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THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, February 4, 1992 THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR FEBRUARY 4, 1992 VOLUME XVIII #3 L.A. Rescinds Contract To Japan l/23/92 #l HATONN Savings & Loan debacle as to risk is just an unfair method of doing tract for the metro-line didn’t make being destroyed by exposure. He is a business--at the expense of citizens in the national news UNTIL the citizens As I monitor your “news” this highly paid businessman now--on the both nations. It is an example Of spoke up and demand& change. It day I wonder that you have as good a b asis of business gleaned from iou- thousands of such transactions taking d oes NOT demand violence--IT DE- grip on happenings as You do. But the-people for Japan place in the secret halls of ma- MANDS NUMBERS! FRANKLY, through it all, Americans in point-- Is Hatonn against Japanese busi- nipUhtiOnS every day, all over your ITDEMANDS NUMBERS OF VOT- you are being heard above the roar of ’ness? No--I love Japan as much as I globe. Another interesting point is ERS~ the lions. What may seem like a small love the United States of America. It that the incident of awarding the con- - thing in the overall scheme of politi- cians is a start indeed. The crowd of 10 Billion More Fol workers and patfiots caused the Los Space Shuttle: Cover for Angeles politicians to back down on a Israel ? plan to -give a multi-million dollar l/23/92 #l HATONN contract to Japan. You will find that Happenings At Edwards actuailly you will have gained little in What is Bush going to do about actual “funding” but you will have the $10 billion for Israel? It is a big made your point. The “Green Line” A.F.B. white-wash. He will do exactly as 1123192#1 HATONN contract which was awarded to your deadly enemy tells him to do. Sumitomo is being withdrawn, or so Again you have the farce-of-the- ing back and forth on a little sled--to mere is so much material black- say the politicians. It, of course, week, at the least. Are you going to study effect of weightlessness. EX- mailing Bush (as in yesterday’s writ- remains to be an what actually hap- BELIEVE that YOUhave sent a multi- ACT MJPLKATION of weightless- ing regarding his personal and fam- pens when the roar of the crowd billion dollar piece of equipment to ness is achieved in Earth laboratories-- ily involvement in the Kennedy assas- subsides and the money-mongers go somewhere out there to study--again-- we do not walk around in weightless- sination) that he will manage to to work. This is b-use in the br&- weightlessness? Not only that but you ness aboard our c&&and neither do producewhateverisdemanded. The ing of the contract Japan can bring are going to study weightlessness on your astronauts. That is a big show of good and the bad of the CIA situa- massive lawsuits which can cost far “slime mold”? Dear ones, on every contempt for your intelligence. Such tion and rele+e of ‘‘Kennedy’ ’ docu- more than the original grant of ex- shuttle goes algae which is basically belief in this type of major iliefficiency ments is that evidence in proof of penses. What you should do is go for slime! IBELIEVETHATYOU ONES boggles the mind. This little show is participation may never find the the responsible parties at top govem- OF THE PUBLIC HAVE AGAIN to cover what they have done and are light of day for release to you. ment level. BEEN “SLIMED”, AS THEY SAY doing right in the Mojave Desert and BUT--your enemy has ALL docu- How many of you realize that your IN “GHOSTBUSTERS”. SO be it-- at Edwards Air Force Base, Cali- mentation. Everything rests in the former Governor Deuhejim IS m as long as you allow such stupidity to fomia. YOU in the PreSent COmmU- nicely and newly cleansed hands of professional LOBBYIST for Japan in bedumped on you--it will bedumped. nity--take a drive and see the new the KGB/Mossad. California? He didn’t just stop being You had better get REALLY NER- transmission/relay tower near the Evolvement has arrived whereby Governor and go into hiding. He VOUS--for this is the fti trip they California City cut-off. They are it is planned to put a hard-line ter- could not run for Governor again have NOT TOLD YOU AT ALL, doing these things in the best hidden rorist in the high-seat of Israel. There because he was so entangled in the WHAT THEY ARE DOING. places of all--RIGHT IN FRONT OF has always been treaty and coop Worse, they show you astronauts slid- YOUR EYES! oration between the Soviets and kxael. After all--the settlers and BULKRATE government of Israel came directly U.S. POSTAGE kom the Soviet Khazars. They PAID TEHACIIAPI,CA cali themselves 6‘communists”. PERMITNO. 0020 The fundamentalist Hebrew i Please see ISRAEL, next pag Page 2 THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR Introduction To Hatonn Public Response to Native Plight l/23/92 #l HATONN your civil nation since your civil war. then go for the heart and finally kill l/13/92 #l HATONN You can KNOW this because the yourprey whenit nolonger hasmeans Thank you in the public for re- entire groupings of the Indian Tribes or ability to fight back. You are now I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, sponding to the plight of the Klamath are responding as they have been watching the beast make its kill in the Commander in Chief, Earth Project Indians (Natives). This new act of pushed one step too far. It may SEEM nations of the world. YOU HAVE Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight “taking land” through outright theft to only involve some 3 1 families-- BEEN EATEN ALIVE AND DIDN’T Command, Intergalactic Federation and taxation SHOULD have your na- NO, IT INVOLVES 100% OF ALL NOTICE ANYTHING BUT THE Fleet. You may call me Hatonn. I tion in arms against the Federal Gov- am come in service unto the ONE NATIVE AMERICANS AND CITI- PAIN--WHICH YOU PROMPTLY GOD of Lighted Creation, and as emment. The Constitutional Law ZENS OF YOUR COUNTRY. HID THROUGH THE DRUGS OF- “Host” unto His people who will Center is on top of it as is Little Crow The point at issue is to always start FERED FOR SAME. be brought into His places long and the NativeCouncils. Please handle SMALL so you don’t rise up in mass. If it is any consolation to you--it is prepared for you. My own “Cap- this by “LAW” for with all the Indian It is intended to eat away‘at your fibers intended for this generation and the tain” is Sananda, the Christed Nations gathering, it could turn into a as a cancer--creeping and crawling next to continue to be anesthetized by Being you have called by many bloody intcmal war. That, of course, until it absorbs ALL. It always begins drugs until it is finished. More radical names--now one totally with Cre- is the intent--so that control can be so tiny and unseen--like a one cent plans have tobefollowedfor you who ator/Creation. [Sananda: simply brought legally through military inter- sales tax, always added and never don’t cooperate in playing dead. meaning of/with God]. We are not vention by the U.S. This IS THE most subtracted, until you give all to the “mystical” nor even “mysterious” potentially explosive situation within. beast. After you eat all the extremities aliens.- We are the “Host.? sent in preparation for His return, bring- ers of Truth according to His prom- ise and to reveal the lies foisted Support the Constitutional Law Center upon you to claim your souls for the physical evil Elite controllers. l/23/92 #l HATONN prisoner cases best left without names We come in total love and without several “freedom of speech cases”, “there” backing this one entity--it intent of force, coercion or judg- myriads of unlawful “tax cases” and brings immediate attention!!! When ing. “Judging” is a state of evalu- Please, readers, don’t forget about we’re now going to take on the Unlaw- we can say that there are 200 million ation of self in the presence of the Law Center. Supporting this insti- Creator in which actions in the tution is mind-boggling for we are ful Government and Criminal Actions in the active audience--you will re- physical experience are evaluated. totally swamped in cases. of top government--such as the claim your nation! The factsare that The information within the doc- Some of the most outstanding cases Kennedy Assassination* Also, the it is your CONSTITUTION which uments revealing Truth, THE PHOE- are Demjanjuk (and he IS still alive Noriega case is in current review to holds the power and when it is literally NIX JOURNALS and LIBERATOR, because of it), The Dann native-In- Constitutional authority to mandate a gone--so is the power. It is not too late are the outlays of lies and hidden dian Clan case, review of the Jonathan fair trial--which will, of course, catch to override the terrible destruction of facts for which you can find confrr- May incarceration (but, unfortunately y our President and CIA in the en- your Constitution but it is terminally mation. If you don’t know the there are some valid laws broken in tangled web of intentional criminal sick. It has been destroyed through problems and the source of the prob- this particular case), several political @bM@@@‘I@R without names hidden and secret intent--which is un- lems, you can have no solutions.
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