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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60893-0 - The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy Edited by James Hankins Index More information INDEX abacus schools 14 Albinos 78, 301 Abano, Pietro d’ 153 Albumasar 150 Abbasid caliphs 113 Alcala´de Henares 311 Abelard, Peter 33 Aldine Press, founded (1494) xiii absolutism 3, 260, 319, 333–5, 338 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, Ornithologiae 296 abstraction 214, 220, 224, 289 Aldus Manutius xiii, 21, 27 academic disciplines publication of 1st coll. edn of Aristotle in classification of 9, 288–93, 299 Greek xiii, 55, 59 unifying by a single method 292 Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’ 287, 292 Academic skepticism 2, 36, 97, 99, 107, 109, Alexander of Aphrodisias xiv, 18, 61 110, 242 commentaries on Aristotle 59, 60, 217 Acade´mie de poe´sie et de musique 21 followers of (Alexandrine sect) 216 academies 8, 22, 299 on the intellect 116, 120, 217 philosophy in 20–5 Moral Questions 308 Academus 20 on mortality of the soul 213 Acciaiuoli, Donato 19, 25, 309, 310 Problemata, translated by Gaza 59 biography 346 Alexander the Great 97 Accolti, Benedetto 82 Alexander of Villedieu 16 Achillini, Alessandro 38, 60, 64, 65 Alfarabi (al-Fa¯ra¯b¯ı) 113, 115 and unicity of the intellect thesis 117, 120 Catalogue of the Sciences 114, 289 Actium, Battle of (31 BC) 97, 325 Alfonso II, duke of Calabria 323 Addison, Joseph 1 Algazel (al-Ghaza¯l¯ı) 36, 113, 115 administration, twelfth-century 33 Incoherence of the Philosophers 130 Africa, Portuguese in 261 Alkindi (al-Kind¯ı) 113 afterlife 227 On Rays 122, 157 Aglaophemus 85 allegorical
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