In the text

1 (p. 32). The title- page of John Wagstaffe’s The Question of Witchcraft Debated (2nd edn, 1671). © Wellcome Collection. 2 (p. 63). The title- page of Francis Hutchinson’s An Historical Essay Concerning Witchcraft (1718). © Wellcome Collection. 3 (p. 124). The title- page of John Beaumont’s An Historical, Physiological and Theological Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, and other Magical Practices (1705). © Wellcome Collection.


1. The frontispiece to the second part of Joseph Glanvill’s Saducismus Triumphatus (1681; from the 3rd edn of 1689), engraved by William Faithorne. 2. An etched portrait of by (1665). 3. A drawing of the interior of a coffee- house (c. 1695). , 1931,0613.2. © The Trustees of the British Museum. 4. An engraved portrait of Henry More by William Faithorne (1675). 5. An engraved portrait of Joseph Glanvill by William Faithorne (1680). 6. A brass medal of Robert Boyle cast by Carl Reinhold Berch (1729) from a now lost ivory medallion of Boyle carved by the Huguenot artist, Jean Cavalier (1960). 7. The title- page to volume 3 of Shaftesbury’s Characteristicks (2nd edn, 1714), embellished with a vignette criticising superstitious practices by Simon Gribelin.

x ILLUSTRATIONS xi 8. Pages 312–13 from Martin Martin’s A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland (2nd edn, 1716), annotated by John Toland and Lord Molesworth, C.45.c.1. © The British Library Board. 9. A terracotta bust of Sir Hans Sloane by John Michael Rysbrack (1693–1779) for the head of the marble statue formerly in the Chelsea Physic Garden. British Museum, 1756,0619.1 © The Trustees of the British Museum. 10. Fol. 8v of British Library Sloane MS 2731, a late seventeenth- century copy of the magical text The Key of Solomon the King. © The British Library Board. 11. A bronze medal of Conyers Middleton, made in Rome by Giovanni Pozzi (1724), with reverse depicting Cambridge University Library. British Museum 1966,0403.244. © The Trustees of the British Museum. 12. An etched portrait of Richard Mead by Arthur Pond (1739). Wellcome Library no. 6446i. © Wellcome Collection. 13. ‘Dr Johnson in his Travelling Dress as Described in Boswell’s Tour’ by Thomas Trotter, published by George Kearsley (1786). NPG D34874. © National Portrait Gallery, London. 14. A plate from William Gilpin’s Observations, Relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1776, On several parts of Great Britain, Particularly the High- Lands of Scotland (2 vols, 1789; 2nd edn, London, 1792), vol. 1, facing p. 135. 15. A stipple portrait of Sir Walter Scott by James Heath after James Saxon, from The Lady of the Lake (Edinburgh, 1810). 16. Credulity, Superstition and Fanaticism. A Medley by William Hogarth (1762).