1 r A Picture Page TYPOGRAVORE a» of SECTION RECR n\r A f IMP wc Current Interest Distributed free in AlWanos and contlguoua c.rr WTTSJ ALLIANCE, OHIO, JUNE 7, 1925 territory. Additional copies will be sold at •" l>I-.f" 1 a* No. f Germans Wrecking One of Their Big Fortresses i Alaska Mail Team Ready for 500-Mile Trip iPl€§i •affii

United States government mail team leaving the post office at Nenana, Alaska, for Iditarod, 500 miles away, The two sledges are laden with mall matter and food for driver and dogs.

1,| !•• •aalaf Hi Indian Chiefs Help Open Zion National Park 0- While the allies discuss the terms of their note to tiei-uiany, calling attenuon in .her. "Hr»M**'»:!***s»^^ Jermana claim to be destroying their armed power In accordance with the treaty. »I'hotograph shows wrecking work on the great Konlgsberg fortress. T Zion National park Is receiving Jf"**ssss2B22S2S2 tourists again, and to make verythlnjr Winners in Venice's Bathing Beautv Contest pleasant these Indiana, Owlet Tom B»a»WS»^.!ICTlW^i chont and Chief Jimmy Pete of the I w Piute tribe formally lifted the spell of f fear that has gripped the redskins * *. » when they neared this beautiful re­ gion in Utah. A


*«Mftea •mi


See the Chevrolet Cross Word Puzzle in Sup­ V I plement oi this Paper today.— Be one oi the Winners oi the Cash and Special Prizes

m$mm This quartel of beach peaches won prizes, as Indicated l>.v their cards, In the annual bathing beauty at Venice. Cal. Left to right: Jris Nicholson, Adele Bunyan, Evelyn Hunt and Viola McCubin. QUITS OHIO STATE 4, „. - _ -. _ Young Woman Is a Kadio Expert WHm yMIss Grace Hazen, of the radio laboratory of the United States bureau m . Of standards In Washington, can dis­ sn cuss meters, kilocycles and other radio terms as well as the modern flapper can talk about rouge and bobbed hair. mm SlaW- mm® f.o.b. Flint. I faiaa * CHEVROLET MicK. 1 ^x Greatest Value for Economical Transportation Iks *» a»^a**M *2^9(a**a at^aOctfal *S aHl *£•• Quality Car! *Fine Appearance ^USStUZ « tmil colors of Duco whose luster and color last for years— cowl lights—rustless airplane metal radiator—every inch a quality car. Dr. W. O. Thompson, since 1899 the president of Ohio State university, has announced that he will retire before I Complete Equipment Sfta^S-S! he reaches the age of seventy Novem­ rials you need in a car-. A chassis construction typical of ber 6 next, and his resignation has the highest priced cars, with powerful mo tor,new disc clutch, been accepted. He is a graduate of ittimts^* W Remy electric system, demountable rims, speedometer, oil Muskingum college and before going Noted Sculptor Makes Hooker Bust gauge, ammeter—all included in its selling price. to Ohio State he was president of ~„l /^y^vwais^^a***- The new Chevrolet semi-ellip- Miami university and of Longmont Reai COmiOrt tleapringa extend for 88% of college in Colorado. - **•> <* the wheel base. Seats are finely upholstered and specially READY FOR SHRINERS - designed for comfort. €»«_» fy_ _. To buy so much car for so little money Ltuuuniy Ue€ecttag a real economy. In addition • it costs so little to operate and maintain a Chevrolet that this low coat at upkeep makes for a still greater final economy. This touring car, designed and built strictly as a quality car, fully equipped, sells for only $525 f.o.b. Flint, Michigan WVZ\ Roadster • $52' %*&*?% Coup* • • 7ji 71 Coach . • "731 4 Sedan ... g 2' V Comm«rcUl A *) 1 Chassis- . . *•*»- s: ExpraM •« i •r Truck Chassis • ^ -" ALL PR1CB8 F. O. B. rixtrf, uidH. Miss Helen Glass of Los Angeles W\ la shown wearing a novel hale UNION CHEVROLET, INC adornment ^hich she deviaed in .rvtaB*** honor of the members of the Mystic North Arch at Prospect. Just a Step from Main. Phone 5233 Shrine who met in the southern Cali­ Bust of Herbert Hoover which is being executed In Washington by Ivan fornia metropolis Mestrovlc, the widely-known lugo-Slav sculptor, who is shown at the right' QUALITY AT LOW COST RECREATIONAL NEWS

friends, his prisoner because he be­ Some Borrowers! lieves the boy is not bad at heart $165.00 In Special Prizes To Be Given THE FAST CANTON PENNZOILS but merely the tool of some rasca!, Teacher: "We borrowed our num­ gives a rugged, tense portrayal and By Union Chevrolet Inc., Enterprising Automobile Dealer Provide erals frem the Arabs, our calendar by sheer force of his profound his- from the Romans, and. our banking K VS. GOATS THIS AFTERNOON tronic ability carries over to a the Opportunity For Puzzle Fans to Try Their Skill from the Italians. Can anyone ch'.nk glorious finish a story which does and Win a Prise. cf a->y other examples?" A Rare Exhibition ol the National Pastime is Promised- not depend, as do so many westerns, Willie Willis: "Our lawnmo.ver merely on fast riding and plenty o* from the Smiths, our snow shovel Goats and Pennzoils Open a Three Game shooting. With today's Recreational News, College Star in Demand from the Joneses, and oar baby cai- Mildred Harris as the heroine is the Chevrolet Co. supplies a supple; r.age from the Bumps."—Judge. Series—Both Teams Going Great. -more whimsically beautiful than evei ment containing a Cross-Wprd Puz­ and she virtually permeates the en­ zle. This puzzle is unique in. that it. Off Women for Lite. tire film with her gentle charm and is made up of words representim The Alliance Goathill's won both Recreational News is going to pre­ soft appeal. One could not ask for parts of the New Chevrolet and con­ 1 was highly flattered because she week end games from Canton Cars sent to the Alliance player who a lovelier screen personality and tains many regular cross-word puz­ bar said when we were dancing, and Akron All Stars. On Saturday makes the first home run in today's you will enjoy this week end attrac­ zle words. "You're just like Vernon Castle." afternoon J. Grail celebrated Dec­ game, a nifty new straw hat. Now tion. Look out for the supplement and During the next dance she said "Yet, oration Day by whitewashing the boys up and at 'em, a solid smash keep it, the puzzle is a real test of exactly like him." And it wasn't Canton Cars, allowing them 4 hits with your trusty old bat and you your ability, you may turn in the until after \ had taken her home ia a and striking out eleven. Rinaldo and get the hat. first correct solution and win the taxi that I remembered that Vernon Sharpneck each hit for the Circuit. Y.W.C.A.DRIVE Big $75.00 Prize. The Contest con­ is DEAD, so I'm off women- for On Sunday afternoon they fat­ tinues until August 1st. life.—Brown Jug. tened their batting averages at the The Special Prizes offered aggre­ expense of "three Akron hurlers. THE OHTOTHEATRE I OPENS MONDAY gate $165.00 as follows r Lesson One The Akron team did not lose any The Local Movie, "A Romance of For the first correct solution sub­ i time in trying to win, scoring in Alliance" at the Ohio All Mayor Issues Proclamation Ap­ mitted to our store, $75.00 in pay­ Teacher: "You may tell us, Tom­ the first and 2nd innings. Then Mc- ment on new car. •- my, some of the ways ia which lire Cleggett decided to put on the brakes Next Week. proving Campaign. For the second correct solution confers a benefit on the human race." and Akron was through for the day. submitted, $50.00 ia payment oa new Tommy (who knows something of The Ohio Theatre received a letter The Goats got started in the fourth Oa Mooday morning a corps of car. his ' father's business methods). inning when Jones hit for two bases a few days ago from the Hudris Film "When the amount of the insurance Co. Laboratories, informing them Workers will launch an intensive For the third correct solution sub­ and Chas. Grail hit the apple over campaign ia the interest of a local mitted, $25.00 in payment oa aew exceeds the value of the stock oa the fence Final score 16 to 2. the negative of "Ths Romance of hand." Alliance" the iacal picture taken here Y. W. C. A home. Great interest car. This afternoon should "Uncork a is being manifested and the success For the fourth, $10.00 cash. recently is a tremendous success ia Any Old Time. real, battle when the Pennzoils ol every way, and we herewith quote of the venture seems assured. For the fifth, $5.00 cash. Canton return to the hill top field from their letter: The picturization Mayor Ira E. Stevens has issued a And tor every correct solution to open a three game series with the formal proclamation], setting aside submitted a cash prize of $1.00 will The orchestra was strenuously by our camera man Granville L. announcing that there wasn't a sin Goats. The Pennzoils opened the Howe, is a real photographic gem, the week of Jane 8th as "Y. W. be given regardless of time sub­ season here and lost to the Goats Week" mitted. gle banana ia the whole fruit mar­ and the clear lights throughout with ket. after battling for 13 innings, 3-2 and our toning will certainly surprise the The text of the mayor's proclama­ Read the supplement carefully— Owen Carroll, star pitcher ot the have act lost a game since They are especially "the matter pertaining to "Do >ou love dancing?' murmured people oi Alliance as well as your­ tion is as follows: Holy Cross college baseball team, Wor­ the flipper, holding his partner at .the head of the Canton Citj self. Leslie Smith and Carl Seidner new Chevrolet Features, which con­ League. tains many of the words needed to cester,. Mass., the young dinger who close. will without doubt create a mild Whereas, as estimable group oi has received countless offers, from "YeSt" breathed the flapper. "I can Mr. Botts who pitched here four sensaton when they are seen on the solve the puzzle. forward looking women of this As a hint to puzzle fans we give major league teams to give up school love when dancing; just, the same as weeks ago and who will hurl Sun screen of the Ohio theatre all next community has taken the initia­ and get In the "big time." So far he when I'm sitting down." day, is undoubtedly the best pitchei week, June 8th to June 13th. the vertical word number 1 which tive toward providing a Christian is "Compensators" number 1 hori­ has scorned the appeal of the "filth; that, has appeared on the hilltop this The entire cast shows a unique home, recreational and education­ Not Allowed season. Manager Gribble will use aptitude for screen work and all zontal word is realty two words lucre." al center for young women ia the "Closed Models." Now with this the same line-up that has been win­ the boys and girls at the laboratory city of Alliance, aad, "Do you know where little boys ?o ning for the last three weeks and think it one of the prettiest pictures assistance you should be able to get Whereas, this movement has re­ away to a good start to who bathe on Sunday?" asked the with the Goats going like' a house­ for a local production they have ever Sunday school teacher. s-are in a wiad storm the fans are seea. ceived the endorsement of leading Remember Union Chevrolet Inc. church and civic bodies desiring will give $1.00 for every correct so­ "Yes," said one little arab. "It's in for a rare afternoon of this favor­ The v/ork is really wonderful for further up the canal side; but you ite sport. amateurs. Every scene was filmed to see this city do for its girls and lution turned in prior to August 1st, JiamondNote young women what other cities can't go—girls ain't allowed.* The Goats have not lost a game in Alliance, every member of the cast but suggest that you send your solu­ A sportsman always gives the um­ have done for theirs, and, tion as soon as you complete it as oa the home grounds this season and is a resident of Alliance. W. E pire the benefit of the doubt. Home Economy if Mr. Grail's arm is right he will Hunt and Mrs. Homer Kissel play Whereas, the Young Women's you may be the first to solve the puz­ zle and get the $75.00 prize. get the call Sunday. Grail has fan­ important parts, "Elizabeth Cowan, Christian Association is ia har­ The first minor baseball league was "Robert, if you doa't behave better. ned 32 men in the last three games Fritz Unger, Mildred Boyd and mony with, aad a vital force in, Preserve your cross word puzzle the Northwestern league, organized In I'll send you to bed without any good government, sheet as no further copies will be aad has oaly beea scored on once. many others have fine parts. You 1879. supper." wouldn't take a farm with the mort­ available. Watch the columns of this From the advance dope it looks Now, therefore, I, Ira E Ste­ * • • Aw, you're always trying to save like a big afternoon's matinee or gage lifted for this treat, remember vens, Mayor of the City of Alli­ paper for further hints and helps in on the grocery hill, ma." the Goats' field today. it will be shown in addition to oar ance, Ohio, do hereby declare and solving the puzzle. Baseball Is a surer sign of spring­ Both teams will line up parctically regular picture program all next week set aside the week of June 8th, time than peach blossoms and dogwood A Substitute. the same as they .did in the opening The features to be shown in addi­ 1925, to be known as Y. W. C. A. GET YOUR "EASY" blossoms. game four-weeks ago. The Pennzoils tion to the local picture are six Week, and do urge the citizens to From the long established Easy Deal * • « "What kind of meat have you this determined to average the defeat oi Zane Grey revivals, on Monday support this movement substan­ er. Free trial, easy payments. Jersey City has purchased James morning-?" said the haggard husband that game aad the Goats equally de­ "Heritage of the Desert;" Tuesday, tially as a contribution to com­ Call Or phone Roberts, a right-hand pitcher, from the to the outcher. termined to repeat the win "Call of the Canyon;" Wednesday, munity betterment. Brooklyn club. "The best steak we have veer had, "Wanderer of the Wasteland;" ROSE ELECTRIC Everything is set for an exciting Done in the City of Alliance, Opp. P. O. 3236 * * • sir; smooth as velvet aad tender as exhibition and it's sure to be a classy Thursday! "The Border Legion;" a woman's heart." Friday, "The Thundering Herd" aad Ohio, this 4th day of June, 1925 The Philadelphia Athletics are start­ article of baseball. A record crowd Ira E. Stevens, "Neither a borrower nor a lendei ing as usual to make fans think that "Guess I'll take two pounds of sau­ will be out and altogether it looks Saturday "North of 36." The early sage." bird gets the best seat so come early Mayor. be." Don't swipe the other fellow's they are a pennant contender this year. like a game that's going to hold the A. D. crowd until the last man is down. and enjoy it. layouts, slogans and ideas; and yell * • * when he swipes yours. Just tp show oar appreciation of Infielder Tommy McMillan has been the hard-hitting Goafs, and to purchased by the Toledo club of the stimulate their efforts with the ash. NOTICE TO READERS American association from Milwaukee. The 500 Mile ' » * • We receive complaints from WfMflti That steep sloping embankment In many partieswho claim they do the Red Sox outfield Is quite puzzling Race at not receive Recreational News to outfielders unused to its pecul­ I Coming Events i regularly. We try to reach iarities. every home Jin the city, but if * * • Indianapolis- j Lodges. Fraternities. Athletic Clubs, for any reason you do not re­ What, by the way, has become of , Tennis, Golt Clubs and all amuse­ ceive, your paper we have placed the old-fashioned baseball maniac who On Memorial Day hung ap a ment or recreational associations are a few copies on the various i Invited to use this column without used to pull off epileptic fits at ball new record for the track, with cost. news stands throughout the city games? * an> average of better than 100 where you may be supplied. * * * miles an hour for the 500 miles. Our boys are instructed to On May 1, 1877, Fred Nichols, Every year is nwter than -the BASE BALL get the paper to you and we vear before, and we wonder supervise their work as care­ pitcher of the St. Louis Browns, held the Syracuse Stars down to two hits when the limit will be reached. 7 Sunday May 31 fully as possible. We are now We have not readied the Goat Hills vs. Akron Semi-Pros devising a new routing system In a 10-innlng game. limit on the number of our Tuesday. lane 2 which, we hope, will entirely I • * Used Cars that we will sell this The Brooklyn Robins have traded Agathons vs Cuban Stars eliminate the chance of your season. But we will never sell copy failing to reach you. Arthur Decatur, right-handed pitcher, better conditioned cars that we Industrial League to the Philadelphia Nationals for Wil­ offer you right now. Drop in June 9—Tuesday Campbells ...... vs Transues...... Goathill bur Hubbell, also a right bander. and look them over. Metal Stamp ...... vs Morgans .Reeves * * • McCaskeys ...... vs Reeves ...... Parkway Kyle Graham, the Boston pitcher, Is Here's a Good Used Car All. Mach. vs Mach. THE AMERICAN We Offer You Today Steel ,...... ,,••••- .-,•-, -'Rnnkhlll versatile. He can chuck overhanded, June is—Friday This Popular Photoplay House Of­ THE YOUNG MAN 1 side-armed and underhanded like Carl We have several real cheap McCaskeys ...... vs Mach. fers An Exceptional Array oi Mays. The Giants didn't tap bis sys­ cars, which are just the thing Steel —.«-.«-«..«-•»«•——.~~~~Qoathlll Excellent Screen Productions. tem very seriously at any time. for a fishing trip or for your Transues „„._ vs All. Maoh.™~~JEteeves fun this Pall when the Bunnies Campbells ...... vs Metal WHO GRADUATES % * * * "Ports of Call," a William Fox Manager Connie Mack of the Ath­ are ripe, .' Stamp ,.«^^_^.-^kway picture with a stirriag love story aad Morgans —._. vs Reeves ....^-UBockMii letics states that he does not expect to a satisfactory amount of rousing ac­ Boys are equally as sensitive as the girls have J. J. Hauser, first baseman. In the H. W. Wagner Motor Co. tion, will be showa on Monday and when- it comes to Graduation Gifts. It is lineup again this year. James Poole The oldst Authorised Ford Y. M. C. A. Church League Tuesday at the American Many of will play there all season if he keeps Dealer in Alliance. Monday, lane 8 the scenes are set in the tropics. certain he will be greatly pleased with any 1334 S. Union Ave. Phone 5208 Edmund Lowe, the star, gives a per­ gift you may choose here. up his present rate of hitting. Lutheran Immanuel Reformed formance that is praiseworthy and * • * Rockhill No. 1 one that you wiil not want to miss. Two former major league players. First Reformed vs First Prea Wednesday and Thursday—Bill Jack Warhop and Otto Miller, are now Parkway No. 1 Mix' comes to this theatre ia "Bat- playing pemipri i hail in DP<1 :>rooad 1st Christian vs Union Ave M. £. 1 Ilia' Bill," which is said to be one New York. Wartwp, in his big league Goat Hill Field MOSELEY BROS. of the swiftest Western dramas ever days, pitched for the Yankees, while At The Theatres Baptist vs Friends screened, and has the earmarks of The Store For Men Mount Union Square Miller was a catcher with Brooklyn. South Park Field becoming one of those exceptional Alliance Up-Town Shopping District - ii 1st M. E. vs United Pres. pictures that plays nearly always to Week of June 8th Morgan Field packed houses. You will like this Wednesday, June 10 offering if you lean to the western Games Will Not Be AMERICAN— films. A AT»| A^A A^aWete^eW-miyieVA A^afc ee*Tet» ee»*ete, aea^efc a**a^eTe, ^Tata ^Tata ^Tatl atfcTatfc at*. aTte afeTaeV aerate, atr^tfc-eefte. A^atk eetteeV aW^etfc aea^ea J&*- -*^"- H Pink Tea Affairs Monday and Tuesday—"Ports 1st Christian vs United Pres. On Friday and Saturday a real }v^5*y "VVVVVVAV ^ywvy^yw^^y^u'y^'v»^vy ej'^ri^rw^y^»ywvr*^'^ of Call," with Edmund Lowe. Rockhill No. 2 treat is offered in the new produc­ Baseball games In which the Wednesday and Thursday— Immanuel Ref. vs Baptist tion "Singer Jim McKee," which was f Millers participate this year will 'Baffin/ Bill" with Bill Mix. Parkway No. 2 written by William S. Hart. It is a not be pink teas or reunions if Friday and Saturday—"Singer lit Pres. vs Lutheran F1FER DRUG CO. typical Hart attraction—one of the t Manager Mike K el ley has his Jim McKee," with W. & Hart College Field most appealing pictures this he-man i way about It, says Harry Mc- Unipn Ave. M. E. vs 1st M. E. star has . ever made. Phyllis Havet X Kanna in the Minneapolis Jour­ COLUMBIA— South Park Field plays opposite in the leading woman's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday t nal. The manager-owner has let —"Soul Fire" with Richard 1st Reformed vs Friends role. Bert- Sprotte, Russell Gordon t the word go out to the veteran Morgans Field and others are also in the cast. Barthelmess. t Millers and the infant members Thursday, Friday, Saturday— Open of the club that fraternizing Is "Sundown" with Bessie Love. Y. M. C. A. Commercial League T i under the ban when the season IDEAL— Monday, June 8 opens. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesda> Bradshaw vs Springs AT IDEAL THEATRE X This The Minneapolis boss believes —"The Snob" with John Gil­ College Field Two Good Pictures — Beginning X that fraternizing spoils ' the* bert, Conrad Nagel, Norma Review vs Cops Furniture Monday "The Snob" With a Great Sunday t game. He thinks that if players Shearer. Parkway No. 2 Cast—Starting Thursday For look upon their opponents as Thursday, Friday, Saturday— Alliance Bank vs Johnsons Three Days, Harry Carey ia X their enemies It will instill more "Beyond the Border," with Rockhill No. 2 "Beyond the Border." X X "pep" In the players and give Harry Carey* s* Sharers vs Cope Electric them the fighting spirit which OHIO— North City Park "The Snob," the first production for I wins ball games. The St. Paul "A Romance ot Alliance" the Postals vs Nobils Metro-Goldwyn by Monta Bell, bril­ X I club did no fraternizing when entire week with a Zane Grey Reeves liant young film director, who star­ I Mike piloted it and the same film each day. Moaday, "Her* tled the picture world with his di­ rule goes for the Millers this itage of the Desert ,^T%esday. Wednesday, June 19 rection of "Broadway After Dark.* t year. ".Call oi the Canyon? Wei, Cope Electric vs Review one of the year's biggest hits, is In Sickness We Have Everything For "Wanderer of the Wasteland;" Goat Hill booked as the feature attraction at 4*H*H*H'H'H'H*H*H-H*H'8^ Thurs., "The Border Legion;" Johnsons vs Springs the Ideal Theatre starting Monday. Your Comiort. t FrivThe Thundering Herd/" Parkway No. 1 A great deal of interest attaches i Sat, "North of 36." t TRY A "ROYAL" Nobils vs Cope Furniture itself to this picture because of Bell's Always At Your Service. "America" or "Ohio Tuec" Cleaner. STAR-*- Rockhill No. 1 sudden rise to the prominence as a Monday and Tuesday—"Out- Postals vs Sharers director. 1 t Free trial, easy payments. A liberal lawed" with Bill Pat ton and North City Park It is in unusual story ia one re credit allowed is exchange for your X 1 old cleaner or vacuette and vital. Carlyn Wagner. Chapter 10, Bradshaw vs Alliance Bank spect at least, in that the centra' X Talcums and Creams oi all kinds. Powders Call ROSE ELECTRIC, opp. P. O. "Man of the North" and a Reeves Field character is an unsympathetic one. 1 . and most of the picture is used to -and Cosmetics, Candy, Cigars, Patent 3238. T t Wednesday and Thursday— create this personality. John Robinson's Circus ? Medicines, Etc. $ t $ $ $ $ in prizes—See Chevrolet "Dangerous Blonde" with Lau­ The story was adapted by the di­ ra La Piante, also a comedy Wednesday, June 10th rector himself from the popular novel T 1 Crossword Puzzle Supplement ia this by Helen R. Martin. 1 paper today. and news reel. Thursday, Friday and Saturday— Friday and Saturday—("The Drug Stores Open Today Harry Carey, the western favorite, I Real ambition is aot merely'dream­ Phantom Horseman,' with Our Prescription Dent, is Thorough. Jack Hoxie; also comedy sad - *4#«t*s Pharmacy comes in "Beyond the Border.", 1 ing of a ccomplishment, bat using Diver Drug Co­ Carey, as a hard riding fas* 4 your brain aad brawn la doiag some­ news reel. nfer Drug Co. shooting officer of the law who be- JMJMJ^MJM-JMJ*-*-^ Y thing. 4 RECREATIONAL NEWS

rocr 4JUC ALWAYS NEXT Alice Lake AT WORLD* RELIABLE PERRY BROS. LARGEST ^flgwggtE QUALITY BARBER SHOP CHAIN GOODS A Clean Shave—4n a Clean Plane. DEPARTMENT ALWAYS You'll Like Our Service. STORE AT LOWER Courteous Attention and Mod­ ern Methods tot the Ladies. ORGANIZATION PRICES IS N. MECHANIC 571 DEPARTMENT STORES ALLIANCE, OHIO MAIN AND LINDEN ENSIGN TRANSFER CO. Because of Your PATRONAGE and SUPPORT Complete equipment, skilled workmen, longest experience for careful moving of house- bold goods and pianos. Lei at explain our system of moving which saves you money. Tel. WE NEED A LARGER STORE 3221. Office 419 S. Freedom Av.

A? We are getting ready to move and mast make room W^^^^^^^^^^^WSM for New Stocks Handsome Alice Lake, the "movie" •tar, Is shown in one of her most re­ . Just At This Time cent pictures. The emotional force You—our Friends—have been with us from the start. You But to do that means disposing of all remaining Summer displayed by Miss Lake has placed her have shown in many ways that you have approved oi our Merchandise as well as other seasonable and staple goods In the front rank of screen stars. She before we move. We have re-arranged all stock on hand, Of The Year has been seen to advantage In a num. Principles. YOUR support and patronage has made it neces­ grouped Remnants, Odd Lots and Broken Lines for easy se­ We have a choice selec­ ber of the popular motion pictures. sary for us te secure a larger and better store. Yon wilt O- lection and have said "Goodbye" to a lot oi desirable mer­ tion of worth while gifts thoroughly approve, we are sure of starting in the new store at Reasonable Prices chandise because we simply haven't the space ior it in our for the Graduate or with a "CLEAN SLATE" oi fresh, new goods. new store. the Bride. By ANDREW Your P. CURRIER, M.D Carl F. Haffner Health ft You know v>ery well what our Year - Round Values and Low Jewder and Optometrist 341 East Mam Street Prices are. We know you will want to take advantage of this Alliance, Ohio 5CABIES Phone 8758 STEELE skin disease caused by the opportunity. There is something for every Family and Indi­ Expert Watch Clock and Jew­ **• Itch mite, like certain other para­ elry Repairing, Engraver and sitic diseases, is especially -prevalent Diamond Setter,. Grasses Flir­ vidual at these Money-Saving Prices. ted, Broken Glasses Repaired. In time of war and among soldiers. It is not only contagions; It Is in­ flammatory, and accompanied by very annoying Itching, which is worse at . ,J - IIIIHIIIIIIllllllllllHIllHIllHIlHIllllHIIIHH night when one is In bed. ++++++++++++++++++++++++>*>++++*++* There are cases in which there Is Canvas Shoes Girls' Gingham Dresses Wash Goods no itching, but this Is not .the rule. Appearance Counts The eruption is located, in the ma­ About 100 pairs of women's and misses' Age 7 to 33 One table of fancy voiles, both light jority of cases, between the fingers white canvas strap slippers and oxfords. Seldom do yon find dresses of this and dark colors, tissue ginghams and plain The successful man, you and on the anterior or palmar sur­ will always notice, keeps him­ These are exceptional values. quality at so low a price. Attractive color cotton wash crepe. face of the wrists and elbows. Styles. Well made. Bright colors. self well dressed and well But It is not limited to these lo­ BARB&ftED. For the Barber Out They Got Out They Go! end of appearance, see cations and may be present in the Out They Got armpits, the -groins, the legs, and WM. BINKLEY other portions of the body. "REAL BARBER- The eruption takes the form ot 98c 98c 19c REAL WORK" blisters or vesicles. The parasite se­ cretes a substance which Irritates the Give us a trial skin and provokes scratching. 25 N. Arch St. Alliance, 0. This Intensifies the eruption which may become pustular and present the Men's, Boys' Caps Notions Children's Socks appearance of urticaria, or eczema, J > A J Your opportunity to secure a splendid Buttons, large and small, coat buttons, '»#«M^»e^#<^^ e^»s ###sr #^ #^^*^»*>s**v • together with a Quantity of crusts or Also H length roll tops, plain colo cap value. Most all sizes, good assort­ peajl trimming buttons, colored buttons scabs. fancy colors, fancy weaves A splendid s ment of colors. We want to clear these and a host of other items heaped on. the Let Me Thickening of the nails and loss of that you will like for the girls. Paint Your Roof With hair may result from the irritation out so table. Liquid Asbestos, the of the eruption whht the matrix ol Out They Got Out They Got Out They Got WorlaTs Best Roof Paint the nails or the harr follicles are In­ Old leaky roofs made good as volved. new. A 10 year guarantee Both male and female Itch, mites 49c 4c 19c Pr. with each fob. or acari are to be found in this dis­ Tin, Felt', Paper or Compost- , ease, the females being the larger I (ion- Root. Also general House • and more numerous. Painting. Call 3498. ' The male acarus lives under the S. M. SMALLEY scales of the outer layer of the skin. Bath Towels Women's Gowns Women's Unions 316 N. Franklin St., Alliance, O. The female Burrows deeply into this outer layer, her course being indi­ Large size, heavy weight Turkish bath Pine sheer batiste, nainsook, crepe gowns, slipover style. Fink or white. Knit unions, built op shoulders and nar­ *#^##^»#^##^a>es#^##^##^^a># cated by a distinct scratch mark. towels in all white. A splendid towel. row lace trim knee. Sizes S and 6 ooiy. In the burrow she lives and lays Also misses' sizes. her eggs from 6 to 30 in number, her Out They Got Out They Got duration of life being two to three Out They Got months. Gabriel A few days after the eggs are laid she dies, the eggs mature, the larvae 39c 98c 39* come to the surface; become sexually active; the females are impregnated, onubbers barrow, lay their eggs, and die like their predecessors, thus carrying out Best For AH Tires the round of life. DO YOUR SHOPPING ON MONDAY Cmnying Law Air Pressure It is not difficult to get rid of this parasite, for sulphur is a deadly Thousands of sets in use* poison to It You need them too. This may be used in the form ot HEASTAND-WELDING di an ointment, a soap, or a vapor bath. Men's Dress Shirts Wash Dresses Voile Dresses SPRING WORKS A single thorough sulphur bath la usually curative; If not it should be Linens, Rayon, Kardi-Kan and Voile For Stout Women. Phone 2890 repeated. Ugh* percale, collar attached and band 293 N. Freedom Ave., Alliance, Ohio Other substances which are also de­ neck. A good shirt value, not all sizes. Dresses. Many styles to choose from, at Light or dark styles in pretty printed structive • are titfeture of benzoin, Out They Got this low price. voiles. Styled to please the stout hetanaphthol, tobacco, soap, and men­ Out They Get figure. 42H lo 52J*. thol'. Zinc and Its different preparations are of no particular value In this dis­ 98c . S4.98 $4.98 and $5.90 ease; they are not sufficiently para­ sinoidal. (© by Georse Matthew Ada.me.) Tweed Knickers Khaki Knickers Brassiers A UNE O' CHEER All wool tweed knickers, wide, ad­ For women and girls, cut especially justable knee cuff. Belt to match. roomy. Wide cuff knee, belt to match, Front or back closing, elastic inserts By John Kendrlck Bangs plenty of pockets. at waist, taped shoulder straps. Fancy weave fabrics. Women's- ^2»fl8 PLENTY OF ROOM Wome - n.98 HERE'S plenty of room at Misses' (half wool) vl.JJo 49c T the top, Misses *1.69 There's plenty ot room be­ low. Indeed- wherever you ohance to stop YOUR There's plenty of room, you Pillow Cases Stephens Linen know. Wash Suits 42x36-inch bleached pillow cases, of good VACAII0N FILMS Plenty of room for goodly cheer, Supply your season's needs from this One table of boys' wash suits, light and >," the ; For Joy, and.the laughing song durable quality muslin. offer. 15 inch unbleached all linen crash dark patterns. Grey;; You want your vacation That eases the heart beset by "Her- ! dims developed promptly fear, Out They Got toweling. Out They Got esday,' I ami carefully.—That's-the Or suffering- sense of wrong-. Wed.,:: kind of work we do. Leave Above and beneath, os every : land? \ side, l_ii; _**** < , your Sims bare and get 23c Ea. 49c up to $1.49 la regions of mirth or g-loom, §§ • • i3c : - IMS,

Man is somewhat like a sausage, Some things that don't seem ex 43c 93c Yd. 43c Yd. with \ Very smooth upon the skin; actly right in our beautiful lan­ r and guage aie female bull terriers and But you can't tell just exactly male ladybugs. Them too, we sav How rruch hok there is within. a blackberry is green when it is red. -a^B^yHg

RECREATIONAL NEWS illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll RECREATIONAL NEWS Published Weekly at 238-242 E. Main St. Alliance, Ohio Recreational News Is primarily a home paper. Its mission will be to supply reliable Information for every recreational activity. Ita columns will be devoted to the interests of healthy sports and athletics, clean amusements, better homes and civic Improvement. It is our purpose to have a department devoted to every interest that will promote a better aad broader understanding of community interests. Every movement for the betterment of Alliance aad its people will have the use of YES SIR! our columns without cost or obligation. Its reading matter and advertising will be clean, safe and fit tor every member of the family. Politically, Recreational News win be absolutely Independent. Ka only Interest in this respect will be to use ita in­ fluence to aid, when possible. aS parties to select malt Of honesty and integrity to administer the affairs of the municipality to the end that Alliance will take Its place "You can buy a good used among the thriving cities which are judiciously governed. Recreational News will be distributed free to the homes teAllianc e and contigu­ ous territory.- Its revenue wtfl be derived from the advertising of merchants. car with what you save in Its advertising policy win be such that it will be a safe guide to the buying public. Any advertiser who jnlsrepresenta or attempts deception in their advertising, will be excluded from our columns. To the advertiser we guarantee the lowest possible space rates and assure them our co-operation in making their copy a matter of cno- wear and tear on your fidence and a profitable Investment. We invite the closest scrutiny and ask only that support which is the reward of family car." service to the community and as merit commands. Published at Alliance, Ohio, by the Devoted to the interests of Recrea­ Recreational Publishing Co. tional activities, better homes and Postoffice Box 593.. civic improvement C. F. Baughman, Editor Unsurpassed as a medium for truth­ "ITS GOOD J. L. Jarman Manager ful advertising. BUSINESS TO ALLIANCE—THE BEAUTIFUL OWN TWO CARS" We are pleased to note the interest that is manifest in com­ munity building and improvement. You need only to "walk about town to see the results of the efforts of our people in making Iheii" premises more attractive. We believe more paint has been used in Alliance in the past month than has -ever been used in a like period. Everywhere prop­ erties are being cleaned up and beautified Better lawns, artistic shrubbery, etc., are doing wonders toward making Alliance a town Many far-sighted car owners are now buying their second car-for of beauty. Now as the citizens are taking up this community building and improvement in the residential districts^let us hope the cliff will business or knock-about use. They realize that driving the family car soon find means to brighten the white way so that Main Street will" show up to good advantage. day in and day out is not good economy. Congested parking causes The Park Commission, too, is to be commended for their efforts in putting the city parks in shape and let us hope that they are bent fenders, body bumps and scratches. Standing out in all kinds provided with sufficient funds to carry out the improvements they contemplate. of weather soon causes the glossy finish to become dull and worn. Just a little civic pride—a one for all and all for one spirit— and Alliance will soon be envied by all its neighbors as really a City How many times has the family been denied the use of the car for Beautiful. Variety of Hazard Signs Constitute a Menace the day because dad had it down town? to Every Motorist Let the "Family Car" be all that the name implies, and use a good used car with low depreciation and upkeep for business or knock-about use. By THOMAS P. HENRY, President A. A. A. The Wise Car Owners of Alliance are buying OUR USED AND RECONDITIONED CARS. The motorist runs into every kind of design, color and symbol, and he must learn a new set of hazard signs whenever he goes into new terri­ Ranging in Price From $50.00 to $900.00 tory. This lack of nnifonnity which is the bane of the highways today^ ap­ plies to all types of signs, the caution signs at dtftnger points, th» traffic ^^m Open Sunday till Noon control signs, and the distance and diwetion signs as well. 1745 So. Union Ave. ALLIANCE NASH CO. Phone 2178 Proper road marking is essential to maximum service, while poor *l* road marking and the variety of signs for the same purpose constitute a standing menace to every motorist. The inevitable reaction of the motor­ m ist to the confusing variety of signs is that while motoring he misses the warning for a bad curve or a sunken road entirely and is further confused Any man will overlook a woman's ii,|,.t„l„I..|..i..|„i 1.1 •! i.iH..M.M..M-1-l-H-t Read the Advertisements—It Pays treatment—of the other chap. by the^prevalence of commercial signs, many of which specifically imitate warning signs. Bible Thoughts for Before there is uniformity there must be a national code subject to the Week ratification and adoption by all the states. This is something behind which EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY AT THE all motorists can get, and the A. A. A. is putting it forward at a practical Sunday. and urgent step in a safety program. Thou Art a God Ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great LINDEN MARKET kindness.—Neh. 9:17. Linden Near Prospect Plenty of Parking Space Children Shop Safely Here CTHE WHY of Monday. SUPERSTITIONS Labour Not to Be Rich: cease from thine own wisdom. For By H. IRV1NQ KINQ THE LINDEN riches certainly make themselves Electric presents for the bride .... HOT wings; they flyaway.—Broy . Will help her see the bright side' MARKET 28:4, b'. THE EVIL EYE Will help to make him happy too WEATHER * While vows the happy part renew Tuesday, G —McMillan Electric Co.'s Service­ FEATURES The Lord la My Shepherd: 1 A hal' f believe, that to watch a friend man Says PROVES shall not want. Surely good­ You're sure to be right if you out of sight when he departs on a jour­ make a Gift Electrical. Help her ness and mercy shall follow me ney brings nlin bad luck. This is BARGAINS all the days of my life: and I keep house the modern way. Help hec YOUR merely a phase of the superstition of add charm and grace to the bouse. will dwell In the house of the the evil eye—a precautionary measure. EVERY Lord for ever.—Ps. 23:1, 6. For you may have the evil eye and not MEAT MAN be aware of It, and so cast a malign DAY Wednesday. spell upon your friend without wish­ Bless the Lord, O my soul, ing to. and forget not all His benefits; Plutarch, writing In the* first century, who forglveth all thine' iniqui­ says that relatives and fathers some­ ties; who healeth all thy dis­ times cast a spell on their own chil­ WITH SAFETY eases; who redeemeth thy life dren without knowing It. OUR MEATS STAY from destruction.—Ps. 108:2-4. FRESH AND SWEET You can buy Green, Fresh in fact this appears to be the opin­ *& Thursday. ion of all the-old writers on the evil Fruits and Vegetables eye. And starting out upon a Journey, Is Not This the Fast that I or any sort of an expedition, has al­ any day of the week, at have chosen? to loose the bands ways been looked upon as a time when •-•H of wickedness, to undo the) heavy the evil eye was particularly liable to lowest possible price and burdens, and to let the oppressed get In Its malevolent work. Also there go free, and that ye break every C give you better service. Is no knowing how far the Influence of M MILLAN $AVE DOLLAR$ yoke?—Isa. 58:6. {he evil eye will carry. NIcolo Valletta of Naples, a firm believer in the evil ELECTRIC Cg. §, F. L RHOADS Try Friday. eye, offered, In 1787, a reward of ten "On The Square0 HERE Jaaus Said Unto Her, 1 am the send! for a satisfactory answer to this Mount Union Courteous Clerks Pay Pay resurrection and the life; he question—and twelve others—-concern­ Alliance Up-Town Shopping District COME III, WE WILL Cash ANTRAM Less that belleveth In Me, though he ing the "Jettatma", as the Italians call Phone 7008 Causes Countless Comments were dead, yet shall he live;. it. So you will see that you can't be TREAT YOU RIGHT And whosoever liveth and be­ too careful. If, perchance, you have lleveth In Me shall never die.— the evil eye let your friend get away John 11:25. from Its Influence before he Is fairly set out on his journey—don't follow Saturday. htm up with your glance. As to the Between HAMLIN'S EUREKA J O Lord, Thou Art My God; 1 superstition of the evil eye in general will exalt Thee, 1 will praise it has a whole literature of Its own— Traffic Cops Thy name; for Thou hast done ancient and modern. TEA and COFFEE wonderful things. . . • Thou (©. 1926. SfccClure Newspaper Syndicate.) FRUIT STAND hast been a strength to the poor, and Detours- a strength to the needy In his Are the best money will buy. There' was a young fellow namec distress, a refuge from the Straus '1 he average amateur auto­ (Beware of coffee that is down) storm, a shadow from the heat. Who got on a terrible sauss, mobile enthusiast has his hands Cheap coffee is down. We —Isa; 28: 1, 4. He had the right key full. But it makes ao matter FROM THE In the keyhole, you see, how many cars are on the road, 1 « have the kind that pleases. HariviHe •M-H'1 111 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I III I-1 But the keyhole was in the wrong we all want to go just the same Price- 35c up to 49c house. and take our chances. LINDEN FISH It takes a certain amount of push If you da not own a car, and Come in and get one pound Headquarters to accomplish anything—even with do not feel that you can afford and you will buy another. a- wheelbarrow. —Selected. $ t $ t t $ in prises—See Chevrolet one, come in and look at our Crossword Puzzle Supplement in this good Used Cars. They are me­ Peanuts 5c, 10c, 15c and 20c MARKET The average life of men in the paper today. chanically right, some of them per sack. Produce Fresh United States is SS.23 years, as com­ Read the Advertisements—It Pays are mighty good looking and Peanut Butter, the best... Yes, I am still here pared with 57.41 for women. the prices are within the reach selling the same high of every one, with the terms to .25c per lb. from the suit your individual* conveni­ 1 lb. Cocoa, 15c, 2 lbs. for 29c quality Fish at a low ence. price. I lb. Cocoanut, Fine -25c THAT WEDDING OR ANNIVERSARY GIFT Here's a Good Used Car • Swamp Daily We Offer You Today 5 lb. Sack Pastry Flour.. .Z8c AT YOUR OWN PRICE Call us up. Two 1924 roadsters. Good 94% lb. Red Wing We Trim Our Vegetables GIFTS FOR ALL tires, tops, and curtains. Both Floury .$1.45 WE DELIVER guaranteed. 24V lb. Pastry Flour .. .$1.30 Not Our Customers 2 SMITH $ EGGLI H. W. Wagner Motor Co. Here where your money buys F.IMGLADO Jewelers and Ontometrists The -o|dest Authorized Fore the most. Dealer in Alliance. Phone 5163 416 East Main St. i 34 S. Union Aye. Phone 520*

m~~-> RECREATIONAL NEWS Tex Austin. Master of the Rodeo Hot Weather Items For the Housewife's Comfort

(© by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)

* $ $ $ $ $ in prizes—See Chevrolet Crossword Puzzle Supplement in this paper today. REED FURNITURE is the one and only answer to Tired oi Hunting greater home comfort for the warm days and evenings of A young Swede appeared at the summer. For your convenience we have arranged a special county j idge's office and asked for a licens e. showing that wilt aid in selecting the pieces needed in your "What kind of a license?" asked home. the judge. "A hunting license ?" "No," was the answer. "Aye tanic aye bane huntingg long enough. Aye Baldwin Refrigerators want marriage lieense."—Pep Top leers $15.00 A'Jgtfi The manufacturers of our Re­ frigerators took special care to construct them so that cleaning The First Time is an easy task—a point well Perpetuation of the only sport that remains as solely typical of America WOrtll consideration by the busy haR been undertaken as the life effort of one man. And from the ranges of the housewife. Far West across the'continent to the great cities, and then on to Europe, he we ever saw has carried the physical evidence of his creed. The man Is ?Tex" Austin, and the great sport of which he is the chief proponent is the far-famed cowboy Couch Hammocks contests. Carrying .on his work, he will bring the thrills of range and border an Automobiie- to the Middle West when he directs the Chicago roundup and world's cham­ $11.95 pionship rodeo, which is to be held in the lake front stadium, beginning It looked quite different There is such a big measure of August 15. from the product of today. comfort and pleasure to be ob­ Now you get a masterpiece of tained from a swing on the porch Mumford said. "Any feature which, perfection, and assured per­ or in the yard during the summer, Reader's "Petitions" by its temporary absences can arouse formance. In the old days it that" the small cost should deter Save Their Puzzles such a storm of protest as our re­ took a lot of nerve to try to none from having one. cent -action brought forth surely is make a 50 mile trip. worth publishing even if the space We offer you -Used Cars thai Hundreds of letters and a score of it occupies is eagerly sought by ad­ we have taken in trade on new lengthy ''petitions" signed by readers vertisers The Tribune's puzzles are deals, that in many cases arc have forced the Chicago Tribune to back to stay for a long time to come, just as good as new. Thous­ WINDOW SCREENS ^ resume publication of its daily and. it .is not entirely impossible that ands of miles left in them, and HI cross-word puzzle, according to they will be come a regular continued a perfect running machine, that 12x33 inches 27c Manly Muntford, puzzle editor. feature,'*. it would be a pleasure to own. 15x33* inches _ J7c Recently the Tribune announced All Chicago daily newspapers ex­ the discontinuance of the puzzles and Here's a Good Used Car 18x33 inches _. „. .. jflt cepting the Journal of Commerce and We Offer You Today *iA Its daily offer of cash prizes for all the foreign language newspapers are 20x33 inches _ J7< puzzles accepted for publication. now publishihg cross-word puzzles. 1924 model touting car Intmediately the mail was filled with 24x33 inches _. 67c equipped with a new body, top J m%. protesting letters and petitions from Recreational News cross-word and curtains. Good tires and a puzzle fans who asked for the return puzzle will be found in the Chevro­ good battery. A bargain at of the feature, which, Mr. Mumford let supplement, solve it and get a $225.00. said, had been withdrawn partly be­ cash prize cause it was thought that interest in FLORENCE OIL RANGES puzzles was dn the wane, but chiefly* Any girl can be gay in a nice coupe: H. W. Wagner Motor Co. The stove with the big powerful Household Supply Co. because of the valuable advertising In a taxi they all can be jolly The oldest Authorized Ford burners directly under the cooking ves­ space they occupied. But the girl worth while is the girl sel. More heat, less care. We have the Dealer in Alliance. size range and price to meet your re­ "It appears that the cross-word who will smile 1534 S. Union Ave. Phone 520J 616 E. Mam St ALLIANCE. OHIO puzzle has created a definite place When you're taking rer home in a quirements. - Priced as low as $23.85. for itself as a regular feature," Mr. trolley.


RIDE A BICYCLE GOLF! For Pleasure and Convenience PLAY BALL Enjoy the great It supplies exercise, as well as it builds out-doors b y good health and strength. playing Golf. *1V Baseballs 10c to $2.00 CLUBS AMERICA—IVER-JOHNSON— Gloves 50c to $8.50 BUCKEYE $2 to $15 -4-*? Mitts ..; 50c to $16.00 BALLS $35.00—$37.00—$38.00— ._ Bat*- 30c to $2.00 50c to 75c SHOES $40.00 and $45.00 Shoes $5.00 to $16.50 $5.50 to $10.00 Protectors, Masks, Bat Bags, Sliding Pads, Uni­ forms, Uniform Rolls, Etc* BAGS—-Large and Small $2.75 to $20.00 INDOOR BALL EQUIPMENT J SWEATERS See us for anything for this popular game. Newest Styles ($1 BALLS, BATS, CAPS, JERSEYS, ETC. $5JO to $10.00 MAIL ORDERS Socks, Gloves, Tees, Etc. SOLICITED AND GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. . SCOOTERS KIDDIE KARS POSTAGE PREPAID Buy., the*. Boy- an.. Auto For the boy or girl.. With and without pedals. Disc and spoke wheels Disc wheels—-All sizes. * i Coaster, a Knee Koaster, a Coaster Wagon, a Speed $2,75 and up $2.00 up Bike or an Automobile. We TENNIS Bathing have them in many sizes We have everything for- the Tennis Enthusiast- For the professional Suits and they're'well buitt. and beginner. For Men, VELOCIPEDES RACKETS—$1.95 and up Women and It's the same to the smaller child as the bike is to the BALLS—OUR PRICE sot Boys. grown-up boy and girl. NETS, SHOES, MARKERS, ETC. Just received $325—$3.50—$3.7S—$4.00—$6.00—$8.00 Tennis Rackets Re-Strung— our shipment WE MAKE SPECIAL $9.25—$10.00—$11S0—$13.50 AND $1850 24 bout service of new, clas­ PRICES TO TEAMS* sy plain and CLUBS AND LODGES color combi­ ON TEAM OUTFITS nations. $3.50, $4.75, THE AMERICA CYCLE COMPANY $500, $6.00, aad up Quality Merchandise 323 Market Ave. South—CANTON,OHIO Canton's Most Complete Sport And Toy Wheel Goods Shop A-l Service RECREATIONAL NEWS *g^^^^*§[j!^^*^^^§ *gS» ^•wj^ USi Cbmmun i •r THERE IS NOTHING TO COMPARE WITH OUR LINE OF FABRICS Concrete Sidewalks ys. K. Finding Much Favor That we show this season. The use of concrete for sidewalks has become so universal throughout Our Latest Styles the cities and towns of this country that a town or city of any appreciable Are in a class by themselves. You will be in a class by your­ size Is rarely found la which the side­ walks are not all made of this favored self if you wear clothes made by us. material. Concrete is now universally accepted as the Ideal sidewalk material. Prop­ Why men choose this erly built concrete walks meet all the ' requirements of a good footway. They JAMES G. ANGELONE are durable, smooth without being new Gruen strap watch slippery, and are pleasing and clean in MERCHANT TAILOR • appearance. Good walks, are easy to For business and sport wear many men now find build. It Is only necessary to follow a the strap watch indispensable. And their need Foreign and Domestic Woolens for such a timepiece ia well met by the new 42 S. Liberty Street ALLIANCE, OHIO Gruen strap watch illustrated above. Ita excellence as a timekeeper and its sturdy beauty of design combine to make it especially attractive to men.

We have the new Gruen strap watch in white or green gold reinforced "Precision" movement) ,'THE • , priced at $40. Other Gruen models are priced KITCHEN from $25 up. I CABINET! Hit. Western Newajmpar Union.) J.A.ZANC&SON l«et the •»• what sighs tor oomtort Jewelers Since 1865 Peel a hand-grasp true; It will uhn»r the way and surely Cant impoverish yon. Uvea are human, though ao oftma We disguise our pain. Some ar* hungering for roar oom- • tort; GUvtt aad aive again. Good-Looking and Durable. H. W. COLLINS '*,•-, QOOD SALADS few, easily understood principles, to build concrete walks that are prac­ • Formerly With Spring-Holzwarth and The Seitner Co. A salad which Is especially appetis­ HAS OPENED AN ing with a game or tame duck dinner tically everlasting. te sliced oranges Just four materials enter into a con­ ejewett- with French crete walk—portland cement, sand) dressing. Arrange crushed stone or pebbles and water. Interior Decorating Shop the slices over­ When these are combined In certain lapping each oth­ definite proportions, placed on a pre­ At 343 South Lincoln Ave. where be will carry a complete er an lettuce and pared foundation and allowed to line of leading makes of add the dressing harden the walk Is complete. But the Coach just as It Is ready materials must be suitable; the foun­ to serve. dation-must be properly prepared; and CARPETS Canned pears the mixing and placing of the concrete including the finest qualities of Axminster and Wilton Weaves in dipped In salad dressing, rolled la must meet the requirements of sound all the latest colorings, in many widths, in plain and figured long pile chopped nuts, blanched chopped al­ construction principles. Failure to carpets. monds, are especially good. Plate oa meet one or more of the above condi­ lettuce and serve with any good salad tions in the early days of concrete- dressing. making was the cause of occasional '1260 poor walks being constructed. Duban Awnings ;)1 F. O. B. Detroit, tax cram Emergency Salad.—Combined grated Ask Us About It's die greatest Jewett ever built—at the lowest co- cheese, canned peas, a hard-cooked closed price we ever achieved. egg chopped, a few tablespoonfuls ef Future "Old Home** Weeks dndphaqes chopped watermelon pickle, a dash of The "antiquated" past is not so far Awnings It's the finest Coach ever designed—finest in room­ onion Juice or a little scraped onion la the rear after all. In America It is iness—convenience—comfort—sturdy construction with such seasonings as are needed, hardly sufficiently remote to be re­ AND PORCH SHADES —detail finish. makes a most tasty salad. Serve oa garded as historical in the strictest PPfe furnish and erect the And it's the easiest parking, steering, driving lettuce. sense of that term. And yet the In­ Famous Duban Line. Apple chopped or cut Into small clination too often Is to believe that Imported and domestic silk Coach you ever touched. Turns around comforta­ all that Is worth while In American dice, two parts of apple mixed with and cretonne draperies, slip bly in a 42-foot street Parks easily in 16% feet of one part of finely diced Spanish annals has been written by those of cover materials for overstuffed space at the curb. onion; mix With a good salad dressing previous generations. It might not furniture and automobiles, cur­ It's a Coach that will out-perform any car within and serve on lettuce. be an extravagant statement that at 1 tain materials, window shades, curtain rods and linoleums. $500 of He price. Orr hills—on the open road- A combination of apples, bananas no time since the coming of the first and oranges, using twice as much ap­ white settlers te American shores has We also are prepared to give unusual service in making and through rough goinf*—in traffic—anywhere! Those the responsibility of the individual who have driven it know. You drive it! ple as bananas and half as much banging curtains and draperies in new styles and treatments. orange as bananas. Whip a cupful of been greater than at the present mo­ A telephbne call to 7393 will bring samples of carpets, draperies, Consider its advantages in fairness to yourself, "Sou cream, add a capful and a half of ment. There are still many oi.l home etc., to your home for selection. Estimates cheerfully given on all will pay dearly for its equal. See this coach—drive ill • sugar, the grated rind and Juice of a weeks to be observed, a decade hence, a century farther on. Those wbo par­ materials, also upholstering and slip covers for furniture and auto­ There's not a finer, abler enclosed car on the road. lemon. mobiles. Pineapple and Nut Salad.—Use the ticipate In such gatherings will look sliced canned pineapple, arrange a back upon the building which is now THE SCHAFFER NORMS MOTOR CAR CO.slic e on each plate and fill the hole In being done, just as we of today look PAIGE Phone 4237 JEWETT the center with grated cheese; cover back upon the structure we have re­ with French dressing and sprinkle ceived as a legacy from sturdy and 215 EAST MARKET STREET with chopped nuts and minced parsley. high-minded forebears. — Christian Almond and Cabbage 8alad.—Shred Science Monitor. LAUNDERED a firm white head of cabbage, add a PERFECTLY cupful ef blanched almonds shredded, Time to Plant Trees season with salt and paprika, and add You Just cannot help but he a cupful of sour cream. Line a salad Whatever trees we want to plant— pleased with the way we \ and everybody ought to plant trees— THAT CLEAN LOOK bowl with lettuce leaves, heap In the launder shirts. Thoroughly v , salad and serve with cheese and crack­ should be planted now. The early planted trees get the best chance at washed, smoothly ironed, The carefully dressed, clean looking man commands ers. Pineapple finely diced added to they feelf fust like a new chopped or shredded cabbage with a making satisfactory growth. If we are respect. going to grow a lawn—and everybody shirt. good boiled dressing Is a very tasty J*. IT* In the office, in the parlor or on the street he is good to combination. ought to grow a lawn—this Is the best STAR look at, and he "gets by'' where the carelessly dressed man time to get the seed in the ground. Hot falls. dry weather is" not conducive to grow­ STEAM LAUNDRY ing grass. It takes the cool, moist 27 S. Liberty Ave. Good care of clothes means keeping them clean and neat­ season of spring to get a new growth 4~ ly pressed; that is the secret of it. for a lawn started. Then if we expect Call 2123 "The Victory Way" is the service that gives you these to garden, plant flowers, paint the premises or otherwise let the world results. know that we are among those pres­ a ent In the world's activities, It Is also time to get going. It Is the time to leave our hibernating mental attitude BROADCASTING and get Into the wide-awake swing of OUR NEW real action.—-Florence News. FEDERAL 141 City's Opportunity We just wish that everyone in this com­ Cities have the ambition to aspire munity could realize how clearly this new to great heights when they have built Federal Radio Receiving Set reproduces their foundation with an understand­ your choice of the many programs on the ALLA\NC£, OH/0 ] ing of the main essentials which go air daily. May we demonstrate it to you? into the development of prestige and good will. Without these attributes, some cities may become richer and Radio Sales & Service Co. greater, but they do not and cannot Located at ROATH'S PIANO CO. become better. Troy has the oppor­ 22 E. Main St. tunity. Troy may never become the K FRESH FRUIT city of half a million people; but Troy Just Telephone 7857. may become better and more favorably An Extra Measure of Car or Radio Pleasure known .than any city twice or three it you buy the new times Its size if new standards aro- FLAVORS adopted and. applied.—Troy Herald. WESTINGHOUSE RUBBER CASED BATTERY—$14J0 Fresh trait Savors add such a de­ CHAP'S SERVICE STATION*. lightful zest to Ice Cream confec­ Rattler Need Not Coil "AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS" tions. The commonly accepted belief that lit S. PARK AVE. ALLIANCE PHONE 8856 We suggest: a rattler, will not strike until after \ DAIRY NEEDS Solution to Last Week's Puzzle "A Strawberry Frappe" has sounded its warning Is false. If You will find every dairy the reptile Is trodden on while asleep It will strike first and do Its rattling oroduct here — also Ice MILLER'S afterward. Cream—The famous kind— CENTRAL CONFECTIONERY That's Different Cold drinks and picnic "Men are peculiar," hackneys Mrs. Mount Union Square supplies. Ottoknow. "I know a lot of them who boast of their wonderful swing with a golf club that cant wield a carpet A GOOD, CLEAN FamousDairyCo, beater worth a darn." Main St. at Mechanic There was a young lady who said, Phone. 5298 "The 'trousers' I'll wear when I'm PLACE TO EAT wed," So beautiful she seemed to me But I'm sorry to say, I wished that we might wed, She's an old maid to-day, Her neck a pillar of ivory— But alas! so was her head. Read the Advertisements—It Pays And "pants" for a husband instead. -——Punch Bow!. Read the Advertisements—It Pays RECREATIONAL HEWS RECREATIONAL NEWS CLASSIFIED FOR RENT—Large office room with AT C0UJMBIA small work room connecting, suit­ able for dental, law or other profes­ Offers a Double Bill Featuring the The Lakes, em sional tenant. Best Main St. loca­ Favjnte Screen Artists—Rich Vales Cut Rate Drug Store tion. Write Dept. C, care Recrea­ ard Barthelmess in tional News. GUARANTEED "Soul Fire." The Woods, FOR SALE—Like rent New modern 6 room house, attic, gas, electric, all Bessie Love, Another Favorrteil A Few of our regular prices improvements. Very easy terms. Comes For the Week End in The Mountains- Deal with owner, Carl E. Held. 1538 "Sundown." S. Seneca. Phone 6382. Would con­ Penslar Bucher and Palmetto DRECO sider auto as part payment. "Soul Fire" moves before a pic­ turesque background. Sot Eric Or just the open country, all tor back c d $12* FOR SALE—8 room house, all modern UUUXI VE BI4L CAB Pane's quest of bis great symphony offer an appeal when the warm —hot water heat, newly painted. days come upon us. Man ache ... 75 *" $li Our Price Five minutes to Main Street. Near leads him from Italy to Paris and High School and churches. Will from Port Said to the South Seas. likes to get away from his consider trade. Call Phone 3471. His pilgrimage carries him to the cares and out in the open spaces. FOR SALE—Camping tent for autc USED CARS pinnacle of success as a writer of touring. SxlO with canvas floor, jazz in the Latin Quarter of Paris, Right now we are offering WOODBURY'S SOAP BLUD-LIFE windows, doors, etc. Used only a and to the very depth of the mire as some unusual bargains on good 3 cakes r-aA^ $125 (?1 IA few times. Two folding camp beds, Ye guarantee every used Ford we a derelict, a {revolutionist against Used Cars that will make ecu double size. A new idea in touring for 3" equipment. Will sell very reason­ tell for a period of 30 days. This the shams of society, in the "wick­ of these trips possible, and Out Price .'. X****™ able, or rent. Address Box T„ Be neans that your car is in 6rst class edest city of the world," Port Said would be a great source of creatlonal News. running condition when you receive it is not until he shakes off the enj oyment. You'll be sur­ 1 shackles of civilization and gets back prised at the values we offer WANTED TO RBJNT — A cottage at it and you are entitled to our free SAYMAITS SOAP nearby resort for all summer. Ad­ to the simplicity of nature itself— you, and the convenient terms C PEBECO dress Box V., Recreational Kevs. service for 30 days. in the lonely and lovely isles of the of payment—so that anyone 3 cakes 9f\ South £>eas—that his genius strikes may be the proud owner. lot 25' 50c We Sat below a few of out Guar­ fire. Then the'great symphony comes Herds a Good Used Car Our Price 39' Takes Dad's Sculls anteed cars: —and Fane is world-famous. Yon We Offer You Today 1—1922 ,FORD SEDAN — $260.00. will like Richard Barthelmess as See our selection of used Guaranteed. "Eric i'anc" and you should see coupes. Eight to choose from PEPSODENT "Soul Fire" whack is the Columbia's and they are all guaranteed to offering for the first three days of please you. 50c Mag Lac Real Bristle £ 1—1924 FORD TOURING—$265.00 the week. Our Price 39' «Tfr*f*> Guaranteed. Tooth Brushes 50 Beginning Thursday for three 1—1923 FORD COUPE — $250.00. days comes "Sundown" with Bessie H. W. Wagner Motet Co. IfOve. Guaranteed. The oldest Authorized Ford Vale's Cucumber c Vale's. After-Shaving The simplicity and the hnman- Dealer in Alliance. ness of "Sundown" are its principal' 1534 S. Union Ave. Phone 5208 Cream 39 Lilac Lotion 75' 1—1920 FORD TOURING—$90.00. charm. One is gripped with the in­ Guaranteed. tensity of the drama that it pictures, j And there are thrills, too. These[ when the huge herd stampedes and May Lac Tooth Vale's Lemon Cream the homesteaders are caught in the A little sun, a little rain, path of onrushing, maddened cattle, A little loss, a little gain Paste 50' for sunburn 50' THE E. E. SIPE CO. and again when the cattle and their A little joy, a little strife owners are entrapped by fire. And this is life. I Authorized Ford Dealers Other well-known players la ths A little woik, a little play, Lady Helen Chocolate Cherries Cor. Freedom and Prospect Sts. well-balanced cast are Charles Sel- Somekind deed done each passing day Phone 2100 lou, Charles Crockett, Wilfred A few good-byes, a setting sun— ia cordial, lull pound 69' North, J ere Austin, Hal Wilson and And life is done. Margaret McWade. —Author Unknown. Prescriptions carefully compounded. K- <*,•-. VALE THE DRUG MAN Joseph - Wright, Jr., is training on SORRY Next Alliance First Nat. Bank the Schuylkill under the guidance ot We were again obliged to omit BUEHLER BROS. his father, Joseph Wright, Sr., Univer­ several ads in this issue. Adver­ 121 EAST MAIN ST. sity of Pennsylvania crew coach, for a tisers will please note that to in­ with Laura La Plante You will crack at the diamond sculls trophy sure insertion COPY MUST BE Star Theatre like snappy, clean comedy with its. abroad this summer. Young Joe Is IN EARLY. Don't wait as we TUESDAY ONLY pretty girls and lights. A shown above in his scull. Joe's dad. In must be governed by the policy of comedy and hews reel completes the his younger days, made rowing history Sot come first served. Thank During Hot Weather Try Our Three Feature Films, With Change program. when he pulled the oars. you. of Program Monday, Wed­ For Friday and Saturday comes DELICIOUS COLD MEATS nesday and Friday—Good Read the Advertisements—It Pays 'The Phantom Horseman." A swing­ -a Comedy Program ing tale of red-blooded romance and Nice Sliced Bologna „... .20c thrilling adventure, tinged with mys­ Nice Sweet Boiled Ham 50c The Star Theatre will offer its pa­ tery! With Jack Hoxie, daredevil in Served In a Way You'll Like trons another triple bill, beginning outdoor star, doing the hardest, fast­ Sliced Thin Minced Ham 25c Monday with "Outlawed," featuring est riding of his career! He Bill Patton and Carlyn Wagner. A good program throughout and Our Lean Pressed Ham 30c This is a thrilling western drama one that will please the patrons of full of action and interest. In addi­ this popular theatre. Sugar 'Cured Sliced Ham 45c tion there will be the 10th chapter Small Sweet Pickles 15c doz. of the "Man of the North.*' Beware of prejudicies I The open- Wednesday and Thursday the fea­ minded man is young, no matter what ture will be "Dangerous Blonde," year he was born.

WHO SAID IT'S HOT? ilk Up ed tr­ LEX SANDWICH SHOPPE Lexington Hotel Building "The Sweetest Spot In Town" ad w all MODISH TOPCOATS EXPRESS o- FASTIDIOUS TAILORED TOUCH

*» Bride's Gifts

Y lo£ Jewelry Come to Lake Park for a dip. be lUiJa. L_j

a- es !ie back-panel which gives chic te the model Illustrated. That the illm sil­ if houette Is in no way detracted from through this novelty panel testifies to the consummate art of the designer. Other high lights In this garment are the curious- slashed or tabbed cuffs, THE CAR YOU WANT K , „. also the fact that light and dark cloth are combined, In this Instance silver gray with stone gray. In some of the new models an out A logical way to buy a standing point of Interest Is the shoul­ der treatment. A distinguishing note Used Car: Tell us about Is the epaulet shoulder cut In one with what you want to invest HI ideal ot what a smart the sleeve. Yoke effects are subtly Tspring wrap should be, Is realized embodied In the new wraps; indeed, and let us comb the town in the season's collection ot hand­ yokes In every conceivable form char­ somely, yet practically, styled top­ acterize the present-day modes. for the best buy at your coats. Fashlonists are making It a The man-tailored coat is a subject price. Or, perhaps we have point te Introduce unique and fastidi­ of vast Import fashioned in smart ous tailoring touches which lend In­ woolen mixtures, tweeds, charmeen it now. Better look, today. finite charm without detracting from and handsome plaids. Velvet collars genuine service and usefulness. and double-breasted are the two prom­ The mode offers supreme contrast inent points of Interest in these In these tailored coat silhouettes with­ models. out suggesting the eccentric. The Double-breasted top-coats developed N smartly costumed woman has her from plaid shawls with fringe finish choice ef the stralghtline coat, the at the lower edge are among the novel­ M. E. BIERY MOTOR CO. flared coat or the mannish double- ties of the season. These preserve 32 N. ARCH ST breasted cost the conventional notched collar, and FLOWERS FOR THE BRIDE r •n interesting version of the the long close-fitting sleeve. DODGE BROTHERSSELLGOOD USED CARS KOCH'S FLORAL CO. ftffl'gfttlll't contour Is presented In There is quite a ripple of excitement Mount Union Square Phone 3187 this picture. A novel feature Intro­ caused by the sudden turn of rhe tide duced In the newer models Is elabora­ In favor of navy blue. Alliance Up-Town Shopping District I tion of cut concentrated at the back of -JrJLIA BOTTOMLBY. 'ays the coat. It IS the treatment of a (<£). ISIS. Western Newspaper Union.) RECREATIONAL NEWS The New York Store Offers a line of seasonable merchandise that has all the appeal of this, the first month of summer—Read Careful­ ly—Never have you been favored with such wonderful buying opportunities for this, the whole month of June. - 8r:* The Month of Brides *•» Roses Note carefully the prices and the quality we ofter 1 From Mon., June 8th to closing time Sat., June 13th \h Summer Wash Dresses VISIT OUR \~4 su COATS Be pn All of the latest creations, designed in such an styles and fabrics as will please the most exact-' In Surf Satin Iff! ing. We have on hand a wonderful selection J"95" Broadcloth Broadtwill and you may pick the one that best suits you from over 400, jn many styles. Hand Drawn Linens f BARGAIN BASEMENT Imported Voiles r

The talk oi Alliance. We have long ago demon­ lV.-** Polo Coats strated the iact that we are much lower in price and And Many Novelties of the Polaine Coats better in value on Coats, Dresses and Millinery. It Charmeen Coats now remains lor us to prove to you how you can save Season, on the small articles of wear and furnishings by buy­ Porie Twill Coats ing them in our cool and cheerful looking basement, Bengaline Silk Coats wherein we carry a line oi Black Satin Coats Every new and modish spring and summer mate­ Dress Goods rial. Trimmed in every new and stylish fur. Towels Reasonably Every new and stylish mo­ Cheaper Hosiery Priced del included are a large va­ riety of the Prince of Wales Hduse Dresses A From Chi "English Walking Coat*' at but prices which are unbeliev­ Muslin Underthings BO, ably low. giv< $1.95 COS IL OFF Sheets and Pillow Cases yea mai Children's Every Day Dresses To flov and some even less than cost to make them. Boys' Wash Suits, Creepers and many • Buy an extra Coat even $3.95 if you have one already. other useful things for wear or for home in each case and on every ar­ ticle we guarantee you a saving of money.

f+++4 Millinery Hosiery New Styles In This Display ** of Dresses Accenting the You Will Find Beauty of a Group of Summer the Most Unusual Values I Dainty Ever Assembled Ol he \ tlon In This Store or in t: We receive new-Hats regular­ Dresses outc mm ly three times each week and you Any Other We excell in our low prices Belc are sure to hnd the hat oi the sen! "Hour.'' Just what dame fashion In Cool Fabrics and good quality, specialising on I has adopted and what the style Store a 95c and $125 Hose that for authorities recommend. We will have ft at your command and durability, value and range of usually at a~lower price. color, we absolutely have no comparison.

w^w-+ ++w>++4>w>+*+++*~++-*s++'*r-* t OF "OPOCO" ALL-DAY DRESSES i Crepe de Chine Dresses, Dresses for the Miss : For Monday and \ Canton Crepe Dresses, Dresses for the Matron For Monday and Flowered Chiffon, Afternoon Dresses Georgette and Roshanaira Crepe. Tuesday Only i Evening and Party Dresses Tuesday Only Reasonably priced from

• ,\ 5 Large Turkish Sport Drosses and Street Dresses Normandie Voile, guar­ $5M to $13SO anteed fast color street Bath Towels tor *<*-+^+++-++*-++*-++^+* f^-JhW •+ +w^++•**+*++ a***-*-*? dresses for ladies, 36 to 95c 44, misses 8 to 16 #&, In Basement, 308 S'NEwltORkSTORE.Ca Alliance 308 E.MAIN ST In Basement. MJj i"her> i i >#>tf>#»ej E. St. 'GARMENTS OF THE HOUR-.* Ohio < •» P6+f +*+++++++++++++++++w ++*e*++++6it *+if N'atlc it til Okla.