Addendum Central African Republic
ADDENDUM CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Total Project Description Sector Value Contact Details (US $ Million) Setting up of a production plant Agriculture Mr. Maxime Balalou for oil palm and its derivatives Adviser Head of Economic Division, Finance, The CAR is a medium size country. Budget, International Cooperation It is located in the hart of African and PPRSP Monitoring continent .The CAR has P.O BOX 93 Bangui 623,000km2 of surface. Until Central African Republic recently, the state benefits from E: some important investments from certain partner countries. The private sector is the engine of the development of the creation of national wealth and job generation. Given it geographical location, it is surrounded by Sudan, south Sudan, Chad, Cameroon, Congo, DR Congo; the CAR is a potential market of at least 25 million inhabitants. The CAR enjoys propitious agro- ecologic conditions. After more than five decades of existence, the CAR has just few agro-industries. In the framework of industrial development policy and of diversification export products from the CAR, the Government envisages to develop palm oil sector. To encourage agro- industrial initiatives whose, palm oil and soon innovating sectors, it would be important to encourage palm oil production. Besides, it has been shown that all population and certain industries consume palm oil, thus the vested interest to have an industry which can produce palm oil in large quantity and quality. With the liberation today, government offers an undoubtedly opportunity for this sector. Activities: • Acquisition of machines ; • Installation of production units in the targeted area. • Implementing production and marketing, • Choice of surface of production; • Preparation of the ground ; • Development of the settings ; • Purchase of nut pre-germinated, small sachet and other products, • Putting in place of the plantation by pegs, putting into the soil the plant, and the protection again st rodents ; • Activities report.
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