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i l‘ •( / •. 'X T^NTY-EIGHt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER §, 19W iHah(t;(ater ^t»nUtg $»ralb ATm ge DsUy Net PyiM Ron Tbe WcRthff . For. the W eek Ended rendeet f t/. B. Wdettif bm eei Nev. 3, 19Bt The Couples Club o f the Tal- John O. 0'Bridn> owner, of Olobe In the abaehce of Major, and Emanuel Women’s Missionary ' - .PrisHdng iwmpiiwlen WMUleiL:' cottville . OoniTeyational Church Travel Strvicisi'^Mn Main St., haa Mrs., Jehn Pickup, U’ho are at Society will meet tomorrow at About Town will serve another of their popular, left by plane on his second trip tending 'a retreat for Salvation 7:30 in the reception room. Edeel 12,361 vnadyi wW«r tnetgRt emd ‘ spaghetti suppers at the church around the world. Some, of . the Army officers in Bast Northfleld, Iiaacion, aealstant to Pastor An; Member of the Audit ^ day. Lmr SsmIgM Sd-M. n g h Bele' , Mduurd U Adanu, 1T« son of Mr. Mass., David Addy, recently re Saturday evening: front S to 7, un places he will visit are Haw^atl, the derson, will ’show a film featuring Burenn of Olnmlstlen .nrdny de-43. Albtrt U Adam*, 33 Ut> der the chairmanship o f Mrs. Her south Sea Islands. New Zealand,' tired sergeant lirlajor, will have Danny Kaye and the work of the Mdnche^er ^ A City of Village .Qharm /' . ^ tia SbK$u Jointd th« U.S. Marine bert 'C. Brown. 843 Woodbridge Australia and Singapore. While ip charge of .the open dir service to United Nations Children's Relief shopping center <^n>e and will leave tomorrow St., this town, and her comi^ttee. Australia, he plans to attend the night' :at 7:30 aud the midweek Fund. Hostesses will be Mrs. Her% mominc fw'IMrrU lalend, N.C., to' be a mr, service at 8 o;ciock at the Citadel. Children under 12 will ■ed Olympic Cameal He expects to be roan Johnson, Mrs. Otto Johnson. (fisselfisd AdrsHUtag oe Png* 14) befla hla tw otvtealii^. He wee at half price. away six weeks. Mrs. Calvin P. Davison and Mrs. VOL. LXXVI, NO. 35 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) M ANCH 1 CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 19156 PRICE nVE CBimR formerly employeiNtS ZMcTe Drive .Mrs. Ralph ’rT^deiri of Sunaet Eric Anderson: tn. Dr. Vlvfan Tappan, assistant The Women’s' Club of Manches Farms. Weet Hartford?^-will be guest speaker at the meeting of Iw clinical' professor of pediatrics, and ter will observe men’s night Mon ’ Norman'Kronick, 18 Stephen St., The Edfar Clreie o f th^ medicine at Vale University, wrill day at 8 o’clock at the Second the Mancbeiter' Garden Club, has been named to the honor roll Methodist WSCS has post be the gucat speaker at the regiilar Congregational Church. Irv Wer- which will be held in the Federa for the flrat marking period at the iK f its meeting scheduled for Monde, lOnthly meeting of the Children’s mont will spehTt oh "Psychology in tion room of. Center Church Nov. Hartford Institute o f Accounting, eveniiia to .Nov. 14. It will be held Ic Fibrosis Assn, of Connecti Action.’” Arrangements are in lO^in'atead of Nov, 12, Mrs. Ogden's where he ia pursuing the 2-year CHARLIE McCa r t h y , Pinehurat Meat Manager, offers Iowa at the home of Mrs. Walker cut' Saturday at 8 p.m.. The meet charge of Mrs. Wlllitni' Stroud. oiibject will "Chriatfhaa Deccfra- course in accounting, and finance. State freah Corn-fed pork, as the Best Meet Value of the Week. B rins, 84 Finley St. Oo-hosteesM ing wriirbeit the parish house of tions." Members are urged to save , finehurst. fess Hostesses are . Mrs. "Johh’-Malofie the date. ' will be Mrs. Doris McKinney and the South Congregational Church. and Mrs. Clifford Prince. THE POPULAR 7-RIB CUT . - ‘ Mrs. Vera Hooker. 510 Wethersfleid Aye.. Hartford, f a m o u s ■’3 and the public la><^lBHy invitedv Legal Notice to attend. ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Charl'Ca C. Hatha; Saul M. SUverstein. president of way of Del Norte, Col., announce Personal Notices FRESH CHICKEN Royers Corp., presented his views I state of CONNECTICUT. Dli-trlct the birth of a ' daughter. Megan | nf <*4fV«ntry. ProvaiA Court. Town of on labor-manayement rrlations to Washington ■ Lodge, Nd>v^l7-,'^ U'vrnlrj^; October 30. 19M. 25 LOL. will meet tomorrow nlght^^t ' Cheney Hathaway, yesterday. Mrs. In Memoriam RilrRoastPork> ’ day at a luncheon meeting: of Epsi K.«*utA of^ohn W. SilvU. Uto of Cov- PINEHURST r e a l , c e n t e r CUT ■ lon Alpha Zeta. honorary business 7 ;45 in .Orange Hall. Electipii oi Hathaway is' the • forpier .loan *u)iry. owninir propfiiy in IHPtrict. dd, . daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 'u»‘Cf*aA*Ni. fraternity at Hillyer Colleye,.'Hart officers will m held, also election Tn lovinf memory of our dear fathAr PORK CHOPS .............. .... .f ...... lb. 79c AlfetH Todd, 379 Porter SI., and Prc.ffAiit Hon. Elnutre Tiirktnston. and huahand; Joaeph Morrifon, who ford. \ of offlcera for the district ,l6dge. JUflpe*. paaaAd away Xor. 6. 1960. Hathaivgy is the son Of Ruasell UiK»n ihA AppliCAtion^ o f IrAn^ I. SlIviA LOIN ROAST PORK . lb. 65c •________________________________X Hnthawayfs364 Porter St. of ( nvAiury. Connecticubv prAylnc thai A dAar oHA front ua haa gone / AdnilniftrAtion nf AAld i‘'s(At^b4» ifrAntf^ A voiCA we loved la atUI 3-l b . AVERAGE. AR pAr appllcAtlon on /Hr Inpre fuilr A place la vacant lb our home Mr. and M rs/'I^ ln g Finley of apnoarii: ii in \Vhlch never ran be filled. CHOIGB g r a d e Elmville, former MkA^eater resj- ORDKRKD'. That raM appHcatibn e a c h hFArd and d#*torinfn'*d at a t'o u rr of Ever reniembered. RIB ROAST OF BEEF lb . 5 9 c U.S. depta, have received^vyord that Prnbatf* to Ha held At tho P r ^ Mrs. Joseph Morriaon, wife. l^so Air Optim isp their daughter in law and'^p-and hato OfflCA in thA T o a n . o f CoVaii- Mra. rhartea Dome and MEATY 3rd to 7th RIB. on thA 13th day of N ovArnbfr. 1956 grandchildren. ** ~o~ ee’'----------- daughter— hare— been evaci at tAn o'clock In tliA forAnoon: and that Perk Leim ib. 4 9 l^ West Three from Tel Aviv. Israel, and have ai imiicA of ihA pAnriAiicy o f said apulira- sCard of Thanks rived safely in Italy. Their son, "Hmi. and of iho tirn^i and placA o f hA«ir- Whole 10-lb. atrip. Ciit In r-^ cr A o n . bo, iJlVcn to all p^raona to order. Chops and A f t e r X o n ^ ROASTING CHICKENS Irving Finley Jr., is stationed at khow^Kto bA iiitArARtAd .in aaid AgtaiA. We wish th express our hAartfelt the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv. by rauiunc A copy of thia order to bA thanks for ih / many acts of kindness roasts. ^ ubliahed time in aome nAaapapAr and sympathy e?Oendfd to ua during Talks Now r Try our ehickdns and capona charcoal*barb«cue roast Kavthir a cirntlatlon tn aiUd Dlatrirt. the illffeaa and death of Mra. A1ic<^ Advertisement— and poatAd on inesHiibHr alipipoat nAar- -Tracev Johni^on. We are especially ' Washington, Nov. 9 (/Pl-r^-Pferidcnt Eisenhower and C (| n - ed for 50c; order ahead for Saturday or Sunday. Or get cat. adiAre_ the- dAcAa^rd- . - —ia.Rt dw.............. ell in grateful to thA mAdlcdl and nursing Washington, Nov, "9 (/P)— . the Town of CovAntt^-. sAnl by rAgln*: utaff of MancheatAr Memorial Hospital. gressional leaders discjissra the tense world situation for 2H Install clean, dependable Gas While We offer, self service We are starting to take or them ready to cook any day. We deliver Friday, morning. tAi-ed mall to • ; thA D irectors o f the Public -Health o n e e n d T ^ ders on Thanksgiving poul- French Premier Suy , Mollet j Heating, and forget service and Irene-1, Silvia. Flanders iW., Coven-i Nurses Assn.. Mrs. Certrude Rayner groceries and vegetables, we hours today. Th^egfsiators left the White House using such trj'-., .Turkeys will be from ;.aid today,he intends to visit j delivery problems. Rent a Gas try Cdnnecilcui und her staff of P ublic Health KtirsA^i;. continue to be old fashioned G H O N E terms as “^ v e " and “serious” but there were expreasiona Conversion Burner—32.05 monthly Mrs. Mary Cripe. 264D Charter-^ak also to those mho contributed the many in our meat department... Cap La-Broad's Connecticut- President Eisenhower short-) Terrace. |Tar|ford. ronnectlrut: ' ; beautiful floral trlh»itea and offered the and feature a SERVICE nearby farm. They will be also of pptimism. ROOM O LC O n —Buy a Gas Conversion Burner Charles Popple. Flanders Rd.. Coven^'^uae nf their cars; For all of their klnd- FREE! ly but the White House re ^niite Democratic leader Lyndon Johnson of Texas told 3285.00, leas 350.00 allowances for Hy onnectlrut: Guardian Ad I..ltem 4irc graiefiil. MEAT DEPARTMENT fresh broadbreasted Hens (John U. Silvia. Jr. of Covenirv. Conn.. \ W I T H EXPERIENCED and Tom)i...W e will also ported there are no plans for iporters he thought the discussion had been “very fruitful 403 West Center Street MItcheU 3-78.S3 old equipment. Guaranteed heating Minor) ‘ '^sWllltam Johnston a western'Big Three meeting astimatt. The Hartford Gas Co. all on .or before the Rth dav of N ovem - ^ Ilva. Helen Gleason and family MEAT CI.TTTERS TO AS offer frozen eviscerated and helpful.” ^ ber, 1^ 6,__________ ^ I MrsNEllaaheth Boni and family SIST YOU IN EVERY Northwestern birds.