Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 45509-002 July–December 2017 January 2018

People’s Republic of : Urban -Rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration Project II — External Environmental Monitoring Report (No. 6)

Prepared by the Halcrow (Chongqing) Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd for the People’s Republic of China and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) The views expressed herein are those of the consultant and do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s members, Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.


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PRC: ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban - Rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration Project II

External Environmental Monitoring Report

ͣJuly 2017- December 2017ͤ

Halcrow (Chongqing) Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd.

December 2017


PRC: ADB Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration Project II- External Environmental Monitoring Report


1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND BASIC INFORMATION ...... 3 2 PROJECT PROFILE ...... 3 3 PROFILE OF THE SEMIANNUAL REPORT ...... 6 3.1 Project Profile ...... 6 3.2 Environment Management Organization ...... 11 3.3 Project Progress and Environmental Sensitive Sites and Environmental Standards ...... 17 3.4 Implementation Situations of the Mitigation Measures...... 27 3.5 Monitoring Results ...... 51 3.5.1 External Monitoring ...... 51 3.5.2 Internal Monitoring ...... 79 3.6 Training Records and Public Information Consultation ...... 83 㸦1㸧Capacity Building and Training ...... 83 2Public Information and Consultation ...... 87 3.7 Grievance Redress Mechanism ...... 87 4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...... 95 Conclusion ...... 95 Recommendations ...... 96 5 PICTURES ...... 97


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report


The environment monitoring report is prepared by Halcrow (Chongqing) Engineering

Consulting Co. Ltd. for the ADB-financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project (referred to as the Project). It is the sixth environment monitoring report (EMR) of this phase II project, covering the environment protection status of all subprojects from July to December 2017.

The report described the project implementation progress, establishment of organizations relevant to the environment management plan, supervision and monitoring, environment monitoring results, project readiness assessment, training and consulting

activities, and assessment of the implementation situation of the environment impact mitigation measures conducted by the contractors in the project sites and their

surrounding areas located in cities affected by the project.


In September 2013, the Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Phase II Project, financed by the ADB with USD 150 million, was approved. The Project Agreement and The Loan Agreement were signed on November 20th, 2013. After

effectiveness of the loan on January 10th, 2014, the project started to be implemented, so did the preparation of the the preliminary designs and the detailed designs of the subprojects, the recruitment of the consultants to strengthen the project management and capacity building and conduct independent monitoring. It was agreed that the intended project completion date and the intended financial closing date were respectively June 30th, 2018 and December 31th, 2018.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Loan Number 3022 –PRC Project Name Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Project Phase II Borrower Chongqing Municipal Government Rongchang Government, Wulong County Government, Government, Fuling County Government, Executing Agencies Shizhu County Government, Government

Approval Date by the Board 2013920 Signing Date of the Loan Agreement 20131120

Loan Effectiveness 2014110 Completion Date 2018630 Closing Date 20181231 Date of the Last ADB mission 2017320 Rongchang Hongyu Water Resources Development Co., Ltd.,

Chongqing Wulong County Urban and Rural Development (Group) Co., Ltd., Chengkou Transportation Development Co., Ltd., Fuling Project Implementation Units District Zhonglong Communications Construction Co., Ltd., Shizhu Communications Construction Corporation, Wanzhou Water Company

The total investment was $307.43 million, among which 51% is the Project Investment and Funding Plan counterpart funds from seven subproject county governments and 49% will be from the ADB.

Note : Youyang Subproject has left the project.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

This project is a demonstration project of ADB-financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Projects, aiming to achieve social harmony and balanced economic growth through coordinating urban and rural development. Due to the social and economic development differences caused by the unbalanced development in urban and rural areas, this project will selectively enhance the development potentials of the small and medium-sized towns and counties: (1) urban water supply system; (2) the flood risk management of various scales of rivers; (3) improving the urban and rural road links.

The total estimate cost of the proposed project is $307.43 million, among which $150 million is funded from the ADB loan. The project includes three investment parts: (1) Investment in the flood management; (2) investment in the water supply; (3) investment in the road network improvement. There are six subprojects in these three investment areas, including two flood management subprojects, three road network improvement subprojects and one water supply subproject, which are:(i) Rongchang Rongfeng River Water Supply Subproject (constructions of a 6.7-kilometer-long levee, a bridge and 8.5 kilometers sewage conduits, greening facilities and rainfall and flood level monitoring facilities); (ii)Wulong Wujiang River Flood Management Subproject (constructions of a 2.6-kilometer-long levee and flood level monitoring facilities); (iii) Chengkou County Urban-rural Road

Network Improvement Subproject (reconstructions of 10.2 kilometers roads and the relevant infrastructures, including 2 bridges, 1.5 kilometers tunnels, 20.4 kilometers drainage ditches and greening facilities); (iv) Urban-rural Road Network Improvement

Subproject (reconstructions of 16.2 kilometers roads and the relevant infrastructures, including

14 bridges and 32.4kilometers drainage ditches and greening facilities); (v) Shizhu County Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject reconstructions of 25.3 kilometers roads and the relevant infrastructures, including 8 bridges and 50.6 kilometers drainage ditches and greening facilities); (vi) Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject (This subproject includes two phases, of which the total designed water supply capacity is 35,000m3/d. In the 1st phase, a water treatment plant with 20,000m3/d water supply capacity will be built, Including water treatment facilities, water quality monitoring


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report facilities, power supply and distribution system, offices and other plant supporting facilities).

At present, eall subprojects have been commenced and constructed (in which, the Youyang Subproject has left the project). The detailed progress status can be seen in the Table 3.


The main scope of this report includes the environment protection status of the constructing Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject, Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Subproject and Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, Fuling District Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject and Shizhu County Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject and Chengkou County

Urban-Rural Road Network Improvement Subproject during their civil works construction period. 3.1 Project Profile

The civil engineering of the constructing Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject, Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Subproject, Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, Fuling District Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject and Shizhu County Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject and Chengkou County Urban-Rural Road Network Improvement Subproject is shown in Table 1.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Table 1The Civil Engineering Profile of the Subprojects under Construction

Subproject Subproject Name Construction Site and Civil Engineering Commencement Main Civil Category Designed Scale Contract Date Note Engineering Investment Rongchang The construction site is from the (i) 7.3 km dike The designed The formal This subproject has 4 civil Rongfeng River Bingmatan Highway Bridge to (ii) 8.9 km sewage estimate investment commencement engineering contract packages. Flood Management the Donghu Reservoir in the pipeline in the civil date of the 1st The Contractor: Subproject upper stream. The engineering (iii) Landscaping engineering works is section civil C01: Zhongcheng Coal management covers 4,805m river (iv) Rainfall and flood CNY92.5561 engineering is Construction (Group) Co., Ltd.; way, of which the total length of water monitoring million. May16th, 2015. C02: Sichuan Lixin Construction the revetments on both sides is equipment Co., Ltd 7,382.8m (3,882.8m on the left (v) Special vehicle for C03: Landscape Greening and 3,500m on the right). flood control and Co.,Ltd. maintenance trucks Flood (vi) Inspection boat Date of Contract: Management (vii)Office equipment C01: 2015.4.21; Subproject C02:2016.9.16. C03:2016.12.24 Estimated Date of Completion: C01: Completed 2016.10 C02:2018.3 C03:2018.4 The Supervision Unit: Chongqing Hongyu Water Conservancy Consultative Co., Ltd.;Jingjia Construction CO.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report Wulong Wujiang The construction site locates in (i) 2.6 km dike The designed The formal The project is divided into 3 civil Flood Management the Wulong county. It is the (ii) Special vehicle for estimate investment commencement engineering contract packages. Subproject downstream of Wujiang, flood control and in the civil date of the 1st Contractor: The construction site is maintenance trucks engineering works is section civil C01:Gezhouba Group Fifth from Wulong PFPC the 319 (iii)Office equipment CNY 299.76 engineering is Engineering Co., Ltd. national road. It will build million. June 30,2015. C02: Water Conservancy 2.6km dike, which will Development Co., Ltd. connect with WB project. C03:. Yancheng Water Conservancy Construction Co. Date of signing the contract: C01:2015.6.17 C02:2015.6.17 C02:2015.6.17

Estimated Date of completion: C01- C03:2018.8; Supervision Agent: Chongqing Jianghe Engineering Construction Supervision Co. Wanzhou This subproject includes two phases, of (i) 200,000 m3/day The designed The formal This subproject has 3 civil District which the total designed water supply WTP estimate investment commencement engineering contract packages. Yangliu Water capacity is 35,000m3/d. In the 1st (ii) Sludge treatment in the civil date of the 1st The Contractor: Supply phase, the designed water supply facility engineering works is section civil C01:Xin Jiang Water Conservancy Subproject capacity is 20,000m3/d. The (iii) Electric systems CNY 34.125 engineering is and Hydropower Engineering Ltd. construction site of the water treatment and plant ancillary million. May 10th, 2015. and Shanxi Metallurgical plant is on the inner side of the Yangliu equipment Geotechnical Engineering Survey Bridge of Shuanghekou in Wanzhou (iv) Transportation and General Co. Ltd. Water District. maintenance C02:Guangxi Construction Supply equipment Engineering Group Fifth Subproject (v) Office equipment Construction Engineering Co. Ltd. C03:Guangxi Construction Engineering Group Fifth Construction Engineering Co. Ltd.

Date of Contract: C01:2014.12.12 C02:2016.9.25 C04:2017.1.17


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report Estimated Date of Completion: C01: completed 2016.4. C02:2018.6 C04:2018.6 Supervision Agent: Changjiang Engineering Supervision Consulting Ltd. .;

Fuling District The project Starts from from (i) 8.8 km of upgraded The estimated The formal This engineering includes 2 Urban-rural Jiaoshizhen town, along the roads project investment is commencement construction Contracts. Road Network Juandongchang site, and ended at (ii) 5 bridges 273.775 million date is December Contractor : Improvement Damuxiang county, with a total length (ii) Public yuan ( the 25th, 2015 C01: Chongqing Qunzhou Subproject of 14.4 kilometers (section A is funded transportation facilities investment in A Entity(Group) Co., Ltd. by Fuling district financial (iv) 17.6 km storm section is 37.77 C02: department ). Section A starts from water drainage ditch million yuan) China Water Conservancy and Jiaoshizhen town in Fuling district and (v) Landscaping Hydropower Sixth Engineering ended at Juandongchang site, with a (vi) Road maintenance Bureau Co.ltd Road length of 5.592 kilometers. The road vehicles network level is level II, with a width of 10 (vii) Office equipment Date of contract: improvement meters, the length of carriage way is subproject C01: Feb.25th, 2015 8.5 meters; section B starts from C02:2017.4.18 Jaundongchang and ended at Estimated Date of Completion: Damuxiang, with a total length of Dec.31st, 2017 80809 meters, the road level is level C03:2018.12 III, the width of subgrade is 8.5 meters, The Supervision with a carriageway width of 7 meters, Agent: Chongqing Road the road is made of asphalt concrete. Road Engineering Supervising Co., Ltd. In Fuling district


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report Shizhu District Starting from Huangshui Township, (i) 19.7 km of the first bidding The first bidding This engineering Urban-rural ended at Yuelaizhen county, the route upgraded roads section is 47.778 section is at Dec. includes 2 construction contracts : Road Network length is of 19.694 kilometers, t is (ii) 2 bridges million yuan; The 9th, 2015 Contractor of the first bidding Improvement designed as the level III highway, with (iii) Public second bidding section: Modern Road Subproject the roadbed width of 7.5 meters. transportation facilities section is 39.108 Bridge Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (iv) 39.4 km storm million yuan Date of contract: Oct. 8th, 2015 water drainage ditch Estimated Date of Completion: (v) Landscaping Jul.,2017 (vi) Road maintenance Contractor of the second bidding vehicles section Foreign (vii)Office equipment Construction Group Co., Ltd. Date of contractJan. 29th, 2016 Estimated date of completion: Sept. 2017 Supervising Agent: Chongqing Traffic Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. Chengkou Section A Starts from Yanhe (i) 7.4 km of roads The estimated 10 Nov, 2016 Contractor : County Township, ended at Yinghong (ii) 3 bridges investment of C01:Jiangxi Road Bridge and Urban-Rural Township, the route length is of 4.6 (iii) 1.8 km tunnel Section A: Tunnel Engineering Co, ltd. Road Network kilometers, it is designed as the level (iv) Public 17.57million C02: Improvement VI highway, with the roadbed width of transportation facilities RMB Heilongjiang Hualong Construction 6.5 meters. The road is made of asphalt (v) 14.8 km storm Co. Ltd. Subproject concrete water drainage ditch (Section A) (vi) Landscaping Date of contractJune 30th, 2016 (vii) Emergency C02:2017.8.25 machines and vehicles Estimated date of completion: 18 (viii)Office equipment months after commencement C02:2018.12 Supervising Agent: Chongqing Traffic Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report 3.2 Environment Management Organization

The Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject, Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Subproject and Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, Fuling District Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject, Shizhu and Chengkou County Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject have established complete environment management organizations, which are responsible for their own environment management during their civil engineering construction periods. The specific information of the relevant environment management organizations is available in Table 2.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Table 2: The Profile of the Environment Management Organizations and Staff of Construction Name of the Environment Name of Management Person in Main Duties Title Contact Organization Charge Supervise and overall manage so as to ensure smooth implementation of project; supervise and manage local project management office’s work performance;

ensure environmental consultants and external environment monitoring units to CPMO’s CPMO Zhou Feitong assist in monitoring and managing during implementation phase; pack up the 18725962416 officer prepared environmental monitoring reports of all subprojects and submit them to the ADB; establish a GRM with a specialized PCCU; set up LPMOs and supervise its activities. leader of expert Liao Li 13882056616 panel consultant expert panel Follow and make report according to EMP’s implementation of all sub-projects. environmental Wang Zhe 15620800703 expert external monitoring unit: Yin Jian project manager 13971437581 Chongqing Hele Supervise and manage conformity between external environmental effect Engineering Consultation Chen monitoring and EMP. Environmental 15365151717 Co., Ltd Qiuwen expert Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subprojects, hereafter referred to as RCRF Huang Supervise implementation of environmental protection measures during Rongchang County PMO Anxiang construction and collect environmental materials submitted by owner unit.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Rongchang County Be responsible for environmental protection management and supervision during General Yu Chilong 13883556806 Hongyu Water Resource construction; ensure environmental protection fund to be put in place; collect manager Development Co., Ltd related environmental materials submitted by contractor and supervisor Hu You Senior engineer 13509474713 Sichuan Zhongcheng Coal Being responsible for implementing the environment protection measures and Project Manager Construction (Group) Co., Xu Weijun accepting the monitoring and management of the owner unit and supervision of the 13883706999 Ltd unit. Constructor Chongqing Hongyu Water Supervising the implementation situation of the environment protection Conservancy Chongqing Zhang Project measures and the conservation of water and soil of the implementation unit and 1868090032 Hongyu Water Control Zhiwei Supervisor compiling the supervision monthly report. Consultative Co., Ltd. Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Subprojects, hereafter referred to as WLWJ Supervise implementation of environmental protection measures during Division Wulong County PMO 13896689358 Hui construction and collect environmental data submitted by owner unit. Director Be responsible for environmental protection management and supervision during Wulong Urban-Rural General Chen Bin construction; ensure environmental protection fund to be put in place; collect 15330557766 Development Group Manager related environmental data submitted by contractor and supervisor Gezhouba 5 Construction (Group) Co., Ltd.; Yan Bing 0717-6711042

Being responsible for implementing the environment protection measures and Project Manager Anhui Hydrological Zheng Bishui accepting the monitoring and management of the owner unit and supervision of the 023-67735119 Development Co.,Ltd.; unit. Constructor Jiangsu Yancheng Zhang Hydrological Construction 0515-88335420 Hongyu Co., Ltd.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Chongqing Jianghe Supervising the implementation situation of the environment protection Engineering Construction Xiao Project measures and the conservation of water and soil of the implementation unit and 13996939442 Supervision Co., Ltd.; Wei Manager of compiling the supervision monthly report. the Supervisor

Wanzhou Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, hereafter referred to as WZYL Monitoring the implementation situation of each environment protection Wanzhou District Project Jing Li measure during the construction period and collecting relevant materials related Section Chief 18996513299 Management Office to the environment submitted by the owner u Being responsible for the environment protection management and monitoring Person in Wanzhou Water Company Chen during the construction period, implementing the environment protection funds Charge at the 13709439712 (the owner unit) Guangming and collecting the relevant materials related to environment submitted by the Project Site of 13658217778 Li contractor and the supervision unit. the Owner Unit Chunming Xinjiang Corps Water Conservancy and Project Manager Hydropower Engineering Be responsible for implementing environmental protection measures; accept Cao Furong of Construction 13883738766 Co., Ltd and Shanxi supervision from owner unit and supervision unit Unit Metallurgical geotechnical engineering corporation Fuling District Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject, in short FLLW ADB experts Monitoring the implementation of environmental protection measures during the Fuling District Project environmental Shi Bo construction period, and collecting relevant information about the environment 023-72288242 Management Office management submitted by unit owners. training


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Responsible for work related to environmental management and supervision of ADB experts Zhonglong Traffic construction work, ensuring the environmental protection funds, collecting environmental Construction Co., Ltd. Yin Fulin 13896729903 the relevant information on environment submitted by contractors and management In Fuling district 18183011997 supervision units training construction and Chongqing Group Asia Wang Responsible for the implementation of environmental protection measures, and environmental 13996729672 Industrial (Group) Co., Chonggang accepting the supervision and management of the owners and supervision units management Ltd. Chongqing Fuling Site supervision for the implementation of the engineering measures on Chief District Road Zhang Meng construction unit environmental protection and water and soil conservation and supervisory 13996936733 Engineering responsible for monthly supervising report engineer Shizhu county Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject, in short SZLW Monitoring the implementation of environmental protection measures during the Shizhu County PMO Liu Fuding construction period, and collecting relevant information about the environment Manager 13908279910 submitted by unit owners. Responsible for work related to environmental management and supervision of site responsible Shizhu Traffic construction work, implementation of the environmental protection funds, Cui Jianfeng person of the 13452259101 Construction Co., Ltd. collection of the relevant information on environment submitted by contractors owner’s unit and supervision units Jiangxi modern Road and Bridge Engineering Gongwen Project manager 13072838878 Responsible for the implementation of environmental protection measures, and Group Co., Ltd. in construction accepting the supervision and management of the owners and supervision units Human Foreign unit Yang Song 18225264345 Construction Co., Chong Qing Traffic Site supervision for the implementation of the engineering measures on Project Li Xiaosong 17783809964 Engineering construction unit environmental protection and water and soil conservation and Supervisor of responsible for preparing monthly supervising report Supervision Consulting the Supervising Co., Ltd. Agent

Cheng Kou County Urban-Rural Road Network Improvement Sbuproject, in short CKLW


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report Chengkou PMO Monitoring the implementation of environmental protection measures during the Section chief Tian Hao construction period, and collecting relevant information about the environment 15023852310 submitted by unit owners.

Urban Transportation Responsible for work related to environmental management and supervision of site responsible Ran Zhao Committee Road construction work, implementation of the environmental protection funds, person of IA collection of the relevant information on environment submitted by contractors 17749990988 Construction First and supervision units Project Department

Jiangxi Road and Responsible for the implementation of environmental protection measures, and Project manager in Bridge Tunnel Co, ltd. Zhao Qun accepting the supervision and management of the owners and supervision units construction unit 18052072351

Chongqing Site supervision for the implementation of the engineering measures on Supervisor Fu Jiping Traffic Engineering construction unit environmental protection and water and soil conservation and 15310507892 responsible for monthly supervision Consulting Co.,


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

3.3 Project Progress and Environmental Sensitive Sites and Environmental Standards

The civil engineering progress and environmental sensitive sites and environment standards of the

started Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject, Wulong Wujiang Flood Management

Subproject and Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, Fuling District Urban-rural Road

Network Improvement Subproject, Shizhu County Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject and

Chengkou County Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject are in Table 3.1


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report Table 3: The Profile of the Project Progress and Environmental Sensitive Sites and Environmental Standards of the Started Subprojects

Project The Profile of the Civil Engineering Construction Progress Environmental Sensitive Sites and Name Notes Environmental Standards Prior to The Reporting Period During This Reporting Period Construction in section two (started Construction of section one Sensitive Sites: Donghu Reservoir 1, dust control measures: from November 10, 2016): 1. segment in the Rongfeng River section mainly through sprinkler, set The section one of the civil completed the construction of upstream Dong lake reservoir section and up vehicle washing facilities engineering has come to an end, at Gebin left revetment of 1457m, and downstream section; Domestic sewage in construction area present the construction is main for right revetment of 1923m; 2. implement III category water quality entrances and exits; 2, the landscape greening, as of now, completed the installation of 1385m waste water treatment the planting soil project has been standards in GB8978-1996 The sewage pipes; 3. completed facilities, no construction completed 100%, of which 27% surface water conforms to the III category construction of temporary road waste at this stage, the office small trees, 7% shrubs, 33% aquatic water quality standards in GB3838-2002; construction of 5177m; 4. Filled camp rented near the house, plants, lawn dotted 5%, shrubs The ambient atmosphere conforms to the Gebin revetment of 14141.58m3 5. after the use of domestic 63%, 22% bamboo have been second class ambient atmosphere excavation backfill of wastewater collection planted. standards in GB 3095-1996 and its 126092.86m3; 6. slag of facilities; 3, on-site Construction in section two: the revision list; The acoustic environment 33680.88m3; 7. rolling stone material storage and Rongchang total investment of 16583720.43 conforms to the 2 category standard of replacement of 6523.06m3 ;8. centralized storage, Rongfeng yuan, the general project is of environmental noise in GB3096-2008 and Completed 6 inverted siphon wells coverage; River Flood 170000 yuan, the main project of the Emission Standard of Environment and 4 box culvert. 4, the construction area is Management 15093407.81 yuan, the cost of the Noise for Boundary of Construction Site far from the residential area, Subproject main project is of about 9 (GB 125232011). and not in the night .15million , the completion of the construction proportion of 60.6% Gebin retaining wall (foot) construction: up to now, the left foot construction totaled 1457 meters (including change increase), accounting for 103.42% of the quantity of the contract; the right foot construction totaled 1975 meters (including changes to increase the quantity of the contract), accounting for 106.22%.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report The remaining unfinished Gebin foot project is of a total length of 80 meters (including the left and right bank). Box culvert construction: as of now, 7 cases of box culvert have been completed, accounting for 100% of the contract. One is a box culvert. The sewage pipe network construction: up to now, a total construction is of about 2105 meters, 55 inspection wells have been completed, the completed contract volume accounted for 43.5%, the remaining unfinished pipeline project is with a total length of 2700 meters (including the left and right bank); 6 inverted siphon wells have been completed.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report 1. completed excavation of 212.3 1. completed excavation of 212.3 Sensitive Sites: downstream of the thousand m3, the cumulative thousand m3, the cumulative construction site; Wulong 2nd primary completion of 600 thousand m3 as of completion of 600 thousand m3 as of school; December, accounting for 82% of the December, accounting for 82% of the domestic sewage implement III level water contract volume; contract volume; quality standards inGB8978-1996 2. completed C15 buried stone 2. completed C15 buried stone The surface water conforms to the III level concrete pouring 4 thousand m3, the concrete pouring 4 thousand m3, the water quality standards in GB3838-2002; cumulative completion of 125 cumulative completion of 125 The ambient atmosphere conforms to the thousand m3, accounting for 30% of thousand m3, accounting for 30% of second class ambient atmosphere standards 1. dust control measures: the contract volume; the contract volume; in GB 3095-2012; mainly through sprinkler, set 3.completed C30 concrete pouring 15 3.completed C30 concrete pouring 15 The acoustic environment conforms to the 2 up vehicle washing facilities thousand m3, total completion of 18 thousand m3, total completion of 18 category standard of environmental noise in in construction area entrances thousand m3, accounting for 60% of thousand m3, accounting for 60% of GB3096-2008 and the Emission Standard and exits; contract project volume; contract project volume; of Environment Noise for Boundary of 2. waste water treatment 4. completed slag backfill 136.2 4. completed slag backfill 136.2 Construction Site (GB 125232011) facilities, no construction thousand m3, the cumulative thousand m3, the cumulative waste at this stage, the office completion of 212 thousand m3, completion of 212 thousand m3, camp is rented near the house, Wulong accounting for 44.2% of the contract accounting for 44.2% of the contract the domestic wastewater was Wujiang volume; volume; collected by collection Flood 5.completed rotary excavation pile 14 5.completed rotary excavation pile 14 facilities; Management thousand m, the cumulative thousand m, the cumulative Subproject completion of 23 thousand and 800 completion of 23 thousand and 800 3. on-site material storage and m, accounting for 166.8% of the m, accounting for 166.8% of the centralized storage, coverage contract volume; contract volume; 4. due to the hot weather, 6.total completion of filling stone 6.total completion of filling stone construction time changed to replacement 7164 m3, accounting for replacement 7164 m3, accounting for 7:00~10:00 and 18:00~21:00; 208.32% of the contract volume. 208.32% of the contract volume. no night construction 7. M7.5 pulp stone aggregate 7. M7.5 pulp stone aggregate 5. Environmental sensitive completed 1234m3. completed 1234m3. point: Wulong experimental 8. finished the big stone foot 8. finished the big stone foot primary school is about 150m protection 2371m3. protection 2371m3. distance from the construction 9. completed the anchor system 9. completed the anchor system safety area safety 3290m. Construction in A 3290m. Construction in A bid bid section: section: 1. The excavation of earthwork has 1. The excavation of earthwork has completed 83% of the total. completed 83% of the total. 2. The steel reinforcement system has 2. The steel reinforcement system has been completed 96%. been completed 96%. 3. C15 retaining wall concrete 3. C15 retaining wall concrete


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report accumulates 28.3%. accumulates 28.3%. This month, the concrete pouring of This month, the concrete pouring of waist girder was completed 30m3, waist girder was completed 30m3, and the accumulative total was 383 and the accumulative total was 383 m3, which was 85%. m3, which was 85%. 5. The total construction of culvert 5. The total construction of culvert concrete is 46.7%. concrete is 46.7%. 6. C30 wall retaining wall concrete 6. C30 wall retaining wall concrete accumulates 56%. accumulates 56%. 7. M7.5 masonry stone completed 7. M7.5 masonry stone completed 14%. 14%. 8. Large stone protective foot 8. Large stone protective foot completed 14%. completed 14%. B blocks: B blocks: 1. Stone concrete completed 5000m3, 1. Stone concrete completed 5000m3, accumulated 52549m3, and accumulated 52549m3, and completed 52.8% of the contract completed 52.8% of the contract works. works. 2. After the wall, the RCC backfill 2. After the wall, the RCC backfill (including the anti-filter layer of (including the anti-filter layer of block stone) has completed 66 block stone) has completed 66 percent of the contract works. percent of the contract works. 3. The accumulative total of large 3. The accumulative total of large stones is 2400m3. stones is 2400m3. 4. The excavation of earthwork has 4. The excavation of earthwork has completed 25460m3. completed 25460m3. 5. The anchor cable completes 300m, 5. The anchor cable completes 300m, and the total completion is 450m. and the total completion is 450m. 6. C30 reinforced concrete cast-in- 6. C30 reinforced concrete cast-in- place pile, with a total of 114% of the place pile, with a total of 114% of the total contract amount; The C30 total contract amount; The C30 reinforced concrete grouting pile is reinforced concrete grouting pile is 114% of the total contract amount. 114% of the total contract amount. C blocks: C blocks: In this paper, backfill backfill and In this paper, backfill backfill and backfill construction of rotary backfill construction of rotary excavation pile platform are mainly excavation pile platform are mainly carried out. carried out.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

1. due to the completion of the main project, there will not be a large number of construction dust. A small amount of dust produced by the decoration process can be completely Sensitive Sites: Chongqing Economics and controlled by sprinkling dust. Business School and Chongqing Wanzhou 2. No heavy duty vehicles are Senior Technical School near to the entering the scene except the construction site; Domestic sewage implement III level water vehicles for the transport of decorative materials. And the quality standards inGB8978-1996 project will not be built, so Wanzhou The surface water conforms to the III Completion of the project at this District 1. Interior decoration of main project; category water quality standards in there is no noise impact on the stage: the main project has been Yangliu 2. Installation of main water pipeline; GB3838-2002; environment sensitive spots. completed. The exterior wall Water 3. Construction of auxiliary works; The ambient atmosphere conforms to the 3. The waste water from the decoration work was carried out. Supply second class ambient atmosphere standards construction site is discharged Subproject in GB 3095-2012; into the stream below the site The acoustic environment conforms to the 2 through box culvert. The category standard of environmental noise in domestic sewage generated by GB3096-2008 and the Emission Standard the camp is deposited by of Environment Noise for Boundary of sedimentation tank and Construction Site ( GB 125232011) discharged into municipal pipe network. 4. Decorative materials are environmentally friendly materials, storage and stacking will not have any impact on the environment.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report 1. spoil and spoil disposal: dump was set in the wasteland of the rightside of BK0+000 4.5 kilometers. Soil compaction is according to the specification, the surface layer of backfill is not less than 80 cm soil, finally seeding. 2. the soil and water conservation measures: the project has not started, the environmental protection project approval has been Sensitive point: Maxi River, the section completed, dump into poor The construction of the second between Shaniudong and Damu (located in drainage construction drainage section has entered the normal the big wood nature reserve, ditch, slope platform set cut Fuling construction stage, and it is planned experimentation area) and the residence of ditch. Slope of side slope of District to build the site of the abandoned soil During the site investigation, relevant the road distribution; sewage executive dumping ground is set Urban-rural at the head of Yuelai bridge. Now, procedures are being processed, and (GB8978-1996) in grade III standard, according to 1:2. After the Road the relevant anti-seepage work has some personnel and construction implementation; surface water (GB3838 - completion of dump, the Network not been put into use. All forestry equipment have entered. Improvement cutting procedures are handled 2002) in the gtade III water quality seeding, planting ficus can be Subproject through the owner's unit. Normal standards; Environmental air executive implemented. construction of each operation (GB3095 -2012 in the grade two of ambient 3. the construction dust, the surface. air standards; implementation of sound impact of environmental air environment (GB3096-2008) in the 2 types and control measures: the of environmental noise standard. construction of dust control is for transport vehicles and adopt closed transportation, arrange sprinkler along the way to control dust. 4. the road laying material source, construction site protection measures: purchase Lek concrete direct purchase. The protection measures for K4+740 construction material yard are to construct retaining walls on the south side of the


Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 45509-002 July–December 2017 January 2018

People’s Republic of China: Chongqing Urban -Rural Infrastructure Development Demonstration Project II — External Environmental Monitoring Report (No. 6)

Prepared by the Halcrow (Chongqing) Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd for the People’s Republic of China and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) The views expressed herein are those of the consultant and do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s members, Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.


This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the terms of use section of this website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report material yard, set up the separation wall, and set up drainage ditches around it. 5. construction staff camp settings and construction site wastewater treatment: construction staff's diet and accommodation for the rental of local residents, garbage and waste water treatment facilities. 6. the influence of noise on environment sensitive points and measures: the main construction section is away from residential areas, which is not to affect the normal life of the residents, control measures of noise near the individual residential lots for construction work is in strict accordance with the time stipulated by the government for overtime work,; the overwork must be asked for approval first, and then for operation (existing schemes). 7. the establishment of the complaint mechanism: has been established, each of the complaints department telephone one-to-one correspondence.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report 1. the disposal of abandoned soil: dump site, the vehicle transported to the scene. 2. the soil and water conservation measures: slope protection: the protection network can play the role of entrapped in soil, to prevent slope rockfall and collapse; Sensitive Sites: Yuelaihe river, residential grow the grass on the slope; places along the road; repair mortar rubble slope Domestic sewage implement III category protection. water quality standards inGB8978- 3. the construction of dust, the 1. There is little change in the first 1996; impact of environmental air Shizhu and the previous report. During the The surface water conforms to the III and control measures: in County Excavate and fill the soil with 50% of inspection, due to the weather, some category water quality standards in Urban-rural the project amount. It is mainly the construction sites have been stopped. construction, the use of GB3838-2002; Road construction of retaining wall, culvert 2. Part of the roadbed collapsed,It has sprinkler dust. The ambient atmosphere conforms to the Network and so on. The side ditch has been a certain effect on the surrounding 4. the use of finished products, second class ambient atmosphere standards Improvement laid for nine kilometers. environment,According to the on-site direct laying, no asphalt in GB 3095-2012; Subproject personnel, the rectification measures mixing station. The acoustic environment conforms to the 2 have not been finalized. 5. the impact of noise on category standard of environmental noise in environmental sensitive points GB3096-2008 and the “Emission Standard and remediation measures: the of Environment Noise for Boundary of scene is in the mountains, only Construction Site” ( GB 125232011). the basic tenants, and only during the day construction, construction at night, noise will be reduced to the minimum. 6. the establishment of the complaint mechanism (whether the establishment of a valid Appeal Institution) has been set up


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report Completed 2.1 km of roadbed Sensitive Sites: Zhongxi River, original forming, retaining wall and other plant along the road; protective structures. Due to the Domestic sewage implement III category geographical environment and the water quality standards inGB8978- Cheng Kou weather, before February, the main 1996; County 1.The station has been construct ed. focus will be on road blasting. Urban- Rural 2.The sign for construction site has The surface water conforms to the III During the blast,Cracks appeared in The project began in Nov. Road been set. category water quality standards in the walls of the surrounding Network 3.Clear the road foundation and GB3838-2002; 2016. dwellings.According to the Improvement resurvey the original ground. The ambient atmosphere conforms to the representative of the owner, it has Subproject second class ambient atmosphere standards been solved.The next monitoring will in GB 3095-2012; focus on the implementation of the The acoustic environment conforms to the 2 settlement. category standard of environmental noise in GB3096-2008.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

3.4 Implementation Situations of the Mitigation Measures

During construction, potential impacts include soil erosion, noise and vibration,

fugitive dust, solid wastes, and community and occupational health and safety risks. The main

anticipated environmental impacts and risks include indirect and induced impacts of roads (soil erosion, earthwork, and downstream effects of flood control measures). Occupational and community health and safety from construction activities and operation, sustainability of exploitation of water resources for water supply, and potential risks to physical cultural resources

and legally protected sites (nature reserves) will also need to be addressed. Overall, construction-

related impacts are localized, short term, and can be effectively mitigated through the application of

good construction and housekeeping practices and implementation of construction phase community and occupational health and safety plans. To ensure that construction contractors are able to implement the mitigation measures, the implementation unit (IU) makes the following arrangement:(i) environmental specifications will be included in the bidding documents to contractors; (ii) Identify responsibilities and use environmental standards as indicators of assessment; (iii) In the contract, the waste site, material transportation line, pit location and waste disposal are clearly defined (iv) Define the environmental management plan and monitoring plan in the contract. The project construction unit has established an environmental, safety and health emergency plan, and has filed and approved the project in the project management office. In the process of the construction, The environmental management team of the implementation unit enhanced on-site supervision, management and evaluation, and dealt with the problems found. Increased training for environmental protection and developed follow-up training programs. The reasonable environmental management measures adopted by the contractor reduce the impact of the construction on the environment.

1. Road subprojects the following potential impact and mitigation measures represents the prevailing construction impact of all road subprojects. Earthwork, soil stable, dust and noise controlling, machinery operation, building material transportation and national labor requirement impact management in the process of road construction. Most of the projects will purchase premixed asphalt to pave the road,


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

which will cause remit smoke when heat and mixed. The density of smoke remitted from Chinese modern asphalt mix machine is 22.7mg/m3, which meet the emission standard of asphalt (80-150 mg/m3) of air pollutants (GB16297-1996) and ambient air quality standard (GB3095-2012) with the benzopyrene emission density is 0.01µg/m. EMP has additional restriction for the use of the machine. In addition, the

asphalt mixture station shall be built beyond 500m from the residential area. 2. Spoil disposal: Road subprojects will make maximum use of spoil from construction earthworks through balancing cut and fill, the construction of berms for noise and wind protection of plants and facilities and earthworks for landscaping. The area’s most vulnerable to erosion include borrow pits, spoil sites, temporary construction sites, and other areas where surface soil will be disturbed. The most effective erosion control will be interception drainage to protect disturbed surfaces from surface flows. Construction plans will include erosion control prescriptions for construction work areas,

including (i) constructing intercepting ditches and drains to prevent runoff entering construction sites, and diverting runoff from sites to existing drainage; (ii) limiting construction and material handling during periods of rains and high winds; and (iii) stabilizing all cut slopes, embankments, and other erosion-prone working areas while works are going on. All earthwork disturbance areas shall be stabilized within 30 days after earthworks have ceased at the sites. 3.Construction wastewater: Construction wastewater is produced from the maintenance and cleaning of mechanical equipment and vehicles, maintenance water for mixing and curing concrete, cooling water, and lost water and soil during the construction period which is discharged as pollutants. The effluent, comprised mainly of inorganic wastewater, commonly contains no poisonous and harmful substance, except suspended solid, but, if discharged in an improper manner, still has the potential to impact existing water bodies. Some oil-containing wastewater can arise from machinery repairs. Construction wastewater will not be discharged unto the surrounding soil or into surface water systems.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Sedimentation tanks will be built, and after settling out of solids the upper clear liquid will be recycled for spraying the construction site (dust control), and the waste residue in the tank will be cleared and transported to designated landfills. Oil-containing wastewater will require the installation of oil-water separators before the sedimentation tank.

4. Gaseous air pollution: Construction machinery on all sites will consume petrol and diesel, releasing gaseous SO2, CO, and NOx. Equipment will be maintained to a high standard to ensure efficient running and fuel-burning. High-horsepower equipment will be provided with tail gas purifiers. Atmospheric monitoring will be carried out during the construction period. All vehicle emissions will be in compliance with relevant PRC emission standards.

5. Dust: Road construction sites will potentially produce fugitive dust from material storage areas, dump sites, concrete mixing, excavation and general site usage – especially under windy

conditions. Material stockpiles and concrete mixing equipment will be equipped with dust shrouds. The operators will regularly maintain the shrouds to ensure their effective operation. For both construction sites and construction roads, water spraying for the suppression of dust and maintenance of driving surfaces will be standard site management practice. Vehicles carrying soil, sand, or other fine materials to and from the construction sites will be covered.

6. Noise: Noise can be expected during construction due to construction machinery operation and transport activities. Construction activities will involve bulldozers, graders, excavators, concrete-mixing plants, rollers, and other heavy machinery. Noise intensity from these large machines operating is typically in the range of 80–98 decibels at the site (5m from operating

machinery). The transport of material, aggregate, concrete and waste material to and from sites will also cause noise impacts along the haulage routes. Activities with intensive noise levels will not only have an impact on the residents, but may also cause injury to construction workers operating the equipment.

7. Cultural relics: additionally, construction activities have the potential to disturb unknown underground cultural relics. Special attention should be paid and strict procedures should be established so that underground cultural sites can be identified and protected if they are


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report discovered during construction. The mitigation measures will include immediate suspension of construction activities if any archaeological or other cultural relics are encountered. The municipal cultural relic protection authorities, as well as the LPMOs, will be promptly notified, and construction will resume only after thorough investigation and with the permission of the appropriate authority.

Among the projects, Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject (hereafter referred to as RCRF), Wulog Wujiang Flood Management Subproject (hereafter referred to as WLWJ) Wanzhou Yangliu Water Supply Subproject (hereafter referred to as WZYL), Fuling Urban-Rural Road Network Improvement Subproject (hereafter referred to as FLLW), Shizhu County Urban-Rural Road Network Improvement Subproject (hereafter referred to as SZLW) Chenkou County Urban-Rural Road Network Improvement Subproject (hereafter referred to as CKLW) The implementation of adverse environmental impact mitigation measures in project construction period is shown in table 4..


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Table 4: Summary of the Potential Environment Impacts and the Implementation Situations of the Mitigation Measures

during the Construction Period (2016.1-2016.06)

Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject (hereafter referred to as RCRF), Wanzhou Yangliu Water Supply Subproject (hereafter referred to as WZYL), Flood management, road network improvement and water supply subprojects Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Item/ Subproject (WLWJ), Fuling District Urban- Media rural Road Network Improvement Subproject FLLW, Shizhu county Urban-rural Road Network Improvement SubprojectSZLW Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures defined in Implementation Status and compliance with Who Implements Who Supervises and/or Issues the EMP EMP Wastewater from Latrines and seepage pits will be WZYL: Xinjiang WZYL:Wanzhou Water WZYL: the waste water from the construction construction camps installed in any camps. After Corps Water Company; Wanzhou District site is discharged into the stream below the site project completion, the sites will Resources and EnvironmentalProtection through box culvert. The domestic sewage be vacated only after waste has Hydropower Bureau; generated by the camp is deposited by been effectively treated or Engineering Group RCRFH:Rongchang Hongyu removed. sedimentation tank and discharged into municipal Co., Ltd. and Shanxi Water Resources Development pipe network; Co., Ltd.; Rongchang Construction Metallurgical Rock- RCRFH: wastewater treatment facilities, no on- Environmental Protection wastewater from Settling ponds, oil-water separators. Soil Engineering site construction waste water at this stage, the washing Recycled water will be used to Reconnaissance Bureau. office camp rented is near the house, the domestic aggregates, pouring spray for dust control. General Company; WLWJ: Wulong Urban-Rural wastewater was collected by facilities after use; water and curing . Residue will be removed from site RCRFH: Sichuan Development group WLWJ: wastewater treatment facilities, no on- concrete, and disposed in municipal landfills. Zhongcheng Coal Co.,Ltd. ;Wulong County machinery repairs Construction(Group) Environmental Protection site construction waste water at this stage, the office camp rented is near the house, the domestic A detailed geological investigation Co., Ltd.; Bureau; WLWJ: Gezhouba SZLWShizhu wastewater was collected by facilities after use; shall be conducted before the start of the construction. A detailed plan 5Construction (Group) Transportation Construction Groundwater SZLW: soil and water conservation measures must be Co., Ltd.; Anhui Corporation,Shi Zhu County leakage caused by adopted: slope protection: the protection network made in advance for the prevention Hydrological Environmental Protection tunneling can play the role of entrapped in soil, prevent and control of water leakage and Development Bureau. grouting method will be used to Co.,Ltd.; FLLW:Fuling Zhonglong slope rockfall and collapse; grow grass on the deal with water seepage. SZLW: Anhui Water Transportation Construction slope; repair mortar rubble slope protection.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

The wastewater will be stored in the Conservancy Co, ltd; Chongqing Fuling : FLLW the soil and water conservation grit chamber, impounding reservoir Development Co., transportation supervisor Wastewater in the measures: the project has not started, the and the filter tank in order to get rid Ltd.;Jiangsu construction Co.,Ltd., earth caused by environmental protection project approval has of the mud and oil, and reuse when Yancheng Water CKLW: Cheng Kou County tunneling been completed, dump into poor drainage evacuating the tunnel. Construction Co.,Ltd. Transportation Committee, construction drainage ditch, slope platform set cut Wastewater from tunneling will be FLLW:Chongqing Cheng Kou County ditch. Slope of side slope of dumping ground is Silt-rich collected in sediment tanks, Qunzhou Industry Environmental Protection set according to 1:2. After the completion of Group Co., Ltd. Bureau wastewater from retention ponds, and filter tanks to dump, the seeding, planting ficus can be CKLW: Jiangxi tunneling remove silts and oil, and then be implemented. Roada and Bridge reused for the tunnel operations. Construction personnel camp settings and Tunnel Engineering i. A construction materials handling construction site wastewater treatment: the Co., Ltd. and disposal protocol that includes construction staff's diet and accommodation for spill responses will be a part of the the rental of local residents, garbage and waste Site Environmental Management water treatment facilities. Supervision Manual and will be applied to prevent soil and surface/ground water pollution. ii.Construction of storage facilities (including fuel and oil storage), with bund and clean-up equipment. Fuel supplier is properly licensed and follows the proper protocol for Handling of transferring of fuel and in hazardous and compliance with JT 3145-88

harmful (Transportation, Loading and materials Unloading of Dangerous or Harmful Goods). iv.Vehicles and equipment are properly parked in designated areas to prevent contamination of soil and surface water. v.Vehicle, machinery, and equipment maintenance and refueling will be carried out so that spilled materials do not seep into the soil or into water bodies. vi.Fuel storage and refilling areas will be located at least 300 m from


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report drainage structures and important water bodies. vii. Oil traps will be provided for service areas and parking areas.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Hydrological Culvert and bridge pier impacts and constructions will be conducted flooding at during the dry season (from October bridge/culvert to next May), and construction construction during the rainy season shall be sites prohibited.

Water Bodies Affected by In-water operations are all designed Embankment for dry seasons, and all in-water and Soil work areas will be segregated with Removal cofferdams. Operations


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Vehicles carrying soil, sand or other Xinjiang WZYL: WZYL: Due to the completion of the main fine materials to and from the sites Corps Water WZYL: Wanzhou Water project, there will not be a large number of must be covered. Materials storage Resources and Company (the owner unit) sites must be 300 m from residential Hydropower construction dust. A small amount of dust Wanzhou District areas and covered or sprayed with Engineering Group produced by the decoration process can be Environmental Protection water. Co., Ltd. and Shanxi completely controlled by sprinkling dust. Generation of Bureau . Water will be regularly sprayed on Metallurgical Rock- SZLW: construction dust production, the impact dust by WLWJ: Wulong Urban-ruran construction sites and access roads. Soil Engineering of environmental air and control measures: use construction Development Group; . All roads and tracks used by Reconnaissance sprinkler to reduce dust in construction. The activities Environmental Protection vehicles of the contractors or any General Company; finished product is laid directly and no mixing Bureau; subcontractors or supplier will be RCRFH:Sichuan station is provided. RCRF: Rongchang Hongyu kept clean and clear of all dust, Zhongcheng Coal WLWJ: dust control measures: mainly through Water Resources Development mud, or extraneous materials Construction (Group) sprinkler to reduce dust at the scene, the Co., Ltd.; Rongchang dropped by their construction Co., Ltd.; construction area entrances and exits equipped Environmental Protection vehicles. WLWJ: Gezhouba 5 Bureau; with vehicle washing facilities; Site material Construction (Group) storage adopted centralized storage for coverage; air i. Vehicle emissions must be in SZLWShizhu Co., Ltd.; Anhui RCRFH: dust control measures: mainly through compliance with PRC-GB18352- Transportation Construction Hydrological sprinkler to reduce dust, the construction area 2005, GB17691-2005, GB 11340- Corporation, the Development entrances and exits equipped with vehicle 2005, GB3847-2005, and Co.,Ltd.;Jiangsu Environmental Protection GB182852005. ii. Equipment and Bureau washing facilities; Yancheng Water FLLW: the construction of dust, the impact of machinery will be maintained to a Construction CO.,Ltd. FLLW: Fuling Zhonglong high standard to ensure efficient Transportation Construction environmental air and control measures: the Air emission SZLWHunan running and fuel-burning. Co, ltd; Chongqing Fuling construction of dust control, adopted transport from vehicles Foreign Construction High-horsepower equipment will be transportation supervisor vehicles for closed transportation, arrange and equipment Group Co., Ltd. installed with tail gas purifier to construction Co, ltd, sprinkler along the way to control dust. FLLW: Fuling ensure emissions be in compliance CKLW: Chengkou County The sources of road laying materials and Qunzhou Group Co, with Transportation Committee; protective measures for construction site: direct ltd,. PRC-GB16297-1996. Chengkou County purchase of Lek concrete. The protection CKLW: Jiangxi iii. A regular inspection and Environmental Protection measures for K4+740 construction material yard Road, Bridge and certification system must be Bureau Tunnel Engineering are to construct retaining walls on the south side initiated. Co., Ltd. of the material yard, set up the separation wall,


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

and set up drainage ditches around it.

i.Use modern equipment which complies with the asphalt flue Generation of gas standard of GB16297-1966 asphalt flue gas Locate asphalt mixing stations at least 500m from residences.

Noise from i. Noise levels from equipment WZYL: Xinjiang Corps WZYL: Wanzhou Water WZYL, WLWJ and CKLW: there is no heavy Vehicles and and machinery to conform to Water Resources and Company (the owner vehicle entering except for the transport of construction PRCGB12523-90. Hydropower Engineering unit),Wanzhou District decorative materials. And the project will not be machinery ii. Install portable noise shields Group Co., Ltd. and Environmental Protection built, so there is no noise impact on the near sensitive receptors such as Shanxi Metallurgical Bureau environment sensitive spots. schools and residential areas. Rock-Soil Engineering WLWJ: Wulong Urban-rural SZLW: the impact of noise on environmental iii. At construction sites, noise- Reconnaissance General Development Group; sensitive spots and remediation measures: the site generating construction work Company; Environmental Protection is in the mountains, only the basic tenants, and will be stopped between 2000 RCRFH: Sichuan Bureau; only during the day construction, construction at and 0600 Zhongcheng Coal RCRFH: Rongchang Hongyu night, the noise will be reduced to the minimum. Construction (Group) Water Resources Development RCRFH:The construction area is far from the Co., Ltd.; Co., Ltd.; Rongchang residential area, and has not been built at night. Noise WLWJ: Gezhouba 5 Environmental Protection WLWJ:Due to the hot weather, the and Construction (Group)Co., Bureau; construction time changed to 7:00~10:00 and Vibrat 1. The construction unit must Ltd.; Anhui Hydrological SZLWShizhu 18:00~21:00; not at night construction; ion consider the safe distance from Development Co.,Ltd.; Transportation Construction the shot point to people, Jiangsu Yancheng Water Corporation, the FLLW: the construction of dust, the impact of inhabited buildings and other Construction Co., Ltd. Environmental Protection environmental air and control measures: the Tunnel blasting sensitive receivers in need of SZLWHunan Foreign FLLW: Chongqing Fuling construction of dust control, adopted transport and road cutting protection and exercise strict Construction Group Co., District Zhong Long vehicles for closed transportation, arrange blasting impacts control over explosive load and Ltd. Transportation Construction sprinkler along the way to control dust. type to avoid accidental impacts. FLLW: Chong Qing Co., Ltd. The sources of road laying materials and 2. Prohibit blasting in road Qun Zhou Industry CKLW: Chengkou County protective measures for construction site: direct sections near cultural relics Group Co., Ltd. Transportation Committee; purchase of Lek concrete. The protection CKLW: Jiangxi Road Chengkou County measures for K4+740 construction material yard Bridge and Tunnel Co., Environmental Protection are to construct retaining walls on the south side Ltd. of the material yard, set up the separation wall, and set up drainage ditches around it.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

WZYL: Xinjiang Corps Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Group Co., Ltd. and Shanxi Metallurgical, Rock-Soil Engineering Reconnaissance General Company; Cultural Heritage Protection WZYL: Wanzhou Water Bureau of Wanzhou Company (the owner unit), To avoid any false claims, District contractors will document Wanzhou PMO RCRFH: Sichuan cultural relics in the project area WLWJ: Wulong Urban-ruran Zhongcheng Coal of influence prior to start of Development Group; Wulong Construction (Group) construction to ensure that a true PMO; Co., Ltd.;Cultural Protection of record of their pre-construction RCRF: Rongchang Hongyu Heritage Protection Water Resources Development physical cultural condition is kept; Install Bureau of Rongchang relics from vibration monitoring equipment Co., Ltd.; Rongchang PMO; County vibration and at cultural relic sites along SZLWShizhu WLWJ: Gezhouba 5 other Shizhu road subproject; Local Construction (Group) Transportation Construction construction cultural relic protection staff to Co., Ltd.; Anhui Corporation, Shizhu PMO; impacts inspect all phases of work in Hydrological FLLW: Fuling Zhonglong Shizhu road and Youyang flood Development Co., Ltd.; Transportation Construction management subprojects and Jiangsu Yancheng Water Co, ltd; Chongqing; Fuling advise on on-site impact Construction Co., Ltd. PMO mitigation measures; Establish Wu Long County CKLW: Chengkou County chance-finds Cultural Heritage Transportation Committee, Protection Bureau Cheng Kou PMO SZLWHunan Foreign Construction Group Co., Ltd. FLLW: Fuling Qunzhou Group Co ltd,. CKLW: Jiang xi Road, Bridge and Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

The contractors will provide appropriate waste storage containers; Trash collection bins will be regularly sprayed with pesticides WZYL:Wanzhou Water to reduce flies; Company (the owner unit) WZYL: the timely collection of garbage, and WZYL:Xinjiang Corps Domestic waste i Wastes will be stored away Wanzhou District transported to the provisions of the local Water Resources and from from water bodies and will be Environmental Protection sanitation department location; contractor and Hydropower Engineering construction regularly hauled to a suitable Bureau; contaminant leakage emergency disposal Group Co., Ltd.Shanxi camps landfill or designated dumping RCRFH :Rongchang Hongyu institutions agreed, and the related staff training; site; Metallurgical Rock-Soil Water Resources Development the hazardous materials and waste in a safe and iv.Agreements will be signed Engineering Co., Ltd.; reasonable for the protection of local site material Reconnaissance General with local authorities for waste WLWJ:Wulong Urban-ruran storage; concentrated storage and coverage; Company; disposal, where appropriate, Development SZLW: the disposal of abandoned soil: dump RCRFH: Sichuan through local facilities and to Group;Environmental site, the vehicle transported to the scene. Zhongcheng Coal approved disposal sites. Protection Bureau; WLWJ, RCRFH: site material storage and Construction (Group) SZLWShizhu centralized storage and coverage; Solid Co., Ltd.; Anhui FLLW:waste soil and disposal: waste Hydrological Transportation Construction Corporation,Shi zhu Dump was set in the wasteland in the rightside of s Development Co.,Ltd.; Environmental Protection, BK0+000 about 4.5 kilometers. Soil compaction Jiangsu Yancheng Water FLLW: Chongqing Fuling is according to the specification, the surface layer Construction Co., Ltd. District Zhong Long of backfill is not less than 80 cm soil, finally SZLW: Hunan Foreign Construction Group Co., Transportation Construction seeding. Construction Co., Ltd.,Fu Ling Road the road laying material source, construction site Construction wastes that cannot Ltd. wastes could Supervising Engineering Co., be reused will be regularly FLLW: Chong Qing Qun protection measures: purchase Lek concrete direct have adverse Ltd. ,, Fu Ling Environmental transported off-site for disposal, Zhou Industry Group purchase. The protection measures for K4+740 impacts on Bureau; and not allowed to accumulate on Co., Ltd. construction material yard are to construct surrounding CKLW: Chengkou County site over long periods. CKLW: Jiangxi Road retaining walls on the south side of the material environments. Bridge and Tunnel Co., Transportation Committee; yard, set up the separation wall, and set up Chengkou County Ltd. drainage ditches around it. Environmental Protection Bureau


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

The following safeguards will be WZYL, WLWJ, RCRFH, SZLW: a implemented for all construction WZYL:Wanzhou Water conservation plan for soil erosion was developed related earthworks: Construct Company (the owner unit); and approved before construction; Slope interception ditches and drains to Wanzhou District protection, vegetation restoration and other prevent runoff entering WZYL: Xinjiang Corps Environmental Protection measures are adopted to prevent soil erosion. And construction sites, and divert Water Resources and Bureau;Forest Bureau of limit the construction and material transportation runoff from sites to existing Hydropower Engineering Wanzhou in rainy or windy days to prevent soil erosion. drainage; Limit construction and Group Co., Ltd. and District; WZYL, WLWJ, RCRFH: construction units material handling during periods Shanxi Metallurgical RCRFH: Rongchang Hongyu and supervision units of cultivated land protection Erosion from of rains and Rock-Soil Engineering Water Resources Development particularly attach importance to it, before the construction high winds; Stabilize all cut Reconnaissance Co., Ltd.; Rongchang approach of construction and design departments, sites slopes, embankments, and other RCRFH: Sichuan Environmental Protection the owner unit technical personnel to survey the erosion-prone working areas Zhongcheng Coal Bureau; construction site, construction scale, the town, the while works are going on; Construction (Group) Forest Bureau of Rongchang; administrative department for approval by the All earthwork disturbance areas Co., Ltd.; WLWJ: Wulong Urban-rural department of homeland, after having confirmed shall be stabilized within 30 days WLWJ: Gezhouba 5 Development Group;Wulong to construction, and will strictly control the Soil after earthworks have ceased at Construction (Group) EPB, Forest Bureau of covering range as a system and one of the erosio n the sites; Co., Ltd.; Anhui ; important indicators of assessment and rewards and v. Preserve existing vegetation Hydrological SZLWShizhu and punishment, so as not to cause social stabili ty where no construction activity is Development Co., Ltd.; Transportation Construction disputes; The project is to minimize the purpose planned. An Hui Water Development Co., Ltd., Corporation, the of the cultivated land, to build a retaining wall Environmental Protection and to reduce the occupation of cultivated land. i. Strip and stockpile topsoil from Jiangsu Yancheng Water Bureau, Forest Bureau; In addition, the soil (residue) site as far as new sites; Construction Co., Ltd. FLLW: Chongqing Fuling possible to avoid the cultivated land (RCRFH: ii. Provide temporary detention SZLWHunan Foreign District Zhong Long outside the scope of construction line, next to the ponds or containment to control Construction Group Co., Erosion from Transportation Construction empty is located in the left bank (pile number left silt runoff; Ltd. spoil Co., Ltd. Fu Ling EPB; Fu K1 + 350 + 900 ~ K2, K3 + 330 ~ K2 + 56), iii. Construct intercepting FLLW: Fuling Qunzhou disposal sites Ling Foresty Bureau outside the scope of the right bank in construction ditches and drains to prevent Group, Co, ltd. and CKLW: Chengkou County line next to the empty is located in the (pile right outside runoff entering disposal CKLWJiangxi Road operation of Transportation Committee; K2 + 350 ~ K4 + 050 section), are all paid sites, and divert runoff from Bridge and Tunnel borrow pits Chengkou County temporary space, urban construction and the sites; Engineering Co., Ltd Environmental Protection embankment on both sides of the Taiwan backfill, iv. Rehabilitate terrain Bureau; Cheng Kou Forest used for backfill; WZYL: the project is not contours and vegetate borrow Bureau abandoned, and there is no abandoned soil (slag) pits at completion of use. field; WLWJ: the slagging field is located about


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

i.Embankment and pier 1.5 kilometers inside the inner part of the big constructions during the dry season mugou bridge, and is 3 kilometers away from the only; section A. 2 km from the B section; It is 1 km ii.Slopes on both sides of bridges from the C section. Erosion of banks and culverts will be protected WZYL, WLWJ: the rainy season should be and through the iii. Planting of grass and avoided during the construction work time ; The sedimentation of stabilizing vegetation; abandoned soil and discard stones should be watercourses iv.Slurry from pile drilling will be transported in time, the backfill of the earth and during bridge pumped to shore and properly stone should be dealt with by measures such as construction disposed of; lamination; When the trench excavation is carried Pier construction in the water out, a section should be dug and a paragraph bodies will be planned and laid should be filled in. In the area where the collapse out to ensure adequate opening for is prone, the retaining wall, slope protection and water flow. drainage ditch shall be built in a timely manner so i.Spoil disposal sites near tunnel as to prevent the occurrence of soil erosion. In the portals will be identified and process of trench excavation, the soil should be approved before tunneling stacked in layers, and the layers should be Spoil from commences; backfilled to prevent damage to the structure of tunnel Sites will be operated according topsoil and reduce the capacity of water retention construction to EMP spoil disposal site and fertilizer conservation. In the process of prescriptions and on completion laying, the ecological environment should be will be re-contoured and vegetated. protected to prevent soil erosion. Since the Handling and Confirm quality of sludge project has not been completed, the restoration disposal of against GB4284-84 and GB15618- and greening of the construction site will be dredge spoil 95 to ensure safe disposal. implemented in the later stage of construction. WLWJ: there are mud sedimentation tanks at the construction site, and the waste mud is discharged after precipitation. RCRFH: the river bed piling during the Pollution from Rongchang sub project was cancelled because of Slurry will be detained in sediment-rich the optimization and design changes during settlement ponds. Water will be slurry from pile construction. recycled and silt tested for quality driving in river FLLW: this project has no dig and fill, and the for reuse or disposal. beds environment is basically in balance. The main waste soil is the topsoil produced by the red line table. All the topsoil is transported to the designated waste dump, and the retaining wall is built to ensure the stability of the spoil site.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

:Xinjiang WZYL WZYLWanzhou PMO All affected persons will be Corps Water resettled in RCRFHRongchang PMO Resettlement of Resources and a timely and adequate manner, in WLWJWulong county pmo affected persons Hydropower accordance with the Resettlement Engineering Group SZLWShizhu County PMO WZYL, WLWJ, RCRFH, SZLW, FLLW Plan. Co., Ltd. and Shanxi CKLW: Chengkou PMO The specific information is available in the Metallurgical external resettlement monitoring report. All affected persons will be Rock-Soil Engineering Compensation of compensated in a timely and Reconnaissance lost assets adequate manner, in accordance General Company; with the Resettlement Plan. RCRFH: Sichuan Zhongcheng Coal WZYL、WLWJ、RCRFH、SZLW, FLLW, Construction (Group) CKLW A traffic control and organization plan Co., Ltd.; WLWJ: (how to divert or dispatch the traffic to avoid Gezhouba 5 the rush hours in the mornings and in the Construction (Group) afternoons, how to adjust the traffic at WZYL: Wanzhou Water Traffic Co., Ltd.; Anhui intersections, how to build temporary roads, how Company , Wanzhou District management – Selecting haulage routes to reduce Hydrological to choose transport routes to avoid Social Traffic authorities; all projects Development Co., disturbing the normal traffic and how to and Ltd.; Jiangsu RCRFH:Rongchang Hongyu restore the traffic immediately after the Cultur al Yancheng Water Water Resources Development completion of the project) was made and Construction Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.; Rongchang County approved by the local traffic management SZLWHunan Traffic authorities department before the construction starts to Foreign Construction WLWJ: Wulong Urban-rural make sure that the construction and social Group Co., Ltd. Development Group; vehicles can go through. WLWJ: Gezhouba 5 SZLWShizhu Construction (Group) Transportation Construction Co., Ltd.; Anhui Corporation, Shizhu County Hydrological Transportation Bureau Development Co., Traffic Ltd.; Jiangsu management – Yancheng Water road subprojects Construction Co., Ltd. SZLWHunan Foreign Construction Group Co., Ltd. FLLW: Chong Qing Qun Zhou Group Co.,


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Ltd. CKLW: Jiangxi Road Bridge and Tunnel Engineering Co., LTD. WZYL, RCRFH, SZLW, FLLW: erect construction bulletin board at each construction site, including construction content, construction arrangement, responsible person and complaint telephone number. The construction site shall strengthen the supervision and management of environmental hygiene, and the water barrel shall be tightly capped to prevent the pollution of dust and mosquitoes and flies. The workers are equipped with basic labor hygiene and safety precautions, such as work clothes, helmet, canvas gloves and masks. Up to now, no labor accidents and safety accidents have occurred; Handle in the Advance notice of construction will municipal project has support, actively carry out be published before the construction AIDS prevention publicity activities, and in through radio and TV; accordance with the "prevention first, publicity Community Construction billboards, which and education to give priority to, mobilize the safety include construction contents, whole society to participate in and implement schedule, responsible person and comprehensive management" strategy for complaint phone number, will be prevention and control of AIDS. erected at each construction site. WLWJ: erect construction bulletin board at each construction site, including construction content, construction arrangement, responsible person and complaint telephone number. Project is still in the stage before construction, but still attach great importance to production safety and environmental protection work, strict implementation of national and local relevant laws and regulations, the construction unit with all the contractors to sign the safety production responsibility of civilization, regulate the behavior of construction from the system, to ensure the construction safety and environmental


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i.Contractors will be required to WZYL: Wanzhou Water safeguard environmental hygiene in Company, Wanzhou District the construction camps, including Traffic authorities; the quality of water supplies; WLWJ: Wulong Urban-rural ii.All construction sites must Development Group; Wulong provide the necessary personal Traffic authorities; Work camp protective equipment and other RCRF: Rongchang Hongyu health and resources to create a safe working Water Resources Development hygiene environment; Co., Ltd.; Rongchang County iii.Construction site operations must Traffic authorities comply with PRC‘s State SZLWShizhu Transportation Administration of Worker Safety Construction Corporation, Laws and Regulations. Shizhu County Transportation iv. An education program for HIV/AIDS Bureau


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Responsibility of the contractor: i.At all times during construction, the contractor will provide safe and convenient passages for vehicles, pedestrians, and livestock to and from side roads. ii.The Contractor's responsibilities include the protection of every person and nearby property from WZYL: Wanzhou Water construction accidents. The Company (the owner unit) Contractor shall be Wanzhou District responsible for complying with all Environmental Protection national and local safety Bureau requirements and any other RCRFH: Rongchang Hongyu measures necessary to avoid Water Resources Development accidents; Co., Ltd.; Rongchang iii. Provide personal protective Environmental Protection equipment and clothing (goggles, Bureau; WLWJ:Wulong Urban- Construction site gloves, respirators, dust masks, hard rural Development Group; safety hats, steel-toed boots) for Environmental Protection construction workers and enforce Bureau; their use; SZLWShizhu Transportation iv.During heavy rains or Construction Corporation, the emergencies of any kind, suspend Environmental Protection all work; : Chengkou County v. Brace electrical and mechanical CKLW Transportation Committee; equipment to withstand seismic Chengkou County events during the construction. vi. Present details regarding Environmental Protection Bureau maximum permissible vehicular speed on each section of road; vii.Establish safe sight distance in both construction areas and construction camp sites; viii. Place signs around the construction areas to facilitate traffic movement, provide directions to various components of


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report the works, and provide safety advice and warnings.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

WZYL: Wanzhou Water Company; Culural Relics Preservation Office of Wanzhou WZYL, WLWJ, RCRFH, SZLW,FLLW, District CKLW Under the direction of CPMO and the RCRF:Rongchang Hongyu Water Resources Development project management office, the construction unit Co., Ltd.; Cultural Relics had made regulations on protection of the i. Protect cultural heritages of which Preservation Office of suspected cultural relic before the construction the values has been established and Rongchang County team entered the site. The regulations are: when no one is allowed to destroy, WLWJ:Wu long County urban- there is an unidentified object found during earth- stain, hide or damage them in rural development Co., Ltd. rock construction process, stop the construction protection for other ways according to the law of Cultural Relics Preservation immediately, protect the site and report to the cultural heritage, China; construction project management office, which Office of Wulong County material and ii. If the excavation on important will organize the protection work immediately SZLWShizhu Transportation natural heritage sites has started, the excavation and report to the local cultural relics bureau; the Construction Corporation, must stop and the construction unit construction can continue when the cultural relics Cultural Relics Preservation should report it to the district, bureau permit it after identifying the suspected Office of Shizhu County county or city to seek for proper cultural relic; during the protection period of the FLLW: Fuling Zhonglong treatment approaches. suspected cultural relic, the construction unit can Transportation, Construction arrange other work which will not affect the Co., Cultural Relics Preservation protection and identification of the suspected Office of Fuling County cultural relic. Up to now, there is no suspected CKLW: Chengkou County cultural relic found in the construction site. Transportation Committee, Cultural Relics Preservation Office of Chengkou County


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

WZYL: Xinjiang Corps Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Group Co., Ltd. and Shanxi Metallurgical Rock- WZYL: There is no natural protection zone In the construction of the road Soil Engineering around. The project has been completed, the section in Reconnaissance vegetation recovery and green should has been Fuling District near the Damu RCRF: Sichuan finished; the related protected measures has been Nature Zhongcheng Coal taken to the plant around the project site. Reserve, the contractor must Construction WLWJ、RCRFH、SZLW、CKLW there proceed in (Group) Co., Ltd.; is no natural protection zones around; the project close consultation with the Nature WLWJ: Gezhouba is under construction, the vegetation recovery and Reserve Management Office to 5 Construction green should be implemented in the later stage of ensure In all the projects, only Fuling (Group) the project; the measures taken should strengthen that day-to-day activities do not urban and rural road Development Co., the protection of the surrounding vegetation Protection of impact improvement subproject is Ecology Ltd.; Anhui Water 、 the construction of banks Nature Reserve on important flora and fauna values. located in the natural protection WLWJ RCRFH value Development Co., values i. Minimize construction area; zone (Damu natural protection will result in the losses of the original vegetation Ltd. Jiangsu around the rivers, but the dam design is for the Environmental training especially Yancheng Water reserves management office, fire local project management office) protection of the vegetation in grids, after the Construction Co., completion of the project, the original vegetation prevention training should be Ltd. SZLWHunan provided can realize the basic recovery Foreign to construction workers; FLLW: The National Forest Protection and Fire Construction Group No tree is allowed to be cut out of Prevention regulations and rules will be highly Co., Ltd. ROW; concerned during the construction. It is to SZLWHunan No borrow and spoil is allowed strengthen fire prevention and forestry protection within Foreign policy, and forbid to have no lighting in the NR area; Construction Group construction. It will not be allowed to cut tree and Co., Ltd. forest without indication from authority. FLLW:Chongqing Qunzhou Industy Group Co. Ltd. CKLW:Jiangxi Road Bridge and Tunnel Co. LTD.


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WZYL: Wanzhou Water Company (the owner unit) Wanzhou EPB i.In compliance with the PRC RCRF: Rongchang Hongyu Forestry Law, IU will undertake Water Resources Development compensatory planting of an Co., Ltd.; Rongchang EPB equivalent or larger area of affected WLWJ: Wulong Urban-ruran forest trees. Development Group; Wulong ii. The re-vegetation will comprise a Replacement of EPB; selection of species that are suitable lost vegetation SZLWShizhu Transportation for this area and have the most Construction Corporation, appropriate attributes to survive and Shizhu County;Shizhu EPB serve their designated functions. Fuling Zhonglong iii. New plantings will be FLLW maintained during the operation Transportation Construction Co, period. ltd.;Fuling EPB; CKLW:Chengkou Transpoartation Committee; Chengkou EPB


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

It can be seen in Table 4 that the environment impacts mitigation measures in the construction sites of the Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject, Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Subproject, Wanzhou Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, Shizhu urban and rural road network improvement Subproject, Chengkou urban and rural road network improvement Subproject are implemented effectively in environment impact mitigation measurement and the environment management in the construction site are in order .

The results of the field investigation and monitoring of the environment supervisors arethe

downstream receiving water quality of the Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject, Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Subproject and Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, Fuling district urban and rural road network improvement subproject and Shizhu county urban and rural road network improvement subproject, Chengkou urban and rural road network improvement subproject conform to the III category water quality standards; the above subprojects have taken corresponding measures to minimize the noise generated during the construction and there is no complaint so far for that the noise generated has very little impact on the environment sensitive sites in the neighborhood and has not disturbed the residents; the waste earth and rocks excavated in the above subprojects have been backfilled nearby or reused so that the waste earth and rocks and pits are thoroughly used, meanwhile it has prevented the environment impacts and ecological damages caused by choosing another earth disposal site and reduced the load of the existing waste disposal areas in town or the district. Up to the report period, Rongchang rongfeng river flood management sub-project sludge detection report has been entrusted to the third party testing unit for testing.

The above projects all conform requirements of suitable for local conditions, comprehensive prevention and treatment, practical and beautiful in Developing and Construction Project Water and Soil Conservation Technical Regulation (GB50433-2008). Meanwhile, the above projects have taken proper measures and have no negative impact on the surrounding ecology environment and society.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

3.5 Monitoring Results

3.5.1 External Monitoring

The environment external monitoring contract of the ADB-financed Chongqing Urban-rural

Infrastructure Development Demonstration Project Phase was signed in February 2015. The independent

EEM unit is Halcrow (Chongqing) Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd. The team composition of the company

in the environment external monitoring is available in Table 5.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Table 5 the Team Composition of the Company in the Environment External Monitoring

Company Name Staff Duties Yin Jian Team Leader Chen Qiuwen Data monitoring and prepare report Halcrow (Chongqing) Engineering Wang Hong Organizing and coordinating work Consulting Co. Ltd. Zhu Xinzhong Coordinating the local monitoring Wang Xiaohua Collect data and prepare report

Monitoring plan in EMP sees table 6,7.

Table 6 Environmental Monitoring Plan ͣFlood Management Projectͤ

Implementation Supervise Item Parameters Location Monitoring frequency Agency Agency

pH, SS, DO,

NH3-N, TP, Environmental

BOD5, monitoring at sewage Twice every year CODCr, designated Escherichia construction site Local Constructio coli, oil Environmental Local n period monitoring EPB station SS, DO, Surface Upstream one point NH -N, TP, Four times every year water 3 downstream two point BOD5, COD


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

All construction sites

at least one point at Three consecutive days for monitoring, TSP, PM10, Air twice each day, four times each year NOx both upwind and downwindsensitive during construction point nearby

Boundaries at each Two consecutive days for monitoring, Daily construction sites, Noise once each morning and evening, four sensitive point average value times during construction nearby

Wastes in

work shed and Visual inspection at Solid waste constructio each work shed and Twice each year n wastes at construction site constructio n site

Water and Water and soil erosion soil erosion Visual inspection At least twice each year and once after and intensity spoil ground and construction completion vegetation and construction site restoration vegetation restoration


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Table 7 Environmental Monitoring PlanͣRoad and Water Supply Projectͤ

Implementation Item Parameter Location Supervise Agency Monitor frequency Agency

pH, SS, DO, Environmental

NH3-N, TP, BOD5, monitoring at sewage Twice each year CODCr, escherichia designated coli, oil construction site

All construction sites at least one point at Three consecutive days for air TSP, PM10, NOx both upwind and monitoring, twice each day, four Downwind)sensitive Local IU times each year during construction Construction point nearby Environmental Local period EPB monitoring station Two consecutive days for Boundaries at each monitoring, once each morning and noise Daily mean value construction sites, evening, four times during sensitive point nearby construction

Wastes in work Visual inspection spoil shed and Solid waste ground and Twice each year construction wastes construction site at construction site


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Water and Water and soil soil erosion Visual inspection spoil Local erosion intensity At least twice each year and once and ground and EPB and vegetation after construction completion vegetation construction site and FB restoration restoration

Note: the above information refers to EMP, monitoring plan. The analysis methods of the monitoring parameters and the detection limits are available in Table 8

Table 8 Monitoring Methods for Ambient Atmosphere, Noise and Water

Monitoring Item Method (Standard Number) Limit of Detection TSP (mg/m3) Gravimetric Method (GB/T15432-1995) 0.009 PM10 (mg/m3) Gravimetric Method HJ618-2011 0.008 3 NO2 (mg/m ) Saltzman Method (Spectrophotometric) Method, GB/T15432-1995) 0.001

Considerable Standard of environmental noise emission in construction field Continuous A Class / (GB 12523-2011) Sound (Leq,dB) pH value Glass Electrode Method (GB6920-86) 0.01 SS (mg/L) The weight method of the water quality suspension 4 DO (mg/L) Iodometry (GB1 1(GB7489-87)901-89) 0.2 Total PhosphorusTP Ammonium Molybdate Spectrophotometric MethodGB11893-89 0.01 (mg/L)


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

CODCr (mg/L) Dichromate MethodGB11914-89 5

NH3-N (mg/L) Salicylic Acid Spectrophotometric Method 0.01 HJ 536—2009

BOD5 (mg/L) Dilution and Inoculation Method (GB7488-87) 2

Multi-tube Zymolytic Method, Filter Membrane Method Fecal Coliformeach/L / (HJ 347-2007))

Petroleum(mg/L) Infrared Spectrophotometric Method (HJ 637-2012) 0.01

Table 9~Table 28 are the external monitoring results and brief analyses of the environments around the construction sites of

the Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject, Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Subproject and Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, Fuling district urban and rural road network improvement subproject, Shizhu county urban and rural road network improvement subproject and Chengkou county urban and rural road network improvement subproject.


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Table 9: The Domestic Sewage Environment External Monitoring Results of the Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management

Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Activity Up to Standard Baseline Standard Monitoring Situation Situation, Over Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values Project Item Monitoring Values During the Standard Rate, Further Sampling Time and 2012 Performed Parameters ͣmg/Lͤ Monitoring Mitigation Measures Spot/Section Frequency ͣmg/Lͤ ͣmg/Lͤ Period and Cost Budget

pH / 7.65 69 It conforms to the III SS / 285 400 category water quality DO / 6.8 5 standards in The Total Integrated Rongchang Phosphorus / 0.15 0.3 wastewater Sampled Rongfeng TP domestic discharge standard once on Normal River Flood CODCr sewage / 42.5 500 GB8978-2002), in Novemb construction Management discharge which, DO is fit the NH -N er 14, / Subproject 3 6.6 25 water quality 2017 standard of III BOD5 / 22.3 300 category in Surface

Fecal Water Environment / 2820 10000个/L Coliform Quality Standard (GB3838-2002)the 2.5 20 Petroleum / water environment quality is relatively Monitoring Unit: Rongchang Environmental Monitoring Station Note: The monitoring value of pH is dimensionless.


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Table 10: The Surface Water Environment External Monitoring Results of the Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management

Subproject during the Construction Monitoring Details Up to Standard Activity Standard Situation, Over Baseline Situation Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Values Standard Rate, Project Item Monitoring Values of During the Sampling Time and Values mg/Lͤ Performed Further Mitigation Parameters 2012ͣmg/Lͤ Monitoring Spot/Section Frequency ͣmg/Lͤ Measures and Cost Period Budget pH 8.86 7.64 69 SS 40m away / 282 ≤400 It conforms to the from III category water DO / 6.2 ≥5 construction standardsquality in “The Surface Water Total site at the Sampled once Environment Quality Rongchang Phosphorus Rongfeng on November / 0.12 ≤0.2 Standard” Rongfeng TP River 14, 2017 GB3838-2002 ; Normal River Flood downstream among SS meet the CODCr 25.2 16.4 ≤20 construction Management section(under requirements of “Integrated Wastewater Subproject the bridge of Discharge Standard” NH3-N 0.343 0.31 ≤1.0 Rongfeng GB8978-2002 and River the water environment

BOD5 3.5 3.0 ≤4.0 quality is relatively good. pH 40m away Sampled 8.86 7.77 69


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

from once on SS / 284 ≤400 construction November 14, 2017

DO site at the / 6.4 ≥5 Rongfeng

TP River / 0.16 ≤0.2 upstream

CODCr sectionunder 25.2 17.3 ≤20 the bridge of

NH3-N Rongfeng 0.343 0.33 ≤1.0 River

BOD5 3.5 3.2 ≤4.0

Monitoring Agency: Rongchang Environment Monitoring Station

Note: The monitoring value of pH is dimensionless.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report Table 11: The Atmosphere Environment External Monitoring Results of the Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject during the Construction

Activity Monitoring Details Situation Up to Standard Situation, Over Monitoring During the Standard Rate, Further Standard Project Name Baseline Values Monitoring Mitigation Measures and Cost Valuesͣmg/ Values of 2012 Period Budget Monitoring Sampling m3ͤ Performed Monitoring Spot Parameters Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Time and ͣmg/m3ͤ ͣmg/ m3ͤ Parameters Sampling Spot Frequency

0.0554- SO2 0.065 0.15 0.1228 The atmosphere environment 45m away from the quality around the construction Rongchang 0.0247- NO2 construction site at Monitored 1 0.042 0.08 site conforms to the Class II Rongfeng 0.0517 the gate of the Heting day on Normal standard in “The Ambient River Flood Hotel on the right November 14, construction Atmosphere Quality Standard” Management bank of Rongfeng 2017 0.0363- GB3095-2012. The ambient Subproject PM10 0.122 0.15 River 0.1344 atmosphere quality is relatively good.

TSP 0.02 0.015 0.3

Monitoring Unit: Rongchang Environmental Monitoring Station Note there is only one sensitive site near the construction site


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Table 12: The Noise Environment External Monitoring Results of the Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject during the Construction

Activity Monitoring Details Baseline Standard Situation Up to Standard Situation, Monitoring During the Over Standard Rate, Further Project Values of Values Values Monitoring Mitigation Measures and Name 2012 Performed dB(A) Period Cost Budget Monitoring dB(A) db(A) Monitoring Monitoring Sampling Spot Monitoring Monitoring Time and Parameters Parameters Sampling Spot Frequency The acoustic environment of the residential area around the day time 45m away from the / 52 ≤60 once in the day construction site conforms to construction site time and once in the 2 category standard in near the Heting the night time “Environmental Quality Hotel on the right on November Standard for Noise” (GB3096- bank of Rongfeng night time 14, 2017 / 41 ≤50 2008). The acoustic River Rongchang environment in the project Rongfeng Normal location is good. River Flood construction The acoustic environment of Management boundary of the day time / 60 ≤70 the residential area around the Subproject construction section once in the day construction site conforms to (30m away from time and once in the category II standard in the construction site the night time “Environmental Quality near the city pig on November Standard for Noise” (GB3096- breeding farm on night time 14, 2017 / 43 ≤55 2008). The acoustic the left bank of environment in the project river location is good.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Table 13: The Domestic Sewage Environment External Monitoring Results of the Wulong Wujiang Flood Management

Subproject during the Construction Monitoring Details Up to Standard

Baseline Standard Activity Situation, Over Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values Situation During Standard Rate, Project Item Monitoring Values Sampling Time and 2012 Performed the Monitoring Further Mitigation Parameters ͣmg/Lͤ Spot/Section Frequency ͣmg/Lͤ ͣmg/Lͤ Period Measures and Cost Budget

pH / 7.5 69

SS / 290 ≤400

DO / 5.87 ≥5 It conforms to the Total III category water Wulong Phosphorus / 0.15 ≤0.3 quality Sampled Wujiang TP Domestic standards in once on Normal Integrated Flood COD sewage / 37.8 ≤500 Cr Septembe construction Wastewater Management discharge Discharge NH3-N r 10, 2017 / 7.0 ≤25 Subproject Standard GB8978-2002), in BOD5 / 21.4 ≤300 which, Do is fit the water quality standard of Fecal / 3020 ≤10000个/L III category in Surface Coliform Water Environment Quality Standard Petroleum / 2.2 ≤20 (GB3838-2002)the water environment quality is relatively good. Monitoring Unit: Wulong Environmental Monitoring Station


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Table 14: The Surface Water Environment External Monitoring Results of the Wulong Wujiang Flood Management

Subproject during the Construction Monitoring Details Up to Standard Activity Standard Situation, Over Baseline Situation Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Values Standard Rate, Project Item Monitoring Values of During the Sampling Time and Valueͣs mg/Lͤ Performed Further Mitigation Parameters 2012ͣmg/Lͤ Monitoring Spot/Section Frequency ͣmg/Lͤ Measures and Cost Period Budget 7.55- pH 7.59 69 8.30 SS / 278 ≤400 It conforms to the III category water DO / 5.8 ≥5 quality standards in “

50m away The Surface Water Wulong Environment Quality Total from the Sampled Wujiang Standard” Phosphorus upstream of once on / 0.15 ≤0.2 Normal Flood GB3838-2002; TP section B construction among SS meet the Management September construction requirements of “ Subproject CODCr 10, 2017 10 9.4 ≤20 site Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard” 0.126- GB8978-2002 and NH3-N 0.14 ≤1.0 0.177 the water environment quality is relatively good. BOD5 2 1.73 ≤4.0 Wulong 50m away Sampled 7.55- Normal pH 7.6 69 Wujiang from the once on 8.30 construction


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downstream of September Flood SS / 287 ≤400 Management section B 10, 2017 DO / 5.8 ≥5 Subproject construction Total site (under the Phosphorus / 0.16 ≤0.2 bridge) TP

CODCr 10 9.7 ≤20

0.126- NH3-N 0.16 ≤1.0 0.177

BOD5 2 1.75 ≤4.0

Monitoring Unit: Wulong Environmental Monitoring Station

Note: The monitoring value of pH is dimensionless.

Table 15: The Atmosphere Environment External Monitoring Results of the Wulong Flood Management Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Up to Standard

Activity Situation, Over

Baselin Standard Situation Standard Rate, Monitorin Monitorin Monitorin e Values During the Further Project Monitorin g Valuesͣ g g Time Values Perform Monitoring Mitigation Name g 3 Sampling and of 2012 mg/ m ͤ ed Period Measures and Paramete Spot Frequenc ͣmg/m3ͤ ͣmg/ m3ͤ Monitoring Cost Budget rs y Parameters Monitoring


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0.006- The atmosphere 0.007 0.15 SO2 0.008 environment quality 400m away around the Wulong from the 0.021- construction site Monitored 0.023 0.08 NO2 Section A 0.029 conforms to the Class Wujiang 1 day on II standard in “The construction Normal Flood Ambient Atmosphere September construction site at the gate Quality Standard” Management 10, 2017 / 0.133 0.15 PM10 of Wulong Subproject GB3095-2012. No.2 primary The ambient atmosphere quality is school 0.09- relatively good. TSP 0.16 0.30 0.18

Monitoring Unit: Wulong Environmental Monitoring Station

Table 16: The Noise Environment External Monitoring Results of the Wulong Flood Management Subproject during the Construction Monitoring Details Activity Up to Standard Situation, Situation Baseline Standard Over Standard Rate, Monitoring During the Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values Further Mitigation Project Name Monitoring Values Monitoring Sampling Time and 2012 Performed Measures and Cost Parameters ͣdB(A)ͤ Period Spot Frequency ͣdB(A)ͤ ͣdb(A)ͤ Budget Monitoring Monitoring Sampling Spot Parameters

Wulong 400m away Once in the The acoustic environment 53.2- Normal Wujiang day time from the day time and 55 ≤60 of the residential area 67.8 construction Flood Section A once in the around the construction site


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Management Construction night time category standard in

Subproject site at the gate on “Environmental Quality 48.3- of Wulong September 44 ≤50 Standard for Noise” night time 54.8 No.2 primary 10, 2017 (GB3096-2008). The school acoustic environment in the project location is good. The acoustic environment Boundary of / 62 ≤70 of the construction site day time the once in the conforms to emission limits construction day time and in the “Emission Standard section C once in the Normal of Environment Noise for (30m away night time construction Boundary of Construction from the on / 47 ≤55 Site” ( GB 125232011). night time ending of September The acoustic environment Wujiang 3rd 10, 2017 in the project location is bridge) good. Monitoring Unit:Wulong Environmental Monitoring Station


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Table 17: The Domestic Sewage External Monitoring Results of the Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject

Monitoring Details Activity

Situation Up to Standard Baselin Standard Monitorin During Situation, Over Proje Monitorin Monitorin e Values Monitori g the Standard Rate, Further ct g g Time Values Performe ng Values Monitorin Mitigation Measures Nam Sampling and of 2012 d Paramete ͣmg/Lͤ g Period and Cost Budget e Spot/Sectio Frequenc ͣmg/Lͤ ͣmg/Lͤ rs Monitorin Monitoring Sampling n y

pH / 7.6 69

SS / 290 ≤400

DO / 6.9 ≥5 150m away It conforms to the III Total Wanzhou from the category water quality District Phosphor inlet / 0.17 ≤0.3 standards in Integrated sampled Yangliu us construction Normal Wastewater Discharge once on GB8978-2002), in which, D0 Water COD camp site / 41.2 ≤500 constructio Cr December is fit the water quality standard Supply drainage n of III category in Surface NH3-N 12, 2017 / 7.5 ≤25 Subproje ditch(150m Water Environment Quality

ct BOD5 from / 23.9 ≤300 Standard (GB3838-2002)the water environment Fecal entrance) ≤10000个 / 3002 quality is relatively good Colifor /L Petroleum / 2.6 ≤20 Monitoring Unit: Wanzhou District Environmental Monitoring Station Note: The monitoring value of pH is dimensionless.


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Table 18: The Atmosphere Environment External Monitoring Results of the Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject

Monitoring Details Activity Up to Standard Situation Standard Situation, Over Baseline Monitoring During the Project Monitoring Monitoring Values Standard Rate, Monitoring Values of 2012 Values Monitoring Name Sampling Time and Performed Further Parameters ͣmg/Lͤ ͣmg/Lͤ Period Spot Frequency ͣmg/Lͤ Mitigation Monitoring Measures and Parameters Cost Budget Monitoring Sampling Spot 300m away Normal The atmosphere SO2 0.001-0.169 0.08 0.15 construction environment Wanzhou from the quality around the District construction Monitored construction site NO2 0.002-0.089 0.066 0.08 Yangliu site at the gate all day on conforms to the December 12, Water PM10 of Chongqing 0.016-0.332 0.125 0.15 second 2017 Supply Economics standard in “The Ambient Subproject TSP and Business / 0.21 0.30 Atmospher School e Quality Monitoring Unit: Wanzhou District Environmental Monitoring Station

Table 19: The Noise Environment External Monitoring Results of Wanzhou Yangliu Subproject during the Construction Monitoring Details Activity Up to Standard Baseline Standard Monitoring Situation Situation, Over Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values Project Name Monitoring Values During the Standard Rate, Sampling Time and 2012 Performed Parameters ͣdB(A)ͤ Monitoring Further Spot Frequency ͣdB(A)ͤ ͣdb(A)ͤ Period Mitigation


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Monitoring Parameters The acoustic 350m away 41.1- environment of day time from the Once in the 53 ≤60 53.3 the residential construction day time and area around the once in the site at the gate Normal night time on construction site of Chongqing December 12, construction conforms to the 2 37.5- night time Economics 2017 44 ≤50 category standard and Business 47.3 in “Environmental Wanzhou School Quality Standard Yangliu The acoustic Subproject Boundary of Normal environment of day time the once in the day / 62 ≤70 construction the construction construction time and once in the night site conforms to site (20m time emission limits away from the onDecember in the “Emission ending of 12, 2017 night time / 45 ≤55 Standard of Yangliu Environment Bridge) Noise for Monitoring Unit: Wanzhou District Environmental Monitoring Station

Table 20: The Domestic Sewage Environment External Monitoring Results of the Fuling road Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Baselin Monitorin Standard Activity Up to Project Item Monitorin Monitoring Monitorin e Values g Values Situation Standar g Sampling g Time of 2012 Values Performed During the d


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Spot/Section Frequency ͣmg/Lͤ ͣmg/Lͤ Period Further Mitigation Measures and Cost Budget

pH / 7.6 69

SS / 286 ≤400 It conforms to the III category water DO / 6.8 ≥5 quality standards in Total GB8978-2002), in Phosphorus / 0.15 ≤0.3 Sampled once which, D0 is fit the TP 200m away on October 19, water quality standard of Fuling road 2017 Normal COD from the / 40.0 ≤500 III category in Surface Subproject Cr construction downstream Water Environment NH -N / 8.4 ≤25 Quality Standard 3 discharge (GB3838-2002)the outlet of BOD5 / 24.2 ≤300 water environment Maxi river quality is relatively good

Fecal / 2908 ≤10000个/L Coliform Petroleum / 2.4 ≤20 Monitoring Unit: Fuling Environmental Monitoring Station Note: The monitoring value of pH is dimensionless.

Table 21: The Atmosphere Environment External Monitoring Results of Fuling Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Baseline Monitoring Standard Activity Up to Standard Project Name Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Values of Valuesͣmg/ Values Situation Situation, Over


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Parameters Sampling Time and 2012 m3ͤ Performed During the Standard Rate, Further Spot Frequency ͣmg/m3ͤ ͣmg/ m3ͤ Monitoring Mitigation Measures Period and Cost Budget Monitoring Monitoring Sampling Parameters Spot The atmosphere The 0.010- SO2 0.017 0.15 environment quality 0.024 residential around the construction area near the Monitored 0.029- site conforms to the NO2 0.063 0.08 Class II standard in “The Fuling road construction 1 day on 0.094 Normal Ambient Atmosphere Subproject site October construction Quality Standard” 0.010- PM10 19, 2017 0.014 0.15 GB3095-2012. The 0.021 ambient atmosphere TSP / 0.22 0.30 quality is relatively good. Monitoring Unit: Fuling Environmental Monitoring Station

Table 22: The Noise Environment External Monitoring Results of Fuling Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Activity Up to Standard Situation, Baseline Standard Situation Monitoring Over Standard Rate, Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values During the Project Name Monitoring Values Further Mitigation Sampling Time and 2012 Performed Monitoring Parameters ͣdB(A)ͤ Measures and Cost Budget Spot Frequency ͣdB(A)ͤ ͣdb(A)ͤ Period Monitoring Sampling Spot Monitoring


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Parameters The acoustic environment of 40.5- day time 47 ≤60 the residential area around the Once in the 49.4 The day time and construction site conforms to residential the 2 category standard in once in the Fuling Normal area near the night time on “Environmental Quality Subproject October 19, construction construction 36.4- Standard for Noise” night time 2017 38 ≤50 site 40.7 (GB3096-2008). The acoustic environment in the project location is good. Monitoring Unit: Fuling Environmental Monitoring Station

Table 23: The Domestic Sewage Environment External Monitoring Results of the Shizhu road Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Up to Standard

Baseline Standard Activity Situation, Over Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values Situation During Standard Rate, Project Item Monitoring Values Sampling Time and 2012 Performed the Monitoring Further Mitigation Parameters ͣmg/Lͤ Spot/Section Frequency ͣmg/Lͤ ͣmg/Lͤ Period Measures and Cost Budget It conforms to the pH 200m away / 7.6 69 Sampled once III category water from the Shizhu road SS on December / 281 ≤400 Normal quality downstream 22, 2017. standards in Subproject construction DO discharge / 6.8 ≥5 Integrated Wastewater outlet of the Total / 0.16 ≤0.3 Discharge Yuelai river Standard GB8978-2002


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Phosphorus in which,Do is fit the TP water quality standard of III category in Surface CODCr / 39.0 ≤500 Water Environment

NH3-N / 7.2 ≤25 Quality Standard (GB3838-2002) and the water BOD5 / 23.1 ≤300 environment quality

Fecal is relatively / 2812 ≤10000个/L good. Coliform Petroleum / 2.3 ≤20 Monitoring Unit: Shizhu Environmental Monitoring Station Note: The monitoring value of pH is dimensionless.

Table 24: The Atmosphere Environment External Monitoring Results of Shizhu Road Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Activity Up to Standard

Situation Situation, Over Baseline Standard Monitoring During the Standard Rate, Further Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values Project Name Monitoring Valuesͣmg/ Monitoring Mitigation Measures Sampling Time and 2012 Performed Parameters 3 Period and Cost Budget Spot Frequency ͣmg/m3ͤ m ͤ ͣmg/ m3ͤ Monitoring Monitoring Sampling Parameters Spot 0.014- The atmosphere Shizhu road The Monitored 0.016 0.15 Normal SO2 0.018 environment quality subproject residential 1 day on construction around the construction


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area near the site conforms to the December 22, 0.014- NO2 0.016 0.08 Class II standard in “The constriction 2017. 0.018 Ambient Atmosphere

site Quality Standard” 0.040- PM10 0.042 0.15 GB3095-1996. The 0.044 ambient atmosphere quality is relatively TSP / 0.24 0.30 good.

Monitoring Unit: Shizhu Environmental Monitoring Station

Notethere is only one sensitive site near the construction site the monitoring value of NO2、PM10、TSP exceed the baseline value due to the construction work.

Table 25: The Noise Environment External Monitoring Results of Shizhu Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Activity Up to Standard Situation, Situation Baseline Standard Over Standard Rate, Monitoring During the Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values Further Mitigation Project Name Monitoring Values Monitoring Sampling Time and 2012 Performed Measures and Cost Parameters ͣdB(A)ͤ Period Spot Frequency ͣdB(A)ͤ ͣdb (A)ͤ Budget Monitoring Monitoring Sampling Spot Parameters Once in the The acoustic environment Shizhu road The day time and 44.7- of the residential area Subproject day time residential once in the 45 ≤60 45.9 Normal around the construction site area near the night time on December 22, construction conforms to the II construction 2017. 38.7- category standard in night time site 39 ≤50 39.5 “Environmental Quality


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(GB3096-2008). The acoustic environment in the project location is good. Monitoring Unit: Shizhu Environmental Monitoring Station

Table 26: The Domestic Sewage Environment External Monitoring Results of the Chengkou road Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Up to Standard

Baseline Standard Activity Situation, Over Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values Situation During Standard Rate, Project Item Monitoring Values Sampling Time and 2012 Performed the Monitoring Further Mitigation Parameters ͣmg/Lͤ Spot/Section Frequency ͣmg/Lͤ ͣmg/Lͤ Period Measures and Cost Budget It conforms to the pH 200m away / 7.5 69 Sampled once III category water from the Cheng Kou SS on November / 279 ≤400 Normal quality downstream 15, 2017. standards in The road construction DO discharge / 6.8 ≥5 Integrated Subproject Wastewater outlet of the Total / 0.17 ≤0.3 Discharge Yuelai river Standard GB8978-2002),


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Phosphorus in which, Do is fit the TP water quality standard of III category in Surface CODCr / 38.5 ≤500 Water Environment Quality Standard NH3-N / 7.1 ≤25 (GB3838-2002) and BOD5 / 23.4 ≤300 the water environment quality is relatively Fecal / 2808 ≤10000个/L good. Coliform Petroleum / 2.7 ≤20 Monitoring Unit: Chengkou Environmental Monitoring Station Note: The monitoring value of pH is dimensionless.

Table 27: The Atmosphere Environment External Monitoring Results of Chengkou Road Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Activity Up to Standard

Situation Situation, Over Baseline Standard Monitoring During the Standard Rate, Further Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values Project Name Monitoring Valuesͣmg/ Monitoring Mitigation Measures Sampling Time and 2012 Performed Parameters 3 Period and Cost Budget Spot Frequency ͣmg/m3ͤ m ͤ ͣmg/ m3ͤ Monitoring Monitoring Sampling Parameters Spot 0.024- The atmosphere Chengkou The Monitored 0.036 0.15 Normal SO2 0.076 environment quality road residential 1 day on construction around the construction subproject


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area near the November 15, 0.0029- site conforms to the NO 2 constriction 2017. 0.0052 0.08 Class II standard in “The 0.0085 Ambient Atmosphere site Quality Standard” PM10 0.045 0.15 GB3095-1996. The ambient atmosphere

quality is relatively TSP 0.17- 0.20 0.30 good.

0.22 Monitoring Unit: Chengkou Environmental Monitoring Station

Table 28: The Noise Environment External Monitoring Results of Shizhu Subproject during the Construction

Monitoring Details Activity Up to Standard Situation, Situation Baseline Standard Over Standard Rate, Monitoring During the Monitoring Monitoring Values of Values Further Mitigation Project Name Monitoring Values Monitoring Sampling Time and 2012 Performed Measures and Cost Parameters ͣdB(A)ͤ Period Spot Frequency ͣdB(A)ͤ ͣdb(A)ͤ Budget Monitoring Monitoring Sampling Spot Parameters Once in the 51.1- The acoustic environment Wulong The day time and 56.3 of the residential area Wujiang day time residential once in the 52 ≤60 Normal around the construction site Flood area near the night time onNovember construction conforms to the II category Management construction 15, 2017. 40.2- standard in “Environmental Subproject night time site 42 ≤50 48.2 Quality Standard for Noise”


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(GB3096-2008). The acoustic environment in the project location is good. Monitoring Unit: Chengkou Environmental Monitoring Station

Note: Baseline value of all projects included in table 9-26 is in line with that in 2012(source: environmental assessment report)


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After three visits and visual inspection on construction site, investigation on contractor or supervisory company’s daily record book and monitoring of all parameters of corresponding monitoring point locations at construction sites (table 9-27), the report finds out (1) construction

sites of Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management subproject, Wulong Flood Management subproject, Yangliu Water Supply subproject in Wanzhou District, Fuling road subproject, Shizhu road subproject and Chengkou Road Improvement Subproject which have been under construction are near the environmental monitoring point locations whose domestic sewage, surface water, air

and sound environment all meet environmental standard requirement of related functional zone and have slight difference with baseline value of all parameters; But due to the landslide in part of the construction surface during the second season of the Shizhu sub-project because of heavy rain, a certain effects was on the surrounding ecological environment. Under the actively processing of the construction units , the impact was controlled at the minimum. In this case, relevant construction and attention should be

made to the representative of the site owner and the personnel of the construction unit2After visual

inspection on construction on site of subproject under construction , solid wastes such as work

shed’s wastes and construction wastes are all collected and disposed( regularly transport to local sewage disposal site). Thus it can be seen that implementation measures which are formulated by all subprojects EMP to alleviate pollution are well-done. All subprojects’ constructions have little impact on environment.

3.5.2 Internal Monitoring

Sort out contents according to contractor and supervisor’s supervising monthly report submitted to owner .Brief description of Internal monitoring of project under construction sees table 29.


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Table 29: A Brief Description of the Internal Monitoring of project under construction

Responsible Item Monitor parameter Monitor PT Monitor frequency Monitor result entity

Flood Management Project: Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management sub-projectͣRCRFͤWulong Flood Management subproject (WLWJ) Spot check to pH, SS, DO, NH3-N, TP, Drainage areas of all drainage sites of RCRFH: Sichuan sewage BOD5, CODCr, escherichia construction sites and Zhongcheng Coal domestic sewage at coli, oil domestic sewage Construction least once a month (Group) Co., Ltd.; Rongchang SS, DO, NH3-N, TP, BOD5, Upstream one point, Surface water downstream two Once a month County COD Hongyu Water points Resource Floating dust alleviation Development

measureswatering、vehicle Visual inspection on All parameters’ CO., Ltd, air Once a week all construction sites monitoring result WLWJ: Construction coveringvehicle and device meet Gezhouba 5 period maintenance Two consecutive corresponding Construction

days for monitoring, standard (Group) Co., Ltd.; All construction sites’ once each morning Anhui noise Daily mean value boundaries ,nearby and evening, four Hydrological sensitive points times during Development Co., construction Ltd.; Visual inspection at Jiangsu Yancheng Work shed waste and Solid waste all construction sites Once a week Hydrological construction waste and work sheds Construction Co., Ltd.(EA) Water and soil Water and soil erosion Visual inspection Internal monitor:


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erosion and intensity and vegetation spoil ground and spot check after Chong Qing Wulong vegetation restoration construction site raining Urban-Rural Development(Group) restoration rainfall>50mm Co., Ltd. (supervising Work shed sanitation and Check at all unit) Occupational safety, clean water, construction sits and Once each month health and safety contingency plan work sheds

Road and Water Supply ProjectͶYangliu Water Supply Sub-project at Wanzhou DistrictͣWZYLͤ, Fuling district urban and rural road network improvement subproject (FLLW), Shizhu county urban and rural road network improvement subproject(SZLW), Chengkou County Urban-rural Road Network improvement (CKLW) Spot check to WZYL͵Xinjiang pH, SS, DO, NH3-N, TP, Drainage areas of all drainage sites of Corps Water Resources sewage BOD5, CODCr, escherichia construction sites and domestic sewage at and Hydropower coli, oil domestic sewage least once a month Engineering Group Co., Floating dust alleviation Ltd., Shanxi Metallurgical Rock-Soil measures(watering,vehicle Visual inspection on Once a week air Engineering coveringvehicle and device all construction sites All Reconnaissance General maintenance parameters’ Company(EA); Constructio Two consecutive monitoring Wanzhou n period days for monitoring, All construction sites’ result meet Tap Water once each morning noise Daily mean value boundaries, nearby corresponding Company(SU) and evening, four LTD. sensitive points standard times during FLLW: Chongqing construction Qunzhou Industry Group Co., Ltd (EA); Work shed waste and Visual inspection at Solid waste Once a week Fuling Zhonglong construction waste all construction sites Transportation Co., Ltd.(SU)


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and work sheds SZLW: Jiangxi province modern road and bridge Internal monitor: Water and soil engineering Water and soil erosion Visual inspection erosion and spot check after group Co., LTD, intensity and vegetation spoil ground and vegetation raining Hunan foreign restoration construction site construction restoration rainfall>50mm group co., LTD (EA), Shizhu traffic construction Work shed sanitation and Check at all corporation (SU) Occupational safety, clean water, construction sites and Once each month CKLW: Jiangxi health and safety contingency plan work sheds Road Bridge Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd. (EA); Rural Transportation Committee Construction the First Project Department( SU)

According to table 29 and check the supervising monthly report submitted by contractor and supervisor to owner, Internal monitoring of project under construction meet EMP’s internal monitoring requirement.


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3.6 Training Records and Public Information Consultation

δ1εCapacity Building and Training

Chongqing ADB office usually trains the staff of the construction units and the supervision units by explaining in the construction site and exchanging information so as to strengthen their environment protection awareness and practical work ability. The details are shown in Table 28. Table 30 Capacity Building and Training

Capacity Building and Training requirement in Actual training performance Environmental Assessment Report time Participants Training content Time Place Organizer Participants Training content Before Environment law 2015.8.20-8.21 Chongqing CPMO Advisory Expert Environmental construction PMOs, Owner, and regulation, Banshan Group, project environmental policy operator, contractors Huayuan Development and management and plan( including Holiday Hotel Reform training, ADB Safeguard Policy Commission in construction Statement );basic each sub-county, contract environmental the person in charge management management, of each subproject training, Emergency (Contact) resettlement and preparedness and social training response


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PMOs, Owner, Structure operator, public responsibility and time complaint of GRM,style and department compliance reviewing, contractors, sex relation and connection site for reporting procedure GRM Owner, operator, Environmental 2015.10.16 Wulong WRB Wulong WRB Wulong IA, Safety, fire contractor event, risk control supervisor, knowledge and management responsible person training

of the construction measures; emergency unit and response, team, Professional security procedure and action. personnel of the construction


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Before construction Before Owner and Environmental construction facility operator health and safety of subproject development; protective practices and equipment; safe working environment; community safety. Before CPMO, PMOs, Responsibility of 2016.5.19 Wulong Urban Wulong Wulong IA, Fire safety construction and IA, IU environment and Rural Urban and supervisor, IU, training during the management during Development Rural safety officer construction the construction (Group) Co, ltd. Development (Group) Co, ltd. IA and IU of road selection of the 2016.5.19 Wulong Urban Wulong Wulong IA, Fire safety subprojects transportation and Rural Urban and supervisor, IU, training outing; conduct the Development Rural safety officer construction (Group) Co, ltd. Development arrangement based (Group) Co, on the meet of local ltd. community


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COMO, PMOs, The environment 2016.5.19 Wulong Urban Wulong Wulong IA, Fire safety IA, IU healthy safety; and Rural Urban and supervisor, IU, training community safety; Development Rural safety officer safe environment (Group) Co, ltd. Development surroundings; (Group) Co, preventive ltd. measurement IA and the The environment 2016.5.19 Wu Long County Wu Long Owner, manager of Fire safety operation agency healthy safety; Urban-Rural County Urban- supervising unit, knowledge training Development(Grou Rural safety officer community safety; p) Co., Ltd. Development(Gr safe environment oup) Co., Ltd. surroundings; preventive measurement IA and IU of safety operation 2016.12.13 Wu Long County Wu Long Owner, manager of Fire safety water supply rules; environment Urban-Rural County Urban- supervising unit, knowledge training Development(Grou Rural safety officer subproject management; p) Co., Ltd. Development(Gr emergency oup) Co., Ltd. The leaders of county preparation and traffic committee, procedure From August 20 to 1. Measures for proprietor 1. Organize the project 21, 2016 project department Related contacts of construction safety representatives, contractors to and construction site County traffic county traffic 2. Emergency technical directors of implement safety committee committee, plans of fire contractors, safety development and prevention terms in the safety; principals, construction process; reform commission, supervision company 2. Make solutions for construction 3. Implement representatives the environmental department principals, environmental impact in the safety supervisors, management contacts and project construction process responsibility. 3. Establishment of supervision complaint mechanism; representatives.


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ͣ2ͤPublic Information and Consultation

According to the ADB public information consultation requirement of pre-informing the public of major construction activities, the profile of the public consultation activities of the subprojects during the construction period in Table 31

Table 31 Public Consultation Brief Summary

Public Project Public Consultation Public Consultation Effects Name Consultation Form Scope EPB departments shall respond to the public’s Under the guidance of suggestion and advice & dealt with them without delay. local EPA, have public The public RCRF,WLW notification on EPA All projects’ constructions are in good order and make affected by J website; have symposium progress according to the plan. The public consultation construction and regularly, have period and effect is obvious. Conclusion: subprojects’ WZYL,F questionnaire survey; set operation developments and operation are fully supported and are LLW, up construction period of all SZLW notification before expected to be completed as soon as possible to benefit sub-projects construction starts. more areas and people .

According to table 31, three forms listed above are mainly applied to carry out public consultation in all projects. It turns out that the public support the implementation of projects and they expect projects to be completed as soon as possible to benefit more areas and people.

3.7 Grievance Redress Mechanism

A grievance redress mechanism (GRM) was established in each project city/county in compliance with ADB‘s SPS (2009) requirement to prevent and address community concerns and assist the project to maximize environmental and social benefits. In addition to serving as a platform to resolve grievances, the GRM has been designed to help achieve the following objectives: (i) open channels for effective communication, including the identification of new


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report environmental issues of concern arising from the project; (ii) prevent and mitigate any adverse environmental impacts on communities caused by project implementation and operations; (iii) improve mutual trust and respect and promote productive relationships with local communities; and (iv) build community acceptance of the project.

The GRM is accessible to diverse members of the community, including more vulnerable groups such as women and youth. Multiple of entry, including face-to-face meetings, written complaints, telephone conversations, or e-mail, will be available. Opportunities for confidentiality and privacy for complainants will be honored where this is seen as important.

There are something related to GRM procedure and time frame in the following Matrix.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

Oral or

written complaint Oral or written complaint Local EPB , IU, LPMO Contractor, Operator

Local PMO,Forward Inform if solved ; Forward if not solved Solution

Stage 1 Project Public Complaint Unit ( PPCU) Under CPMO

Record complaints and assess rationality,

and inform ADB and other relevant shareholders.

Consulting LIEC,CPMO,IU,LPMO and Solution not found contractors to propose solution and obtain Stage 3 approve of APs.

multi -stakeholder meeting Find (contractor, CPMO , IU, LPMO, Stage 2 solution complainant,EPB, LIEC), identify solution and action plan. ADB will participate if necessary.

Implement Solution

In implementation period In operation period

Contractors Operators 89

PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report

(i) Stage 1: If a concern arises during construction, the affected person or group will submit a written or oral complaint to the contractor (or the contractor‘s environment health and safety officer or any on site construction personnel). Whenever possible, the contractor will resolve the issue directly with the affected person. The contractor will give a clear reply within one week. If successful, the contractor will inform the concerned IU, LPMO and the PPCC accordingly.

(ii) Stage 2: If no appropriate solution can be found, the contractor has the obligation to forward the complaint to the PPCU within five (5) working days. The complainant may also decide to submit a written or oral complaint to the PPCU, either directly or via one of the GRM entry points (IU, LPMO, local EPB).

For an oral complaint, proper written records must be made. The PPCU will assess the eligibility of the complaint, identify the solution and provide a clear reply for the complainant within five (5) working days.

The environment consultants of the loan implementation consultancy service will assist the PPCU in replying to the affected person, if requested to do so. The PPCU will also inform the ADB project team and submit all relevant documents. Meanwhile, the PPCU will timely convey the complaint/grievance and suggested solution to the contractors or operators of facilities as well as the complainant. The contractors during construction and the operators during operation will implement the agreed upon redress solution and report the outcome to the PPCU within seven (7) working days.

(iii) Stage 3: In case no solution can be identified by the PPCU, or the complainant is not satisfied with the proposed solution, the PPCU will organize, within two weeks, a multi-stakeholder hearing

(meeting) involving all relevant stakeholders (including the complainant, contractor, facility operator, local

EPBs, CPMO, IU). The hearing shall identify a solution acceptable to all, and formulate an action plan. The contractors during construction and the operator during operation will implement the agreed-upon redress solution and report the outcome to the PPCU The PPCU shall accept complaints free of charge. Any cost incurred should be covered by the contingency of the project. The grievance procedures will remain valid throughout the duration of project construction and until project closure. The started subprojects have within the agreed upon time frame established multilevel appeal and complaint mechanism (contractor – owner unit -LEPB-CPMO) and set up complaints hot lines. The specific information is in Table 32.


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Table 32: The General Situation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism Established by the Started Subprojects

Staff Qualification or Had Environment Institution Name Title Contact Name Management (Supervision) Training or Not Chong Qing ADB Zhou Trained by the ADB expert of PMO Feidong ADB Project Officer environment management 18725962416 Rongchang Rongfeng River Floodg Management Subproject, referred to as RCRF Rongchang County Jiang Environmental Senior Engineer Environment Supervision and Management 18996100166 Zhongcai Protection Bureau Rongchang County Huang Trained by the ADB expert of environment Project Management Section Chief 15922989718 Anxiang management Office Rongchang Hongyu Trained by the ADB expert of environment Water Resources Hu You Senior Engineer 13509474713 management Development Co., Ltd. Sichuan Zhongcheng Coal Construction Xu Weijun Project Manager Construction and Environment Management 13883706999 (Group) Co., Ltd. Chongqing Hongyu Water Conservancy Li Kai Project Director Supervising Engineer 13594536918 Consultative Co., Ltd. Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Subproject, referred to as WLWJ Wulong Environment Zeng Fang Section Chief Environment Supervision and Management 13896509995 Buruea


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Staff Qualification or Had Environment Institution Name Title Contact Name Management (Supervision) Training or Not Trained by the ADB expert of environment Wulong PMO Qin Hui Section Chief 13896689358 management Wulong Urban-Rural Trained by the ADB expert of environment Chen Bin General Manager 15330557766 Development Group management Gezhouba 5 Construction (Group) Project Manager of Yan Bing Construction and Environment Management 0717-6711042 Co., Ltd.; the Constructor

Anhui Hydrological Zheng Project Manager of Construction and Environment Management 023-67735119 Development Co.,Ltd.; Bishui the Constructor Jiangsu Yancheng Hydrological Zhang Project Manager of Construction and Environment Management 0515-88335420 Construction Co.,Ltd. Hongyu the Constructor

Chongqing Jianghe Engeneering Xiao Construction Project Supervisor Supervising Engineer 13996939442 Wei Supervision Co., Ltd.;

Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, referred to as WZYL Wanzhou District Environmental Liu Feng Section Chief Environment Supervision and Management 13983506758 Protection Bureau Wanzhou District Jing Li Section Chief Trained by the ADB expert of environment 18996513299


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Staff Qualification or Had Environment Institution Name Title Contact Name Management (Supervision) Training or Not Project Management management Office Chen Person in Charge at Wanzhou Water Trained by the ADB expert of environment Guangmin the Project Site of the 13709439712 Company management g Owner Unit Xinjiang Corps Water Resources and

Hydropower Engineering Group Co., Cao Project Manager of Ltd. and Shanxi Construction and Environment Management 13883738766 Furong the Construction Unit Metallurgical Rock-Soil Engineering Reconnaissance General Company Hubei Changjiang Peng Project Supervisor of Project Supervision & Chief Supervising Engineer 13886100805 Jianfeng the Supervision Unit Consultancy Co.,Ltd. Fuling Road Subproject, referred to as FLLW Fuling EPB Fu Xiaochi Director Environment Supervision and Management 023-72899936 Fuling Zhonglong Trained by the ADB expert of environment Shi Bo Section director 023-72288242 Transportation Co,ltd management Chongqing Qunzhou Trained by the ADB expert of environment Yin Fulin Deputy manager 13896729903 Group Co,ltd management

Wang Project manger Construction and Environment Management 13996729672 Fuling Transportaion Chonggang


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Staff Qualification or Had Environment Institution Name Name Title Management (Supervision) Training or Not Contact construction Supervisor Supervising Chief Supervising Engineer 13996936733 Co,ltd Zhang Meng representative Shizhu Road subproject, referred to as SZLW Shizhu County EPB Chen Xiaobo Section director Environment Supervision and Management Shizhu PMO Liu Fudi Section director Trained by the ADB expert of environment 1390827991015520120001 Shizhu Transportation management Trained by the ADB expert of environment construction general Co. Cui Jianfeng Section director management 13452259101 Ltd,. Jiangxi Modern road bridge Gong Wen Engineering Group Co., 13072838878 Hunan Foreign Project manager Construction and Environment Management Construction Group Co. , Yang Song 18225264345 Ltd. Chong Qing Transportation Supervising Consulting Li Xiaosong General supervisor Chief Supervising Engineer 17783809964 Co., Ltd. Cheng Kou County Road Network Improvement Subproject, referred to as CKLW Chengkou County EPB Li Xingzhong Section director Environment Supervision and Management 023-59221458 Chengkou PMO Tian Hao Section director Trained by the ADB expert of environment 15023852310 management Urban traffic road Trained by the ADB expert of environment construction I project Ran Zhao Representative 17749990988 management department Jiangxi Road Bridge and Tunnel Engineering Co., Zhao Qun Project manager Construction and Environment Management 18052072351 LTD Chong Qing traffic engineering supervising Fu Jiping General supervisor Chief Supervising Engineer 15310507892 consulting Co., Ltd.


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Conclusion According to the above content, it can be seen that the environment management plans of the Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject, Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Subproject and Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, Fuling and Shizhu road subproject and Chengkou County Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject, during the civil engineering construction, have been basically implemented, which can be primarily presented by: 1. Institutional responsibility: all sub-projects have set up integrated environmental management institutions in accordance with EMP and clarified respective responsibilities and followed environmental management throughout the whole process; 2. Contractor’s obligation and performance: contractor accepts proprietor unit’s and supervising unit’s management during the construction; contractor and supervisor carry out internal monitoring regularly in accordance with requirements and submit supervising monthly report to proprietor; at the same time, strictly implement environmental alleviation measures according to EMP and continually improve and develop corresponding environmental alleviation measures. 3. Implementation of alleviation measures: according to site inspection, among all sub-projects under construction, WZYL adopted corresponding environmental alleviation measures according to EMP and because RCRF just started, some environmental alleviation measures were not given enough time to be implemented and improved required by EMP. For example, for the section of the project, construction camps have not been set up at site and only temporary storehouse is established so construction workers have to rent houses nearby and bio- toilets and septic-tank disposal and discharge systems have not been installed at construction camps buildings. Wulong subproject is now at the commencement preparation stage, and the related mitigate measures have not been conducted, and it will be reflected in the next report. 4. Monitoring plan and result: for subprojects under construction, WZYL carried out monitoring of all parameters in accordance with plan listed in EMP and results all meet related standards. Only monitoring of air environment did not implement in accordance with plan


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(only undertook monitoring at nearby sensitive points around construction sites); RCRF undertook monitoring of all parameters in accordance with plan listed in EMP to a large degree and its results all meet related standards while monitoring of air environment and surface water environment did not implement in accordance with the plan( air environment: only undertook monitoring at nearby sensitive points around construction sites; surface water: only select a monitoring point at downstream) 5. Training: during the reporting period, training was not undertaken due to various sub- project conditions. 6. Public Consultation and Complaints: after the notice of environmental impact assessment was conducted to the subprojects on the website of environmental protection agency during the early construction period, complaint organization and hotline were established in the primary department in the villages and towns of projects. Due to the restrictions, different forms of public consultations were conducted to the subprojects (such as Wanzhou, Wulong and Chengkou because subprojects were in the towns for construction where population was dense. Contractors would organize the neighbouring residents to have an informal discussion occasionally and have notice about the construction situation of at the construction site and department of project. However, the population of subprojects along Shizhu and Fuling was relatively less. Thus, notice was only conducted to the construction site and project department). Complaint hotline was established in the primary government of subprojects. It was strictly conducted according to the requirement to deal with the complaint. From the current feedback result, the public of subprojects had supportive attitude to the implementation of projects. It was expected to finish the project as soon as possible so as to enlarge the beneficiary range. 7. All in all, EMP and adverse environmental effects alleviation measures formulated at early stage have been implemented effectively and yielded good results. Most of the construction camps and construction sites are minimized from waste water, construction dust, smoke dust and noise disturbance and solid waste is discarded or discharged orderly. Construction sites and its surrounding environment are in good quality and complaints have not been received so far in terms of environmental pollution.


Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject has not detected river mud,


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report but the leader of EA has contacted the monitoring agency and will sign the contract. After signing the contract, the detecting unit can take sample in field, test and report. It is recommended Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management subproject to detect, take sample and prepare testing report . Each component of the construction unit, supervision unit and project owners in the process of the construction must formulate follow-up system (as far as possible according to the environmental management plan put forward the implementation of environmental mitigation measures in the implementation, in order to meet the requirements of the environment) for the improved measures for temporary problems, so as to ensure the smooth progress and further development of the sub projects in the following phases.

2. It is recommended that the subproject IU, Supervising Unit and Ownership of each subproject implementation unit to implement the environment impacts mitigation measures as soon as possible; according to EMP, establish a corresponding follow-up system and implementation plan of the mitigation measures that needs to be improved should be made by the construction unit, the supervision unit and the owner unit of each subproject (it shall although any idea about the follow-up system and implementation plan has not been made, once done, it will be carried out according to environmental mitigation measures in EMP to meet the demands of environmental assessment), so that the environment protection can be carried out smoothly and deeply in the next stage of each subproject.


The following pictures are the pictures of pollution prevention and environment protection on the field of Rongchang Rongfeng River Flood Management Subproject, Wulong Wujiang Flood Management Subproject and Wanzhou District Yangliu Water Supply Subproject, Fuling and Shizhu road subproject and Chengkou County Urban-rural Road Network Improvement Subproject.


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Wan Zhou Yangliu Water Supply Subproject

The principal part of the project is completed

Main water pipe laying. Foundation construction


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Drainage ditch Environmental sensitive point (school)


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Rongchang Rong Feng River Flood Management Project

Paved river banks and the improvement of river channel have been formed. (Management Project First Section Engineering)


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Prevention measures for soil and water loss in deposit site

Prevention and control of slope


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river channel dredging river channel has been dredged


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report Wulong Wujiang Flood Management subproject

Cleaning in and out of the vehicle

Information bulletin board

entrance of section A traffic flushing in section A


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The box culvert construction Construction of dam roof revetment

Sensitive point: the experimental primary school is about 150m from the revetment.


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report Fuling Road Improvement section A (Jiaoshi-Damu, completed)

Project profile and gate Mixed earth mixing station.

Construction of roads


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Section A has been completed and put into use


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Shizhu County Road Improvement Subproject

S subgrade gravel layer Roadbed is formed

Retaining wall in construction Subgrade construction


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Mixing station


PRC:ADB-Financed Chongqing Urban-rural Infrastructure Development II Project External Environmental Monitoring Report Cheng Kou County Road Improvement Subproject

Retaining wall have been built

Construction site environment


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Construction area surrounding environment.