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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-8-1906 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 03-08-1906 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper

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yaurg roan attended the Presbyterian cntii'vly eliminating New Mexico an.1 THREE DEATHS Mchoo) for several years and was a DOOK Ai'Uona. He made a aiguutttnt memWer of the Presbyterian church PIB Ti:i (?TIR MTOO against. ih comutlidatlon of the i FliEIII Ml , vt this city. was a bard working, riiorles luta t wer statt-s- conttodlnf young man. Three more were B intelligent, worthy men of ti caricature that western states mce ago he entered the employ of " - ytart ," ; sary tu give agricultural , and othei The Optic. He was fast becoming an trans-MisMisalp- Interests a Htruu iiif.ira txpert linotype operator when representailon In congress. He pre- compelled him to resign hli dicted in the near future the west place. For the past year he has been , frm iNsevem ana tr would have a luurh larger population and week his nooTMtNMjaoateeeevMii9 1 ; failing slowly ago (NtMV.ia ACNeNaMl4Sl v t than tbe east, and said, even if tbe ail re- t SIH1Y friends up for bis MMM(AMPrtfNVtMMi gave hope I -- "" present Hose were preserv- am YN . ' houodary covery. TTilTVViVtef ed It would he Impossible to secure a Less' then two years ago Mr. Cor-ddv-a many states as there were east o warried : cultured and estima- t t!:r.trtl Flyer Smashes 'jnto ATfYATUW the Mississippi, an therefore, 0e ble yowwr women, who aurvlies him ' Local balance of powei' la Ihe senate wast M Stsw on Detewtrt ,' A'fathef. mother, and qtber relatives be western " ' necessarily against the U " 4 Hudson Road, at Chacon. "; section He declared the time would p !Funera services will be held to- come the west would find-It- s morrow when at ten o'clock at the Presby protection in the west' He referred teriBir eh'irch of thle city, with burial on to the Influence of foreign immigra , Light Engine Penruylvama Crashes li a Las Vegas cemetery. Rev. Nor TMITOll In at tion in eastern communities, and CssfmiM Alcins . Into Work TrainWreck on pian rkJnoer wi'l officiate. Of iMMi&MriON. eleo-Hon-, Asd this connection aak) at Its last at Tkst , ' Ciamayai Occtycsa Czy ; ,n Burlington. Chicago elected a" socialist as - 1 Prevent AfftsssssAt IUIT AGAINST ONTARIO of mayor. ,; nam ' COMES UP FOR HtAft4NG DISTRICT COUKr When McCtimber closed, Tillman Sp'-'i- ii. gave notice that as soon as an oppor- Saratoga March Three TAST EMLTID March 8. Toronto, Ont., March 8.The suit tunity offers he will address the sen- Paris, The fovernmeat . dtaths followed wreck of the a local of the Dominion ate on tbe message of tho presi- finds Itself without a at t ,, ' government against ministry passenger train on the Delaware & the Ontario government for a claim dent, tent to the senate yesieriay tn culmination of this stage of th K Hudson bound from ' railroad, Rutland, for $1.32,915.3o came up for hearing tbe coal Inquiry resolution recenMy roccan conference. A - semKoCielsl Vermont, lor Troy, wbloh, while hell In the court of Can- congress on TlHman'a n.o today Exchequer passed by statement . op by a freight wreck near the local ada. The claim Is made against the tion. He referred to the prejidential aajrsi "The ministerial crisis does aft station, wa9 run down by the Mont- Ontario government for the repay- me4ag as a "very docu- not s re-eu- feet oca real Flyer, southbound, Jaet night. The ment of certain-annuitie- and other ment, and wil that but for the ; the French policy at the dead are: ference. This is deal&MMl sums paid by the Dominion to tbe to proceed with the iititeboal ' Mrs. Charles Esmonti, Gaastrvoort, Salteaux terms of he would ask to be heard at this warn Germany not to take advaxU;t Indians under the bill, ' ' N. Y. a treaty concluded In 1873. In that time. Patterson then addrene.l Ihe of tbe situation, The fact la, tho Gertrude Esmond, eged ten. year tbe Crown purchased 47.000 senate on the il!tehood bill, siwaktniir ministerial hiatus confueea mattejrs, A. Salt-eau- x an Wtlch i Frank Sindecuse, Buffalo. square miles of land from he in 'oi position to the passage of tli and threatens agreement se- al- been reaclbei Four people were injured, one tribe of tbe OJibway Indians and house hill. Me devoted his attention otherwise might have vote ot . riously. Slippery rails is the reason Fettled annuities upon the chiefs. In most exclusively to the portion of the today, A of the chamber given wby tb flyer did not Btop. IS78 the land was made over to the bill for joining Arizona lf utles last night resulting Into, providing and , Another Fatality. Province of Ontario. Now the Do- and New Mexico and contended that defeat for the government taa 0 ra-- Greehsburg, Pa.', March 8. An en- minion aRks that Ontario repay th Arizona as now founded bad undoubt resignation of the cabinet alo gine running lfgbt on the Pennsyl- amount it on the Indians and ed to ultimate statehood.. quires the government to temyorut spent right who vania railroad near Radenburg, Pa., improving the land. The province in Land Officiate Removed. with the church manlfestanta, , today, crashed into a work train on Dominion March 8. President are becoming Increasingly demonstra- reply gays that the govern Washington,; be- which were seventy-fiv- e Italian labor- went made the treaty and therefore Roosevelt has removed from offlci tive. President Falllerlea today ers employed, on the new pipe line. nhould out the conditions. John D. register; J. gan a series of consultations relative carry Ollphant, V W A lot were killed and thirty five others Trotter, receiver; and 1; J. Chapman, to the formation of a romtatry. Astonished. were injured; several will 'ilia. WILL TAKE IDAHO PRIS clerk of the land office at Mangum, Delegatsa Rear-en- d 8. The tnbalaterlp . Collision. ONERS ON SPECIAL TRAIN Oklahoma, for Irregularities in the Algeclraa. March Burlington. Iowa, March 8.--- A rear conduct of the bunin of the office ai crlsl in Parte has caused profound two sec- the delesatea of end collision today between Caldwell. Idaho. March 8. Owtn astonishment among Pur- - conferanco tions of a train on the hnre--if- f the powers attending the freight to a misunderstanding between STEAMER l'ngton inured four men, S. Healon MUTINY ON here. The Impression prevalla that Nicolg and Warden J. M. AVhii CAUSES A DEATH a Ftockman the event Is and way pt , 1, : New, Virginia fatally, indict rfient deplorable ' the prisoners under di-.- ; The acd-I.-'u- t was caused fir.--t lay, disastrous" to French ry'tl)e li) connection with the assassination ZJSHfgAS erne. slbly prove New .York. March 8 The mutiny re-fus- e stion of the train breaking in two. of Governor were not plomacy. Tbe delegates, however, Steunwiberg, ..WILLIAM b. CANKER. in which one life was lout occurrel to commit themselves M to th.' here this morning for Massa-.ehtwtiM- s brought today on. board the steauiur of thii ; William B. was t '.inUr--,.- ! effect, previous to the receipt It Ik stated that a special Ihmker born iur em actively is a dock at 1 ' which lying, tone of d1: li New will Moyf R"uh county. lndiana In he yelir jwibjic &M bns 'nrtous po jyas nv thji llcirftgeaeil Industry train thin afternoon bring tSr! Slucanv- - it - Brooklyn;. rlittnaii, antf wotk of rejroaxh-mer- Haywood nd ..O'clrd will Alter UnUhlne. he- course in'Vcmscf houor-- t anda of th Ja;i appwod tU was killed a revoJyt'r. battleuift -- - Las later.' the public "schools, he gTaiinated fr'oj.i democratic party,, of which he is an during nas proceeding- with S1fvftah For Vegas be Mntemd tbe steamer's decki, in which the this morn- Purdue university, and studied law In ardent supporter. In the year 1S9 activity. The conference Menmer's firemen on one id -' Warsaw, Indiana. 'Ma. Bunker came Air. uunner was elected to the ranged ing assumed the discussion of the po- SECRETARY ELIHU ROOT'S uppei and them were tbe ship's to Las Vegas in the year 1886 an.1 house of ibe from th opposing Hco question. NIECE A PLAYWRIGHT. legislature officers and members of the "crew. St. Louis Contractors Acquire soon after received tho counties of San Miguel and Guaria appointment The had been brewing as clerk. In 18851, He as of mutiny sine Timber Lands and Will Estab- BkMmur- - March 8. "Mozart'? deputy November, lupe.. served president tb A Ma., he was clerk of the United territorial board for the steamer left Cardiff, February in Mrs. Ivy appointed of immigration food. Dealing Cotton Wood-Worki- ng Romance." a by firemen of the lish comedy States court. Upon the of four years. Three terms he bas hel the complaining Factory. Anhtoa Root, a niece of the Secretary expiration sided with the bis term, be entered the law firm of the office of He en The crew, however, of to be its first pro- city attorney. cam to ai Futures, G:nr,bl:nfj State, is given & firm tbe officers and the trouble An ad- Long Fort, the adopting joys the distinction of being enrolled some firemen duction in this cttv tonight. name & ' head this morning after E. cen-- of Long, Fort Bunker, After among the Past Exalted Rulers of Charles Mitch.!, general equate company has been engaged to the night ashore. being associated with this firm for Las Vegas Lodge, B. P. O. E-- , No spent tractor, and M. S. Loomie, rnanasvr if support Howard Kyle in the leading Texas. March court Greenwood Mill com a year and a half, In the year 1893 408. He Is at present just concluding Dallas, 8,Tbe" the Planning role. of civil appeals at Austin yesterday left for home in he organized tbe firm of Bunker & a term of office in the city council BULLET FROM THE SKIES pany, today their St, gave what looks like a fatal blow to Louis. The have a Smith, Shortly after, Mr, Smith re of La Vegas. FATALLY WOUNDS SOLDIER. gentlemen spent ST. LOUIS POLICEMAN the dealers In cotton futures in Tex- week here over and moved to Astoria, Oregon, and from Mr. Bunker has always been prom looking the city SUSPENDED FOR GRAFTING, as, In reversing and dismissing the this date to the present time, Mr. nently Identified with the progress oi 8. remarkable ac county and have about reached the Berlin March A ease of Jesse Lv Nbrrla against W. conclusion is excel- Bunker has continued his practise Las Vegas and Is generous In assist ! from the that SL March 8. Two sergeants cident reported little gar H. Logan. Ixigan was ailed to reeov lent for establishment in Las Ve Louis, alone. After the first of April next, ing every worthy enterprise. By dill rlson of A the were sus- town Ortelsburg. private er furnished o buy futures, wood-workin- g and eight patrolmen today will ha: money gas of a large factory, Mr. Bunker be associated with gent attention to business he soldier was walking. In broad daylight from the police department by an.1 alleging Logan had not sold accord- planning mill, etc. Tbe gentlemen pended Mr. W, J. Lucas In the firm of Bunker built up a lucrative law practice on the outskirts of the town, when Acting Chief of Polk Gillaspy, ft Lucas. will and esteem of ing to orders. Logan filed a counter expect to return within a month to pn enjoys the good he suddenly fell to the ground. Per of which it is - suit for money put up on ten point carry out their plane. charges grafting, During bis twenty years of resi- his fellow citizens to an unusual de sons who came to hia 'aaslstanca Bald, will be preferred against dence In Mr. Bunker has margins. The court dlsniaaeS the The in connection with Las Vegas, gree. found be had been struck by a ' gentlemen, them before the board. The that case, saying It was gambltnx, The others in St. Louis, men of means, police no one, men until were on iu rifle bullet, though including effect of the decision is that' neither have purchased a large tract of fine recently duty the wounded man himself, had heard the central district, which Is the side can collect money In Texan deals timber land in the which Foraker to Introduce Amendment ; county, or seen a snot nreo, investigation . . of the jury investigation ,on cotton futures. , they will utilize in their new enter cepjer grand resulted in the discovery that long, ' of It 1b to into tbe charges grafting. prise. proposed Becure other range firing exercises had been goto: 0MN,Tg sTATt MONUMXNT lands and manufacture the lumber on For Elimination of New on the time at the garrlnon range HAS Providing at , DEDICATED AT VICKtrUK3. an Increasingly large scale. COLORADO BENCH SHOW three miles away, and that a gun bad Messrs. Michael and Loomis, while A RECORD-BREAKIN- G LIST. off. Tho ballet Mexico and Arizona From accidentally gone Vlcksburg, KIsa.,' March' l.Th-bandeom- e here, made estimates as to the cost from this rifle had passed over a ' record- - monument erected to ti of repairing and reiurnishing the Denver, March 8.Wlth a wood, and In down on the an- dropping memory of the New Hampshire Montezuma, which Will submit breaking list of entries the fourth a considerable trcc;s they other side from height who fought and fell rn the aicra to the board of directors of the Na- nual exhibition of the Colorado Ken If This Fcils, His Amendment For Vctt sufficient to In- Providing StpaxU had retained velocity Vlcksburg was dedicated today tional Fraternal Sanitarium for appro- nel club was opened to the public to a critical wound, vH " ' Pe-Att- flict ceremonies In ih val. V V- - ' - day in Coliseum hall.'' Not only from fn Tcrritcriis b Sure to itud of Metro Impressive fttsziu of Governor MoLana - and a' L.ra all parts of tbe west have the ex - - B. R, Adams, an experienced un ln- nrominent Kew ' Death of Charles Cordova. hibits come, but many of the famous on Anrcr.d:d Bill Doubtful. rtr f citiaeu c dertaker from Indiana, who baa had ta - Charles Cordova, a young man who Eastern kennels are also represented Hampshire. The'mcmnaent Ota- seve- charge of the business of 8. R. posing and beautiful abaft of came here from Chacon, N. M.; Judging began soon after the opening - crtsif MtXes Dearth his absence tn Callfor- an (j a - ral years ago, Hied early this morn- today and will continue until the McCumber Gallant Defenss ot tht West, Pointing Out That during occupies conspicuous location nla, has leased commodious quarter n Grant's headquarters 1n the Vlcks-- 1 ing of tuberculosis of tbe throat. The Rbow closes Saturday night It Will Soon Become Protection Ettt-PtiU- rson the of tht : at the corner of Fifth street and IU)I national burg park. ,. i ' '? " ; avenua In will! ' ; Opposes Pcsssgt of Hamilton Bill. , road Albuquerque, and in , about the first of next month estab-- George Day and wife left this afV fish there! Iternoon ' Prepara " an undertaking business for Garden CHy. Kanaaa. ..;.,V" GiyC (Special to The .Optic.). T. V - 7 SYnate Meets" Early. tions to Give to New Washington, V, C, Hkrcb $Jwin "Washington, March 8, Tl; senate Way 11 a. m earlier-tha- i Regime the sUtebood bllLia 'P.for iu met at , an hour interest as Bazaar :lld usual,, to afford additional time foi Increasing final couslderattoa tomorrow, Senator the discussion of the statehood bill At last the city lathers got a quo Messrs. Forsythe and Helfflch, the Foraker will move an amendment but it looked for a while at If the of Nations is much-neede- and the with full Close rum and held-- and mayor city attorney, Arizona Nearinc; power to act. eliminating New Mexico and object would be fustrated by a lact long postponed meeting, there being of senators. The application of N. 8. Belden, a from the. bill and admitting Oklaho- attendance of When the Mayor Olney, Aldermen Bun not sin The Dazaar of Nations did a flour believed the present member of the library board, for an ma and Indian territory as one state. hqur of meeting arrived, a, opera house will ha Helfric-b- , was as business last The vot crowded. ker, Wallace, Forsythe ana other month's' appropriation, 85;3G It now looks very much as though gle seat occupied, but tht ishlng night. In voice of the called to or Ing for the most popular lady connect The fact the funds derive 1 Elwood. The regular reports of of was granted. . this amendment would prevail the, president that fleers were read and filed. A numbei On motion of Alderman Helfrich senate. If It doe not, Foraker will der. the chaplain entered the north ed with the, fair commenced. Thr from the bazaar are to be applied tu door McCumber leaders are Miss Grace Cohn an'. off of .citizens were present for the pur the city marshal! was Instructed tr press his amendment allowing New and and Oearln ap paying the Indebtedness on boats nose of the narrow the builders business Mexico and Arizona a separate vote. peared at the opposite entrance and Mrs. Sweesy. The voting will bt Uful Gaillnas Park appeals parttco protesting against notify erecting continued established by ordinance or blocks on Douglas avenue to level off It in by no means certain that, if Teller and Patterson came in a fe Friday night larly to the people ot the city. roadway senators wen the union men of Misses Blxth street, the feeling being thai the streets on which they had deposit the Foraker amendment eliminating minutes later. Other Tonight the cit Carrie Oreenberger, RaglnA slow In whe will have of the fair. 8tern and the amount of parking required would ed earth. Arliona and New Mexico be adopted arriving, and at 11:15, charge They Pearl Corso took fart ln ' Can- - will first class be too much of a demand upon the The lion ordinance, given in fur that tho house will sanction It. McCumber began to speak on th put through a program. a beautiful fire dance last evealnj at - a sen and Cancea and or tea and the roadway with street elsewhere, wet passed unanimously non still insists on the Joint fttat.- statehood .bill less than dozen Including songs o'clock, which, waa novel and en. chitons, A contest will car track would be too narrow. Me A resolution appointing boards of hood bill In practically amended form atom wer$ ra their seats. chestra music. lively tertalnlng. The glrle were dressel McCumber Introduced bla be held to decide who Is the mos' in era. ft. W. Kelly, F. O. Blood and A registration for the coming election or nothing. However, the Insurgent rpeecl entirely red, they gave t skirt for the union man in the Tht dance in D. Mlggins favored widening the was passed The resolution is pub republicans have reformed again and by . presenting a substitute popular city. the middle of the Coor with statehood one state ou dance will commence at o'clock torches in roadway. Messrs. Kelly and Blood go llshed elsewhere, as also a resolution say they will keep away from any bill, creating eight their hands, gtvis o3 a will r Oklahoma and another out of th' usual. , of Ing so far as to offer to defray th appointing Judges and clerks and es further caucuses, but be present 1 ts profusion stars, every lisht in tho elth- - under th The' In the bazaar is In . expense of changing the holee for tablishlng polling places. After trans In force in the house to vote for Indian territory, tbe latter interest hall being turned o!f. They, wera secures! name In of . th as the close drawa aad ot the troller poles. On motion of Mr acting bueiaess of routine nature, thr er amendment which Foraker of Seqnoya, honor creasing near, heartily encored at th conclusion name ano from tbiff time to U Banker, the matter was referred t' council adjourned. In tbe senate. Cberoee scholar of that Saturday night it the dance, but would sot respond. n Ul VIGAI DAILV OWC THI R8DAY, MARCH 8. 1906. annua) dividend and other contin gencies. Hut these proirtlon have no retrtnee to any dtfinJte amount (if JfTf.fin. ue,-- A MAh AISOUTB LAS VEGAS1 crot mlf't apkjr relatively to ayTSiLS lat year b thl woeiwiv wn IMniKi.! In loiklng tbe OpUc Annual inventory, we found 4ht we had In stock four hundred and twenty-seve- n top. 000, ob Vblch it received approximate V 'KUm'M th4 eaatlful Souvenir!Kdition 'of the Optic, issued dur-- T"Z per cent Interest. We hav i TcW - lvsl last These have been Cut cf Clisn la Cxru ira E. CttitU Tht duced these tank balances by tbe In- laSVlC)A CAikvl I iag the Fall Fair and Fes September. v umu K&anw.uiM. ia uuu.i percent, or,. ore,f which alone In- - cur Airi creates IM taoome1 of ib"aoci ety WVpped.l.0dyil. tort of deiKMlt aaainst the reserve on I hi. hftv Inld th bun tin and trn.t Ntw Yor Insursnce, and the buildings wr re to the " MtSffittd pol such.' ! For larded at , society iM bjict ab6u by ABII Will D )IU lor UY tniu. Paul Mor toMTnUn-tnat- Are you encouraging foreign busi from $10,000,000 to tl2.O00.0oo,, and .... i " I A ' iivT would friends Is handled aaiuAri Jfllcy aft) ness or cutting it om , mat means over awi.ew aaauionai in- Lis, Vegas that Inteiesypatem; fcooepslct ana r "We are encouraging busineis come per annum, making a net in- la this edition and It will ony Uh seven foente b termors Id U bl to vrvwhrii that it is profitable. Oor crease In the revenues of the society than you could write In many letters tn twe expenses a, from one item alone of 1550,000 , t r ... S5 - sag .r foreign business, however, to largs this .14 j 1 Out am now auV as .. degre has not been prontawe ia year. FOR SALE AT save . . nor9 businesp at tome.; The sape amount "Notwithstanding all the sensations t , i j.- i v million of energy, money and attention paid and agitations, the Eoult able society rfJWlVdHari annually. Tbat (a domestic business yields better re paid out daily .during the yer )Jt. rnnMV nltimalJhL.WUI CO to the DO'- - turn. ant It will be our Policy to in death cims, fcnaowmi. sur- Kim tryholders in tb form of Increased cease writing business anywhere that render values and other benefits, an 9jgy1fl& adilh tlyit.taMbef .M we find it wltbom profit; I hatfe or- average i ot about llt,to per day, Hjp gyt cheaper insurance Thai dered the aaenclea cloaed In Russia. WOlcn wBV . UUP ,me poc.tsis oi me waf 'cMrttWblnr1 to1 talc time. J ' W W Australia, Norway and Sweden. Prior people. 'IQur Income la approxlnvatai K 1200.000 : - OIVCN OIE. artsmlci .' i a mv oomlnc here we ceased wrr a day. the 'difference. itosa WHITE SOX 60 tOMTH A, the conference are Rev. Samuel Chad- UP TO who Oer the bus! or 1204 N. "The chartered accountant! tna in the expense of oonductlng V WORK. wick of Rev. A, C. Dixon B. Spiegel, Virginia t., bu.lnes. Austria, Hungary, j FOH PRKL.IMII England, ' have been through this inatitutlon, SwIUerland, because we ness, going into our assets. , :r. Boston, W. R. Moody of East North-fiel- Evansville, Ind., writes: "For over Ave many an4 ' a exhaustive eMnv lSWl ' , of and have .made moat, onnld nni onerate undef the caco. jnarcn ier oy iniei Mass.. Rev Melvin Trotter years I was troubled with kidney Mi1 , 'AtatfC' continued la conftdeneO been M. Ham , mo . " 4natk "f ta prevalent In those countries, and "lias public ip Comsskey the White So took to the Grand Rapids,-Mich- Dr. H. bladder affections f which caused UtaiprobaWy! gone now to nalred bv the. 77 i of much I lost flesh Uoii)BviTky France, we am waiting it investigation f southern trail today and will spena ill of Bible institute Chicago. pain and, worry. ; In & more into It fiora artfully ad whether the government will make "Yes, puuins w two o so in and was all run down, and ft year - ctwiuw the week, the lanl aver be- nt .,, eomnrehenalve war tban eertaln laws lust passed impaired by the dlaoloaures,,,.wtd- f- ...n-vt- tnto flhr. ago had to abandon work entirely. I who-di- d fore done In any big inatltutkm. Tbef there If it does our disposition is to Preeldent-Morto- n. "PWa have been V, f0tmon , for the American lner$iiteY.M.CA had three of the best physicians, withdraw from Prance. ne present startled by some of tne : race. Over twenty me no good and I was practically 1 much iwta,nrwj pennant " month, and (here la not of the iuw u to invest In France out the tnveatlgatlon, lf -- to die. ' Kidney ' oulra )n na, axa tahen along, and the entire In Biennial Session given up Foley's trmaaactlona of this Institution for the ? ot Me t - a oertain portioo of our reserves. , Insurance companies tj rtv will remain in New Orleans un- Cure waa recommended and the first do know t9 bet teg years tbat they sot .."What has been the general resun strong the business mljflit hATr,11 ln end 0 tne month, when bottle gave me great relief, and after : ? - , i - En- , , !''. of of life m b?t If any op taing aaa - second bottle I was i"'twt. tbe Investtgatwns ,tb.o ruined; De!ithe squad will return north. On the Parkerabure. W. Va.. March 8. taking the investments . of the , ' 'The society aurance bnslneaSr . emphasised more; rthan another; V wa Mmes will probably tirely cured." Why not let It help have been -t 11 With and Schaef-e- r, f, have been revalued. They "H has been oom io ino investigatiwi- Birm-strengt- h songs pf praise thanksgiv To be obtained of O. G. oenenciai, 1 be played at Montgomery and you? more ..,,1 ,' scaled down than I15.000.000. companies and to the public. People tf these large Institutions. The etttlre team will be kept ing, followed by a session qf solemn druggist. ... assets are Juet the same as to b to nghtm 't'Tbe tbey have learned more about' life Insur do not want In, any way put toMthfef tnt MeInl.hls is reached, at prayer, the second biennial conyentiou ; were before . ; Jbelr earnlpg power. h ance ib.e. last year., than they the position of defending or apoiogi wMch. a of and Chris ,D. W, Beall, of Walkerton. Ind,, " has during squad pitchers of the Interstate Young Men's ' r?ut the aami. nottrlng disappear. ever did before in ten years, ana .jne Ing for tbose who Have preceded .!Mtfa wU, be detached. and sent J. D. More, of Garrett, Ind.; C. A. ' A - weB tian association,' for which prepara In.t its value. Th nav admlnhl- 1 tbat over t,t managers oi the companies nave ceen but cannot refrain from saying j tt a h vi..idnnt tn rto hat.ti been for over Crane of Chicago, were looking "r Is on most Conner tions have in progress trahm startlnc the , . are and the Investments of this 0m- - "and surrounding country, taught that they trustees, Viclttjr aa tli team3 at Kanea8 CHy a year, this . aiternoon. i ne Clayton basis, bbwever. and we expect a a cnaracier. ana tow , . . opened - . : - jyatlve that ;.thet trust they have la very class are Or high nrf n ThA reeulftr.. after hddress was delivered by Dr. Saturday. 1 on it. and we are to opening lalkeep going. sacred, one and must be respected. .In the vast '' undervalue 'rather than overvalue. A. T. Pierson of Brooklyn. The will result In very great mucn -- f Two in One Winter. ' If agitation, w,u w continue the homeward trip play audience1 that crowded every nook ., f Th4 of . fl ,200,000 a yeaV, ed. f money the society of N. sln benefits to all American policyholders The.amount Ing en route at Ix)ulsvllle, Dayton. and corner of the auditorium, rail- C. E. Emerson, Fltzwilllam, w to nnauionai I "b. careful Investments has in .. cspiiaptea, equivalent r This society alone nas undergone iour has made Grand and De- road shoulder to should H., bad two attacks of pneumonia of t2!5.0O0,000. "jvv more Springfield, Rapids magnates sat , Investment, ,Thl , since exceeded any mlsappropri 14 lo- one winter. rHe writes that two phy- eparate investigations" January greatly troit., the reEular season opening er with :wage-earner- and humble the In the r- - of Insti- ra- ,,,,tbaai .offsets, reduction Ji l905, and. the legal tlon of funds. The assets the ' sicians said he could not recover fre - etraordlnary the last named city. cal were sandwiched ii of .the assets of the so- kXDen;eg entailed have not In any respect de- evangelists appraisement and, other thereby tutions between divines and men of letters the last attack. After they had given en- value tbe disclosures, Hon- clety. are amply compensated lor oy tne preciated in by wide up hope he began taking Foley's con- GREAT BIBLE CONFERENCE of world fame." The. territory - .; and the ought t0 out forced restitutions and checked insuring public AT GEORGIA iucluded Dela- ey and Tar, which brought- him "The Eoultable has Jnvesr - the Investi- OPENS ATLANTIC, represented Maryland, society trflvaeances. and bv the final conlld- gratulate themselves that District all right. He writes that he surely I . . 1 'ft.k H ware, West Virginia and the ments then $30,000,000 .... y been made, and thnt mat ine j uvw gations have ' thinks Foley's Honey and Tar is the ,u,v.,lV)1,,.,., poiicynoioers . of Columbia. - . - la Atlanta, Oa., March Enthusiasm IU us7 honesty of management hereafter for throat and Dvuitiy sji mm unvicn, ' - will continue its grandest remedy lung iwiiuu. .n... 'v was the keynote today at the open The .convention cuuijuuou invpHtSRatlons have been, destructive of troubles. Supplied by O. G. Schaefer. ;iioe the return that off Ing of the eighth annual Talernach sessions through the remainder the have hot yet yielded ,of some individual reputations, but "Business has fallen materially confidence. The PibJe conference. The conference is week. eRports showing the wonder- ; have emphasized more than ever heratme of the lack of economical they to continue ten during which ful srrowth of the association will bt; Work on the Tansill power damnt . the buildings were not and before the of .llfe insurance companies have been the mot days validity largont ' - one features of Carlsbad is at a rapi3 . advertise- pol- time "Cible work wlJl be gone Into, of the interesting thi?, progressing were Intended more ' "Mr. vieoro'iBly attacked, and many now - Hyde is entirely eeparaie.l new have' rate these and tne end is ments as InvcsKtmenfa, ilercaf- hftv hocn forfeited by tlmi'1 and sernrjns and addresseR on it will gathering. Many buildings days tbqn from this Institution. He in nothing n la within tor urn not eoinR to CO our BO v.a,. friirhtf-ne- bv be delivered by eminent authorities boen completed or are in contempla-Ji- sight. It probable that v - .v' ' v . ' 1 '.111,.. UU b fft 4IHIIIMI J 1 vv - r tion In weeks the work will be finished. Twtimna: tnat , . and the anenta of Among the noted speakers to address the territory. ihre p Ptwk wnich he Ht)1(1 t0 Mr. Kyan was thft newspapers by Is so much more . the ground occupied lmmfH:itflv nut. in trust with ex rthcr rninnanies. who hive bad grant - that H valuable than the buildings it Orover Cleveland.- JuKtica harvest in "iwiBtitiK' policies fronvtha! Prenirlnt own. 1' unimproved property.Tahe- attackwl to their J- - uuu &v vr companies ' in Morgan u uryen uwi d ti0. bmdnuarters bn ldlntt ...... have9uf-fere- here ana now-- think all of the companies for It .i;iriRlionfie-- uiey 1 am certain Newjork examp t. tn d?rectors of the soctet.y. tn. more or lesn, but an Mcck.f will recover and that con entire, 't,d,r their direction seven out of every that they Jh. fidence is gradually being restored. , "What are you going to do for: n II Mil f(V7 m i poople.who have forfeited their pol-- i icies and vvant to come hark .' , I make as four. Mr. Cleveland is the chairman "Thl society will it easy! only about 2 who lFwjmlet yooiri, sand pays of but his conneetlon as posBlble for policyholders havej -- th tniRtees, . 'year'-on- ' thfl.:vAlue of the restore tneir poi-- SOUTH SID! (per'eLi with the fl'oclety has been purely been frightened, to "PLAZA" ground and building. It Is believed tries, although there will undoubtedly try the new management that they be cane 1ft. which it cannot legally ba could erect a building on this site "The financial of the so- accompljphed." that would yield at least 6 per cent, position WILLIAM E. CURTIS. Is as sound as the Bank of Eng- .net alter paying taxes, insurance and ciety land,' Over and above all liabilities it Gsdlo CJoiv fa 2fcjf nil other expenses. , . " i ' .i i' f t' ., ESippBaycdf .u .J- ' ... J' V. reserve to Oqlvi (' ..'..- j "The St, Louis building is another has a surplus amounting $70,000,000. r , 4 Parliament Opened example of extravagant : ostentation nearly, TJ13B . out of It "Considerable exists ESopairCczzQCdllb, VJhlsh , All dur "apprehension , tne society has Kt VqfEouo of the term 'sur- at Ontario . Ing the last ten years has. been about as to the meaning Ottawa, 122,000 per annum, which s less, than plus.' A large, proportion f tbe so- on but are issued on the de- , J per cent, itn appraised value, ciety's policies reliable par-U-s ferred 'dividend under which .we recently leased It to plan, Ottawa. Ont . March 8 Parliament under., a proper bond for ninety profits are not realised until tbe ex- .' gen- opened this afternoon with the usual nine years at the rate of $37,000 per piration of a specified period ' fifteen or ceremonies', the session promises to Goods . annum for the .first two. 'years, 147,000 erally ten, twenty yeam from of Issue. When this pe- , : , for the . next two years, and $57,000 the date be aBfinUrwtljig. prj-- 1 -- per annum for tbe next,, ninety-fl- y riod arrives the policies which remain traded Tfi prihlPai writff ) ufti years. Besides these we have office In fotoe are entitled to an equitaoie tbe session ts is well known, will be Den-;w- , snare..J '..... w bulldbg, to ,Boston,, Ds Moines, oi ma surplus wuuiw 10' Memphis and other eiUea of this ing- the term of their life. The e jjsibiwiSh Goods. 'country, and in Berlin, Paris, Vienna, feet," however.' of : the deferred div toe ljberai of party , Mwdrid, ,6ydney,"Melbourne, Santiago dead Is that only a proportion mf i nI plan Jh . dis- 4m Intpljfw nadpjnosfftl fi6 ' Hats . (Chile), and the , of ulextco, , the annual profits ieJmmedlteVv, In the fiscal policy, and the Wa.lliihrj flty change t:;kri?i:?.: On annual 4dtvMeni , .. .".Wbere .bese ', buildings .may. have tribute namely, process was one of an adjustment of Ait ':;',; nseful aa and matured . seved a purpose advertise idtyldend policies. Items , than, the .adoption fjofj 1 f i Nockwbaf seveil-eighth- .rather, fir. Mirl Summer , s w ;:i;ir anents In the past, they rwiU bo treat-- ib present time approximately; W n&t system; Canada's aggregate i M on a business basis hereafter, and of the, surplus of the society foreign f forttht yea? was $2$T.-000,00- - : In as a reserve -- fund accumulat- ' fiscal Mt : ':l , will, either mak them par , better held 'iPor the 'year 10$ Shirt Waists ( yOnyx Hdsiory . de- . dividends ,or, dispose of tbem. One ing for division, ; among existing was $470,000,000, .anjUnfreAs 6fj(3 mal-urlt- y, reason, however. , for erecting . them ferred dividend polWea at their per cent. In view of these figures Skirts ?; lVZerode Undervvcar some one-el- f is 1 , waa that the Jaws of t countries ond the remaining hth, the proposed revision of the tariff ter-- available require Investments within their a free surplus reserve fof nOf IViOly V to ttvovf? sweeping; change n duties. Apparently there Linen Suit is ho r6dnd fo Mr! that the hatibnaT prosperity may be disturbed by th E8TADL1H1IED, 187e. dislocation of an Important part of Silk Suits the Industrial and commercial ma- chinery. Still the Heed of some reason Tailored uits able and beneficial adjustment of par J in -- ttcular rates generally recognised, THE and the rcocnt investigations of the Covert Jaikbt tariff commission will be used aa , a 3 basis for such an adjustment Despite Embroidered Robes nKtional the clamor? for higher duties, the bank changes to be made In the tariff will ssi not be generally toward a greater de- WoJst PoLtterns OF gree of protection than now obtains .. - - r , , i , sc In the Dominion. ":.;' ' Lb Vcrp, Mv t'zxko, In addition to the tariff the session This is only a Is expected to give Its attention to a pzrihl measure to usury, list stringent prevent : of ntw gooda re- a law to bring ft better observance of ' th sabbatn, insurance legislation and Bnrjs , , ceived Wc crc rc IDTtrOM tVr:dLti, rW&M, several other matters of lesser Im- portance.- rti. V Combs . CD. KAYNOOl Cftshief. Fancy ceiving large chip KAUm RAVWLR Am'I CMtr To dmw th Hi or a ttufn, heat ments of new a cut without lea rmg i scar, or to cum Veilinfjs gob bolls, scree, tetter, eCxema and all skin every day, Wc want A budneea transacted. and diseases, IV Wltt'a Witch . ; : ; general banking vilp ie Ltkces and t i ;;; to call and Interest pala on time depostta. UaielSalte.A speciflcfprplles. Oetthi you inspect No causes such speedy '. genuine. remedy our fWitt's-tbegenul- BA Embroideries goods, " relief " , Issues Dowieatlo and Foreign Kxananf. Sold by Winters Drug Co. j K. D. GoodaTl. ; THURSDAY. MARCH I, ltf.

. , . . . vafe. an. Jolting of th engine It wa a wonder teeei)stfsviietysuyMeiw that be didn't fill off, . , . mws "He was in a pretty bad way, Ills o a tTA rr nrf iTh ai mil i W HfcW. 1 n ml head wm crushed la and H didn't took as though any life was left in hint. We so j, 0. carried him to the smoker,' Oeorge McDill, one of the iw--j bis dep 44tf , ttt3.!ity that hie wife wouldn't him, and :::: vu time, secretaries of th Railroad VI cjti, txtzzii m. a nurse who was traveling with West's Q u a., in making a tour of the Pled ittakJUa in 4H e.4 Mi Ooaneottni with toe H P. N. B.t;:inod Cam "ft minstrel troupe came up to help. As 6 CUeso, ksdl soumwesteru territories, him HaotSo R Lx-tay- oor Averto.t tt:t;aa. soon as we loosened his collar I felt and R. hortt Uae) oot of The tlf' WUheeto ' " Hew Uexioo, to C5Uoe-- o, CauinnaCtty I awir'nttt"it7u8H,rtved that ruaybe he had a chance of keep-lu- g t It announced that toe Wester! and wai or Ct Louta. Vbn ftm... f th, platform alive, and I telegraphed ahead for v ansae Land company has bought th CmJCO CD '' from a doctor," , , , the Canadian .Pacific railway, ' v"" " ""' Pr. of dressed HOAD the Edmonton 600,000' acre T CI Paso Finney Cliatoavlllt) BEST, SAFEST AND SHOHTES district, Hu the wounds of Mr. and Mrs. M land for 1580,000. H , TherjUsiiof the union station will Duraskl " J gem . .. , - ; Wn , " and both will recover; ;v , , ( hnr far be the lunch room when the .! r- , ' portable ciutaa kd!jr Harvey . tTormnoe. - . A W PeracaMtctookraiA'Uu)"rfi K suflertn. the , Kast . ) TlBam'neW people, concessionaires, complete A Scientific, Wonder. , . Po your frin4s back (lnrIUncdi,gtantoyncJfUnUFe. ' tcwkiat of - to Choctaw -- dUUiot- remodeling the room, says the El U Us a good turn by teuillng ua a . , . the Rock The curtilhatfeUndtb credit Chortent line to Cl Fnao, Caslea Md cotttwest Island, left for the east over Paso Herald. Fumed oak Is to be ad- - - tit l list of name and M to make Bucklen'a Arnica Salve a sclen- - their, roalw trst-ol- rout to OsUfortcU Cfestrtl, O ;, , ft Paoiftc used with all fixture (it v Sunday tvenVf. throughout, , yt ft ,TMf ' draeeea, W will seud them Ct Mr. Tlnsmnntand W party spent the best of taste.1 tyflp wonder, H onred E.i R, Muord : descriptive land literature three, days, in El Paso before return- John 'Stein, district superintendent lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry " " about section of the ing to his headquarters In' for company. ad J. F. your ' 4 the east th Harvey Pa.'. of a to-da- V9 I ) Waynesboro, distressing Southwest. Writ y to UawDnllf dlttl 41 Hucktor Superintendent of tie aw ease It the . wont v v ftrritnr:f ;of fU. healej Kf v .'.,' K9. 1 r? 1iavtw&la' the 3ty Burna. ttores. BoiU, Vleersv ; ;tlas1ee fc, deprnt, jCt9, Csa. Celseisswis Atset A.'T.' S. p. Ky., J.tanrxA am , lowing the , Juarex March for the lantuia ra..... a centenary. maklnr Arrangement Weuadst CatUblains "and 8U Rhenni. p. S caC'7-'rt,KiX- i 21. the railroads of tlon. r,..XSNNtDT Mexico expect to OnT)' 26c at all druggists.. ;Rsilway Eathaii, 440 ,,...... -.- .. J40X1ABTT .!:. -- - pcafe. t liftsvat handle n tmprecedented"amonnt ""Of With good luck attsndins they hepe pasaenger traffic. Celebrations will t0 A child of Brown.' the sexton at ' ill n. aw ..TOSaUMO..... a tlzn chler&ies of f by nMr&?ifthe nttuTes iire (iarlsbad' - U down with,s intra' beIfcrW IsrotApTn..TW cemetery.' : : To COM In On . . f iwjMleV M wpetial WW wHl"E being constructed In the east scarlet fever,, i'li- Cur Pty. ' ' granted by the roads to all point. An of the Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine IndWd'&toe bound. Cmteo . Interior furnishings of the dining A severe sold, that may. develop In- Tablets. :" Druggist refund money If ttasrstst Dts2..U!ri ,c:i. A sQld raY fit; tfonhr&t car room la given from the fact that a to over night, can be cured pneumonia it fall r OROVEjS'' if loads qf ::whtt kwloootaiai almost wainscoting seven feet high of fumed hod t. ufj. quickly by taking Foley's Honey l--. , t5c. ; .rv ,r,-,"M- .1,000,000 pounds, to be - distributed oak will be built Tar. It will cure the most cubtluate nature Is on v.c f' ;;,. 'i IT B.Jt. II A among several hundred different racking cough. and strengthen your ' tCHCOU TO. CANYON. i towns , of the New England taid Ue, For .Repairs. , lungs. The genuine is in a yellow Uts, tl has has been shipped from i the firm of 'f package. v To be obtained of O. O. The fltnet Rattway eoeapaay .VI - established the following a th per Hammer Brothers White Lead 'com is lata up in nis nome in Amuquer- Schaetpr, .".;. : ? Jr P. P. tVrVAj-v-.- i OalUna 1 r) 1 ; City of St. LoiiIm, via i manent achedule to canyon .rMj, pany the tackawan , fflMre JWUktti an que,', WJJ and i ; ; . . ,, OA. Mrs. Ii. Who return' encounter wjlth one of the, well built H. Byrant of Carlsbad Week time table, ear No. 101 1 buctos - day young ot" the tileta pueblo. has been ill of typhoid fever is up a 40 mluute service after 1:00 - gives .lv1wusyJviiola.j'aUroad..aluckUolders JVfeil be- le njred,--r-t and. around. ,' " o'clock afternoon. J.'-- v .t Xu will vote at Sunday ft f .')' the annual meeting next will be several days before Walker v. Santa Fe tv. Canyon; Depot ' Tuewlaynxaarwaen WATCR f.OO a. tn. t:45 a. m. WAtHINO WITHOUT ' jj.';.'rr. fjlsltion of franchises, corporate While coming Into Albuquerque on ; 10 : 20 a. m. 11 : 05 a. m- - ; , S3 ;?i ' (jropertjf and rights of the Allegheny aaecMon jot one of the No. freight: le Uk Trrtoc Get KM liueawal "11:40 a. m." 12:25 p. m. - State Valley, m. Golden 4 Railway Southwest m. 1:45 Limited , trains, Wslker jndiu , 1:00 p. oonipanjv epuehlS Wltkeat BereJeMe. p. ... : " ?wj " H J '; .".'j. '". And - rain-nea- r ' ' 1.05 m. '.A Pennsylvania ItaUwayitompiSByi get on the- Isieta? ra'trth Did ever see one to '; 1:20 p. m; p. : - you any tryiitc . . ate York Haven and Itewenna Rail-fia- d custom in such cases Walker went wash 1 theaiMlvM . wlthoui aoap : or 5:10 ps-'m- 4:25' p. m. company. forward to put the red man off. Thl water? . ., . 8:00 p. m. ; 5;45 p. m. .Chicago and St Lcub Fcit.RUt If you did what would you say of The time table is cams :l he succeeded in doing, but the red, Urn? ... Sunday the lc: as above with addition of a 1:40, ?The stockhfllttet'S-oTrrr'aOf- marrnrTKemMtriiarbor reseni It Is every bit as toafah to try to get the v. ". . . ii - Two to Coast Line Railroad' hold mfcrtt x rr train reached thfr rid of DsnoraS and to prvnt Bald 3:00 and 4:20 p. m. car going, which Fa DUy Trta "n eerilpany ness by feeding the germs whlcb eauae a)' i special t the brak It, with CanthrarMes, Vaaettne. rjwenphejnrecjhd lrcf 1 A' A' s .v 90 ) i ,: day to act thlibpmrokdatlanM cracked hirii Ins and alroilar aubstanow which form ttc Miri ui.. over head with an Iron cau the principal tngredteDte of most a e Tim Table Itvraidfkai ''':9i4 hVU of the directors for an issue of $10, the bar, sailed Hair Ssnta a cut in brakeman'i Vigors. f iVifiivuy'i of new ing the qoo.000 stock. It is proposed deep Newbro'a HrpteMe ft euitcmiafut be- : of new scalo. cause it attacks and kill the paraattio Through Visut Qhssr via tj use the the stock i- . proceeds - . : .The ofltee a Isleta Arasvaotiflei t'jrra which feeds on the .hair roots. fonr trftosooaHaeatsl truins wiah wsy dslty f A, .., lpsue for additions, improvements aud Is the nd Indian-ba- It original only gonttia dew equipment, : but the d (Uade tots escap ssanbfacturod. Scalp gsrmlcldo r JUST BOUND. fir Bold by leading drugvUta. Sund tee. la El Pczo Scutht7ccra t.,Jtit Me. 4 Syctai in Arisen ataropa for aampto The Herploldo Co., Ar Oeparts. si it : be- Resume Traeklaylng -- m v c Ho. j.M (Te1epnonr''mmnn1ca'Hon; Detroit. Mlchw vi Ar,.. Departs. p. at '- J If 1 Ko. S.0p.. - ' Rcclx fcknd tween El Paso and Douglas Is possible .Tracklaylng will be resumed on th . C. a MURPHfV, Special Agent 8 Ar ,.i aa,m. Ooparta.K.l.3 a. m Syctcixi No-1- Ar-l3;- 0 p.m. 3o m fver the Southwestern wires. A new Arizona ft California railroad at one Depart t p. ' J i has been installed in the The track has been laid as far ' tkrument Vi. offices in 1 and then came to NoSAr -. s a. m. Dasarta Paso, Salome, things. Red Cross una. Sine Is much th 7.4O0a, n ft ; wafer of atee'L JXo.1 Ar ... t 'JS p. m. Depart , .Jl.oo p m. ihlch gives greater carrying power standstill for That beat; insist that your groeeT give yen an in use. Interme- No.7 Ar 5:lS p. ra. Depart w- - ;iop. n. Ncvv WidoVenttbuled with Alt tke Coa forts that formerly being furnished now. In the meai ' - ' Equipment tf this brsnd. ft Ar...-.l- m. ' Mal-jmi- No. p, m, Depart e.aop. v diate Instruments are located at s time tne grading nas been going o 0 of Home arid Club. Faht Titac, s H'l''. ; ' Pall-ma- n 142 1-- No. 4. Chicago limited, aolld and milepost and the necessary leveling for furthei Convenient Schedules. !v trackteylng wtlUbe finished' bylth Richmond's Price List train With dining,; observation TThe. Gallup Republican says: The niiaaie ot the weeK. s and buffet library care, unsurpassed V I A' ! ifst fifty-fou- r and service. 1 I f of the week the office of the It is miles from the SsV 'equipment chief engmer'tt thl ktMM ltfW-"t lo'W' rivvamt' it la'oatlniaTfefl ; No. 2, 'Atlahtio fcxpres's. has Pull- that-can-b- wlthin-thre- 124bar-2,- - Chi- i radorailroadwaa. e.stftbji8he4la.XaU .ibat e. covered e Potatoes, man and tourist sleeping car for Etfore Select; Your Route fcf Any Trip Vtte lup. The rooms to the rear of the months. It is thought that when the Sugar, 15 lbs., $1.00. cago and Kansas City, and a tourist t oflce ot car, for Denver. A Pullman .. car' for ian .was selected for the be run over with the same Denver Is also added at Trinidad. ' Ar. building will It Swandown flour, 50 lb. sack, 11.40. railroad offices and the furniture was regularity with which they have teen rive at La Junta at 10:30 p. m., con- . GARNETT KXRG, Giatttl 50 lb. sack. $1.60. tioved in Wednesday. all along up to the end of the track. Imperial flour, necting with No. 5. leaving La Junta Aqt; ; 6 Diamond C - V.R. STILES, GtApril : As soon a this stretch' of work is bars White Star or 3; 10 . a. m., arriving at Pueblo- 6:00 ftzzaz Actst f'No engineering project of recent finished it will be begun from Bag- and 2 bars of Hawkey soap for 25c. a. m. Colorado Spring 6:35 a, E P. fif S. V. SyttsiTL Cl Ptzo, Tczzz times has attracted more attention dad on the main line of the Santa Fe ZZc. Denver 9:30 a. ni. - ; . , , Butter, 30c and " ' , , ...... , dis- Ex- ...... f than the announced plan to build a Pacific toward the river. The . No. 8, Kansas City and Chicago "bridge acro the top of the famous tance is seventy-seve- n miles. It Is press, has Pullman and tourist sleep- . - - iRoyal Gorge, near Canyon City. The surmised that no time will be lost In RICHMOND'S CASH GROCERY ers for Chicago and Kansas City. structure will be the highest railroad beginning work on the bridge across rives at La Junta 10:15 a. m., connect- bjridge in the world and will be 2.800 the Colorado, which is the biggest Cor. Twelfth and National 8ts. ing with. No. 603, leaving La Junta 1 r feet above the hanging bridge of the single item In the construction of the 12:10 p. m., arriving at Pueblo 2:00 Denver & Rio Grande railroad so road. It is thought that It will take p. m., Colorado Springs 3:30 p. m., ne-arl- Tj Wgh In. the 'air that the roaring of a year to complete it. D. & R. Q. System Denver 6:00 p. m. OIL the Arkansas river below will not be Fe No. 10, Chicago Fast Mall, haa Pull- JIM, heard. ''.;. ,,',.' r." Miraculoua Escape. Santa Branch. man sleeper. El Paso to Kansas City I'p William Dury&ski and his wife re- Tiuia Table No. 71. Is the connection from all points south I". bad from Tbe Southern Pacific carpenter cently a remarkable escape I Bffecti'va Dwemhet 10 th. 1905. of Albuquerque. Does the local work Sang was transferred to Steins this death in one of the mot unusual rail from Albuquerque to Ratoc week, where it will erect the rock road accidents that ever happened in utt aotnen wset boohd No. 3, California Llmltea, has earn mm wfltf ; im- The buesrv in which the? Ve. sas Mlb - Nj. 4il rusher which produce the Wisconsin, equipment a No. 4. You do not eacrlflco comfort amount of ballast that will be were was struck by a fast ia:6i Lv.. mense riding pwZu.l.y ...Mpknoia... i:apia No. 1 has Pullman and tourist sleep- used on the road during the next few freight train, near Wittenburg, when M m , when S:W m...l...IiV.. .Barranca. I.V...JI p ing car for southern California. Thli foreccnccny you fjo the Lordsburg Liberal. Ddrynski to drive across p ss..W.. Lv.. .8rvllleta.. Lv 10 iW p in ' Pull-m&- years, says attempted m from Raton (2 n. :SS iu doe the local work Banta Po Tourist work waa ;demolish-4- , e m...i nearwuv.. w p train ;in a On the completion ; of the ltis the tracks. I The buggy P ttt .. 4BL.VmADOBilOiw Lv ... 8:10 pm k ' 8:T to Albuquerque. expected the outfjt will return to the" top and Its two occiipahts p tcm.. LT..Alamo ... Lv,... fl:44pn . WI L . .Paeblo No. 7, Mexico and Calfornla Etpreaa, Lordsburg, where It has the work of being picked up by the engine pilot 4015 a m.. 88tXv..Colo Bpga...rr.Mi....L.llfl6pin0:40 p m 7 .408 ..Ar - has Pullman and tourist car completing the round house, the new and carried many miles before their 80am. ..teoTer.....L.- 70pn sleeping northern California points, and stock pens, and toe building or tne. plight was discovered. .. . for, v3 17 003.CD oth-th- Bmbndo wlwr of before it. The shingles for The" accident ihappened late the e Trains stop' at for dinaor Pullman car for El Paso and City depot good meala ar (orrod. Darn- new depot hate; arrived and are er. night; when the Duryn;ki's twere -- .. cORKBCTtCtm Mexico, connection for El Paso, for a Colonist ticket, Las Vega to California Wit-woo- and In home from d At Aatnnito for Duraoo, HUrerton, SlHer City and all In Mei AIL n.'X X9AH x piled up alongside the gingerbread returning a dance at termmllatr ing, points polnU. ' ' , ... . mnn Southern New Mexico and Art' ' ' work Intended: for the cornice, tenburg. , , .. ; , ,o Al - AVAiamoMB ror uravwr, nwnui inw loo, . mndiaM tiotntM via nfther th utaneard tmoae sona.' extra for berth. Beat in'chtir 1 The locks and hinges for the doors "Von Jast see me beat that train," lino via Ii Vet Pas or the narrow raun via ':;. '..'"; Fm Slight charge ' Atk ntm Mnk aw, 1 - . v , , , In lljrhfc and No. 8. has Pttll . free. . . rWWle the brick said to his , wife. t fttli'la, tnaklnr the Mttis trip day , California Fan Mail, car te expected dally, Durynskl , f Hmrmt Lmm Vmw tmr - rall-Td- r paaMng through the tmmmn 0erg4 the foundations end the lumber No. 11 was rushing "down the aU oa bNUKita. man sleeping cars for all California for alao for point Cra DuMt hm roadbe1 Harrsy meal. , whlp-fo- r is consolidated the floor Joints may, not he here , road track when the Durynskl's 8, K Hoors. U. F.A,- -' points This train some weeks. '! . ped up the family horse aud drove on. Denver. Oolo with No. 1 at Albuquerque. ; ' A. 8. - i Dur-- Babnst, i, ; K 'We can't make it,; said iMrs. ::,it" W. J. LUCAS, Agent I i Lunat in a Sarrta "Fe Enjine.1 ynsklj "it is Impossible." ' - Jame,? Lindsay a, lunatic, was drag- , Engineer U. J. Darton did not notice ged struggling from a cab of a Santa anything oir his side of the engine, Fe passenger train at Guthrie, Okla., though a tittle flurry of snow after-whil- e In the act of ptRllng the throttle ward convinced thiru that something to start the locomotive Tuesday. He must have been struck. "One mote will ni Mnced in the eotmty Jail and , empty bench at the dog show" he be returned to the asylum at Norman; thought to himself as NV! It" went The Best Sign. tLlndsay drove to the city from his hurrying on into the night, farm In "the morning with his wife ,Ad now Thome S.s Meagher, 'con end son, then made his way to the ductor of the train, takes up the tale. "When we at Eland stopped Plan for now not etj the magnificent western moun-- . the engineer came running it, Why EVERY SICK around, the train calling to me to tain country. Yellowstone National Park, Puo;et S6uod--MMe- d-. mi come ahead to the engine. I came up i x i iteranean o the Columbia River Alaska? if In front and saw a stuck r ' America," great region, or woman really ought to try a toue buggy top mjr kw r on one of Hostetter's Stomach Bitter with1-- " the flagstaff. AU these attractions on one if you travel the Northern i. "I looked there w as a trip further delay. It has been closer and fiit any woman in with ttooklets tell how. D. B. D. P. 210 means of restoring thouands of wedged the buggy1 top r Pacific, Ak Gardner, A;, the her head to the but so to robust health and will do as front, that sh( LouU. Mow. - t others couldn't fall out. ?v Commercial Building, St rguch for you, un. For 13 yesra " Ton't let any more trains come,' 'V- car-rle- d illi " HOSTETTER'S she said as we picked her up and r her to the taggage car. Bhe 1 .OA,,, v., 't kept right on talking rationally. 8he 4 STOMACH BITTERS said her name was Duryn kl, and that 0) li - 1 sne was strain ner nusoana was nnrx. Best has been the main standby of sickly , We didn't see the husband at first, Sign of the cures Sour but when we looked back of the little -- people everywhere. It ; f on we found A.UOIlU(l,OenefnIPaeeiwr Peer Appetite, platform the engine pilot S.:. :'. S & a'-- Vi fttslng. Vomiting.' t;, t S'V 't AtPnJ,,! 'f.V-- T'W Hiartburn. Dyspepsia, Indigestion,' a man lying across seme of the brake V . or Malar. rods at the boIW head. His neck V.t-sv-e- re-- rCeatlvsness. Colds, rlppe W y ffftfr,' ,tiy J ,1. J. 4..H,'M,.W.'f...HW'.-..- jefw'ro?.w LAI VtQAt OAILV OPTIC. THURaPAY., MARCH j.frM- -

. MOO CRN PI RATI. but th collector I not held tespon-Mble- bnutht nn at an advance of ten cent ot last ' la such a state of arfalra who vr tbe tlostt wek, including Gljs QaHtj Optic, The oldtlme aa rover who w should push th collection? Certain Umbs. Bulk of lamb sold today C:07C3C1 poll-ta- x .':o Ift fiO. some commou , emsutHta is wont to awoop down on a merchant ly, as far as the that goe to ui i t and Ita was tin support of the schools is content-eil-. ewes at 14.70 to $5 00, a few year After March 10th. all meals PUSUSMtQBV man and loot cargo regarded . It khould be school ' 1. no wethers here at the Montezuma restdu-- by all civilised nation as a criminal tbe boar lings at $6.00, today. OPTIC COMPANY sail At $3.00 to will five cents HIE of the most dangerous type. If Tbe schools of I.ks Vegas need every Oood to Choice ewes rant be thirty was cent of the mouty that Is du them. 16 40, wether $5 CO to $3.90. It It each. Wk-i- l tickets good for caught, he usually banged along ' with hla crew. In these more peace- It is g picyuna matter to beat tbem no wsald that the Arkansas valley 21 meals within. 18 daya. out of because tttw method of on! has not moved more than 40 per cent be 4 Caah. This will ful day there are pirate who prey It, will our of- - on but It 1 Ad r tkuwi i iA uoj(omc l Lt i tem on commerce, but they Are far less en- lecting the money estsblUhed by Its sheep feed, enable i t) furnish btt-- ' if is All to the imagination. Among lai Is not entirely effective.' But mitted that the San I.uls valley ervice and more to eat. gaging school board will see to It that to market or to other feed them may be classvd the "trademark the out, eother JAMAS GRAHAM MeNAWV. Iter. a dozen suits are and then lots. Colorado furnished this market grafter," aa he U sometimes called, brought, 1 47. acsa- another dozen and following that an over KO.uOO and Umbs in Feb - IIATIt. who, the law, still proapera. sheep tUXtCAlMION despite ' the A. RICKART. Instead of holding up A ship laden other doien,' taking delinquents ruary. J. CAHIHICH UK MAIL come, the tax wld blUTMIU with merchandise he attacks the busi- as they poll money US. Correspondent ' INADVANV to come in All And ; i ness of some other manufacturer, and begin right. tf , ... coNt of dollar collected will tk . hi rival's brand, the the every - by imitating I rout Markets. tot cover of the In be added severs dollars Tht ...... tat style and packagea of the school T.U wares are sold, and aUo It is sheer robbery Trees 1MT... which the ami Exclusive people Are pleaae l Pruned J Sprayed out to the the to decline 4o pay the poll tax. !. by throwing public be collected bv NEW YORK CLOSING STOCKS with AxoiualrA atylea ia should only of he diverta this money All Kindt' of Garden' Work Don by mm bait a cheaper price, law. The school board should have Patterns that An a revenues of his victims into hla Jewelry. the received about 100 from this source. bit oat of th ordinary own ii . lttle The pocket It baa bare . old - TkornhHI, Florbt, a while as a matter of fact. SettinffTthAt at MARCH f. W-- go hgn" Income the depreda-ttou- jtr4iffO.- , TttURgPAf, ; gfAAt Now York Central ' ly received $100 of the W05, taxes,,, ' See our of . " 7 that perfect. display i pf these kod buccaneer Peanaylvanta ..138 Corner Seventh and Douglas Aak-In- ' I O, . VhAMtfaU orobably' DO aectlon of American manufacturers are now g !"., Rot. Paclflo u. mSIm Innreaalnf In DODUlatlOQ for a national law which shall A FAIH" PROPORTION. Union Paclnc... .153 saaite th imitation of, trademarks a t',. pra At fatt $ loir. W'fM A bill been Intro-d&a- d Post. Copper tot two 0'C' nusarew mum penal orfenae. has Waahlncton Steel ... Oa ' At which provides '"Senator Dick wishes to make A, Washington , Pfd , Lima, that the tnAker of good which Are monstrous state of over 235.00O AqttAre ' Article of Interstate. Bommeree and miles, necessitAting; .the clttxeoa going St Louis Wool. U has often been found by criminal In or other 800 to which bear labele imitation A diaunce of more than 'miles St. Louis, March 8. steady, oAoohoc thief ta ,th chAsers that the flrt branda ahall be liable to $1,000 fine hla atate because of the ' ' and reach capital, unchanged. nan to'rtiae the hue and cry of for two yenr. or small of Arizona and Ntew It with moat imprisonment population the man who keep up both. The mAnufactnrer wno neece Mexico Under tbe census or iww. Llveateek. vociferousness. This Chiciflo Calla attended to At all persistence And the by means of a counterfeit That is hi only argument, his only III.. March 8. Cattle re promptly the Attitude of the public Chicago. hours. Ottlot in, rear of Schaefer'a li suggested by label la aa much a swindler a the objection to senarate statehood. 8,000, to Beeves. Journal toward the ceipts, steady strong. Robt. J. Taupert, Pharmacy, 804 Sixth Omt. Both Albuquerque green goods man or the gold brick "Iet It ko at that. But woy snouia $3.otfr$6.35; cows and heifers. $1.50 Phone 43. corporatlona. .. Ariiona mining financier. If. aa the advocates of tbe Senator Dick and the other advocates $3ti0; stockers and feeders, $2.63 JEWELER AND OPTICIAN will the to an 11 PUm and bll lasaert, It be aupported by of the oendlmt bill object $4.70; Texans, $3.65fr$4.B0. NcwMcxica IVnsbjrt MaVgf SAdaity The story la going the round that courU as constitutional, It should be amendment providing tor two atBtes Sheeo Receipt. UsVegs, ought to hit the right apot with the Dassed. Caution m respect - to Its when each shall have a population Sheep receipts 12.01s), steady. fanner. One time a merchant put scope, however, ta ansoiureiy neces- iffifipnt to allow it two members Sheep, $.175 $6.10; lambs," $1.70 nak- made up A blackboard In hU store and sary. The lew of 187, which of congress' under the apportionment $6.90. ed hie cuatomera to write tbelr name trade mark counterfeiting a penal that may then prevail? Tne vuio on It and opposite tell what they were offence, .was kiverthrown by the onator makes aooloKy for the geo Kansas City Livestock. w vote: It in doing for humanity. A lawyer courts on the ground that Infringed graphically misshapen thing the Kansas City, Mo. March 8. Cattle A ao es Browne & Manzanares Co "I plead for all." doctor wrote; state riKhta. suggestion Is not large receipts. MOO, including 300 south "I prescribe for ill" A preacher Most of the states liave statutes Texas: but Texaa is compact and erns, steady. Native steers. $4.00 farm- a wrote: "I pray for All." An old makinc trademark piracy criminal homogenous, and Texas has the right $6.00; southern steers, $3.50 $4.90; er " walked up, wrote hi name, offence, but these lawn vary to such to separate herself into five states southern cows, $2.23(a$3.85; native scratched hi head and then wrote: a degree and are so laxly enforced whenever she shall see fit cows and heifers, $2.25 $3.10; stock All." , afford new atate the "I pay for . that manufacturers say they "Why not give the ers and feeders, $3 00$4.9O; bullet, VJUOLEGALE Q ROC ERG then HttlA nmMtJnn. Thev also rlKht to separate herself Into two $3,00$6.16; calves, $3.00 $7.00; S21DZC AKD - WOOL, nolnt out that nearly All European state when each of the present tern western fed The Canadian Methodists. Presby- steers, $3.50&$5.50; num-Wln- e countries have national laws like the torles Bhall have 600,000 population? western fed cows, terians And Congregational lata, $2.50$4.50. ode want lenacted by congress, of the single atate or ' 2.000.1)00 have About decided they Tbe arguments Sheep Receipt. and that even In China there la a law hinders ta. that the population must tn burr any alight difference) In be Sheeo receipts. 6.000. steady. Mut providing that one guilty of thla of remain stationary. Then W, A. Wood Mowers Horse Rakes and church government And unite, perpetually tons, $4.75 $5.90; lambs, $5,50g $6.75: lief fence may be for one dwell on 'barren wastes' that must one Possibly the imprisoned fed ewes, $4.25$5.35. Cultivators Wool Sacks in organisation. yenr. forever be wilderness. The aame was Chrlatlan chinch of N Vegas, ls eaid of Kansas of regions that 'ndw Shears Presses, which hae scarcely enough membere New York Money. Sheep Bay ; OP FLOWERS. a teeming population with all told to maintain An organisation, LOVERS support ' Harvesters Binders farm lands worth $100 an acre New York, March 8. Money on Reapers, and which la rent In twain over the 1-- but "There are Immense areas of dcaJ call steady. S(gr 5' prime mercan- or no-org- contention, may Tf you want chrysanthemums nex organ ort in both Arizona and New Mexico tile paper, 55 silver, 64 A In the movement fall, start new now, writes find lesson great plant some be as fruitful aa a Line of Amole on H&od for church union. Bben K. Rexford in "Makln th that will day Complete Soap Always of the Canadlana odd Colo- Chicago Markets. Mar-axln- e garden. Forty yeAra ago Country Home'. In the Outlook 111., 8. Wheat-M- rado' was considered A far more hope- Chicago. March ay for March. Very soon after the 2 5-- Irrigation with pump and with hoe less case than either Arizona or New 77 July 77 from the 'ce! 5-- before them. The old plants are brought Corn May 43 43 ha a treat future will over Mexico today) but Colorado hci be July On Railroad Track. Las New Mexico lar,! aproots appear all the 3-- 8. Vegas, weather bureau statistic of the last come a reat agricultural state, as Oats May 30 July 29 surface of the soli. When these are 1-- decade show that threequartera of the Arizona or New Mexico soon would Pork May 15.80; ; July 15.72 about two Inches tall, cut them away 1-- Mexico have a sumeient Lard May 7.S0 Jnly 7.90 7.92 area of New from old in such manner he if eranted statehood. rainfall to make the he plants a Ribs May 8.2527 12: July 8 30. average annual eacn nas a on or root auacnen. "But suppose Senator Dick is right? A success, tnat Camnhell dry soil culture Put these Into small of rich What harm run rnilifl from insertlttJI of sever- pots while Independent thla fact, soil. Keen them wed watered, but the proviso of separate statehood it can be reclaimed by al million acree do not heat or will the population should warrant it flow of give much they .numnlnar the underground Be on the His argument Is that there will be no of make a spindling growth. water, Oreat a will bo the benefit Irvritrnti hir nnhliln If nnv are dl such population. Very well; then area the large irrigation system, the make an Infusion of the or there would be no separate statehood In covered, ' they will cause to be cultivated the dtnaiv soao of household use, and for one depend upon the other seem small ; in territory will comparl spray the plants well with it This again, the foundation stone of our area will be son with the that U Important, as the insects will serl system Is home rule. What objection and hoe. New with pumps ously Injure the young plants at thU can anvone raise to the proposal of Mexican. of their existence. To make 'the leaviug the question to the people as ""'- - stage ...."i. a t Infusion, shave hulf a five-cen- proposed In the Foraker amendment? edi- soap The Tucinncarl News remarks cake finely, pour water over it,' and "There I evidently something in to be a hard torially: "It Is golniot put it in a warm place,', until' It be the haps. Politics has something to matter to find a man who will look comes mold. Then add to it five do with it: and If the lone promised after 'penitentiary matters as ha or six quarts of water and apply. realignment shouldi be at hand, some Bursuro, The mtfn who succeed him Gloxltilua end tuberous begonltt" engineer 1 likely to be hobt with his That ha no sinecure ahead of htm." should be started Into growth now. own petard. , is no josh, for those who know of the If the tuber were kept in pots over conditions at the penitentiary before winter, shake them out of the olu KANSAS CITY MARKETS. Hon. H. O. Buntum took hold a, sup- soil and spread, them out on a piece Jl with erintendent and compare them of old carpet or moss, which should Special Corresttoiidence of The Opt It the excellent matianement at the pre-en- t he kept warm and .moist, and leave, - Stock Yards. Kansas City, Mo., day cannot withhold their praise them there until they sprout; 'As soon March 6, 1306. Cows gained ten to of a man whoso admirable qualities ag sprouts appear, put them Into pot fifteen ctnts last week, stockers and of mind and heart have made him of rich tou ru. feeder. closed the week fifteen to or e hosts of friends In. every part the A few roots of dahlias, can be pot twenty-fiv- cents but othei ' higher, ". Into now, If ' territory. ted and started growth classes uf nattle closed up barely ' von witnt. some very early flowers. steady. The run today is 6,000 head, ' Tomorrow the Hamilton statehood But the bulk of them I would hold In smallest Monday supply this year, bill will be voted on In the senate reserve for warm weather plantln? and prices are up ten to fifteen cent and It Is freely conceded that the For in the garden. Do not brak apart on all kinds. Representation from the Perhaps you are not ac quainted with Bach-arach- 's aker amendment will prevail. The those ,you start now, but pol the en far west and the Panhandle country of When the time Foraker amendment will win because tire bunch root. has been lightest of the winter for Store. , Perhaps we carry more attract It Is a measure of absolute Justice conies to put the plants out. enc' the past w'k. amt fed stet.Ts from can a HkJU which ha root tht h:9 a sprout attached Rocky Ford sold in SS.O-i- and ?:!' ive and better lines than you think we do. Per- ever been held sacred by the Ameri- be broken off and utate an indepen- last wVek, oin " southwest can people. It will be like the dema dent plant of. stockers at f 1.2.J, some Nevuds'siock haps we can pleasa you and serve well. --- you gogue who occupies the speaker's cr late in the week at Ji lS-t- UA chair to do the territories the Injus POLL TAX. cya-- lu thi ahlpmvnt at J3.75, can-ner- Perhaps you do not know that all goods sold by tice of kecplnjr them all out unless he at $;.10. Meal fed 'steers from board of edtiea wold WS.2." are can lore mronan nit own pei The Alamogordo th' south up to last week, this house backed by a broad and liberal scheme. And thts wilt mean four! tion hns beeun the colloctton of th and bulk of this class are telling tit more slates for ihe west. and states poll tax, but' a hn been the cas-!- fl.25 to $4.75. Veal -- eat vet are guarantee. Perhaps you should give us a trial fittC, c fty too, whose will never be the past'elsewhera It is il't nU . i lower than two week ntr -- made tools of fteUNh eastern Inter- good bcelnnin. that count, but fiio'af cAim tiflarsjl .3 tpfi'rvnt i - to When nt ,i est as hsve Warren of Wyoming- and lerseernnce the end, n;igibiiofrairy calves, bcinsf put oj; Long of Ktinsa.', tempts to collect thp po'l tux. art att.'n,'iMBHftJ WiciHtii.f' MiV tiit ; nade, it Is generally co'leed frof. Lenten eaton are curtailing Sl,',jp AN APPRECIATIVE TRI8UTE. those. who will pay without Tiiiic' of .'tireed meat, but eVnuiul It fa . . fitsu, while the other go tnx.-fre- tl!l broad enough to reipilre fairly The Would b- - snstloii tlxjut the TMs ma he better than it col liberal runs, at thown bv the trappy Qcnorstnicrehandlco, cruel treatment, of a patient t th lectins the tax fit alt. but It 1 pout dianer in which the tmall tupply. to- New Mexico insane aoylttm. hns prov. consolation for John Smith to pn' day 8 diapnted of. The wett mrtd en Itself to he fatee and malicious, er the tax when he knows that B! a coad thowlng In February receipt everr IntelllKPtit person could w!l Jon, who U much better off r here. Colorado alone fnrclKhing fi.310 believe that It would, and as every the ptwsession tit worldly gottt rattle this February against l,f12 one having any familiarity with the does not pay the tax. "Hie t year aeo tarn month. ' mAnagement of the asylum st should be oolteetel from eery cit. Muttons fcalned ten cents latt week, vegaa very wp1 knew that It mus. en and the collector should 1m? belt.' end lamb held steady;, t. Receipts Thla writer from the very onriiint responsible for the entire amount o; dropped dewn to 84,000 hpd .a de- of the Asylum up to two years sun, the tax certificate New Mexican. crease of 8.000 from previous week, wa A frequent visitor to th lr Our contemporary soya the collec find the week closed with packers' be held r tfltlon, dining there often. Intimately tor should responsible for tht rens pretty well killed out. , The tup-t'- Acquainted with the members of the collection of the poll tax. Perhaps so. ef 10.000 today was qulcklv iratiagemeiit. and well posted In the plans, purposes and methods Adopted Aa4 parsued; and no rrary of That's too bad! V had noticed it wai employe, smarting umler dls looking pretty thin and faded of late, ikar endld fnsk ktm for a fnnmcnt Is Your but naturally did not like to tpeal of It. believe that cruelti in the Institution By the wy, Ayer's Hair Vior is hair a roeld be possible, with Dr. W. R. TUi-to- regular grower, perfect hair rt Atorer. It And as medical director and Oeorge keeps tht scalp clean Hair healthy, 'd tWaOycArn aa steward. Cltiiea. Sid? Tf. Wart r


THURSDAY. MARCH 8. ifc. LAI VCQAt OAILV 0TIC RUOLUTIOK NO. 103. 8oooooooccccccoooccccccccoooocccccoccccccccccoo Relating to the City , Election not rrr n apjtointintf judges and darks of O eli--i tl.)ii and . desinating polling O ; li GcwO ilace o San 'National mm BAILY'S Whereas, a clt election mill be O Miguel held In the CUy of La Vegas, New o Mexico, on the 3d day of April, l!(o 0 OAHTAl P&ZD and o n ClCD CiZO , Wherra. it is necesisry to appoint o CICD.CCO.CD of Las GCO,CCDCD 519 Sixth Street Judges and clerks of said election an i o Vegas designate the polling places at whlcH o votes may b cast at said election,' J. M. CUNNINQHAlM, President a T, H04KIN8, CsM o Vloe-Prelde- nt Now, therefore, be l resolved by FRANK 1PRINQIH, P. B JANUARY, Adfl CdOhler. the City Council of the City of Lav o . CpzzcScSo Vegas, New Mexico, that the follow- Interest Paid ort Time Depoeitt ing named persons be and constitute of i ' the Judges and clerks of election in

1 the various wardj of said city,, and M New Pianos for tale or Rent, that the following places in said THE LAS VEGAS SAVINGS BANK wards as to wit: PERSONALS 1100 for Pianos, be follows, H 00 Prosldonc - H. W. KILLV, Vioa ProeJdMt T. "aby Upright" Ward. Kt, a MOtKINO, TmU, tIM for Full-Sit- e Plaoa. First () Election: Including one year free Piano tuition Judges of Sreph. Tragus, PAID VP CAPITAL, 9)0.04)0.00 t i, ' C. B, Hadley Is lo the city from Jas. O'Byrne, Chas. O'Malley. . to the 10 toironassra, , thorn Lao In- - ): , piret n. 8ave earnings deposltistg la the Vtcas Sartnd Eank where therwill yiet a ; ; springer. ; , Clerks of Election: Fred M. .E14-to- your by briot ROIENTHAL PURNITURI CO. ' come, "Bwt dollar saved to two dollars sftado." No doposito rooetved toot tfeftn InUruttii on ) , W. I). Carroichael . tv ,ia the M. P. Cousin ' s, city . . , 4 13 over s-- . all deposits of and today from Albuquerque. Polling Places; N. S. Baden's office Don ' Pablo Garcia and are - on Doufllaa avenue. family Quality lu the Uvery. CIf- CCCCOCCCCCOCOCOCCCCCCCOO in the from llne,,U v ooooooooooooooc city today La Cueva. flo'a claim trade. "347 )"('.'," Second Ward. Mi A. Wjour 'Mr. Jtainey hat returned, to her i ', . - Juflo of Election:. E. P. Meckel, . : i H. H A. H. lioremen. old noine in Kansas lor a month s Davis ft SydM vCtosson. VlHlt. ,1dlvverthltil Clerks of Joe B. J. : that la desired in the 'dining room of Election: Burks, GW GGtJT Charles A. ' 8mith. t- Peterson returned from of a first class home. 8 a southern business trip thin after PolUng Place:. City Hall. mt tU4 frwm Pur DtotllM fVatar. ' . Third Ward. noon. i Albert T. Williams, of this formerly of Election: B. C. Sli room furnished house on Na- : Dr. McCulloiiKh and his ."invalid city, on No. 2 Judges Pittenger, passed through today Dell Chambers. tional avenue. brother left t bis afternoon for St. on hit way from Sao, Marclal to La Peter Murphy. ; PaiCBS Clerks of Election v room house oa Na- Louis. Junta. He has been promoted from Ralph Hlggins Seven, furnished 2,000 lbs. or more e&ch delivery, - 25c per hundred T. Romero ha returned from Es- - the railroad field work to an office O. A. Fleming. tional avenue. 1,000 to 2 000 lbs, 35c M he Polling Place: M M. Sundt's plan on aven- taociu, where made a short 'busi position at the latter place. Four room bouse Railroad 500 to 1,000 lbs. ' " 50c ness visit ' ning mill. ' ue. Fourth Ward. Less than 50 lbs. V " 75c Q. 8. Stein is in the city from Sat: FOR RENT No. 1011 Seventh at. March Rosenthal , '. i of Election: W. A. Givens, After 1st, hall, Carlos, Nicaragua, and lit stopping at Good 8 room house with bath and Judges will week or month. W. G. C. Schlott. rent by the night, & the Castaneda. good bare. The Investment and Koogler, J. CIXYSTAL ICE CO.. t tfcGuire Vdb ' Ed. W. O. FOR SALE. $ Clerks of Election; Louis, 7 I. G. Hazxard has returne'd home Agency Corporation. . Mtsi paoircs, Woods. la and from a business trip of a couple nf Bargains city properties month in the east. CehriDg's for tents. 814 Polling Place: Schlott's carpenter ranches." , on Pablo A. who is shop, Ninth street.. Lopez, employed March A vlslt-"in- Adopted this 7th day of. by Moil Bros, of Santa Rosa, is g Smoke Elk. Union made. the D. 1906. ' with relatives In the 9133 . t city. Harris Real Estate Co. Albdrt T.. Williams down from La Approved: is F. E. OLNEY. ; 9... where he is now employed 609 DOUGLAS AVENUE. 8 Junta,, Clfofes and Tranqullino Romero Attest: Mayor. with the Santa Fe civil engineering drove to ' on Guadalupita yesterday CHAS. TAMME, , ' corps. business. Clerk, 3 ; 'Dr. p. W. Harrison, who has been HOTEL MAXWELL ITKCEPSOIf TASTINOOOOfy , . J- on here court business for ( several Gehrtng's, for Johnson's Floor Way. " 5 days, left this afternoon for his home 4 C. A. Snow ft Co., patent attorneys, , MAXWELL CITY, W. W. Raywood O Roberts Co.. Distributors. small AND ALL riRSTT-CLAE- S lu Albiiquerqne, of Washington. D. C, have a First class accommodations at rea- '..; ;V: t$XALSRS 1906 Robert Gross and are now 10c l memorandum book and diary for .sf 5sf family King at the Savings Ban sonable rates. Best duck and goose .sfsMof HSGtoftof (OrWWsfAS ok 6 will send to mechanics, in their new home on Douglas . which residing store. they ' In the east half of the new manufacturers, or. Inventors for pos- shooting in Northern New Mexico. avenue, I O'Byrne residence. Did you ever stop to consider that tage, 2 cents. Tents aqd tent cottages for those de- mroa Miss Nellie Patchen arrived in the it doeg not pay. to buy Inferior goods, siring them.. Invalids will bo met at comes ' city yesterday. She ;wlth the while you can get Ladies: I am ready to resume work. the station with carriage. For par- 'intention of working for the interest Bhawhan Whiskey. . Not able to. secure a first-clas- s KGLLV f being ticulars and Las Vegas references, G G3. tot the! Fraternal Brotherhood. location. I will call at residences by c::oo, ';';: will r, addn . Eugenio Romero leave this W. M. Lewis, undertaker and appointment. Wilt be pleased to do evening with a large force of timber 812 Lincoln Ave.,, both phonee. so at Josephine Lopez, i HOTEL :' popular prices. MAXWELL, 'cutters for the Chilili country, where hairdresser and manicurist, Colo, Maxsrcll City. N, M. he has a large force of tie cutters at phone 257 Black. 0 ' work. ' Pictures tramea to order at 8. R. Dearths' the undertaker. 10-2-6 M. A. Sanchez,, the county clerk, All classified advertising in the trome S is moving today into bi&jiew If dealer don't Daily Optic will hereafter be charged on Valencia street. The house i your keep has - - for in advance. The Optic adopt 13 Shawhan Whiskey, one of: the prettiest brick residences ed this rule because the amount is too remember others do., .1;135 . WOOL, AND PELTS A SPECIALTY fn thctty.:-- ' i .wsv small to be carried to the books. This .HIDES, W. Mrs. T. A. Da- W. Wallace and t will to who have oar new - Jffl-lian- only apply persons eloAtetaftM vis will leave on No .7 for Los Ange Try softimp- ol Las ft Fuel Co. no ledger account. les and the Catalina Islands to be Vegas Light jI3ircswir2 '.. 1M06 gone for some months. The trip Is BAIN WAOON both for health and pleasure. ONE NIGHT ONLY, 9 x 12 Axminster : KZZt E. W. Boring, Jr., a skilled pharma- Rugs, has been secured by 0. G. Full Seamless Spring Styles. J MONDAY, MARCH cist, of Rosenthal Bros. f2j Schaefer to take the position left va- $21.93 instead $28.50. ls ' n FOR WEEK ONLY. cant the resignation of )Vt. Weight-ma- THI8 (SL by CO. C. JOHNSEN SON at the house drug store. ROSENTHAL FURNITURE Patten & J. opera 2-- .'v.---'-,- .. - ';'- - 4 Perry Ike Davis is having the rear rooms Invltoycurcttcnllcn UNDERTAKERS AND LICENSED EMBALMERS 1n the Plaza Trust & Savings bank Now IN A line of fine roan wagons at to tho Cprlnj "building and will occupy Cooley's will be sold at re Only Black and Whit , ' them with his personal effects while repository Una ct duced prices. Get a good runabout JERRY Ftinoral Car in Lao Vogas) & is Ladies the new Davis Sydes building for the price of a cheap one. Ladies Muslin Underwear, being erected. Covert Jackets. Ladies and Nltt-se- s arrived today Ladies W. 8. Sixth St. City Hall. Colo. Phone. 255 Dr. Ivan Mclaughlin Ladles who take pride In' clear, Cravenettes, FROM Opposite to visit Las "Vegas ' Girdles. Get sire before from Albuquerque whine clothes should use Red Cros? your "lodge of the Fraternal Brotherhood sires ar broken. Blue, sold grocers. 2 KERRY tomorrow night. The doctor comes Bag by intention of making the locat with the totJ-Shswh- terri-- : Tha sweetest' story evr lodge one of the largest in the Embroidorioo A roaring Musical Farce Comedy g - Whiskey. ' tory. :' V and Vaudeville Attractiod, "It oa tasting good.' ' 'tenants of the keeps ,, Dixie The Misses' Sullivan, and Ldgoo introduciug Gamival;Go) "Davis & Sydes building on the plaza, Features are into the Abeytla house Many New moving FOR SALE Beautiful eight room Five' cents per yard for .the best Pacific street today as the - tn South modern house, steam heat, electric value in Torchon and Inserting "and e, Superior Uniformed Con- workmen arc already preparing to ' to light, etc. Completely furnished, In- per yard."' ','v 7. - cert Band arid Orchestra. LAO , tear down "the former building ; :':"V." ; i- VEiB&Q new business cluding piano. The Investment and -" . make room for the Corporation. Phone 43i). STRETCHERS FOR block. Agency CURTAIN 20 PEOPLE-- - 20 SALE. Mrs. P. Whlldin arrived from SK RENT OR FOR hus- The Plaza Trust and Savings bank Louis last, night and with her Mr. enables women, clerks, mechantce and band will remain in the city. a reserve that All Special Scenery ranch others to accumulate - ;,,; "Whlldin came to the Romero' will be available fa times of need. Geo our lino cf iu -- Dt resort less than two month ago 7 - Krttcli for Street Parade Tkazz-zc- health. He has added ' Bcizd very weak Lcgo Curtalno v .... Fociurinrj e of and Q ... twenty-fiv- rounds' adipose I to for re- intend make it'het anyone entirely-well,- ' to Prices,';' $1 75c and 50c Dixie butr expects; ! 00, Diver of the and the feels Yankee coal, for It hot stuff. 33 38 The Champion HiU World, . using Indian Head Liaea in and main in Las Vegas. 3 DO '' on sale at In. O'Byrne, coal dealer. ' Sats Carnival Company's Attractions of the inches - : Rev. G. A. Wilson. pastor and Linoleums. Sohafer's limit Store church of Danvers, Floor Oil Cloth First Presbyterian RESOLUTION NO. 1C2. A new line of Mattings Lm Vego this after- Japanese III., arrived in L'SllVt Gloves In his wi$- - aut fam- Kaysjr Spring noon to visit with to the been h Reliiiins; appointment Shades. I?ooGllio'o Etcotrio PcJcco ily, have several f for the City Duck for' Tent Houses benefit 'Mm. Wi- Boards Registration Sixty inrh monthSlfor the oj !2!fCtion to be held on the Sd of Mr. Wilsoifchas .'been day ltons Itlth. 1906. ! con- April. Dorado tictot Klven month's vacationflw his TEHTG ALL Whereas, 'It Is. necessary, for, the O? ' ! AllvO'GAnGOU-ACI-jr- o will am in f 'Rwstntd L'sdcf . "V gregation and spend ghe Council to Doards-b- Re- - Wtlxon been mak- Ctty appoint this clfy. Mrs. haf istration to register the names of all The Li vinjr Boa Constrictor in in her home at 614 Twelfth street. largest captity ing persons qualified to vote at the ctty - ' , the world - "t; i r election to be in tbe City of YOU ARE" WELCOME AT ALL sad s ', 8x12 Brussels Rugs, Ttiwifhlf Tapestry Vegas.. N. M , on the U day of TIWES IF YOU BUY R"td $9.93 Instead of 115.00. strictly riPrtC'luw ni MkI-- , K ONLY. April, 1906,' OR NOT rn In iU AfVntntmrniM MO-p- it THT9 WEf Ooaaacuoo. CO. Therefore, be it resolved by thi Boom ia ROSENTMAU'FURNITURE N. W., 4 Cltv Council of lA Vegas. the following named citizens be that A Marvel in Mechanism THB GOLDEN CITY and compose the Board of Registra- Rosenthal Dros. Mrs. J. D. STOUT - tion In the various wards of the ctty, H4 Grand Avtaoe, Cut Solo to wit; First Wartl-Cb- rls. Wlegand. B. F. ON ALL McGwire. H. A. Seellnger. 7C:o C?cz1 FArc.'b WARM GOODS. ' Second Ward N. B. rtbseberry, O. 1 Where Rob a Train in OzcjPcrforeascs. ' Tales' Jolieto 11 33 John Shank. Genory. They Every fcen'a Velvets Third Ward T. F, Clay, A. D. Hlg- "ft i Wen' Jjg gins, D. W. Condon. W it - r n rL Felt ffl 85 Fourth Ward C; C. Glse, A. T. Rbg- t 'ZD Son at lebw ole, jc ers, 8f , J. W. Clay. CttSllpLadi es' all Kelt Ssc Gsorde Ifen's or Adopted this 7th day of March A. D. ' V Approved; OLNEY, i, r.B. come EVEfiYoriE ; a:;o i have a lowprtoee, . Attest: Mayor. gcod ti:;i CHAS. TAMMfc-- . ' ' . c:::icnnt5IP ,:; ; aii. . , 2 IAS) VEQAt DAILY 0TIC THURSDAY, MARCH I, 1904.

. The PUtlook, for ebtep ..asaWe, l.orsei tnd "goats, on the rabgei aal io vNf lJua iflsoanialttS SuC;.th Homestead fntry, No. SS44. V ft coming spring - is still, excellent, tf Department of the interior,' Land Illr ITU A C!U 'TICS It contlauea and lasts 'through tb at Santa Fe, New Mexico, Fb-ruat- y ... itl season thU will he aoother great year ',2S, 490t , '"f ft':' 1 w r i , for two of New Meticc'a very iu NcjUce la tjaai the ill rur rvr j ana hiiyjgtfoo t'W.A lull AGAIN durlns lh nresent season thar You will never get well and strong, bright, portant Mests. ( tssttraa ftil(d noti .h Current thu week anoounces the householder who doe not hawo heartv and free from rain, until vou build ud vour. ibmi.' I of his. intention to make final pript of U.-- V Kerr fofc re. lays I cuinlngito hi, 1 Ifo Pill la as pleasant aod poaHtve as In ssnport of hli ciatni an'i that ssjbt U candidacy a'iawnMe nerve blood-maki- iij ffmr.tntj to office .of ths. S year or iwe copstitutrrf Witji refreshing, DsWltfs LUtla Eaxbr llaen. Tbead will be made btff.jre Unld valastkm the suport. ejttptlort,,bereae about proof t tCJed .Uui;ily iJiXM ruleJriyo' Famous Little Pills are so mild and) State. Court at Iah U.ioU tlur will that the statements pompisiosr aCJect to the action of the democrat' ciur show elective children, delicate ladlei Vegas,' New Mexico, oti April" 6, 19M, of IKS water works are well founded, tht left Brimariea of nominating conven god via. : ;: ArsBi"0t: Sro pxirfiej 1br one Hwe' the w;k.roitSjoy:CiJrelsanini msttni everywhere a! effect, while county, New Mexico, for the N W 14, tit kf cubs and portable fouft. strong peopls say they arc) g. pi tag Ul Sec. 25, T 15 N, R 20 K- - Interest the bets Over s142r4tsr grtnej CVIRNOR MAY FOLLOW ONI UIq workings The, Jn ,bfaM: ! K. He names the following wltnessM 'tifymg home 1a growing rapldl 1n 8oid'br VlntetsM)nif W Che Roiwell polo team ha laaued a Joodan, J. io prove; his continuous residence ujpijn sidl,'cnltlirstloa'r said" tsnd. "l tit. : until the barren front once so of c?tJiettarTrrr,i'TTrto yards r-- nut o' er-nl- tournament at Dilas Gto airsirtIlfaeiDTeP! W8WWi-TtJlf.Bntgtl- MSttta - Seberl-loo- . am o - la toe matter of oil et. Jftmio npre-,-- JesrnSl. , Oa 3.rfl ttvlty landa la the Mgasel w d wMr a K lean ana ojrflNmi IVJA at la a pure, harmless, madielnal tonic, made from vegetable) f Famingteailn-:th- jweii nis " ' vicinity l "' V' M sJ (past able to ettosd nod .Vtv.i , ? which" : 1 t he wUl be fake laadienfs.' rallava famta pain and dlstraas; such as headache, weekw and the, totarast i Increasing. contest. URNT LIATNM ANO O'L- -t' la the . backache, bovol ache, diizinett, ehilla, or rnenstmr ; i '! MANTJCIrR. OTBSO, Register. At S resolt tVbfand scanty profuM if o( yiymwrmym' i:'. :.''. reBfptivJ down ....-.,"- In .SUotL pains, ato, Alwsye. jKoeiiei Chamberlain'a Cough ' - . dipped ' vrt' 'i. 'ii OAKS IPLAMT I attei fcrjer being i. , i CTTt vf j rrtly ; drtrjf$ strerth-roskin- s mediefna for .vomariu tho ilrnesBP-.tla-Mouosir';;'- ;, " ' 4 taw Matador ranch l,.t It a buRjiO sap front Et olf a Saturday, J " ."tv PUtUCATION.' U story Fpm . : "We should not be without Cham vNOTId rOR MottjifKanaaa forty head of cattle are dead aa A maikLtUwrtato dopu jood. TrylL v th effect that City parties berlalu'a Cougb-Aeme- dy of Miss Zeffle bottles. It Is kept adr In an electric remit burn. 8nlder Sok .00 ' r MenMssaad No. ISSI. ; considering puttlnv Jnl on hand - ontlnually . In r our home, ' ' Entry, yada aayo W. W. Kearney, editor, of Deportment of the Interior, Land Of-- i pUsrWI sad elerlisj aa olsctrln flllfJ'f "' ff Mo. That U fIce at Santa Fe, New Mexico, Feb-- l,.!!!!ii"-- of aans." wrttaf Mrs. ft Jeaaa, of :'" 7T "T""' I. j Just what every: family .should do. - Wary U, 1906,.- - a i -- .m Park. AnthMr. Ei Puo aod Harris Johnson whUeHSapemsing iw Gaiutm, Tena.i . . "For alnca Cardul I have When kept at hand: ready-- , for instant Notice is hereby given that the VlarfW otbtber of cattie taking ; r Jnts In at-t- aottce therrfnde t CtoRKrjW (lU gained JS to better health use, a cold may . be checked he settler has filed w- - -- tottur wrntaaor ranco. oro lbi.,andaai Paso, AJ' tihelpiiilo cure tneai. Address: Ladlw' Advisory than far hm a tatt outset and-our- ed of hts ioteation make. final proof ll irf .animals discovered past yaan. ay la mueh less time to y rthe ?wa The Madkiaa Co. husband tltat :Cardui: Varth - Dept., CMttanaaga la ita than after . it has become : settled In in support of hia claim, and that said TO bradded and Immediately after Oiattaia-o,:Ta- tt, to leK TMt flN atiSt (okl te all leases.? with-ou- before United the oil t aurtcj the syi tem. The remedy is also t proof will be made .The la the Jtor- -i JiavfgC)aased through ' ' Bearing petltlaa when a peer for croup in children, and States Court Commissioner at Las It of habeaa eoroun !u the case of boys attempted to brand. It t I Will prevent the attack, when given da Vegas, New Mexico, on April 5, 1906, with" -- hair of the animal, already aaiuratf Jib CISrV.:cnared the murder soon a the child becomes or viz. y- - R. of with oil, on fire and In brei hoarse, Jose" Lucero,' San 'Miguel ofi: which was to caught 1-- James Chase, htvo even after, the croupy. cough New for ' 2, Ing away to the bunchy which h A. fine strike U reported by the appears, county, Mexico, the N In Estancla failed to 1-- 1-- tQcen place which can be done when re 4, N W N W lust passed through the vat, this bur Beck mine at 8teln's. At the SOU ci:::7ia cviti:::3 only the N W S W and off. aa the witnesses for Clark r ' V 1-- 1-- ofie medy Is kept at head. For. sale 4, N Sec. 8, T 14 N. R 20 E. Ing steer Ignited a; large number foot level an eight foot vein of high will by E not nut In their "appearance. The jf Advertlsesnenta in this column alt - : . U heid-c- .bMrnijd wa druggists.- va; : i He names the following witnessed nd them, forty, of the grade ore opened up and there is 6 csrtta cfie Mlrf4or b eharflse) for at the rata of to his continuous residence upon 'Me - to such :ah tent thkt they' dfear Tie every Indication of the jpermanence of prove (firk Vlll be returned Ito the penl- par lint per Insertion or 20 Mate per O. P. Ellis, an of viz.:' of the Herald did npt me vein, i no ore carriea copsiuer-abl- attorney formerly; and cultivation of said land, In Santa Fe for safe keeping representative - line , par week. Count aix words io Portales a Al totlary .IWfawlaat-iM!:- : wire sliver and it will be and who was member of Marcos Costillo; Placldo Lucero, shipped. line. Insertion In classi- 1 the To Insure the last legislature, has located at Albino B. all of -- 1 aniuiaia cMUpoaetL- - 4 bino Sena, Gallegos, net Inrlng rv "4 itutlt presume com- ... ooaatry "f i fied column .da must be in the whlflt - Doctor An Puziled. Aztec. Chaperlto, New Mexico. ; ' mX wrestefra .wetaujide- room 10 o'clock a. m. on trials ana The remarkable recovery of Ken- posing by day MANUEL K. OTERO, Register. VOUPl CHIkDRIN nTAICKIN going preliminary thdiiiji of Hons. 'Herald. neth; yancehoro, Me-- , rl Insertion. Classified advertising Afflictsd with Rheumatism. Hlapano-Amerlcan- o ot'MpmeAaurlUrf Mcyer,,4f EI of eafc ect f Roy, t he-subj- of- mudh Interest t6L the must be oaid for Hi advance. The I was and. am yet. afflicted with on NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. MWcTW N1AK THII-f- ' medical fraternity a and a. wide circle account la too small to carry the rheumatism," says Mr. J. C.Bayne, Oo the home of Oltverlo Lucero and : booke. editor of snea5 oiIrieo4awKa-.aftyA-.- of biacaae the Herald, Addlngton, In J'iW? ,JWv habitual No. Wife Who llvetal7Ctol?lli4ten rrtJpa "Owing to severe inflammation of the dlan Territory, "but thanka to Cham Homestead Entry, 6167. KJy.-WrfS- it! llriaf, 'accordteg itothe Albuquerqu rnlles cast of 6aiur. WANTCD. berlain's Pain. ... Balm, am able once Department of the Interior, Land police; a livelihood, the Tl$rpatjand 6qigeftlon wjPtithjs JLupg.?, Say of last week. Thetr fouKehtldreril tilermakes more to to business. ; Office at Santa Fe, N. M., I three doctors gave me up to die. attend It is the February -- bv taking oth three an one, hoy, died as a officers, say things, i WANTED An assistant In kitchen untments." If troubled with . th,. 1906. girls hthiaCbM owft', whleh when a,.last resort, I wa induced best of y.::r:v;;" dispose a, follo- result 'df0h(er1n wlthtn twentt rcraf ad - to the cook. , Apply at Monte Notice la that tbo 'ot uu-- to try Dr. King's New Discovery and help rheumatism give. Fain Balm a trial hereby given f unknown to the 1 VerV' ai 'faaces" ' zuma Restaurant. wing-named filed loan. Their agea tepJthrlr I am happy to any,' It TiavCd my life. and you are certain to be more than settler has notice as Mr. and Olra final In U J6, d3 yea Cures (the worst Coughs and Cold. v GIRL For general house work In pleased with the prompt relief which of his intention to make proof the symeelhy . ,: s - It 'affords. One relieves support of his claim. -- and that. said hwaf hae hla-A- Bronchitis,-- TonsUttK Weak; Lungs. family of two. .Apply Mrs. H, .W. application aud-itttirct- Albuquerque very ffeaueatliV T aaaaaaaalty-4- and 3-- . . this great Hoarseness an4 .La .Guar- 1023 Seventh street. ; the pain. For Bale ,, by all druggists proof will be made before the register j folow:A' .Grlope, Greene, -- rlvatalwaya being hjBoni 50c" or at N. on from anteed at all druffglsts." and $1.00. receiver Santa Fe, M.,' several aeatieaa ofpoHy k WANTED--Youn- plaints "bottle free. ' ' g girl to help with E. S. Eltotl and wife of Farmlngton March . 29, . 1906, vis. : Gabriel thefts which to hts Trial Padllla, orr-c-a hf. tpwM'otts housework. Apply 1005 Sixth street. went to .where Mrs tor 2, E 1-- 1-- a land tUNt - ' Durango Saturday lot S W See. 6, and plajal aomewhere, " : - , . . Th tT H lihla iflfflp 'mt C &vt(k ts mi&fmr Pratt v Webb of Antonlto , has been Elliott underwent an operation. At N E 1- -i N W'l-4- , Sec. 7, T 11 N, R 14, . at iafeh W MM 'be loeated, would t. one of the",rwr,"uc'laraest Tin the UnitedcaStates lg If In Tres Pledras for several last reports she was dolncr well. - reveal a warehouse of stolen property. days, Hp and Is now probably the busiest, x it expects to do some mining in the FOR RENT. Ke names the following witaaM About two months ago William I more ' Bromide klTstrtct."" i ' has done business since the 8econd street meat to prove nis continuous residence up. one Farr, the South FOR RENT Furnished front room. first of December than any other had a of bridles ana on and cultivation of said land, vizi dealer, couple No Invalids. 908 Jackson street. 3 Mom'M.JhlLL Juan A. Padllla, of Ribera, N."'M.; 2!2ttitilU?tt blanket. MaiNaaavM. Re as 1 We offer One Hundred Dollars rooms Luis JBBtotebarn. That da v the Firr C Children .. FOR RENT Two fine for Montano. of Ribera, N. record of liait ward for, any ae of Catarrh 4 hat 1008 - Macario (WL; fryiVttr belflha aafe . Jfiii emerge fram"tb - yard light 'housekeeping, Eighth st. Leyba, of Ribera,- K office under the supVrv'Ulba'Af cannot be all's Catarrh Are due to Rinsty-nin- e of kept carrrjlng a bag. They asked him cured, by Indigestion. every AtUano Quintana; of Ribera, N:.M. 8am. Mr. who been Cure. . - : see hundred people who have heart ttoeble - ' Uncle Fox, hat no-thla- , c;. . MANUEL R, OTERO, what it contained, but he replied RENT-HFumlsh- ed Reglstef. ? p., TO . rooms for rsmsmber when was J. CHftKSJb-CO- O. oaa it simple lodlfse 9 . the register for, a. good many, years, PftuS then.; pre- F, Toledo, ..-:- .".':.4f (disappeared, P. light housekeeping: at 726 Grand ave Hen. It Is a aolenUflo fact that all eajss of Is credited with' the cleanest records "his We, the undesigned, have known ' sumably to tiiding place. Mr, No , ; l - 3.59 aoart disease not organic, are not only on Ui . aa J. Cftener 15 yalrsfeand Invalids. v file at Washington. Th. Farr sftw the old fellow hobble past .fW'the Jast traosaoM to, out are me oirect reswi ot ma believe' iy hotiof Erti honor that he doubtless very highly lie-calle- able 1a JRENT All food taken Into the stomach " the him In, asked .FOR Iwa .nicely,. luxnished gestion. nwkft, -- i'.. . " business transactions and falls of ferments and appreciates. him W walf ia 'moment, and then financially iwm which perfect digestion jorjjedroproapcju the It the "Around circle - abl to carrr j put any obligations keeping. Inquire at. Room 14, Plaza swells stomach, oumng up against called- up his houa orrthtrtftrohono, ViU with every '! 6 : heart. Thia Interferes tha action of OrFICIR DIDNT SCAR THEM tteae-br'.- M firmt'UiU build Old Town. I - for th purpose of PrlnKlnfe' rlne of Bank ing,,. course of that 1. KINXAX & the heart, and la the time Jaat ,afteraWnlght Saturday toitht ALDLVdj; .MARVIN, becomes another liircTilldren Jo Joe .slorOo Identify ? delloata but vital organ diseased. can be drawn" - ; -- O. FOR RK XT or ha nd George Bastoa'a saloon la Tempo was ' M1- Wholesale "'Druggists.1 .Toledo, SALESeaond I Pino. "When the bid thief heard a" Mr. O. iCaabla. of Nevwl. O.. mjv. lift! storuck Cure. Remlhgton typewriter, Vf bafgainj. feeubl tnd In ted m 1 hid trouble held up and Ihe drawer touched Hall'a Catarrh is takfn.,inte " tt (tilt )iart cah 'Farr Tsi .tlie fcok to his " I i ?Dhonhe Call office. " 0 tlh u. took Kodol Priptpa Csr (or beat four There is no for $100, C-- the blood at Optic "Biggfast Store" a3 dpatchJrnwPjKseulif - nally, acting djrectlv upoq and it cured ' lay 4egs,.4iad','attftfntgft apparent crip Maths m. Ara, Several men were In the Buloon mucous "surfaces of 'the ' :i Voom there Is no store in thl3 pie,, was strldlas, dowtna. Hue at a gnd syetera. FOB RKXTThre u for Kodol Digests What Yon Eet yet and :AIMbt werb' rbhl Testimonials sent free. Price "5 cents iO of " jtakeo, 7 .then) lively pkeyhenA;Jri FaiitooU' after lioueekeeplag, vlnqulre t IS Tlldep and relieves the stomach all nervsus c'ty s big as it may be.' Tom .'.'Ca'rtic-de- tti cer bottle. SolU heart of ail . " tflght: policeraan him, and succeeded in. I'Ino Vail Druggists. u venue. strain and the pressure. capturing - holdlnr 2 Cm trial By bigger" and yet big- of was lb.' , Take Hall's Pills for con- Sottas onuv St. 00 Sin tha the town, thq saloon anl over to ft? no Family for " Hft was then turned - Ua. which sella 30c bet-:-. lv FOR RENT One front furnished ger . was relieved of his revolver,, which 'he not after- atii.ation. i 2 i f av a. DeWirr a oo.. OHtoaoa advertising Jfe,waat learned, long k 12-17- 5 evwartd a ' room. 1013 Fourvh st. -- . was promised, he would find oil 'the Inquire ter and better . . wards, that last Sunday Pino enteral For sale at Center Block-Dep- drug jet - J B. Colorado - pavement five minutes later and ho Martin recently frpm can- . the room of.- Wallace Oerger fit Qjn FOR SALE. store and Winters Drug Co. Ibiicity did. " niBRked has of ' ' The robbers were ani roy's grocery etore, and was making accepted the position' engineer ' 1 palngns one at .the Golden ; the only Rescript ion given tht off with' a 'suit "of "cloth. flelongmg Gold.BuiUon plant at FOR SALE Residence, 6 rooms & NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. hf. M. waa. tall, and the other exceedingly to Bersrer, when the owner of the gar-men- ts bath, in first class condition. For One was urrimtwl to- - short. suspect discovered the thief, gAve apply 417 Tenth st'., or D. Homestead No. 4970. The Laxative particulars ' Entry, You y. , chane find captured him t in fltC alley I Original Cough Syrup Winters Co 7 may draw, a Is CiWrntera, Drug o f. Kennedy's LaKatl ve Honey and Tar Of- '' wjth the gooda i ; SALE-TGent- ot the Land iflLL' FOR le, r Department Intertor, PLANT lUOAft BtCTS Albu-querqu- f combination Pino is servtng time In the U expels all cold from the system, by fice at Santa New Feb- J-- - rubber-tire- d run Fe, Mexico, DlcCarty of . trem- - aa a on ixtwels. family Iniare. and Farmlngton. Jail. i ; acting cathartic the ruary 28, 1906. Circle Around tr or the commission or about. Can be seen at office of irrigation Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar li Notice is hereby; given that the fol- -- who arrived In Santa seeker The Investment and Agency Corpora- Mlco,- rMrs. Roberf vrwte. .ji htfolth s certain, safe and harmless cure for lowing named settler has filed notice re In order to attend th home tion. Saturday from Trenton, Ma. died at her eoJdfclcroup and w nooning coueb t of his Intention to make final nroof Your Own Dig-ge- st inuai meeting of the" commission on it Santa! Rofi and was interred :tn Sold by Winters Drug Co.; K. D. FOR SALE Fresh cow, 925 Cojum. m 8upport of his claim, and that said the first Monday in Msrctu laftior hln Everarreea cemetery. She leaves two bla avenue. L. V. 314. 2119 ' ' Goodall, .".:... phone proof wm be made . before United tame In the prosperous San Juan small children. i-- I Lu. ,.uxslj03L states Court Commissioner at Laa via the A-- Rl Oranrio Success !! county, Denver' Craig,-the- ! K, of I Veas- - New on Wn energetic manager Thit Is Worth Rcmemberina. Mexico, April 5, 1908, tilrtif trjlcCvtf;;tooisith the Last Chance mine at .Mogollon i viz.: vrux or sen coun ftur poutyln of sugar beet seed, which waenever you nave a cough or uarcia, Miguel OF INTEREST TO has been a victim ot the but ty. New Mexico, for the N 1-- N E Were alvw hlni by the bureau of lai grippe, cold. Just that Foley's Hon- 14, " is out again. 8 E 1-- ? E 1-- 4, and lot 2, Sec. 27, T. for experimental - ey, and Tar will cure It. Do not risk migration "iurpoeH. - - 13 R 22 E. ex-- CONSUMPTIVES N, this seed will be planted by an A your health by taking any but the Lively Tussle. , He names the following witnesses rerlencel. tarrucr fni Juan, county, genuine.; lit Is In a yellow packag'. fan with that old enemy of the race. Com to prove his continuous & y residence the eiperttne nt will be watched clo-l- Supplied by O. G. Sc'haefer. upon PATTY stipatlon, often end lu AppendtcttK and cultivation and Its result to th1 of said land, vl2.: reported Would you like to investigate the To avoid all serious trouble wuh of bureau of the dcpnrtnu-n- t of Oregorto Garcia, Carazon, New plant Bensontter about which i BRIDGS STREET Treatment, Stomach, Liver and. Bowels, take Dr. Dr. Deardojf of Monument and Mrs Mexico; Catarino Atenclo, of Carazon, airlculture. , , so much has been said in the dally New Life PUK Mattie King's They perfect Sharp of Carlsbad were mar New Mexico; Nlcanor Baros, of a, 1 papers during the past year? regulate these organs, without afternoon. CFOUTlNO, ROOF1NQ XVV LANDS TO CONQUER- -- ly pain red Sunday New Mexico; Epltaclo Quin- ' Do know that of the 100 test or discomfort. 25c at all druggists. of Las TIN AND QALVAN- - Clarence the conqueror of you tana, Vegas, New Mexico. , tilery, case taken in the tenement district MANUEL IZBO IRON WORK. the furniture butnes In hl siH'tfoa R. OTERO, RegUter. New over atxty-fiv- a 8-- ".. of New Mexico, ls not satlsfted' to of York City per . cent were treated? - A Trial Order Is Solicited own great store here, at Artesla..and successfully at Carlsbad, but Is still reaching ou'. Do you know that in Denver a Ha Is figuring on extabiiftbfng a Tew physician has been treating tubercu- 11a,?-ertna- lar with treat- aore at the prosperous town of patents the Offlclaxl He left last ntuht tor that ment for the past two years with Las Vcgas Co. &ceven place to Investigate conditions. Clsr. success? ' f ANacossityWhw Sanitary etce Ultery Is a young man and hi Do you know that the Densonlaer t HVlft and v torffl , buslneM tlllt treatment works In harmony, with tie - Tiravelisi team a allent orationi"bn the poHti(- climate cure," and that patlws w ho Tor ttes In the Pectm vallaylor jtunf take the Bnsalser Treatment are men who are willing worki. ."OP frtflMa tMtrUleaa time than It tnUfs Tooliiach l, I o( the Secrets of hls'"aucceas that climate alone to effect a cure? ti nnderstanfls sdvertilnf and .These are indisputable "facts, pciir Ink. lie U not of ebploys' printers' tlve proof of mhtch will be given to of adTrrtlsr r, V V tt apasmodic type tr any'one on request, f; LEW IS hJ-Vw- :A J 'J ota who Infornts th utUc ...every ,da AIIAcddcnis hta bVmaMWVJU y1oaAr eti1t3ch!taTen yof ft ;,RTtt return to psrfiVl'heJlin, Intestlga Prict the.Densonlrcr. Treatment. .,, , RtA0YasllNKLIN0 LAWN- S- " writ us' for literature ' " 2J(30t Thlo Remedy la S3poello, ltwlll cost rou nothing to do company, 1n are RBLISP AT OMCS. f,5p1y cK(rtO' Our e book will prove valf ttlVgS It dene, seotb, helfi, and protects the i tfca.tflfilsk'timiV Mrr 1( diasMPd mambntifl. , 1 enfte CAtarrh and l an i W . IT E jp . . a V nnves awar a l )ag osed,a'h'Tu-cn- jjnrlr a juom in tne Hed quKkly. ' i irraM-vlnVst- Titan Restores tad Senses of T4e ead Smell the et . 7 . - "... Kant to ate Cootsins no injurious drng. , .... nostrils n kpylitA st tte and abwrbed. ar t"P t wjij p ol CeseftootS and vu.ili Cleaoed, Disintected and In Beat-U-rf f Ujere tncyese Large Rise, 80 cents at Dnggbtst Ly . pat a Thorough a' KM ttfren(ltkpernl U Ih asU Trial Site, 10 centtty saail. coadltion. We examlae cesspool a treevot ctarco. a Der or uno rme i W"P'e T- nn - LTtCSTieW, u v V tWarfea.SU.Neysrh. THURSDAY, MARCH I. 3906. LAIVtAI P4U OPTIC ional OOOOOOOCOCCOCCOCOCCCCCCCC:"" Directory Ex'Adjutcnt Cansral of W2v Mwc-- : O O 1 C i VacitVSeiJA u3 C 5T ico to Go to North Pole on Airship o H. o o .. i ( Gecpa Hunhtr, Attorney at law. " if v - ? ;1 www ry Mouaay evening 8t tieir Qlfjce, Vettder block. Us Vegas, N i Twr'T 1 n i ' i nan, pain street. AH visiting ireth M. -'-- ' :. : ... Mijor 1. 0. Kirwl U:ft&r olVbrber3. Witl bf At Mil. s reo o xoraiaity invited to mend, p. La Frank i l . 1 .4 . A...... Springar, Attorney at . law o Ouic la Oroctoett building. Us in u m. to Find end Get Dick to Civiliution . v.'a.i i, mwooa, secretary; W. Vegas, N. M. tSi Pod , ut all work loolxs.tiio toso T7ben written ca vnmrtreaBiirtr; C. V; Hedeccck i.j cemetery trustee. t. V, kong, Attorney at Jaw. Olflce in WjTuan block, Us Vegas, N. ,. P. 0. I.. Metts first ft nil tMi-- Major H. B. ilersey, lnictor for each other, one a twenty-fiv- e and thvl : In I Monaay evepingj, each month, a the weather bureau of the United other a fifty horse power. this 4 ".' . ARCM1TICTA. if one breaks down will luigots of Pythias Hall. Visiting one of the way there States, and most prominent on which !; Bremen art cordially Invited. still be the other to depend. HPvVT. sV MART.,.....t...j men in that department loft El Paso is to the run B."D. H proposed 4 )jave shtp BLACK, Ma Itijler AUO.An4 .Civil lialiArt,,. Maps and madet , surveys buildings QVyIgiLJuLMcfLflrksni. aMv jtre.. taYemc ..then,, ma. jtonbie 1 acd i const ruction work . of all kinds ( No. A. P. a. M ajor Hersey is interesting not motor will be rendered necessary. .Ac thapifteotodne, e J and, superintended,. n - ( ragman couutraieanonl t 3rd piatd ; :Offic, y as a SBapmn-America- waaet- rordlna to the calculntlonarte aln ad Plata, Us Vegas Phone II. jaursaays in .each, month. Visiting Vsv '.it?S.'d toiB"" in of miles an Hour under routers , cprdialjy .Invited.. c.i D. atbevmen.9iortheWo4oountry, but also speed twenty MNTIJTi. the fact that be will be one of favorable conditions and It Is thought uoucner, w. M.; Claries H. Spor uj leder, Secretary. Establishel 1888. .. men who will go with Walter that the trip to the pole and back will on to last from two to weeks. ! Or. F. R .LORD, llman . the airship journey three r PBtUt, -- i) ti,VT'Mn bVB8, i, w, v. r., meets I Successor to lie north la with nTn5TirBYrvmT)0a'de from SpW r second and fomth - Thursday evenings )r. B: M.i 'Williams. difficulty Induced to talk.u)f the pro- berern. Noavuiy, nA it may be May Vill,a$$jjt you in preparieg your buiae corru- - ( let each morfth at th 1. e M, 0. 0. F. hall. Room '3; qt-nt- iBlk. Las Vegas. Ped exMditlootatitOurtaalCiil M U0?ieart can! be Mattie S. thekpflltlon pondence to that you need not be ashamed of Jt. Tkt 'Jin. Garjjck,. noble, grand; ltjli a matter not yet accomplished'.' started,rbut we hjopeUj atart In May g Llda! ' ' Dr. t. U Hammond, Room 7 Crock. is the best in Mr. Beflgc'oek, vWgrand ; Mr. This trip tdllirpoleTTrTWaW of""tnli year, the sfiTe of the party pJiyer typewriter the world. It has only tnara Mrs. ett budding. Hour! I to If, and 1!M world utu, secretary; Sarah ed) with more Interest the whole has not been determined, but It will S oneeifrnt the aher of the writer ( Roberta, treasurer. to 5. Both at office ana"ras reason parts ordinary Type ) phones over than any previous trip by be either , three or five. Naturally ofjits uniqueness, and It will be watch-d- j ther may be some risk In making Eastern Star, Regtfar eommunlca-.tigariactn- d : with espeoMjntere bjr,eopJaua cs) a triP. IMt come 8 out of repair. .. If ueesaaryio. .1. and fourth '1 a. I . 1 Thursday eve IfTjXNKlNi: this aectroj J hecquatry because aaclt Welvjtne' ico. it vha'aii to -- eee'ti oBttt. lArl ,iii irigaof visiting broth Major Hersey is going. Major tier the advantage of the party to have 8 '.fJJJMid Javitod. PtntlnV.,.. . to-- nlBVuimd . v,v tO-.-C- ie;er, arcxordlally. W wp8 ,forj , number. ,ot.xetrj Um time, 4 t jCccjT d Mrs. J. B. Reed, worthy matron; aumff o C2Q Room 8 and 4. k .baud ' . Dearth W: pr; "Mrs. TEralna and then for still another-perio- of the u i noire ft ins. 614 Douglas Avenue. spring. It writes wore easily, surely', oofe .Benedict, 8ec.; Mrs, A. M. -- Howell, t eoBsldetabie he was section sla- - o 'clearly leigth, "We will rnatra;. wir'elea than other will director, with headquarters there. tlon at 8Dltiber'en. and hone to be any typewriter. It standilTe times 4hs During afBr tof ttat ttife M;!n lfal the time. o hart) Wrtrb 9ml nid a!..-- Lj " Redmen meet in Fraternal Brother Q. Ai CoRtna.- - a W.:W; Obrbft so comitldfiiwtf w4 4 adjutant general a CNewjaeajo, "It win be an untqurtflp. Eacn as 6f iiood Hall, every BCoh.l'iBd' fourth "COIWZT 4"COLtlNl when war 5' Ion; tht best all the other typewr)lerr It it rrtU holding that position the maa-of-th- a wlU be how run Aaaaylno. ; t party. taught Thursday sleep at tis eighth ? witn Bpain oroke out. wnen jvew to so that reliefs can O CQJied by the operator for it lessens the work and eiakes Brother Civil, Irrigation and Mining Engineera handle the ship ' Visiting always, welcome to was t- TJ. " qtota mustered into be made and In case of sick- h look ; ':"-""- . 8. Mineral Mjco't possible, 0 better, ' Deputy Surveying. - - ' Santa Fa. . .. . Nav Mtxlca. the . Rough Riders he became the ness or accident to the others, he can Q x ti:4. ''.4 ;..;' v..- .VS ;F. E. Barnes, chief: otrecords; F. D. dkx ' '..'.. for that squadron and fought still handle the ship and make the ''w - 'Fries, collector, of wampum,, wUjb Roosevelt in Cuba. . 8 poL best the , ; ; "IT1-'- -. 1.1 of; situation, ; i ) i v'l ,L.l J " In now one or the in-- JFraternal Union cf America, fleets Major Hersey '.'Of course It Is a Wellman expedi- h:m:tieuvefr:- the weather bureau ser and third Tuesday of Itjt6-i- tion. 1 am going as (he government ,frit evenings covers coun- - Who go to the i vice. His territory the each month in, the Woodman hall on ' meteorologist, and am simply a paa once Cry.?weRtof the Mississippi. ' Sixth street; "at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Emma Katat go always. afnger. Naturally I look forward with a '. , Luxurious Rooms, Flue , Ht back and the is J V , erringer, P. M.;W. G. Koogler, sec- ' weget trip interest' to a trip of Ihis kind, but at Mtals, Good Service. I tructes"rt will then be time to talk," " r : retary. . the same Mr. Wellman,,, or declares. ? tinje Jhe Nf f f Recfllrd-Heraldpeopi- .ywbo Looco Lcdf received Chlcag c TheFraternsI Broywbeo, No. 02, Hotel Uliajoi!. Hersey thfass the trip, have Ihe to Seabed meat from the bureau planned fight c meets every Friday nigbt at their weather, i( tp talk about It, which I have not. For ball in" the" "Schmidt building west "of paket.he trlpjo. lh. on ewnccasitma,-bu-t ll ) a Mr. Well matter only af Systoi Fountain: square, t o'clock; V (siting request, on request from that Louis- Accounting MAM 1 1 til d .V im. got put through the .laL, () jneroberB are always welcome., , ville knw me " ' newspaper nienwitho; i : N1. - PARLOR BARBER SHOP the' expedition, and 'will . '"JAMES COOK, eorologist tf when 1 was weather observer there, o Is No Lohcior o -- on - L. be one of the three or five men who 0. atBQOtv, tm. wrote up my part In the ixpidltion Innovation j will make the to reach the 1 pMIbs Kali Burcbell, .Secretary. FIRST CLASS WORKMEN attempt because of the 'fact that pole in an alrablp." had Jived in Louisville for a . number Jt is recofrnized as an absolute all . Lincoln Avenne I necessity bj ; 'I euppose," said Major Hersey, Knightt of Columbus meet every of years, and ,knew a great ,monv progressive accountants, auditors, manufactur- ntAa nrnnnaftinn- mav " 1. v "lhai fha 4 ' " peM ers, bankers and business men , '. o second and fourth .Tuesday of the wv people, there." ' generally month at the Fraternal Brotherhood o a It Major. Hersey does not know wben hall. Visitors welcomed. J. E. n, has a family and responsibility ' hp will be callPd from hi work to ! ! would be a different matter. Just The Jones Loose Leaf G. K.; Frank Etrass, F. S. .for the Improved Specialty Ccmpcny o BRtO when will has tnk part In the preparation ( the expedition start SIDEWALKS can Journey to the north pole. , PHYSICIAN, not been fully determined, and 0 are manufacturers of o STONE not be until the with the ''I have no responsibilities of fami- I experiment o flir-iM- It or and therefore I have OR. H. W. HOUF - has hwn mario find has ly- relations. The Best that Genius and Osteopathic jhy- Crushed Experience Can Producs o . s : ' New. Machinery for Making a rlcht to choose for myself in a way Bician, office, block; bouir, Wen provpd by trlafJ that It.l8 capa. f Olny Granite For ble of w'ork for which it is which m'arried' men or' those who have 9 to 1:30 to 4; phones, La a 'ri dolnc the It; tvanted. near relatives Irving have not. 'I ex Vegas 41, Colorado 175. Sunday CEMENT WALKS. 1The..afrshlp ls;elruj PlHPLTUAl ULSZZZt is the most powerful, bv IxhiIr Godard.v of pect to come back., bjit, the. ri9jkf9r 7r."i durable and on hours by appointment. Paris, lightest the market. It has The best quality. All work guaran- - France. The machine will bo made me is nothing to what it U for Mr no 6b urn corners or edsres that mar the desk. ir. o teed. with two motors, which will lie Wellman, who has a large "family,' opens and closes quicker than any other. Its compact- O " " ness " y the when In lie operated "entirely cf b 'concruded; permits writing surface, use, to closer o Estimates given on briek and stone 0 to the desk than any other binder, By its Improved I , tm buildinoft. clamping and mechanism the round back al- ,'! ' I a O expanding f' -- X i Orlno Uxatire Fruit Syrup jr 0 in o ways remains in the venter whether the book Is tued at WALLACE A DAVIS, This Day History. new remedy, an Improvement 'on the its maximum or minimnm capacity of leaves, "thus giving ? a Vegas Light V 'Las Vegas 'Phone 289. laxatives of former years,"as it does o it a beautiful and symmetrical appearance. ;; The binder 1 & a af ffcsl . Co. molia not gripe or nauseate and ia pleasant 0 can be firmly locked on one or one thousand leaves, and - - , one or more leaves can be inserted or removed without Croak m n March V. to take It is guaranteed and sup 0 lV7w it O. disturbing the others. Further information sent on. ap- Veaae bJ6& plied by .Gv.ScMeXer. 0 vww,?u FheaeMI , 1658Treaty of Roeaklld signed. plication, or car representative will call and sbow you the goods. , Wh o -- 1702 William III. died w elso Cska. lis V(iS ROM IIIHs, o(, England OHIO SOftANtatr'ET o .fl tl9 cndHataU. Succeeded by Queen Anne. "AT'ati tOUIS, MISSOURI. o ,0 J. Pt. SMITH, - lf21 Pope- - ag 0 Frtv,; Clement .flldf ( 0 4 1 8. WBcliSfcfeand Sateil BvalerAs i St. Ix)uiir March As evidenced 0 1739 Delhi entered the English. by the 'demand ' for.' tickets there is ' 0 1743 died. . . . much: interest manifested in, the ban- O iS fe I !A Bishop Hugh sJi ii : WHgAT ,1750 City of London shaken by an quet to W gjvcu! t lie Wishington 0 ine Vpwc Has m connection a eatab- - ,( ) rc ; rnanufactunnjr'"' " " 12 . hotel ! tonight i by lhe: Ohio - Society pf h B!fbst ;uh price . jeartbeuake. lishment for Rubber of all ftatdfor Mllllaf WbMt '1176fr by. St, Ltours.; The society, numbers 300 g making Stamps descriptiwii, j Stamp act passed. Britjs!i ! Oolorado Heed Wbet orfceleiaBsasoa . house of Lords. ' ' " ." ' members'. L M thesmqtmi iddrssses notarial seals, etc! :.-.-- j bs Vetias Iron Works - r LAS VgQAS N. M. M 1776 Engagement at NoOk's Hill, are to be Eiven: py ffesment unarms : . ' -- r i & Machine Shops Mags. F." Twingt ot winner . Reservs Uni- 0 Foundry W ine .. . - - Mayort Jalnes,i Ar Reed r oiencu MarKers, complete f ) :'1793 French national convention versity, former -- - ; for.... . t UoCJ- B. abolished imprisonment for debt" ' of: Kansas: City, gd 0 Moots 0 ,;.vy:...;. nion Oasolin Knglnes, the PlTTBNGERi M . C 179s Simon Cameron bom; Pled of: su Moat Desirable Power. ; l l LWs;i.,tl.t1 ' ' - Ji,:. 1 t ; 8, for s SIGN June .26. 1889,. .f Ctorer Gasoline Eorines wRiimo, Aboukir a FICTURI FRAMING, surrendered after Bnnnliir Prihtina; Presses conflict witn French. sanguinary! the -- Ovfr V WAU.APIR,CLAt3, . : , I prtndinj.MIUs Pumploc iH07-r-W- Sawrey Gilpin, landscape Thsr: itS record Of a O .'"'':.";",': Calionor addrea ;r ( ) fits, Wood Sawioff, Electric PAINTS, 1TC. I died. 1 Lacndrle. ?w painter, cough, or pold, raWtl Jf l.ieujnonla Us;h Plants, t; Hi Lord WelHegton captured or! cosUJiiln'er Foley' iioaey 002 OIXTU UTCZEXi and Tae baa SeeBtSkerf. as It will 1 1 17 Adsiln'H? uWrdl ex'plbrei' W roar 5 .'"-V . J. C. ADLON. 4 stop oiy:ooSaiBaYak 'Daily opt; La. ;.'-'- " t MinevSh7l)Orn to cold auK j RefM'anyWftti gen-vin- e yoiisxxr.1.:..; ''J, 1M1 .0Hvisrifi jy; - - - h Justlca: iWndell FooiiA enff tna. yel W V V. . 'Holmes ..of Bta'tes Tr V VV, Raited, t sBprem low package. Contaln.a.po.ppifttes1 and courts boru aure.-Supplie- O. BAASCH is aaX.aa4 by--O. Montezuma Ranch Resort 1814 Charles Bernadotte. A. king BUIKIU. . --.. AT ROMERO of Swedendled, ae .81 W 4 h 'A . 1 A quiet, healthful resort 4',6 1S58 Slisge of Ltrcknrwbegati, a r- -- . met PHONS 77 ATIONAL AVE miles south of Las Vegas on the 3 1SC2 Werrfimic "ttrfeated-"-ttmb- The. town aboard. of .Carlbad. Santa Fe R. R. Main Building: land an Congress In navai batua At Wednesday and .after some delibera to Old Spanish Mission, with all Hampton Roads. " - tion ..concluded, put. la a:pwnplng somo on modern improvements.1 Tent 1874 David Kalakaua lectrd king plant at point the river north to " Cottagat: I for 'Incipient cases of Hawaii. of town, pump water for the Cot tonwood Ranch of 3300 acres, 1877 John of. . shade trees. Glzz?, Pdntzl only. Sherman., ,0Wo s I i M ' ' Vcroi2 T ' " ' beautiful scenery, saddle ponies secretary of the treasury. j ' i ' ' it1 ' '' ""I' '' ' in elected cases; herd of regis-- . 1885 Coal discovered la Dakota. : l mrf ) t . t i a ' tered jersey milch cows. 4 1887 Henry Ward died. ." . -- Bechij;-'- Re-mer- e, 1813. (SoqI and y7ood Address: Dr. P. J. Farmer, Born June 24, -- N. M. Tel. Cele. 4S7, or 185 Harry Hayward: convicted; of 5 In Minnea- Center Eieek Drug ttere. murder of, Catherine' GIng ; ""' etnczA CO. ; C3 polis. " ' ' Qkcj c7av p;;r:;3 ' 1904 Mob burned negro quarters at 2X O. mm wmiw m w Aft Springfield, Ui4 w ' .1 -- - , i No' alcoholic a. . 4 ..ff'. dangerous drugs , or JTJ moi IlAnVEY'S' Torture by Savages. concoctloBa are "taken into tba stom- ' "Speaking of the. torture to which ach when Hyomel Is used. Breatkad .1 gAlLinA klVEK KAXCH. some of the savage tribes in the Phil- through the Inhaler, the babamlc 4 r 4) re- ...... ippines, subject . their captives, healing of Hyomel penetrates to the comes Id f C4rOff every Friday 4 minds me of the Intense suffering I most remote, cells of the nose and : " and goes out every The automobile that hfcs been trroren the best. Notarial Seavls, , Saturday. 4 endured for three months' from In- throat, 'and thus kills the catarrhal - anal Barnoao '"rates:; : flammation of the Kidneys," says W. germs, heels the; irritated mucous Tinning PlumtHns, M. SasljUorV 11 A Corporation Sle Asy, fie week, Sherman, of Cushlng, Me., "Noth- membrane, and gives complete and ...nsl S Is.eeper er $3Sa' ? 4 J kf me 1 cure. V H ubber . ing helped until tried Electric: permanent Stampe. :,"-"- com- - - Leave order ut . Mnrnhfv's Bitters, three bottles of which Hyomel Is the simplest, most pleas- - 0 . drug store or address H. A. liar-- 1 plotely cured me." . CUres JJve Com snt. and, theotdy guaranteed jure for L&s Vegas' S vey, t ity. Call Colorado Phone. plaint, DyBpeptia, BkK)d disorders and atarrh llmi W . been, disorverd. Hard ware HAKVKrs RAM H IS FOR SALK Malartnf and restores the weeft. and Complete' ootflt fl,00;Veitfal bottle, Ceelar nervous to robunt health. Gusrftnteedl rpnts. .flaaonic TomFlo, Povflae, Ave. ' ' Cfana Ave br kit druecIfiU. Price COc. "'. I' For'a'at by nf G Mnrnhv

' ,S i. V : ra4 I 4 ; 00oo4 0ot4 0 a t ( M i t f M f t rt 1.A4 VttAt DAILY CPTI& THURSDAY MARCH. I,' HO


and Although or eot is libber this mmob we offer at saiua as btor Liben embroidered hembtitched ) Fancv lace collars in cream lawn, eyslet turnovers, luc to J&Q w bite 40o to 7C9 Bilk turnovers embroidered in all hlk embroidered cbiffon slocks ' J . (far U known SHOES colors fi&o to 99o t . 9 tZzim lace and ribbon vtocks ' ripest S1WY Paooy embroidered wash stocks Silk fifty feet ooapled in Unen 36o to 740 at 7C9 - for : v Itvu Not GUARANTEED CY US Czztl 9 - - Every Fcrr&'o jm- s) sf- Fon(y black ailk sbwka SI SPORLEDER SHOE CO.

THS W9ATHSR. CLOSE FEDIXUAR.Y START MARCH March'?, im. RIGHT GpcoCq! tic? You 'An cut your Every Ecy FOR ONE WEEK lifMiMibold Ttmytramire. eipDM Mailman ....,... I. 4 E MITS ...... 14 doicn per .'.. 48 eeApplom. per box , Good , 1.SA ' 00 Appies, per dux w V- - MuwWty. tO Cr-- cr OS.CO f'ooklnr AiDlea. uer box AOi) to l.OO 6 But three rooro night remain o Best Colorado Flour. nr sack 24 each of Beat Flour ou Earth. "CREAM LOAF." per ark.... 14 0 the Baxaar of Nations and 1.1c - per doaen and Up ...... SO these three nlgbtt muit b made reo- Orange, ep... 25 ord breakers If the of ueavu f ..... 5 expectations Precipitation thou interested In tbe Driving Park Pure Things to Eat are to be anywhere near fulfilled. The opera bouse should be packed A Fair warmer . in forecast: t&lgbt; full each eveninr The entertainment J. H. STEARNS. - GROCER oatS portion. :' Fair, Friday. i afforded is unusual. Tbe have m. tu- -i i u jt people uf never had tbe opportunity of becom IIEADOW GTY BRIEFS ing separated from their money in more pleasing manner. In fact, the operation Is absolutely painless when WwJU Boys, April 13. under skilful direction T&o'ina Boney's performed the c f la- VGKJJ 7 1 ". of Colonel Martin, assisted by the ALL WAnT ft "What Jo 'so' In March? Cm fare at day dies of Las Vegas who constitute the various committees. ; Remember that For the ladies of Las Tegas. Hafry Jacker, of . Fratwbl'1' iPrbtberbood tomorrow cause Is one. Go 18 C the a worthy early lbs...... , Berlin, and late of New York Fashionable , Sugar . 01.00 - , Is t i.nt.,w- ,v and stay late. It all right to watch Colorado and tailor in ladies' tbe show from the balconies for a Epcrs, Ranch, Ter doz.. i $ js as s designer garments. ' WANTBD-Bbo- w about 3 feet case; while, but do not neglect to make tbe . . . ' Flour, Richelieu 25 lbs 85c 50 lbs. Of rot long. Optic office. , round of tbe booths and spend some .00 wtfoJ.coLDorn::, cu ' ":,. 't Boss 25 50 . . "...... chjo fleeting moments In the vicinity of Plour, Patent lbs 85c, lbs 01.00 Satisfaction guaranteed or mone refunded. Gen-- ' TtsHrork of grading 8outh Pacific the Store where yon will Country Potatoes 50 lbs 90c. 100 lbs . . . . 4 tlemen's will street will start tomorrow morning. , certainly get your money' worth. 0100 tailor also make., suits, pants and 1 The two attempts thus far made 20-pou- nd ... c overcoats to order and satisfac-- Willow Pure Lard, Pails ...... guarantee perfect J I sell YankH Brilliant and to hold a big fair and faU festival at 02.00 Orand ave- tion. Creek coaL P Nolan, Las Vegas have been more or Jess $ 3-- (SL nue. .,' by the unfavorable G R A A F R D ' ' ' handicapped HAYWA ' v weather conditions, Tbe result bas CKOCCR.S. BVTCHCRS AMD BAKERS. Vincent Troder has been granted been a considerable debt for tbe asso e a rbuletto table llci-ns- for twelve ciation, which constitutes a serious months. for the season. Let handicap coming LAS VEGAS EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE ovam, an f iwu the remaining three nights and when what y?u want wben you vznt you get when you buy groceries of . v . it , , i vim nacaac ui juhuiio ueuuiucn Season 1906 - . - Season 1906 Davis at Sydes, 'it's the topic of the town that f i thing of the past, a hand same fund

will remain to associa !f it is not here it ia not to be bad. . Work been started on tbe con- help put the GOODS bs tion on events DRESS DEPARTMENT two, stone culverts on its feet for the big struction of tbe 4t4i foil nAtnAmViA 4Via vtlntftA 4Va Special sale of A. A. "Waterman Hot eprUigt boulevard, We are now tbe - showing Latest Styles A ii ' Punoan opera boiwe: . remember the FOUNTAIN ENS , ' ., i nine, irom 8 untu Vi ociocs, ana in New Dress Gxds in theJatest weaves i. tA.0u, 25 cent. .t'?Pcoui't for Oue V. t - ... don't forest to take yonr pocket CJt'lflfir Tr i books, 4 4 GOODS DEPARTMENT KMCVXi tii.1644 VIIJTTVIJIH IU niviivn, " WASH ai ' T ...... 1 nwMt. . . "-- J t v,. mm-- IVm't In. ni 1lft " " v,,.,. III LARGE rSSORTLIEDTS e uniformed band and orchestra ,f solo lflh' Jhtr wntlnnon. "f1 Cambric Percales, muakians with the Jerry from Kerry, CCUAEFEtVG OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY Ginghams company, Cheviots, Galatea Cloths La a fuuny farceplot there is scarce- none.' The first act la a New Shirt Waists for Standard The Redmen lodpe will meet this ly good Agents Patterns nvaninir lit their hull The Inriirn nnlv bright opener, song and specialties la to meets once every two' weeks now and'il,ow quick successloas be almostfc every member should be present, bewildering. Introducing HENRY 517 St. ycitr'.f,1, I,: all the latest songs and funny sayings if LEVY, 6th ItEsiWOs) SI . LAS VEGAS. NEW MEXICO niiutnun Itfonaoa hftv hoon irmnt. of tbe day, the specialty acts are all the era an1 re "flect" ed to Petra U. de Romero of this city b0T" mM u w v,we for six months and to R. A. Shearer of. i ., ...... ,. .,. . , ... k Kast Las for ix months. Vega The town council has, served notice 0 VSo.cro cola oconto on owner of lots or of land The J. El Raeenwald I. O. parcels lodge on New Mexico San-- for tho t tt' avtwr a ek etvtil An.strtv abutting avenne, ' North Pacific street and party tn vZ,Mt tri''-F9-Hot who have aal Brotherhood hall in celebration of Springs boulevard, Ecolo Ohirlo been ordered by ordinances of the ThoPemro CJecaataHh tea the Pnrim v fesUrn'r town to build walks, but who have failed to construct the same, to pro- Dr. Lefkowlti will preach.;tomorrow The best made ceed with the work at once or the garment on the "Jewish Man-- Bight subject: trustees of the town will have the or-- that was ever shown in this hood The services commence at 8. i dinance carried out and enforced. 0 o'clock and the general public are part of the Territory. o Most cordially invited to attend When it comes to o Concerning' the Roney's Boys con- - quality o we don't bar any. : o Pro" H. B, Roney and bis com fin-e- Ik .1. .w - They are made of the st o Mad- quality of impotted o - Sf. RETAIL PRICES: fhi. iSSS; S2 tJI ..It ,Rr re than ras and are cut and made o moved nilt. wMh ihM --.v.. by o walk .r..,mm Per 100 lbs.. train passable. will 12 the very best shirt' makers company appear April at the 2,000 pounds or more, each delivery. . 20 -- hnAM hftllM 4ka s 11 llllM b.,..Una VI that V. . i.ui.ww .l""'" ""i iJ piinwivcn nioney flan get.' UU4VttV,the . , , . city wbools, o to each -- ; - . 33 i,ooo 2,ooo pounds, delivery. 30C 01 .'"vTcnaa. ureenciay nemg reiurnisn-- v sill A 8 to -- T". 7. "TV . v classified adverting in the Js&csotootS a 200 i,ooo pounds, each delivery-- 50 4OC ' M.p,,tJ?' Dally Optic will hereafter be charged , .ru.v.u o iu'v.?w.ih 2Mr'" for In advance. The Optlo haa adopt o to 200 pounds, each delivery -- Soe , hhvkim, piw, w u.uv ed thi rule KM-aus- e the amooat Is too o improvea, now irom ne sx.napoini t0 t0 the Tbls X Less than 50 pounds, each delivery.. 60c or looss ana mat or mrl1 o nuiny. will only apply to persons who have to 1 - 'U o , ,,. ....- no ledger account ' The sun temperature rose to 100 - , O degrees today at 2 o'clock and any Our electrlo light patrons will con-tim-e o from I o'clock on to 4, It has fer a favor on us if they will conttn-bee- n o comfortably warm In the. shad-ju- e to report their petty light troub-lea- t OC3000000000000000000PC300000000 kind of shade. The buds are les to the OM Electric Light plant cornld"!'. out rapidly. Owners of or Colorado "phone No. 21, ontll we can ocooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooo shards' are becoming anxious lest the get into full operation at our new O 'iv. r O buds come out too far and get nipped plant Las Vegas Railway St Power O iinTiinin innitrn O b still , Offles 429 Avanua, later frost. While reading; company. WE SELL U Douglas enow In middle west, tillib lilltli of and the ' Las Nsw Msxleo. (ld - Vsgaa, people of the' south went are congratu- The deputy aftsensor's office will 8 - 9 lating tbemselvee upon the pleasant be located at tbe rear of the Invest- quality of March weather dispensed ment and Agency Corporation office, and nearly everything lower 2 hereabout 'entrance on Douglas avenue, a a& than any of our competitors.- - o QOoUtOtOOO00 000000t)000t)000009 gtstststsssnsssccssssieitisssstsistss;sst;iescff nw.A Our sperlal offer for the L balance of tola k . . . Doesn't Hoan Work Service JCiO Economy fctisfcetory end Prompt avny Kn of Cooaa at Low Prtc 3 pkg Dr. Price's Wheat Flake Celery Food. . . . .25c O Ouylnl ' " o . 3 s Oats 25c good goodn at reasonable ' pkg Ivory o buylw prio. o '; - BUT MaUM ara to be a hotuwbold ' Tbeee are the features that- distinguish tbe 3 F. S. Pearl ...... '...... 25c o Rettlngr o pkgs Hominy o word In Las Vs because wt put op the kind of o 3 Wheat Farina . Meat that people like to oat. It doesn't matter what o plcg.F.9. y..25c o kind yon want, whether Kansas City or N'ailre Meat, o o ' we haro it in all the Choicest cuts. A phone order o will connnce yon that our market is the place to bay o 8bort ier work a specialty. Coupon books worth 15.00 for WW. We solicit thai one trial We receita freeta fish erery o o week, and handle the beht poultry In tbe market o Phones: Las 17; Colorado, 81 o o Vega, 8 & SYDES o o DAVIS Doth Phoneo 44 TV TURNER Om ... . T. o A tVZtr? Prep 8 Tho Storo ThaYa Alwv Busy. I o O0CV7000O0000OO0 0C300 0O0QOOOC9QOQ0sl OOCwvvvv.w IQOCWwvJUi