i l‘ •( / •. 'X T^NTY-EIGHt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER §, 19W iHah(t;(ater ^t»nUtg $»ralb ATm ge DsUy Net PyiM Ron Tbe WcRthff . For. the W eek Ended rendeet f t/. B. Wdettif bm eei Nev. 3, 19Bt The Couples Club o f the Tal- John O. 0'Bridn> owner, of Olobe In the abaehce of Major, and Emanuel Women’s Missionary ' - .PrisHdng iwmpiiwlen WMUleiL:' cottville . OoniTeyational Church Travel Strvicisi'^Mn Main St., haa Mrs., Jehn Pickup, U’ho are at­ Society will meet tomorrow at About Town will serve another of their popular, left by plane on his second trip tending 'a retreat for Salvation 7:30 in the reception room. Edeel 12,361 vnadyi wW«r tnetgRt emd ‘ spaghetti suppers at the church around the world. Some, of . the Army officers in Bast Northfleld, Iiaacion, aealstant to Pastor An; Member of the Audit ^ day. Lmr SsmIgM Sd-M. n g h Bele' , Mduurd U Adanu, 1T« son of Mr. Mass., David Addy, recently re­ Saturday evening: front S to 7, un­ places he will visit are Haw^atl, the derson, will ’show a film featuring Burenn of Olnmlstlen .nrdny de-43. Albtrt U Adam*, 33 Ut> der the chairmanship o f Mrs. Her­ south Sea Islands. New Zealand,' tired sergeant lirlajor, will have Danny Kaye and the work of the Mdnche^er ^ A City of Village .Qharm /' . ^ tia SbK$u Jointd th« U.S. Marine bert 'C. Brown. 843 Woodbridge Australia and Singapore. While ip charge of .the open dir service to­ United Nations Children's Relief shopping center <^n>e and will leave tomorrow St., this town, and her comi^ttee. Australia, he plans to attend the night' :at 7:30 aud the midweek Fund. Hostesses will be Mrs. Her% mominc fw'IMrrU lalend, N.C., to' be a mr, service at 8 o;ciock at the Citadel. Children under 12 will ■ed Olympic Cameal He expects to be roan Johnson, Mrs. Otto Johnson. (fisselfisd AdrsHUtag oe Png* 14) befla hla tw otvtealii^. He wee at half price. away six weeks. Mrs. Calvin P. Davison and Mrs. VOL. LXXVI, NO. 35 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) M ANCH 1 CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 19156 PRICE nVE CBimR formerly employeiNtS ZMcTe Drive .Mrs. Ralph ’rT^deiri of Sunaet Eric Anderson: tn. Dr. Vlvfan Tappan, assistant The Women’s' Club of Manches­ Farms. Weet Hartford?^-will be guest speaker at the meeting of Iw clinical' professor of pediatrics, and ter will observe men’s night Mon­ ’ Norman'Kronick, 18 Stephen St., The Edfar Clreie o f th^ medicine at Vale University, wrill day at 8 o’clock at the Second the Mancbeiter' Garden Club, has been named to the honor roll Methodist WSCS has post be the gucat speaker at the regiilar Congregational Church. Irv Wer- which will be held in the Federa­ for the flrat marking period at the iK f its meeting scheduled for Monde, lOnthly meeting of the Children’s mont will spehTt oh "Psychology in tion room of. Center Church Nov. Hartford Institute o f Accounting, eveniiia to .Nov. 14. It will be held Ic Fibrosis Assn, of Connecti­ Action.’” Arrangements are in lO^in'atead of Nov, 12, Mrs. Ogden's where he ia pursuing the 2-year CHARLIE McCa r t h y , Pinehurat Meat Manager, offers Iowa at the home of Mrs. Walker cut' Saturday at 8 p.m.. The meet­ charge of Mrs. Wlllitni' Stroud. oiibject will "Chriatfhaa Deccfra- course in accounting, and finance. State freah Corn-fed pork, as the Best Meet Value of the Week. B rins, 84 Finley St. Oo-hosteesM ing wriirbeit the parish house of tions." Members are urged to save , finehurst. fess Hostesses are . Mrs. "Johh’-Malofie the date. ' will be Mrs. Doris McKinney and the South Congregational Church. and Mrs. Clifford Prince. THE POPULAR 7-RIB CUT . - ‘ Mrs. Vera Hooker. 510 Wethersfleid Aye.. Hartford, f a m o u s ■’3 and the public la><^lBHy invitedv Legal Notice to attend. ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Charl'Ca C. Hatha; Saul M. SUverstein. president of way of Del Norte, Col., announce Personal Notices FRESH CHICKEN Royers Corp., presented his views I state of CONNECTICUT. Dli-trlct the birth of a ' daughter. Megan | nf <*4fV«ntry. ProvaiA Court. Town of on labor-manayement rrlations to­ Washington ■ Lodge, Nd>v^l7-,'^ U'vrnlrj^; October 30. 19M. 25 LOL. will meet tomorrow nlght^^t ' Cheney Hathaway, yesterday. Mrs. In Memoriam RilrRoastPork> ’ day at a luncheon meeting: of Epsi­ K.«*utA of^ohn W. SilvU. Uto of Cov- PINEHURST r e a l , c e n t e r CUT ■ lon Alpha Zeta. honorary business 7 ;45 in .Orange Hall. Electipii oi Hathaway is' the • forpier .loan *u)iry. owninir propfiiy in IHPtrict. dd, . daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 'u»‘Cf*aA*Ni. fraternity at Hillyer Colleye,.'Hart­ officers will m held, also election Tn lovinf memory of our dear fathAr PORK CHOPS .............. .... .f ...... lb. 79c AlfetH Todd, 379 Porter SI., and Prc.ffAiit Hon. Elnutre Tiirktnston. and huahand; Joaeph Morrifon, who ford. \ of offlcera for the district ,l6dge. JUflpe*. paaaAd away Xor. 6. 1960. Hathaivgy is the son Of Ruasell UiK»n ihA AppliCAtion^ o f IrAn^ I. SlIviA LOIN ROAST PORK . lb. 65c •________________________________X Hnthawayfs364 Porter St. of ( nvAiury. Connecticubv prAylnc thai A dAar oHA front ua haa gone / AdnilniftrAtion nf AAld i‘'s(At^b4» ifrAntf^ A voiCA we loved la atUI 3-l b . AVERAGE. AR pAr appllcAtlon on /Hr Inpre fuilr A place la vacant lb our home Mr. and M rs/'I^ ln g Finley of apnoarii: ii in \Vhlch never ran be filled. CHOIGB g r a d e Elmville, former MkA^eater resj- ORDKRKD'. That raM appHcatibn e a c h hFArd and d#*torinfn'*d at a t'o u rr of Ever reniembered. RIB ROAST OF BEEF lb . 5 9 c U.S. depta, have received^vyord that Prnbatf* to Ha held At tho P r ^ Mrs. Joseph Morriaon, wife. l^so Air Optim isp their daughter in law and'^p-and hato OfflCA in thA T o a n . o f CoVaii- Mra. rhartea Dome and MEATY 3rd to 7th RIB. on thA 13th day of N ovArnbfr. 1956 grandchildren. ** ~o~ ee’'----------- daughter— hare— been evaci at tAn o'clock In tliA forAnoon: and that Perk Leim ib. 4 9 l^ West Three from Tel Aviv. Israel, and have ai imiicA of ihA pAnriAiicy o f said apulira- sCard of Thanks rived safely in Italy. Their son, "Hmi. and of iho tirn^i and placA o f hA«ir- Whole 10-lb. atrip. Ciit In r-^ cr A o n . bo, iJlVcn to all p^raona to order. Chops and A f t e r X o n ^ ROASTING CHICKENS Irving Finley Jr., is stationed at khow^Kto bA iiitArARtAd .in aaid AgtaiA. We wish th express our hAartfelt the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv. by rauiunc A copy of thia order to bA thanks for ih / many acts of kindness roasts. ^ ubliahed time in aome nAaapapAr and sympathy e?Oendfd to ua during Talks Now r Try our ehickdns and capona charcoal*barb«cue roast­ Kavthir a cirntlatlon tn aiUd Dlatrirt. the illffeaa and death of Mra. A1ic<^ Advertisement— and poatAd on inesHiibHr alipipoat nAar- -Tracev Johni^on. We are especially ' Washington, Nov. 9 (/Pl-r^-Pferidcnt Eisenhower and C (| n - ed for 50c; order ahead for Saturday or Sunday. Or get cat. adiAre_ the- dAcAa^rd- . - —ia.Rt dw.............. ell in grateful to thA mAdlcdl and nursing Washington, Nov, "9 (/P)— . the Town of CovAntt^-. sAnl by rAgln*: utaff of MancheatAr Memorial Hospital. gressional leaders discjissra the tense world situation for 2H Install clean, dependable Gas While We offer, self service We are starting to take or­ them ready to cook any day. We deliver Friday, morning. tAi-ed mall to • ; thA D irectors o f the Public -Health o n e e n d T ^ ders on Thanksgiving poul- French Premier Suy , Mollet j Heating, and forget service and Irene-1, Silvia. Flanders iW., Coven-i Nurses Assn.. Mrs. Certrude Rayner groceries and vegetables, we hours today. Th^egfsiators left the White House using such trj'-., .Turkeys will be from ;.aid today,he intends to visit j delivery problems. Rent a Gas try Cdnnecilcui und her staff of P ublic Health KtirsA^i;. continue to be old fashioned G H O N E terms as “^ v e " and “serious” but there were expreasiona Conversion Burner—32.05 monthly Mrs. Mary Cripe. 264D Charter-^ak also to those mho contributed the many in our meat department... Cap La-Broad's Connecticut- President Eisenhower short-) Terrace. |Tar|ford. ronnectlrut: ' ; beautiful floral trlh»itea and offered the and feature a SERVICE nearby farm. They will be also of pptimism. ROOM O LC O n —Buy a Gas Conversion Burner Charles Popple. Flanders Rd.. Coven^'^uae nf their cars; For all of their klnd- FREE! ly but the White House re­ ^niite Democratic leader Lyndon Johnson of Texas told 3285.00, leas 350.00 allowances for Hy onnectlrut: Guardian Ad I..ltem 4irc graiefiil. MEAT DEPARTMENT fresh broadbreasted Hens (John U. Silvia. Jr. of Covenirv. Conn.. \ W I T H EXPERIENCED and Tom)i...W e will also ported there are no plans for iporters he thought the discussion had been “very fruitful 403 West Center Street MItcheU 3-78.S3 old equipment. Guaranteed heating Minor) ‘ '^sWllltam Johnston a western'Big Three meeting astimatt. The Hartford Gas Co. all on .or before the Rth dav of N ovem - ^ Ilva. Helen Gleason and family MEAT CI.TTTERS TO AS­ offer frozen eviscerated and helpful.” ^ ber, 1^ 6,__________ ^ I MrsNEllaaheth Boni and family SIST YOU IN EVERY­ Northwestern birds.
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