mid Radio, December i8, T93 "No, Gentlemen :the risks are great enough already ;but ifI am to be televised-!" ii WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 18, 1936 39' Every Wednesday-aBBC Publication WORLD- RADIO VOL. XXIII NO. 595 DECEMBER 18, 1936 (Right) HOW WILL FATHER - CHRISTMASCET DOWN ? A U.S.A. prize photograph showing _ little brothers discussing the message they will send to Santa Claus (Below) A study of an old and poor, but happy, Tyrol couple, celebrating Christmas in their home 2 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 1 8,1 9 3 6 In Christmas Programmes Abroad (From our Correspondents) AUSTRIA I.3o a.m. a midnight Mass celebrated in Antwerp Christmas message. from the President of the Cathedral, with the " Maitrise " of the Cathedral Republic, Edward Benes.His Czech message THE Ravag Christmas Eve programme will, ofunderthe direction of Mgr. Ludervijk De will be transmitted at 4.28 p.m. and his message course,includechimesandtheChristmas Vocht. for German inhabitants at 5 p.m. At 6.55 p.m. hymn, and Chancellor Dr. Schuschnigg will The Brussels No. x station will broadcast onwill ring Christmas bells from St. Vitus's Cathe- deliver an address.Between 8 and 9 p.m. thereChristmas Day, at to a.m., a " Pontifical Mass "dral, in Prague, founded by Charles IV on the will beabroadcast called " The Homeland celebrated in the Cathedral of Malines. remnants of a Roman crypt dating from the Calls," especially for Austrians abroad.In the The famous " Maitrise " of Saint Rombaut, tenth century and other historic buildings. A afternoon, from 2 to 3 p.m., there will be a studio well known beyond Belgium, and directed byPontifical Mass will be transmitted from St. playletofaDickensiancharacter,mainly Canon Van Nuffel, embraces 225 performers,Vitus's Cathedral on the morning of Christmas intendedforchildren.TheCourtMusic and will give the first performance in BelgiumDay, and on Saturday evening, from the Prague Band(Hofmusikkapelle) willgivea Opera, will be broadcast one of Dvofik's concert at 4.3o p.m. The Rev. Heinrich most popular operas The Jacobin. Suso Waldeck, poet andpriest,will address the " lonely ones."" An Old DENMARK Tyroler " will talk to his fellow Tyrolers in America.Then there will be songs A Historic Organ by the Wiener Sangerknaben and by the ThehistoricorganatFrederiksborg Innsbruck Choral Society Wolkensteiner, Castle,on which Mr. Laumann will andaconcertbytheGanglberger play inthe Danish broadcasting pro- orchestra. grammes at 5 to 5.3o p.m. on Christmas During the small hours of Christmas Day, wasbuiltaboutx 610 bythe morning, from x to 2 a.m. (midnight to famousorgan -builderandorganist, x a.m. G.M.T.), Ravag will relay from EsaiasCompenius. Itwasbuilt by the PCJ station at Eindhoven, Holland, order of the Duke of Brunswick, Henry on short waves (31.28 tn.), a programme Julius, who married King Christian IV's of merry music. sister,Elisabeth.The Duke, knowing One ofthemost remarkableand hisroyalbrother-in-law'sinterestin beautiful features of the Austrian broad- music, presented the King with this casting celebrationsat Christmas time organ.It was placed in Frederiksborg will not be audible in Austria, though it Castle in1616 by Esaias Compenius will be heard throughout the American himself, and he died in Denmark a short continent. It will begin at 4.45 a.m. time after having carried out this work. G.M.T. on Christmas Day, which will The organ consists of r,00xsquare he just before midnight on Christmas pipes, all of which are of wood, forty-five Eve in New York. A choir of children of these being encased in ivory. The key3 from Hallein and district, near Salzburg, of the pedal are also of ivory.The keys willsinginthe Hallein churchyard, of the manuals are covered with plates of before daybreaks,thelovely hymn silver.In spite of its326 years, the " Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht," beside organ is very well preserved :there are the grave of its composer, Franz Xaver nofaults anywhere, anditssonority Gruber, conducted by Gruber's grand- isextraordinarily beautiful.The pipes sOn. The National Broadcasting are made of boxwood, pearwood, ebony, Company of America has arranged all and other fancy woods. the details with Ravag, and all South The organ is a beautiful monument of American stations will relay the song of the artof organ -building during the poignantgladnesswhichunites all seventeenth century, and itis admired German-speaking peoples in sentiment, by connoisseurs from all over Europe. very much as " Home, Sweet Home " When Frederiksborg Castle was burnt and certaincarolsaffect the English- down in1859, the organ, fortunately, speaking peoples.After they have done The300 -years -old historic organ at Frederiksborg Castle, whichmill be had been lent to Frederiksborg Castle their chilly duty the children are to have heardin the Danish programme on Christmas Day at Copenhagen, and thus escaped the a good hot breakfast, and parcelsto fire.After the rebuilding of the Castle take home.The cable will be used to England, of the " Mass for four mixed voices, with organ,"it was returned there, and in 1895 it underwent whence Rugby will transmit to America upon by J. von Weiss. overhaul, and nothing required renewal.The short waves. Joseph von Weiss, author of the Mass " Inorgan is thus claimed to be the oldest in the On Christmas Day, at 10.45 a.m., there willhonoremSanctiBrunonis,"whichwillbe world. beaconcertbythe Vienna Philharmonic performedat the Saint Rombaut Cathedral, Orchestra and an Elisabeth Schumann concertwas born in1863,atCattaro,inDalmatia. GERMANY at 6.xo p.m., followed by a performance of TheHe spent much of his life in Vienna, and is the Cologne Merry Widow of FranzLehtir,whichisas author of symphonies, operas, religious music, popular in Austria now as it has ever been. and chamber music.His " Mass for four mixedThe Cologne station will participatein the On Saturday, December z6, there will be an voices, with organ " is of romantic inspiration, broadcast entitled " Bells Ring in Cl- ristmas " elaborate description of the Cathedral of St.somewhat comparable to the Masses of Antonat 5 p.m. G.M.T. on December 24 with the Stephan in Vienna, from the catacombs to theBruckner, though of deeply religious character. traditional singing of the Soest (Westphalia) from summit of the spire, in which all the announcers At 6 p.m., the Brussels No. x station will also the gallery of the spire of the Petri Church in of Ravag will take part, preparations for this broadcast " Christmas in Bruges " by M. M. Soest.Soestitselfis famous foritsaltar broadcast having been in progress for monthsHankard. pictures, its churches, and its " Pumpernickel " past, and the great ceremonies which take place -the black bread eaten as a delicacy in Germany. there at the various seasons each year will be CZECHOSLOVAKIA Leipzig briefly indicated.It is timed to begin about President Benes to Broadcast 7 p.m.Afterwards there will be a great " Funk - The Christmas programme of the Reichssender potpourri," as it is called by Ravag, a hilariousThe main Christmas programme of the Czecho- Leipzig reflects German Christmas customs. kind of variety programme, lasting several hours.slovak broadcast begins on the evening of the For German children the most important 22nd with the great Christmas Oratorio, bypart of ChristmasisChristmas Eve. Very J. S. Bach. On the 23rd we shall hear children'sexcited and impatient, they wait for the moment BELGIUM choirs and an old Czech folk Christmas play with when the door will be opened, and, under the On Christmas Eve, the Mussels No. 2 stationmusic and carols. The programme of ChristmasChristmas -tree decorated with burning candles, will broadcast from midnight to approximatelyEve will be given a special importance by athey will find all their lovely presents. The DECEMBER 18, 1936 WORLD -RADIO 3 Reichssender Leipzig will help them through dancers will be. present to go through the jigs, the ordeal of waiting with a broadcast at 3 p.m. reels,hornpipes,etc.,playedbyaspecial on December 24." The door is still not yet augmented ceilidhe band. opened " is the item, which includes humorous tales,' short Christrhas stories, and songs.- At NORWAY 5 p.m. the Leipzig trumpet -band greets -Christ- The best " listening -season "isundoubtedly mas. -Christmas music at 5.2op.m. leads to the the Christmas holidays.What,, then, are we celebration of Christmas Eve, which,- at 7 p.m., going to hear ? With the third largest tonnage isintroduced by Christmas carols, sung by intheworldi, a nation numbering only 21 children's choirs from Central Germany, where million inhabitants must remember in many especiallyare foundchildren'schoirswith floating homes in foreign harbours,fathers, excellent voices, some having gained world-wide sons and brothels, whose longings and thoughts fame.In that broadcast there will be heard the are drawn towards home and Fatherland.And t. Thomas's Choir of Leipzig, the Kreuz Choir this longing for contact with home broadcasting of Dresden, and other children's choirs from can satisfy more nearly than can any other Thuringiaand Saxonysinging . the old agency. Christmascarols,partlyoriginatedinthat A programme for our seamen, therefore, has part of Gennany and' especially characteristic been given a considerable part on the third of it. Christmas day, and it is very varied. Norwegian children have their Christmas - HOLLAND Puck, as English children have their Santa With St. Nicholas bringing his gifts on his Claus.On the night before Christmas Eve the name -day, three weeks before Christmas, and children themselves will tell about this Puck, who is a small, short -legged fellow, witha big red New Year's Eve celebrated with almoit the But we must go very far in the same enthusiasm asitisinScotland,the woollen cap. observance of Noel is not so great in Holland as north of Norway's fanciful and isolated districts A merry reportagefrom winter sports stations, with to find a child who really has seen this gentleman it is in France or England.Its reflection in the Miss Gladys Baxter, of the CBS, as the reporter wireless programmes ischiefly of a musical so near at hand that he can describe him and tell character, and already the Christmas Oratorio stories about him.
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