Haynes Will Crown the ^3 Showboat Queen Saturday ^Reasons for Grant
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25tf Volume 17, Issue 22 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, April 14, 1993 Haynes will crown the ^3 Showboat Queen Saturday She was named Miss Alio coin Lake. Her future ambitions are gist and/or a cosmetologist. Editor s Note: The 1993 "91-92,M and was honored for She enjoys bowling, read to be successful in the busi- Lowell Showboat Pageant the best smile in the American ing, running and exercising ness world and to be able to *ill have 11 young ladies Sweetheart Pageant. for hobbies. help others. from the Lowell/Ada area Klap is a majorette in the Her involvements are Renea's hobbies are vying for honors. Lowell High School march- many, they include Future weight-lifting and jet skiing. The Pageant will take ing band and she sings in the Fanners of America, Teens She is active in Teens In- place on Saturday, April 17 school's concert choir. Involved, Pep Club, Interna- volved and the International at 7 p.m. at the Lowell The LHS student is in- tional Club, basketball, Club. Middle School Cafetorium. volved in senior law enforce- cheerleading, symphonic DeRidder describes herself ^Admission will be $2.50 per ment. She also swims, band, marching band and pep as straight forward, honest and person. rollerskates and bowls. "I also band. a good friend. Heather Haynes, the enjoy working within the com- Other interest include 1992 Showboat Queen, will munity," Klap explained. swimming, dancing, singing, crown the 1993 winner. Her future ambitions in- and going out with her friends. clude becoming a dog trainer, She plans on attending working as a model or possi- Grand Rapids Community Kelly Jo Cichon bly becoming a cosmetolo- College and then transferring The ( eniral Michigan Uni- gist. to Davenport to work toward Aletha Roth versity student is die daughter Hie 17-year old Plymouth a degree in business manage- of Terry and Colleen Cichon ( hrisiian junior is the daugh- ment. of9022 3 Mile Rd., Ada. ter of Steve and Barb Roth of The 1990 Lowell High 10030 Potters Rd. School graduate says her fu- ture endeavors include being Roth wants to be an el- the best teacher and role model ementary school teacher. She dial I can be. "I want to trv to enjoys leaching and motivat- insure that every child gets ing children. Laura Gort experiences that he or she may The 16-year old Lowell /wmm M / not otherwise experience in sophomore is the daughter of The junior was honored by Dan and JoAnn Gort, 9757 2 the Stale Board of Educational their environment. 1 want to Mile Road. Achievement for the Educa- help educate tomorrow's lead- Her hobbies include tion Assessment program. ers. Marlene Klap aerobics, reading, and spend- Her hobbies include col- The 16-year old Lowell ing quality time with family Roth is involved with the lecting clowns, dancing and High School sophomore is the and friends. school newspaper, student hiking. daughter of Norm and Maria Jennifer Smith In her freshman year she social, class secretary, book- Academic honors include Klap, 341 Valley Vista Drive. Smith is an 18-year old se- Renea DeRidder was a member of the store committee iind the as- being on the honor roll all four years, student of the month Klap enjoys dancing, mu- nior at Lowell High School. The Lowell senior is the cheerleading squad. semblies committee. sic, baton and modeling as her She is the daughter of Jane daughter of Roy and Karen Her future aspirations in- Roth lives and works on a Queen, cont'd., pg. 20 hobbies. and Kevin Smith, 520 Lin- DeRidder, 690 Montcalm. clude becoming a meteorolo- dairv farm. ^Reasons for grant denial deemed inappropriate To give a thing and take a Board of Education. not approved by die State molding. The cost of diis grant is to continue to work to get Rapids Community College, diing is a devil's play toy. That updated list did not Board of Education was for totaled $18,000. money into local industry to submitted four different grant That's what happened fol- approve Lowell for the two custom skills training to help "Of course Lowell is dis- help widi training and re-train- applications lo the Michigan lowing a miscommunication grants. Attwood workers make the appointed," Korb said. "If die ing needs." Department of Education to- between the jobs people and The $31,650 grant for transition from zinc die cast funds are available again next Korb said Lowell Schools, Adult Ed., pg. 20 Governor John Engler'soffice. worker training on computer operations to plastic injection year we will re-apply. Our goal in cooperation widi Grand systems for design and inte- A press memo was sent out COACHES NEEDED grated manufacturing/finan- #on Friday April 2 stating that Along Main Street The Lowell Little League is in need of coaches for girls T- cial management, as well as Governor John Engler was ball, ages 9-12 and girls softball, ages 13-15. for quality system implemen- awarding two special grants If interested contact Bob Ford at 897-^501 or 897-7176. totaling $49,650 to Lowell tation, would have helped Area Schools to upgrade Root Lowell meet customer MEMORIAL DAY PARADE workers' skills at local indus- demands. The reason given The VFW and American Legion are taking entries for ihe tries. from die State department of 1993 Memorial Day Parade. The two local grants were Education for its removal from For more sign-up information contact Gordon Marshall, among the 73 totaling die list was its training date Parade Marshal at 897-8625. $7,274,053 which would be was after Oct. 1. used to provide training and I .owell's Director of School FLAT RIVER PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION •retraining to over 13,000 and Community Services Dick The first annual meeting of ihe Flat River Preservation people across the state. Korb said the reason was in- Association will be held April 20 at ihe Boy Scout cabin on The miscommunication appropnatc. His response was LOWELL FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH North Washington. occurred when die release was based on Item C from die copy MOTHER/DAUGHTER BANQUET The meeting is open lo the public. sent out after die original list of die grant submitted to die was recommended by the State Department of Educa- The Lowell First United Methodist Church motber/daugh- SENIOR ALL-NIGHTER COMING commission. Ihe problem was tion for approval. It stales in ler banquet will be held Tuesday, May 4 at 6:30 p.m. The Senior All-Nighter is coming soon, Friday, May 28. it had not been approved by Item C that die training in- The cost is $40. Mail to: Senior All-Nighter, 1017 N. Hudson, die State Board of Education. cluded in die project will com- LHS ACADEMIC BOOSTERS CLUB MEETING Lowell, MI 49331. Thus the release was based mence as soon as die gram is ^on a master list of all die grants approved and will be totally The next meeting of the Lowell High School Academics SENIOR ATLANTIC SEABOARD TRIP PI ANNED ®dial were okayed, but it did concluded prior to Sept. 30, Boosters Club will be Monday, April 19 in room 1-A of the The First Annual Atlantic Seaboard Senior Citizens Holi- not include die updating and 1993. High School at 7 p.m. day Celebration will be May 23 through 29. Ii will feature changes done by die Stale The second grant dial was All parents of high school students arc invited lo attend. Main St., cont'd., pg. 22 The I owt-ll l*(l(jer-\\«lm-.d;i\. April 14. IW.VPage 2 The l^owell I^d^tr-Wednesday, April 14, 1993-Pa^e 3 Cyclamen Chapter #94 recants its Future goals look bright for '2• OBITUARIES history in celebration of 100th birthday • Lowell High School's in Ihe fields ol education and schoolclassroonis, behind ilu Cyclamen Chapier #lM Frances Jefferies. Martin and govemmeni, countless others counters of Lowell biiM Order i>l ihe Easlem Slar. ol Sandra Caswell on Grand Students-of-the-Month M \ K I'll IT - Mrs. Bcalricc HALF. • M area re I E. Hale, Coniniilteesor as Grand Rep- have given ol their time, en- nesses, worked in the lacio. S. Barlk'll. accd S3.ol Grand aeed ^O.died Thursday. April Michigan, iscelebralineiheir resiMilalives. ergy, and wisdom in unself- ries, worked along side ol ih, Six students have been Her teacher nominator Rapids. pasH'd a\\a\ Fucs- S. 1^3. She is surv ived by lOOih birthday on April 1^. Barle is the son of Ray The Order of the Eastern ish service w he revert he a* has community rebuilding aiia named April Students-of-the- praises her skills, adding that da\. April (\ 1^3. Sur\ i\ me her hushand. Phloms: chil- 1^3. The Chapier w as insli- and Linda Barle of Lowell. Star is a charitable organi/a- been a need. Countless lund- floods, fires and storm dam Month at Lowell High School. she is "eager to learn." She arc her husband. How ard: her dren. Jerry (Joann) Hale. luled in November, 1882 un- He loves sports and spends a tion w iih Masonic T ies, but is raisers throughout the years age and served meals in They are seniors Jennifer calls Ramirez "the epitome of dnldroii. Edward and Lesley Gloria(Michael)Oreanek. all der one year dispensation. lot of time participating in not a Masonic organi/ation. have provided for educational Rotarians and other busi- Brown and Veronica a student, totally self-reliant (Hoh) Barileii.