LEGISLATION TO MAKE THE IRC The bill includes several major elements, in- A TRIBUTE TO FRANK SECTION 911 EXCLUSION MORE eluding funding for research on methods of SENDLEWSKI FOR 50 YEARS OF EQUITABLE protection from the transmission of HIV and SERVICE TO THE RIVERHEAD sexually transmitted diseases, with an empha- FIRE DEPARTMENT HON. BILL ARCHER sis on methods that women can afford and OF TEXAS control without the cooperation or knowledge HON. MICHAEL P. FORB~ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of their male partners. We must acknowledge OF NEW YORK Thursday , May 8, 1997 and respond to the issues of low self-esteem, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. ARCHER. Mr. Speaker, today I am in­ economic dependency, fear of domestic vio­ Thursday, May 8, 1997 troducing legislation to correct one of the more lence, and other factors that are barriers to Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I rise to day to misguided provisions of the 1986 Tax Reform empowering women to negotiate safer sex pay tribute to a smalltown hero from Act. practices. The bill also includes additional Riverhead, Long Island, NY. On May 13, Section 911 was added to the Tax Code to funding to continue the Women's lnteragency 1997, Mr. Frank Sendlewski will be honored help U.S. businesses increase their exports of HIV Study, the ongoing study of HIV progres­ by his family and friends for his 50 years of goods and services. These increased exports dedicated service to the Riverhead Volunteer sion in women, and to conduct other research in turn helped to create jobs in the United Fire Department. States. · to determine the impact of potential risk fac­ Born on Sweezey Avenue, Frank Unfortunately, section 911 has been viewed tors for HIV transmission to women. Sendlewski joined the Riverhead Volunteer more as a source of increased revenues than I urge my colleagues to join us as cospon­ Fire Department in 1947, shortly after fulfilling increasing U.S. jobs. Because of this mis­ sors of this legislation. his service to the U.S. Navy during World War guided philosophy, the Tax Reform Act of II. Frank's selfless commitment to protecting 1986 froze the section 911 earned income ex­ the lives and property of his Riverhead neigh­ clusion at $70,000. Thus, since 1986 the sec­ bors enabled him to rise to the rank of captain tion 911 exclusion has not kept pace with in­ HOLOCAUST IN AFRICA of the Riverhead Fire Department by 1957, a flation or other cost-of-living increases. position he served in for 2 years. The legislation I am introducing today will The son of one of the founders of the correct the current inequities facing section HON. JOHN L. MICA Riverhead Volunteer Fire Department, Frank 911 and allow the section 911 exclusion to re­ has devoted himself to the community where flect cost-of-living increases since 1986. OF FLORIDA he and Florence Sendlewski, his wife of 48 I hope Members on both sides of the aisle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE S years, have raised their four children, Mary will join me and support this long-needed leg­ Ann , Madelyn, Michael, Martin. Frank and islation. Thursday, May 8, 1997 Florence are now the proud grandparents of Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, this week in Israel, six: Christy, Ashley, Andy, Jennifer, Jeffrey, and Jason. AIDS-THIRD LEADIN G CAUSE OF in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol, DE A TH IN Y OU NG WOMEN The Sendlewski's raised their wonderful and around the world for a few moments the family in the proud, historic area of Riverhead HON. CONSTANCE A. MORELLA horror of World War ll's Holocaust was re­ known as Polish Town, where they still live on membered. Lincoln Avenue. A cobbler by trade, Frank OF MARYLAND owned a shop on Railroad Avenue for more IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES "Never again" was the theme often re­ than 5 years, until the shop was destroyed by Thu rsday, May 8, 1997 peated. This week in Zaire they removed the corpses of refugees from boxcars, and contin­ fire . Through he eventually rebuilt the shop, Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, today I am Frank ultimately went to work as a sheet metal ued the body count of innocent African men, joined by 23 of my colleagues in reintroducing mechanic at the U.S. Department of Agri­ legislation to address the need for increased women, and children. culture's facility on Plum Island. research on HIV/AIDS in women. The Rebel Tutsi-dominated army has mas­ Mr. Speaker, Frank Sendlewski is one of Despite the reduction in overall Al DS deaths sacred thousands of Hutu refugees. Riverhead's most cherished citizens because in 1996, HIV/AIDS continues to be the third The modern day slaughter and holocaust of he gives so much of himself to the community. leading cause of death among women who Frank is also an active member of the Amer­ Rwanda is being repeated in Zaire. are 25-44 years of age, according to the Cen­ ican Legion Post and St. Isadore's Roman ters for Disease Control and Prevention. The While I strongly support our former col­ Catholic Church. Every Christmas, Frank puts death rate for women actually increased by 3 league and present U.N . Ambassador's role in on his red suit and white beard to play Santa percent in 1996, resulting in a record 20 per­ seeking peace in this war-torn region of Afri­ Claus to hundreds of Riverhead children. cent of reported AIDS cases in adults. Women ca-Ambassador Richardson-every Amer­ Here on eastern Long Island, we cherish the are the fastest growing group of people with ican and world citizen and every holocaust close-knit smalltown feel of our communities, HIV, with low-income women and women of survivor must also seek justice. where people wave hello when they see you color being hit the hardest by this epidemic. on the street and neighbors help each other African-American and Latina women represent Today we cannot turn our backs or look the out in times of need, without having to be 78 percent of all U.S. women diagnosed with other way as they did five decades past. In Af­ asked. Mr. Speaker, it is no accident that AIDS. rica, those responsible for murder, genocide, Riverhead is that type of community. It is be­ Since 1990, I have introduced legislation to and slaughter must be brought to justice. cause of the commitment and hard work of ensure Federal support for research on HIV/ This Congress, our Nation, and the United family's like the Sendlewskis. AIDS in women. While progress has been That is why I ask my colleagues in the U.S. Nations should not rest while this slaughter in made, there are still many unanswered ques­ House of Representatives to join me in salut­ tions about the disease in women, which af­ Africa continues. If not, the words of yester­ ing Frank Sendlewski on the occasion of his fects their access to effective therapies and day's Holocaust remembrance will , both today 50th anniversary of service to the Riverhead prevention methods. and tomorrow, have a hollow ring. Volunteer Fire Department. Because of that

e This " b ullet" symbol identifi es statements or insertions which are not spoken b y a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended , rather than spoken, by a Member of the H ouse o n the floor. 7782 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 8, 1997 lifetime of devotion to his community, a man Challenge sponsored by the Federal Reserve Dudley a millionaire by the age of 40. He em­ like Frank Sendlewski is as valuable to Amer­ System. These students claimed the National ploys 475 people and markets his products in ica as he is to Riverhead. Fed Challenge title for Bryan High for the sec­ 40 States. Joe and Eunice also founded the ond consecutive year. T earn members include Dudley Cosmetology University in Kernersville, Jesse Dyer, C.W. Faulkner, Sarah Henry, Wil­ NC. It currently operates 16 beauty schools in­ TAIWAN DEMOCRACY liam Scarmardo, Sarah Stasny, and William cluding one here in Washington, DC. Strawser. They were coached by teachers But, I am not here today to wish Joe Dudley HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Laura Wagner and Janyce Kinley. a happy birthday just because he is a suc­ OF TEXAS The Fed Challenge competition seeks to in­ cessful businessman. He has also dedicated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crease students's knowledge and under­ himself to sharing his success with the com­ standing of economics, monetary policy, and munity. He chaired the Direct Selling Associa­ Thursday, May 8, 1997 the role of the Federal Reserve in the national tion's Inner City Program which is designed to Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. economy. Competition requires six-member help inner city youths combat joblessness and Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the im­ teams to research and analyze economic pol­ also serves on the board of trustees of his pressive strides that the Government and peo­ icy and present recommendations to a panel alma mater North Carolina A & T University. ple of Taiwan have made in strengthening de­ of judges at a mock meeting of the Federal He and his wife have been honored by the city mocracy and a free market system in their Open Market Committee. of Kernersville, NC, as the First Citizens of the country. I have visited Taiwan in the past and The Bryan High School team won the cham­ Year, and President Bush honored them with during my visit, I was struck with the industri­ pionship in Washington, DC, on May 1, 1997, the 467th Point of Light for establishing the ousness of the people and, particularly, with competing against teams from other Federal Dudley Fellows Program which, along with the their heartfelt embrace of democracy. I am Reserve districts. Judges for the national title Dudley Ladies Program, provides mentors to proud to count among my friends many of the event included Alice Rivlin, vice chair, Broad high school students. In addition , Joe's com­ Taiwanese Government officials, business of Governors; Donald L. Kohn, director of pany awards 32 full scholarships annually to leaders, and ordinary citizens that I met during monetary affairs, Board of Governors; and Al N.C. A & T University and Bennett College in my all-too-brief visit. The Taiwanese have cre­ Broaddus, president, Federal Reserve Bank of Greensboro, NC. Joe, however, does not limit ated a society that is characterized by a vi­ Richmond. his giving nature to just North Carolina. In brant culture, hardworking people, and a bur­ I congratulate the students for their hard 1992, Dudley Products established the Res­ geoning economy. work and dedication. Their commitment to urrection to Beauty Fund to help cosmetolo­ All of the positive developments in Taiwan academic excellence is a tribute to Bryan High gists rebuild businesses destroyed in the Los today are directly attributable to the commit­ School, their families, and the State of Texas. Angeles riot. ment of the Taiwanese people to democratic I am confident that these fine students will Finally, Mr. Speaker, it is easy to see why government and democratic principles. While grow to become solid citizens and community Joe Louis Dudley, Sr. deserves this special Taiwan cannot claim over 200 years of experi­ leaders. happy birthday wish on his 60th birthday. He ence with democratic government as we in the has used his success to help others achieve United States can, Taiwan's relatively young the American dream who may not otherwise democracy has demonstrated resilience and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE DUDLEY be able to make it. Through their support of vitality in the face of enormous external and educational programs, he and his wife con­ internal pressures. As to those pressures, we HON. RICHARD BURR tinue to dedicate themselves to insuring that are all aware of the tension between Taiwan OF NORTH CAROLINA future generations have the knowledge and and the People's Republic of China related to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES skills necessary to achieve great things for our the issue of reunification. Additionally, like any community and our country. So, Joe Dudley, Thursday , May 8, 1997 country experiencing rapid economic growth, for your selflessness and dedication, we wish there are increased pressures brought to bear Mr. BURR of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, I you a happy 60th birthday. on the societal fabric by the unique changes rise today to wish a happy 60th birthday to­ such growth creates. morrow to a great entrepreneur and humani­ A significant amount of credit for the stability tarian, Mr. Joe Louis Dudley, Sr. Joe was born PERSONAL EXPLANATION and economic growth that Taiwan is experi­ the fifth of seven children on May 9, 1937 to encing should go to President Lee T eng-hui­ Gilmer L. and Clara Yeates Dudley in Aurora, HON. PETE SFSSIONS who will be celebrating his first anniversary in NC. In his 60 years, Joe overcame many ob­ OF TEXAS office on May 20-and his administration. stacles to become the president and CEO of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Among other things, through his leadership of Dudley Products, Inc. , one of the world's larg­ Thursday , May 8, 1997 Taiwan, President Lee has fostered an eco­ est manufacturers and distributors of ethnic Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, nomic environment that stimulates techno­ hair care products, and to serve as a role when the House voted on House Resolution logical and industrial innovation. He has also model for all youth wanting to succeed in their 93, expressing the sense of the Congress re­ set a course for Taiwan that is moving the own business. garding the Consumer Price Index. I was un­ country closer to the goal of reconciliation and As a child , Joe suffered from a speech im­ avoidably detained, and could not record my reunification with mainland China. He is to be pediment and was labeled mentally retarded, vote on this important resolution. The Con­ commended for his leadership of Taiwan. In but through hard work and his mother's strong sumer Price Index is appropriately monitored closing , therefore, I applaud the people and encouragement, he surpassed everyone's ex­ by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I would like Government of Taiwan for persevering in their pectations. It was at North Carolina A & T Uni­ the record to reflect that I would have voted in pursuit of democracy and free enterprise. versity that Joe got his start in the beauty in­ dustry. He invested $1 O in a Fuller products the affirmative on this resolution . sales kit and made his way through college. CONGRATULATIONS TO BYRAN During his summer vacation in 1960, he ON PAUL SPATHOLT'S HIGH SCHOOL NATIONAL FED worked for Fuller in Brooklyn, NY where he ATTAINMENT OF EAGLE SCOUT CHALLENGE CHAMPIONS met his wife, Eunice, who was also working her way through college. Upon graduation, HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH they moved to New York where they worked HON. KEVIN BRADY OF OHIO for 5 years. OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1967, Joe and Eunice Dudley returned to North Carolina, and 2 years later, they opened Thursday, May 8, 1997 Thursday, May 8, 1997 their own business with beauty products they Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to made in the family kitchen. Today, Dudley Paul Spatholt of Fairview Park, OH , who will recognize six students from Bryan High Products has grown to be one of the most be honored this month for his recent attain­ School who competed in the National Fed successful businesses of its kind-making Joe ment of Eagle Scout. May 8, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7783 The attainment of Eagle Scout is a high and Pizza Hut, The Sheriff's Office, Kiwanis Club, ment contributors to Temple Beth Hillel, ensur­ rare honor requiring years of dedication to Blue Ribbon Services, The Protestant Home, ing the Temple's future for generations to self-improvement, hard work, and the commu­ The Brass Boudoir, Ron Donachie from the 2d come. He has served as chairman of the nity. Each Eagle Scout must earn 21 merit Police Precinct and the Rising Sun Avenue United Jewish Campaign where he played an badges, 12 of which are required, including Post Office. active role in raising funds to support social badges in: lifesaving; first aid; citizenship in The precedent of community and school co­ services in Los Angeles, Israel and 60 other the community; citizenship in the nation; citi­ operation has also continued in the form of countries. Mr. Saltsman has been active as a zenship in the world; personal management of grants. In 1994, teachers secured a grant from charter member of El Caballero Country Club time and money; family life; environmental Learn and Serve. This grant went to devel­ to raise contributions for the United Jewish science; and camping. oping a program in which students learned tol­ Fund and the Anti-Defamation League. In addition to acquiring and proving pro­ erance and respect for different races and Indeed, it is an honor to recognize Sam ficiency in those and other skills, an Eagle ages, as well as environmental studies. A Saltsman as the inaugural recipient of the Scout must hold leadership positions within computer lab was created with an additional David Ben Gurion Award. His lifetime of serv­ the troop where he learns to earn the respect grant. In this lab, students and staff work to­ ice and dedication serves as an example to us and hear the criticism of those he leads. gether to gain vital working knowledge of com­ all. The Eagle Scout must live by the Scouting puters and the functions that they serve in the law, which holds that he must be: trustworthy, outside world. A SALUTE TO GOLD STAR loyal, brave, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind , John Meehan, a community artists, and the MOTHERS obedient, cheerful , thrifty, clean, and reverent. students from last year's fifth grade, worked And the Eagle Scout must complete an together to create a mural on the kindergarten Eagle project, which he must plan, finance, portable facing Sleigh Street. The students HON. JON D. FOX and evaluate on his own. It is no wonder that also formed a partnership with the Philadel­ OF PENNSYLVANIA only 2 percent of all boys entering Scouting phia Zoo, to adopt the zoo's only cheetah. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTAT IVE S achieve this rank. The perseverance and dedication of stu­ Thursday, May 8, 1997 Paul's Eagle project involved the refurbish­ dents, staff, parents, and the community, have Mr. FOX of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, ment of the press box at Fairview Park High enabled Kennedy Crossan Elementary School mothers have born the armies of war through­ School's football stadium. Paul solicited dona­ to deliver an education program that is phe­ out history. Whether a victorious or defeated tions from local businesses for the tools and nomenal in its results. It is an honor for me to Nation, these Gold Star Mothers have lost materials he needed to repaint the press box. congratulate them on their 75th anniversary, their sons and daughters for our Nations' de­ He also cleared brush and helped to trim and the achievements they have made thus fense. bushes in front of the high school. far. I wish them continued success. We must offer the gratefulness of this Na­ My fellow colleagues, let us join Boy Scouts tion for the sacrifices of mothers all, who have of America Troop 293 in recognizing and given us our freedoms through their childrens' praising Paul for his achievement. A TRIBUTE TO SAM SALTSMAN lost lives. God bless them and we humbly offer our HON. BRAD SHERMAN tears and humility as a Nation. God bless 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF KENNEDY OF CALIFORNIA them and we also humbly offer our thankful­ CROSSAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness and gratitude. God love and protect them all and we pray HON. ROBERT A. BORSKI Thursday, May 8, 1997 no more lives lost; no more war. OF PENNSYLVANIA Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, my colleague, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTAT IVES Mr. BERMAN, and I are honored today to pay tribute to Sam Saltsman. Mr. Saltsman is INTRODUCTION OF THE TEACHER TECHNOLOGY TRAINING ACT OF Thursday, May 8, 1997 being honored with the Inaugural Presentation 1997 Mr. BORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in of the David Ben Gurion Award for his out­ honor of the 75th anniversary of Kennedy standing service and dedication to the United Crossan Elementary School. Kennedy Jewish Fund. HON. CONSTANCE A. MORELLA Crossan has delivered a quality education to Sam has a long history of service and dedi­ OF MARYLAND generations of children in the Burholme com­ cation going back to his years as a Com­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTAT IVES munity. mander in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Thursday, May 8, 1997 The elementary school was named after its His service was commemorated by the British Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, today I am in­ founder, Mr. Kennedy Crossan. During a time Government with the Distinguished Service troducing legislation that will provide teachers of great need in the community, Mr. Crossan Cross and the U.S . honored his service with with the technology training they need to meet built a two story school building and donated two Bronze Stars. Since his time in the mili­ the classroom challenges of the 21st century. it to the neighborhood. Kennedy Crossan was tary, his sense of civil duty has guided him to The Teacher Technology Training Act of a self-made man, who worked his way across leadership positions in the business and the 1997 would include technology in teacher America, eventually returning to Philadelphia religious communities. training and professional development pro­ at the age of 21. He formed a company that As a manufacturer of shoe accessories, grams authorized under the Elementary and built railroads and the Million Dollar Pier in At­ Sam has maintained production and employ­ Secondary Schools Act of 1994. This legisla­ lantic City. Profits from this company were set ment of his company in the southern California tion would require States to incorporate tech­ aside to build what became Kennedy Crossan area for many years. Sam also finds time to nology requirements in teacher training con­ Elementary School. serve as a sensible civilian in arbitrations deal­ tent and performance standards. School dis­ Nearly 25 ,000 students have passed ing with fee disputes for the Los Angeles Bar tricts and local education agencies that re­ through the hallways of this school. The stu­ Association. While Mr. Saltsman devotes his ceive Federal funding would have to include dents of Kennedy Crossan have entered the energies to many worthy causes, his top pri­ technology classes in their programs, and in­ world prepared, and have become proud, pro­ ority is volunteering in his local religious com­ stitutions of higher education would be encour­ ductive citizens. The academic success that munity. aged to incorporate technology into their edu­ this school has achieved is based on a coop­ When Disraeli said "duty cannot exist with­ cation curriculum. erative effort between teachers, administra­ out faith ," it seems he had individuals like During the 104th Congress, language was tors , parents, and the community. Sam in mind. Sam's religious devotion and included in the Telecommunications Act to The Home and School Association has spirit of volunteerism are inextricably inter­ provide affordable access to the Internet for faithfully served and supported both the staff twined. From 1967-1969 he served as con­ our Nation's schools. The Federal Commu­ and the students at Kennedy Crossan. The gregation president to the Temple Beth and nications Commission [FCC] yesterday an­ school also receives support from outside led the effort to build a new activities building. nounced final regulations for the implementa­ adopters which are: Councilman Brian O'Neill, Sam and his wife, Helen, are currently endow- tion of this language, which means that 7784 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 8, 1997 schools across the country will receive mean­ prevalent at the time. The club insisted that ernment's possession. The FBI , the Secret ingful discounts for the latest telecommuni­ membership be open to all Democrats and Service, the CIA, the Warren Commission, the cations technologies. Access to the Internet that all endorsements be voted on by the full Rockefeller Commission, the Church Com­ will only be helpful to our educational system membership. mittee in the Senate, and the House Select if teachers are equipped with the knowledge to By 1953, the Lexington Club-under the di­ Committee on Assassinations have all held use that technology. rection of Alice Sachs as District Leader-had assassination records, and records have also The Office of Technology Assessment become the official club for its assembly dis­ been in the possession of certain State and [OTA] recently released a study showing that trict. Alice served as District Leader for 30 local authorities as well as private citizens. a majority of teachers feel they need addi­ years, until she became the club's State Com­ When this legislation was considered, nearly 1 tional training in order to adequately use a mitteewoman in 1983. million pages of records compiled by official personal computer. School districts across the During her years with the Lexington Demo­ investigations of the assassination had not United States spend less than 15 percent of cratic Club, Alice Sachs was twice their can­ been made available to the public, some 30 their technology budgets on teacher training. didate for State assembly and once for State years after the tragedy. Congress believed The Subcommittee on Technology, which I senate. Although she never won a legislative chair, held a hearing this week on technology seat, she campaigned tirelessly and with inno­ that simply making all relevant information in the classroom. Witnesses included edu­ vation: in 1962, she handed out fortune cook­ available to the public was the best way to re­ cation technology specialists from around the ies with the message "Alice Sachs for State spond to the continuing high level of interest country, and each one testified that there is a senate." Alice was also a delegate to three in the Kennedy assassination, and was pref­ lack of teachers who understand how to incor­ national nominating conventions and Commis­ erable to undertaking a new congressional in­ porate technology into the classroom cur­ sioner of Elections for 20 years. She was a vestigation. The 1992 law requires the Review riculum. Kalani Smith, who is an instructional founding member of Americans for Democratic Board to presume that documents relating to specialist in the Office of Global Access Tech­ Action [ADA] and served on its national board the assassination should be made public un­ nology in the Montgomery County, MD, Public for 50 years. In 1962, she was an initial ap­ less there is clear and convincing evidence to Schools, told the subcommittee that training pointee to community board 8 on the upper the contrary. I believe that the release of this should focus on helping teachers to use the east side, and remained a member until her information is important to ensure account­ computers in their classrooms as tools to resignation 2 years ago. ability in the Government and to clearly dem­ teach what they have always been teaching, Alice Sachs led a distinguished career of onstrate to Americans that the Government but in new and innovative ways. commitment to her party and her community; has nothing to hide. Kathleen Fulton, the associate director of all of her actions, whether campaigning or As a result of the Review Board's efforts, the Center for Learning and Educational Tech­ fighting for tenants' rights, were based on the nologies at the University of Maryland, used to concepts of honesty, integrity, and fair play. over 10,000 documents have been transferred work for the OT A. She said that OTA also Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask that my col­ to the national archives and Records Adminis­ studied the competence of new teachers just leagues rise with me in this tribute and take a tration for inclusion in the JFK collection. At entering the classroom. The study, "Teachers moment today to remember Alice Sachs, a the end of 1996, that collection totaled ap­ and Technology" was less than promising, for woman who represented everything that was proximately 3.1 million pages and was used it showed that "most new teachers graduate noble about political involvement. extensively by researchers from all over the from teacher preparation institutions with lim­ United States. The Review Board was in the ited knowledge of the way technology can be news last month when it voted to make public used in their professional practice." H.R. 1553, 1-YEAR EXT ENSION OF the Abraham Zapruder film of the Kennedy as­ Advanced technology has improved Amer­ AUTHORIZATION OF THE ASSAS­ sassination. SINATION RECORDS REVIEW ica's economic competitiveness and improved The President John F. Kennedy Assassina­ the quality of life for millions of Americans. By BOARD tion Records Collection Act of 1992 originally the year 2000, just 3 years away, 60 percent provided a 3-year timetable for the Assassina­ of American jobs will require technological HON. DAN BURTON tion Records Review Board to complete its skills. Our classrooms must have teachers OF INDIANA who know how to use technology in order for work. Unfortunately, there were lengthy delays IN T HE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our children to succeed into the next century. in the appointment of Board members, and as We are taking steps to put computers in our Thursday, May 8, 1997 a consequence the Review Board was sched­ classrooms; now we must make sure that our Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, today uled to cease operations before it even began teachers know how to use them effectively. I am introducing H.R. 1553, which amends the its work. As a result, in 1994 Congress re­ President John F. Kennedy Assassination started the clock by extending the 1992 law's Records Collection Act of 1992-Public Law termination date for 1 year, until September TRIBUTE TO ALICE SACHS 102-526-to provide 1 additional year for the 30, 1996. The Review Board subsequently ex­ Assassination Records Review Board to com­ ercised its authority to continue operating for 1 HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY plete its work. This legislation would extend additional year, until September 30, 1997. Be­ OF NEW YORK the Review Board's September 30, 1997, ter­ cause the review process proved to be more IN T HE HOUSE OF REPRE SENT A TIVE S mination date under current law to September complex and time-consuming than anticipated, 30, 1998. H.R. 1553 authorizes $1.6 million in the President included in his fiscal year 1998 Thursday, M ay 8, 1997 fiscal year 1998 for this purpose. I am pleased budget a request for a 1-year extension of the Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, that the Honorable HENRY WAXMAN , the rank­ Review Board's authorization. I rise today to pay a respectful tribute to honor ing minority member on the Committee on I support the Assassination Records Review the memory of Alice Sachs, whose lifetime Government Reform and Oversight, and the was dedicated to her party and her commu­ Honorable Louis STOKES, who sponsored the Board's request for a 1-year extension of its nity. Alice Sachs passed away last month. 1992 Act and who chaired the House Select authorization so that it can complete its mis­ Alice Sachs began her career in politics with Committee on Assassinations that was estab­ sion in a professional and thorough manner. I the American Labor Party. After World War II , lished in 1976, are original cosponsors of H.R. have always believed very strongly that Con­ when most Labor Party members left to form 1553. gress should not indefinitely continue funding the Liberal Party, Alice became a Democrat, The purpose of the 1992 legislation was to for Federal entities that were clearly intended thus beginning her lifelong dedication to the publicly release records relating to the Ken­ to be temporary in nature. The Review Board Democratic Party on the upper east side of nedy assassination at the earliest possible has informed me that it is confident that it will Manhattan. In 1949, she founded the Lex­ date. The Assassination Records Review be able to finish its work and complete its final ington Democratic Club, an organization dedi­ Board was set up to review and release the report if Congress will extend its life for 1 addi­ cated to reforming the political club system voluminous amounts of information in the Gov- tional year, until September 30, 1998. May 8, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7785 ON DALE POPP'S ATTAINMENT OF they made. May they experience many more Rodriguez, upon his retirement after over 21 EAGLE SCOUT years of happiness and love. years of service on the bench of the State of California Workers' Compensation Appeals HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Board. Judge Rodriguez will be honored on A TRIBUTE TO PETER AGUIRRE, Friday, May 9, 1997, at a special ceremony OF OHIO JR. held in his honor in Los Angeles, CA. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Judge Rodriguez was appointed to the Thursday, May 8, 1997 HON. BRAD SHERMAN Workers' Compensation Board in 1975. He Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor OF CALIFORNIA was a trailblazer, as the only Latino judge on Dale Popp of Cleveland, OH , who will be hon­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRE SENTATIVES the State of California Workers' Compensation Board. Recognizing a need for Latino rep­ ored this month for his recent attainment of Thursday, May 8, 1997 resentation in his field , he sought to recruit Eagle Scout. Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Latino lawyers and judges. His efforts led him The attainment of Eagle Scout is a high and pay tribute to the late Deputy Peter Aguirre, to conduct legal seminars, where he informed rare honor requiring years of dedication to Jr., a man who made the ultimate sacrifice to and encouraged lawyers to improve them­ self-improvement, hard work, and the commu­ his fellow citizens-he gave up his life in the selves and their practice. nity. Each Eagle Scout must earn 21 merit line of duty. Even as we mourn the death of badges, 12 of which are required, including The son of Mexican immigrants, Judge Deputy Peter Aguirre, we remember and cele­ badges in : lifesaving, first aid, citizenship in Rodriguez attended public school in the Los brate his life, the family and friends that love the community, citizenship in the Nation, citi­ Nietos and Whittier area. His father, Refugio him, his work as a deputy, and the ideals that zenship in the world, personal management of Rodriguez, was a shift foreman at a laminated he lived by. time and money, family life, environmental plastics fabrication plant and his mother, After graduating from California State Uni­ science, and camping. Felicia Rodriguez, worked at a food proc­ versity at Northridge in 1994, Peter attended essing plant. During high school , Judge In addition to acquiring and proving pro­ the Ventura County Sheriff's Academy. On Rodriguez worked on a farm feeding chickens ficiency in those and other skills, an Eagle April 24, 1994, he was sworn in as a deputy, and rabbits, at a car wash, and later in a ma­ Scout must hold leadership positions within and was assigned to Detention Services in the chine shop. He continued working in the ma­ the troop where he learns to earn the respect Ventura County Main Jail. In January 1996 he chine shop as he pursued his Bachelor of Arts and hear the criticism of those he leads. was given his second assignment, patrol at degree in business from the University of Cali­ The Eagle Scout must live by the Scouting the Ojai substation. Despite his short time as fornia, Los Angeles. After graduating from law, which holds that he must be trustworthy, a law enforcement officer, Peter's fellow offi­ UCLA, he was drafted into the Army and sent loyal , brave, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind , cers were impressed by his hard work and re­ to France, where he spent 2 years as a data obedient, cheerful , thrifty, clean, and reverent. liability. processing machine operator. After completing And the Eagle Scout must complete an On July 17, 1996, Deputy Aguirre and other his tour of duty, he worked at the Los Angeles Eagle project, which he must plan , finance, officers responded to a domestic disturbance County Probation Department as a clerical and evaluate on his own. It is no wonder that call. Shortly after arriving at the scene the sus­ aide, while he attended law school. only 2 percent of all boys entering Scouting pect opened fire on the deputies, fatally Judge Rodriguez planned to practice crimi­ achieve this rank. wounding Deputy Aguirre. The Ventura County nal defense and after being admitted to prac­ Dale's Eagle project involved both the orga­ community felt a great loss with Peter's tragic tice law he became a prosecutor with the Los nizing of a food drive in his neighborhood in death. The sacrifice he made was best put by Angeles County District Attorney's Office, to which he collected canned food for hungry his boss, Sheriff Larry Carpenter: obtain the critical trial experience he would Clevelanders, and the beautification of a street Pet er did someth ing extr aordinary, some­ need as a criminal defense lawyer. He later island in his neighborhood. Dale organized the t h ing courageous, som ething valor ous. Peter joined the law firm of Sillas and Castillo, win­ cleanup of the neglected area and the mulch­ gave all t hat he had. P eter also gave up ning the first personal injury case he was as­ ing and planting of a flower garden. much . He gave up ever seeing his beautiful signed. He then moved to the Law Offices of My fellow colleagues, let us join Boy Scouts wife after wor king long shifts. He gave up t he ability t o hold his precious daughter in Nephan and Foglia, where he did criminal de­ of America Troop 293 in recognizing and fense and some worker's compensation praising Dale for his achievement. his hands. He gave up spending Sunday after­ noons with his mother and father. He gave cases. His experience in worker's compensa­ up everything, simply so t hat you and I tion cases led Judge Rodriguez to the law firm could do all those things with our families. of Manuel Hidalgo to handle that firm 's work­ FIFTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY er' s compensation cases. OF RUS S AND BETTY COPE Deputy Aguirre's bravery for the sake of our community is truly remarkable. He put his life During this time, Judge Rodriguez decided on the line to protect the safety of our families to take the examination for worker's com­ HON. ROBERT A. BORSKI and our community, indeed we all owe him a pensation specialist and for judge of the Work­ OF PENNSYLVANIA great debt. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take ers' Compensation Appeals Board . While he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE S this moment to recognize not only Peter, but had only taken the judge examination to gain the 53 law enforcement officers that gave up the experience, he passed both tests and later Thursday, May 8, 1997 their lives last year in the line of duty. It is only accepted an appointment as judge to the Mr. BORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to through the self-sacrifice and dedication of Workers' Compensation Appeals Board. honor Russ and Betty Cope, as they celebrate these individuals that we are able to enjoy the His tenure has been a commitment to serv­ their 50th wedding anniversary. Fifty years of freedom and sat ety that make this Nation ing the community and his profession with dis­ marriage is a celebration of love, commitment, great. tinction . He has dedicated many hours to pro­ and dedication to vows made to each other. viding legal seminars, which he intends to Now retired , Russ worked as a rural mail continue in his retirement. Also, Judge carrier, and Betty as a teacher. In their years A TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE Rodriguez, plans to continue his advocacy and of marriage, the Copes had three children: CARLOS RODRIGUEZ UPON HIS active volunteerism. He is a member of the Brian Cope, Judy Gallagher, and Diane Lloyd. RETIREMENT Mexican American Bar Association and Thei r children also made them the proud Mensa, an organization of individuals with a grandparents of Tonya Malaga; Neil , Danny, HON. ESTEBAN EDWARD TORRES genius IQ. and Christie Cope; and Layla Lloyd . OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Speaker, it is with pride that I ask my The Copes should be a reminder to us of IN THE HOUSE OF REP RESENTATIVES colleagues to join me and Judge Rodriguez's the sanctity of marriage. Russ and Betty Cope friends and family in paying tribute to the Hon­ should be honored for their continued commit­ Thursday, M ay 8, 1997 orable Carlos Rodriguez, for his many years of ment. I congratulate them on 50 years of de­ Mr. TORRES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dedicated service on the California State votion to each other, and the promise that recognize my good friend, Judge Carlos Workers' Compensation Appeals Board. 7786 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 8, 1997 THE RETIREMENT OF DANIEL F. Dozens of nominations were submitted and BAKER, MANOCK & JENSEN ATTORNEYS AT CASSIDY the following were selected to represent the LAW (FRESNO) breadth of businesses throughout the Valley: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES As one of the oldest and most-established HON. WILLIAM F. GOODLING INTERNATIONAL AGRI-CENTER (TULARE) law firms in the Valley, Baker, Manock & OF PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE Jensen employs 47 lawyers, 10 paralegals, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Although the center is staffed by just 10 and more than 50 other staff members in sup­ Thursday, May 8, 1997 employees, a volunteer staff of more than 600 port positions. The firm is recognized as a people make up the strength of this business. member of commercial law affiliates, an as­ Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con­ Through the assistance of all, the Inter­ sociation of A-rated firms throughout the gratulate Mr. Daniel F. Cassidy upon his re­ national Agri-Center produces the annual world. In addition to a heavy and extremely tirement on June 3, 1997. He will complete 38 California Farm Equipment Show, the great­ active work load, members of the firm de­ years of distinguished service with the Federal est international event of its kind. vote numerous personal hours to assist with Government, the last 26 with the Federal Avia­ more than 20 nonprofit organizations FRESNO RESCUE MISSION/CRAYCROFT YOUTH throughout the community. tion Administration's [FAA] Harrisburg, PA, Air­ CENTER (FRESNO) ports District Office. CHARITABLE LA TAPATIA TORTILLERIA, INC. (FRESNO) A civil engineering graduate of the Univer­ The only organization of its kind, the Fres­ RETAIL/WHOLESALE sity of Notre Dame, Mr. Cassidy began his no Rescue Mission/Craycraft Youth Center La Tapatia is a homegrown business built Federal service in 1959 with the Air Navigation represents the sole Fresno County receiving from the ground up. Helen Chavez-Hansen Facilities Division of the Federal Aviation Ad­ home for abused and neglected children. first purchased the business in 1969 for $1,900. ministration. As a young engineer, he served Services offered through the center include Since then, La Tapatia has grown from 6 em­ as resident engineer on a variety of air naviga­ counseling, education services, and health ployees and one tortilla oven to a staff of tion facility installations in the Northeast. In exams. The most unique feature of the cen­ over 155. La Tapatia's 40,000-square-foot 1964, Mr. Cassidy transferred to the Airports ter is that it allows for siblings to remain to­ plant can produce 5,500 dozen tortillas per Division's Harrisburg District Office as an air­ gether at one location, thereby keeping fam­ hour. The intense quality control program of ilies intact. the plant assures that an individual is re­ port planner. He subsequently relocated to the ceiving the best commercial product avail­ Cleveland Airports Area Office as project man­ BUCKMAN-MITCHELL INSURANCE (VISALIA) able. ager, taking on responsibilities for construction FINANCE work in Ohio, Kentucky, and western Pennsyl­ Working on its 81st year in business, FORTIER TRANSPORTATION (FRESNO) vania. Buckman-Mitchell Insurance has more than SMALL BUSINESS In 1971, with the reopening of the Harris­ 60 employees and clients throughout the In 1911 , Fortier Stage Lines was founded burg Airports District Office, Mr. Cassidy re­ world. The company is known well through­ and provided passenger service to its cus­ turned to central Pennsylvania as assistant out the Central Valley for its high ethical tomers. In 1991, the business went back to its original function as a regulated interstate manager, providing direction in the planning, standards and community involvement. Such an example of the level of dedication that ex­ motor freight carrier. Kathy Fortier, the programming and construction of airport im­ ists within the company is evidenced by the owner of Fortier Transportation, began with provement projects in Pennsylvania and Dela­ fact that the company donates as much as one part-time driver in 1992. Today, the busi­ ware. Mr. Cassidy has greatly contributed to $100,000 a year to the Visalia community. ness employs office staff, shop personnel, and the development of a safe and efficient system five company drivers. ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER ( FRESNO) of airports in the mid-Atlantic region. Of par­ HALL OF FAME AWARD ticular note were his contributions to the devel­ HEALTH CARE St. Agnes, the fourth largest employer in CLAUDE LAVALL III opment of new terminal facilities and in­ As President of Lavall-Separator Corp., creased runway capacity at Pittsburgh Inter­ Fresno County, opened its doors in 1929. Since then, the staff at St. Agnes has made Claude Lavall Ill's high standards and work national Airport. In addition, Mr. Cassidy has continuous strides in the health care field. ethic have become the hallmarks of his busi­ been a leader in implementing compatible land Between 1993 and 1996, outpatient volumes at ness. Lavan has been actively involved in use and safety recommendations at Federal the medical center increased by more than the expansion of his business, recently grow­ agreement airports. He has worked with air­ 76,400. The medical center is also helping to ing into Mexico. As a businessman in the port sponsors and elected Federal, State, and find positions outside of the hospital, as they international marketplace, Lavall Corp. be­ assist in funding a case worker for Fresno lieves that sales and service personnel are re­ local officials to resolve complex funding and sponsible for advancing the standards that technological issues in a timely and positive Unified School District's teen parenting pro­ gram, Future Positive. have made this business so successful. From manner. the business to the education and commu­ Mr. Speaker, Mr. Cassidy's service to his GRUNDFOS PUMPS CORPORATION (CLOVIS) nity sector, Claude Lavall Ill is currently in country and dedication to duty have reflected MANUFACTURING partnership with Erickson School, a com­ credit to himself and the Federal Aviation Ad­ An example of a home-based operation, panywide effort ministration. I wish him the best. Grundfos Pumps, was first established in the In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, the 1997 Excel­ cellar of Paul Due Jensen's home in Den­ lence in Business Awards highlights the top mark in 1945. Since then the company has representatives in numerous fields throughout TRIBUTE TO 1997 EXCELLENCE IN expanded and opened its operation for U.S. the Valley. I commend these businesses for BUSINESS AW ARD RECIPIENTS manufacturing in Clovis in 1974. The com­ their successes, as well as the men and pany's continuous commitment to excellence HON. GEORGEP.RADANOVICH and education has continued to grow over women who own them, for they believe-and the years. Since 1987, Grundfos has been a have proven-that hard work is the foundation OF CALIFORNIA business partner with Clovis Unified School for individual and community-oriented suc­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Districts and continues to place great impor­ cesses. I ask my colleagues to join me today Thursday, May 8, 1997 tance on employee training and training. to salute all of the recipients of this award. They embody the highest ethical standards Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise FRESNO ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY (FRESNO) and concern both for themselves and their today to pay tribute to the recipients of the NON-PROFIT community. 1997 Excellence in Business Awards. Spon­ The Chafee Zoological Gardens at Roeding sored by a distinguished newspaper in the Park was incorporated in 1949. Visited by Central Valley of California, the Fresno Bee, more than 400,000 people the society grossed WIC SAVES MONEY the awards are designed to honor businesses more than 1. 78 million in 1995 from combined and one individual from the community who fundraising activities. The Society remains a HON. ELIZABETH flJRSE have demonstrated high ethical standards, source of attraction to the Fresno area due to an outstanding membership organization. OF OREGON corporate success and growth, employee and Growing from 2,500 in 1988 to 6,400 in 1997, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES customer service, and concern for the environ­ society recently recognized Director David Thursday, May 8, 1997 ment. The recipients will be honored at a W. Kyle as Outstanding Fund-raising Execu­ luncheon given in their honor on Thursday, tive of the Year by the National Society of Ms. FURSE. Mr. Speaker, the Supplemental May 8, 1997, in Fresno, CA. Fundraising Executives. Program for Women, Infants and Children is May 8, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7787 one of the most cost-effective investments we for public work. Labor unions often note ominous questions about the government's make. It is exactly what is needed from to that open shop contractors can also sign and role anywhere in the private sector. Having serve human needs and to be fiscally respon­ work under such agreements but in doing so, set the precedent, will the government pre­ the unions conveniently disregard the way sume to negotiate collective bargaining sible. the agreements actually work. WIC prevents problems from occurring in agreements for the aerospace and auto­ The problem is rarely the wage rates or mobile industries? At what point will the the future. We now know that early childhood fringe benefits that the agreements mandate. federal government dictate the terms of a cognitive development is crucial for that child's The Davis-Bacon Act or one of its many collective bargaining agreement between long-term growth and ability to learn. counterparts already require open shop and Intel and its employees? Every dollar spent on WIC saves $3 in all other contractors to pay prevailing wages CONCLUSION health care costs. Further, WIC is not a feed­ and benefits to those working on most public While some federal agencies have long used ing program, it is a health program. It ensures projects. The problem is that the agreements project labor agreements, the proposed exec­ permit open shop firms to use few if any of that pregnant mothers will receive some atten­ utive order takes the threat of such agree­ tion to their health. their current employees. The also require ments to new and extremely troubling The reduction in WIC in this supplemental open shop firms to organize their work around the rigid lines that define each heights. For the reasons already noted, this appropriation means that, for the first time, we union's jurisdiction. Public project labor executive order would have a negative im­ will be dropping participants from the rolls agreements can require open shop firms to pact on the entire construction industry, in­ rather than adding them. We must care about use three or more employees to perform a cluding the substantial segment that con­ kids not only from conception to birth but as task that a one multicraft worker would oth­ tinues to work with and under collective bar­ erwise perform. Open shop contractors can gaining agreements. they grow and develop as well. Adequate Sincerely, funding of WIC is an excellent way to start. work under public project labor agreements BOB AFFEL, but not without greatly increasing their cost of performing the work. President, Sun Electric Company. OPPOSITION TO CHANGES IN Thus, it is true but irrelevant that open FEDERAL PROCUREMENT POLICY shop firms are free to work under such agree­ ments. What matters is that the agreements "IF NOT NOW ..."- MARY FISH­ require open shop contractors to fundamen­ ER'S POWERFUL CALL TO AC­ HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. tally change the way they do business that TION IN SUPPORT OF THE AIDS OF TENNESSEE such firms cannot effectively compete. DRUG ASSISTANCE PROGRAM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOW PUBLIC PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENTS HURT Thursday , May 8, 1997 UNION CONTRACTORS HON. FRED UPTON Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to As a threshold matter, a public project labor agreement may well increase even a OF MICHIGAN call to the attention of my colleagues and to union contractor's cost of constructing a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the readers of the RECORD a letter that was public facility. Such contractors may find Thursday, May 8, 1997 sent to me by one of my constituents, Bob that they have to employ the members of Affel. Bob is the president of Sun Electric Co. new and different unions. Many such con­ Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I recently had the in Knoxville, TN. tractors have agreement with only two or honor of meeting personally with Mary Fisher, As many of you may know, President Clin­ three unions, while public project labor founder of the Family Aids Network, and of ton recently created a huge controversy when agreements can involve as many as seven­ hearing her address a congressional briefing he announced that his administration would be teen. on the AIDS Drug Assistance Program changing the Federal procurement policy. The More importantly, public project labor [ADAP]. Her speech, "If Not Now . . ." is one agreements disrupt local bargaining for proposed changes could be used to unfairly area-wide agreements. They may require of the most powerful and compelling state­ discriminate against businesses that operate wage rates or fringe benefits that exceed the ments I have heard on the need for a strong without a union. In addition, the changes could prevailing ones. They often establish new national commitment to assist persons with cost taxpayers billions of dollars. work rules or reinstate old work rules or set HIV and AIDS. Due to remarkable progress in Bob is uniquely aware, from a business­ other costly or otherwise damaging prece­ the development of Al OS drug therapies, we man's perspective, of exactly how the current dents. Because they typically prohibit now have combination drugs that can dramati­ regulations work. Since he has read through lockouts, such agreements may also encour­ cally lower virus levels, that appear to be and tried to comply with these illogical bureau­ age unions to strike other projects in the transforming Al OS from a fatal illness to a area. They certainly undermine the direct cratic requirements, his letter gives an excel­ face-to-face negotiations that lie at the manageable chronic condition, and that may lent discussion of the issues surrounding heart of collective bargaining, as both actually eliminate the virus entirely or almost President Clinton's latest proposal. unions and contractors turn to owners for entirely from the body. In addition to Bob's comments, I would per­ the concessions that they cannot get from But, Mary asks, do we have the national will sonally add that I have seen estimates that each other. to make these drugs available to all who need the proposed policy would end up raising the In sum, public project labor agreements them? That is the question posed by the avail­ cost of Federal Government construction substitute government bureaucrats for the ability of these new therapies. spending by $4.8 billion annually or reduce the industry's own negotiators. Whatever their I am entering Mary's speech in today's CON­ amount of construction by 30 percent. With intentions, such bureaucrats lack the experi­ ence to advance the construction industry's GRESSIONAL RECORD because I believe it our Nation more than $5 .5 trillion in debt, we interests. They are schooled in neither con­ should be required reading for every Member should not be encouraging this sort of wasteful struction nor labor-management relations. of Congress-and every American. spending. QUALITY AND FREEDOM "IF NOT Now . .. " I request that a copy of the attached letter To the great extent that they limit the be placed in the RECORD at this point. I hope (By Mary Fisher) competition for public work, or otherwise in­ Thank you very much, Bill. I appreciate that my colleagues will join me and Bob Affel crease the cost of improving our schools, in opposing President Clinton's unfair pro­ your kind words. hospitals, bridges and other public infra­ In order to be very brief today, I intend posal. structures, public project labor agreements also to be very direct. I do not mean to be SUN ELECTRIC CO. , threaten everyone's quality of life. They also brusque, but I do want to be blunt. The good Knoxville, TN, April 21, 1997. threaten individual rights and freedoms. news is that I won't elongate your program Representative JOHN DUNCAN , They typically include "union security" with a massive keynote address. The bad Rayburn House Office Bldg., Washington, DC. clauses that effectively mandate union mem­ news is that I have no time for good jokes. DEAR REPRESENTATIVE DUNCAN: We oppose bership denying construction workers the Let me begin with a happy idea. We should the President's project labor agreement ex­ right to decide whether to join or otherwise be ashamed of ourselves. Like evangelists ecutive order. Listed below are some of our support a labor union. caught in cheap motels with bad magazines, reasons. A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT we are where we ought not to be: Nearly two HOW PUBLIC PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENTS HURT Inevitably, public project labor agreements decades into an epidemic that has killed OPEN SHOP CONTRACTORS increase the cost of all construction, includ­ hundreds of thousands of Americans, we have Public project labor agreements exclude ing the private work the manufacturers and gathered to discuss how many more should open shop contractors from the competition other industries. The President's plan raises die. I regret that we have come to this point 7788 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 8, 1997 and, as an American, I am ashamed of it. between these Americans and drugs is in community? How will I love you, if I know And I want you to be ashamed of it too. We money; and what stands between these you are staying with your children while, for should never have gotten ourselves to the Americans and money is ... us, the American lack of money, I am losing mine?" The frag­ place we find ourselves. And we should get people, the United States government, and ile bonds that hold together the weakening, out of this as soon as possible. the AIDS Drug Assistance Program. fragile AIDS commnity, cannot withstand Pharmaceuticals represented here this I've spoken in many settings, but I've such division. Which is why I have come to noon have, by virtue of hard work and well­ never before stood in public to argue for any argue for a legislative action. principled research, produced drugs that may single piece of legislation. I've worked quiet­ Make no mistake about it: the reason prolong my life and the lives of others with ly, confidentially, off-the-record with count­ AIDS-related death rates have gone down for AIDS. They should take great pride in what less legislators and leaders, including some American men and gone up for American they have achieved. I am in their debt. of you here today. But the time has come for women 1 is access to drugs-early access, Members of Congress and their staff here many of us to do what we've not done before, complete access, sustained access. In the this noon have, through consensus-building including me. I need to say publicly that we, AIDS community, the great difference be­ and budget-brawling, protected funds needed as a nation, should be ashamed at how we tween men without children, and women for AIDS research, AIDS-caregiving, and have treated those with AIDS. And I need to with children, is this: One group is living AIDS-intervention. I am also in your debt. call all of us, you and me, to assure that life­ longer, and one is not. And colleagues from the AIDS community prolonging and death-deferring drugs are The power to change these deathrates is in are here who've fought this epidemic with available for every HIV-infected person in this room. If those of you who are Repub­ unimagined creativity and unheralded cour­ this nation, not when we stand at death's lican leaders will say to those who are Demo­ age, not out of a desire for national recogni­ door, but while we stand in the public crats, "We should be ashamed of these tion but out of a commitment to keep alive square. Politics and science make it possible, deaths," these statistics can be changed. We those who are dying. I take enormous pride economics and morality make it imperative. have no cure, but we have within our power in being one of you, and in the moral legacy If we do not embrace the opportunity now, the ability to end the immoral discrepancy written by pilgrims on the road to AIDS and we have consciously and unconscionably pro­ between those who live and those who die for those who have cared for them. longed the legacy of shame. lack of access to drugs. In this afternoon's program, expert col­ We have a new person filling the position If the AIDS organizations will work with leagues are going to explain hard facts, large popularly known as "AIDS czar." Sandy the religious community; if the pharmacies figures and complicated realities. I am here Thurman is a good and decent person, com­ will work with the legislators; if those on not to give their speeches, but simply to set mitted and compassionate. She has no his­ the Hill will work with those in the White a context. And the context I want to set is, tory in this position and, therefore, no en­ House; if staff members from both sides of in a word, shame. emies' list. Democrats and Republicans alike the aisle will make vulnerable lives more im­ For twenty years, this nation has treated have every reason to work with Sandy. And portant than political ambitions-it can be persons with AIDS as uniquely responsible if she requires the assistance of people from done. We can have the experience with AIDS for their own condition. Despite what we both sides of the aisle-whether we are that South Africa has had with apartheid: we know about smoking and cancer, we have homemakers or newsmakers-if we under­ can put behind us the darkest days. not done to smokers what we have done to stand the shame that our national response When I imagine that goal being attainable, persons with AIDS; despite what we know to date has earned us, we will work with her. and I look at an audience of such con­ about diet, we have not done to heart-attack The Vice President has argued, recently, centrated power, I cannot refrain from ask­ sufferers what we have done to persons with for expanding Medicaid coverage to provide ing, "If not you, who? And if not now, my AIDS; despite what we know about bucking interventions earlier in the case of persons God, when?" horses and skydiving, we have not done to who are infected. This proposal makes enor­ You must go explain your actions to your Christopher Reeves what we have done to mous sense scientifically, morally, and eco­ colleagues and your constituents. I must go persons with AIDS. Senators debating HIV­ nomically-it will absolutely decrease, not explain mine to two children not-yet-ten infected immigrants have used, as their increase, Medicaid spending. To my knowl­ years old. But both you and I must first ex­ point of useful reference, " infested fruits"­ edge, no Republicans have responded with as­ plain them to ourselves and to Our Maker. In a double entendre' on both " infection" and saults. Therefore, the idea is still alive that that private chamber of our own souls, sure­ the word " Fruit." common sense and common decency would ly we can agree that there's been dying And because we have labored against such have a place in common policies. enough, and discrimination enough, and in­ stigma and dsicrimination, such ignorance We need not have another bureau or de­ justice enough. and evil, we have not reached common agree­ partment to consume funds, nor does ADAP What's offered us here, today, of science ment on the most basic of all under­ propose one. We need not have another study economics, of policies and protocols, may standings: That Americans with AIDS do not to justify funds, nor does ADAP require one. not give us a cure. But it can take us away deserve their disease but do deserve our as­ What we need is consensus that those who from shame toward hope. If you would act on sistance. are infected deserve an opportunity to live. that, then I and my fellow-pilgrims on the Failure to achieve consensus across moral It is a proposition so simple, and so morally road to AIDS will offer you more than our and political lines on that fundamental re­ compelling, that both AIDS Action and the thanks, and more than our votes. We will ality has done more to contribute to the de­ Catholic Archbishops can agree on it. It is, offer on your behalf this ancient prayer, struction of the AIDS community than the at its simplest root, merely a pro-life argu­ " Grace to you, and peace." virus itself. So deep has the stigma been, so ment. controversial the epidemic, that more than a Others here today will present the sci­ hundred thousand Americans had died of the entific data and the economic numbers. I do TRIBUTE TO ROYCE E. DA VIS disease before an American president dared not doubt how convincing the case will be. say the word " AIDS" in public. Tens of thou­ What I wonder about, even worry about, is HON. BRAD SHERMAN sands of obituaries have lied about the cause this: that after two decades of death and OF CALIFORNIA of death, out of families' fear of shame. And dying, we will not yet have the will to move those of us who are left are often mute. How toward hope, even when hope is staring us in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES do I explain to my sons Max and Zachary the face. Thursday, May 8, 1997 their father's death and my disease, on the I spoke last week in Arthur Ashe's home­ Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, Shakespeare one hand, and the nation's response on the town. I admitted that the AIDS community other, with anything less than shame? is no longer certain what to hope for. My once wrote "As he was valiant, I honor him Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said that own care for my late husband Brian, in the * * *" Today, I rise to honor and congratulate the South African Truth Commission was days before he died, is not uncommon-many Royce E. Davis for his valor and bravery. His created to " release our shame, to move us of us with AIDS are cared for by others with work for our community is being recognized from anger to healing, from futility to AIDS. But now we face an altogether new today as he is named Woodland Hills Para­ hope. " It is Tutu's sense of shame-an active situation, unimaginable the Sunday morning medic of the Year. shame, a useful shame; shame that says "for Brian died. Royce has been with the Los Angeles Fire crying outloud, it's enough already"-which One of us will respond well to the new Department for 23 years. His commitment and should motivate us to do what we've not [drug] cocktail, and one of us will not. How done before. then will we live together as one rises up The epidemic is nearly two decades long. from the grave and another sinks into it? 1 The CDC recently released a morbidity report on American AIDS-related deathrates, 1996, showing Hundreds of thousands of Americans have Does "survivor guilt" leave room for love? that such deathrates had decreased 21 % for Cauca­ died. Hundreds of thousands more are in dan­ "One of us will be able to afford protease sians, decreased 10% for Hispanics, and decreased 2% ger of dying. What stands between these inhibitors," I said in Richmond, " and one of for African Americans; decreased 15% for males and Americans and death is drugs; what stands us will not. How, then, will we live together increased 3% for heterosexual transmissions. May 8, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7789 dedication to his job have brought honor and ciety for former drug addicts and delinquents. energy, and spirit to bettering his community excellence to our community. He has received He has been an integral part of a number of and the entire senior population of Charles countless awards, including the Los Angeles community based efforts, including a success­ County, MD. George E. Wheeler spent the Fire Department Medal of Valor, the California ful vision outreach program to provide eye majority of his adult life serving southern State Firefighters Association Medal of Valor care to those in need, fundraising events for Maryland as an area agricultural engineer with and the City of Los Angeles Career Service the Juvenile Diabetes Foundations, and the the U.S. Department of Agriculture working on Award to name just a few. youth-oriented Project Return. such projects as the Maryland Delaware Wa­ Royce has also had a full career outside of Family has been an important part of Mr. tershed Unit and establishing the first resource the fire department. He is the former Chief of Cortez's life. He has been married to his wife conservation and development project in Emergency Medical Services for the City of Sylvia for 31 years and together they have Maryland. This work was important in coordi­ Filmore, CA, and has served as a Physician's three wonderful daughters. Following a crip­ nating efforts between the farming and con­ Assistant [PA]. Currently he is employed at a pling auto accident involving his beloved wife servation communities to assure the two cardiology practice, while coming to the aid of and daughter, Mr. Cortez has refocussed his worked together for their mutual interests. the West Hills community in his spare time. efforts to raising awareness and money for But it is the work George Wheeler did within Besides his professional duties and commu­ spinal cord research. his community which we recognize him for nity service, Royce's top priority is his family. I ask that my colleagues join me in honoring today. Always there to lend a hand, George He and his wife have been married for 36 this remarkable gentleman. Mr. Cortez's deter­ Wheeler became actively involved in advo­ years and have been blessed with six children mination to excel in everything he does and cating and initiating projects to benefit the sen­ and sixteen grandchildren. Indeed, Royce's desire to use his status to help those less for­ ior community. Appointed to the Charles years as a firefighter, civil servant, father, and tunate, serve as shining examples for us all. County Commission on Aging in 1972 and the husband are exemplary. Area Council on Aging in 1979, it became Mr. I join the citizens of Woodland Hills, West Wheeler's mission to make certain seniors in Hills, and Canoga Park to thank Royce E. TRIBUTE TO DUNCANVILLE HIGH the community had the resources and pro­ Davis for his years of service to our commu­ SCHOOL grams for each of them to have a fulfilling and nities. I believe he stands as a model for oth­ meaningful role in making their town and ers in our area and around the Nation, and I HON. MARTIN FROST neighborhoods an enriching place to live. am honored, as his Congressional Represent­ OF TEXAS George Wheeler had the dream of having a ative, to send my warm congratulations and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES place where seniors could gather; a place best wishes as he is honored as Woodland Thursday, May 8, 1997 where they could meet their friends and par­ Hills Paramedic of the Year. Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratu­ ticipate in activities and educational programs late the cosmetology department students and and work on projects to benefit the entire com­ munity; a place where seniors can exercise in IN HONOR OF INTERNATIONAL faculty at Duncanville High School for winning first place in the national American Set-a­ the state of the art fitness center and a place BOXING REFEREE JOE CORTEZ: where they know they can get some of the MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE Good-Example competition. And I also con­ gratulate Duncanville High School for their se­ best meals in town. RING OF LIFE Through hours of discussions, planning, and lection as this year's Learning Improvement Award winner. problem solving, George Wheeler spoke of the HON. ROBERT MENENDFZ Duncanville High School is only the second interests of seniors and laid out the vision of OF NEW JERSEY school in the past two decades to win both the beautiful facility called the Richard R. IN THE HO USE OF REPRESENTATIVES these national awards in the same year. As a Clark Senior Center. In 1987, as chairman of the building committee for the center, Mr. Thursday, May 8, 1997 result, Duncanville High School will receive $7,500 in grant funds for these honors. Wheeler joined in the opening of this wonder­ Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ful facility and saw his dream become a re­ to pay special tribute to Joe Cortez, a man of Mr. Speaker, I would also like to commend the Concerned Businessmen's Association of ality. He was never deterred by obstacles, but uncommon kindness and dedication to his maintained a positive attitude, knowing that family and his community. Mr. Cortez has de­ America for sponsoring this competition and also Dr. Phyllis Mack of Savannah, GA, for one way or another he would achieve his goal. voted much of his time and energy throughout funding these grants. With the program now in And once the center was built, he continued in his life to help others in the fight against its 11th year, it is an excellent tool to recog­ that spirit to bring in the best of programs and drugs, as well as outreach programs to help nize outstanding achievements in our public people to enhance the center. the sick and needy. His contributions will be schools, and to reward that success with fund­ It is George Wheeler's long hours of time, recognized at the monthly business luncheon devotion and dedication which the seniors of of the New Jersey Hispanic Mercantile Fed­ ing to help further enhance education. Mr. Speaker, I know that the young people Charles County benefit from today. We cele­ eration on May 9 in Union City, NJ . of Duncanville High School worked hard to brate his tireless efforts in making the Richard Mr. Cortez was born and raised in New earn this recognition and by their participation R. Clark Senior Center possible and congratu­ York City's Spanish Harlem. There he began have shown they can indeed take actions to late his wife, Erma and his children, Richard his amateur boxing career, winning the Golden better their own lives, their communities, and and Chris, as we dedicate this plaque in his Gloves Bantamweight Championship title four thereby improve the world we all share. honor. times prior to turning professional in 1963. In Once again I would like to send my his 4 years as a professional, Mr. Cortez heartiest congratulations to Principal Mike earned a record of 18 wins and only 1 loss. TRIBUTE TO QUEEN MOTHER Chrietzberg and all the teachers, parents and Upon retiring from professional fighting, Mr. MOORE: BELOVED ACTIVIST students who share in these incredible Cortez began a successful career in hotel achievements. management, rising to the position of assistant HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS casino operating manager for a major com­ OF NEW YORK pany with properties in New York and Puerto TRIBUTE TO GEORGE WHEELER, A IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rico. Mr. Cortez's professional life came full HERO FOR CHARLES COUNTY Thursday , May 8, 1997 circle when he returned to the boxing ring as SENIORS a referee. He has since presided over 89 Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to World Title Championship Fights in 11 coun­ HON. STENY H. HOYER pay homage to Audrey (Queen Mother) Moore a leader and activist in New York City who tries. OF MARYLAND Mr. Cortez's humanitarian efforts are truly passed away at the age of 98. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES impressive and admirable. Through his in­ Queen Mother Moore is beloved in the Afri­ volvement with an anti-drug task force in Yon­ Thursday , May 8, 1997 can-American community for her life-long dedi­ kers, Mr. Cortez saw the need to ensure a Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cation to the upliftment of the disaffected, smooth and successful transition back into so- pay tribute to a man who dedicated his time , disenfranchised and the neglected. She was 7790 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 8, 1997 named Queen Mother by the Ashanti Tribe in NATIONAL WRITE YOUR IN HONOR OF THE NORTH HUDSON Ghana, West Africa. Queen Mother Moore CONGRESSMAN COMMUNITY ACTION CORPORA­ was a stalwart in the cause of civil rights, and TION: PROUD PARTICIPANT IN believed that self-pride, dignity, honor, and HON. JAME:S A. TRAflCANT, JR. COMMUNITY ACTION WEEK hard work were the foundation upon which OFOIDO success and self-respect are built. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ Born in New Iberia, LA, she spent her life OF NEW JERSEY Thursday, May 8, 1997 trying to educate African-Americans about the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES past glory and contributions of African soci­ Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, today, I want Thursday, May 8, 1997 eties, and encouraged young people to make to recognize an organization that I became fa­ Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today a commitment to educationally, economically, miliar with soon after arriving in Washington to pay tribute to a truly exceptional organiza­ and politically strengthen the black community. as a freshman in 1985. National Write Your Congressman has been providing me and my tion, the North Hudson Community Action Cor­ She worked to organized domestic workers in poration [NHCAC]. On May 9, a celebration office with important and intelligent information the city of New York, fought to overturn the commemorating Community Action Week will from our district since 1953. eviction of black tenants, and sought to inte­ officially open the NHCAC's one-stop Health Their legislative updates, entitled "We The grate major league baseball. Center located at their newly consolidated fa­ People," arrived monthly in my office, some­ Indeed, Queen Mother Moore established a cility in West New York, NJ. legacy of love and commitment that spanned times with copies of my 1-minute speeches National Community Action Week is dedi­ the decades of her life. In her passing years from the House floor printed in the Congres­ cated to raising awareness about the impor­ she suffered with declining health, but contin­ sional Comments section. In June 1994, Na­ tant of community-based action, making this a ued her strong convictions on behalf of the tional Write Your Congressman featured my fitting opportunity to recognize the contribu­ causes she held dear, social justice and polit­ bill to move the burden of proof from the tax­ tions of the NHCAC. This respected institution ical empowerment. Her passionate voice and payer to the IRS in civil tax court as the topic has provided much needed assistance to the vibrant spirit will be sorely missed. I salute her of a survey. The results astounded me: Nine­ residents of Northern Hudson County, NJ, for work and dedication. ty-three percent of their readers favored my over 30 years. Its mission of people helping bill , and soon afterword, I had over 300 co­ people is exemplified in the more than 20 pro­ sponsors. grams and 37,000 clients served by NHCAC. National Write Your Congressman's opinion The types of assistance offered by NHCAC TRIBUTE TO RICHARD ANDERT ballots are some of the only polls I trust. Their are as diverse as the population it serves. members respond because they want to par­ NHCAC provides services in health care, nutri­ ticipate in the democratic process, not be­ tion, substance abuse treatment, emergency HON. BRAD SHERMAN cause some polling organization called them. food and shelter shortages, social and home OF CALIFORNIA I find that letterwriters from National Write services, and early childhood development IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Your Congressman are well informed about through Head Start. Specifically, programs issues in Washington that effect their lives. benefiting North Hudson residents include the Thursday , May 8, 1997 Their readers should know that they do have Women, Infants and Children [WIC] nutrition Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to clout in Washington because their voices are plan, Senior Treatment and Education Pro­ commend Richard Andert, as he is named Los heard monthly. gram [STWP], a food pantry, limited transi­ Angeles Police Department Police Officer of Mr. Speaker, I want to compliment National tional housing, immigration and naturalization the Year. The Woodland Hills community joins Write Your Congressman for its work for near­ help, tenant and landlord relations, job place­ me in praising him for his commitment and ly 40 years to bring the opinions of Americans ment, and home weatherization and mainte­ dedication to making our area a safer place to to their Federal representatives in Washington. nance. Everyone who has utilized NHCAC's live. services may attest to the compassionate na­ ture of this outstanding group of individuals. Officer Andert's commitment to the safety THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE The official opening of North Hudson Com­ and well-being of our citizens should serve as LOY AL ORDER OF THE MOOSE munication Action Corporation's Health Center an inspiration to all Americans. He is a role at West New York is another step along the model not only to younger but also to higher HON. CLIFF STEARNS road to ensuring quality and affordable health ranking police officers on the force. Of the services for the entire community. Staffed by countless examples of his leadership, none OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES medical professionals, the health center pro­ stand out more than his commitment to traffic vides a broad range of health services includ­ safety. He single-handedly implemented a Thursday, May 8, 1997 ing family care, gynecology and family plan­ crackdown on speeding drivers in order to en­ Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, this year ning, premarital examinations, dental screen­ sure the safety of the children in our neighbor­ marks the 75th anniversary of the ing, mental health, diagnosis and treatment of hood and return the neighborhood to the safe Moosehaven facility, which provides residential diseases, and counseling and health edu­ and quiet area it should be. care to older members of the Loyal Order of cation workshops. Officer Andert practices kindness, caring, the Moose. I am proud to have this out­ The men and women of the North Hudson and compassion in even the most routine situ­ standing facility, located in Orange Park, FL, Community Action Corporation give new ations. One day a panicked West Valley resi­ as part of my district. meaning to the words community action. dent arrived at the police station, unable to The Loyal Order of the Moose will be hold­ Under the direction of executive director Mi­ enter a house where she was responsible for ing its international convention in Florida this chael Leggiero, NHCAC has gained national feeding a cat and dog. Upon investigating the summer. They have selected Florida as the recognition for dedicated and caring service to situation Officer Andert discovered the woman convention site for the purposes of acknowl­ the community. I am proud to have this ex­ was attempting to enter the wrong house and edging the Moosehaven facility. traordinary organization working on behalf of then assisted her in entering the correct home. Founded in 1922, the Moosehaven facility is the members of my district. It is Officer Andert's willingness to go the extra unique in the fraternal world. The self-funded mile that has distinguished his career. facility currently provides free care to 420 men HONORING JOHN " JACK" PIDGEON In closing Mr. Speaker, if this Nation had and women who are members of the Moose more Richard Anderts on America's police Order. The infinite need for organizations to forces, our neighborhoods would be safer provide community-based solutions is exempli­ HON. JOHN P. MURTHA places to live. It is a personal honor to me, as fied by the success of the Moosehaven facility. OF PENNSYLVANIA his Congressman, to acknowledge his accom­ I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plishments which bring deep honor to our lating the Moosehaven facility on its 75th anni­ Thursday , May 8, 1997 community, and to offer my warm congratula­ versary, and I look forward to its continued Mr. MURTHA. Mr. Speaker, I would like to tions and heartfelt thanks. growth and progress in the future . take this opportunity to tell my colleagues May 8, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7791 about the retirement of a singular individual community education, middle school principal, look at the letters of commendation detailing who is legendary in his achievements in the high school principal, and assistant super­ time and time again he is willing to lend a academic world. His name is John "Jack" intendent for personnel service. As a teacher helping hand to motorists in distress. Pidgeon. and former supervisor of the Town of Ham­ West Valley is fortunate to have Officer Jack Pidgeon grew up in a poor working burg , I witnessed first hand Jerry's commit­ Acosta, and I am confident that his dedication class town in Massachusetts. He won a schol­ ment to our community, and his profes­ will serve as a model for other highway patrol arship to prestigious Andover Prep School, sionalism, and integrity. officers in the Nation and lead to safer roads where he studied alongside former President In addition to his work with Frontier Schools, for everyone. I commend Officer Acosta for his Bush and Actor Jack Lemmon. After being se­ Jerry has served as president of the Erie dedication and hard work and congratulate riously wounded in WWI I, he went on to de­ County Interscholastic Conference, president him as he is honored as the California High­ vote his life to giving that gift of educational of the Erie County High School Principals' As­ way Patrol Officer of the year. opportunity to other bright young students sociation , president of the Western New York hundreds of times over. Association of School Personnel Administra­ And he did it against some incredible odds. tors, and as chairman of New York State Pub­ TRIBUT E TO JOHN D. " JACK" In 1952, Jack Pidgeon left a secure teach­ lic High School Athletic Association. GOEKEN ing job at Deerfield Academy to become the In recognition of that commitment to edu­ headmaster of a sickly, broke, rundown 350- cation, Jerry was honored as the 1966 Ham­ HON. JERRY WELLER acre prep school called Kiski in western Penn­ burg Junior Chamber of Commerce Out­ OF ILLINOIS sylvania. When he arrived, the school, found­ standing Young Educator, the 1988 New York IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ed in 1888, had a few dilapidated buildings, no State Athletic Administrators' Association Thursday, May 8, 1997 running water, no furniture, no credit, no donor "Outstanding Commitment to Interscholastic Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support, no gate. It was $200,000 in debt. Athletics in New York State" award recipient, honor the work and dedication of an inspiring Jack Pidgeon took a look around and started and as the 1996 Town of Hamburg Service inventor and enterprising leader, John D. up a bulldozer himself to clear the grounds Youth Award winner. "Jack" Goeken. and enlisted faculty and students to mow, Further, Jerry has played an important and Jack Goeken is a much celebrated pioneer paint, even tar roofs. active role in our community through his work in the world of telecommunications. Jack Seven years later, after everyone told him with Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Goeken has been referred to by Business the school had no chance, Kiski received a Mr. Speaker, today I would like to join with Week magazine as, "the phone world's most $10,000 donation-its first donation of over Jerry's wife , Marie; his children , Gerald, Carla, prolific inventor." Former Federal Communica­ $1 ,000 in the history of the school. Finally, in Mark, and Elizabeth; the Frontier Central tions Commission Chairman Alfred C. Skies, 1966, after years of dogged efforts by this de­ School District; and our Hamburg community recognized Goeken as , "one of America's voted crusader, the late Sarah Mellon Scaife to pay tribute to Mr. Gerald R. Baldelli. With genuine communications pioneers." His ac­ gave the school $50,000. That was a turning retirement comes many new opportunities. complishments and awards are as impressive point, and Jack Pidgeon never looked back. May he meet every opportunity with the same as they are vast. On May 16 of this year, Jack Pidgeon is re­ enthusiasm and vigor in which he dem­ Jack Goeken has built an international rep­ tiring as headmaster of Kiski , leaving behind onstrated throughout his brilliant career; and utation in the communications industry while not only a student and alumni population that may those opportunities be as fruitful as those founding communications giants such as MCI , thinks of him as a father, but a financially ro­ in his past. FTD Mercury Network, Airfone, In-Flight bust institution entirely of his crafting, with Thank you , Jerry, for your tireless effort and Phone, and now Goeken Group companies. property worth about $20 million, an endow­ personal commitment to our western New Jack Goeken pioneered the concept of con­ ment of about $1 O million, and the wherewithal York community. As you enter retirement, I structing a microwave system between Chi­ to grant $350,000 per year in scholarships. wish you nothing but the best. cago and St. Louis, improving customers But financial success is not his most lasting channel capacity and range, enabling truck legacy to this institution. Jack Pidgeon person­ drivers to use their two-way radios along the ally shaped the character of every student to T RIBUT E TO JOSE J . ACOST A highway. who attended Kiski. His no-nonsense, prag­ In 1963, Jack Goeken and four friends es­ matic philosophy imbued generations of grad­ HON. BRAD SHERMAN tablished Microwave Communications, Inc ., uates with a realistic but profound belief in OF CALIFORNIA MCI . In fact, Jack Goe ken's development of a themselves and a clear sense of who they IN THE HOUSE OF REP RE SENTATIVES microwave network eventually lead to a vic­ are. He stressed good manners, humility, self­ Thursday, May 8, 1997 torious legal battle which is credited with the respect, and drive. He is a man who gave his breakup of the Bell monopoly and opening of life to quality education and giving thousands Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the telecommunications industry to competi­ of young boys the ability to realize their full honor Jose J. Acosta as the California High­ tion. potential as business leaders, civic leaders, way Patrol , West Valley area, American Le­ For Jack Goeken, this was only the begin­ and citizens. His greatest satisfaction came gion Officer of the year. Abigail Adams once ning of an impressive series of inventions and from offering poorer students scholarships. questioned: "If we do not lay out ourselves in enterprising successes. He then founded the I heartily commend Jack Pidgeon for his the service of mankind, whom should we FTD Mercury Network, the world's largest on­ great achievements. He is a man of vision serve?" Each and every day, Officer Acosta line computer network, processing and deliv­ who never heard of giving up. puts his life on the line in order to serve man­ ering over 30 million smiles a year in floral or­ kind by guaranteeing the safety of the Wood­ ders. land Hills community. He is truly worthy of this Next, Jack Goeken founded Ralifhone Inc ., TRIBUTE TO GE RALD R. BALDELLI award. CML Communications which provided domes­ In his short time on the force Officer Acosta tic satellite service , Spectrum Analysis Fre­ HON. JACK QUINN has been a quick study. His hard work and quency Plan. OF NEW YORK dedication have honed his investigative skills In the mid ?O's, Goeken created the air-to­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and earned him the respect of his supervisors ground communications industry that exists and peers. In addition, he has fought to en­ today. Goeken founded the Airfone Corpora­ Thursday , May 8, 1997 sure the safety of our roads through his ag­ tion that travelers commonly see and use on Mr. QUINN . Mr. Speaker, I rise today to gressive pursuit of drunk drivers. In a 12- commercial airlines. Goeken's invention lead honor Mr. Gerald Baldelli, on the occasion of month period he made over 70 arrests, dem­ to the founding of the In-Flight Phone Cor­ his retirement. onstrating his skills in apprehension. poration in 1989, which provides the clear Jerry served the Frontier Central School Officer Acosta's service to our community telephone service and transmission air trav­ District with distinction in several capacities does not end with his shift. He understands elers enjoy today. from 1961 to 1996, including teacher, coach, that a smile and kind word can go a long way Today, Goeken serves as chairman and mathematics department chairman, director of in a difficult situation. For proof one only need CEO of the Goeken Group Companies which 7792 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 8, 1997 provide life saving technology and services. dom House based in New York City following Board of Directors for the Orange County Red Goeken Group Companies includes; Global our first direct popular presidential election Cross; and, past member of the Board of Di­ MED-NET, Personal Guardian, and Personal in March 1996. In order to improve our com­ rectors for the Orange County Poison Preven­ Safetywear. petitiveness, we are now in the process of streamlining the government structure tion Foundation. On May 9, 1997, Jack Goeken will be hon­ through constitutional reform and estab­ I would like my colleagues in Congress to ored at the 1997 Joliet UNICO Citizen of the lishing an Asian Pacific Regional Operations join me in recognizing Chief Holms for his out­ Year Banquet for a lifetime achievement of Center here. standing service to his community. There are "service above self," UNICO's motto. Our mainland China policy remains un­ many deeds and courageous acts that easily I request that this body honor Jack Goeken changed. Eventual reunification of China distinguish Chief Holms as a firefighter, a cit­ for his incredible spirit of invention and re­ under freedom, democracy, and social justice izen, and a leader. The citizens of Orange markable forward thinking. is still our future goal, but the fact remains: County have been very fortunate to have such China is divided. We in the ROC on Taiwan would like to use the next thirty years to a remarkable individual watching over them. Let us wish Chief Holms many years of enjoy­ PERSONAL EXPLANATION build an even more free, democratic and prosperous country, so that when the oppor­ ment and happiness in his retirement. tune time arises, we can hold talks of reuni­ HON. BOB flLNER fication with the other side on an equal foot­ OF CALIFORNIA ing. MOTHER' S DAY 1997 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In the interest of time, I would like to lis­ ten to you; any questions put forward to me HON. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE Thursday, May 8, 1997 are welcome. As to the purposes of this trip, Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, while on official you already mentioned in the news con­ OF TEXAS business I was unable to be present for two ference on the 23rd of March. We have al­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rollcall votes on May 7, 1997. Had I been ready prepared answers to those questions, Thursday, May 8, 1997 and will provide the materials to you for present, I would have voted as follows: Roll­ your convenience. Thank you very much for Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, call No. 109-"no;" rollcall No. 108-"yes." your attention. Now, I would like to listen to I rise today to pay tribute to all mothers, with your comments and advice. special admiration and appreciation for the two FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY IN important mothers in my life, my own mother, TAIWAN Mr. lvalita Jackson and my mother-in-law, Mrs. IN HONOR OF CHIEF LARRY J. E. Theophia Lee. HOLMS, DIRECTOR OF FIRE I would like to thank my mother for her com­ HON. CHRISTOPHER COX SERVICES FOR THE ORANGE mitment and dedication to our family. My OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY FIRE AUTHORITY mother worked very hard to do the best for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her children in this world by instilling the val­ Thursday, May 8, 1997 HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ ues of God, family, and community. She set Mr. COX of California. Mr. Speaker, as OF CALIFORNIA before me the goal of working to accomplish Members know, 11 Members of the House IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES success in life by not resting on the laurels of yesterday, but on the promise of another to­ and I traveled to Asia over the Easter recess. Thursday , May 8, 1997 Among our stops was a very successful visit morrow. She offered strength and dignity in to the Republic of China on Taiwan. Ms. SANCHEZ. Mr. Speaker, I would like to the face of difficulty. President Lee Tung Hui offered a typically take this opportunity to honor Larry J. Holms, I thank her, not only for the gift of my life, warm welcome , and stressed the fact that Tai­ Director of Fire Services for the Orange Coun­ but the joy she provided in my experience of wan now lives under a fully free and demo­ ty Fire Authority. Chief Holms is retiring after growing up. cratic government. In fact, I would note that on 35 years of exemplary service to the citizens I would like to also extend a special Moth­ May 20th President Lee will celebrate his first of Orange County and the State of California. er's Day greeting to my mother-in-law, anniversary of his inauguration as Taiwan's Chief Holms served as the Director of Fire Theophia Lee. I hold her in great esteem and first democratically elected President. In fact, I Services since the inception of the Orange respect for the devotion she showed as a had the privilege to offer my congratulations to County Fire Department in 1980. He is retiring mother to my husband, Elwyn, who is the man President Lee in person 1 month after that first as the director of the Orange County Fire Au­ he is today because of her nurturing. free election in nearly 5,000 years of recorded thority. He has been responsible for the larg­ This Mother's Day greeting is not only for Chinese history. est regional firefighting department in Cali­ the two mothers I have singled out, but it is I offer my congratulations to him on this first fornia, staffed by over 935 career firefighters also a tribute to all of the mothers of the 18th anniversary of the election and ask that his and 750 paid-call firefighters. Congressional District who will be honored this welcome to our delegation be reprinted in the After the devastating 1993 Laguna Beach Sunday, May 11 , on our Nation's day for fires, Chief Holms was instrumental in estab­ mothers. RECORD: lishing a helicopter program for the Orange This Mother's Day is for grandmothers, Honorable Speaker Gingrich, Honorable Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen: County Fire Authority. This is the only Fire mother-in-laws, stepmothers, foster mothers, Good morning. This is a very important Service helicopter program in Orange County. godmothers, mothers who take in children, moment. On behalf of the people and the gov­ Chief Holms has been in the Fire Service mothers who adopt, those who act as moth­ ernment of the ROC on Taiwan, I would like for over 35 years. Prior to his current position, ers, for those women who have no relations to extend my heartiest welcome to all of he was the Fire Chief in the city of Tustin Fire by blood but who give the gift of mothering to you. Particularly, I would like to express my Department, a Battalion Chief for the Cali­ children. sincere appreciation to you for your decision fornia Department of Forestry and worked for Our Nation's mothers are the foundation for to visit my country out of such a busy sched­ the Huntington Beach Fire Department for 9 the most prosperous and productive country in ule on your Asia evaluation tour. The time of your stay is very short, but the most im­ years. the history of the world. They are the nur­ portant thing is that you didn't forget this His many career accomplishments include: turers, and care givers that prepare our Na­ island ROC on Taiwan. It has at least two past President of the Orange County Fire tion's young for the challenges that life may very significant meanings: First, the ROC on Chiefs Association; member, Board of Direc­ hold. Their work may be inside or outside of Taiwan is the best friend of the United tors for the Governor's Office of Emergency the home, or both, and their contributions to States in the world and the symbol of Amer­ Services FIRESCOPE; member, the Gov­ this society can never be fully appreciated or ican value system and idealism, Freedom ernor's Office of Emergency Services Stand­ valued. and Democracy. Second, the island is geo­ ardized Emergency Management System Mothers bring a unique and valuable per­ graphically important for US military strat­ egy in the West Pacific area, and particu­ [SEMS] Development Advisory Committee; ap­ spective to all aspects of American life. Today, larly in North-East Asia. pointed member of the Building Standards thousands of mothers in this country have be­ Domestically, the ROC on Taiwan is now Commission; served as Acting County Admin­ come active and effective participants in public considered a fully free country by the Free- istrative Officer in 1985; past member of the life and public service, promoting change and May 8, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7793 improving the quality of life for men, women, programs. Had I been here, I would have manity and compassion are examples to us and children throughout the Nation. They voted "nay." all. serve with distinction as legislators, mayors, Rollcall vote No. 116, the Dunn amendment judges, doctors, lawyers, and administrators, (#7) to H.R. 3 to require States, in order to re­ and their impact in these areas has proved to ceive Byrne Grant funding from the Bureau of INTRODUCTION OF A be monumental. Justice Assistance, to submit a plan to the At­ TRANSPORTATION BILL I could not find words descriptive enough to torney General to notify parents whenever a fully express the depth of admiration for juvenile who has been found guilty of commit­ HON. DONNA M. CHRISTIAN-GREEN women who fill this import role in our society. ting sexual offenses is enrolled in an elemen­ OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS They are committed to their families and com­ tary or secondary school. Had I been here, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES munity not for public acclaim, but for love. would have voted "aye." Thursday, May 8, 1997 Many of them are single and have no real fi­ Rollcall vote No. 117, a motion to recommit nancial support save for the income provided H.R. 3. Had I been present, I would have Ms. CHRISTIAN-GREEN. Mr. Speaker, by their own efforts. voted "nay." rise today to introduce a bill to allow the Virgin They may feel the crushing weight of the Rollcall vote No. 118, final passage of H.R. Islands and the other U.S. territories to partici­ glass ceiling, in limited promotional opportuni­ 3. Had I been present, I would have voted pate in the Federal Highway Administration's ties, and most acutely when pressures of "aye. " State Infrastructure Bank [SIB] Program and to home and work conflict. This conflict should use surface transportation program funds for not be seen as a detraction from your ability construction of certain access and develop­ to be a leader in corporate America, but a vital TRIBUTE TO LEO DOZORETZ ment roads. leadership skill to hold or to have held the Mr. Speaker, the State Infrastructure Bank rank of mother. HON. HOW ARD L. BERMAN Program began in early 1996 as a pilot or ex­ perimental program with 10 States. It was ex­ Many mothers in this country are members OF CALIFORNIA of our working poor. They work for minimum tended to other States in late 1996. It is a new wage at jobs that make great physical and HON. BRAD SHERMAN Federal Highway Administration initiative de­ emotional demands while meeting the chal­ OF CALIFORNIA signed to leverage investment in surface lenge of providing guidance and support to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES transportation projects and thereby increase the number of these projects. It is expected their children. Every day, I am humbled by the Thursday, May 8, 1997 accomplishments of these mothers. that under the reauthorization of the Inter­ I would like to also extend a special Moth­ Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, my colleague, modal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, er's Day wish to new mothers. Know that you Mr. Sherman, and I are honored to pay tribute [NEXTEA], the State Infrastructure Bank Pro­ are loved and appreciated in your new roles to Leo Dozoretz, who this year is receiving the gram will be made permanent. as care givers to our Nation's next generation. inaugural David Ben Gurion Award for out­ Mr. Speaker, the importance of surface Mother is the highest title which you will hold standing service and commitment to the transportation to the economy of the U.S. Vir­ for the rest of your life. United Jewish Fund. He is being honored by gin Islands cannot be overstated. Our tourism­ I wish all mothers a blessed and joyous the Jewish FederationNalley Alliance. based economy and indeed the quality of life Mother's Day. Leo is an ideal choice for this award. In­ for our residents are dependent on transpor­ deed, we can think of few people as dedicated tation . to the Jewish people and the UJF as Leo Since 1989, the Virgin Islands has been bat­ PERSONAL EXPLANATION Dozoretz. tered by three devastating hurricanes. Those Many of Leo's good deeds have been un­ storms have made funding for capital infra­ HON. CHARLES W. "CHIP" PICKERING dertaken in the San Fernando Valley, where structure projects almost impossible. It is esti­ OF he resides. For years he has been heavily in­ mated that the Virgin Islands will need to in­ volved with the Jewish FederationNalley Alli­ IN THE HO USE OF REP RESENTAT IVES vest over $125 million over the next 5 years ance Major Gifts Campaign for the UJF, per­ in order to maintain the current conditions and Thursday , M ay 8, 1997 sonally raising more than $500,000 in cam­ level of service of our surface transportation Mr. PICKERING. Mr. Speaker, this after­ paign contributions every year. Leo has also system. Inclusion in the SIB program will en­ noon I must return to my congressional district chaired numerous UJF campaigns for the hance public-private infrastructure investment for a previously scheduled constituent meeting Jewish FederationNalley Alliance, raising opportunities in the Virgin Islands and go a and will miss the following votes: money to support vital social services in Los long way in assisting us in addressing our Rollcall vote No. 111 , the Stupak amend­ Angeles, Israel and 60 countries around the transportation needs. I look forward working ment (#1) to H.R. 3 to authorize discretionary world. with the chairman and ranking member of the grants for juvenile crime prevention and con­ In the early 1960's Leo chaired the building Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in trol and strengthen federal juvenile court pro­ fund at Temple Adat Ariel , where he was a getting this proposal enacted into law. ceedings for dealing with violent juveniles. member, that resulted in construction of the Had I been here I would have voted "nay." Tempie sanctuary and the first Jewish school Rollcall vote No. 112, the Waters amend­ in the San Fernando Valley. NATIONAL MILITARY MUSEUM ment (#2) to H.R. 3 to strike the provision that Leo also has a distinct way of combining his FOUNDATION requires juveniles who are accused of con­ professional life, his social life and Jewish spiracy to commit drug crimes to be pros­ causes. For example, as a charter member of HON. STENY H. HOYER ecuted as adults. Had I been here, I would the El Caballero Country Club he has chaired OF MARYLAND have voted "nay." an annual gold tournament to raise money for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rollcall vote No. 113, the Conyers amend­ the UJF. A longtime employee-now retired­ ment (#3) to H.R. 3 to strike provisions in the of Willamette Industries, Leo was instrumental Thursday, May 8, 1997 bill relating to the prosecution of 13-year-olds in getting the company to expand its matching Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro­ as adults. Had I been here, I would have gifts program. A number of non-profit organi­ ducing legislation to create a National Military voted "nay." zations , including the UJF, benefitted as a re­ Museum Foundation to provide much-needed Rollcall vote No. 114, the Scott amendment sult. support to our Nation's 90 military museums. (#4) to H.R. 3 to strike provisions in the bill Leo and his wife, Elaine, have been active These museums, scattered across 34 that allow states to use block grant funds to members of two grassroots community sup­ States, tell the proud history of our armed build prisons and detention centers. Had I port groups-"The Society of Individual Re­ services. Ever since the Revolution, the De­ been here, I would have voted "nay." sponsibility" and the Brunch Bunch-for more partment of War and its successor organiza­ Rollcall vote No. 115, the Lofgren amend­ than 30 years. tions have preserved historic military artifacts. ment (#5) to H.R. 3 to earmark 50 percent of We ask our colleagues to join us today in But today, many of these invaluable collec­ block grant funds for juvenile crime prevention saluting Leo Dozoretz, whose dedication, hu- tions are in jeopardy. Museum facilities are 7794 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 8, 1997 deteriorating and there has been inadequate Turtle Bay section of Manhattan, Katharine worked on the staff of the Presidential transi­ funding to maintain these historic collections. Hepburn, on the occasion of her 90th birthday tion team and the Democratic National Com­ A 1994 study by the Advisory Council on and the dedication of the Katharine Hepburn mittee. She has also worked on political cam­ Historic Preservation found that inadequate Garden in the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. paigns in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and staffing and funding has been dedicated to Ms. Hepburn is most famous for film career: established her own small business, these national assets. She has won three Academy Awards, for DiGiaccobe and Associates. The museums in Maryland, including the "Morning Glory," "Guess Who's Coming To Enroute to her latest position, Marilyn has one at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station, Dinner," and "The Lion In Winter," and eight honored her skills for communicating the need additional financial assistance. I am con­ other Oscar nominations. But among her President's policies to diverse constituencies fident that my colleagues will find similar friends and neighbors, Katharine Hepburn is on a wide range of issues. In addition, she needs in their own States. renowned and cherished for her endless pas­ has assisted in the planning of special events My legislation, introduced in the Senate last sion for flowers and gardening. In fact, her two such as the October 1995 visit of Pope John week by Senator PAUL SARBANES, would allow passions merged in one of her most classic Paul II to the United States, White House private sector support to be funneled through­ film lines, "the calla lilies are in bloom again," Conferences for Trade and Investment in out the country. The Foundation would be from "Stage Door." Northern Ireland and Central and Eastern Eu­ governed by a nine-member board chosen by Katharine Hepburn first moved to Turtle Bay rope, and has coordinated and participated in the Secretary of Defense. In order to get it in 1932 when the area was still overshadowed Presidential delegations to Ireland and Poland. started, I am proposing a one-time $1 million by the Second and Third Avenue Els and the Based on her work in the Italian-American appropriation and shared use of DOD per­ United Nations was not yet built. She began community, Marilyn was honored with the sonnel and facilities. After that, the Foundation enhancing the area by transplanting flowers Democrat of the Year Award by the Italian­ would be self-sufficient and would actually from her family's Connecticut home to her American Democratic Leadership Council in save the Department money. backyard garden. Her active involvement in October 1995. I urge support for establishment of a Na­ the community began when she joined the As someone who has been fortunate tional Military Museum Foundation. newly formed Turtle Bay Association in 1957. enough to know Marilyn on both a personal With the Association, Ms. Hepburn fought vig­ and professional basis, I am confident that the orously to halt the destruction of trees and President has made the right choice in ap­ TRIBUTE TO JAMES " JIM" prevent the city's plans to widen Turtle Bay pointing her as special assistant for public liai­ CIDPPONERI streets by cutting back sidewalks. son. Mr. Speaker, in light of her many past ac­ In 1987, Katharine Hepburn lent her name complishments and her recent appointment, I HON. GARY A. CONDIT to the successful campaign to rezone Turtle ask that my colleagues join me today in ex­ OF CALIFORNIA Bay's midblocks for low-rise construction limi­ tending their congratulations and best wishes IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tations. Her fund raising support for neighbor­ to Marilyn DiGiaccobe. hood safety and beautification have been cen­ T hursday, May 8, 1997 tral to the Turtle Bay Association's 40-year Mr. CONDIT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to growth as a volunteer group comprised of ten­ TRIBUTE TO GARTH C. REEVES, honor a close friend and neighbor, Mr. James ants, home owners and small business. SR. "Jim" Chipponeri, who is being recognized as The city of New York and Turtle Bay's resi­ the Agri-Business Man of the Year by the dents are presenting Katharine Hepburn with a HON. CARRIE P. MEEK Ceres Chamber of Commerce. great honor as they dedicate a beautiful and OF FLORIDA Jim and I have been friends for a number of serene garden in the midst of Midtown Man­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years. He has always been ready to lend a hattan in her name. Thursday, M ay 8, 1997 helping hand or volunteer his time and re­ Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to rise sources to help our community. with me in this tribute to Katharine Hepburn on Mrs. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise Since his days as a student at Ceres High her 90th birthday. Not only has she enriched this afternoon to pay tribute to a great Flo­ School , he has been an active participant in the lives of New Yorkers, but she has touched ridian and a great American , Garth C. Reeves, the agricultural community. Jim has worked all of us with her outstanding and heartfelt per­ Sr.: reporter, editor, publisher, banker, entre­ tirelessly on behalf of the farmers. He has formances over the years. preneur, community activist, and humanitarian. been a great asset to many service organiza­ Tomorrow Mr. Reeves will receive the hon­ tions, including the Stanislaus County Farm orary Doctor of Journalism degree from the Bureau and Growers Harvesting Committee. A TRIBUTE TO MARILYN University of Miami in recognition of his pro­ His labor has produced some of the best DIGIACOBBE ON THE OCCASION fessional commitment and contributions as a peaches, grapes, and almonds in the Valley. OF HER APPOINTMENT AS SPE­ leader of the Nation's African-American press, He is currently in the process of patenting his CIAL ASSISTANT TO THE PRESI­ as well as his personal involvement in pro­ own almond product called "Chips Special". DENT FOR P UBLIC LIAISON moting understanding in South Florida and be­ In addition to Jim's efforts in the farming yond. Garth Reeves currently serves as pub­ community, he has been a member of the HON. THOMAS M. FOGLIETTA lisher emeritus of the Miami Times, a news­ Ceres Lions Club for 45 years. It is a pleasure OF PENNSYLVANIA paper founded by his father, Henry E.S. to have this opportunity to recognize Jim's IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Reeves, in 1923. service and dedication to our community. Garth Reeves' lite has been dedicated to Thursday, M ay 8, 1997 I would also like to extend my best wishes the achievement of excellence and service to and congratulations to Jim and his wife, Laura, Mr. FOGLIETT A. Mr. Speaker, I rise today humankind. Owner of the Miami Times, he who will be celebrating their 50th wedding an­ to pay tribute to Marilyn DiGiaccobe. She has has served South Florida for more than 50 niversary later this year. been promoted to the position of special as­ years. He has been a reporter, columnist, sistant to the President for public liaison, and managing editor, and publisher since 1940 will be honored in my district on May 17. when he earned his B.S. degree in printing at TRIBUTE TO KATHARINE HEPBURN Marilyn was born in the great city of Phila­ Florida A&M University. delphia and raised across the Delaware River Garth Reeves' community involvement has HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY in Glendora, NJ . After receiving her bachelor's not been limited to publishing the Miami OF NEW YORK degree in political science fro Rutgers Univer­ Times. His impressive resume does not reveal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRE SENTATIVES sity, Marilyn worked as a counselor for dis­ the depth of his participation in struggles to advantaged teens enrolled in Camden County, bring civil rights to all Dade Countians. In the T hursday, May 8, 1997 New Jersey's summer employment and train­ 1950's, for example, Reeves was part of a Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, ing program. She then got her introduction to group who filed lawsuits to open up previously I rise today to pay a respectful tribute to leg­ politics as an intern in the office of our former all-white public beaches and golf courses. His endary actress and long time resident of the colleague, Jim Florio. Marilyn has since non-public actions indicate a quite, low-profile May 8, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7795 man who has been known to pay hospital and divvied up after the war. Remedying this through relief and compensation programs funeral bills and school expenses for the less failure, as the report rightly notes, is the un­ ended up in Europ~an and American govern­ fortunate and then seek to avoid any fanfare finished business of World War IT. ment vaults, where some remains today. The extraordinary inquiry, which involved These matters remained too long obscured for himself. the declassification of nearly one million from public view, shielded by excessive se­ In professional journalism activities, Reeves pages of documents, was initiated by Presi­ crecy and national pride. It is late to redress served as a juror for the prestigious Pulitzer dent Clinton after Switzerland coldly the wrongs, but every effort should now be Prizes in 1977 and 1978 and was chosen rebuffed Jews seeking to recover gold and made to return gold and other assets to Publisher of the year by the National News­ other assets their families had deposited in those with a legitimate claim. Switzerland, paper Publishers Association, which he once Swiss banks before the war. Under the deter­ after long delay, is finally making an effort served as president, on three separate occa­ mined direction of Stuart Eizenstat, the to trace and return assets deposited before sions. Under Secretary of Commerce, and William the war. Mr. Eizenstat and Mr. Slany have In education, Reeves served as vice chair­ Slany, a State Department historian, it performed a high public service by digging touches on wartime economic collaboration for the truth. man of the Miami-Dade Community College with Germany but deals mainly with the board of trustees and as a trustee of Barry anemic postwar effort to restore gold and University, Bethune-Cookman College, and other valuables to the nations and peoples HONORING KEEP HOUSTON Florida Memorial College. He has earned from which they had been stolen. service awards from Florida A&M University Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Ar­ BEAUTIFUL 'S 2D ANNUAL NEIGH­ (1965 and 1974), Florida memorial, and Barry. gentina will want to take notice. The extent BORHOOD CLEANUP He has been justifiably honored for his of their economic cooperation with the Nazis youth work with the Boy Scouts of America has been slowly unfolding in recent years, HON. KEN BENTSEN but Mr. Eizenstat makes clear they profited and the YMCA. Reeves also has been active OF TEXAS from their neutrality. Even as the threat of in attempting to create new opportunities for German invasion waned in the last years of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES south Floridians through banking and his in­ the war, Sweden sold Germany iron ore and Thursday, May 8, 1997 volvement in numerous foundations and char­ ball bearings, Portugal provided tungsten for ities. Predictably, this involvement has brought steelmaking, Spain traded goods and raw Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor him a long list of awards. materials and Turkey shipped chrome. Ar­ the efforts of Keep Houston Beautiful and the Florida A&M University has recognized him gentina defied efforts to prevent the transfer success of the second annual neighborhood for his leadership and service by creating the of German funds there from Europe. cleanup in making Houston a better-and one million dollar Garth C. Reeves Eminent Switzerland is properly singled out. cleaner-place to live. Though helpful to the Allies as a base for On May 3 more than a thousand volunteers Scholars Chair in Journalism. The Reeves spying, it served as Nazi banker, gold keeper across the city committed to improving the chair honors Garth's contributions to his pro­ and financial broker. Switzerland provided fession and provides support for the education Germany with arms, ammunition, aluminum quality of life in Houston in wrapping up the of aspiring journalists. and agricultural products. 1997 neighborhood cleanup effort. Boy Garth Reeves' caring commitment to his fel­ These countries made only a fitful effort Scouts, students from area schools, parents low man and his service to his community after the war to return the looted gold and and children worked side by side at the Thank have taken him to where few others have other assets they received in payments from You Celebration at the Fondren YMCA. It was gone before. The University of Miami is right Germany during the war. Here America quite an experience. For almost 2 months, bears considerable responsibility. It led the to bestow one of it's highest awards on this thousands of people all across the city of postwar effort to recover and distribute the Houston bagged thousands of pounds of trash true son of South Florida. Garth C. Reeves, gold. Yet only a small portion of the $580 Sr., servant of the people, community activist, million in gold stolen from conquered gov­ and gathered hundreds of tons of recyclables, journalist, great Floridian, and great American. ernments, worth some $5.6 billion today, was all in an effort to make their community a bet­ ever recovered. Even less of the millions of ter place to live. Because of the efforts of dollars in gold and other assets taken from these volunteers, our neighborhoods are THE STAIN OF NAZI GOLD individuals was returned. cleaner, our parks are more fun, and our envi­ Switzerland was aggressively unhelpful, re­ ronment is safer. sisting accounting and recovery efforts for Each and every person who took time to HON. TOM LANTOS years and not honoring agreements to liq­ participate in the Keep Houston Beautiful effort OF CALIFORNIA uidate German assets held in Switzerland. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The American report estimates that as much understands the importance of community, that it thrives on involvement and starves from Thursday, May 8, 1997 as $400 million in German-looted gold re­ mained in the Swiss National Bank at the apathy. They understand that it is our govern­ Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, as the only sur­ end of the war, but no more than $98 million ment, our schools, our churches and our vivor of the Holocaust ever elected to the Con­ was returned. neighborhoods that they make better when gress of the United States, I want to share The task of tracing and apportioning the they take the time to get involved. They under­ with my colleagues a thoughtful editorial from gold and other assets was daunting, but stand that, when they take an hour, a day, or the New York Times, entitled "The Stain of American officials tolerated intransigence a week to clean up their community, the ef­ Nazi Gold." by other nations and accepted pitiful restitu­ tion agreements in the name of cold-war sol­ fects are felt for much longer. They are setting Under Secretary of Commerce Stuart idarity. Eager to obtain access to an Azores an example for others to follow, sowing the Eizenstat, one of our Nation's most respected air base in the 1950's, Washington let Por­ seeds for the success of future cleanup ef­ and serious public servants, deserves enor­ tugal surrender only about one-tenth of the forts. mous credit for having pursued this entire mat­ German gold it held at the end of the war. This year, Keep Houston Beautiful launched ter with extraordinary diligence, intelligence, Spain eventually returned just $114 ,000 in its biggest attack on litter yet, enlisting nearly and integrity. We all owe him a debt of grati­ looted gold from a stockpile of $30 million. 35,000 volunteers in their effort to get trash off tude. Turkey, which held $44 million in Nazi assets our streets. Keep Houston Beautiful has done and $5 million in looted gold, made no res­ THE STAIN OF NAZI GOLD titution. Only Sweden paid up. a tremendous service to the people of Hous­ The honest excavation of history can bring The victims of this dismal record were the ton by organizing a neighborhood cleanup sobering discoveries, as the American Gov­ survivors of the Holocaust and others left event in our community. Working with the city ernment has now found in an examination of homeless and stateless by the war. Assets of Houston, the Board of Realtors, and civic Nazi Germany's stolen gold and its redis­ that could have been used to help them were and neighborhood groups, Keep Houston tribution after the war. No nation emerges never returned to the countries plundered by Beautiful is doing its part to make a long-term unscathed from this investigation, including Germany. Worse still, gold and other difference in Houston. the United States, and many are disgraced. valuables found in Germany that had been But neighborhood clean-up is not just occur­ It is saddening but not altogether surprising seized from millions of individuals and to learn that morality and justice, especially households across Europe were knowingly ring in Houston. Now entering its 12th year, the international obligation to look after the mingled with assets stolen from European this program is America's largest organized survivors of the Holocaust, were swiftly sac­ governments by the Nazis. As a result, gold cleanup effort, involving 1 million volunteers in rificed to expediency when the gold was that should have gone to help individuals 100 cities nationwide. These volunteers have 7796 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 8, 1997 collectively removed more than 178 million T RIBU TE TO ROLL ING MEADOWS T RIBUTE TO RICHARD R . pounds of debris from public lands so far. CHAMBER OF COMME RCE 1996 CASANOV A I commend the great work of Keep Houston HON OREES Beautiful and their efforts to cleanup our city HON. BRAD SHERMAN through community cleanup events. And I con­ HON. PHILIP M. CRANE OF CALIFORNIA gratulate the thousands of volunteers who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ILLINOIS gave their time to clean up their neighbor­ Thursday, M ay 8, 1997 hoods and make Houston an even better IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES place to live and raise a family. Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I come before Thursday , May 8, 1997 you today to honor Richard R. Casanova, who has been named Los Angeles Fire Depart­ Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ment's Firefighter of the Year. Mr. Casanova recognize three very special business leaders is driven by a sense of civic responsibility to THE HAMMOND POLICE and one special community leader in my dis­ protect our community while he is on-duty and DEPARTMENT trict who will be honored today by the Rolling to volunteer his services while he is off-duty. Meadows Chamber of Commerce. Richard currently serves as a member of HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Daniel Sawusch, President of Citadel Man­ the Los Angeles Fire Department in a dual ca­ agement and general partner of Woodfield pacity as both a Paramedic and Firefighter. OF INDIANA Gardens Apartments, will be honored as the His extensive training as an Emergency Med­ 1996 Business Leader of the Year. Under IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ical Technician (EMT), a paramedic and as a Dan's guidance, Woodfield Gardens has been first aid instructor for the American Red Cross, Thursday, May 8, 1997 turned into the showplace it now is. In addition combined with his many years of dedicated to receiving the Exemplary Business Partner­ service makes him a valuable asset to the citi­ Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, It gives me ship Award from Governor Edgar and the zens of West Valley. great pleasure to announce that the Hammond C.A.M.M.E. [Chicagoland Apartment Manage­ In addition, Richard is deeply devoted to his Police Department will represent northwest In­ ment and Marketing Excellence] Award for its wife Peggy and their six children, and is a tire­ diana in the Police Memorial Week taking ongoing public relations programs, Woodfield less volunteer in the community. At his local place in our Nation's Capital from May 11 to Gardens has been awarded the Grand parish he does everything from serve as a 16, 1997. The Hammond police motorcycle C.A.M .M.E. Award for property excellence for youth ministry team member to serve as the brigade, comprised mainly of traffic enforce­ being the best in the business. disaster preparedness coordinator. Among ment officers, will leave northwest Indiana to­ Mr. Philip Burns, Fire Chief of Rolling Mead­ other numerous activities, he also conducts morrow for their day long journey to Wash­ ows, will be honored as the 1996 Community first aid and CPR instruction for Scouts, local ington, DC. Leader of the Year. Aside from serving resi­ schools, and businesses and is the American The Hammond Police Department, which dents as Fire Chief, Mr. Burns has belonged Red Cross On-Call Instructor for CPR and conducts its own memorial ceremony for its to, and held positions in , a wide range of local First Aid. fallen officers every year, will be the first po­ and State organizations. Over the years he The West Valley Community recognizes lice department in northwest Indiana to partici­ has served as President of the Rotary, Presi­ Richard as an outstanding father, fireman, and pate in the Police Memorial Week. On May dent of Great Lakes Division of the inter­ community servant. As his Representative in 11 , the Hammond police officers will gather national Fire Chiefs, and Chairman of the Re­ the U.S. Congress, I join the citizens of the with other motorcycle officers from across the source Committee of Illinois Fire Chiefs. Other West Valley in thanking him for his years of country at Robert F. Kennedy Stadium to at­ activities that have benefited the community dedicated service to our community, and in tend the Law Ride Motorcycle Parade, which include his involvement with Community Make extending our warm congratulations and best will include a procession to Judiciary Square. a Difference Day and Clearbrook Olympics wishes on his :recognition as Firefighter of the During the week, the officers will be given the and Tag Day. Year. chance to attend seminars, candlelight vigils, Meadows Funeral Home will be honored and the main memorial on May 16 at Judiciary with the Business Beautification Award. 1996 " RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE Square. The Hammond motorcycle brigade, Bill Haberichter, proprietor of Meadows Fu­ which has expressed interest in participating in END TO HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE S neral Home, took an unattractive, undeveloped IN U.S. TERRI TORY" this memorial in past years, took the initiative piece of property and transformed it into an at­ in earning the necessary funds by conducting tractive, functional building and grounds that a raffle and securing donations from Ham­ serve the community well. The funeral home is HON. GEORGE MILLER mond businesses. Any remaining money will on approximately 2 acres of land which re­ OF CALIFORNIA be generously donated to the Indiana Sur­ quired 11,000 yards of fill to bring the parcel IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES viving Families Fund, which helps families who of property up grade level. Thursday, May 8, 1997 have lost a police officer in the line of duty. G.L. Technology also will be honored as the Mr. MILLER of California. Mr. Speaker, I am Those Hammond police officers who will Small Business of the Year for 1996. Com­ pleased to have received a copy of a resolu­ ride in the brigade tomorrow include: Lt. John pany president Samuel Kim has over 20 years tion passed by the Federation of Asian People Pohl , Sg. Dennis Serafin, Cpl. Anthony of product design and development experi­ of Guam in support of H.R. 1450, the Insular Sonaty, Cpl. Charles Legg , Cpl. Danny Small, ence in the coin-operated and consumer elec­ Fair Wage and Human Rights Act. This legis­ Cpl. George Gavrilos, Cpl. Kerry Newman, Of­ tronic industries. To date, Mr. Kim has been lation is urgently needed to stop the inexcus­ ficer Bret Plemons, and Officer Richard issued 35 patents for his designs. G.L. Tech­ able pattern of labor and human rights abuses Tumidalsky. In addition, Chief of Hammond nology is a leading developer and manufac­ in the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Police, Fred Behrens, will be joining the afore­ turer of sports games which are distributed Mariana Islands [CNMI]. mentioned police officers in Washington on throughout the U.S., Canada, and over 20 Over 35 Members of the House, as well as Wednesday, May 14. other countries worldwide. The success of prominent human rights and religious groups, Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this oppor­ G.L. Technology's games has earned the and national labor organizations are unified in tunity to welcome the Hammond police bri­ company a reputation for being able to de­ their support of this legislation. This bill would gade to our Nation's Capital as they remem­ velop innovative games that people enjoy mandate needed reforms in the CNMl's min­ ber police officers who have been killed in the playing. imum wage and immigration policies that have line of duty. I would also like to take this op­ Mr. Speaker, I would like to congratulate allowed the recruitment of a disenfranchised, portunity to commend the Hammond police, as these leaders of Rolling Meadows for their low paid foreign workforce that now out­ well as police officers across our Nation, on hard work and dedication. Rolling Meadows numbers the local, indigenous population. the dedication and courage they demonstrate and the Eighth Congressional District of Illinois These workers are treated as commodities, daily in working to keep our communities safe. is a better place to live because of them. with little individual value, and are regularly May 8, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7797 denied the labor, health and safety protections Resolved, the Federation of Asian People In the wars of this bloody century, mil­ guaranteed by U.S. law. We must send a on Guam commends, expresses gratitude to lions of children have been slaughtered. All strong message to the CNMI government that the sponsors of the bill entitled Insular Fair of them belonged to the great human family. Wage and Human Rights Act of 1997, and ex­ All of us have been wounded by those losses, these continued abuses will not be tolerated tends strong support and full endorsement of although we may not realize it. We are all on U.S. soil. Congressman George Miller's endeavors to related to one another-and the King of Jor­ The resolution that follows was adopted by preserve Universal Human Rights and the dan brought that home to us in a powerful the Federation of Asian People on Guam, an U.S. brand of Justice; and be it further way. umbrella organization of several Asian-Amer­ Resolved, that the FAPG President certify The time has come for the human family ican interest groups on Guam. The resolution to and the Federation's Secretary attest the to celebrate its unity, its diversity, its tre­ states, in part, the CNMI can no longer con­ adoption hereof, and that copies of the same mendous gifts, its abilities in many fields, ceal the evidence of ongoing labor and immi­ be thereafter transmitted to Honorable its infinite capacities for compassion and George Miller; to the Speaker of the House of gration abuses and these same problems creativity. Although this is an age of terrible Representatives, ; to Jaime tragedies and immense sufferings, it is also were pointed out to Gov. Froilan Tenorio and Cardinal Sin, Archdiocese of manila, Phil­ an age of unprecedented strides in many local and Federal officials in the FADG Reso­ ippines; to Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron, areas. lution 94-1 3 years ago. The resolution further of Agana Basilica; to Bishop Thomas I believe we should consider " A Day of states that H. R. 1450 will hopefully stem the Camacho of Chalan Kanoa, ; to the Celebration for Humanity"-an annual fes­ corruption which consumes everyone including supporters of this bill representing groups tival to remind us of the marvelous capac­ the innocent in the CNMI. and agencies in California, Hawaii, Alaska, ities of human beings. I thank the Federation of Asian People for Florida, Guam, CNMI, all of U.S.A., the Phil­ There are many acts of kindness, many ippines & other Pacific Basin/Rim jurisdic­ their strong support on this most important outpourings of love and devotion, many tions; to members of the electronic and issue and ask that the Resolution 97-1 be works of art emerging from the minds and printed media; to the U.S. Departments of souls of those who share the DNA molecules printed here in full. Interior, Labor, Justice and Commerce and that make us human. Federation of Asian People on Guam to his Excellency, Bill Clinton, President of Let us salute one another, let us bow down (FAPG) Resolution No. 97-1 the United States of America. as the King of Jordan did to comfort the af­ Relative to commending and supporting Robert Kao, President FAPG, Former flicted ones among us, let us blow horns Representative GEORGE MILLER on his legis­ President, United Chinese Association; Irene around the world, let us dance and be grate­ lation to strip CNMI of many of its immigra­ Cheng, Secretary, F APG; Roger Ruelas, ful for all the blessings we have, for the tion and labor powers. President, Filipino, Community of Guam; hopes we have, for the signs of love we can Be It Resolved By The Board of Directors John Vega, Public Relations Officer, FAPG, see everywhere if we open our eyes. of the Federation of Asian People of Guam: Former President, FAPG & FCG; Charles In the midst of our celebration, we will not Whereas, the Honorable George Miller, a Lee, Vice President, F APG, President, Ko­ forget that we have to help one another, care Senior U.S. Congressman, Chairman of the rean Association of Guam; Calvin Lai, Treas­ U.S. House of Representatives Committee on for one another, extend our hands to those urer, FAPG, President, Vietnamese-Chinese who need food and shelter and encourage­ Resources who has the jurisdiction over Ter­ Association; Pete Hemlani, President, In­ ment. We will take everyone into the circle ritorial Issues, aims to introduce a legisla­ dian, Community of Guam; Resty Albeza, of humanity-and leave no one out. tion to remove the power of the Common­ Board Member, FAPG; Eddie del Rosario, Each year-perhaps on New Year's Day­ weal th of the Northern Marianas Islands on Chartered Member, F APG, Former Presi­ there should be a 24-hour, worldwide remem­ Immigration and Labor Control; and dent, Filipino Community of Guam. Whereas, according to continuing reports, brance of the achievements of people around the CNMI can no longer conceal the evidence the Earth. The resources of the Information of ongoing labor and immigration abuses; Age are available now to bring together all that the CNMI is accused of using that local FRANK KELLY'S VISION FOR of us in that commemoration. control to import and abuse thousands of HUMANITY Artists, musicians, film producers, writers, low-paid Asian workers; that these same dancers, singers and composers, sculptors problems were pointed out to Governor HON. WALTER H. CAPPS and painters, television and radio commu­ Froilan Tenorio and to local and federal offi­ nicators, could be asked to give their serv­ OF CALIFORNIA ices for a "Festival of the Human Family." cials in the F APG Resolution 94.1 three years IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ago; and It could be organized by a Committee for Whereas the CNMI were branded "Hell Thursday, May 8, 1997 Humanity, formed by representatives of the arts and sciences. Jacques Cousteau, the Holes" for foreign workers during the an­ Mr. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, we in Santa Bar­ nouncement of new legislation aimed at the oceanographer; Yehudi Menuhin, the violin­ bara are blessed to have as our neighbor and ist; King Hussein of Jordan; and Maya Commonwealth, according to a statement community leader Frank Kelly, the Vice Presi­ read on behalf of John Sweeney, President of Angelou, the poet, might be asked to serve the American Federation of Labor and Con­ dent of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. as honorary chairpersons. gress of Industrial Organizations; and Frank has been a voice for peace, justice and The committee could include leaders from Whereas, "this continued pattern of abuse basic human rights for many years, and I am all countries represented at the United Na­ and indifference to human exploitation de­ pleased to count him as a close friend. tions, journalists and educators from every mands a rapid and bipartisan response from Recently, Frank authored a thought-pro­ continent, legislators and judges, business the Congress and the Clinton Administra­ voking article in the Santa Barbara News­ executives, presidents of trade unions, phi­ tion" , to quote Representative George Miller losophers and members of all religions, chil­ Press calling on Congress to enact a resolu­ dren of all ages, women from many back­ while announcing the new initiative which tion calling for "A Day of Celebration for Hu­ declares to one and all that these sordid con­ grounds, and Nobel Prize winners. Its head­ ditions not be tolerated on U.S. soil, and manity." I commend Frank's piece to my col­ quarters might be in Geneva, where many Whereas, we pray that the first Twenty leagues, and I look forward to discussing the international organizations have offices. Five stout-hearted Congressmen sponsors of important issues raised in it as we debate the On the day of celebration, the creative at­ the bill to remove CNMI's local authority to critical public policy decisions of the 105th tainments and highest qualities of compas­ set minimum wage rates, enforce U.S. immi­ Congress. sion and courage demonstrated by human gration law and limit use of "Made in the beings would be presented in global broad­ USA" labels to garment factories that abide [From the Santa Barbara News-Press, Mar. casts-perhaps with introductory statements by U.S. labor standards be joined by others 30, 1997] by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, vi­ to restore the integrity of the CNMI Govern­ A CHAIR FOR EVERYONE AT HUMANITY 'S sionary film producers, and Arthur Clarke, ment; and TABLE author of "2001 ," on their hopes for human­ Whereas, this legislation will hopefully (By Frank K. Kelly) ity in the corning century. stem the malignant growth of CNMI's social By kneeling at the feet of grieving Israeli On that day, the noblest aspirations of cancer which consumers everyone including families whose daughters had been killed by human beings would be hailed. The finest the innocent, brought about by illegal drugs, a Jordanian soldier, King Hussein of Jordan works of the human spirit would shine public corruption, victimization of guest demonstrated the compassion that goes be­ around the world. The day would be an occa­ workers through violations of their human yond all boundaries. sion of renewed confidence for every human rights, abuse, neglect and discrimination, He kissed them and asked to be regarded as person on this planet-every member of the forced prostitution, exploitation of minors, a member of each family. To the parents of huge family which now includes millions of and other depravities crying for vengeance in one girl he said: "I feel like I have lost a mysterious beings. it would depict the crises heaven; and therefore be it child.'' through which humanity has passed in its 7798 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 8, 1997 epic journey from the seas t o the stars. All with all 22 California State Universities in its the championships in the 2-A and 3-A divi­ the peak s of human experience would be rec­ second year of operation and because sions of the State playoffs respectively. ognized and acclaim ed. CUEREC will need this level of support to The end of March brought the State 2- A The day m ight end with t he singing of the carry out the activities set out for it in the leg­ season to a close. Ledford High School, in an " Ode t o J oy" which concludes Beethoven's impressive victory over St. Pauls, captured the Ninth Symphony-with choirs from every islation. nation, with voices being h eard from every Currently, CUEREC is in the process of link­ State 2- A championship. This is only the sec­ part of the beautiful planet on which human­ ing California's major university system-the ond championship victory in the school's his­ ity arose. Cal State University [CSU] campuses, the Uni­ tory. Such a day could give us new ways of see­ versity of California [UC] campuses, as well as After an impressive 29- 2 season, the ing that Thomas Merton was righ t when he private universities and colleges-to deal with Ledford Panthers faced the Saint Pauls Bull­ said: "It is a glorious destiny t o be a human the employment and environmental challenges dogs (28-2) in the season finale. Both teams being." of California's military base closures and de­ were anxious to take home the victory and the We were created with divine sparks that fense conversion. Among other activities game proved to be a challenge for all those cannot be ext inguished. We wer e shaped by a CUEREC will: help remove market barriers for involved. Head coach John Ralls, with the as­ mind which gave us a sense of belonging t o sistance of Joe Davis and Allen Patterson led the universe. With the creative power shared small environmental business enterprise de­ the Panthers to a 59-57 come-from-behind with us by t hat loving mind, we can find the velopment; help in military base conversion ways out of our tremendous pr oblems and and utilization focused on increasing sustain­ victory on March 22. Principal Max Cole and overcome the dangers that beset us in this able economic development and job creation Athletic Director Gary Hinkle also provided the time of testing. throughout California; encourage the transfer team with support and encouragement in their In his inaugural address in January of this of government developed and/or sponsored impressive victory. year, Pr esident Clint on urged us t o rem em­ environmental technology to the private sector Junior Stacey Hinkle, second-time MVP, ber that the great est progress we have yet to while working closely with such laboratories as proved to be an integral part of the team with make is in the human heart. He referred t o 22 points. Leslie Thomas also helped the Pan­ Martin Lut her King's high dream of human Lawrence Livermore, Sandia, and Lawrence­ Berkeley; encourage the funding of viable en­ thers by scoring 8 of the 13 bench points equality and h e declared: "King's dream was scored during the game. Two players, Laurie the American dream. His quest is our quest." vironmental projects throughout California; as­ King's vision was more than an American sist women and minority owned small busi­ Smith and Amanda Reece, braved recent sur­ vision. It was a vision fo r the whole human nesses in complying with local, state, and fed­ gery worries in order to play in the champion­ family. It is t ime t o revive that vision-and eral environmental regulations and taking ad­ ship game. Stephanie Sharp, Lauren Craven, to join with people everywher e to show what vantage of opportunities in sustainable eco­ Misty Sharp, Brooke Embler, Kristin Berrier, Whitney Patterson, Amy Wells, Amanda can be done by the m embers of that awesome nomic development; avoid duplication in envi­ stream of people moving fo rward together. Besaw, and Julie Reece all aided in Ledford's ronmental research and education programs I urge the U.S. Congress t o adopt a nori­ successful season and victory against Saint by developing an on-line data base of such partisan r esolution calling fo r " A Day of Pauls. activities available to all California universities Celebration" and urging legislators and A championship is a great accomplishment and colleges; help coordinate Cal State and other leaders of all nations t o join Ameri­ but, for High Point Central High School, this cans in making tha t day a worldwide day fo r UC environmental applied research ana edu­ 3-A basketball State title means so much human unity. I urge the president and the cation programs; and advise local, state, and more. During the season, the women's basket­ executives of all countries t o give their sup­ federal officials on the economic and environ­ ball team lost more games than the previous port to that pr oposal. mental implications of development programs 3 years combined. However, the team pulled The t ime has come t o take a giant step fo r throughout California. humanity! together to win the one game that meant the Prior to CUEREC, no EPA sponsored re­ very most. Coach Kenny Carter was quoted in search center had been established in Cali­ the High Point Enterprise explaining the jour­ fornia, Seventeen such EPA sponsored re­ AUTHORIZING A CALIFORNIA ney that his team has faced, "Early in the year search centers have already been established I didn't know if they believed everything that I URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL RE- in other states. CUEREC would be the first to SEARCH CENTER said could happen." The team succeeded in focus on urban environmental policy, base clo­ allowing all 13 members of the team to make sures, and defense conversion environmental a basket during the course of the game. The HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK problems. CUEREC would also be the first to most memorable shot was made in the closing OF CALIFORNIA include all of the universities and colleges in a 3.4 seconds of the game by Tameika McRae IN THE HO USE OF REPRESENTATIVES single state. which clinched the 66-64 victory. Both Senators were very supportive of the Thursday, May 8, 1997 The score was close for the entire game legislation last year. CUEREC is a unique pro­ with the half time score being tied at 21 . Su­ Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, today I am re­ gram, providing many important benefits for preme efforts were made by all of the players introducing legislation to authorize the Envi­ California and a cost effective model university of the team, the Most Valuable Player, Mandy ronmental Protection Agency [EPA] to estab­ based program for the nation and I urge my Hall , Katie Copeland, Lee Culp, Sherelle lish a California Urban Environmental Re­ California colleagues to support it. Gladney, Ashley Hedgecock, Brendle Howard, search and Education Center [CUEREC]. Staci Murray, Kaneica Obie, Elizabeth I am honored to be joined in this effort by Redpath, Jenni Tinsley, Mandi Tinsley, and nine California colleagues: Mr. DELLUMS, Mr. WOMEN'S HIGH SCHOOL Katie Yoemans, to secure the victory of the Bi­ MATSUI , Mr. GEORGE MILLER , Ms. ESHOO, Mr. BASKETBALL sons. The coaches of this championship team TORRES , Mr. BROWN , Mrs. TAUSCHER , Mr. BER­ are Kenny Carter, Jetanna McClain, Scotti MAN , and Mr. FILNER . HON. HOW ARD COBLE Carter, and Steve Martin who have help from Legislation to authorize EPA research pro­ OF NORTH CAROLINA the managers Michelle McCallum and Charita grams was unfortunately not acted upon in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE S Clark and the trainers Brandy Owen and Ste­ last Congress. However, CUEREC did receive ven Goodrich. Overseeing this group are ath­ a line item in the 1995 Department of VA, Thursday, May 8, 1997 letic director Gary Whitman, statistician Kim HUD and independent agencies appropriations Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, next year, wom­ Liptrap, and principal Bill Collins. bill to cover start-up costs. This line item has en's high school basketball in the Sixth District These two supreme teams will have a dif­ allowed CUEREC to begin its first year of op­ of North Carolina should be extremely inter­ ficult year ahead of them as they are forced to eration and the Center was dedicated on Oc­ esting. The reason being that two of the State play each other in the same conference. On tober 21 , 1994 at a tree planting ceremony on champions from this year will play in the same behalf of the citizens of the Sixth District of the Cal State Hayward campus. conference. Ledford High School, located just North Carolina, we congratulate these teams The bill requests $4.5 million for fiscal year outside Thomasville, NC, and High Point Cen­ for winning the women's State 2-A and 3- A 1998 because CUEREC is mandated to work tral High School in High Point, NC, secured basketball championships. May 8, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7799 PERSONAL EXPLANATION That same motorist can look downstream to New Life." This remarkable ceremony cele­ and see a Potomac that deserves its place on brated the lives and legacy of those who sur­ HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL the list of America's endangered rivers. Beth vived those darkest days, triumphed with hope Norcross, a director of the American Rivers and compassion. One of those survivors was OF NEW YORK group that maintains the list, admits that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the " Potomac is in fabulous shape." Maybe my dear friend, Benjamin Meed, who serves as chairman of the Days of Remembrance Thursday, May 8, 1997 she doesn't know about the black filth surg­ ing in to the Potomac at Little Falls. She Committee. Ben has dedicated his life to Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I was necessarily thinks the primary threat is bacteria-laden keeping the lessons and memories of the Hol­ absent during rollcall vote 110. If present, I run-off from poultry farms in West Virginia. ocaust alive. I encourage my colleagues to would have voted "aye" on rollcall 110. The U.S. and West Virginia Departments of read Benjamin Meed's outstanding remarks Agriculture acknowledge the problem as from today's ceremony. well. Justice Scalia, distinguished Ambassadors, WARM WELCOME TO EAST In an ironic twist of fate, bacteria are the Members of the United States Senate and JESSAMINE MIDDLE SCHOOL indirect cause of the gouts of black ooze. A House of Representatives, fellow survivors, by-product of the Washington Aqueduct ladies and gentleman: water treatment plant, the black goo is sedi­ When we, survivors of the Holocaust, see HON. SCOTIY BAESLER ment from the plant's holding basins, con­ the American flag and the flag of the United OF KENTUCKY taining such chemicals as aluminum silicate, States Army that liberated the concentra­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES copper, chlorine, and heavy metals from Po­ tion camps march into this hall, we feel tomac run-off. Thursday, May 8, 1997 pride as Americans. They are symbols of The treatment plant discharges its waste hope and freedom-and may they always be. Mr. BAESLER. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased into the Potomac above and below Little We feel gratitude for this great nation, and a to welcome the eighth-grade class from East Falls. On some days Little Falls creek above strong sense of hope for the future. the falls runs milky white like a glacial Half a century ago, a continent away from Jessamine Middle School. These students stream with aluminum silicate discharge traveled from Nicholasville, KY to explore the these beautiful shores and worlds away from from Washington Aqueduct. On the other the reality we share today, the American Capital of the United States. This city is alive days it runs a bright fluorescent green with army began entering some of the Nazi Ger­ with history, educational adventures, and stun­ copper silicate discharge. man concentration camps. Those brave sol­ ning monuments. I am proud that these eighth Fishermen on the Potomac downstream of diers came too late for many, yet just in graders are taking advantage of the oppor­ the falls report that discharges from the time for some. tunity to visit Washington, DC. I am sure that treatment plant have increased since the We will remain forever grateful to our lib­ many fond memories will be created. I wish EPA found evidence of contamination of erators. drinking water in the Washington area last Over fifty years ago we survivors were con­ these outstanding young men and women the year. They claim that the discharge endan­ sidered " displaced persons." The cities of our best for a bright and successful future. gers the spawning fish. The fish simply dis­ youth had changed. The streets were famil­ appear during the discharge period. iar, but where were our mothers and fathers, Thomas P. Jacobus, chief of the U.S. Army sisters and brothers, and especially our chil­ THE POTOMAC-AN ENDANGERED Corp of Engineers division that runs the dren? Please imagine more than a million RIVER Washington Aqueduct, said he's discharging children murdered. Not even a trace of the heavily in the period from March to June to once vibrant Jewish life remained. We had help the spawning fish. He said he thought endured the worst reign of tyranny and mur­ HON. RANDY "DUKE" CUNNINGHAM the spawning season was from June through der in history. We became refugees deter­ OF CALIFORNIA August. mined to build a future in freedom, to go on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES When he learned that the spawning season with lives which had been so cruelly inter­ Thursday , May 8, 1997 is on right now, he said he couldn't stop the rupted. discharge in any event. His regulatory agen­ For many, Israel offered an answer-the Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, this morn­ cies, including the Environmental Protec­ promise to change our destiny and a symbol ing the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus tion Association, forbid discharge during of defiance to those who would have us dis­ held its monthly information briefing. This summer's typically low river flow to protect appear. For others, America offered freedom morning's briefing was on fishing in the Wash­ fish habitats. and the promise of good future. Most of us ington, DC area. Each month these breakfasts The American Rivers group, the EPA, and came here with little more than the clothing on our backs. Vladka and I came with eight focus on different aspects of wildlife conserva­ the Army Corp of Engineers need to get to­ gether with the Atlantic Marine Fisheries dollars in our possession. tion. This morning's breakfast hit home with Commission and sport fishing associations to Today, survivors are found in every State many of the Members because it highlighted settle on a water treatment discharge sched­ of the Union and in every walk of life-we the area where many of us live and fish. I ule that will protect the spawning fish. are artists and musicians, lawyers and doc­ have attached an article written by Charles And politicians and residents of the Wash­ tors, writers and philosophers, philan­ Verharen that highlights the threats to the Po­ ington area need to figure out a way to pu­ thropists and industrialists, rabbis and rify Potomac water without polluting it. teachers. tomac fishery. I hope that my colleagues will Our children, conceived in freedom, nur­ read this article and work to restore and pro­ tured on two great traditions-Jewish and tect our local fishery. American-have taken their own places in REMARKS BY BENJAMIN MEED ON THE POTOMAC-AN ENDANGERED RIVER? this country's life. Survivors as well as their THE OCCASION OF THE DAYS OF children have served in the House and Sen­ (By Charles C. Verharen) REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY IN ate, in the White House and in the Cabinet, Imagine standing at the base of Little THE U.S. CAPITOL ROTUNDA on the Bench and in the United Nations. Falls on a brilliant spring day on the Poto­ Survivors have become witnesses. We share mac, just above Chain Bridge in Washington, our memories with others. We believe that in D.C. Flocks of black cormorants stream HON. TOM LANTOS remembrance lies hope and the protection of north. Thousands of silver and black hickory OF CALIFORNIA another generation who might otherwise be shad fight their way up the surging rapids. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES abandoned and forgotten-even tortured and Sparkling emerald water breaks against Thursday, May 8, 1997 killed. The Holocaust was unparalleled and black granite. This wilderness-like setting in unique but its lessons are universal. the Capital's city limits takes your breath Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, today at a most Survivors have not demanded vengeance, away-until you look downstream. moving ceremony in the Rotunda of the U.S. but rather remembrance. Survivors helped to Just below the falls what looks like gusher Capitol, Members of Congress, members of establish the United States Holocaust Memo­ of Texas crude oil jets into the crystalline the Diplomatic Corps, representatives of the rial Museum in Washington. Without the in­ water. A hundred yards below the falls, green Executive and Judicial branches, and hun­ volvement and dedication of survivors, insti­ and black merge into dismal gray. A motor­ tutions of remembrance would not have been ist on Chain Bridge can look upstream and dreds of survivors of the Holocaust and their built in Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, see a Potomac that's in "better shape today friends gathered to commemorate the National Miami, Boston, Chicago and Montreal, to than it has been in a century,'' according to Days of Remembrance. name only a few. Without the help of sur­ Bill Matuszeski, director of the Chesapeake The theme of this year's Days of Remem­ vivors, the Days of Remembrance would not Bay Program (Post, 4/17/97, D8) . brance commemoration was "From Holocaust have entered the American consciousness. 7800 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 8, 1997 Survivors can speak today of achievement. All that we have seen, all that we have back-from darkness to light, from tyranny Look at us and see the power of the those done, all that we created, is for a purpose. To to freedom, from Holocaust to new life. whose answer to death was love and hope. We bear witness. We hope that future genera­ We have rebuilt our lives not because our have lived three lives- before, during and tions of Americans will remember and use after the Holocaust. We have traversed losses can be replaced, but so our call will be the power of this vision to protect people ev­ heeded by those future generations whose years, continents and worlds. We have wit­ erywhere. nessed horror and death, courage, and deter­ losses can yet be prevented. We say to you, mination, faith in the future and respect of Rooted in a past that was shattered, we and through you them-more urgently now, the past. We have spent a half century unit­ have become a cry of conscience to the world for each day we are fewer-remember with ing the different threads of our lives into a and a voice determined to create a future us. fabric that is whole. that is worthy of our journey to hell and Thank you.