1 r A Picture Page TYPOGRAVORE a» of SECTION RECR n\r A f IMP wc Current Interest Distributed free in AlWanos and contlguoua c.rr WTTSJ ALLIANCE, OHIO, JUNE 7, 1925 territory. Additional copies will be sold at •" l>I-.f" 1 a* No. f Germans Wrecking One of Their Big Fortresses i Alaska Mail Team Ready for 500-Mile Trip iPl€§i •affii United States government mail team leaving the post office at Nenana, Alaska, for Iditarod, 500 miles away, The two sledges are laden with mall matter and food for driver and dogs. 1,| !•• •aalaf Hi Indian Chiefs Help Open Zion National Park 0- While the allies discuss the terms of their note to tiei-uiany, calling attenuon in .her. "Hr»M**'»:!***s»^^ Jermana claim to be destroying their armed power In accordance with the treaty. »I'hotograph shows wrecking work on the great Konlgsberg fortress. T Zion National park Is receiving Jf"**ssss2B22S2S2 tourists again, and to make verythlnjr Winners in Venice's Bathing Beautv Contest pleasant these Indiana, Owlet Tom B»a»WS»^.!ICTlW^<aiM«»^^ Moccasin, Medicine Man Tom Para- L '•mr>i chont and Chief Jimmy Pete of the I w Piute tribe formally lifted the spell of f fear that has gripped the redskins * *. » when they neared this beautiful re­ gion in Utah. A Ni *«Mftea •mi % See the Chevrolet Cross Word Puzzle in Sup­ V I plement oi this Paper today.— Be one oi the Winners oi the Cash and Special Prizes m$mm This quartel of beach peaches won prizes, as Indicated l>.v their cards, In the annual bathing beauty revue at Venice. Cal. Left to right: Jris Nicholson, Adele Bunyan, Evelyn Hunt and Viola McCubin. QUITS OHIO STATE 4, „. - _ -. _ Young Woman Is a Kadio Expert WHm yMIss Grace Hazen, of the radio laboratory of the United States bureau m . Of standards In Washington, can dis­ sn cuss meters, kilocycles and other radio terms as well as the modern flapper can talk about rouge and bobbed hair. mm SlaW- mm® f.o.b. Flint. I faiaa * CHEVROLET MicK. 1 ^x Greatest Value for Economical Transportation Iks *» a»^a**M *2^9(a**a at^aOctfal *S aHl *£•• Quality Car! *Fine Appearance ^USStUZ « tmil colors of Duco whose luster and color last for years— cowl lights—rustless airplane metal radiator—every inch a quality car. Dr. W. O. Thompson, since 1899 the president of Ohio State university, has announced that he will retire before I Complete Equipment Sfta^S-S! he reaches the age of seventy Novem­ rials you need in a car-. A chassis construction typical of ber 6 next, and his resignation has the highest priced cars, with powerful mo tor,new disc clutch, been accepted. He is a graduate of ittimts^* W Remy electric system, demountable rims, speedometer, oil Muskingum college and before going Noted Sculptor Makes Hooker Bust gauge, ammeter—all included in its selling price. to Ohio State he was president of ~„l /^y^vwais^^a***- The new Chevrolet semi-ellip- Miami university and of Longmont Reai COmiOrt tleapringa extend for 88% of college in Colorado. - **•> <* the wheel base. Seats are finely upholstered and specially READY FOR SHRINERS - designed for comfort. €»«_» fy_ _. To buy so much car for so little money Ltuuuniy Ue€ecttag a real economy. In addition • it costs so little to operate and maintain a Chevrolet that this low coat at upkeep makes for a still greater final economy. This touring car, designed and built strictly as a quality car, fully equipped, sells for only $525 f.o.b. Flint, Michigan WVZ\ Roadster • $52' %*&*?% Coup* • • 7ji 71 Coach . • "731 4 Sedan ... g 2' V Comm«rcUl A *) 1 Chassis- . *•*»- s: ExpraM •« i •r Truck Chassis • ^ -" ALL PR1CB8 F. O. B. rixtrf, uidH. Miss Helen Glass of Los Angeles W\ la shown wearing a novel hale UNION CHEVROLET, INC adornment ^hich she deviaed in .rvtaB*** honor of the members of the Mystic North Arch at Prospect. Just a Step from Main. Phone 5233 Shrine who met in the southern Cali­ Bust of Herbert Hoover which is being executed In Washington by Ivan fornia metropolis Mestrovlc, the widely-known lugo-Slav sculptor, who is shown at the right' QUALITY AT LOW COST RECREATIONAL NEWS friends, his prisoner because he be­ Some Borrowers! lieves the boy is not bad at heart $165.00 In Special Prizes To Be Given THE FAST CANTON PENNZOILS but merely the tool of some rasca!, Teacher: "We borrowed our num­ gives a rugged, tense portrayal and By Union Chevrolet Inc., Enterprising Automobile Dealer Provide erals frem the Arabs, our calendar by sheer force of his profound his- from the Romans, and. our banking K VS. GOATS THIS AFTERNOON tronic ability carries over to a the Opportunity For Puzzle Fans to Try Their Skill from the Italians. Can anyone ch'.nk glorious finish a story which does and Win a Prise. cf a->y other examples?" A Rare Exhibition ol the National Pastime is Promised- not depend, as do so many westerns, Willie Willis: "Our lawnmo.ver merely on fast riding and plenty o* from the Smiths, our snow shovel Goats and Pennzoils Open a Three Game shooting. With today's Recreational News, College Star in Demand from the Joneses, and oar baby cai- Mildred Harris as the heroine is the Chevrolet Co. supplies a supple; r.age from the Bumps."—Judge. Series—Both Teams Going Great. -more whimsically beautiful than evei ment containing a Cross-Wprd Puz­ and she virtually permeates the en­ zle. This puzzle is unique in. that it. Off Women for Lite. tire film with her gentle charm and is made up of words representim The Alliance Goathill's won both Recreational News is going to pre­ soft appeal. One could not ask for parts of the New Chevrolet and con­ 1 was highly flattered because she week end games from Canton Cars sent to the Alliance player who a lovelier screen personality and tains many regular cross-word puz­ bar said when we were dancing, and Akron All Stars. On Saturday makes the first home run in today's you will enjoy this week end attrac­ zle words. "You're just like Vernon Castle." afternoon J. Grail celebrated Dec­ game, a nifty new straw hat. Now tion. Look out for the supplement and During the next dance she said "Yet, oration Day by whitewashing the boys up and at 'em, a solid smash keep it, the puzzle is a real test of exactly like him." And it wasn't Canton Cars, allowing them 4 hits with your trusty old bat and you your ability, you may turn in the until after \ had taken her home ia a and striking out eleven. Rinaldo and get the hat. first correct solution and win the taxi that I remembered that Vernon Sharpneck each hit for the Circuit. Y.W.C.A.DRIVE Big $75.00 Prize. The Contest con­ is DEAD, so I'm off women- for On Sunday afternoon they fat­ tinues until August 1st. life.—Brown Jug. tened their batting averages at the The Special Prizes offered aggre­ expense of "three Akron hurlers. THE OHTOTHEATRE I OPENS MONDAY gate $165.00 as follows r Lesson One The Akron team did not lose any The Local Movie, "A Romance of For the first correct solution sub­ i time in trying to win, scoring in Alliance" at the Ohio All Mayor Issues Proclamation Ap­ mitted to our store, $75.00 in pay­ Teacher: "You may tell us, Tom­ the first and 2nd innings. Then Mc- ment on new car. •- my, some of the ways ia which lire Cleggett decided to put on the brakes Next Week. proving Campaign. For the second correct solution confers a benefit on the human race." and Akron was through for the day. submitted, $50.00 ia payment oa new Tommy (who knows something of The Ohio Theatre received a letter The Goats got started in the fourth Oa Mooday morning a corps of car. his ' father's business methods). inning when Jones hit for two bases a few days ago from the Hudris Film "When the amount of the insurance Co. Laboratories, informing them Workers will launch an intensive For the third correct solution sub­ and Chas. Grail hit the apple over campaign ia the interest of a local mitted, $25.00 in payment oa aew exceeds the value of the stock oa the fence Final score 16 to 2. the negative of "Ths Romance of hand." Alliance" the iacal picture taken here Y. W. C. A home. Great interest car. This afternoon should "Uncork a is being manifested and the success For the fourth, $10.00 cash. recently is a tremendous success ia Any Old Time. real, battle when the Pennzoils ol every way, and we herewith quote of the venture seems assured. For the fifth, $5.00 cash. Canton return to the hill top field from their letter: The picturization Mayor Ira E. Stevens has issued a And tor every correct solution to open a three game series with the formal proclamation], setting aside submitted a cash prize of $1.00 will The orchestra was strenuously by our camera man Granville L. announcing that there wasn't a sin Goats. The Pennzoils opened the Howe, is a real photographic gem, the week of Jane 8th as "Y. W. be given regardless of time sub­ season here and lost to the Goats Week" mitted. gle banana ia the whole fruit mar­ and the clear lights throughout with ket. after battling for 13 innings, 3-2 and our toning will certainly surprise the The text of the mayor's proclama­ Read the supplement carefully— Owen Carroll, star pitcher ot the have act lost a game since They are especially "the matter pertaining to "Do >ou love dancing?' murmured people oi Alliance as well as your­ tion is as follows: Holy Cross college baseball team, Wor­ the flipper, holding his partner at .the head of the Canton Citj self.
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