Arianas %Riet Yr;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ·Tvci-2Irno·:G2· :·
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VNIVERSITX 0~ tlAWAll U~ arianas %riet_Yr;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ·tVci-2irNo·:g2· :· ... ' ·, · .. : ., . Y · · · · .. ·...;,;. .;, : ....., · . ,.-_.:.:.,Ii., ... z--· ,· ·199·9 . · .. Saipan,MP96950 5"¢ ·i'.'.©1~98Ma;iana~-V~ri~ty' .- ·. ·_, ~ .· ... ', ·.. · -:· ·',·_.,.~s. ,a)'.'_.;·_•U )' .· ,.·. ·... · '• ·.: · ·ServiilgCN~lfo~.2~Years ·· .. V, '. _.\,,,,·\~'·~-..:•, • ,<,,,' 'F' ,,,.,,• •, ,t, ,', 1 • ',~.,~, •• • ~ ,.~ , 1 .• 'I c' ' '1 • OPA ruling to allow Tinian , 'Probe missing power plant project to move LaMotte denied Pacific Marine and Industrial Corp. 's (PIMC) appeal for the reversal of OP A's June 9 decision. developer's tax' "To obtain reconsideration of By Zaldy Dandan He added, "I suspect that cer an appeal decision under the Variety News Staff tain local officials here as well as CUC [Procurement and Regula SENATOR David M. Cing (D officials of the former adminis tions], tbe requesting party is Tinian) yesterday said he will ask tration knew what was going on," required to, present a detailed Senate President Paul A. Cing said. statement of.the factual and le Manglona (R-Rota) to call for an "We will get to the bottom of gal grounds upon which rever oversight investigation of possible this." sal or modification is deemed irregularities involving an agree Cing noted that Tinian is seem warranted, specifying en:ors of ment and "contract for construc ingly "cursed." Leo LaMotte law or information not previ tion" signed last year by central "It's either we get robbed or ously considered," the report By Mar-Vic C. Munar said. and Tinian government officials there's a natural disaster," he said. Variety News Staff and representatives of Hong Kong "All kinds of bad elements seem LaMotte said OPA did not find THE OFFICE of the Public '_ errors in its earlier ruling which Entertainment (Overseas) Invest to be on our island-there is the Auditor (OPA) has paved the ments, which runs Tinian Dynasty Jesse James group and the mod would warrant such changes. way for the construction of the In its June 9 ruling, OPA dis Hotel and Casino. David M. Ging ern Robin Hoods, (and I refer) to Commonwealth Utilities missed PMIC's protest against Cing said the investigation will those who steal from the poor and Corp. 's I 0-megawatt power the CUC's awarding of contract find out what happened to the given the money to the wrong give it to themselves," Cing said. plant on Tinian, as it upheld its to Telesource, saying it was not $730,000 in developer's tax paid hands. The chair of the Senate Com earlier ruling in favor of the timely filed with the Director of by Tinian Dynasty. "The question," he added, "is mittee on Executive Appoint CU C's contract with Procurement and Supply. "I think Tinian Dynasty was who are the governmen·t officials ments and Governmental Investi Tele source. PMIC had claimed among misled by someone in govern who got the money, which seems gation (EAGI), Cing earlier asked In a report released yester other things that Telesource did ment," he said. to be unaccounted for. I wish I'm the Department of Public Works's day, Public Auditor Leo "The management could have wrong." Continued on page 19 Continued on page 19 t,-r.i: •·r:,· ,t, ··~-, ,... t. .':/' ,·c; ,,.,.,.,,,~~.~.~~;.~ -~-~Z;/'!CT:·t£:,j[;f1::;:·.:::. ·-·2!:NJZ~.1~~-t(['.~':J!rm·z'.'·iZrf'·:2°i,~ 1:L;3:,]l:1!&i:~-Xt;?;!tr!E~!r~i'$#lz:::.:,$a~''.!1:'··,i5~=81.llll1$$:l:1JJZ1$·tl:JJ•~f~··Z.,!'.Z~t-e~:.sSl•®ffl:!,'.J,ffl.·.JM!:E· ·illf!iiil'ie.ENiiP~@~-9!!:!¢".J1!.]li@~f\·'!'l!:1llrall@IE:,,,;E\:;"elY.l!~~-~--~- if MHS gym project f_l Continental sees revenue drop j get_s back on track .1 By Aldwin R. Fajardo vice president for sales and pro- 1:;j Variety News Staff motions. By Haldee v. Eugenio r THE ASIAN financial up- In I 995, total passenger rev- Variety News Staff r:jr:1 h eava I 1s· startmg. to ta ke its. to II enues reached $657 million, AFTER being idle for about four·years, the construction of the I"0 on the airline industry, with whichwasoverahundredmillion Marianas High School gym is finally back to normal, and ifnothing f: / Continental Micronesia pro- dollars than the figures recorded hampers the three-phase project, it will be finished by May next i': jecting that its revenues for the during the previous year. Dias year, it was learned. ·. l ! year may fall close to the I 994 attributed the leap to the strength Christopher F. Fryling, Public School System CIP coordinator, level, a senior airline official of the Japanese yen. yesterday said the construction of the gym is almost finished with said. He pointed out that 70 percent phase I, which involves cleaning up the site and properly erecting the "This year, our total passen- of the airline's revenues are de- structure for the roof. ger revenues will fall a little bit nominated in yen, "so if yen is The phase l construction of the project is expected to end at. ; . more. We will probably end weakening, our revenues auto- September. · 1 i up close to the 1994 figure," matically decline when converted r-; "Most of the steel is in good condition, but a few pieces had rust Hsaid Walter Dias, Continental Continued on page 19 Walter Dias J~ 1 ~a,~014~"~~;~;;~~as i=·=··· ---~- ····-····~,T~~;;f~~"j;-;d --. against drug-smugglers By Zaldy Dandan illegal drugs before the penalties Variety News Staff are invoked. J;. ~., 2-ryIA_lsIANAS.VARlETY _NEWS.AND VIEWS-TUESDAY- JUNE 21 . 1998 . ... - .... ------- ... -- -- ... JJ TUESDAY, JUNE 21 , 1998. -~A.~~Af'i~ VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 Indonesia volcano rumbles{ Guam Fire chief, senator feu.d . \··.( By Maxine Hillary cated that he was providing mtroduc- JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Merapi siL~ in d1e middleofCentrnl cial helping to coordinate the evacu 400 kilometers (250 miles) east of . Volcanolog1sl~reportedthata4.5- ~. VanetyNewsStaff tory courses in fire suppre~sion an? More dum 3.(XX) people fled villages Java,oneoftheworld'smostdensely ations, said at least 3,225 villagers Jakarta. kilometer (2.7-mile) tnul of lava had HAGA TNA _ 111e chief of the fire prevention. Whether this constJ- on the slopes of Indonesia's most populated regions. from three disllicL~ fled their homes. Officials few· hot or toxic clouds poured down 1L~ southwest slope, ',,; GuamFireDcpartmentmaybefight- tutes the tr~ning specified by the active volcano as Mollnt Merapi The evacuation W,L~ ordered on M,my were being housed in make cou Id hit villages on the mountain's 'n,eJakaitaPostnewspaperrepo1ted. 1 inn for his job-this after he com- Senator 1s still unclear. ominously spewed out hot poisonous Sunday after the mountain threw up shift camps in safer meas. slopes. The newspaper also said tl1at vol- .. 1,, m:nced u-aining rec111iL~ in-house, in Chaifauros indicated that statting l}1 g,L~ses. ash and lava. officials said two huge clouds of super-hot gas. Authmities said thous,mds mo1e Du1ingasuddeneruption in 1994. canic ash had fallen on towns and ;:,.f;# violation of what is perceived to be a training at the Fire Dep~ment ad- Monday. Lava poured out of the crater along residents, within an 8-kilometer (S a ste,m1 cloud flattened one village, villages a~ far away as 20 kilometers i,;>/:' statute requiring him to go through ministrative o_ffic~s at T1ya11 would Volcanologists said activity wi d1in wid1 ash and dust. mile) radius of die peak, we1e on killing 60 inhabitanL~ ,md severely (12 miles). f· Guam Community College or m1- be seen as a v1olat1on of the law. tl1e2.968-meter(9,737-foot)peakhas There have been no repo1ts of ca stm1dby to leave. burning others. Merapi is the regarded as the most ~i: other accredited institution. "It is illegal tosta11," he asse1ted. "It been building for weeks. They fcara sualties so far. Officials denied a local media re Villagers choose to live of the dangerous oflndonesia 's 500 volca- ;' In a letter dated July 16, Sen. Mrn'k violates the policy of the teni tory ~md majore1uption is possible. Rohadih, a local government offi- port on Monday that 6,000 people sides of d1e volcano despite the ever noes. · Chmfauros info1med Chief Gil Reyes nodirectorof ,my agency has the nght had· been evacuated from die area presentdangerbecausethesoil there Its most destructive eruption this { that should he decide to conduct in- to violate the law." ------------------------- near the city of Yogyakmta, about is extremely fe1tile for fmming. century killed J ,300 people in I930. ' house fire training rather thai1 go Chrnfauros went on to say that he Legislator kills self after through the community college, he wouldnotputthesafetyofthcpcoplc- would be in violmion of Public Law of Guam ut swke to save money as 14-77 which requires public safety ww; alleged. party candidate loses vote personnel to go through "an accred- "I'm ;oingtobe fomon this. Chief TOKYO (AP) -A 1egional law Parliament's upper house from .the ited educational institution such ,L~ Reyes h71S to~back down or I'll call for maker committed suicide after ap Niigata electorJ.l district. Gee.·· his resi1.'Tlation." p,m:ntly failing to secure enough votes The candidate was backed by the Atthet:me Vaiiety inte1viewed the He added, "I won't tolerate ren- for a rnling pmty candidate in elec ruling Liberal Democratic Party, to Senator, he wasn 'ta ware d1attrnining egade directors.·• tions to Japan's PrnfaUTient, police which Nishikawa belonged. had staited. ~ Chwfauros went on to say that and newspaperrepo1ts said Monday. The conservative LDP suffered a Guam fire fighters battle blaze. There have been over 800 fires on Guam this year.