Schneider Report 2017 – 2018

A clear vision for the future • 1 CONTENTS

3 • INTRODUCTION: OUR MISSION The digital transformation of energy management and is our mission. As our CEO, Jean-Pascal Tricoire says, “When it comes to climate change, I’m neither an optimist nor a pessimist. I’m an activist.”

9 • SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS We believe meaningful action is the only path to a sustainable world. Discover how we use EcoStruxure™ innovation and open collaboration to create effi cient, eff ective, green solutions for our customers.

17 • OUR CUSTOMERS Across buildings, data centers, industry, and infrastructure, we’re equipping the world with connected solutions that increase operational and energy effi ciency — and make sustainability a reality. See the results.

22 • OUR PEOPLE It takes great people to power our sustainability eff orts and our company. We off er a learning-focused, inclusive workplace that fosters innovation and fuels professional development. Learn more about our shared, meaningful purpose.

28 • OUTREACH AND INITIATIVES Today, 1.1 billion people lack access to electricity. As we work to reduce the energy gap and address fuel poverty, we must do so responsibly. Learn how we’re innovating to solve this energy paradox.

36 • COMPANY PERFORMANCE We launched more than 100 new products, continued to optimize our portfolio, and delivered growth for shareholders. See how performed in 2017.

44 • LOOKING AHEAD We’re taking proactive steps toward co-creating a sustainable future with immediate and short- and long-term sustainability targets. See what’s next. ON THE COVER: Sustainability is driving growth in Shenzhen, China's greenest city.


Welcome from the CEO

At Schneider Electric, sustainability is part of everything we do — every decision, every innovation, and every initiative. For us, sustainability extends far beyond a vague hope for a cleaner planet. We believe that access to energy is a fundamental right, and therefore a truly relevant vision for sustainability must take into account human rights, ethics, and health and equity concerns.

The challenge of our time As we once again provide this report on our sustainability eff orts, we’re reminded of the urgency of the climate crisis and inspired by those who, together, are rising to meet the challenge head on. Two years ago, the Paris Climate Agreement gave us all a clearer understanding of what’s at stake. Limiting global temperature rise this century to less than 2 °C above pre-industrial levels is essential if we are to avoid widespread, disastrous ecological problems.

The path to a healthier planet We believe that concrete, meaningful action is the only successful path to address climate change and create a heathier world. That is what this report is about. Each year, our Schneider Sustainability Report shows how we’re taking steps to ensure our own sustainability; how we’re empowering our people; how we’re delivering sustainable innovations to the world; and how we’re supporting the sustainable development of others through We believe climate change can outreach and initiatives. be overcome through innovation and collaboration. But the world Co-creating a sustainable future must be proactive. We must We also believe that sustainability is business — a core pillar for any successful company. This is because, act now. We must co-create a in working for a more sustainable world, we not only ensure a healthier planet for future generations, we also promote innovation and prosperity here and now. Because Life Is On™ when life is powered and digital, we are sustainable future. empowering our partners and customers to accelerate the transition to a sustainable future in buildings, industry, data centers, and the grid. As I have said before, when it comes to the climate, I’m neither an optimist nor a pessimist. I’m an activist. At Schneider, we’ll continue to actively participate in all useful initiatives to increase the JEAN-PASCAL TRICOIRE, low-carbon approach to the world’s economy. CHAIRMAN & CEO, Follow us on: SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC

@schneiderelec • 3 INTRODUCTION: OUR MISSION

The energy paradox

The energy equation exists alongside a surprising reality, what we call “the energy paradox:” Two global megatrends We believe access to energy is a basic human right, yet we all must be mindful of the eff ects Electrifi cation and digitization are presenting the world with of energy consumption on the the opportunity to make energy more decarbonized and more environment. decentralized. The question is if we all will harness these opportunities to create a healthier, sustainable world. The world must fi nd a way to bring energy-poor populations ELECTRIFICATION DIGITIZATION access to energy while simultaneously fi ghting climate By 2040, consumption By 2050, energy consumption will increase by 50%.3 change. Here, again, initiative of electricity will increase billion But 1.1 billion people currently lack access to electricity.4 30 and proactive innovation are by 1 devices will be 60%. connected by 20202. the answer.

The energy equation

Energy consumption and CO2 emissions will continue to increase 1.5x ÷2 3x over the coming decades. The energy consumption CO2 emissions worldwide the world must become 1 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2016 solution is effi ciency. We must 2 IHS, March 2016 leverage technological innovation will grow by 50 percent. must be cut in half. 3 times more effi cient. 3 Increase of global energy consumption 2014 – 2040 in New Policy Scenario extrapolated to 2050. to use less energy, and to use the IEA, World Energy Outlook 2016 energy that we do consume more 4 International Energy Agency, Energy Access Outlook 2017 intelligently. freepublications/publication/weo-2017-special-re- port-energy-access-outlook.html

Note: Forecast for 2050 compared to 2009 levels Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); IEA 2014 – 2015, Schneider Internal Analysis


Sustainability at Schneider Electric

With the challenges of climate change and the global megatrends made clear, the next steps also become apparent: we must act; we must take responsibility; and we must begin with ourselves. We are committed to providing innovative solutions that empower our own sustainability journey and help the world to overcome the energy paradox. Together, we can balance our planet’s carbon footprint with the irrefutable human right to quality energy.

In 2017, Schneider Electric was one of 120 companies placed on the Climate A List of CDP (formerly Climate Disclosure Project) and is the only company in its industry to achieve an A rating for the seventh year in a row. Looking forward, our climate-related goals include:

Reach the 21 new commitments of the 2018 – 2020 Schneider Sustainability Impact statement; defi ne a precise trajectory 100% 2x respecting the 2 °C scenarios up to 2050; validate it via the Science Based Targets initiative to which the company has We will shift to 100% We will double our been a signatory since 2016; and increase the impact of the renewable electricity. energy productivity. Schneider Electric internal carbon price.

Achieve by reducing the carbon emissions of our sites and those of our industrial ecosystem, including suppliers and

customers; quantify the CO2 emissions avoided by our customers 2015 – 2017 Planet & Society thanks to our off ers; aim for 100% renewable electricity, 100% barometer achievements recycled or certifi ed packaging, and 100% recycled waste; and double our energy productivity compared to 2005. CLIMATE & DEVELOPMENT CLIMATE (SUSTAINABILITY OFFERS)

On Scopes 1 and 2, reduce by more than 50% our CO2 emissions in absolute value compared to 2015, in line with the guidelines of 10.3% 168,400 tons the Science Based Targets1.

CO2 savings from transportation of CO2 avoided through maintenance, 1 Scope 1 are also referred to as Direct Green House Gases (GHG) and are defined as emissions from sources that retrofi t, and end-of-life services are owned or controlled by the organization. Scope 2 are also referred to as Energy Indirect GHG and are defined as emissions from consumption of purchased sources of energy generated upstream from the organization. • 5 INTRODUCTION: OUR MISSION

10 commitments for a sustainable future

At COP21 in 2015 we unveiled our 10 sustainability commitments. The goal of these pledges UN Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure that Schneider Electric’s entire ecosystem — from our own operations to those of our suppliers, customers, and partners — becomes carbon neutral by 2030. With this in mind, Schneider Electric aligns with the United Nation’s Sustainable we have now renewed and strengthened our 10 sustainability commitments. Development Goals (SDGs), a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. Avoid the emission of 100 Reach 200 sites labeled 01 06 million metric tons of CO2 Toward Zero Waste to Landfi ll We’re committed to accomplish the 17 SDGs through our core on our customers’ end, thanks by 2020 (2015 – 2020) and business and fi ve sustainability megatrends: Climate, Circular to our off ers (2018 – 2020). recover 100% of Economy, Ethics, Health & Equity, and Development. our industrial waste by Use 80% renewable 2030 (2015 – 2030). 02 electricity by 2020 and 100% by 2030; and continue Reduce CO2 emissions from 07 to drive energy effi ciency the transport of our goods toward doubling our energy by 3.5% per year (annually productivity in our sites over since 2012). 2005 – 2030 period.

08 Facilitate access to lighting Achieve 75% of our and communication with 03 turnover under the new low-carbon solutions for Green Premium™ program 50 million underprivileged (2018 – 2020). people by 2025 (2009 – 2025).

Avoid 100,000 metric Propose alternatives to the 04 09 tons of primary resource use of SF6 gas by 2020 consumption through (2015 – 2020) and eliminate ™ ECOFIT, product recycling, SF6 from our products by 2025 and take-back programs (2015 – 2025). (2018 – 2020). Invest €10 billion in 10 Use 100% cardboard and innovation and R&D for 05 pallets for transport packing sustainability in 10 years from recycled or certifi ed (2015 – 2025). sources by 2020 (Q4).


The Schneider Sustainability Impact guides our sustainability eff orts by making our goals clear. Formerly known as the Planet Environmental strategy & Society barometer, it refl ects our holistic view of sustainability and how our eff orts aff ect the planet, its people, our profi t, and Decades ago, sustainability and environmental concerns emerged as that of our customers. The Schneider Sustainability Impact is scientifi c studies began to uncover the harm being done to the planet audited by a third party and our progress is published quarterly by development and industry. Some corporations reacted to this trend at: by trying to demonstrate how they were working to use fewer resources or to off set their carbon footprint. Some organizations still operate in this manner, with sustainability and environmental responsibility viewed as CLIMATE CIRCULAR ECONOMY HEALTH & EQUITY ETHICS DEVELOPMENT “nice to haves” instead of the what they truly are: an engine for innovation. medical incident per 200 sites labeled 1million hours worked 300 suppliers The reality is, good environmental strategy is good business strategy. toward zero waste under Human Rights & to landfi ll Environment vigilance 95% of employees received specfi c covered in the gender pay on-site assessment 100,000 equity commitment metric tons 100% of sales, We value collaboration and partnership of avoided primary procurement, and fi nance resource consumption employees trained every because we believe that, together, we can year on anti-corruption transform the world’s buildings, industries, 350,000 infrastructure, and data centers. underprivileged people million trained in energy 100 100% of countries management metric tons have fully deployed our XAVIER HOUOT,

avoided CO2 on our Family Leave policy SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, customers’ end through turnover of out GLOBAL SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT, REAL ESTATE, our off ers x4 Access to Energy program SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 90% of white-collar 100% workers have an individual 80% recycled packaging development plan 12K volunteering renewable electricity days thanks to our VolunteerIn global platform 90% of employees 5 pts / 100 increase in average score 2015 – 2017 % increase in 75% have access to a CLIMATE & DEVELOPMENT 25 of ISO 26000 assessment turnover for our Energy & of sales under our comprehensive well-being Planet & (SUSTAINABILITY OFFERS) CIRCULAR ECONOMY for our strategic suppliers Sustainability Services new Green Premium at work program program Society barometer CO eff ciency 70% scored in our 10% 2 in transportation Employee Engagement achievements 80.1% 130 Index of product revenue with industrial sites labeled Green Premium ecoLabel™ Towards Zero Waste to 100% of workers Landfi ll received 12 hours of learning in the year • 7 INTRODUCTION: OUR MISSION

Sustainability: the new pillar Our six pillars of environmental strategy of business growth At Schneider Electric, our environmental strategy extends our vision for sustainability into six principles that guide our operations and transform Business growth and sustainability are not at odds. Quite the our entire supply chain. opposite — sustainability drives business growth. Leading companies have recognized that environmental responsibility is a boon to the bottom line. Renewable energy is now cheaper in many areas than traditional brown power. The economy of the future is low carbon, and companies that prepare for that future gain a 01 02 03 competitive advantage. Deploying low-CO2, Building an Considering Becoming more sustainable makes good business sense, helping to effi cient strategies increasingly green waste as worth ensure long-term market viability, competitiveness, and resiliency. for a planet-compatible supply chain growth path 04 05 06 Promoting green Implementing a Strengthening attributes and circular economy our environmental value-adds governance

Schneider Electric is among the more than 400 companies #MoveTheDate working with the Science Based Targets initiative. We’re When it comes to environmental responsibility, incremental gains are no longer enough. We already consume currently at the second step of their four-step process — 1.7 planets’ worth of resources per year1. And if we do nothing, we are bound to a 4 °C increase in global Commit, Develop, Submit, Announce — and look forward to temperature by 2100. sharing our targets publicly and doing our part to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. In 2017, August 2 was Earth Overshoot Day. This means that in 2017, all of us who call Earth home used more from nature than our planet can renew in the whole year — and we did so in less than eight months. Overshoot happens through overfi shing, overharvesting forests, and emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than forests can recycle into oxygen. We must #MoveTheDate.

1 According to the Global Footprint Network 8 • CHAPTER 2

SUSTAINABLE Data is the new oil. It’s a new currency. It’s a new way to monetize and create SOLUTIONS value in our businesses.


Data-driven sustainability TURN DATA INTO ACTION

If the world is going to become more sustainable, we all need to know Connect how much energy we’re using and how to use energy more intelligently. Connect everything The convergence of the “” (IoT) and energy gives us a from the shop fl oor to the top fl oor. tremendous opportunity to tap the value of data to advance sustainability across buildings, data centers, industry, and infrastructure. Collect Capture critical data Just as oil has delivered the economy of today, data is driving the at every level, from sustainable, low-carbon economy of tomorrow. sensor to cloud.

Schneider Electric brings together energy management, automation, Analyze 90% and software in one interoperable IoT architecture: EcoStruxure. We also Convert data into partner with clients to help them buy energy more strategically, reduce meaningful analytics. energy use, and operate more sustainably through our EcoStruxure Energy & Sustainability Services Take action Drive action through of the data in the world With these innovations, we empower our customers’ bold ideas — to both real-time information today was created over achieve their sustainability goals and compete in today’s digital economy. and business logic. the past two years.1

1 IEA, Digitization & Energy 2017 • 9 SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS

Digitization is at the core of Schneider’s EcoStruxure Innovations DNA. We connect people and assets to drive effi ciency, safety, and reliability. The EcoStruxure platform and architecture is our IoT-enabled solution that increases operational and energy effi ciency. EcoStruxure solutions have been deployed in 480,000+ sites, with the support of 20,000+ system integrators and developers, connecting over 1.6 million assets under HERVÉ COUREIL, management through 40+ digital services. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC

EcoStruxure provides Innovation At Every Level:

Level 3: Apps, Analytics & Services EcoStruxure leverages the cloud for computing power, aggregation of data and one data pool, machine learning models / new functionalities, and digital services. Thanks to analytics and artifi cial intelligence, data can take on meaning across a business (from shop fl oor to top fl oor), allowing a company to scrutinize energy use, for example, and to make more targeted decisions about how to prioritize energy projects. and/or on premise and/or Level 2: Edge Control Mission-critical environments need local control of devices at the edge and reliable access to data from operational technology (OT) devices. Advancements such as artifi cial intelligence enable analytics close to the source of data, reducing latency while protecting safety, productivity, and uptime.

Level 1: Connected Products IT The “internet of things” starts with the best things. EcoStruxure is based on smart, connected products with open integration to third-party products. Embedding sensors in devices opens a vast window to what’s happening both inside that product — from its energy effi ciency to its performance and within its environment, too. Through internet connectivity, IoT enables all these connected “things” to talk to each other.


Through six domains of expertise: The benefi ts of EcoStruxure solutions:

EcoStruxure Power Safe, highly available, and energy-effi cient electrical distribution systems • Maximize energy effi ciency and sustainability through for low- and medium-voltage architectures to enhance connectivity, smarter systems and real-time, data-driven decisions real-time operational reliability, and smart analytics. • Optimize asset availability and performance through predictive analytics and proactive maintenance EcoStruxure Building From design, through integration, to commissioning, EcoStruxure Building • Enable smart, productive, and profi table operations brings best-in-class engineering effi ciency to buildings, combined with through the reduction of waste and downtime asset and energy performance services. • Leverage mobile insights and proactive risk-mitigation through simulation, situational awareness, and digitization EcoStruxure Grid Seamless local production of distributed energy resources and integration • Lower CapEx and OpEx across the digital life cycle by at the grid edge, bridging demand and supply via energy fl exibility based using “digital twin” capabilities to design, build, operate, on analytics and increasing grid effi ciency for sustainable networks. and maintain systems and infrastructure

EcoStruxure IT Connected products and remote, digital services to ensure that data center physical infrastructure can adapt quickly to support both future demand Discover how EcoStruxure delivers effi ciency and sustainability for our customers (See Page 17.). driven by IoT and growth — in the cloud and at the edge — without ever compromising availability or operational effi ciency.

EcoStruxure Machine Innovative machine solutions and smart automation technologies for safer, A transformative platform that changes the core way connected, fl exible, and more effi cient machines. that data centers are monitored and managed.

—INTERNATIONAL DATA CORPORATION, 2017 EcoStruxure Plant IoT-enabled, future-proof solutions for improved operational profi tability in a measurable, safe, and sustainable way. • 11 SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS

ESS AT A GLANCE • Strategic sourcing • Risk-management EcoStruxure Energy & BUY ENERGY $30 billion SMARTER • Rate analysis managed energy spend • Market intelligence Sustainability Services • Energy budgets 650,000 Through EcoStruxure Energy & Sustainability Services (ESS), utility invoices collected • Energy effi ciency consulting Schneider Electric helps clients design a strategy, deliver effi ciency and reviewed monthly REDUCE • Remote energy monitoring in their facilities, and sustain results over time through long-term ENERGY USE • Data collection 40 million partnerships. and management

metric tons of CO2 managed As an unbiased, independent consultant, we work with clients in more than 100 countries — from regional companies to the world’s largest • Sustainability strategy corporations. • Climate change compliance 2,000+ OPERATE • Sustainability reporting SUSTAINABLY megawatts • Sustainable operations in renewable energy • Water and waste optimization transactions (power purchase agreements) in 2017 • Renewables and cleantech

ESS’s impact for our customers AEG Whirlpool The right tools and data make AEG® Data and expert support are 55% a more profi table and sustainable helping Whirlpool® achieve its company. sustainability strategy.

Results: Results: • Visibility to 53 diff erent types of • Three plants achieved of companies rank “lack of data streams across 59 facilities in zero-waste-to-landfi ll organizational alignment” as one central platform • Projected to save more than the top factor preventing them • $3 million+ savings since $1 million over the next three from reaching their energy and sustainability goals.1 implementation years through corrugated • 53% of worldwide waste cardboard recycling diverted from landfi ll 1 Based on a recent internal survey of clients at the Energy & Sustainability Perspectives Summit. • 14% reduction in GHG emissions from 2010 baseline



16,250 patents Digital innovation is really about solving real or patent applications customer problems. To do so, you need to have an open ecosystem of technology 670 new patent partners, system integrators, customers, assets in 2017 startups, and universities to accelerate and scale innovation. 20+ digital services in development for 2018 CYRIL PERDUCAT, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, IoT & DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, 5% of sales SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC devoted to R&D Empowered by more than 8,000 research and development engineers Six digital foundations are driving worldwide, we bring bold ideas to life by developing connected, effi cient, and sustainable products and solutions. our success in the digital space:

Working together is the only way to fuel and advance digital innovation, so 1. One IoT-ready architecture and platform, EcoStruxure 2015 – 2017 we’ve built an ecosystem that comprises customers, system integrators, 2. Historical leadership at the edge, where operational technology Planet & Society startups, and technology partners. and IT can converge securely to deliver fast, accurate intelligence at the edge barometer achievements 3. Digital life-cycle management, meaning that we apply IoT The Aster Capital Fund advancements to drive down cost and complexity across both CIRCULAR ECONOMY CapEx and OpEx stages of products in R&D designed We invest in innovative startups through the Aster Capital Fund, a leading 4. Deep domain and segment expertise, which enables us to with Schneider fi rm that specializes in the energy, mobility, and industry advance technology that solves specifi c customer problems 100% ecoDesign Way™ fi elds. This venture capital activity has supported over 55 early-stage 5. A robust, active digital services portfolio, which amplifi es the value companies since its inception. we off er customers through services such as Resource Advisor and Asset Advisor In 2017, Aster supported the design and activation of a business incubation 6. An open partner ecosystem, which allows us to scale and model to bring additional innovation and growth to Schneider Electric. This accelerate each customer’s digital journey quickly allows employees to propose new ideas, setting the foundation for growth in new and critical areas. • 13 SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS

HIGHLIGHT: STRATEGIC It’s amazing to see the solution [WaterForce DIGITAL ALLIANCES SCADAfarm] that Schneider has built and what it can do for us as a society.

Microsoft® and Schneider create commercial IoT solutions in the SATYA NADELLA, areas of energy management CEO, MICROSOFT, and automation, marrying AT THE 2017 MICROSOFT INSPIRE CONFERENCE Microsoft’s secure, trusted cloud capabilities and Schneider’s OT domain expertise.

Schneider and Cisco® develop advanced automation architectures across end-markets, merging Digital Services Factory: Schneider’s operational technology leadership and Cisco’s world-class speeding up innovation knowledge of networking and An accelerated development life cycle is essential for helping customers communication solutions. become more sustainable in today’s digital economy. That’s the goal of our Digital Services Factory. The DSF is organized to accelerate the creation of new digital services and connected products within Schneider Electric™ businesses. Co-innovating with digital alliance partners With funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, Schneider DSF capitalizes on the following expertise of our IoT & Digital Off ers and Intel™ research, develop, organization: With our network of digital technology leaders, we co-innovate and commercialize silicon-based solutions that: cyber security solutions for the • Pervasive sensing . • Cyber security • Respond eff ectively and quickly to market trends and customer • Device intelligence needs • Analytics • Innovate in a way that benefi ts the bottom line for business • Digital services • Leverage technology advancements such as sensing, mobility, We’re working with Accenture to cut development time to market by • Mission-critical control at the edge cloud, analytics, and cyber security 80%, so customers gain improved effi ciency, sustainability, and productivity.


Energy University Supply Chain

Energy University™ is an online training program that off ers more Schneider Electric works with • 5 pts / 100 increase in average than 200 free, vendor-neutral e-learning courses in 13 languages. sectors that account for the majority score of ISO 26000 assessments SUPPLY CHAIN Its purpose is to improve careers and help companies improve of global energy consumption and for our strategic suppliers AT A GLANCE effi ciency and sustainability. CO2. Therefore, we are especially • 300 suppliers under Human committed to making sure our own Rights & Environment vigilance solutions help reduce energy use received specifi c on-site 207 factories in and CO2 emissions — from design assessment to manufacturing to shipping and • 100% of sales, procurement, and 44 countries deployment to products’ end-of-life. fi nance employees trained every year on anti-corruption distribution Our new Schneider Sustainability 98 centers Impact for 2018 – 2020 includes the following goals: 86,000 employees

We hold really high standards … not 24,000 suppliers only for ourselves, but also our suppliers. We think of our suppliers as an €11 B in purchases Professional extension of our supply chain. 73,077 115,242 28 Energy Manager total registrations courses taken certifi cations awarded in 2017 ANNETTE CLAYTON, 150,000 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, SUPPLY CHAIN order lines per day Top countries for Top countries for Top countries for AND NORTH AMERICA OPERATIONS, registrations: completions: Professional Energy SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 1. United States 1. United States Manager certifi cations: of the ® 2. Brazil 2. Egypt 1. United States #7 Top 10 Supply Chain 3. Egypt 3. India 2. Saudi Arabia Organizations for 2017 4. Mexico 4. Mexico 3. United Kingdom 2015 – 2017 CLIMATE ETHICS 5. India 5. Brazil 4. Australia Planet & Society ® 5. Lebanon of the Gartner barometer #17 Supply Chain achievements 10.3% 87.9% Top 25 of 2017 CO2 savings from of our strategic 675,000 1 million transportation suppliers embrace registered users courses completed ISO 26000 guidelines since inception since inception • 15 SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS

2017 SUPPLY CHAIN Social, environmental, and ethical responsibility HIGHLIGHTS for our upstream supply has been one of our key initiatives. Over the last several years, we have led eff orts such as ISO 26000 and confl ict 358 on-site audits that included sustainability criteria minerals tracking and contributed to Green Premium and hazardous material compliance.


88% of the strategic suppliers passed the third-party evaluation for sustainable development, 2015 – 2017

Tailored Supply Chain 4.0 10% reduction of CO2 emissions from transportation over In this digital economy, Schneider Electric’s global supply chain 2015-2017 period is evolving to become even more tailored, sustainable, and connected with our Tailored Supply Chain 4.0 strategy, powered by EcoStruxure solutions. Congratulations to Le Vaudreuil plant for its new prize: “Showcase for Industry of the Future” goods shipped 74% Tailored: We are passionate about our customers’ success, by road (23% by ocean, Industry of the future 3% by air) always seeking to provide what they value while leveraging scale and effi ciency. In February 2018, our Le Vaudreuil plant received the “Showcase for Sustainable: Sustainability is a priority across our supply chain, Industry of the Future” award from the Alliance pour l’Industrie du Futur. 70% of relevant exemplifying our concern for people and the planet. We optimize purchases confi rmed as Le Vaudreuil has developed and implemented many changes in several resources by developing a circular supply chain with clean and confl ict-free under the Confl ict areas leveraging our own EcoStruxure solutions such as: safe facilities powered by renewable energy. Minerals rule of 2012 • Cybers ecurity and the integration of a data bunker Connected: Our supply chain is digital and smart, powered by • Energy management with the use of our building management system EcoStruxure products and solutions. We provide visibility to • Addition of sensors to allow predictive maintenance customers, optimizing end-to-end effi ciency and asset reliability. • Combination of EcoStruxure with startup solutions so employees benefi t from continuous training

16 • CHAPTER 3 OUR 2017 Highlights Our deep domain expertise fuels our customers’ sustainable results. CUSTOMERS We partner with customers across segments and around the world to innovate, improve performance, and bring their bold ideas to life. The four key markets that we serve are:

Building Data Center Industry Infrastructure 2015 – 2017 Planet & Society barometer achievements We redefi ne value for our customers through unprecedented connectivity, sustainability, effi ciency, reliability, and safety, and help companies CLIMATE & DEVELOPMENT become more effi cient in how they buy and consume energy. We are (SUSTAINABILITY OFFERS) leading the digital transformation of energy management and automation of new large with EcoStruxure — our IoT-enabled architecture with connected customer projects have a CO impact products; edge control; and apps, analytics, and services. 2 70% 100% quantifi cation

of the world’s energy 2017 – 2018 RECOGNITIONS consumption comes from the building, data center, Leader in Green Quadrant® European regional fi nalist, Most “Integrated Thinking” award industry, and infrastructure Facility Optimization Admired Knowledge Enterprises By the Institut du Capitalisme end markets.1 Software report (MAKE) research program Responsable [Responsible Capitalism Comparing 14 facility optimization Selected from a list of 48 nominated Institute] in the “large companies” software applications by independent companies in various sectors category analyst Verdantix Engineers’ Choice for best Leader in Gartner®’s Magic Ranked in Gartner® 2017 Supply Motion Control Quadrant for Advanced Chain Top 15 for Europe Altivar Process 900 honored by Control Distribution Management Number 7 supply chain, ranking among Engineering for optimizing performance Systems the top 10 for third consecutive year across sectors Highest scores in all three use cases in the Critical Capabilities for fi fth Ranked in Gartner®’s Supply “Customer Innovation of the Year” consecutive year Chain Top 25 for 2017 Supply Chain Breakthrough award Number 17 supply chain, advancing in SCM World’s 2018 Power of the one place from 2016 rankings Profession Awards

1 World Energy Outlook 2012, OECD/IEA, Internal analysis • 17 OUR CUSTOMERS


HIGHLIGHTS: EcoStruxure for Building Marriott’s sustainability journey Delivering the buildings of tomorrow, today Marriott® had a bold vision to reduce energy consumption while Marriott hotels, China meeting the rising demand for hotels in China. So, they turned to EcoStruxure Building to create 10% to 15% a sustainable, comfortable environment for their guests to energy savings off er a world-class experience Pharmacia Corporation, USA while achieving 10 to 15 percent $2M energy savings. avoided University of Mississippi, USA in new 25 to 30% Marriott and Schneider share equipment reduction in the same vision and … that's costs energy costs why it becomes much easier for us to reach the same goal, and partner toward that SUSTAINABLE RECORDED BENEFITS sustainability and energy SOLUTIONS: TO DATE INCLUDE: effi ciency for all of our hotels. • EcoStruxure Resource Advisor • 10 – 15% energy savings Cinnamon Grand Hotel, Sri Lanka • EcoStruxure Building Operation, • Close collaboration ensuring EcoStruxure Lighting Expert, scalable, repeatable hotel MICHAEL WANG, EcoStruxure Power Monitoring technology solutions that meet $1M guaranteed savings CONTINENT HEAD, Expert Marriott brand standards GLOBAL DESIGN ASIA PACIFIC, over 3.7 years MARRIOTT HOTEL & RESORTS • Automation servers, network • Sustainability reporting that will AND THE RITZ-CARLTON HOTELS controllers, room controllers, further drive energy and carbon LV / MV switchgear, savings across Marriott’s global , power meters, portfolio of hotels circuit breakers, variable speed drives, UPS, and wiring devices


Data Center

Telefónica’s sustainability journey HIGHLIGHTS: EcoStruxure IT Simplifying the data center in the cloud and at the edge Telefónica had a bold vision to become a digital telecommunications company, creating a data center to meet ITS Telecommunications Systems, USA customer demand while reducing Telefónica, Spain energy costs. EcoStruxure for Data Center allows Telefónica’s Alcalá 3-year data center to process 14 kW per 60% reduction projected ROI on $1.5M rack — reducing energy costs by in energy costs 60 percent.

We created a project I'm very proud of, and specifi cally, we reduced energy costs by 60 percent compared to a traditional data center. SUSTAINABLE RECORDED BENEFITS SOLUTIONS: TO DATE INCLUDE: IronGate Data Centers, USA

• Remote Monitoring Services • A 60% reduction in energy FRAN MUÑA, • LV Electric , Building costs compared to both 15 – 20 kW DIRECTOR OF CRITICAL Lighting, UPS traditional DCIM and the Gold per rack with INFRASTRUCTURE, ® TELEFÓNICA Tier IV certifi cation hot aisle containment • Ability to connect new servers and InRow™ cooling in running mode, with no Zhiguli Valley Technopark, Russia need to stop to reconfi gure or redesign systems ~$54K • A BMS that collects data from per year estimated some 45,000 elements energy savings • 19 OUR CUSTOMERS


HIGHLIGHTS: EcoStruxure for Industry WaterForce’s sustainability journey Pioneering IIoT — from shop fl oor to top fl oor WaterForce had a bold vision Dow Corning, USA for effi cient agricultural irrigation WaterForce, New Zealand using IoT technology to change reduction the farming paradigm. Powered by Up to 50% energy 50% the Microsoft® Azure platform and in CapEx Schneider’s EcoStruxure Industry savings reported by farmers IoT architecture, SCADAfarm is an integrated automation and Fonterra, New Zealand information management solution developed for WaterForce. In the Up to 4.4 fi rst season alone, farmers report more visibility into operations, million liters with up to 50 percent in energy savings. of milk per day

By leveraging our relationship SUSTAINABLE RECORDED BENEFITS with Schneider Electric, we can SOLUTIONS: TO DATE INCLUDE: focus on our core business — eff ective water management, • SCADAfarm, an integrated • Improved operational knowing that the information automation and information performance and crop yields management, analytics, and management platform • Enhanced safety procedures • Scalability • Signifi cant energy savings by ArcelorMittal, France automation side is covered. • Complete water management taking advantage of off -peak portal energy rates 24/7 nonstop • Business opportunities • Better management of water, RON MCFETRIDGE, steel production DIRECTOR OF WATERFORCE, and easier compliance with NEW ZEALAND regulatory requirements



South Australia Power Networks’ sustainability journey HIGHLIGHTS: EcoStruxure Grid Enabling the new energy world South Australia Power Networks had a bold vision to keep South Australia Power Networks electricity fl owing for 1.5 million , Italy households through the most 1.5 million homes extreme storms. They trust receiving reliable electricity 144 GWh EcoStruxure Grid for reliable monitoring and management of energy savings per year their extensive network, helping keep the people of South Australia safe — and powered — through extreme environmental conditions.

We have over 1.5 million customers. To be able to restore power to the majority of customers on a feeder in under SUSTAINABLE RECORDED BENEFITS a minute is something that has SOLUTIONS: TO DATE INCLUDE: Salt River Project, USA never been done in our history. Without Schneider Electric, we • Advanced distribution • Fault location, isolation, probably wouldn’t have been management system (ADMS) and service restoration 44% able to progress as fast as we • Decentralized feeder • Network monitoring have. automation systems • Load-fl ow analysis reduction • RM6 medium-voltage • Real-time control and of confi gured Tata Power, India switchgear optimization • Operational planning alarms <20 seconds TASNIM ABDEL-RAZAQ, NETWORK CONTROL MANAGER, • Training and simulation SOUTH AUSTRALIA POWER NETWORKS average power restoration time • 21 CHAPTER 4

OUR Everything we do in this company is meant to create a better world. But beyond the PEOPLE business mission, we want to be extremely progressive, very inclusive, and want to create an environment where every single employee will have the same chance of success.


At Schneider Electric, we believe great people make us a great company. That’s why when we talk about sustainability and energy management, we aren’t just talking about preserving energy as a resource; we are equally focused on sustaining the energy of our workforce.

We invest in the energy of our people in numerous ways, including a company-wide focus on Health & Equity. A key measurement for progress is the Schneider Sustainability Impact. In fact, one-third of our barometer concerns health-related topics. We also prioritize diversity and inclusion on a global scale, advancing initiatives including gender pay equity and a Global Family Leave Policy.

Great Additionally, we keep our eye on the upcoming talent pool of tomorrow. 2015 – 2017 people make We fostered this talent in 2017 with opportunities including Schneider Go Planet & Society Green in the City — an international student competition to fi nd innovative barometer achievements SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC energy solutions for smart cities, and showcasing the talent of the workforce of the future. Participants include teams of two, of which at least a great HEALTH & EQUITY one team member is female, confi rming our commitment to diversity and company was our score inclusion. in the Employee Engagement Index Our ambition is that our employees everywhere have equal opportunities, 65% while feeling uniquely valued.


Why working here matters Our voice is

Our Employer Value Proposition is our way of telling the world OneVoice what it means to be part of this organization. We believe it is our We don’t assume we know what responsibility to set up each employee for success. This is outlined our employees are thinking, or in our cornerstone: “Great people make Schneider Electric a great what’s best for them — we ask company.” It includes four key attributes that evolve annually along them, twice a year, every year. with us. We can’t expect them to thrive without their honest input, and that is where the OneVoice satisfaction Great people make Schneider Electric a great company survey comes in.

Our belief is that access to energy is a basic human right. We are committed to a sustainable future ONEVOICE SURVEY by solving the energy paradox. IN NUMBERS BY Company Values END OF 2017:

Ensuring access to energy for everyone around the world motivates and energizes every single employee. As such, we share a set of values as We provide equal opportunities to everyone 100% of employees part of an ongoing eff ort to change the status quo. everywhere. surveyed twice a year

• STRAIGHTFORWARD: We do what we say and we communicate in We ensure all employees feel uniquely valued and safe to contribute their best. simple ways. We behave with integrity. 179,000 emails sent • CHALLENGE: We challenge ourselves and others to rethink what is expected. We are agile and move at the speed of change. We lead the digital transformation. 78,000 people reached via “kiosks” on • OPEN: We value diff erences. We listen. We learn, connect, and We collaborate with the largest partner, 271 production sites collaborate with others. integrator, and developer ecosystem on our open platform. • PASSIONATE: We are passionate about our customers, our people, 3,300 managers our business, and our technology. We are positive in our approach to received a dedicated report fi nding solutions that improve lives. We are ambitious for customers, and our • EFFECTIVE: We deliver on promises. We are pragmatic and fast, and business growth. 80% participation rate we compete to win. in 2017, improved from 62% We like to win as a team, we empower in 2011 and trust our people to stay agile. • 23 OUR PEOPLE

Company Programs

Innovative strategy helps Schneider Electric sustain a workforce that is competitive and highly engaged. The past year was one of great progress in terms of company programs, which include the following Stepping up customer-centric initiatives: in 2017

Step Up is known as the people transformation Do more by creating more of the company. It’s about opportunities for our customers, Do More team-building, talent and for ourselves. management, and cultural transformation. It helps us sustain a world-class Digitize to support our growth workforce. Step Up will Digitize and make our customers’ lives continue to be a company-wide GLOBAL RECOGNITION simpler and better. priority in the year ahead. Forbes® Fortune®’s “World’s Most Innovate our people to grow World’s Best Admired Companies” Innovate talents and foster strong Employers employee engagements. Policies and for 2018 progress LinkedIn 2018 “World’s Most Top Companies 2017, Ethical Companies®” The past year brought with it an second year in a row Step up our operations for by the Ethisphere® Institute emphasis on well-being and our Step Up increased effi ciency. commitment toward Diversity and 2017 European SM Inclusion, including: 2018 Bloomberg Most Admired Gender-Equality • The global launch of our inclusive Knowledge Index Listing: Simplify for our customers, Global Family Leave Policy Simplify Enterprises 104 companies with strong and simplicity. • Putting pay equity high on our commitments to gender diversity agenda for the betterment of our (MAKE) Award employees


Worldwide Learning Week LEARNING WEEK AT A GLANCE: Marking its fourth year, Learning Week is a major contributor to our learning culture strategy. It gives employees the chance to train, More than and share knowledge through educational events including: >50,000 employees • Webinars and workshops on key subjects participated • Collective e-learning • Roundtables with leaders 75% of respondents were satisfi ed with Global Learning Days Learning Week

In addition to Worldwide Learning Week, we also introduced the fi rst-ever global Learning Days in 2017, with learning off ered on 78% are likely to recommend Learning Week specifi c business topics: to a colleague 1. Schneider Electric: Our products and services 2. Customer centricity believe Learning 3. Digitization and IoT 95% Week should continue to be organized in the future Learning initiatives will continue to be off ered in 2018 to maintain the Our Investment focus on lifelong learning at Schneider Electric. for Growth

The spirit of lifelong learning is powerful at Schneider Electric. 2015 – 2017 Employees are tasked with completing seven hours of logged training annually. Through academies, Leadership Development Centers, Planet & Society internal learning tools, and more, employees can sharpen their skills barometer achievements and broaden their horizons. We emphasize proactive thinking about career development, beyond entities and across geographies. HEALTH & EQUITY

one-day training for every employee, 92% every year • 25 OUR PEOPLE

Go Green in the City Diversity

We foster tomorrow’s workforce through Go Green in the City — an means value annual international business case challenge for students around At Schneider, diversity means the world to fi nd innovative solutions for energy management value. Through our Diversity and and automation. Participants include teams of two, of which at Inclusion Policy, we prioritize least one team member is female, confi rming Schneider Electric’s tolerance, dignity, and respect, commitment to diversity and inclusion. as well as gender equality. We understand that it takes diverse teams to handle the diverse markets we serve.

Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board

In its second year, the Diversity More than We Live Our Lives Better and Inclusion Advisory Board 19,772 came together to eff ect positive participants in 2017 change for the entire company. Well-being isn’t just something we The group continued to work strive for; it’s part of who we are. diligently to advance gender 60,000+ External pressures make it diffi cult diversity and foster a culture participants in total to strike a balance between 1,000 Well-Being Labs of inclusion within Schneider (2011 – 2017) personal and professional life. We across 50 countries in 2017, Electric. As thought leaders and aim to counteract that by creating compared to 500 labs in innovators in their respective an environment to help employees 43 countries per 2016 180 countries areas of expertise, they help in 2017, expanded from better manage their energy by create a unifi ed voice for a more 8 countries in 2011 empowering our individual parts, progressive Schneider. 2017 winners: Raja Jain and Nimisha well-being trainings and and the company becomes a 75 Gupta from the Indian Institute of learnings available to employees Technology Roorkee won Go Green in stronger whole. the City 2017, for the idea of using the 58% of 2017 ancient Indian technology of earthen participants were female pots to develop a modern-day cooling system.


It’s great to see Schneider show, in concrete Measuring What HeForShe means here ways, its commitment to Diversity and pay equity Inclusion, and anchor it in a very pragmatic As part of its public commitment to gender equality, Schneider and personal policy that impacts lives. As part of our Diversity and Electric participates in the U.N.’s Inclusion ambition, gender HeForShe solidarity movement pay equity was one of the top to promote gender equality. TINA MYLON, priorities for 2017. It touches Schneider recently became a SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT TALENT AND DIVERSITY, every single employee, every HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC single day. We’re holding Champion, signifying that it is ourselves accountable to make one of 10 corporate champions sure we have equal pay for for the HeForShe global solidarity equal work. Beyond equal pay, 38,000+ movement. Schneider Electric we’re making sure we have the Global family leave employees have joined right data and processes to Initiated by U.N. Women, the the HeForShe Movement We understand that each of us avoid disparity in pay across campaign engages men and has a unique situation. Regardless equal roles, throughout the boys — including Schneider women of the details, our policies help company. Chairman and CEO Jean- 23,000 recruited over the past support employees to manage Pascal Tricoire — as advocates three years their situation. That’s why we took and agents of change for the an “all in” approach to our Global Racing toward achievement of gender equality. Family Leave Policy that launched in September 2017. gender equality

Schneider Electric provides paid As the title sponsor of the parental, care, and bereavement Paris Marathon for the fi fth leave in all countries. We defi ne year, Schneider Electric was “leave” and “family” in an inclusive proud to make great strides way, recognizing that defi nition of toward a greener and more 2015 – 2017 family, life, and work are changing gender-diverse event in 2017. Planet & HEALTH & EQUITY HEALTH & EQUITY every day. The policy includes key an equal amount of parental leave The world’s second-largest Society marathon, the Schneider life stages of welcoming a new to a parent by natural birth or barometer baby, taking care of sick or elderly adoption. The policy demonstrates Electric Paris Marathon 85% 38% of employees work in reduction in the Medical family members, and mourning a commitment to diversity and welcomed 57,000 runners achievements countries with gender Incident Rate (MIR) the loss of a family member. inclusion to generate greater this year, 25% of whom were pay equity plans in It also assumes an inclusive engagement, performance, and women. place defi nition of family by extending innovation. • 27 CHAPTER 5

OUTREACH AND We want everyone on our planet to have 2015 – 2017 access to safe, reliable, effi cient, and Planet & Society INITIATIVES sustainable energy, and we are committed barometer achievements to developing the innovations that will make this happen. CLIMATE & DEVELOPMENT (SUSTAINABILITY OFFERS)


Innovation and engagement

We believe that access to energy is a fundamental right. Today, approximately 1.1 billion people lack access to electricity1. But, as we expand access to energy, we all must be mindful of the eff ects of its consumption on the 1.1 environment. At Schneider Electric, our solution BILLION to this energy paradox is twofold: innovation and engagement. PEOPLE Through our outreach and initiatives, we further support the U.N.’s Sustainable Development LACK ACCESS Goals by deploying innovative business models and energy TO ELECTRICITY solutions to the world’s energy-poor communities.

1International Energy Agency, Energy Access Outlook 2017 28 • OUTREACH AND INITIATIVES

THE BENEFITS OF ELECTRICITY By joining the Sustainable Energy for All partnership network, Schneider Electric is • Improved health, most signifi cantly for women and children bringing their leadership to a movement that • Reduced poverty and raised living standards is focused on going farther, faster — together • Enhanced educational opportunities — in closing the energy access gap. • Strengthened environmental sustainability • Improved security and feeling of safety RACHEL KYTE, CEO, • Increased productivity SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ALL

Worldwide electricity defi cit: 2016 (in millions of people) 0 CHINA NORTH AFRICA <1 17 SOUTHEAST 65 ASIA MIDDLE 239 EAST



Source: International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook 2017 • 29 OUTREACH AND INITIATIVES

2017 Access to Energy highlights: OFFERS AND BUSINESS MODELS

Congo Nepal Bangladesh Proton and Schneider Electric Saral Urja partnered We brought solar-powered provided solar solutions with us to provide portable lamps to a remote to remote villages in the electricity to a remote, island village, where 100 Democratic Republic of the off -grid village using households now have electricity Congo. a solar-powered for basic needs. microgrid.

Access to Energy

In 2017, we expanded our range of products, solutions, and services for communities that lack access to energy — from individual lighting to community services and collective electrifi cation. India Cambodia The Access to Energy program actively involves local stakeholders, Schneider Electric and the Installed in Bavet city of including residents and customers, to bring safe, clean, sustainable Schneider Electric India Foundation led two rural the Svay Rieng province, electricity to communities all over the world. The Access to Energy electrifi cation projects in a 10 kW solar power plant program operates in three ways: Arunachal Pradesh, providing from Schneider Electric energy access to 375 now provides safe, reliable, • OFFERS AND BUSINESS MODELS, to address local electricity households with our Mobiya modern energy for the access shortages, we design electrical distribution off ers via solar lanterns. surrounding villages. renewable off -grid products and solutions. Cameroon • IMPACT INVESTING, to address local funding shortages, we invest in The microfi nancing group Myanmar innovative, local access to energy ventures and subject matter experts Pamiga partnered with us We worked with our local through impact investing funds. to bring more than 3,200 Kenya partners, Mandalay Yoma, households access to Our new Villaya Microgrid solution • TRAINING AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP, to address local skill Talent and Technology, and energy with our Mobiya and is designed, manufactured, and shortages, we support the creation of training courses in electricity Techno Hill Engineering, to Homaya solar solutions. tested in Nairobi. It provides access trades. to energy and socio-economic build microgrids that bring development to homes, health energy to more than 1,000 With the support of the Schneider Electric Foundation, we partner with clinics, schools, and businesses. households across fi ve local and global not-for-profi t education organizations. villages.


2017 Access to Energy highlights: IMPACT INVESTING

Growing funds for growing needs Energy Access Ventures (EAV) At FMO we are excited to participate in invests in companies worldwide EAV Fund I. We believe EAV represents to support innovative electricity a unique opportunity to invest in an technologies and business models. In 2017, EAV increased existing operational team with a thorough its Fund 1 size to $90 million. understanding of the energy market in This was made possible through Sub-Saharan Africa combined with solid three investments: Schneider expertise in early-stage investing. Electric and CDC Group plc both increased their commitments and the Netherlands company MARIEKE ROESTENBERG, SENIOR INVESTMENT OFFICER, PRIVATE EQUITY, Financierings-Maatschappij voor FMO Sustainable, multi-energy solutions in Africa Ontwikkelingslanden joined the fund.

Along with the West African Economic and Monetary Union and the African Biofuel and Renewable Energy Company, Schneider Electric is Schneider Electric Energy developing a “multi-energy” plant for irrigation, fi sh farming, and farming Access Fund At Amped Innovation, we partner with social transformation. The Schneider Electric Energy enterprises to design radically aff ordable Access (SEEA) fund brings Villaya Agri-Business is an innovative solution enabling energy to be products that address basic human needs. together Schneider Electric’s captured through a solar power plant, and to be reused to produce We focus on reducing product cost to enable employees and business partners. electricity and heat simultaneously. rapid adoption of proven technologies. As of December 31, 2017 SEEA The project will be implemented over a two-year period, involving managed the following amounts: feasibility studies, equipment installation, and user training. It will ANDI KLEISSNER, progressively off er up to 100,000 people access to electricity for irrigation, CO-FOUNDER AND COO, AMPED INNOVATION lighting, fi sh farming, farming transformation, and the provision of drinking water without CO2 emissions. In Adamawa, Nigeria, we partnered with Blue Camel Energy to install six €3,000,000 €2,300,000 €200,000 units of Conext™ XW+ 8548 inverters and 144 units of solar panels to bring in capital invested by invested by Schneider Énergie in capital invested by power and productivity to a local farm. Now, more products are available Schneider Electric Sicav Solidaire (including €500,000 Phitrust Partenaires to feed a population of about 450,000 people. in capital), a mutual fund managing the employee savings scheme for Schneider Electric employees in France • 31 OUTREACH AND INITIATIVES

2017 Access to Energy highlights: TRAINING AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP

CHAD In partnership with the Offi ce National pour la Promotion de l’Emploi and the Pan African Institute for Development, 77 out-of-school youths were trained and joined the local job market.

TOGO PAKISTAN After eight months of training at the With the support of Schneider Electric Foundation, two SOUTH AFRICA Energy Generation Academy in Lomé, electrical labs were opened in Lahore, two labs in Gujranwala, and one The Legacy Class of the French South Togo — a Schneider-supported was opened in Wazirabad. Ultimately, 52 labs are planned by the end African Schneider Electric Education program off ering courses on of 2018. Center welcomed as many girls as boys. entrepreneurship in energy — students For one year, the students will be trained 201 students have started training, and registration is expected to climb presented their projects at the fi rst in electrical engineering on domestic to almost 6,000 with the completion of all labs. Africa Energy Generation Prize contest. and industrial installations. The labs are being established in partnership with the Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority, the Punjab Vocational Training Council, and the Muslim Hands organization.

VIETNAM In partnership with Green ID and local Women Unions, Schneider Electric trained and supported women from remote communities to bring energy to low-income people. These female entrepreneurs COLOMBIA increased their income by 30 percent. In partnership with the Colombian Ministry of Labor The Schneider Electric training lab in Ho Chi Minh City trained and the Colombian Ministry of National Education, 650 underprivileged young people in residential and industrial Schneider Electric held seminars throughout the year, electricity, and 100% of them got a job right after graduation. training 79 students and 71 trainers.


ALGERIA In partnership with the Algerian Ministry for Vocational Training and Education and the French Ministry for National Education and Research, Schneider Electric took part in the creation of an Algerian-French center, which is dedicated to vocational training in energy and electricity trades. Located in Rouiba, this center specializes in energy effi ciency and industrial maintenance.

CAMBODIA Schneider Electric partnered with the Don Bosco Foundation to open the Don Bosco Training Center, which will train more than 300 underprivileged youths in SENEGAL technical trades every year. In partnership with our local distributor, LCS Technodidac, we held an educational event to address the challenges of developing technical training programs and responding to market needs. INDIA Schneider Electric opened the seventh Solar Energy Training Center in India at the Sri Sri University in Cuttack. We also set up a new Center of Excellence at the New Horizon College of Engineering. IVORY COAST Thirty students completed In October 2017, we inaugurated the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra Center TANZANIA three years of training at the in Delhi. It’s the fi rst center in the country focusing exclusively on the skill We installed a 30 kW new Bonoua training center requirements that are aligned to the government’s smart cities initiative. solar plant and laboratory we opened in partnership with Finally, the Foundation Schneider Electric India and Sri Sri Rural at the training center and held IECD. In addition, 20 informal Development program began a new basic electrician training center in conferences on the microgrid market entrepreneurs benefi ted from a Central Jail, Srinagar. The training will help prisoners start their new lives model and the IoT’s impact in industrial short-term training program. with valuable electrical skills. and photovoltaic applications. • 33 OUTREACH AND INITIATIVES

2017 Schneider Electric Foundation highlights

Schneider Electric Investing €2 million for training underprivileged youths True innovation extends opportunity Foundation to those less fortunate, and so we endeavor to use innovation In 2018, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Schneider Electric as a way to lift up and empower Foundation, under the aegis of Fondation de France, which uses innovation the next generation, especially and community engagement to reduce the energy gap and increase the underprivileged. To that sustainability awareness. end, the Schneider Foundation signed a partnership with the General Council of the Salesian Congregation, investing €2 million.

The foundation focuses on emerging INVESTING IN countries, helping people develop EDUCATION Social Innovation to Tackle Fuel Poverty skills in energy and entrepreneurship. In June 2017, the Schneider Electric Foundation — under the aegis of Foundation de France — and Ashoka, launched a new call for projects In more mature economies such as in the Social Innovation to Tackle Fuel Poverty program. In partnership REDUCING in Europe and North America, the with Enel, the goal was to fi nd the 15 most innovative organizations THE ENERGY foundation supports families who that off er creative solutions to tackle fuel poverty and promote energy GAP suff er from fuel poverty. sustainability in Europe. The winners were announced during the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP23) in November 2017.

INCREASING While the foundation works to bring SUSTAINABILITY energy to those in need, it also works to AWARENESS build a sustainable world for everyone. We share the value of a new world for electricity where people are empowered … 2015 – 2017 the projects we are developing with Schneider DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT Planet & and Ashoka today go in the same direction. Society barometer 148,145 1,347 underprivileged people missions within ANDREA VALCALDA, achievements trained in energy Schneider Electric HEAD OF SUSTAINABILITY, management Teachers NGO ENEL


Creative Klima at COP23 Schneider Electric Teachers Off ering exhibitions, conferences, With the Schneider Electric Teachers NGO, employees can volunteer to SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC workshops, debates, award train others. They become the link between the company, the Foundation, FOUNDATION BY THE ceremonies, musical programming, and supported organizations in more than 70 countries. Employees have NUMBERS and numerous festivities, Creative carried out 1,347 missions over the past three years. Klima provided inspiration for action More than in the fi ght against climate change €13.4 million at COP23. fi nancial and in-kind I just hope to have given as much as I contributions by Schneider Partners included the Schneider received during this mission! We are a Electric employees and entities Electric Foundation, Art of Change special company because of our people 21, Ashoka, the Institut français Launched in 2015 by Art of Change 21, and initiatives like Schneider Electric Bonn, Atelier 21 with its initiatives Maskbook is an international art project Teachers. I am very proud to be part of it. €4 million Paléo-Energétique and Solar Sound raising awareness on the increasingly high 2017 intervention budget System, and the International stakes of air pollution and climate change. The Schneider Electric Foundation is Weather and Climate Forum. Maskbook’s main partner. JOSE PEREIRA, OEM’S SALES, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 130 delegates Natural disaster relief in 80 countries In 2017, many people around the world were aff ected by natural disasters and we were compelled 1,347 Schneider to help as much as possible. This Electric Teachers missions carried out over the past included the deployment of teams 3 years and technology to support the people impacted by the earthquake in Mexico and by hurricanes 35,000 contributors Harvey, Maria, and Irma in the U.S., Caribbean, and Costa Rica. and 1,900 volunteers

Our total contribution included VolunteerIn $1 million, plus 150 emergency Our multilingual platform VoluteerIn, allows employees to apply for 840 partners since the tents, and 4,000 solar lamps volunteer work with the foundation’s partners. This includes missions creation of the foundation distributed in collaboration with organized by Schneider Electric Teachers. The foundation communities La Cruz Roja Mexicana, SOS (team, delegates, and NGP partners) manage the platform, focusing on Attitude, and Electriciens sans vocational energy training, supporting energy-poor families, and raising frontières. awareness of sustainable development and entrepreneurship. • 35 CHAPTER 6

COMPANY In working for a more sustainable world, we not only ensure a healthier planet for future PERFORMANCE generations, we also promote innovation and prosperity here and now. What’s good for the climate is good for the economy.



Sustainable growth More than €24.7 billion It was a great year for Schneider Electric, with healthy performance in revenue on our 2015 – 2017 Planet & Society barometer and strong growth for our business. €3.65 billion Our sales accelerated, boosted by the delivery of complete solutions adjusted EBITA of effi ciency and productivity and the adoption of EcoStruxure as the platform of integration and collaboration. 5% of revenue We increased organic revenue 3.2 percent, launched more than devoted to R&D 100 new products, and acquired new companies that strengthen our position as the global specialist in energy management and automation. 76% of revenue in 3.2% energy management ORGANIC REVENUE 24% of revenue in industrial automation INCREASE

142,000 employees in more than 100 countries


REVENUE DISTRIBUTION TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS Year in Review 2017 TOTAL REVENUE Revenue distribution to our stakeholders 2017 REVENUE BY GEOGRAPHY, PRODUCTS, AND SOLUTIONS €24,743 million Investments EMPLOYEES: WAGES €6,212 million STATES: INCOME TAXES

€600 million NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS: 28% DONATIONS Asia-Pacifi c SHAREHOLDERS: €17 million 27% DIVIDENDS 27% Western €1,133 million North Europe BANKS: America NET INTEREST EXPENSES SUPPLIERS: €219 million 18% PURCHASES AND OTHER Rest of €14,754 million the world



#1 worldwide in low voltage and INVESTMENTS AND NET FINANCIAL CASH Industrial DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENTS VARIATION €688 million1 €461 million2 €270 million Medium 24% Automation 18% Voltage #2 worldwide in discrete and machine automation #1 worldwide in medium 15% Secure Power #4 worldwide in process voltage and grid automation #1 worldwide in critical power automation R&D and cooling * Borrowings, share issues, and sale of treasury stock €1,183 million 1Including €314 million in R&D 2Including €160 million for long-term pension plans • 37 COMPANY PERFORMANCE

Voted Best Included in CDP’s Place to Work Climate A List in France in the Glassdoor of companies leading the fi ght Employees’ Choice Awards, 2018 against carbon emissions for the 7th year in a row, 2017 Company Program: 2017 achievements Received the Environmental 2017 was the third and fi nal year of our most recent company program Received the Global focused on one simple idea: customer centricity. Leader Product Power Correction and Project Award New Product Schneider is On 2017 for Shedd Aquarium, 2017 initiatives Progress update Innovation Award from Frost & Sullivan, 2017 Ranked 2nd in our industry in the • More Products: Product revenues up +4.3% organic in FY17, with 100+ launches Dow Jones Winner in the Health in 2017 Sustainability and Well-being • More Software: Industrial software sales about fl at with Q4 slightly up. Transaction Indices, 2017 – 2018 Do More with announced, providing unique software portfolio across asset life cycle category of the for continuous and hybrid processes. HR Distinction Awards, 2017 Recognized as one of the • More Services: High single-digit growth in FY17 orders; +6% org. growth in world’s most Named as one of the Q4 revenues ethical companies, World’s Most according to Ethisphere® for the 8th Admired Companies consecutive year, January 2018 • €650M Gross savings (Support Function Cost reduction and industrial by Fortune® Magazine, 2018 Simplify productivity) in 2017 (c. €1.9B since 2015) Ranked 3rd worldwide on • System margin improved by c.1 pts in 2017 Corporate Knights Carbon Recognized among Clean 200™ list, for it’s LinkedIn Top revenue devoted to • The number of connected assets increased +25% vs. 2016 Companies Digitize the energy transition for the second year in a row, 2017 • Unique connected customers +36% vs. 2016

Honored with the 1 of 104 Sustainability companies • Numerous key launches of products, advisors, and software within EcoStruxure ® Innovate Award Gold Class featured in the fi rst-ever Bloomberg • Planet & Society barometer reached 9.58/10 from RobecoSAM, 2017 Gender-Equality Index, January 2018

Ranked as a Market Leader in Magic Quadrant for • Launch of Global Family Leave policy Advanced Distribution Management Step Up • Strong traction of the Gender Pay Equity program Systems by Gartner® Research, 2017


2017 MERGERS & Digital growth ACQUISITIONS IGE+XAO Group IGE+XAO is a leader in design software for electrical installations through its CAD, PLM, and simulation software. This acquisition reinforces Schneider Electric’s software off er in a fi eld complementary to electrical distribution CONNECTIVITY EXPERIENCE SCALE ECOSYSTEM products and solutions.

New web experience with traffi c New EcoStruxure cloud 1.6 million of platform scaling up: 20,000+ system AVEVA assets under management — up 15% YOY integrators and developers AVEVA is a leading provider ~2,500 events of engineering, design, and up 25% YOY New digital catalog rollout with traffi c per second information management up 70% x2 in connected software to the process, plant, customers vs. end of 2016 and marine industries. The Schneider Electric industrial 650,000+ channel software business and AVEVA partners on our digital portal have merged to trade as AVEVA Group plc, a U.K.- listed company. ASCO Power 100+ products launched Technologies In 2017, product revenue went Since 1888, ASCO Power up 4.3 percent as we launched Technologies has been an over 100 new innovations. This innovator in automatic transfer switches, creating world-class included the world’s fi rst air circuit technology for reliable power breaker with a built-in Class 1 transfer. With this acquisition, power meter — the Masterpact Schneider enhances its MTZ™ circuit breaker. position as a leader in low-voltage innovation. Masterpact MTZ Galaxy VXSM6 Compact NSXm • 39 COMPANY PERFORMANCE

2015 – 2017 Planet & Society Barometer Results

Our 2015 – 2017 detailed sustainability scorecard, as of Q4 2017 We closed the 2015 – 2017 period with a Start Results Results Target record result for the barometer. We achieved Our megatrends 2015 – 2020 and our targets 2015 – 2017 01/2015 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 12/2017 9.58/10, above our target of 9/10 — an OBJECTIVES Overall score (out of 10) 3.00 9.01 9.58 9/10 unrivaled performance since the launch of 1 10% energy savings - 9.2% 10.3% 10% CLIMATE 2 10% CO savings from transportation - 11.6% 10.3% 10% the barometer in 2005. 2

CIRCULAR 3 Towards zero waste to landfi ll for 100 industrial sites 34 116 130 100 ECONOMY 4 100% of products in R&D designed with Schneider ecoDesign Way - 100% 100% 100% GILLES VERMOT DESROCHES, CHIEF SUSTAINABILITY OFFICER, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 5 75% of product revenue with Green Premium ecoLabel 60.5% 75.9% 80.1% 75% 6 CLIMATE + 100% of new large customer projects with CO2 impact quantifi cation - 16% 100% 100% 7 DEVELOPMENT 120,000 tons of CO2 avoided through maintenance, retrofi t, and (Sustainability off ers) end-of-life services - 148,415 168,400 120,000 Measuring our sustainable development 8 x5 turnover of Access to Energy program to promote development - x2.09 x2.21 x5 9 100% of our recommended suppliers embrace ISO 26000 guidelines 48% 84.6% 87.9% 100% ETHICS Since 2005, the Planet & Society barometer has guided and measured 10 All our entities pass our internal Ethics & Responsibility assessment - 88.7% 98.4% 100% our sustainable development. Our performance is audited by a third party and progress is tracked and published quarterly at 11 30% reduction in the Medical Incident Rate (MIR) - 37% 38% 30% 12 One day training for every employee every year 79% 85% 92% 85% HEALTH & EQUITY 13 64% scored in our Employee Engagement Index 61% 64% 65% 64% Now reimagined for 2018 – 2020 as the Schneider Sustainability Impact 14 85% of employees work in countries with Schneider gender pay equity plan - 75% 89% 85% (see Page 7), it refl ects our holistic view of sustainability and our 15 150,000 underprivileged people trained in energy management 73,339 143,756 148,145 150,000 promises to our partners, customers, and the world. It is the standard DEVELOPMENT 16 1,300 missions within Schneider Electric Teachers NGO 460 1,289 1,347 1,300 by which we measure ourselves and hold ourselves accountable.

The arrow shows if the indicator has risen, stayed the same or fallen compared to the previous quarter. The color shows if the indicator is above or below the objective of 9/10.


Company Leadership

Executive Committee (as of February 14, 2018) Jean-Pascal Tricoire Emmanuel Babeau Olivier Blum Annette Clayton Hervé Coureil Chairman & Deputy Chief Executive Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, Chief Executive Offi cer Offi cer in Charge of Global Human Resources Global Supply Chain and Information Systems Finance and Legal Aff airs North America Operations

Emmanuel Lagarrigue Chris Leong Christel Heydemann Leonid Mukhamedov Luc Rémont Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, Strategy Global Marketing France Operations Europe Operations International Operations

Yin Zheng Frédéric Abbal Philippe Delorme Peter Herweck Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, China Operations Medium Voltage Low Voltage — Secure Power Industrial Automation • 41 COMPANY PERFORMANCE

2017 BOARD OF As the digital and energy networks converge DIRECTORS OVERVIEW rapidly, exciting opportunities open up for Schneider Electric to provide new and value- Board of Directors adding services to empower people all over the world to optimize their energy utilization 8 meetings while fi ghting climate change. 90% attendance

LÉO APOTHEKER, Audit and Risk BOARD OF DIRECTORS, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 5 meetings Advisory committee attendance 100% Our Advisory Committee is the voice of Schneider Electric’s individual Board of Directors shareholders. The committee consists of up to eight independent Strategy volunteers appointed by Schneider Electric and meets three to four times The Board of Directors determines the strategic orientation of our per year to discuss various topics. 4 meetings business and oversees its implementation. They also examine all matters related to the effi cient operation of our business and make decisions Their main focus is how the company’s strategy aff ects individual attendance 85% about various issues concerning the company. shareholders. The committee works on enhancing communication material and defi ning dedicated events for shareholders and also plays a role in Governance and Remuneration As of April 25, 2017, at the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, the Annual Shareholders Meeting. the Board of Directors had 12 members and one non-voting member: 6 meetings • Jean-Pascal Tricoire • Willy Kissling attendance 96% • Léo Apotheker • Linda Knoll Schneider Electric continues to reach new • Betsy Atkins • Cathy Kopp heights in its sustainability performance. The Human Resources • Cécile Cabanis • Xiaoyun Ma challenging objectives outlined for the 2018 – and Corporate • Xavier Fontanet • Gregory Spierkel Social Responsibility • Antoine Gosset-Grainville • Henri Lachmann 2020 performance period further demonstrate • Fred Kindle (non-voting member) the group-wide commitment to doing our part 3 meetings in making sure the planet has the tools and 93% attendance means to thrive in the new energy future.



Human Rights & Anti-corruption at Schneider Company Ethics Duty of Vigilance We encourage all of our employees In addition, we launched an to conduct business ethically by anticorruption certifi cation process To comply with the 2017 French adopting a zero-tolerance policy for our Middle-East zone with We believe it is our responsibility to go beyond regulatory compliance. law concerning the Corporate toward corruption and other the consulting company Ethic Both on a daily basis and within our long-term strategy, we conduct Duty of Vigilance, Schneider unethical practices. Intelligence and are expected to business ethically, sustainably, and responsibly. These principles are Electric has implemented a plan be certifi ed in 2018. at the heart of Schneider Electric’s corporate governance. This year, we’ve launched a to identify health and safety new anti-corruption e-learning We are also continuing our risks and prevent violations of program which is mandatory for partnership with Transparency human rights and environmental employees in the most exposed International France, a leading damage. functions (fi nance, sales, and NGO which aims to stop corruption procurement) and we are and promote transparency, Sustainable tracking the results through the responsibility, and integrity at all 2017 R&ED OVERVIEW suppliers Schneider Sustainability Impact. levels and across all sectors.

Since 2004, we’ve been encouraging suppliers to commit to a sustainable Principles of Responsibility development initiative, and since Updated regularly, our Principles of Responsibility document details 2012, Schneider Electric has Schneider Electric’s commitments to its employees, partners, been encouraging its suppliers shareholders, planet, and society. to make progress according to the ISO 26000 guidelines.

The R&ED Line Responsibility & When an employee is a victim of or witness to an event that touches on ethical issues, a professional alert system has been available Ethics Dynamics since 2012 to report information on such events. 2015 – 2017 The Responsibility & Ethics Planet & ETHICS ETHICS Dynamics (R&ED) program 46% of these alerts were related to potential violations ethical Society provides a safe, welcoming way 259 of our code of conduct concerning integrity in fi nancial for employees to help ensure alerts were matters. escalated in barometer 87.9% 98.4% compliance, and provides a 35% of these alerts were related to allegations of the R&ED line achievements of our strategic of our entities passed structure of accountability by discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment of suppliers embrace our internal Ethics & system in 2016 employees ISO 26000 guidelines Responsibility assessment fostering reporting of non- compliance. 19% of these alerts were related to potential violation of other policies • 43 CHAPTER 7

LOOKING At Schneider, we are guided by bold ideas. We want to take full advantage of our AHEAD position at the epicenter of energy transition fueled by digitization.


Future-driven sustainability goals

We believe that everyone has a role to play in creating a more sustainable future. The rigorous sustainability goals we set for ourselves measure We align with the our progress, but we can’t do it alone. That’s why we’ve aligned our sustainable eff orts with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Sustainable Development Goals. In doing so, we now join a global network of organizations and Goals — a universal thought leaders, collectively advancing a powerful set of standards to call to action, existing to create positive change. end poverty, protect the In the coming year, we’ll also continue to join companies and countries all planet, and ensure that all CARBON over the world in taking proactive steps toward limiting climate change. people enjoy peace and NEUTRALITY BY We recently shared our commitments to sustainable development at prosperity by 2030. COP23, and collaborated with sustainability leaders at One Planet Summit to limit global warming and its impact. We’re working toward 2030 aggressive goals, including carbon neutrality by the year 2030, with measurable reductions in our CO emissions along the way. This year with measurable 2 reductions in our brings with it a higher set of sustainability standards for our entire

CO2 emissions ecosystem of suppliers, vendors, and the broader Schneider Electric community.

A key measurement for progress is the 2018 – 2020 Schneider Sustainability Impact, holding us more accountable than ever.

44 • Schneider sustainable fi elds of action

We recorded strong organic growth in our 2018 EBITA in 2017 at +9.2% ... we are targeting

CLIMATE CIRCULAR ECONOMY ETHICS HEALTH & EQUITY DEVELOPMENT for the year to deliver organic growth in our EBITA around the high-end of the +4% to NO Priorities POVERTY the +7% bracket ...







REDUCED INEQUALITIES In a positive environment, the group targets to deliver strong organic SUSTAINABLE CITIES growth of adjusted EBITA in 2018, around the high-end of the +4% to AND COMMUNITIES +7% bracket earlier communicated as the average yearly objective RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION for 2017 – 2019. To deliver this strong performance, the Group will AND PRODUCTION balance both levers of organic top-line growth and EBITA margin CLIMATE expansion. Therefore, for 2018, the Group will target: ACTION

LIFE BELOW WATER An organic top-line An organic EBITA margin expansion toward the upper end of the LIFE ON LAND growth between +20 bps to +50 bps range PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG +3% to +5% targeted as yearly average improvement for 2017 – 2019 INSTITUTIONS


An Integrated Approach to Sustainability

At Schneider Electric, sustainability is business. It’s at the heart of operations, performance, decision making, and strategy.


• Sustainability is business • Sustainability in the initiative • The Schneider Sustainability • Board of directors “Innovate to support growth” Impact, commented on by the The vision of Schneider Electric, The HR & CSR Committee CFO and the CEO the global specialist in energy Objective: Be a partner of choice approves the sustainability Non-fi nancial quarterly results management and automation, in sustainability in our innovations strategy, and analyzes policies are presented together with is to ensure that Life Is On for and our operations. and practices. everyone, everywhere, and at fi nancial information to • 5 sustainability megatrends every moment, and help our institutional investors. • Executive committee 2015 – 2020: customers achieve more with The sustainability executive • Audited non-fi nancial results less. • Climate committee challenges, aligns Non-fi nancial information, • Circular economy with strategy, and decides. • Sustainability strategy to • Development including Impact’s indicators, meet the energy challenge • Ethics receive moderate or reasonable • Corporate functions and Act to keep global warming • Health & Equity assurance. businesses, specifi c below a 2 °C limit and to reduce committees, employees the energy gap, with ethics and • 21 sustainability progress These bodies contribute to indicators 2018 – 2020 responsibility. sustainability objectives Schneider Sustainability Impact (Schneider Sustainability target is a level for progress Impact target, CSR criteria in and accountability. variable compensation) and mobilization programs. 46 • About this report Acknowledgements

This report is intended to actively engage stakeholders as critical participants in Our customers and external stakeholders: ongoing conversation about energy effi ciency. You will fi nd an overview of Schneider Ashoka, China National Building Material Group, Marriott®, Microsoft®, South Australia Power Networks, Telefónica, Vernon Turner/IDC, Electric achievements and goals as they relate to current business strategy and WaterForce, Alice Audouin at Art of Change 21, Craig Blackburn at Blackhills Farm, Scott Bosarge at AEG, Fran Muña at Telefónica, ongoing commitment to sustainable development. Our goal is to provide transparent, Christian Noce and Andrea Valcalda at ENEL, Satya Nadella at Microsoft®, and Michael Wang at Marriott® International. comprehensive, and succinct information about Schneider Electric, incorporating the concerns of all internal and external stakeholders. Four international frameworks for Agencies, partners: corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting information: the Global Reporting Initiative Schneider Electric Global Marketing, NAM and EMEA Creative Studios, and Column Five for providing the design, development, (GRI); the United Nations Global Compact; the Integrated Reporting; and the ISO 26000. and project management of this report.

The report is available in English and French and there is a digital version: Photo credit: Agence VU, Stéphanie Lacombe, Yvan Brien Photographies, Gautier Demouveaux/ASO, Getty Images®, and Photothèque Schneider Electric.

All Schneider Electric teams who contributed to the report:

Schneider Electric Board of Directors, Executive Committee Members, Schneider Electric Global Marketing, Brand Marketing Engagement, Thomas André, Patricia Benchenna, Pauline Colnot, Philippe Delorme, Gilles Vermot Desroches, Jamie Ellis, Venancio Figueroa, Delphine Gieux, Maxime Goualin, Xavier Houot, Erin Kalidindi, Morgane Lasserre, Yeonjoo Lee, Chris Leong, Emilienne Lepoutre, Lauren Mahoney-Pick, Miriana Matei, Veronique Moine, Denise Molina, Raj Munusamy, Tina Mylon, Cyril Perducat, Vincent Petit, Amandine Petitdemange, Kellie Tabor-Hann, Steve Wilhite, Leslie Zambelli, and more.

The Registration Document fi led with France’s Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) is available by request on the Finance page of our corporate website:

This document refl ects our commitment to sustainability. For the print version, we have tried to keep its carbon footprint as low as possible:

• Printing with vegetable oil-based ink on 100% FSC-certifi ed recycled paper, manufactured using a chlorine-free process • Printing on Oxygen Inapa Off set paper: 140 g/m2 text and 250 g/m2 cover • This year, printed quantities have been reduced by 30% compared to 2017

©2018 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric | Life Is On, EcoStruxure, ecoDesign Way, Green Premium, ecoLabel, StruxureOn, Masterpact, Altivar, Modicon, Easergy, Wonderware, ecoFit, Conext, and Energy University are trademarks and the property of Schneider Electric SE, its subsidiaries, and affi liated companies. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, the IN logo, and InMail are registered trademarks or trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation and its affi liates in the United States and/or other countries. • 998-20271870_GMA-US • 47 The digital version of Schneider Sustainability Report 2017 – 2018 is available at:

Schneider Electric SE Incorporated in France 35, rue Joseph Monier–CS 30323 Governed by a Board of Directors Follow us on: F-92506 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex (France) with issued capital of €2,369,995,036 Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00 Registered in Nanterre, R.C.S. 542 048 574 Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 29 71 00 Siret: 542 048 574 01 091 @schneiderelec