Most Rev. Dr. M. Soosa Pakiam L.S.S.S., Thl. Metropolitan Archbishop of Trivandrum
LATIN ARCHDIOCESE OF TRIVANDRUM His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. M. Soosa Pakiam L.S.S.S., Thl. Metropolitan Archbishop of Trivandrum Date of Birth : 11.03.1946 Date of Ordination : 20.12.1969 Date of Episcopal Ordination : 02.02.1990 Metropolitan Archbishop of Trivandrum: 17.06.2004 Latin Archbishop's House Vellayambalam, P.B. No. 805 Trivandrum, Kerala, India - 695 003 Phone : 0471 / 2724001 Fax : 0471 / 2725001 E-mail : Website : 1 His Excellency, Most Rev. Dr. Christudas Rajappan Auxiliary Bishop of Trivandrum Date of Birth : 25.11.1971 Date of Ordination : 25.11.1998 Date of Episcopal Ordination : 03.04.2016 Latin Archbishop's House Vellayambalam, P.B. No. 805 Trivandrum, Kerala, India - 695 003 Phone : 0471 / 2724001 Fax : 0471 / 2725001 Mobile : 8281012253, 8714238874, E-mail : Website : (Dates below the address are Dates of Birth (B) and Ordination (O)) 2 1. Very Rev. Msgr. Dr. C. Joseph, B.D., D.C.L. Vicar General & Chancellor PRO & Spokesperson Latin Archbishop's House, Vellayambalam, Trivandrum - 695 003, Kerala, India T: 0471-2724001; Fax: 0471-2725001; Mobile: 9868100304 Email:, B: 14.04.1949 / O: 22.12.1973 2. Very Rev. Fr. Jose G., MCL Judicial Vicar, Metropolitan Archdiocesan Tribunal & Chairman, Archdiocesan Arbitration and Conciliation Forum Latin Archbishop's House, Vellayambalam, Trivandrum T: 0471-2724001; Fax: 0471-2725001 & Parish Priest, St. Theresa of Lisieux Church, Archbishop's House Compound, Vellayambalam, Trivandrum - 695 003 T: 0471-2314060 , Office ; 0471-2315060 ; C: 0471- 2316734 Web: Mobile: 9446747887 Email: B: 06.06.1969 / O: 07.01.1998 3.
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