History of Chinatown
• ~ro Cht"·H"'"'" r~" """ ''"'r" ""t1r1l, I"C.Ht"rt H )fo Q;t k S rr •~ t tn Sc"<:t (' n 'o: chr n .H ('own , t<: -1 rr•'!PCt "' ( • .,(' 1)\i !ncv :;chnl"' l C• """'" '"'~" (o"JnC!I. ·'rn cf"cd ~ f r . ~ ~ tne o: .11 ... •f ~ht<: ..: .Jrd ')o>MI'itt l'•f" ,~ ltncy )Ch('lt>] ~· , , IIII'IUlll tV (C"u nt.:\l'S ,j,l" l; lTP, lttcr - .-cl"!t•f"'l ~-, r \', t:~ L. li"HI ,.. ,..._ .. ,..lttC" n rr~"llT ·llft<l, "'T'l"l e '1'1'\Jr:tl 'oil< !"f'<1rr1 l)v ~ .,p ''.1«:"1 , r;-.q nctl " " rhp ,\rt '! .lnd J.l q m.-,n rtt l' o:, •'•r " ·1 ""~· F"" unt1.1t 1nn ln r Hq rn .l nltl e'"~ 1nd f'•J biLC r•\t,;\ , ''•f' •'·••<:: t .•n \,.-r:_o: !.r ttf"TV r:o• UMC\1, ,Jnd the f'<'"'ltOn r:r,.t·w ''"' H 1\ ..,,,,.'ll;rt '" ·•qnd.l ttcn o: . CHINATOWN: 0 A Historic Asian Anchor 0 A Growing Neighborhood of Chinese immigrant familU!• 0 A Thriving Asian Busine•• Center 0 A Center of Acces• for A.aian Immigrant• 0 A Community of the Future CHINATOWN Defined by Essex Street to the north, the Mass Pike to the south, the Southeast Expressway to the east, a~d Harrison Avenue to the west, the present land area of Chinatown was created by the f illing of tidal marshy known as the Sou.th Cove, on the east side of the "Boston Neck". Although there was some early construction in this remote area of the city, the Neck served primarily as the single link betv;een the Boston peninsula and the mainland.
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