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CNMI Relations arianas··%riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ f\VS By Jojo Dass carry out your (Tenorio's) order. Variety News Staff I cannot, and will not, place the ACTING Public Works Secre­ (Tenorio) could be so careless posedly for the 60 emergency health and lives of the people in tary Martin Manglona yesterday and irresponsible in handling pub­ classrooms being pushed by the danger as you seemed to be detei:­ gave up his post saying he "can no lic funds," read Manglona's res­ Public School System. mined to do," Manglona told longer work" under Gov. Froilan ignation letter sent to the gover­ Manglona who has just returned Tenorio. Tenorio's administration if the nor. from "investigating the "I would rather resign from my chief executive's "present course "The public elected you because incinerator's design," said he has position than be responsible for of action continues." they trusted you would adminis­ "discovered" that the burners even one death caused by the Manglona resigned over a range ter theiraffairs responsibly and in "emit dangerous amounts of di­ emmissions of these incinerators." of reasons which included their best interest," Manglona oxins." The incineratorprojecthas been Tenorio's alleged decision to wrote the govemor. "Your ac­ "Dioxins cause leukemia and in the works since last year.. It was transfer funds into the Garapan tions reflect otherwise." other forms of cancer. They are expected to alleviate Saipan '.s beautification project; and an al­ The letter revealed Tenorio an extreme danger to the lives and worsening solid waste manage-· leged order from the governor to okayed the rechanneling of about health of our people. ment problem. procure three incinerators "which Martin Manglona $500,000 out of CIP funding sup- "I cannot, in clear conscience, Continued on page 16 may be emitting cancer-causing chemicals." portedly raised a lot of eyebrows The acting secretary also and credibility concerns. claimed there is just "too many "I find it very difficult to be­ Tenorio holds off 902 call contracts that are being sole lieve that, as Chief Executive of sourced," a situation that has re- the Commonwealth, you By Zaldy Dandan "(A federal takeover of local Variety News Staff immigration and minimum wage SA YING he has been reassured policies) is not inevitable, and I by U.S. House Republican lead­ don't think it will happen while Governor 'gets rid' ers that no federal takeover leg­ the (U.S.) Republican Party con­ islation will be passed by Con­ trols Congress, .. Tenorio said. gress, Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio ··If they're not going (to ap­ of Waihee, Lujah · yesterday announced he has prove a federal takeover bill) called off any new discussions why do a preemptive action? By Zaldy Dandan Trust's board of trustees. with the Clinton administration "I look forward to them con­ Variety News Staff But he did nominate a Caro- on federal-CNMI relations. trolling Congress for a long time. GOVERNOR Froilan C. 1inian representative to the Tenorio said he is acting on and when the time comes the Tenorio yesterday said he will Board of Public Lands (BPL), Democrats take over, then that's terminate the consultancy con­ Luis Limes. the advice of Edward Buckham, the chief of staff of U.S. House when we will resume the talks:· tracts of former Hawaii gover­ Tenorio described Limes as Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R­ Any such discussions, how­ nor John W aihee and former a "very good and very knowl­ Texas) who, with House Major­ ever, will be on the new political Interior secretary Manuel edgeable p1ivate citizen." Froilan C. Tenorio ity Leader Dick Armey (R­ status for the Northern Marianas. Lujan. He also said he has re- · Meanwhile, he added, he is Texas), told the governor last Mark Broadhurst, said Buckham he said. called the nominations of three still looking for a board mem­ Northern Marianas College ber to represent Rota. June they will reject any legisla­ was on island for a vacation, but Tenorio. who suspended the tion that would extend federal requested that the media not be regents. Created by Public Law I 0- 902 talks on submerged lands immigration and minimum informed about his visit. Moreover, the chief execu­ 40, which took effect on April and citizenship issues early last tive said that with the excep­ 18 when the Legislature over- · wage laws to the CNMI. No need June,-on Aug. 14 said he will Buckham, according to tion of former senator Herman rode the govemor's veto, the Tenorio said Buckham told him ask for a new round of Covenant Tenorio, was on Saipan for the that there's no need for Section 2 . R. Guen'ero, he still wants to . five-member BPL has already· Section 902 talks with the last two weeks. and Covenant Section 902 talks at ' fire the Marianas Public Land Continued on page 1'9 Clinton administration on the The governor's spokesperson, this time. Continued on page. 16 CNMI spent $7.8-M for education needs of non-US citizens last·year By Jojo Dass to expand its offices and to meet dents studying in local public Variety News Staff the CNMI's growing infrastrnc­ schools, the commissioncrofcdu­ GOVERNMENT may have to turc requirements, the Division of cation said. take back Lower Base properties Public Lands said. William S. Torres said a study it has leased out lo the private "Our economy is growing and done by the Public School Sys­ sector due to the increasing need we 're needing more and more in­ tem found that non-US citizen frastructure. So, ultimately, there students in the CNMI constitute is going to be expansion in our 25 percent of the total public utilities due to development, we school enrolment. will need more space down there The study on the impact of im­ (Lower Base)," said Public Lands migrant students attending Director Bertha Camacho, in an schools in the CNMI had been interview yestcn.lay. requested by Gov. Froilan C. Camacho said she is conferring William S. Torres Tenorio. with DPL 's planners to determine It was found that of the 8,250 whether there is an urgent need By Rick Alberto students cnrolcd in the public for land space in Lower Base. Variety News Staff schools from grade K to 12th, "Terminating land leases is. an THECommonwcalthgovcmmcnt spent $7,846,227 last school year 2,061 were non-US c.:itizcns. COntfrfr1ed on page· 19 Bertha Camacho to educate non-US citizen stu- Continued on page 19 PAC NEWSPAPER STACKS' . 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-WEDNESDAY- SEPTEM!3ER ~._1_92_7 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 Korean Air pulls out again river was' FOUR days after Korean Air an­ of Constmction and Transporta­ ling its new schedule without full By ROBERT SEELY legally drive. A French judicial times the legal limit. London. nounced its new flight schedule tion did not approve the new flight explanation from either the com­ LONDON (AP) - New details of source. speaking on condition of 1l1e car slammed into a con­ Repo_rts in Tuesday's newspa­ that was to have go;e into effect schedule submitted by Korean Air. pany of the Ministry of Construc­ Princess Diana's fatal ride have anonymity, said Paul's blood al­ crete post in Paris early Sunday as pers that Paul had taunted the September I, 1997, the company No explanation was given as to tion and Tnmspo1tation," Chair­ emerged and the picture is in­ cohol level was more than three photographers followed in hot photographers as he left a hotel announced that all its flights to the reason for the disapproval. man Victor B. Hocog said. creasingly grim: a legally drnnk with the couple were likely to Saip,m are again suspend;d until 1l1e new schedule would have a "Wearccxtrcmelydisappointed driver taunting pursuing photog• further upset the public. October 25. total of seven daytime flights from by their decision." raphers and possibly pushing his Diana funeral Saturday The Mirror quoted Gilbert Col­ Jong Soo Woo, Regional Man­ Korean to Saipan, down from a He said the suspension of service Mercedes over I 00mph ( I 60kph) lard, a French lawyer represent­ ager of Korean Air on Saipan, in a total of l O flights prior to the acci­ is directly related to the August 6th as he tried to weave around slower ing Christian Martinez, one of Aug. 30 letter to Commonwealth dent on Guam on August 6th. accident on Guam. traffic. at Westminster Abbey seven paparazzi arrested after the Po1ts Aut~ority (CPA) Executive News about the cancellation of Last week, Hocog said he was crash, as saying there had been an Director Carlos A. Shoda said the the new flight schedule caught lt introduced a major new ele­ LONDON (AP) - Princess sign a book of condolence. The disappointed about the new sched­ altercation in which the driver new schedule has been changed Commonwealth Ports Authority ule which would limit the number ment in an investigation that had Diana's funeral will be held at palace is Prince Charles' home. told photographers something again due to ·~rmission problem' officials by surprise. of seats to Saipan, adding that there seemed focused on the role that Westminster Abbey on Satur­ There will be no Iying in state, like:" 'Don't bother following, with the Korean Government. "Once again, "Korean Air let our is a 'great demand' for a direct Carlos A. Shoda Victor B. Hocog pursuing photographers may have day morning. Buckingham Palace said. you won't catch us anyway.'" travelling public down by cancel- flight between Seoul and Saipan.
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