REPORT for the HEARING in Case C-354/89 * I

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REPORT for the HEARING in Case C-354/89 * I REPORT FOR THE HEARING —CASE C-354/89 REPORT FOR THE HEARING in Case C-354/89 * I — Facts 2. The following, in particular, shall be taken into consideration during the exam­ ination referred to in paragraph 1 : 1. Under Regulation (EEC) No 517/72 of the Council of 28 February 1972 on the (a) the current and foreseeable transport introduction of common rules for regular needs which the applicant is planning to and special regular services by coach and meet; bus between Member States (Official Journal, English Special Edition 1972 (I), p. 143), regular and special regular services (b) in the case of regular services, the state are made subject to a system of author­ of the passenger transport market in the ization. Decisions concerning, in particular, areas in question. applications to introduce a regular or special regular service are taken by common agreement between the Member States within which passengers are taken up and 3. During the examination referred to in set down. If negotiations designed to reach paragraph 1, consideration may be given to an agreement between Member States prove whether an equivalent transport service unsuccessful, the dispute in question may, at could be organized by undertakings already the request of any Member State concerned, operating in the areas concerned.' be referred to the Commission. Article 4(2) of the regulation provides: The Commission, after consulting the Member States concerned, must as soon as 'The holder of an authorization shall not, possible adopt a decision, which must be without prior authority from the Member notified to those States. Article 8 of Regu­ State referred to in Article 12(2), in any way lation No 517/72 provides as follows: vary the conditions subject to which the service is operated, nor shall he withdraw a service before the period of validity of the authorization has expired.' '1 . Examination of an application to introduce a regular service or a special regular service shall be for the purpose of Article 12(2) provides that applications to establishing that the traffic to which the vary the conditions subject to which a application relates is not already catered for service is operated shall be submitted to the in a satisfactory manner, both as to quality Member State in whose territory the head­ and as to quantity, by existing passenger quarters of the undertaking concerned is transport services. situated. * Language of the case: French. I - 1776 SCHIOCCHET v COMMISSION 2. On 9 January 1986 Autocars Emile referred the matter to the Commission in Frisch S. à r. 1., a company established order that the latter might decide on the under Luxembourg law and having its application made by Frisch. registered office in Luxembourg (hereinafter referred to as 'Frisch'), submitted to the Luxembourg Government an application for 3. The Commission, by Decision authorization to introduce a special regular 89/524/EEC of 7 September 1989 on a service to transport workers from Thil and dispute between Luxembourg and France on certain other localities in that part of France the establishment of a special regular to the Villeroy et Boch porcelain factory in passenger service between these two States Luxembourg (hereinafter referred to as (Official Journal 1989 L 272, p. 18), 'Villeroy et Boch'). Frisch proposed to decided that: operate two daily services in each direction, departing from Thil at 4.20 a.m. and 12.20 p.m. and from Luxembourg at 2.00 p.m. and 'The competent authority of the Grand 10.00 p.m. respectively in order to transpon Duchy of Luxembourg shall authorize workers to and from the factory in time for Autocars Emile Frisch S. à r. 1. to introduce the shifts operating from 6.00 a.m. to 2.00 a p.m. and from 2.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. special regular service between Thil in Villeroy et Boch, it was claimed, supported France and Luxembourg for the Villeroy et the application by Frisch and were prepared Boch workforce starting from Thil at 4.20 to contribute to the transport costs of those a.m. and 12.20 p.m. and from the Villeroy et workers. On 5 March 1987 Frisch Boch factory at 2.00 p.m. and 10.00 p.m. submitted a fresh application to introduce a and serving the following localities: special regular service which differed from the abovementioned one in that it would also take workers to and from the ARBED Thil — Hussigny — Tiercelet — Aumetz — factory at Dommeldange. ARBED was not Beuviller — Audun-le-Roman — Serrouville prepared to contribute to the travel costs of — Errouville — Crusnes — Cantebonne — those workers. Villerupt — Audun-le-Tiche — Esch/ Alzette — Schifflange — Villeroy et Boch factory. On 22 January 1986 the Luxembourg Ministry of Transport sought the opinion of the Central Office for Transport Facilities in This service is exclusively for the workforce the Department of Moselle on the of Villeroy et Boch, established in application made by Frisch. The French Luxembourg at 330, rue de Rollingergrund, authorities did not agree to that application L-1018 Luxembourg.' since they felt that the introduction of the new service might be detrimental to the interests of Schiocchet S. à r. 1., whose 4. Much earlier, in 1982, by Decision registered office is at Beuvillers, France 82/595/EEC of 10 August 1982 settling the (hereinafter referred to as 'Schiocchet'). dispute between the Grand Duchy of During discussions between the Luxembourg and the French Republic over Luxembourg and French authorities, the the renewal of authorizations for certain latter suggested that the route might be special regular services (Official Journal shared by Frisch and Schiocchet. This 1982 L 244, p. 32), the Commission had proposal was rejected by the Luxembourg resolved a dispute between those two States authorities. On 14 March 1988, the involving the same companies, Frisch and Luxembourg Government, pursuant to Schiocchet, over the renewal of author­ Article 14 of Regulation No 517/72, izations for certain special regular services. I- 1777 REPORT FOR THE HEARING — CASE C-354/89 II — Procedure before the Court IV — Submissions and arguments of the parties 5. The application made by Schiocchet was A — Admissibility lodged at the Court Registry on 20 November 1989. The written procedure followed the normal course. 10. Schiocchet considers that it has an interest in bringing suit for a declaration that Decision 89/524 is void. That decision, 6. Upon hearing the report of the Judge- it contends, is designed to allow Frisch, a Rapporteur and the views of the Advocate direct competitor of Schiocchet, to General, the Court decided to open the oral introduce a special regular service which procedure without any preparatory inquiry. would at least partially overlap with services already provided by Schiocchet. Schiocchet's position as an operator of cross-border services would be improved if 7. Pursuant to Article 95(1) and (2) of the the contested decision were to be annulled. Rules of Procedure, the Court, by decision In those circumstances, Schiocchet believes of 7 November 1990, assigned the case to that it has a sufficient interest in securing the Second Chamber. the annulment of Decision 89/524. 11. Schiocchet considers that it is directly HI — Forms of order sought by the parties and individually affected by the contested decision, even though that decision is not addressed to it. The authorization conferred on the basis of Decision 89/524 directly 8. Schiocchet, the applicant, claims that the affects Schiocchet by reason of the regular Court should: passenger services which the applicant alone operates in the area and which would be in direct competition with the service auth­ orized by the decision at issue. In support of Declare Commission Decision 89/524/EEC its contentions, Schiocchet refers to the of 7 September 1989 void. judgment of the Court in Case 112/77 Töpfer v Commission [1978] ECR 1019. 9. The Commission, the defendant, contends that the Court should: B — Substance 12. Schiocchet begins by arguing that the Dismiss the application made by Schiocchet; Commission ought to have taken into account Frisch's 'long tradition of illegality' and the 'consistent and scrupulous compliance by Schiocchet with the Order it to pay the costs. applicable rules'. I- 1778 SCHIOCCHET v COMMISSION In support of this submission, Schiocchet operation as defined in the disputed points out that since 1970 Frisch has Commission decision. In the first place, it collected Villeroy et Boch workers residing appears from a Villeroy et Boch note dated in the border area of France. Frisch 28 November 1989 that Frisch departed operated the following daily services: (1) from Thil at 4.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. and Luxembourg — Audun-le-Tiche; (2) from Villeroy et Boch at 2.15 p.m. and Luxembourg — Errouville; (3) Luxembourg 10.15 p.m., whereas the contested decision — Longwy, along with the weekly service required it to depart from Thil at 4.20 a.m. Luxembourg — Schifflange. These services and 12.20 p.m., and from the factory at 2.00 constitute international carriage within the p.m. and 10.00 p.m. Secondly, Frisch does meaning of Article 4 of Regulation No not serve all 15 stops specified by the 117/66/EEC of the Council of 28 July Commission in Decision 89/524. Thus, 1966 on the introduction of common rules Frisch no longer serves the localities of for the international carriage of passengers Beuvillers, Audun-le-Roman, Serrouville, by coach and bus (Official Journal, English Thil, Hussigny and Tiercelet. In support of Special Edition 1965-1966, p. 177). This its contention that the latter three stops have type of international carriage ought to have been eliminated, Schiocchet relies on the been authorized under Article 2 of Regu­ findings of a huissier for the day of lation No 517/72.
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    Aide aux grandes entreprises REGION GRAND EST Présentation du dispositif Ce dispositif a pour objectif de favoriser les décisions d'implantation ou d'extension structurantes menées par les grandes entreprises sur le territoire régional avec une priorité pour une implantation en zone d'Aide à Finalité Régionale (AFR). Conditions d'attribution A qui s’adresse le dispositif ? Entreprises éligibles Il s'adresse aux ETI (entreprise de taille intermédiaire) et grandes entreprises dont l'effectif est supérieur à 250 salariés, exerçant son activité sur le territoire régional, ou souhaitant y implanter une filiale ou un établissement secondaire. Pour quel projet ? Présentation des projets Sont éligibles les grands projets d’implantation ou d’extension d’entreprises. Montant de l'aide De quel type d’aide s’agit-il ? Le taux maximum de la subvention est de 10% de l'investissement. Le plafond est de 1 000 000 € en zone AFR ou 200 000 € dans le cadre de la règle de minimis. Quelles sont les modalités de versement ? L’aide est versée sur justification de la réalisation des investissements et peut être fractionnée. Les modalités contractuelles de l’aide régionale et de versement des fonds sont fixées par la convention. Informations pratiques Quelle démarche à suivre ? REGION GRAND EST Aide aux grandes entreprises Page 1 sur 3 Auprès de quel organisme Le dossier de candidature, adressé au Président de la Région. Pour toute demande d’information complémentaire, contacter l’adresse suivante : [email protected]. Tout projet fait l'objet d'une lettre d'intention détaillée avant le démarrage de l'opération. A défaut, le projet ne peut être soutenu par la Région.
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