January 12, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 551 activities in the Department of the In- the’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘After ob- deemed expired, and the time for the terior and the Department of Agri- taining congressional approval of the pro- two leaders be reserved for their use culture, and for other purposes; as fol- posed national monument and certifying later in the day; that there then be a lows: compliance with the National Environ- period of morning business for up to 1 mental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et In the amendment, strike ‘‘3’’ and insert seq.) with respect to the proposed national hour, with Senators permitted to speak ‘‘2.’’ monument, the’’. for up to 10 minutes each, with the time equally divided and controlled be- SA 19. Mr. REID proposed an amend- SA 21. Mr. VITTER submitted an tween the two leaders or their des- ment to amendment SA 18 proposed by amendment intended to be proposed by ignees, with the majority controlling Mr. REID to the amendment SA 17 pro- him to the bill S. 22, to designate cer- the first half and the Republicans con- posed by Mr. REID to the bill S. 22, to tain land components of the National designate certain land components of trolling the final half; that following Wilderness Preservation System, to au- the National Wilderness Preservation morning business, the Senate resume System, to authorize certain programs thorize certain programs and activities consideration of S. 22, the wilderness and activities in the Department of the in the Department of the Interior and bill. Interior and the Department of Agri- the Department of Agriculture, and for I further ask that the filing deadline culture, and for other purposes; as fol- other purposes; which was ordered to for first-degree amendments be 2:30 lows: lie on the table; as follows: p.m. tomorrow and that the Senate re- In the amendment, strike ‘‘2’’ and insert At the appropriate place, insert the fol- cess from 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. to lowing: ‘‘1’’. allow for the weekly caucus luncheons. SEC. lll. EFFECTIVE DATE. SA 20. Mr. VITTER (for himself and This Act shall not go into effect until— The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. SHELBY) submitted an amendment (1) the President certifies that the Act objection, it is so ordered. intended to be proposed by him to the would not increase the Federal deficit; and bill S. 22, to designate certain land (2) the Secretary of Commerce and the Sec- f components of the National Wilderness retary of Energy certify that the Act would not limit access to energy resources. Preservation System, to authorize cer- f ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. tain programs and activities in the De- TOMORROW partment of the Interior and the De- ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY partment of Agriculture, and for other 13, 2009 Mr. REID. Mr. President, if there is purposes; which was ordered to lie on Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- no further business to come before the the table; as follows: imous consent that when the Senate Senate, I ask unanimous consent that At the appropriate place, insert the fol- completes its business today, it stand it stand adjourned under the previous lowing: adjourned until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, order. SEC. lll. DESIGNATION OF NATIONAL MONU- MENTS. January 13; that following the prayer There being no objection, the Senate, Section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (16 and pledge, the Journal of proceedings at 7:09 p.m., adjourned until Tuesday, U.S.C. 431) is amended by striking ‘‘That be approved to date, the morning hour January 13, 2009, at 10 a.m.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:48 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S12JA9.001 S12JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 552 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 12, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Veterans’ Affairs during her tenure of service as Rep- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- resentative to the United Nations. Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, tion of Eric Shinseki, to be Secretary SH–216 agreed to by the Senate on February 4, of Veterans Affairs. Judiciary 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- SD–106 To hold hearings to examine the nomina- tem for a computerized schedule of all 2 p.m. tion of Eric H. Holder, to be Attorney meetings and hearings of Senate com- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- General of the United States. mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- fairs SR–325 tees, and committees of conference. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- 10 a.m. tions of Peter R. Orszag, of Massachu- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs This title requires all such committees setts, to be Director, and Robert L. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Nabors II, of New Jersey, to be Deputy tions of Mary Schapiro, of New York, Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Director, both of the Office of Manage- to be Chairman of the Securities and mittee—of the time, place, and purpose ment and Budget. Exchange Commission, Christina of the meetings, when scheduled, and SD–342 Romer, of California, to be Chair of the any cancellations or changes in the 2:30 p.m. Council of Economic Advisors, Austan meetings as they occur. Commerce, Science, and Transportation Goolsbee, of Illinois, and Cecilia Rouse, To hold hearings to examine the nomina- of New Jersey, each to be a Member of As an additional procedure along tion of Ray LaHood, to be Secretary of the Council of Economic Advisors, and with the computerization of this infor- Transportation. Daniel Tarullo, of Maryland, to be a mation, the Office of the Senate Daily SR–253 Member of the Board of Governors of Digest will prepare this information for the Federal Reserve System. printing in the Extensions of Remarks JANUARY 15 SD–538 section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD 9:30 a.m. Budget on Monday and Wednesday of each Armed Services To hold hearings to examine the debt week. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- outlook and its implications for policy. SD–608 Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, Jan- tions of William J. Lynn III, to be Dep- uty Secretary, Robert F. Hale, to be Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions uary 13, 2009 may be found in the Daily Under Secretary (Comptroller) and To hold hearings to examine investing in Digest of today’s RECORD. Chief Financial Officer, Michele health information technology (IT), fo- Flournoy, to be Under Secretary for cusing on stimulus for a healthier MEETINGS SCHEDULED Policy, and Jeh Charles Johnson, to be America. General Counsel, all of the Department SD–430 JANUARY 14 of Defense. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 10 a.m. SD–106 fairs Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Energy and Natural Resources To hold hearings to examine the nomina- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- tion of Janet A. Napolitano, to be Sec- tion of Thomas J. Vilsack, to be Sec- tion of Ken Salazar, to be Secretary of retary of Homeland Security. retary of Agriculture. the Interior. SD–342 SD–G50 SD–366 2:30 p.m. Environment and Public Works Foreign Relations Indian Affairs To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Business meeting to consider the nomi- To hold hearings to examine job creation tions of Lisa P. Jackson, to be Admin- nation of Hillary R. Clinton, to be Sec- and economic stimulus in Indian coun- istrator of the Environmental Protec- retary of State; to be followed by a try. tion Agency, and Nancy Helen Sutley, hearing to examine the nomination of SD–628 to be Chairman of the Council on Envi- Susan E. Rice, to be Representative to ronmental Quality. the United Nations, with the rank and JANUARY 27 SD–406 status of Ambassador, and the Rep- 9:30 a.m. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions resentative in the Security Council of Armed Services Business meeting to consider pending the United Nations, and to be Rep- To hold hearings to examine challenges calendar business. resentative to the Sessions of the Gen- facing the Department of Defense. SD–430 eral Assembly of the United Nations SD–106

● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:53 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\E12JA9.000 E12JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 553 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was way System, let alone the local, are take home that that’s building a called to order by the Speaker pro tem- structurally deficient or are function- strong, new foundation, giving them pore (Ms. EDWARDS of Maryland). ally obsolete. Our transit systems are confidence in the future of this econ- f operating with obsolescent or obsolete omy, and I certainly don’t believe that equipment. Now, the investments in banks should be able to recapture taxes DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER these areas aren’t all shovel-ready. they paid in the past because they’ve PRO TEMPORE They’re going to drop this shovel-ready speculated themselves to the verge of The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- 60 days, going to be done in 18 months. insolvency, taking money from the fore the House the following commu- We are in deep trouble in this country, taxpayers that they won’t tell us how nication from the Speaker: and rebuilding the foundation and the they’ve billed. Now they want to get a WASHINGTON, DC, underpinnings of this economy is going look-back on their taxes. That’s not January 13, 2009. to be critical toward a long-term re- going to put one single person to work. I hereby appoint the Honorable DONNA F. covery effort. When you invest in these It might give some CEO yet another EDWARDS to act as Speaker pro tempore on things, you put people to work. These bonus, but it’s not going to put any- this day. are much better than tax cuts. body to work. NANCY PELOSI, Now, you don’t have to take it from Let’s have a much more realistic, Speaker of the House of Representatives. me. Yes, he has his economic advisers— concrete, if you will, investment in f Mr. Summers and others—but I would America’s future rather than more of rather take advice from Paul Krugman, the same. The huge amount of tax cuts MORNING-HOUR DEBATE who just got the Nobel Prize for Eco- in this proposal sound a little bit too The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- nomics. much like the George Bush trickle- ant to the order of the House of Janu- He says, ‘‘And bear in mind that even down economy. It’s time for a new di- ary 6, 2009, the Chair will now recog- a project that delivers its main punch rection to rebuild the foundations of nize Members from lists submitted by in, say, 2011 can provide significant this country, and I urge the President- the majority and minority leaders for economic support in earlier years. If elect to bring in his economic advisers morning-hour debate. Mr. Obama drops the ‘jump-start’ met- for a little chat and, perhaps, to reori- The Chair will alternate recognition aphor, if he accepts the reality that we ent their thinking. between the parties, with each party need a multi-year program rather than f limited to 30 minutes and each Member a short burst of activity, he can create other than the majority and minority a lot more jobs through government in- THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION SUP- leaders and the minority whip limited vestment even in the near term.’’ PORTS COOPER-WOLF SAFE COM- to 5 minutes. He goes on to say, ‘‘So my advice to MISSION IN STIMULUS LEGISLA- TION f the Obama team is to scrap the busi- ness tax cuts and, more important, to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The A NEW DIRECTION FOR AMERICA’S deal with the threat of doing too little Chair recognizes the gentleman from ECONOMIC FUTURE by doing more, and the way to do more Virginia (Mr. WOLF) for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The is to stop talking about jump-starts Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I come Chair recognizes the gentleman from and look more broadly at the possibili- to the floor today to raise the issue of Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) for 5 minutes. ties for government investment.’’ the dire financial situation facing our Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I How about a national high-speed rail country. congratulate the President-elect on network? That would take decades. It We must come together to face the being in touch with the American peo- would cost hundreds of billions of dol- reality that America is living on bor- ple in understanding the pain on Wall lars, but it would build a future for rowed dollars to the tune of $11 trillion Street, of job losses, of foreclosures, America. The emergencies would be in debt and $54 trillion, soon to go and of the sense of urgency. I share the built here. The cars would be built higher, in unfunded liabilities with en- sense of urgency he brings to this issue here. The tracks would be built here. titlements. We must offer a bipartisan and the idea that we need a significant It’s so much more fuel-efficient than solution to these long-term financial new investment—stimulus, whatever our current modes of transportation. challenges. you want to call it—in America to turn How about our existing transit sys- In recent days, there have been calls things around. That’s the good news. tem—the 12,000 obsolete buses or the to consider the long-term budget con- The bad news is I don’t believe he is need for new streetcar systems? These trols in tandem with any economic well served by his economic advisers. projects, yes, can’t be going in 60 or in stimulus package offered. The re- These are your typical pointy-headed, 90 days. Well, a few of them actually spected Heritage Foundation released a academic economists who think that can. In fact, we have a list on the report last Friday, entitled ‘‘Stimulus what we need is to return to a specula- Transportation and Infrastructure Legislation Must Include Budget Re- tive, consumer-driven society, not a Committee from both local and State forms to Address Long-term Chal- wealth-oriented, production-driven so- and national groups that totals a cou- lenges.’’ ciety with a strong foundation. They ple hundred billion dollars. Yet Mr. The report offered support for budget want instant gratification with five Summers pooh-poohs the idea that control mechanisms that would be set times as much in tax cuts as invest- there is an adequate amount of invest- up through the Cooper-Wolf SAFE ment in infrastructure in this country, ment that can be begun and made in Commission legislation in the House a country with a $1.6 trillion infra- the short term, and he’d rather send it and the Bipartisan Task Force for Re- structure deficit—a crumbling water out in checks of about $8 per pay period sponsible Fiscal Action effort proposed system, sewer systems, roads, bridges. to Americans. by Budget Chairman KENT CONRAD and One hundred sixty thousand bridges I don’t think the people I represent Ranking Member, Senator JUDD in this country on the National High- believe that, if they get an extra $8 GREGG, in the Senate.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 The Heritage publication, which I We offered this SAFE idea as an work with fiscally responsible Members of submit for the record, notes that SAFE amendment to the FY09 Financial Congress to include four key budget reforms ‘‘would have the advantage of a two- Services spending bill last June. Unfor- in any stimulus legislation: step process. Its first phase would be a tunately, we came up one vote short of 1. Put long-term obligations from Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid front and series of nationwide public hearings to passage. Congressman ALLEN BOYD, the center in the budget process; talk frankly about the long-term fiscal founding member of the Blue Dog Coa- 2. Establish a bipartisan congressional problems and the tough options for fix- lition, spoke eloquently from his heart commission to develop a package of long- ing it and build public support for con- in support of the amendment, asking term reforms for entitlements; gressional action on a broad plan of ac- us to envision ourselves 20 years from 3. Establish equitable policies for assessing tion.’’ now, sitting on the front porch and and enforcing spending and revenues changes As our colleagues may recall, the telling our grandchildren about the in the budget; and SAFE process would culminate in leg- days we served in Congress. 4. Create a long-term budget for entitle- ment spending. islative recommendations to Congress, What will we tell our grandchildren— Spending and Deficits New Records. and like the BRAC process for closing that we looked the other way, knowing Federal spending is projected to top 25 per- bases, Congress would be required to that out-of-control entitlement spend- cent of GDP in 2009, according to the Con- vote up or down on the plan. ing would threaten the living standards gressional Budget Office (CBE), the highest I know there have been questions of future generations? it has been since World War II, and that is raised about incorporating long-term The stakes for the country’s future before any stimulus legislation. The deficit budget controls in a short-term stim- may have never been so high. This is is projected to reach $1.2 trillion by the end ulus aimed primarily at job creation, clearly an economic issue, but it is also of this year, and any stimulus would likely but I would argue—and many would a moral and a generational issue. Abra- push the deficit to more than $1.6 trillion. Similar large deficits are projected to con- argue—that the time is now here to ham Lincoln once said, ‘‘You cannot tinue into the future.2 Such deficits are a begin to confront the underlying prob- escape the responsibility of tomorrow loud alarm to which policymakers must lis- lem of autopilot spending. I don’t know by evading it today.’’ I believe the ten: Federal spending is out of control. But about other Members, but my constitu- moral component of this issue goes to even they ignore the deeper fiscal problems ents continue to share their frustration the heart of who we are as Americans. of Social Security and Medicare. These pro- with Congress’ seeming to know only This is not a Republican issue or a grams together, not even counting Medicaid, how to spend money with no regard for Democrat issue. It is an American have an unfunded obligation that is equiva- 3 the future. issue. If we can’t find a way to come lent to a mortgage of $43 trillion. Future together on this fundamental issue, I generations will be forced to pay for those We need to listen to the American obligations through higher taxes unless the people and show them that we can lead will have serious questions about our programs are modernized. and that we can make the difficult ability to find bipartisan solutions that Budget Restraint. While making the case choices. The longer we wait and the will work for the good of the country. for his massive short-term stimulus pro- more consuming entitlement program I am asking our colleagues today to posal. President-elect Obama acknowledged spending becomes, the more draconian come together, to know that while we the threat entitlements pose to the econ- our choices will be. We are mortgaging served in Congress we did everything omy, noting, ‘‘If we do nothing, then we will the future for our children and grand- we could in our power to provide the continue to see red ink as far as the eye can kind of security and way of life for our see.’’ He called budget reform ‘‘an absolute children. The bottom line is we cannot necessity,’’ and he has pledged to confront deal with the short-term financial children and for our grandchildren that the problems from Social Security and Medi- problems without thinking about and our parents and grandparents worked care in his budget. dealing with the long-term solutions. so hard to provide for us. Budget writers in Congress are also The SAFE Commission is not a new This challenge, too, goes out to the alarmed. Senate Budget Committee Chair- idea. Over 110 Members of Congress co- leadership in Congress and to the soon- man Kent Conrad (D–ND), called the deficit sponsored the legislation in the last to-be Obama administration to make ‘‘jaw dropping,’’ and House Budget Com- year. The Heritage Foundation, the this a truly bipartisan effort. Put the mittee Chairman Jack Spratt (D–SC) was 4 Brookings Institution and the Concord SAFE Commission process in the stim- suffering ‘‘sticker shock.’’ They and their ulus package and on the fast track to ranking member counterparts have encour- Coalition all helped draft the bill. aged lawmakers to tackle the long-term Jim Cooper and I joined bipartisan enactment. budget problems posed by these entitlement forces in the last Congress, and SAFE I have never been more committed to programs. Conrad and Senator Judd Gregg has continued to garner support from an issue and to helping to find bipar- (R–NH) have urged Congress to link the other leading voices, including the tisan solutions to address our long- stimulus with action to address the long- business community—the Virginia and term financial sustainability of this term budget crisis.5 Tennessee Chambers of Commerce, the country. The American people expect If President-elect Ohama is serious about Business Roundtable and the National nothing less. fiscal responsibility, he and responsible Members of Congress must insist on budget [From the Heritage Foundation, Jan. 9, 2009] Federation of Independent Business. reforms to prevent further deterioration of We all know that it will take all of STIMULUS LEGISLATION MUST INCLUDE BUDG- an already alarming long-term budget prob- the political courage that we can mus- ET REFORMS TO ADDRESS LONG-TERM CHAL- lem and require action to tackle these chal- ter to reject the partisan and special LENGES lenges directly. To that end, he and respon- interest demands and to do what is (By Alison Acosta Fraser) sible lawmakers should insist on these four best for the country. If other Members Congress and President-elect Barack key budget reform measures being included have a better bipartisan idea that can Obama have set their sights on a massive in any stimulus package: pass the House, they should be intro- economic stimulus bill crammed full of 1. Put long-term obligations from Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid front and ducing it, and it should be included in spending projects intended to ‘‘jolt’’ the economy into recovery. By some counts this center in the budget process, with an up-or- the stimulus package. package may reach $1 trillion, or nearly 85 down vote on any budget that will increase Not acting on this issue is effectively percent of the total of all budget bills passed debts on future generations. Such a measure supporting either the ‘‘do nothing last year.1 could easily be incorporated into the annual plan’’ or the ‘‘maybe this problem will This is not the way to spur economic re- budget resolution. This would provide a more fix itself plan’’ or the ‘‘let’s just bury covery. But even if it were, Obama already accurate and transparent assessment of the our heads in the sand plan,’’ but the recognizes he faces a difficult challenge: how federal government’s commitments and pro- numbers don’t lie. The Nation’s future to keep the stimulus focused on short-term vide all Americans with a vivid picture of outlook is sobering. Just in the short deficit spending and avoid a huge, long-term the problem. All major policy changes expansion of the federal government—and should be scored over the long term to indi- term, CBO projects that the Federal with it a dramatic increase in the stagger- cate what impact they would have on the budget deficit for this fiscal year alone, ingly large unfunded obligations due mainly total unfunded obligations of the govern- which started in October, will balloon to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. ment. That would provide lawmakers and to $1.2 trillion and perhaps higher. To deal with that challenge, Obama should the public with a better understanding of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 555 true long-term costs of new legislation. And All spending would be reviewed every five THE NEW FRONTIER OF THE 21ST to put Members on record on their attitude years, and the commission could recommend CENTURY to burdening our children and grandchildren, measures for Congress to ensure that the they should have to vote during the annual programs live within this budget frame- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The budget process if the proposed budget will in- work.9 Chair recognizes the gentleman from crease long-term obligations.6 There are many reasons to be concerned Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) for 5 minutes. 2. Enact a bipartisan congressional com- over the unprecedented stimulus spending Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, last mission to develop a package of long-term now being proposed, including the ineffec- week, the 111th Congress was convened, reforms that will make these programs af- tiveness of Keynesian pump priming, the per- and we started by electing our Speak- ils of such an immense hike in government fordable. Bipartisan legislation to imple- er, the Honorable NANCY PELOSI, for a ment this type of commission was intro- spending, and the creation of new permanent government programs. With the first baby second term of Speaker of the House. duced in the previous Congress: the SAFE The 111th Congress has much poten- Act (H.R. 3654), co-sponsored by Representa- boomers recently retiring, America is experi- tives Jim Cooper (D–TN) and Frank Wolf (R– encing the first waves of the entitlement tial, much of it because the 107th, 108th VA), and the Bipartisan Task Force for Re- tsunami. The stimulus legislation could set and 109th Congresses failed as a Repub- sponsible Fiscal Action Act (S. 2063), co- the stage for a permanent sea of red ink and lican majority, and a Republican Presi- sponsored by Conrad and Gregg. Under both an even larger tsunami of debt. Substantive dent let the free market dictate how bills, a commission would craft detailed rec- budget reforms are needed to prevent such a our economy responded to economic ommendations for a fast-track vote in Con- scenario from occurring. Truly Serious? If President-elect Obama pressures, and as a result, we have had gress. The SAFE Act would have the added the greatest economic catastrophe advantage of a two-step process. Its first insists on a massive spending bill, he must ensure it does not result in huge permanent since the Great Depression. phase would be a series of nationwide public new government programs and thus poten- Those Congresses—the 107th, 108th hearings to talk frankly about the long-term tially trillions of dollars in new burdens on fiscal problem and the tough options for fix- and 109th—allowed the Republican our children and grandchildren. He must ing it and to build public support for con- President, on faith, to take us into a demonstrate his commitment to tackle the gressional action on a broad plan of action.7 war that has cost us 4,000 American long-term entitlement challenges by work- 3. Establish equitable policies for assessing lives, over 30,000 casualties and over a ing with Members of Congress to build sound and enforcing spending and revenues changes budget process reform measures into the half trillion dollars that has robbed our in the budget. Any budget enforcement stimulus legislation. If he does not do so, the citizens and our cities, Madam Speak- mechanism is based on changes in projected young Americans who voted for him should er, of monies needed for health care, spending and revenues. The CBO projects a question how serious he is about protecting education and infrastructure. spending baseline by assuming that all the their financial future. laws authorizing spending—such as the high- The 110th Congress saw a Democratic way or farm programs, or even appropria- ENDNOTES majority come here, and it had an op- tions—will be extended year after year and 1. Estimated FY 2008 appropriations $1.154 portunity to pass legislation, some of spending levels will continue even if they ex- trillion, prior to all enacted supplementals. which was approved by the President, pire regularly under existing law. But when Office of Management and Budget, ‘‘Budget was signed by the President or his veto it comes to taxes, the CBO’s baseline is cur- of the United States Government Fiscal Year was overridden. However, the President rent statute, and any rates reductions, de- 2009: Historical Tables,’’ Table 5.4, at did veto several of our bills, including www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2009/hist ductions, credits. etc., that arc scheduled to a children’s health care plan, which expire are assumed to do so. The lopsided re- .html (January 9, 2009). sult is that spending is given a free ride 2. See Brian M. Riedl, ‘‘CBO Budget Base- we’ll work on this week. We were un- under the baseline while any reduction in line Shows Historic Surge in Spending and able to stop the hemorrhaging of our the growth of taxes is assumed to be tem- Debt,’’ Heritage Foundation WebMemo No. economy and of our young people’s porary 2193, January 7, 2009, at http://www lives in the Middle East. This skewed baseline means current .heritage.org/research/budget,wm2193 (Janu- In both the election of a new Presi- ‘‘PAYGO’’ rules are biased toward tax in- ary 9, 2009). dent and in the 111th Congress’s oppor- 3. Department of the Treasury, ‘‘2008 Fi- creases. Thus, for any enforcement mecha- tunity to work with President-elect nism to be considered fair and to be effec- nancial Report of the United States Govern- ment,’’ December 15, 2008, p. 41, at http:// Obama, I believe this Congress will be tive, it must be based on the same baseline viewed as one of the most historic Con- treatment for both spending and revenues. fms.treas.gov/fr/index.html (January 9, 2009). 4. Lori Montgomery, ‘‘Congress Urges Indeed, Obama’s own advisors have already gresses in the history of our country. Spending Restraint,’’ The Washington Post, criticized this lopsided policy treatment, We have the opportunity to restore January 8, 2009, at http://www. which stacks the deck in favor of higher America’s proper place in the world washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/ spending and higher taxes.8 community as a nation that others see 2009/01/07/AR2009010701156.html?hpid=topnew 4. Create a long-term budget for entitle- (January 9, 2009.) as a good and giving and intelligent ment spending. Unlike ‘‘discretionary’’ pro- 5. Senators Kent Conrad and Judd Gregg. country that shares the power of its grams such as defense and education, ‘‘man- ‘‘A Fiscal Battle on Two Fronts,’’ The Wash- ideas rather than the idea of its power, datory’’ entitlement programs like Medicare ington Post, January 5, 2009, at http:// as President Clinton said, one that and Social Security are not budgeted annu- www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/ar- ally. Entitlement spending grows on auto- works in a multinational fashion to ticle/2009/01/04/AR2009010401436_pf.html (Janu- work with other countries to solve the pilot, in conjunction with the programs’ reg- ary 9, 2009). ulatory framework, so there is not an open 6. Alison Acosta Fraser, ‘‘Federal Budget problems around the globe. or transparent consideration of priorities or Should Include Long-Term Obligations from I have great confidence that Sec- budgetary trade-offs. And since spending lev- Entitlement Programs,’’ Heritage Founda- retary of State CLINTON will see to it els are simply the product of individuals tion Executive Memorandum No. 1004, June that women’s issues, children’s issues using their entitlement, there is in a sense 22, 2006, at http://ww.heritage.org/Research/ and health care issues will be dealt no budget just a projection of likely total Budget/em1004.cfm. with by the United States as a leader costs. And as they grow unchecked, these en- 7. Alison Acosta Fraser, ‘‘The SAFE Com- around the globe and that people will titlements crowd out other programs and mission Act (H.R. 3654) and the Long-Term see us as a friend and not a foe, as priorities. Fiscal Challenge,’’ testimony before the This must change, by constraining entitle- Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of someone to be respected and not ment programs with a real budget. To be Representatives, June 25, 2008, at http://www feared. sure, retirement programs require longer .heritage.org/Research/Budget/tst062508b.cfm. Nevertheless, the military is always time horizons and planning than typical dis- 8. J.D. Foster, Ph.D., ‘‘Obama to CBO Rev- necessary for those who are incapable cretionary programs so that beneficiaries enue Baseline: Nuts—and He’s Right!,’’ Her- of seeing peace as the ultimate purpose will not face unexpected annual changes in itage Foundation WebMemo No. 2019, August in our time on Earth, and we will see benefits. Therefore, Congress should create a 11, 2008, at http://www.heritage.org/Research/ to it that our military is effectively long-term framework for a constrained enti- Budget/wm2019.cfm. tlement budget that would be periodically 9. Stuart M. Butler, Ph.D., Alison Acosta maintained. evaluated to ensure that these programs are Fraser and Other Authors, ‘‘Taking Back our Climate change threatens the very sustainable and affordable over the long Fiscal Future,’’ Heritage Foundation White Earth we inhabit, and the Transpor- term. This could be done by creating a long- Paper, March 31, 2008, at http://www tation and Infrastructure Committee, term budget window—for example, 30 years. .heritage.org/Research/Budget/wp0408.cfm. under the leadership of Representative

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Chairman JAMES OBERSTAR, will see to Mr. EDWARDS of Texas. Madam and it provides for expedited consider- it that we address issues of importance Speaker, today I rise to honor the ation of such a resolution. that maintain the Earth as we know it, memory of Zachary Cook, a 22-year-old So next Friday, January 16th, the the flora and fauna as God has given Army officer and a 2008 graduate of Senate is expected to vote on a resolu- them to us, and see that future genera- Texas A&M University and its Corps of tion of disapproval. Then on the fol- tions aren’t impacted as greatly as Cadets. Zachary died tragically yester- lowing Wednesday, January 21, we will they would be. day in an Army helicopter crash on the vote on a resolution of disapproval. The past Congresses did not deal with A&M campus in College Station, Texas, Such a resolution would be effective global warming. They did not sign the in my district during Rudder’s Rangers only in the unusual circumstance that Kyoto Accord—the President did not— annual winter field training. His loss it passes both Houses of Congress, and and they leave us with a problem there. brings a great sadness to his family even then it is subject to a possible So we’ve got a problem with the world and friends, the extended Texas A&M Presidential veto. Still, this House community, a problem with the econ- family, the Army, and to all of us de- must carry out its responsibilities. omy, a problem with the environ- prived of this patriotic citizen who was This week, hopefully the Rules Com- mental standards that we need to dedicated to serving our great Nation mittee will allow us to consider amend- adopt. Much to be done. It has all in uniform. Zachary dreamed of flying ments to strengthen Chairman FRANK’s bill. And next week we have to vote on begun, but most of it won’t really get Army helicopters and was thrilled to releasing the second $350 billion. When into full swing until after the inau- have received his recent Army commis- we vote next week, we will at that guration of January 20. sion. He was revered as a true friend to point have before us just the existing Madam Speaker, I urge every school others, someone who truly inspired and statute passed last year, because even system and every citizen to watch the mentored his friends. if Chairman FRANK’s bill passes, even if inauguration of our next President on Madam Speaker, I believe the fami- it is made much stronger than it is January 20. Allow students to watch lies and loved ones of our servicemen now, it will be languishing in the Sen- that inauguration. Hopefully, it will and women are truly the unsung heroes ate next week, and we in the House will instill in them the same spirit about and heroines in our Nation’s defense, have no idea whether it will ever be- government and the same hope that I and that is why I want to express my come law. So when we vote to release had on January 20, 1961 when I watched regret and respect to the family of Mr. the second $350 billion, we’re basically John Kennedy take the oath of office. Cook. A grateful Nation owes them a John Kennedy gave my generation voting again for the TARP bill, except deep debt of gratitude, and our for three differences. the belief that politics could be an hon- thoughts and prayers are with them orable profession and that government First, we know a lot more now than during this difficult time. I hope they we knew then. Second, the unprece- could be a useful tool in seeing our take comfort in knowing that the spir- country and our world as a better dented transfer of money and power to it of service demonstrated by their the administration will be to the new place. To a goodly extent, I think we’ve loved one will touch and inspire the lost that hope that the new frontier administration in which many of us lives of others long after we are all have far greater faith. And, finally, we brought some 40-some-odd years ago. gone from this Earth. With the election of , will hopefully have before us a letter Our thoughts and prayers are also from the incoming administration indi- hope again exists to the American peo- with the four Texas National Guard ple’s hearts and minds. I expect his cating how they will use the enormous members who were seriously injured in power and discretion conveyed by the oratory to embody the spirit of Amer- the crash. We pray for their speedy re- ica—a spirit of working together and a existing TARP statute. covery. It is my hope that such a letter be spirit of change that is for the better- We humbly recognize that we can ment of this country and for the world. explicit, be unequivocal, and be com- never repay fully Zachary or his family prehensive. Explicit, so that we know I hope everybody watches. for their loss, but I hope that his fam- Please encourage your children to exactly what they’re going to do and ily will know our Nation will never for- watch and to allow them to be inspired, what rules they’re going to live by. Un- get their sacrifice. equivocal, hopefully signed by the for if they are, we’ll have a generation May God bless the spirit of Zachary that will participate, that will vote and President, and a clear statement of the Cook and keep him lovingly in His rules the administration will live by, that will see to it that we have a better arms. tomorrow. not just a statement of principles or Madam Speaker, I am proud to serve f present intentions. And, finally, com- in this Congress. I am very proud to BAILOUT BILL IS BACK prehensive. It should deal with the con- serve with Speaker PELOSI. I am cerns that we all have, or that so many The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of us have, about the existing TARP blessed to have the opportunity to Chair recognizes the gentleman from serve with the new frontier of the 21st legislation. California (Mr. SHERMAN) for 5 min- Chairman FRANK’s bill will deal with century, Barack Obama. utes. Thank you very much. transparency and deal with home fore- Mr. SHERMAN. Well, the $700 billion closures. And my hope is that since f bankers’ bailout bill is back. Many of Chairman FRANK’s bill won’t be law HONORING THE MEMORY OF my colleagues didn’t enjoy voting on it next week, that the President-elect’s ZACHARY COOK twice last year, but it is back. It is letter will address those issues explic- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The back with two votes—one vote this itly and unequivocally. Chairman Chair recognizes the gentleman from week, one vote next week. This week, FRANK’s bill calls for us to get 15 per- California (Mr. SHERMAN) for 5 min- we will vote on Chairman FRANK’s bill cent warrants when we make invest- utes. (H.R. 384) to improve the TARP legisla- ments in banks. I am pleased to report Mr. SHERMAN. I ask unanimous tion, the $700 billion bill. I believe that that after discussions with the Chair- consent that the Chair consider recog- Chairman FRANK’s bill is a step in the man and his staff, he is going to make nizing the gentleman from Texas first right direction but insufficient. Then it clear in his bill, and I hope it is clear and then recognize me. on Friday, the Senate is expected to in any letter we get from the Obama The SPEAKER pro tempore. The take up a resolution of disapproval. As administration, that 15 percent is a Chair will do that as a matter of rec- you remember, the bill we passed last floor, not a ceiling, and that the Treas- ognition. year, TARP, says that the executive ury should be obligated to work to get Mr. SHERMAN. Thank you. branch gets the last $350 billion as soon us all the warrants that we deserve as The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- as they ask for it, or 15 days after they taxpayers for the risks that we are tak- tleman from Texas may proceed for 5 ask for it, unless both the House and ing. The taxpayers should be fully com- minutes. Senate pass a resolution of disapproval, pensated for the enormous risks we

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 557 take when we invest in troubled Wall Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- country into more debt and the next Street firms. nal stands approved. generation is going to have to pay for Now I am going to offer an amend- f it. ment to Chairman FRANK’s bill to state ‘‘The government needs to lower that while a company is holding our PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE taxes and quit spending so much. I TARP money, they should not pay a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the think that people should spend the penny in dividends and they should not gentleman from Virginia (Mr. money they earn the way they want to purchase any of their own stock back CONNOLLY) come forward and lead the and not have the government do it for from their existing shareholders. If the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. them.’’ company has extra money, give the Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia led the Mr. Speaker, those who say the gov- taxpayers our money back. Don’t give Pledge of Allegiance as follows: ernment needs to take money from it to your shareholders. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the some citizens and give it to certain We do have a letter from Larry Sum- United States of America, and to the Repub- special interest groups to stimulate the mers, who will be playing a key role in lic for which it stands, one nation under God, economy are wrong. the White House, saying, and I don’t indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. As Boy Scout Daniel says, ‘‘that’s know if this is intended to be binding f not fair,’’ and I agree. This massive government money grab and redis- on the incoming administration, that HUMANITARIAN CRISIS AT GAZA they would favor strict limits on divi- tribution of somebody else’s income is dends and modest limits on stock re- (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given going to cause more problems during purchases, but we need stronger protec- permission to address the House for 1 this economic crisis. But as it has been tions for the taxpayers. minute.) said, ‘‘if you think the problems gov- I hope very much that we are able to Mr. KUCINICH. Most Americans are ernment creates are bad, just wait work on this issue and other taxpayer unaware that 50 percent of the popu- until you see the government’s solu- protections. lation of Gaza is under 14 years of age. tions.’’ According to the U.N., 292 Gazan chil- And that’s just the way it is. f dren have been killed in the war, and f RECESS 1,497 children have been injured. NATIONAL MENTORING MONTH The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- In the past few days, many Gazan (Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana asked ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair children’s hospitals and clinics have and was given permission to address declares the House in recess until 2 been attacked, damaged by artillery the House for 1 minute.) p.m. today. fire from the Israeli defense forces. Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana. Mr. Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 55 Fifty thousand children are expected to Speaker, I rise today to join my col- minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- be displaced from their homes. Accord- leagues in honoring the contributions cess until 2 p.m. ing to the U.N., food for infants and of mentors as we celebrate National malnourished children is not available, f Mentoring Month. one-third of Gaza has no water, and I want to recognize mentoring pro- b 1400 most of Gaza has no electricity. grams across America that are dedi- AFTER RECESS This is a humanitarian crisis of the cated to encouraging all aspects of stu- highest magnitude. We cannot avert The recess having expired, the House dent development. I believe mentoring our eyes without staining our souls. It was called to order by the Speaker pro is an essential tool in cultivating a is time for Congress to recognize the tempore (Mr. LARSEN of Washington) child’s emotional and behavior devel- humanitarian crisis at Gaza. Hamas’ at 2 p.m. opment, and I strongly support these rocket fire is wrong. Israel’s response f programs. has created a humanitarian disaster. I would also like to congratulate an PRAYER Israel is using U.S.-provided F–16 exemplary program in my district that The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. jets, Apache helicopters and white is celebrating its 10th anniversary, the Coughlin, offered the following prayer: phosphorous against the people of Joy Elementary School in Michigan The Earth may seem hardened, but Gaza. This imposes upon this Congress City, Indiana. This program is a this is the time for Congress to be a moral obligation to speak out. We school-based mentoring program, planting. Lord, is it too early? Too cold cannot be effective in promoting peace partnering Michigan City area schools with indifference? Still too dark due to unless we recognize the scale of the with the Michigan City business com- the lack of sunlight? suffering of the children of Gaza and munity. It is with great pleasure that I Though ‘‘a term’’ speaks of ending, take nonviolent steps to remedy the stand before the House and the Amer- now we are just beginning. Lord, help situation. ican people today and commend the Congress determine what is in most f work of mentors and programs like need of attention, the crusted Earth LONE STAR VOICE—DANIEL WOLF Safe Harbor. held by winter or the seedlings of Mr. Speaker, I urge all my colleagues promise? (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was to vote for the resolution honoring Guide us and protect us, Lord, that given permission to address the House mentors. for 1 minute.) the timing may be right and we know f how to foster the new growth. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I As the world looks on, more hungry bring you news from the people. Boy HARVEST HOPE FOOD BANK than envious, the Nation needs a rich Scout Daniel Wolf of Spring, Texas, (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina harvest. So, Lord, let Congress be wrote me the following about our eco- asked and was given permission to ad- about planting with crafty hands and nomic crisis. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- heartfelt trust. You will give the in- ‘‘I am concerned about my genera- vise and extend his remarks.) crease. tion paying for the mistakes that the Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Amen. government is making. It’s just not Speaker, yesterday I had the privilege f fair. It’s kind of like you and a friend of attending the opening of a new are doing a project together and he branch of the Harvest Hope Food Bank THE JOURNAL doesn’t want to do his part, so you end in Cayce, South Carolina, welcomed by The SPEAKER pro tempore. The up doing all the work. The government Mayor Elise Partin. This expansion of Chair has examined the Journal of the is bailing out Wall Street, banks, mort- Harvest Hope comes at a time when job last day’s proceedings and announces gages, the car industry, and also in- losses in our community have in- to the House his approval thereof. creasing spending and putting our creased the need for food banks, and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 558 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 many individuals find it difficult to exceeding $3.1 trillion. Since January nication from the Clerk of the House of travel to other locations. 2007, our government has added an av- Representatives: Last year alone, Harvest Hope dis- erage of $2.8 billion per day to our na- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, tributed 2.4 million pounds of food in tional debt. If deficit spending were the OFFICE OF THE CLERK, Lexington County, and they expect way to prosperity, our economy would Washington, DC, January 12, 2009. that number to grow to well over 3 mil- be booming. Hon. NANCY PELOSI, lion in the coming year. With growing We are more than $10 trillion in debt The Speaker, House of Representatives, Wash- demand, I am grateful that Harvest ington, DC. and there is no end in sight. Let us re- DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the Hope has chosen to expand their oper- member it is not the government’s permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II ations. money we talk about and spend, it is of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- I wish to commend Denise Holland, the American people’s money. And we tives, I have the honor to transmit a sealed Executive Director of Harvest Hope, for cannot afford to continue to this envelope received from the White House on her leadership. Additionally, Mitch government on a credit card. We’re January 9, 2009, at 5:15 p.m. and said to con- Watson, the incoming chairman of the going to have to do more with less, and tain a message from the President whereby board, the volunteers and local church- he transmits an agreement between the that means finding ways to cut govern- United States and new NATO Parties on the es, ministries, and nonprofit organiza- ment spending. provision of atomic information. tions that provide assistance to the f With best wishes, I am food banks deserve our utmost grati- Sincerely, tude for their service to our commu- COMMUNICATION FROM THE LORRAINE C. MILLER, nity. CLERK OF THE HOUSE Clerk of the House. In conclusion, God bless our troops, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- f and we will never forget September the fore the House the following commu- AGREEMENT ON PROVISION OF 11th. nication from the Clerk of the House of ATOMIC INFORMATION—MES- f Representatives: SAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF RESTORING THE NATION’S HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, THE UNITED STATES (H. DOC. ECONOMIC SECURITY OFFICE OF THE CLERK, NO. 111–6) Washington, DC, January 13, 2009. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- (Ms. TITUS asked and was given per- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, mission to address the House for 1 The Speaker, House of Representatives, Wash- fore the House the following message minute and to revise and extend her re- ington, DC. from the President of the United marks.) DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the States; which was read and, together Ms. TITUS. Mr. Speaker, it is with permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II with the accompanying papers, without great honor that I stand on the floor of of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- objection, referred to the Committee tives, I have the honor to transmit an enve- this House to represent the people of on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be lope received from the White House on Janu- printed: Nevada’s Third District. I am humbled ary 12, 2009, at 5:50 p.m. and said to contain by the trust and faith they have placed a message from the President whereby he To the Congress of the United States: in me, and I pledge to live up to that transmits the Troubled Assets Relief Pro- I am pleased to transmit to the Con- trust. gram Section 115 Plan to Exercise Authority. gress, consistent with sections 123 and This is a critical time in our Nation’s With best wishes, I am 144 b. of the Atomic Energy Act, as history. We face an economic crisis Sincerely, amended (42 U.S.C. 2153 and 2164(b)), that has shaken our very roots. In my LORRAINE C. MILLER, the text of the Agreement between the Clerk of the House. district, we have seen rampant fore- Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty closures, record unemployment, and f for Co-operation Regarding Atomic In- rising prices; but despite these chal- REPORT DETAILING PLAN TO EX- formation, including a technical annex lenges we remain optimistic. Next ERCISE AUTHORITY UNDER and security annex (hereinafter collec- week, the band from Green Valley High EMERGENCY ECONOMIC STA- tively referred to as the ATOMAL School in my district will be in Wash- BILIZATION ACT OF 2008—MES- Agreement), as a proposed agreement ington marching in the parade to wel- SAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF for cooperation within the context of come our next President with hope and THE UNITED STATES (H. DOC. the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- dreams for a brighter future. It is for NO. 111–5) tion (NATO) between the United States them and all Americans that this of America and each of the following President and Congress must usher in a The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- seven new members of NATO: the Re- new era. fore the House the following message public of Bulgaria, the Republic of Es- Working together in the spirit of bi- from the President of the United tonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Re- partisanship, we can bring change to States; which was read and, together public of Lithuania, Romania, the Slo- our community that restores our eco- with the accompanying papers, without vak Republic, and the Republic of Slo- nomic security and once again fulfills objection, referred to the Committee venia, hereinafter the ‘‘New Parties.’’ I the potential that made our Nation on Financial Services and ordered to be am also pleased to transmit my ap- great. printed: proval, authorization, and determina- f To the Congress of the United States: tion concerning the ATOMAL Agree- Consistent with section 115(a)(3) of ment with respect to the New Parties, FISCAL DISCIPLINE the Emergency Economic Stabilization together with a copy of the memo- (Mr. CHAFFETZ asked and was given Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–343) (the randum of the Secretary of Defense permission to address the House for 1 ‘‘Act’’), I hereby transmit a report de- with respect to the agreement. The minute and to revise and extend his re- tailing the plan of the Secretary of the ATOMAL Agreement entered into force marks.) Treasury to exercise the authority on March 12, 1965, with respect to the Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise under the Act. United States and the other NATO to give voice to the need to cut the size GEORGE W. BUSH. members at that time. The Czech Re- and scope of government. While the THE WHITE HOUSE, January 12, 2009. public, the Republic of Hungary, the rhetoric and calls for increased spend- f Republic of Poland, and Spain subse- ing continue to escalate, let us also re- quently became parties to the member it is our duty and obligation COMMUNICATION FROM THE ATOMAL Agreement. The New Parties to do more with less. CLERK OF THE HOUSE have signed this agreement and have Over the past 12 years, annual Fed- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- indicated their willingness to be bound eral spending has more than doubled, fore the House the following commu- by it. The ATOMAL Agreement with

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 559 respect to the New Parties meets the SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND tors and encourages more individuals to vol- requirements of the Atomic Energy IDEALS OF NATIONAL MEN- unteer as mentors; and Act of 1954, as amended. While the TORING MONTH 2009 (3) encourages the people of our Nation to ATOMAL Agreement continues in force promote the awareness of, and to volunteer Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I move involvement with, youth mentoring. with respect to the United States and to suspend the rules and agree to the the other current parties to it, it will The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- resolution (H. Res. 41) supporting the ant to the rule, the gentleman from not become effective as an agreement goals and ideals of National Mentoring for cooperation authorizing the ex- Texas (Mr. HINOJOSA) and the gen- Month 2009. tleman from (Mr. change of atomic information with re- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- spect to the New Parties until comple- PLATTS) each will control 20 minutes. tion. The Chair recognizes the gentleman tion of procedures prescribed by sec- The text of the resolution is as fol- from Texas. tions 123 and 144 b. of the Atomic En- lows: GENERAL LEAVE ergy Act of 1954, as amended. H. RES. 41 Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I re- For more than 40 years, the ATOMAL Whereas mentoring is a longstanding con- Agreement has served as the frame- cept in which a dependable, caring adult pro- quest 5 legislative days during which work within which NATO and the other vides guidance, support, and encouragement Members may revise and extend and in- NATO members that have become par- to facilitate a young person’s social, emo- sert extraneous material on House Res- ties to this agreement have received tional, and cognitive development; olution 41 into the RECORD. the information that is necessary to an Whereas research on mentoring shows that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there understanding and knowledge of and formal, high quality mentoring focused on objection to the request of the gen- participation in the political and stra- developing the competence and character of tleman from Texas? the mentee, promotes positive outcomes tegic consensus upon which the collec- There was no objection. such as improved academic achievement, Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield tive military capacity of the Alliance self-esteem, social skills, and career develop- depends. This agreement permits only ment; myself such time as I may consume. the transfer of atomic information, not Whereas research on mentoring also indi- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support weapons, nuclear material, or equip- cates strong evidence of the success in reduc- of House Resolution 41, which recog- ment. Participation in the ATOMAL ing substance use and abuse, academic fail- nizes January as National Mentoring Agreement will give Bulgaria, Estonia, ure, and delinquency; Month. Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Whereas mentoring, in addition to pre- Today, we acknowledge and thank paring young people for school, work, and and Slovenia the same standing within the millions of caring adults and stu- life, is also extremely rewarding for those dents who are volunteering as mentors. the Alliance with regard to nuclear serving as mentors; matters as that of the other current Whereas more than 4,200 mentoring pro- I commend their generous efforts. Na- parties to the ATOMAL Agreement. grams in communities of all sizes across the tional Mentoring Month also serves as This is important for the cohesiveness United States focus on building strong, effec- a great opportunity to recruit addi- of the Alliance and will enhance its ef- tive relationships between mentors and tional mentor volunteers. fectiveness. mentees; I would also like to recognize the tre- I have considered the views and rec- Whereas 3,000,000 young Americans are cur- mendous leadership of the resolution’s ommendations of the Department of rently in solid mentoring relationships due author, Congresswoman SUSAN DAVIS to the remarkable vigor, creativity, and re- from California, on the issue of men- Defense and other interested agencies sourcefulness of the thousands of mentoring in reviewing the ATOMAL Agreement programs in communities throughout the toring. She is a true champion and ad- and have determined that its perform- Nation; vocate for mentoring on the Education ance, including the proposed coopera- Whereas in spite of the progress made to and Labor Committee. She reminds us tion and the proposed communication increase mentoring, our Nation has a serious that everyone can benefit from a men- of Restricted Data thereunder, with re- ‘‘mentoring gap’’ with nearly 15,000,000 toring relationship: young, old, stu- spect to the New Parties will promote, young people currently in need of mentors; dents, teachers, and, yes, even Mem- and will not constitute an unreason- Whereas public-private mentoring partner- bers of Congress and other public serv- ships bring State and local leaders together ants. Mentors can help us realize our able risk to, the common defense and to support mentoring programs by pre- security. Accordingly, I have approved venting duplication of efforts, offering train- full potential. the ATOMAL Agreement with respect ing in industry best practices, and helping Mentors directly improve the lives of to the New Parties and authorized the them make the most of limited resources to those who need a little extra guidance. Department of Defense to cooperate benefit the Nation’s youth; Research consistently proves that men- with the New Parties in the context of Whereas the designation of January 2009 as tors bolster academic achievement, NATO upon satisfaction of the require- National Mentoring Month will help call at- self-esteem, social skills, and career ments of section 123 of the Atomic En- tention to the critical role mentors play in development. In addition to these posi- helping young people realize their potential; tive outcomes, mentoring reduces de- ergy Act of 1954, as amended. Whereas the month-long celebration of The 60-day continuous session period mentoring will encourage more individuals linquency, substance abuse, and aca- provided for in section 123 begins upon and organizations, including schools, busi- demic failure. Mentoring transcends receipt of this submission. nesses, nonprofit organizations, faith insti- the lives of our children. The impor- GEORGE W. BUSH. tutions, and foundations, to become engaged tance of mentoring teaches young peo- THE WHITE HOUSE, January 9, 2009. in mentoring across our Nation; ple that a better life is attainable f Whereas National Mentoring Month will, through education. most significantly, build awareness of men- Today, there are about 4,200 men- b 1415 toring and encourage more people to become toring programs in communities all mentors and help close the Nation’s men- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER across this country. Some of these pro- PRO TEMPORE toring gap; and Whereas the President issued a proclama- grams run out of national boys and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tion declaring January 2009 to be National girls clubs, YMCAs, Big Brother and ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Mentoring Month and calling on the people Big Sister organizations, and hundreds will postpone further proceedings of the United States to recognize the impor- of other nonprofit organizations. In my today on motions to suspend the rules tance of mentoring: Now, therefore, be it own congressional district, the VAMOS on which a recorded vote or the yeas Resolved, That the House of Representa- program and our local boys and girls tives— clubs are exemplary programs which and nays are ordered, or on which the (1) supports the goals and ideals of a Na- vote is objected to under clause 6 of tional Mentoring Month; have provided thousands of youths rule XX. (2) recognizes with gratitude the contribu- with mentors. I am proud to celebrate Record votes on postponed questions tions of millions of caring adults and stu- their work during National Mentoring will be taken after 6:30 p.m. today. dents who are already volunteering as men- Month.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 The mentoring programs throughout and careful matching of youth with As a Member of the House Appropriations this Nation make a great difference in adults who have a genuine interest in Committee, I will continue to support funding improving the lives of our youth. providing guidance and being exem- for student-mentor programs and to greatly ex- Through their efforts, 3 million young plary role models. pand awareness of the benefits of mentoring. people report having quality mentor Today, thanks to the commitment Together with my colleagues, I will encourage relationships. This country, however, and dedication of mentoring advocates, more adults to mentor young students as well still needs nearly 15 million more posi- 3 million young Americans are now en- as help train adults and students to support, tive mentors. joying mentoring’s many benefits guide, and lead young students. Students As a Nation, we must continue to en- through school-based, faith-based, and need more caring mentors and our children courage volunteers to invest their community organizations. That’s a six- desperately need access to them. We cannot human capital in our youth. Through fold increase in formal mentoring rela- depend solely on our teachers to guide our nonprofit, government, and private sec- tionships since the national mentoring children. It is my hope that each child in Amer- tor partnerships, we can expand movement galvanized the Nation in the ica will some day have access to his or her mentorship. National Mentoring Month early . It’s an impressive accom- own mentor. Although we face a faltering is a reminder to reinvest our energy to- plishment. However, 15 million more economy and tight budgets, the choice to cut wards mentoring relationships. By young people who need mentors are corners on our children’s future is not an op- building awareness on this issue, I en- waiting their turn. They make up our tion. Our children deserve the opportunity to courage more people to serve as men- Nation’s mentoring gap. realize their full potential and the opportunity tors in our Nation. To be a mentor, you don’t need any to succeed in every endeavor they pursue. Mr. Speaker, once again, I express special skills, just an ability to listen I would like to thank Representative SUSAN my support for House Resolution 41, and to offer friendship, guidance, and DAVIS for introducing this legislation and pro- and I urge my colleagues to support me encouragement to a young person viding this opportunity to renew the commit- with this resolution. growing up today. Today, I’m asking ment of Congress to expanding and enhanc- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of all Americans to give a child hope by ing mentoring relationships for our Nation’s my time. sharing their time and knowledge youth. In addition, I want to thank all the men- Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in along with their experiences. tors across America for their dedication and support of House Resolution 41, and I I urge all Members to support this generosity. yield myself such time as I may con- resolution. Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, sume. Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in I rise today in strong support of H. Res. 41, Mr. Speaker, this resolution cele- support of H. Res. 41, supporting the goals ‘‘Supporting the goals and ideals of National brates National Mentoring Month, and ideals of National Mentoring Month, ob- Mentoring Month 2009.’’ I would like to thank commends mentors who are positively served each January. It is a time to celebrate my colleague, Congresswoman SUSAN DAVIS, impacting the lives of young people, and highlight the positive impact adult and stu- for introducing this important resolution, as and highlights the need for additional dent mentors have on the youth of the Nation. well as the chairman of the Committee on mentors to make themselves available Young people from all walks of life have the Education and Labor, Congressman GEORGE to America’s youth. potential and ability to succeed and contribute MILLER, for his leadership in bringing the bill to Mentoring is a structured and trust- to society. Unfortunately, not all students re- the floor today. ing relationship that brings young peo- ceive the support necessary to realize their full Mr. Speaker, great numbers of Americans ple together with caring individuals potential. As many as 15 million young stu- donate their time and their unique skills and who offer guidance, support, and en- dents in our country lack the vital guidance gifts to our cities and communities, without couragement aimed at developing the they need to support the emotional, social, any expectation of compensation or material competence and character of the cognitive, and academic development that will reward. mentee. A mentor is an adult who, enable them to reach their maximum potential As chair of the Congressional Children’s along with parents, provides a young and become prospering adults. Caucus, I understand how important mentors person with support, counsel, friend- With limited resources and the considerably are for our youth. Mr. Speaker, today many ship, and positive reinforcement. high teacher to student ratios in our schools, youth face temptations that often lead them By all estimates an astounding 17.6 teachers in the classroom face the daunting down destructive paths, and it is vitally impor- million young people, nearly half the task of providing students with emotional and tant that we provide guidance that helps them population of young people between the personal support in addition to academic in- make good decisions. ages of 10 and 18, live in situations that struction. The work accomplished by our Mentors have been an integral part of soci- put them at risk of not living up to teachers is admirable, but teachers alone can- ety for many years, dating back to Ancient their full potential. Without imme- not prepare young students to become fruitful, Greece. The Greek poet Homer wrote in the diate intervention by caring adults, mature adults. Mentors are critical to helping Odyssey that when Odysseus left to fight in they could make choices that not only foster the personal growth of each individual the Trojan War, he charged Mentor, his wise undermine their futures but ultimately child. old friend, with the task of caring for his son, the economic and social well-being of Together with parents, mentors provide Telemachus, and teaching him wisdom. Since our great Nation. youth with a wide array of guidance and sup- then, the word mentor has come to mean a With the help and guidance of an port to enhance their social and character de- wise and responsible tutor or an experienced adult mentor, every child can discover velopment. A good mentor is willing to sac- person who advises, guides, teaches, chal- how to unlock and achieve his or her rifice for his or her mentee and gives attention lenges, corrects, and serves as a model. full potential. Youth development ex- in all areas of life. Mentors provide encourage- In our society today, mentors exist in many perts agree that mentoring is a critical ment in student endeavors, private counsel in different environments. There are mentors in element in any child’s social, emo- delicate matters, leadership through difficult professional settings who guide apprentices by tional, and cognitive development. It times, and advice. Such mentoring produces teaching them how to effectively perform in builds a sense of industry and com- students who perform better in school aca- the workplace. There are mentors in academic petency, boosts academic performance, demically, become more actively involved in settings who guide students, teaching them and broadens the horizons of prospec- their schools, have more self-confidence, and how to reach and maintain high scholastic tive students. take responsibility for their own actions. As a achievement. There are mentors in community By honoring mentors and mentoring mentor, I have seen and experienced the mu- groups who guide their prote´ge´s through life programs, we recognize the importance tual benefits of mentorship both for the student issues, teaching them how to be productive of mentoring programs implemented in and the mentor. Mentors are doing incredible citizens. There are even mentors in spiritual our local schools and communities. We work and I praise their commitment to our chil- and church groups who advise others through also draw attention to the components dren and their future. However, more mentors their spiritual growth. In all cases, they are of a quality program, including appro- than ever are needed, and our Nation faces a very important and essential to the success of priate screening of potential mentors shortage of mentors. the youth that they mentor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 561 Who needs mentors? pate in a healthy, caring mentoring relation- National Mentoring Month was conceived as There are 35.2 million young people ages ship. A quality mentoring program offers a a means to recruit mentors and help close the 10–18 in the U.S. today; of those young peo- young person the strength, confidence, and mentoring gap. Last year, more than 375,000 ple: 1 out of 4 lives with only one parent; 1 out stability they need to mature and grow. Wit- individuals sought information about local of 10 was born to teen parents; 1 out of 5 nessing this growth is the unique reward for a mentoring programs that need more volun- lives in poverty; 1 out of 10 will not finish high mentor’s invested time and energy. teers. school. I believe the best part about mentoring, I am proud to announce Joellen Gonder- About half of young Americans—17.6 million what makes it so successful, is its simplicity. Spacek, executive director of the Mentoring young people—want or need caring adult There is a basic human need to have an- Partnership of Minnesota, MPM, has been mentors to help them succeed in life. Of those other’s care, support, and trust. A mentor can honored with the Manza Excellence in Leader- 17.6 million young people, only 2.5 million are provide that to a young person, and that gift ship Award by MENTOR/National Mentoring currently in formal mentoring relationships. often inspires a cycle of helping others. Partnership. She was recognized for her lead- That leaves 15.1 million youth still in need Unfortunately, there still exists a gaping def- ership and commitment to service through of formal mentoring relationships. We call this icit of mentors. Approximately 15 million new MPM’s community initiative to promote men- our Nation’s ‘‘mentoring gap.’’ Mr. Speaker, mentors are needed, which stems from the toring for at risk youth in Minnesota. This pro- imagine if every child had a mentor—just one demand for our Nation’s youth to have positive gram has made significant improvements in person whom they could look up to and go to role models in their lives. the lives of children and, over the past 14 for advice and guidance. Imagine how many I recently learned of a particularly touching years, MPM has become a mentoring leader young lives could be positively impacted. We mentoring relationship in my district in San in the State and the Nation. could create the avenues and encouragement Diego. I encourage all of my colleagues to support to ensure that all of our children receive the As an infant, Anthony was in a car accident, this resolution and to look for opportunities to proper education. Too many of our youth are sadly leaving him without a mother. Since his be mentors as well. not being properly advised and guided on the father was in jail, Anthony was left to his Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I have no importance of getting an education. grandmother’s care. During his childhood, An- further requests for time, and I yield Mentors can help give those youth living in thony was diagnosed with Aspberger’s syn- back the balance of my time. poverty to strive towards a brighter future for drome. His grandmother found him a mentor Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I also themselves. Every child could benefit from through Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego do not have any further requests for having someone in his or her life to turn to for County and now, 11 years later, Anthony is time, and I yield back the balance of advice and help in the time of need. one-half of a successful mentoring relation- my time. The positive relationships and reinforcement ship. Before meeting his mentor, Anthony The SPEAKER pro tempore. The that mentors provide are clearly effective. would never go outside and was frightened of question is on the motion offered by Young people today are confronted with many loud noises. Spending time with his mentor the gentleman from Texas (Mr. challenges in life. They can find the con- every week has given Anthony the strength HINOJOSA) that the House suspend the fidence to overcome many of these challenges and self-confidence to experience things he rules and agree to the resolution, H. through a mentor. The benefits of a mentor might never have tried. Res. 41. are immeasurable. At the basis of a mentoring relationship like The question was taken. I am proud to cosponsor legislation that will Anthony’s is a firm and unwavering commit- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the add service before self to our leaders of to- ment. Successful mentoring relies on a com- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being morrow. I urge my colleagues to join me in mitment to show up, to open up, to be vulner- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. supporting this legislation. able, to learn, to laugh, to grow... So, this Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, on that Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today month and always, let us recognize these mil- I demand the yeas and nays. in support of H. Res. 41, and to recognize all lions of important commitments made by The yeas and nays were ordered. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- those who mentor youth on Guam. Often we young and old across our country and offer ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the talk about children in this chamber and we our own commitment to continue to promote Chair’s prior announcement, further sometimes lose sight of a fundamental truth: It the goals and ideals of National Mentoring proceedings on this motion will be is beyond the Government alone to truly im- Month. postponed. prove the quality of life for a child. Our ability Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, and I to appropriate funds or authorize Government urge my colleagues to join us in celebrating f programs does not equal the impact a single National Mentoring Month, 2009. HONORING THE LIFE OF dedicated mentor can have for a child. We Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, as a Co- CLAIBORNE PELL cannot buy patience nor can we legislate un- chair of the Congressional Mentoring Caucus, Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I move derstanding. The hard work of mentoring, of I rise today in strong support of H. Res. 41, to suspend the rules and agree to the explaining right from wrong, of serving as a supporting the goals and ideals of National resolution (H. Res. 50) honoring the life role model, and helping establish personal Mentoring Month. of Claiborne Pell, distinguished former goals to work toward, falls to the mentor. A A mentor by definition means a trusted Senator from the State of Rhode Is- mentor’s work may be confined to a single friend or guide. Mentoring relationships be- land. child and known but to a few, but we cannot tween adults and youths are very important, The Clerk read the title of the resolu- deny their collective accomplishments through- especially because of the focus on the needs tion. out our Nation. of our young people. Caring parents, teachers, The text of the resolution is as fol- There is no question that we need more counselors, and religious leaders are all men- lows: mentors. Today, more than 15,000,000 chil- tors, and are in a position to positively influ- H. RES. 50 dren are in need of a mentor. These children ence a child’s present and future. Whereas Claiborne deBorda Pell was born are growing up in challenging times. We must We all have an important role to play in im- on November 22, 1918, in the State of New encourage mentoring and express our grati- proving the lives of children in our commu- York; tude to those who perform this invaluable nities—after all, it takes a village. Our youth Whereas after receiving a degree in history service. It is unfortunately, beyond our capa- are yearning for guidance and direction from from Princeton University in 1940 and a Mas- bility to find every mentor and thank them indi- caring adults and mentoring enables everyday ter of the Arts degree from Columbia Univer- vidually. We can, however, pass H. Res. 41 to Americans to make a difference and help chil- sity in 1946, and after serving in the United recognize all of our Nation’s mentors this dren grow up to become responsible and pro- States Coast Guard during World War II, month and to support the goals and ideals of ductive citizens and meet their full potential. A Claiborne Pell continued his career in public service as part of the Foreign Service, serv- National Mentoring Month. I urge support for study by Big Brothers Big Sisters showed ing in Czechoslovakia, Italy, and the District H. Res. 41. mentored youth are 46 percent less likely to of Columbia; Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speaker, men- begin using illegal drugs, 53 percent less likely Whereas Claiborne Pell was elected to the toring impacts the lives of so many in our to skip school, and 33 percent less likely to Senate in 1960 by the people of the State of country. Three million people currently partici- get in fights. Rhode Island;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 Whereas in 1972, as a member of the Sen- Coast Guard during World War II and b 1430 ate, Claiborne Pell was instrumental in cre- later in the Coast Guard Reserves. His legacy left the United States ating the Basic Education Opportunity Returning to civilian life, Senator stronger. His life’s work opened the Grants; Pell worked in the Foreign Service in Whereas the Federal Pell Grants, renamed doors of educational opportunity wider in honor of Claiborne Pell in 1980, have Czechoslovakia, in Italy, and right here than they had ever been opened before. helped over 54,000,000 low- and middle-income in Washington, DC. Elected to the He is an example of the great character students attend college and achieve their from the State of of our people. educational goals; Rhode Island in 1960, Claiborne Pell I urge my colleagues to support this Whereas during his time in the Senate, quickly became a leading spokesman in resolution honoring this great Senator Claiborne Pell was a supporter of education, both international and domestic pol- who did so much to help Americans human rights, workers, international law icy. and diplomacy, and the arts, sponsoring the who might otherwise not be able to at- Senator Pell campaigned ardently for tend college, pursue higher education, legislation that created the National Endow- human rights, speaking out against ment for the Arts and the National Endow- and reach for new heights. ment for the Humanities; genocide occurring around the world. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Whereas the High Speed Ground Transpor- As a supporter of the issue of diplo- my time. tation Act of 1965, sponsored by Claiborne macy and law over military force, he Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Pell, became the origin for the Amtrak sys- advocated against the use of nuclear support of the resolution and yield my- tem in the Northeast corridor; weapons. self such time as I may consume. Whereas Claiborne Pell became Chairman While in the Senate, Claiborne Pell I rise in support of H. Res. 50, a reso- of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee sponsored the High Speed Ground lution honoring the life of Claiborne in 1987, and an important voice in United Transportation Act of 1965, which States foreign policy and against inter- Pell, the distinguished former Senator national military conflict; helped create the Amtrak system that from Rhode Island. While I never had Whereas after serving 6 terms in the Sen- more than 25 million people ride each the privilege and pleasure of working ate, Claiborne Pell retired in 1996; year. Senator Pell also sponsored legis- with Senator Pell, I know the Senator Whereas Claiborne Pell was appointed lation creating the National Endow- was a force to be reckoned with and United States Delegate to the United Na- ment For the Arts and the National have seen the impact of his 37 years in tions in 1997; Endowment For the Humanities, enti- the Senate in a number of areas I have Whereas on January 1, 2009, at the age of ties which play a vital role in devel- worked on with the Education and 90, Claiborne Pell passed away in Newport, oping and supporting the arts and his- Rhode Island: Now, therefore, be it Labor Committee. Senator Pell was a Resolved, That the House of Representa- torical preservation. dedicated public servant who served tives— Perhaps the accomplishment for our country during a time of war in the (1) honors the life, achievements, and dis- which Claiborne Pell is best known is United States Coast Guard and had a tinguished career of Senator Claiborne Pell; the creation of the Pell Grant. He was career in the Foreign Service prior to (2) emphasizes that, among his legislative the architect of the 1972 Basic Edu- being elected to serve the people of accomplishments, Senator Claiborne Pell cation Opportunity grants, which were Rhode Island in the United States Sen- changed the face of higher education by ena- later renamed in his honor by the U.S. ate in 1960. bling millions of low- and middle-income Congress. Senator Pell was instrumental in cre- students to achieve the dream of a college education; and Senator Pell often remarked that he ating the Basic Education Opportunity (3) recognizes the Federal Pell grants, the had been inspired to help students pay Grant program, later renamed the Pell educational grants that bear his name, as a for college by the provisions in the GI Grant Program, in his honor. significant part of the legacy of Senator bill, which had meant a great deal to This program was inspired by the GI Claiborne Pell. him as a veteran whose comrades were Bill, which had helped World War II The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- propelled to succeed by its educational veterans pay for educational expenses ant to the rule the gentleman from provisions. after the war. The Federal Pell Grant Texas (Mr. HINOJOSA) and the gen- Pell Grants, which have helped more has become the cornerstone of every fi- tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. than 54 million low and middle income nancial aid package for America’s PLATTS) each will control 20 minutes. students attend college, have changed neediest students. The Chair recognizes the gentleman the face of American education, open- Since the creation of the Pell Grant, from Texas. ing doors for millions of Americans, in- the Federal Government has distrib- GENERAL LEAVE cluding a great number of our col- uted approximately 108 million grants Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I re- leagues and friends and families and to help lower income students achieve quest 5 legislative days during which community members. Among all that their goals of a college education. Dur- Members may revise and extend and in- he had accomplished during his time on ing the past 8 years, Pell Grant funding sert extraneous material on House Res- Capitol Hill, Senator Pell often called has increased by 86 percent, supporting olution 50 into the RECORD. these grants his greatest achievement. a 28 percent increase in the number of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there A consummate gentleman renowned students who have benefited from this objection to the request of the gen- for his integrity, Claiborne Pell was re- program. Additionally, Congress tleman from Texas? spected and loved by his colleagues in strengthened this vital program during There was no objection. Congress as well as his constituents at the last Congress through the Higher Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield home in Rhode Island. On this day I Education Opportunity Act. These im- myself such time as I may consume. would like to commemorate Senator portant reforms allow students who I rise today to honor the life and nu- Pell’s empowering work and recognize want to accelerate their studies to re- merous accomplishments of former his numerous accomplishments. He is ceive a Pell Grant year round, ex- Senator Claiborne Pell. As a six-term an inspiration to us all and an example panded eligibility for the Pell Grant to United States Senator from Rhode Is- of how one person can make a dif- students whose mother or father made land and the former chairman of the ference. the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our Senate Committee on Foreign Rela- Senator Pell had a profound under- Nation, and included a sensible limit tions, he was a strong voice in edu- standing of what truly makes this Na- on the number of Pell Grants one stu- cational policy, international policy, tion great. In Senator Pell’s words, and dent could receive over their edu- and the arts. Sadly, Senator Pell I quote, ‘‘The strength of the United cational career. passed away on the first of this year at States is not the gold at Fort Knox nor While many of us know Senator Pell the age of 90. the weapons of mass destruction that for his work on creating the Pell Born in 1918, Senator Pell committed we have, but the sum total of the edu- Grant, he also sponsored legislation to himself to public service throughout cation and the character of our peo- create the National Endowment for the his life. He served in the United States ple.’’ Arts, the National Endowment for the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 563 Humanities and the Amtrak rail sys- tistical report that became the basis The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tem. Senator Pell’s interests were not for the bill creating the Basic Edu- objection to the request of the gen- purely domestic. He made important cational Opportunity Grant that even- tleman from Pennsylvania? contributions in foreign affairs as tually produced financial aid for 54 There was no objection. chairman of the Senate Foreign Rela- million low- and middle-income Ameri- Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I yield tions Committee and later as a United cans to have the opportunity to attend such time as he may consume to the States delegate to the United Nations. college. That grants program, of distinguished Member from California I know that I speak for all of our col- course, was renamed in honor of Sen- (Mr. DREIER). leagues in offering great praise to Sen- ator Pell in 1980. Mr. DREIER. I thank my good friend ator Pell in honoring him and express- In the early 1960s, Senator Pell also from Pennsylvania and my friend from ing condolences to his family as we re- had a role in the North American pas- Texas. member his many contributions to our senger railroad renaissance. He foresaw Mr. Speaker, I wasn’t planning to great Nation. the potential for a resurgence in the speak about Senator Pell until I heard I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ railroad system, which inspired him to the very thoughtful remarks of our on this resolution. draft the High Speed Ground Transpor- new colleague on the other side of the Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance tation Act of 1965, recommending that aisle, and I was thinking when he men- of my time. the Federal Government pump a half a tioned the term ‘‘eccentricities’’ not Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I am billion dollars into rail transportation defining Claiborne Pell, it immediately pleased to recognize a new Member of in the busy Northeast corridor between brought to mind one of my first oppor- Congress who served on the staff of the Boston and Washington, DC. He further tunities to have an exposure to an chairman of the Senate Foreign Rela- accelerated that construction, real- elected leader. I was in the 1970s an un- tions Committee where Claiborne Pell izing how important the magnitude of dergraduate in college in California, was Chair, and I wish to yield the gen- this project was, and increased the and we had, as a speaker on our cam- tleman from Virginia, Mr. GERRY overall investment to $1 billion. It was pus, Senator Claiborne Pell, who was CONNOLLY, up to 4 minutes. from this initiative that the modern flying in. I was charged with the task, Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. I thank Amtrak system emerged. Mr. Speaker, of actually picking him my colleague from Texas, and I rise in Senator Pell also possessed a keen in- up at Los Angeles International Air- support of the resolution today. terest in the arts and was the author of Mr. Speaker, I also rise to pay trib- port. the National Foundation of Arts and I will never forget when he arrived, ute to one of the most gifted and gra- Humanities Act of 1965. That legisla- cious legislators who has ever served in and looking like the New England gen- tion paved the way for the National tleman that he was, he came to Los the United States Congress, a man Endowment for the Arts, which makes whose life’s work influenced education, Angeles wearing a hat, carrying a great Federal grants to artists and art orga- big overcoat, and someone confronted culture and diplomacy for generations nizations, and the National Endow- of Americans. He was also a man with him at the airport. I was reminded, ment for the Humanities, which is fed- when my friend was just speaking whom I had the great pleasure of work- erally funded and dedicated to sup- ing during my 10 years serving on the about the fact that he would meet and porting research, education, preserva- talk to everyone, I had a car waiting, staff of the Senate Foreign Relations tion, public programs in the human- Committee. Senator Claiborne de and he stopped and spoke at length ities and projects exhibiting artistic with this gentleman there. Borda Pell may best be known for his excellence. Senator Pell’s vision al- effort to create a national college tui- Then, just a very few years later, Mr. most single-handedly revived the arts Speaker, I was very privileged to be tion grant program, which now bears and humanities in myriad communities his name, but Senator Pell was also in- able to have the opportunity to be in the United States. elected to serve here in the Congress, strumental in establishing the Na- Finally, Mr. Speaker, on a personal and I reminded Senator Pell of my first tional Endowment for the Arts and Hu- note, I had the privilege of working introduction to him just a few years manities and pushing for critical new with Senator Pell during his tenure as before when I was an undergraduate, investments in our Nation’s railroad the chairman of the Senate Foreign and he recounted very fondly his visit system. Relations Committee, where I served then. And I had a chance, during that As my colleagues know, Senator Pell on committee staff. Senator Pell was a period of time, to develop a friendship died early Friday, January 2, at his gracious and thoughtful man. He met with him and work with him on a num- home in Newport, Rhode Island. He was with any and all constituents who re- first elected to the United States Sen- quested a meeting, and he did so al- ber of issues. So I rise in strong support of this res- ate in 1960 and served six terms, becom- ways on time. ing the State’s longest-serving Sen- As a former Foreign Service Officer olution. He was a great public servant ator. Senator Pell came from a polit- and Coast Guard serviceman, he was a and a fascinating human being, and I ical family that had five members strong and passionate voice for the urge my colleagues to support this res- serve in the House or Senate, including men and women who serve our country olution. his great-great-granduncle George M. abroad and in the Coast Guard all of Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I want Dallas, who was a Senator from Penn- his distinguished career. He had his ec- to say that I am so happy to hear Con- sylvania in the 1830s and Vice Presi- centricities, but they did not charac- gressman DREIER make those kind re- dent under James K. Polk in the 1840s. terize the man. What characterized marks. As I listened to him, it re- Senator Pell’s version of his family Claiborne Pell, Mr. Speaker, was a minded me of 2 years ago when I was genealogy always insisted, when you sense of duty and his devotion to his chosen by members of the Democratic visited his home, that Dallas, Texas, country, his citizens, his high moral Caucus to be the chairman of the High- was named for this distinguished fore- principles and, despite his wealth, his er Education Committee, and one of bear. desire to spread opportunity to the av- the first things that I did was to invite Senator Pell’s father, Herbert Clai- erage man and woman of this country. presidents and chancellors of different borne Pell, served one term here in the His loss will be a source of grief for universities throughout our land to House, representing a portion of New me personally and all who knew him. come into our office and tell us about York. Ironically, he always opposed the Mr. HINOJOSA. I have no further what they consider to be the priorities Federal role in education, an idea with speakers. that they had on higher education. which Senator Claiborne Pell broke Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I had a I am pleased to say that the chan- courageously when he came here to the speaker arrive after I had already cellor from California, Cal State sys- United States Congress. yielded my time back. tem, came by to visit me. He pointed After being elected in 1960, Senator I would ask unanimous consent to re- out that through the association of Pell sponsored the preparation of a sta- claim my time. presidents and chancellors that there

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was no question that the highest pri- HINOJOSA) that the House suspend the ation of civil society and as a means of non- ority that they had for the 110th Con- rules and agree to the resolution, H. violent community progress consistent with gress was that we do something about Res. 50. the works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; increasing the amount of Federal in- The question was taken. (3) recognizes the benefits of the collabo- rative work by the many organizations that vestment in Pell Grants. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being promote, facilitate, and carry out needed I am pleased to say that we heard the service projects nationwide; message and we did something about in the affirmative, the ayes have it. (4) encourages its members and colleagues it, and that we have, in this Congress, Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, on that to urge their constituents, both in congres- the 110th, and we pledge in the 111th I demand the yeas and nays. sional districts and those visiting the Dis- Congress, to continue paying attention The yeas and nays were ordered. trict of Columbia on Inauguration Day, to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- to the need for funding for Pell Grants. participate in community service projects; ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Because if we are to address the afford- and Chair’s prior announcement, further (5) acknowledges that by serving one’s ability and the accessibility of higher proceedings on this motion will be country, one’s community and one’s neigh- education for many of the children of postponed. bor our Nation makes progress in civility, working families, it requires that addi- equality, and unity consistent with the val- f tional Federal investment as we now ues and life’s work of Dr. Martin Luther talk about the Pell Grants. RECOGNIZING THE EFFORTS OF King, Jr. With that, I urge everyone to vote THOSE WHO SERVE THEIR COM- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ‘‘yes’’ on this suspension bill. MUNITIES ON MARTIN LUTHER ant to the rule, the gentleman from Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today KING DAY Texas (Mr. HINOJOSA) and the gen- to pay tribute to Claiborne Pell, the great Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I move tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. former Senator from Rhode Island. Senator to suspend the rules and agree to the PLATTS) each will control 20 minutes. Pell’s life was defined by service, from the resolution (H. Res. 43) recognizing the The Chair recognizes the gentleman Coast Guard, to the Foreign Service, to 36 efforts of those who serve their com- from Texas. years in the United States Senate. He was a munities on Martin Luther King Day GENERAL LEAVE model statesman, willing to listen and com- and promoting the holiday as a day of Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I re- promise but never straying from his commit- national service. quest 5 legislative days during which ment to fairness and equality. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Members may revise and extend and in- Senator Pell has left a long list of achieve- tion. sert extraneous material on House Res- ments, but his greatest legacy is the Pell The text of the resolution is as fol- olution 43 into the RECORD. grant, which has opened the doors to college lows: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there for over 50 million students. He also intro- H. RES. 43 objection to the request of the gen- duced legislation to create the National En- Whereas the King Holiday and Service Act, tleman from Texas? dowment for the Arts and the National Endow- a law designating Martin Luther King Day There was no objection. ment for the Humanities. He was an ardent as a national day of volunteer service, was Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield environmentalist, working to protect oceans signed into law in 1994; myself such time as I may consume. from nuclear testing. Whereas millions of Americans have been I rise today in support of the resolu- Those are just a few of Senator Pell’s many inspired by the life and work of Dr. Martin tion before us, which recognizes the Luther King, Jr. to serve their neighbors and critical role of service and those who accomplishments. I would like to turn for a communities every third Monday of Janu- moment to some personal observations. I had give of their time to give back to their ary; communities. the great privilege of working for Senator Pell Whereas serving one’s community for the when I was a member of the staff of the Sen- betterment of every individual speaks to the b 1445 ate Foreign Relations Committee from 1987 to high character, transformative world view, This resolution also reminds us that 1989. He was a man of both grace and prin- and everyday practice of Dr. Martin Luther Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a na- King, Jr.; ciple. He rarely spoke a word in anger, but he tional day of service and encourages didn’t retreat from tough issues. He was a Whereas the efforts of national service vol- unteers have been a steadfast foundation of everyone to take part. gentle soul with a kind word for most. But it our Nation’s infrastructure, supporting not It is fitting that the day named in would be a grave mistake for anyone to inter- only individuals and families in need, but honor of the Reverend Martin Luther pret his gentle disposition as a sign of weak- acting in response to national catastrophes King, Jr., is also a day for neighbors, ness. He was passionate about the issues he and natural disasters; for friends, young and old, to give back cared about and relentless in pursuing them. Whereas citizens have the opportunity to to their communities. Dr. King’s lead- He was insistent that the United States play participate in thousands of already sched- ership in the ministry and public serv- a leading role in the world. He believed uled events all across the country, as well as ice produced epic and societal change strongly in attempting to resolve international create and implement a community service to this great nation. He set an example project where they identify the need; conflicts through negotiation and diplomacy Whereas the Corporation for National and for all of us to follow. before resorting to the use of force. His ap- Community Service, is working with the His words offer us very simple direc- proach may have fallen out of political fashion Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Non- tions. In his ‘‘drum major instinct’’ for a time, but the passage of time has shown violent Social Change, and thousands of speech he said, ‘‘You don’t have to the wisdom of his counsel. other nonprofit, community, national serv- have a college degree to serve. You We have entered an age that is often domi- ice, and education organizations across the don’t have to make your subject and nated by 20-second sound bites and partisan country to encourage Americans to serve on your verb agree to serve. You don’t political combat. Senator Pell would not have this holiday and throughout the year; and have to know about Plato and Aris- felt as comfortable in this new political envi- Whereas leaders at the Federal, State and totle to serve. You only need a heart local level are planning to use the Martin ronment, nor should he. Rather, we would do Luther King Day and Inauguration Day to full of grace, a soul generated by love.’’ better to return to the more, deliberate and rally our Nation to commit to serve and to Over the last few years, the United gentle ways he brought to the Senate. We make an ongoing commitment to service: States has endured and survived the have a lot to learn from his example. I will Now, therefore, be it terrorist attacks of 9/11 and hurricanes miss him, but our Nation is certainly stronger Resolved, That the House of Representa- and floods that devastated families and and better as a result of the life he lived and tives— communities. Without hesitation, vol- the legacy he left behind. (1) encourages all Americans to pay tribute unteers across the Nation rallied to- Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield to the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther gether to help stabilize and to rebuild King, Jr. through participation in commu- back the balance of my time. nity service projects on Martin Luther King our devastated communities. And just The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Day; as critical, during times of peace and question is on the motion offered by (2) recognizes the inherent value of com- calm in communities across this coun- the gentleman from Texas (Mr. munity service and volunteerism in the cre- try, people hear the call of service and

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Mr. Speaker, I am of Americans with a message to serve. built on the idea of service. And while pleased to yield 4 minutes to the dis- I ask my colleagues to join with me in we set aside Martin Luther King, Jr. tinguished gentlewoman from Cali- promoting service on Martin Luther Day as a day of service, there are op- fornia (Ms. MATSUI), who serves on the King, Jr. Day and encouraging all of portunities to give back each and every Rules Committee and the Energy and those constituents, both at home and day. Commerce Committee. those traveling to Washington, D.C. for Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I would the inauguration, to serve. my time. like to thank the gentleman from Thank you once again. Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Texas for yielding me this time. Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I am support of H. Res. 43 and yield myself I rise today to offer, along with my pleased to yield 4 minutes to my good such time as I may consume. National Service Caucus co-Chairs, of friend, the gentleman from the State of Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 43 which the gentleman from Pennsyl- Illinois (Mr. DAVIS), a gentleman who promotes the Martin Luther King holi- vania is one, a resolution highlighting serves on the Ways and Means Com- day as a day of national service and the men and women who inspire and mittee and has served and distin- recognizes the efforts of the countless actively pursue a better country, those guished himself on our Committee on Americans who will volunteer their who serve the communities on Dr. Mar- Education and Labor. services on behalf of many worthy tin Luther King, Jr. Day. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Thank you causes. I am proud to have introduced Since 1994, we have celebrated the very much, Mr. Chairman. Let me first this resolution with my fellow co- King holiday by making it ‘‘a day on,’’ of all thank my good friend and chair- Chairs of the National Service Caucus, not ‘‘a day off,’’ observing every third man of our subcommittee. As a matter Representatives DORIS MATSUI and Monday in January as a national day of fact, I am already beginning to feel . of service. Dr. King’s legacy guides us disappointed and underprivileged be- In 1994, President signed to work for equality and social justice, cause I will not have the opportunity into law the King Holiday and Service to serve with him this year as a result towards common understanding and Act to officially establish Martin Lu- of leaving the Education Committee. shared experiences. Serving one’s ther King Day as a day of national But I want to thank him for yielding neighbor, one’s community and our service in recognition of Dr. King’s time, and I want to thank him for his country allow every individual in our selfless and courageous service to his tremendous leadership. fellow citizens. Since this time, mil- Nation to walk down the road with Dr. Mr. Speaker, next Tuesday will usher lions of Americans have recognized this King, looking forward, continually fo- in a new era of hope, a new chapter in holiday as ‘‘a day on,’’ not ‘‘a day off,’’ cused on reaching the promised land. the history of America, when Presi- by volunteering in soup kitchens, orga- This coming Monday, millions of dent-elect Obama takes office. This nizing charity drives, mentoring chil- Americans will participate in thou- historic moment brings renewed energy dren or aiding in urban revitalization sands of already-planned events across to Dr. King’s mission and memory. We efforts. this country. Thousands more will must not forget that we have reached This year, the Corporation for Na- come to our Nation’s capital to see his- this place in history partly because of tional & Community Service, Amer- tory in the making and answer our Dr. King’s remarkable life. Today I ica’s Promise Alliance and AmeriCorps President-elect’s call to service. As we would like to honor his memory and NCCC are hosting a food drive across embark on a new era of optimism and those who work tirelessly for his cause. Capitol Hill to restock the shelves at hope for a better tomorrow, we should Frederick Douglass once said, ‘‘A the Capital Area Food Bank. Wash- start our journey by not only observing battle lost or won is easily described, ington, D.C. schools will be closed for a change, but by honoring the legacy of understood, and appreciated, but the 5-day weekend with the Martin Luther Dr. King and actively creating it. moral growth of a great nation re- King holiday and the Presidential inau- I commend and join with President- quires reflection, as well as observa- guration this coming week, leaving elect Obama and Vice President-elect tion, to appreciate it.’’ Today, we do over 50,000 students without nutritious BIDEN in calling for a new attitude to- just that. Today we reflect on one life meals they would have otherwise re- ward service in our country. When we that changed the course of so many ceived through the school lunch and ask what we can do for our country, others. We reflect on the commitment breakfast programs. the call shouldn’t be answered only one and integrity of a man who stood up to Non-perishable canned food items day a year. those who said he was nothing. We re- can be delivered through this Thurs- It is my hope that this year’s Martin flect on a man who had his priorities in day, January 15, to either my office or Luther King, Jr. Day of National Serv- line, who knew what was important the offices of Representatives DORIS ice marks a starting point that will and never forgot it. And we reflect so MATSUI, DAVID PRICE and MIKE HONDA. continue throughout the year and en- that we can learn what we must do as On Thursday, AmeriCorps NCCC stu- gage millions of Americans in a new a nation to realize Dr. King’s dream. dents will pick up the canned food commitment to service. Born January 15, 1929, Dr. King grew items and ensure their delivery to the This year’s national day of service up to be a man who would change Capital Area Food Bank. promises to be larger than ever before. American history by fighting for fair- Finally, there are numerous opportu- Efforts by the many service organiza- ness, dignity and equality for all under nities for individuals to serve their tions, as well as the Presidential Inau- the law and through the eyes of his fel- communities on Martin Luther King gural Committee and the corporation low citizens. But his journey was never Day. I urge my fellow Members of Con- for National and Community Service, easy. Martin Luther King attended gress and constituents to take time out have organized like never before. Right ’s segregated public schools. of their daily lives and give back to here on Capitol Hill, as has been pre- Like so many others, Dr. King was told their communities. A list of volunteer viously mentioned, the organization by society that he was a lesser being opportunities is an available online at America’s Promise, along with the Cor- and that he could never be as good, as mlkday.gov. poration for National and Community human, as his peers. I cannot think of a more appropriate Service, are sponsoring a food drive to But his journey was never easy. De- way to honor the heroic life and ac- support local food banks. These groups spite the hardships, the bombings, the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 fire hoses, the dogs, the relentless beat- talked about, by contacting offices and ute to Dr. King’s memory. As the Chair of the ings and the death of those devoted to doing what they can at food banks to Congressional Asian Pacific American Cau- his cause, Dr. King was able to rally provide assistance. It is being done in cus, I am proud to join the Congressional his followers to rise to the occasion by the names of Barack Obama, the Rev- Black Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Cau- his purpose-driven actions and unfor- erend Joseph Lowery, and, of course, cus and the National Service Caucus in co- gettable rhetoric. Dr. Martin Luther King. sponsoring a food drive to support the Capitol In the great example of Dr. King’s in- So I again thank my colleagues for Area Food Bank, whose resources are running fluence, 250,000 men and women, white their effort and the focus on this very, thin. In Washington, DC alone, 56,000 children and black, gathered for the famous very important issue, and again urge are at risk of being hungry on any day of the march on Washington. It was there all of us to support this resolution. year. But with the convergence of the Martin that Dr. King delivered his ‘‘I have a Mr. BACA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Luther King, Jr. Federal holiday and the Presi- Dream’’ speech to the Nation. voice my strong support for H. Res. 43, a res- dential Inauguration, these children face a Dr. King’s legacy reminds us that olution that promotes the Martin Luther King long 5-day weekend when the school break- there are some things we must con- Holiday as a day of national service. fasts and lunches upon which they depend will tinue to fight for. And although the For me, one of the most powerful images of not be available. rocky road that Dr. King traveled is Washington is the image of Dr. King con- I am proud to recognize the millions of somewhat smoother today, this Nation veying his dream during his 1963 ‘‘March on Americans inspired by the life of Dr. Martin Lu- must continue to promote equal oppor- Washington’’, on the steps of the Lincoln Me- ther King, Jr. to serve their communities and tunity and fairness for all Americans. morial. encourage all my colleagues in Congress and As we face today’s many challenges, we Dr. King understood government has a fun- our fellow Americans to join their neighbors in remember that Dr. King’s hope for a damental responsibility to meet the needs of community service projects on this important better tomorrow is very much alive. all Americans regardless of race or economic day and throughout the year. Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, today I rise in sup- So I thank you, Mr. Speaker, for the class. port of H. Res. 43, a resolution recognizing opportunity to participate in this dis- As our Nation prepares to celebrate Martin the efforts of those who serve their commu- cussion, and again I want to thank my Luther King Day, and the inauguration of the nities on Martin Luther King Day and pro- friend and colleague from the great next President, we remember Dr. King as a moting the holiday as a day of national serv- State of Texas for giving me the oppor- beacon of change. ice. tunity. He gave people the faith and courage to I am proud to have this opportunity to high- Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield work peacefully for change to stop racial dis- light the importance of national service as well 4 minutes to the honorable gentleman crimination, and promote equality and oppor- as honor a national leader and hero, Martin from California (Mr. DREIER) so that he tunity across America. Luther King, Jr. can speak to this House resolution. So on the day of remembrance named in Next Monday, we will celebrate this extraor- Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, let me his honor, let us all truly recommit ourselves to dinary man and the legacy of service he begin by expressing my appreciation to changing and working to bring about oppor- engrained on our Nation through our dedica- my good friend and colleague Mr. tunity for all Americans. tion to service. HINOJOSA for his leadership and his We call on our Nation to serve, and recog- This year, our celebration of Dr. King’s life management of this, and to my friend nize the determination of those men and and his commitment to improving the lives of Mr. PLATTS as well, and Ms. MATSUI women who continue to work to make the all Americans is more significant than ever as and Mr. DAVIS for their very thoughtful world a better place for future generations. the country swears in our first African Amer- remarks. I urge my colleagues to honor the legacy of ican president, Barack Obama, the very next I, of course, rise in very strong sup- Dr. King and those who continue to follow his day. port of the resolution. I was looking example, and support H. Res. 43. The extraordinary work of Dr. King and his forward to voting for it, but I didn’t in- Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with enduring message of providing equal opportu- tend to address it until I listened to the great pleasure of supporting of H. Res. 43, nities for all Americans—in conjunction with the remarks of Mr. DAVIS in which I which recognizes the hard work of those who the inauguration of our new president—pro- was reminded of a very thoughtful serve in their communities on Martin Luther vide proof that our Nation is capable of great interview I heard this morning with King Day and promotes the holiday as a day change and proof that through service, our the Reverend Joseph Lowery, who, as of national service. Nation can accomplish whatever it dreams. we know, next Tuesday at the age of 87 During Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s lifetime, As our country swears in President Obama is going to be participating in the his- he worked tirelessly toward creating a more on January 20, I know that Martin Luther King, toric inauguration of Barack Obama. just America, seeking to not only heal this Na- Jr. will be in my thoughts, as well as in the He was talking about the Reverend tion’s racial divides, but to empower all Ameri- thoughts of many proud Americans. It is peo- Martin Luther King and the level of ac- cans to take responsibility for bettering their ple like Dr. King that make our country great, tivism that he had in the civil rights communities through service. Recognizing this that make me proud to be a citizen of this movement, and he ended his interview legacy, Congress passed the King Holiday great Nation, and that inspire me to serve. I am pleased to join my colleagues in recog- by saying, Mr. Speaker, that he very and Service Act in 1994, designating the King nizing the amazing service of this man that much appreciated the fact that at age Holiday as a national day of volunteer service continues to inspire in our Nation year after 87 he had lived long enough to be able and asking Americans of all backgrounds and year. to see the history that we will all wit- ages to honor Dr. King’s legacy by engaging I urge my colleagues to not only join me in ness next Tuesday. in service projects in their communities. Since supporting today’s resolution, but join me in This resolution is focused on ensur- Congress passed the act 14 years ago, mil- continuing the call for service in our commu- ing that we encourage the level of vol- lions of Americans have come together on the nities on this special day, and throughout the unteerism that is necessary to deal third Monday of January to engage in service year. with what is a very, very serious soci- projects ranging from mentoring children to Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, etal challenge that we face at this mo- building homes. By bringing together neigh- I rise in strong support of H. Res. 43, and ment, and that is the hunger problem; bors who might not normally meet, the King thank my colleague, Congressman TODD the fact that there are so many people Day of Service strengthens our communities PLATTS, authoring this important resolution. who, because of the economic downturn and country by breaking down barriers that Mr. Speaker, yesterday the Nation observed through which we are going, are suf- have historically divided us and promoting for the 21st time the Martin Luther King, Jr., fering. civic engagement. holiday. Each year this day is set aside for So I want to join with my friends, en- Although participation in the King Day of Americans to celebrate the life and legacy of couraging my constituents in Cali- Service has increased each year, many Amer- a man who brought hope and healing to fornia, those here in the metropolitan icans remain unaware of the service compo- America. The Martin Luther King holiday re- area, and others around the country to nent of the holiday, making it essential for minds us that nothing is impossible when we support the effort that Mr. PLATTS more organizations to promote this fitting trib- are guided by the better angels of our nature.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 567 Dr. King’s inspiring words filled a great void themselves, look past differences, and work lost his profound love for all mankind. I’d like in our Nation, and answered our collective toward equality. Serving side by side, commu- to thank those Americans who spend their hol- longing to become a country that truly lived by nity service bridges barriers between people iday volunteering in their communities, helping its noblest principles. Yet, Dr. King knew that and teaches us that in the end, we are more out their brothers and their sisters. Your self- it wasn’t enough just to talk the talk; he knew alike than we are different. lessness and sense of civic duty move Amer- he had to walk the walk for his words to be These ideas of unity, purpose, and the great ica one step closer to Dr. King’s vision of the credible. And so we commemorate on this hol- things that can happen when we work to- ‘‘Beloved Community.’’ That is worth a day’s iday the man of action, who put his life on the gether toward a common goal—are just some work from any of us. line for freedom and justice every day. of the many reasons we honor Dr. King Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise We honor the courage of a man who en- through service on this special holiday. I urge today to express my strong support for H. dured harassment, threats and beatings, and my colleagues to join me in supporting this Res. 43, which recognizes the efforts of those even bombings. We commemorate the man legislation and the man who epitomized com- who serve their communities on Martin Luther who went to jail 29 times to achieve freedom munity service—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. King Day and promotes the holiday as a day for others, and who knew he would pay the ul- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. of national service. timate price for his leadership, but kept on Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Dr. King’s Fifteen years ago, the enactment of the marching and protesting and organizing any- legacy and to commemorate this day of na- King Holiday and Service Act officially des- way. tional service. ignated Martin Luther King Day as a national Dr. King once said that we all have to de- Dr. King once said, ‘‘Everybody can be day of volunteer service. Each year since, mil- cide whether we ‘‘will walk in the light of cre- great . . . because anybody can serve. You lions of Americans across the country, and ative altruism or the darkness of destructive don’t have to have a college degree to serve. thousands in my congressional district, have selfishness. Life’s most persistent and nagging You don’t have to make your subject and verb been inspired to serve their neighbors and question, he said, is ‘what are you doing for agree to serve. You only need a heart full of communities every third Monday of January. others?’ ’’ grace. A soul generated by love.’’ This is an impressive achievement but it is When Martin talked about the end of his It is that idea, that together we can make a a fitting tribute to one of the greatest figures difference, in this Nation and in the lives of mortal life in one of his last sermons, on Feb- in world history. Dr. King dedicated and, ulti- others, that has prompted this day of service. ruary 4, 1968, in the pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist mately, sacrificed his life to serve others, es- I believe that the message of change reso- Church, even then he lifted up the value of pecially ‘‘the least of these.’’ As he famously nates greatly this particular Martin Luther King service as the hallmark of a full life. ‘‘I’d like observed, ‘‘Everybody can be great because Day. somebody to mention on that day Martin Lu- This past year, I have seen young people everybody can serve.’’ Mr. Speaker, at this defining moment in his- ther King, Jr. tried to give his life serving oth- who have never before been involved in serv- ers,’’ he said. ‘‘I want you to say on that day, ice working to change their communities. The tory our country faces enormous challenges that I did try in my life . . . to love and serve ideals for which Dr. King gave his life have en- and given the enormity of unmet needs, every humanity. ergized a new generation of peaceful activists. contribution—big and small—matters. Mr. Speaker, during these difficult days These young people may not have experi- All across our land, there are children and when the United States is bogged down in a enced the words and spirit of Dr. King during adults to educate; seniors to care for; hungry misguided and mismanaged war in Iraq; ca- their lifetime, but his legacy drives their efforts persons to feed; jobless to train and employ; lamities on Wall Street—Main Street—and in and enthusiasm. the environment to protect; and justice to pur- the American automobile industry; we should It is a testament to his greatness that Dr. sue. In short, there is much unfinished work to also remember that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s message has transcended time and be done. King, Jr., who was above all, a person who generations. Dr. King called on all of us to no Mr. Speaker, I applaud the Corporation for was always willing to serve to help his fellow longer stand alone in silence, but to stand up National and Community Service, the Martin man. together as a voice against injustice. He in- Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social This year thousands of Americans across spired us to fight for change through non- Change, and thousands of other nonprofit, the country will celebrate the national holiday violent means, and paved the road for us to community, national service, and education or- honoring the life and work of Martin Luther continue that fight even after his death. ganizations across the country for encouraging King, Jr. by making the holiday ‘‘a day on, not Dr. King left us with the challenge to coura- Americans to serve their communities this holi- a day off.’’ geously fight and secure the civil rights for all, day and throughout the year. The King Day of Service is a way to trans- from the impoverished and disenfranchised I urge all Americans to honor Dr. King by form Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and underclass to the politically and economically making the holiday in his honor a ‘‘day on,’’ teachings into community service that helps endowed. And while we have made great not a day off. Dr. King could always be found solve social problems. That service may meet progress, there is still work to be done. We serving others. So should we. a tangible need, such as fixing up a school or must remain diligent and engaged in defining Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, I senior center, or it may meet a need of the how our Nation will achieve this equality. rise in support of H. Res. 43—Recognizing the spirit, such as building a sense of community Today’s Martin Luther King Day is as much efforts of those who serve their communities or mutual responsibility. On this day, Ameri- about the past as it is about the present and on Martin Luther King Day. Of the many leg- cans of every age and background celebrate the future. Dr. King’s dream is truly timeless, acies left behind by this great leader, Dr. Mar- Dr. King through service projects that: and I hope all will participate in this day of tin Luther King Jr.’s message of community Strengthen Communities—Dr. King recog- service to honor his faith and vision. building is one that resonates with us today. nized the power of service to strengthen com- Mr. BARROW. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support Martin Luther King Jr. recognized that in munities and achieve common goals. Through of H. Res. 43 honoring the memory of Dr. striving toward equality, the true work begins his words and example, Dr. King challenged Martin Luther King, Jr., and thanking those in the neighborhoods and streets of our com- individuals to take action and lift up their who continue to honor his memory by giving munities. King demonstrated power of service neighbors and communities through service. back to the communities in which they live. through his work spreading his message Empower Individuals—Dr. King believed Dr. King once said, ‘‘Life’s most persistent across the United States. We not only pause each individual possessed the power to lift and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing on January 19, 2009, Martin Luther King Day himself or herself up no matter what his or her for others?’ ’’ Enacted in 1994 by Congress, to remember his legacy, but we use this as a circumstances—rich or poor, black or white, the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service day to promote his message of service. Volun- man or woman. Whether teaching literacy was started to honor Dr. King’s legacy by giv- teers across this great Nation are working on skills, helping an older adult surf the Web, or ing folks the opportunity to answer that ques- service projects to commemorate his vision helping an individual build the skills they need tion. Its theme, ‘‘Make it a Day On, not a Day and teachings. In addition to asking Americans to acquire a job, acts of service can help oth- Off,’’ urges Americans everywhere to spend to serve, President-elect Obama, Vice Presi- ers improve their own lives while doing so their day off working to create a better soci- dent-elect BIDEN, and their families will partici- much for those who serve, as well. ety—as Dr. King did. pate in service activities. President-elect Bridge Barriers—In his fight for civil rights, Despite all the hardships and discrimination Barack Obama leads by example as a former Dr. King inspired Americans to think beyond he experienced in his lifetime, Dr. King never Chicago community organizer, helping people

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 568 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 one at a time. When he calls for progress and recognizing the importance of national service, lution (H. Res. 15) authorizing and di- change he asks the American people to par- supporting the efforts of those who serve their recting the Committee on the Judici- ticipate in that change. Martin Luther King Day communities on Martin Luther King Day, and ary to inquire whether the House should inspire us all to participate in serving promoting the Martin Luther King Day holiday should impeach G. Thomas Porteous, a our communities throughout the year. as a day of national service. judge of the United States District Mr. Speaker, I rise in commemoration and During the 1950s and ’60s, civil rights lead- Court for the Eastern District of Lou- celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin er Martin Luther King, Jr. recognized the isiana, as amended. Luther King Jr. In addition, in the coming days power of service to strengthen communities The Clerk read the title of the resolu- and beyond, I encourage my fellow Americans and achieve common goals. King’s ideas of tion. to both celebrate great change that has come unity and purpose highlighted the great things The text of the resolution is as fol- and strive to be the change that we need as that can happen when we work together to- lows: we progress towards King’s vision of the ‘‘be- ward a common goal, and these ideas are as H. RES. 15 loved community.’’ important today as they were 50 years ago. Resolved, That in continuance of the au- Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in In 1994, Congress passed the King Holiday thority conferred in House Resolution 1448 of support of National Service Day that is held on and Service Act to transform the King Holiday the One Hundred Tenth Congress adopted by the third Monday of January each year, the into a national day of service to meet commu- the House of Representatives on September same day that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, nity needs. Since that time, millions of Ameri- 17, 2008, the Committee on the Judiciary shall inquire whether the House should im- Jr.’s birthday is observed. cans have participated in community-building peach G. Thomas Porteous, a judge of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is well activities on King Day, treating the holiday as United States District Court for the Eastern known for his peaceful march on Washington, ‘‘a day on, not a day off.’’ District of . DC where he delivered his famous ‘‘I Have a The day before President-elect Obama’s in- SEC. 2. The Committee on the Judiciary or Dream’’ speech and other nonviolent protests. auguration is the Martin Luther King holiday. any subcommittee or task force designated But as a minister and civil rights activist, his With thousands of projects planned across the by the Committee may, in connection with vision was to end discrimination and to im- country, in addition to a call to serve from the inquiry under this resolution, take affi- davits and depositions by a member, counsel, prove the lives of all mankind. He focused on President-elect Obama, the 2009 King Day of Service on January 19 promises to be the or consultant of the Committee, pursuant to community organizing where he told others notice or subpoena. that they can make a change if they worked most successful national service effort to date. SEC. 3. There shall be paid out of the appli- together. Both President-elect Obama and Vice-Presi- cable accounts of the House of Representa- In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. it is dent-elect BIDEN, along with their families, will tives such sums as may be necessary to as- important for people to get involved in their be participating in service events to honor sist the Committee in conducting the in- communities and give back to those in need. Martin Luther King and commemorate the holi- quiry under this resolution until a primary Volunteering at a food bank, helping to clean day. I encourage my colleagues and their staff expense resolution providing for the expenses of the Committee on the Judiciary for the up a neighborhood, donating blood are simple to share in the spirit of volunteerism and unity by participating in a service opportunity here in first session of the One Hundred Eleventh ways that people can participate in National Congress is adopted. Any of the amounts Service Day. Washington, DC, or back home with their con- paid under the authority of this section may It is time for us to get involved to help oth- stituents on January 19. be used for the procurement of staff or con- ers and to improve our Nation as a whole. I am pleased that the President-elect has sultant services. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today been part of the call to ensure that this day be SEC. 4. (a) For the purpose of the inquiry in strong support of H. Res. 43, which recog- a day devoted to service. However, I know, as under this resolution, the Committee on the nizes the efforts of those who serve their com- President-elect Obama knows, that one day of Judiciary is authorized to require by sub- poena or otherwise— munities on Martin Luther King Day and pro- good deeds is not enough. Throughout the presidential campaign, the President-elect (1) the attendance and testimony of any motes the holiday as a day of national service. person (including at a taking of a deposition During his life, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke about a new era of civic engagement, by counsel or consultant of the Committee); recognized the power of service to strengthen and I hope that the passage of H. Res. 43 will and communities. In 1994, Congress made Martin build on Martin Luther King day and the Inau- (2) the production of such things; Luther King Day a national day of community guration and reaffirm our ongoing commitment as it deems necessary to such inquiry. volunteerism to further commemorate Dr. to service. (b) The Chairman of the Committee on the King’s commitment to others. b 1445 Judiciary, after consultation with the rank- This King Day, as part of inauguration fes- ing minority member, may exercise the au- Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I have tivities, President-elect Barack Obama has en- thority of the Committee under subsection no further speakers, and I yield back (a). couraged all Americans to not only use this the balance of my time. (c) The Committee on the Judiciary may day to volunteer, but to also make a long-term The SPEAKER pro tempore. The adopt a rule regulating the taking of deposi- commitment to community service. question is on the motion offered by tions by a member, counsel, or consultant of At home in Minnesota, and across the Na- the gentleman from Texas (Mr. the Committee, including pursuant to sub- tion, many will volunteer to serve their commu- poena. HINOJOSA) that the House suspend the nities by working at food banks, helping the rules and agree to the resolution, H. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- homeless, and improving schools. Minneso- Res. 43. ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from tans have a proud tradition of civic engage- The question was taken. California (Ms. MATSUI) and the gen- ment. In a study conducted by the Corporation The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the tleman from California (Mr. DREIER) for National and Community Service, Min- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being each will control 20 minutes. neapolis-St. Paul was ranked number one for in the affirmative, the ayes have it. The Chair recognizes the gentle- volunteer rates in a large city. Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, on that woman from California. As we begin this new Congress and new I demand the yeas and nays. GENERAL LEAVE White House Administration, I can think of no The yeas and nays were ordered. Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I ask better way to strengthen our country than to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- unanimous consent that all Members help create change in our communities. I en- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the have 5 legislative days in which to re- courage everyone to get involved this Martin Chair’s prior announcement, further vise and extend their remarks and in- Luther King Day and to browse http:// proceedings on this motion will be clude extraneous material on H. Res. www.usaservice.org for volunteer opportuni- postponed. 15. ties. I also want to thank every American who f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there will volunteer on Monday and those that con- objection to the request of the gentle- tinue to serve throughout the year. IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY OF JUDGE woman from California? Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, G. THOMAS PORTEOUS There was no objection. as a co-chair of the National Service Caucus, Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I move to Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I yield I am pleased to be a cosponsor of H. Res. 43, suspend the rules and agree to the reso- myself such time as I may consume.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 569 Mr. Speaker, H. Res. 15 provides for a key role in getting our economy back actual narrowing of the trade imbal- continuation of the authority provided on track. ance, we also know that one of the im- in H. Res. 1448, as adopted by the House The first bill is known as the Fair portant things for us to do is to deal in the 110th Congress. H. Res. 15 states and Simple Tax Plan. We all know with the challenge of jobs leaving the that in continuance of H. Res. 1448, the about the complexity of the Internal United States and going overseas. And House directs the Committee on the Revenue code, and we regularly hear so that’s why the Fair and Simple Tax Judiciary to inquire whether the House from our constituents about the level Plan also reduces the top tax rate on should impeach G. Thomas Porteous, a of frustration. And we all know that it job creators from 35 percent to 25 per- judge of the United States District is very time consuming and costly to cent, and economists across the board Court for the Eastern District of Lou- deal with this complex code. have recognized that that would go a isiana. The Fair and Simple Tax Plan is a long way towards creating good jobs I reserve the balance of my time. package that I was privileged to work right here in the United States of Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I yield with the former Mayor of New York, America. myself such time as I might consume. Rudy Giuliani; former nominee for We also know that the tax on capital Mr. Speaker, as my good friend from Governor in California, Bill Simon; has been very, very high and people are Sacramento, my Rules Committee col- former economic adviser to President living with the threat of it possibly league, has just said, this resolution George H.W. Bush, Michael Boskin at going up. And so the Fair and Simple will allow the Judiciary Committee to Stanford University, and several oth- Tax Plan brings about a reduction to 15 continue its very important oversight ers. It is a plan, Mr. Speaker, that percent of that tax on capital gains. work by reauthorizing an investigation would take the six tax rates that we And not many people are witnessing of G. Thomas Porteous. have today and compress them down to capital gains at this point, but as we The committee’s ongoing inquiry three rates. The top rate, Mr. Speaker, seek to get our economy back on track, into his conduct and the question of would be 10 percent on the first $40,000 I believe it’s very important and that whether to pursue impeachment by the in income, 15 percent on income be- would be a key to helping us in our ef- House should continue in this 111th tween $40 and $150,000, and a top rate of fort to do that. Congress. This is a bipartisan ongoing 30 percent on all income above $150,000. So this is, again, a very simple plan effort. In fact, Mr. Speaker, it is so ut- Now, I believe that that kind of rate that I believe could dramatically stim- terly bipartisan and noncontroversial reduction would increase compliance ulate economic growth and get to the that our colleagues could very reason- and stimulate very important eco- kind of permanence that we need. ably expect that this measure would nomic growth that the American peo- I will say that I heard some remarks have been considered by unanimous ple know is desperately needed as we being made by our distinguished col- consent. Such widely supported proce- deal with these tough economic times. league, the chairman of the Senate dural matters usually do not demand a This measure also has some other Budget Committee, Mr. CONRAD, in formal debate. very important components that would which he was referring to some of the I certainly do hope that today’s con- take the complex Internal Revenue concerns that he’s had with this mas- sideration of this resolution under sus- code and bring it down to a single page, sive economic stimulus bill that is pension of the rules is not an indica- one page. It does maintain, Mr. Speak- about to come before us. And one of the tion that the Democratic leadership er, some important provisions, like the concerns that he raised as he talked needs filler time for the schedule. I ability for the American taxpayer to about it being timely and targeted, mean, it would be a little disconcerting deduct the interest on their home that we—and temporary, those three to think that they have nothing more mortgage; the ability, and we talked Ts—that we do everything we can to important to do in the House, just 1 about the resolution earlier, encour- ensure that. And he pointed to the fact week before this very, very important aging volunteerism; the ability to con- that the notion of dramatically extend- inauguration. So whatever the motiva- tinue to deduct the charitable con- ing and making permanent the unem- tion of today’s procedure, I do strongly tributions that people make as we en- ployment insurance would not be tem- support this measure. courage this level of volunteerism. porary. Making permanent COBRA pro- I will say, Mr. Speaker, that as we Very important. visions would not be temporary. Those look at this debate on this resolution It also maintains the important child are two issues that our colleague, Mr. that we’re considering under suspen- credit and the provisions that have ex- CONRAD, has raised as concerns. sion of the rules that, as I said, could isted. And it expands incentives for re- So I think that there’s a lot of con- be considered by unanimous consent, tirement, and it includes a $15,000 ex- troversy swirling around this so-called we know that the pressing issue for the clusion to deal with the challenge that economic stimulus package, and I American people right now is our effort we have with health care. And that think that if we want it to be timely to get our economy back on track. $15,000 could be utilized for the pur- and temporary, these government That’s what so much of the talk is chase of health insurance or direct spending programs, we need to spend going on right here in Washington, and health care costs, because we know time and effort focused on how we can we know that virtually everyone across what a pressing need that is that exists permanently, permanently get our this country and, frankly, around the today. economy back on track. world, as we deal with this global eco- It also is important, if we’re going to I mentioned the first of the trio of nomic downturn, virtually everyone is get our economy back on track, Mr. bills that I introduced a week ago talking about what steps can be taken Speaker, and I wish that we were hav- today, Mr. Speaker. The second one is for us to get our economy back on ing a full debate on this issue right dealing with an important sector of our track. now, for us to, I believe, completely economy which we all know has played And it would seem to me that, rather eliminate the inheritance tax, the so- a key role in the downturn through than taking time on a resolution such called death tax. which we’re now going, and that is the as this, which could have been consid- When you see people having to sell housing industry. And we’ve seen huge ered by unanimous consent, that we businesses, to sell homes, simply to sums of money pushed toward the should be moving ahead as expedi- comply with the Internal Revenue housing industry right now, and I be- tiously as possible with legislation code, and I know that with that death lieve that one of the things that we that will, in fact, get our economy tax, I believe that completely repealing need to do is to reward responsible be- back on track. that, nailing the coffin on the death havior. That’s why I, on opening day, just a tax is something that is very impor- Now, unfortunately, government pol- week ago today, in fact, I was proud to tant. icy has encouraged people to purchase introduce a trio of bills that I believe We also know, and today we got the homes with zero down, and have inter- very strongly, Mr. Speaker, will play a news about the fact that we’ve seen an est rates that are extraordinarily low;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 570 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 basically turning the home ownership, duced on this, Mr. Speaker, would do Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I am something that we very much want to the following: pleased to support H. Res. 15, which I co- encourage, into little more than homes We basically are saying that today sponsored with Chairman CONYERS. This reso- into little more than rental units, cre- we know that the sales tax, both State lution provides continued authorization for an ating incentive for people to walk away and local sales tax in States has been inquiry into whether U.S. District Judge G. from them. very high, and so we called for a credit Thomas Porteous should be impeached. So the second bill that I introduced, that would allow an offset for the State The Constitution reserves the exclusive Mr. Speaker, is designed to incentivize and local sales tax to encourage people, power of impeachment to the House of Rep- people to responsibly have equity in again, to get into the showrooms to resentatives and the exclusive power to try all their homes. One of the problems that purchase automobiles, regardless of impeachments in the Senate. Any ‘‘civil offi- we found is that as we see this credit where those automobiles are from. cer’’ of the United States, including Federal crunch, it’s been difficult for people to I regularly like to say when people judges, shall be removed from office if im- have what is now necessary for a down say, well, what about American-made peached and convicted of ‘‘treason, bribery, payment for those homes. And so the cars? And I ask the question somewhat and other high crimes and misdemeanors.’’ measure that I introduced, which, rhetorically, what is an American- Only 13 Federal judges have been im- again, will encourage people not to made car, Mr. Speaker? Is it a Ford peached during the past 219 years of our con- walk away from their home and have manufactured in Canada with Mexican- stitutional history. The House has exercised equity in it, provides a $2,000 credit if made parts, or is it a BMW manufac- this prerogative sparingly in deference to judi- one provides a, establishes a 5 percent tured in South Carolina with Amer- cial independence, one of the cornerstones of down payment, a $5,000 credit if they ican-made parts? our republic. have a 10 percent down payment, and a And so I believe it is important for us Chairman CONYERS and I concluded last $10,000 tax credit if they will put 15 per- to ensure that any automobile, any year that there is sufficient reason to initiate cent down. automobile would, in fact, qualify for an impeachment inquiry regarding Judge G. Now, let’s think about that. I mean, this provision. So if someone’s buying Thomas Porteous, Jr., who was appointed to if someone puts 10 percent down on a a $20,000 automobile and the sales tax the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District $200,000 home, they automatically have is 8 percent, that would be $1,600 right of Louisiana in 1994. $20,000 in equity and would be much off the top. And we set that at the sales The basis for this resolution was largely de- less inclined to abandon that home as tax rate for January 1 of 2009. veloped by a Special Committee of the Judi- we’ve dealt with the challenges that we Both the housing and the automobile cial Council of the Fifth Circuit. The findings of face out there. provisions, Mr. Speaker, apply for a 2- the Fifth Circuit were endorsed by the U.S. Ju- There is an inventory that needs to year period of time during which I’m dicial Conference, which notified the House of be addressed, of housing, that has yet convinced we can, in fact, see our econ- Representatives on June 18, 2008, of its de- to be purchased. We have neighbor- omy grow. termination that impeachment proceedings hoods that have been emptied, and I be- may be warranted. b 1515 lieve that this kind of incentive could The materials submitted to the Judiciary again take this industry, which has The reason that I have raised these Committee by the Judicial Conference are ex- played a role in the economic down- issues, Mr. Speaker, is that I believe, pansive and thorough. This led us to begin an turn, and actually, as has historically as we deal with a resolution like this impeachment inquiry last Congress pursuant been the case, play a role in leading us one that could be brought up under to H. Res. 1448. However, our work is not yet back to economic strength. unanimous consent, we should, instead, complete. The resolution before us today is And the third measure deals with the be debating and voting on measures nearly identical to H. Res. 1448 and allows us other industry, Mr. Speaker, that, as like these three bills that were intro- to continue our investigation. you know very well, we’ve spent a duced last week. I know there are a Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, great deal of time talking about here; wide range of other creative ideas that I rise today in strong support of H. Res. 15, the administration has recently taken have come from Democrats and Repub- authorizing and directing the Committee on action on it, and it has to do with the licans as well as to how we can deal the Judiciary to inquire whether the House automobile industry. with this. should impeach G. Thomas Porteous, a judge Now, I will say that I’m not person- So I hope very much that we can of the United States District Court for the East- ally one who believes that we should be take on this challenge and that we can ern District of Louisiana. I encourage all of my using the Tax Code to encourage the ensure that whatever we provide in colleagues to support this resolution author- selection of winners over losers, but we this economic stimulus package that it izing and directing the Judiciary to inquire into know that both the housing industry is, in fact, going to be a package that the matters concerning Judge Porteous and and the auto industry have historically will get our economy back on track. let it be a signal that this Congress is inter- been very critical when it comes to I am very concerned at the reports ested in understanding what truly transpired moving back to economic strength. that we have gotten of massive, mas- regarding the Judge in a bipartisan and impar- And so, having worked with a number sive spending, and I, again, congratu- tial manner. of automobile dealers who, frankly, late our colleague Senator CONRAD for Judge Porteous was a United States District were here in December when we were pointing to the deficit as being an issue Judge for Louisiana, and had been a judge of having the debate in the 110th Congress with which we are going to have to the Louisiana Judicial District Court from 1984 on this issue, one of the things that contend. If we want to have sustained before being appointed to the U.S. District was said to me was that we need to and not temporary economic growth, I Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana in make sure that people are encouraged believe the best way that we can do 1994 by President Bill Clinton. to get off the couch and into the show- that is to take steps to encourage Judge Porteous is well-known for his stance rooms to look at the purchase of auto- greater and greater and greater pri- upholding the Constitution’s separation of mobiles. vate-sector growth in our economy. church and state and his judgments in de- Now, we know, one dealer, a fellow So, Mr. Speaker, as I said, I am in fense of the first amendment right to free called John Symes, about whom I’ve support of this resolution. I hope very speech. He has controversially ruled in several spoken here, a 60-year dealership in much that we can move ahead with it landmark cases against the State, including Southern California in the Pasadena so that we will be able to deal with the one 2002 case in which he ruled that the area, a number of dealerships, has said pressing challenges that the American State of Louisiana was illegally using Federal that historically the ability to deduct people have sent us here to address. money to promote religion in its abstinence- the interest on automobile loans has With that, I yield back the balance of only sex education programs. He ordered the been very, very helpful. Well, I don’t my time. State to stop giving money to individuals or or- know that we should go back to that. Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I urge the ganizations that ‘‘convey religious messages So, instead, the third bill that I intro- support of this resolution. or otherwise advance religion’’ with tax dollars.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 571 He said there was ample evidence that many staked its campaign on change. Let us usher [Roll No. 11] of the groups participating in the Governor’s in change. I urge my colleagues to support YEAS—411 Program on Abstinence were ‘‘furthering reli- this resolution Abercrombie Davis (CA) Johnson, Sam gious objectives.’’ Ms. MATSUI. I yield back the bal- Ackerman Davis (IL) Jones Also, in 2002, Judge Porteous overturned a ance of my time. Aderholt Davis (KY) Jordan (OH) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Adler (NJ) Davis (TN) Kagen Federal ban on paraphernalia such as Akin Deal (GA) Kanjorski glowsticks, pacifiers, and dust masks, which question is on the motion offered by Altmire DeFazio Kaptur are used at rave, electronic music concerts, the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Andrews DeGette Kennedy MATSUI) that the House suspend the Arcuri Delahunt Kildee where the use of Ecstasy is common. Austria DeLauro Kilpatrick (MI) In 2001, Judge Porteous filed for bank- rules and agree to the resolution, H. Baca Dent Kilroy ruptcy, which led to revelations in the press Res. 15, as amended. Bachmann Diaz-Balart, L. Kind about his private life, specifically the fact that The question was taken; and (two- Bachus Diaz-Balart, M. King (IA) thirds being in the affirmative) the Baird Dicks King (NY) he was alleged to have had close ties with Baldwin Dingell Kingston local bail bond magnate Louis Marcotte III, at rules were suspended and the resolu- Barrow Doggett Kirk the center of a corruption probe, which has tion, as amended, was agreed to. Bartlett Donnelly (IN) Kirkpatrick (AZ) more recently led to his being the subject of A motion to reconsider was laid on Barton (TX) Doyle Kissell the table. Bean Dreier Klein (FL) investigation himself by Federal investigators. Becerra Driehaus Kline (MN) In May 2006, Judge Porteous, beset by the re- f Berkley Duncan Kosmas Berry Edwards (MD) Kratovil cent loss of his wife and still under investiga- RECESS tion by a Federal grand jury, was granted tem- Biggert Edwards (TX) Kucinich The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bilbray Ehlers Lamborn porary medical leave and began a 6-month ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Bilirakis Ellison Lance furlough from the Federal bench. Bishop (GA) Ellsworth Langevin On June 18, 2008, the Judicial Conference declares the House in recess until ap- Bishop (NY) Emerson Larsen (WA) Blackburn Engel Larson (CT) of the United States transmitted a certificate to proximately 6:30 p.m. today. Accordingly (at 3 o’clock and 17 min- Blunt Eshoo Latham the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representa- Boccieri Etheridge LaTourette utes p.m.), the House stood in recess tives expressing the Conference’s determina- Boehner Fallin Latta until approximately 6:30 p.m. Bonner Farr Lee (CA) tion that consideration of impeachment of f Bono Mack Fattah Lee (NY) Judge Porteous might be warranted. The cer- Boozman Filner Levin tificate stated that there was substantial evi- b 1830 Boren Flake Lewis (CA) dence that Judge Porteous ‘‘repeatedly com- Boswell Fleming Lewis (GA) AFTER RECESS Boucher Forbes Linder mitted perjury by signing false financial disclo- Boustany Fortenberry Lipinski sure forms under oath which concealed cash The recess having expired, the House Boyd Foster LoBiondo and things of value that he solicited and re- was called to order by the Speaker pro Brady (PA) Foxx Loebsack ceived from lawyers appearing in litigation be- tempore (Mr. LARSEN of Washington) Brady (TX) Frank (MA) Lofgren, Zoe at 6 o’clock and 30 minutes p.m. Braley (IA) Franks (AZ) Lowey fore him. The certificate listed a series of Bright Frelinghuysen Lucas ‘‘abuses’’ that constituted an abuse of judicial f Broun (GA) Fudge Luetkemeyer office in violation of the Canons of the Code Brown (SC) Garrett (NJ) Luja´ n ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Brown, Corrine Gerlach Lummis of Conduct for United States Judges. PRO TEMPORE Brown-Waite, Giffords Lungren, Daniel Late last year, I was selected to be one of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Ginny Gillibrand E. the members of the House Judiciary Taskforce Buchanan Gingrey (GA) Lynch ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings that will investigate Judge Porteous. Rep- Burgess Gonzalez Mack will resume on motions to suspend the Burton (IN) Goodlatte Maffei resentatives and BOB GOOD- rules previously postponed. Butterfield Gordon (TN) Maloney LATTE were designated as chair and ranking Buyer Granger Manzullo Votes will be taken in the following member to lead the taskforce conducting the Calvert Graves Marchant order: Camp Grayson Markey (CO) inquiry. House Resolution 41, by the yeas and Campbell Green, Al Markey (MA) H. Res. 15 authorizes and directs the Com- nays; Cantor Griffith Marshall Cao Guthrie Matheson mittee on the Judiciary to inquire whether the House Resolution 50, by the yeas and House should impeach Judge Porteous. The Capito Gutierrez Matsui nays; Capps Hall (NY) McCarthy (CA) resolution provides that the taskorce may, in House Resolution 43, by the yeas and Capuano Hall (TX) McCarthy (NY) connection with the inquiry under this resolu- nays. Cardoza Halvorson McCaul tion, take affidavits and depositions by a mem- Carnahan Hare McClintock The first electronic vote will be con- Carney Harman McCollum ber, counsel, or consultant of the committee, ducted as a 15-minute vote. Remaining Carson (IN) Harper McCotter pursuant to notice or subpoena. electronic votes will be conducted as 5- Carter Hastings (FL) McDermott Moreover, the resolution provides that there minute votes. Cassidy Hastings (WA) McGovern shall be paid out of the applicable accounts of Castle Heinrich McHenry f Castor (FL) Heller McHugh the House such sums as may be necessary to Chaffetz Hensarling McIntyre assist the committee on the Judiciary in con- SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND Chandler Herger McKeon ducting the inquiry under this resolution. The IDEALS OF NATIONAL MEN- Childers Higgins McMahon TORING MONTH 2009 Clarke Hill McMorris committee is authorized to require by sub- Clay Himes Rodgers poenas or otherwise, the (1) the attendance The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Cleaver Hinchey McNerney and testimony of any person and (2) the pro- finished business is the vote on the mo- Clyburn Hinojosa Meek (FL) duction of such things as it deems necessary Coble Hirono Meeks (NY) tion to suspend the rules and agree to Coffman (CO) Hodes Melancon for the inquiry. Lastly, the resolution provides the resolution, H. Res. 41, on which the Cohen Hoekstra Mica that the Committee may adopt a rule regu- yeas and nays were ordered. Cole Holden Michaud lating the taking of depositions by a member, The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Conaway Holt Miller (FL) Connolly (VA) Hoyer Miller (MI) counsel, or consultant of the Committee. tion. Conyers Hunter Miller (NC) By bringing this resolution to the floor, we The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Cooper Inglis Miller, George as Members of Congress demonstrate that we question is on the motion offered by Costa Inslee Minnick are concerned about taking the moral high the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Costello Israel Mitchell Courtney Issa Mollohan ground and are concerned enough to inves- HINOJOSA) that the House suspend the Crenshaw Jackson (IL) Moore (KS) tigate wrongdoing and allegations thereof rules and agree to the resolution, H. Crowley Jackson-Lee Moore (WI) when it affects anyone in a bipartisan man- Res. 41. Cuellar (TX) Moran (VA) ner—be the accused a Democrat or Repub- The vote was taken by electronic de- Culberson Jenkins Murphy (CT) Cummings Johnson (GA) Murphy, Patrick lican. This resolution is an important first step vice, and there were—yeas 411, nays 0, Dahlkemper Johnson (IL) Murphy, Tim to the beginning days of an administration that not voting 21, as follows: Davis (AL) Johnson, E. B. Murtha

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 572 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 Myrick Rooney Spratt The SPEAKER. Congratulations. You Doyle Klein (FL) Perriello Nadler (NY) Ros-Lehtinen Stark Dreier Kline (MN) Peters Napolitano Roskam Stearns are now a Member of the 111th Con- Driehaus Kosmas Peterson Neal (MA) Ross Stupak gress. Duncan Kratovil Petri Neugebauer Rothman (NJ) Sutton Edwards (MD) Kucinich Pingree (ME) Nunes Roybal-Allard Tanner f Edwards (TX) Lamborn Pitts Nye Royce Tauscher Ehlers Lance Platts Oberstar Ruppersberger Taylor ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Ellison Langevin Poe (TX) Obey Rush Teague Ellsworth Larsen (WA) Polis (CO) Olson Ryan (OH) Terry The SPEAKER. Under clause 5(d) of Emerson Larson (CT) Pomeroy Olver Ryan (WI) Thompson (CA) rule XX, the Chair announces to the Engel Latham Posey Ortiz Salazar Thompson (MS) House that, in light of the administra- Eshoo LaTourette Price (GA) Pallone Sa´ nchez, Linda Thompson (PA) tion of the oath of office to the gen- Etheridge Latta Price (NC) Pascrell T. Thornberry Fallin Lee (CA) Putnam Pastor (AZ) Sanchez, Loretta Tiahrt tleman from California (Mr. GARY G. Farr Lee (NY) Radanovich Paul Sarbanes Tiberi MILLER), the whole number of the Fattah Levin Rahall Paulsen Scalise Tierney House is 434. Filner Lewis (CA) Rangel Payne Schakowsky Titus Flake Lewis (GA) Rehberg Pence Schauer Tonko f Fleming Linder Reichert Perlmutter Schiff Towns Forbes Lipinski Reyes Perriello Schmidt Tsongas ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Fortenberry LoBiondo Richardson Peters Schock Turner Foster Loebsack Rodriguez Peterson Schrader Upton PRO TEMPORE Foxx Lofgren, Zoe Roe (TN) Petri Schwartz Van Hollen The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Frank (MA) Lowey Rogers (AL) Pingree (ME) Scott (GA) Vela´ zquez Franks (AZ) Lucas Rogers (KY) Pitts Scott (VA) Walden LARSEN of Washington). Without objec- Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Rogers (MI) Platts Sensenbrenner Walz tion, 5-minute voting will continue. Fudge Luja´ n Rooney Poe (TX) Serrano Wasserman There was no objection. Garrett (NJ) Lummis Ros-Lehtinen Polis (CO) Sessions Schultz Gerlach Lungren, Daniel Roskam Pomeroy Sestak Waters f Giffords E. Ross Posey Shadegg Watt Gillibrand Lynch Rothman (NJ) Price (GA) Shea-Porter Waxman HONORING THE LIFE OF Gingrey (GA) Mack Roybal-Allard Price (NC) Sherman Weiner CLAIBORNE PELL Gohmert Maffei Royce Putnam Shimkus Welch Gonzalez Maloney Ruppersberger Radanovich Shuler Westmoreland The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Goodlatte Manzullo Rush Rahall Shuster Wexler finished business is the vote on the mo- Gordon (TN) Marchant Ryan (OH) Rangel Simpson Whitfield Granger Markey (CO) Ryan (WI) Rehberg Sires Wilson (OH) tion to suspend the rules and agree to Graves Markey (MA) Salazar Reichert Skelton Wilson (SC) the resolution, H. Res. 50, on which the Grayson Marshall Sa´ nchez, Linda Reyes Slaughter Wittman yeas and nays were ordered. Green, Al Matheson T. Richardson Smith (NE) Wolf Griffith Matsui Sanchez, Loretta Rodriguez Smith (NJ) Woolsey The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Guthrie McCarthy (CA) Sarbanes Roe (TN) Smith (TX) Wu tion. Gutierrez McCarthy (NY) Scalise Rogers (AL) Smith (WA) Yarmuth The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Hall (NY) McCaul Schakowsky Rogers (KY) Space Young (AK) question is on the motion offered by Hall (TX) McClintock Schauer Rogers (MI) Speier Young (FL) Halvorson McCollum Schiff the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Hare McCotter Schmidt NOT VOTING—21 HINOJOSA) that the House suspend the Harman McDermott Schock Alexander Green, Gene Snyder rules and agree to the resolution, H. Harper McGovern Schrader Barrett (SC) Grijalva Solis (CA) Res. 50. Hastings (FL) McHenry Schwartz Berman Herseth Sandlin Souder Hastings (WA) McHugh Scott (GA) Bishop (UT) Honda Sullivan This will be a 5-minute vote. Heinrich McIntyre Scott (VA) Blumenauer Massa Visclosky The vote was taken by electronic de- Heller McKeon Sensenbrenner Gallegly Moran (KS) Wamp vice, and there were—yeas 415, nays 0, Hensarling McMahon Serrano Gohmert Rohrabacher Watson Herger McMorris Sessions not voting 18, as follows: Higgins Rodgers Sestak b 1859 [Roll No. 12] Hill McNerney Shadegg Himes Meek (FL) Shea-Porter YEAS—415 So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Hinchey Melancon Sherman tive) the rules were suspended and the Abercrombie Boucher Clay Hinojosa Mica Shimkus Ackerman Boustany Cleaver Hirono Michaud Shuler resolution was agreed to. Aderholt Boyd Clyburn Hodes Miller (FL) Shuster The result of the vote was announced Adler (NJ) Brady (PA) Coble Hoekstra Miller (MI) Simpson as above recorded. Akin Brady (TX) Coffman (CO) Holden Miller (NC) Sires Alexander Braley (IA) Cohen Holt Miller, Gary Skelton A motion to reconsider was laid on Altmire Bright Cole Honda Miller, George Slaughter the table. Andrews Broun (GA) Conaway Hoyer Minnick Smith (NE) Arcuri Brown (SC) Connolly (VA) Hunter Mitchell Smith (NJ) f Austria Brown, Corrine Conyers Inglis Mollohan Smith (TX) Baca Brown-Waite, Cooper Inslee Moore (KS) Smith (WA) SWEARING IN OF MEMBER Bachmann Ginny Costa Israel Moore (WI) Space Bachus Buchanan Costello Issa Moran (VA) Speier The SPEAKER. Will the Representa- Baird Burgess Courtney Jackson (IL) Murphy (CT) Spratt tive-elect who wishes to be sworn in Baldwin Burton (IN) Crenshaw Jackson-Lee Murphy, Patrick Stark please come to the well. Barrow Butterfield Crowley (TX) Murphy, Tim Stearns Bartlett Buyer Cuellar Jenkins Murtha Stupak Representative-elect GARY G. MILLER Barton (TX) Calvert Culberson Johnson (GA) Myrick Sutton of California appeared at the bar of the Bean Camp Cummings Johnson (IL) Nadler (NY) Tanner House and took the oath of office, as Becerra Campbell Dahlkemper Johnson, E. B. Napolitano Tauscher Berkley Cantor Davis (AL) Johnson, Sam Neal (MA) Taylor follows: Berman Cao Davis (CA) Jones Neugebauer Teague Do you solemnly swear or affirm that Berry Capito Davis (IL) Jordan (OH) Nunes Terry you will support and defend the Con- Biggert Capps Davis (KY) Kagen Nye Thompson (CA) stitution of the United States against Bilbray Capuano Davis (TN) Kanjorski Oberstar Thompson (MS) Bilirakis Cardoza Deal (GA) Kaptur Obey Thompson (PA) all enemies, foreign and domestic; that Bishop (GA) Carnahan DeFazio Kennedy Olson Thornberry you will bear true faith and allegiance Bishop (NY) Carney DeGette Kildee Olver Tiahrt to the same; that you take this obliga- Blackburn Carson (IN) Delahunt Kilpatrick (MI) Ortiz Tiberi Blunt Carter DeLauro Kilroy Pallone Tierney tion freely, without any mental res- Boccieri Cassidy Dent Kind Pascrell Titus ervation or purpose of evasion; and Boehner Castle Diaz-Balart, L. King (IA) Pastor (AZ) Tonko that you will well and faithfully dis- Bonner Castor (FL) Diaz-Balart, M. King (NY) Paul Towns charge the duties of the office on which Bono Mack Chaffetz Dicks Kingston Paulsen Tsongas Boozman Chandler Dingell Kirk Payne Turner you are about to enter, so help you Boren Childers Doggett Kirkpatrick (AZ) Pence Upton God. Boswell Clarke Donnelly (IN) Kissell Perlmutter Van Hollen

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 573 Vela´ zquez Weiner Wolf Diaz-Balart, M. Kingston Paul Towns Waters Wilson (SC) Walden Welch Woolsey Dicks Kirk Paulsen Tsongas Watson Wittman Walz Westmoreland Wu Dingell Kirkpatrick (AZ) Payne Turner Watt Wolf Wasserman Wexler Yarmuth Doggett Kissell Pence Upton Waxman Woolsey Schultz Whitfield Young (AK) Donnelly (IN) Klein (FL) Perlmutter Van Hollen Weiner Wu Waters Wilson (OH) Young (FL) Doyle Kline (MN) Perriello Vela´ zquez Welch Yarmuth Watt Wilson (SC) Dreier Kosmas Peters Walden Westmoreland Young (AK) Waxman Wittman Driehaus Kratovil Peterson Walz Wexler Young (FL) Duncan Kucinich Petri Wasserman Whitfield NOT VOTING—18 Edwards (MD) Lamborn Pingree (ME) Schultz Wilson (OH) Edwards (TX) Lance Pitts Barrett (SC) Herseth Sandlin Solis (CA) NOT VOTING—18 Bishop (UT) Massa Souder Ehlers Langevin Platts Blumenauer Meeks (NY) Sullivan Ellison Larsen (WA) Poe (TX) Barrett (SC) Grijalva Snyder Gallegly Moran (KS) Visclosky Ellsworth Larson (CT) Polis (CO) Bishop (UT) Herseth Sandlin Solis (CA) Green, Gene Rohrabacher Wamp Emerson Latham Pomeroy Blumenauer Johnson, Sam Souder Grijalva Snyder Watson Engel LaTourette Posey Boucher Massa Sullivan Eshoo Latta Price (GA) Gallegly Moran (KS) Visclosky b 1910 Etheridge Lee (CA) Price (NC) Green, Gene Rohrabacher Wamp Fallin Lee (NY) Putnam So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Farr Levin Radanovich ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE tive) the rules were suspended and the Fattah Lewis (CA) Rahall The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. resolution was agreed to. Filner Lewis (GA) Rangel HALL of New York) (during the vote). Flake Linder Rehberg The result of the vote was announced Fleming Lipinski Reichert There are 2 minutes remaining in this as above recorded. Forbes LoBiondo Reyes vote. A motion to reconsider was laid on Fortenberry Loebsack Richardson Foster Lofgren, Zoe Rodriguez b 1919 the table. Foxx Lowey Roe (TN) So (two-thirds being in the affirma- f Frank (MA) Lucas Rogers (AL) tive) the rules were suspended and the Franks (AZ) Luetkemeyer Rogers (KY) Frelinghuysen Luja´ n Rogers (MI) resolution was agreed to. RECOGNIZING THE EFFORTS OF Fudge Lummis Rooney The result of the vote was announced THOSE WHO SERVE THEIR COM- Garrett (NJ) Lungren, Daniel Ros-Lehtinen as above recorded. MUNITIES ON MARTIN LUTHER Gerlach E. Roskam A motion to reconsider was laid on KING DAY Giffords Lynch Ross Gillibrand Mack Rothman (NJ) the table. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Gingrey (GA) Maffei Roybal-Allard f finished business is the vote on the mo- Gohmert Maloney Royce Gonzalez Manzullo Ruppersberger REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER tion to suspend the rules and agree to Goodlatte Marchant Rush AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 226 the resolution, H. Res. 43, on which the Gordon (TN) Markey (CO) Ryan (OH) yeas and nays were ordered. Granger Markey (MA) Ryan (WI) Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, with apolo- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Graves Marshall Salazar gies to the gentleman from California, Grayson Matheson Sa´ nchez, Linda I would ask unanimous consent that tion. Green, Al Matsui T. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Griffith McCarthy (CA) Sanchez, Loretta Mr. MIKE THOMPSON be removed as a question is on the motion offered by Guthrie McCarthy (NY) Sarbanes cosponsor of H.R. 226. His name was Gutierrez McCaul Scalise errantly added to that bill, and I would the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Hall (NY) McClintock Schakowsky HINOJOSA) that the House suspend the Hall (TX) McCollum Schauer like it removed and offer my apologies. rules and agree to the resolution, H. Halvorson McCotter Schiff The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Hare McDermott Schmidt objection to the request of the gen- Res. 43. Harman McGovern Schock This will be a 5-minute vote. tleman from Indiana? Harper McHenry Schrader There was no objection. The vote was taken by electronic de- Hastings (FL) McHugh Schwartz vice, and there were—yeas 415, nays 0, Hastings (WA) McIntyre Scott (GA) f Heinrich McKeon Scott (VA) not voting 18, as follows: Heller McMahon Sensenbrenner ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER [Roll No. 13] Hensarling McMorris Serrano PRO TEMPORE Herger Rodgers Sessions YEAS—415 Higgins McNerney Sestak The SPEAKER pro tempore. All Abercrombie Boren Chandler Hill Meek (FL) Shadegg Members are reminded that appro- Ackerman Boswell Childers Himes Meeks (NY) Shea-Porter priate attire for gentlemen includes a Aderholt Boustany Clarke Hinchey Melancon Sherman Adler (NJ) Boyd Clay Hinojosa Mica Shimkus necktie. Akin Brady (PA) Cleaver Hirono Michaud Shuler f Alexander Brady (TX) Clyburn Hodes Miller (FL) Shuster Altmire Braley (IA) Coble Hoekstra Miller (MI) Simpson ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Andrews Bright Coffman (CO) Holden Miller (NC) Sires PRO TEMPORE Arcuri Broun (GA) Cohen Holt Miller, Gary Skelton Austria Brown (SC) Cole Honda Miller, George Slaughter The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Baca Brown, Corrine Conaway Hoyer Minnick Smith (NE) Chair will entertain Special Order Bachmann Brown-Waite, Connolly (VA) Hunter Mitchell Smith (NJ) speeches without prejudice to the re- Bachus Ginny Conyers Inglis Mollohan Smith (TX) Baird Buchanan Cooper Inslee Moore (KS) Smith (WA) sumption of further legislative busi- Baldwin Burgess Costa Israel Moore (WI) Space ness. Barrow Burton (IN) Costello Issa Moran (VA) Speier f Bartlett Butterfield Courtney Jackson (IL) Murphy (CT) Spratt Barton (TX) Buyer Crenshaw Jackson-Lee Murphy, Patrick Stark SPECIAL ORDERS Bean Calvert Crowley (TX) Murphy, Tim Stearns Becerra Camp Cuellar Jenkins Murtha Stupak The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Berkley Campbell Culberson Johnson (GA) Myrick Sutton the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Berman Cantor Cummings Johnson (IL) Nadler (NY) Tanner uary 6, 2009, and under a previous order Berry Cao Dahlkemper Johnson, E. B. Napolitano Tauscher Biggert Capito Davis (AL) Jones Neal (MA) Taylor of the House, the following Members Bilbray Capps Davis (CA) Jordan (OH) Neugebauer Teague will be recognized for 5 minutes each. Bilirakis Capuano Davis (IL) Kagen Nunes Terry f Bishop (GA) Cardoza Davis (KY) Kanjorski Nye Thompson (CA) Bishop (NY) Carnahan Davis (TN) Kaptur Oberstar Thompson (MS) 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SUN Blackburn Carney Deal (GA) Kennedy Obey Thompson (PA) BOWL Blunt Carson (IN) DeFazio Kildee Olson Thornberry Boccieri Carter DeGette Kilpatrick (MI) Olver Tiahrt The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Boehner Cassidy Delahunt Kilroy Ortiz Tiberi previous order of the House, the gen- Bonner Castle DeLauro Kind Pallone Tierney Bono Mack Castor (FL) Dent King (IA) Pascrell Titus tleman from Texas (Mr. REYES) is rec- Boozman Chaffetz Diaz-Balart, L. King (NY) Pastor (AZ) Tonko ognized for 5 minutes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 574 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, I rise the Pittsburgh Panthers to become that is very important and very much today to recognize a special occasion in this year’s Sun Bowl champion. a part of the city’s history and folk- the American university athletics, the The television network, CBS, has lore. The Sun Bowl is a wonderful op- 75th anniversary of the Sun Bowl, a been broadcasting the Sun Bowl since portunity to showcase the natural geo- proud tradition in college football that 1968, making it the longest continuous graphic beauty and the friendly atmos- has been hosted in my district of El broadcast of a post-season football phere that make our community very Paso, Texas. game. The crowd itself of this year’s special. The success of the Sun Bowl is The Sun Bowl is the second oldest Sun Bowl game also has made history, a testament to the hard work of the bowl game in the United States and a not so much by the attendance, but for Sun Bowl Association as well as the major national attraction that brings being the largest crowd, according to numerous community partners and together thousands of loyal college the Guinness Book of Record, to dance sponsors, and I look forward to many football fans each year to watch teams to the Village People’s 1978 disco an- more successful years of this wonderful from the Pac-10, Big 12 and Big East them, ‘‘YMCA.’’ Here you have a pic- tradition. Conferences. ture of part of the crowd that captures I want to congratulate all the Sun As we celebrate the 75th anniversary some of the energy and excitement of Bowl Association members and our of the Sun Bowl, I want to recognize the 75th Sun Bowl on that day. great community for putting on a the Sun Bowl Association, the spon- To commemorate the 75th anniver- great show every year. sors, and all of the fans from El Paso sary, the Sun Bowl Association added f and throughout the Nation who have two more names to its ‘‘Legends of the made this annual event a tremendous Sun Bowl’’ list. The ‘‘Legends of the NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION FOR success. In particular, I would like to Sun Bowl’’ include coaches, players, UNCLE SAM acknowledge Bernie Olivas, Executive broadcasters, and longtime volunteers The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Director of the Sun Bowl Association, of the Sun Bowl. This year’s recipients previous order of the House, the gen- and Gerald Rubin, CEO of Helen of were Priest Holmes, a 1994 player for tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) is recog- Troy, for sponsoring this great event, the University of Texas, and Craig Sil- nized for 5 minutes. as well as Joe Valenzuela, Frank Bates ver, a CBS sports commentator from Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, this and Linda East, current, incoming and 1983 to 2005. Among other notable time of year, we all hear about New past presidents of the Sun Bowl Asso- ‘‘Legends of the Sun Bowl’’ are the late Year’s resolutions. Some of us make ciation Board of Directors. Pat Tillman, Thurman Thomas, Pat them, some of us make them and break At its humble beginnings, the Sun Summerall, and Tony Dorsett, seen them, and some of us don’t even make Bowl was put together as a fund-raiser here in this final picture showing Tony them. But maybe Uncle Sam needs to by the Kiwanis Club in 1935. The event Dorsett in action in the Sun Bowl Sta- make a few New Year’s resolutions as originated as a small high school dium. we go into 2009. I have six suggestions matchup and grew into a major nation- for Uncle Sam. b 1930 ally televised bowl game in Division I The first thing Uncle Sam needs to football. As you can see by this first Along with my remarks, I would like do is get on a diet and trim down the picture, this captured some of the fla- to submit a copy of the names of the excess spending and government waste. vor of the history in El Paso that was previous legends of the Sun Bowl for The government, us, we spend money known then as ‘‘the Sun Bowl City.’’ inclusion in the RECORD. on everything. There’s a philosophy The first game featured the El Paso LEGENDS OF THE SUN BOWL here in Washington, D.C. that the gov- High School All-Stars versus the Rang- 2008—Priest Holmes—Player, Texas (1994), ernment is the solution to every prob- er High School Bulldogs and was Craig Silver—CBS Sports (1983–2005) lem from the time a person’s born to played at the El Paso High School sta- 2007—Cornelius Bennett—Player, Alabama the time they die and the government dium, where the All-Star team came (1983 & 1986), Don James—Coach, Washington should control all the money and de- (1979 & 1986) cide how that money should be spent. from behind to garner a 25–21 victory 2006—Tony Franklin—Player, Texas A&M over the Bulldogs. (1977), Grant Teaff—Coach, Baylor (1992) There’s another philosophy that I be- The Sun Bowl Association was 2005—Terry Donahue—Coach, UCLA (1991); lieve in that government may be the formed immediately after that success- CBS Sports (1995), Verne Lundquist—CBS problem and that problems are best ful first game, and a coalition of local Sports (1988, 1992, 2000–05) solved by individuals. But in any event, El Paso area service clubs, including 2004—Pat Tillman (Posthumously)—Play- we cannot continue to spend and waste the Rotary, Lions, Optimist, and the er, Arizona State (1997), Alex Van Pelt— the taxpayer money on so many dif- 20–30 Club, joined together to coordi- Player, Pittsburgh (1989) ferent programs. Uncle Sam needs to 2003—Ken Heineman—Player, El Paso All- nate events around the bowl game Stars (1935), go on a diet. every year. 2002—Thurman Thomas—Player, Okla- The second thing we need to do is After gathering input from the com- homa State (1987) practice what we preach and not be so munity, the event was named the Sun 2001—John H. Folmer—Administrator, hypocritical. Recently we had the Big Bowl, and the first collegiate game was Barry Switzer—Coach, Oklahoma (1981) Three auto boys down here in Wash- played in 1936. This game was a match 2000—Vince Dooley—Coach, Georgia (1964, ington D.C., and we raked them over between New Mexico A&M—which is 1969 & 1985), Derrick Thomas (Post- the coals because they make so much now New Mexico State—and Hardin- humously)—Player, Alabama (1986 & 1988) money. We criticized the UAW because 1999—Hayden Fry—Coach, SMU (1963) and Simmons College, and the Sun Bowl Iowa (1995 & 1997), Jimmy Rogers, Jr.—Ad- they make about $74 an hour. But yet has grown from there. In its inception, ministrator we get our automatic pay increase and it was played at the 15,000-seat Kidd 1998—Jesse Whittenton—UTEP (1954 & 1955) we can’t even get a vote on the House Field in 1938 on the campus of what is 1997—Tom Brookshier—CBS Sports (1973, floor to rescind that pay increase. now the University of Texas at El 1977–1981), Pat Summerall—CBS Sports (1971, Somewhat hypocritical, Mr. Speaker. Paso. The game was moved again in 1977–80) Uncle Sam needs to practice what it 1963 to our new 30,000-seat Sun Bowl 1996—Tony Dorsett—Player, Pittsburgh preaches. (1975), Stadium. And in 1982, the Sun Bowl 1995—Johnny Majors—Coach, Iowa State The third thing that we need to do is game took place in the newly expanded (1971), Pittsburgh (1975) and Tennessee (1984) quit spending somebody else’s money. Sun Bowl Stadium, with a seating ca- 1994—Harrison Kohl—Administrator, Bill You see, the money that we spend, pacity of over 50,000 people. This is a Stevens—Player, UTEP (1965 & 1967), Charley Congress, it’s not our money. It be- picture of our Sun Bowl Stadium. Johnson—Player, New Mexico State (1959 & longs to the good folks who sent us up Last month, over 49,000 fans attended 1960) here. We’ve all seen the big motor the 75th Annual Brut Sun Bowl to Mr. Speaker, I am proud to highlight homes going down the freeways that watch the Oregon State Beavers defeat this very special event in El Paso, one have a bumper sticker on the back that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 575 says ‘‘We are spending our children’s borrow, tax our way into prosperity. It providing significant aid to Kentucky’s inheritance.’’ We kind of think that’s just won’t work. colleges and universities. His influence funny, but that’s what we’re doing. And lastly, number six, we need to do also extends outside the Congress and And for the inauguration, Mr. Speaker, what most Americans do when they the Commonwealth with his work on I suggest that we get a big sign and put budget. We have to have a budget. Most the Appropriations, Agriculture, and it out here on the Capitol grounds that Americans figure out, well, I’m going Rules Committees, opposing dictators says ‘‘Uncle Sam is spending your chil- to get this amount of money, cutting in Myanmar and fighting for human dren and grandchildren’s inheritance’’ out the taxes, and then I can spend it rights in Egypt and Cambodia among because that’s what we’re doing. We’re on this. We do just the opposite. We de- others. Like Senator Wendell Ford, spending money that we do not have. cide how to spend money, oh, and then Senator MCCONNELL won his first And it’s the philosophy that govern- we’ll just get the money. We’ll tax it or statewide election by a small margin, ment knows better how to spend the go into debt. Uncle Sam needs to budg- but since that time he has become a taxpayers’ money than the taxpayer. et like other Americans. mainstay in Kentucky. And I think that’s wrong. We ought to These are some considerations and Senator MCCONNELL and I are both quit spending somebody else’s money some New Year’s resolutions for Uncle students of history, and regardless of because we certainly don’t have the Sam. I hope we impose a few of those. political differences, and we have a few money and our kids, our grandkids, I think it’s time we stop the credit of those, I believe it’s important to rec- and our great grandkids now are going card government. ognize his truly outstanding achieve- to have to pay for the things that we And that’s just the way it is. ments. do. Uncle Sam needs to quit spending f Mr. Speaker, today I ask the House somebody else’s money. to join me in recognizing the accom- IN RECOGNITION OF SENATOR We need to quit rewarding the fat plishments of the distinguished gen- MITCH MCCONNELL’S YEARS OF cats and those who live on government tleman from Kentucky, Senator MITCH SERVICE IN SENATE handouts. And that covers a lot of MCCONNELL. folks that they are up here trying to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a f get money from the Federal Govern- previous order of the House, the gen- ment. All the different special interest tleman from Kentucky (Mr. CHANDLER) STATEMENT ON A PRESIDENTIAL groups, all the Wall Street fat cats, all is recognized for 5 minutes. COMMUTATION FOR FORMER U.S. those people who live off the govern- Mr. CHANDLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise BORDER PATROL AGENTS ment and want something from the today in recognition of the now long- RAMOS AND COMPEAN government but don’t give much to so- est-serving Kentucky Senator in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ciety. The people punished, those are history of the United States Senate. previous order of the House, the gen- most Americans, the middle class. The This is truly a historic milestone for tleman from North Carolina (Mr. middle class always has to pay, and both the Commonwealth of Kentucky JONES) is recognized for 5 minutes. they continue to pay. And it’s unfortu- and Senator MITCH MCCONNELL. Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, before nate because they pay all the bills Recently, Senator MCCONNELL cele- President Bush leaves office next week, while those special interest groups are brated 25 years in the United States he has the power to correct a terrible up here, and they’ll be up here next Senate, surpassing the great Senator injustice. week and the week after with their Wendell Ford’s previous record. By no Over the past 2 years, Members of hand out wanting somebody else’s means is this a small accomplishment, Congress have written to the Presi- money, wanting Uncle Sam to redis- as our State has been the home to such dent, as a group and individually, ask- tribute the wealth that belongs to the noted Members of the Senate as Henry ing him to commute the sentences of middle class to someone else. And Clay, John J. Crittenden, Alben Bar- imprisoned U.S. Border Patrol Agents that’s just basically wrong. kley, and John Sherman Cooper, just Ramos and Compean. We talk about stimulating the econ- to name a few. It is well known that these border omy. We need to stimulate the econ- The Senator did not become the in- agents were convicted and sentenced to omy, but we cannot stimulate the fluential man that he is today without 11 and 12 years in prison for shooting economy by spending more money. hard work, dedication, and determina- and wounding a Mexican drug smuggler That doesn’t make sense. We need to tion. He started his career as an intern who brought $1 million worth of mari- spend less money. And one thing we on Capitol Hill, moved to legislative juana across the U.S. border in 2005. can do, Congress has the power to do, is assistant, eventually deputy assistant This Saturday, January 17 of 2009, will let those middle class people who pay attorney general under President Ford, mark the beginning of the agents’ 3rd taxes, who foot the bill for all of this to County Judge-Executive in Jefferson year in Federal prison. that we do, give everybody that pays County, the largest county in our On November 24, 2008, President Bush taxes a tax break and let them decide State, all before being elected by the granted 14 pardons and two how to stimulate the economy instead people of Kentucky to serve in the commutations. Clemency was granted of us and Uncle Sam trying to make United States Senate in 1984. to individuals convicted of crimes such that decision. He led his classmates as student body as drug conspiracy, tax evasion, poi- We need to reduce our debt. We hear president in college and then went on soning bald eagles, dumping hazardous about debt. It’s a trillion dollars, give to be the president of the Student Bar waste, bank embezzlement, and theft of or take a few billion. How much is a Association in law school. He has gar- government property. trillion dollars? It’s a one with twelve nered the respect of his peers for years; On December 22, 2008, the President zeros behind it. That’s how much a tril- so it comes as no surprise that he has issued 19 additional pardons and one lion is. I can’t even write that down. risen to be the leader of his party in commutation. Unfortunately, Mr. It’s a massive amount of money. But, the Senate, an accomplishment only Speaker, Ramos and Compean have not you know, Uncle Sam, we live in a one other Kentuckyan in history has made the list. credit card government. We just bor- ever achieved. With the help of Lou Dobbs and row the money. That’s the society that Parties aside, Senator MCCONNELL countless other news outlets, Ameri- we live in, and the government does has fought for what he believes in with cans across this Nation have learned of the same thing. We just borrow the the same dedication and fervor as he the unjust prosecution of these two money, probably from the Chinese, pay did when fighting polio in his early men who were doing their job to pro- interest to the Chinese, let them own childhood. He can point to a number of tect our border. Since the agents’ con- our country rather than the American achievements, such as aiding strug- victions, the White House has received taxpayer. We need to certainly reduce gling Kentucky tobacco farmers by or- thousands of phone calls from outraged our debt. We cannot continue to spend, chestrating the tobacco buyout and citizens and letters sent by Members of

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Congress on both sides of the political tion and raised serious concerns over the woman from California (Ms. WOOLSEY) aisle. lack of fairness in the proceedings against is recognized for 5 minutes. On November 20 of 2008, I joined Con- these two men—including the prosecution’s Ms. WOOLSEY. A breath of fresh air gressman BILL DELAHUNT, DANA ROHR- efforts to seek out and offer immunity to a filled the Capitol this morning. It hap- habitual Mexican drug smuggler, a sealed in- ABACHER, and others in a letter to par- dictment of the smuggler’s subsequent drug pened during the confirmation hearings don Attorney Ronald Rogers, which offenses and insufficient proof of whether or for HILLARY CLINTON. The Secretary of outlined the reasons for our request. not the smuggler was unarmed, as he State-designate in her testimony said And most recently on December 11, claimed at trial. All of these factors strongly that ‘‘diplomacy will be the vanguard 2008, I wrote the President that he call into question whether justice was of foreign policy’’ in the Obama admin- commute the agents’ sentences before served. istration. they have to spend another Christmas Among the most serious matters war- in Federal prison, and, Mr. Speaker, I ranting your consideration is the U.S. Attor- b 1945 ney’s decision to charge Ramos and Compean submit the letter for the RECORD. This is exactly what the American with violations of 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)—which people have been waiting 8 long years CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, pertains to the use of a firearm during and in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, relation to the commission of a crime of vio- to hear. The current administration Washington, DC, December 11, 2008. lence and carries a mandatory 10–year sen- never used diplomacy, and the results Hon. GEORGE W. BUSH, tence. Any failure by the agents to report have been devastating for us and for The White House, the shooting of the drug smuggler con- the world. The occupation of Iraq Washington, DC. stitutes an administrative that should hasn’t made us any safer. It has cost DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I am writing to ex- have been addressed. However, the applica- over $1 trillion so far, helping to put press my deep disappointment that the 14 tion of 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) to two U.S. Border pardons and two commutations you granted our economy into a deep recession. It Patrol agents in lawful possession of their on November 24, 2008, did not include has devastated our reputation in the firearms appears grossly inappropriate. Be- commutations for imprisoned U.S. Border cause agents Ramos and Compean were re- world. All of this is clear to just about Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose quired to carry firearms during the course of everyone except our current leaders in Alonso Compean. Instead, clemency was their duties, I urge you to consider com- the White House. granted to those convicted of crimes such as muting this 10–year mandatory minimum At his press conference yesterday, drug conspiracy, tax evasion, poisoning bald sentence enhancement. eagles, dumping hazardous waste, bank em- President Bush insisted that the occu- Mr. President, the end of your term is bezzlement and theft of government prop- pation of Iraq hasn’t damaged Amer- quickly approaching and time is running out erty. ica’s moral standing in the world. But Mr. President, this week I opened a Christ- for you to heed the calls of the American his administration’s policy of shooting people and reverse the grave injustice com- mas card which pictured two beautiful fami- first, asking questions later, has badly lies with three children each. I was deeply mitted against agents Ramos and Compean. No useful purpose is served by the continued damaged our Nation’s moral authority. saddened when I realized these were photos The use of torture has damaged it of the Ramos and Compean families—who incarceration of these distinguished law en- will face another Christmas with husbands forcement officers. During this Christmas even more. Yesterday President Bush and fathers locked away in federal prison if season, a time of peace and thanksgiving for called the human rights abuses at Abu you fail to intervene on their behalf. Know- the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, I urge Ghraib a disappointment. But in recent ing that it has become customary during the you to open your heart to the pleas of the weeks we have seen convincing evi- final days of a president’s term to grant par- American people and commute the sentences dence that Abu Ghraib was the result dons and commutations in criminal cases, I of these two Hispanic-American heroes. Sincerely, of deliberate administration policy. urge you to take the time to personally re- Talk about disappointment. view the prosecution of agents Ramos and WALTER B. JONES, Compean. I am confident the facts of their Member of Congress. In February of 2002, the President case will lead you to the same conclusion A response from the White House signed an order stating that the Gene- countless American citizens have already said that the agents’ requests for com- va Conventions did not apply to mem- reached: there are no individuals more wor- mutation ‘‘are receiving a careful and bers of al Qaeda or the Taliban. Then thy of presidential commutations than fair review.’’ If the President takes the high-ranking American officials took a agents Ramos and Compean. The facts of the time to personally review the agents’ series of actions that made torture a case will show—as Judge E. Grady Jolly case, I am confident the facts will lead part of our interrogation practices in stated on December 3, 2007, during the Iraq and elsewhere. Former Defense agents’ appeal—‘‘the government over- him to the same conclusion that the reacted here * * * for some reason, this one majority of Americans have already Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was one of got out of hand.’’ By attempting to appre- reached: The indictments against these the officials who gave his stamp of ap- hend an illegal alien drug smuggler, agents men were unjustified. proval. Ramos and Compean were enforcing our The President should carefully con- A bipartisan report issued by the laws—not breaking them. Simply put, the in- sider one of the most troubling aspects Senate Armed Services Committee on dictments against these men were unjusti- of this case: The agents were charged December 11 documented this illegal fied. under a statute intended for violent action and how these actions came As countless Americans and many in Con- about. According to the committee, the gress have brought to your attention over criminals carrying guns, not for law the past two years, agents Ramos and enforcement officers acting in the line authorization of aggressive interroga- Compean were convicted and sentenced to 11 of duty. Because the border agents tion techniques by senior officials con- and 12 years respectively for shooting and were required to carry firearms during veyed the message that it was okay to wounding a Mexican drug smuggler who the course of their duties, I urge the retreat and degrade. brought 743 pounds of marijuana across the President to commute the 10-year man- Then a week after the committee U.S. border in 2005. Both men entered prison datory sentence for these charges. issued its report, Vice President CHE- on January 17, 2007, and have served nearly Mr. Speaker, time is running out for NEY gave a shocking interview to the two years of their sentences. Since the Washington Times. In the interview, he agents’ convictions, your office has received the President to reverse this grave in- thousands of phone calls from concerned justice committed against Ramos and admitted that 33 prisoners were sub- citizens and numerous letters from members Compean. I pray that he will open his jected to what he called ‘‘enhanced in- of Congress on both sides of the aisle. Most heart to the pleas of the American peo- terrogation techniques.’’ That’s fancy recently, on November 13, 2008, I wrote a let- ple and commute the sentences of these bureaucratic language for torture. He ter urging you to commute the agents’ sen- two deserving men. even admitted that prisoners were sub- tences to time served. On November 20, 2008, f jected to waterboarding, which has I also joined Congressmen Bill Delahunt, been considered a form of torture ever Dana Rohrabacher and others in a letter to IT’S TIME TO GIVE DIPLOMACY A since the Spanish Inquisition. Pardon Attorney Ronald Rodgers which out- CHANCE lined the rationale for this request. I know that conservatives like Vice Many disturbing details of the Ramos and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a President CHENEY have looked back- Compean case have garnered national atten- previous order of the House, the gentle- wards for their policies, but the 15th

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 577 century, Mr. Speaker, is much too far My friend from Texas spoke about think it concerns the American people, back. Look at the consequences of the fact that Members from Congress is this country was founded on prin- these policies of war, occupation and are using their voting cards as credit ciples of empowerment. People came to torture. The Middle East continues to cards. It’s time, actually, for Members America with dreams that they would be in turmoil and flames. Iran’s influ- of Congress to start using their cards work hard, apply themselves. And if ence continues to spread. People all not as credit cards and mortgaging the they did that, they could reap the ben- around the globe have a negative opin- future of our young people, but invest- efits of their hard work and enjoy their ion of the United States, which makes ing and beginning to spend money that successes. it much harder for us to get their help. we actually have, instead of spending But, unfortunately, in our country When America loses its moral au- money we do not have. today, they were running away from thority, Osama bin Laden and other This unrestrained borrowing and big government. Now the country that terrorists find it a lot easier to recruit spending has got to stop because it’s was founded on the principles of small new members. But with the change in not working. Now, one of the things business is moving more to big govern- our Nation’s leadership on January 20, that we need to do to actually begin to ment. And how is the government get- America has new hope. We have new stimulate the economy is just leave the ting bigger? It’s taking a bigger and hope for the future. money in the economy. How do we bigger chunk out of the American peo- In addition to her comments about leave the money in the economy? ple’s, American taxpayers’ hard-earned diplomacy this morning, HILLARY CLIN- Well, Mr. Speaker, what we do is we money. TON said that ‘‘We must build a world lower the taxes. We lower the taxes on Mr. Speaker, these are difficult with more partners and fewer adver- individuals. We lower the taxes on cor- times, yet they are challenging times, saries,’’ and she promised to work with porations. We lower the taxes on small but they are times where we must Congress and not to treat us with con- businesses. make good decisions. Going out and tempt, as the current administration Our small businesses, for example, mortgaging another $1.3 billion for fu- are the number one job creators in has. She said, and I quote her, ‘‘For me, ture generations to pay back is not a America. By lowering the taxes for consultation is not a catchword—it’s a good investment. small businesses, we are able to create commitment.’’ I ask my colleagues to join me in jobs and opportunity. Whether it’s Joe And she quoted Terence, the Roman supporting this bill so that we can the Plumber or Ray the Electrician, playwright, who said, ‘‘In every en- leave more money with the American when they have the opportunity to deavor, the seemly course for wise taxpayers. The American taxpayers de- keep more of the money that they are (people) is to try persuasion first.’’ serve a better plan from the Federal making, they go out and buy a new The current administration tried war government than more spending on top service truck. and occupation for 8 years, and it Well, you know what happens when of a deficit already projected to be didn’t work, so it’s time to give diplo- they buy a new service truck? They more than $1 trillion this year. macy a chance. have got to go hire someone to run Congress should focus on solutions f that truck, so they go out and hire an that empower individuals and busi- nesses to succeed in the economy, rath- YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY electrician or a plumber and maybe a er than solutions that make them more BELONGS TO YOU helper. So that creates more and more jobs. dependent on the Federal government. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a But every time we take more and f previous order of the House, the gen- more of the money of Joe the Plumber tleman from Texas (Mr. NEUGEBAUER) WALL STREET’S BANKSTERS ARE or Ray the Electrician or the American COMING BACK TO MAMA is recognized for 5 minutes. hardworking people, when we take that Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Speaker, money into Congress or into the gov- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under this summer, spring, we sent Ameri- ernment, one, that dollar gets a lot the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- cans a stimulus check to help stimu- smaller when it goes back out and, yet, uary 6, 2009, the gentlewoman from late the economy. We actually gave so we are taking, the net effect is, we Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) is recognized for 60 them some money. We had already are taking money out of the economy. minutes as the designee of the major- spent the money that they had given us I introduced a bill last week that ity leader. for taxes, and so we went and borrowed would try to leave the money in the Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, wake up, some money and sent that money to economy. What this bill would do America. Get your telephone calls the American people to let them try to would be lower each one of the tax going to Congress. Set up your stimulate our economy. brackets by—the tax rate on each one robodials in gear. Wall Street’s Evidently that didn’t work as well as of the brackets by 5 percent. banksters are coming back to mama. a lot of people thought it would, and so Also, it would make the top brackets Here they come again, and shame on us now there is a movement to spend in this country, both corporate and in- if we let them do it to us again. much more, larger amount, triple, dividual, 25 percent. That means that America, pay attention. Batten down quadruple the amount of money that we have a further reduction in the the hatches. Let your Member of Con- was spent this spring. Guess what? We amount of money that we take out of gress know the banksters are coming don’t have the money, and so we are the economy on a daily, weekly and an- back to mama. going to go and borrow it. nual basis. We are about to be taken for a ride So what we are on is this system of Now, what could this do? Well, ac- by the banksters again. These tax, spend, borrow. Tax, spend, borrow. cording to the Heritage Foundation, banksters bank on us making the tax- It isn’t working. The American people this could help create more jobs in our payers pay again. know that that’s not the right pre- country. Possibly in 2009 it could cre- Don’t let them do it. Why? Because scription for getting us out of this eco- ate a half a million new jobs; by the what they are doing is trampling our nomic slump. Yet that is the plan that year 2012, 3.6 million new jobs. democracy. We are getting set to have will be brought before this body pos- If Americans and the American peo- another piece of legislation crammed sibly this week. ple are going to enjoy the freedoms and through the Congress regarding the This is going to be a big week for liberties that this Nation offers, the bailout. They call it TARP, the Trou- your children and grandchildren. We best way to do that is to allow them to bled Assets Relief Program. It’s the old are going to have a $350 billion second have the opportunity to work and to bank bailout bill from last year. half of the stimulus or the bailout pro- earn their money, but, more impor- Despite the fact that due deliberation gram, and now we are talking about tantly, to keep more of their money. is required of us as Members of Con- nearly $1 trillion in new spending for a One of the things that we have done gress through regular order of this stimulus package, $1.3 trillion. in this country that concerns me, I House, and, frankly, our Constitution,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 578 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 this new cram down comes with a b 2000 Another half dozen banks, including twist. Instead of not holding any hear- And $4 trillion of wealth has been M&T, Capital One Bank, US Bancorp, ings on the reform of the TARP, like lost by our families. The American peo- Hampton Roads Bankshares and PNC, happened last time, and only letting us ple were played, and $350 billion later got bailout money, and then they see the bill 18 hours before $700 billion Secretary Paulson has given us no bought up other banks. They just keep of the taxpayers’ money was to be put progress for the American people. We getting bigger. And what is interesting on the table, one hearing is being held, are in a deeper economic hole than about that, under the law, when they exactly one, tomorrow, and it happens when we began. buy another bank, they can probably to be being held at the same time that TARP isn’t working. It hasn’t book losses on their 2008 tax returns. amendments to that bill are supposed stemmed the foreclosure crisis, which It is very interesting how the finan- to be filed upstairs in the Rules Com- is at the heart of what is wrong with cial system works on behalf of the big, mittee. our economy. It didn’t help unfreeze and yet for those losing their homes, So Members who spent over 20 years credit inside our financial system. The they have almost no one to represent on that committee are unable to take auto industry didn’t go into a nose-dive them. They are having a royal time what they hear at the hearing, and the because people didn’t want to buy cars. with our money, the banksters up there information learned, to make rec- They couldn’t get the loans from the on Wall Street. ommendations for amendments to the banks to buy the cars because the Money Morning reports the 116 banks Rules Committee. Any Member who housing foreclosure crisis froze up the that are receiving billions in taxpayer- might not be on the committee, and credit system. Instead, TARP has provided bailout money this year actu- who wants to go to the hearing and lis- brought the auto industry and hun- ally paid out $1.6 billion in compensa- ten, and then maybe propose amend- dreds of thousands of businesses across tion to their executives, plus benefits, ments, well, you can’t do that because our country to their knees. even though the results at some of it’s being held at the same time. A staggering 693,000 jobs were lost these institutions were so poor that The committee will be holding the across this country in the last month, they would soon have to turn to Wash- hearing here in the Capitol where most three-quarters of a million, following ington for government-engineered res- Americans can no longer afford to trav- 533,000 jobs the month before, half a cues. The $1.6 billion in compensation el. They are not bothering to go out to million more. There are now nearly and benefits to the banksters was paid the country, to the communities that four job seekers for every one job open- out to nearly 600 executives at the 116 have been so badly devastated by the ing. And, again, one in ten homeowners banks that have so far accepted Fed- rising foreclosure crisis, that the nationwide are now in arrears or facing eral money to bolster their financial TARP, the bank bailout bill is not foreclosure. My advice to people in situation. solving. that position: Don’t leave your prop- The Associated Press concluded after No, the public won’t be included, and erty. You claim your own property, be- a review of U.S. security filings that in the subpoena power of the committee cause chances are if you had a good addition to salary, the compensation will not be used. So here we go, the included bonuses paid in both cash and banksters are back. They want another lawyer and they went to court on your stock. The benefits reaped by top ex- $350 billion of our taxpayers’ money, behalf, they couldn’t find who really ecutives included the use of company and the deliberations inside this Cham- holds your mortgage. If they go to the jets for personal purposes, personal ber are throttled. Isn’t that sad, par- Truth in Lending laws, you might be chauffeurs, home security services, ticularly given what happened to the surprised. The law might be on your country club memberships and profes- first 350 billion. Once again, we are side. Don’t leave your property. So what have the banks done with all sional wealth management services, being pushed and told we have to hurry this money? Shouldn’t we know that the news service said. this up. We are going to have a new Now, let’s give them credit. These President. So we are told to hurry up before we vote to give them more? I banksters know how to walk our and be hasty and not be thoughtful, be- ask every Member of Congress, money around. They even know how to cause, of course, something might hap- shouldn’t we know where the money create money when there isn’t any pen. But you know what? It’s already went and what they did with it? Have there. They create fancy names; de- happening. they reworked mortgages and started What we are doing isn’t working. But lending again? No. No, they have not. rivatives, credit default swaps and we are going to have to be voting this Instead, they have had a party buying collateralized debt obligations. But week on a big unthinkable wad of our one another up. The big banks, particu- those instruments are not worth any- taxpayers’ money, $350 billion more. larly the Wall Street banks, they are thing, because the underlying assets And if we learned anything from the getting bigger. Community banks are cannot pay back the money if someone release of the first half of the TARP under stress. Many State- tries to collect it. That is usually funds, it’s that hurried legislative ac- Headquartered banks are being bought called fraud or money laundering. tion brings undesired and sloppy re- by the bigger banks. But could it be a cruel twist of fate sults. PNC, already one of the Nation’s that the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Back in the fall we were told we largest banks, bought National City Paulson, former chief executive officer didn’t have the time to be deliberative, Bank in Ohio. They are throwing 4,000 of Goldman Sachs, oddly took care of that if we didn’t pass it, the economy people out of work in Cleveland, Ohio. Goldman, his firm, first during all of was going to continue a downward spi- But PNC became, hold on to your seats this, making it a bank holding com- ral, that the economy would crash, and now, the fifth largest bank in the pany, so it could get its nose under the we would be to blame. United States from the infusion of tent cover—I mean qualify for Federal Well, some Members voted for it, and TARP funds it received. The fifth larg- insurance, like the well-run banks do, it passed, and guess what happened? est bank in our country, and their cor- which had paid into the insurance sys- What they said wouldn’t. Never mind porate expansion bought and paid for tem. He did that for his own institu- that Secretary Paulson’s management by you, our taxpayers. tion, but then he shed crocodile tears of the economy and the bailout still Now, look at who else is getting big- and he pushed Lehman Brothers over- has resulted in 1.2 million jobs lost in ger. Last night, CBS news reported on board with no mercy. I would really November and December. Believe me, CBS.com that Bank of America re- like to know the full truth behind that people in my State know what those ceived $15 billion, and then they bought story. numbers really mean. Merrill Lynch, that had gotten $10 bil- But then Mr. Paulson, by coincidence One in 10 homeowners are in arrears lion even as it was put up for sale. surely, picked his top money man at or in foreclosure, imagine that, 10 per- Total that up. That is $25 billion. Now Goldman Sachs and moved him too, cent of the people who own homes in Morgan Stanley, the recipient of $10 lock stock and barrel, into the U.S. this country. billion, is buying China Trust Bank. Treasury to hand out our cash. Now,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 579 this surely must have been done acci- give this job to the Treasury. The We need to investigate, and it is a dentally. How can you have two men wrong agency has the lead. sham that this Congress is not doing from the same Wall Street firm dele- Let’s look at title II, called ‘‘fore- appropriate oversight; how the shadow gated all this power? Oh, you might closure relief.’’ Number one, the legis- banking sector created by the Wall have heard his name. It is Mr. lation provides no new plan to stop Street investment banks after the re- Kashkari. Yes, Neel Kashkari. He came foreclosures. That is what it was peal of Glass-Steagall, which was from Goldman. passed to do in the first place. This bill called Gramm-Leach-Bliley, con- It must surely be another coinci- doesn’t have it either. It continues to structed a private money creation sys- dence that Goldman was also Wall do more of the same, which simply tem that in a short 10 years equals or Street’s largest contributor to Federal hasn’t worked. Servicers are not moti- exceeds the assets of all regulated campaigns last year. Check it out vated through this bill to modify loans, banks nationwide. yourself at opensecrets.org. That is a because they are making money hand- In short there are solutions. We need Web site, opensecrets.org. In fact, Wall over-fist servicing defaulted loans, a consumer-centric model. What we Street overall became the largest foreclosing on loans and profiting from have now is a creditor-centric model. It donor to Federal elections. And they real estate that they have come to will eventually lead to a complete col- are not showing any signs of slowing own. And they are awaiting booking lapse, because consumers and tax- down. According to the Wall Street huge tax losses on their 2008 income payers cannot handle this burden. Journal, 90 percent of donations re- tax filings. The Tax Code favors them, Let’s go back to Ohio and take the ceived so far for the Inaugural Com- not us, not the people who sent me case of National City, which has been mittee have been raised by well-heeled here. an institution headquartered in Ohio, fund-raisers, including Wall Street ex- This legislation that is proposed does in Cleveland, since 1845. not help homeowners defend them- ecutives whose companies have re- b 2015 ceived billions of dollars in Federal selves against criminal acts of fraud bailout money. being perpetrated against them in Now, Treasury’s money, the tax- Well, think about that one. Of the 207 processing foreclosures. A majority of payers’ money, our money, went to an- fund-raisers that have collected $24.8 the loans originated between 2000 and other out-of-state bank, PNC, of Pitts- million of the $27.3 million in contribu- 2008 have legal defenses against fore- burgh, whose vice president, Mr. tions through Thursday for the coming closures, but because the scheme has Demchuk, invented the derivative in- inauguration, according to an analysis drained consumers of financial re- strument. They came to Ohio, PNC, by the nonpartisan campaign finance sources and because there are so few and they bought National City Bank, group Public Citizen, Wall Street em- consumer law attorneys who know how putting all the National City Bank em- ployees as a group have been the big- to raise these defenses in a court of ployees on notice with pink slips, 4,000 gest single source of these donations. law, consumers have no access to their of them, that they would be out of Much of their donations, in fact $5.7 rights, for example, under the Truth in work on the tape. PNC became bigger. million total, has been channeled Lending Act. So what Mr. Kashkari did was take through financial services executives The legislation continues to shift our money and give it to PNC, that who each have bundled together dona- both the risk and the cost of the pro- hasn’t worked out any of its mortgage tions worth hundreds of thousands of gram off corporations who perpetrated loans. They, then, came to Ohio and dollars. the scheme and on to homeowners, our bought out National City Bank. So Goldman Sachs has provided $175,000 American taxpayers. The legislation PNC got bigger, our banking system in donations primarily through the does not address the root of the prob- gets more concentrated, and PNC be- bundling efforts of Jennifer Scully, lem and it will be just as ineffective as came more powerful. Some say they ac- who has raised over $100,000; Bruce the first round of TARP funding in ad- tually have price control power now Heyman who raised $50,000, including dressing the core problem, the home over all of Western Pennsylvania. $10,000 of his own money; and another foreclosure crisis. The current loan So, PNC got $7.5 billion from us. gentleman, David Heller, who donated modification restrictions are Cleveland and Ohio lose a Fortune 500 another $25,000. Think about what is unsustainable and they will redefault. company. They lose 4,000 National City going on here. Let’s go to title V, and I can’t go Bank workers, and in Ohio, fore- But, you know, a lot of people say through every title tonight, called closures are raging. And Ohio, it gets they don’t influence peddle. Banksters Hope For Homeowners Program Im- nothing. We get nothing. We need $20 don’t influence peddle. They just want provements. Hope for Homeowners con- billion just to fix what’s wrong in Ohio. good government. Sure they do. Of sists of industry players who created But all we get is more foreclosures. course, all this is accidental. Nobody the mortgage mess to begin with. They Now, take another institution. In planned it this way. Just like Bernie are milking the system and not pro- 2008, Citigroup, one of the main cul- Madoff. Oh, he didn’t plan anything ei- viding any relief to homeowners now. prits that caused the financial melt- ther. Some might believe what these New nonprofit companies and loan down, was bestowed $25 billion. They banksters do in their private affairs modification companies are cropping got more than PNC. They got it from has absolutely no relationship to what up all over, and most of these have us, the taxpayer. And then they just happens here in Washington, and if you been established by the very mortgage kept foreclosing. In my district alone, believe that, you were born yesterday. brokers who defrauded consumers and another 235 families just were told, Fool me once, shame on you; fool me sold them into subprime slavery. They you’re out of your house. twice, shame on me. should not now be rewarded with a new Last November I found an advertise- There are problems with the bill business opportunity to revictimize the ment in my local paper that said there drafted to address the administration’s victims. was going to be an auction in my home mishandling of the bailout. This is the So let’s look at some recommenda- community, and I was surprised. I bill that is going to come before us, we tions that make sense. The bill that didn’t know the company coming in. It think, H.R. 384, the TARP Reform Ac- will be sent to us will not correct the was called Hudson and Marshall of Dal- countability Act of 2009. TARP doesn’t root of the problem and it will not las, Texas. So I went to the auction. need reforming. We need to kill it. We achieve the goal of preventing fore- And guess what? Citigroup was one of need to put the attention at the Fed- closures and keeping people in their the banks selling the properties eral Deposition Insurance Corporation homes. There are many effective fore- through Hudson Marshall. I attended. and the Securities and Exchange Com- closure prevention strategies being de- And I watched homes in my commu- mission in order to resolve the inter- ployed by attorneys and advocates, and nity sold for as little as $7,900, a price bank lending problem and the fore- we need to translate these into sys- so low that we could have put the closure credit crisis. We don’t need to temic solutions. original owners back in those homes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 Not only was Citigroup auctioning Mr. Paulson and Mr. Kashkari, your ess, not just here in Washington but homes that night, but so were lots of program isn’t working. where they live, where we live, in the other bailout recipients. Those are the What is happening is an outrage to real America. The committees should banks that got the money from Treas- the American people, and they are treat the American people with re- ury through us. Here they are: Wells being asked to pay for this. There spect, and they should travel to the Fargo, US Bank, Deutsche Bank, ABN/ shouldn’t be any more TARP bills communities most impacted. Amro, Chase Home Finance, Fifth clearing this Congress. Full hearings Why should we trust the banksters, Third Bank, Standard Federal, and La- must be held in the communities being those Wall Street banks that are going Salle. They all got the money, and affected, not some little hearing up to be up here again this week, as we then they turned their backs on the here in one room in the Capitol on one watch families in our regions pushed very people that they were meant to afternoon or in a couple of hours. We over the edge every day of every help. That’s what the people who need to use our power to get to the month, as the year proceeds? passed the bailout bill last year said, truth and represent the voters that Mr. Speaker, this is probably the that we would help those being fore- sent us here. worst financial crime I’ve ever seen closed. But that hasn’t happened. Equity is bleeding profusely from our committed against the American peo- It is clear that the recipients of the communities, and the sheer volume of ple. And yet, Congress seems almost Treasury money are unwilling to craft the properties sold at auction is dis- somnambulant. It seems to be walking real workouts. And so what happens in turbing. Financial institutions which around in a daze, the institution large- our region is people just keep getting have been capitalized through the ly shut down, all of this happening be- kicked out of their homes. TARP program have failed to do mort- fore the new President even assumes Wall Street hired the auction com- gage workouts. FDIC and SEC are the office. pany from Dallas, Texas. They didn’t institutions to take care of this mess, Think about the politics of the tim- even hire an Ohio auctioneer. They and they must be required to do mort- ing of this. I think the new President came to our region. They sold all those gage workouts, rather than foreclosing should suspend foreclosures. He should properties for very little money. And on homes and participating in these make a statement on that, and he they’re going to get big, huge tax auctions. should ask that this action be sus- losses written off their IRS filings for Hudson and Marshall stated in a pended. What’s going to happen in 7 the tax year of 2008. press release today that they have days that hasn’t happened already? But where are our families who lost made over $1.2 billion recently doing And then assume office and appoint their homes? Out on the street. Our auctions. $1.2 billion. These are dollars people at the FDIC and SEC who will people lost their homes and they lost that could have been turned to do use the normal means to resolve real their way of life. mortgage workouts at the local level estate problems across the banking I would like to invite Mr. Kashkari and put people back in their homes. system of this country. To give $350 billion more, 1/3 of a tril- and Secretary Paulson and all the PNC The intent of the TARP was to help lion dollars, to the banksters who have executives to come to Ohio. I want you stabilize our financial system, which led America to this precipice, is abso- to live in one of the neighborhoods that includes, in large measure, our housing lutely backwards. your actions have affected. We’re going industry. Yet, what are the financial I ask my colleagues, wake up. to give you a little heater, a Bunsen institutions doing? Enriching them- I ask the American people, get your burner heater overnight so you don’t selves, merging, creating mega-giant calls coming in. Let’s let the new get too cold in those houses. And we’d institutions and foreclosing on fami- President and the new Congress use the like you to experience the results of lies, rather than working to stabilize full powers they have been given to ad- what you are doing to the American families and neighborhoods across this dress this deeply, deeply rooted eco- people. You’re holed up here in Wash- country. nomic crisis. Until we fix the housing ington with lots of security. A stable home permits people to crisis, and we get those real estate We need to get people back on Main focus on obtaining and maintaining loans worked out on the books of insti- Street. That’s where we represent. Last employment, purchasing food and con- tutions locally, and we stand up to year 4,100 homes, just in my home tributing to society in positive ways, Wall Street, we are not going to fix county, were foreclosed. And in the rather than relying on Social Services this problem, and the American people last 21⁄2 years, 10 percent of the prop- funded by State and Federal dollars. are going to continue to bleed, and erties in my home community fore- We see communities falling apart. that is morally wrong. That is simply closed. 10 percent of the entire housing Community members and local banks morally wrong. stock. And as foreclosure rates con- are effectively locked out of the oppor- I agree with the new President-elect tinue to rise in places like Ohio, it’s tunity to reinvest in themselves be- who said he believes in a moratorium pretty obvious that what’s happening cause monies from the Department of on foreclosures. That ought to happen here in Washington isn’t connecting to Housing and Urban Development, until he puts people in place who can Main Street. which we were told would get to the remedy this problem without $350 bil- Why don’t people here see that? Why communities so they could buy these lion more dollars walking out the door are people afraid to look at the details homes, guess what? They’re not there. before he even assumes office. As a of what’s being proposed to us and say, They weren’t there in October. They former community organizer, he must no, no, to the banksters? weren’t there in November, they know the pain that exists across this Sadly, Hudson and Marshall, the auc- weren’t there in December. They’re not country. tion house that Wall Street hired to there in January. Now we’re told And just because Wall Street has sell all those homes in my community, maybe they’ll be there by March. No- more money and a lot of political they’re coming to your town too. This body seems to know. So all of these power doesn’t mean that it’s right. We, month alone they’re slated to be in programs that were supposed to work as a Congress, must do what’s right for several cities, in Michigan, Arizona, to help the American people who are the American people. We must say Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Is- paying the bill aren’t working. ‘‘no’’ to the second $350 billion, and we land, New Jersey. Think about this. No second round of bailout money, must represent the people who depend Think how much money they are mak- under TARP, should emerge from this on us to do what’s right for them and ing. And they’re going to auction at Congress unless real hearings are held right for the country. least 1,455 properties. They’ve now sold under all the committees of jurisdic- f over 70,000 homes just in the last few tion, unless the subpoena powers of years, and they are expecting, just this this Congress are used, and that the RECESS one company, to sell another, to auc- victims of this crisis can have their The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tion another 30,000 properties in 2009. voices heard in the deliberative proc- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 581 declares the House in recess subject to RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF tion. I was also proud to help rural veterans the call of the Chair. COMMITTEE ON RULES in my community continue to have access to important screening services close to home. Accordingly (at 8 o’clock and 28 min- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- utes p.m.), the House stood in recess I have recently been named the Ranking fore the House the following resigna- Republican on the Strategic Forces Sub- subject to the call of the Chair. tion as a member of the Committee on committee of the House Armed Services f Rules: Committee. This leadership position requires JANUARY 12, 2009. a great deal of commitment and is a unique 2050 b Hon. NANCY PELOSI, opportunity to continue my service to en- sure our national security. AFTER RECESS Speaker, House of Representatives, The Capitol, Washington, DC. I appreciate the opportunity to have served The recess having expired, the House DEAR SPEAKER PELOSI: I am writing to no- on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee was called to order by the Speaker pro tify you of my resignation from the Rules for the past four years. Because of the com- mitment of all members on this distin- tempore (Mr. MCGOVERN) at 8 o’clock Committee, effective January 14, 2009. It was guished committee, we have made great and 50 minutes p.m. an honor to serve you and Chairwoman Slaughter as a freshman member of this strides in caring for our veterans, and I know f prestigious committee. that the trend will continue. Please have I look forward to continuing to serve you your staff contact Joseph Heaton (jo- RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF from the Energy and Commerce Committee [email protected]) at 225–6465 if COMMITTEE ON RULES in the 111th Congress. my office can be of assistance. Sincerely, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Sincerely, KATHY CASTOR, MICHAEL R. TURNER, fore the House the following resigna- Member of Congress. tion as a member of the Committee on United States Representative, District 11. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Rules: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, the resignation is accepted. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, objection, the resignation is accepted. There was no objection. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, January 12, 2009. There was no objection. f The Hon. NANCY PELOSI, f ELECTING MEMBERS TO CERTAIN Speaker, House of Representatives, RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF Washington, DC. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE DEAR SPEAKER PELOSI: I am writing to no- COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AF- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tify you of my resignation from the Com- FAIRS Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. mittee on Rules, effective January 14, 2009. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Speaker, by direction of the Demo- I appreciate the incredible opportunity you fore the House the following resigna- cratic Caucus, I offer a privileged reso- gave me to serve on this important com- tion as a member of the Committee on mittee two years ago. As a new Member of lution and ask for its immediate con- Congress, the Committee on Rules provided Veterans’ Affairs: sideration. me with an invaluable introduction to the CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- legislative process and a key opportunity to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, lows: serve Vermonters. I look forward now to Washington, DC, January 13, 2009. H. RES. 51 working on the pressing national issues as a Hon. NANCY PELOSI, Resolved, That the following named Mem- new member of the Committee on Energy Speaker, House of Representatives, Capitol bers be and are hereby elected to the fol- and Commerce. Building,Washington, DC. lowing standing committees of the House of Thank you for your attention to this mat- Hon. JOHN BOEHNER, Representatives: ter. Republican Leader, House of Representatives, (1) COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION.— Sincerely, Capitol Building, Washington, DC. Ms. of California, Mr. Capuano, PETER WELCH, DEAR SPEAKER PELOSI AND LEADER Mr. Gonzalez, Mrs. Davis of California, Mr. Member of Congress. BOEHNER: I am writing to tender my resigna- Davis of Alabama. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without tion from the House Veterans’ Affairs Com- mittee for the 111th Congress effective today, (2) COMMITTEE ON RULES.—Mr. Perlmutter, objection, the resignation is accepted. January 13, 2009. It has been an honor to Ms. Pingree of Maine, Mr. Polis of Colorado. There was no objection. serve with Chairman Filner and Ranking SEC. 2. Paragraph (5) of House Resolution 24, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, agreed f Member Buyer, as well as the other members of the Committee, to ensure the needs of our to January 7, 2009, is amended by striking RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF veterans remain a national priority. ‘‘Mr. Bishop of Utah,’’ and inserting ‘‘Mr. Bishop of New York,’’. COMMITTEE ON RULES I remain committed to making certain that our veterans receive the best quality of Mr. LARSON of Connecticut (during The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- care, benefits, and services that the United the reading). Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- fore the House the following resigna- States is able to provide. Locally, the Day- mous consent that the resolution be tion as a member of the Committee on ton VA Medical Center, and all Miami Valley considered as read and printed in the Rules: and Ohio veterans will remain a top priority. RECORD. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Since my election to Congress I have been proud to support all of our nation’s veterans The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, objection to the request of the gen- Washington, DC, January 12, 2009. through increases in VA funding and sup- tleman from Connecticut? Hon. NANCY PELOSI, porting the Wounded Warrior Assistance Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, Act, which is aimed at improving the transi- There was no objection. DC. tion between DoD and VA medical care. Ad- The resolution was agreed to. DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: I am writing to no- ditionally, I was able to support final pas- A motion to reconsider was laid upon tify you of my resignation from the Com- sage of the GI Bill modernization, which ex- the table. mittee on Rules, effective January 14, 2009. I panded veterans education benefits and al- f enjoyed serving on such a prestigious Com- lows them to transfer their unused benefits mittee and look forward to serving on the to their immediate family members. REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- Locally, I have been able to advocate for Committee on Energy and Commerce Com- VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF mittee. the 500-bed Dayton VA Medical Center, which is one of the three original VA ‘‘sol- H.R. 2, CHILDREN’S HEALTH IN- Thank you for your attention to this mat- SURANCE PROGRAM REAUTHOR- ter. diers’ homes’’ created by President Lincoln Sincerely, after the Civil War. This facility is the sec- IZATION ACT OF 2009 ond largest federal installation in my Con- BETTY SUTTON, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, from the Member of Congress. gressional District, and is an important com- munity asset. I worked to ensure the Com- Committee on Rules, submitted a priv- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without munity Living Center, which was slated for ileged report (Rept. No. 111–1) on the objection, the resignation is accepted. closure, remained open and also received ad- resolution (H. Res. 52) providing for There was no objection. ditional money for a state-of-the-art renova- consideration of the bill (H.R. 2) to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 amend title XXI of the Social Security The motion was agreed to; accord- ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- Act to extend and improve the Chil- ingly (at 8 o’clock and 54 minutes tion’s final rule — Financial Education Pro- dren’s Health Insurance Program, and p.m.), the House adjourned until to- grams That Include the Provision of Bank Products and Services (RIN: 3064-AD28) re- for other purposes, which was referred morrow, Wednesday, January 14, 2009, ceived January 7, 2009, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. to the House Calendar and ordered to at 10 a.m. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Financial be printed. f Services. f 55. A letter from the Deputy General Coun- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, sel, National Credit Union Administration, REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- ETC. transmitting the Administration’s final rule VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive — Incidental Powers (RIN: 3133-AD12) re- H.R. 384, TARP REFORM AND AC- communications were taken from the ceived January 7, 2009, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. COUNTABILITY ACT OF 2009 Speaker’s table and referred as follows: 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Financial Services. Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, from the 46. A letter from the Administrator, De- 56. A letter from the General Counsel, Na- Committee on Rules, submitted a priv- partment of Agriculture, transmitting the tional Credit Union Administration, trans- ileged report (Rept. No. 111–2) on the Department’s ‘‘Major’’ final rule — Walnuts mitting the Administration’s final rule — resolution (H. Res. 53) providing for Grown in California; Section 610 Review Share Insurance for Revocable Trust Ac- [Docket No. AMS-FV-08-0010; FV08-984-610 counts (RIN: 3133-AD54) received January 7, consideration of the bill (H.R. 384) to Review] received January 7, 2009, pursuant to reform the Troubled Assets Relief Pro- 2009, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Committee on Financial Services. gram of the Secretary of the Treasury Agriculture. 57. A letter from the General Counsel, Na- and ensure accountability under such 47. A letter from the Administrator, De- tional Credit Union Administration, trans- Program, which was referred to the partment of Agriculture, transmitting the mitting the Administration’s final rule — House Calendar and ordered to be Department’s ‘‘Major’’ final rule — Toma- Display of Official Sign; Temporary Increase printed. toes Grown in Florida; Section 610 Review in Standard Maximum Share Insurance [Docket No. AMS-FV-08-0009; FV08-966-610 Amount; Coverage for Custodian Loan Ac- f Review] received January 7, 2009, pursuant to counts (RIN: 3133-AD55) received January 7, LEAVE OF ABSENCE 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on 2009, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Agriculture. Committee on Financial Services. By unanimous consent, leave of ab- 48. A letter from the Administrator, De- 58. A letter from the Acting Secretary, Se- sence was granted to: partment of Agriculture, transmitting the curities and Exchange Commission, trans- Mr. BOUCHER (at the request of Mr. Department’s ‘‘Major’’ final rule — Pears mitting the Commission’s final rule — MOD- HOYER) for today and the balance of Grown in Oregon and Washington; Section ERNIZATION OF OIL AND GAS REPORT- the week. 610 Review [Docket No. AMS-FV-08-0008, ING [Release Nos. 33-8995; 34-59192; FR-78; FV08-927-610 Review] received January 7, File No. S7-15-08] (RIN: 3235-AK00) received f 2009, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the January 7, 2009, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED Committee on Agriculture. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Financial 49. A letter from the Counsel for Legisla- Services. By unanimous consent, permission to tion and Regulations, Department of Hous- 59. A letter from the Secretary, Securities address the House, following the legis- ing and Urban Development, transmitting and Exchange Commission, transmitting the lative program and any special orders the Department’s final rule — Revision of Commission’s ‘‘Major’’ final rule — IN- heretofore entered, was granted to: Hearing Procedures [Docket No. FR-5084-F- DEXED ANNUITIES AND CERTAIN OTHER (The following Members (at the re- 02] (RIN: 2501-AD24) received January 7, 2009, INSURANCE CONTRACTS [Release Nos. 33- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- 8996, 34-59221; File No. S7-14-08] (RIN: 3235- quest of Mr. CHANDLER) to revise and mittee on Financial Services. AK16) received January 12, 2009, pursuant to extend their remarks and include ex- 50. A letter from the Associate General 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Fi- traneous material:) Counsel for Legislation and Regulations, De- nancial Services. Mr. REYES, for 5 minutes, today. partment of Housing and Urban Develop- 60. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- Mr. CHANDLER, for 5 minutes, today. ment, transmitting the Department’s final ment of Health and Human Services, trans- Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. rule — Matching Requirements in McKinney- mitting the twenty-eighth annual report on Vento Act Programs [Docket No. FR-5247-F- Ms. WOOLSEY, for 5 minutes, today. the implementation of the Age Discrimina- 01] (RIN: 2506-AC24) received January 7, 2009, (The following Members (at the re- tion Act of 1975 by departments and agencies pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- which administer programs of Federal finan- quest of Mr. POE of Texas) to revise and mittee on Financial Services. cial assistance, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. extend their remarks and include ex- 51. A letter from the Director, Office of 6106a(b); to the Committee on Education and traneous material:) Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- Labor. Mr. BURTON of Indiana, for 5 minutes, ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- 61. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- today, January 14 and 15. tion’s final rule — Deposit Insurance Re- ment of Energy, transmitting the Depart- Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, for 5 minutes, quirements After Certain Conversions; Defi- ment’s Annual Report for the Strategic Pe- January 14 and 15. nition of ‘‘Corporate Reorganization;’’ Op- troleum Reserve covering calendar year 2007, tional Conversions (’’Oakar Transactions’’); in accordance with section 165 of the Energy Mr. HUNTER, for 5 minutes, January Additional Grounds for Disapproval of Policy and Conservation Act; to the Com- 14. Changes in Control; and Disclosure of Cer- mittee on Energy and Commerce. Mr. NEUGEBAUER, for 5 minutes, tain Supervisory Information (RIN: 3064- 62. A letter from the Attorney, Office of today. AD25) received January 7, 2009, pursuant to 5 Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and Regulatory Law, Department of Energy, f U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Fi- nancial Services. transmitting the Department’s ‘‘Major’’ SENATE ENROLLED JOINT 52. A letter from the Director, FDIC Office final rule — Energy Conservation Program RESOLUTION SIGNED of Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- for Commercial and Industrial Equipment: ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- Energy Conservation Standards for Commer- The Speaker announced her signa- tion’s final rule — Assessment Dividends cial Ice-Cream Freezers; Self-Contained ture to an enrolled Joint Resolution of (RIN: 3064-AD27) received January 7, 2009, Commercial Refrigerators, Commercial the Senate of the following title: pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Freezers, and Commercial Refrigerator- S.J. Res. 3. Ensuring that the compensa- mittee on Financial Services. Freezers Without Doors; and Remote Con- tion and other emolument attached to the 53. A letter from the Director, Office of densing Commercial Refrigerators, Commer- office of Secretary of the Interior are those Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- cial Freezers, and Commercial Refrigerator- which were in effect on January 1, 2005. ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- Freezers [Docket Number EERE-2006-BT- tion’s final rule — Temporary Liquidity STD-0126] (RIN: 1904-AB59) received January f Guarantee Program (RIN: 3064-AD37) re- 13, 2009, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to ADJOURNMENT ceived January 7, 2009, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. the Committee on Energy and Commerce. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Financial 63. A letter from the Principal Deputy As- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Services. sistant Secretary Legislative Affairs, De- Speaker, I move that the House do now 54. A letter from the Director, Office of partment of State, transmitting certifi- adjourn. Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- cation of a proposed manufacturing license

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.000 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 583 agreement with India (Transmittal No. 102[2][c] of the National Environmental Pol- By Mr. PALLONE (for himself, Mr. DDTC 134-08), pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2776(d); icy Act of 1969; to the Committee on Trans- WAXMAN, Mr. DINGELL, Mr. RANGEL, to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. portation and Infrastructure. Mr. STARK, Mr. FOSTER, Mr. ABER- 64. A letter from the Acting Assistant 75. A letter from the Assistant Secretary CROMBIE, Mr. BARROW, Mr. BOUCHER, Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Depart- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, Mrs. CAPPS, Ms. ment of State, transmitting Copies of inter- transmitting the Department’s semi-annual CASTOR of Florida, Mr. CONNOLLY of national agreements, other than treaties, en- report on the continued compliance of Azer- Virginia, Mr. CUELLAR, Ms. tered into by the United States, pursuant to baijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the Russian DAHLKEMPER, Ms. DEGETTE, Mr. ED- 1 U.S.C. 112b; to the Committee on Foreign Federation, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, pur- WARDS of Texas, Mr. ENGEL, Ms. Affairs. suant to Sections 402 and 409 of the 1974 ESHOO, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Ms. 65. A letter from the Deputy Secretary, De- HARMAN, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Ms. Trade Act, as amended; to the Committee on ´ partment of Defense, transmitting a report Ways and Means. KILROY, Mr. LUJAN, Mr. MAFFEI, Mr. pursuant to Pub. L. 110-252, Sec. 9204; to the MARKEY of Massachusetts, Mr. Committee on Foreign Affairs. 76. A letter from the Under Secretary for MASSA, Ms. MATSUI, Mr. MCMAHON, 66. A letter from the Assistant Secretary Policy, Department of Defense, transmitting Mr. NCNERNEY, Mr. MURPHY of Con- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, a joint report that describes activities re- necticut, Mr. PASCRELL, Ms. transmitting the Interagency Working lated to the Proliferation Security Initia- SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. WASSERMAN Group on U.S. Government-Sponsored Inter- tive, including associated funding, that are SCHULTZ, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. SPACE, national Exchanges and Training’s annual planned to be carried out by the United Mr. STUPAK, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. TOWNS, inventory of U.S. Government-sponsored States over the next three fiscal years, pur- Mr. WELCH, and Mr. WEINER): international exchange and training pro- suant to Public Law 110-53, section 1821(b); H.R. 2. A bill to amend title XXI of the So- grams, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2460(f) and (g) jointly to the Committees on Foreign Affairs cial Security Act to extend and improve the Public Law 87-256, section Section 112(f) and and Armed Services. Children’s Health Insurance Program, and (g); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. for other purposes; to the Committee on En- 67. A letter from the Assistant Secretary f ergy and Commerce, and in addition to the Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Committees on Ways and Means, and Edu- transmitting the Department’s report on the cation and Labor, for a period to be subse- status of consular training with respect to REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON quently determined by the Speaker, in each travel and identity documents, pursuant to PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS case for consideration of such provisions as Section 7201(d) of The Intelligence Reform fall within the jurisdiction of the committee and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004; to the Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of concerned. Committee on Foreign Affairs. committees were delivered to the Clerk By Mr. RUPPERSBERGER (for himself 68. A letter from the Assistant Secretary for printing and reference to the proper and Ms. SHEA-PORTER): Legislative Affairs, Department of State, calendar, as follows: H.R. 460. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- transmitting a report pursuant to section enue Code of 1986 to increase the credit for 10(d)(1) of the United Nations Participation [Omitted from the Record of January 3, 2009] employers establishing workplace child care Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. THOMPSON of : Committee facilities, to increase the child care credit to 69. A letter from the Chair, CPB Board of on Homeland Security. Report on Legislative encourage greater use of quality child care Directors, Corporation for Public Broad- and Oversight Activities of the House Com- services, to provide incentives for students casting, transmitting the Corporation’s mittee on Homeland Security for the 110th to earn child care-related degrees and to semiannual report on the activities of the Congress (Rept. 110–940). Referred to the work in child care facilities, and to increase Office of the Inspector General for the period Committee of the Whole House on the State the exclusion for employer-provided depend- from April 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008, of the Union. ent care assistance; to the Committee on pursuant to 5 U.S.C. app. (Insp. Gen. Act) Ways and Means. section 5(b); to the Committee on Oversight Mr. CONYERS: Committee on the Judici- By Mr. WU (for himself, Mr. GORDON of and Government Reform. ary. Report on the Activities of the Com- Tennessee, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHN- 70. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- mittee on the Judiciary During the 110th SON of Texas, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. ment of Housing and Urban Development, Congress (Rept. 110–941). Referred to the BILBRAY, Ms. RICHARDSON, Ms. transmitting the Department’s semiannual Committee of the Whole House on the State SCHWARTZ, Mr. MILLER of North report from the office of the Inspector Gen- of the Union. Carolina, Mr. BOUCHER, Mr. eral for the period April 1, 2008 through Sep- Mr. SKELTON: Committee on Armed Serv- BLUMENAUER, Mr. ROTHMAN of New tember 30, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. app. ices. Report of the Activities of the Com- Jersey, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. (Insp. Gen. Act) section 5(b); to the Com- mittee on Armed Services for the 110th Con- SMITH of Washington, and Mr. HALL mittee on Oversight and Government Re- gress (Rept. 110–942). Referred to the Com- of Texas): form. mittee of the Whole House on the State of H.R. 461. A bill to authorize the National 71. A letter from the Chairman, Merit Sys- the Union. Science Foundation to award grants to insti- tems Protection Board, transmitting a re- tutions of higher education to develop and port entitled, ‘‘The Federal Government: A [Filed on January 13, 2009] offer education and training programs; to Model Employer or a Work In Progress?,’’ the Committee on Science and Technology. Mr. HASTINGS of Florida: Committee on pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 1204(a)(3); to the Com- By Mr. CUMMINGS: Rules. House Resolution 52. Resolution pro- mittee on Oversight and Government Re- H.R. 462. A bill to amend titles XIX and viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2) to form. XXI of the Social Security Act to improve amend title XXI of the Social Security Act 72. A letter from the Chairman, National dental benefits under Medicaid and the State to extend and improve the Children’s Health Endowment for the Arts, transmitting a re- Children’s Health Insurance Program Insurance Program, and for other purposes port regarding the agencies’ competitive (SCHIP), and for other purposes; to the Com- (Rept. 111–1). Referred to the House Cal- sourcing efforts, pursuant to Public Law 208- mittee on Energy and Commerce. endar. 199, section 647(b) of Division F; to the Com- By Ms. SLAUGHTER (for herself, Ms. mittee on Oversight and Government Re- Mr. MCGOVERN: Committee on Rules. DEGETTE, Ms. DELAURO, Ms. HARMAN, form. House Resolution 53. Resolution providing Ms. LEE of California, Mrs. LOWEY, 73. A letter from the Acting Administrator, for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 384) to Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey, Mr. Small Business Administration, transmit- reform the Troubled Assets Relief Program WAXMAN, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. ACK- ting the Administration’s semiannual report of the Secretary of the Treasury and ensure ERMAN, Mr. ADLER of New Jersey, Mr. from the office of the Inspector General for accountability under such Program (Rept. ARCURI, Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. BERKLEY, the period April 1, 2008 through September 111–2). Referred to the House Calendar. Mr. BERMAN, Mrs. BIGGERT, Mr. 30, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. app. (Insp. Gen. BISHOP of New York, Mr. BISHOP of Act) section 5(b); to the Committee on Over- f Georgia, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. BOU- sight and Government Reform. CHER, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, 74. A letter from the Captain, U.S. Coast Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. Guard Pacific Area Chief of Staff, Depart- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS CAPUANO, Mr. CARNAHAN, Mr. CHAN- ment of Homeland Security, United States DLER, Mr. CLAY, Mr. COHEN, Mr. Coast Guard, transmitting the Department’s Under clause 2 of rule XII, public CONNOLLY of Virginia, Mr. CROWLEY, Draft Environmental Impact Statement for bills and resolutions of the following Mrs. DAVIS of California, Mr. USCG Pacific Operations: Districts 11 and 13, titles were introduced and severally re- DELAHUNT, Mr. DICKS, Mr. ELLISON, in accordance with the provisions of Section ferred, as follows: Mr. ENGEL, Mr. FARR, Mr. FATTAH,

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Mr. FILNER, Mr. FRANK of Massachu- By Mr. DOGGETT (for himself, Mr. ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- setts, Ms. GIFFORDS, Mrs. BISHOP of New York, Mr. EDWARDS of risdiction of the committee concerned. GILLIBRAND, Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Texas, Mr. FILNER, Ms. EDDIE BER- By Ms. BORDALLO (for herself, Mr. Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. NICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. MCGOV- FALEOMAVAEGA, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, GRIJALVA, Mr. HALL of New York, Mr. ERN, and Mr. ORTIZ): Mr. PIERLUISI, and Mr. SABLAN): HARE, Mr. HIGGINS, Mr. HINCHEY, Ms. H.R. 466. A bill to amend title 38, United H.R. 473. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- HIRONO, Mr. HODES, Mr. HOLT, Mr. States Code, to prohibit discrimination and enue Code of 1986 to extend eligibility under HONDA, Mr. INSLEE, Mr. ISRAEL, Ms. acts of reprisal against persons who receive the new markets tax credit for community JACKSON-LEE of Texas, Mr. KENNEDY, treatment for illnesses, injuries, and disabil- development entities created or organized in Ms. KILROY, Mr. KIND, Mr. KUCINICH, ities incurred in or aggravated by service in American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. LARSEN of Wash- the uniformed services; to the Committee on , Guam, Puerto ington, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. LOEBSACK, Ms. Veterans’ Affairs. Rico, and the Virgin Islands; to the Com- ZOE LOFGREN of California, Mrs. By Ms. SPEIER (for herself and Ms. mittee on Ways and Means. MALONEY, Ms. MATSUI, Ms. MCCOL- ESHOO): By Mr. BOREN (for himself and Mr. LUM, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. MCGOV- H.R. 467. A bill to put State and local gov- SULLIVAN): ERN, Mr. MCNERNEY, Mr. MEEKS of ernments and other public entity or instru- H.R. 474. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- New York, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of mentality established under State law in the enue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the California, Mr. MITCHELL, Ms. MOORE same position they would have been in had Indian employment credit and the deprecia- of Wisconsin, Mr. MOORE of Kansas, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Board tion rules for poverty used predominantly Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut, Mr. PAT- of Governors of the Federal Reserve System within an Indian reservation; to the Com- RICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. provided emergency financial assistance to mittee on Ways and Means. NADLER of New York, Mrs. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. by requiring By Mr. ELLISON (for himself, Mr. ALZ BERSTAR C OL NAPOLITANO, Ms. NORTON, Mr. OLVER, the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase W , Mr. O , and Ms. M C - LUM Mr. PAYNE, Mr. PETERS, Ms. PINGREE bonds issued by such financial institution, ): H.R. 475. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- of Maine, Mr. PRICE of North Caro- and for other purposes; to the Committee on enue Code to qualify formerly homeless lina, Mr. RANGEL, Ms. ROYBAL-AL- Financial Services. youth who are students for purposes of low LARD, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Mr. RUSH, By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY: income housing tax credit; to the Committee Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Ms. LORETTA H.R. 468. A bill to expand, train, and sup- on Ways and Means. SANCHEZ of California, Mr. SARBANES, port all sectors of the health care workforce By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas (for him- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. SCHIFF, Ms. to care for the growing population of older self, Ms. WATERS, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. SCHWARTZ, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. SHER- individuals in the United States; to the Com- CLAY, Mr. HINOJOSA, Mr. MEEK of MAN, Mr. SIRES, Mr. STARK, Ms. SUT- mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- Florida, Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, TON, Mrs. TAUSCHER, Mr. THOMPSON dition to the Committee on Education and Mr. SIRES, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. PASTOR of California, Ms. TSONGAS, Ms. Labor, for a period to be subsequently deter- of Arizona, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. MCGOV- VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. WASSERMAN mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- ERN, Ms. EDWARDS of Maryland, Mr. SCHULTZ, Mr. WELCH, Mr. WEXLER, sideration of such provisions as fall within MORAN of Virginia, Mr. CARNAHAN, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. WU, Mr. YARMUTH, the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. Mr. GONZALEZ, and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY): and Mr. VAN HOLLEN): By Mr. HALL of Texas: H.R. 476. A bill to authorize funds to pre- H.R. 463. A bill to expand access to preven- H.R. 469. A bill to encourage research, de- vent housing discrimination through the use tive health care services that help reduce un- velopment, and demonstration of tech- of nationwide testing, to increase funds for intended pregnancy, reduce abortions, and nologies to facilitate the utilization of water the Fair Housing Initiatives Program, and improve access to women’s health care; to produced in connection with the develop- for other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- the Committee on Energy and Commerce, ment of domestic energy resources, and for nancial Services. and in addition to the Committees on Ways other purposes; to the Committee on Science By Mr. JORDAN of Ohio: and Means, and Education and Labor, for a and Technology. H.R. 477. A bill to require the submission period to be subsequently determined by the By Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey (for by the President of recommendations and Speaker, in each case for consideration of himself, Mr. PRICE of Georgia, and proposed legislation to modernize, consoli- such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Mr. JORDAN of Ohio): date, reprioritize, and where necessary, ter- tion of the committee concerned. H.R. 470. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- minate Federal programs, agencies, and ac- By Mr. PRICE of Georgia (for himself, enue Code of 1986 to provide for permanent tivities; to the Committee on Oversight and Mr. BLUNT, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. tax incentives for economic growth; to the Government Reform. BARTLETT, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. Committee on Ways and Means, and in addi- By Mr. JORDAN of Ohio: GOHMERT, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. tion to the Committee on Appropriations, for H.R. 478. A bill to amend the Inspector BROWN of South Carolina, Mr. a period to be subsequently determined by General Act of 1978 to require annual reviews CRENSHAW, Mr. KLINE of Minnesota, the Speaker, in each case for consideration by Inspectors General of the operations, effi- Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. BURTON of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- ciency, and effectiveness of Federal pro- of Indiana, Mr. SOUDER, Mr. CASSIDY, tion of the committee concerned. grams; to the Committee on Oversight and Mr. SHUSTER, Mrs. BACHMANN, Mr. By Mr. ALTMIRE (for himself and Mr. Government Reform. GINGREY of Georgia, Mr. COBLE, Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania): By Mr. MATHESON (for himself, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. THORNBERRY, Mr. H.R. 471. A bill to amend the Trade Act of KING of New York, Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. ROSKAM, and Mr. FLEMING): 1974 to provide for a limitation on presi- REICHERT, and Ms. CASTOR of Flor- H.R. 464. A bill to provide for a 5-year dential discretion with respect to actions to ida): SCHIP reauthorization for coverage of low- address market disruption; to the Committee H.R. 479. A bill to amend the Public Health income children, an expansion of child on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Service Act to provide a means for continued health care insurance coverage through tax Committee on Rules, for a period to be sub- improvement in emergency medical services fairness, and a health care Federalism initia- sequently determined by the Speaker, in for children; to the Committee on Energy tive, and for other purposes; to the Com- each case for consideration of such provi- and Commerce. mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the By Mr. MICA (for himself, Mr. BILI- dition to the Committees on Ways and committee concerned. RAKIS, Mr. BOYD, Ms. CORRINE BROWN Means, and Rules, for a period to be subse- By Mr. BACA: of Florida, Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE quently determined by the Speaker, in each H.R. 472. A bill to reform the Troubled As- of Florida, Mr. BUCHANAN, Ms. CAS- case for consideration of such provisions as sets Relief Program of the Secretary of the TOR of Florida, Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee Treasury by establishing the Family Fore- LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida, Mr. concerned. closure Rescue Corporation modeled on the MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida, Mr. By Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas (for successful Home Owner’s Loan Corporation, GRAYSON, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, himself, Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of and to purchase and insure home mortgage Mr. KLEIN of Florida, Ms. KOSMAS, Florida, and Mr. WAXMAN): loans for the purposes of providing relief to Mr. MACK, Mr. MEEK of Florida, Mr. H.R. 465. A bill to amend titles XIX and homeowners, restoring stability to the finan- MILLER of Florida, Mr. POSEY, Mr. XXI of the Social Security Act to permit cial system, preventing further harm to the PUTNAM, Mr. ROONEY, Ms. ROS- States to ensure coverage without a 5-year economy, and protecting taxpayers; to the LEHTINEN, Mr. STEARNS, Ms. delay of certain children and pregnant Committee on Financial Services, and in ad- WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. WEXLER, women under the Medicaid program and dition to the Committee on Ways and Means, and Mr. YOUNG of Florida): SCHIP; to the Committee on Energy and for a period to be subsequently determined H.R. 480. A bill to establish the St. Augus- Commerce. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- tine 450th Commemoration Commission, and

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for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. STUPAK: SUTTON, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi, Oversight and Government Reform. H.R. 488. A bill to decrease the matching Mr. TOWNS, Mr. WU, Mr. CASTLE, and By Mr. OBERSTAR: funds requirement and authorize additional Mr. LOEBSACK): H.R. 481. A bill to revise the authorized appropriations for Keweenaw National His- H. Res. 56. A resolution expressing support route of the North Country National Scenic torical Park in the State of Michigan; to the for designation of the week of February 2 Trail in northeastern Minnesota to include Committee on Natural Resources. through February 6, 2009, as ‘‘National existing hiking trails along Lake Superior’s By Mr. THORNBERRY: School Counseling Week’’; to the Committee north shore and in Superior National Forest H.R. 489. A bill to improve the conduct of on Education and Labor. and Chippewa National Forest, and for other strategic communication by the Federal By Mr. SIRES (for himself, Ms. purposes; to the Committee on Natural Re- Government; to the Committee on Foreign WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. sources. Affairs. SERRANO, Mr. REYES, Mr. PALLONE, By Mr. POE of Texas (for himself, Mr. By Mr. THORNBERRY: Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. EHLERS, Mr. BROWN of South Caro- H.R. 490. A bill to require a quadrennial re- HINOJOSA, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. lina, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. MCHENRY, view of the diplomatic strategy and struc- GRIJALVA, and Ms. BORDALLO): Ms. FALLIN, Mr. LINDER, Mr. SESTAK, ture of the Department of State and its re- H. Res. 57. A resolution expressing the im- Mr. LAMBORN, Mrs. MILLER of Michi- lated agencies to determine how the Depart- portance of swimming lessons and recog- gan, Mrs. BACHMANN, and Mr. ment can best fulfill its mission in the 21st nizing the danger of drowning in the United GALLEGLY): century and meet the challenges of a chang- States, especially among minority children; H.R. 482. A bill to authorize the rededica- ing world; to the Committee on Foreign Af- to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. tion of the District of Columbia War Memo- fairs. By Mr. STEARNS (for himself, Mr. rial as a National and District of Columbia By Mr. WELCH: CRENSHAW, Mr. ROONEY, Mr. MACK, World War I Memorial to honor the sac- H.R. 491. A bill to direct the Secretary of Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Ms. GINNY BROWN- rifices made by American veterans of World Transportation to waive non-Federal share WAITE of Florida, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. War I; to the Committee on Natural Re- requirements for certain transportation pro- LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida, Mr. sources. grams and activities through September 30, BILIRAKIS, Mr. PUTNAM, Mr. HASTINGS By Mr. POE of Texas (for himself, Mr. 2009; to the Committee on Transportation of Florida, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, COSTA, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, and Infrastructure. Mr. YOUNG of Florida, Ms. CORRINE Mr. CARNEY, Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. By Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of BROWN of Florida, Mr. GRAYSON, Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee, Mr. GRIJALVA, Texas (for herself, Mr. HONDA, Mr. WEXLER, Mr. MICA, Ms. WASSERMAN Ms. HIRONO, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. SCHULTZ, Ms. KOSMAS, Mr. KLEIN of LOEBSACK, Mrs. MALONEY, Ms. MAT- CAPUANO, Mr. HINCHEY, Ms. Florida, Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of SUI, Mr. MOORE of Kansas, Ms. MOORE BORDALLO, and Mr. MURPHY of Con- Florida, Mr. POSEY, Mr. BOYD, Mr. of Wisconsin, Mr. MORAN of Virginia, necticut): MILLER of Florida, Mr. MEEK of Flor- Ms. NORTON, Mr. PAUL, Mr. PAYNE, H. Con. Res. 20. Concurrent resolution ex- ida, and Mr. WHITFIELD): Mr. WALZ, Mr. WU, Mr. HOLDEN, Mr. pressing the sense of Congress that the glob- H. Res. 58. A resolution commending the MCGOVERN, Ms. CORRINE BROWN of al use of child soldiers is unacceptable and University of Florida Gators for winning the Florida, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. MCCAUL, that the international community should Bowl Championship Series National Cham- Ms. EDWARDS of Maryland, and Mr. find remedies to end this practice; to the pionship Game; to the Committee on Edu- JOHNSON of Georgia): Committee on Foreign Affairs. cation and Labor. H.R. 483. A bill to safeguard the Crime Vic- By Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California f tims Fund; to the Committee on the Budget, (for himself, Mr. MCKEON, Mr. and in addition to the Committees on Rules, HINOJOSA, Mr. ALTMIRE, Mr. BISHOP MEMORIALS and the Judiciary, for a period to be subse- of New York, Mr. CASTLE, Ms. quently determined by the Speaker, in each CLARKE, Mr. COURTNEY, Mrs. DAVIS of Under clause 3 of rule XII, case for consideration of such provisions as California, Mr. EHLERS, Mr. 1. The SPEAKER presented a memorial of fall within the jurisdiction of the committee GRIJALVA, Mr. HOLT, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. the Senate of Michigan, relative to Senate concerned. KUCINICH, Mr. LOEBSACK, Mrs. Concurrent Resolution No. 31, memorializing By Mr. ROGERS of Alabama (for him- MCCARTHY of New York, Mrs. Congress to reduce the price of traditional self, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. MCMORRIS RODGERS, Mr. PETRI, Mr. passports, by directly lowering the cost to ADERHOLT, Mr. BACHUS, Mr. BART- POLIS of Colorado, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. consumers or by offering fully refundable LETT, Mr. BOSWELL, Mr. BRADY of SCOTT of Virginia, Ms. SHEA-PORTER, federal income tax deductions to citizens Pennsylvania, Mr. ISRAEL, Ms. JACK- Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. WU, Ms. BORDALLO, who live in border states; to the Committee SON-LEE of Texas, Mr. LOBIONDO, and Mr. FATTAH, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mrs. on Foreign Affairs. Mr. PAUL): MALONEY, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. MORAN f H.R. 484. A bill to require the Secretary of of Virginia, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. Defense to develop and implement a plan to WAXMAN, Mr. HINCHEY, and Mr. PRIVATE BILLS AND provide chiropractic health care services and SIRES): RESOLUTIONS benefits for certain new beneficiaries as part H. Res. 50. A resolution honoring the life of of the TRICARE program; to the Committee Claiborne Pell, distinguished former Senator Under clause 3 of rule XII, on Armed Services. from the State of Rhode Island; to the Com- Mr. MARKEY of Massachusetts introduced By Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN: mittee on Education and Labor; considered a bill (H.R. 492) for the relief of Esther H.R. 485. A bill to strengthen existing leg- and agreed to. Karinge; which was referred to the Com- islation sanctioning persons aiding and fa- By Mr. LARSON of Connecticut: mittee on the Judiciary. cilitating nonproliferation activities by the H. Res. 51. A resolution electing Members f Governments of Iran, North Korea, and to certain standing committees of the House Syria, and for other purposes; to the Com- of Representatives; considered and agreed to. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS mittee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to By Mr. MCCLINTOCK: Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors the Committees on Ways and Means, the Ju- H. Res. 54. A resolution celebrating the life diciary, Oversight and Government Reform, of President Ronald Wilson Reagan on what were added to public bills and resolu- and Financial Services, for a period to be would have been the anniversary of his 98th tions as follows: subsequently determined by the Speaker, in birthday; to the Committee on Oversight and H.R. 13: Mr. CARNAHAN. each case for consideration of such provi- Government Reform. H.R. 14: Ms. BORDALLO. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the By Mr. ROYCE (for himself and Ms. H.R. 16: Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. WEXLER, committee concerned. HARMAN): Mr. YOUNG of Florida, and Mr. CRENSHAW. By Mr. SENSENBRENNER: H. Res. 55. A resolution expressing support H.R. 20: Mr. FILNER. H.R. 486. A bill to amend title 28, United for the designation of a National Prader- H.R. 21: Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mrs. States Code, to provide an Inspector General Willi Syndrome Awareness Month to raise MALONEY, and Mr. PAYNE. for the judicial branch, and for other pur- awareness of and promote research into this H.R. 23: Mr. KING of New York. poses; to the Committee on the Judiciary. challenging disorder; to the Committee on H.R. 25: Mr. MORAN of Kansas. By Mr. SKELTON: Energy and Commerce. H.R. 31: Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi, Mr. H.R. 487. A bill to waive the 35-mile re- By Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. MEEKS of New York, Mr. quirement for designation of a critical access fornia (for herself, Mr. EHLERS, Ms. CLAY, Mr. GONZALEZ, Mr. KILDEE, Ms. BALD- hospital under the Medicare program; to the BORDALLO, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. WIN, Ms. DEGETTE, Mr. CLEAVER, Ms. RICH- Committee on Ways and Means. MCGOVERN, Mr. MOORE of Kansas, Ms. ARDSON, Mr. LANGEVIN, and Mr. INSLEE.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.001 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 586 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 H.R. 32: Mr. RODRIGUEZ. H.R. 444: Mr. COHEN, Mr. PAUL, Mr. LEWIS CONGRESSIONAL EARMARKS, LIM- H.R. 81: Mr. MORAN of Virginia. of Georgia, and Mr. KUCINICH. ITED TAX BENEFITS, OR LIM- H.R. 106: Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Mrs. H.J. Res. 3: Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. BROUN of ITED TARIFF BENEFITS MCCARTHY of New York, Mr. HONDA, and Ms. Georgia, Mr. PRICE of Georgia, Mr. MCKEON, ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. NEUGEBAUER, Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Under clause 9 of rule XXI, lists or H.R. 111: Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. Florida, Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. MANZULLO, statements on congressional earmarks, GALLEGLY, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. WELCH, Mr. Mr. BILBRAY, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. YOUNG of limited tax benefits, or limited tariff KILDEE, Mr. BILBRAY, Mr. ALTMIRE, Mr. Alaska, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mrs. benefits were submitted as follows: CARDOZA, Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN, Mr. PITTS, Mr. LUMMIS, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. CARTER, BRALEY of Iowa, and Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. BUR- OFFERED BY MR. GEORGE MILLER OF of Pennsylvania. TON of Indiana, Mr. HELLER, and Mr. FORBES. CALIFORNIA H.R. 124: Mr. KINGston. H. Con. Res. 17: Ms. CORRINE BROWN of The provisions that warranted a referral to H.R. 137: Mr. MCHENRY, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Florida, Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin, Mr. WATT, the Committee on Education and Labor in Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. RANGEL, Ms. WATERS, Ms. CLARKE, and H.R. 2, the Children’s Health Insurance Pro- Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. ROHRABACHER, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. gram Reauthorization Act of 2009, do not and Mr. LINDER. H. Res. 18: Mr. SIRES, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. contain any congressional earmarks, limited H.R. 138: Mr. KINGSTON. LARSEN of Washington, Ms. MATSUI, Ms. tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits as de- H.R. 143: Mr. COLE. BERKLEY, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. HIGGINS, Ms. fined in clause 9(d), 9(e), or 9(f) of Rule XXI. H.R. 147: Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. CARNEY, Ms. PINGREE of Maine, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. PAUL, Ms. OFFERED BY MR. WAXMAN EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, and Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. ROS-LEHTINEN. WALZ, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. HARE, Mrs. DAVIS of The provisions that warranted a referral to H.R. 153: Mr. PAUL. California, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. TANNER, Mr. the Committee on Energy and Commerce in H.R. 155: Mr. PAUL. MELANCON, Mr. WELCH, Mr. WEXLER, Mr. H.R. 2, the Children’s Health Insurance Pro- H.R. 175: Mr. ISRAEL, Mr. ROHRABACHER, MITCHELL, Mr. HODES, Ms. MOORE of Wis- gram Reauthorization Act of 2009, do not Mr. HINCHEY, and Ms. BORDALLO. consin, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. DELAHUNT, Mr. contain any congressional earmarks, limited H.R. 190: Mr. HODES. BERMAN, Mrs. CAPPS, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mrs. tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits as de- H.R. 205: Mr. BROUN of Georgia, Mr. ISSA, LOWEY, Ms. HIRONO, and Mr. ROTHMAN of New fined in clause 9(d), 9(e), or 9(f) of Rule XXI. Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. KLINE of Minnesota, Ms. Jersey. OFFERED BY MR. RANGEL ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky, Mr. H. Res. 19: Mr. REICHERT. The provisions that warranted a referral to NEUGEBAUER, Ms. FOXX, Mr. LATTA, Mr. GER- H. Res. 31: Mr. HINCHEY, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. the Committee on Ways and Means in H.R. 2, LACH, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. BILBRAY, ETHERIDGE, Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. DAVIS of Illi- the Children’s Health Insurance Program Re- Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Mr. CULBERSON, nois, Mr. WHITFIELD, Mr. HOLT, Ms. SUTTON, authorization Act of 2009, do not contain any and Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. and Mr. MORAN of Virginia. congressional earmarks, limited tax bene- H.R. 226: Mr. YOUNG of Florida, Mr. THOMP- H. Res. 36: Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, fits, or limited tariff benefits as defined in SON of Pennsylvania, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. BROWN Ms. CASTOR of Florida, and Mrs. MALONEY. clause 9(d), 9(e), or 9(f) of Rule XXI. of South Carolina, Mrs. BIGGERT, Mr. TURN- H. Res. 39: Mr. AKIN, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. STU- OFFERED BY MR. FRANK OF MASSACHUSETTS ER, Mr. LATHAM, Mrs. BACHMANN, and Mr. PAK, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. TIBERI, Ms. BORDALLO, BARRETT of South Carolina. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. MCHENRY, The provisions that warranted a referral to H.R. 235: Mr. LEWIS of California, Mr. PRICE Mr. HOLDEN, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. HOLT, Mr. the Committee on Financial Services, in of North Carolina, Mr. GONZALEZ, Mr. CAL- DENT, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. H.R. 384, the TARP Reform and Account- VERT, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. GINGREY of Georgia, Mr. FORTENBERRY, Mr. ability Act, do not contain any congressional WHITFIELD, Mr. MORAN of Kansas, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. DOYLE, Mr. EHLERS, Mr. earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited NEUGEBAUER, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. THOMPSON of DONNELLY of Indiana, and Mr. TERRY. tariff benefits as defined in clause 9(d), 9(e), California, and Mr. HILL. H. Res. 40: Mr. HILL, Ms. BEAN, Mr. or 9(f) of Rule XXI. H.R. 292: Ms. HERSETH SANDLIN and Mr. CHILDERS, Mr. SHULER, Ms. HERSETH OFFERED BY MR. RANGEL BILBRAY. SANDLIN, Mr. POMEROY, Mr. TAYLOR, Mr. The provisions that warranted a referral to H.R. 293: Mr. BILBRAY. ELLSWORTH, Mr. COOPER, Mr. MOORE of Kan- the Committee on Ways and Means, in H.R. H.R. 294: Mr. BILBRAY. sas, Ms. GIFFORDS, Mr. BACA, Mr. BOYD, Mr. 384, the TARP Reform and Accountability H.R. 295: Mr. BILBRAY. BARROW, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. CHANDLER, Mr. Act, do not contain any congressional ear- H.R. 296: Mr. BILBRAY. ROSS, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. CARNEY, Mr. marks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff H.R. 297: Mr. BILBRAY. MELANCON, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. benefits as defined in clause 9(d), 9(e), or 9(f) H.R. 312: Mr. BOSWELL. KAGEN, Mr. GRIFFITH, Mr. KIND, Mr. of Rule XXI. H.R. 331: Ms. WATERS. KRATOVIL, Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana, Mr. H.R. 333: Mr. GORDON of Tennessee, Ms. MCINTYRE, Mr. WILSON of Ohio, Mr. MAR- OFFERED BY MR. CONYERS HERSETH SANDLIN, Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. ED- SHALL, Ms. HARMAN, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of The provisions that warranted a referral to WARDS of Texas, and Mr. CARNEY. California, Mr. SPACE, Mr. DAVIS of Ten- the Committee on the Judiciary, in H.R. 384, H.R. 365: Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. nessee, Mr. THOMPSON of California, Mr. the TARP Reform and Accountability Act, H.R. 385: MR. GRIFFITH. COSTA, and Mr. BRIGHT. do not contain any congressional earmarks, H.R. 386: MR. PERRIELLO, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, H. Res. 41: Mr. WAXMAN, and Mr. PRICE of limited tax benefits, or limited tariff bene- Mr. STARK, Mr. THOMPSON of California, Mr. North Carolina. fits as defined in clause 9(d), 9(e), or 9(f) of LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. CROWLEY, Ms. H. Res. 43: Ms. KAPTUR, Mrs. MCCARTHY of Rule XXI. SCHWARTZ, and Mr. YARMUTH. New York, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. HONDA, H.R. 412: Mr. BISHOP of New York, Mr. Mr. HINOJOSA, Mr. GUTIERREZ, Mr. SIRES, Mr. f WEINER, and Mr. HALL of New York. GRIJALVA, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. BACA, H.R. 416: Ms. CLARKE and Mr. MCDERMOTT. and Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. H.R. 417: Ms. CLARKE and Ms. WATERS. H. Res. 44: Mr. PLATTS. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM H.R. 420: Mr. BOOZMAN. H. Res. 45: Mr. MORAN of Virginia. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 430: Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of H. Res. 46: Mr. MORAN of Virginia, and Ms. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Texas, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. PLATTS, and Mr. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. were deleted from public bills and reso- CONAWAY. H. Res. 47: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. H.R. 433: Mr. PLATTS and Mr. SENSEN- KENNEDY, and Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of lutions as follows: BRENNER. Texas. H.R. 226: Mr. THOMPSON of California.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H13JA9.001 H13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 587 SENATE—Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was of morning business for up to 1 hour, RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY called to order by the Honorable JON with Senators permitted to speak for LEADER TESTER, a Senator from the State of up to 10 minutes each. The majority The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Montana. will control the first 30 minutes, and pore. The Republican leader is recog- PRAYER the Republicans will control the final nized. 30 minutes. Following morning busi- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- f ness, the Senate will resume consider- fered the following prayer: WORK OF THE SENATE ation of S. 22, the wilderness bill. Yes- Let us pray. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, a Lord God Almighty, You have made terday, I filed cloture on the bill. The cloture vote is expected to occur an couple brief observations with ref- all the people of the Earth for Your erence to what the Democratic leader hour after the Senate convenes tomor- glory, to serve You in freedom and just indicated. I want to say I appre- peace. Today, as our lawmakers seek to row. We will be in recess today from ciate the way in which we are going serve, give them a zeal for justice and 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. for our weekly forward here. When he and I first came the strength of forbearance, that they caucus luncheons. The filing deadline to the Senate, the notion that you may accomplish Your purposes. Let for first-degree amendments is at 2:30 would pass bills without amendment them feel the constancy of Your pres- p.m. today. ence, as You guide them with a higher was foreign to everyone. I think we are wisdom. May each success prompt Mr. President, I have had a discus- getting off to a good start here with a them to greater undertakings for sion with Senator BINGAMAN this morn- kind of reestablishment of the Senate human betterment. Lord, renew their ing. He is going to see if there is some- as it used to operate with amendments commitment to pray not only for those thing that can be worked out to have a being appropriate. As members of his with whom they agree but also for limited number of amendments on the party said when they were in the mi- those with whom they disagree. Bring wilderness bill. He will proceed to work nority, the Senate is not the House. I our Senators to the end of this day on that. If, in fact, he can work some- think there is a growing appreciation with their hearts at peace with You. thing out with those interested on the on both sides of the aisle that we ought We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. other side, then we will have a number not to operate that way. With regard to the organizing resolu- f of votes on that. If they cannot work tion, I agree with the majority leader PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE that out, then, as has been indicated in that we are very close to being ready the past, we will go to cloture tomor- The Honorable JON TESTER led the to move forward on that. It is a dif- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: row. If we can work something out ficult process for the two of us, but I I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the there, we can have those votes today think we have gotten close to being at United States of America, and to the Repub- and final passage of the bill this after- a point of completion, which is, of lic for which it stands, one nation under God, noon. course, essential to beginning our busi- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We are going to move to the ness. f Ledbetter issue dealing with pay eq- TARP APPOINTMENT OF ACTING uity, the statute of limitations—call it Now, on another matter, Mr. Presi- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE whatever we wish. That is something dent, a few months ago some of our Na- tion’s top economic minds came to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The we will move to this week. The Trou- bled Asset Relief Program, TARP, is Capitol to tell us about an impending clerk will please read a communication crisis. The crisis, of course, was the ac- to the Senate from the President pro now here with us, and there is a very cumulation of toxic assets at banks tempore (Mr. BYRD). strict deadline when we must finish here and around the world that threat- The legislative clerk read the fol- that. We must have a vote on that by ened to paralyze America’s economy, lowing letter: this Sunday. So we have our work cut jeopardizing the livelihood of literally U.S. SENATE, out for us. We have a lot to do. millions. Without action, we were told, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, DC, January 13, 2009. These are very exciting times, as we the Nation faced certain calamity. To the Senate: know, for our country. We have a new For many, the normal impulse would Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Congress. We have a new President. be to let the bad actors who caused this of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby Senator MCCONNELL and I have done mess face up to their mistakes. But appoint the Honorable JON TESTER, a Sen- our utmost during these past many since millions of families and small ator from the State of Montana, to perform weeks to try to work together to get business owners, who did nothing the duties of the Chair. wrong, were caught up in the errors of ROBERT C. BYRD, some things done here. We are now at President pro tempore. a point where we have resolved, we be- the few, we decided, with some degree of reluctance, to approve funding for Mr. TESTER thereupon assumed the lieve, the issue relating to how com- chair as Acting President pro tempore. mittees are funded and what the ratios the Troubled Asset Relief Program, now commonly referred to as the are going to be on the various commit- f TARP. tees, and it is easy for me to say that RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Fearful of waste and abuse, Repub- LEADER or Senator MCCONNELL to say that, but licans insisted on a number of taxpayer it has taken weeks of work to get that The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- protections. We also insisted on releas- done. But we are moving forward. We pore. The majority leader is recog- ing the money in two installments so hope the work of this next week will be nized. we could review how the first one was in keeping with how we intend to spent before approving the second. Yes- f maintain a degree of bipartisanship in terday, a request for the second install- SCHEDULE the Senate during this Congress. We ment was made. I had an opportunity Mr. REID. Mr. President, following hope that, in fact, is the case. We will to talk to the incoming President leader remarks, there will be a period do our utmost to comply with that. about that matter yesterday.

● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 588 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 Throughout this ordeal, I have not the Senate were sworn in last week, of following a consistent standard and wavered on one basic principle: I voted but this seat remains empty, a winner including the new recount total, the for the first installment on the condi- yet undeclared. board reverted to election night totals, tion that it be used to prevent a sys- To be clear, under Minnesota law, again resulting in more votes for Al temic—a systemic—economic collapse that is the way it has to be right now Franken. affecting every single American. And I because there is an election contest On the double-counting, in at least 25 continue to believe this money should that has been filed in the courts, and precincts in Minnesota, there are more be used for the reason it was first ap- under Minnesota law, therefore, nei- votes than voters in the Canvassing proved. The current administration, re- ther the Secretary of State nor the Board’s totals, and there are 150 sepa- gretfully, used these funds for the auto Governor can declare the seat filled. rate incident logs prepared by local re- industry, a move I opposed. Now con- Senator COLEMAN had been declared count officials describing issues involv- gressional Democrats are suggesting the winner on election night and ing duplicate and original ballot count- more of the same. The American people through the ensuing administrative ing. This is due to the counting of both still do not have assurances that this canvassing process. But throughout the the voter’s original ballot and a dupli- money will not be wasted or misused to following State Canvassing Board stage cate ballot which was created to take play favorites. of the proceedings, there were numer- the place of the original ballot, result- So far, the incoming administration ous inconsistencies and problems un- ing in double-counting of some votes has not said whether it plans to limit covered, and the board-certified totals when both of those ballots are included the funds to their original purpose or were different. They are, obviously, at in the total. That is, obviously a bla- to expand their use to help specific in- issue, and they are preliminary. tant error and one that threatens the dustries. The taxpayers are eager to The Minnesota State Canvassing sanctity of ‘‘one person, one vote.’’ Ob- hear the new administration’s plan, Board totals, for example, include viously, most people get one vote. and so are Republicans in Congress. We more votes than voters in a significant Those who got more than one vote will hear from the incoming adminis- number of the Minnesota precincts. So, have an advantage for whom they cast tration soon. We will be happy to lis- clearly, there is something wrong, and their ballot. ten. They will have a receptive, albeit it has to be resolved by the court. Both the Canvassing Board and the cautious, audience. The Coleman campaign has followed Minnesota Supreme Court directed the Mr. President, I yield the floor. Minnesota election law in filing an issue to be dealt with during the elec- election contest, and that comes before tion contest. So that issue is now being f a three-judge panel in Minnesota be- dealt with. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME fore the end of this month. Finally, on the category of wrongly The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The contest is based on significant rejected absentee ballots, during the pore. Under the previous order, the errors. I wish to mention four of these recount process, a ‘‘fifth pile’’ was cre- leadership time is reserved. categories so folks will understand ated for absentee ballots that were re- what is at issue. jected but not because one of the four f First is newly discovered ballots reasons stipulated by Minnesota elec- MORNING BUSINESS which appeared for the first time dur- tion law. This fifth pile was requested ing the recount and are included in the by the Franken campaign at the time The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- State Canvassing Board totals. they were trailing in the count, and pore. Under the previous order, the Second is missing ballots supposedly the Canvassing Board granted the re- Senate shall proceed to a period of tallied on election night but which quest without issuing any direction to morning business for up to 1 hour, with could not be found during the recount ensure consistency among the counties Senators permitted to speak for up to process—obviously a problem. in their review. A vast number of these 10 minutes each, with the time equally Third is double-counting of duplicate ballots, which happened to generate divided and controlled by the two lead- and original ballots of the same voter more votes for Franken, were included ers or their designees, with the major- during the recount process. in the Canvassing Board total. How- ity controlling the first half and the Fourth is wrongly rejected absentee ever, the board also refused to review Republicans controlling the final half. ballots and inconsistent standards re- over 160 ballots requested by the Cole- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest garding what constitutes a wrongly re- man campaign. the absence of a quorum. jected absentee ballot applied in dif- We can see there are obviously some The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ferent locations throughout the State. issues to be resolved. The three-judge pore. The clerk will call the roll. Let me discuss each of these briefly panel will be appointed. The campaigns The legislative clerk proceeded to in turn. will convene with the panel, set forth call the roll. On the newly discovered ballots, the ground rules for the election con- Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I ask unani- there are 171 such ballots that appeared test trial, and then that will occur. mous consent that the order for the without explanation several days after There are no stipulations for when quorum call be rescinded. the election in Ramsey County pre- the proceedings must be completed, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- cinct Maplewood P6. Election officials and estimations are, at least from folks pore. Without objection, it is so or- were unable to reconcile the number of in Minnesota, that it could take a dered. votes cast with the number of voters month, if not more. Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I ask unani- signed in, but the board, nevertheless, As a part of that context, the Cole- mous consent that all the remaining included the additional votes in Al man campaign has requested the re- time on the Democratic side be re- Franken’s favor in its totals. Further- view of hundreds more ballots that served. more, the board directed that this issue may have been wrongly rejected. Be- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- should properly be dealt with during cause of the size of the pool of ballots pore. Without objection, it is so or- the contest phase, and that, of course, to be reviewed and the erroneous re- dered. is now occurring. count totals including questionable f On the missing ballots, there were 133 votes for Franken, Senator COLEMAN ballots in Hennepin County that could has expressed confidence that the num- MINNESOTA SENATE ELECTION not be found during the recount and bers will revert back to where they Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I wish to were declared ‘‘missing,’’ despite the were on election night and his lead will speak briefly about the contest in Min- fact that there are any number of pos- be restored and then he would be de- nesota involving the Senate seat cur- sible reasons for the change, including clared the winner. rently held by Senator NORM COLEMAN. the possibility that the ballots never Obviously, this is for the Canvassing Obviously, the other new Members of existed in the first place. But instead Board and the court in Minnesota to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 589 resolve. It is not for us to prejudge the tice Department. Not only did senior This report is just one of the final result at this time. Unfortunately, the Republican appointees violate Federal chapters in the regrettable legacy of majority leader and his staff have pub- law by hiring based on politics in the the Bush administration at main Jus- licly stated they would try to seat Al Civil Rights Division, they also lied tice, and it reinforces the need for new Franken while the contest is still pro- about it. Indeed, they lied about it leadership. ceeding, despite the fact there is not a under oath when they were called to Now, more than ever, it is necessary signed certificate, which is required of explain themselves to Congress. to confirm new leadership at the Jus- every Senator. This dates back to 1884. I am particularly disturbed about the tice Department, starting with Attor- This action, of course, was blocked, findings that a senior Justice Depart- ney General-designee Eric Holder. and we presume the process will con- ment appointee, a very senior Justice I compliment the Department’s Of- tinue in regular order to await the re- Department appointee, Bradley fice of Inspector General. They did not sult of the proceedings. Schlozman, made false statements allow politics to stand in their way. It is true Al Franken attempted to under oath when appearing before the They went and investigated this situa- declare himself the winner. Yesterday, Senate Judiciary Committee. Lying to tion. the campaign requested the Governor Congress undermines the very core of I do wish the current U.S. Attorney’s and Secretary of State send him a cer- our constitutional principles and Office, appointed by this administra- tificate so he could be seated. But it blunts the American people’s right to tion, had decided to prosecute someone was, of course, not granted because open and transparent Government. It is for these deplorable acts. I think the both officials indicated correctly that one thing to have a witness come and only way you stop such blatant crimi- would directly violate State law. say they disagree with the Members of nal violations, especially by people So we are left with the matter of a Congress. That is fine. Everybody has a who know better, people who are sworn vacancy in Minnesota, with the issue constitutional right to do that. Nobody to uphold the law, is that they know to be resolved by the people in Min- has a right to lie under oath. Nobody they will go to jail for breaking the nesota, properly under their law, the has the right to break the law. And law. That is what should have been Canvassing Board, and the three-judge certainly a senior member of the Jus- done. They broke the law in the Bush court. For my part, I certainly hope tice Department should not be able to administration, and the Bush adminis- this phase will not fall prey to incon- consider himself above the law. tration decided not to prosecute, and I sistencies and problems that have led Not only did Mr. Schlozman lie to me think that raises real questions. Pros- some experts and newspaper editorials and the Committee, but he then re- ecution should be done no matter who to claim the election process needs to fused to cooperate with the Justice De- breaks the law. be fundamentally reformed. If it is partment’s own internal oversight of- I recall one of the people who testi- done in the proper way and due care for fices’ investigation into illegal hiring fied in that same investigation who the evidence that is presented, then practices in the Department’s Civil said: We swear an oath to President hopefully everyone will be satisfied Rights Division. The clear determina- George Bush. I said: No, you swear an with the result and willing to abide by tion that he broke the law corrodes our oath to uphold the Constitution. Mr. that result. It will then come to the trust in our system of justice and in President, that Constitution is the Senate, and we will seat the appro- the Nation’s top law enforcement agen- Constitution you are sworn to uphold priate candidate. cy. If somebody can break the law in and I am sworn to uphold. It is a Con- The Republicans ask for nothing our Nation’s top law enforcement agen- stitution that reflects all Americans. more. We are certainly hopeful our cy, the Department of Justice, what The Government is not of a person; in- former colleague and soon-to-be cur- does that say to the rest of Americans? deed, whether you support an indi- rent colleague, Senator COLEMAN, will His actions, in fact, undermine the vidual or not, the Government is for all resume his seat. But that is for the very mission of the Department’s Civil Americans. The Constitution is for all process in Minnesota to determine, not Rights Division, which is charged with Americans. When somebody delib- for that to be determined in some arbi- enforcing Federal law and prohibiting erately, purposely, sets out to subvert trary way in the Senate. discrimination. the Constitution of the United States The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- A strong and independent Civil and then lies about it—lies about it, pore. The Senator from Vermont. Rights Division has long been crucial Mr. President—I find that a heinous Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, how to the enforcement of our precious crime. much time is reserved for this side of civil rights laws, and experienced and When we see some child who steals a the aisle? committed career attorneys have al- car, they will be prosecuted, as prob- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ways been the heart and soul of that ably they should. But when you have a pore. There is 7 minutes 40 seconds. Division. In the past, the people who key member of the Department of Jus- Mr. LEAHY. I thank the distin- worked there, no matter how much tice who lies under oath, who subverts guished Presiding Officer, my good time you spent with them, you the Constitution of the United States, friend from Montana. wouldn’t know if they were Repub- that is all the more reason to prosecute f licans or Democrats. All you would that person. What Mr. Schlozman did know is that these folks, who are was reprehensible, it was disgusting, JUSTICE DEPARTMENT REPORT among the brightest and best lawyers and it was wrong, but it also con- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today we in the country, are dedicated to serving tradicts the very core of America’s received a report from the Department the United States of America and up- principles. of Justice’s Office of the Inspector Gen- holding our laws. The distinguished Presiding Officer, eral and Office of Professional Respon- Contrary to those traditions, how- like me, had the great opportunity to sibility about their investigation of al- ever, which we have had in both Repub- serve as a prosecutor, and I have every legations of politicized hiring and lican and Democratic administrations, reason to believe he did not show fear other improper personnel actions in this report details troubling revela- or favor when he brought a prosecu- the Civil Rights Division. tions of political appointees who tion, as I did not. I did not show fear or I held hearings on this situation. At marginalize and force out career law- favor. Most prosecutors do not. Yet the time, there was a Mr. Bradley yers because of ideology, and, corrupt here we have somebody who is part of Schlozman who testified. I stated, at the hiring process for career positions. the Justice Department lie under oath the time, that I did not find his testi- It should come as no surprise that the and do it in a way to cover up and sub- mony credible. result, and of course the intent, of this vert the very laws that protect all of Today’s report confirms some of our political makeover of the Civil Rights us. Our civil rights laws are on the worst fears about the Bush administra- Division has been a dismal—a dismal— books to protect all of us. It protects tion’s political corruption of the Jus- civil rights enforcement record. all of us—White, Black, brown—no

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 590 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 matter what our race, our creed. It pro- program—the Troubled Asset Relief as the Treasury Secretary, the Chair- tects all of us. Program—has indeed been very trou- man of the Federal Reserve, and others What has marked this country since bled, very concerning, and it raises far came to Capitol Hill to explain this the time I was a young lawyer in the more questions and hesitations than it program over several weeks. It wasn’t 1960s has been our adherence to those provides answers for our ailing econ- part of the program, it was the entire civil rights laws. We can’t go back to a omy. So as we revisit this issue, I can- program. Yet within a couple of weeks time where they are enforced for some not support moving forward with this of Congress passing the Troubled Asset and not for others. very troubled program, primarily for Relief Program—again, over my objec- Mr. President, I hope people read—I five reasons. tion—that plan was completely thrown will not put it in the RECORD because it First among those reasons is the out the window. Congress acts to pass a is available—this investigation of alle- most fundamental test we should bring $700 billion spending program, forging gations of politicized hirings and other to the matter: Has the program completely new ground in terms of eco- improper political actions in the Civil worked? I think it is very clear it has nomic policy and the Government’s Rights Division of the Department of not worked. The purpose of the pro- intervention in the market, and within Justice. It is chilling. I am going to gram was to ease the credit crisis. The a few weeks of that action, plan A is suggest that every new person coming entire focus of the program was to get completely out the window and the into the Department of Justice read credit on the streets of the American Treasury Secretary sets about forming this investigation. It is a handbook— economy, to provide reasonable credit plan B and doing something fundamen- not of what to do—but a handbook of to consumers and businesses. Yet our tally different than was presented to what not to do. economy is still gripped by a real cred- Congress. Mr. President, I yield the floor, and I it crunch. So that fundamental purpose I have suggested over the last several suggest the absence of a quorum. of the program, that fundamental test weeks, along with my colleagues, that The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. of the program has simply not been alone should make the administration LIEBERMAN). The clerk will call the met. come back to Congress and get reau- roll. Now, Mr. President, in this new year, thorization for what is a completely The legislative clerk proceeded to and under the new administration, we new program. That, again, is my sec- call the roll. are going to debate and act on other ond reason we should not continue the Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, I ask measures, particularly the stimulus TARP and continue going down this unanimous consent that the order for plan, a stimulus plan which will spend path and spending the second $350 bil- the quorum call be rescinded. upwards of $1 trillion that President- lion of this program. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without elect Obama has talked about and objection, it is so ordered. begun to outline. Certainly, we must The third reason I would offer is closely related to the second. As I said, f act on the economy. Certainly, we are in a very serious recession. Almost cer- within 2 weeks of Congress passing this TARP tainly, it is the most serious, the worst legislation, the whole program Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, yester- since World War II, and, certainly, the changed. The entire concept of buying day, President Bush announced that he Federal Government needs to help lead troubled assets was out the window, was sending to Congress formal notice the way, to be a big part of the solu- and Treasury had a brandnew plan, regarding use of the second half of tion to get us out of this deep financial which was never presented to Congress TARP, the Troubled Asset Relief Pro- recession. But as we move to a $1 tril- and never discussed in any level of de- gram. As you know, under that legisla- lion stimulus program, why are we tail. So what has happened is, the tion, which Congress passed over my going to simply continue with a pro- TARP has become a veritable slush objection last year, once $350 billion of gram that hasn’t worked, spending an- fund for the administration to do what- the fund—half of the fund—is spent, other $350 billion? Again, as we mount ever it wants with it, to use it in what- and the administration wants to begin trillions of dollars of new deficit spend- ever way it wants. After throwing the spending the second half of the fund— ing, deficits upon deficits, debt upon TARP idea out the window, Treasury the second $350 billion—the President debt, surely we should think long and came up with a capital purchase pro- has to formally notify Congress. Under hard about continuing another $350 bil- gram to purchase preferred stock and the program, Congress has the oppor- lion of spending in a very troubled pro- warrants of certain institutions. It also tunity to basically veto moving for- gram which has not begun to meet its established a systematically signifi- ward by affirmatively having to pass a fundamental goal. cant failing institution program, allow- resolution of disapproval. The second reason I would suggest we ing Treasury to invest in any financial Again, President Bush took that first should not continue down this path is instrument, including debt, equity, or step of formally notifying Congress that the entire program, as it was out- warrants determined to be troubled as- yesterday and today. lined to Congress, as it was explained sets. Now Treasury says it ‘‘continues I come to the Senate floor to an- to us by the Treasury Secretary and to explore other programs, including nounce that I am introducing a motion others, has never been implemented. It those focused on insurance, foreclosure of disapproval, and I encourage my col- was thrown out the window even before mitigation, consumer lending, and leagues, Democrats and Republicans, it could begin to be implemented. As more.’’ to think very seriously about this mat- all of us remember, just a few months This program has no definition, it ter and to join me in this motion of ago, when the Treasury Secretary pro- has no limits, it is whatever Treasury disapproval. In doing so, I am imme- posed this idea before Congress, it was and the administration want it to be. diately joined by several colleagues, indeed supposed to be the Troubled It is a wide open slush fund for what- and I want to thank Senators BUNNING, Asset Relief Program under which the ever the perceived need or want is of SESSIONS, DEMINT, BARRASSO, and Government would buy troubled assets the moment. Of course, the best exam- INHOFE for being original cosponsors from a spectrum of financial institu- ple of that is use of funds from this with me of the resolution of dis- tions, get those assets off the books of program for the auto bailout. After ex- approval. the financial institutions, and make plaining for weeks that this program When we debated this very important those institutions far healthier and far was not designed to do anything like matter on this floor several months more able to extend credit to individ- the auto bailout, and use of these funds ago, I expressed serious concerns. I will uals and businesses across America. in an auto bailout would be completely not go through my comments then or That was the beginning, that was the inappropriate, the Bush administration my concerns, but unfortunately, sadly, middle, and that was the end of the then proceeded to use some of this many of them—virtually all—have program. That was what every expla- money on the auto bailout. It is wide been proven true. The history of this nation, every presentation was about open. It has no limits. It has become a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 591 slush fund for whatever the adminis- rible recession, which is still getting tions in place, so we can act on the tration believes it has to do at the mo- worse. It is almost certainly the worst economy but not simply continue down ment. That is not a proper way to recession since World War II. Clearly, this path and spend another $350 bil- move forward in terms of remedying the Federal Government needs to play lion, adding deficit on deficit, debt on the economy. a leadership role in helping the country debt, without a clear, positive result Fourth, we should end this program, and the economy turn the corner. I do for American families. and we should pass my resolution of not doubt that for a minute. But the I yield the floor. I suggest the ab- disapproval because there has been no sort of intervention of TARP and ac- sence of a quorum. accountability whatsoever on this pro- tions in the Treasury Department over The PRESIDING OFFICER. The gram. Remember, we spent a lot of the last several months are fundamen- clerk will call the roll. time debating accountability months tally different from any other eco- The assistant legislative clerk pro- ago when this matter was before the nomic policy actions we take here at ceeded to call the roll. Senate and before the House. There the Federal level. It is picking winners Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I ask were all sorts of promises about ac- and losers. It is getting involved, not in unanimous consent that the order for countability. There were all sorts of the direction of the economy but in in- the quorum call be rescinded. protections put in the bill regarding dividual companies, in individual po- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without accountability. Yet what has that pro- tential bankruptcies, in individual objection, it is so ordered. duced? That has produced the biggest mergers and deals and acquisitions. f embarrassment in terms of a lack of That is a level and type of intervention EXTENSION OF MORNING accountability, at least since Hurri- that is fundamentally different from BUSINESS cane Katrina, and that is saying a lot. broad fiscal policy, from broad mone- The GAO and other watchdog groups tary policy. It really is moving the line Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I ask report that the Treasury Department— significantly in terms of Government unanimous consent that morning busi- the Treasury Department in charge of intervention in the private sector. ness be extended for 15 minutes, equal- this fund—cannot even tell us precisely Going back to our original debate ly divided between the Republicans and how the first $350 billion has been here in the Senate, that was one of my Democrats. spent. Treasury doesn’t know, much most fundamental reservations from The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without less the watchdogs of other protections the beginning with TARP, that type of objection, it is so ordered. Congress was supposed to have put in detailed intervention—and, by the way, Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I then place. the invitation for malfeasance and cor- seek recognition under morning busi- Now, we hear all sorts of promises ruption that it can bring when Govern- ness. and commitments from congressional ment bureaucrats are making very im- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The leaders and leaders of the Obama tran- portant life-or-death economic deci- Chair is pleased to recognize the Sen- sition that this is all going to change: sions regarding individual firms and in- ator from Maryland. There is going to be real transparency, dividual transactions. I do not think f there is going to be real account- we should continue down that path. I NOMINATION OF ERIC HOLDER ability, and we are going to know think that path is riddled, littered with where every penny goes. I don’t doubt mistakes and troubling actions by the Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I am for a minute the goodwill and the hon- Federal Government picking winners honored to serve on the Judiciary Com- esty of those pronouncements. I am and losers, getting involved in indi- mittee in this body. The last couple of sure the congressional leaders and vidual companies in a very direct years have been very difficult years in folks in the Obama transition who say way—individual transactions, putting how the Department of Justice has these things mean it and want it. The the hand of the Government in the been managed. We have seen abuses of problem is, I think folks were equally boardroom in that sort of really un- civil liberties in the name of trying to as sincere a few months ago, and it pro- precedented way. protect the rights of our citizens when duced absolutely nothing in terms of I urge all of our colleagues, Demo- we have abused the rights of our citi- transparency and accountability and crats and Republicans, to think care- zens; we found the Department of Jus- protection of taxpayers’ hard-earned fully about this issue. We had a signifi- tice tried to justify the use of torture tax dollars. cant debate when this first came to in this country; the manner in which Surely we should demand more than Congress several months ago, and we detainees were treated; the politicizing another round of promises. Surely at a had several votes on the matter. Obvi- of the Department of Justice—I could minimum we need to see exactly what ously, eventually it passed without my go on and on. the plans for the second half of TARP support. But since then, we have seen a I thank Eric Holder for being willing are before we decide this matter. Sure- lot, we have learned a lot, and a lot has to serve the public once again as Presi- ly we need to see the details of any new changed. Since then, virtually all of dent-elect Obama’s nominee for the of- accountability program. Yet we have the arguments against the program fice of Attorney General of the United seen none of that. Yet we are sched- have been borne out and new concerns States. I think Eric Holder is the right uled, in the Senate, to vote on this res- and new questions have arisen. They go person at the right time for the De- olution within days without having to my five points. The program has not partment of Justice, and I hope his any ability to see those plans, to see eased credit on the street. The entire confirmation process will move for- those protections, to see those new ac- premise of the program was thrown out ward. countability measures before the vote. 2 weeks after Congress passed it. No. 3, We need an independent Attorney We cannot accept that. We must pass a it has become a catchall slush fund and General. During the Bush administra- motion of disapproval and only con- the purpose and parameters of the pro- tion, we found that they politicized the sider continuing this type of program if gram change week to week. No. 4, there Department of Justice in the firing of it is represented to Congress with those has been no accountability; Treasury U.S. attorneys and in decisions as to protections, with those detailed plans. cannot even tell us today precisely how whether to proceed with criminal in- Finally, my fifth and final reason for the first $350 billion was spent. No. 5, at vestigations. The list goes on and on. urging all of my colleagues to join me its core this program is about Govern- Eric Holder has demonstrated through- in this resolution of disapproval is ment intervention in a way we have out his entire career the type of inde- that, at its very core, TARP is a dan- not seen before, picking winners and pendence we need in the next Attorney gerous, heightened intervention of the losers. General of the United States. Government in the private sector. I urge my colleagues to join in this Let me give you one example. When Let me restate what I said a few min- resolution of disapproval so we can the Independent Counsel who was in- utes ago. We are in the midst of a hor- start anew, so we can put new protec- vestigating the President of the United

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 States asked for additional authority, is comprised of the premier groups in with Reid amendment No. 17, to change the Eric Holder was the one who made that this country that are out there fighting enactment date. recommendation to proceed even for the rights of the people of this Reid amendment No. 18 (to the instruc- though it was not popular at all with country. tions of the motion to commit), of a per- the President of the United States. It fecting nature. I would also draw my colleagues’ at- Reid amendment No. 19 (to Reid amend- is that type of independence that we tention to a January 7, 2009, letter re- ment No. 18), of a perfecting nature. need in the next Attorney General of ceived by the Judiciary Committee the United States. He brings broad ex- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- from several former high-level Depart- ator from Florida is recognized. perience as former judge, former U.S. ment of Justice officials in the Repub- attorney, and from the private sector. Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- lican administration. They write: dent, I ask unanimous consent to speak We need to take politics out of the We are pleased to be able to write in sup- Department of Justice. During the as in morning business. port of Eric Holder, a man who stands with The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Bush administration, we found that the most qualified who have been privileged politics was very much interwoven into to be nominated to be Attorney General of objection, it is so ordered. the personnel decisions made within the United States. President-elect Obama’s (The remarks of Mr. NELSON per- the Department of Justice affecting ca- nomination of Eric as the historic appoint- taining to the introduction of S. 22 are reer attorneys. That was not per- ment of the first African-American Attorney located in today’s RECORD under mitted, but it was done. We need the General should be hailed as a milestone. He ‘‘Statements on Introduced bills and next Attorney General to be one who is an extraordinary lawyer and an even bet- Joint Resolutions.’’) ter person. will make sure politics has no place in f those types of personnel decisions. We need to move forward imme- Again, Eric Holder’s career has diately in the leadership in the Depart- RECESS shown his willingness to carry out his ment of Justice. I would urge my col- Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- responsibilities in a nonpolitical way. leagues, let us move forward on the dent, I ask unanimous consent that the He has handled major public corruption confirmation process as quickly as pos- Senate stand in recess under the pre- cases as a U.S. attorney against both sible. I look forward to Eric Holder vious order. Democrats and Republicans. He under- being the next Attorney General of the There being no objection, the Senate, stands the responsibilities of the De- United States. I hope we will do that at 12:31 p.m., recessed until 2:15 p.m. partment of Justice. very shortly. and reassembled when called to order We need our next Attorney General I yield the floor and I suggest the ab- by the Presiding Officer (Mr. CARPER). to reestablish the premier role of the sence of a quorum. f Department of Justice in the Civil The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Rights Division. The Civil Rights Divi- WHITEHOUSE.) The clerk will call the DESIGNATING CERTAIN LAND AS sion historically has been the key roll. COMPONENTS OF THE NATIONAL agency to protect the civil rights of the The assistant legislative clerk pro- WILDERNESS PRESERVATION people of this Nation. We need the next ceeded to call the roll. SYSTEM—Continued Attorney General to reestablish that in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the Department of Justice. Once again, ator from Florida is recognized. ator from New Mexico is recognized. Eric Holder has demonstrated that sen- Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I sitivity that will restore the role of the dent, I ask unanimous consent that the suggest the absence of a quorum. Department of Justice in protecting order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the voting rights of all Americans. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The list goes on and on and on. Bot- clerk will call the roll. objection, it is so ordered. tom line, the next Attorney General The legislative clerk proceeded to must restore the reputation of the De- The Senator will suspend for one mo- call the roll. partment of Justice. I believe he is the ment. Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I ask right person, but it is not only me. Let f unanimous consent the order for the me read from some of the record that quorum call be rescinded. CONCLUSION OF MORNING The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. has been presented to the Judiciary BUSINESS Committee. SANDERS). Without objection, it is so Both law enforcement and civil The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning ordered. rights groups support Eric Holder. The business is closed. Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I ask Fraternal Order of Police writes that: f unanimous consent to proceed as in Our members reported that they found morning business. Judge Holder and U.S. Attorney Holder an DESIGNATING CERTAIN LAND AS The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without able and aggressive prosecutor. COMPONENTS OF THE NATIONAL objection, it is so ordered. WILDERNESS PRESERVATION The Leadership Conference on Civil ISRAEL AND GAZA SYSTEM Rights, which is a group of our major Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I am civil rights advocates in this country The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under here today to speak about the growing said: the previous order, the Senate will re- violence in Gaza. I support the United Mr. Holder’s various experience as a trial sume consideration of S. 22, which the Nations Security Council resolution attorney, judge, prosecutor and lawyer in clerk will report. calling for an immediate and durable private practice make him uniquely quali- The legislative clerk read as follows: fied to run the Department of Justice. It cease-fire. In my view, both the Israeli would be difficult to find a candidate more A bill (S. 22) to designate certain land as airstrikes and the Palestinian rocket experienced in the Department or better components of the National Wilderness Pres- attacks must stop immediately, and suited to lead it. His background will render ervation System, to authorize certain pro- Israeli ground forces should withdraw him ready to lead the Department from day grams and activities in the Department of from Gaza. I regret that President one. His even-mindedness and sound judg- the Interior and the Department of Agri- culture, and for other purposes. Bush chose to have the United States ment will ensure that justice is dispensed be the only Security Council member fairly and equitably. His professional accom- Pending: not to support this U.N. resolution. plishments and ability to put partisan poli- Reid amendment No. 15, to change the en- tics aside make him above reproach. His I ask unanimous consent that the actment date. full text of the U.N. resolution be commitment to the rule of law makes him Reid amendment No. 16 (to Reid amend- the ideal candidate for the nation’s top pros- ment No. 15), of a perfecting nature. printed in the RECORD. ecutor. Motion to commit the bill to the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Now, that is the Leadership Con- mittee on Energy and Natural Resources, objection, it is so ordered. ference on Civil Rights, which, again, with instructions to report back forthwith, (See exhibit 1.)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 593 Mr. BINGAMAN. Last week, the Sen- EXHIBIT 1 10. Decides to remain seized of the matter. ate responded to the hostilities by RESOLUTION 1860 (2009) Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I passing S. Res. 10, a resolution that I Adopted by the Security Council at its 6063rd yield the floor and suggest the absence do not support. While I agree with meeting, on 8 January 2009 of a quorum. some parts of the resolution, I believe The Security Council, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The it left out important provisions. The Recalling all of its relevant resolutions, in- clerk will call the roll. cluding resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397 The assistant legislative clerk pro- resolution called for Hamas to end the (2002), 1515 (2003) and 1850 (2008), rocket and mortar attacks but it did Stressing that the Gaza Strip constitutes an ceeded to call the roll. not call on Israel to stop its airstrikes integral part of the territory occupied in 1967 Mr. MARTINEZ. Madam President, I and ground assault. Nor did the resolu- and will be a part of the Palestinian state, ask unanimous consent that the order tion call on Israel to withdraw from Emphasizing the importance of the safety for the quorum call be rescinded. Gaza. Moreover, I believe the resolu- and well-being of all civilians, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. Expressing grave concern at the escalation MCCASKILL.) Without objection, it is so tion downplayed the humanitarian sit- of violence and the deterioration of the situ- uation in Gaza. Thousands of people in ation, in particular the resulting heavy civil- ordered. Gaza do not have access to food, clean ian casualties since the refusal to extend the TRIBUTE TO NAVY SECRETARY DONALD C. water, or medical care. The U.K. For- period of calm; and emphasizing that the WINTER eign Minister, David Miliband, speak- Palestinian and Israeli civilian populations Mr. MARTINEZ. Madam President, ing about humanitarian conditions in must be protected, today it gives me great pleasure to pay Expressing grave concern also at the deep- tribute to an outstanding leader and Gaza said, ‘‘the word ‘crisis’, which is ening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, sometimes overused, is wholly appro- Emphasizing the need to ensure sustained tremendous public servant, Navy Sec- priate’’ to describe how bad things are. and regular flow of goods and people through retary Donald C. Winter. He made that statement to describe the Gaza crossings, When Donald Winter was sworn in as how bad he saw that things are at this Recognizing the vital role played by Secretary of the Navy on January 3, time. UNRWA in providing humanitarian and eco- 2006, he was charged with training, nomic assistance within Gaza, equipping, and organizing our sailors I support Israel’s right to defend Recalling that a lasting solution to the itself. Israel has no stronger ally than Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be and marines in a time of war. He as- the United States, and we have no bet- achieved by peaceful means, sumed these responsibilities at a time ter friend in the region than Israel. But Reaffirming the right of all States in the re- when the U.S. Navy was in the midst of friends can make mistakes. gion to live in peace within secure and inter- an ambitious modernization program nationally recognized borders, across the board. A new class of de- The rocket attacks that Israel has 1. Stresses the urgency of and calls for an stroyers, aircraft carriers, submarines, suffered are unacceptable. But I believe immediate, durable and fully respected cruisers, and others was in the produc- Israel’s use of force has been excessive ceasefire, leading to the full withdrawal of tion pipeline. It would take an extraor- and I do not believe it will help Israel Israeli forces from Gaza; 2. Calls for the unimpeded provision and dinarily talented, knowledgeable, and achieve its long-term goals. Instead of distribution throughout Gaza of humani- energetic leader to navigate the De- weakening Hamas, the incursion is tarian assistance, including of food, fuel and partment of the Navy through these boosting support for Hamas both medical treatment; transitions. We were fortunate to find among Palestinians and the Arabic 3. Welcomes the initiatives aimed at cre- such a person in Donald Winter. He was world and it is undermining support for ating and opening humanitarian corridors that kind of a leader. He immediately moderates in the region. Instead of and other mechanisms for the sustained de- outlined his priorities and then set to making Israel’s enemies fear its mili- livery of humanitarian aid; 4. Calls on Member States to support inter- work on implementing them: Prosecute tary power, I believe this conflict national efforts to alleviate the humani- the global war on terror; build the fu- shows its enemies that they can taunt tarian and economic situation in Gaza, in- ture fleet; take care of our wounded Israel into reacting so strongly that it cluding through urgently needed additional and their families. Those were his pri- undermines its international support. contributions to UNRWA and through the Ad orities, and each day he drove the De- Instead of rebutting the accusations Hoc Liaison Committee; partment to focus on these areas. that Israel has ignored the long-deep- 5. Condemns all violence and hostilities di- rected against civilians and all acts of ter- With 25,000 marines and 36,000 sailors ening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the rorism; in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in growing death toll and worsening liv- 6. Calls upon Member States to intensify ef- the Central Command’s area of respon- ing conditions will fuel similar accusa- forts to provide arrangements and guaran- sibility, the Navy and Marine Corps tees in Gaza in order to sustain a durable tions long into the future. have been playing a critical role in This violence is but another chapter ceasefire and calm, including to prevent il- licit trafficking in arms and ammunition fighting this war. From providing mar- of violence in the long history of the and to ensure the sustained reopening of the itime security in the Northern Arabian Middle East. What is needed is an crossing points on the basis of the 2005 Gulf, to turning around a seemingly international effort to broker an im- Agreement on Movement and Access between hopeless situation in al-Anbar Prov- mediate truce and to build that into a the Palestinian Authority and Israel; and in ince, to providing individual lasting peace. this regard, welcomes the Egyptian initiative, augmentees on the ground in Iraq, our A lasting peace requires a two-state and other regional and international efforts that are under way; sailors and marines have been on the solution. It is hard to see how such an 7. Encourages tangible steps towards intra- front lines and have been performing agreement can be achieved without the Palestinian reconciliation including in sup- superbly. These sailors and marines deep involvement and leadership of the port of mediation efforts of Egypt and the have always been foremost in Sec- United States. I have been disappointed League of Arab States as expressed in the 26 retary Winter’s mind, and they are the that the Bush administration has November 2008 resolution, and consistent ones he has worked tirelessly to sup- failed to lead the peace process for the with Security Council resolution 1850 (2008) port in every way possible on Capitol and other relevant resolutions; past 8 years. President Obama should 8. Calls for renewed and urgent efforts by Hill, within the Pentagon, and not repeat that mistake after he takes the parties and the international community throughout the Department of the office next week. He should appoint a to achieve a comprehensive peace based on Navy. special envoy to the region soon after the vision of a region where two democratic While supporting our brave warriors his Secretary of State is confirmed by States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in harm’s way, Secretary Winter also the Senate. President Obama should in peace with secure and recognized borders, focused on building the future fleet by commit his administration to a steady as envisaged in Security Council resolution instituting the most far-reaching ac- and persistent effort to engage both 1850 (2008), and recalls also the importance of the Arab Peace Initiative; quisition reforms in decades. Israelis and Palestinians in finding a 9. Welcomes the Quartet’s consideration, in I had the pleasure of traveling with political solution to the conflict that consultation with the parties, of an inter- Secretary Winter to Guantanamo Bay has long plagued this region. national meeting in Moscow in 2009; in Cuba in May 2007. It was my second

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 time returning to this island since my a cook of Palestinian National Author- anti-American protests during Presi- arrival here in 1962. What I saw was the ity President Mahmoud Abbas by dent Bush’s visit there in 2005. Cuban tremendous leadership ability he pos- throwing him from the roof of a 15- families could have used that money sesses and his firm commitment to the story building with his hands and feet for food, but instead it was wasted on men and women of the U.S. Navy. tied. In the current conflict, they have furthering the regime’s anti-American I would also commend Secretary fired rockets at their own people. On agenda. Winter for his tireless efforts to ensure December 26, two Palestinian girls What has been lost on these Latin that our Nation is doing everything in aged 5 and 13 were killed when a rocket American leaders is the larger conflict our power to take care of our wounded. fell short of reaching an Israeli target. at hand. Secretary Winter has been an out- Hamas openly admits it uses women Iran is heavily invested in a conflict spoken and relentless advocate for our and children as human shields. One that has claimed the lives of countless wounded warriors, insisting on the Hamas leader described this appalling innocent civilians, and they will stop highest possible standards for every practice by saying, ‘‘For the Pales- at no cost, continuing to aid in the de- sailor and every marine. tinian people, death has become an in- struction of American allies. So on behalf of the men and women dustry. . . . This is why they have For our Nation, the next few weeks serving under him in my home State of formed human shields of the women, will be historic, but critical. Florida, I salute Secretary Winter for the children, [and] the elderly.’’ I am anxious to hear about Presi- his superior performance in leading the Instead of investing in their own peo- dent-elect Obama’s plan to address the Navy and Marine Corps over the past 3 ple’s well-being, in roads, schools, and Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and I am years. We wish him Godspeed in his fu- hospitals, they have instead invested in hopeful his administration will con- ture endeavors, and we thank him for the cache of weapons they are using to tinue to reaffirm the U.S.’s historic his service to our Nation. cause death and destruction in Israel. commitment to the people of Israel. I am also hopeful the administration SITUATION IN ISRAEL As a result, Palestinians are suf- will continue efforts to persuade Syria Mr. President, the first and most sa- fering. They have limited access to to stop yielding to Iran’s devious de- cred duty of any government is pro- basic needs such as food and medicine. mands. Syria must understand that viding for the safety and security of its Their free speech has been suppressed Iran’s interests do not serve the inter- citizens. through violence. And their right to ests of the people of the Middle East. Hamas’s repeated rocket attacks on freely practice religion has been re- Egypt has taken significant measures the Israeli people created a situation placed by a strong-armed enforcement in trying to stop Hamas’s smuggling of that required an Israeli response. of a radical brand of Islam. weapons and militants from Egypt into I was pleased to join my colleagues in The largest beneficiary of Hamas’s weapons purchases has been Iran, Gaza, but they must do more. cosponsoring S. Res. 10, which recog- One proposal I support deploys an which has aided Hamas by training ter- nizes Israel’s right to defend itself international force of military engi- rorists and offering advice in making against attacks from Gaza. neers to monitor and destroy the tun- deadly explosives and long-range rock- While diplomacy is always a pref- nels along the Egyptian border near ets. Throughout the conflict, Hamas erable alternative, at some point any Gaza. has turned into a Hezbollah-like Ira- legitimate government must take the I would also encourage the new ad- nian proxy by threatening Israel from necessary actions to safeguard its peo- ministration to continue working vig- the south. Iran’s willingness to em- ple from acts of terrorism against an orously with the European Union, Rus- bolden terrorist organizations like unarmed civilian population. sia, and the United Nations on the Hamas poses a serious threat not only With more than 6,000 rocket attacks U.N.-sanctioned ‘‘Annapolis Process’’ to Israel, but also the United States. launched into Israel from Gaza, the to achieve a final status agreement be- While Iran’s influence has been plain- Israeli government acted reasonably in tween Arabs and Israelis that includes ly apparent across the Middle East, an effort to end the attacks against ci- a viable, democratic Palestinian state they have surreptitiously worked to vilian targets. living in peace with Israel and its advance their anti-American agenda in These attacks are Hamas’ latest at- neighbors. tempts to advance their cruel and mur- our own hemisphere. In recent years, And finally, I hope to see further derous agenda. Iran has aggressively increased its progress in our efforts to train the Pal- Hamas first began as an offshoot of Latin American presence by working estinian Presidential Guard led by U.S. the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist with the leaders who have found a com- General Keith Dayton. group responsible for the assassination monality in the Iranian President’s Although the recent outbreak of vio- of Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat. radical ways. lence in Israel is troubling, I am hope- As you might recall, Sadat was the Iran and the regimes of nations like ful a new cease-fire agreement can be first Arab President willing to make Venezuela and Cuba may not share a reached very soon. peace with Israel. common border, but they share an A true cease-fire with Hamas should Hamas has since claimed the lives of anti-American agenda that poses a tre- include a guarantee for no more rock- countless others throughout the re- mendous risk to our Nation’s security. ets and safeguards against rearming. gion. Iranian President Mahmoud Both sides will soon realize that fur- In 2002, a Hamas suicide bomber Ahmadinejad first visited Venezuela in ther loss of innocent life is too great a killed five Americans and four Israelis 2006 and has since returned to visit the cost, and peace and security is the only who were eating lunch in the cafeteria leaders of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Bo- viable way forward. at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. livia. He has also hosted Latin Amer- I look forward to working with my The bomb was smuggled in a backpack ican leaders in Tehran. colleagues on the Armed Services Com- loaded with shrapnel, which maximized As a result of these meetings, Iran mittee and the new administration to damage to the cafeteria and inflicted has entered into several economic and find a way forward in Israel and ensure severe injuries on more than 80 stu- political agreements, including plans a plan for peace in the future. dents. to finance new progovernment tele- Madam President, I yield the floor Since coming to power politically in vision and radio stations in Bolivia and and suggest the absence of a quorum. 2006, the terrorist organization has hi- countries throughout the region. These The PRESIDING OFFICER. The jacked the Palestinian people’s agenda. agreements help to fan the flames of clerk will call the roll. The assistant They have cynically used their own anti-Americanism, which persists legislative clerk proceeded to call the people as civilian shields and brought throughout the region. roll. harm to those who do not share their The government of Argentina re- Mr. BROWNBACK. Madam President, radical views. During the June 2007 cently revealed they received $1 mil- I ask unanimous consent that the order coup in Gaza, Hamas operatives killed lion from the Cuban regime to pay for for the quorum call be rescinded.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 595 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Leavenworth is a small facility. It is through it. It has a train coming objection, it is so ordered. roughly 8 miles by 8 miles. It is a pri- through on a regular basis 10 to 15 Mr. BROWNBACK. Madam President, mary mission facility for education in times a day. The security concern that I ask unanimous consent to speak as in the military. It is the Command and raises of moving detainees from Guan- morning business for up to 15 minutes. General Staff College for the military, tanamo Bay—very high visibility—to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for the Army. They do an outstanding the middle of the country but a place objection, it is so ordered. job of that. They do an outstanding job where people could try to spring them, GUANTANAMO BAY DETAINEES not only for the U.S. military—particu- are they going to use the railroad Mr. BROWNBACK. Madam President, larly for the Army—they have all track? Are they going to try to bomb I rise to speak today about a topic that branches of the services that come or put bombs in the railroad coming is in the news, is important, and has to there to be trained, but they also have, through? It is a real problem. We don’t do with an area of Leavenworth, KS, at any one time, students from 90 dif- have an exterior fence. We have the very near the Presiding Officer’s State, ferent countries at this facility. Missouri River, but that is fairly navi- and in my home State, about the issue I recently spoke at a graduation ex- gable to be able to move across for a of the Guantanamo Bay detainees. ercise there with a number of students terrorist population or somebody who My simple point on this issue is, who were coming out of a program, and is trying to get into the perimeter of there is a very strong push—and I un- the President of Uganda was there be- the facility to make it through. So we derstand that push, and it is one that cause his son was graduating from this are not set up that way. It is within a has been going on for some period of program. One of the key problems with major urban area of Kansas City. Kan- time—to close Guantanamo Bay. I relocating the detainees from Guanta- sas City straddles both the Kansas and namo Bay to Fort Leavenworth is that would simply make the point we should the Missouri side. Leavenworth is on a number of Islamic countries will not not attempt to force-fit detainees the edge of that, on the northern edge send students now to Fort Leaven- where they do not belong and where it of that Kansas City complex. So you worth if detainees are being held there does not fit. I do not believe the new are moving the detainees from Guanta- who they don’t believe should be de- namo Bay in a confined facility away administration can look my constitu- tained in the first place. Then you ents in the eye and say to them they start to break these military-to-mili- from major urban areas and right into are going to be safe with detainees at tary ties that have been so important a major urban area in the United Fort Leavenworth as they are with for us to be able to work in concert States. That doesn’t make much sense. military prisoners at Fort Leaven- with—places such as Saudi Arabia or It is going to be very difficult to do. It worth, and particularly not with what Kuwait or the good work we have been is going to be impossible to do. And we are talking about from Guantanamo able to do in some cases back and forth then to look my constituents in the Bay. in Pakistan, although not nearly eye and look the constituents of the I have invited President-elect Obama enough. We need to do a lot more—and Presiding Officer in the eye and say: and his team to come to Leavenworth better. But if you break that tie, where You are going to be as safe as if you to look at this facility, to see if this is you are training these military officers have military detainees. something that could fit and work. I do side by side and then building relation- We are used to handling the prison not believe it does at all. But I have in- ships that work back and forth and population at Leavenworth. We have a vited them there to come and to look then you start moving toward: Well, multiple set of facilities. We have a and to make their own assessment. the Saudis aren’t going to send any- Federal penitentiary, we have a State I further call on the incoming admin- body to the Command and General penitentiary, we have a private peni- istration to conduct a thorough Staff College in the United States be- tentiary, and we have a military peni- study—a thorough study—of all pos- cause detainees who they believe in tentiary. The community is very well sible locations where detainees could their countries shouldn’t be held are adapted to be able to handle prison be transferred. The study must seri- being held in the same facility that is populations. It does it very well. But ously assess the legal and security re- an 8-square-mile facility. Then the Ku- the community does not want this pop- quirements for detainees, as well as the waitis don’t do it and the Pakistanis ulation because they say we are not set impact on the areas surrounding a pro- don’t do it and you start breaking up to be able to handle this population. posed detainee location. these types of ties. I think this is a community that does In the end, I believe the detainees The major purpose of Fort Leaven- not say not in my back yard because will probably need to go to one of three worth is education, not discipline. they have been willing to take pris- types of places: overseas, either in the Then there is the problem with the na- oners for some period of time. They are custody of foreign nations or at U.S. ture of the Disciplinary Barracks just saying they are not set up for this military facilities abroad set up for itself. It is primarily a medium dis- prison population in our back yard. We these types of detainees we have at ciplinary facility at Fort Leavenworth, can’t handle this. Guantanamo Bay or on military land not maximum. We do not have the For all these reasons, I would urge or at facilities previously closed or space to be able to contain all the de- the administration—the incoming scheduled to be closed under the BRAC tainees from Guantanamo Bay. We Obama administration—to take a very process, the Base Realignment and Clo- don’t even have enough space to con- hard, serious scholarly view of what it sure Commission, or into a new facility tain what would be referred to as the is you can do with the Guantanamo specifically designed for these detain- worst of the worst from the Guanta- Bay detainees. I would ask them to ees. namo Bay facility at the Disciplinary take a very serious look at the The administration is projecting Barracks at Fort Leavenworth. Plus, it logistical problems of Leavenworth. they are going to sign an order right is against the law to mix a U.S. mili- I know a number of the people who off when coming into office that is tary population, where we have had are involved at Fort Leavenworth are going to close Guantanamo Bay. I am people from the U.S. military who have deeply concerned about the fact that asking them, in looking at my State, committed a crime and they are being they have a number of schoolchildren in looking at the Disciplinary Barracks held at the Disciplinary Barracks—you who are educated on the Fort Leaven- at Leavenworth, that they consider the cannot mix that population under law worth military base, because at the nature of the facility, the nature of the with a population of foreign detainees. Command and General Staff College, detainee, and make a careful assess- That is against the law. It is against we get people assigned there for a year, ment as to whether this fits in this sit- conventions we have entered into. So 2 years, sometimes longer periods of uation. there is that legal hurdle that is there time and families move there. We have Let me describe for you a little bit as well. schools we operate on the military the situation of the Disciplinary Bar- Now let me further describe the facil- base. We are deeply concerned about racks at Fort Leavenworth, KS. Fort ity. It has a major railroad that runs somebody coming in, wanting to make

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 a statement and going into one of Think of that: a wafer the size of a and which has grown deeper; it is the those schools and taking the children penny representing the storage device hundreds of thousands and millions hostage. that contains the largest repository of more who have not only had to say I I have seen situations where a num- human knowledge in history. Pretty have lost my job but who have had to ber of people are put in harm’s way for remarkable. say I have lost my house as well. It is no good reason whatsoever, and seeing Assume that you are able to walk pretty unbelievable. that this facility is not set up to be around with a storage device the size of This is an extraordinary country, able to do this is one of them. a penny in your jacket pocket which with great strength, and an economic I have visited with people locally. I you can put into a computer and pe- engine that has been the wonder of the have a call scheduled with Secretary ruse all that human knowledge that world. No one in the world has done Gates. We have been putting this for- has been gained since the start of what we have done to expand the mid- ward in legislative form in prior legis- human history. On that storage device dle class and give everyone a feeling of lative sessions, and I will be in this leg- would be a lot of information, but what opportunity. No one has done that. I islative session as well to make this wouldn’t be on that storage device—of have described before the unbelievable point. If it had been easy to close all the human knowledge accumulated accomplishments of our country. We Guantanamo Bay previously, I am cer- since the beginning of time—would be have survived the Civil War, survived a tain the current administration would how we get out of this financial mess Great Depression, and we have been have done it. It is a difficult task. But that the country is now in. There is no through two World Wars. We represent that doesn’t mean that because it is a formula, there is no rule, there is no the beacon of freedom around the difficult task, then you do it fast. It experience that would give us a road- world. We have always been a country means because it is a difficult task, map of how we get from here to where that represents hope. you take your time and you do it right we need to be to get out of this finan- I have been in so many parts of this or you are going to create a lot more cial wreck. world and asked people: What do you problems down the road. This is one We are indeed in a financial crisis. desire for your life? I remember being where I think the loss in this situation And the one thing that unites the on a helicopter that ran out of gas be- is far greater—far greater—than any smartest economists in the country or tween Nicaragua and Honduras in a gain we would get in closing the Guan- the deepest thinkers or the latest self- mountainous area. We landed under tanamo Bay facility, particularly in proclaimed greatest sage and all the power but we landed because we had no our relationship to Islamic countries. rest of us, the thing that connects us fuel, and campesinos from around the I would plead with the new adminis- all, is none of us has ever been here be- region came to see who had landed in tration to look at this in a very serious fore. We are all walking in the woods this helicopter. We were stranded for and in a very clear and in a very ana- for which there is no map and all we about 4 hours until we were found. We lytical way, to make a wise decision have is a guess as to how we are to try had an interpreter, and so during a dis- that will stand for the future and not to put this economy back together. cussion, through an interpreter, I just create a huge set of problems for Now, some people say: Well, what asked a young woman, who walked up the future. does all that mean, this financial cri- with others—she had about three or With that, I yield the floor and note sis? How do we understand that there is four children with her, probably in her the absence of a quorum. this wreckage occurring in the econ- early 20s—what do you aspire to do for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The omy? Well, you can look at it a number you and your family? Oh, I want to clerk will call the roll. of ways. You can look at the people come to the United States, she said. The legislative clerk proceeded to who have been saving for a long period Why? Because the United States is call the roll. of time, investing their 401(k) in a mu- where there is opportunity and free- Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I ask tual fund or in the stock market. After dom, she said. So in a discussion up in unanimous consent that the order for 30 years of work, they had a nest egg the mountains between Honduras and the quorum call be rescinded. for retirement, but they have lost 40 or Nicaragua someone who had never seen The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. 50 percent of it, just like that. Half a an American understood America as a PRYOR). Without objection, it is so or- lifetime of savings gone, like that. place for her and her family, a place of dered. That is one piece of evidence. It is pret- opportunity and freedom. THE ECONOMY ty dramatic for every family in this It is unbelievable what this place has Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I have country. represented to the rest of the world. We been interested for some long while But there is other evidence as well. split the atom, we have spliced genes. about new technology and the Internet And that evidence especially, it seems As I have said before, we have cloned and all those related issues. to me, describes the crisis in our fami- animals. We invent things—the silicone I recall reading a couple of years ago lies in this country. If you look at last chip, plastic, and the radar. We cured a statement by the former president of month’s unemployment report, it says, smallpox and polio. We built the tele- IBM in which he described the unbe- in a kind of a sanitary way, that 524,000 phone, the television, the Internet, and lievable leapfrog in technology and ca- people lost their jobs. Well, what if you the computer. We built airplanes and pability—most of it breathtaking. Most just say 523,999 and then focus on the learned to fly them; built rockets to fly of us understand that because we use one, just one person who had to come to the Moon. It is unbelievable what we the Internet we can go anywhere in the home, in most cases, and tell a spouse: have done. Our country is just that re- world at our fingertips on the key- You know what, I have lost my job sourceful. board, but he described something today. No, I am not a bad employee. I But we have found ourselves in re- breathtaking to me. He described the have worked hard for that company for cent months in a very deep hole. We issue of storage density and the new 10 or 15 years, but they laid employees find ourselves right now perched on the capability of storage density. He said off today. To that one family, that is edge of a cliff, and the question is: that we are on the cusp now of being 100 percent unemployment, and that is What do we do to try to restore eco- able to reduce in storage density all of a disaster for that family. Think of it. nomic health to this country so that the works that exist in the Library of Last month, over half a million Ameri- next month the news is not another Congress—I think it is somewhere cans had that discussion some night half million Americans have lost their around 14 or 16 million volumes of around the supper table: What are we jobs; so that perhaps next month, or work—which is the largest repository going to do? some month in the future the news will of human knowledge that exists any- And it is not just the half million be that more Americans are working, where on Earth; to be able to store that people who lost their jobs last month more Americans have found jobs, more on a very small wafer the size of a or 2.6 million people who have lost Americans are owning homes. How do penny. their jobs since this recession started, we do all that?

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 597 The fact is, there is not anything in it mean? The broker was able to get the first 12 months’ payments for you. recorded human history that replicates $10,000, $20,000 in bonuses for the loan. But wait, we will give you a teaser this and there is not anyone who knows The mortgage company took their cut. rate. You can pay 2 percent interest what is the menu to use to restore eco- Then they securitized it. They sold the rate. You can cut your home mortgage nomic health. This country is in some security and rolled it into others—like in half. very severe difficulty. they used to in the old days pack saw- We don’t tell you about the fine lines I wish to talk about what all this dust in sausage and roll it all to- that say we are going to reset the in- means and what I think we have to do. gether—they rolled these loans into a terest rate to a much higher level in 3 President-elect Obama came to the securities instrument, sold it up to years and you are not going to be able Senate today and spent time with the hedge funds, sold it to investment to repay it. And, by the way, we are Democratic caucus. He spent the lunch banks. And they put prepayment pen- going to put a prepayment penalty in hour with us and spoke for nearly an alties into it so borrowers were locked so you can’t get out of this because—do hour. It was an extraordinary exchange in, 3 years from the teaser rate, to in- you know what we are going to do with of views. He is a very gifted person who terest rates that the borrower couldn’t this mortgage? We are going to pack- I think has great promise and, I think, possibility repay and everybody was fat age it up with others, called hope that we can restore economic and happy and everybody was making a securitizing it, and we are going to sell health to this country. He is going to fortune—millions of dollars. Everybody it so we don’t have any responsibility need a lot of help. He is going to need was making a fortune. for it anymore and a hedge fund is a lot of us, Republican and Democrat. The problem is it was a lot of air. It going to buy it. Do you know why a He is going to need the American peo- was not just Countrywide. Zoom Credit hedge fund is going to buy it? We have ple to join in an effort to restore eco- Company—here is what they said in a prepayment penalty in there with nomic health to this country. their advertisements: high interest rates and it will reset in In the Thomas Wolfe book ‘‘You Credit approval is just seconds away. Get 3 years and we are going to make a lot Can’t Go Home Again,’’ he describes on the fast track at Zoom Credit. At the of money. They were all fat and happy the kind of unique character of the speed of light, Zoom Credit will preapprove when they built this huge bubble and American people. He describes it as a you for a car loan. the bubble burst and it helped cause a quenchless hope, boundless optimism, Even if your credit’s in the tank, Zoom collapse in this economy. indestructible belief. I think these Credit’s like money in the bank. Zoom Cred- I say all of that just to say it is not qualities exist in this country and it it specializes in credit repair and debt con- solidation. over. Go to the Internet right now, and has gotten us through many difficult see if you can find what I found—no- periods and will again and will this And then they finished with this: documentation loans. We still have time. But this will take some effort. Bankruptcy, slow credit, no credit—who shysters out there advertising this This will not be easy. cares? kind of nonsense: We will give you a I have described before what has Does that look like a good business loan. You don’t even have to document caused much of this. It is not rocket practice to you? It looks like a Ponzi it. science to describe it. We have seen scheme to me. What happened as a result of this? what I think is an unbelievable car- This morning the judge in New York Some of the biggest financial names in nival of greed, creating and trading ex- said Mr. Madoff, who had a $50 billion our country, it turns out, were invest- otic financial instruments that had alleged Ponzi scheme, was not going to ing deeply in what we now understand dramatic risks, attaching that risk to be incarcerated. He apparently bilked is toxic assets. We all understand the some of America’s biggest financial in- people out of $50 billion, but he is word ‘‘toxic.’’ It always used to be as- stitutions and some of America’s big- spending today in a $7 million pent- sociated with a waste dump, toxic gest banks. To go right to the origin of house apartment in New York City be- waste dump. Maybe toxic is an appro- it—I have said it before and I will say cause the judge says: No, no, he should priate term. When the Treasury Sec- it again and again, as long as I have an not be incarcerated. That was a Ponzi retary says toxic assets, it seems to me opportunity to speak about this be- scheme, apparently. People thought the bowels of some of the biggest finan- cause you have to close the gate. You they had money invested with him. cial institutions represent toxic waste cannot restore confidence in this coun- They, in fact, did not. It turns out dumps because that is where these bad try until you close the gate. Here is the there was not the money they thought assets exist. house of cards that was built. We know was in their accounts. So the Treasury Secretary came to what happens to house of cards in a But it is not just Mr. Madoff who had us when it looked like everything was high wind and all that, it has come a Ponzi scheme. Do you think this is going to collapse and said I need $700 down. not a Ponzi scheme, a company such as billion from the American taxpayers I described the other day, and I am this says: If you are bankrupt, you can- and I need it in 3 days and I have a going to once again, what is called a not pay your bills, you have slow cred- three-page bill I want you to pass. subprime mortgage scandal. They were it, you have no credit, come to us; do Why? What I am going to do, I am advertising mortgages. We have all you think that is not a Ponzi scheme? going to buy these assets from the big- seen it. We have seen these advertise- Because what do you think they did gest financial companies in the coun- ments. Here is the Countrywide ad. It with that when they roped this cus- try and relieve them from this toxicity was the biggest mortgage bank in the tomer into coming to them for a mort- deep in the bowels of the banks. I did country. It now doesn’t exist. It was gage? They said: Tell you what, we not vote for it, but sufficient numbers subsumed into another company. By have a sweet little deal for you. We will of my colleagues voted for it to author- the way, the CEO of Countrywide, I am give you a mortgage called no-doc, that ize $700 billion. told—at least reading the newspaper— means you don’t even have to dem- Now $350 billion has either been spent got away with a couple hundred mil- onstrate your income to us that will or committed. The scandal is we can- lion dollars for himself so he is not ex- demonstrate you can repay it—no-doc not find out how the taxpayers’ money actly shedding tears about all this. But loans. By the way, we will give you a has been used. To whom? For what pur- here is what they were advertising for mortgage, no documentation of your pose? Under what conditions? the American people: Do you have less income, and we will give you a mort- We know in total there is about $8.5 than perfect credit? Do you have late gage in which you don’t have to pay trillion that has so far been committed mortgage payments? Have you been de- any principal at all, just interest. Or, if by the Federal Government. That nied by other lenders? Call us. We that is not good enough, you don’t have means the taxpayer is on the hook for would like to give you a loan. to pay all the interest for the first about $8.5 trillion—the Federal Reserve Does that sound like sound business year. If that is not good enough, we programs, $5.5 trillion; FDIC, $1.5 tril- practices? It doesn’t to me. What does give you a mortgage where we make lion; Treasury Department, $1.1. Do

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 you know what? The Bloomberg News think the opportunity exists for some- not a perfect menu to provide con- Corporation had to sue the Federal body, even in a crisis, to commit $8.5 fidence to the American people. And it Government to get information about trillion, $8.6 trillion on behalf of the does not matter how you adjust those this. Isn’t that unbelievable? They American taxpayer and then tell us issues if you do not find a way to in- should not have had to sue anybody. you will not to get information about still confidence, the economy is going Let me show you the statements that this? Go to court. That is unbelievably to contract. So I have introduced legis- were made by the Treasury Secretary arrogant, in my judgment. lation with a number of pieces that I and others. Here is what the Treasury Having said all that—which is, in think are essential to try to provide Secretary said on the 23rd of October: some ways, therapeutic for me to go that kind of confidence. Let me de- We need oversight, we need protection. We through what has caused so much of scribe them. need transparency. I want it, we all want it. this and to talk about the folly of the First and foremost, I do not think That is just words. It didn’t mean a pursuit of a solution. That we cannot you can do this and give the American thing. There is no transparency. You possibly succeed unless you have condi- people confidence unless you look back cannot find out what is going on. The tions and attachments to those moneys and look forward. That means account- Treasury Secretary took $125 billion that are being used—all of this, it ability, and accountability means and shoved it at nine banks and said: I seems to me, is wrapped in a cir- looking back and looking ahead, it am going to invest in capital. I cumstance where we now find ourselves seems to me. I described the absurdity changed my mind, I am not going to with a new President. He will be sworn of Mr. Madoff running a $50 billion buy any assets. So the TARP program, in on the west front of this building Ponzi scheme, living in his $7 million apartment in New York City, and the which got its named for troubled as- next Tuesday. He inherits the most sig- judge saying: That is okay. It seems to sets—there are no troubled assets pur- nificant set of economic problems I me there is an equal absurdity here of chased by the Secretary. He said: I think of any President since Franklin having the equivalent type of Ponzi changed my mind, now I want to give Delano Roosevelt. I don’t think there schemes in which you loaded some of is much question about that. capital to banks. the biggest American financial institu- That is not necessarily a bad idea, The question is, Where does this go tions with dramatic amounts of risk except he took $125 billion and plugged from here? You know the law of holes: and debt and say: Well, now that is it into nine banks, some of which When you are in a hole, stop digging. past, no one is accountable. It seems to didn’t want it, and there were no The question is, How do you stop me someone is accountable for that. digging? How do you find a way to put strings attached. He said: I am doing Are they still around? Were they get- this back on track to some sort of this because I want you to expand lend- ting $20 and $30 million a year? Some of growth? Where is the bottom? How do ing. There was no requirement they ex- them were. There was a recent inves- pand lending, no requirement they not you stop this from falling off a cliff? tigative piece by the Washington Post use it for bonuses or dividends. There are all these folks, the so-called describing the person in charge of risk If you ask the Treasury Secretary: smartest people in the room, who share management and describing a trader at Did they expand lending with the $125 with me and with my colleague from the same firm, both making somewhere billion of taxpayers’ money you sunk Arkansas, who is the Presiding Offi- in the neighborhood of $20 million a into capital, his answer is: I don’t cer—share the fact that none of us un- year. Who is accountable for that, for know. Ask the banks. They tell you derstand the answer. Nobody under- the collapse as a result of the loading money is fungible, we are not going to stands exactly what to do. up of dramatic risk in an investment tell you that answer. We know don’t But I wish to say this: I think at the bank and then having the American know. But ask people wanting to get root of this is always, and will always taxpayers bail it out? money from the banks. They will tell be, with this economy of ours, the issue Here are some of the so-called big- you there is no additional lending or of confidence. Do people have con- gest institutions that were deemed expansion of credit. It was just a com- fidence about the future? If they are ‘‘too big to fail.’’ Until this point, they mitment on behalf of the American living in a place, in a country and at a have not only been ‘‘too big to fail,’’ taxpayers of $125 billion in search of a time when they can be confident about they have been ‘‘too small to regulate’’ solution that didn’t exist because he the future—confident for themselves apparently because we have a lot of didn’t put strings on it or attach some and their kids, confident that they will folks in this town who do not want to conditions to it, so that is where we have a job, retain their jobs, have job regulate anything. They want to be are. security, have a decent payroll, have willfully blind, including those we pay Ben Bernanke, head of the Federal benefits in the future—then they are to regulate these entities. They are the Reserve Board, said on the 24th of Oc- confident and do things that manifest ones who helped us decide long ago, as tober, ‘‘Transparency is a big issue.’’ I that confidence: buy clothes, take a a country: We are not going to look at guess so. It is certainly a much bigger trip, buy a car, buy a house; they do derivatives, we will not regulate de- issue, given what he has done. He has the things that expand this economy. rivatives, and we are not going to regu- moved massive quantities of money But when they do not have con- late hedge funds. We are willing to through the Fed—by the way the Fed fidence—and the American people at countenance a lot of dark money out opened its window to direct lending to this point do not—they do exactly the there because we do not need to see it. investment banks for the first time in opposite, which contracts this econ- You know, the high priest of that the history of this country. They used omy. They defer all those purchases thought was, of course, Alan Green- to only do direct lending to FDIC-in- and decide, you know what, we don’t span, whose notion of how you handle sured banks. They opened the window have confidence that we are going to all of this is self-regulation. Self-regu- to direct lending to investment banks. keep this job, have this income, pro- lation will work just fine, he said. Well, The question is, Who got the money? vide for our kids. We need to cut back, it turns out that was a miscalculation Under what conditions? How much? and that contracts the economy. to the tune of some trillions of dollars. The answer is, We don’t know. We are So the question is this: It is not, as I It did not work fine. not telling you. have said often, about how do you tune Here is what we need to do—account- That is unbelievable to me. There is the engine on the ship of state. How do ability going back. I have just de- nothing in the Constitution about this. you go down to the engine room and scribed Alan Greenspan. He came and The Constitution is a short little docu- take a look at every dial, gauge, lever, testified. He said: ‘‘I made a mistake in ment that talks about powers, the pow- knob, and just adjust it just right? presuming the self-interests of organi- ers of the executive branch, the powers In fiscal policy or in monetary pol- zations, specifically banks and others, of the legislative branch, and judicial icy, how do you adjust it? Tax credits? were best capable of protecting their branch. You go read the Constitution M1B? Fiscal stimulus? It is not that at own shareholders and their own equity and try to figure out whether you all, in my judgment, because there is in the firms.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 599 You know the old saying that there people with bad credit and getting big work if they did not have an abiding is no education in the second kick of a bonuses as a result? When are they hope about the future of this country. mule. We know this. We knew this. We going to be brought here under sub- And I do. But that hope is joined, it have been through this in the Great poena and asked the same questions seems to me, by requirements to find Depression. We were through the Gay and subject to the same requirements? out what happened, take action based Nineties and the Roaring Twenties. I think we ought to create a taxpayer on what happened, and make sure it None of us lived then, but we learned protection prosecution task force. I be- never happens again. That is not rock- the lessons and put in place the protec- lieve there is a lot of illegal activity et science; that is what we are obli- tions to make sure it never happened that has not been uncovered. And I do gated to do. again. not think it ought to be laid at the feet This is, as I said, a great country About 10 years ago, the Congress of some attorney general someplace in with a wonderful history of overcoming took apart most of those protections. I some State. There ought to be a Fed- the odds. We have people who came to voted against it. I thought it was a ter- eral prosecution tasks force this country from different parts of the rible decision. But here we are paying empaneled, and that task force must planet searching for opportunity. Most the price for that. make it a top priority to investigate of us come from immigrants who came Those protections, it seems to me, at and prosecute financial fraud cases and from one part of the planet or another, this point need to be reconnected. So seek to recover any ill-gotten gains. one part of this globe, and came to this what should we do? Well, first of all, I The task force shall make rec- country because they believed this is think, in addition to a rescue plan of ommendations to the Congress, within the place where opportunity existed. some type, or a stimulus plan, as it is 60 days, about extending the statute of There was a man named Stanley being called, it seems to me you need limitation in complicated financial Newberg who died, and there was a tiny some type of taxpayer protection. No- crimes, if necessary. little piece written in the New York body is looking out for the taxpayer There ought to be a reform commis- Times about him some years ago. It here, and the taxpayer is having to sion on the financial system that de- was a piece that intrigued me, so I make the commitment through the termines the causes of this financial looked into it to find out what was this Treasury Secretary, through the Fed- nightmare. And the commission would about, Stanley Newberg. It said, in this eral Reserve, and through the Con- report its findings, conclusions and one-paragraph piece, something that I gress. Let’s have a taxpayer protection make recommendations for preventing discovered more about. A man came to plan or a Taxpayer Protection Act. a similar debacle in the future. I do not this country with his parents to flee One, I think we ought to extend the think it is just a matter of jump-start- the persecution by the Nazis of the oversight, accountability, audit, and ing the economic engine; I think you Jews, and they came here and landed in all the reporting provisions that were have to rewire the system here. You this country, with nothing, in New imposed originally by the Treasury De- have to rewire the financial system. York City. His dad had a job peddling partment under the Emergency Eco- This does not work. fish on the Lower East Side of New nomic Stabilization Act to cover any Securitizing instruments for which York, and Stanley Newberg trailed financial entity that provides emer- there was never any decent under- along, this little tyke with his dad gency economic assistance to private writing because you did not have to un- every day peddling fish. Then he went firms. There ought to be complete derwrite if you were going to send the to school, and his parents struggled be- transparency, no secrecy, nobody say- risk upstairs—that does not work. And cause they had nothing, and he did well ing: We will not tell you, we will not you cannot have dark money out there in school. They struggled to get him show you, we will not disclose to you. beyond the gaze of regulators. some loans and try to help him get to Second, all private firms receiving You do have to regulate. It seems to college. He went to college, graduated emergency financial assistance should me you have to completely reform the from college, and went to work for an be subject to the same set of rules and financial system, and I do think the aluminum company. He did very well restrictions relating to executive com- people who caused this wreck are going with the company and rose up to man- pensation, golden parachutes, dividend to be the ones who are going to help us agement in the company and then pur- payments, to name a few. reform the system. chased the company. You know, we had the auto industry So those are four areas that I think Later, he died. When they opened his executives come down here, and they we have to do on behalf of the Amer- will, Stanley Newberg, in his will, left were widely pilloried for flying Gulf- ican taxpayer. $5.7 million to the United States of stream IVs wing tip to wing tip from You know, my sense is that everyone America. In his will, he said: For the Detroit to Washington, DC. It turns in this country wants this new Govern- privilege of living in that great coun- out that there were over 20 commercial ment to succeed. President-elect try. Is that not remarkable? Here is a flights that day from here to Detroit Barack Obama campaigned across this man who came here with nothing, was and back. One could have sat them in country on the subject of change. We enormously successful, then at the end first class and provided them Dr. Pep- all understand the need for that of his life left his inheritance to the per in a paper cup, or whatever it is change. The fact is, there is plenty of United States of America. I am not they do in first class, between Detroit blame to go around. Lots of folks, Re- suggesting everyone do that. I am sug- and Washington, DC, and they would publicans, Democrats, one administra- gesting it inspires me when people—in have been fine. But they flew down tion, another—there is a lot of blame. this case, coming here as a boy with wing tip to wing tip in Gulfstreams But it seems to me there are special nothing—understand the magic of what and, you know, making $2 million, $2.5 obligations laid at the feet of those this country of ours offers in terms of million a month, whatever it was. who in the last 8 years have decided to opportunity and freedom. And I think, There was a lot of criticism about it— be willfully blind and decided that self- with all of the hand-wringing that ex- justifiable, in my judgment. I want the regulation was more important than ists in our country about these very se- auto industry to succeed, but that was having people do their jobs who were rious troubles we face, I am absolutely not a very smart thing that day. supposed to be regulating. And the re- convinced, if we work together, with a But the question is, Why it is just the sult was the creation of a house of new President, a new Government, if auto industry? Where are all of those cards or a Ponzi scheme sort of thing we call the American people to be part folks who ran some of those big invest- that has caused dramatic damage to of something bigger than themselves, ment banks into the ditch? Where are this country. to say this is a moment to try to put the folks who caused that wreckage? Now, it is a mess, but I think this this country back on track and build How about the people who ran these country can get out of it. I think it better opportunity and greater oppor- big mortgage companies that were sell- would be hard for anybody in this tunity for all Americans, I have great ing these unbelievable mortgages to Chamber to decide to get up and go to hope then for this country.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 Mr. MARTINEZ. Mr. President, I rise of members from Federal, State, local, ern boundary of the park adjacent to today in strong support of S. 22, the and academic backgrounds to ensure the existing L 31 canal and levee. FPL public lands omnibus bill. This legisla- that it has a diverse make-up of profes- would also receive a vegetative man- tion contains several important provi- sionals to assist the city of St. Augus- agement easement to help control non- sions for the State of Florida that will tine in celebrating its founding. The in- native exotic plants. Public acquisition protect its natural treasures and ex- tent of the St. Augustine commission of the FPL inholding would eliminate pand understanding of our rich history. bill is to assist the NPS and local the last significant private inholding These bills are bipartisan, and I am stakeholders in building upon the expe- delaying Mod Waters. proud to have worked with my col- riences of the Jamestown celebration No funds will be needed for this league Senator BILL NELSON in support in 2007. In addition, the commission inholding acquisition and appraisals of the Everglades provisions and the would provide the necessary framework indicate that the park receives more commission for the 450th anniversary to navigate the significant logistical value than FPL. Since so much pre- of St. Augustine’s founding. Congress- challenges facing the city of St. Augus- liminary work has been put into identi- man JOHN MICA has introduced a com- tine, the State of Florida, and the Na- fying the precise lands and interests in- panion version of this bill in the House tional Park Service. volved in the exchange, the Park Serv- of Representatives and I wanted to rec- Restoration of the Everglades, espe- ice should be able to promptly com- ognize his efforts as well. In addition, I cially Everglades National Park, will plete the appraisal approval process. thank the hard work of Senator JEFF be enhanced by enactment of the public Expeditious review is critical to facili- BINGAMAN, the chairman of the Energy lands bills package, S. 22. One such pro- tate Mod Waters and ensure that the and Natural Resources Committee, and vision included is section 7107, which exchange is executed so taxpayers are ranking member, Senator MURKOWSKI, would expand the boundaries of Ever- spared the multimillion-dollar costs of and their staff, for including these bills glades National Park by nearly 600 purchasing the FPL corridor. in S. 22 and bringing it to expected acres and help protect a critical part of Substantial work has already been floor passage. Florida’s ecological heritage. I am completed and all evaluations indicate The public lands package contains an proud to have cosponsored this legisla- that relocating the utility corridor authorization for the St. Augustine tion with my colleague BILL NELSON, away from the Everglades National 450th Commemoration Commission, and it is supported by a broad group. of Park will provide a wide array of envi- which is critical in assisting the Na- stakeholders including the Monroe ronmental benefits to the park. The ex- tional Park Service, the State of Flor- County government in the Florida change and relocation ensures that ida, as well as all local stakeholders in Keys, the Nature Conservancy, and the there will be no electric transmission organizing the historic celebration of National Park Service. The passage of lines constructed on the existing pri- the city’s founding. St. Augustine’s old this bill would protect coastal wetlands vate right-of-way. In addition, moving and complex history mirrors much of and habitat for a myriad of endangered the utility corridor to the periphery of the American experience. It was the species including the American croco- the park to developed property will birthplace of Christianity in the New dile, the West Indian manatee, the lessen impacts on resources, endan- World and it was truly the first blend- wood stork, the roseate spoonbill, and gered and threatened species, and other ing-pot of cultures that included peo- other migrating birds. park-related values. The bill also pro- ples of Spanish, English, French, Na- The citizens of Florida have long vides the NPS with the authority to re- tive American, and African descent. treasured the Everglades, and the addi- locate the Everglades Park boundary Many do not know that St. Augustine tion of this property within the park’s to ensure that the lands conveyed to is the location of the first parish mass boundaries will help preserve the FPL are outside of the park. The in- in the United States and it was the lo- unique beauty that makes the keys tent is that the relocated utility cor- cation of the first free black settle- such a special place. The addition of ridor not be within Everglades Park. ment in North America. Nearly a cen- the Tarpon Basin property will not Since an environmental assessment tury before the founding of Jamestown, place new management or administra- needs to focus only on those factors Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon tive burdens on our park’s staff, but in- arising from the land exchange itself, landed off the coast of St. Augustine stead would enhance and preserve a it is expected that the Park Service looking for the fabled Fountain of part of Old Florida for years to come. will move quickly to complete the as- Youth but instead founded a colony Another provision included in S. 22, sessment. Any effects that may arise known as La Florida. He discovered which Senator NELSON and I support from future proposed development of very favorable currents that would would facilitate an important land ex- the relocated corridor would be subject later be known as the Gulf Stream, change to allow the National Park to full environmental review at that which would serve as trade routes for Service to acquire the last significant time by appropriate Federal and State European explorers to discover other private inholding in the Everglades and agencies. Because of these protections parts of the New World. clear the way to finally implement the and oversight, there should be no Because of St. Augustine’s location federally approved Modified Waters De- undue regulatory delay in the comple- along strategic trade routes, Spain livery Project or ‘‘Mod Waters.’’ Mod tion of this important land exchange, constructed the Castillo de San Marcos Waters will help restore natural water which could further delay Mod Waters. in 1672 to protect the capital of La flows into Everglades National Park, Accordingly, the NPS should act in a Florida from French and British inter- and although authorized nearly 20 timely manner to render a suitability ests. The Castillo de San Marcos is years ago in 1989, it has experienced finding for lands adjacent to the park built on the ruins of the original fort substantial delays. used for transmission to meet the that was burned to the ground by Brit- The land trade provided for in the power needs of south Florida. ish sailor and explorer Sir Francis pending, measure enables the Park I again thank Chairman BINGAMAN Drake. The fort still stands today and Service to acquire Florida Power and and Senator MURKOWSKI for including has had six different flags fly above its Light’s, FPL, 7-mile long, utility cor- these bills in S. 22. I also want to thank ramparts. It is the oldest surviving Eu- ridor that now bisects the expanded our outgoing ranking member, Pete ropean fortification in the United Everglades National Park. This cor- Domenici, for his hard work in helping States. ridor runs north-south through the move these bills through the Energy The St. Augustine Commemoration heart of the East Everglades and Shark and Natural Resources Committee last Commission is necessary to help orga- River Slough, which provides the pri- year. We have a chance at the begin- nize the tremendous amount of histor- mary water flows into the park. Under ning of a new Congress to show the ical and cultural events that will take the exchange, FPL would give this 320 American people that Washington is place in the first coast area. The com- acre inholding to the park and would not all about politics and gridlock. I mission will encompass a broad array receive roughly 260 acres on the east- urge my colleagues to vote for S. 22 to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 601 help facilitate the completion of Mod ‘‘dismal.’’ The report emphasized that Mod Waters and completion of this Waters and enhance the protection of Mod Waters is critical to restoration, land exchange will help us achieve Florida’s fragile ecosystem. especially for Everglades Park, and these objectives while ensuring that Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- urged the Federal Government to take the taxpayers are spared the cost of dent, restoration of America’s Ever- action to move the project along. This purchasing a very expensive park glades is one of my top priorities in the exchange does precisely that. inholding from FPL. Senate. Everglades National Park No funds will be needed for this I yield the floor, and I suggest the ab- stands to be enhanced by enactment of inholding acquisition. Since so much sence of a quorum. the public lands bill package, S. 22. work has already been done to identify The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Section 7107 contains a measure— the precise lands and interests in land pore. The clerk will call the roll. similar to a bill introduced by Senator to be exchanged and these lands have The assistant legislative clerk pro- MEL MARTINEZ and me, to facilitate an been subject to professional appraisals, ceeded to call the roll. important land exchange which will we expect the park to be able to Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- allow the National Park Service to ac- promptly complete the necessary ad- imous consent the order for the quire the last significant private ministrative requirements to complete quorum call be rescinded. inholding in the East Everglades and the exchange. Time is of the essence in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- clear the way to finally implement the order to facilitate Mod Waters and en- pore. Without objection, it is so or- congressionally approved Modified Wa- sure that the exchange is executed so dered. ters Delivery project or ‘‘Mod Waters.’’ taxpayers are spared the multi-million f Mod Waters will help restore natural dollar costs of purchasing the FPL cor- MORNING BUSINESS water flows into Everglades Park. This ridor. project provides a critical foundation Prior to executing the land trade, the Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent for many future restoration projects Park Service will prepare the appro- the Senate proceed to a period of morn- and although it was authorized in 1989, priate National Environmental Policy ing business with Senators permitted has been delayed for a variety of rea- Act document to fully understand the to speak therein for a period of up to 10 sons including the need to acquire pri- environmental impacts, if any. It is my minutes each. vate lands that will be returned to a hope that this exchange will provide a The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- natural state by increased water flows. wide array of environmental benefits pore. Without objection, it is so or- The Park Service has worked pains- to the park. The exchange ensures that dered. takingly since 1989 to acquire over there will be no electric transmission f 100,000 acres in the East Everglades at lines constructed on the existing pri- 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF LULAC a cost of more than $104 million to vate right-of-way. The bill also pro- clear the way for Mod Waters. Over vides the Service with the authority to Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise to 8000 individual parcels of land have relocate the Everglades Park boundary call the attention of the Senate to the been purchased and added to Ever- to ensure that the lands conveyed to 80th anniversary of the League of glades National Park. The land trade FPL are outside of the park. It is in- United Latin American Citizens, provided for in the pending measure tended that the utility corridor, if de- LULAC. As a pioneer of the Latino will enable the park to acquire Florida veloped, not be within Everglades civil rights movement, LULAC has Power and Light’s—FPL—7-mile long, Park. Because many of the agreements long fought to better the economic 330-foot wide inholding that now bi- have been worked out in advance be- condition, educational attainment, po- sects the expanded park. This corridor tween FPL and the park, I expect that litical influence, housing, health and of private lands runs north-south the Park Service will move expedi- civil rights of Americans of Latino de- through the heart of the East Ever- tiously to complete the land exchange scent. glades and Shark River Slough, which authorized by this legislation. Eighty years ago, three organizations provides the primary water flows into In a similar vein, the Park Service in south Texas united to combat the the park—the area where more natural must also make a determination that rampant discrimination faced by Mexi- water flows will be restored by Mod the lands and interests along the L 31 can Americans. After decades of dis- Waters. Under the exchange, FPL canal and levee on the edge of the park enfranchisement, the Latino commu- would surrender this 320-acre inholding are ‘‘suitable’’ for exchange and con- nity in south Texas created a move- to the park and receive approximately veyance to FPL. This ‘‘suitability’’ is ment for equality that has contributed 260 acres on the eastern periphery of already widely acknowledged and rec- greatly to enhancing the livelihood of the park immediately adjacent to the ognized by both the agency and the Latinos throughout the United States. existing L 31 canal and levee as well as Congress as these peripheral lands are LULAC’s successes and achievements a vegetative management easement to not in the heart of the park and not are many—ranging from the desegrega- help control nonnative exotic plants critical for Mod Waters and water flow tion of schools throughout the Amer- among others. Public acquisition of the restoration. Accordingly, I expect the ican Southwest to improving access to FPL inholding would eliminate the last Park Service to act in a timely manner jobs and government programs. significant private inholding delaying to render the suitability finding. Today, as America’s oldest national Mod Waters. In return, FPL would re- I received a letter from Florida De- Latino organization, LULAC boasts ceive lands that would be outside the partment of Environmental Protection continued service to America’s Latino park, providing it with the opportunity Secretary, Mike Sole, expressing his population through more than 48 em- to develop such lands into a viable util- support for the land transfer. The ex- ployment training centers, 16 regional ity corridor, if approved. This is a win- change is also supported by the Depart- centers, and employs its great knowl- win for the people of south Florida who ment of the Interior and the Army edge of the needs of the Latino commu- depend upon both a healthy environ- Corps of Engineers. nity by advising private, nonprofit, and ment and the availability of power. I expect the Park Service and FPL to public institutions. Moreover, its As I stated earlier, Mod Waters is the move promptly to complete the ex- unique charter structure allows this foundation for the broader Comprehen- change. Again, the need for action on organization to disseminate important sive Everglades Restoration Plan, Mod Waters means that time is of the information and provide worthwhile CERP, approved by Congress in the essence. services via more than 600 councils Water Resources Development Act of I wish to thank Chairman BINGAMAN throughout the United States and 2000. The congressionally mandated and Ranking Member MURKOWSKI for Puerto Rico. The need for LULAC’s September 2008 National Academy of their efforts to incorporate this impor- services has not subsided through the Sciences report on Everglades restora- tant measure in the S. 22 package. We years and a new generation of Latinos tion called progress on Mod Waters must move expeditiously to compete calls upon the institutional strength

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 that this organization can provide. The family here and the staff provides a loving win their division after being three challenges we face as a nation can only care for each resident.’’ games behind the leaders with three be resolved by the inclusion of all She added that Bourbon Heights has very games to play. American communities and I value the little turnover in staff and that many staff Six days later, on January 3, the members have 20 or more years of service. sage voice of LULAC on the strategies ‘‘It is like a family here, the staff cares for Chargers faced a terrific Indianapolis to empower Latino communities. the residents and relationships are developed Colts team in the playoffs. In perhaps The organization’s early efforts for that are important to the residents.’’ the greatest NFL game ever played in political and social inclusion created a One of the most unique attributes of Bour- San Diego, the Chargers beat the Colts strong base which LULAC and other or- bon Heights is the support from the commu- in overtime, 23–17. ganizations now utilize to improve the nity and the volunteers who are in the floors Every playoff tournament ends sadly quality of life for all American every day providing support and help to the for every team but one. Last Sunday, Latinos. I congratulate and commend regular staff. on a snowy day in Pittsburgh, the ‘‘As I travel around the state attending the League of United Latin American meetings,’’ McKenzie said. ‘‘Other Activity mighty Steelers ended the Chargers Citizens for their long record of service Directors are amazed at the level of commu- season. to the Latino community and wish nity support that we have at Bourbon But nothing can dim the luster of the them continued success. Heights.’’ Chargers’ late-season run. Their dra- f The giant trophy in the lobby is awarded matic turnaround is an inspiration to for one year and will be passed on next year sports fans everywhere. TRIBUTE TO BOURBON HEIGHTS to a new recipient. A trophy cup will remain Mr. President, I grew up in Brooklyn, NURSING HOME at Bourbon Heights as a reminder of this in the shadow of Ebbets Field, where year’s honor of being named the best nursing Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I home in the state. baseball fans endured years of frustra- rise today to honor the Bourbon Bourbon Heights was chartered in 1965 tion with the annual cry of ‘‘Wait Till Heights Nursing Home, which was re- when it opened as a senior care center. It is Next Year.’’ When I was in high school, cently recognized as the best nursing a non-profit organization. The land is owned our dream finally came true, and ‘‘next home in the State in 2008 by the Ken- by the county and the buildings and im- year’’ became this year. tucky Association of Health Care Fa- provements are part of the Bourbon Heights With a talented young team that has cilities, KAHCF. Corporation and under the direction of the triumphed over adversity, the San Recently, the Bourbon County Cit- board of directors that oversee the non-profit Diego Chargers can look forward to organization. izen in Paris, KY, published a story next year with pride and confidence. I about the Bourbon Heights Nursing f salute the Charger players, coaches, Home receiving this top honor. CONGRATULATING THE SAN DIEGO staff, and ownership along with their Mr. President, I ask my colleagues to CHARGERS loyal fans—for a great 2008 season. join me in honoring the work of the dedicated staff and volunteers at Bour- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I f bon Heights, whose continued commit- wish to send my congratulations to the WHITE MOUNTAIN LAND ment to the community and to those San Diego Chargers for the remarkable MANAGEMENT they care for is extraordinary. I further way that they turned around their 2008 ask unanimous consent that the full season in the National Football Mr. GREGG. Mr. President, I rise article be printed in the RECORD. League. today to speak briefly about the White There being no objection, the mate- During difficult economic times, as Mountain National Forest and the U.S. rial was ordered to be printed in the they face hardships and uncertainty, Forest Service’s efforts to manage RECORD, as follows: millions of sports fans across America these lands for the benefit of all Gran- [From Bourbon County Citizen, Dec. 19, 2008] turn to their hometown teams for sol- ite Staters. In particular, I wanted to BOURBON HEIGHTS RECEIVES STATE AWARD ace and inspiration. extend my appreciation and support for Few teams this year faced as many the agency’s commitment to imple- (By Paul Gibson) hardships as the Chargers, and few menting its 2005 management plan for The Bourbon Heights Nursing Home was teams in any year have overcome ad- the forest, including the Mill Brook the recipient of the coveted award recog- nizing them as the best nursing home in the versity with such inspiring tenacity. timber harvesting proposal. state by the Kentucky Association of Health Hampered by injuries to star running It goes without saying that the Care Facilities (KAHCF). There are 247 nurs- back LaDainian Tomlinson and other White Mountain National Forest is a ing homes in the association and each one is key players and suffering through a se- special place for all New Hampshire awarded the large trophy that signifies the ries of heartbreaking losses, the Char- residents. Drawing millions of visitors top honor. gers began the 2008 season with just each year, these lands have long ap- ‘‘There is an extensive application proce- four wins in their first 12 games. With pealed to those who enjoy the out- dure,’’ said Glenda McKenzie, Activities Di- 3 weeks to go in the regular season, doors, while also providing natural re- rector. ‘‘And judges come at least twice dur- ing the year to personally see the facility.’’ they trailed the division-leading Den- sources that support communities ‘‘The judges’ visit is very thorough,’’ said ver Broncos by three games. Though across the State. Through balanced, Angie Forsythe, Administrator at Bourbon their fans remained loyal and the team multiple-use management policies, I Heights. ‘‘They interview each department remained confident, few outside ob- remain confident that the White Moun- head and observe the services we provide servers gave them any chance reaching tain National Forest will remain one of residents.’’ the NFL playoffs. the crown jewels of the National Forest According to Forsythe, the judges also Over the next 5 weeks, though, the System for generations to come. interview staff members, residents, and vol- Chargers made an amazing run. Begin- As such, I was pleased when, in 2005, unteers to gain better understanding of how the facility operates. ning on December 4th, three consecu- the U.S. Forest Service released its ‘‘The judges really wanted to know what tive San Diego victories and two Den- new management plan for the White makes us unique,’’ Forsythe said. ver losses left the Chargers just one Mountain National Forest. Striking a The judges discovered, McKenzie said, game back entering a December 28 delicate compromise among stake- ‘‘that we are a very diverse facility offering showdown with the Broncos. holders, it was overwhelmingly sup- a wide range of services to our residents.’’ In the decisive game, the Chargers ported in New Hampshire and estab- Currently, Bourbon Heights provides inde- staged an awe-inspiring offensive dis- lished a consensus-based blueprint for pendent living in apartments, personal care, play to crush the Broncos 52–21 and win how this natural resource will be man- nursing care, day care and out patient reha- bilitation. the AFC Western Division champion- aged. I applauded all of the hard work ‘‘I think the judges were impressed with ship. They became the first team in and public outreach that the Forest the way we take pride in the care we provide NFL history to have been 4–8 and make Service put into this plan and was our residents,’’ Forsythe said. ‘‘We are like a the playoffs and the first team ever to pleased to coauthor legislation that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 603 implemented its wilderness rec- the 2005 plan, choosing the path of an- University of Wisconsin-Madison and re- ommendations. Signed into law in De- tagonism over the spirit of com- ceived a job at Idaho National Laboratory in cember 2006, the New England Wilder- promise. Idaho Falls. We settled into a comfortable ness Act designated nearly 35,000 acres Now of course, I recognize that it is fifteen hundred square foot town home and own two cars that we both drive to work of new wilderness in the Forest and within these groups’ rights to file an every day. Our extremely short commute of strengthened our nation’s commitment administrative appeal and try to hold 4 miles and 3 miles respectively requires that to land conservation. things up. And I also recognize that we spend around $160 per month on gasoline. The 2005 management plan also in- such tactics may appeal to their par- Though both cars achieve no less than 20 cluded timber harvesting, which is crit- tisan supporters. That being said, I miles per gallon in the city and upwards of 32 ical for both regional economic activ- also feel that these groups’ actions are miles per gallon on the highway, we would ity and wildlife diversity purposes. The meant to undermine the longstanding use more than our entire month’s budget for timber industry is one of the largest gasoline if we made a trip to visit our rel- consensus approach that New Hamp- atives in North Dakota 800 miles away, mak- manufacturing industries in New shire has taken to environmental pro- ing a trip for the holidays a rather expensive Hampshire, supporting well paying jobs tection and the management of the venture. and local communities, especially in White Mountain National Forest spe- One would think after seeing the Hubbert the north country. Carefully managed cifically. During these challenging curve peak near the earlier part of this dec- timber harvesting can also play an im- times, I also find it hard to understand ade, you would want to begin the move to- portant role in maintaining habitats wards other sources of fuel for our vehicles. why some groups are trying to thwart If the OPEC embargo of 1973 was not enough, that are critical for certain types of the Mill Brook proposal when their what will it take before we make the shift? wildlife. previous attempts to block similar The wonderful businessmen of Toyota and Fully consistent with the 2005 plan projects have not succeeded, especially Honda appreciated the coming situation and and its timber harvesting guidelines, when timber harvesting in this area conveniently developed a car that would con- the Forest Service has proposed log- will provide an economic boost for the tribute greatly in allowing the former to sur- ging projects which have been subject Granite State. pass all of the big three companies in sales of to environmental review, are limited in As I have said in the past, the White automobiles for the first time ever in April scope, and have the support of well re- 2007. Even though GM and Ford have turned Mountain National Forest can and around with several hybrid and electric car spected groups across the spectrum should be accessible to a wide variety projects, that still leaves the transportation such as the Society for Protection of of uses, including timber harvesting. industry vying for even more expensive die- New Hampshire Forests, Appalachian While I certainly agree that the Forest sel fuel. In my opinion, the first step for Con- Mountain Club, the National Audubon Service must follow the law and carry gress would be to drastically subsidize the Society, the New Hampshire out certain environmental reviews, I expansion of domestic biodiesel production. I Timberland Owners, and the North also believe that this administrative mention only biodiesel, because of the issue with corn based ethanol cutting into our Country Council. Two of these pro- appeal runs counter to New Hamp- posals, the Batchelder Brook and Than food supply. To counter that issue, why don’t shire’s interests. I therefore hope that we revitalize methanol, which can be pro- Brook Resource Management Projects, this appeal process is resolved as soon duced from garbage, as a fuel? Ford produced have been unsuccessfully challenged by as possible and that we can all support several vehicles subsequent to the oil embar- certain environmental groups such as the Forest Service’s management of go which ran on methanol, so the concept is the Sierra Club that do not represent the White Mountain National Forest, proven, we just need to reestablish the fuel the view of most Granite Staters. Even including the Mill Brook project. production industry. As for electricity production, I as a nuclear though they seemed fine with the 2005 f management plan when it was released, engineer strenuously support the expansion of nuclear power. The loudening drum beat these groups now want to undo it via IDAHOANS SPEAK OUT ON HIGH ENERGY PRICES for action against anthropogenic climate lawsuits and other challenges that use change, though I am not a advocate of the up taxpayer resources and stymie eco- Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, in mid- theory, has drawn support for nuclear and nomic activity in New Hampshire. For- June, I asked Idahoans to share with public opinion is shifting in its favor. Assum- tunately, the courts have so far ruled me how high energy prices are affect- ing that you are an avid supporter of the INL in favor of the Forest Service and have ing their lives, and they responded by and the nuclear industry, I would like to ad- allowed these two timber harvesting the hundreds. The stories, numbering dress my frustration with Senator Harry projects to proceed. With each ruling Reid’s ignorance and stubbornness of the well over 1,200, are heartbreaking and Yucca mountain repository. I hope you are against these challenges, it has been touching. While energy prices have asserting the fact to him and his supporters my hope, as well as the hope of many dropped in recent weeks, the concerns that it is a repository, not a dump as they others in our State, that all parties expressed remain very relevant. To re- keep calling it. I’m sure you’ve used the ex- would now act in good faith and re- spect the efforts of those who took the ample of the French as the right thing to do spect the 2005 management plan’s tim- opportunity to share their thoughts, I considering 80% of their electricity is gen- ber harvesting guidelines. am submitting every e-mail sent to me erated by nuclear, their waste is reprocessed, Unfortunately, this has not been the through an address set up specifically and most importantly, they are energy inde- case, and it is why I am once more pendent. for this purpose to the CONGRESSIONAL Lastly, I would like to thank you for ad- speaking on the Senate floor about the RECORD. This is not an issue that will dressing the issue of energy with the people White Mountain National Forest. Once be easily resolved, but it is one that de- of Idaho. I hope you will carry our message again, we now have the Sierra Club and serves immediate and serious atten- to the Senate with great fervor and it will its allies trying to tie up yet another tion, and Idahoans deserve to be heard. not fall upon deaf ears. important timber harvesting proposal, Their stories not only detail their BRIAN J. GROSS, Idaho Falls. the Mill Brook project. This project, struggles to meet everyday expenses, which consists of around 1,000 acres, is Our family is affected very little. You see, but also have suggestions and rec- Senator Crapo, a year ago I was anticipating wholly consistent with the plan’s tim- ommendations as to what Congress can something like this and bought a 35mpg Kia ber harvesting guidelines. It is also do now to tackle this problem and find Spectra, with which my wife and commute supported by a large number of well re- solutions that last beyond today. I ask to our jobs 60 miles round-trip every day. spected environmental groups and the unanimous consent to have today’s let- About a year ago, I noticed how the value New Hampshire Fish and Game Depart- ters printed in the RECORD. of the dollar was on a steady decline due to ment. But this is apparently not There being no objection, the mate- Bush Administration policies (Chinese debt enough. Recycling some of the same to fund the war, flooding the globe with rial was ordered to be printed in the USDs, unregulated futures commodities) and legal arguments that have proven un- RECORD, as follows: expected that since the value of a barrel of successful in the past, the Sierra Club HONORABLE MIKE CRAPO: My name is Brian oil was based on the USD, and the value of and its friends are trying to thwart the Gross and my wife Kelly and I have lived in the USD was on the rapid decline, I had bet- good intentions and popular support of Idaho since January as I graduated from the ter do something fast. So I bought the best

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 value in a high MPG automobile that I could I fully support the means of finding alter- take 2 years just to get the air permit to find, a Korean car. I would have bought an nate energy not only for fuel, but for elec- start up in those states? We won a world war American car, but again, I was looking for trical power as well. in just twice that time. Surely, we can push value, and no American manufacturers could STEPHANIE L. ROVIG, Middleton. paper faster in this crisis. Our economy is offer the same value as South Korean made being crippled . . . one family at a time. Kia. A shame. I was around for the first ‘‘energy crisis’’ I hope you will vote to start exploring/ So, to answer your question—It has not af- in 1973. A few years later, Americans were drilling at a sensible distance off our shores fected us that much at all. We were prepared again reminded that our oil comes from . . . but START! The other issue is the free because we could see the future based on our ‘‘over there,’’ is a finite resource, and should reign of the futures/commodity speculators analysis of Republican policies. be conserved. But we did not listen. So here and their part in all of these inflated prices. BRUCE BACON. we are, thirty-five years later, with another This has not happened before on this type of opportunity to change our driving habits and scale. Wasn’t there some regulation in place DEAR SENATOR CRAPO: Thank you for want- our energy consumption. Switching to that was done away with in the late 1990s ing to know what the people think. Energy biofuels and electricity is not going to help that opened the way for this pillaging that is prices really haven’t changed my life at all. much: the production of both consumes huge happening today? I implore you to take I produce almost all the power and hot water quantities of fossil fuels. Americans must measures to stop these people who are inflat- I need with solar panels and have a solar conserve energy. We must learn to think dif- ing these prices and lining their pockets at charging electric car. ferently about our energy consumption. We the pain of others. Thank you for writing and for your vigi- Producing more oil in the U.S. will solve are like the dieter who loses fifty pounds, lance on the border (even though nothing is nothing as any new supply will be bought by looks great, feels great, and then slowly happening), and the gas price issues. China and India. We need to change fuel gains all the weight back because he had not VIRGINIA CARTER, Boise. sources. Electricity will be the future fuel changed the way he thinks about food. source and it must be generated in Idaho by Americans get into ‘‘feel good’’ mode. We walk conservation, talk conservation, and Should be an easy one for your office to hydro/geothermal/wind/solar. Renewables track. Follow a bbl of oil from AK, MT, WY, are: Free fuel forever. sometimes even drive conservatively. But when the newness of higher gas prices wears ND, SD, PA, TX or CA from the wellhead to Nuclear will only make us more dependant the service station. You may not be able to on imports. We import 58 percent of our oil off, we go right back to overconsumption. The government isn’t going to help out publish what you come up with. . . which is not a good thing. We import over 92 RODGER COLGAN. percent of the uranium used to fuel nuclear long-term if they go after the gas and oil power plants. So, we should be talking about companies. Okay, maybe their profits seem a bit high in light of what everybody else is I read with sadness your email on the poor getting off our dependence of imported nu- plight of us Amercians being consumed by clear fuel with the goal of shutting down our going through, but ultimately, conservation will affect the market and they’ll have to rising Energy prices. Your aim at getting nuclear power plants when the renewable more exploration for energy reserves misses generation is in place. turn down the prices. Government can sub- sidize mass transit and price it so that it’s the entire problem. JOHN WEBER, Boise. The problem is not that Gas prices, have the economic choice. Government can re- gone up. Nor have housing prices or food ward conservation. Incentives for auto man- prices increased. I’m not going to bore you with sad tales of ufacturers to produce energy conscious vehi- my life today. I want all you folks in DC to You are looking at the symptom of a much cles will inspire research and could result in bigger problem. What has changed is that tell the enviros they’re killing a country some little guy creating the next great auto- whose life and economy are based on oil. If the value of the dollar has decreased. As motive company, one whose main focus is pegged by the price of gold, silver and the they want a perfect world in one national energy conservation. We can change the park from coast to coast, find another coun- eruo the dollar is worth less than it was in ethos that drives our American reliance on 2000. At that time gold was about $250 per try to do it in. petrochemicals. We must change the ethos, Next, I want you to take crude oil off the ounce, the Euro was $.92 and Silver was for the good of our planet and the social somewhere around $5.00. Today Gold is near commodities markets. All that is is people structures that it supports. making all the money they possibly can and $900, Silver around $17 and the euro is around That is my story. Thanks for asking, Sen- $1.55. not having a care about what they are doing ator Crapo. to people worldwide. So Gas should be about $5.76. Given that MIRIAM I. LYNGHOLM, Moscow. the price of gold has gone up over 3 times Is this asking too much of people elected and so has silver. to represent us instead of listening to a mi- Thank you for your proactive email on a The problem Senator is that the value of nority that makes a lot of noise. And if critical issue. I am usually the one emailing the Dollar or more accurately that Federal you’re making money off of crude on the you (along with Larry Craig, and Bill Sali) Reserve Token that most Americans refer to commodities market, then I guess you’ll get about whatever issue it is that I feel needs as the Dollar has declined. rid of this E-mail. attention . . . line the still porous Southern It has declined because of the overprinting MIKE ARNOLD. border!! My husband and I have not done our by the Federal Reserve who at Congresses re- usual weekly lunch out and our pizza night. quest asks them to print more so they can I am lucky enough to work only 10 miles I find, if I am lacking something for a recipe, borrow these fictitious dollars and pay back from my home. My husband got a job at the I just do without it. Before the insanity of the private bankers called the Federal Re- same place as I, so now we can carpool to the current pump prices, I would just hop in serve at an amazing profit. work, saving on fuel. However, he is in the the car and head to the store to get the miss- When you measure gas prices and food process of getting hired on with the police ing item. That usually interpreted itself to a prices against real money as defined by our force. We have an SUV that we are in over minimum $20.00 purchase, because you al- constitution, i.e. Gold and Silver, gas in real our heads on in payments, as many Ameri- ways see something to just ‘‘pick up while I terms is about a $1.60 in 2000 terms. cans are. We also have a dodge diesel that am there’’. But, no more. I find I incorporate One could argue that the price of Gold has gets 18.0 miles to the gallon. We leased this as many errands in one trip as possible. I am also gone up in price but that is missing the vehicle and have 2 more years left to go. The definitely driving less, eating out less, and point. Money as defined is a store of labor. A only reason we did this was because gasoline shopping less, even at the grocery. dollar as defined by our constitution is 25.8 was $3.00/gallon and diesel was $1.99/gallon. Do I like this? Not one bit, especially when grains of gold. You cannot inflate or deflate Then, prices soared. We are no longer al- it is as unnecessary as it is. We have re- gold or silver. They are what they are. lowed to go camping, hunting, riding our sources in this country that have not even Sound. The Federal Reserve Tokens most ATVs, or even go fishing. It costs too much. been explored. Drill off the Atlantic. I have Americans refer to as dollars, on the other Not only are we feeling confined to our lived on the Florida Gulf coast. I know what hand is printed as fast or as slow as the gov- home, but businesses are suffering too. We a spill does, but the technology and safe ernment who borrows it. The Federal Re- are willing to pay a campground fee to have guards are far superior to what they used to serve then charges interest on something fun, but we cannot even afford to leave. We be! Move the limit out a bit, then explore. that has been created out of thin air. What a take our children to daycare, go to work, How about the shale available in Utah, Wyo- business that has got to be. That is why the pick our children up from daycare, and go ming, and Colorado? I do not advocate de- founders established a sound currency home. On Sunday, we go to church and come stroying beautiful places at all. There are backed by gold. In 1913 Congress fell for a home. We do not have the luxury of going to ways to return the earth to its previous scheme to take the people’s money. In 1929 the store for fun anymore with the spare state. We don’t ‘‘scalp’’ the forest anymore Roosevelt created a banking holiday to con- change we have. Our stimulus check went with clear cutting. We have learned forest vince the people that taking sound money into the bank to pay for future fuel costs. By management. The same can be true of re- from them would the country. The peo- the way, it’s gone now. trieving the oil from shale. Why then, does it ple obviously confused by the recent events

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 605 and nearly 20 years of advertising by the May God bless you Congressman if you EC–440. A communication from the Assist- Federal Reserve Banksters were convinced stand up to this charade created so long ago. ant to the Board of Governors of the Federal that they should give up good money for For our country to survive you must take a Reserve System, transmitting, pursuant to worthless paper currency. stand. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Minimum Let me give you an analogy most Ameri- If you don’t take a stand, if no one stands Capital Ratios; Capital Adequacy Guidelines; cans might understand. Let us assume you up for the values our founders instituted so Capital Maintenance; Capital: Deduction of are playing monopoly. We will give you a long ago, then I fear that our country will Goodwill Net of Associated Deferred Tax Li- special player’s piece let us call it the pig. become just like other 3rd world countries ability’’ (Docket No. R–1329) received in the The pig is playing like all the other players, whose governments have stolen the people Office of the President of the Senate on Jan- however you, as the pig get to the coveted blind with fiat currencies like what we have uary 9, 2009; to the Committee on Banking, piece of real estate called Boardwalk. On re- here in the United States. Housing, and Urban Affairs. alizing that you don’t have enough money to Good Luck. EC–441. A communication from the Acting buy Boardwalk you simply take some from DAVID DEHAAS. Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, the bank (Federal Reserve) and buy it. Now Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the the other players (THE People of the U.S.) Like you or any other politician in DC Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the that you are playing with do not see you do really cares about the common folk who sent report of a rule entitled ‘‘Reclamation Rural this. However, after many more rolls of dice them there. You all could have set forth Water Supply Program’’ (RIN1006–AA54) re- you seem to never run short of money. You changes to allow more exploration and devel- ceived in the Office of the President of the simply go to the Federal Reserve and grab opment of our own oil/gas in such areas as Senate on January 11, 2009; to the Com- some more monopoly money. Now other off the coasts and in ANWR but you didn’t. mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. players cannot seem to keep up. Their So I ask you again why bother acting like EC–442. A communication from the Chief money is worthless. IN fact you have so you care, you don’t pay for gas in your car or Financial Officer, Federal Mediation and much you simply bid up the price of any- try to buy fuel to run your farm or truck. Conciliation Service, transmitting, pursuant thing you want to buy. This of course creates ALBERT MORRISON, Ammon. to law, a report relative to financial integ- a huge disadvantage but you don’t care you f rity for fiscal year 2008; to the Committee on are the Pig, er government. Now the bank is Homeland Security and Governmental Af- asking for you to begin making those huge EXECUTIVE AND OTHER fairs. interest payments so now rather than the COMMUNICATIONS EC–443. A communication from the Sec- other players getting $200 when they pass go The following communications were retary, American Battle Monuments Com- you pass a new rule and the other players get mission, transmitting, pursuant to law, the a bill for $200. Doesn’t seem fair does it? Well laid before the Senate, together with Commission’s annual report for fiscal year that is what you and the other congressmen accompanying papers, reports, and doc- 2008; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- have been doing for the last 90+ years. uments, and were referred as indicated: rity and Governmental Affairs. So here we are today with Congress bor- EC–435. A communication from the Chief EC–444. A communication from the Direc- rowing paper currency or debt instruments Financial Officer, Department of Housing tor, National Gallery of Art, transmitting, that the Federal Reserve gets to charge the and Urban Development, transmitting, pur- pursuant to law, an annual report relative to people interest on. This Business by the suant to law, a report relative to the Depart- the Gallery’s competitive sourcing activities banksters is something for nothing Banking ment’s competitive sourcing efforts during during fiscal year 2008; to the Committee on Scam. fiscal year 2008; to the Committee on Bank- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Real Money, Gold and Silver, does not ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. fairs. change over time. It is sound, it is fair and EC–436. A communication from the Under EC–445. A communication from the Sec- when this country was founded some 230 Secretary for Industry and Security, Depart- retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- years ago it changed an economy that was in ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant ant to law, the Department’s Performance the shambles to one of stability. to law, a report relative to the imposition of and Accountability Report for fiscal year Today what does change is how many dol- foreign policy controls on reexports to Iran 2008; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- lars Congress borrows to fund the occupation and exports and reexports to certain parties rity and Governmental Affairs. in Iraq, Afghanistan and the other 700 bases pursuant to Executive Order 13382; to the EC–446. A communication from the Under we have around the world. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), trans- The only real solution to this is to go back Affairs. mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a vio- to a Gold Standard, and abolish the Federal EC–437. A communication from the Legal lation of the Antideficiency Act that oc- Reserve, which is neither Federal nor are Information Assistant, Office of Thrift Su- curred within the U.S. Southern Command, there any reserves. This private banking sys- pervision, Department of the Treasury, and has been assigned case number 08–05; to tem, coupled with you and congresses over- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of the Committee on Appropriations. spending is what has put our economy in a a rule entitled ‘‘Minimum Capital Ratios; EC–447. A communication from the Attor- tailspin that is much like the created dis- Capital Adequacy Guidelines; Capital Main- ney of the Office of Assistant General Coun- aster of 1929 and 1979. tenance; Capital: Deduction of Goodwill Net sel for Legislation and Regulatory Law, Of- Now the world no longer wants our debt of Associated Deferred Tax Liability’’ fice of Energy Efficiency and Renewable En- and since we have no real money to pay it (RIN1550–AC22) received in the Office of the ergy, Department of Energy, transmitting, back with. The solution is to get back to a President of the Senate on January 11, 2009; pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled gold backed currency that the world can re- to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and ‘‘Energy Conservation Program for Commer- spect and trust. Urban Affairs. cial and Industrial Equipment: Energy Con- It is nice that you congressmen and women EC–438. A communication from the Asso- servation Standards for Commercial Ice- point fingers as to the symptoms of the prob- ciate General Counsel for Legislation and Cream Freezers; Self-Contained Commercial lem but you need to be pointing the fingers Regulations, Office of Secretary, Depart- Refrigerators, Commercial Freezers, and at yourselves who have allowed the problem. ment of Housing and Urban Development, Commercial Refrigerator-Freezers Without You have allowed President Bush and Dick transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Doors; and Remote Condensing Commercial Cheney, to run amuk with a blank check a rule entitled ‘‘Consolidated Returns; Inter- Refrigerators, Commercial Freezers, and book spending money on a war that was company Obligations’’ (RIN1545–BA11) re- Commercial Refrigerator-Freezers’’ never approved by the spineless Congress. ceived in the Office of the President of the (RIN1904–AB59) received in the Office of the You can pass all the laws and resolutions Senate on January 11, 2009; to the Com- President of the Senate on January 12, 2009; you wish but they are just window dressing. mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Until we get sound money and Congress fairs. sources. takes responsibility for allowing Dick Che- EC–439. A communication from the Asso- f ney to run the white house then we will con- ciate General Counsel for Legislation and tinue to see our wealth erode. Regulations, Office of Housing, Department INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND My hope is that you pull all the troops of Housing and Urban Development, trans- JOINT RESOLUTIONS home, shut down all the bases and put this mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule The following bills and joint resolu- country on a sound money system by elimi- entitled ‘‘Standards for Mortgagor’s Invest- tions were introduced, read the first nating the Federal Reserve. Until you stop ment in Mortgaged Property: Compliance printing and spending Federal Reserve To- With Court Order Vacating Final Rule’’ and second times by unanimous con- kens on guns and butter the dollar will con- (RIN2502–AI52) received in the Office of the sent, and referred as indicated: tinue its free fall until the people’s wealth President of the Senate on January 11, 2009; By Mr. HATCH: has been confiscated by the over printing of to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and S. 215. A bill to authorize the Boy Scouts of the currency. Urban Affairs. America to exchange certain land in the

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State of Utah acquired under the Recreation By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mrs. (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor and Public Purposes Act; to the Committee CLINTON, Ms. MIKULSKI, and Mr. of S. 96, a bill to prohibit certain abor- on Energy and Natural Resources. SCHUMER): tion-related discrimination in govern- S. 227. A bill to establish the Harriet Tub- By Mr. HATCH: mental activities. S. 216. A bill to authorize the Secretary of man National Historical Park in Auburn, the Interior to conduct a special resource New York, and the Harriet Tubman Under- S. 174 study to determine the suitability and feasi- ground Railroad National Historical Park in At the request of Mr. INOUYE, the bility of designating Estate Grange and Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot Counties, name of the Senator from Rhode Island Maryland, and for other purposes; to the other sites related to Alexander Hamilton’s (Mr. REED) was added as a cosponsor of life on the island of St. Croix in the United Committee on Energy and Natural Re- sources. S. 174, a bill to establish a coordinated States Virgin Islands as a unit of the Na- and comprehensive Federal ocean and tional Park System, and for other purposes; By Mr. BINGAMAN (for himself and to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Mr. AKAKA): coastal mapping program. sources. S. 228. A bill to amend title XIX of the So- S. 211 cial Security Act to permit States, at their By Mr. HATCH: At the request of Mrs. CLINTON, the option, to require certain individuals to S. 217. A bill to amend the National Trails name of the Senator from Connecticut System Act to require the Secretary of the present satisfactory documentary evidence of proof of citizenship or nationality for pur- (Mr. LIEBERMAN) was added as a co- Interior to update the feasibility and suit- sponsor of S. 211, a bill to facilitate na- ability studies of four national historic poses of eligibility for Medicaid, and for trails, and for other purposes; to the Com- other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- tionwide availability of 2-1-1 telephone mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. nance. service for information and referral on By Mr. HATCH: By Mrs. BOXER: human services and volunteer services, S. 229. A bill to empower women in Afghan- S. 218. A bill to require the Secretary of and for other purposes. istan, and for other purposes; to the Com- the Interior to convey certain Bureau of mittee on Foreign Relations. f Land Management land to Park City, Utah, By Mrs. BOXER: and for other purposes; to the Committee on S. 230. A bill to express United States for- STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED Energy and Natural Resources. eign policy with respect to, and to strength- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS By Mr. HATCH: en United States advocacy on behalf of, indi- By Mr. NELSON of Florida: S. 219. A bill to provide for the sale of ap- viduals persecuted and denied their rights in proximately 25 acres of public land to the foreign countries on account of gender, and S. 221. A bill to amend the Com- Turnabout Ranch, Escalante, Utah, at fair for other purposes; to the Committee on For- modity Exchange Act to require energy market value; to the Committee on Energy eign Relations. commodities to be traded only on regu- and Natural Resources. By Mr. VITTER (for himself, Mr. lated markets, and for other purposes; By Mr. GRASSLEY: DEMINT, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. BARRASSO, to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- S. 220. A bill to amend title 28, United Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. ENZI, and Mr. States Code, to provide an Inspector General trition, and Forestry. BROWNBACK): Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- for the judicial branch, and for other pur- S.J. Res. 5. A joint resolution relating to poses; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the disapproval of obligations under the dent, over the past half year, as the By Mr. NELSON of Florida: Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of price of a barrel of oil has rocketed S. 221. A bill to amend the Commodity Ex- 2008; placed on the calendar, pursuant to P.L. into the sky—all the way to $147 a bar- change Act to require energy commodities to 110–343, sec. 115(e)(2). rel and in 1 day the price escalating be traded only on regulated markets, and for f $25—there have been a number of Sen- other purposes; to the Committee on Agri- ators on this floor and in committee culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND meetings and in private discussions By Mr. FEINGOLD: SENATE RESOLUTIONS S. 222. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- saying: Why won’t people wake up and enue Code of 1986 to increase the national The following concurrent resolutions realize it is not the economic market- limitation on qualified energy conservation and Senate resolutions were read, and place of supply and demand that is de- bonds and to clarify that certain programs referred (or acted upon), as indicated: termining the price of oil? Who wants constitute a qualified conservation purpose, By Mr. NELSON of Florida (for himself us to believe that? The oil companies, and for other purposes; to the Committee on and Mr. MARTINEZ): of course. In fact, the price of oil has Finance. S. Res. 13. A resolution congratulating the escalated not because there is a tight- By Mr. FEINGOLD: University of Florida football team for win- S. 223. A bill to amend the Farm Security ning the 2008 Bowl Championship Series ness on the world marketplace of de- and Rural Investment Act of 2002 to further (BCS) national championship; to the Com- mand for oil. Indeed, at the very time the adoption of technologies developed by mittee on the Judiciary. of a 6-month period from the last quar- the Department of Agriculture, to encourage f ter of last year until the first quarter small business partnerships in the develop- of 2008—that 6-month period when the ment of energy through biorefineries, and for ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS demand for oil was going down and the other purposes; to the Committee on Agri- S. 64 supply was going up, which would indi- culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. At the request of Mr. INHOFE, the cate the price should be going down if By Ms. STABENOW (for herself and names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. Mr. BROWN): supply is greater than demand—exactly S. 224. A bill to promote economic recovery BROWNBACK) and the Senator from the reverse was true. The price kept through green jobs and infrastructure, and Oklahoma (Mr. COBURN) were added as rocketing to the Moon. for other purposes; to the Committee on En- cosponsors of S. 64, a bill to amend the It defied the laws of supply and de- ergy and Natural Resources. Emergency Economic Stabilization Act mand. Yet we had everybody running By Mr. BAYH (for himself, Mr. HATCH, to require approval by the Congress for out saying, ‘‘Oh, it is the tight world Mrs. LINCOLN, Mr. KERRY, Mr. LUGAR, certain expenditures for the Troubled marketplace,’’ and it was difficult to Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. Asset Relief Program. get people to listen to a group of Sen- BENNETT, and Mr. VOINOVICH): S. 85 S. 225. A bill to amend title XIX of the So- ators who said it was because the com- cial Security Act to establish programs to At the request of Mr. VITTER, the modities futures exchanges had been improve the quality, performance, and deliv- name of the Senator from Mississippi deregulated and, therefore, unregulated ery of pediatric care; to the Committee on (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor oil futures contracts speculation was Finance. of S. 85, a bill to amend title X of the running wild. By Mr. TESTER (for himself and Mr. Public Health Service Act to prohibit Then, once it got up to $147 a barrel, BAUCUS): family planning grants from being what happened? The liquidity crisis S. 226. A bill to designate the Department awarded to any entity that performs hit, the economic crisis of confidence of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic in Havre, Montana, as the Merril Lundman De- abortions. hit—not only in America but across partment of Veterans Affairs Outpatient S. 96 the world. A lot of this was precip- Clinic; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- At the request of Mr. VITTER, the itated by the faulty mortgages, the fairs. name of the Senator from Mississippi subprime mortgages we are now not

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 607 paying off in the revenue stream be- lator to go in and bid that price up and Demand for oil in the United States cause people weren’t paying their up and up. is down by 5 percent, but the price of mortgages. Those mortgages had been Now, this is what we have been say- oil is down 75 percent. So we shouldn’t bundled into securities and then ing on the floor of this Senate for the be fooled by the drop in prices. Some bought and sold, and a lot of financial last 6 or 8 months, a number of us— financial analysts, fortunately, are not institutions, hedge funds, mutual funds Senator DORGAN, Senator CANTWELL, fooled by the drop in prices. They are and, indeed, big investments for pen- this Senator, and several other Sen- advising investors that low oil prices sion funds started dumping those be- ators—but it has been hard to get an are a temporary phenomenon and that cause they needed cash, and they start- audience that would listen. Well, no oil prices will average above $75 a bar- ed dumping their positions on oil fu- less a respected institution than CBS rel over the next 5 years. tures commodities that they had pur- News ‘‘60 Minutes’’ last Sunday night Well, a number of us, months ago, chased in this speculative frenzy that broke it open and put it about as clear- filed a bill to stop the trading of oil ran the price up to $147 a barrel. What ly as I have ever heard in posing this and other energy commodities on the happened? The exact reverse. The price question: Did speculation fuel oil price unregulated exchanges, and what the of oil starts coming down. So what swings? bill does is it turns the clock back to a should we do about this? Well, we And what they concluded was that 6 change in law that was pushed by the ought to do what a number of us have months ago, when oil hit its alltime Enron Corporation, known as the been saying: We ought to go back and high of $147, and gas was up around $4 Enron loophole, which opened the way reregulate what we have jurisdiction a gallon, it created a frenzy that fed for a flood of speculative money in over, which is the Commodities Fu- into irrational and false claims that these commodity markets. I am intro- tures Trading Commission. the problem was just supply and de- ducing that bill again today, and I seek Now, why was it deregulated? It was mand and that the solution was to drill our colleagues’ support. deregulated in the dead of night before for more oil. We must be vigilant to ensure that Christmas in the year 2000, and it was Well, it looks a lot different now. Wall Street investors do not take ad- deregulated at the behest of the Enron That frenzy that got mixed up in Presi- vantage of the lax regulation to reap Corporation. And once they deregu- dential politics as well, with those sim- profits by driving up the price of oil lated that commodities futures trading plified mantras of ‘‘drill baby, drill,’’ and making driving a lot more expen- market on energy, it allowed them to fueled by a slick public relations cam- sive for the rest of us. Let us remember go out and speculate on energy con- paign, that was funded by deep-pocket that we saw what happened with an- tracts. What was the first result? In oil companies. Yet those same oil com- other form of unregulated financial in- the early part of this decade we saw it panies testified in the spring of 2008 struments. That was those insurance happen in California. We saw the elec- that if supply and demand were the policies that had a fancy name, called tricity contracts start a runup in spec- sole driver of oil prices, that oil should credit default swaps. They were un- ulative bidding, to which it went up— cost no more than $55 a barrel. We had regulated. Look what happened: The the cost of electricity—by as high as executives of two of the big major oil collapse of AIG that had to come in to 300 percent in California. Once that companies say the normal laws of sup- the tune of upward of a $100 billion res- started to unravel, then we know what ply and demand would say that oil cue from the Federal Government. I happened: Enron started to unravel ought to be in the range of $55 to $65 a don’t believe it is simple coincidence with all the shenanigans that had gone barrel, and they testified, this Senator that the same legislation that let those on there. thinks, correctly. credit default swaps escape regulation But here we are 7 and 8 years later, So ask yourself: Could supply and de- also allowed energy traders to conduct after the law was changed, and we mand justify the wild swings in prices? their business in the shadows. We need haven’t been able to get it changed And in that one instance where oil to bring that industry out of the dark- back because people come out here and jumped $25 in 1 day for a barrel of oil, ness and into the full light of day. Mr. President, I wish to quote a cou- say: Oh, it is supply and demand in the ask yourself: Could the new oil de- ple lines from this Sunday’s interview world market for oil, and they come up mands by China and India, that have on CBS News ‘‘60 Minutes.’’ A rep- with a simple slogan, as if that was needs for new oil products, could that resentative of the Petroleum Market- going to handle the price of oil when it have suddenly caused that price to ers Association is interviewed, a Mr. was hitting $147 and translated into jump so much in a single day? And the Gilligan, and he says: about $4-gallon-gasoline. Their simple answer, clearly, is: No. It was specula- Approximately 60 to 70 percent of the oil little slogan was ‘‘drill baby, drill,’’ as tion that caused that bubble to grow. contracts in the futures markets are now if that were going to solve the problem Wall Street investors shifted billions of held by speculative entities, not by the com- of the price of gasoline and the price of dollars out of the stock market and panies that need oil, not by the airlines, not oil. into the commodities futures market by the oil companies, but by investors that But now we hear—and people are and ultimately into oil, and that is are looking to make money from their spec- starting to pay attention—we ought to what was the biggest driver of running ulative positions. reregulate this futures commodities up the price of oil and gasoline. Now, that is a representative of the trading. Now, what do we mean by reg- What is even more powerful in dem- oil companies that said that. Further- ulate? I am talking about simple little onstrating the influence of speculators more, the investigative reporter, Steve things, such as you would have to use on oil prices is examining what hap- Kroft, quotes a fellow named Michael the oil that you are bidding on, such as pened to those prices after we in the Masters, and he states: an airline does. It locks in a future Senate, and down at the other end of In a five-year period, Masters said the price for fuel by bidding on these fu- the Capitol in the House, started amount of money institutional investors, ture oil contracts. An airline, in fact, threatening regulation again. Well, hedge funds and the big Wall Street banks does use oil. By taking away the regu- guess what happened. The prices went had placed in the commodities markets went from $13 billion to $300 billion. Last year, 27 lation, they have removed that ability. down. When Wall Street experienced a barrels of crude were being traded every day Or to give another example of regula- financial meltdown with the collapse of on the New York Mercantile Exchange for tion: A Commodities Futures Trading Lehman Brothers and the near collapse every 1 barrel of oil that was actually being Commission could say you have to put of AIG, prices fell even more as the consumed in the United States. a certain amount of money down if you Wall Street speculators got out of the That is Mr. Kroft’s analysis on ‘‘60 are going to buy a future oil contract. oil futures markets to the tune of $70 Minutes,’’ and he was referring to a Instead of getting it with nothing billion. The speculative bubble in com- former Wall Street trader named Mi- down, you have to put some skin in the modities, which was not only energy chael Masters. game. But if you completely deregulate but agricultural commodities, all of a I wish to end by further quoting Mr. it, what you leave it to is the specu- sudden bubble popped. Kroft from 60 Minutes:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 A recent report out of MIT analyzing world by striking ‘‘section 1a(32)’’ and inserting Kroft: All they do is—— oil production and consumption also con- ‘‘section 1a’’. Mr. Gilligan: All they do is buy the paper cluded that the basic fundamentals of supply (3) Section 402 of the Legal Certainty for and hope that they can sell it for more than and demand could not have been responsible Bank Products Act of 2000 (7 U.S.C. 27) is they paid for it before they have to take de- for last year’s runup in oil prices. amended— livery. Another quote from an interviewee: (A) in subsection (a)(7), by striking ‘‘sec- Kroft: They’re trying to make money on ‘‘From quarter four of ’07 until the sec- tion 1a(20)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 1a’’; and the market for oil? Mr. Gilligan: Absolutely, on the volatility ond quarter of ’08’’—that is a 6-month (B) in subsection (d)— (i) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ‘‘section that exists in the market. They make it period—‘‘the Energy Information Ad- 1a(33)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 1a’’; and going up and down. ministration said that supply went up, (ii) in paragraph (2)(D), by striking ‘‘sec- (Sean Cota unhooking hose from truck; worldwide supply went up, and world- tion 1a(13)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 1a’’. Cota filling tank; calculator) wide demand went down . . . This was Kroft: (Voiceover) He says his members in the period of the spike’’ in oil prices THE PRICE OF OIL—HISTORIC OIL PRICES WERE the home heating oil business, like Sean ‘‘so you had the largest price increase RESULT OF FINANCIAL SPECULATION FROM Cota of Bellows Falls, Vermont, were the first to notice the effects a few years ago, in history during a time when actual WALL STREET AND NOT SUPPLY AND DE- MAND when prices seemed to disconnect from the demand was going down and actual basic fundamentals of supply and demand. Steve Kroft: About the only economic supply was going up during that same Cota says there was plenty of product at the break most Americans have gotten in the period. The only thing that makes supply terminals, but the prices kept going last six months has been the drastic drop in sense that lifted the price was investor up and up. the price of oil, which has fallen even more Mr. Sean Cota: We’ve had three price demand’’—in other words, the specu- precipitously than it rose. In a year’s time, lators making an artificial demand. changes during the day where we pick up a commodity that was theoretically priced products, actually don’t know what we paid I think it is clear. That is why I am according to supply and demand, doubled introducing this legislation. I look for- for, and we’ll go out and we’ll sell that to the from $69 a barrel to nearly $150. And then, in retail customer, guessing at what the price ward with great optimism to the pas- a period of just three months, crashed along was. The volatility is being driven by the sage of this kind of legislation. with the stock market. So what happened? huge amounts of money and the huge Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- It’s a complicated question, and there are amounts of leverage that is going into these sent that the text of the bill and a ‘‘60 lots of theories. But many people believe it markets. Minutes’’ transcript be printed in the was a speculative bubble, not unlike the one (Michael Masters at desk; computer that caused the housing crisis, and that it RECORD. screen) There being no objection, the mate- had more to do with traders and speculators Kroft: (Voiceover) About the same time on Wall Street than with oil company execu- rial was ordered to be printed in the hedge fund manager Michael Masters tives or sheiks in Saudi Arabia. reached the same conclusion. Masters’ exper- RECORD, as follows: (Oil refinery; workers at refinery; stock tise is in tracking the flow of investments S. 221 market traders on floor; New York Mer- into and out of financial markets, and he no- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- cantile Exchange; trading screen; farmer ticed huge amounts of money leaving stocks resentatives of the United States of America in working field; corn; airplane; trading screen; for commodities and oil futures, most of it Congress assembled, oil refinery) going into index funds, betting that the price SECTION 1. REGULATION OF ENERGY COMMOD- (Voiceover) To understand what happened of oil was going to go up. ITIES. to the price of oil, you first have to under- Who was buying this paper oil, pension (a) DEFINITIONS.—Section 1a of the Com- stand the way it’s traded. For years it’s been fund? modity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 1a) is amend- bought and sold on something called the Mr. Michael Masters: California pension ed— commodities futures market. Here at the fund, Harvard endowment, lots of large insti- (1) by redesignating paragraphs (13) New York Mercantile Exchange, it’s traded tutional investors. And by the way, other in- through (34) as paragraphs (14) through (35), alongside cotton and coffee, copper and steel vestors, hedge funds, Wall Street trading respectively; by brokers who buy and sell contracts to de- desk, were following right behind them put- (2) by inserting after paragraph (12) the fol- liver those goods at a certain price at some ting money, sovereign wealth funds were lowing: date in the future. It was created so that putting money in the futures markets, as ‘‘(13) ENERGY COMMODITY.—The term ‘en- farmers could gauge what their unharvested well. So you had all these investors putting ergy commodity’ includes— crops would be worth months in advance so money in the futures markets, and that was ‘‘(A) crude oil; that factories could lock in the best price for driving the price up. ‘‘(B) natural gas; raw materials, and airlines could manage (New York Stock Exchange; stock traders; ‘‘(C) heating oil; their fuel costs. But more than a year ago, oil refinery) ‘‘(D) gasoline; that market started to behave erratically. Kroft: (Voiceover) In a five-year period, ‘‘(E) metals; And when oil doubled to more than $147 a Masters said the amount of money institu- ‘‘(F) construction materials; barrel, no one was more suspicious than Dan tional, investors, hedge funds and the big ‘‘(G) propane; and Gilligan. Wall Street banks had placed in the com- ‘‘(H) other fuel oils.’’; and Mr. Dan Gilligan: We have to make sure modities markets went from $13 billion to 300 (3) by striking paragraph (15) (as redesig- that the futures market is an honest market. billion. Last year, 27 barrels of crude were nated by paragraph (1)) and inserting the fol- (Dan Gilligan speaking; men listening to being traded every day on the New York lowing: Gilligan; oil tanker; Gilligan; crowd talking Mercantile Exchange for every one barrel of ‘‘(15) EXEMPT COMMODITY.—The term ‘ex- to Gilligan; stock market traders) oil that was actually being consumed in the empt commodity’ means a commodity that Kroft: (Voiceover) As the president of the United States. is not— Petroleum Marketers Association, he rep- Mr. Masters: We talked to the largest ‘‘(A) an agricultural commodity; resents more than 8,000 retail and wholesale physical trader of crude oil, and they told us ‘‘(B) an energy commodity; or suppliers, everyone from home heating oil that, compared to the size of the investment ‘‘(C) an excluded commodity.’’. companies to gas station owners. When we inflows—and remember, this is the largest (b) CURRENT AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES.— talked to him last summer, his members physical crude oil trader in the United Section 5(e)(1) of the Commodity Exchange were getting blamed for gouging the public, States—they said that, ‘‘We are basically a Act (7 U.S.C. 7(e)(1)) is amended by striking even though their costs had also gone flea on an elephant,’’ that that’s how big ‘‘agricultural commodity enumerated in sec- through the roof. He told us the problem was these flows were. tion 1a(4)’’ and inserting ‘‘agricultural com- in the commodities markets, which had been (Senate hearings; Lawrence Eagles) modity or an energy commodity’’. invaded by a new breed of investor. Kroft: (Voiceover) Yet when Congress (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— Mr. Gillian: Approximately 60 to 70 percent began holding hearings last summer and (1) Section 2(c)(2)(B)(i)(II)(cc) of the Com- of the oil contracts in the futures markets asked Wall Street banker Lawrence Eagles modity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. are now held by speculative entities, not by of JPMorgan what role excessive speculation 2(c)(2)(B)(i)(II)(cc)) is amended— companies that need oil, not by the airlines, played in rising oil prices, the answer was (A) in subitem (AA), by striking ‘‘section not by the oil companies, but by investors little to none. 1a(20)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 1a(21)’’; and that are looking to make money from the Mr. Lawrence Eagles: We believe that high (B) in subitem (BB), by striking ‘‘section speculative positions. energy prices are fundamentally a result of 1a(20)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 1a(21)’’. Kroft: They don’t actually take delivery of supply and demand. (2) Section 13106(b)(1) of the Food, Con- the oil? (JPMorgan building; e-mail; oil refinery; servation, and Energy Act of 2008 is amended Mr. Gilligan: No, no. oil tank; oil register)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 609 Kroft: (Voiceover) As it turns out, not even say, ‘‘Well, who’s the largest oil company in Mr. Greenberger: (Voiceover) This was JPMorgan’s chief global investment officer America?’’ And they’ll always say ‘‘Well, when Enron was riding high, and what Enron agreed with him. The same day that Eagles ExxonMobil or Chevron or BP.’’ But I’ll say, wanted, Enron got. testified, this e-mail went out to clients, ‘‘no, Morgan Stanley.’’ Kroft: Why did they want a deregulated saying ‘‘an enormous amount of specula- (Morgan Stanley building; flow chart of market in oil futures? tion’’ ran up the price, and ‘‘$140 in July was Morgan Stanley ownerships) (Traders at desks; spreadsheet; man at ridiculous.’’ If anyone had any doubts, they Kroft: (Voiceover) Morgan Stanley isn’t an computer) were dispelled a few days after that hearing, oil company in the traditional sense of the Mr. Greenberger: Because they wanted to when the price of oil jumped $25 in a single word. It doesn’t own or control oil wells or establish their own little energy futures ex- day. refineries or gas stations. But according to change through computerized trading. September 22nd. documents filed with the Securities and Ex- (Voiceover) They knew that if they could Mr. Michael Greenberger: September 22nd. change Commission, Morgan Stanley is a sig- get this trading engine established without (Michael Greenberger; CFTC building; oil nificant player in the wholesale market the controls that had been placed on specu- pipelines) through various entities controlled by the lators, they would have the ability to drive Kroft: (Voiceover) Michael Greenberger, a corporation. the price of energy products in any way they former director of trading for the Com- It not only buys and sells the physical wanted to take it. modity Futures Trading Commission, the product through subsidiaries and companies federal agency that oversees oil futures, says that it controls, Morgan Stanley has the ca- When Enron failed, we learned that Enron there were no supply disruptions that could pacity to store and hold 20 million barrels. and its conspirators who used their trading have justified such a big increase. These storage tanks behind me in New engine were able to drive the price of elec- Mr. Greenberger: Did China and India sud- Haven, Connecticut, hold Morgan Stanley tricity up, some say by as much as 300 per- denly have gigantic needs for new oil prod- heating oil bound for homes in New England, cent, on the West Coast. ucts in a single day? No. Everybody agrees where it controls nearly 15 percent of the Kroft: Is the same thing going on right now supply-demand could not drive the price up market. in the oil business? $25, which was a record increase in the price (Building; oil refinery; pipeline; storage Mr. Greenberger: Every Enron trader who of oil. The price of oil went from somewhere terminals; men walking; buildings; barge; oil knew how to do these manipulations became in the 60s to $147 in a—less than a year. And storage tank) the most valuable employee on Wall Street. we were being told on that runup, it’s sup- Kroft: (Voiceover) The Wall Street bank (Oil rig; stock market ticker; oil rig in ply-demand, supply-demand, supply-demand. Goldman Sachs also has huge stakes in com- ocean) (Oil refinery; Masters; woman talking; panies that own a refinery in Coffeyville, Kroft: (Voiceover) But some of them may Masters) Kansas, and control 43,000 miles of pipeline Kroft: (Voiceover) A recent report out of now be looking for work. The oil bubble and more than 150 storage terminals. And MIT analyzing world oil production and con- began to deflate early last fall when Con- analysts at both investment banks contrib- sumption also concluded that the basic fun- gress threatened new regulations and federal uted to the oil frenzy that drove prices to damentals of supply and demand could not agencies announced they were beginning record highs. Goldman’s top oil analyst pre- have been responsible for last year’s runup in major investigations. It finally popped with dicted last March that the price of a barrel oil prices. And Michael Masters says the US the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and the was going to $200. Morgan Stanley predicted Department of Energy’s own statistics near collapse of AIG, who were both heavily $150 a barrel. Both companies declined our showed that if the markets had been working invested in the oil markets. With hedge requests for an interview, but maintain that properly the price of oil should have been funds and investment houses facing margin their oil businesses are completely separate going down, not up. calls, the speculators headed for the exits. from their trading activities, and that nei- Mr. Masters: From quarter four of ’07 until Mr. MASTERS: From July 15th until the ther influence the independent opinions of the second quarter of ’08, the EIA, the En- end of November, roughly $70 billion came their analysts. There is no evidence that ei- ergy Information Administration said that out of commodities futures from these index ther company has done anything illegal. supply went up, worldwide supply went up, funds. In fact, gasoline demand went down Is there price manipulation going on? and worldwide demand went down. So you by roughly 5 percent over that same period Mr. Gilligan: I can’t say. And the reason I have supply going up and demand going of time. Yet the price of crude oil dropped can’t say is because nobody knows. Our fed- down, which generally means that price is more than $100 a barrel. It dropped 75 per- eral regulators don’t have access to the data. going down. cent. They don’t know who holds what positions. Kroft: And this was the period of the spike? Kroft: How do you explain it? Kroft: Why don’t they know? Mr. Masters: This was the period of the Mr. Masters: By looking at investors. spike. So you had the largest price increase Mr. Gilligan: Why don’t they know? Kroft: Yeah. That’s the only way you can explain it. in history during a time when actual demand Kroft: The regulatory lapses in the com- was going down and actual supply was going Mr. Gilligan: Because federal law doesn’t give them the jurisdiction to find out. modities market that many believe fo- up during the same period. However, the mented the rapid speculation in oil have still only thing that makes sense that lifted the (Oil storage; oil refinery; pipeline; Wall Street sign; American flags; Capitol build- not been addressed, although the incoming price was investor demand. Obama administration has promised to do so. (Oil refinery; buildings) ing; stock exchange) Kroft: (Voiceover) Masters believes the in- Kroft: (Voiceover) It’s impossible to tell vestor demand for commodities and oil fu- exactly who is buying and selling all those By Mr. FEINGOLD: tures in particular, was created on Wall oil contracts because most of the trading is S. 222. A bill to amend the Internal Street by hedge funds and the big Wall now conducted in secret, with no public scru- Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the Street investment banks like Morgan Stan- tiny or government oversight. Over time, the national limitation on qualified energy ley, Goldman Sachs, Barclays and big Wall Street banks were allowed to buy conservation bonds and to clarify that JPMorgan, who made billions investing hun- and sell as many oil contracts as they want- ed for their clients, circumventing regula- certain programs constitute a qualified dreds of billions of dollars of their clients’ conservation purpose, and for other money. tions intended to limit speculation. And in Mr. Masters: The investment banks facili- 2000, Congress effectively deregulated the fu- purposes; to the Committee on Fi- tated it. You know, they found folks to write tures market, granting exemptions for com- nance. papers espousing the benefits of investing in plicated derivative investments called oil Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, over commodities. And then they promoted com- swaps, as well as electronic trading on pri- the past few days I have introduced a modities as a, quote-unquote, ‘‘asset class.’’ vate exchanges. series of bills that are part of my E4 Who is responsible for deregulating the oil Like, you could invest in commodities just Initiative, dubbed E4 because of its like you could in stocks or bonds or any- future market? thing else, like they were suitable for long- Mr. Greenberger: You’d have to say Enron. focus on economy, employment, edu- term investment. This was something they desperately wanted cation, and energy. Today I am intro- (Gilligan) and they got. ducing two bills that are part of this Kroft: (Voiceover) Dan Gilligan of the Pe- (Greenberger; CFTC building; Enron; peo- effort: the Community Revitalization troleum Marketers Association agreed. ple at desks) Energy Conservation, CREC, Act of Are you saying that companies like Gold- Kroft: (Voiceover) Michael Greenberger, 2009 and the Energy and Technology man Sachs and Morgan Stanley and Barclays who wanted more regulation while he was at Advancement, ETA, Act of 2009. have as much to do with the price of oil the Commodity Futures Trading Commis- going up as Exxon or Shell? sion, not less, says it all happened when The newest among my E4 bills is the Mr. Gilligan: Oh, absolutely. Yes. I tease Enron was the seventh largest corporation in Community Revitalization Energy people sometimes that, you know, people the United States. Conservation, CREC, Act of 2009. This

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 610 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 bill will increase the amount of fund- ciency savings between 20–30 percent and the counties of Milwaukee, Dane, ing available to State and local govern- are easily achievable through improv- Waukesha, Brown, Racine, Outagamie, ments for the rehabilitation and revi- ing lighting, insulation, HVAC equip- Kenosha, Winnebago, Rock, Marathon, talization of the fledgling green econ- ment and controls for these items. Washington, Sheboygan, La Crosse, omy, and also expand the types of eligi- These measures are often one-time and and Walworth. ble projects to cover energy efficiency low maintenance or maintenance free I commend the city of Milwaukee and improvements to privately owned once they have been installed. In terms the Center on Wisconsin Strategy— buildings. While our country is facing of costs, implementing efficiency meas- they have already begun to develop a its greatest economic challenge since ures only costs about 3 cents per kWh program to address retrofitting resi- the Great Depression, we have a tre- of energy saved while implementing dential buildings with energy effi- mendous opportunity to create jobs wind and solar projects can cost at ciency measures through Me2—Mil- critical to addressing the energy chal- least two to three times more. waukee Energy Efficiency. COWS’ ini- lenges we face. The CREC Act amends Importantly, my bill will increase tial estimates suggest if you could ret- the recently authorized Qualified En- the success of these energy efficiency rofit nearly all of the existing housing ergy Conservation Bond, QECB, pro- and conservation programs by ensuring stock in Milwaukee, an initial invest- gram to increase funding for important the Qualified Energy Conservation ment of just under $250 million could public-private partnerships to signifi- Bond program can be used to promote result in annual energy savings of over cantly invest in energy efficiency and novel payment structures in order to $80 million. Examples of other cities conservation, a key national priority. reduce the prohibitive upfront costs that are tackling the issue of energy It also offers States and local govern- that homeowners and businesses must efficiency in residential buildings in- ments the opportunity to create jobs pay for energy efficiency and conserva- clude Berkeley, CA; Babylon, NY; and and stimulate their local economies. tion upgrades. By eliminating expen- Brookhaven, NY. First, my bill will more than quad- sive up-front costs for homeowners and All of these efforts to conserve en- ruple the amount of bonds that can be businesses, we can eliminate one of the ergy require investments in time and issued under the Qualified Energy Con- main obstacles to making significant money. By combining efforts on two of servation Bond program—increasing energy efficiency gains. Furthermore, the challenges that we currently face— the program from $800 million to $3.6 we can virtually eliminate what home- energy and employment—we can create billion. This will provide the oppor- owners and businesses have to pay for great opportunities. Energy efficiency tunity for private investors to partner the efficiency and conservation up- and conservation are in our national with State and local governments to grades by not increasing their out-of- interest for our long term economic well-being, for the health and safety of fund energy investments through State pocket expenses. For example, States our citizens and the world as we miti- and locally issued tax credit bonds. As and local governments can work with gate the effects of climate change, and we give private investors the oppor- electric and water utilities to bill indi- for our independence and security. tunity to participate in the green econ- viduals or businesses monthly for the I have urged the Treasury Depart- omy through Qualified Energy Con- cost of the efficiency improvements ment to quickly issue regulations for servation Bonds, we signal to the mar- based on the savings they receive. The the Qualified Energy Conservation ket that the Federal Government will payment for the efficiency improve- Bonds so the initial program can get up continue to affirm the importance of ments each month will be no more and running. Once regulations are fi- investment in energy efficiency and than the monthly energy-savings real- nalized, States and local governments conservation, as well as the develop- ized by the improvements, thereby can begin applying to receive an allot- ment of new energy technologies. Help- keeping their monthly payments the ment of the bonds to pursue projects ing these new energy technologies same as before the energy improve- that may have been shelved in our thrive is not only a promising way to ments. struggling economy. develop the next generation of energy The Center on Wisconsin Strategy The second energy bill I am intro- technology to reduce our energy con- states that buildings account for 40 ducing as part of my E4 Initiative is sumption, it will also help to spur job percent of total U.S. energy consump- the Energy and Technology Advance- creation as State and local govern- tion, 70 percent of U.S. electricity con- ment Act. This bill will increase part- ments embark on capital improve- sumption, and 43 percent of U.S. carbon nerships between the Federal Govern- ments. emissions, a larger share than either ment and businesses to help spur the Increasing the size of the program transportation or industry. It is pos- commercialization of energy, forestry, will support funding for eligible sible that the U.S. could realize more and other technologies—in other projects including energy efficiency than $200 billion in annual savings words, to increase the ETA, or esti- improvements of publicly owned build- from improved building efficiency mated time of arrival, for bringing new ings; rural development of electricity alone. However, one of the challenges technologies to market. from renewable sources; research fa- associated with implementing building Particularly in the area of energy, we cilities or grants for renewable tech- efficiency measures is its prohibitive must do more to make new energy so- nologies such as advanced automobile cost. Unfortunately, poor households lutions, like next generation biofuels, a battery technology and nonfossil fuels; devote a disproportionate share of in- reality. My bill will help make the mass commuting facilities that reduce come to home energy costs, often up- Federal Government a better business energy consumption; or financing wards of 10 percent, because they have partner for the many businesses that qualified energy production projects less income and tend to live in less effi- are researching and developing innova- such as wind, biomass, geothermal, cient buildings and use less efficient tive technology solutions our country landfill gas, and solar. appliances. Through building retrofits needs. We are squandering the Federal Secondly, my bill expands the types we have the potential to generate investment of billions into research of eligible programs to ones that re- about 10 person years of employment in and development by not doing enough duce energy consumption in privately direct installation of efficiency meas- to prevent new technologies from sit- owned buildings. It would allow States ures and another 3–4 person years in ting on the shelf or being shipped to and local governments to help home- the production of relevant materials another country. Helping these new en- owners and businesses make improve- for every $1 million spent on retrofits ergy technologies get off the ground is ments such as heating-fuel saving Large cities and counties with popu- not only a promising way to develop measures; electricity-saving measures; lations over 100,000 would be eligible the next generation of energy tech- on-site renewable energy generating for Wisconsin’s share, $65.7 million, nology that will help break our addi- devices; or water-saving measures that that my bill would allow for. Eligible tion to oil, it will also help to spur job reduce the energy use of the owner, local governments in Wisconsin in- creation and enhance rural develop- renter or water provider. Gains in effi- clude: Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, ment.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 611 One obstacle identified by the Forest these new bills fully offset, so as not to By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mrs. Service’s Wisconsin-based Forest Prod- worsen our current Federal deficit; CLINTON, Ms. MIKULSKI, and Mr. ucts Lab which conducts forestry and they actually provide over a billion SCHUMER): energy technology research with busi- dollars in deficit reduction. That’s yet S. 227. A bill to establish the Harriet nesses and others, is lack of Federal another reason to pass them, and I Tubman National Historical Park in support for moving technologies from look forward to working with my col- Auburn, New York, and the Harriet the research and development phase to leagues to do just that. Tubman Underground Railroad Na- commercialization. My bill will bridge tional Historical Park in Caroline, Dor- this gap by authorizing the U.S. De- By Mr TESTER (for himself and chester, and Talbot Counties, Mary- partment of Agriculture, USDA, which Mr. BAUCUS): land, and for other purposes; to the includes the Forest Service, to work S. 226. A bill to designate the Depart- Committee on Energy and Natural Re- with businesses and provide access to ment of Veterans Affairs outpatient sources. resources to assist with getting tech- clinic in Havre, Montana, as the Mer- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, today I nologies to market. rill Lundman Department of Veterans am proud to introduce The Harriet By encouraging the USDA to act as a Affairs Outpatient Clinic; to the Com- Tubman National Historical Park and ‘‘business incubator,’’ we can increase mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. The Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park Act. the rate of success and reduce the Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, I rise I am joined by Mrs. CLINTON, Ms. MI- length of time for bringing tech- today with my colleague Senator BAU- KULSKI, and Mr. SCHUMER as original nologies to the market. By providing a CUS to introduce legislation honoring a co-sponsors. We originally introduced bridge to move new technologies be- Montana veteran named Merrill nearly identical legislation last sum- yond the research and development Lundman. mer, but the press of legislative busi- phase to commercialization, the Fed- Merrill was not a general officer. He eral Government will accelerate the ness did not allow for consideration of did not become famous in battle, or this important legislation. This year development of new technologies and wealthy in his civilian life. After serv- create increased opportunities for we will work for its prompt consider- ing in the Army, he came home to ation and enactment. small businesses, local and State gov- north-central Montana to work on the ernment, and others. The woman, who is known to us as family farm and, later, for 20 years for Harriet Tubman, was born Araminta All energy, forestry, and other tech- the BNSF railroad. Some people might nologies will benefit from my ETA Act ‘‘Minty’’ Ross approximately 1822 in say he was just an ordinary man who Dorchester County, Maryland. She because it will help new technologies served his country in the Army for come to the market. It does so by pro- spent nearly 30 years of her life as a three years, and then came home to slave on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. As moting the Federal Government as a work to live most of his days on the Hi- better business incubator, encouraging an adult she took the first name Har- Line, a strip of U.S. Highway 2 in Mon- riet, and when she was 25 she married the USDA to provide business support tana that cuts across the prairie near John Tubman. services, and authorizing USDA em- the northern border. Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery ployees and private-sector employees But because of Merrill Lundman, in 1849. She did so in the dead of night, to work together in Federal or private thousands of veterans in and around navigating the maze of tidal streams experimental or product facilities. My Havre, Montana, can expect to get and wetlands that are a hallmark of bill will also increase cooperation be- their VA medical care a little bit clos- Maryland’s Eastern Shore. She did so tween the Federal Government and in- er to home. You see, for the last sev- alone, demonstrating courage, strength novative businesses by encouraging the eral years of his life, Merrill devoted and fortitude that became her hall- USDA to allow rental of Federal equip- his time and his energy to pushing the marks. Not satisfied with attaining her ment and property for the development VA to open a new community based own freedom, she returned repeatedly of new technology. outpatient clinic in Havre. And today, for more than 10 years to the places of Lastly, a specific partnership encour- her enslavement in Dorchester and aged by my Energy and Technology his dream has become a reality. I am sorry that Merrill Lundman is Caroline counties where, under the Advancement Act will spur the com- most adverse conditions, she led away mercialization of biofuels. My bill re- not with us today to celebrate this day. He died just over one year ago, on De- many family members and other slaves quires the USDA to pursue a bio- to their freedom. Tubman became refinery pilot plant that will allow cember 22, 2007. Less than a month later, the VA announced its intention known as ‘‘Moses’’ by African-Ameri- businesses to partner with the Federal cans and white abolitionists. She was Government to test various biofuels to establish a clinic in Havre. The data says that veterans who live perhaps the most famous and most im- technologies derived from a variety of portant conductor in the network of re- in rural areas don’t live as long—or as feedstocks, including woody and agri- sistance known as the Underground well—as their urban peers. That’s be- culture waste. Railroad. Certainly one of today’s greatest cause it’s harder to get to the VA facil- During the Civil War, Tubman served challenges—energy—is also one of to- ity that may be hundreds of miles the Union forces as a spy, a scout and morrow’s greatest opportunities. away—especially this time of year a nurse. She served in Virginia, Flor- Today, the transportation sector ac- when snow and ice can make travel in ida, and South Carolina. She is cred- counts for 70% of our oil consumption. Montana treacherous. I don’t know if ited with leading hundreds of slaves However, there are promising efforts to Merrill knew this, but he sensed that from those slave States to freedom dur- significantly lessen our dependence on his fellow veterans were getting a raw ing those years. oil by reducing fuel consumption deal, and he didn’t hesitate to tell the Following the Civil War, Tubman set- through increased efficiency and by ag- VA and his congressional delegation. tled in Auburn, NY. There she was ac- gressively pursuing renewable fuels, or The story of this clinic is a grass- tive in the women’s suffrage move- biofuels. The commercialization of roots effort led by one man who stood ment, and she also established the one biofuels will also create job opportuni- up for his fellow band of brothers to of the first incorporated homes for ties, support rural development and in- make sure that they can get the care aged African-Americans. In 1903 she be- dustries such as forestry, and develop that they have earned. And to honor queathed the home to the African the next generation of fuels that are that effort, Senator BAUCUS and I are Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in sustainable and from diverse sources. proud to introduce this legislation, and Auburn. Harriet Tubman died in Au- Given our current dire fiscal situa- I look forward to working with Chair- burn in 1913 and she is buried there in tion, it is more important then ever man AKAKA to move this bill quickly the Fort Hill Cemetery. that we are careful stewards of tax- through the Veterans’ Affairs Com- Slaves were forced to live in primi- payer dollars. Not only are both of mittee. tive buildings even though many were

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 skilled tradesmen who constructed the clude Tubman’s home, the Home for Tubman Underground Railroad National His- substantial homes of their owners. Not the Aged that she established, the Afri- torical Park Act’’. surprisingly, few of the structures as- can Methodist Episcopal AME Zion SEC. 2. FINDINGS; PURPOSES. sociated with the early years of Tub- Church, and the Fort Hill Cemetery (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds that— (1) Harriet Tubman (born Araminta man’s life still stand. The landscapes of where she is buried. ‘‘Minty’’ Ross)— the Eastern Shore of Maryland, how- The Harriet Tubman Underground (A) was born into slavery in Maryland ever, remain evocative of the time that Railroad National Historical Park in- around 1822; Tubman lived there. Farm fields and cludes historically important land- (B) married John Tubman at age 25; forests dot the landscape, which is also scapes in Dorchester, Caroline, and (C) endured through her youth and young notable for its extensive network of Talbot counties, Maryland, that are adulthood the hardships of enslaved African- tidal rivers and wetlands. In particular, evocative of the life of Harriet Tub- Americans; and a number of properties including the man. The Maryland properties include (D) boldly emancipated herself from bond- age in 1849; homestead of Ben Ross, her father, about 2,200 acres in Caroline County (2) not satisfied with attaining her own Stewart’s Canal, where he worked, the that comprise the Poplar Neck planta- freedom, Harriet Tubman— Brodess Farm, where she worked as a tion that Tubman escaped from in 1849. (A) returned repeatedly for more than 10 slave, and others are within the bound- The 725 acres of viewshed across the years to the places of her enslavement in aries of the Blackwater National Wild- Choptank River in Talbot County Dorchester and Caroline Counties, Maryland; life Refuge. would also be included in the Park. In and Similarly, Poplar Neck, the planta- Dorchester County, the parcels would (B) under the most adverse circumstances tion from which she escaped to free- not be contiguous, but would include led away many family members and ac- dom, is still largely intact in Caroline quaintances to freedom in the northern re- about 2,775 acres. All of them are in- gion of the United States and Canada; County. The properties in Talbot Coun- cluded within the Blackwater National (3) Harriet Tubman was— ty, immediately across the Choptank Wildlife Refuge boundaries or abut that (A) called ‘‘Moses’’ by African-Americans River from the plantation, are today resource land. The National Park Serv- and white abolitionists; and protected by various conservation ease- ice would not own any of these lands. (B) acknowledged as 1 of the most promi- ments. Were she alive today, Tubman The bill authorizes $11 million in nent ‘‘conductors’’ of the resistance that would recognize much of the landscape grants for the New York properties for came to be known as the ‘‘Underground Rail- that she knew intimately as she se- their preservation, rehabilitation, and road’’; cretly led black men, women and chil- (4) in 1868, Frederick Douglass wrote that, restoration of those resources. with the exception of John Brown, Douglass dren to their freedom. The bill authorizes an additional $11 knew of ‘‘no one who has willingly encoun- In New York, on the other hand, million in grants for the Maryland sec- tered more perils and hardships to serve our many of the buildings associated with tion. Funds can be used for the con- enslaved people’’ than Harriet Tubman; Tubman’s life remain intact. Her per- struction of the State Harriet Tubman (5) during the Civil War, Harriet Tubman— sonal home, as well as the Tubman Park Visitors Center and/or for ease- (A) was recruited to assist Union troops as Home for the Aged, the church and rec- ments or acquisition of properties in- a nurse, a scout, and a spy; and tory of the Thompson Memorial AME side or adjacent to the Historical Park (B) served in Virginia, Florida, and South Zion Episcopal Church, and the Fort Carolina, where she is credited with facili- boundaries. tating the rescue of hundreds of enslaved Hill Cemetery are all extant. Finally, the bill also authorizes a people; In 1999, the Congress approved legis- new grants program. Under the pro- (6) Harriet Tubman established in Auburn, lation authorizing a Special Resource gram, the National Park Service would New York, 1 of the first incorporated homes Study to determine the appropriate- award competitive grants to histori- for aged African-Americans in the United ness of establishing a unit of the Na- cally Black colleges and universities, States, which, 10 years before her death, she tional Park Service to honor Harriet predominately Black institutions, and bequeathed to the African Methodist Epis- Tubman. The Study has taken an ex- minority serving institutions for re- copal Zion Church; ceptionally long time to complete, in search into the life of Harriet Tubman (7) there are nationally significant re- part because of the lack of remaining sources comprised of relatively unchanged and the African-American experience landscapes associated with the early life of structures on Maryland’s Eastern during the years that coincide with the Harriet Tubman in Caroline, Dorchester, and Shore. There has never been any doubt life of Harriet Tubman. The legislation Talbot Counties, Maryland; that Tubman led an extraordinary life. authorizes $200,000 annually for this (8) there are nationally significant re- Her contributions to American history scholarship program. sources relating to Harriet Tubman in Au- are surpassed by few. Determining the Harriet Tubman was a true American burn, New York, including— most appropriate way to recognize that patriot. She was someone for whom lib- (A) the residence of Harriet Tubman; life and her contributions, however, as erty and freedom were not just con- (B) the Tubman Home for the Aged; been more difficult. Eventually, the (C) the Thompson Memorial AME Zion cepts. She lived those principles and Church; and Park Service came to realize that de- shared that freedom with hundreds of (D) the final resting place of Harriet Tub- termined that a Park that would in- others. In doing so, she has earned a man in Fort Hill Cemetery; clude two geographically separate nation’s respect and honor. That is why (9) in developing interpretive programs, units would be appropriate. The New I am so proud to introduce this legisla- the National Park Service would benefit York unit would include the tightly tion, establishing the Harriet Tubman from increased scholarship of the African- clustered Tubman buildings in Auburn. National Historical Park and the Har- American experience during the decades pre- The Maryland portion would include riet Tubman Underground Railroad Na- ceding the Civil War and throughout the re- large sections of landscapes that are mainder of the 19th century; tional Historical Park. (10) it is fitting and proper that the nation- evocative of Tubman’s time and are Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- ally significant resources relating to Harriet historically relevant. The Harriet Tub- sent that the text of the bill be printed Tubman be preserved for future generations man National Historical Park and The in the RECORD. as units of the National Park System so that Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad There being no objection, the text of people may understand and appreciate the National Historical Park Act, S. 3383, the bill was ordered to be printed in contributions of Harriet Tubman to the his- was first introduced on July 31, 2008. the RECORD, as follows: tory and culture of the United States; and (11) in addition to the properties and re- The Special Resource Study will be fi- S. 227 sources within the boundary of the Harriet nalized and released in the near future. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- The legislation I am introducing Tubman Underground Railroad National His- resentatives of the United States of America in torical Park, other associated land within today establishes two parks. The Har- Congress assembled, the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge and riet Tubman National Historical Park SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. proposed additions to the Refuge are— includes important historical struc- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Harriet Tub- (A) components of the nationally signifi- tures in Auburn, New York. They in- man National Historical Park and Harriet cant Harriet Tubman landscape; and

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(B) essential to the visual, historical, and tion, purchase with donated or appropriated (3) AVAILABILITY OF MAP.—On modification cultural experiences of the Historical Park. funds, or exchange, land or interests in land of the boundary of the Historical Park under (b) PURPOSES.—The purposes of this Act within the boundary of the Historical Park. paragraph (2), the Secretary shall make are— (d) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND COOPERA- available for public inspection in the appro- (1) to preserve and promote stewardship of TIVE AGREEMENTS.—The Secretary may pro- priate offices of the National Park Service a the resources in Auburn, New York, and vide grants to, and enter into cooperative revised map of the Historical Park. Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot Counties, agreements with— (c) ACQUISITION OF LAND.—The Secretary Maryland, relating to the life and contribu- (1) the Church for— may acquire from willing sellers, by dona- tions of Harriet Tubman; (A) historic preservation of, rehabilitation tion, purchase with donated or appropriated (2) to provide for partnerships with the Af- of, research on, and maintenance of prop- funds, or exchange, land or an interest in rican Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, the erties within the boundary of the Historical land within the boundaries of the Historical States of New York and Maryland, political Park; and Park. subdivisions of the States, the Federal Gov- (B) interpretation of the Historical Park; ernment, local governments, nonprofit orga- (d) GRANTS.—In accordance with section (2) the Fort Hill Cemetery Association for 7(b)(2), the Secretary may provide grants— nizations, and private property owners for maintenance and interpretation of the resource protection, research, interpreta- (1) to the State of Maryland, political sub- gravesite of Harriet Tubman; and divisions of the State, and nonprofit organi- tion, education, and public understanding (3) the State of New York, any political and appreciation of the life and contribu- zations for the acquisition of less than fee subdivisions of the State, the City of Au- title (including easements) or fee title to tions of Harriet Tubman; burn, the Church, colleges and universities, (3) to sustain agricultural and forestry land in Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot and nonprofit organizations for— Counties, Maryland, within the boundary of land uses in Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot (A) preservation and interpretation of re- Counties, Maryland, that remain evocative the Historical Park; and sources relating to Harriet Tubman in the (2) on execution of a memorandum of un- of the landscape during the life of Harriet City of Auburn, New York; Tubman; and derstanding between the State of Maryland (B) conducting research, including archae- and the Director of the National Park Serv- (4) to establish a competitive grants pro- ological research; and gram for scholars of African-American his- ice, to the State of Maryland for the con- (C) providing for stewardship programs, struction of the Harriet Tubman Under- tory relating to Harriet Tubman, the Harriet education, public access, signage, and other Tubman historic landscape, and the Under- ground Railroad State Park Visitor Center interpretive devices at the Historical Park ground Railroad. on land owned by the State of Maryland in for interpretive purposes. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. Dorchester County, Maryland, subject to the (e) INTERPRETATION.—The Secretary may condition that the State of Maryland provide In this Act: provide interpretive tours to sites located (1) CHURCH.—The term ‘‘Church’’ means the Director of the National Park Service, at outside the boundaries of the Historical Park no additional cost, sufficient office space and the Harriet Tubman Home, Inc., of the AME in Auburn, New York, that include resources Zion Church located in Auburn, New York, exhibition areas in the Visitor Center to relating to Harriet Tubman. which owns and manages— carry out the purposes of the Historical (f) GENERAL MANAGEMENT PLAN.— (A) the Thompson Memorial AME Zion Park. (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 3 years Church; after the date on which funds are made avail- (e) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND COOPERATIVE (B) the Harriet Tubman home; able to carry out this subsection, the Sec- AGREEMENTS.—The Secretary may provide (C) the Tubman Home for the Aged; and retary, in cooperation with the Church, shall grants to, and enter into cooperative agree- (D) the land on which those facilities are complete a general management plan for the ments with, the State of Maryland, political located. Historical Park in accordance with section subdivisions of the State, nonprofit organiza- (2) HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGE OR UNI- 12(b) of Public Law 91–383 (16 U.S.C. 1a–7(b)). tions, colleges and universities, and private VERSITY.—The term ‘‘historically Black col- property owners for— (2) COORDINATION.—The Secretary shall co- lege or university’’ has the meaning given (1) the restoration or rehabilitation, public the term ‘‘part B institution’’ in section 322 ordinate the preparation and implementa- tion of the general management plan for the use, and interpretation of sites and resources of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. relating to Harriet Tubman; 1061)). Harriet Tubman National Historical Park with— (2) the conduct of research, including ar- (3) PREDOMINANTLY BLACK INSTITUTION.— (A) the Harriet Tubman Underground Rail- chaeological research; The term ‘‘Predominantly Black Institu- (3) providing stewardship programs, edu- tion’’ has the meaning given the term in sec- road National Historical Park in Maryland; and cation, signage, and other interpretive de- tion 499A(c) of the Higher Education Act of vices at the sites and resources for interpre- 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1099e(c)). (B) the National Underground Railroad: Network to Freedom. tive purposes; and (4) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ (4)(A) the design and construction of the means the Secretary of the Interior. SEC. 5. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE HARRIET TUB- Visitor Center; and (5) VISITOR CENTER.—The term ‘‘Visitor MAN UNDERGROUND RAILROAD NA- TIONAL HISTORICAL PARK. (B) the operation and maintenance of the Center’’ means the Harriet Tubman Under- Visitor Center. ground Railroad State Park Visitor Center (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established (f) INTERPRETATION.—The Secretary may to be constructed under section 5(d). as a unit of the National Park System the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Na- provide interpretive tours to sites and re- SEC. 4. ESTABLISHMENT OF HARRIET TUBMAN sources located outside the boundary of the NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK. tional Historical Park (referred to in this Historical Park in Caroline, Dorchester, and (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—On the execution of section as the ‘‘Historical Park’’) in Caro- Talbot Counties, Maryland, relating to the easements with the Church, the Secretary line, Dorchester, and Talbot Counties, Mary- shall— land. life of Harriet Tubman and the Underground (1) establish the Harriet Tubman National (b) BOUNDARY.— Railroad. Historical Park (referred to in this section as (1) IN GENERAL.—The boundary of the His- (g) GENERAL MANAGEMENT PLAN.— the ‘‘Historical Park’’) in the City of Au- torical Park shall consist of certain land- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 3 years burn, New York, as a unit of the National scapes and associated resources relating to after the date on which funds are made avail- Park System; and the early life and enslavement of Harriet able to carry out this subsection, the Sec- (2) publish notice of the establishment of Tubman and the Underground Railroad, as retary, in coordination with the State of the Historical Park in the Federal Register. generally depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Har- Maryland, political subdivisions of the (b) BOUNDARY.— riet Tubman Underground Railroad National State, and the United States Fish and Wild- (1) IN GENERAL.—The Historical Park shall Historical Park—Proposed Boundary’’, num- life Service, shall complete a general man- be comprised of structures and properties as- bered øllll¿, and dated ølllll¿. agement plan for the Historical Park in ac- sociated with the Harriet Tubman home, the (2) ADDITIONAL SITES.—The Secretary, after cordance with section 12(b) of Public Law 91– Tubman Home for the Aged, the Church, and consultation with landowners, the State of 383 (16 U.S.C. 1a–7(b)). the Rectory, as generally depicted on the Maryland, and units of local government, (2) COORDINATION.—The Secretary shall co- map entitled ‘‘Harriet Tubman National His- may modify the boundary of the Historical ordinate the preparation and implementa- torical Park—Proposed Boundary’’, num- Park to include additional resources relating tion of the general management plan for the bered øllll¿, and dated ølll¿. to Harriet Tubman that— Historical Park with— (2) AVAILABILITY OF MAP.—The map de- (A) are located within the vicinity of the (A) the Harriet Tubman National Histor- scribed in paragraph (1) shall be available for Historical Park; and ical Park in Auburn, New York; public inspection in the appropriate offices (B) are identified in the general manage- (B) the National Underground Railroad: of the National Park Service. ment plan prepared under subsection (g) as Network to Freedom; (c) ACQUISITION OF LAND.—The Secretary appropriate for interpreting the life of Har- (C) the Maryland Harriet Tubman Under- may acquire from willing sellers, by dona- riet Tubman. ground Railroad State Park; and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 (D) the Harriet Tubman Underground Rail- (b) GRANTS.—There are authorized to be icaid until they produce a birth certifi- road Byway in Dorchester and Caroline appropriated not more than— cate and ID. Counties, Maryland. (1) $11,000,000 to provide grants to the This new Federal requirement was (3) PRIORITY TREATMENT.—The general Church for— added to Medicaid by the Deficit Re- management plan for the Historical Park (A) historic preservation, rehabilitation, shall give priority to, with the concurrence and restoration of resources within the duction Act of 2005, DRA, enacted Feb- of the owner of the property, the adequate boundary of the Harriet Tubman National ruary 8, 2006. The Tax Relief and protection of, interpretation of, public ap- Historical Park; and Health Care Act of 2006, TRHCA, signed preciation for, archaeological investigation (B) the costs of design, construction, in- into law December 20, 2006, included of, and research on Stewart’s Canal, the stallation, and maintenance of exhibits and some amendments to the DRA citizen- Jacob Jackson home site, the Brodess Farm, other interpretive devices authorized under ship documentation requirement, pri- the Ben Ross and Anthony Thompson prop- section 4(d)(1)(B); marily to exempt certain groups. Prior erties on Harrisville Road, and the James (2) $11,000,000 for grants to the State of to enactment of the DRA, states were Cook site, all of which are privately owned Maryland, political subdivisions of the State and located in the area identified as the of Maryland, and nonprofit organizations for permitted to use their discretion in re- ‘‘Harriet Tubman Historic Area’’ on the map activities authorized under subsections (d)(1) quiring such citizenship documenta- described in subsection (b)(1). and (e)(4)(A) of section 5; and tion. (h) BLACKWATER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REF- (3) $200,000 for fiscal year 2010 and each fis- Under Section 6036 of the DRA, citi- UGE.— cal year thereafter for competitive grants to zens applying for or renewing their (1) INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT.—The Sec- historically Black colleges and universities, Medicaid coverage must provide ‘‘satis- retary shall ensure that, not later than 1 Predominately Black Institutions, and mi- factory documentary evidence of citi- year after the date of enactment of this Act, nority serving institutions for research into zenship or nationality.’’ The DRA the National Park Service and the United the life of Harriet Tubman and the African- specifies documents that are accept- States Fish and Wildlife Service enter into American experience during the years that an interagency agreement that— coincide with the life of Harriet Tubman. able for this purpose and authorizes the (A) promotes and mutually supports the (c) COST-SHARING REQUIREMENT.— HHS Secretary to designate additional compatible stewardship and interpretation of (1) CHURCH AND VISITOR CENTER GRANTS.— acceptable documents. No Federal Harriet Tubman resources at the Blackwater The Federal share of the cost of activities matching funds are available for serv- National Wildlife Refuge; and provided grants under paragraph (1) or (2) of ices provided to individuals who de- (B) provides for the maximum level of co- subsection (b) and any maintenance, con- clare they are citizens or nationals un- operation between those Federal agencies to struction, or utility costs incurred pursuant less the state obtains satisfactory evi- further the purposes of this Act. to a cooperative agreement entered into dence of their citizenship or deter- (2) EFFECT OF ACT.—Nothing in this Act under section 4(d)(1)(A) or section 5(e) shall modifies, alters, or amends the authorities of not be more than 50 percent. mines that they are subject to a statu- the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (2) HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNI- tory exemption. in the administration and management of VERSITIES.—The Federal share of the cost of According to a CRS Report for Con- the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. activities provided assistance under sub- gress updated April 15, 2008, ‘‘Based on (i) DUTIES OF OTHER FEDERAL ENTITIES.— section (b)(3) shall be not more than 75 per- a recent survey by the Government Ac- Any Federal entity conducting, supporting, cent. countability Office, GAO, 22 of 44 states permitting, or licensing activities directly (3) FORM OF NON-FEDERAL SHARE.—The non- report declines in enrollment due to affecting nationally significant land within Federal share required under this subsection the new citizenship documentation re- the area identified as the ‘‘Harriet Tubman may be in the form of in-kind contributions Historic Area’’ on the map described in sub- of goods or services fairly valued. quirement. Based on another survey by section (b)(1) shall— the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid (1) consult and cooperate with the Sec- By Mr. BINGAMAN (for himself and the Uninsured, 13 states report a retary with respect to the activities; and Mr. AKAKA): significant negative impact on enroll- (2) identify any alternatives with regard to S. 228. A bill to amend title XIX of ment and another 24 states report a the proposed activity affecting the Harriet the Social Security Act to permit modest impact. Among seven states de- Tubman Historic Area; and States, at their option, to require cer- tailed in an earlier report from the (3) to the maximum extent practicable, conduct, support, permit, or license the ac- tain individuals to present satisfactory Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, tivities in a manner that the Secretary de- documentary evidence of proof of citi- only Wisconsin has a data system that termines would not have an adverse effect on zenship or nationality for purposes of can identify denials and terminations the Harriet Tubman Historic Area. eligibility for Medicaid, and for other due to a lack of citizenship documenta- SEC. 6. ADMINISTRATION. purposes; to the Committee on Fi- tion, and it reports that about 19,000 (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall ad- nance. people had their Medicaid eligibility minister the Harriet Tubman National His- Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President I rise denied or terminated for this reason torical Park and the Harriet Tubman Under- today with my colleague Senator between July 31, 2006, and March 1, ground Railroad National Historical Park in AKAKA to introduce legislation today 2007.’’ accordance with this Act and the laws gen- designed to make several very impor- A second wave study conducted from erally applicable to units of the National Park System including— tant changes to current law to ensure September 2007–March 2008 by the De- (1) the National Park Service Organic Act that U.S. citizens receive the Medicaid partment of Health Policy at the (16 U.S.C. 1 et seq.); and to which they are entitled. George Washington University School (2) the Act of August 21, 1935 (16 U.S.C. 461 Since July 1, 2006, most U.S. citizens of Public Health published October et seq.). and nationals applying for or renewing 2008, ‘‘Another distressing finding is (b) PARK REGULATIONS.—Notwithstanding their Medicaid coverage face a new the impact the citizenship documenta- subsection (a), regulations and policies appli- Federal requirement to provide docu- tion requirements appear to be having cable to units of the National Park System mentation of their citizenship status. shall apply only to Federal land adminis- on SCHIP. Many states, for important tered by the National Park Service that is Recent reports indicate that tens-of- reasons, use joint applications for both located within the boundary of the Harriet thousands of U.S. citizens, and in par- Medicaid and separate SCHIP pro- Tubman Underground Railroad National His- ticular children, inappropriately are grams. The effect, however, is to apply torical Park. being denied Medicaid benefits simply the citizenship documentation require- SEC. 7. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. because they don’t have access to ments to both programs, thereby de- (a) IN GENERAL.—There are authorized to newly required documentation. The ar- laying coverage for both groups of chil- be appropriated such sums as are necessary ticles below and report by the Center dren.’’ to carry out this Act (other than subsection on Budget and Policy Priorities high- ‘‘Even if most or all of the reported (b)), including the provision of National Park light this very serious problem. Hos- Medicaid enrollment declines are due Service personnel and National Park Service management funds for the Harriet Tubman pitals, physicians, and pharmacies may to the citizenship documentation re- National Historical Park and the Harriet not be willing to treat these individ- quirement, a key question is whether Tubman Underground Railroad National His- uals until they have a source of pay- the people who are being denied, termi- torical Park. ment, but they cannot qualify for Med- nated, or deterred from applying are

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STATE OPTION TO REQUIRE CERTAIN clauses (i) and (ii) of section 1137(d)(4)(A) to ship documentation requirements do INDIVIDUALS TO PRESENT SATIS- an individual for the submittal to the State FACTORY DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE of evidence indicating a satisfactory immi- not affect Medicaid rules relating to OF PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP OR NA- immigrants—they apply to individuals TIONALITY FOR PURPOSES OF ELI- gration status.’’. claiming to be citizens. Most new legal GIBILITY FOR MEDICAID. SEC. 2. CLARIFICATION OF RULES FOR CHIL- DREN BORN IN THE UNITED STATES immigrants are excluded from Med- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 1902(a)(46) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(46)) is TO MOTHERS ELIGIBLE FOR MED- icaid during their first five years in the ICAID. amended— Section 1903(x) of such Act (42 U.S.C. U.S. and undocumented immigrants re- (1) by inserting ‘‘(A)’’ after ‘‘(46)’’; 1396b(x)), as amended by section 1(c)(2), is main eligible for Medicaid emergency (2) by adding ‘‘and’’ after the semicolon; amended— services only. and (1) in paragraph (1)— The legislation I am introducing (3) by adding at the end the following new (A) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘or’’ subparagraph: would make several very important at the end; ‘‘(B) at the option of the State and subject changes to current law to ensure that (B) by redesignating subparagraph (D) as to section 1903(x), require that, with respect U.S. citizens receive the Medicaid to subparagraph (E); and to an individual (other than an individual de- which they are entitled. (C) by inserting after subparagraph (C) the scribed in section 1903(x)(1)) who declares to First, the legislation would restore following new subparagraph: be a citizen or national of the United States ‘‘(D) pursuant to the application of section citizenship verification to a state op- for purposes of establishing initial eligibility 1902(e)(4) (and, in the case of an individual tion. Specifically, states would be per- for medical assistance under this title (or, at who is eligible for medical assistance on mitted to determine when and to what State option, for purposes of renewing or re- such basis, the individual shall be deemed to extent citizenship verification is re- determining such eligibility to the extent have provided satisfactory documentary evi- that such satisfactory documentary evidence quired of U.S. Citizens. States would dence of citizenship or nationality and shall of citizenship or nationality has not yet been also be permitted to utilize the stand- not be required to provide further documen- presented), there is presented satisfactory ards most appropriate to the their pop- tary evidence on any date that occurs during documentary evidence of citizenship or na- ulation as long as such standards were or after the period in which the individual is tionality of the individual (using criteria de- eligible for medical assistance on such no more stringent than those currently termined by the State, which shall be no basis); or’’; and used by the Social Security Adminis- more restrictive than the criteria used by (2) by adding at the end the following new tration and includes native American the Social Security Administration to deter- paragraph: tribal documents when appropriate. mine citizenship, and which shall accept as ‘‘(3) Nothing in subparagraph (A) or (B) of Second, the legislation would ensure such evidence a document issued by a feder- section 1902(a)(46), the preceding paragraphs that individuals are afforded a reason- ally-recognized Indian tribe evidencing mem- of this subsection, or the Deficit Reduction able time period to provide citizenship bership or enrollment in, or affiliation with, Act of 2005, including section 6036 of such documentation utilizing the same rea- such tribe (such as a tribal enrollment card Act, shall be construed as changing the re- or certificate of degree of Indian blood, and, sonable time period standard that is quirement of section 1902(e)(4) that a child with respect to those federally-recognized born in the United States to an alien mother available to legal immigrants to pro- Indian tribes located within States having vide satisfactory evidence of their im- for whom medical assistance for the delivery an international border whose membership of such child is available as treatment of an migration status. includes individuals who are not citizens of emergency medical condition pursuant to Third, the legislation protects chil- the United States, such other forms of docu- subsection (v) shall be deemed eligible for dren who are U.S. citizens by virtue of mentation (including tribal documentation, medical assistance during the first year of being born in the United States from if appropriate) that the Secretary, after con- such child’s life.’’. sulting with such tribes, determines to be being denied coverage after birth be- SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. satisfactory documentary evidence of citi- (a) RETROACTIVE APPLICATION.—The cause of citizenship verification re- zenship or nationality for purposes of satis- amendments made by this Act shall take ef- quirements. fying the requirement of this subpara- fect as if included in the enactment of the Fourth, the legislation also clarifies graph));’’. Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Public Law ambiguities in Federal law to ensure (b) LIMITATION ON WAIVER AUTHORITY.— Notwithstanding any provision of section 109–171; 120 Stat. 4). that these citizen children, regardless (b) RESTORATION OF ELIGIBILITY.—In the 1115 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. of the immigration status of their par- case of an individual who, during the period 1315), or any other provision of law, the Sec- ents, are treated like all other low-in- that began on July 1, 2006, and ends on the retary of Health and Human Services may come children born in the United date of enactment of this Act, was deter- not waive the requirements of section mined to be ineligible for medical assistance States and are deemed eligible to re- 1902(a)(46)(B) of such Act (42 U.S.C. under a State Medicaid program solely as a ceive Medicaid services for one year. 1396a(a)(46)(B)) with respect to a State. result of the application of subsections (i)(22) Finally, the legislation also ensures (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Section and (x) of section 1903 of the Social Security that the thousands of citizen children 1903 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1396b) is amend- Act (as in effect during such period), but who ed— and adults, who were erroneously de- would have been determined eligible for such (1) in subsection (i)— nied Medicaid coverage, may receive assistance if such subsections, as amended (A) in paragraph (20), by adding ‘‘or’’ after retroactive Medicaid eligibility for by sections 1 and 2, had applied to the indi- the semicolon; coverage they were inappropriately de- vidual, a State may deem the individual to (B) in paragraph (21), by striking ‘‘; or’’ and be eligible for such assistance as of the date nied because of citizenship verification inserting a period; and that the individual was determined to be in- requirements. (C) by striking paragraph (22); and eligible for such medical assistance on such I urge my colleagues in the Senate to (2) in subsection (x)— basis. support this critical legislation, which (A) by striking paragraphs (1) and (3); protects low-income U.S. citizens from (B) by redesignating paragraph (2) as para- [From the New York Times, June 5, 2006] being inappropriately denied Medicaid graph (1); (C) in paragraph (1), as so redesignated, by MEDICAID RULES TOUGHENED ON PROOF OF coverage because of lack of documenta- CITIZENSHIP tion. striking ‘‘paragraph (1)’’ and inserting ‘‘sec- tion 1902(a)(46)(B)’’; and (By Robert Pear) Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- (D) by adding at the end the following new WASHINGTON, June 4.—The Bush adminis- sent that the text of the bill and let- paragraph: tration plans this week to issue strict stand- ters of support be printed in the ‘‘(2) In the case of an individual declaring ards requiring more than 50 million low-in- RECORD. to be a citizen or national of the United come people on Medicaid to prove they are

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.000 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 United States citizens by showing passports general, applicants and recipients will have The new rules took effect July 1 and are or birth certificates and a limited number of 45 days to provide documents. People with part of the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act. Con- other documents. disabilities will have 90 days. gress approved the law because of concern The new standards follow a tussle with States typically redetermine eligibility that illegal immigrants were signing up for Congress. Federal health officials had con- every 3 to 12 months. ‘‘Once citizenship has Medicaid en masse. Instead of curbing wide- sidered giving states broad discretion to ac- been proved, it need not be documented spread fraud, advocates argue, the new rules cept affidavits in place of official documents. again’’ because it does not normally change, deter poor U.S. citizens from getting health But House Republicans complained, and the the administration said. coverage. administration backed off, allowing affida- But the guidelines include a significant ‘‘Under the best of circumstances, many vits ‘‘only in rare circumstances.’’ ambiguity: ‘‘An individual who is already en- people would be surprised to have to produce The requirements, which take effect July rolled in Medicaid will remain eligible if he documentation of their citizenship,’’ said 1, carry out a law signed by President Bush or she showed a good-faith effort to present Jim Carnes of Alabama Arise, an advocacy on Feb. 8. satisfactory evidence of citizenship and iden- group for the poor. They vividly illustrate how concern about tity, even if this effort takes longer than 45 Alabama Medicaid Commissioner Carol illegal immigration is affecting domestic so- days.’’ The administration says that ‘‘bene- Herrmann-Steckel said the state is working cial welfare policy. The purpose of the law ficiaries will not lose benefits as long as they hard to keep people on the Medicaid rolls. was to conserve federal money for citizens, are undertaking a good-faith effort to pro- Unlike some other states, Alabama is not reducing the need for states to cut Medicaid vide documentation.’’ kicking current Medicaid recipients off the benefits or limit eligibility. States have a strong incentive to enforce program if they do not possess the necessary Gov. Rick Perry of Texas won enthusiastic the requirements. If they fail to do so, they documents. Under a provision called ‘‘rea- applause at a state Republican convention can lose federal Medicaid money. sonable assurance,’’ current Medicaid recipi- on Friday when he vowed to increase border The guidelines say states should help peo- ents are allowed to temporarily re-enroll. security and said, ‘‘Texas will start requiring ple document citizenship, especially if they Medicaid beneficiaries must re-enroll every every Medicaid applicant to verify that they are homeless, mentally impaired or phys- year. are in the country legally in order to receive ically incapacitated and have no one to act ‘‘We are doing everything we can to verify benefits.’’ on their behalf. citizenship. We want to be fair to the Ala- But officials in some other states and ad- The guidelines list four categories of docu- bamians who are on Medicaid,’’ Herrmann- vocates for the poor said the new require- ments that can be used as evidence of citi- Steckel said. However, federal government ments could cause hardship for children, zenship, from the most reliable to the least officials have not said how long the ‘‘reason- older Americans and poor people born at trustworthy. The best evidence, they say, is able assurance’’ period could last. The num- home in rural areas who never received birth a United States passport or a certificate of ber of people who could lose Medicaid bene- certificates. Children account for about half naturalization. The next category includes fits would be ‘‘significant.’’ Herrmann- of Medicaid recipients. People 65 and older state and local birth certificates and State Steckel said. account for about 10 percent. Department documents issued to children Medicaid is a joint federal-state health Jennifer M. Ng’andu, a health policy spe- born abroad to United States citizens. care program for the poor and disabled, and cialist at the National Council of La Raza, a The third category consists of nongovern- it is a major provider of medical care in Ala- Hispanic rights group, said, ‘‘The docu- ment documents showing place of birth. bama. Medicaid pays for the health care of mentation requirements will cause confusion These include medical records from doctors, nearly 1 million Alabamians, about 20 per- about eligibility and will put up barriers to hospitals and clinics; nursing home admis- cent of the state’s population, Herrmann- enrollment.’’ sion papers; and records from life and health Steckel said. In general, Medicaid is available only to insurance companies. Advocates fear many poor people can no United States citizens and to certain ‘‘quali- The fourth category includes affidavits, longer enroll in Medicaid because they can- fied aliens.’’ Before the new standards, in which can be used ‘‘only in rare cir- not locate their birth certificate, or afford to many states, people who declared they were cumstances when the state is unable to se- buy a copy, and do not have the required citizens did not have to support the claim. cure evidence of citizenship’’ from other proof of citizenship such as a photo ID. The cost of obtaining a birth certificate is But in a letter being sent this week to sources. a challenge for many low-income people, state officials, the Bush administration says, ‘‘An affidavit must be supplied by at least Carnes said, as is transportation to present ‘‘Self-attestation of citizenship and identity two individuals, one of whom is not related the documents. The state Department of is no longer an acceptable practice.’’ to the applicant or recipient,’’ the guidelines Public Health charges $12 to search for a In the law, Congress listed examples of say. ‘‘Each must attest to having personal birth certificate. documents that could be used to show citi- knowledge of the events establishing the ap- There is currently no way to tell if the zenship, and it said the secretary of health plicant’s or recipient’s claim of citizenship. 1,600 who were denied coverage were illegal and human services could ‘‘by regulation’’ The individuals making the affidavit must immigrants or U.S. citizens without the specify other acceptable documents. be able to provide proof of their own citizen- proper documents. But anecdotal evidence The main proponents of the new require- ship and identity.’’ People signing affidavits may also be from Medicaid workers suggests some were ments were two Republican House members asked ‘‘why documentary evidence of citi- just poor American parents. Medicaid work- from Georgia, Representatives Charlie Nor- zenship does not exist or cannot be readily ers asked people who had been denied cov- wood and Nathan Deal. obtained.’’ erage why they didn’t have the proper paper- John E. Stone, a spokesman for Mr. Nor- work. wood, said Sunday: ‘‘Charlie provided feed- [From the Birmingham News, Dec. 4, 2006] ‘‘By and large the reason was, ‘I can’t af- back to the administration in the last two MEDICAID RULES PUT PINCH ON POOR, LACK ford to buy four birth certificates,’ ’’ said Lee weeks to make sure the regulations would Rawlinson, deputy Medicaid commissioner not undermine the intent of the law. Obvi- OF PROOF NEEDED FOR PLAN KEEPS MANY FROM HELP for beneficiary services. ously you need some flexibility so that a 92– Herrmann-Steckel said the state is doing year-old woman with Alzheimer’s does not (By Kim Chandler) everything possible to help Medicaid-eligible get kicked off Medicaid. What’s unacceptable The four children in her office needed im- people obtain the documents. is for people to claim benefits or sign affida- munizations. But because their mother did The Department of Public Health has vits swearing they are citizens without any not have their original birth certificates, and agreed to begin faxing Medicaid officials cop- verification.’’ couldn’t buy a copy, the family could not en- ies of birth certificates as a last resort for In an interview Sunday, Dr. Mark B. roll in Medicaid, Dr. Marsha Raulerson said. applicants who can’t obtain their own. The McClellan, administrator of the Centers for The children did not get their shots. two agencies will split the cost. Medicare and Medicaid Services, said, ‘‘We During September and October, 1,600 low- Transportation also is a problem for some want to provide an effective way to docu- income people, many of them children, were families, Carnes said. While people pre- ment citizenship without placing excessive rejected by Alabama’s Medicaid program be- viously could renew their Medicaid status by burdens on states or beneficiaries.’’ cause of tougher federal rules. They require mail, the new rules require a trip to see a In the letter to state Medicaid directors, applicants to show an original birth certifi- Medicaid eligibility worker in person. the administration says, ‘‘An applicant or cate or a copy purchased from the state ‘‘There are all sorts of barriers, particu- recipient who fails to cooperate with the Health Department with a raised seal, plus a larly for people without transportation and state in presenting documentary evidence of driver’s license or other proof of citizenship who may not have had a documented birth to citizenship may be denied or terminated’’ and identity when signing up for Medicaid begin with,’’ Carnes said. from the program. benefits. Raulerson said she cares for a family in The requirements will be enforced when a Many more people eventually could lose Monroe County that once had Medicaid bene- person applies for Medicaid or when eligi- benefits if they can’t produce the necessary fits but, without a car, has not been able to bility is first recertified on or after July 1. In documents. renew their coverage.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.001 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 617 Medicaid officials say they don’t know how ‘‘We don’t have a lot of latitude to say SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS many Alabamians have lost their Medicaid we’re not going to do this,’’ she said. ‘‘There benefits because they couldn’t, or didn’t, are literally hundreds of millions of dollars visit an eligibility worker. at stake.’’ The Alabama Medicaid Agency is also Meanwhile, Sebelius expressed concern working with other state agencies, such as SENATE RESOLUTION 13—CON- about a federal law on driver’s licenses GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY the Department of Mental Health and Men- passed last year. tal Retardation, to see if they’ve already Starting in 2008, federal agencies won’t OF FLORIDA FOOTBALL TEAM verified a person’s citizenship, she said. treat a state’s licenses as valid ID unless a FOR WINNING THE 2008 BOWL People who also receive Medicare, the state requires license applicants to docu- CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES (BCS) NA- health care program for seniors, or Supple- ment that they’re living in the United States TIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP mental Security Income for a disability were legally. Lack of ID could prevent someone exempted from the requirements after state from entering a federal building or boarding Mr. NELSON of Florida (for himself Medicaid officials from across the country a plane. and Mr. MARTINEZ) submitted the fol- complained that would be too burdensome. lowing resolution; which was referred Other states are struggling to comply as Sebelius said the law will require local well. driver’s licenses offices to certify that some- to the Committee on the Judiciary: one has the proper documentation and to California has yet to implement the new S. RES. 13 store the information. federal rules. Vermont and other states are Whereas on January 8, 2009, before a crowd phasing in the regulations. While the law ‘‘Exactly how that’s going to happen, we’re not quite sure,’’ Sebelius said. ‘‘We don’t ba- of more than 78,000 fans in Miami, Florida, was designed to cut down on Medicaid fraud the University of Florida Gators won the 2008 by illegal immigrants, Herrmann-Steckel sically have any of the equipment that’s re- quired to do that in any of the rural areas.’’ Bowl Championship Series (BCS) national said she does not believe Alabama has a title with a stunning 24–14 triumph over the widespread problem of illegal aliens receiv- University of Oklahoma Sooners; ing Medicaid. THOUSANDS IN KANSAS OFF MEDICAID Whereas the University of Florida is one of FOLLOWING CITIZENSHIP RULES the premier academic institutions in the NEW MEDICAID RULES COULD COST STATE Thousands of low-income Kansans have State of Florida; MILLIONS lost or been denied state health care cov- Whereas the University of Florida Gators (By John Hanna) erage because of new rules requiring them to captured the Southeastern Conference cham- The state could face millions of dollars in prove they are American citizens, state offi- pionship title on December 6, 2008; additional costs because of federal rules re- cials say. Whereas University of Florida football quiring Medicaid recipients to verify their Since the federally mandated rules took ef- Head Coach Urban Meyer has won 2 BCS na- citizenship, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius said fect July 1, the number of Medicaid recipi- tional championship games in the past 3 Wednesday. ents in Kansas has decreased by about 18,000, years; Sebelius said she’s worried the state will to 253,000. While officials can’t determine ex- Whereas University of Florida quarterback have to pick up the full cost of caring for actly how much of the 7 percent drop can be Tim Tebow was named the Most Outstanding some poor, frail and elderly Kansans who are attributed to the new rules, they believe Player of the BCS national title; living in nursing homes, instead of sharing much of it can. Whereas Tim Tebow won the Maxwell the cost with the federal government. Also, ‘‘The impact to the consumer has been se- Award for the second time in 2 years; she said, she will propose adding state em- vere,’’ said John Anzivino, a vice president Whereas the University of Florida defense ployees to verify the citizenship status of for MAXIMUS, a Reston, Va., company that held the University of Oklahoma to only 363 Medicaid recipients and applicants. The governor told reporters she hopes Con- helps administer the joint federal-state Med- yards of offense in the BCS championship gress reviews the issue and other attempts to icaid program in Kansas. ‘‘From our perspec- game; prevent illegal immigrants from obtaining tive, this has possibly been the most dra- Whereas the Gators finished 2008 ranked social services or using driver’s licenses as matic change and challenge to the Medicaid first in the Associated Press Poll and first in identification. program since its inception.’’ the Coaches Poll; ‘‘There was no input from the states on The new rules were included in last year’s Whereas the Gators finished the 2008 sea- how realistic these were or what the cost federal deficit reduction law and were de- son with a record of 13–1; was,’’ Sebelius said during a brief news con- signed to prevent illegal immigrants from Whereas the University of Florida student ference following an unrelated meeting. enrolling in the state programs providing athletes are among the most talented in the Under Medicaid requirements that took ef- health coverage. Nation; fect July 1, recipients must provide either a But consumer advocates said many vulner- Whereas University of Florida fans world- passport or two other documents, such as a able people who legitimately were eligible wide supported and encouraged the Gators birth certificate and a driver’s license, to for assistance would lose coverage because throughout the football season; verify citizenship. they couldn’t produce the necessary docu- Whereas University of Florida President J. While the measure is targeted at illegal mentation. Bernard Machen and Athletic Director Jer- immigrants, some advocates for the needy ‘‘We expect that many of these that have emy N. Foley have shown great leadership in have worried that citizens will either lose or lost coverage will regain coverage once they bringing success and glory to the University be denied services because they have trouble have gathered and provided the necessary of Florida; and finding the necessary documents. documentation,’’ Marcia Nielsen, executive Whereas the University of Florida stu- State officials say the number of Kansans director of the Kansas Health Policy Author- dents, faculty, alumni, and all Gator fans are covered by Medicaid dropped almost 7 per- ity, told the Lawrence Journal-World. ‘‘They deeply committed to bringing pride to the cent since July 1, down to 253,000 from will, however, experience a gap in coverage University of Florida and the entire State of 271,000. They believe much of the decline can that could prove to be significant for some.’’ Florida: Now, therefore, be it be attributed to the new requirements. Medicaid applicants can prove their citi- Typically, every $1 the state spends on Resolved, That the Senate— zenship by providing a passport. Or they can Medicaid is matched by about $1.50 from the (1) congratulates the University of Florida provide other documents that verify both federal government. If someone loses their Gators for winning the 2008 Bowl Champion- their citizenship, such as a birth certificate, coverage, then the state faces paying the en- ship Series (BCS) national championship; and their identities, such as a driver’s li- tire bill for their services, Sebelius said. (2) recognizes the achievements of the ‘‘You’re at 100 percent state dollars or push cense. players, coaches, students, and staff whose them out the door,’’ she said. Anzivino said most people seeking benefits hard work and dedication helped the Univer- Also, Sebelius said, the state needs to don’t have a passport and are left scrambling sity of Florida Gators win the championship; ‘‘ramp up’’ its staffing to handle the addi- to find birth certificates and other docu- and tional verification work. The governor is ments: (3) respectfully requests the Secretary of working on the budget proposal she’ll submit The number of calls each month to a Kan- the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of to the 2007 Legislature, which convenes Jan. sas Medicaid clearinghouse has more than this resolution to— 8. doubled to 49,000 from 23,000, official said. (A) the University of Florida for appro- ‘‘We’re certainly going to put some of Meanwhile, Rep. Dennis Moore, a Demo- priate display; them in place,’’ she said. ‘‘We’re trying to crat whose district is centered on the state’s (B) President of the University of Florida, make a careful analysis of how many we portion of the Kansas City area, said federal J. Bernard Machen; need.’’ officials were aware of states’ problems with (C) Athletic Director of the University of She said that if the state refuses to comply the new rules and probably would work on it Florida, Jeremy N. Foley; and with the law, it could face the loss of all fed- when the new Congress takes office in Janu- (D) Head Coach of the University of Flor- eral health care dollars. ary. ida football team, Urban Meyer.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.001 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 NOTICE OF HEARING LILLY LEDBETTER FAIR PAY ACT Nation on our globe. Although I bring OF 2009—MOTION TO PROCEED this up with some degree of reluctance, COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS CLOTURE MOTION we must discuss the situation that we Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I would face. like to announce that the Committee Mr. REID. I now move to proceed to Calendar No. 14, S. 181, and send a clo- We know that governing is about on Indian Affairs will meet on Thurs- choices. When we look at the Middle day, January 15, 2009 at 2:30 p.m. in ture motion to the desk. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- East right now, the choice for Israel is room 628 of the Dirksen Senate Office whether Israel steps aside and ignores Building to conduct an oversight hear- pore. The cloture motion having been presented under rule XXII, the Chair the attacks on her people that come ing on Job Creation and Economic daily, without provocation. Stimulus in Indian Country. directs the clerk to read the motion. The legislative clerk read as follows: We have all heard the opinion around Those wishing additional information the world about how awful the situa- CLOTURE MOTION may contact the Indian Affairs Com- tion in the Middle East is. It is awful. mittee at 202–224–2251. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the It is terrible. When I see children hurt, Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move when I see them killed, when I see fam- f to bring to a close debate on the motion to ilies distressed as their economy wors- proceed to Calendar No. 14, S. 181, the Lilly ens, it is a terrible sight. AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. I was in the Gaza Strip some years MEET Jim Webb, Benjamin L. Cardin, Richard ago, bringing good news and financial Durbin, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Fein- assistance to the people of the Gaza as COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN stein, Jeff Bingaman, Mary L. they opened a new airport. It was dur- AFFAIRS Landrieu, Tom Harkin, Hillary ing the time that Arafat was President. Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- Rodham Clinton, Charles E. Schumer, Sheldon Whitehouse, Christopher J. There was hope springing up all around dent, I ask unanimous consent that the that maybe they could get out of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Dodd, Maria Cantwell, Debbie Stabenow, Patty Murray, Bernard misery that existed in the Gaza Strip Urban Affairs be authorized to meet Sanders, Barbara A. Mikulski, Harry and develop an orderly society. during the session of the Senate on Reid. Israel is a democracy in an area of January 13, 2009 at 10 a.m. to conduct a Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- many nations that are less than demo- committee hearing on the nomination imous consent the mandatory quorum cratic. When these economies flourish of Mr. Shaun Donovan to be Secretary be waived. the wealth falls into a few hands, who of the U.S. Department of Housing and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- build their buildings, take their re- Urban Development. pore. Without objection, it is so or- sources, and buy bigger yachts and big- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dered. ger airplanes for themselves and not objection, it is so ordered. Mr. REID. I now withdraw the mo- for their countries. But there was hope COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL tion. that maybe the Gaza Strip would be- RESOURCES The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- come a place of opportunity for its peo- Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- pore. The motion is withdrawn. ple. That is why I was so pleased to be dent, I ask unanimous consent that the The Senator from New Jersey is rec- there and to bring the promise of aid Committee on Energy and Natural Re- ognized. upon which we had agreed. sources be authorized to meet during GAZA CONFLICT There was no Hamas there at that the session of the Senate to conduct a Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, I time. Now, Hamas is there making de- hearing on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, rise to talk about the events that are terminations about its future and the at 10 a.m., in room SD–366 of the Dirk- in front of us and their significance. We future of the people of the Gaza. Appar- sen Senate Office Building. At this are presently sharing in the excitement ently the choice of Hamas is to con- hearing, the Committee will consider that surrounds this Capitol and our tinue the assault on Israel and to not the nomination of Steven Chu, to be country at the prospect that President let discussions take place. I am one of Secretary of Energy. Obama will be taking office and lead- those people who support a two-state The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ing this country in a positive fashion. commitment there, knowing full well objection, it is so ordered. There is a lot of work to do and a lot that Israel is a place that could share COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS of concerns have been brought to our its knowledge and experience with the attention. We are reminded by Presi- people of Gaza. But Hamas refuses to Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- dent-elect Obama that people are los- do that. It is a terrorist organization. dent, I ask unanimous consent that the ing their jobs, and we cannot stand I remember a trip I took with several Committee on Foreign Relations be au- still and let it happen. Prospects are colleagues when we went to Iraq and on thorized to meet during the session of that maybe 500,000 new people a month the way we stopped in Jordan and the Senate on Tuesday, January 13, will be out of work. The economy is Syria, and we spoke to the President of 2009, at 9:30 a.m., to hold hearing a fragile and there is not the capital Syria and I asked him to try to curb nomination hearing. around to get businesses started or to the activities of Hamas by securing the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without reverse the course we are on. And borders. I said: Why are you encour- objection, it is so ordered. health care is of great concern to peo- aging Hamas to find refuge here, have COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, ple who are uninsured and struggling. their headquarters here along with AND PENSIONS At the same time that we are con- Hezbollah? President Asad said: They Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- cerned about these things now in our are a social service organization. dent, I ask unanimous consent that the own country, we have international re- Social service—Mr. President, that is Committee on Health, Education, sponsibilities that we cannot ignore. no more a social service organization Labor, and Pensions be authorized to Even as excitement surrounds us than the people who attacked us on 9/ meet, during the session of the Senate here, inspired by the new President, we 11; than the people who attacked the on January 13th, to conduct a hearing have to look away from our shores and British train system; than those who on the nomination of Mr. Arne Duncan, see what is happening in the Middle attack innocent people in various of Illinois, to be Secretary of Edu- East where there is fighting raging be- countries and cities. cation. The hearing will commence at tween Israel and Hamas. And even Terrorism is at our throat. We have 10 a.m. in room 430 of the Dirksen Sen- while we face domestic problems, we to be wary. It has changed the way our ate Office Building. cannot step back from what is hap- society functions. Look at all the in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without pening in the Middle East and the re- spections you go through if you want objection, it is so ordered. sponsibility of America as the leading to catch an airplane or go into public

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.001 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 619 buildings—always with an ID card. We cine. But there cannot be real peace communities, whether it is in India, know the results of terrorism. It is to without security. Israel is taking ap- whether it is in France, whether it is in destroy democratic society, take away propriate action to ensure the security Spain, whether it is in the UK, or the choices people have in their lives. of its people, and to ask them to do less whether it is in America as we saw on It says women have to conduct them- is unfair. 9/11. selves in a certain way satisfactory and It is impossible to say to them that if There is only one way to bring real not have rights to participate in finan- we had rockets falling on Boston, we peace and real security to the Middle cial opportunities for themselves and would not respond or if we had rockets East: stop the rockets and get the peo- their families. falling on Newark, NJ, we would not ple to the bargaining table. And so we look at Hamas and have to respond. Negotiations are being attempted ask: Does it really care about the peo- I can tell you, as a resident of New with Egypt’s active participation. We ple of Gaza or is it simply dedicated to Jersey where we have a 2-mile strip have to encourage these negotiations. its terrorist ways? For the answer we that is said by the FBI to be the most And it has to be very clear to Hamas can review how Hamas conducts itself. dangerous 2-mile strip in the country and other terrorist organizations that Once again, I, as a human being, as a for a terrorist attack, we are con- they are not going to win by killing person who cares about life and family, stantly on the alert. We have boats people or by discouraging free thought I am distressed to see the loss of life there, we have guards all over the and democratic values. that is taking place in Gaza and in place, and we make sure we are ready f Israel. People are injured and fright- to defend ourselves. PROHIBITING THE SALE AND ened to go out of their homes—and yet Not only is Israel defending itself, as COUNTERFEITING OF PRESI- even their home can be a place where we would, against deadly aggression, it DENTIAL INAUGURAL TICKETS misery prevails. is also putting a stop to the psycho- But Hamas has attacked Israel, firing logical warfare that has become a daily Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, I rockets, and even now, when it is per- part of life for the people in southern ask unanimous consent that the Rules haps possible to get a cease-fire, they Israel. Innocent civilians live with con- Committee be discharged from further insist on continuing rocket firing. stant fear that a rocket might kill consideration of S. 60 and the Senate We have seen the opinions of coun- them, their children, or destroy their proceed to its immediate consider- tries around the world as they look at home. ation. this situation. Instead of just criti- Israel, like the United States, is de- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- cizing Israel, why isn’t it said that termined to protect and safeguard its pore. Without objection, it is so or- Hamas is a terrorist organization that people. After 9/11, America sought to dered. wants to take away people’s rights, eliminate threats to our country from The clerk will report the bill by title. The legislative clerk read as follows: that wants to permit their innocent Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida. Now citizens to be used as decoys—in Israel is seeking to eliminate threats A bill (S. 60) to prohibit the sale and coun- terfeiting of Presidential inaugural tickets. schools and mosques and other places— from ongoing terrorist attacks. to try to hide the militants who are fir- We cannot kid ourselves about the There being no objection, the Senate ing rockets into Israel? strategy that Hamas used to gain proceeded to consider the bill. Hamas starts by saying they don’t power in Gaza. Hamas built up its Mr. LAUTENBERG. I ask unanimous recognize the right of the State of image among the Palestinian people by consent that the bill be read a third Israel to exist, but Israel has that right painting itself as a social service pro- time and passed, the motion to recon- and shall defend that right. She has vider. But if they really cared about sider be laid upon the table, with no in- built a society from the sands, a soci- the Palestinian people, they would not tervening action or debate, and any ety that flourishes, not just on the eco- use them as human shields, and they statements related to the bill be print- nomic side, but on the scientific and would not use the rooftops of homes to ed in the RECORD. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- research side. They have figured out launch rocket attacks. pore. Without objection, it is so or- how to grow crops in areas that were The events of the past few weeks il- dered. arid, and how to develop the tech- lustrate to the world that terrorist The bill (S. 60) was ordered to be en- nology that Israel is known for. groups cannot be permitted to go on grossed for a third reading, was read The practice of medicine is another menacing the free world with terror at- the third time, and passed, as follows: thing that Israel is known for. There is tacks and there are no countries that a facility in Israel that I helped fund, are safe from this kind of assault. S. 60 in memory of my father who died as a Hamas has shown that it cares more Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- very young man—43 years old—from resentatives of the United States of America in about destruction than about improv- Congress assembled, cancer. There is a scientist who lived ing the lives of the people of Gaza. SECTION 1. PROHIBITION ON SALE AND COUN- in New Jersey and was a professor at Hamas leaders have chosen to ignore TERFEITING OF INAUGURAL TICK- our principal institution, Rutgers Uni- the fact that their people are suffering ETS. versity. in poverty and instead have focused ex- (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 25 of title 18, And he asked if I would help fund a clusively on hurting Israel. United States Code, is amended by adding at laboratory and a facility there that did So we ask Hamas: Stand up; show the end the following: cancer research. I said yes. That was that you do care about your people and ‘‘§ 515. Prohibition on sale and counterfeiting some time ago. I know they have Arab stop attacking Israel’s citizens. of inaugural tickets students there and they have Arab pro- There will be tense days ahead in ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—It shall be unlawful for fessors there and they all cooperate in any person to— Israel and Gaza, and I am deeply con- ‘‘(1) except as provided in subsection (b), helping people maintain good health. cerned about the loss of innocent life, knowingly and willfully sell for money or We have all seen stories in the paper the pain of losing a family member, property, or facilitate the sale for money or about the young Arab child who came and injuries that may last for a life- property of, a ticket to a Presidential inau- to Israel, brought by her father, to time. gural ceremony; have a heart transplant. In this way To put a stop to the loss of innocent ‘‘(2) with the intent to defraud, falsely Israeli science reaches out to people of life, Hamas must come to its senses make, forge, counterfeit, or falsely alter a all nations and all religions. and pursue a cease-fire that is sustain- ticket to a Presidential inaugural ceremony; Israel has a right to exist, and a right able and durable. or ‘‘(3) with the intent to defraud, use, unlaw- to exist in peace, and would be more Israel should be joined by nations fully possess, or exhibit a ticket to a Presi- than willing to bring in the countries around the world in pursuing a cease- dential inaugural ceremony, knowing the surrounding Israel to participate in fire because terror is ultimately pos- ticket to be falsely made, forged, counter- programs for peace as it has with medi- sible in their own states and their own feited, or falsely altered.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:52 Apr 22, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S13JA9.001 S13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 620 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 ‘‘(b) EXCEPTION.—This section shall not ‘‘515. Prohibition on sale and counterfeiting The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- apply to the sale for money or property, fa- of inaugural tickets.’’. pore. Without objection, it is so or- cilitation of such a sale, or attempt of such f dered. a sale, of a ticket to a Presidential inaugural ceremony— ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, f ‘‘(1) that occurs after the date on which the JANUARY 14, 2009 Presidential inaugural ceremony for which Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, I PROGRAM the ticket was issued occurs; or ask unanimous consent that when the Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, ‘‘(2) by an official presidential inaugural committee established on behalf of a Presi- Senate completes its business today, it the manager of the bill was unable to dent-elect of the United States. stand in adjournment until 9:30 a.m. reach an agreement to consider amend- tomorrow, January 14; that following ments today. As a result of this im- ‘‘(c) PENALTY.—Whoever violates sub- the prayer and pledge, the Journal of section (a) shall be fined under this title, im- passe, the Senate will proceed to a clo- prisoned not more than 1 year, or both. proceedings be approved to date, the ture vote on the bill at 10:30 tomorrow. morning hour be deemed expired, the ‘‘(d) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term time for the two leaders be reserved for f ‘Presidential inaugural ceremony’ means a their use later in the day; that the Sen- public inaugural ceremony at which the ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. ate then resume consideration of S. 22, President-elect or the Vice President-elect TOMORROW take the oath or affirmation of office for the the lands bill, with time until 10:30 office of President of the United States or a.m. divided equally and controlled be- Mr. LAUTENBERG. If there is no fur- the office of Vice President of the United tween the two leaders or their des- ther business to come before the Sen- States, respectively.’’. ignees; and that the cloture vote with ate, I ask unanimous consent that it (b) AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER ANALYSIS.— respect to S. 22 occur at 10:30 a.m. adjourn under the previous order. The chapter analysis for chapter 25 of title I further ask that the filing deadline There being no objection, the Senate, 18, United States Code, is amended by insert- for second-degree amendments be 10 at 7:38 p.m., adjourned until Wednes- ing at the end the following: a.m. tomorrow. day, January 14, 2009, at 9:30 a.m.

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HONORING JOHN MANIATAKIS American Defense Preparedness Association, Sacramento residents that need help paying ADPA, and has held many positions including the power, rent, or phone bills. They also offer HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH chairman of the Metal Parts Section of the free bus service to and from appointments and OF CALIFORNIA Technical Division, board of directors past G.E.D. preparation classes. In recent months IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES president for the Los Angeles Chapter and they have been helping families avert fore- Tuesday, January 13, 2009 was a member of the advisory board of the closure by hosting foreclosure prevention Picatinny Chapter. He has been on the board workshops. In short, the Greater Sacramento Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise of directors for the National Defense Industries Urban League is always there for those who today to congratulate John Maniatakis upon Association, Munitions Industrial Base Task need them. his retirement as the vice president of NI In- Force, Vernon Chamber of Commerce and the The Greater Sacramento Urban League of- dustries, Incorporated in Los Angeles, CA. Mr. Advisory ‘‘LAW’’ Board. He was a vice presi- fers may programs that benefit Sacramento’s Maniatakis is retiring at the beginning of 2009 dent of the Association of the United States youth as well. They offer after school tutoring after a 50-year career. to assist students with their homework and im- Mr. Maniatakis was born on April 4, 1936. Army, AUSA, and the founder and past presi- prove their math and reading skills. Their Sac- He graduated from Babson College, in Massa- dent of the Committees of American Ammuni- chusetts, with a bachelor of science degree in tion Manufacturers. ramento Urban Youth Empowerment Program economics in 1958. Upon graduating from col- Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend provides at-risk youths with tutoring, men- lege, he went to work for Hesse-Eastern, a di- and congratulate John Maniatakis upon his re- toring, job readiness training, youth employ- vision of Flightex Fabric Industries, as a con- tirement from NI Industries, Incorporated. I in- ment placement, and basic computer skills to tract coordinator. One year later he was as- vite my colleagues to join me in wishing Mr. better prepare them for higher education and signed to Lone Star Ordnance Plant where he Maniatakis many years of continued success. employment opportunities. For all of their ef- was responsible for overseeing production of f forts, the Greater Sacramento Urban League the LAW system at the load and assembly fa- was awarded the national 2005 EPIC Award A TRIBUTE TO THE GREATER for Exemplary Public Interest Contribution by cility. In 1961, Mr. Maniatakis returned to Bos- SACRAMENTO URBAN LEAGUE ton and was quickly transferred to New Jersey the United States Department of Commerce. and assigned as the field product assurance The Greater Sacramento Urban League has representative, handling field problems relative HON. DORIS O. MATSUI prospered for the last 16 years under the ex- to the production of LAW components. OF CALIFORNIA cellent leadership of James Shelby who was Throughout his professional career Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES instrumental in raising the funds needed to Maniatakis furthered his education by obtain- Tuesday, January 13, 2009 build its current home. With the leadership of ing various degrees. In addition to attending Mr. Shelby and chairwoman Susan Irwin, I am Ms. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I rise today Babson College, he received his master’s de- confident the Greater Sacramento Urban in recognition of the Greater Sacramento gree from Boston University in 1960. The League will continue to provide invaluable pro- Urban League’s 40 years of service to the company sponsored his education, and he grams for our community. people of Sacramento. The Greater Sac- was able to complete programs from North- Madam Speaker, I am honored to pay trib- ramento Urban League’s employment assist- western University (metallurgy), Newark Col- ute to the Greater Sacramento Urban lege of Engineering, Division of Technology ance and educational programs have been ex- League’s distinguished commitment to our (math and metallurgy), William and Mary Uni- tremely beneficial to our youth and our com- community and Sacramento’s residents. The versity (contract law) and University of South- munity as a whole. I ask all of my colleagues Greater Sacramento Urban League’s dedica- ern California, Graduate School of Business to join me in honoring one of Sacramento’s tion to equality, civil rights and workforce de- (Executive Management Policy Institute). finest non-profit organizations as they cele- velopment has helped thousands of Through his education he was able to ad- brate their 40th anniversary. Sacramentans when they most needed it. We vance his career. Founded in 1968 the Greater Sacramento all are thankful for their efforts. As the Greater In 1965, Hesse-Eastern was acquired by NI Urban League is one of the 105 affiliates of Sacramento Urban League’s employees and Industries, Incorporated. Mr. Maniatakis stayed the National Urban League which has loca- partners gather to celebrate 40 years of serv- with the company and worked with the U.S. tions in 36 States across our Nation. During ice to the Sacramento region, I ask all my col- Army as an ordnance sales engineer at this time the Greater Sacramento Urban leagues to join me in wishing them continued Picatinny, Frankfurt and Edgewood Arsenals. League has continued to advocate to ensure success in the future. that African-Americans, other minorities and He was responsible for all contract and sub- f contract activity. In 1967 he was assigned to the underserved become economically self-re- Washington, DC APSA and acted as a liaison liant and are ensured their civil rights. By culti- CONGRATULATING GREGORIO between the customer and the Vernon Divi- vating relationships with communities, corpora- KILILI CAMACHO SABLAN ON HIS sion of NI Industries, Inc. Just 2 years after tions and government agencies the Greater ELECTION AS THE FIRST DELE- this assignment, Mr. Maniatakis was trans- Sacramento Urban League has been able to GATE TO CONGRESS FROM THE ferred to Los Angeles, CA and became the provide training to thousands of youth and COMMONWEALTH OF THE marketing manager for sales and marketing. It adults in Sacramento County. NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS is through this position that he became in- The Greater Sacramento Urban League has volved with contract administration for NI In- been able to assist numerous Sacramentans HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO dustries. He remained in that position until find employment through their One Stop Ca- OF GUAM 1977, when Mr. Maniatakis was promoted to reer Center which provides application and re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the position of vice president, Sales and Mar- sume assistance, as well as access to online Tuesday, January 13, 2009 keting. One year later, he was given additional resources to find employment. They also offer responsibility for contract administration and other employment assistance services, such Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, I rise international sales. In 1984, he was appointed as posting job openings, developing interview today to congratulate Mr. Gregorio Kilili to the position of vice president of NI Foreign skills, and effective cover letter and dress-for- Camacho Sablan on his historic election as Military Sales Corporation. success tips. In addition to employment assist- the first Delegate to Congress from the Com- Mr. Maniatakis is involved with many organi- ance, the Greater Sacramento Urban League monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands zations. He is a longtime member of the offers emergency assistance to low income (CNMI). His election comes twenty-two years

● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:54 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E13JA9.000 E13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 622 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 after the U.S. Government first granted the have the honor and privilege to represent, has PERSONAL EXPLANATION residents of the CNMI U.S. Citizenship and 12 been honored by the Department of Veterans years after my predecessor, Congressman Affairs with the very prestigious Robert W. HON. , JR. Robert A. Underwood, introduced the first bill Carey Performance Excellence Award. OF MICHIGAN to provide for a CNMI Delegate in the 104th This is the highest honor given to a medical IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congress. Born on the island of on facility by the Department of Veterans Affairs Tuesday, January 13, 2009 January 19, 1955, Mr. Sablan graduated from and recognizes organizational excellence Marianas High School and attended the Uni- which translates in the highest quality of care Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, on Janu- versity of Guam, the University of California, for our nation’s veterans and in this case ary 9, 2009, I inadvertently cast a ‘‘yea’’ vote Berkeley, and the University of Hawaii at those who receive their medical care through for H. Res. 34. I intended to vote ‘‘present.’’ Manoa. Bay Pines. f Mr. Sablan has a long record of public serv- ice to the people of the CNMI beginning with This award confirms what I have always INTRODUCTION OF WORKER his election to the third Commonwealth Legis- known—that the dedicated staff and volun- RELIEF LEGISLATION lature in the CNMI House of Representatives. teers at Bay Pines are the best in the VA sys- While in that office, he worked with the Assist- tem and provide our veterans with the quality HON. JOHN M. McHUGH ant Secretary of the Interior to secure funding of care we would expect and they so richly de- OF NEW YORK for the CNMI. Mr. Sablan returns to the halls serve. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Congress as a Delegate after previously The Bay Pines VA Healthcare System is the Tuesday, January 13, 2009 working as a Special Assistant to Senator 4th busiest of the 153 VA Medical Centers Mr. McHUGH. Madam Speaker, on January of Hawaii. Mr. Sablan then re- and provides services to 94,000 veterans per 6, 2009, I introduced three measures that are turned to the CNMI to work as a Special As- year at the Bay Pines medical center and at designed to provide relief to millions of unem- sistant for Management and Budget under nine linked clinics. Based on the VA’s perform- ployed American workers. These proposals Governor Froilan Tenorio and most recently, ance criteria, including customer satisfaction are H.R. 155, the Suspension of Federal In- he worked as the Executive Director of the surveys, Bay Pines ranks first among like come Tax on Unemployment Benefits Act of Election Commission. sized facilities nationwide, first among Florida 2009; H.R. 154, the Workers Severance Tax This historic event for the people of the VA facilities, and fourth best in the nation for Reduction Act of 2009; and H.R. 153, the CNMI and the U.S. Congress marks the first quality of care, access to care and customer Worker Savings Account Act of 2009. time the CNMI will have representation in the satisfaction. U.S. House of Representatives. The 110th From December 2007 to December 2008, Congress passed legislation that was signed Bay Pines is the only facility in Florida to re- the national unemployment rate has risen from into law by the President on May 8, 2008, and ceive the Carey Award, which is based on the 4.9 percent to 7.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs that among its other provisions, authorized the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Criteria have been lost. In fact, from November 2007 election to Congress of a CNMI Delegate used by thousands of government and private to November 2008, the number of those seek- (Title VII of U.S. Public Law 110–229). The organizations worldwide to assess and im- ing work has risen in 49 States and the Dis- addition of the CNMI Delegate seat marks the prove performance. trict of Columbia, including New York, which first time membership in the House has ex- Wallace M. Hopkins, the Director of the Bay has seen its rate increase from 4.6 percent to panded since Congress provided for the elec- Pines VA Healthcare System, leads a team of 6.1 percent during that time. As of November tion of a Delegate to represent American dedicated health care professionals and self- 2008, in New York’s 23rd Congressional Dis- Samoa in 1980. The addition of the CNMI Del- less volunteers who care for our veterans. trict, which I have the privilege of representing, egate seat brings the total number of Dele- They continually strive to improve the quality 9 of my 11 constituent counties had unem- gates representing the territories and the Dis- of care our veterans receive and are working ployment rates that significantly exceed the trict of Columbia in the House of Representa- on several projects which my colleagues and national rate. With my support, the 110th Con- tives to six. I on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Vet- gress enacted legislation (P.L. 110–252 and As a neighbor in the Western Pacific and a erans Affairs have supported. These include P.L. 110–449) to provide up to an additional fellow territorial Delegate, I welcome my new the opening of a new and larger emergency 20 weeks of unemployment benefits to work- colleague, Mr. Sablan, to Washington, D.C. as room that will more than double the capacity ers who have exhausted their 26 weeks of the first Delegate to represent the CNMI in for emergency care for veterans including regular benefits. However, there is more we Congress. The historically close ties between emergency mental healthcare; a new radiation can and should do to help those without a job. the people of Guam and the people of the oncology center to provide veterans with state- In the first instance, we should enact H.R. CNMI will provide for a solid foundation on of-the-art cancer treatment; a mental health 155, the Suspension of Federal Income Tax which to work together toward common goals center of excellence to include inpatient, out- on Unemployment Benefits Act of 2009. Many in Washington, D.C. I look forward to strength- patient and PTSD programs; a new and larger Americans are unaware that they must pay ening these ties with Mr. Sablan and working eye care clinic; and a new and larger ambula- Federal income taxes on any unemployment together toward sensible and effective Federal tory surgery center. compensation benefits they might receive. This has not always been the case; between government in the Mariana Islands. This mo- As the veterans population of Florida and mentous occasion renews the promise of the 1979 and 1986, those payments were ex- the continues to grow, the cluded from Federal income taxes. It is time to founding principles of American democracy, staff at Bay Pines seeks to respond quickly to that of representative government by its citi- once more provide this relief to unemployed meet the increased demand for veterans med- Americans, which could provide up to $117 in zens. As we move forward in the 111th Con- ical care. gress, I extend my warmest welcome and con- additional income to the average beneficiary. gratulations to the people of the CNMI. Madam Speaker, representing Bay Pines In this manner, Congress can both help those f and the veterans its serves is a great honor individuals who are most in need and inject but also a great responsibility. It is reassuring billions of dollars into the economy through BAY PINES VA HEALTHCARE SYS- to know that with receipt of the Carey Award paid rents, mortgages, utilities, groceries, and TEM RECOGNIZED NATIONALLY for Excellence that Bay Pines continues to other necessities. FOR EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE provide the highest level of care and that they We should also enact H.R. 154, the Work- never rest on their laurels as the staff and vol- ers Severance Tax Reduction Act of 2009, HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG unteers continue to search for new ways to which would allow laid-off workers to exclude OF FLORIDA improve the services they provide to our na- up to $40,000 from any severance pay, pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion’s heroes and their families. It is my hope vided that it is less than $150,000 and is re- that my colleagues will join me today in ex- ceived between December 31, 2007, and De- Tuesday, January 13, 2009 pressing to the staff and volunteers at Bay cember 31, 2010. Studies have indicated that Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Madam Speaker, the Pines our thanks and appreciation for a job roughly 60 percent of businesses offer their Bay Pines VA Healthcare System, which I well done. employees some kind of severance pay. While

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:54 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E13JA9.000 E13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 623 these totals can vary from business to busi- Spaatz Award. The Spaatz Award is the Civil to the county’s long standing agricultural ness, in many cases it is remitted as a lump Air Patrol’s highest cadet honor, presented to guidelines. In Supervisor Thornton’s most re- sum. Unfortunately for many workers, the IRS cadets who demonstrate extraordinary leader- cent term he was a strong advocate for the takes a substantial bite out of these benefits. ship, character, fitness, and aerospace knowl- expansion of the telecommunication infrastruc- Specifically, under current law, severance pay edge. ture in Tuolumne County. is treated as regular income, thus often driving For every 1,000 cadets, only 2 achieve this Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend people into higher tax brackets at the very distinct honor. Robert first joined the Civil Air and congratulate Supervisor Mark Thornton time they are losing their jobs. Patrol in January 2004 where he served with upon his retirement from the Tuolumne County From the start of the current economic distinction in the Fairfax Composite Squadron Board of Supervisors. I invite my colleagues to slump in December 2007 through November of the National Capital Wing. Upon graduation join me in wishing Supervisor Thornton many 2008, there have been 20,712 mass layoffs in- from high school, he chose to attend Embry- years of continued success. volving nearly a quarter of a million Ameri- Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Ari- cans. While not all of them received sever- zona, to obtain his bachelor’s degree in aero- f ance pay, those who did needed all those space engineering. monies to better support their families, go Robert joined the Air Force Reserve Offi- TRIBUTE TO KAREN RICE, ASSIST- back to school, or otherwise find a new job or cers’ Training Corps and is a member of the ANT IDAHO FALLS DISTRICT career. Congress can and should help these Arnold Air Society. He plans to continue his MANAGER, BLM citizens during this difficult time by allowing education and training to be of service as a them to retain more of these much-needed U.S. Air Force test pilot. On December 18, monies. 2008, Robert successfully completed the Carl HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON Finally, to help Americans enhance their A. Spaatz Exam, the final stage of a long and personal safety nets, Congress should enact grueling journey through 16 rigorous skill tests. OF IDAHO H.R. 153, the Worker Savings Account Act of Having overcome this final obstacle, he now IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2009. This measure would allow people to es- joins the ranks of the Civil Air Patrol’s best tablish Worker Savings Accounts (WSAs) to and brightest as a recipient of the General Tuesday, January 13, 2009 supplement the benefits they might otherwise Carl A. Spaatz Award for outstanding cadets. Mr. SIMPSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today receive while unemployed. f Like traditional Individual Retirement Ac- to honor an exceptional public land manager counts (IRAs), WSAs would have an annual HONORING MARK THORNTON in my district, Karen Rice, the Assistant Idaho contribution limit of $5,000, indexed to infla- Falls District Manager of the Bureau of Land tion. However, employers would be able to HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH Management, who is being recognized this week as the Public Lands Foundation’s Out- provide matching contributions of up to $5,000 OF CALIFORNIA standing Public Lands Professional Technician annually. Contributions to WSAs would be per- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for 2008. mitted until the account owner actually elects Tuesday, January 13, 2009 to take Social Security retirement benefits. At Now in its 20th year, the Public Lands that time, WSA account holders could choose Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Foundation award is an important recognition to rollover their WSA funds into a 401(k) or today to congratulate Mark Thornton upon his for special achievement by professional public IRA; alternatively, the WSA funds could be retirement as Tuolumne County Supervisor, land technicians and managers. The Public withdrawn without penalty but subject to tax- District IV. Supervisor Thornton was honored Lands Foundation is the only national mem- ation. Prior to a WSA account owner’s deci- by the Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors bership organization dedicated solely to the sion to take Social Security payments, WSA during a regularly scheduled board of super- protection and perpetuation of the National funds could be withdrawn without penalty and visors meeting held on December 16, 2008. System of Public Lands under the administra- tax-free as long as employment was lost Mark Thornton moved to Tuolumne County tion of the BLM. It is a national nonprofit con- through no fault of the worker or they had be- in 1976 after earning his bachelor’s of arts de- servation organization whose members are come disabled. gree in sociology from California State Univer- primarily active and retired BLM employees. sity, Fullerton. He spent many years as a his- To encourage lower-income Americans to As a member of that organization, Ms. Rice torian and consultant, working with local, State take advantage of the opportunity to contribute has worked hard for over 10 years on projects and Federal agencies on various projects. He to this benefit, the Worker Savings Account that protect wildlife habitat and promote re- was an active participant in the public arena Act would provide a refundable tax credit of up sponsible recreational activities along the and served in several leadership positions in- to $1,000 for eligible individuals. This tax cred- South Fork of the Snake River and in the cluding the Groveland Community Service Dis- it would be indexed to inflation and recipients Henry’s Lake Area of Critical Environmental trict Board of Directors from 1979 through No- could receive up to $5,000 over the course of Concern. their career. vember 1983; Tuolumne County Historic Pres- Madam Speaker, by enacting the three bills ervation Review Commission from September I am honored to take part in recognizing Ms. described above, the 111th Congress can help 1990 through January 1997; Tuolumne County Rice today. I commend her for her tremen- millions of unemployed Americans. Accord- Blue Ribbon Growth Management Committee dous efforts and dedication to such a crucial ingly, I ask my colleagues to work with me to from 1993 through 1995; Oak Grove Cemetery and worthwhile effort. Her efforts are paving enact these important measures. District from May 1995 through January 1997. the way for a more beautiful state and a more conservation-minded world. f In 1996 Mr. Thornton decided to run for a seat on the Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors HONORING CADET COLONEL to represent District IV. His election was a f ROBERT J. WILSON close one; he beat the incumbent by less than 10 votes. PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. FRANK R. WOLF Over the last 12 years as a supervisor, Mr. OF VIRGINIA Thornton has worked tirelessly to protect the HON. KAY GRANGER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rural quality of life in his district while allowing for cautious expansion. His passion has been OF TEXAS Tuesday, January 13, 2009 the protection of the county’s historic and cul- Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, it is my privi- tural resources. Some of his biggest impacts IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lege to honor my constituent, Cadet Colonel have been in the areas of transportation, Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Robert Wilson of Chantilly, Virginia, for his re- health care and airport and land use planning. markable achievements as a member of the He has supported economic growth by gaining Ms. GRANGER. Madam Speaker, on rollcall Civil Air Patrol. At a Pentagon presentation an improved coach ordinance, providing an Nos. 8 and 9 I was absent from the House on and award ceremony on January 5, Cadet Wil- open forum for discussing the building permit official district business. Had I been present, I son was presented with the General Carl A. process and encouraging reasonable changes would have voted ‘‘no.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:54 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E13JA9.000 E13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 624 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 REPORT ON THE IMPERIAL believe that we must act to restore the right Scranton. She feels what they feel. She cries PRESIDENCY OF GEORGE W. BUSH for women to challenge wage discrimination. when they cry.’’ I was also not able to cast a vote on H. Retired local banking executive David HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. Res. 34, Recognizing Israel’s right to defend Tressler, who has done volunteer work with Sister Adrian for more than 25 years, said she OF MICHIGAN itself against attacks from Gaza, reaffirming inspires with her unflagging, round-the-clock IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the United States strong support for Israel, and supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace commitment to the poor and is not bashful Tuesday, January 13, 2009 process. I have traveled to the region and met about asking those with means to assist those Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, today I the families and individuals who are affected without. have received a report prepared by the major- by the cycle of violence that continues to claim ‘‘She is a unique individual,’’ Mr. Tressler ity staff of the House Judiciary Committee, lives and wreak havoc on all sides of this con- said. ‘‘She has time for anybody and every- Committee, detailing numerous abuses by the flict. As we continue to witness the humani- body.’’ Now, as she approaches the age of 80, she Bush administration over the past 8 years, and tarian crisis spiral out of control in Gaza, and has decided it is time to retire and hand her recommending a number of steps to restore while rocket attacks persist against Israel, we incredible work to a successor, Sister are reminded that it is imperative for the an appropriate Constitutional balance of power Maryalice Jacquinot, IHM. between the executive and legislative United States to play a constructive role in Sister Adrian once observed that the highest branches. pursuing a legitimate peace process that pro- compliment anyone could pay her is to ac- The report, based largely on oversight ac- vides security and stability to the many inno- knowledge that she tried to love and serve the tivities of the Judiciary Committee, and other cent people trapped in the midst of this unten- poor and, in so doing, loved and served God. committees, over the course of the 110th Con- able status quo. Therefore, I would have voted Madam Speaker, please join me in con- gress, is titled ‘‘Reining in the Imperial Presi- present on this resolution. gratulating Sister Adrian Barrett who truly has dency: Lessons and Recommendations Relat- f loved and served the poor and, in so doing, ing to the Presidency of George W. Bush.’’ has improved the quality of life for countless Issues examined include: The politicization CONGRATULATING SISTER ADRIAN BARRETT FOR A LIFETIME OF souls and has inspired all of us to a height- of the Department of Justice; assaults on indi- ened awareness of our calling to help our fel- SERVICE TO THOSE IN NEED vidual liberty, including extreme interrogation, low man. AND EXTENDING TO HER BEST extraordinary rendition, and warrantless wire- f tapping of U.S. citizens; the misuse of execu- WISHES FOR A WELL DESERVED tive branch regulatory authority and Presi- RETIREMENT IN HONOR OF THE SOUTH COBB dential signing statements; misleading manipu- HIGH SCHOOL BLUE EAGLE lation of pre-Iraq War intelligence; improper re- HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI MARCHING BAND taliation against Administration critics; and ex- OF PENNSYLVANIA cessive secrecy, including non-compliance IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DAVID SCOTT OF GEORGIA with congressional oversight. Tuesday, January 13, 2009 The report examines how the Bush Adminis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tration’s legal approach to presidential power Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise Tuesday, January 13, 2009 today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues has eroded the Constitutional system of Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I checks and balances designed by the Framers in the House of Representatives to pay tribute to Sister Adrian Barrett, IHM, an extraordinary rise today to congratulate and honor members to preserve our liberty. It also recommends of the South Cobb High School Blue Eagle specific steps that this Congress and the in- woman whose capacity for caring for the poor is exceeded only by her selflessness and hu- Marching Band. Under the direction of Band coming Obama administration should take to Director Zachary Cogdill and with the support restore those checks and balances. mility. Sister Adrian’s remarkable career of service of Principal Dr. Grant Rivera, the faculty and I am having the report posted to the Judici- students at South Cobb High School, these ary Committee Web site, in order to make it began in 1949 when she became a sister of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of students were chosen to represent the great available to other members of the committee, State of Georgia during the 56th Presidential to the full House, and to the American public. Mary. After her early years teaching at schools in Inaugural Parade next Tuesday. I am im- I believe this report will be of tremendous mensely proud of their dedication and diligent benefit helping inform the changes we must Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New York and working summers in Scranton ministering to preparation for this occasion, as President- make going forward—to repair the damage to Elect Barack Obama is sworn in as the 44th poor children, Sister Adrian and an old ac- our democracy, and to prevent similar abuses President. Madam Speaker, I would like to quaintance, Monsignor Joseph P. Kelly, cre- from occurring in the future. submit for the record a copy of the official let- ated Project Hope, a summer camp for under- f ter I submitted to the Armed Forces Inaugural privileged youths, first at Pius X Seminary at Committee recommending South Cobb High PERSONAL EXPLANATION Dalton and later at Camp St. Andrew in School for participation in the parade: Tunkhannock. To Members of the Committee: HON. BRIAN BAIRD Sister Adrian returned to Scranton perma- I would like to recommend the South Cobb OF WASHINGTON nently in 1976 to work full time with low in- High School Blue Eagle Marching Band for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES come families at United Neighborhood Cen- participation in the 2009 Presidential Inaugural ter’s Progressive Center. She developed an Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Parade. annual Thanksgiving Dinner for the needy of South Cobb’s marching band continues a Mr. BAIRD. Madam Speaker, unfortunately, the community, at first with 24 guests, now long tradition of exemplary musical groups at due to record flooding in my congressional with more than 2,000. the school. Under the outstanding leadership district and across Washington State, I was In 1985, she established Friends of the Poor of Mr. Zachary Cogdill, the marching band unable to be present on January 9, 2009 for with the stated objective of bringing together program has increased to 60 students. This votes. I take my voting responsibility very seri- ‘‘those who can give with those who have a year, the Blue Eagle Marching Band has won ously. Had I been present, I would have voted need to receive.’’ 11 trophies at two competitions, including Best ‘‘yea’’ on final passage of H.R. 11, the Lilly Over the years, Sister Adrian has become a in Class and Grand Champion in Class. Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. I would also have hero in the Scranton area, providing food, This band also features a young man who voted ‘‘aye’’ on final passage of H.R. 12, the clothing, furniture and healthcare education suffers from leukodystrophy—a rare, progres- Paycheck Fairness Act. I am an original co- and assistance to those in need and spon- sive genetic disorder that affects the nervous sponsor of both bills, voted for their passage soring an annual educational trip to Wash- system. Although he cannot march, he walks in the 110th Congress, and have been a ington, DC, for underprivileged children. in front of the band and plays a single drum- strong and consistent supporter of legislation Mrs. Mary Lou Burne, one who has worked beat throughout the band’s entire perform- to end gender-based wage discrimination. I with and knows Sister Adrian well, observed ance. His special role is the basis for the strongly oppose all forms of discrimination and recently that ‘‘She’s the heart of the poor in band’s theme—‘‘Heartbeat.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:54 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E13JA9.000 E13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 625 Lastly, most students have never been to The TLD serves as the formal response of firmed that legislators on both sides of the Washington, DC and this would be an excel- the European Parliament and the U.S. Con- Atlantic should increase dialogue and con- lent for them to visit our Nation’s Capital. I gress to the commitment in the New Trans- sultation amongst themselves in order to atlantic Agenda, NTA, of 1995 to enhance leg- prevent possible conflicts in the legislative look forward to meeting members of the and regulatory regimes. In particular, direct marching band should they be selected for islative ties between the European Union and and timely contacts between specialist com- your events. I know they certainly have earned the United States. Building on the existing mittees within our legislatures have been the opportunity to perform, and hope you will interparliamentary relationship, the TLD in- valuable means of reinforcing cooperation feel the same. volves bi-annual meetings between American and should be continued. We agreed to report Again, I encourage you to grant the South and European legislators in order to discuss back to the European Parliament and U.S. Cobb High School Blue Eagle Marching Band topics of mutual interest and foster trans- Congress on the content and outcome of our the opportunity to perform in January. Thank atlantic discourse. discussions, particularly in the areas where you for your consideration. During this time of transition in the United joint efforts are likely to result in positive Sincerely, States Government, it is particularly important outcomes. DAVID SCOTT that legislators continue to collaborate on the We examined a wide array of foreign policy Member of Congress many important issues facing citizens on both issues, agreeing that joint action by the Eu- This fall, the Blue Eagle Marching Band won ropean Union and the United States is the sides of the Atlantic. The TLD discussions in most effective way to approach many press- 11 trophies at two competitions, including Best Miami addressed a wide range of foreign pol- ing international challenges. We welcomed in Class and Grand Champion in Class. They icy challenges, focusing on the recent terrorist the results of the EU-U.S. summit in Brdo, also performed at the Georgia Dome in Down- attacks in Mumbai as well as international ef- Slovenia in June 2008 and stressed the impor- town Atlanta. With the support of the Atlanta forts to address the ongoing challenges in Af- tance of the principles contained in the final community, the high school was able to raise ghanistan and Pakistan. Members also dis- declaration. In particular, we agreed that $70,000 in five days for their trip. I am thankful cussed the current status of diplomatic initia- both sides should continue to demonstrate for the generosity of my hometown and each tives regarding the Iranian nuclear threat and global leadership and effective transatlantic cooperation in the face of challenges such as: individual who supported our students, finan- the repercussions of the Georgia-Russia con- Promoting international peace, stability, cially and otherwise. flict. American members responded to Euro- On Friday night, the Blue Eagle Marching democracy, human rights, international pean concerns about data protection and the criminal justice, sustainable development, Band will depart Austell, Georgia for Wash- complexity of application procedures as part of the rule of law and good governance; and ington, DC. For many, this will be a first visit the visa waiver program. During the discus- Fighting terrorism while protecting the to our Nation’s Capital. I wish them a safe sion of regulatory initiatives being undertaken fundamental freedoms on which our demo- journey and congratulations on this out- by the Transatlantic Economic Council, TEC, cratic societies are built. standing achievement. I am honored to rep- American members encouraged their Euro- We discussed the recent terrorist attack in resent such talented constituents. pean counterparts to address the EU ban on Mumbai, India, expressing our condolences f the import of American poultry as well as dis- to the families of those who lost their lives criminatory regulations on chemicals used to and condemning the attacks. We called on TRANS-ATLANTIC LEGISLATORS’ the governments of India and Pakistan to co- DIALOGUE HOLDS 65TH MEETING manufacture cosmetics—both of which have operate in reducing tensions in the region, UNDER LEADERSHIP OF THE detrimental effects on American farmers and called on the government of Pakistan to par- HON. SHELLEY BERKLEY producers. In addition, the delegates dis- ticipate fully in the investigation, and asked cussed the challenge of climate change, the the U.S. and EU to assist in these efforts. importance of energy security, and joint efforts On Afghanistan, we recognized the need for HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN needed to address the global financial crisis. a joint long-term strategy aimed at stabi- OF CALIFORNIA Madam Speaker, I would like to enter into lizing the internal situation and reducing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the joint state- risks for regional security. We welcomed the Tuesday, January 13, 2009 ment that was agreed upon by American and EU’s decision to expand its EUPOL police training mission from 250 to 400 personnel. Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I would like European legislators at the 65th TLD meeting in Miami. This document demonstrates the On Iran, we assessed the continuing nu- to call the attention of my colleagues in the clear threat. We pledged to continue our co- Congress to a successful meeting of the depth and breadth of the interparliamentary operative efforts to confront this challenge Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue, TLD, that discussions while also highlighting the scope with a unified voice, using the dual track of was held in Miami, FL from December 6–8, of excellent transatlantic cooperation. diplomacy and strong sanctions. We called 2008. Chairwoman SHELLEY BERKLEY, the JOINT STATEMENT OF JONATHAN EVANS, MEP, on transatlantic partners to continue to gentlelady from Nevada, has consistently pro- CHAIRMAN, EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGA- press Iran to comply with its UN Security vided dynamic and capable guidance to this TION; SHELLEY BERKLEY, CHAIRWOMAN, Council obligations and, if needed, to move important interparliamentary exchange. The UNITED STATES CONGRESS DELEGATION; forward with additional sanctions to com- CLIFF STEARNS, VICE CHAIRMAN (RANKING plement UN measures. TLD vice-chairmen, Representative JIM COSTA REPUBLICAN), UNITED STATES CONGRESS We assessed the August conflict between from California and Representative CLIFF DELEGATION; AND JIM COSTA, VICE CHAIR- Russia and Georgia. While recognizing the STEARNS from Florida, should be commended MAN, UNITED STATES CONGRESS DELEGATION importance of continuing to engage in dia- for their leadership in helping to strengthen AT THE 65TH MEETING OF DELEGATIONS logue with Russia about shared concerns, we American relationships with our European col- FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE emphasized that we cannot return to ‘busi- leagues. I also wish to thank the ranking UNITED STATES CONGRESS, DECEMBER 2008 ness as usual’ while Russia continues to vio- member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, We, Members of the European Parliament late the ceasefire agreement. We stressed Representative ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN, for and the United States House of Representa- that Russia must implement its commit- being a gracious hostess of this meeting in tives, held our 65th Interparliamentary ments on withdrawal of its military to pre- meeting (Transatlantic Legislators’ Dia- conflict positions and allow access by inter- her sunny district and ably assisting the dele- national civilian monitors to all areas in gation. logue) in Miami, Florida on 6–8 December 2008. South Ossetia. We reaffirmed our continuing Representatives BERKLEY, COSTA and Building on the joint statement issued support for the Georgian people and our com- STEARNS were joined by six other members at after our last meeting in Ljubljana, Slo- mitment to aid the country’s post-conflict the Miami session. This bipartisan delega- venia, on 24–26 May 2008, we reiterated the reconstruction. We also expressed concern tion—which also included Representative importance of regular dialogue on a range of about the ongoing developments in Russia’s SHEILA JACKSON-LEE (D–TX), Representative political, social and economic issues that af- domestic and foreign policies, including pro- vocative statements regarding missile de- LORETTA SANCHEZ (D–CA), Representative fect all of our citizens. We welcomed the new U.S. administration and look forward to the ployment to Kaliningrad as well as about the SUSAN DAVIS (D–CA), Representative PHIL election of a new European Parliament and reliability of energy deliveries to Russia’s GINGREY (R–GA), Representative VIRGINIA European Commission next summer. We dis- European neighbors and partners. FOXX (R–NC), and Representative RON KLEIN cussed ways in which to utilize this time of The TLD welcomed the recent admission of (D–FL)—ensured an informed and productive political change on both sides of the Atlantic the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lat- exchange of views with members of the Euro- to further enhance our transatlantic rela- via, Lithuania and Slovakia to the U.S. Visa pean Parliament. tions and deepen our cooperation. We con- Waiver Program. We expressed our hope that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:54 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\E13JA9.000 E13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 626 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 the remaining EU Member States will be eli- critically important, we continued to raise The program’s authorization expired in Sep- gible to join soon and that the U.S. State De- concerns about the U.S. Safe Ports Act and tember 2005. In the summer of 2006, the Insti- partment will review its administrative pro- its 100 percent cargo scanning requirement; tutes of Medicine released a report which doc- cedures to determine whether the visa appli- We reiterated the need to facilitate a solu- cation process can be simplified. We also dis- tion to the ban on imports into the EU of umented the value of the program. It also cussed the importance of ensuring safe trade U.S. poultry which has undergone pathogen noted the gaps that remain in providing quality as well as joint efforts to combat terrorism reduction treatment, consistent with inter- emergency care for children. There is a seri- and transnational crime. We called for the national commitments; and ous gap between the percentage of kids who timely sharing of information among our law Regarding the EU’s regulation on the reg- end up in the ER and the percentage of emer- enforcement and intelligence agencies, em- istration of chemicals (REACH), we contin- gency rooms that are staffed, trained, and phasizing the importance of protecting indi- ued to call on the European Commission to equipped to respond appropriately. The re- vidual privacy and personal data. bring forward legislation ensuring that Euro- port’s bottom line—this program is ‘‘well posi- We stressed the positive impact and sym- pean and U.S. producers of cosmetics are bolic importance that would result from an treated equitably in their requirement to tioned to assume a leadership role’’ in closing early visit and address to the European Par- register substances used in their products the gap. liament by U.S. President-elect Barack with the EU’s chemical agency. It’s endorsed by over 50 organizations, in- Obama. As we have done throughout the establish- cluding the American Academy of Pediatrics We agreed on the need for continued dis- ment and initial meetings of the TEC, we and the American College of Emergency Phy- cussion of possible joint actions to address continued to assert that the TEC initiative sicians. the effects of climate change. We also called should be characterized by transparency and for increasing attention to the need for en- Madam Speaker, this legislation enhances consultation of stakeholders and we called the program by authorizing the funding need- ergy security through the diversification of on both Administrations to reinforce the energy sources. We discussed the United Na- flow of information to the TLD in advance of ed to ensure that progress continues in this tions Climate Change Conference in Copen- the TEC meetings. The relevant legislative specialty. I look forward to working with my hagen, scheduled for the end of 2009, and ex- and regulatory bodies should be aware of the colleagues toward its adoption. pressed hope that a viable and effective glob- transatlantic impact of proposed legislation f al agreement will be reached. and regulations, and understand the benefits Our dialogue focused on the financial cri- of rapid advancements towards a barrier-free A TRIBUTE TO HOWARD WEAVER sis, particularly the ways in which it has af- regulatory environment. A more formal role fected the housing market, banking sector, should be envisaged within TEC for the U.S. employment and industries in Europe and HON. DORIS O. MATSUI Congress and the European Parliament, in the United States. We expressed support for OF CALIFORNIA particular via TLD, so as to allow for de- continued cooperation between our govern- tailed and accountable reporting of TEC re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ments in seeking to find collaborative solu- sults to legislators. tions to these problems, including through Tuesday, January 13, 2009 In conclusion, both sides renewed their the recent G-20 gathering and follow-up commitment to make the TLD’s work more Ms. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I rise today meetings. We took stock of the initiatives relevant to the European Parliament and to in recognition of Howard Weaver’s 40 years of dealing with global financial instability, the U.S. House of Representatives. Amidst a such as the European Economic Recovery service and journalistic integrity in the news- climate of transition on both sides of the At- Plan and the U.S.’s Emergency Stabilization paper business. Mr. Weaver is retiring from lantic, we reaffirmed the importance of con- Act of 2008. the McClatchy Company leaving a lasting leg- tinuing to strengthen and improve our dia- With regard to the Transatlantic Economic acy in Sacramento where his leadership and logue in order to realize the full potential of Council (TEC), we noted with satisfaction our interparliamentary relationship. expertise will be deeply missed. I ask all my the engagement of the TLD on 13 May 2008 colleagues to join me in honoring one of our with TEC Co-Chairs Gunther Verheugen and f Nation’s finest journalists. Dan Price in the framework of the advisory After earning his bachelor’s degree in social groups. We welcome the TEC as a permanent INTRODUCTION OF THE feature of the EU/U.S. relations. We look for- WAKEFIELD ACT and behavioral sciences from Johns Hopkins ward to engaging with the TEC at the next University and his masters in philosophy from meeting on December 12, which will have HON. JIM MATHESON Cambridge, Mr. Weaver has spent more than particular importance as the last session be- OF UTAH three decades in the newspaper industry. He fore the change in administrations. We began his career in 1972 as a reporter for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES called on the incoming Obama Administra- Anchorage Daily News. In 1977 he founded tion to take careful note of the TEC out- Tuesday, January 13, 2009 the Alaska Advocate, a statewide weekly comes and to pledge its commitment to con- newspaper. After the closure of the Alaska Ad- tinuing to engage with the European Union Mr. MATHESON. Madam Speaker, I rise to through this important mechanism. introduce the Wakefield Act, which reauthor- vocate in 1979, Mr. Weaver returned to the We welcomed the progress that has been izes the Emergency Medical Services for Chil- Daily News as an editorial writer. He was achieved since the TEC’s last meeting. We dren Program. named managing editor in 1981 and assumed strongly supported the agreement to recog- It is the only Federal program that focuses full editorial responsibility in May 1983. nize each others’ accounting standards (U.S. on saving the lives and health of children During his tenure at the Anchorage Daily GAAP and EU IFRS), which will save multi- needing emergency medical treatment. News, the newspaper won numerous awards national companies on both sides of the At- This year is the program’s 25th anniversary including being named one of the world’s 25 lantic billions of dollars in compliance costs. We applauded the joint statement commit- and I am proud to be the lead sponsor along best designed newspapers, best sports sec- ting to openness in foreign investment, with Representative PETER KING. tion, and best feature writing. Mr. Weaver greater cooperation on the enforcement of Unfortunately, millions of kids find them- twice led the Anchorage Daily News to win intellectual property rights (IPR), and ef- selves in our Nation’s emergency rooms every Pulitzer Prizes. He was one of three reporters forts to harmonize biofuels standards. We ad- year. Thanks to the Wakefield Act, doctors, whose coverage of the Alaska Teamsters vocated stronger involvement of legislators nurses, and first-responders now have much Union during construction of the trans-Alaska in contributing to and overseeing these ini- greater knowledge about what works and what pipeline, ‘‘Empire: The Alaska Teamsters tiatives since many of these issues involve doesn’t work, when these small patients come Story,’’ won the Pulitzer Prize Gold Medal for important interests for stakeholders, such as securities regulatory regimes and the cre- through the emergency room door. Public Service in 1976. In 1989 he again was ation of a level playing field for insurance/re- Since the program began, child injury death awarded prize for his work as editor and a insurance. A wide range of issues are also rates have dropped 40 percent. The research lead writer on the Daily News’ ‘‘A People in under consideration in the High Level Regu- that resulted from this legislation helped estab- Peril,’’ coverage of alcoholism and suicide latory Forum (HLRF) and legislators should lish pediatric emergency medicine as its own among Alaska Natives and has served as a be informed in a timely manner about the re- specialty. Data collection and training semi- Pulitzer Prize juror at the invitation of the Pul- sults of their activities. nars—including from the Emergency Medical itzer Board four times. Mr. Weaver is the past Several items have been identified within the TEC agenda that still require legislative Services for Children Data Analysis Center president of the Alaska Newspaper Associa- consideration: based in my district at the University of Utah— tion and the Upper Yukon River Press Club While achieving reciprocity and mutual have been provided to thousands of medical and was a Distinguished Lecturer in Jour- recognition of security standards remains personnel. nalism at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:54 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E13JA9.000 E13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 627 In 1995 Mr. Weaver moved to Sacramento nesia. Wally was later promoted to Vice Presi- The Sonora Police Department is a full-serv- to assume the position of assistant to the dent of Sales and Marketing, a position ice, community policing organization that in- president for new media strategies at through which his involvement with our non- cludes 25 sworn and non-sworn staff. They McClatchy Newspapers and was named editor profit community on Guam grew. also have 5 reserve police officers, a 12 mem- of the editorial pages for the Sacramento Bee Wally promoted travel to the Pacific islands ber senior volunteer program and 14 active in 1997. Most recently he served as vice of Micronesia through a ‘‘Warmth of Paradise’’ explorers. Chief McIntosh has implemented a president of news and is senior editorial exec- campaign that he developed while at Conti- new program that has helped his team cover utive for the McClatchy Company. In addition, nental Micronesia. Through this campaign, the the city more efficiently. He developed the his writings have been published in the New cultures of the Pacific islands, including of the Community Oriented Policing and Problem York Times, the Washington Post, and Time Chamorro people of the Marianas, is show- Solving program; the city is divided into two Magazine. While at McClatchy Newspapers, cased. Wally also sought to foster greater re- ‘‘Areas of Responsibility’’ with a Patrol Ser- which publishes 31 daily and more than 50 lations between the civilian and military com- geant for each of the two areas. The Ser- community newspapers and related Web sites, munity on Guam, and to support education ini- geants are responsible for any problems that the editorial pages in the Sacramento Bee tiatives focusing on Guam’s military history. might occur within their Area of Responsibility. were named best in California by the Cali- When Guam celebrated its 50th Annual Lib- Outside of the police department, Chief fornia Newspaper Publishers Association and eration Day in honor of the island’s liberation McIntosh has always been involved with the individual editorials won the Best of the West from Imperial Japanese Forces in 1944, Wally community. He has been a member of the competition. Mr. Weaver was primarily respon- helped coordinate the travel of more than Elks Club of Red Bluff for over 30 years. He sible for the opinion content at the Sac- 2,000 liberators to Guam for this special also served on the Plum Valley School District ramento Bee and for many years he chaired event. Wally also worked with the Military His- Board for 12 years and the Tehama County the editorial board meetings at which the pa- torical Tours to fly veterans from the Battle of Board of Education for 14 years; he served as per’s editorial positions were decided. His ex- Iwo Jima for the battle’s 50th anniversary Board President for each organization twice. cellent writing and years of expertise has en- commemorative program. He is the Past President of Tehama County sured that Sacramento’s residents continue to His work in our community extended beyond Peace Officers Association and the Tehama receive up-to-date accurate information about those of us who call Guam home. Wally County Police Activities League. He was also pressing issues in our communities and helped coordinate the transportation of 2,000 a member of the Tehama County Mentoring across the Nation. Kurdish refugees from Iraq to Guam, and later Committee. Madam Speaker, I am honored to pay trib- from Guam into the mainland of the United Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend ute to Howard Weaver’s distinguished commit- States for settlement, in 1996. He was instru- and congratulate Chief Mace McIntosh upon ment to the newspaper industry and keeping mental in the founding of the Ayuda Founda- his retirement from the Sonora Police Depart- Sacramento’s residents informed. Mr. Wea- tion, a humanitarian organization that has ment. I invite my colleagues to join me in ver’s outstanding leadership and dedication to helped thousands of people from the Microne- wishing Chief McIntosh many years of contin- journalism has allowed the McClatchy Com- sian islands access medical supplies and ued success. pany and the Sacramento Bee to embrace health care. Wally also helped establish the f new venues of media and the Internet. As Mr. Wings for Life One Pass medical account pro- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Weaver’s wife, Barbara, colleagues, family, gram. To this day, the program has helped and friends gather to honor his career, I ask transport more than a hundred patients to re- all my colleagues to join me in wishing him ceive proper medical treatment. These are HON. KAY GRANGER continued good fortune in his future endeav- lasting examples of Wally’s efforts on behalf of OF TEXAS ors. our community on Guam and the greater Mi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f cronesia region. Tuesday, January 13, 2009 It is on the occasion of his promotion and RECOGNIZING WALTER DIAS FOR Ms. GRANGER, Madam Speaker, on rollcall relocation to Hong Kong, that the people of No.’s 7 and 10 I was absent from the House HIS COMMUNITY SERVICE ON Guam recognize him for his community serv- GUAM on official District business. ice and his leadership in helping to develop Had I been present, I would have voted our visitor industry. ‘‘yea.’’ HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO f f OF GUAM HONORING MACE MCINTOSH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONGRATULATING FOR HIS ACHIEVEMENTS IN PRO- Tuesday, January 13, 2009 HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH FESSIONAL BASEBALL AND FOR Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, I rise OF CALIFORNIA HIS SUPPORT IN HELPING RE- today to recognize Walter Dias for his civic in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STORE THE HAZLETON ‘‘CAS- volvement and community service on Guam. TLE’’ AUDITORIUM Walter Dias, known to his family, friends, Tuesday, January 13, 2009 neighbors and coworkers, as ‘‘Wally,’’ has re- Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI sided on Guam over the past 15 years and today to congratulate Mace McIntosh upon his OF PENNSYLVANIA been active in our non-profit community. Wally retirement as the Sonora Chief of Police. Chief IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was recently promoted by his employer, Conti- McIntosh will officially retire on December 30, nental Airlines, and is relocating to Hong Kong 2008 and will be honored on January 3 at a Tuesday, January 13, 2009 to assume the position of Managing Director retirement dinner. Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise of Greater China and Southeast Asia. Mr. McIntosh was born and raised in today to pay tribute to Joe Maddon, from Ha- Wally is the eldest of five sons and two Tehama County, California to John and zleton, Pennsylvania, the manager of the daughters of Walter Sr., and Virginia Dias. He Donnalee McIntosh. He was raised on his baseball team and a leader grew up in a small town in the resort area of family’s cattle ranch. In 1978, he was hired by of a citizen effort to restore the auditorium of the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania and Red Bluff Police Department in Tehama Coun- the former Hazleton High School, now an ele- earned a Bachelors of Science degree in Ac- ty. He worked patrol, investigations and all mentary and middle school that has, for more counting from Pennsylvania State University traffic related issues. He was promoted to Ser- than 80 years, been a landmark in the Hazle- before beginning his career at Price geant in 1992 and promoted to Commander in ton area that is fondly referred to as ‘‘The Waterhouse and later at Geo Source Inc. In 1995. He served as the interim Chief for the Castle.’’ 1987, Wally started his airline career in the fi- Red Bluff Police Department from September Born in Hazleton in 1954, Mr. Maddon grad- nance division of Continental Airlines, and in 2000 to October 2001. From there he served uated from ‘‘The Castle’’ where he was a star 1993, he moved from its corporate head- at the rank of Captain until his appointment as athlete before moving on to graduate from La- quarters in Houston to Guam to serve as the Chief of Police with the city of Sonora in June fayette College in 1976 where he played base- Director of Marketing for Continental Micro- 2004. ball and football.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:54 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E13JA9.000 E13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 628 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 13, 2009 Mr. Maddon then went on to distinguish largest college at UF. Dr. Cheek took an out- today. On September 5, 2008, while leading himself in the world of professional baseball standing program and improved upon it even his team to a preseason retreat, Mr. Meyer for more than three decades, first with the further as he oversaw the addition of new pro- was involved in a life-threatening auto acci- California/Anaheim Angels and, since 2006, grams and research opportunities, and he has dent. At the accident site, his players’ quick with the Tampa Bay Rays, a team which he been recognized for his efforts to this end. thinking and poise saved Mr. Meyer’s life. led to the 2008 that was won by Some of the numerous awards bestowed upon Team captain Kyle Schwan told Sports Illus- the Phillies. him include the University of Florida Faculty trated about the accident, ‘‘It’s a testament to After the 2008 season, Mr. Maddon was Superior Accomplishment Award and the Coach. In essence, he saved his own life be- named the Manager of the CALS Teacher of the Year. He has also been cause of the way he taught us.’’ Year. recognized by Who’s Who in America, Who’s His recovery has included eight surgeries, During his remarkable career, Mr. Maddon Who in American Education, Who’s Who the amputation of part of his left leg, and in- has won accolades from Sports Illustrated, Among American Teachers, and has received tense pain. Adding to the medical challenge which described him as a ‘‘Renaissance man an honorary membership in Alpha Gamma was the discovery of liver and intestine cancer from down-to-earth roots.’’ The New York Rho, of which I am a proud member. during his emergency surgeries. But through it Times described him as ‘‘one of baseball’s Madam Speaker, there is no doubt in my all, Mr. Meyer has maintained his drive and more purely intelligent men in uniform.’’ And mind that Dr. Cheek’s legacy will be remem- character, coaching games from the sidelines the Boston Globe called Maddon ‘‘the genuine bered for generations to come, not just by stu- in a wheelchair. This season, he again has article . . . universally respected, intelligent, dents at the University of Florida but also Northern State in championship contention, wordily, eloquent and well-read.’’ throughout the Nation where his work has and remains a sought-after motivational Mr. Maddon has been a leader in the been recognized. He dedicated his career to speaker on basketball, coaching, and life itself. Tampa Bay area in raising awareness to the educating students not just about agriculture, Madam Speaker, it is with enduring pride plight faced by those who are homeless and but also character, and he will be fondly re- and respect that I rise today in recognition of has actively worked to feed and shelter the membered by all who know him. Jimmy Cheek Don Meyer and his record-breaking achieve- victims of homelessness. will be missed in the classrooms in Gainesville ment. This achievement is not only measured Frequently praised as a man who has never and around the State, but he leaves behind an in the many victories achieved, but in the lives forgotten his roots, Mr. Maddon has been institution that will continue to flourish because touched. Don Meyer has proven himself wor- committed to helping raise the funds nec- of his hard work. He and his family are in my thy to be counted among the best coaches our essary to renovate the auditorium of his thoughts as they move into the next chapter of Nation has produced. former high school so that it can serve as a his life. f Community Arts Center. f Madam Speaker, please join me in con- HONORING THE MEMORY OF HONORING NORTHERN STATE gratulating Joe Maddon for his personal and LANCE CORPORAL JESSIE UNIVERSITY COACH DON MEYER charitable achievements and also for the posi- CASSADA OF HENDERSONVILLE, tive attention he has brought to his hometown NORTH CAROLINA of Hazleton and all of northeastern Pennsyl- HON. STEPHANIE HERSETH SANDLIN vania. Mr. Maddon’s example is an inspiration OF SOUTH DAKOTA HON. HEATH SHULER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for others to emulate especially our young OF NORTH CAROLINA people who can look to him as a true role Tuesday, January 13, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES model. Ms. HERSETH SANDLIN. Madam Speaker, Tuesday, January 13, 2009 f recently, Don Meyer, head men’s basketball coach at Northern State University in Aber- Mr. SHULER. Madam Speaker, I rise today IN RECOGNITION OF THE RETIRE- deen, from my State of South Dakota, with a heavy heart to honor the memory of MENT OF DR. JIMMY CHEEK coached his 903rd career victory. This accom- LCpl Jessie Adam Cassada of Hendersonville, plishment sets the national record for wins by NC. Cassada, only 19 years of age, was killed HON. JEFF MILLER a men’s collegiate basketball coach. in combat during Operation Enduring Freedom OF FLORIDA Mr. Meyer started his coaching career in in Afghanistan on the sixth of January, 2009. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1972 at Hamline University in Minnesota, turn- Lance Corporal Cassada gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our country. He dem- Tuesday, January 13, 2009 ing an unsuccessful program into a champion- ship contender. Moving to Lipscomb University onstrated patriotism and true courage beyond Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, in Tennessee, Mr. Meyer created a national his years. along with my friend Congressman ADAM PUT- powerhouse during his 24 years there—win- Since childhood, Jessie Cassada wanted to NAM, it is a great honor for me to rise today ning an NAIA national title in 1986 and aver- follow the example set by his stepfather and to recognize the retirement of Dr. Jimmy aging more than 32 wins per season over his stepbrother to become a Marine. He joined the Cheek from the University of Florida’s Institute final 10 years at the school. United States Marine Corps after graduating of Food and Agricultural Sciences, IFAS. Coming to Northern State in 1999, Mr. from East Henderson High School in 2007. He Since 1975, Dr. Cheek has been instrumental Meyer built another highly-successful program. was deployed to Afghanistan from Camp in agricultural education at the University of His teams have won over 20 games each of Lejune for a 6- to 7-month tour of duty in No- Florida, where he was a mentor of mine. the past 7 seasons, and reached the vember 2008 with the 3rd Battalion, 8th Ma- Jimmy Cheek’s career with the University of postseason 4 of the past 5 years. rine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division. Official Florida began as an assistant professor in the Over this long career, Mr. Meyer has be- accounts said he was supporting combat oper- Department of Agricultural and Extension Edu- come nationally known as a teacher of both ations in the Helmand province prior to his cation, and now, over 30 years later, he is re- young men and other coaches. Thousands of death. tiring as a senior vice president for agriculture coaches from all over the Nation have honed Cassada’s awards include the Global War and natural resources. Through the course of their craft at the Don Meyer Coaches Acad- on Terrorism Service Medal, the Afghanistan his career, he served in a number of positions, emy. His instructional books and DVDs have Campaign Medal and the National Defense but all of them were dedicated toward instilling been used by college programs such as Duke Service Medal. an understanding of the importance of agri- and NBA teams such as the Utah Jazz. Of Mr. He leaves behind his mother, Patricia culture in his students. Dr. Cheek also re- Meyer, Pat Summitt, the legendary University Cassada, and stepfather, Carroll London, as ceived numerous awards and recognition not of Tennessee women’s basketball coach, re- well as two sisters. I offer my sincere condo- only for his dedication to teaching but also his cently told Sports Illustrated, ‘‘(Meyer) is one lences to them and the rest of his family and vast knowledge of agriculture. of the most respected clinicians in the country. friends. They are in my thoughts and prayers. His leadership in the College of Agricultural You can’t sit there and not learn and be in- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join and Life Sciences, CALS, as well as IFAS, spired.’’ me in expressing remorse at to the passing of helped expand the programs offered and the Another inspiration that Mr. Meyer provides LCpl Jessie Cassada, as well as never-ending student enrollment, making CALS the fourth- stems from the journey he finds himself on gratitude for the servicemen and women who

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:54 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E13JA9.000 E13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 629 sacrifice so much to protect our Nation and PERSONAL EXPLANATION would become one of the most prolific and ensure our freedom. The short life of LCpl iconic real estate developers in the Greater Jessie Cassada serves as an inspiration for us HON. HENRY E. BROWN, JR. Bay Area. all of true patriotism, dedication and courage. OF SOUTH CAROLINA Mr. Ellis directly oversaw the growth of his company from a small Oakland development IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f firm into a national diversified real estate com- Tuesday, January 13, 2009 pany. Most influential to the lives of residents HONORING MARY ANN RIOJAS Mr. BROWN of South Carolina. Madam in my district, the work that Mr. Ellis’ company Speaker, I am writing to notify that I was ab- performed and the vision Mr. Ellis had for the sent for votes on January 9, 2009. Had I been architectural and urban integrity of our area HON. JIM COSTA present, I would have voted: dramatically reshaped downtown Oakland, Rollcall Vote No. 7: On Motion to Recommit California. Nationally, his company would grow OF CALIFORNIA with Instructions the Paycheck Fairness Act— to such influence that it was listed on the New IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘yea.’’ York Stock Exchange. Mr. Ellis’ keen business Rollcall Vote No. 8: On Passage of the Pay- sense and tireless dedication elevated his Tuesday, January 13, 2009 check Fairness Act—‘‘nay.’’ company to the prominent position as the larg- Rollcall Vote No. 9: On Passage of the Lilly est independently owned, publicly traded real Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009—‘‘nay.’’ estate firm in the United States. Today, the along with my colleague from California Mr. Rollcall Vote No. 10: On Motion to Suspend company boasts 130 offices world-wide. NUNES to commend and congratulate Mary the Rules and Agree to Recognizing Israel’s Sixteen years ago, Mr. Ellis co-founded Ellis Ann Riojas upon being honored by ABC’s re- right to defend itself against attacks from Partners LLC with his daughter, Melinda and ality show ‘‘Extreme Makeover: Home Edi- Gaza, reaffirming the United States’ strong his son, James. Ellis Partners LLC has, in its tion.’’ Ms. Riojas and family were surprised by support for Israel, and supporting the Israeli- own right, become one of California’s largest Ty Pennington and crew on January 8, 2009 Palestinian peace process—‘‘yea.’’ commercial developers and investors. Hal also at their home in central Fresno located on f formed Catalist Homes, which reflected his vi- East Robinson, Fresno, CA, at the heart of the sion for the future of the residential real estate Central Valley. HAL ELLIS, JR. industry by creating a model of technical intel- Ms. Riojas was born without legs and only ligence and efficiency. Although Mr. Ellis’ influence and impact was one fully developed arm. As a child, Mary Ann HON. BARBARA LEE truly phenomenal in scope, his true contribu- was placed in foster care and grew up in an OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion was the indelible imprint he left on the unstable household and poverty. Even though landscape of Oakland, California. His efforts Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Mary Ann was no stranger to adversity her led to the development of the Oakland City challenges continued after expanding her fam- Ms. LEE of California. Madam Speaker, I Center and Oakland’s Jack London Square. ily with four children. In financial distress she rise today to honor the extraordinary life and Both of these developments have been and turned to public assistance to keep her family accomplishments of Mr. Hal Ellis, Jr. Mr. Ellis are critical to the vibrancy of a diverse and afloat. contributed immeasurably to the development complex urban area whose residents deserve Regardless of Mary Ann’s disabilities and fi- and economic growth of the 9th Congressional the opportunity afforded by a healthy local nancial struggles she continued to live life to District. He was a devoted community leader, economy where small businesses can thrive. creative and innovative entrepreneur, and a the fullest. Her vibrant determination led her to Mr. Ellis was extremely involved in his com- great source of support and encouragement to munity and professional organizations. He was become the first in her family to earn a college those who knew him. Our community said an excited and inspiring individual, always degree when she graduated in 2002 from San goodbye to Hal on January 6, 2009, after a ready to share his vision for the future and Joaquin Valley College with an associate de- courageous five-year battle with metastatic work on creative collaborations to bring inno- gree in Business Administration. She also ob- melanoma. vation and growth to the development indus- tained a drivers license in 2002 which gave Hal Ellis was born on August 4, 1931 to try. Hal was a member of the Pacific Union her the ability to drive a special hand-con- Harold and Bertha Ellis in Portland, Oregon. Club, the Claremont Country Club, the World trolled vehicle. However, his family moved to Oakland, Cali- Presidents Organization and several additional Determined to excel, Mary Ann not only be- fornia just two years later in 1933. For this real estate industry organizations. came an employee of Easter Seals but also reason, and as a result of the endless dedica- A gentleman with endless optimism and served as a State and national Ambassador. tion and compassion Mr. Ellis exhibited for the strength, even Mr. Ellis’ illness produced in She has traveled all over the country with the Oakland community throughout his life, every- him a sense of urgency to make a difference one considered Hal a native ‘‘Oaklander.’’ Easter Seals program, spreading her joy and and advocate on behalf of others suffering Hal graduated from Piedmont High School from this devastating form of cancer. With the enthusiasm for life. Mary Ann eventually in 1949 and received a Bachelors Degree support and partnership of his family mem- switched jobs and decided to help others in from the prestigious University of California, bers, the University of California, San Fran- her community and that is when she began Berkeley in 1953. He was a member of the cisco and Bain & Company, Mr. Ellis led the working for the Fresno Housing Authority as a legendary 1951 and 1952 Cal Bears football efforts to form the Melanoma Therapeutics counselor to other families who are struggling teams under the leadership of Coach Pappy Foundation. In the hopes of expediting the dis- with life’s adversities. Waldorf, affectionately known as ‘‘Pappy’s covery of a cure for this disease, his family Mary Ann does not see herself as a person Boys.’’ While at Cal, Mr. Ellis also served as continues to remain involved and encourage with disabilities. Mary Ann is a strong woman President of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. In support of this important organization in mem- who has raised four children, Nichole 18, Vic- 1955, Mr. Ellis graduated from the Stanford ory of Mr. Ellis. toria 17, Angel 15, and Jessie 14, and she Graduate School of Business and then went On behalf of the residents of California’s 9th continues to inspire others on a daily basis. on to serve his country for two years in the Congressional District, I would like to thank The Extreme Makeover: Home Edition will for- United States Air Force as an intelligence offi- Hal Ellis’ family for sharing this wonderful spirit ever change her life and make her home a cer stationed in Morocco. with us, especially his loving wife of 22 years, better and more user friendly place for her to Mr. Ellis was ambitious and driven from a Marian Ellis, his sister, Jackie Ellis Leisz, his very young age. In 1958, at the age of 27, Mr. sons Stephen and James Ellis, his daughters enjoy with her children. Ellis co-founded Grubb & Ellis Co. along with Melinda Ellis Evers, Chantal Lamberto, and Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend his business partners Don and John Grubb. Jackie Lamberto, his daughters-in-law Karen and congratulate Mary Ann Riojas. I invite my Mr. Ellis guided the company as its Chairman and Melissa, sons-in-law Will and Eli, and of colleagues to join me in wishing Ms. Riojas and CEO, bringing others up with him as he course his beloved grandchildren, Katherine, and her family many years of continued suc- led the company through countless successful Audrey, Elizabeth, Ryan, Tyler, Gracie, Mor- cess. ventures. In the following decades, Mr. Ellis gan, and Braydon. Mr. Ellis’ legacy will live on

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through his devoted family and a host of lov- I am joined by Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA of Amer- in 1984, and then went on to lay the founda- ing friends. May his soul rest in peace. ican Samoa, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN of the U.S. tion for the resurgence of the Kentucky Re- f Virgin Islands, Mr. PIERLUISI of Puerto Rico, publican Party. Republican success within and Mr. SABLAN of the Commonwealth of the Kentucky is due in large part to MITCH’s vision EXTENDING THE NEW MARKETS Northern Mariana Islands in introducing this and hard work. TAX CREDIT TO THE TERRITORIES bill. We look forward to working with the Chair- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join man and Ranking Member of the Committee me in honoring Senator MITCH MCCONNELL HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO on Ways and Means to advance this bill and and his accomplishment as Kentucky’s longest OF GUAM to support increased investment opportunities serving Senator. He is truly a legend in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for our own communities. Ultimately, this bill is Commonwealth and I look forward to his con- Tuesday, January 13, 2009 about making the New Markets Tax Credit tinued successes. Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, today I Program work for the territories and ensuring f have reintroduced a bill to amend the Internal Congressional intent behind the New Markets Revenue Code of 1986 to extend eligibility of Tax Credit is fully realized and fulfilled in our A CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE OF the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) to Com- communities. WAYNE C. THOMPSON munity Development Entities (CDEs) created f or organized in American Samoa, Guam, the TRIBUTE TO U.S. SENATOR MITCH HON. DIANE E. WATSON Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is- MCCONNELL OF KENTUCKY OF CALIFORNIA lands (CNMI), Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This bill would make a technical cor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rection to existing law governing the New Mar- HON. HAROLD ROGERS Tuesday, January 13, 2009 OF KENTUCKY kets Tax Credit (NMTC) Program and specifi- Ms. WATSON. Madam Speaker, it is with cally authorize the Secretary of the Treasury IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES profound sorrow that I learned of the passing to certify corporations or partnerships orga- Tuesday, January 13, 2009 of my associate and colleague, Wayne nized in one of the four U.S. territories as enti- Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, Thompson, in December. Over the past two ties qualified to participate in the competitive years, Wayne had become a trusted advisor application process for the New Markets Tax I rise today to pay tribute to U.S. Senator MITCH MCCONNELL, a true statesman, who to me on the Freedmen’s efforts to secure full Credit. citizenship in the Cherokee Nation of Okla- The Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of now holds the prestigious record as Ken- homa. I will deeply miss Wayne’s knowledge, 2000 (Public Law 106–554) authorizes the tucky’s longest serving U.S. Senator. It is truly wisdom, and sage advice. I have prepared the NMTC Program for the purpose of increasing an honor for the Commonwealth of Kentucky following resolution in honor of a man who de- incentives for investment in low-income com- to be served by such an accomplished and fined the meaning of a purpose-driven life. munities across the country. Under the NMTC determined leader. Program, certified Community Development I remember the early days when MITCH first RESOLUTION Entities (CDEs) are eligible to apply for a New arrived in Washington, D.C., wandering the Whereas Wayne C. Thompson was born Markets Tax Credit from the Community De- halls of Congress, but leaning on his experi- January 15, 1946, in Spencer, Oklahoma, the velopment Financial Institutions Fund at the ence as a local Judge-Executive in Jefferson fourth of nine children of Tasso and Daisy County seeking compromise and working to Lee Thompson; Department of the Treasury. Taxpayers who Whereas Wayne Thompson completed his then invest in the CDE are allocated some of solve problems. Today he is the Republican secondary education in Spencer, Oklahoma those credits in return for their investment. Leader in the United States Senate and is and received a BSC in Social Psychology The CDE must invest those funds in low-in- known for his mastery of parliamentary proce- from Makerere University in Kampala, come communities, and the taxpayers are dure, his ability to unite the Senate Repub- Uganda; able to claim, over a seven-year period, cred- licans—which is no small feat—and standing Whereas Wayne C. Thompson served in the its equal to 39 percent of their investment. firm on his conservative principles. United States Army with tours of duty in CDEs act as intermediaries for the provision of An advocate for Eastern Kentucky families, Vietnam and Germany; Whereas Wayne C. Thompson dedicated his MITCH is a great friend of mine who under- loans, investment funding, or financial coun- life to the promotion of human and civil seling in low-income communities and are stands the needs of the Bluegrass State and rights around the world, including his par- able to legally operate anywhere in the United does everything he can to help those who ticipation in numerous marches and sit-ins States, including in the territories. need it most. MITCH is rightly credited for during the Civil Rights Movement and serv- Despite the ability of a CDE under current being an integral part of one of the greatest ice to the international wing of the Black law to legally and practically operate in a U.S. legislative achievements in Kentucky history, Panther Party; territory, a corporation or partnership that is which were his efforts to pass the tobacco Whereas Wayne C. Thompson was the long- created or organized in a U.S. territory apply- buyout. Many observers said the buyout would standing Executive Director of the Okla- homa Health Care Project through which he ing for CDE certification cannot qualify for be impossible to arrange; however, MITCH was involved with the Community Health such certification under current law. This ineli- dived in head first and with great focus was Centers movement, Responsive Intervention gibility stems from such organizations being able to successfully push forward legislation Prevention Program for Community Organi- deemed ‘‘foreign’’ and not ‘‘domestic’’ under that has allowed Kentucky farmers to transi- zations, the Young Black Men’s and Women’s other relevant provisions of the Internal Rev- tion to other crops and properly reimbursed Forums, Agent Orange Class Assistance Pro- enue Code of 1986. This nuance in law effec- quota holders. He should be proud of his ef- gram, Developmental Outreach Program for tively prevents local CDEs in the territories, forts as he saved thousands of farmers and Minority Communities, the Seminole and that is, entities who would otherwise be recog- their families. Cherokee Freedmen, World Health Organiza- nized as such by the Department of the Treas- Always wanting to move Kentucky forward, tion, numerous delinquency prevention and youth violence intervention programs, All of ury, from investing in their own communities. MITCH has worked tirelessly to strengthen Us or None, and the defense of political pris- The bill I have reintroduced today would higher education which has benefitted millions oners and the San Francisco 8; rectify this situation, which I recognize to be in the Bluegrass State. By improving our uni- Whereas Wayne C. Thompson was a found- an oversight of Congress in the enactment of versities, MITCH has not only helped our stu- ing member of the Institute of the Black the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of dents succeed but has helped to bolster com- World 21st Century and a coordinator of the 2000. The bill would allow for the certification munities, create new jobs and build a strong Haiti Support Project and had an abiding of CDEs created or organized in a U.S. terri- workforce for the Commonwealth. Kentucky’s and profound interest and commitment to tory thereby enabling them to operate and in- future leaders have been awarded many new eradicating social and economic injustice in Central America, Mozambique, Haiti, and vest in their own communities. CDEs orga- opportunities thanks to MITCH. the developing world; nized and operating in any one of the several In addition to all he has done for the Com- Resolved, States or the District of Columbia could con- monwealth, MITCH is known as a fierce cam- (1) That Wayne Thompson led an exem- tinue to invest in low-income communities in paigner who did the seemingly impossible plary and selfless life in service of those less the territories under this arrangement. when he first defeated an incumbent Senator fortunate;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:54 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\E13JA9.000 E13JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 13, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 631 (2) That Wayne Thompson was a fighter for The city of San Antonio, the State of Texas, COMMEMORATING NATIONAL justice who sought no notoriety for his ef- and our entire country have reaped the bene- FOLIC ACID AWARENESS WEEK forts to help oppressed people around the fits of her hard work and lifelong commitment world; and (3) That Wayne Thompson was a warrior to justice and equality, and we could not be HON. PETE SESSIONS with the biggest heart, one of the greatest more grateful for her contributions. Congress- OF TEXAS civil rights soldiers the world has known, man CIRO RODRIGUEZ and I are honored to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES know her as a friend, and we congratulate Ms. whose good deeds and works have left the Tuesday, January 13, 2009 world a better place, and whose memory will Chavez-Thompson for all of her achievements be carried forward by the legions of people he and this well deserved recognition. Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, I rise touched with his remarkable human spirit. f today to recognize the observance of Amer- f ica’s annual National Folic Acid Awareness HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE Week, which began on January 5, 2009. RETIREMENT OF SENATOR OF CANDELARIA TAITANO RIOS It is my hope that this awareness week GEORGE VOINOVICH gives the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO further awareness to reduce the prevalence of HON. JEAN SCHMIDT OF GUAM preventable serious birth defects in women of OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES childbearing age across all segments of our population. Enriched cereals and grain prod- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, January 13, 2009 ucts are fortified with the B-vitamin folic acid, Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, I rise but only one-third of U.S. women of child- Mrs. SCHMIDT. Madam Speaker, this past today to honor the life and service of bearing age consume the scientifically rec- Monday, Senator GEORGE VOINOVICH an- Candelaria Taitano Rios, a community leader ommended daily amount. Folic acid, a B-vita- nounced that he will not be seeking re-election on Guam. Known to her friends and family as min, is particularly critical for proper cell to the United States Senate in 2010. Senator ‘‘Candy’’ or ‘‘Lala,’’ she passed away on Janu- growth and has been scientifically proven to VOINOVICH has dedicated the last 40 years of ary 5, 2009. I commend her for her lifetime of prevent birth defects of the brain and spine, his life to public service. I look forward to con- achievements and her service to our commu- called Neural Tube Defects (NTD). tinuing to work with him over the next 2 years, nity. Women especially need folic acid, even if but would be remiss if I did not acknowledge Candy was born on February 22, 1932, to not planning to become pregnant since 50 that he will be sorely missed when he leaves. John and Rosario Taitano in the village of percent of all pregnancies are unplanned. Since 1967, GEORGE VOINOVICH has been a Haga˚tn˜a, Guam. Candy was married to the Consuming the recommended amount of folic fixture in Ohio politics. Ohio has been blessed late Joseph Leon Guerrero Rios and they had acid each day before pregnancy can reduce to have such a tireless advocate so dedicated five children, the late Joleen Rios, Joseph the risk of a birth defect of the brain and spine to serving others. Although Washington, DC Rios Jr., Rose Rios, John Rios, and Helen by seventy percent. The prevalence rates of will be losing a respected voice on so many Rios. She attended George Washington High NTDs has declined by 27 percent since the pressing issues, I congratulate him on his 40 School in Mangilao, Guam and graduated in U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s manda- years of distinguished and outstanding service 1951. She continued her education by earning tory addition of folic acid to enriched grain to the citizens of the State of Ohio and wish an Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degree from products in 1998. Even with this improvement him, his wife, Janet, and his entire family the the College of Guam before earning her Mas- in the reduction in the Neutral Tube Disorders best in the coming years. ter’s degree in Elementary Administration and of Spina Bifida and Anencephaly birth defect f Supervision from the University of Guam in births, there still are 3,000 babies born each 1971. year with serious birth defects, and an esti- CONGRESSIONAL TRIBUTE HON- While Candy pursued her college degrees, mated 5,000 that die from a serious birth de- ORING LINDA CHAVEZ-THOMP- she taught in Guam’s public schools from fect. SON 1951 to 1976. She was appointed as Assistant Since 1998, over 100 peer-reviewed sci- Principal at Piti Elementary School and as entific studies have been published and been HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ Principal at C.L. Taitano Elementary School in reviewed by a distinguished group of leading OF TEXAS Sinajana. In 1986, Candy retired from Govern- birth defect scientists and researchers. These IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment of Guam service as the Deputy Director individuals concluded that more folic acid to of the Government of Guam Retirement Fund. already fortified enriched grain products, and Tuesday, January 13, 2009 After her retirement, Candy remained in- folic acid to corn-based products, is important Mr. GONZALEZ. Madam Speaker, we rise volved in many community projects and the to our country’s public health and should be today to honor the life and accomplishments non-profit sector. As a charter member of the examined by the DFA. In 2006, the Congres- of Linda Chavez-Thompson, a San Antonio Retired Educators Association, she advocated sional Spina Bifida Caucus petitioned the FDA resident who will be honored this Friday by the for issues important to retirees on Guam and for review and the FDA refused the request, San Antonio AFL–CIO for her achievements promoted the advancement of quality edu- saying there was not enough science to merit and contributions to our community. cation for Guam’s students. She was also a the agency’s review. A native of Lubbock, Ms. Chavez-Thompson member of the Retirement Employee’s Asso- A recent Center for Disease Control (CDC) has been an integral part of the American ciation, the Vocational Education Advisory study, published in December of 2008, the labor movement for 40 years. In 1995, she Council, and the Guam Elementary Adminis- agency found that only 21 percent of Hispanic made history when she was elected Executive trators Association, for which she also served women of childbearing age are consuming the Vice-President of the AFL–CIO, the first His- as Vice President. recommended amount of folic acid to effec- panic to hold one of the organization’s three Candy Rios was active in community affairs tively prevent serious birth defect births, com- highest offices. She currently serves as execu- and was a leader in the Democratic Party of pared with 40 percent of Caucasian women. tive vice-president emerita and remains com- Guam. She served in many positions in the Hispanic babies are 1.5 to 2 times more likely mitted to delivering economic and social jus- party and was an effective grass roots activist than other children in the U.S. to be born with tice to all Americans. and organizer. Many sought her advice and a neural tube defect (NTD). The CDC reports Over the course of her life she has endorsement, and through her volunteer work, that Hispanics across the United States con- partnered with many organizations on behalf she had a significant impact in the electoral sume the least amount of folic acid, and have of civil and human rights, including those of successes of the Democratic Party. the least knowledge about the role that folic women, immigrant Americans, and the LGBT Candy Rios was a lifelong educator and acid plays in preventing a serious birth defect community. And as she continues to work to community leader. I extend my heartfelt con- birth among all racial or ethnic groups in our better the world around her, her current dolences to her children, Joseph, Rose, John, country. This leads to an important goal of Na- projects include starting a scholarship fund for Helen, her family, and her friends as we tional Folic Acid Awareness Week, education. children of union members and developing a mourn her loss and celebrate her lifetime of Birth defect prevention education is alarmingly future leadership initiative. achievements. low, so public education is essential. Surveys

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