchestra.12.0 noon -over the Huts " (Menzel) ;Music by lieryBand ; Arthur Cranmermas Music. 5.40-A Christmas Tale. News. Henning. (Baritone). 5.59 -Christmas Music (Emil Holz).BUDAPEST (No. 2) (Hungary)12.15 p.m. -Music from Frankfurt.7.0 - SeeBreslau ;at8.0 - See 6.20 (Scottish) -Wellesley CollieryZither Quartet, Elsa Holz (Songs), 359.5 kc/s (834.5 m.) ;18 kW. 1.0 -News ;Music. 2.0 -Reading ;Deutschlandsender. Prize Band. Welti (Oboe and Recitations). 6.30 -No Transmission. Records. 9.30 -11.0 -See Stuttgart. 6.30 (Western) -Cinema Organ. News.6.40 -Christmas Poems. 2.45 -Variety. 6.40 (N. Ireland) -Mrs. Rooney of by Geyer 3.30 -Programme fromDeutsch-LEIPZIG (Germany) Belfastand Mat Mulcagheyof7.0 -Christmas Concert, COLOGNE (Germany) (Violin), Steingrube (Organ)., 658 kc/s (455.9 m.) ;100 kW., landsender. 4.30 -,Records. 785kc/s(382.2 m.) ; 120 kW. County Tyrone,in" Cnristmas8.0-" Das Gotteskind "-Play with 5.0-" Doll Dance "-Play for Young 1,285kc/s Crack." Transmits at intervals from 5.11 a.m. Relayed by Dresden, Music (Herrmann). 9.15 -Announce-11.0 a.m.-See Frankfurt at12.0and Old (Albrecht) ;Music by Gir- (233.5 m.). 7.0 -The Second News. natis. Station Orchestra. Conductor : 7.20 -Regional Announcements. ments. noon -News.1.0 p.m -News. Transmit; at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 7.30 (Regional, Midland, Scottish) -10.50-12.0 m't-Midnight Mass. 1.15 -Variety from Deutschlandsender.Seeker. Women's Trio, Beckmann 11.0a.m.-1.0p.m. -See Frankfurt. (Celesta and Pete.).6.0 -Christmas1.0 -News Records. 2.0-3.0- AI Bollington-Theatre Organ. 2.0 -Records.In the interval :The 6.20 -6.50- 7.30 (Western) -Welsh News. BRESLAU (Germany) Microphone on a Christmas Trip. Bells over the Heath. Christmas Variety.' 3.30 -Reading. 7.30 (Northern) - NorthernCarols 950 kc/s (315.8 m.) ;103 kW. Re-3.0 -Concert -Chamber Orchestra.-Old Carols. 4.0 - Christmas Concert - Leipzig layedbyGleiwitz, 1,231kc/s Hagestadt ; Radio7.0-" Happy and Joyous "-A MerryTrumpeter Corps. 4.20 -Christmas sung by The Northumbrian Singers. Conductor : Landof 7.30 (N. Ireland) -Cinema Organ. (243.7 m.). SchrammelQuartet ; HeleneRottSledge Rideintothe Concert. StationOrchestraand Transmits at intervals from 4.0 a.m. (Flute)andChristmas (arr. Maasz). Station Choir.Choirs. Elly Volkenrath (Soprano), 7.40 (Western)-" To -morrow will be (Contralto),Fritzsche Conductor : Gregor. Station Orches- Christmas." 11.0 a.m.-1.0p.m. -Orchestra andKirst (Pfte.).5.0 -Cathedral Chimes. Gopelt(Baritone), Luh(Violin), 7.55 (Scottish)-" A Bairn was Born."Dance Band.1.0 -News. 5.45 -Carols with Organ Accompani-tra ; at 8.0 -See Deutschlandsender. Wawrowsky ('Cello), Sammler (Pfte.). 8.0 (Regional, Western, N. Ireland)-1.15 -Variety from Deutschlandsen-ment. 9.0-10.0 (from Stet tin) -M i I ita ry Band.Overture, A Winter's Tale (Humper- BBC Chorus (Sec-der.2.0 -See Berlin.3.0 -Reading.6.30-" GermanChristmas "-Con-Conductor : Moller. dinck).Choral, Acts, mein herzliebes Carol Service ; 10.10-11.0-" A Christmas Carol "-Jesulein (Bach). Grazioso (Gluck). tion C), and Military Band, con-3.10 -Clavichord, Spinet, Harpsichord temporaryLiterature and Old Play (Bryholdt) after Dickens ; Music ducted by Leslie Woodgate. and Hammerklavier Recital.3.40 - Music. Trio Sonata in E minor Children'sChoir :(a)AlleJahre Reading. 4.0-" Christmas Trees and by Liman. Station Orchestra. Con-welder(Anschiltz),(b)IhrHirten 8.0 (Midland) -ChristmasCarols : (Buxtehude). Weihnachtspsalmductor : Schlemm. PeterboroughCathedralChoir. Christmas Customs " (Recorded). (Euringer). ViolinandPfte.: (arr. Kurt Wolf), (c) Uber die Hiitte 8.0 (Northern)-" No Room." 4.30 -Music from Cologne. Grave (Rust). Pfte. Pieces (Scar - wehtderWind(Dost). Minuet 8.15 (Northern) -Nativity Play, from5.0 -See Deutschlandsender. UM). Poem :Gloria im BergwerkHILVERSUM (1,875 m.) (Mozart). Baritone Songs (Cornelius): the Cathedral, Blackburn. 7.0 -Christmas Songs and Tales, with (Steguweit). Suite in B flat for Two (Holland)(a) Die Konige, (b) Der Christbaum. 8.30 (Regional, Western, N. Ireland) -Station Choir, Orchestra, Children's Violin,'Cello and Pfte.(Corelli). 160 kc/s ;10 kW. until 2.40 p.m. ;Christmas Pastorale (Muller) Cantata, Paul Beard (Violin). Choir, Singers, and Speakers (Re- " Gesprach ins Bauernhaus "-Scene 100 kW from 2.40 p.m. " Ihr Kinderlein, kommet '(Rein). 8.30 (Midland)-" Club Night." corded) : at 8.0 : See Berlin. (Griese). PastoraleforFlute,7.40-8.55 a.m.-K.R:O. Programme : Andante,'CelloConcerto (Haydn). 8.40 (Scottish) -Scottish Dance9.30 -11.0 -See Stuttgart. 'Cello and Pfte. (Vivaldi). Reci-Records. Presto -Finale from Symphony No. 88 Music. tation :Und den Menschen ein9.40-N.C.R.V. Religious Programme(Haydn). Brich an, o schfines Morgen- 8.50 (Midland) -Leila Brittain (Pfte.).BRUSSELS (No. 1) (Belgium) Wohlgefallen(HeleneVoigt-Die-and Records. licht (Bach).Nun singet und klinget 9.0 (eic. Western,Scottish) -The 620 kc/s (483.9 m.) ;15 kW. derichs). Pfte. Trio in D minor10.40a.m.-1.40 p.m.-K.R.O. Pro-dem ochsten zu Ehren (Gibler). 'Kentucky Minstrels. Transmits at intervals from 6.37 a.m. (Bossi). gramme. 10.40 -Records. 11.10 -Cinderella's Wedding Polonaise 9.0 (Western) -Welsh Programme. 5.0 p.m. -Jacques Stehmann (Pfte.).8.0 -See Deutschlandsender. ReligiousAddress. 11.40 -Police(d'Albert).Gott sei gelobt (Gebhard). 9.10 (Scottish)-" Dick MacWhitting-5.30 -For Children. 6.0 -Art Review.8.20 -ChamberMusic. ElisabethMessages. Nun sei uns willkomme,,g (Rein). Zug ton." 6.15 -Salon Orchestra. Conductor : Schmidt (Soprano), Isabella Schmitz11.55-K.R.O.Orchestra. Con-der Zwerge (Grieg).Dffets (Gaiter) : 9.40 (Western) -Freda Samuel (Harp).Feron. 6.45 -Records.7.0 -Inter- (Violin), and Delseit (Pfte.).Lar-ductor :van 't Woud, and Records.(a) Schneeflocken, (b) Schonster Tag. 9.50 (Scottish) -Scottish News. national Labour Office Report.7.15 ghetto (Handel). Sonata(J.C.1.40 p.m.till Close - K.R.O. Pro-Variations on " Quern pastores lau- .10.0 -News Summary. -Records.7.30 -Music Review. Bach). Old German Carols.Vari-gramme. davere " (Blumer). Cantata, "Grunt 10.25 -Lew Stone and his Band. 8.0 -Light Orchestral.9.0 -Talk for ations in F minor (Haydn). Sonata1.40 -Records. Felder, grilnetWiesen " (Knab). 11.30 -Late News Summary. Young People.9.15-" Christmas " in E (Bach). Old .German Carols. 2.10 -3.23 -Children's Choir, from theSingt und klingt (Knab).Andante, 11.40-12.0 (ex. Scottish) -Records. -Topical ProgrammebyFrederic9.30 -See Leipzig. Zoological Gardens, The Hague. 3.40ViolinConcertoinD (Mozart). 11.40 (Scottish) -BBC ScottishDenis. 10.30 - 11.0 - UnfinishedSymphony-Bible Reading.4.40 -Handwork.Old Carols :(a) Wach, Nachtigall, Singers, conducted by lan Whyte. 9.45 -Light Orchestral.10.0 -News.(Schubert) (on Records), by the Berlin5.10 -Records. erwach (Werner), (b) Es bliihen die Violin), de CastroMaien (Winkler). Excerpts, " Sleeping 11.50-12.0 (Scottish) --Readings. 10.10-12.0 m't-Records : Light Music.Philharmonic.Conductor :Kleiber.5.25-v.d. Vegt DECEMBER 18, 1936] WORLD -RADIO 49

Beauty " (Humperdinek):HallelujahChildren. 1.35 -Records. 2.0, Conductor : Parik. 8.0 -Chimes. 8.28.25 -Concert. (Kiessig). 3.45, 4.35 -Exchange. -" Christmas Gifts." 8.55 (from Geneva) -Motet SocietyTHURSDAY (December 24) 1 6.0 -Carols by Massed Choirs. 6.0 -Call. 6.2 -Records. 6.25 -8.10 -Russian SchoolChoir and (contd.). Adoramus. Jesu dulcis 7.0 -See Berlin. 8.0 -See Deutsch-Talk. 6.30 -Exchange.6.35 -ForBalalaika Band. 8.30 -For Czechs (da Vittoria).. caudent in coelis. landsender. Children. 7.6 -News. 7.32 -Records. Abroad.8.40 -Variety.9.0 --Time. Ave Maria (Arcadelt). Holy Night. 8.20 -ChristmasChimes. Music7.47 -Light Music. 8.2 -Paul Reboux.9.20 -Records.9.50 -Play (Zeman). L'hiver seraet I'Este variable Salzburg, 1,348 kc's (222.6 m.). by Ambrosius,withCarlStueber, 8.I7 -Freres Jacasse. 10.25 -Records. 10:45 -Sketch. 10.55 (A rcadelt). Carol (Praetorius). Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. HelmutAndraeandtheLeipzig8.22 -Christmas Eve Concert. 12.0 -Chimes. 9.15till Close -From Geneva: 11.0a.m.-Vienna Women's Sym- Symphony Orchestra. Conductor :m't-2.0 a.m. (Friday) -Dance Records. 11.0 p.m. -12.30 a.m. (Friday) -Mass9.15-" OntheTrackofFather phony Orchestra. Conductor : Blumer. from the Franciscan Church. Christmas."9.35 -Interlude. Lehnert. ChristMas Concerto (Corelli). 9.30-" Christmas Oratorio " (Bach).PARIS (PTT) (France) 9.50-" Christmas in Sweden "- Angelus (Liszt).Little GewandhausChoir, St. Thomas's 695 keis (431.7 m.) ; 120 kW. RADIO-NORMANDIE Sketch(Rudhardt). 10.20-" The Serenade for Strings (Lars-Larsson). Choir,Municipaland GewandhausTransmits at intervals from 6.50 a.m. (France) Nativity." Sacred Concert from St. Intermezzo (Brahms). Suitefor Orchestras and Singers.Conductor : 6.0p.m.-Litaize (Organ). 6.30 - Joseph's Church. Strings (Hofmann). 12.0 noon - News ; Review. 7.25 -Talk : Hygiene 1,113 kcis (269.5 m.) ;10 kW. Christmas Noc- News. Ramin. 10.30-11.0 (from Dresden)- turnes (Montillet). TeDeum. " DieNacht des Hirten "(The and Sport.7.30 -Weather.7.38 -7.0 a.m.-Records. 7.10 -News. 7.50 Mass, Tu es socerdos (Montillet). 12.10 p.m. -Orchestra (contd.).Pre- Shepherds' Night) -Play (von Heise -Records.7.45 -Reading. -Records. 8.30 -Light Music. 8.45 - Alma Redemptoris lude and Fugue (Esterhazy).Sere- 8.0 -Rosenfeld (Songs). Ariette Records. 9.0 -Dance Music. 9.15 (Palestrina). ter) ; Music by Muller. Christus natusest(Clerambault). nade (Dvotak). 1.0 -Norwegian (Rosa).Pierrot (Debbssy).Myrto-Records. 9.30 -Light Music.10.0 Carols (Carraz, Maeder, Bach, etc.). Carols (Records).1,15 -Announce- LILLE (Radio PTT Nord) (Delibes). Au Pardon (Lutz).Par -Records. 10.15 -LightMusic. ments.2.0 -News. les bois (Lazzari). 10.30 -Popular Music. 10.45 - 11.0p.m. (approx.)-12.30 a.m.(Fri- (France)8.15 -Records. Records.. 11.0 -Songs.12.0 noon -day) -Midnight Mass from St. Joseph's 2.15-" A ChristmasCarol "-Play 1,213 kc/s (247.3 m.) ; 60 kW. 8.30 -Christmas Operas: (a) "Les Recitations. 12.20p.m. -MilitaryChurch, Geneva. after Dickens (Rossi) ;3.45 (approx.) Transmits at intervals from 6.50 'a.m.santons de la crèche "-Pastorale (de Band.12.40 -News.1.0 -For Chil- -Children'sCompetition Announce- 8.0 p.m. -Time; Polish Programme,Saix),Music by Passani, dren. 2.30 -Records. 3.0 -Variety ments.3.55 -News. 8.15 -Records.8.30 -French Songs. (b) " Le STOCKHOLM (Sweden) passager de cette nuit-la "-ChristmasConcert. 3.30 -Records. 3.45 - 704kc/s(426.1 m.) ; 55kW.4.0--Hofmusikkapelle Concert. Con- 10.30-"Souper de Noel "-Musical ductor :Grossman. C hristnachl 11.30 -Dance Miracle (Schwebel), Music by Del -Popular Music.4.0 -Concert. 4.45 Relayed by Motala, 216 kc/s (1,389 Comedy(Cools). m.) ; Goteborg,941 kc/s (318.8 m.) ; (Wolf). Es ist ein Ros entsprungen Records. 12.0 m't-News, , Horby, 1,131 kc/s (265.3 m.); and (Praetorius). Hei lige Nacht Bodes, 392 kc/s (765 m.). (Tausche). Eia (Reiter).Hirten- MONTE CENERI(Switzerland) ' lieder(Rebay). TyroleseCarols' 1,167 kc/s (257.1 m.) ;15 kW. Transmits at intervals from 6.20 a.m. 4.5 p.m. -Service. (arr. Scholtys). Stille Nacht, heiliee Transmits at intervals from 11.0 a.m. 5.15 -Dance Nacht (Gruber). 6.15 -Old Christ- Music.6.15 -News.6.30 -Report. 6.0 p.m. -Duets. 7.30 -Christmas Carols. 5.0-" Christmas in the Tyrolese mas Poems. 6.30 -Duets. 6.45 - 8i:1 -Christ-Alps "- Report with Records. 5.35 - News. mas GreetingstoSailorsatSea. 8.45 -News.8.55 -10.30 -Records. Reading :Christmas Thoughts (Hein- 7.0-" TheStarofBethlehem "- richSuSQWaldeck). 6.0 -News. Christmas Music by Children's Choirs. 6.15 -Vienna Chamber Orchestra. Conductor : Filipello ; and the STRASBOURG (France) Conductor :Auderieth.Overture, Radio Orchestra.Four Pieces from 859 kc/s (349.2 m.); 100 kW. Bethlehem "(Fili- " Tsar and Carpenter " (Lortzing). " TheStarof Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. SymphonyinE flat(Mozart). pello): (a) Christ is born, (b)Christmas, 6.0 p.m.-" Douce nuit, sainte nuit" FantasiainF minor (Schubert - (c) The Song of the Angels. (d) Lullaby. -Christmas Play- after Stifter Mott!). Selection." Hansel and Christmas (Malfetti).7.15 -Report : (Nouges). 6.30 -News ; Reviews. T.15 Gretel " (Humperdinck). 7.40 - Christmas in the Mountains.7.30 - -Records. 7.30 -News (French, Reading. Organ Records. German). 8.15 -Christmas Carol8.0-" Callofthe Homeland "- 7.45-" If Christ came back "-Play Records. (Wyrsch). Wiener Sangerknaben. Conductor: 8.40 -9.0 --Christmas Carols by Dora 8.30 -See Paris (PTT). 10.30 -News. Gruber.Wolkensteiner Choir and Wyss. 10.45 -Christmas Eve Service from Ganglberger Orchestra. Address by 11.0-12.0 m't-Midnight Mass from St. William's Church. 11.30 -News Chancellor Schuschnigg. Part 1 : (German). WienerSangerknaben. Adeste the Cathedral, Lugano. fidelis. 11.50 -Midnight Mass from Stras- 0 regem coeli (Vittoria). MOSCOW (No. 1) (Russ'a) bourg Cathedral. H odic Christus natus est (Nani nus). 172 kels (1,744 m.) 500 kW. Lauclate Dominum (Mozart). Purri 4.30 p.m. -Concert.5.0 -Red Army coincinite (Herbeck). Two T!rolese Notes. 5.15 -Concerts. 8.0 -German STUTTGART (Germany) Carols. Christmas Motet on " Stifle Peace Programme with Ernst Buschif 574 kc/s (522.6 m.) ;100 kW. Nacht, heilige Nacht " (Lechthater). Talk, Songs, Poems. 9.5 -French Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. PartII: WolkensteinerChoir. Talk :A GreatPacifist ;MoscowLes Petits Chanteurs a la Croix de-For Children.5.0 -Records. 5.15 11.0a.m.-1.0p.m. -See Frankfurt. Part III :Orchestra.Schlummer- liedchen (Kockert).Heinzelmann- Conservatoire Concert. 10.0 -SpanishBois, who singcarolsat10.45 -Light Music.5.30 -Records. 5.45 1.0 p.m. -See Deutschlandsender. Talk :Collective Farms. 10.30 - -Current London Productions. 6.0 -2.0 -See Berlin. chen (Hellmesberger). Ave Maria Portuguese Talk :Soviet Daily Life. p.m. (Paris, PTT) Symphony Orchestra.6.30 -Cinema3.0 -See Deutschlandsender ;at 3.50 : (Schubert). Potpourri,Tirolin 11.0 -SpanishTalk :TheTriokh- Notes.6.45 -Talk ;News ;Racing Lied and Tanz (Fetras). 9.10 - Congratulations to Parents of Large News. gornaia Textile Factory annoy andBeydts. 10.30 -News. Results. 7.0 -Concert. 7.40 -Families. 4.30-" Peeping through the News. 8.0 -Light Music. 8.40 -Keyhole " (Reichert). 9.20 -The Voices of the Emperors 10.45 -French Carols by " Les PetitsTalk. MUNICH (Germany) Chanteurs a la Croix de Bois," from 5.0 -ChristmasConcert. StationFranz Joseph and Karl (on Records). 740 kc's (405.4 m.) ;100 kW. Re-the Church of Saint-Germain-L'Aux-9.0 -Variety Concert. 11.0 -MidnightArtists, Choir and Orchestra. 9.30 -Records. 10.20 -Announce- Mass, from Rouen Cathedral. 1.0 Con- layed by Nurnberg, 1,267 kc'serrois.Conductor : Abbe Maillet.' ductor :Schnider. Band. ments. (236.8 m.). a. m.(Friday) -Records. I.15 - 12.0 m't-de Souza Dance Band withDance Music.1.30 -2.0 -Orchestra. 7.0-" Fatherand Son afterthe Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m.Paul Sandra. Distribution of Presents "-ProgrammeWARSAW (Poland) 11.0 a.m.-LightOrchestral. 12.45 1.30-3.0 a.m. (Friday)-Goldy Dance 224 kc/s(1,339m.) ; 120 kW. RADIO -ROMANIA (Brasov) by Willy Reichert, Karl Berlin, Brandle p.m. -News. Band with Jean Sorbier. Quintet,Wassielkeand Charlotte Relayed by Cracow, 1,022kc/s 1.0 -2.0 -See Deutschlandsender. 3.0- (Romania)Nitsch-Wiegand (Bandonion and Pfte. (293.5 m.) ;Katowice, 758kc/s " Anticipation " - Musical ChristmasPARIS (Radio -Paris) (France) 160 kc/s (1,875 m.);150 kW. Duo), Meister and Ladewig (Pftes.), (395.8m.) ; Lodz, 1,339kc/s Programme. 5.0 -Music. 182 kc/s (1,648 m.); 80 kW. See Bucharest. Monarzik (Accordion), and his Six - (224 m.) ;Lwow, 795 kc/s (377.4 6.0-" The Peasant's Calendar" -6.45 a.m.-Gym. 7.0 -Records. 7.15 years -old Son. m.) ;Poznan, 868 kc/s (345.6 m.) ; December. 6.45 -Orchestra. Torun, 986 kc/s (304.3m.) ;and -News ; Gym. 8.0 -Records. 8.30ROME (Italy) 8.0 -See Deutschlandsender. 8.0 -See Deutschlandsender.8.20 - For Housewives.9.0 -For Scouts. Wilno, 536 kc/s (559.7 m.). See Leipzig. 713 kc/s(420.8m.) ; 50 kW.8.20 -See Leipzig. 11.0 -Seventh Symphony (Beethoven) RelayedbyNaples, 1,104kcis Transmits at intervals from 5.30 a.m. 9.40-11.0-" Heilige Nacht " - Anby the Station Orchestra. Conductor : 9.30-" Listen, Footsteps in the 11.3 a.m.-Records. 11.40 -News. Bavarian Legend (Ludwig (271.7. m.) ; Bari (No. 1), 1,059 kc/s Old Fourestier. 11.30 -For Farmers. (283.3 m.) ;Bari (No. 2), MilanSnow I "-Christmas Folk Programme.11.50-12.0 noon -For Farmers. Thoma) ;Music by Kusche. Con- 11.45 -ProtestantAddress. 12.15 Peasant Band, Stuttgart Folk Music2.0 p.m. -See Berlin. 3.0 -Letters. 11.0-12.0 (No. 2) and Turin (No. 2), 1,357 ductor :The Composer. p.m. -Station Orchestra. Conductor : kc/s (221.1 m.). Society and Artists. 3.10 -Report : Warsaw. 3.25 - rn't-Records. Fourestier: Jeanne Montange (Songs).;Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. 11.0p.m.-" Nostalgia "-ChristmasAnnouncements. 3.30 -Station Or- OSLO (Norway) at12.45 :News Review. 2.0 -4.0p.m. -News. 4.15 -ChristmasSequence (Sonnen). chestra. Conductor : Gerzynski. 260 keis(1,153.8 m.) ;60 kW. Review. 2.10 -Reading. 2.30 Music. 4.50 -Weather. 5.0 -5.10 -- 12.0 in't.-1.0a.m.(Friday) -Records : 4.0 -For Children.4.30 (from Lwow) Relayed by Fredrikstad, 722 kc's-Massenet OperaRecords. 3.0 Talk.5.50-Dopolavoro Notes.6.0" Hansel and Gretel "-Fairy Opera-Report :ChristmasEve. 4.45 -Records. 3.30 -Reading.3.50 --Records ; Announcements and Talk (fromLwow) -Carols(Soltys)by ( Humperd inek). (415.4m.) Hamar,519 kc/s theQuartetofthePolishMusic (578 m.) ;'Notodden, 1,357 kc/sTalk : LegendsofAnnam. 4.0 (Spanish). 6.20 -News in Foreign -Fairies in Music (Records). 4.30 - Languages. 7.5 -Time ; News. Society. 5.0 -Recitation. 5.15 - (221.1m.) ;Porsgrund, 850 kc/s Lwow, Katowice, Lodz, Torun, and (352.9m.) ;Rjukan, 1,348kc/s Records. 7.30 -Talk :the War inEthiopia.TOULOUSE (Radio -Toulouse) (222.6 m.) ; and Trondelag, 629 kc/s5.0 -Plays by the Odeon Players : (a)7.40 -Nativity Music. Conductor : (France) Warsaw Exchange Programme - (476.9 m.). " L'ecole des bourgeois" Previtali. 8.30-" The Bells "-Christ- 913 kc/s (328.6 m.) ; 60 kW. Christmas Eve at Home and Abroad. (b) " Le cercle " (Poinsinet).6.45 -mas Play (Casella). 9.0-Matthey (Or-Transmits at intervals from 8.0 a.m.5.55 - " Bethlehem "-Musical Pro- Transmits at intervals from 10.40 a.m.Talk :Christmas in France. 7.15 - 1.30 p.m. -Nor wegia n National Music. gan) and G. ValleGazetta(So-8.15 p.m. -Variety. 8.55 -News. gramme. 7.0 -Talk : Polish Stations Vocal Quartet and Soloists. 2.0 -Talk.7.25 -Markets.7.30 -Homeprano. 9.40 -Dance Music ;at 10.0 -9.10-" Noel de Chez-Nous "-Fan- Exchange Programme. Affairs.7.40 -Reading. News. 10.40 -Talk : The Birth of Variety. Telly tasy.9.45 -Paris Programme. 10.15 7.10 -Poznan, Katowice, Warsaw Ex- 3.0 -Service, 8.0 -Lucile (Songs), Reine Christ.10.55 -Midnight Mass from change Programme.Wanda Roessler- Bessis ('Cello).Part I : Old Carols.the " Chiesa dell'Ara Coeli." -Carols. 10.40 -Military Band. 4.0 -Variety. Walter Schubert En- 10.55 -News. 11.0-" Joujouxde Stokowska (Songs)from Poznan, Old Provençal Carol (Saboli-Aub- Brachocki (Pfte.) from Katowice, semble. Talk, Elisabeth Munthe Old Doyonne Carols (an-. Noel "-Fantasy. 11.20 -Viennese Kaas (Songs),Reading by Fridtjof anel). SOTTENS (Switzerland) Orchestra. 11.40 -Light Music. 11.55 Roesner(Violin)from Warsaw. Krohn. Fragerolle). Auvergne Carols Violin :Suite (Sinding). Songs : (Versepuy). Void les Santons 677kc/s(443.1m.) ; 100 kW.-News. 12.0 m't-Carols. 12.30 a.m. 5.30 -ChristmasOratorio (Borch). Relayed by Geneva, 401 kc/s(F rid ay )-Va riety Music. 2.0-A n- (a) Christmas Night (Grieg),(b) (Bernard).Burgundian Carol (arr. Cradle Song (Humperdinck),(c) 6.15 -News. 6.30 -Time ;Christ- Tieisot). Noel des enfants pauvres (748 m.). nouncemen ts. mas Eve in Finnmark. 11.0 a.m.-12.45 p.m. -See Beroman- Legende du Christ (Tchaikovsky). (Versepuy). Part II : 'Cello. Adagio Pftc. Variationsin A minor 6.45 -Christmas Carols by the Walter (Corelli). Esquisse (Karkinsky). La ster ;at 11.30 -News. Schubert Ensemble.7.40 -Greetings 3.30 -7.0 -From Geneva. TURIN (No. 1) (Italy) (Paderewski). Violin :(a) Romance fille aux cheveux de lin (Debussy). 1,140kc/s(263.2m.); 7 kW. (Zelenski),(b)Cracovienne (Zar- to Norwegians Afloatand Abroad. Piece in C sharp minor (Boulanger).3.30 -Radio -Geneva String Quintet. 8.10 -Christmas Chimes.8.20 -8.30 - 3.50 -Concerto for Pfte., Violin, and Relayed by Milan (No. 1),814 zycki), (c) Burlesque (Andrezejow- 8.30 -News. kc/s (368.6 m.) ;Genoa, 986 kc/s ski),(d) Chant de Roxane (Szy- Christmas Address by Johan Hauge.8.45 -Time " L'Enfance du Christ"String Quartet (Chausson). 4.20- Illaraz Dance Band. 5.0 -Chimes. (304.3m.) ; Trieste,1,143kc/s manowski). Three Songs.Pfte. t PARIS (Eiffel Tower) (France)-Oratorio (Berlioz).. Cast :Mme. (263.2m.) ; Florence,610kc/s (a) Etude in B flat minor (Szymanow- Martinelli, Planet, Morturier, Kling,5.15-" Eaux-Vives " Choir. Conduc- 1,456 kcis (206 m.) ; 5 kW. tor :Pochon.5.40 -Interlude. (491.8m.) ; Bolzano,536 kc/s ski), (b) Solitude (Stojowskil. Transmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m. Gilles,Paycn. 10.45(approx.)- (559.7 m.);and Rome (No.3), 8.30 (from Lwetw)-" Christmas Eve News ;Dance Music. 6.20-" A ChristmasStory "-One- 1,258 kc/s (238.5 m.). 7.0 p.m. -News. 7.20 -Foreign Act Play in Verse (de Bouchor). 6.50 Legend "-Pastoral Poem (Kowalczuk- Affairs.7.45 -Press Review.7.55 - Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. Lipczynski)byMunicipalTheatre Home Affairs. PRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) -News. 4.0-6.0 p.m. -See Rome.6.0 -News 638 kc's (470.2 m.) ;120 kW. 7.0 -Sec Monte Ceneri.7.15 (from Artists and a Male Voice Choir. 8.30 -Gala Programme for Hospitals inForeign Languages. 9.10 (from Wilno)-ChristmasOratorio from the Palais de la Mutualite. Transmits at intervals from 6.15 a.m.Geneva) - TheNightingale - Play7.5 till Close Down -See Rome. 5.20 p.m. -Bells of the Republic. 5.55after Hans Andersen. (Bach). EchoandConservatoire PARIS (Poste Parisien) (France)-Christmas Songs and Carols by a7.35 -Concert. Choirs. Conductor :Kalinowski. 959 kc/s (312.8 m.) ;60 kW. Children's Choir. Conductor : Kuhn. 8.5(from Geneva) --Geneva MotetVIENNA (Austria) String Orchestra. ConductorLewicki. Transmits at intervals from 7.10 a.m.6.10 -Christmas Message. Society. Conductar :Lydie Malan. 592kc/s(506.8m.) : 100 kW.Wanda Ilendrich(Soprano), Dal 12.0 -noon-Exchange. 12.5 p.m.-6.20 -From the Fields and Groves of' Three Psalms.-Choral (Nicolai). Relayed by Graz and Linz, 886 kc/s(Contralto).10.10 (from .Poznan) - ReCords : MilitaryBand. - 12.15 Bohemia (Smetana).Station Orches- Choral (Bach) : (a) Liebster (338.6 m.) Innsbruck, 519 kris Poems. -For Children. 12.35 -Exchange. tra.Conductor : Jeremias (Records). Jesu, wir sind bier, (b) Dir, Dir, (578 m.) ;Klagenfurt and Vorarl-10.30 (from Poznati)-Midnight Mass 17.37 -Variety Concert. 1.15 -For6.35 -Sketch. 6.50--FOK Orchestra. Jehova will ich sineen. berg, 1,294 kc/s (231.8 m.) ;andfrom thz Church of Gniezno. so] WORLD -RADIO friErrMBErt 18, 1936

' ' BRATISLAVA, Talk.8.15 -Band. (Songs)(Faure,Cras,Debussy, BRESLAU, Orchestra and Band Ravel, Inghelbrecht). 7 p.m. (contd.). BRNO, " The BarteredFRANKFURT, See Stuttgart.9.30 - December 25ATHLONE, OrchestraandVocal Bride '(contd.). BUCHAREST Programme front Deutschland - FRIDAY Quartet (contd.). 7.30 -Benediction and RADIO -ROMANIA, Cabaret sender. from Mt. St. Alphonsus, Limerick. Music. BUDAPEST (1), Play HAMBURG, News. 9.5 -Dance BERLIN, Gala Concert.Orchestra, (contd.). 8.40 -News. Music. HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), Choir,Baritone. BEROMUN-COLOGNE, Concert (contd.). Orchestra,etc.(contd.). 9.35- 6 p.m. STER, Play (contd.). 7.20 -Or-DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Orches- " Comedy Harmonists 'and Re- 4 p.m. chestra. BRATISLAVA a n d ra and Pfte. (contd.). cords.HILVERSUM (301.5 tn.). ATHLONE, Children's Party (contd.). PRAGUE, Oscar Nedbal Concert.EIFFEL TOWER, 8.5 -Home Affairs. Orchestra (contd.) ;at 9.20 -Reci- BEROMUNSTER, " Hans im Gluck" 6.20 -We work today. -Talks. 6.45 -Fairy Play (Koreny-Scheck). Orchestra. Conductor : Karel 8.30 -Poetry. tation. --Christmas Greetings -Radio Or- Nedbal. 'Cello.In the interval: KALUNDBORG, ." Faust " (Goethe) BRNO, 4.35 -German Transmis- chestra and Vocal Quartet. HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), Orchestra sion :" Flotte Biirsche "-Operetta Anecdotes.BRESLAU,Orches- and Songs (contd.).8.35 -Recita- (contd.). KONIGSBERG, News. (Suppe). BUCHAREST a n dBERLIN, "A Christmas Legend "- tra, Band. BRNO. "The tions.8.45-K.R.O. Chamber Or- 9.15 -Reading.9.30 -Programme RADIO -ROMANIA, Light Music. Play (Raschke) with Music. BERO- Bartered Bride " (contd.). BUCHA- chestra and Choir.Annie Woud from Deutschlandsender. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, " The MUNSTER, Old Christmas Carols. RESTandRADIO -ROMANIA, (Contralto), Kloos (Baritone). HIL-LEIPZIG, News. 9.30 -Reading ; ParadeoftheTinSoldiers "- 6.30 -News.6.40 -Music.6.50 - Cabaret Music.BUDAPEST (1), VERSUM (301.5m.),Concert, Orchestra from Deutschlandsender. Christmas Play (Kleineberg). with "The Christ Child in Flanders" - Orchestra. 7.10-" Christmas "- Address.8.40-V.A.R.A. Orches-MOSCOW, 9.5 -English Programme. Music by Sobanski (Recorded). Play after Tim mermans (Dora May). Play after Karl May (Vandor). tra. MUNICH, 9.5 -See Deutschland - HAMBURG, Variety. HILVERSUM BRESLAU, Folk Comedy (contd.).COLOGNE, Gala Concert. Conduc-KALUNDBORG, " Faust " (Goethe) sender. (1,875m.),Orchestra.4.30 -Re- BRNO, 6.25 -Talk.6.30-" The tor: Miintefer. Klare Hansen. (contd.). KONIGSBERG, Orches-OSLO, Talk.9.15 --Orchestra. cords. 4.40 -Church Choir and Bartered Bride "-Opera (Smetana). (Soprano) and Kaldeweier (Bass). tra and Soprano (contd.). PARIS (PTT), Nativity Play (contd.). Records. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), BUCHAREST and RADIO - LEIPZIG, Symphony Orchestra POSTE PARISIEN, Thriller For Children. ROMANIA, Tanasa and his MusicDEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Orches- (contd.). (Strongtone) (contd.). PRAGUE LEIPZIGand SOME GERMAN Hall Group.6.45 --Talk. BUDA- tra. Raba (Violin),Stech andMOSCOW, Czech Talks. MUNICH, and BRNO, News. 9.20 -Records. STATIONS, " Das Christelflein "- PEST (I), Talk. 6.30 -Orchestra. Vultee (Pftes.).(Schillings,Liszt, See Stuttgart. 9.25 -News(German). 9.30 - Fairy Opera (Ptitzner). Conductor:COLOGNE, Quintet. 6.45 --Sports. Richard Strauss, Dvorak). OSLO, Variety, R epOrts. 8.50 -News. Records.9.35 -Orchestra. The Composer (Recorded). DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, MelodiesEIFFEL TOWER, News. 7.30 - RADIO-NORMANDIE, Concert. MOSCOW, 4.30 -Arctic Notes. PARIS (PTT), Clara Tambour -Rend RADIO -PARIS, From the Opera (contd.). 6.40 -Sports. Foreign Affairs, Talk, Notes. 7.45 - Dorin.8.15 -Sports.8.30--" Le (contd.). ROME, Orchestra. 9.30, - OSLO, Johansen Ensemble. HAMBURG, Band. 6.35-A Visit to Press Review. 7.55 -Talk. Les enfances PARIS (PTT), Concert for Children. Noel sur la place " or Talk. 9.40 -Dance Music. the Hamburg Dom Fair.6.50 -HILVERSUM(1,875m.),Sacred de Jesus "-Nativity Play (Gheon)STOCKHOLM, Chamber Orchestra. Orchestra, Children's Choir. Mar- Weather. HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), Music.7.25 -Talk, News. 7.50- Comedie-Frangaise Players. guerite Pifteau (Songs) and Carmen by Greta Soderman (Songs). STRAS- Guilbert (Pfte.). PRAGUE, 4.35 - BOURG, See Vienna.9.15 -News GermanTransmission : Nativity (French, German). STUTTGART, Play. 6.30Brno :" The Bartered Bride." News ; Records. 9.30 -Pro- RADIO-NORMANDIE, Concert. 4.45 PRINCIPAL EVENTS 8.0 Radio -Paris :From the Opera. gramme from Deuschlandsender. -For Children. RADIO -PARIS, SERVICES AND SACRED MUSIC TOULOUSE; News.9.10 -Sketch. Records!: Famous Choirs.4.30 - 12.30 Radio -Paris :Address. 11.0Stuttgart, Frankfurt :" Der Freischiitz." 9.45 -Paris Programme.TURIN, Records : Famous Violinists. OPERETTA Play (contd.).9.15 -Dance Music." 4.15 - Orchestra. 1.0 Kalundborg :Service. VIENNA, " The Merry Widow "- ROME, News. 3.10Hilversum (301.5 m.) :Carols. 6.45Vienna, Strasbourg : " The Merry Operetta (Lehar) (contd.).9.10 - 4.50 -Report. Widow." News. 9.25-Jaritz Jazz Band. STOCKHOLM, Light Music. STRAS- 5.0 Stockholm :Evensong. WARSAW, Literary Programme. 9.45 BOURG, Christmas Concert.Or- RECITALS chestra.Conductor :Bour (Pfte.), SYMPHONY CONCERTS -Dance Records. Records. 7.0 Cologne :Orchestral and vocal. 5.0 Kalundborg :Jens. Laumann, Frederiks- TURIN,News. 4.15 -Orchestra. 7.0 Deutschlandsender : Dvoilk, etc. borg Castle organ. 10 p.m. 4.50 -Report. 5.30Oslo :Christmas songs, etc. VIENNA, Records. 4.25 -Talk. 7.0 Leipzig :Conductor, Weisbach. ATHLONE, Variety. 10.30 -Irish 4.45 -Military Band.Conductor : 7.0 Sottens :Christmas Oratorio (Bach). 6.36Warsaw :Song, 'cello. Dance Music. Wacek. 7.20Regional: Humperdinck, Wagner, BUDAPEST (1), 10.5 -Jazz Band. WARSAW, 4.30 -Variety. PLAYS DEUTSCHLANDSENDER and Dvorak. 2.30Radio -Paris :" Monsieur Pickwick." MOST GERMAN STATIONS, LIGHT CONCERTS 5.30Paris (PTT) :" Le Miracle de Theophile." Dance Orchestra. 3.30Kalundborg :Radio Orchestra. EIFFEL TOWER, Chamber Music 5 p.m. 6.50Beromiinster :Nativity Play, .(contd.). ATHLONE, 5.30 - The President4.0 Strasbourg :Christmas music. 7.0 Kalundborg :" Faust'' (Goethe), pt. 1. HAMBURG, Dance Music. HIL- greets the Nation.5.40-A Chil- 5.0 Deutschlandsender :Melodies. 8.30Paris (PTT),etc. :" Le 'Noel surla VERSUM (1,875m.), "Comedy Partyfrom St.Ultan's 6.30Radio -Paris : French programme. Harmonists "and Records. 10.40 - Hospital, Dublin. Place '(Gheon). Records. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), BERLIN, Gay Songs and Melodies 7.0 Konigsberg :Orchestra, soprano. 8.30Regional: " The Christmas Journey." Orchestra (contd.). 10.10 -News. BEROMUNSTER. 5.5 -The Swiss 7.0 Stuttgart, etc.: Variety Concert. 8.45Turin :" Natale " (Niccodemi). 10.20 -Service.10.40 -Records. Singers. 5.25 -Roman Catholic7.40 Rome :Folk music. MOSCOW,German Programme. Hun- LAST NEWS BULLETINS, see Monday. OSLO, Orchestra (contd.). Service. BRATISLAVA, 8.0 Beromiinster :Christmas programme. PARIS (PTT), Nativity Play (contd.). garianTransmission : Christmas DANCE MUSIC Play after Dickens.5.45 -Sports. 8.50Athlone : Christmas concert. 10.30 -News. 10.45 -Dance Band. 5.50 -SeePrague. BRESLAU, 9.0 Stockholm : Chamber orch., songs, 8 15 Warsaw ;9.5, Hamburg ;9.25, Vienna ; POSTE PARISIEIq, Thriller " The Quarrel about Jolanthe "- 9.40, Rome ;10.0,Deutschlandsender ; (SRATISLAVtrongtone) (Acontd.and). 9.20British stations :Music for Christmas. OrPRAGUE, Folk Comedy-(Hinrichs) with BRNO, Music (Recorded). BRNO, " Flotte 11.40 Radio -Paris, Strasbourg :Popular orch. 10.5, Budapest 1; 10.15, Turin ;10.20, chestra. Brussels 2 ;10.30, Athlone ;10.45, Paris RADIO - NORMANDIE, Concert. Biirsche " (contd.). 5.50 -See OPERAS RADIO -PARIS, From the Opera Prague. BUCHAREST and RADIO - : (PTT) ;11,0 Brussels i1, National, Radio- B- 2.0 Budapest 1 " Hansel and Gretel." ROMANIA, Topical ;Light Music. (contd.).ROME, News.10.15 - BUDAPEST (1), Cigany Band. 4.0 Leipzig :" Das Christeiflein." Normandie. Dance Music. COLOGNE, Report. 5.15 -Songs. STRASBOURG, Records :Christmas 5.45-Pfte. Sonata in D (Haydn). in French Songs. 10.30 -News. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, " Melo- Service ;Sacred Music. HILVER K.R.O. Chamber Orchestra. Annie POSTE PARISIEN, 8.3 - Paul TOULOUSE, Paris Programme. 10.15 diesfromNorthandSouth." SUM (301.5 m.), Orchestra. 6.40 - Woud (Contralto), Kloos (Baritone). Reboux. 8.18 -Sketch (Diamant- -Excerpts, " Le Jongleur de Notre Talk :Records. HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), Records. Berger). 8.55 -Thriller in Three Dame " (Massenet).10.40 -Dance Orchestra, Instrumental Quartet. Music ;News. TURIN, News. HAMBURG, A Christmas LegendKALUNDBORG,News. 6.30 - 7.10 -Concert. Acts(Strongtone). PRAGUE, KALUNDBORG, Part I" Faust "- " The Queen of the Winds "-Play 10.15 -Dance Music. (Herbert Schemer) with Music by Talk :Goethe. KONIGSBERG, VIENNA, Jazz Band (contd.). 10.30 - Scheffler. 5.30 -Band. Tragedy (Goethe ;trans. P. Han- (Klicpera) with Music. Siegfried Records. 6.30-" Dinneris served " RADIO - NORMANDIE, Records. Announcements. HILVERSUM (1,875m.),Choir -Gay Table Talk. sen).Music by Lassen. KONIGS- and Records (contd.). 5.30 -Service. BERG, Station Orchestra. Elisabeth 8.20 -LightMusic. 8.40-" LeWARSAW, Dance Records. HILVERSUM (301.5m.), 5.10-LEIPZIG, " Long live the Railway "- Hallstein (Soprano). RevellduPecheur." RADIO - V.A.R.A.Orchestra ; at 5.40 : Play (Lange) with Music. LEIPZIG,Leipzig Symphony Or- PARIS, From the Opera. ROME, 11 p.m. MOSCOW,Concert. MUNICH, chestra. Conductor :Weisbach. Concert (contd.).8.30 -Talk, Or- Address. chestra. ATHLONE, Irish Dance Music. KAI,UNDBORG, Laumann (Organ) -Records MOSCOW, Concert. Dance from Fredriksborg Castle.5.30--:OSLO, Pfte., Songs, Violin (contd.).OSLO, Variety. SOTTENS, Christmas OratorioDEUTSCHLANDSENDER, 6.15 -News. 6.30 -Variety. PARIS (PTT), Topical.7.45 -Clara (Bach) (contd.). STOCKHOLM, Records. Reading. KONIGSBERG, Report. Tambour -Rend Dorin. POSTE Play(contd.). STRASBOURG,HAMBURG, Dance Music. HIL- 5.15 --Southern Tyrolese Carols, byPARIS (PTT). " Le miracle de Theo- PARISIEN, For Women. 7.6 - See Vienna. STUTTGART, FRANK- VERSUM (1,875m.),Records. the Berlin (Deutschlandsender)Choir phile " (contd.). 6.30 -News. News.7.26 -Amusements. 7.33 - FURT, HAMBURG, AMusical HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), Records. and Edith Holz) (Soprano). POSTE PARISIEN,6.2 -Talks. Records.7.48 -For Women. 7.53 Picture -Book (contd.). MOSCOW, Spanish Programme. LEIPZIG, " D a s Christelflein " 6.15 --DebussyRecords. 6.22 - -Light Music. TOULOUSE, Light Music.8.55 -PARIS (PTT), Dance Band. POSTE (contd.). Talks :Exchange ;For Women.RADIO -NORMANDIE, Concert. News. TURIN, Sketch (contd.) PARISIEN, Thriller(Strongtone) MOSCOW, 5.15 -Concerts. MU- PRAGUE - and BRATISLAVA, 7.40 -News. RADIO -PARIS, Or- (contd.). NICH, " The Game of Games "- News.6.5 --Variety. 8.15 - " Gastronomic Concert." RADIO-NORMANDIE, Dance Mu- chestra(contd.). 7.30-HoMe 8.45-" Christmas " - Play (Nicco- Cabane Play about Chess (Steck). RADIO - NORMANDIE, Lenfan t Affairs. 7.40 -Notes. 7.50 -Diete- demi). sic. 11.30 -From the OSLO, " Christmas Eve "-Play (Fast - (Carillon), from Rouen Cathedral. tics.ROME, 7.5 -News.7.30 -VIENNA, "The Merry Widow "- Normande. RADIO -PARIS, From born).5.30-Pfte., Songs, Violin. RADIO -PARIS, For Women. 6.30 Talk. 7.40 -Folk Concert, Operetta (Letter) (contd.). the Opera (contd.). 11.40 -Or- PARIS (PTT), Report. 5.15 -Reading. Poulet Concert chestra, Conductor : Gaillard -French Music. SOTTENS,Christmas OratorioWARSAW, " Moustaches " (Dmus- (Wagner, Saint-Saens, Faure, Res- 5.30-." Le miracle de Theophile," Orchestra (Berlioz, Pierne, Debussy, (Bach) from Leipzig.Conductor : zewski) (contd.). 8.15 -Dance by the " Groupe des Theophiliens" of Edmond -Marc). Play pighi, Silver, Widor). the Sorbonne. PRAGUE, Nativity Ramin. STOCKHOLM, Records. STRASBOURG, News in German. SOTTENS, " The Cricketonthe (contd.). STRASBOURG,See 11.15 -Records. 11.40 -See Radio - Play(contd.). 5.50 -News and Hearth "-Play (Dickens). 6.50 -- Vienna. STUTTGART, FRANK- Review (German). News. STOCKHOLM, Evensong. FURT, MUNICH and HAMBURG, 9 p.m. Paris. STUTTGART and FRANK- RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records. 5.15 6.15 -News. 6.30 --FolkSongs. A MusicalPicture -Book (a r r.ATHLONE, Christmas Music of the FURT, " Der Freischiitz "-Opera -LightMusic. 5.45 -Current 6.50 -Play. STRASBOURG, Stories Ganss). Orchestra,Choirand Others. Nations. 9.30 -Variety. (Weber) (Recorded). LondonProductions. RADIO - 7.55 - TOULOUSE, Light Music.11.55 - (contd.). 6.30 -Records. 6.45 -TOULOUSE, Light Music. BEROMUNSTER, "The Beauty of News. PARIS,Reading. 5.20 -Films. SeeVienna. STUTTGART and News. TURIN, 7.5 -News. 7.30 - the World " (contd.). 9.15 -Notes. 5.30-Poulet ConcertOrchestra. FRANKFURT, String Quartet and Talk.,7.40--" Christmasinthe BRESLAU,News. 9.10 -Pro- Albert Leveque (Pfte.) (Boellmann, Others.6.30 -Records. Alps "-Sketch. gramme from Deutschlandsender. 12 midnight Dubois, Faure, Bach). TOULOUSE, 6.5 -Light Music. 6.50VIENNA, " The Merry Widow "- BRATISLAVA, 9.5 -News. 9.20 - RADIO-NORMANDIE, Dance Music. SOTTENS, 5.25 -Christmas Vespers. Operetta (Lehar) (contd.). News(Hungarian). -News. 9.35 -See 12.30 -Orchestra.RADIO -PARIS STOCKHOLM, Evensong. WARSAW, Songs,'Cello(contd.). BUCHAREST and RA- VIENNA. Programme Notes.6.10 - 7.35 - " Moustaches " - Comic= Prague. andSTRASBOL RG, Orchestra STRASBOURG, Concert (contd.). .ElisabethSchumann (Soprano). DIO -ROMANIA, Cabaret. BUDA- (contd.). 5.15 -Talk. 5.30 -Christmas Stories (Cornelius, Wolf, Richard Strauss, Opera (Dmuszcwski). PEST (I), Cigany Band. STUTTGARTandFRANKFURT, inAlsatianDialect. STUTT- Brahms). 6.45-" The Merry COLOGNE, News. 9.5 -Records. " Der Freischiitz " (contd.). GART and FRANKFURT, String Widow "-Operetta (Lehar).Con- 8 p.m. 9.30 -Programme from Deutsch-TOULOUSE,12.5 -LightMusic. Quartet and Others. In the interval : ductor :Holzer. ATHLONE, What aretheother landsender. 12.30 -Notes. Readings. WARSAW, Dance Music. 6.8 - Stations doing?8.50 -ChristmasDEUTSCHLANDSENDER and BER- TOULOUSE, Pand. 5.15 -Songs. Pastorals. 6.36 -Warsaw -Poznan Music of the Nations. LIN, News.9.5 -Orchestra. 1 a.m. (Saturday) 5.35 -Dance Music. 5.55 -News. Exchange Programme. SzczepanskaBERLIN, Concert (contd.).BERO-EIFFEL TOWER, Chamber Music. VIENNA, Military Band (contd.). (Songs), front Warsaw. Danczowski MUNSTER, "The Beauty of the Pauline_ GordonandMaillard-RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records. 1.30 WARSAW, Dance Music. ('Cello), front Poznan. World "-Christmas Programme. Verger (Pftes.) and Germaine Cernay -Orchestra. DECEMBER 18, 1936) WORLD -RADIO r5

NATIONAL Hours of Transmission in Greenwichdren after Gertrud Busch (Teuher);Station Orchestra and Singers.Con- (December 25) 1 Mean Time. Music by Sczuka (Recorded). ductors:Mfintefer, Kuhn and Ey- FRIDAY CHRISTMAS DAY soldt. For Time Signals, see Monday 3.0 -See Leipzig. 3.0 -See Leipzig. . 10.30 a.m. (D) -Weather Forecast. ATHLONE (Ireland) 5.0-" The Quarrel about Jolanthe " 565 kc s (531 m.); 60 kW. Relayed-FolkComedy (Hinrichs), with5.0 -Report : TheChristmasof-Vincent (Carillon), 8.25 -Service. 10.45 (D) -Christmas Morning Service Germans Abroad. 5,15 -Children's from St. George's Chapel, Windsor. by Dublin, 1,348 Ice's (222.6 m.); Music by Settler (Recorded). 9.10-11.55-N.C.R.V. Programme. Address by the Very Rev. The Dean and Cork, 1,240 kc's (241.9 m.). 7.0 -Hindenburg Symphony Orchestra,Songs and Lullabies sung 'by Girls. 9.10 -Sacred Music and Service, of Windsor. 12.0 noon -High Mass. 2.0-4.0 p.m. -Conductor: Humaert, Gliick-Auf5.45--Pfte. Sonata in D (Haydn) by Sadko(Tenor)andMlle.Witting 11.35 -Records. Records,5.30 -The President greetsBand.9.0 -News. Hans Haass. (Pfte.). 12.0 -Reginald Dixon -Organ. the Nation. 5.40-A Children's Party9.10 -11.0 -Orchestra fromDeutsch-6.0 -Station Quintet. Der .Weih-11.55-a.m.-4.40 p.m.-K.R.O. Pro- 12.30 p.m. -The BBC Dance Orchestra.from St.Ultan's Hospital,Dublin. landsender. nachtsmann kommt (Lindemann). gramme, 11.55-K.R.O. OrcheStra. directed by Henry Hall. 6.20 -We work to -day :Newspaper Dolls' March (de Michell). Schnee-Conductor :Reinards, 12.40 p.m. - Man, Hospital Staff Nurse, RailwayBRNO (Czechoslovakia) flocken (Thiele). Enge(reigen (Wolff -Records. 1.0-K.R.O.Melodists, 1.15 -The BBC Northern Orchestra; Baby plays Soldiers (de Conductor, T. H. Morrison.Worker and Radio Announcer. 922 kc s(325.4m.) ;32 kW. Ferrari). Conductor :Lustenhouwer. 1.40 - Norman Walker (Bass). 6.45-" Christmas Greetings "-RadioTransmits at intetvals from 6.0 a.m. Micheli).Der treue Hampelmann Records. 2.15 - TheCoventry Hippodrome Orchestra and Vocal Quartet. Con- 4.35 p.m. -GermanTransmission : (Heykens). Serenade (Weingartz). 2.10-" VoceConcordi "Women's ductor :Lieut. J. M. Doyle. Com-" FlotteBiirsche "-One-ActOper- Albumblatt (Gade). Novelette Choir. Conductor : JoImmink. Orchestra. Curtsy 3.15-" ChristmasSongsfromthe pered by W. J. Lemass. Christmas etta (Supp,i). 5.50 -6.5 -See Prague:Prague. - (Gade). LittleDoll's Mme. Kruisselberge-Blommaert Continent."(Records.) Overture (Coleridge -Taylor), Christ-6.25 -Talk -on the following Opera. (Bucceri).Die Post kommt (Ellen -2.30 -Recitations. 2.50-Choir(contd.). .3.45 -The Hastings Municipal Orches- mas Memories (Finck), Dream of6.30-" The Bartered Bride "-Three- berg). 3.40-K.R.O. Orchestra. Conductor : tra,Conductor, JuliusHarrison ; Christmas ( Ketelbey).- Act Opera(Smetana). from the 6.45 -Sports Report. Reinar.i.S.4.30 -Records. Henry Wendon (Tenor). 7.32-Benediction from Redemption-National Theatre. Conductor :Sachs. 7.0 -GalaConcert. Conductor :4.40-7.25-N.C.R.V. Programme. 5.15-Bram Martin and his Dance ist Church, Limerck. 9.5 -10.30 -See Prague. Miintefer. Klare Hansen (Soprano)4.40-" Jeugddienst Church Choir. Orchestra. 8.0-" What arethe Other Stations andKaldeweier (Bass). OvertureConductor :Pul ; Records 1'n the :6.0--A Christmas EveniegService, doing ?" BRUSSELS (No. 1) (Belgium) in D minor (Handel).Two Songsinternals. 5.30 -Service ; Sacred from the Concert Hall. Broadcasting8.50 -Christmas Music of the Nations 620 kc's (483.9 m.) ;15 kW. (Caldara). Christmas SymphonyMusic. House. Address by the Rev. Leslie-J. Harold Douglas.9.30 -Variety.3.15 p.m.-Brenders Jazz Band. (Manfredini).Toccata and Fugue7.25 till Close-K.R.O. Programme. D.Weatherhead, ofthe City10.30-12.0 ma -Irish Dance Music. 4.0-Alpaerts Trio (Rameau. Pierne). (Bach-Pillney).Interlude :Stories7.25 -Talk ; News: Temple. 4.40-Fetis Vocal Trio. 5.0 -Poems. by Jakob Kneip. Chiaconna gotica7.50-K.R.O. ChamberOrchestra, 6.50 -Weather, Sports. BANSKA.BYST RICA 5.30 -Foe Children. 6.5 -Christmas (Dopper). Song :An die HoffnungConductor :Reinards.Annie Woud 7.0-A Radio Christmas Party. inBruges -Programme byMaurice (Beethoven). Andante con rnoto(Contralto) and Max Kloos (Baritone). (Czechoslovakia)Hankard. 7.0-Romin Catholic front the Seventh Symphony in C8.35 -Recitations. 9.0 -News Summary. 392 kc 's (765 m.) ; 30 kW. 9.10 -Wirelessforthe Blind --an Review. 7.15 -Records. 7.30 -News. (Schubert). Prelude, " Das Christelf-8.45-K.R.O. Chamber Orchestra and appeal on behalf of The British Relays Czechoslovak Stations. 8.0 -Symphony Orchestra. Conduc- lein (Pfitzner). Choir. Conductor: Reinards. Annie by. Andre. MargueriteThys9.0 -Time ;News. 9.5 --Records Woud (Contralto) and Max Kloos - Wireless for the Blind Fund tor : Christopher Stone, D.S.O., M.C. BERLIN (Germany) (Soprano).MireilleFlour(Harp). Famous Choirs. (Baritone). 9.35 -The " Comedy 9.20-" MusicforChristmas "-A. 841 kc's (356.7 m.) ;100 kW. (Franck. Bac:i. Pierne. Jongen). 9.0 --9.30-11.0-Orchestra fromDeutsch- Harmonists and Records. 10.40- Concert for the Christmas FiresideTransmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m.Talk. landsender. 11.40 -Records. from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the9.30-10.15 a.m-Schubert Recital by9.15 -Light Orchestral. Conductor : HILVERSUM (301.5 m.) Midlands, the North, and the West K lithe Heinemann Pfte.). Bendier_Th'iodora Lampert (Songs).DEUTSCHLANDSENDER of England ;The BBC Midland 11.0 -See Cologne. 10.0 -News. 10.10 -Records. 10.55 - (Germany) (Holland) Orchestra,conducted by Leslie1.0-2.0 p.m. -Opera Records. Christy; Vincit (Liszt) - 171kc's (1,571 m.) ;60 kW. 995 kc's :15 kW until 2.40 p,m, ; Ileward ;The Nantyffyllon Chil-3.0 -See Leipzig. 11.0 -129 nit-Brender.; Jazz Band. Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 60 kW from 2.4) p.m. dren's Choir and the BBC Welsh5.0 -Gay Songs and Melodies. 6.0- 11.0 a.m.-1.0p.m. -See Hamburg. 8.40-9.44 a.m.-V.A.R.A. Programme. " A Christmas Legend "-Play 8.40 -Records. 9.0-R.:citation. 9.20 . Orchestra, Conductor, Idris Lewis ; BRUSSELS (No. 2) (Belgium) 1.0 -Variety. (Raschke). Music by Rosenberger. -Recyrds. St. Mary Redcliffe Choir. Bristol; 932 kc s 4321.'t in.);15 kW. 2.0 -StringQuartetin F (Sten- The BBC NorthernIreland Or-7.0 -Gala Concert. Station OrchestraProgramme in Flemish. hammer),by theBarkelQuartet. 9.40-11.49-V.P.R.O. Programme. 0.40 chestra,Conductor,E.Godfrey and Choir.Conductor: Fiedler;6.37-9.0 a.m.-Gym Records ;2.30--" Die Sterntaler " - Fairy Play-Service. 111.10-Klo,s (Songs). Brown ;The Halle Chorusand Hunch (Baritone).Pastoral MusicNews. 9.0 -Records. 10.0-Fellemanafter Grimm (Zollner). 11.40 p.m.-A.V.R.O. Pro- BBCNorthern Orchestra,Con- from the Christmas Oratorio (Bach).Orchestra from the Scala, Antwerp.3.0 -Opera' Records : " Tosco " gramme. 11.19 -Ti m e 1-1.41 - ductor,T.H.Morrison.Isobel Eine heitereSinfonie(Haydn). 10.45 -Chamber' Music. 11.15 -(Puccini), " Carmen " (Bizet). 4.0-Reading. Baillie (Soprano) ;The BBC Scot- Songs from" Weihnachtslieder "Orchestra (contd.). 12.0 noon -" The Parade of the Tin Soldiers " -12.10. - Carillon by Toon van tishOrchestra, conducted by Ian (Cornelius). Serenade (Fiedler). Records. 12.31 p.m. -Salon Orches- Christmas Play (Kleineberg)with Ralkorn frontSt. John'sCathedral, Whyte. Songs (Wolf).Nutcracker Ballettra ;at 12.45 :Cabaret.1.0 -News. Music by Sobanski(Recorded). Bs-le-Duc. 11.0 -12.0 -Joe Loss and his Band. (Tchaikovsky a Overture and 1,10 -Light Orchestral.1.30 -Caba-5.0 -Melodies from North and South. 12.30 -A.V.R .0.Octet. 1.40 -Ada with Peggy Dell,lvlonte Rey,and. Chorus, ' The Merry Wives ofret. 1.40 -2.0 -Records. 2.15-LoiseauGaden Orchestraand Freundorfer Prins (Recitation). 2.0-- A.V.R.O. Chick Henderson. Windsor (Nicolai). The BlueOrchestra. Instrumental Quartet.. 6.40 -Sports Orchestra.Conductor :Van Raalte. REGIONAL Danube (Strauss).9.0 -News. 3.0 -Cecile Lucas (EnglishCarols). Notes. Zimmermann (Violin).3.10 -Carols. 9.5 -11.0 -See Deutschlandsender. He shall feed His Flock (Handel).7.0 -Station Orchestra.Conductor: 3.4 ) -.P.R.O.Programa*: For For Time Signals, see Monday ChiLlren.. 10.30-10.45 a.m.-Droitwich. Shepherd's Cradle Song (Somervell). Stange. Stech (Pfte.).Symphot... BEROMONSTER 5.111-7.10--V.A.R.A. Programme. 5.10 11.35 -The BBC Welsh Orchestra. The Knight of Bethlehem (Thom- From the New World (Dvoielle 1. (Switzerland) son). Why do the Bells of Christmas Pfte.Concerto No. I inF flat -\.R.A. Orchestra. Conductor: conductedbyMansel Thomas ; Loboti; at5.30 -Address. 6.40 - Tann-Williams (Con- 556 kc's (539.6 m.) ; 100 kW. ring? (Martin Shawl-The Holy (Liszt).Dance Suite, Schlagobers Margaret 9.0 -News. Talk :Records. Relayed by Basle and Berne, 1,375 . Child (Easthope Martin). (Richard Strauss). tralto). 7.10-8.40-V.P.R.O. Programme. Con- 12.30 p.m. -Records. kc s (218.:E m.). 3.15-Loiseau Orchestra. 4.0 -9.5 -Light Music -von Geczy Orches- 9.0 a.m.-Protestant Service. 10.5 - Records :" Atia "(Verdi). 5.0-tra, 10.0 -11.55 -Dance Records. cert ;Christmas Address.8.40-10.20 1.15 --Eugene Piniand hisTango -V.A.R.A. Programme. Orchestra. To be announced. 10.30 -Hans" Laudate "-Christmas Poem (Pele- Huber Memorial Service. man), with Music. 5.30 -Records FRANKFURT (Germany) 8.40-V.A.R.A. Orchestra.Conduc- 1.45 -Reginald Foort-BBC Theatre tor : -riggers ;at 9.20 -Recitation. Organ. 11.5 -Radio Orchestra.Conductor :Christmas Concerto (Coral).5.45 - 1,195 kcis (251 m.) ;25 kW. Re- LeslieHofmann ;at 11.30 -News. 12.30 For Children. 6.30 -Records. 6.45 - layed by Cassel, Coblenz, Freiburg10.10 -News. 10.20-V.P.R.O. Ser- 2.15--Heddle Nash (Tenor) ; vice. 10.40 -11.40 --Records. England (Pfte.). p.m -Folk Songs by a Basle Orphans'Talk. and Trier, 1,195 kc/s (251 m.). 3.15 -The 'BBC Military Band and Choir. 1.0-1.30(fromBasle) -7.0 -Radio Orchestra.Suite, " L'Ar-Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. KALUNDB()RG (Denmark) Men's Chorus, conducted byB. Christmas in the Wood. lesienne" (Bizet.)Noels (Franck). 11.0 a.m.-SeeCologne. 240ke's(1.250m.) : 60kW, Walton O'Donnell. 4.0 -6.30 -Programme from Basle.7.30 -News. 8.0 -Record. 8.5 -Van1.0-3.0 p.m. -See Stuttgart. RelaysCopenhagen, 1,176kc/s 4.0 -Dance Records. 4.0-" Hans im Gluck "-Fairy Playde Velde a -cappella Choir. 8.15-3.0 -See Leipzig. (255.1m.)- 4.30-" Adolf -a Short Story byfor Young and Old (Koreny-Scheck)." Het wonder van den zaaidoek "-5.0 -9.30 -See Stuttgart, 7.35 a.m.-Weather. 7.45 -Church D. H. Lawrence, read by Arthur5.5 -The " Swiss Singers." 5.25 - Play(Bauer -deGelder). 9.0 -Re-9.30 -OrchestrafromDeutschland - Music. 8.30 -Christmas Hymns. 9.0 Calder Marshall. Roman CatholicServicefromSt. cord. 9.5 -Choir (contd.). 10.0 - sender. 11.0 p.m. -I.0 a.m. (Saturday) -Service.10.40 -News. 4.45 -The John MacArthur Quintet. Clara's Church, Basle. News. 10.10 -Report :The Ghent-See Stuttgart. 11.0 -Chamber Music.Pfte Trio in 5.15 -The Children'sHour : " A6.0 -Old Christmas Carols. 6.30 -Six Days Race. 10.20 -Records ofHAMBURG (Germany) G (Haydn). Pfte. Trio in E (Mozart). Christmas Carol," by CharlesNews. 6.40 -Music. Jack Payne's Band. 11.0-12.0 in't- Pfte. Trio in D (Beethoven) ;at Dickens, adapted as a play by Philip6.59-" The Christ Child in Flanders " Records. 904kcis(331.9m.)-; 100 kW, 11:35: Reading. 12.30 p.m.- Wade. -Play after Tirnmermans (Dora May). Relayed byBremen, Flensburg. Danish- SacredSongs by 'Edith 6.0 -Sydney Baynes and his Band. 7.20 -Radio Orchestra.Conductor :BUCHAREST (Romania) Hanover, Magdeburg and Stettin, Schmidt. 1.0 -Service from -6.50-Weather, Sports. Hofmann. 823kc's(364.5m.) ; 12 kW. 1,330 kc's (225.6 m.). Christiansborg Castle Church. 7.0(ex.Western, .Northern) -Keith8.0-" The Beauty of the World "- Relayed byRadio -Romania (Bra-Transmits at intervals from 5.0 -a.m. 2.30 -Talk Christmas in San Falkner (Baritone) :Mighty LordChristmas Programme. 9.15-An-- sov), 160 ken's (1,875 ne 1. 5.0a.m.-Concertfrom s.s." Ham- Catali1O. (Christmas Oratorio) -Bach Weih- nouncements. Transmits at intervals from 5.30 a.m. burg." 7.0 -News. 7.20 --Gym. 7.45 -3.0 -Danish " ielensural Cantori." nachtslieder-Cornelius ; T h e 10.30 a.m.-Christmas Carols, by theChristmas Thoughts. 8.0 -Records.3.30 -Radio Orchestra.Conductor : 9.0 -9.15 --Christmas in German. Liter- Shepherds.The Three Wise MenBRATISLAVA Cotroceni Sextet.11.0 -Time ;Art Wendeboe-Jensen. OvertLIre, ature (Goethe, Hebbel, Raabe). from the East. Simeon. Christ. the Notes : Water Level..1 I . I 0,-Sibi- 9.30- " EuriSteo "(Hasse). Christmas (Czechoslovakia ) (Organ). ,10.15- Children'sFriend. TheChristl.004 kc's (298.8 m.) ;13.5 kW. ceano Orchestra.12.10 ; 10.0-Schwob Concertoin G minor(Corelli). Child: News. 12.2.5:-Cotroceni Sextet. 1.0-Mozart Records. 10.45 -Reading. Dream Musicfrom " Alcina " Transmits at intervals from 6.0- a.m. from 7.0 (Western) -Songs of the Home :7.0 p.m. -Oscar Nedbal Commemora- ,.. 11.0 -Christmas Concert (Handel). Concerto grosso in D Walter Glynne (Tenor). tion Concert by the Station Orchestra. 4.0 -Romanian Music and Light Bremen Old Town Hall.Partr: minor (Handel). 4.30 -Records, 7.0(Northern) -Christmas Dayat Conductor :Karel Nedbil. &Mandl Music by the Juica Orche,tra ;at 5.0 :Niemann Wind Band. Part 11 : The5.0 -JensLaurnann. Frzderiksborg Premen Con- " Stadtnuasikantert. Thorney How. Youth Hostel in the (Cello). Suite." LazyJohn. - Tim::Weather :Topical. 6.0- Castle Orean. ' North. of England. 'Cello : RomanceandCaprice. Tanast andhisMusic -Hall Group. ductor :Krug.Erna Maria Muller.5.30Reading. 5.50 -Weather. 6.0 - 7.20 -The London Symphony Orches- Scherzo -Caprice. Intheinterval,6.45 -Talk. 7:0 -Cabaret Music. (Soprancil.1.0 p.m.-" Fleitenpeter " Time ;'News.6.30 -Talk :Goethe. tra, led by George Stratton, con- NedbalAnecdotes. 8.0 --Talk : -Dialect Play fur Children (Balzer)." Faust --Tragedy ducted by Malcolm Sargent : Over: Christmas Eve in Siberia. BUDAPEST (No. 1) (Hungary)2.0 -Carols of U.S.A., Belgium, Italy, (Goethe ,trans.P. Hansen) ;inci- t re, Hansel tied Gretel (Hower- 8.15 -Band. 9.5-NeWs. 9.20 - 546 1,:cs (54".5 m.);I20 kW. Yugoslavia, Poland, and Swedcn. dental Music by Eduard Lassen. - dinck),SiegfriedIdyll(Wagner), 9.35 -10.30 -See 7.30a.m.-News. 8.0 -Protestant3.0 (from Hanover)-" Distribution of News (Hungarian). MaleKONIGSBERG(Heilsberg) Symphony No.5 in E minor - Prague. Service. 9.0 -Roman Catholic Ser- Presents "-Variety Concert. From the New World(Dvotak). vice. 10.20 --:EvangelicalService. Voice Quartet, Mandoline Quintet, (Germany) 8.30 (ex. Western)-" The ChristmasBRESLAU (Germany) 11.40 -Budapest Concert Orchestra. Accordion Duo, Band, Symphony 1,031 kc's (291 m,) :100 kW, Journey "-a Masque of the Nati- 950kc s(315.8m.) ; 100kV:. 12.55 p.m. -Records. Orchestra and Others, Conductor : Relayedby Danzig. 1.303 kc/s vity,compiled and arrangedby RelayedbyGleiwitz, 1,231 ke s 2.0-" HanselandCrete) "-OA von Sosen. (230.2 m.). C. Denis Freeman and M. H. Allen ; (243.7 in.). (Humperdinck), from the State Opera. 5.0-" A Christmas Legend " (HerbertTransmits at intervals front 5.0 a.m. Music chosen and composed by Transmits at interval.; from 4.0 a.m. 5.0-Pertis Cigany Band.6.0 -Talk. Scheffler)withMusic bySiegfried11.0 a.m.-See Cologne ; at 12.0 noon : Frederick Stevens.Cast includes 9.40 a.m.-OldChristmas Music 6.30 -Station Orchestra. Scheffler. StationOrchestraand Weather.I :0 p.m. -Reading. 1.20-L. EdgarNorfolk,HubertGregg. )Recorded).Station Wind Quintet.7.10-" Christmas "-Three-Act PlayOthers.Conductor :Seeker.5.30 - Retords :Light Music. 2.0 -Read- Norman Shelley, Adrian Thomas, Choir and Orchestra.Conductor -afterKarl May (Vand4.8A0 -Light Music by the Becker Band. 6.35 ings. 2.20-" Cinderella "-Fairy Mary O'Farrell. Singers conducted Prade. Birke (Oboe) and HattW:gNews. -A Visit to the Hamburg " Dom Play after Corner (Keller). by Frederick Stevens. (Harpsichord). " FfirchtetEach 9.0CiganyBand. 10.5.-Kartesz Fair.6,50 -Weather. 3.0 -See Leipzig. 8.30(Western)-Gweld Owgan-Welsh nicht "-Christmas Cantata (Able). Jazz Band.I 1.5e -News. 7.0 -See Stuttgart.9.0 -News. 5.0 -Report. 5.15 -South Tyrolean programme. Concertoin F minor for Oboe, 9.5-12.0 m't-Dance Music.Station Carols(arr.Reimesch-Prignitz),by 9.0 -News Summary. Strings and Harpsichord(Tele-BUDAPEST (No. 2) (Hungary) Dance Band. Conductor :Gehhardt. the DeutschlandsenderChoirand 9.10 (ex. Regional)-Droitwich. mann). Das neugeborene Kinde- 359.5 kern (834.5 m.) :18 kW. Ulli Engel (Diseuse), Siegel (Refrains),Edith Eiralz1 (Soprano'. 6.0 -Records. 9.20 (cx. Scottish) -HenryHall's lein "-Cantata (Buxtehude).Two4.0 p.m.-Weidinger Salon Orchestra.Vocal Trio and Speakers. - - 6,30-" Dinner is served "-Gay Table Christmas Tree, specially decorated Suites (Pezel). Harpsichord Con-6,45 -Talk.7.15 -Orchestra.7.33 - Talk. for the occasion with Turner Layton' certo in B flat (Dittcrsdorf). Racing. HILVERSUM (1,875 m.) 7:0 -Station Orchestra.Conductor : Oliver Wakefield, Haver and Lee,10.45 -Recitation. (Holland) Wilcken,Elisabeth Hallstein (So- Molly,Marie andMary,Dan11.0 -Orchestra. Conductor : Anders.COLOGNE (Germany) 160 kcis ;10 kW until 2.40 p.m. ; prano). Overture," Maritana Donovan, George Elrick, The Music1.0 p.m. --News ;Recitations.1.35 -- 658 kc s (455.9 m.)':100 kW. 100 kW from 2.40 -p.m. (Wallace).Invitation to the Dance Makers, The BBC Dance Orchestra. "The Snowflakes' Dance" (Storm) Transmits at intervals from 5.0 a.m. 7.10a.m.-N.C.R.V.Programme. Ser- (\Veber).'Ballet, " La Gioconda " 9.10-12,0 (Scottish)-Droitwich. 2.30-"Ein Pfefferkuchenparchen reis.st 11.0 a.m-Orchestra. Conductor: vice, (Ponchielli). Strahlender Mood

11.0-12.0-Droitwich. aus "-Christmas Play for Chil-Hagestedt. 1.0 p.m. -Opera Music.8.10-9.10-K.R.O. Programme. 8.10 (Kiinneke). Selection, " Marth- 521 WORLD -RADIO [DECEMBER 18, 1936

PARIS (Eiffel -Tower) (France)6.5-" A Merry Christmasto our5.25 (from Geneva) -Christmas11.0 p.m. -1.0 a.m. (Saturday)-" Der FRIDAY (December 25) 1,456 kc/s (206 m.) ;5 kW. Listeners ! "-Variety. Vespers bythe Schola gregorienneFreischiatz"-Three-Act Opera (Weber). 7.0p.m. -News. 7.20 -Foreign7.0 -See Bratislava. from the Church of the Holy Cross.Leipzig Symphony Orchestra, Choir Affairs ; Science Talk ; Colonial8.0-" Queen of the \Vinds "-Play6.0-" The Cricket on the Hearth "-and Others. Conductor: Weisbach (Flotow).Song (Sullivan).Songs. Notes. 7.45 -Press Review,7.55 -(Klicpera). Music by Weis.9.0 -Play (Dickens). 6.50 -News. (Recorded). Brise de mer (Leoncavallo).Waltz,Film Talk. 8.5 -Home Affairs.Time ;News. 9.20 -Records. 9.25 -7.0 -9.0 -ChristmasOratorio(Bach) Gold and Silver (Leith).Lach' in8.30 -Poetry. News and Sports (German).9.30 -from Leipzig.Conductor :GinterTOULOUSE (Radio -Toulouse) mein Herz (Meisel).Blumen aus9.0 - ChamberMusic. PaulineRecords. Ramin, Gordon and Maillard-Verger (Pfte.)9.35 -10.30 --Salon Orchestra. Con- (France) Nizza(Buday-Hilm). Selection. ductor :Handel. 913 kc/s (328.6 tn.) ;60 kW. " A NightinVenice " (Strauss). andGermaineCernay(Songs). STOCKHOLM (Sweden) Transmits at intervals from 11.0 a.m. Overture, " Casanova" (Lincke). 704kc/s(426.1m.) ; 55 kW. PARIS (Poste Parisien) (France)RADIO-NORMANDIE Relayedby Motala,216 kc 6.5 p.m. -Operetta Songs. "Song of 9.0 -News. 9.15 -Reading. 959 kc/s (312.8 m.) ;60 kW. (France) Happiness" (Lelia°. Waltz Song 9.30 -11.0 -Orchestra from Deutsch - (1,389 m.) ;Goteborg,941kc s (Strauss)."The GipsyPrincess" la ndsender. Transmits at intervals from 7.50 a.m. 1,113 Ice's (269.5 m.); 10 kW. (318.8m.) ;Horby,1,131kcs (Kalman). "Au Soleil du Mexique" 12.0 noon -Exchange. 12.5 p.m. -7.0 a.m.-Records. 7.10 -News. (265.3 m.) ;and Boden, 392 kc, s (Yvain). LEIPZIG (Germany) Records.12.35 -Exchange.12.39-7.50 -Records. 8.0 -Light Music. (765 m.). 6.15 -Salon Orchestra. 6.40 -Tan- 785kc/s(382.2m.) ;120 kW.RamoOrchestra. 1.15 -Records.8.45 -Melody. 9.0 -Records. 9.15 6.0a.m.-ServicefromGoteborg gos.6.50 -News. Relayed by Dresden,1,285kc,s1.30 -Radio AmateurPrize -winners-Light Music.8.30 -Records.9.45Cathedral. 9.0 -Records. 10.0 -7,0 -Operetta Music.Excerpts, " Le (233.5 m.). at the Microphone.1.45 -Records.-Light Music. Service from Skara Cathedral. Grand Mogol " (Audran), "Mon- Transmits at intervals from 4.0 a.m. 2.0, 3.45, 4.35 -Exchange.6.0 -Call.10.0 -Pontifical- HighMassfrom11.40 -News. 12.0 noon -Military sieur Beaucaire " (Messager). " Zou 10.30a.m.--" LasstunseinLicht6.2 -Topical. 6.9 -Talk. lemidi bouge "(Scotto). "Le anztinden "-Christmas Cantata (Am-6.15 -Debussy Records : (a) Ballade 6 Comte Obligado " (Moretti). " Rose brosias).Chamber Orchestra.Con- Notre -Dame, (b) Les Cloches. of France '(Romberg). ductor ; The Composer. 6.22 -For Fatmers. 6.23 -Topical. 7.40 -Light Music ;at 7.55 :News. 11.0 --SeeCologne. 1.0p.m. -6.30 -Exchange.6.34 -For Women. 8.40 -Excerpts, " U n de la Canebiere " Reading. 7.6 -News.7,33 -Records.7.48 - (Scotto).8.55 -News. 1.20 (from Dresden) -Trout QuintetFor Women. 7.53 -Light Music. 9.10 - " TheBirthofFa-ti-ri "- (Schubert). 2.0-" Unto us a Child8.3 -Paul Reboux. 8.18-" Under the Sketch. 9.45 -ParisProgramme. is born "-Play (Jurich).2.30 (fromLamp "-Sketch (Diamant-Berger). 10.15 -Excerpts," Le Jongleurde Dresden)-" Derarme Heinrich "8.55 p.m. -I2.0 ml -Thriller in Three Notre -Dame " (Massenet). 10.40 - (von Aue). Acts (St rongtone), from the Theatre de Dance Music.10.55 -News.11.0 - 3.0(from Dresden) -Dresden Phil-Rochefort. Film Music. 11.15 -Dance Music. harmonic. Conductor : Blunter. 11.40 -Songs. 11.55 -News. 12.5 a.m. Martha Rohs(Mezzo -Soprano),PARIS (PTT) (France) (Saturday) -Light Music. 12.30 - Prelude to " Hansel and Gretel " 695 kc/s (431.7 m.) ;120 kW. Announcements. (ltumperdinck). Aria, " Figaro "Transmits at intervals from 6.30 a.m. (Mozart). Ballet, " Rosamunde "12.0 noon-Yatove Dance Band.In Christmas Day TURIN (No. I) (Italy) (Schubert). Romance (Svendsen).the interval, "La grande inquietude 1,140kc/s(263.2m.);7 kW. Polonaise, " Eugene Onegin " (Tchai-des jouets de Nr el "-Fantasy (Fab - in Switzerland; Relayed by Milan (No. -I), 814 kc/s kovsky).Songs (Richard Strauss).rice). 2.0 p.m.-" The Christmas (368.6m.) ; Genoa,986 kcis Tanz tinter der Dorflinde (Reinecke).Elves "-Fairy Play in Four Scenes (304.3m.) Trieste,1,140kc/s Flute and Orchestra :Hungarian(Le Lucien Vasseur) with Music by Villagers of (263.2m.) Florence,610kc/s Fantasia (Doppler). Dollet. Conductor: Mme. Dollet. (491.8m.) Bolzano,536keis 4.0-" DasChristelflein "-Two-Act3.0 -Concert for Children. Con- Claris, near (559.7 m.) ;and Rome (No.3), } Fairy Opera(Plitzner). Hamburg ductor : Rosenthal. Puteaux 1,258 kc/s (238.5 m.). StationOrchestra, Women's Choir Schoolchildren's Choir, Marguerite 7.30-7.50 a.m.-Time ;News. 10.0- and Others.Conductor :The Com- Pifteau (Songs), Carmen Guitbert Davos, going Mass from the Church of the An- poser (Recorded). (Pfte.). nunciation,Florence. 11.0 -Bible 6.0-" LonglivetheRailway "-5.0 -Report (Recorded) :The Seine to church Reading. 11.20 -Chamber Music. q Play (Lange) with Music by Hahn. Swimming Contest for the Christmas 11.50 -Announcements.; Light Music. 7.0 -LeipzigSymphonyOrchestra.Cup.5.15-Maxime Lery reads his 12.0 noon -News., 12.15 p.m. -Music Conductor :Weisbach.9.0 -News.Christmas Story.5.30-" Le miracle Competition. 12.50 --Announcements; 9.30 -Reading : To theUnbornde Theophile 'by the "Groups des Light Music. 1.0 -1.20 -News ;Re- (Carossa). Theophiliens "oftheSorbonne. cords. 3.40 -Sketch. 4.0 -News. 9.45 -11.0 -Orchestra from Deutsch -6.30 -News ;Topical. 4.15 -4.50 -Orchestra.7.5 -News. la ndsender. 7.45 -Clara Tambour -ReneDorin. 7.40-" Christmas.ntheAlps "- 8.15 -Sports. Sketch.8.I5 -Gastronomic Concert. LILLE (Radio PTT Nord) 8.30 (also for Alpes-Grenobles, Lyons Conductor :Petralia. (France)(PTT), Marseilles (PTT), Montpellier 8.45-" Christmas "--One-Act Play 1,213 kc/s (247.3 m.) :60 kW. (PTT), Nice -Corse, Rennes -Bretagne, (Niccoderni). 9.15 - Dance Music. Transmits at intervals from 6.50 a.m.Toulouse; PTT), Bordeaux -Lafayette) 10.0 -News. 7.0 p.m. -Records.7.30 -Records :-" Le Noel sur la place " or " Les 10.15 -Dance Orchestra. Wine in Music.8.0 -Time ;Danceenfances de Jesus "-Nativity Play Records.8.I5 -Sports. (Ghion), by the Comedic Fraccaise VIENNA (Austria) 8.30 -See Paris (PTI).10.30 -News. Players.10.30 --News. 10.45 -Gras 592 kc/s (506.8 m.) ; 100 kW. Dance Band. Relayed by Graz and Linz, 886 ke/s MONTE CENERI(Switzerland) (338.6 m.) ;Innsbruck, 519 kcs RouenCathedral. 12.0 noon -Band. 12.45 p.m. -Reading.1.0 - (578 m.) ;Klagenfurt and Vorarl- 1,167 kc/s (257.1 m.) ;15 kW. PARIS (Radio -Paris) (France) Records. Records.2.0 -For Children.3.0 - 12.40 p.m. -News. berg, 1,294 kc/s (231.8 rn.); and No Transmission. 182 kc,'s (1,648 m.); 80 kW. 1.0 -Concert. 2.0 -Records. 2.15Reading.3.30 -Station Choir. 4.5 Salzburg, 1,348 Isc/s (222.6 m.). MOSCOW (No, 1) (Russia) 7.0 a.m.-Records :Carols.7.15 --Light Music.2.30 -Records.2.45-Light Music. 5.0 -Evensong.Transmits at intervals from 6.45 a.m. 172 kc/s (1,744 m.) ;500 kW. News. 7.45 -Gym.8.0 -Records.-Light Music.3.0 -Records. 3.306.15 -News. 6.30 -Folk Songs.10.45 a.m. --Vienna Philharmonic. Con- 4.30 p.m. -Arctic Notes. 5.0 -Red11.0 -Records for Children,11.30 --Light Music. 3.45 -Records. 4.0 -6.50 -Play.8.50 -Weather. ductor :Krips. Sixth Symphony in Army Notes.5.15 -Concerts. 8.0 -Records. 12.0noon -MauriceConcert. 4.45 -For Children. 5.09.0-10.0 (from Goteborg) -Chamber C (Schubert). Fourth Symphony in Czech Talks (a) Physical Culture, Durufle (Organ). 12.30 p.m. --Records. 5.15 -Light Music.Orchestra.Conductor :Tor Mann. D minor (Schumann). Symphonic (b) Kiev, (c) *Questions and Answers.ReligiousAddress byFr.Dieux,5.45 -Current London Productions.Greta &Merman (Songs). Poem, " Don Juan " (R. Strauss). 9.5 -English Programme : (a) ForOratorian. 12.50 -News ;For Ex -6.0-M. Lenfant in a Carillon Recital 11.55 a.m.-I2.20 p.m. --Station Orches- Servicemen. 1.0 -Records :Lightof ChristmasCarols,from RouenSTRASBOURG (France) tra. Conductor : Holzer. Children,(b) Children's Songs,(c) 1.15 -Jeanne Andral (Songs).Cathedral. 7.0 -Concert. 7.40 - RussianLesson. 10.0 -German Music. 859 kc/s (349.2 m.) ;100 kW. 2.0 -News. 2.15 -Talk: Christmas. , Commemoration Programme for those1.30 - Records.2.0 - ChristmasNews. 8.0 -Records. 8.20 -LightTransmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m.2.40 -String Quartet No. 1 in F (Beet- killedin the Revolution. 11.0 -Stories. music. 8.40-" Le Revell du Pectieur."4.0 p.m. -Christmas Concert. Orches-hoven), by the Mairecker Quartet. Spanish Peace Programme. 2.30-" Mr.Pickwick at the Children's9.0 -Christmas Concert. tra. Conductor :Bour(Pfte.).3.20 -Talk : Children'sChristmas Theatre "-Sketch after Dickens11.0 -Dance Music. 11.30 -From Christmas Concerto (Coral).Presents. 3.45 -Records : South - MUNICH (Germany) (Calmest. with Music by Darcieux.the Cabane Normande. Hirtenmusik zur Weihnacht (Wer-American Songs and Dances. 4.25 - 4.0- Records :12.0 m't-Dance Music. 1.0a.m. , 740 kcs (405.4 m.) ;100 kW. Re-3.30 -Records. ner).Records :Old Carols.Pfte.Talk. 4.45 -Military Band. Con- layedbyNurnberg,1,267kc/sFamous Choirs.5.0 -Reading (Le(Sat urday)-Records. 1.30 -2.0 -Or- Sonatina (Busoni).Records :Oldductor : Wacek. 6.0 -Programme (236.8 m.). Brez). 5.20 -Films. chestra. Carols.Overture, Das ChristelfleinNotes. 9.30 a.m.-DietrichEckart Com-5.30-Poulet Concert Orchestra. Con- (Pfitzner).Hirtenmusik zurWeih-4.10 -Elisabeth Schumann (Soprano). memoration Programme from Bay- ductor:Cloez. Albert LeagueRADIO -ROMANIA (Brasov) nacht (Niemann). Christmas Carol Songs (Cornelius) :ta) Die Hirten, reuth. "9.55 -Winter in the Bavarian (Pfte.).Prayer and Gothic Minuet (Romania) Potpourri. (b) Christbaum. Songs (Wolf) : (a) Forest "-Words and Music. 10.40- (Boellrnann).Petits r6ves d'enfants 160 kc/s (1,875 in.) ;150 kW. 5.15 -Talk : ChristmasinFrench Schlafendes Jesuskindlein. (h) Ach, A Christmas Ramble with a Nature (Dubois). Pastorale (Faure). Pfte.:See Bucharest. Folklore.5.30 -Christmas Stories in des Knaben Augen. (c) Auf ein alter Lover. Three Preludes and Fugue (Bach). AlsatianDialect. 6.30 -Records : Bild,(d) Der heilige Josef sings. Cologne.6.0 -For Women :Notes ;Gabrielle Songs and Old Dances. Die Heirgen Drei Konige 12.0noon -Musicfrom WerlinROME (Italy) 12.45 p.m. -News. Gills(Carols) ; Danielle 713kc/s(423.8m,) ; 50kW.6.45 -See Vienna. 9.10 -News (French, (R. Strauss).Songs (Brahms) :(a) 1.0 -For Children. 1.45 -Chamber(Sailors' Carols). RelayedbyNaples,1,104kc/sGerman).' 10.0 -Records :Christmas Ruhe, Stissliebchen, (b) Sandmann- Music.3.0 -Concert.5.0 -Play.6.30-Poulet Concert Orchestra. Con- (271.7 m.) ;Bari (No. 0,1,057 kc/sin French Song. chen,(c) Wiegenlied. 6.0 -Records. 7.0 -See Stuttgart. ductor :Cloez.Suite, " L'enfance (283.3 m.);Bari (No. 2), Milan10.30 -News. 11.0 -News in German.6.45-" The Merry Widow "-Three- 9.5 -11 -See Deutschlandsendes. du Christ" (Berlioz). Prelude, (No. 2), and Turin (No. 2), 1,357 kc/s11.15 -Christmas Records: Act Operetta (Lehat). Conductor: " La Croisade des Enfants " (221.1 m.). 11.40 p.m. (approx.)-12.15 a.m. (Satur-Holzer. (Pierne). Arabesque from Chil-7.30-7.50 a.m.-Time ;News.10.0 -day) -See Paris (Radio -Paris). 9.10 -News. 9.25-Jaritz Jazz Band. OSLO (Norway) dren's Corner (Debussy). Sym- 10.30 -Announcements. 260 kc/s (1,153.8 m.); 60 kW. Re- phonic Poem, La petitefille auxSeeTurin. 11.0 -BibleReading. by 722kc/s 11.20 -See Turin.11.50 -Announce- STUTTGART (Germany) layed Fredrikstad, allumettes (Edmond -Marc). Light Music. 12.0 noon - WARSAW (Poland) (415.4m.) ; Hamar,519kc/s7.30 -Home Affairs.7.40 -Huntingments ; 574 kc/s (522.6 m.) ;100 kW. 1,357 kc/s Announcements ; News. 12.15 p.m.-Transmits intervals from 5.0 a.m. 224 kc/s (1,339 m.) ; 120 kW. (578 m.) ;Notodden, Notes. 7.50 -Dietetics. Relayedby Cracow,1,022kc/s (221.1 m.);Porsgrund, 850 kc/s8.0 -From the Opera. MusicCompetition. 12.50 -Announce-10.15 a.m.-String Quartet in C sharp (352.9 m.) ;Rjukan,1,348kc/s ments.1.0 -News ;Records.1.20- minor (Beethoven) by the Wendling (293.5 m.);Katowice, 758 kc/s 11.40 p.m. (approx.)-12.45 a.m. (Satur-2.0 -News ; Talks ;Arias ; ChristmasQuartet. (395.8m,);Lodz, 1,339 kc/s (22s 2. (476.96m) ;and Trondelag, 629 day) -Orchestra. Conductor : Gail- 4.0 - (224 m.) ;Lwow, 795 kc/s (377.4 kei m.). Prelude, " Parsifal " (Wag-Music. 3.40 -For Children. 11.0 -See Cologne. Transmits at intervals from 6.0 a.m. lard. News. 1.0 p.m.-" The Sleeping Beauty " - m.) ;Poznan, 868 kc/s (345.6 m.); ner). Rapsodie bretonne (Saint - 4.50- Wea titer. Torun, 986 kc/s (304.3 m.) ;and 4.0 p.m. -Willy Johansen Ensemble. Elegy (Faure). Trittico4.15 -Orchestra. Fairy Play.1.45 -Hitler Youth Choir. 5.0-" Christmas Eve " - Play Sans). 7.5 -Time ; News. 7.30 -Talk.2.0 -Records with Wilhelm Locks. Wilno, 536 kc/s (559.7 ns.). Botticellano (Respighi)..Jardin du7.40 -FolkConcert. 8.30 -Talk ; Transmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m. (Fastbom). Paradis (Silver). Marche de Noel 3.0 -See Leipzig. 5.30 -Mary Barratt Due (Pfte.), Inge- Orchestra.9.30 -Talk.9.40 -10.55 -5.0Music in the Twilight. Dagmar9.10 a.m. - Service fromPoznan borg Vorbeck and Nancy Thoresen (Widor). Dance Music ;at 10.0-10.15 :News. Benzinger (Pfte.), Schimmer (Violin),Cathedral. 11.3 -For Children. 11.35 -(Song Duets), Knudsen (Violin). Reichardt('Cello),theStuttgart-Concert.1.0 p.m. -Play.1.30 - The Sussex Mummers' ChristmasPRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) SOTTENS (Switzerland) String Quartet, Maria Holtz (Harp)Folk Dances. 2.35 -Records.3.30 - Carol (Grainger). Pfte. :Four 633 kc/s (470.2 m.) ;120 kW. 677kc/s(443.1.m.) ; 100 kW. and Muller (Baritone). IntheFor Invalids.. 3.45--" The Birth of Christmas Carols (Jensen). SongTransmits at intervals from 6.0 a.m. Relayed byGeneva, 401 kc/s interval, Readings. Christ "-Contata (Palester).4.30 - Duets:(a) 0 Friede, reich, " Judas10.30 a.m.-Trio (Dvotak). 11.0 - (748 m.). 6.30-" OurFairyTaleBook "-Variety.5.0 -Dance Music.6.8 - Maccabaeus " (Handel), (b) Sonn-Chimes. 11.5 -Records. 11.10 -9.0 (from Geneva) -Protestant ServiceRecords. Pastorales. 6.36-Szczepanska (Songs) tagsmorgen (Mendelssohn),(c)PressReview. 11.20 -Orchestra.fromtheVictoriaHall. 10.0 -7.0-" A Musical Picture -Book " (arr.from Warsaw, Danczowski('Cello) Two Marienlieder (Reger).Violin : 12.25 p.m. -For Farmers. 1.10 -1.25 -Report from St. Moritz :The " GrandGauss). Station Orchestra, Choirfrom Poznan. (a)Chaconne(Vivaldi-Charlier), For Farmers (German). 2.30 -An OldTrophee Blanc "-InternationalIce - and Others. Conductors :Busch -7.35 -Comic -Opera onEighteenth (b) Adagio and Fugue (Bach). Nativity Play. Hockey Match.11.30 -News. !cotter,Gat -licitand Zimmermann.and Nineteenth Century Songs 6.15 -News.6.30 -Time ;Variety ;3.0 -Variety Concert. 11.45 -Chamber Music, 12.15-1.0[9.0 -Time ;News ;Records. (Dmuszewski).8.15 -Records. 9.0 Reports.8.50 -News. 9.0 --Topical. 4.35 -GermanTransmission. A p.m. -Records. 9.30 -OrchestrafromDeutschland -(from Poznati)-LiteraryProgram= 9.15 -10.15 -Bergen Radio Orchestra.Nativity Play. 5.50 -News (German).5.0 -For Children. sender. 9.45 -Dance :-::orris, DECEMBER 18, 1936] WORLD -RADIO [ 5 3 FRANKFURT, BERLIN, BRESLAU,COLOGNE, "Christmas on the Battle- 1 p.m. HAMBURG, KONIGSBERG, field " (contd.).6.30 -Sports. LEIPZIG, MUNICH and STUTT-DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Lovely ATHLONE, 1.30 -Records. GART, Variety (contd.). Melodies (contd.).6.40 -Topical ; Dec. 26 BRESLAU, SATURDAY BERLIN,Records. HILVERSUM (1,875m.), Records. Sports. News ;Talk. 1.35 -Mandoline 4.10-OraMe Nassau Miners' Band.FRANKFURT andSTUTTGART, and Lute Ensemble.BUDAPEST HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), " Melody " The Wanderer'S Christmas Eve " (I), Cigitny Band. Circle."4.40 -Records.. -Play. 6.50 -Sports. WARSAW, Opera (Kurpinski) -News (German).9.30 -Dauber COLOGNE, See Leipzig. 1.30 -Talk.KALUNDBORG, Ensemble (contd.).HAMBURG, See Breslau. 6.45 - (contd.). Jazz Band. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Christ- 4.30 -For Children. Talk. HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), RADIO-NORMANDIE, Variety Con- mas Songs and Tales.1.30-" DerLILLE,Records: "LesSaltim- Press Review ;Records , Police cert. ROME, "Die geschiedene stille Kiang "-Literary and Musical banques " (Gann). 4.45-" Bal Notes. 6.55 -Talk. HILVERSUM Operetta (contd.).9.40 - Sequence. 6.10 - 8 p.m. Frau " Champet re." (301.5 m.), Organ (contd.). enjoys itself Dance Music. FRANKFURT andSTUTTGART,MONTE CENERI, BEROMONSTER For Young People. 6.15-A Film.ATHLONE,Dublin For Children. (contd.). SOTTENS, Dance Music,STOCK- and SOTTENS, Christmas Music 6.40 -Records. BERLIN, "Wenn die Czarin lachelt " HOLM, Dance Music. STRAS- HAMBURG, Fairy Play. 1.30 -Talks. -Ticino Children's Choir.4.15. KALUNDBORG,News. 6.30 - BOURG, "Hansel andGretel" HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), K.R.O. Reading.KONIGSBERG, Sports. -Operetta (contd.).8.55 -News. The Bells of Rivera. 4.20-Yehudi Melodists. 1.40 -For Young People. ofLa BEROMONSTER, ZurichRadio (Humperdinck) (contd.). GeneralMotors 6.10 -Records Artists - HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), 1.0 -1.25 - Menuhinand Orchestra.8.30 -CossackChoir.TOULOUSE, News. 9.10-" A Orchestra (on Records). MOSCOW, Scala, Milan. BUCHAREST andRADIO -RO- Montmartre Fantasy. 9.45 - Ramblers Dance Band. 1.40 - 4.30 -Concert. LEIPZIG, " Cacilienode "(Handel). Paris Programme. T U R I N, Records. LILLE, Records :Night in Music. MANIA, Dance Music. 8.30 - OSLO, CaféConcert. 4.30 -For News. 8.40 -DanceRecords. COLOGNE and RADIO -PARIS, KALUNDBORG, Service. KONIGS- Children. 4.55 -Service. 6.30 -News. B"aFnadh.taff " (Verdi) (contd.). BERG, Talk.1.10 -Records. : at 6.15 : BUDAPEST (1),Koloman Roz- PARIS (PTT), " Le Chat de la MereMONTE CENERI, Records sahegyis. 8.40 -News. BUDA-VIENNA, Musical Comedy Excerpt LEIPZIG, Songs round the Christmas Michel "-Play (Single) ; " Le Review.6.45 -News. MOSCOW, 9.10 -News.9.25 -Jazz Tree. Provincial Programme. MUNICH, PEST (2), Cigany Band. (contd.). Light Music and He risson "-One-Act Comedy (Du- DEUTSCHLANDSENDER and PARIS (PIT), vernois).PRAGUE, Sketch.4.35 Variety Concert.6.40-SportS. HAMBURG, " Bright Lights andWARSAW, Dance Music. Dance Music. -German Transmission.DauberOSLO, Service (contd.). 6.10 -News. RADIO - NORMANDIE, Concert. 6.30 -Variety. Station Orchestra Dance Music. RADIO -PARIS, Jazz Band and Records. EIFFEL TOWER, HomeAffairs. 1.30 -Records. RADIO-NORMANQIE, Concert. and Artists. 8.30 -Dramatic Programme, " Le 10 p.m. Records :Comet Solos. 1.15 - 4.45 -ForChildren. RADIO - PARIS (PTT), Cigany Band (contd.). Mme.TheureaudelaBarthe 4.45 - 6.30 -News. POSTE PARIS1EN, FetedesToils "-PlayafteraATHLONE. Variety.10.30 -News. 1.30 -Records :Ballads. PARIS, Pascal Orchestra. DaudetChristmasStory ;" Re-BERLIN, " Wenn die Czarin lachelt " (Songs). Lamoureux Concert from the Salle 6.2 -Religious Notes.6.22-Boro- mords "-Play (Berthe d'Id). STOCKHOLM, For Children. 1.35 - Gaveau.ConductorBigot.Rus- din-Record& 6.30 -Exchange ; Dia- -Operetta (contd.).10.15 -Dance. LightMusic. STRASBOURG, FRANKFURT and STUTTGART, Music from Munich.BRESLAU, sianProgramme. ROME and logue; Record. 6.46 -Foreign Light Opera and Operetta Music. 1.15 -Light Orchestral, Violin and News. 4.15 -Dance Affairs. PRAGUE, News.6.5 - Dance Band.BUCHAREST and 'Cello. TURIN, HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), 8.0 -8.10 - RADIO -ROMANIA, Or- Music. Talks. 6.30 -"The Jacobin" -Opera. Meditation. 8.25-K.R.O. Chamber TOULOUSE, News. 1.10 -Gan neSTOCKHOLM, 4.5 -Ballads, Songs. (Dvotalc) from the State Opera. chestra. BUDAPEST (1) Orchestra Music.1.40 -Songs.1.55 -News. Orchestra ;HartveltandHinze (contd.). 10.20 -Salon Quintet ; 4.30-C abar et .STRASBOURG,RADIO - NORMANDIE, Children's (Violins).8.55 -Talk. HILVER7 Schubert, Duparc, Wolf and Mahler Corner. 6.45 -Light Music. RADIO - SUM (301.5 rn.), Orchestra (contd.). Songs by Albert Peters. 4.45 -See PARIS, Lamoureux Concert DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Dance 2 p.m. 8.40 -Play. Music.Barnabas von Geczy and Radio -Paris. (contd.). 6.45 -Economics. ROME,KALUNDBORG, Christmas Ball ATHLONE, Records. VIENNA,4.5 -Records. 4.55- Records ; Talk (Esperanto). 6.20 - Woitschach Bands.- BRESLAU,MandolineandLute (contd.). KONIGSBERG a n dEIFFEL TOWER, DramaticPrc- Kamper (Violin);Raupenstrauch News in Foreign Languages. BRESLAU, Variety. Ensemble. 2.30 -For Children. (Pfte.). (Beethoven, Schubert, Gold -SOTTENS, Review (contd.).6.15- gramme (contd.).*4'1' BUDAPEST(I),CiganyBand. LEIPZIG, Variety (contd.).LILLE,HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), Orchestra mark). RadioMagazine. 6.50 -News. Sports. 8.15 -For Housewives. 2.25 -Records. WARSAW, To be announced.4.30 STOCKHOLM, Variety. 6.15 - 8.30-" Le Chemineau " - Play in (contd.). 10.10 -News ;Records. COLOGNE, Violin Sonata in B flat -Dance Music. News. 6.30 -Talk. STRASBOURG 10.25-K.R.O. Melodists. HIL- (Mozart). 2.30 -For Girls. See Radio -Paris.6.45 -Topical. Verse (Richepin). VERSUM (301.5m.),Trumpet DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Sequence 6.15 -MONTE CENERI, See Vienna. 8.40 - Quartet(contd.). 10.40 -News. 5 p.m. TOULOUSE, 6.3 -Songs. Talk.MOSCOW, German Talk. (contd.). 2.30 -Records :Songs, Salon Orchestra. , 6.40 -Operetta MUNICH, Bruckner, Brahms and 10.45 -Ramblers Dance Band. Dances and Humour. ATHLONE,Commentaryonthe Songs.-6.50 -News. TURIN, KALUNDBORG, Christmas Ball FRANKFURT andSTUTTGART, Dublin Dog Show.5.30-Ceilidhe News in Foreign Languages. RichardStraussConcert (contd.) (contd.). -404. Tree "- Band. OSLO, Variety (contd.). 8.40 -News. " Under theChristmas VIENNA, Announcements. 6.10 - 8.25 -Talk.LEIPZIG, Dance Music and Light Sequence. BERLIN, Sequence with Music about "St. Stephen's Cathedral "-aPARIS (FIT), Records. Music. LILLE, " Le Chemineau " HAMBURG, Folk Music. 2.45 - Christmas Presents. BEROMON- Radio Film. 8.30 -FromtheOpera-Comique. (Richepin) (contd).10.30 -News. Talks.HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), STER, A Christmas Tale.5.25 -WARSAW, For Poles Abroad. 6.30 - POSTE PARISIEN, 8.2 - PaulMOSCOW, Review (Spanish). MUN- For Young People. 2.10 -Records. Lutes. BRESLAU, Sports. 5.30- Reading. 6,45 -Three -Act Opera Reboux. 8.17-FanelyRevoil. ICH, FRANKFURT, HAMBURG, 2.40 -For " Hieronymus Knicker "-0 pe r a 8.32 -CaféConcert (Records). 2.25 -Children's Choir. (Kurpinski). PRAGUE," Jacobin " - Opera KONIGSBERG and STUTTGART, Children. HILVERSUM (301.5 (von Dittersdorf) on Records. Dance Music. sawk-A408.-. m.), Chess.2.10 -Christmas Ora- BUCHARESTandRADIO -RO- (Dvotak) (contd.). 5.10 -Concert. 7 p.m. RADIO - NORMANDIE, Records.OSLO, 10.0 -10.30 -Records (contd.). torio (Bach). MANIA, Topical. Interview.7.15 -Dublin 8.40 -Light Music. ROME, "DiePARIS (PTT), FromtheOpera- KALUNDBORG, Service (contd.). 2.30 BUDAPEST (1), Jazz Band. (contd.) ; at 10.30: -Hansen's Ensemble and AugustaCOLOGNE, Christmas Music (contd.). enjoys itself -Variety. In the inter- geschiedene Frau" Operetta (contd.). Cornique 5.30-" Christmas on theBattle- val :Cinderella -Pantomime fromSOTTENS, Variety Concert. STOCK- News. POSTE PARISIEN, U.S.A. Erichsen (Songs). KONIGSBERG, the Queen's Theatre, Dublin. HOLM, Operetta (contd.).8.45 - Bulletin (contd.).10.30 -Records : "Christmas Carols and Customs" field "-Reminiscences of German Light Music. PRAGUE, 10.0-10.30 2.35 -Records from Soldiers. BERLIN, " Wenn die Czarin lachelt " News. STRASBOURG, Sports. -Sequence. -Dauber Jazz Band. 5 - Deutschlandsender. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Lovely -Operetta (contd.). BEROMUN- 8.15 -Press Review (German). 8.30 STER, Hans Georg NageliPro- -" HanselandGretel "-OperaRADIO-NORMANDIE, Café Con- LEIPZIG, A Regimental Christmas Melodies -Kruger Band. BUCHAREST cert. ROME, News. 10.30 - Celebration. FRANKFURT and STUTTGART, gramme (Contd.). (Humperdinck). DietrichEckart Commemoration. andRADIO -ROMANIA,DuetsTOULOUSE, News,LightMusic. Dance Music. PARIS (PTT), Records.2.30 -Song (contd.). 7.10 -Dance Music. 8.40 -Music Hall. 8.55 -News.STRASBOURG, " Hansel and Gre- Programme. PRAGUE, 2.30- 5.15 -Operetta Records. BUDAPEST (1), See Vienna. 7.50- tel " (Humperdinck) (contd.). 10.30 FOC Orchestra. HAMBURG, Talk. 5.30 -See Breslau. TURIN, COLOGNE and RADIO- Records. HILVERSUM (1,875m.)Band KolomanRozsahegyis. BUDA- PARIS,"Falstaff "-(Verd i) (contd.) -News. RADIO-NORMANDIE, PEST (2), Cigany Band. VIENNA," AFlightroundtheTOULOUSE, Paris Programme. 10.15 2.30 -Light Music. RADIO -PARIS, (contd.). 5.25 -Records. HI LVER-COLOGNE, See Deutschlandsender. -Excerpts," Louise "(Charpen- Talks.2.40-Audran Records. SUM (301.5 m.), Records.5.20 - World "(contd.). 8.40 -Films. Talk. 5.40-Steyn (Organ). 7.35 -Talk.7.40 -See Turin. 8.55 -Excerpts, " Warum Itigst du tier). 10.40 -Orchestra. 10.55 - STOCKHOLM, Talk. 2.30 -Re- DEUTSCHLANDSENDER and HAM- cheri "-Musical Comedy (Merker) News.TURIN, COLOGNE, and cords. STRASBOURG, TheatreKALUNDBORG, To be announced. BURG, " Bright Lights and Dance R(crt1d0.)-.PARIS, " Falstaff " (Verdi) Review. 5.30 -Suzanne in her Repertoire. from the Scala. KONIGSBERG,Violin,Harpsi- Music." Von Geczy Band. WARSAW, Opera (curpinski) (contd.). chord, Choir and Organ.5.25 -FRANKFURT andSTUTTGART, 8.25 -Topical.8.30 -Jeanne Wy-VIENNA,JazzBand. 10.30 - 3 p.m. Light Opera and Operetta Music. socka-Ochlewska (Pfte.). Announcements. Reading. m.),Talk ; ATHLONE, 3.0 -3.15 -The Cab DerbyLEIPZIG, " The Three Holy Kings "HILVERSUM(1,875 LILLE, Radio Journal ;News. 7.50 - 11 p.m. -Commentary from Phoenix Park, -Play (Timmermans). Meditation.HILVERSUM (301.5 Dublin. " Bal champerre." 5.10 -Records : 9 p.m. ATHLONE,and 11.0-11.30-Ceilidhc BUDAPEST (I), Records. Pfte. Music. m.),.Records. 7.10-V.P.R.O. COLOGNE, Variety Concert. MOSCOW, Red Army Notes. 5.15 - Christmas Programme for YoungATHLONE, DublinenjoysitselfBERLIN, Dance Records. BUDA- DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, Records Talk.5.45 -Music. MUNICH, People. 7.40 -News. 7.55- (contd.). 9.15-1f I were Director of PEST (1), 11.5 -News. Variety Concert. V.A.R.A. Orchestra. Broadcasting.9.30 -Variety. DEUTSCHLANDSENDER and (contd.). KALUNDBORG, Quintetin B flatBERLIN, News.9.211,-" Wenn die FRANKFURT, BERLIN, BRESLAU,OSLO, Service (contd.). Ball. HAMBURG, Dance Music (contd.). HAMBURG, KONIGSBERG,PARIS (PIT), Carols.5.30-Racz (Weber). 7.30 -Christmas Czarin lachelt "-Operetta (contd.).FRANKFURT andSTUTTGART, LEIPZIG, MUNICH and STUTT- Cigany Band ;Cymbalom, Violin. KONIGSBERG and BRESLAU, BEROMUNSTER, Cossack Choir. Records. PRAGUE, Jazz Band(contd.). Variety. 9.15 -Report :A Weekend in theHILVERSUM (1,875m.),K.R.O. GART, " A Christmas Dream "- LEIPZIG, "Dancing Snowflakes "- Snow. 9.45 -Parliamentary Review. - Variety for Young and Old. 5.50 -News (German.) Melodists. 11.10 -11.40 -Records. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Records. Variety.LILLE, Review.7.30 - BRESLAU, News. 9.30 -Dance HILVERSUM (301.5 m.), Ramblers HILVERSUM (1,875 m.), For Chil- Records :Popular Music. dren. 3.40 -Children's Choir. 5.30 -Orchestra. 5.45 -Current Band. BUCHAREST and RADIO - Dance Band. 11.20 -11.40 -Records. 3.55 - Records. HILVERSUM LondonProductions. RADIO -MONTE CENERI, Records.7.10 -- ROMANIA, Dance Records. 9.55 -KALUNDBORG, ChristmasBall. (301.5m.),ChristmasOratorio PARIS and STRASBOURG, La- See Vienna. MOSCOW, Provincial News. BUDAPEST (1), Operetta (coned.). moureux Concert (contd.). ROME, Programme. MUNICH, Bruckner, Music. LEIPZIG, Dance Music and Light (contd.).3.40 -Esperanto. Brahms and Richard Strauss Con-DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, News. KALUNDBORG. Ensemble (contd.). and TURIN, Talks.5.50-Dopo- Orchestra, Music. MONTE CENERI, BEROMUNSTER lavoro Notes. cert from the Odeon. 9.30 -Quartet in A flat (Kreutzer).MOSCOW, Spanish Talk. and SOTTENS, 3.30-Pfte. Duets :SOTTENS, Renee Peter (Pfte.).5.30 Choirs and Karin Branzell (Con- 9.45 -Weather. RADIO-NORMANDIE, Dance Christmas Music. -Sports. 5.45 -ForAlpinists. tralto). EIFFEL TOWER, Dramatic Pro- Music. 11.30 -From the Cabanc 5.55 -Financial Review.STOCK-OSLO, Variety (contd.). gramme (contd.). Normande. RADIO -PARIS, Dance OSLO, 3.30 -Cafe Concert. PARIS (PTT), Review. 7.38 -RecordsHILVERSUM (1,875 m.); Talk. 9.15- PARIS(PTT),SongProgramme. HOLM, Cabaret. 5.15 -Variety. Music.11.30 -Light Music by the 3.30 -Sonia Alny and Maud LauryTOULOUSE, 5.45 -Military Band. 7.45 -Romanian Carols (Bartok) by Hartvelt(Violin). 9.25-K.R.O. Goldy Orchestra. ROME, 11.0- 5.55 -News. Arma (Pile.). POSTE PARISIEN, Chamber Orchestra. HILVERSUM 11.30 -Dance Music. (Duets andSongs). PRAGUE, Sports. 7.10 -News. 9.113 - FOC Orchestra. VIENNA, Violin and Pile. (contd.). 7.2 -Record ; (301.5 m.), Play (contd.). STRASBOURG, News (Ger,).11.15 5.45 -Report. 7.32 -Paul Conine. 7.47 -Records. Amsterdam Trumpet Quartet.9.20 RADIO-NORMANDIE, Light Music. 9.45 -Trumpet -Dance Music. RADIO -PARIS, For Children. WARSAW, Dance Music. 5.40 - PRAGUE, " Jacobin "-Opera -Address, News. TOULOUSE, Light Music.11.15 - Sports ;Notes. (Dvotak) (contd.). Quartet (contd.). Dance Music. 11.40 -Songs. STOCKHOLM. Records. 3.30 - RADIO - NORMANDIE,Concert.KALUNDBORG, Ncws;Christmas Reading. STRASBOURG, Mediae- - 11.55 -News. TURIN,Dance 7.40 -News. RADIO -PARIS, Ball (contd.). KONIGSBERG, News. Music. valNativityPlay(adaptedby 6 p.m. Economics. 7.15 -Talks. 7.40 -See 9.20 -Books.9.35 -Dance Music Schneider). ATHLONE, Irish Radio Orchestra. Turin.ROME,7.5 -News. 7.30 from Munich. VIENNA, 3.5 -String Quartet in E 6.35 -IrishNews. 6.45 -News. -Talk.7.40-" DiegeschiedeneLEIPZIG, News. 9.30 -Dance Music 12 midnight flat (Dvorak).3.40 -Talk. BERLIN, Light Music. 6.30-" Wenn Frau "-Operetta (Fall). and Light Music.LILLE, " LeFRANKFURTandSTUTTGART, WARSAW, Pastoral Suite (Wiecho- die Czarin Ilichelt "-OperettaSOTTENS, Casino Theatre Troupe. Chemineau "(Richepin)(contd.). Dance Records. wicz).Choir, Orchestra. (Schmahtich). Conductor :The 7.45 -Variety Concert. STOCK-MONTE CENERI, DanceMusic.KALUNDBORG,ORG, Christmas Ball Composer. BEROMUNSTER, HOLM, Operetta. STRASBOURG, Part I: Country Dances.Part II : Chimes. 6.15 -Markets. 6.30 - Review.7.15 -Maurice Chevalier Jazz Records. MOSCOW. 9.5 -RADIO-NORMANDIE, Light Music. 4 p.m. News. 6.45 -Hans Georg Niigeli Recants. 7,30 -News (French, French Talks. MUNICH, FRANK- 12.15 -Dance Music. 12.30 - BUCHAREST and RADIO - Centenary Programme. BRESLAU, German). FURT, HAMBURG and STUTT- Orchestra.RADIO -PARIS, Light ROMANIA, 4.15 -Military Band. " Hieronymus Knicker "-OperaTOULOUSE, Dance Music.7.30 - GART, News. 9.30 -Dance Music. Music (contd.). BUDAPEST (1), Jazz Band. (contd.). 6.45 -Reading. BU- For Children.7.45 -Light Music.OSLO, Talk.9.15 -RecordsLightTOULOUSE, News. 12.5 -Light COLOGNE, Variety Concert. 4.45 CHAREST and RADIO -ROMANIA TURIN, 7.5 -News. 7.30 -Talk. Music and Dance Music.. Music. 12.20 -12.30 -Military Band. -Christmas Concert -Children's Concert (contd.). 6.15 -Love Songs 7.40-" Falstaff "-Opera(Verdi)PARIS (PTT),fromtheOpera- Choir and Organ. of To -day and Yesterday.6.40 - from La Scala, Milan (contd.). POSTE PARI- 1 a.m. (Sunday) VIENNA, Radio Film (contd.).7.10 SIEN,9.5-" LaChanson du DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, " Das Humorous Song Duets. BUDA- Tiroir." 9.55-U.S.A. Bulletin fromRADIO-NORMANDIE, Records. Sternenlied "-Radio Ballad(on PEST (1), Jazz Band.6.10 -See -" A Flight round the World "- 1.30 -Light Music. Records) Vienna. Radio Potpourri (Hrubv). New York. PRAGUE, News. 9.20 WORLD -RADIO [DECEMBER 18, 1936

Hours of Tranmassion in GreenwichConductor :The Composer :Mar - Scherzo (van Goons). Blumenge- and Czardas. Au temps des cerises SATURDAY (December 26) Meer Tim: g treteSlezakas Catherine11 ;at Mister (von Rion).Selection. " Don (Renard).Zingaresca (Monti). 8.55 -9.20 -News. Cesar " (Dellinger). Oriental March 1.0-NewS. 1.10=-Brenders Dance 10.15 -Dance Music from Munich. (van de Velde). Selection, " Ernani "Band. 1.30-Retords. 2.0 -Shipping. NATIONAL ATHLONE (Ireland) (Verdi). Selection," Cavalleria 2:3-2Alexys Orchestra from the 11.0-12.0 m't-Dance Records. rusticana " (Mascagni).Fa nfaren- Theatre de )'Alhambra. 3.0 -Records. For Time Signals, see Monday 565 kp/s (531 m.) ;60 kW. Relayed klange (Fucik). Overture," Fra 3.15 --Light _Orchestral.3.45 -Talk : 10.15 a.m. (D) -Service. by Dublin, 1,348 kc[s (222.6 m.) -Diavolo. ' (Auber).Waltz, Kastag-Belgian Economics.4.0 -Records : 10.30 (D) -Weather Forecast. and Cork, 1,240 !eels (241.9 m.). BEROMtJNSTER nettenklange ' (Richartz). The " Dance "of the Dragonflies" (Lelia* 10.45 -The Lost Art of Staying at (Switzerland) Japanese Screen (Ketelbey).Rhap- 4.55 -News. Home -Kevin FitzGerald. 3.0-3.15 sody in B minor (Hartung).Waltz, 1.30 p.m. -Records. 556kc/s 100 kW. 5.0 -The Afrikaans Students Drama- 11.0 -Cinema Organ. The CabDerby .Commentaryby (539.6 m.); Frahlinestinimen (Strauss). Per- tic Society. " In die- Wagkarner "- 11.30 -The Philharmonic String Trio.George Bonass, front Phoenix Park, Relayed by Basle and Berne, 1,375 sian Procession (Zimmer). -One-Act Play (Grosskopf). Reel- 12.30 p.ni.--DanceRecords. -kc/s (218.2 m.). .0 -The Commodore Grand Orches-Dublin., 5.0, -Commentary on Dublin. 1.0 p.m. -News ;Greetings,1.10 - , .tatiens :fat) Slampamperliedje (Leip- tra. Dog Show, from the Horticultural Hall.11.0 i.m.-Zilridh Radio Orchestra. Talkfor Women :Christmasin oldt), (b) Die wapad is my woning 5.30 -Sean Gilligan's Ceilidhe Band. Conductor :Gilbert:11.30 -News. Scandinavia. (Visser),(c) Die valkte(Celliers). 2.0 -Records. African Songs and Student Songs. 2.25-HanSel andGretel (Humper- 11.40-12.45 p.m. -Zurich Radio Or-1.35-Glogau Mandoline and Lute5.30 -QuartetOp. 130, No 13e dinck), Acts1,2, from Sadler's6.0 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor :chestra. . Conductor : Bernhard.Ensemble. Conductor :Bitterlich.(Beethoven) by the Brussels Quartet. Wells Theatre. Lieut. J. M. Doyle. Suite, The Christ-Incerti (Violin).0. Strauss (Pfte.).2.30 -For Children. 6.15 -Talk :Masaryck, 6.30 -Re- 3.25 -Records. mas Tree (Rebikov).Pastoral Suite 1.0 -1.30 -Book Review.3.0 -Accor-3.0 -See Frankfurt.5.0 -Sports. cords. 6.45 -Talk :Modern Intel- 4.0-" Pigs is Pigs "-a short story by (Ansell). II NatalediPierrotdion Band. lectual Tendencies. Ellis Parker Butler, read by Eugene (Monti). 3.30 -5.0 -See Monte Ceneri.5.0-A.5.30-" Hieronymus Knicker "-Two- 7.0-s-Miecislas . Szaleski(viola)and Leahy. Christmas Tale (Jehle).5.25 -Het,ActOpera(vonDittersdorf)(on Janina.Szaleska(Pfte). Sonata 4.15 -The BBC NorthernIreland mann and Erich Leeb (Lutes). Records). 6.45 -Reading (Persich). inEflat Orchestra ;Conductor, E. Godfrey 6.35 -Irish News Feature. 6.45 - 6.0 - (Dittersdorf). Reverie News. 7.0-A Visitor interviewed. Chimes from Zurich Churches. 6.15 -7.0 -See Konigsberg.9.0 -News. (Wieniawski). Dumka (Statkow- Brown. HughCarson (Baritone). Time ;Markets.6.30 -News. ski ).Lullaby (Friemann).Polish 5.15 -The BBC Dance Orchestra. 7.15-" Dublinenjoysitself." A 9.30-11.0Station Dance Band. Song (Szyrnanowski). 6.0 -News and Sports. Miscellaneous Programme with Leo6.45 -Hans Georg Nageli Centenary 7.30 -News, 6.30 (ex. 13)1=The Radio Gazette. Rowsome (Pipes), T. Chevis (Mando-Programme. 8.0 -Belgian National Orchestra. Con- BRNO (Czechoslovakia) ductor :. Lunssens. AusItaliets 6.30 (D) -Brenda Harris (Soprano). line), and Radio Orchestra. Con-8.0 -Zurich Radio Orchestra. 6.45-LThe Gershom Parkington Quin-ductor :Lieut. J. M. Doyle.In the 922 ke/s (325.4 in.) 32 kW. (Richard Strauss).8.45 -Interview. tet ;Essie Ackland (Contralto). interval :" Cinderella "-Pantomime8.30 -Cossack Choir from the CeeTransmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. 9.0 -Orchestra(contd.). Overture. 7.30 -In Town To -night. from the Queen's Theatre.Dublin.Bose, Zurich.9.15 (from Basle) - 11.20 a.m.-12.35p.m. -SeePrague. L'estate (Pizzetti).Pfte. Concerto. 8.0-" The Strange Adventures of Mr. in G (Beethoven). Pentr," by Maurice Moisciwitsch. 10.0 -News.' 10.10 -Report :The 8.15-" The Vagabond Lover," with 6.30 PragUe, " The Jacobin" (Dvorak).' GhentSixDaysRace. 10.25 - Rae Jenkins and his Bijou Orchestra. PRINCIPAL EVENTS 6:45WarsaW.: " Nobvelles Cracoviennes." Records :Symphony C(Schu,- 8.30 -Mozart :Elsie Suddaby (So- 7.40Turin, Cologne, Radio -Paris : " Falstaff." mann). prano) ; John Francis (Flute); The SYMPHONY CONCERTS 11.15-12.0 m't-Brenders Dance Band. London String Trio. 4.45Radio -Paris, Strasbourg : Russian music. 8.30Paris (PTT) :From .the Op6ra-Comique. 9.0 -The News. 8.30Strasbourg : " Hansel and Gretel." 9.28 -Music -Hall:NormanLong, 6.0 Leipzig :Ode onSt.Cecilia'sDay. Bruckner, Brahms, Strauss, OPERETTAS BUCHAREST (Romania) The Western Brothers, Elsie and 7.0 Munich : 6.30Berlin :" Wenn dieCzarin What " Doris Waters, Larry Adler, Gipsy 8.0 Brussels 2 : National Orch. 823 kc/s (364.5 m.) ;12 kW. Re- Nina ; BBC VarietyOrchestra, (Schmalstich). layed by Radio -Romania (Brasov), conducted by Charles Shadwell. LIGHT CONCERTS 7.40 Rome ! "La divorziata " (Fall). 160 kc/s (1,875 in.). 10.20 -The BBC Orchestra (Section2.30Kalundborg : Hansen Ensemble. CHAMBER MUSIC- Transmits at intervals from 5.30 a.m. EL conducted by Frank Bridge ; Warsaw :Choir, orchestra. The BBC Men's Chorus ;Harold 3.0 5.0 Konigsberg :Organ, violin, cembalo. 11.10 a.m.-Salon Radio Orchestra. 4.0 Radio -Paris : Pascal Orchestra. 4.15p.m. -Military Band 5.0 - Williams (Baritone). 7.0 Kalundborg : Quintet (Weber): Time ;Weather ;Topical. 5.10-... 11.15 -Jack Jackson and his Band. 5.0 Deutschlandsender :Popular orchestral.9.30Deutschlandsender : Quartet (Kreutzer). InstrumentalConcert - Saxophone., 11.30Late NewsSummary. 5.30Paris (FIT) : Cigany music. RECITALS Hawaiian Guitar, Xylophone, Musical 11.40 -12.0 -JackJacksonandhis saw, Mandoline and Cymbalom. 6;15. Band (contd.). 6.10Vienna, Budapest : Popular programme.4.0 Strasbourg :Songs. -" LoveSongsofTo -day and ' 6.30Oslo :Radio Orchestra. 4.5 Stockholm : Ballads and songs. Yesterday," by M. Alexandru. 6.40 - REGIONAL 6.45Beromiinster :Nageli Festival. 5.0 Paris (PTT) :Carols. Humorous Song Duets by MM. Stroe For Time Signals, see Monday 7.0 Deutschlandsender, etc.: von Geczy. 830 Warsaw :Pianoforte. and Vasilache.7.10 -Dance Music. 10.15-10.45 a.m.-Droitwich. 8.30 -News. 8.40 -Dance Records. 10.45 -The BBC Northern Orchestra, 7.0 Frankfurt, Stuttgart : Opera and operetta.PLAYS 9.55 -News. 10.0-11.0-lonel Cristea conducted by AlfredBarker ; 7.45Sottens :Variety concert. 5.0.Leipzig : " Die heiligen drei Konige." Orchestra. Arnall Oscroft (Pfte.). 7.55Hilversum (301.5 m.): Orchestra. 8.30Eiffel Tower : Two plays. 11.45 -Records. LAST NEWS BULLETINS, see Monday 12.15 p.m. -Berkeley Mason (Pfte.). 8.0 Beromtinster : Orch. ; 8.30, Cossack Choir.DANCE MUSIC BUDAPEST (No. 1) (Hungary)

12.45 -Christmas Football. 8.25Hilversum (1,875 m.) :Orchestra, two4.0Budapest 1; 7.30 (to 1 a.m.), Kalundborg : 546 kc/s (549.5 m.) 120 kW. 1.0 -Garda Hall (Soprano) ;W. H. violins. Transmits at intervals 'from 8.40 a.m. Squire ('Cello). Christmas Ball ;. 9.0, Sottens, Stockholm, 11.30 a.m.-Opera Orchestra.Con- 2.9 -Cinema Organ. 9.0 Budapest 1: Operetta music. Warsaw;9.15,Oslo ;9.30,Munich, ductor : Rajter. 1.0p.m. -Stara 2.30 -Carlton Hotel Orchestra. 9.0 Radio-Normandie ;Variety Concert. Prague ;10.0, Deutschlandsender ;10.10, Cigany Band.2.25 -Records. 3.15-Harley...ins v. Richmond. 9.30Leipzig : Light and dance music. Brussels I;10.25, Regional; 10.30, Rome; " Rhytmicans " Jazz Band (Hungarian 4.5-" Sindbad the Sailor." Frankfurt, Stuttgart :Records. Students' Union). 5.5 -Records. 11.0 10.45, Hilversum (301.5 m.);Afterthe 6.10 -7.50 -See Vienna. 7.50-Kolo- 5.15 -The Children's Hour. OPERAS Opera, Radio -Paris; 11.0, Berlin, men Rdzsabegyis. 8.40 -News. 6.0 (Regional, Northern) -The Harton Hamburg : Colliery Band ;Fred T. McIntyre 5.30Breslau, "Hieronymus Radio-Normandie ;11.15, Brussels2, 9.0 -Budapest ConcertOrchestra, (Baritone). Knicker " (Dittersdorf). National, Strasbourg. Conductor :Fridl.Operetta Over, 6.0 (Midland) -Records. Lure ( Lincke). Wintergewit ter 6.0 (Western) -Dance Orchestra, (Fucik). Excerpts, "The Girlin 6.0 (N. Ireland) --The Grand Centralpresented by Desmond -Bell. 4.15 -Report :A. Week -end -in the Snow. -12.35 -See Bratislava, 12.50 -1.15 - theTai"(Gilbert). Smiling (Szucs). Russian Mazurka (Ganne). Dance Band. If Iwere Director of Broadcasting,9.45 (from Berne) -Parliamentary Re-See Prague. 2.30 -6.5 -See Prague. 6.0 (Scottish) -Jean Craig (Soprano) ;.9.30 -Variety.10.30 -News..1 1.0.view (Recorded).. 10.9 (from Berne) -6.5 -VarietyProgramme. 7.0 - Pizzicato Polka (Strauss). Excerpts, Robert Watson (Baritone) ; John C. 11.30 -Sean Gilligan's Ceilidhe Band; Announcements. Comedyin Dialect.- 8.0 -Talk. " Der Teufelsreiter 7(Kalman), Johnston (Piper). 8.15 -Orchestra from Morayska- Excerpts, " Gill Baba " (Huszkak 6.30 (Western) -The Wessex Quartet. Ostrava. 9.0 -10.30 -See Prague. 10.20 -Laszlo Magyar Salon Quintet 6.30 (N. Ireland) -Radio Gazette. Sebo (Refrains).I I .5 -News. 6.40 (Midland) -Sports in the Mid-BANSKA-BYSTRICA BRATISLAVA (Czechoslovikia) lands. (Czechoslovakia) 1.004 kc/s (298.8 m.) ;13.5 kW.BRUSSELS ( No. 1) (Belgium) 6.45 (N. Ireland) --Football Commen- 392 kc/s (765 m.) ;30 kW. Transmits at intervals from 5.45 a.m. 620 Ice's (483.9 m.) ;15 kW. BUDAPEST (No. 2) (Hungary) taries. Relays Czechoslovak Stations, ' 11.20 a.m.-12.35p.m. -SeePrague.6.37-9.0 a.m.-Records ; Gym. ; News. 359.5 kcfs (834.5 m.); 18 kW. 6.45(Scottish) -Halbert Tatlockin 12.35 -For Farmers.12.50 -Record.12.0 noon -Records.12.30 p.m. - " Bitter Brevities." 12.55 -Talk.1.10 -1.15 -Water Level.Branders Jazz Band. 1.0 -News. 1.1011.35 a.m.-Records. 4.30 p.m. - 7.0 -The London Flute Quartet. Records.5.0 -For Farmers.5.30 - 2.30 -See Prague. 4.0-" Eva's-SalonOrchestra. Conductor :hen Marik 6.15 -Talk. 7.35 - 7.20 -Regional Announcements. BERLIN (Germany) Christmas Dream "-Play after Dos-Feron. 1.30 -Records. 2.0 -ArtPenis Cigany Band. 7.30 (Regional, Scottish) -May Blyth 841 kc/s (356.7 m.) ; 100 kW. toievsky. 4.40 -French, Italian andNotes.2.2 -Light Orchestral.Con- (Soprano)The Scottish Orchestra, Spanish Carols byMarthaLanyi,ductor :Walpot. 3.0 -Records. 3.15 conductor,'Georg Szell. 5.0-7.0 a.m.-Ferdy K a uffma nn Ba nd ;5.0 -5.45 -Hungarian Talks. 5.45 --Max Alexys Orchestra from theCOLOGNE (Germany) 7.30 (Midland) -Jan Berenska and his,Accordion ;Guitar ;Zither.7.55-Records. 5.50 -6.5 -See Prague.Thtaare de 'IAlhambra. 4.0 -Records. Orchestra ;Alex Penney (Soprano). Chimes and Service from Potsdam6.5 -Record. 6.10 -Talk. 6.25-4.10 -Trio for Violin, Viola and Pfte. 658 kc/s (455.9 m.); 100 kW. 7.30 (Western) - It has been Garrison Church ; followed by Berlin9.15 -See Prague. 9.15 -News in(Brahms). 4.40-Alfo de Qaick (Bari-5.0 a.m.-See Berlin.7.0 -Reading Announced. Cathedral Chimes.9.0 -Weather. Hungarian.9.30 -10.30 --See Prague.tone).4.55 -News.5.0 -League of(Euringer). 7.10 -Light Music by 7.30 (Northern) -Sporting Sketches. 9.30-10.30-" Vom Fischer and syney Nations Talk. the Station Quintet.8.15 -8.45 -Talk. 7.30 (N. Ireland) -Records. Fru "-Cantata (Schoeck)(onRe- 5.15-Candrix Jazz Band front the9.0 -Classical Records. 10.0 -Talk 7.40 (Northern) -The BBC Northern' cords). P6le Nord. 6.0 -Literary Talk : Cecileon the 8.0 p.m. Programme.10.30 - Orchestra, conductor, T. H. Mor- BRESLAU (Germany)- Talk and' Reading :Dietrich Eckert. ison. 1 LO -Sectfrislau. Donard. 950ke/s (315.8, m.) ; 100 kW'6.15 -Salon -Orchestra.Conductor:10.45 -Pieces from Daswohltem- 7.50 (Western) -Oratorio -Solomon1.0-2.0p.m.-ReCords.. Backhaus perieiteKlavier ' (Bach)byWilti RelayedbyGleiwitz,1,231kc'sFeron. Germaine Broka(Songs.). 7.15 by Handel. - (Pfte.) : Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (243.7 in.). Hiilser: 8.15 (N. Ireland) -George C. Nash. (Liszt). Schlusnus(Baritone).: -Reviews:(a) Literature, (b) Hy-11.0 a.m.-See Breslau. 8.30 (ex. Western, Northern, Scottish Winterlicbe and Der Nachtgang4.0 a.m.-Records. giene, (c) Foreign Affairs. 1.0 -See Leipzig.1.30 -Talk, . 8.50) -Tunes of the Town. (Strauss). Thibaud (Violin) :5.0 -See Berlin. 8.0 -Radio Orchestra. Conductor : 8.30 (Northern)-" The Bellman." (a) Poupee valsante (Poldini),(13) 7.0 -7.10 -Reading.Gaeon. Belgian Music. 2.0 -Sonata in. B flat (Mozart) by 8.30 (Scottish) -Fan Fare. Tango(Albeniz). ErnaBerger -8.0 -Choir and Addresses from the8.30-" La Chanson de Yara "-Play Hauck (Violin)and Traut 8.50 (Western) -Around and About. (Soprano) :Aria, "The Barber ofErloserkirche.8.30 -Poems (Rosner).(Guery). Music by Brussetmans. 9.5 -2.30 -Christmas Progtamme by Girls. 9.0(Northern) -ReginaldDixon - Seville" (Rossini). Rachmaninov Records. 3.0 -Variety Concert.Small Station 8.40 (from Gleiwitz)-Schillings and Orchestra ;Conductor, Eysoldt. Chil- Organ. (Pile.) :(a) Etude (Rachmaninov),-Richard 9.30 -Radio Orchestra, Vocal Quartet 9.5(ex.Western,Northern) -The (b) Gnomenrcigen (Liszt). Tito StraussSongsbyKiithe dren'sChoir ; Conductor,Kathie BBC Dance Orchestra. Sehipa (Tenor) : (a) The NightingaleKleinert(Contralto). 9.0 -Stringand Lombart (Xylophone). 10.0 - Buss -Schmidt ;the Fassbender Trio-; Quartetin' B minor (Strecke) (onNews. ElseWiinsche(Soprano); Merry 9.5 (Western)-" Death at the Sym- and the Rose (Rimsky-Korsakov) Records). 9.35 -Reading," Under phony Concert." (b) Mu !Mu !Mildner : 10.10-Brenders Jazz Band. 11.0-12.0Trautner (Contralto) ; Clemens Kaiser. 9.20(ex.Western) -Is FleetStreet Arabesques on Strauss's "The Bluethe Christmas Tree " (Jahr).9.45-m't-Ravel Records. Breme (Baritone) ;and Speakers. Danube " (Schulz-Erler). " Zoology "-MusicalandLiterary What It Was? -discussion. Sequence(onRecords). 10.40 - 4.45 -ChristmasMusic. Bielefeld 9.30 (Western) -Cabaret. BRUSSELS (No. 2) (Belgium) Children's Choir. Gerard Bunk 10.0 -News Summary. 3.0 -See Frankfurt. 5.0-" And whatReport :The Gleiwitz Nurseries. have yougot ? "-Sequence about 932 kc/s (321.9 m.) ; 15 kW. (Organ).Choral Prelude (Bach) 10.25 (Scottish 10.40)-Droitwich. Christmas Presents (Neubert) ; Music11.0 --Silesian Orchestra. Conductor : Choir :(a) Leise rieselt der Schnee. 10.25 (Scottish) -The Week in Scot-by Willy Hahn. 6.0 -Light Music by Weisshaupt. Graiek ('Cello). March,6.37-9.0 a.m.-Records ; Gym ; News. (Ebel), (b) Folk Song,Siisser die land. . WeihnachtskIlinge (Weninger). Con-12.0 noon -Records. the Hans Bund Band. . Glockennieklingen,(c)Cradle. 11.30 -Late News Summary. cert Overture (Reindel).Selection.12.31 p.m. --Salon Orchestra. Vien- Song, Der Heilandist geboren 6.30-" Wenn die Zarin lachelt "- " Hanneles Himmelfa hrt" (Greener). nesePotpourri(Hruby). Slav Organ :PastoraleinA (Bunk) - 1.40-12.0-Droitwich. Operetta in Three Acts (Schmalstich). 'Cello :(a) Adagio (Bargiel),(b) Melody' (Durv). Hunearian Song Choir :(a)EsisteinRos' en.- DEeEMBER18, 1936j WORLD -RADIO 155

9.30 -See Munich. 7.0 -Quintet in B flat (Weber), by the speungen (arr. Praetorius), (b) Vom HILVERSUM (301.5 m.) Rafn Quartet and Otienvad (Clarinet). SATURDAY (December 26) Himmel hods, ihr Englein, kommt,11.0 p.m. -1.0 a.m. (Sunday) --Dance (Holland) (c) Westphalian Folk Song, GesprachRecords. 7.30 p.m. -1.0 2.01. (Sunday) -Christ- der,Kinder mit dem Christkindlein, 995 kc/s ; 15 kW until 2.40 p.m. ;mas Ball ;at 9.0 News. (d), Heilige Nacht (Reinhardt), (e)HAMBURG (Germany) 60 kW. from 2.40 p.m. Choir,Conductor :Weisbach(Re- Seigel.' wohl, du Himmelsknabe du 904Ice's(331.9m.) ; 100 kW.8.40 a.m.-V.A.R.A. Programme :KONIGSBERG(Heilsberg) corded). (Reimann).Three Organ Chorals RelayedbyBremen,Flensburg,Records. on" In dulci jubilo " (Bach). Choir, Hanover, . Magdeburg and Stettin, (Germany)7.0-" Dancing Snowflakes "-Variety (a) Folk Song, 0 du frBhliche, o du 9.40-11.40-V.P.R.O. Programme - (arr. Erwin Albrecht).9.0 -News. 1,330 kc/s (225.6 in.). 9.40 -Service. 11.10 -Harpsichord. 1,031 kc/s (291 m.); 100 kW. Re- selige,(b)StilleNacht (Gruber), Berlin. 7.0 -News. layed by Danzig, 1,303 kc/s (230.29.30-12.0 m't-Dance Music and Light (c.)..Folk Song, Auf dentBerge,5.0 a.m.-See 11.40 a.m.-7.10 p.m.-V.A.R.A. Pro- Music, Fricke Dance Band and 7.20 -Gym. 7.45 -Orchestraandgramme.11.40-" De Flierefluiters." m.). da geht der Wind, (d) Ehre setChoir. Conductor :Roder. 9.30-10.0 5.0-7.0 a.m.-See Berlin. 8.0 -8.45 -Station Choir. Gott in der Rohe (Bortniansky). Conductor : v.d.Horst. 12.20 - -DietrichEckart Commemoration.Talk.12.40 -Records. Roman Catholic Service. 9.50 - 5.30-" Christmas on theBattle-10.15 -Café Concert. Programme Notes. field"- - Reminiscences of German 12.50-1.25-" Ramblers" Dance Band. LILLE (Radio PTT Nord) 11.0 a.m.-1.0 p.m. (from Flensburg) -1.40 -Records ; ChessLesson. 10.0 -String Quartet in A (Schumann) (France) Soldiers. 6.30 -Sports. Orchestra from the Deutsches Haus. by the Konigsberg StringQuartet. 7.0 -See Deutschlandsender. 2.10 -Christmas Oratorio (Bach). 1,213 kc/s (247.3 m.) 60 kW.- Conductor :Roder.Festival Over-Conductor :Flipse.3.40 -Esperanto10.30-" Treasures from the Kiinigs-Transmits at intervals f'rom 6.50 a.m. 7.35 -Talk onthefollowingPro- ture (Lortzing). Polonaisein E berg StationArchives "-Sequence Programme. 4.0-" Melody Circle." 12.0 noon -Records :Violin Music. gramme. (Liszt). Selection, "Die Konigs-Conductor :Wins. 4.40 -Records.(arr. Bartels). 7.40,11.0. (approx.)-See Turin. News kinder "(Humperdinck). Hun-5.20 -Talk. 5.40-Steyn (Organ)11.0 -Small Station Orchestra. Con-12.15 p.m. -Station Orchestra.Con- in the intervals. garian Scenes (Dohnanyi).Waltz,6.10 -For Young People. 6.15-A ductor : Wilcken ; BOrschel ductor : Soret. March, Holly- Frauenliebe und-leben (von Blon).Film.6.40 -Records. Dance Band. Overture," Das wood (Leopold).Scenes de ballet DEUTSCHLANDSENDER March, " Gasparone " (Mill/Seker). Zauberschloss (Rust). Foxtrot (Almayrac). Musette(Pfeiffer). Overture, "DieGeschopfe des7.10-V.P.R.O. Christmas Programme (Mohr).Waltz (Kreuder).Waltz, Selection, " Ta Bouche " (Yvain).' (Germany) Prometheus "(Beethoven). Sin_for Young People. Traum im Friihling (Czernik). Two Waltz,Dansteryeux(Yvain). 191 kc/s (1,571 m.) ; 60 kW. Tangos. Selection, " Die Hoch- Song (Capri). Dense russe(de 5.0 a.m.-Sea Berlin. 7,0 -Light zeitsreise " (Plessow). Waltz Taeye). TartarFuneralMarch Music.9.0-" The Gate to Light ' - B.N.A. (Bordes-Iversen). Foxtrot (Wink- (Scassola). Adoration (Filipucci). Christmas Programme (Gert Randolf- ler).Lullaby (Borchert). Waltz, Dances (Ganne).Moorish Rhapsody Schmalnauer). 9.30-" Serenade on fillumen im FrOhling (Fried)). Over- (Massard). Ice "-lender Wind Band with Reports ture, " Edelweiss " (Komzak). 1.30 -Records.1.45 -Weather ; Var- from the Berlin Skating Rinks ;at Christmas in Waltz (Rixner). Foxtrot (Broder-iety Items. 2.0 -2.10 -Exchange. 10.15-10.30: Weather. sen). Kaiser-Walzer (Strauss).2.30 -See Paris (FIT). 3.30 -Literary 11.0 a.m.-1.0 p.m. -See Konigsberg ; Tango(Leenen). Polka,AufTalk. at 11.55: Time and Greetings.1.0 - Hungary; Wicdersehen(Will). Selection,4.0 -Records :" Les Saltimbanques " Christmas Songs and Tales by Girls. " Der Tenor der Herzogin "(Gamie).4.45-Bal Champetre. 1.30)-" Der stilleKiang "-Literary (Kiinneke) ; at11.55-12.10 p.m.,5.10 -Records :Pfte. Music. and Musical Sequence (Wozniak - children Time and Weather. 1.0 -Talk. StationOrchestra 6.0 -Records : Night in Music. Dombrowski). 1.10 -Records. Overture, " Figaro "6.30 -News ; Review. 7.30 -Re- Hildegard Erdmann (Soprano) and (Mozart). Herzwunden (Grieg). En 8.0 -Sports. Hartwig (Baritone).!2.30 -Records: presenting bateau (Debussy). Flower Waltzcords :Popular Music. Songs, Dances and Humour.4.0= (TehaikoVsky). Turkish March8.15 -For Housewives. 8.30-" Le " Das Sternenlied " -A Radio (Mozart). Aria, "The Force ofChemineau "-Five-Act Play in Verse Ballad(Karrasch),withMusicby their Destiny"(Verdi). Hungarian(Jean Richepin). 10.30 -News. DoMbrowski (onRecords). March in C minor (Schubert -Liszt). Lovely Melodies -Kruger Band. 6.40 2.0-" Christmas Carols and Cus-MONTE CENERI(Switzerland) -Topical Report ; Sports. traditional toms"- Sequence (Zeiseiner). 1,167 kc/s (2.57.1 m.) ; 15 kW. 7.0 -4 -Bright Lights and Dance Music - 2.35 -Records from Deutschlandsen-11.0 aan.-12.45 p.m. --See Beromitn- Station Orchestra. Conductor : der. ster ;at 11.30: News.12.45-1.0 P.m: Dobrindt ; Barnabas von Geczy Band ; play of the -Bridge Lesson.3.29 -Time. 3.0 -See Frankfurt. LilleClaus (Soprano) ; Herbert Ernst 5.0 -Otto -Erich Wichmann (Violin) ;3.30 -Christmas Music by Giuseppina Groh (Tenor) ;Rolf Heide (Bass) ; Pozzi and Amelia Anastasi-Quadri Goedel-DreisingandChil- Three Kings, MargareteSchuchmann (Harpsi- Dribs). chord) ;the Station Choir -Con- (Pfte.Duets). Andante (Turiei- dreh's Choir ;Engel (Xylophone) ; Borrnioli). Gavotte (Pirani). Schizzo Ernst Petermann (Compere). ductor,Firchow ; and Werner as they do Hartung (Organ). Sonata in F (Serra). Melody (Schumann). 9.02 -News ; Topical. (Handel). 0 Freude (Eccard). Der Valse romantique (Chabrier). ul- in E flat(Kreutzer). festivo 9.30 --!Quartet Morgenstern(Praetorius). Bot- laby(Casella). Allegro Kniger(Clarinet),Muller(Violin), from door to schaft (Gronwald). Durch der (Jesinghaus). Seiler (Viola) and Metzler ('Cello). Berge Schnee und Eis (Riedel). 4.0 -".TheStar,ofBethlehem "- 9.45 -Weather. 5.25 -Reading. 6.0 -Sports. Christmas Music by Ticino Children's 10.0 -11.55 -Dance Music. Barnabas door Choirs -Conductor :Filipello.Four von. Geczy and Woitschach Bands. 6.10-Reeords of La Sail MilanPieces fromThe " Artists.Excerpts " Aida " (Verdi),(Filipello).Chnstmas (Malfetti). FRANKFURT (Germany) " I Pagliacci "(Leoncavallo), " La4.15 -The Bells of Rivera. m.) ; 25kW. Boheme " (Puccini), and "Cava)- 1,1 95 kc/s(251 feria rusticana " (Maacagni). 4.20-5,0-YehudiMenuhin(Violin) Relayed by Cassel, Coblenz, Frei- and the General Motors Orchestra burg, and Trier, 1,195 ke/s (251 m.). fonia in C (Boccherini).German7.40-11.40-V.A.R.A. Programme7.0 -Variety. Small Station Orches- -Conductor : Rapee (on Records). 5.0.,,a.m.-See Berlin.7.0 -Weather ; Dances (Mozart). Minuet, Sym-7.40 -News. tra ;Conductor, Wilcken ;Borschel Adagio front the Violin Concerto Snow Report. phony in D (Schubert).Transak-7.55-V.A.R.A.Orchestra. Con-Band ;Marion Lindt ;Ruth Norden in G (Mozart).Perpetuum mobile tionen(Strauss). AttilaMarchductor :de Groot.8.40 -Play. (OperettaSongs) ; Evelyae Rays 7,10 -The Trout Quintet (Schubert) (Songs at the Pfle.) ;Oskar Paulig (Novacek). Souvenir de ivlescou (on Records).8.0 --Service. Addiess (Fucik) ;at 11.55 a.m.-12.5 p.m. :9.10 -Amsterdam Trumpet Quartet ; (Wieniawski).- Minstrels (Debussy). Time and Weather. at 9.20-9.45 : Address News.(Entertainer) ;Geerke(EastPrus- by, Dr. Dietrich ; Music by the Mainz sian Dialect Sketches) ;Karl Sydow ; Selkirk Rosmarin (Kreisler).Selec- Academy Choir. Conductor : Rah -1.0 - " Tannenbaum and K reu z- 10.40 -News. tion," The Dusk of the Gods " 10.45--" Ramblers " Dance Band.Ha rtung (Organ) ; Padubrin and Gross- tied (Organ).8.45-" Christmas onschnabel "-A FairyFlay(Knab). mann (Pftes.) ;Radio Quartet and an (Wagner). 11.20 -11.4Q -Records. _ thelattletield "-Sequence (Knoeckel-I.30-" The Christmas Tree "-Talks. Accordion Band. 9.0 -News. 9.206.0 -Records.6.15 -Weekly Review. b: Schramm). 2.0 (from Stettin) -Folk Music. Book Review. 6.30 -Records. 6.45 -News. 7.0 - Mandoline andAccordionBands ; 9.0Choirof the Erloserkirche, KALUNDBORG (Denmark) 9.35 -11.0 -Dance Music from Munfch.Cinema Organ Records. Bad Homburg.Conductor :Unger.Bamert (Zither). 240 kc/s (1,250 m.) ; 60 kW. Relays 8.40 - Talk : - 7.10 -See Vienna. 9.4k - " ChristmasLibrary " - Se-2.45 -Talks byAdolf Winds and Copenhagen, 1,176 kc/s (255.1 m.). Statesmenofthe Ticino -Romeo quence (Claudius, Linke, etc.). Rudiger Wintzen. 7.0 a.m.-Gym. 9.0 -Service fromLEIPZIG (Germany) Manzoni. 10.0 -German Christmas Music.3.0 -See Frankfurt. 5.0 -AlbertChristiansborg Castle Church. 10.28 9.0 -10.0 --DanceMusic. PartI: Gunther Thellacker (Violin), HelenBozenhardtand TheodorGrandt-Weather. 10.40 -News. 785 kc/s (382.2 m.) ;120 kW.Re- layed by Dresden, 1,285 kc/s (233.5CountryDances. Part 11 : Jazz Cropp(Violin),Seibold(Viola).talk about themselves. 11.0 am. -1.0p.m.-RydahlEnsemble. Records. Weingandt Rainer (Flute),5.30 -See Breslau.6.45 -Talk :The Overture," Morning, Noon and m.). Schroder(Flute),AnneWinter -Work of the Schatz Staffel.6.55 - Night" (Suppe). Skaters Waltz5.0 a.m.-See Berlin.7.0 -Religious baiter(Harpsichord)and AdeleWeather. (Waldteufel). Elegy (Kamm).Address and Wind Quartet. 7.30-MOSCOW (No. 1) (Russia) Singel (Soprano).Christmas Con- " Manon Lescaut Strobach (Organ) from the Lukaskirche. 172 kc/s (1,744 m.) ;500 kW. certo for two Flutes, two Violins,7.0 -See Deutschlandsender. 9.0 - Selection, News. (Puccini).Humoresmie (Poulson).8.0 -Military Band. 9.30 -German4.30 p.m. -Concert.5.0 -Red Army Viola,'Cello and Harpsichord Gipsy Music, "Countess Maritza "Songs by a Students' Choir. 10.0 -Notes. 5.15 -Talk. 5.45 -Music. (Fez).Variations for Harpsichord9.30 -See Munich. (Kalman). Egyptian Danze Records :Fairy -Tale Music. 6.0 --Provincial Programme. 8.0 - on " Lasst uns das Kindlein wiegen "11.0-11.55 - Dance Music from Pierrot'sSerenade(Gillet). The10.30 -Quintet in E flat (Reicha). German. Talk :A Soviet Worker's (Franz Xaver Anton).Es ist einDeutschlandsender. Blue Danube (Strauss).Selection, Family. 9.5 -French Talks :(a) Ros' entsprungen (arr. Praetorius). "The Circus Princess" (Kalman).11.0 -See Breslau. U.S.S.R. Review, (b) Questions and Pastorale for two Violins,Viola,HILVERSUM (1,875 m.) Czardas (Monti). Suite (Gerald).1.0 p.m. -Songs round the ChristmasAnswers. 10.0-U.S.S.R. Review (in 'Cello and -Harpsichord (Werner). (Holland) Spanish Dance (deCredos) ;at Tree. Station Orchestra ;Con-Spanish). 11.0 -Spanish Talk The Wie wham leucht' uns der Hoffnung 11.50 :Reading. ductor : Kretzschmar ; StationSoviet Family. Stern (Bach).Harpsichord :Fuga 160 kers ;10 kW until 2.4d p.at. ; Choir:Sammler (Me-); Hilde pastdrella (Mutfat).Pastorale for 100 kW from 2.40 p.m. 1.0 -Service front Christiansborg Kimmel and Thea Teimann-Weide twoFlutes,twoViolins,Viola,8.10-,a.m.-N.C.R.V. Progrannne;Castle Church. (Sopranos) ;Emmy Daehne (Con-MUNICH (Germany) Gelband Harpsichord (Werner).Service. 2.30-Hansen's Ensemble. Augusta tralto). " Singtand klingt "- 740 kc/s(405.4 m.) ; 100 kW. 11.0 -See Breslau. 1.0p.m. -For9.10till Close-K.R.O. Programme. Frichsen (Songs). Moment musical Christanas Airs for Voices, Relayed by Nurnberg, 1,267 kc/s Children. 2.0(frontFreiburg) -9.10 -High Mass. 11.40 -Records - (Schubert). Arabesque in E (De- Choir, Violins, Violas, 'Cellos and (236.7 m.) %%Under the ChristmasTree '-I I.55-K.R.O. Orchestra. Con- bussy). Oriental Romance (Rimsky- Pfte. (Knab). Lullaby :KindleinTransmits at intervals from 5.0 .a.m. Musical and Literary Sequence (Koh-ductor :van 't Woud.12.40 p.m. - Korsakov). Schial Rosmarin (Kreis- zart. Mixed Choir:Friede auf9.0 a.m.-Dietrich Eckart Commemo- ler). Records, I.0-K.R.O.Mckodists. ler). Ave Maria (Schubert). Shake- Erden. Folk Song, Taublein weirsration -Sequence of Prose and Conductor :litstenhouwer. 1.40 - speare Songs (arr.Grendahl) : (arr. Georg Schumann). VomVerse. 11.0 -Light Orchestral.12.0 3.0-" A Christmas Dream "-Var- (a) Blow, blow, -thou winter wind, Himmel hoch da komm' ichher-Concert from Breslau. 1.0 -For iety for Young and Okl.5.0 -Die-For Young People. 2.10 --Records. (b) 0, willow, willow. (c) It was a trich Eckart Commemoration. 2.25 -Children's Choir.Conductor : (Schreck). Christmas Carol (Adam).Children.1.40-Lamond, Petri, and de long. 2.40 -For Children.3.40 - lover and his lass, (d) Sigh no more, Mixed Choir and Violin :Susan(Back haus Records. 2.5 -String 5.15 -Operetta Records. Excerpts, ladies. Excerpt, " Tordenskjold " (Grabner).In dulci jubilo (Loewe).Quartet in F (Beethoven).2.40- " Der Obersteiger " (Zeller), Boccac-Children'sChoir(contd.). 3.55 - Records. (Halvorsen). Waltz(Mozart). Two Carols with Violin and Pfte." With the North Sea Fishing Fleet Cio " (Suppe), Lehar's Operettas,4.10-" Oranje Nassau " M int rs' Songs: (a) Synneves Sang (Kjerulf), accompaniment : (a)Wiederistin Winter "-Sequence (Fritz Volberg), " Die gliiekliche Reise " (Kiinneke), (b) Sevnen (Kjerulf), (c) Kyeldsang es Weihnacht worden (Schreck), (b)3.0 -See Frankfurt. " Die grosse Sunderin " (Kiinneke),Band. Conductor :Bastin. 5.25 - Records. 6(1 -Press ReviewRecords; forBlakken (Grieg), (d) Lok AnderKrippe(Nagler). lhr5.0-" Telemark and Christiania "- "Ball der Nationen " (Raymond), (Grieg). (e) Ved Solnedgang (Niel- Kinderlein kommet. Ihr Hirten "Die Vielgeliebte "(postal), andPoliceNotes. 6.55 -Talk ;Radio Variety Concert.6.40 -Sports. Journal ;News. 7.50 -8.10 -Medita- sen),(f)Sommerregn (Nielsen). erwacht sum Schlummer der Nacht. "Wild Violets" (Stolz). Selection, " The Lovely Galatea " Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht (Gruber).7.0 -Concert from the Odeon. tion. StationOrchestra and Male Voice 6.0 -" The Wanderers' Christmas Eve"8.25-K .R .0. ChamberOrchestra. (Suppe). Serenade (Moszkowski).2.0-A Regimental Christmas Cele- =Christmas Play (Ottomar Starke). Valse coquette (Moszkowski). Old Choir and the Academy of Music Male Conductor :Reinards. Pict Hartvelt bration (Flex). Music by Grabner.VoiceChoir,withKarinBranzell k.50 -Sports. and 8.55 - Memories (arr.Mailer).Andante Fritz Hinze (Violins). 3.0 -,See Frankfurt. . (Contralto). Conductor : Hans Winter. 7.0 -Light Opera and Operetta Music. (Mozart). Arioso (Bach). Selection, Talk. 5.13-" The Three -Kings "-PlaySymphony No. 4 in E flat (Bruckner). Station Orchestra. Conductor :9.15-Hartvelt (Violin). 9.25-K.R.O. " Rigoletto " (Verdi). Till Eulenspic- Relsbaud ; Hauck Band ; Maria Mad- 5.0 -To be(Felix Timmerman), translated fromRhapsody (Brahms). ChamberOrchestra. Conductor :4.30 -For Children. the Flemish by Anton KiPpenberg. gels Merry Pranks (Strauss).9.0. - sen. (Soprano), Willy Frey (Tenor),Reinards. 10.10 -News.;ReePrds-announced. 5.30 -Suzanneinlien GoLdieb Zeithammer (Bass). 9.0 -10.25-K .R .0. Melodist)-Cond actorRepertoire. 5.50 -Weather..6,0 -6.0--"Cacilienciale" (Handel)by theNews. , Time ; News. Lustenhouwer. 11.10-11,40-B ecords.News.6.30 -Reading. LeipzigSymphonyOrchestraand9.30 -11.0 -Dance Music. me.

56] WORLD -RADIO IDECEMBE't 18, 1936

"Le Cid " (Massenet).Prelude toa.m.-12.50 p.m. -Orchestra. Conduc- (c) Schlafendes Jesuskind, (d)VIENNA (Austria) SATURDAY (December 26) Act11,"Carr " (Bizet). tor: Mancini ;-at 12.0 noon : News. 11.30 -Records.Noctriene (Chopin).12.50 -Announcements, 1.0 -News ; Anakreons Grab, (e) Auf ein altes 592 kc/s (506.8 m.) ;103 kW.Re- LaLeggerczza(Liszt). SongExchange. 1.20 -2.0 -News ;Talks ; Bad.Songs (Mahler) :(a) !eh bin layed by Graz and Linz 886 1(0 der Welt abhanden gekommen, (b) (338.6 m.) ;Innsbruck, 519 kc!s (Gounod). Chinnd'automnePfte. Duets. ' OSLO (Norway) (Tchaikovsky).Sicilienne (Faure).3.25 -4.0 -SeeTurin. 4.0 -Nests. Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht. (578 m.) ;K.lagenfurt and Vorarl-' 260 kcis(1:153.8m.) ;60 kW. Arabesqueand VillageoiselFlament).4.15 -DanceMusic. 5.0 -Talk.4.45 -See Paris (Radio -Paris). 6.45 berg,1,294lie's (231.8 rn.); and Relayed, by. Fredrikstad, 722 kc!s A Mules (Charpentier). 5.10 -5.40 -Rural Programme. 5.50(approx.)-Topical ;Review.7.15 -- Salzburg, 1,348 ke's (22'2.6m.). . (415.4in.); Hamar,519kc's12.0 noon -For Farmers. 12.15 p.m. --Dopolavoro Notes.6.0 -Records ;Records of Maurice Chevalier. 7.30 -6.45 ; Motto ;News. (578m:-) ;Notodden,1,357kc/sRecords :Front the' Bal ChamperreTalk(Esperanto). 6.20 -News inTime ;News. 7.45 -News (German).7.0 -Viennese Operetta Music. (221.1 na) ;Porsgrund, 850 kc/sto the Bal Musette.. -12.45 -News andForeignLanguages. 7.5 -Time ;8.0 -Sports. 8.15 -PressReviewStation Orchestra ;Conductor : - (352.9. m.); .Rjukan,1,348kc,sReview. 1.0 -Records :Cornet Solos.News, 7.30 -Talk. (German). Holzer.Lillie Claus (Soprano) ;Karl (222.6m.) ;and Trondelag, 6291.15 -Mme. Theureau de la Barthe7;40-- Die geschiedeneFrau "-8.30-" Hansel and Gretel "-Three-Ziegler (Tenor).8.0 -Reading..8,30 kc!s (476.9 m.). (Songs).Aria, " Sosarme " . (Han-Three -Act Operetta. (Fail).Talk andAct Opera (Humperdinck). Station-Records.of the Vienna Philharmonic. 8.0 a,m.-News. -8.5-String Quartet del). Plioaus and Pan(Bach).Nests in the intervals. Orchestra and Artists. Conductril :9.0 -Pontifical High Mass from St. in A minor by- the -Kolisch Quartet deVillers. 1.0-:Stcphan's Cathedral. 10.40 -An- Soupir(Duparc). Chanson du10.30 -11.30 -Dance Music ;at 10.0:News (Ger.).11.13 -Dance Music. nouncements. (Records).8.35 -Olaf Bull Literary pecheur (Faure). News. 10.45 -Vienna Symph ony Orchestra. Programme: 9:0,-GriegRecords. 1.30 -Records :Ballads. Song of theSOTTENS (Switzerland) Conductor :Pachernegg.Fantasia 9.55 -7 -Service. 11.45 -News. King of Thule, " Faust " (Gounod). STUTTGART (Germany) Overture, Romeo and Juliet-(Tchai- Fladmoe 677kc,'s(443.1 ; 12.0 noon -Concert. Roinanian Ballad (Golestan).Bal- 100kW. 574 kc/s (522.6 m.) ;IOU k W. kovsky). Invitation to the Dance Aas and Nina Bergh Williams lades des femmes de Paris (De- Relayed by Geneva, .401 kels5.0-7.0 a.m.-See Berlin. 3.30 -Café (748 m.). (Weber -Berlioz). - Viennese Suite (Songs); Wang (Flute). bussy): -Ballade (Jaubert). 7.10 -11.0 -See Frankfurt. (Pachernegg). Concert. , 2.0 -Political Review. 2.15 -Talk : 4.30 -For' Children. 4.55 -Service.Cochin China. 2.30-Theatre'Review. 11.55a.m.-1.20p.m. -Light Music. 6.10 -News. 6.30 --Time ;Radio Vienna Chamber Orchestra. Conduc- 2.40-Audran Records :" La Mas- tor :Eichinger. Kurz CCelloL 8.40 -News. Orchestra ;Variety: - "..and " Le' Grand Mogol." Gult,lan.1 Overture, " Russianand ,Ludl- . 9.15 -10.30 -Records : 3.0 -For Children. milla "(Glinka). Waltz, Light Mimic and Dance Music. 4.0 -Pascal Orchestra. Marche pans- kommgrtisse (Pehm).:'Cello: (Gannet: WaltzSuite, PARIS (Eiffel Tower) (France) ienne Hainbuig's Berceuse de Jocelyn (Godard).In- Venezia (Lonthian). Scenes from termezzo,"The Arabian Nights" .1,456 ke/s4206 ; 5 kW. the Czardas (Lederer). Venetian Song and Czardas 6.45 p.m. -Music Talk..7.0 -News ; Serenade (Pierce). La Pluie (David). (Strauss). Racing: -7.20-Foreign Affairs. 7.45 - Printemps qui commence (Saint-programme (Lehar).Mattinata(Leoncavallo). Press Review._ 7.55 -Tourist Talk. Waltz, Carnevals Botschaller 8.0 -Home Affairs. Sadas). Chanson russe, (Leoni). (Strauss). Selection, " The Bar- Berceuse (Bo.ellntrinn). Die flotte tered Bride" (Smetana).Potpou:ri 8.30-" La FêtedesToils "-Play Garde (Siede). Neauphars bleusat1.30 p.m. is aftera DaudetChristmasStory ; (Komzak). " Remords "-Playin Four Scenes (Visciano).Ninon caprice (Eisen). 2.0 -News. 2. I 5 -Talk :Christmas (Berthe d'Id). Retraite marche (Laporte). devoted to in the Far North.2.40 -Melodrama. 4.45 -Lamoureux. Concert from the Maria Mayen(Speaker) ;Wafter Salle Gaveau. Conductor :Bigot. PARIS (Poste Parisien) (France) (Pile.). RussianProgramme. Dances,"the 3.5 -String Quartet in E flat (Dvorak) 959 kcjs (312.8 m.); 60 kW. "Prince Igor" (Borodin). Tamara Chrisfr:-.1s by the Ast Quartet. 3.40 -Talk : 7.10a.m.-Fanfare ;Records ;at (Balakirev). La mer (Glazunov). Reminiscences of the Marine Academy. 7.30 -News ;at 8.10 -Dietetics, and Divertimento (Prokohey). Schehera-Tree" 4.5 -Records. at 8.30 -News. 12.0 noon -Exchange. zade (Rimsky-Korsakov). 4.55-Kamper (Violin) ; Raupen- % 12.3 p.m.'From the Empire Theatre.6.45 -Economics.7.15 -Talks. strauch (Pfte.). Sonata in A (Beet- 12.40 -Records : Orchestras and7.40 -See Turin. - hoven). Introduction and Variations Songs. 12.55 -Records. 1.30 -Ex-11.0 (approx.)-.Dance Music by the on" TrockeneBlumen "(Schu- change. 1.33-Records...1.45-" AndGoldy Orchestra. . --- bert).Three Movements, Suite for 'Life 'goes on ..."-Tocal Sequence.11.30 .p.m.-12.15..a.m.. (Sunday) - Violin and Pfte. (Goldmark). 2.0 -2.30 -For. Girls. . Light Music by the Goldy Orchestra. 5.45-A Report. 6.0 -Time ;Pro- 3.0 -From theAlhambra Theatre. Wagner Potpourri,Memories of gramme Notes. 4.30 -Exchange. 6.0 -Call. 6.2 - Bayreuth.. Chanson tendre (Carco).10.0 a.m.-Report from St. Moritz :11.0 -See Breslau. 6.10-" St. Stephen's Cathedral " - RomanCatholicNotes. 6.22- Pfte. :Le singe grimpeur (Carco). The International Ice -Hockey Match1.0-9.30 p.m. -See Frankfurt. a Radio Film. Borodin Records. 6.30 -Exchange. Selection,"No,No,Nanette "for the Grand Trophee Blanc.11.30 7.10-" A Flight round the World " 6.35 -Dialogue. 6.42 -Record. 6.46 - (Youmans). Fascination(Mar--News. 9.30 -See Munich. -Radio Potpourri (Hruby). Station Foreign Affairs.7.2 -Record.7.6 - chetti).Potpourri, "On with the11.40 -See BeromOnster. 12.45-1.011.0 p.m. -1.0 a.m.(Sunday) -SeeOrchestra. Conductor : Holzer ; News. 7.32-Paulp .Colline. 7.47- Show " (Nicholls). Frankfurt. Mind _Choir ;-Maria . Gerhart (So- 8.17 - p.m. -Announcements.3.29 -Time.' Records.8.2Painl Acboux. 3.30-5.0-L.See Monte Ceneri. - prano). ;Karl Ziegler (Tenor) -Emil Variety Recoil. 8.32 -Cafe ConcertPRAGUE (Czechoslovakia) Petroff (Tenor) ;' Pfleger Wind -Band ; (Records).- 5.0-712enee Peter(Pile.). Sonatina JazzBand. - - 638 kc/s (47,0.2 na) ;120 kW. (Ravel). Pieces (Schumann) :(a)TOULOUSE (Radio -Toulouse).Math; 9.5" La Chanson du Tiroir " (No-Transmits at intervals front 5.45 a.m. Aufschwung, (b) Warum, (c) (France)Review hain-Delettre). 9.55--U.S.A. Bulletin11.20 a.m.-Variety Concert. Svanda Grillen. - Appassionata(Liszt). 8.55 -ExcerptsfromtheMusical from - NewYork. 10.30 -11.0 -Theatre Orchestra and Artists.12.35 Etude(Stravinsky). Rondode 913 kc/s (328.6 m.) ; 60 kW. Comedy; "Warum liigst du cheri ? " Records :Light Music. p.m. -For Fariners. 12.50 -Talk. Bonne Humeur (Segond). Transmits at intervals from 8.0 a.m.(Merker), from _the, Scala. 9.13 -- 1.0 -1.15 -For Farmers (in German).5.30 -Sports. 5.45 -For Alpinists.12.0 noon -Film Songs. 12.15p.m.,News. "9.25 -L -Thiel Jazz Band. 10.30 - PARIS (PTT) (France) 2.30-FOC Orchestra. Conductor :5.55 -Financial Review.6.I5 -Radio-Viennese ,Orchestra. 12.40 -LightAnnouncements. . 695 kc s (431.7 m.) ;120 kW. Pekarek.4.0 -Sketch. 4.35 -Ger-Magazine. 6.50 -News. Music. 12.55 -News.1.10-Ganne Music. 1:55- Transmits at intervals from 6.50 a.m.man Transmission. Request Pro-7.0 -10.0 -Programme fromGeneva. 1.40-Chanaonnettes. ' WARSAW (Poland) -

gramme by Dauber and his Jazz Band, 2.0 -News. 5.45 -Military Band. 5.55 10.0 a.m.-Light Music. Cecile Solas 7.0 -Casino Theatre Troupe. 224kdls -(1,339m.);120' kW. Orchestra,Women'sChoir,AlbawithRecords: 5.50 -News and7.45 -Variety Concert. With the Engel-News. 6.3 -Songs.6.15 -Salon Review (German).6.0 -News. 6.5 Orchestra. Relayed byCrac-oW, -1,022 -kcis Mazzoni (Songs) and 'Allador (Cym- Orchestra,- Geneva Radio Orchestra (293.5 m.) ; Katowice,758ke/s balom). 11.45 -Talk :Provence. -Talk.6.20 -Record.6.25 -Talkand Jean -Mare Pasche. - 6.40 -OperettaSongs,".Les cotes on the following Transmission. (395.8 -'m.); kciS 12.0 noon -Light Music and Dance 9.0-10.0-SasseEi Dance Band from de Jeannette" (Masse), ".Faites ea (224 M.) ;LwrisV; 795 kc(377.4 m.) Music: -.by. the Fred Adison Orchestra ;6.30-" Jacobin "-Three-Act Operathe Moulin -Rouge. pourmoi "(Gabaroche), " Pas- ; Torun, (Dvofak) from the State Opera.9.0 sionnemen t "(Message!)," Fras- -Poznan, 868,kc, s (345.6 at12.50-1.0 p.m.: News. . 2.0 -Re- Titne ; News. 9.15-tecord.9.20 quita " (Lehar). "Lea Cloches de 986 kc/s (304.3 m.);' and Wilno, cords. -2.30-Song-Prqgramme. 3.30 - -News (German).9.25 -Record. STOCKHOLM (Sweden) Corneville " (Planquei te). - 536 KO (559,7 m.)7 Sonia 'Amity and Maud Laury (Duets 7.9 ; Carol.7.3 -Police 9.30-10.30-Dol Dauber Jazz Band. 704kc/s(426:1m.) ; and Songs): kW.6.50 -News. . 7.0 -DanceMusic.Band. 8.0-Service from the Church 4.0-" Le chat de la Mere Michel "- Relayed byMotala, 216 kc/s7.30 -ForChildren..' 7.45 -Light,of Our. Lady cf Victories; :Lodz; Three -ActPlay(SuzanneSirigla) ;RADIO-NORMANDIE (1.389 m.) ;Goteborg, 941kc,'sMame ;at8:0 :News. 8.40 -MusicAfter the Service, Records.10.57 -- (318.8m.) ; HorbY,1,131 "Le ' lierisson "One -'ActComedy (France) 1(0Hall. 8.55 -News. - Fanfare _ 1,113 kcjs (269.5 m.) ;10 -kW. (265.3 m.) ;and Boden, 392 kc/s9.10-" A Montmartre "-Fantasy.; (Duvernois). 5.0-Amicitia Choir. (765 m.). 11.371from LwOw)-Salon Orchestra Conductor : --Mme. Samuel. Mlle.7.0.a.m.-Records. - 7.10 -News. 9.45 -ParisProgramme. - 10.15- and ,'SeredynsidJazzBand,the -I_Ccocq and. Mr Hoche (Songs). -Two7.50 -Orchestra. 8.0 -Records. 8.15 -9.0-9.50 a.m.-Records of the NewEXceints," Louise.;'(Charpentier). . Wesola Piatka Choir and .Czaszko Old Carols.La Vierge a la CrecheMelodies. 8.30Records:"9.0 -YorkPhilharmonic. Conductor:10.40 -Orchestra. I0.55 -News. 11.0 (Songs). March, Imperium ( (Franck).Cadet Rousselle (d'Indy).Popular Music.9.15 -Dance Music.Toscanini. 10.0 -Service. 11.40--Light Music.11.15 -Dance Music. Waltz (Kirsten-Choir :(a) Song Compere Guilleri.. - -Duet,9.30 -Light Music. 9.45Records.News. 12.0 noonLightMusic.11.40-Chansonnettes.11.55 -News. (Altenberg-Lipezynski), (b)Waltz "Caalinette " (Weckerlin). La Per-10.0 -Light Music. 10.15 -Variety1.0 p.m. -For Children.. 1.35 -Light12.5a.m.(Sunday) -Light -Music. (Lipciynski).PiccOlina and Song, driole( arr. MaUrice Emmanuel). Music.- 10.30=Popular Mdsic.Music. 2.0 -Talk. 2.30 -Records.12.20 -Military' Band. 12.30 -An- " Rdse-Marie ", (Friml-G,Orzyriski) 5.30:-RaczCiganyBand. Racz10.45 -Records.-11.0 -Light -Or-3.30 -Reading. nouncements. Film Song (Stolz).,Operetta Pot- (Cymbalom), Zoubowsky (Violin).chestral. 12.0 noon -Light Music.4.5 -Sven Nilsson (Ballads and Songs) 'pourri ..(Hruby I. Song(Halski). Rakoczy March. -Waltz, FrUhlings-12.20 -p.m.--Cinema Organ.12.40 - fromalalmo. DerselteneBeier PraterbummelI Pachernegg). -March stimmen (Joh.. StrauSs). HungarianNews.1.0 -Concert.1.30 -Records. oewer.Meeresleuchten (Loewe).TURIN (No. 1) (Italy) (Schutz).Tango (Buday).- Waltz Fantasia. (Danko): Cymbalom :2.30 -Light Music. 3.0 -Instrumental. Verborgenheit (Wolf). Songs in Strauss Style (Gorzyriski).. Song Hringarian -Folk Dance (Hubay).3.15 -Records.,3.30 -Light Music. (Sjegren) :(a) Bertntanden, (b) 1,140kc/s (263.2iii.) ; 7 kW. (Krasznay-Kratisz).. Ni oui-ni non ' Selection,"-Countess Maritza "3.45 --Hawaiian Music. 4.0 -Concert. 1 sera hens lastgard. Relayed by Milani (No. 1), 814 kg, s (Lopczynski). Waltz (Lehar). Song, - (Kalman). --Waltz,- Tales from the4.45 -For Children. 5.0 -Records.4.30- -Canard:' 5.15 -Variety. 6.15 - (368.6 nt) ; Genoa; 986 kc s (304.3' " Autumn Manoeuvres(Kalman). Vienna Woods (Strauss).- Piizicato5.30 -Orchestra.. 5.45 -CurrentNews. 6.30 -Talk. m.) ; Trieste, 1,140 kcjs'(263.2 ; Song (Halski). March .(Lincke). Ciardas (Maggari). Russian DanceLondon Productions.6.0 -Children's7.0= Operett a.8.45 -,News. , Florence, .610-kc/s(491.8. m.) Intheinterval :Reading (tom

(Makorov)., CyaabalomZigeuner-Corner.6.45 -Light Music:7.0 -9.0 -10.0 -Dance MuSic. Bolzano. 536:kc/s- (559.7 m.) ,and. Cracow. . weisen (Sarasate). - RomanianConcert.7.40 -News. 8 -.0 -Records. Rome (No. 3), 1,258 kcis (238.5 m.).1.0p.m. -Polish Stations Exchange

, Fantasia (Ocki-Albi). Violin :8.40=Light Music. 6,;45 a.m.-Gym.7.0 -7.20 -News. Programme. . 1.40 -Records.2.0 - Ruisian Ronlance (Makorov). Two9.0 -VarietyConcert. 10.0 -CaféSTRASBOURG (France) 10.30-Ambrosiana Orchestra.Con-Announcements. 2.30 (from LwOw)- 859 kc,'s (349.2 rtt.); 100 kW. Hungarian . Dances (Brahms).Concert. 11.0 -Dance Music. 11.30 - ductor :' -Culotta. 11.15 -Records.For 'Children. Caucasian Dance (Stoloroff). Hun-From the Cabane Nonnande. 12.0Transmits at intervals from 7.0 a.m.11.30 -Sports.11.40 a.m.-1.20 p.m.3.0(from ,Poznan) -PastoralSuite garian Fantasia (Berkes).Jn them't-Light Music. 1.15 p.m. -Light Orchestral. Gregoire-See Roine. ' (Wiechowicz), by a Chainber'Orches- ' interval :Jean, Jac and Jo (Trios).12.15 a.m. (Sunday)=Dance Music. (Violin)and .Rentond ('Cello).3.25 -Art Talk :The FrenchIm-tra,Moniuszko Mixed Choir and fr.30News ;Review. 7.30 -Weather.12.30 -Orchestral. 1.0 -Records. Overture, "Si retais roi ." (Adam).pressionists, (Manet, Van' Gogh, Ce-Others. 4.0 '(from Wilno)-To be 7.38 -Records. 1.30 -2.0 -Light Music. Intermezzo and Florentine Serenadezanne, etc.).3.40 -For Children, announced. 4.30 --Dance Music. 5.40 7.45 -Romanian Carols (Bela Bartok) (Marchetti). ' Selection," Eva 4.0 -6.0 -See Rome. 6.0 -News in-Sports.5.50 -Programme Notes. -by Anna (Pfte). 8.0 -Records. 8.25 -RADIO -ROMANIA (Brasov) (Lehar). Violin. Waltz Suite, " PerForeignLanguages. 7.5 -Time 6.0 (from Cracow) -For Poles Abroad. Talk on the following transmission. (Romania) Rosenkavalier " (Strauss).'Cello.Announcements. 7.30 -Talk. 6.30 -Reading. 8.30 -Programme from the Opera- 160 kc/s (1,875 m.) ;150 kW. March (Candiolo). 2.0 -Theatre7.40 - " Falstaff " - Three - Act6.45 (fromCracow)-" Nouvelles Comique ; at 10.30: News. See Bucharest, . Review. Opera(Verdi), fromLa Scala,Cracoviennes "-Three - Act Cpera 3.0 -Mediaeval Nativity Play. Milan.',Cast Maria Caniglia (So-(Kurpinski).8.25 -Topical. -PARIS (Radio -Paris) (France)ROME (Italy) 4.0 -Albert Peters(Songs). Songsprano), -Mafalda Favero (Soprano),8.30 - JeanneWySocka - Ochlewska 182- Ice's (1,648. rn.) ; -80 kW. 713 kc/s (420.8 m.) ; 50 kW. Relayed (Schubert) : (a)Feierabend, - (b)ElviraCasazia(Contralto),Cloe (Pile.).Minuet in G (Ranteau). .6.45 a.m.-Gym. 7.0 -Records. 7.15 by Naples, 1,104 kc/s (271.7 ma ; Liebesbotschaft, (c) Nachtstuck.Elmo (Mezzo-SopranO), Bruno Landi' Sonatain -Gminor(Sca rlat ti), -Press Review.7.45 -Gym.8.0 - Bari (No. I). 1,059 kc/s (283.3 m.) ; Songs (Duparc): (a) L'invitation au(Tenor),Giuseppe ..: Nessi(Tenor). Papillons(Schumann). _ Pieces Records. Bari (No. 2), Milan (No. 2) and voyage, (b) Chanson triste;(c) LeMariano Stabile (Baritone), Ernesto (Reger) :(a) Moment. musical, (b) 11.0 -Records :French Opera Music. Turin (No. 2), 1,357 kc/s (221.1 m.). Manoir de Rosemonde. SongsBadini "(Baritone) and Vincenzo Bet- Scherzo,(c)Burlesque. Polish . Overture. " Raymond" (Thomas).6.45 - 7.0 -7.20 -News. (Wolf) :(a) Der Gartner, (b) Michtoni'(Bass) and Luigi Nardi. Dance (Rozycki). Arias," Laknle "(Delibes)and11.15 -Records. 11.30, -Sports. kleine Dinge konnen uns entzircken,11.0-11.30 (aMirox.)-Dance Music. 9.0 -Dance Music -Printed in England by NEWAIES & PEARSOH Pagyrnwo Co., LTD.', Exmoor St., Ladbroke Grove, W.10, and Published for the Proprietors by Caution Nxwnoe, Lmn., 8-11,Southampton St., Strand, I ondon, W.C.2, ItWft &&sp,r3 roa . w orttn-RAnio " ASmoAll :'AIISTRALIA &NLyNsw ZRALANIP011.1011ILLI&MOICh (A/OW:Limited. Ce.imens,--Imapetrial Netts qornpuly, Toronto..Wirtnipes. Vaneouvei,-WC.; and gordon` and Gdtch, Ltd. Nnw YI111,-The Ira eThgtiorta, News Company and Branches. INDIA -A. H. Wintsr.Ba & Compan-y; Allahabad, Bombay, Galentta.SOUTH ariuce--The Central -Naive Agency, Limited, Cape Town, 'Johannesburg, `Durban. ' Eover-31. AVati9,-41eItaladlia aad Cairo.'

S DECEMBER, 18, 1936 WORLD -RADIO Iii STATIONS IN ORDER OF FREQUENCIES AND WAVELENGTHS Corrected in accordance with the latest official information available at the time of going to press.

kc/s in. KW Station kc/s in. kW Station kc/s in kW Station Band No. 1150-300kc/s. 3 Madrid (EAJ2) (Spain) Turin (No. 1) (Italy) 1140 263/ { 170 5 Ankara (Turkey) 5.5Seville (Spain) Trieste (Italy) 153 1961 ( 731 410.4/ 1 7 Kaunas (Lithuania) Assiut (Egypt) 20 LONDON NATIONAL 100 Hilversum (No.1)(Holland) 20 Tallinn (Estonia) 1149 261.1{ 20 NORTH NATIONAL J (Transmits K.R.O. and 740 405.4100 Munich (Germany) 20 WEST NATIONAL N.C.R. V. Programmes) Marseilles (PTT) (France) 1158 259.1 10 Kosice (Czechoslovakia) I 90 160 1875 (Power10 kW onlyuntil 749 4003 I Pori (Finland) 1167 257.1 15 Monte Ceneri (Switzerland) 2.40p.m. G.M.T.) 0.25Sortavala (Finland) 255.1 10 Copenhagen (Denmark) 150 Radio -Romania (Romania) 758 395.8 12 Katowice (Poland) 2 f10 Kharkov (No. 2) (U.S.S.R.) I BURGHEAD I. 166 1807 150 Lahti (Finland) 767 391.1 60 ' 69 Nice -Corse (France) 172 1744 500 Moscow (No. 1) (U.S.S.R.) SCOTTISH REGIONAL 0.5Cassel (Germany) Stalino (U.S.S.R.) 182 1648 80 Radio -Paris (France) 776 2 Coblenz (Germany) 185 1622 5 Istanbul (Turkey) '" 1 120 Toulouse (PTT) (France) 1195 251 25 Frankfurt (Germany) 187.5 1600 20Irkoutsk (U.S.S.R.) 785 382.2120 Leipzig (Germany) 5 Freiburg-im-Breisgau(German y) I 7.5Barcelona (EAJ1) (Spain) 191 1571 60 Deutschlandsender (Germany) 795 377.41 2 Trier (Germany) 200 1500 150 DROITWICH Lwow (Poland) 1204 249.2 5 Prague (No. 2)(Czechoslovakia) 1442 35 Minsk (U.S.S.R.) 804 373.1 70 WEST REGIONAL Temp'ly suspended 208 k 16 Reykjavik (Iceland) 814 368.6 50 Milan (No. 1) (Italy) 1213 247.3 60 Lille(Radio PTT Nord)(France) 216 1389 150 Motala (Sweden) 823 364.5 12 Bucharest (Romania) 50 Radio -Marconi (Bologna) 100 Moscow (No. 4) (U.S.S.R.) 1222 1 217.5 1379 100 Novosibirsk (U.S.S.R.) 832 360' 61 2453 (Italy) 224 1339 120 Warsaw (No. 1) (Poland) 0.5Agen (France) 0.3Narvik(ita()Norway) f 150Luxembourg 841 356.7100 Berlin (Germany) 1231 243.7 5 Gleiwitz (Germany) 232 1293 1 100 Leningrad (No. 1) (U.S.S.R.) 10 Bodo (Norway) 1240 241.9 1 Cork (Irish Free State) I 60 Kalundborg (Denmark) Porsgrund (Norway) 1249 240.2 17 Saarbrucken (Germany) 240 1250 1 0.5 Vienna Experimental (Austria) 850 352.9, 10 Stavanger (Norway) f 10 Riga (Latvia) 253 1186 10 Vigra (Aalesund) (Norway) 1 Sofia (Bulgaria) 1258 238.5] 1 Rome (No. 3) (Italy) 256.4 1170 25 Tashkent (U.S.S.R.) 3 Valencia (Spain) 1 1 San Sebastian EAJ8 (Spain) f 10 Simferopol (U.S.S.R.) 1267 236.8 2 260 1153.8 60 Oslo (Norway) 859 349.2 Nurnberg (Germany) 100 Strasbourg (France) ( 27 271 1107 100 Moscow (No. 2) (U.S.S.R.) 1276 235.1 Radio Cote d'Azur (France) 282 1064 10 Tromso (Norway) 868 345.6 16 Poznan (Poland) 1 0.5Christiansand (Norway) 283 1060 35 Tiflis (U.S.S.R.) 877 342.1 70 LONDON REGIONAL 233.51 1 ABERDEEN Band No.2. 300-500 kc/s. Linz (Austria) 1 0.25 Dresden (Germany) 886 338.6 157.5 340 882.3 10 Saratov (U.S.S.R.) Graz (Austria) 12941285 231.8 5 Klagenfurt (Austria) 10.5Helsinki (Finland) 1 347 864 10 Finmark (Norway) 895 335.21 Vorarlberg (Austria) 355 845.1 20 Rostov -on -Don (U.S.S.R.) Limoges (PTT) (France) 1303 230.2 0.5Danzig (Danzig Free City) 359.5834.5 18 Budapest (No. 2) (Hungary) 904 331.9100 Hamburg (Germany) 0.25 Karlstad (Sweden) I Dniepropetrovsk (U.S.S.R.) 375 800 40 Sverdlovdsk (U.S.S.R.) 10 1312 228.72.5 Malmo (Sweden) 0.6 Boden (Sweden) 913 328.6 60 Toulouse (Radio - Toulouse) 0.25 Norrkoping (Sweden)

30Banski-Bystrica (Czecho.)1 1 (France) 0.25 Trollhattan (Sweden) 392 765 (Power15kW after5p.m. 922 325.4 32 Brno (Czechoslovakia) 1321 227.1 1.25 Magyarovar (Hungary) G.M.T.) 932 321.9 15 Brussels (No. 2) (Belgium) 2 Bremen (Germany) 1.3 Geneva (Switzerland) 12 Algiers (North Africa) 2 Hanover (Germany) 401 748 941 318.8( 1330 225.6 {100 Moscow (No. 3) (U.S.S.R.) 10 Goteborg (Sweden) 2 Kiel (Germany) 726 0.6 elstersund (Sweden) 950 315.8100 Breslau (Germany) 2 Stettin (Germany) 413.5 { Poste Parisien (France) 10 Voronezh (U.S.S.R.) 959 312.8 60 1339 224 1.2Montpelier (PTT) (France) Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest (France) 2 431 696 1.2 Oulu (Uleaborg) (Finland) 968 309.9 Lodz (Poland) Band No3.500-1,500 kcis. Odessa (U.S.S.R.) 0.5Dublin (Irish Free State) 578f 1 Innsbruck (Austria) 977 307.1 100 NORTHERN IRELAND 0.15 Rjukan (Norway) 519 REGIONAL 2 1 0.7 Hamar (Norway) 1348 222.6 Salzburg (Austria) 522 575 0.5 Tartu (Estonia) 979 306.4 0.4Rueil - Malmaison (Beziers) 0.7 Tampere (Finland) 5693 { 6.3 Ljubljana (Yugoslavia) (France) 0.5Cairo (No. 2) (Egypt) 527 Genoa (Italy) 2 10 Viipuri (Finland) 986 304.3 { Konigsberg (No. 2) (Germany) 10 Bolzano (Italy) Torun (Poland)rs 0.15 Notodden (Norway) 536 559a 1 995 301.5 60 2) (Holland) Wilno (Poland) Hilveum (No. 1357 221.1 4 Milan (No. 2) (Italy) 546 549.5120 Budapest (No. 1) (Hungary) (Transmits A.V.R.O., 0.2Turin (No. 2) (Italy) 556 539.6100 Beromiinster (Switzerland) V.A.R.A. and V.P.R.O. 2 Bari (No. 2) (Italy) Programmes) (15kWonly1366 219.6 0.7L'Ile de France (France) 1 60 Athlone (Irish Free State) until2.40 p.m.G.M.T.) 565 531i10 Klaipeda (Lithuania) 1375 218.21t 0.5Basle (Switzerland) 1004 298.8 13.5Bratislava (Czechoslovakia) 0.5Berne (Switzerland) 1 3 Palermo (Italy) MIDLAND REGIONAL 1384 216.8 574 522.6100 Stuttgart (Germany) 1013 2 Warsaw (No. 2) (Poland) 296 21 " Chernigov (U.S.S.R.) 1393 215.4 25 5.2 Madona (Latvia) 5 Radio -Lyons (France) 583 514.61 3 Barcelona(EAJ15)(Spain) 1402 214 2 Al pes-Grenobles (PTT)(France) , Stara -Zagora (Bulgaria) 1022 2 1420 211.3 586 512 10 Archangel (U.S.S.R.) 293.5 Cracow (Poland) 0.5Vaasa -Vasa (Finland) 592 506.8100 Vienna (Austria) 0.7Oviedo (Spain) 0.5Alexandria (No. 2) (Egypt) {100 Konigsberg (No. 1) (Heilsberg) 1429 209.91 0.5Kaiserslautern (Germany) 25 Rabat (Morocco) 1031 (Germany) 0.5 Turku (Finland) 601 499.2(10 Sundsvall (Sweden) 291 5 Parede (Portugal) 1438 208.6 1.25 Miskolc (Hungary) 610 491.8 20Florence (Italy) 1456 206 1040 Leningrad (No. 2) (U.S.S.R.) 5 Eiffel Tower (Paris) (France) I 15 Brussels (No. 1) (Belgium) 2811'51 12 Rennes -Bretagne (France) 1.25 Pecs (Hungary) 1 20 Cairo (No. 1) (Egypt) 1050 285.7 50 SCOTTISH NATIONAL 1465 204.81 0.1Antwerp (Belgium) 20Trendelag (Norway) 1059 283.3 20 Bari (No. 1) (Italy) 0.1Courtrai (Belgium) 629 476.9115 Lisbon(EmissoraNacional) 0.8Radio -Cite (Paris) (France) 1474 1 BOURNEMOUTH (Portugal) 1068 280.91 4 Tiraspol (U.S.S.R.) 203.5 f 0.3 PLYMOUTH 638 470.2120 Prague(No.I)(Czechoslo- 1077 278.6 12 Bordeaux -Lafayette (France) 1487 201.7 0.1Binche (Belgium) vakia)Temp'ly on5kW only 1086 276.2 2 Falun (Sweden) 0.1Chatelineau (Belgium) 100 648 463 Lyons (PTT) (France) 0.7 Zagreb (Yugoslavia) 0.1Wallonia (Belgium) 1 10 Petrozavodsk (U.S.S.R.) 5 Madrid (EA.I7) (Spain) 1492 201.1 0.7 Nimes (France) 1095 274 { 658 455.9 100 Cologne (Germany) 10 Vinnitsa (U.S.S.R.) 0.2Albacete (Spain) 70 1.5Naples (Italy) 668 449.1 NORTH REGIONAL 1104 271.7 ( 0.5Santiago (Spain) 677 443.1100 Sottens (Switzerland) 50 Kuldiga (Latvia) 0.1Liege Experimental, Radio- 686 437.3 2.5 Belgrade (Yugoslavia) 11.2 Morayski-Ostrava (Czecho- Cointe (Belgium) Slovakia) Verviers 695 431.7120 Paris (PTT) (France) 1113 269.51 0.1Wallonia,Seraing, 704 426.1 55 Stockholm (Sweden) 10 Radio - Normandie(Hcamp)1500 200 (Belgium) 713 420.8 50 Rome (No. 1) (Italy) I. (France) 0.25 Pietersaari (Jacobstadt) (Fin- 35 Kiev (U.S.S.R.) 1 NEWCASTLE land) 10 Kharkov (No. 1) (U.S.S.R.) 1122 267.411 6.25 Nyireghyhaza (Hungary) 0.2Radio-Alcala (Spain) 722 415A 1 Bergen (Norway) 0.25 Alexandria (No. 1) (Egypt) 1530 196 0.2Karlskrona (Sweden) 1 Fredrikstad (Norway) 1131 265.3 10 Witty (Sweden) 1737 173 0.1Liepaja (Latvia) ALL ADVERTISEMENTSFOR"WORL D -R A -D 10" should be addressed to the Advertisement Director, BBC, 35. High Street.Marylebone,W. I. -Telephone: Welbeck 4468. Coupons should be sent direct to the Advertiser. 1V WORLD-RADIO DECEMBER 18,1936 a futifrdoimt-ocateivaidiza ?Az vita pews ohm ea

Brrrr brrrrrr brrrrrrrrrrrr. Three attempts to start the engine this morning, and that means about 300 amps.drainonthebattery Off we go.Out goes the indicator. Round that corner. No delay, thank goodness, for indicators don't give the battery much rest Now we're well on the way. Let's switch on the radio.At least it will keep going while the engine isrun- ning, but it takes it out of the batter), faster than the dynamo can put it in. Cigarette ? Don't bother about a match. Use theelectriclighter -- if the battery will stand up to the strain.Toot, toot. More careless pedestrians to help drain the already over -worked battery. Your battery Lighting - up time. Continuous operates :- drain for lighting, besides occasional use ofthespotlight,indicators, Starter Motor horns, etc. Good jobthere's no fog orrain. We areatleast Ignition System spared the use of foglight and wind- Headlamps screen wipers. Home again.We've

hada good day . . . buthave Side Lamps certainlytakenmore outof the Tail Lamps batterythanthedynamo could possibly replace. However shall we Spotlight start the car to -morrow Fog Lamp Stop Light Reversing Light Roof Lamp

Dash Lamps Inspection Lamp Horns Petrol Pump Oil Circulation Indicator Direction Indicators Cigarette Lighter Windscreen Wiper Radio Windscreen De-froster


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