Amadeus IT Group, S.A
Amadeus IT GroupGroup,, S.A. Auditors’ Report Annual Accounts and Directors’ Report for the year ended December 31, 2013 Amadeus IT Group, S.A. Auditors’ Report for the year ended December 31, 2013 Amadeus IT Group, S.A. Annual Accounts for the year ended December 31, 2013 AMADEUS IT GROUP, S.A. BALANCE SHEET AT DECEMBER 31, 2013 AND 2012 (EXPRESSED IN THOUSANDS OF EUROS - KEUR) ASSETS Note 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 NON ---CURRENT ASSETS 3,634,4 919191 3,670,2 222333 Intangible fixed assets 6 2,154,239 2,245,771 Brands & trademarks 256,550 256,550 Goodwill 1,388,231 1,388,231 Software 7,348 4,151 Intangible rights 502,110 596,839 Tangible fixed assets 7 4,236 3,517 Furniture, office , equipment and other tangible assets 4,236 3,517 Long ---term investments in Group companies and joint ventures 18.2 1,1,1, 319,209 111,296,284 Equity instruments 8.3 899,589 869,144 Loans to companies 419,620 427,140 Long ---term financial investments 8.1 29,2 646464 31, 873 Equity instruments 7,451 6,300 Derivatives 10 876 5, 680 Other financial assets 20,937 19,893 Deferred tax assets 15 .1 113 ,,,287 92,778 Prepaid expenses long ---term 14,256 --- CURRENT ASSETS 808,596 708, 534 Trade debtors and other accounts receivable 318,033 223,27 333 Trade accounts receivable 9.1 179,156 129,648 Accounts receivable - Group companies and joint ventures 18 .2 115,784 70,255 Other accounts receivable 18,883 19,18 8 Employees receivable 385 305 Other accounts receivable from Public Administrations 15 .1 3,825 3,877 Short ---term investments in Group companies and joint
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