[email protected] Tibetan Festivals and Events Calendar 2014 In Tibetan In Solar Festivals or Events Main Attractions Calendar Calendar To celebrate the new year, Lamas are chanting and Tibetan New Year passing fire torches through the crowds. People are 1st of the first March 02, 2014 (Recommended Tour) cheering for the coming new year by dancing, Tibetan month singing, and merrymaking. It is the last high tide of the celebrations of Tibetan Butter Lantern New Year. People go to pray in temples and 15th of the first Festival monasteries. Lamas show the butter sculptures March 16, 2014 Tibetan month (Recommended Tour) shaped in images of deities, animals, plants, and human figures. It is also known as Gyantse Horse Racing Festival. Contests in early times included horse race, archery, Gyantse Damar 10th of the and shooting on gallop followed by a few days' Festival fourth Tibetan June 08, 2014 entertainment or picnicking. Nowadays, the (Recommended Tour) month activities are enriched by ball games, track and field events, folk songs and dances, barter trade, etc. Tsurphu Monastery 10th of the Ritual dancing carried out by monks, unfolding of a Festival fourth Tibetan June 08, 2014 great Thangka. (Recommended Tour) month Sakyamuni’s Enlightenment day. Huge numbers of 15th of the Saga Dawa Festival pilgrims walk Lhasa’s Lingkor circuit and Mt. fourth Tibetan June 13, 2014 (Recommended Tour) Kailash Kora. month Celebration lasts for 2 or 3 days, a special ceremony 26th of the Drigung-til Festival and cham dancing will be held in Drigung-til fourth Tibetan June 23, 2014 (Recommended Tour) Monastery.