DANGEROUS COMPANIONS: COOPERATION BETWEEN STATES AND NONSTATE ARMED GROUPS (NAGs) A Triadic Level Time-Series Dataset on Support of NAGs by States CODEBOOK v. April 2015 Belgin San-Akca
[email protected] Department of International Relations Koç University Istanbul, Turkey This research is funded by Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant (Proposal Ref. No. FP7-268486 and Grant ID No. REA.P3(2010)D/3202). DANGEROUS COMPANIONS Research Team Coders Data Portal and Website Gizem Türkarslan (Research Assistant) Burak Demir (Research Asisstant) Ferit Demircioğlu Barış Arı Özge Nur Kamcı Efe Çoban Suat Alper Orhan Aytaç Denk Halit Sezgin Melissa Meek Irena Atnaguzina Ilayda Bilge Önder Elif Burcu Gundoğdu Burcu Sağıroğlu Paulina Schenk Burcu Yiğiter WHEN USING OR REFERRING TO THE DATA, CITE: San-Akca, Belgin. “Dangerous Companions: Cooperation between States and Nonstate Armed Groups (NAGs)” v.04/2015. nonstatearmedgroups.ku.edu.tr. San-Akca, Belgin. “States in Disguise: Causes of External State Support for Rebel Groups.” New York: Oxford University Press. 2016. WHEN REFERRING TO THE CONCEPT OF NAGs, CITE: San-Akca, Belgin. “Supporting Non-State Armed Groups: A Resort to Illegality?” Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol.32, No.4 (August 2009), pp.589-613. DANGEROUS COMPANIONS I. INTRODUCTION Dangerous Companions is a project trying to realize two objectives with respect to the interactions between states and Non-State Armed Groups (NAGs, hereon). Building on a novel conceptualization of state and armed rebel groups relations, it engages in (1) collecting data on these relations and (2) building a continuously maintained data portal, which is accessible by public and includes information on individual profiles of NAGs and states they are allied with.