KUALA SELANGOR, May 27 (Bernama) -- Acting Prime Minister Datuk Seri said the by-elections in Kuala Selangor is not an ordinary by-election as it will elect the new head of the Selangor state government. As such, the (BN) machinery in the Kuala Selangor division, should work hard to woo support to ensure victory of BN candidates contesting in Permatang state seat and Kuala Selangor parliamentary seat. "If the federal government and party leadership showed continued commitment, I feel the locals should feel more responsible not only to ensure victory but to lend solid and total support," he said when addressing the Kuala Selangor BN by-election machinery here today. Anwar, who is also Acting Umno president, referred to the Permatang state seat contested by Datuk , who had been named as the new Selangor Menteri Besar and Datuk Jamaluddin Adnan fielded in the Kuala Selangor parliamentary seat. The by-elections are held when Abu Hassan and Jamaluddin resigned simultaneously on May 2 in a direct swap of seats when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr named Abu Hassan as Selangor Menteri Besar. Under the Selangor State Constitution, a Menteri Besar must be a member of the State Legislative Assembly. Abu Hassan, who also resigned as Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister on May 2, was then incumbent Kuala Selangor MP. Abu Hassan is locked in a straight fight with PAS' Haji Mohd Maskuri Haji Mardzuki while Jamaluddin is up against Ahmad Alang, also from PAS. Polling for both seats is on Thursday. Anwar urged the Kuala Selangor BN election machinery to have the courage and determination to retain the majority vote polled by BN in the 1995 General Election. This was because the majority this time around would not only reflect the people's support but would be something to proud of as a leader from here would pursue the agenda to champion the Kuala Selangor people's cause and would resolve many more unsettled local problems, he said. Anwar said he did not want negative views to be raised within the Kuala Selangor election machinery and urged all parties to be united in their campaigning to ensure BN retain the seats with a thumping majority. He also stressed on the important roles to be played by Umno Youth and Wanita to convince voters to ensure BN's victory. They should not adopt a lackadaisical attitude since BN won the seats with big majority in the last General Election. Anwar also said BN's campaign differed very much from that of PAS which harp on character assassination. He also said assessment of the people's support should not be based on briefings at operations room but instead the election machinery should go down to the grassroots to gauge the actual situation. "We must have the people from branches, youth and wanita leaders to make accurate and honest evaluations of the people's support. If there are unresolved problems, we must admit our mistake and try to rectify it," he said. Also present were Education Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, National Unity and Social Development Minister Datin Paduka Zaleha Ismail as well as Abu Hassan and Jamaluddin. -- BERNAMA AFY/MNY TS