NE?'~.. 8TATE\HI~I:L ~Qi;gi-£*i:ti:;:s"·F" 1500 ~""'sYl\E:BT . ·.....·..·",:'·':i,.\<:" THE WAYNE' H_D.~~i.".p j.-.:.·.~H~ ." . ONE-HUNDRED FIF'TH YEAR' WAYNE. NESRASKA,68787, THURSDAY. JUNE25, f981 THIS ISSUE TWO SECTIONS. 22 PAGES Drug 'Trial Begins for;Owner ofWinsidt!'.":'

As the three-cocru, felony-drug. District Court frl." 01 a 27-year-old Wlns.Lde. lavern owner ground Into Its third day Wednesday. -',._--~----< ~ttorn~ .tcc.tho-de'eAse "lid pi osecotlon-­ Jury Panel: sparred over testimony from a Omaha based state patrolman ~Ith Nebraska State Patrol Investigator Eight MeR, James Avery ~ the man who has testified / /J he helped wrestle Chertes Weible to the ground before handcuffing the defendant during the Dec 19, 1980 drug rOlld - on the Four Women stand, defense attorney Vincent Kirby open ed his cross examination with a barrage of In a two-hour session that all but ex­ qceattons hausted the Wayne County jury list Otrecunq hiS questtcns et the sergeant's Monday, eight men and four women teaumonv regarding the errest of Weible, were selected as [urors 10 hear Kirby Questioned Avery about his posttton evidence in the state's case against during fhe Winside man's alleged attempt to Charles Weible, 17, Winside. escape the drug bust scene Weible, who Is on ,trial for "hacgc5 fha' «'$vfted -trcm a December drug AVERY, WHO waited al the courthouse raid In Winside, Is a Winside tavern most of Monday and all day Tuesday to owner and the son of Wayne County tesfHy, 'Joel the scene wIth the help 0' special SherUf and Mrs. Don (Butch' Weible. pr osecvtor Thomas DeLay Once relatives and close friends were Re!ipondlng to questtons from Det.ev. El'KCUSed from the 45 names called for Avery told the lury thaf he was outstce near the start of Weible'',i trial in District the door of the Dale BU!iskoht home In Win cccrt. the list had dwindled side when Weible bolted 'rom the house and As Monday mornin9's jury selection beeceo lor Sgl Ray Brown, whO wes sten process continued under the direction ding near the police undercover van of District Courf JUd~ Richard 'The defendant ran directly al Sg! Garden, challenge.. and no-shows Brown He ran Info Brown, fell. go' up and eliminated all bur the 24. ran In the other direction, Avery told thc Twelve of these were struck Irom the lury Ihl - six by the special prosecutor At the time we got him stopped, tne Thomas DeLay and Sill by attorneys lor cetendent fhrew the pack.ef towerd the Ihe defense, Vincent Kirby and Reber-t van," the police sergeant continued Bartle ~ leaVing e eecnv 11 Kirby, on cross examtneuon. asked Avery 8'1' 11.51 p.m. the lollowing jurors had 10 place himself In the scene for the (ury been sworn '0 hear the Weible case Avery silld he wee about 10 to 25 feet away Debra Allemann, Wayne; Harry Irom Ihe Irani door and Sgl Brown, who Emil 8argholz, rural Wayne; Ricky L teslilled Monday was about "80 lee' or so' Barner, Waynel MarVin Dranselka, lrom the Busskohl home's Ir ont door rural Wayne; Wallace Giese, Wakefield; Shirley Jean Hamer, KIRBY, relying on pre v Ious tesumoov Wayne! Richard G, Keidel, Wayne; Jill from Brown Ihal ttte scene W6S dark. asked Elaine Kenny, Wayne; Richard Lesn. Avery when he saw Ihe plastic packet a Wayne; Dorothy Meyer, rural Wayne; packet two to-eosrc chernIsis have tesuueo Harold J Olson, Wayne; and Er-wm SWbrand!, Wakefield Sec TRIAL PagoDA Defendanf Charles Weible, righf, listens as defense attorney cross-examines an undercover agen1. Formers in Replant or Recover Dilemma Golf-Ball Hail Batters Winside Area's Farms, Crops Den Bowers' bean Held looked like a cr!v THE HAIL STORM ripped through a long "I REPLANTED 80 acres of beans after that seed was washed out by Sundays fOg range early Sunday mornIng and narrow strip of land WInside farmers the last hall storm. I may have to replant storm. Sc ~ld Eh1~ Thle~' ce-s ~!e!d 11.~d Jec} ogain ami jusi nope tnat me crops get ripe "The beans won't come back," said son Brockman's corn field And Jim Reba's done In a sfrlp 'between 1 and 2 miles Wide yet," Thies said. The farmer said that Barry. "Some of the area we~replanted Is allalla ueto And Delmer I

By RandalL Howell

He's a doer, net a watcher. He's 8 believer, not a doubter. He's a competitor, not an also-ran. He's Wayne City Administrator Phil Kloster. And, he's working to make government work, at a ·tlme when many feel It doesn't. Phil Kloster finds that to be the challenge of his life.

" 11M ONE of those ... well, I have a quirk, I guesl. I enloy...the .v.ryday 01doallng.,111\ probl.m•...of dealing wlfh situatIons Involving people and their government," the 36-vear" old IO"-Na n&tlve said. "I think there'a 8 real challenge there," he added. "An~, 1ft become frustrated by the bureacracy of It all, then If' time to aetout and get Into a more structured. business-type situation." Tha". whal Klosl.r 1.1f10g.llnlo city gov.rnm.nt. I:!o left. lobas warranty auditor for Winnebago I.odustrles Inc.,Forest City, Iowa, to take on that town's city administrator duties tn . 1978. . That wal n~arly three years ago. Naw he'a nearing the end of !I" flr~t.four monfhs as city admInistrator for .Wayne..;." ari agrlcu~turo., manufacturing, education and refall center ,~ rior­ theast Nebi-aska. • ( /.F·· ONTHEWALL.' hi' .econd-lloor.clty-h.II,OII!"" I•• w_ PI.quI, If reads: "Peopl. who nov.,meke nll.I..... 6rt mo.a Who _or Jlo."y1hlng.~·, '. ' . ~ I- ...- ) ~ -~2'. • on th"e record nieWayne Herald, Thursday. June 25.1"11 I. . -news briefs county obltuanes court Slater Rate. AII·Anierican .....-----... John Gustafson Wayne State's weekly newspaper. the Wayne Stater. CRIMINAL FILINGS: haS· earned an Ali-American rating for the fall 1980 term. Norman Barth, Wayne. Issuing 'Servlces were held saturday for John Gustafson, 58, of Wakefield at announced the A5$OCiated Collegiate Press.. bad check (SS) to RIch', Super the Evangellca& Covenant Church with T~. Rev. E. Nell Peterson of· The paper received four out of five marks of distinction Foods. flclatlng. Burltl was In the Wakefield Cemetery with the Bressler In coverage and content, writing and editing. design. and Stephen C. Hruby III, Wayne, Funeral Home In charge of arrangements. photography. art and graphics. Issuing bad check (515) to Rich's John Marlow Gustafson. the son of Milton and Esther Borg Gustat· EdllOf 5 loa the term .. eFe Sue-~Rayenna and Super Foods __ _ __ son. wU -..Me¥-V.-1923ln.welllempl Robert K Hewttt, Wayne, Itt James Jensen report on general ac nvtttes, faculty recognition, and will Chevrolet Pickup, Ricky Lynn -evenve stamps '-49- 00 James A Fullenkamp to Anna terlng present a financial report for May 1981 Allen. Ford Pickup, John Knelfl Robert M and Sh,rley M' M Oe tr emever . E ''7 NE I,,, Servtcee are schees and 23 perlOl"mance classes ment, Ponca. Chevrolet Pickup revenue slamps exempt Sec 11. 1'111 In JON'4, revenue Terry Henschke, Wakefield, daughter, one grandchild and one great-9randchlld. and game events Richard M Smith Food Dorothy R lambert to Annd stampS $9 90 was ordered to pay 175 2:4 to Survivors Include his wire, lena, of Wlnlilde; three sons. Vernon E plaintiff Brian Nelson, Hoisington, Kan" Dewey K. 01 FredrIc. Wis. and Marvin O. of Col· The show, which was rained out last week., will begin at Engineering Ser .... lce, Wakelleld M Gatremeyer, E '? NE '" of Bonnie French and Roy ot 1 p m Wlnne'ba9o Motor Home. DaVid 5 )IN 5, SE ',,, SE I,,, and all de French, to Ellis and MarjorIe Wake'leid. Henschke also was umbus; three·-daughters. Mrs. George (Carol) McCarthy of Omat!a, charged 132 17 In court costs. M~. Gene (Mary) Osborn of Central Clfy, Mrs. Dwayne (Pat) Willers M Boggs, Wakefield, GMC cretlons to saId SE 1,:. sE ',,. lands Wilbur, all of our undivided in ~ '!'~~~!e, .~e.: ~l? ~~.!'!~~!~~. 11 ,;~~!-:~e~!'~, .!'!~ ~ Pickup Bary Lund, Newcastle lying Sand E, and SW II,. SW "" terest In and to N ''1 NW If,.. Sec brother, Carl. of Randolph Nelson Certified at Short Coune Chevrolet and part ot Accrellon Lot E lying flon 28 and SE II,. SW 'I", Section FINES: "13 - Jerold L Bates, Allen Nand W of a eerJaln described 21, all In JON 4. revenue stamps Jill Malchow. Carroll. Eva Nelson of Wayne was one of 18 who completed a speeding, S28. Gordoon Warren, Buick line, all In J1N 5 revenue stamps '990 short course required tor certification of tood service per 1912 - Ellsworth Nodey, ellempf Mary Stewart 8/10.1a Mary Kay Norfolk, speeding, Sl3; Janl(e John Rltze sonnel at the University of Nebraska Lincoln East Cam Wakefield, Chevrolet Scott Carr, Bernard W Fullenkamp to An Slewart, a single person. fo Ellis KaIser. Blair, speeding, $34; Gary Jorgensen, bancroft. Services were held earlier today, Thursday, In Luverne, Minn. loti P"' Allen. Pontiac na M Gatlemeyer. E "J NE '" and Marlorle Wilbur, 811 01 our food two- John Rltze, 51 The Rev, Donover Peterson will officiate ~t a 3 p.m. ThIrty three service managers attended the 1971 -' Sherry PresleY, Allen. 5 )IN 5. SE '" SE '" and all de undivided Interest In and to N 1/7 speeding. $25; MIChael Ruwe. memOl'lal service at Grace Lutheran Church In Wayne. Burial will be week course, which was one part of three units. PiliI' ChevTolet Station Wagon creflons 10 saId 3E '" SE I,,. lands NW II", Section 28 and SE II. SW Wayne, speeding. Sll. Thomas ttclpants usually return tor three summers to complete Kathleen A Pratt, Wakefield, lying Sand E commencing at the 'I,., Section 11, aU In JON 4. Bauer, Randolph, speeding, $3..'; at Greenwood Cemetery SurvIvors Include his wIfe, Marla, of luverne: son, Dougl.s, 01 the Course, according to Anna Mae Brenner, associate Oldsmobile edge of the hIgh bank and SW I,,, revenue stamps 19 90 Clayton Tonles, Pender, no valid one registration. no valid Inspection Omaha; one daughter. Mrs. Connie LaRowe. of Breckenridge. Minn.; professor human nutrlflon'and food management 1910 - Warren Hingst. Emer SE 1,1" and part 01 accretion lot E Linda and James Grlthorsf to son, Ford lying Nand W ot a cerliJin Ellis and Marjorie Wilbur, alIa' ,ticker, JIO; Jetfery Westerhaus, his mother, Mrs, Dora Rltze; two brothers, Harold of Winside and Willis of illinois. one sister. Mrs El'lth"r Swenson of Sianton. and i.,oil - jam~ Scoii~rd, PonL~, Otr!>l.f,lied jill"'. ilij ,;1 32;"; 5, W .....ndl;,;lded :n:<.t.e-:f to N '': ,NW Winside, speeding, I\DO; WIIUam one granddaughter Chevrolet; Larry Mason Ol)(on revenue stamps e)(empl II", Section 28 and SE II" SW II,., Reppert. Pender, speeding, 125; Students QualHy for Diplomas International Pickup Evelyn E Chaussee to Anna M Section 21, all In JON··" revenue Jon Downey. Wisner, speedIng, 1966 ..... Plw' J Poulo.§ky, Pon Gatlemeyer, E '7 NE '4,5 ]IN 5 stamps 19 90 SlS Several area. residents were honored at the Adult BaSic ca, Dodge Van Peggy and Elmer Espey to Vera Ebmeier Education recognition night June 16 for qualifying tor and SE '" SE '" and all accre 1964 --r Dixon (ounty, Ponca their t!lgh school eq\Jlvalency diplomas. tions t-osaId SE 'I" SE '" Idnd') Iy Ellis and MarjOrie Wilbur, aU of Hysfer Semi Trailer Ing Sand E commenCing 031 the our undivided Ir.lferest in lind to N Those completing requirement-, at Northeast Technical hO~:~t~I.E~~~1o~r;aa;;::n:~~a~.u=":V:~I~I:~:~I~ 1963 - Ronny P Mahler. Pon edge of a high bank and SW I,,, SW 11. Community College In Norfolk were Alma Joy Gettman '''1 NW 0' Section 28 and SE )/" Laurel ca. International Pickup II" and part ot accretion Lot E Iy SW I", of Section 21, all In JON 4, hospital and Dorothea Schwanke of Wayne, Barbara Jo Brudlgan 19S1 - John Gallemeyer, Ing Nand W of a cerlaln descnb and lynette Henzler of Hoskins and Kathy Planer of revenue stamps $9 90 Pierce Newcastle, Wlilys Utility Wagon ed line, ail in J7N 5, revenue Lana and Richard Edens to news Leroy Meyer, Newcastle, Willys stamps e)(empt E1I1~ and MarjorIe WUbur:all 01 Margaret E FUllenkamp to our undivIded Interest In and to N THE WAYNE HERALD COURT FINES Anna M GallemeyeL E "1 NE • 1"1NW II,., SectIon 28 ~nd SE II,. SW Franklin R Nelson, Hubbard, '/'" 5·31N 5, and SE 'I" SE 'I" and 'I., Section 21, all in 30N'4, WAYNE Second Summer Ses.ion to Begin ADMISSIONS: Ardath One, 5158. drivIng under the influence all accretIons 10 said SE II" SE II" revenue stamps 59.90 of alcoholic liquor or drug, MarCI lands lying Sand E commencIng Wayne; /VIary Hansen. Wisner; Second summer session will begin at Northeast JudY and Henry Groen fo Ellis L Robinson, Ponca, $20. reckless at the edge of a high bank and SW and Marjorie Wilbur, all of our Charlotte Asbury, Wayne; Technical CommunIty College In Norfolk on July 6. Pre- Leland Johnson, Lauref; Ur­ driving; Jean M. Miner. Allen, II,. SW It. and part of accretion Lot undivided Inlerest In and 10 N Ih 521, speeding; Roland A, Stark, E W 1 suline Halley, Wayne:, John r,~:~:~l~5~;I~~~:1t~;:U~forNebraska residents and lyIng Nand of a certain NW If. of Section 28 and SE 4 SW Marttnsburg, 58 lind probatton B Cfescrtbe(f· line. an In 32N·'s, Thomsen. Dlxaru. JDhn-----Seoten.. 524 per credit hour for non-residents. II. of SecTIon 11. all In 3ON·4, months under supervision of a revenue stamps exempt revenue stamps $9,90. Concord; Charles Roland, For addItional information c"ntaet the NTCC admls· Wayne; Ruth JOhDSOFt. Slate Probation Offlcer SIster M. Valeria Fullenkamp Francis and Donald lundberg slons office at 371·2020, ext. 223. Wakefield; Rena Schroeder. to Anna M. Gatlemeyer, E II] NE to Ellis and flMrlorle Wilbur. all Laurel; Harold Gildersleeve, REAL ESTATE ¥", 5·3IN·5, and SE It. SE II,. and 0' OUrvndlvlded Interes' In and'o Wayne. Clifford M_ and Lucille M all accretions to said SE If,. SE 't. N 111 NW If., Section 28 end If. se DISMISSALS, Ellh~' B.1rN'iI>OiIIM,OlIIIldo ...... IeI __' ..".OO 1f1... Mil<. Moyer, W

'MW",,_,. Th_,,".~,,, •. GtaS.t~IIY~~t.

Cast Mad Spell Over Downtown

Owooooooooo. Owowooooooooo There wasn't a full moon iuesday night, and 'he werewolves weren't out. But a strange spell was cas' over downtown Wayne. Children and merchants wandered around In robes. nightgowns, and Dr. Dentons. Shoppers bustled from store to store They weren't sleepwalking. They were taking riart In the annual Moonlight Madness promotion for downtown Wayne Stores closed at 5 p.rn , so paiama-c1adderks could mark down their merchandise. They reopened their doors with a yawn and a smile at '1 p.m. to shoppers. Youngsters got ready for bed.eartv and paraded down Main Street. Some were lucky enough to get a ride (topl. Jim Mc»--sh, Wayne Herald business .ma.nag8r'.-nd KTCH News Director Dean Bilstein judged the mer­ chants' costumes. They picked LuAnn Roberts of Kuhn's Department store and Mary Jeffrey of Jeff's Cafe as winner-s. Ellen with electric rollers, curling irons and blow dryers, men still think women use their old-fashioned curter's. Joel Pedersen (center, far right> and his dad, Randy Peterson of the Diamond Center (bonom left), must have had a good time doing each other's hair before the celebration. Those marching In the parade got a Susan B. An­ thony dollar from Roger Toomev and the Wayne Chamber of Commerce (bottom right). Although the stores had promised to stay open In­ definttelv. Pedersen said most of them had closed by 9:1.5 p.m J ,

speaking of pe.ople The Wayne- Herald. Thursday. June 25. 1911 •••• _____._.. f -----'iL- __.~ _ Alien,-Dixon Welcome

By laVon Beckman ELIZABETH. a soft spoken woman who speeks flawless English, says It was a very herd decision to lee ve all their The name Is Kwankln, "like pumpkin" laughs Andy. the friends and relet!ves In India. t head of the household. "I had a lot of fear," she says. adding that her worst fear Most residents of Alten and Dl.xon are aiready.famillar was that the famIly would not be accepted with the Kwankln family. Friend!. and nelghbors'who "But Andy had been here and he knew the people, He haven't met Andy as they passed him on the streets of the kept tellIng us how wonderful the peOple were and how hap' two communities. have probably joined him tor a cup ot ..~ py we wQtlld be In this country." sa~ Elizabeth as she coffee at Allen', Farmers Cafe smiles across the room at her husband And If they haven't met up with him mere, th~)'s.~~...... "And he was right' catch him In church l1firSunday at the United Methodist Churches In Allen and Dixon ELIZABETH. whose long dark hair Is neatly drawn back and tied, revealing her dark Indian beauty. has comtor THE REV. Anderson Kwankln. or "Andy" as he likes to tably adjusted to the American way of lite be called, moved to Allen with his tamlly two weeks ago to Betore coml"9 to the UnIted States she taught English begin serving as minister of the United Methodist Churches tor 14 yea!'"s In India, sendng as a grade sehGal principal In Allen and Olleon the last five years The family comes to Allen trorn Norttl Bend. where Andy While lIVing in NortM Bend she was a teach«'s aide at served 4' pastor of the North Bend and Morse Bluff UnJted Ames Methodist Churches for three and a halt years She misses her teaching, Although she Is certified to teac~ The tamlly Include's his wife, Elizabeth, one daughter teach In American high schools, she cannot where Blnlta. 20. who will be" sentoe this fall et Nebraska :;:ewc:~:s:o:~:~~e~:~dl::~~~~h::I~;~~e~!~t~may Wesleyan; and three sons. vtmt. 17, a senior this 'alf at Allen High SchOOL Alo".. 16. and a junior at Allen High, and teacher tzveer-crc JyofL a seventh grader ELIZABETH speaks 'reely about her thoughh and teel BEFORE moving to North Bend, Andy, 46, served for 15 logs regarding American school children veer-s as minister of a church with a membership 01 about It's too easy here," she smiles. adding that u,e doesn't '2,500 In Agra, "the city of the Tal Mahai, located In nor think c htfdren write enough "Allot the test questions are them India multiple choice and the youngsters don', have to utilize The wide open plains of Nebraska are qv.te a change lor their writing skills' the family In Agra, the Kwanklns were among one and a She also teels there Is a much greater dIscipline problem half million restoents of the city In American scboots and can't understand why children are allowed to lalk back to their teachers "In Inl1la. the Elizabeth, seated In the living room of her home In Allen youngsters have great regard and respect for their teacher. dressed In a colorful green sert. the traditional garb 01 In and they have the complete ccocereuon of the parents." dte. sevs she loves the roiling hills. r ancbes and farms at Nebraska "The ccvnt-vstoe Is so beeutttvr LIVING TOGETHER before m",rrlage, which has be-come commonplace 10 Amerrce. also came 4S a great WHY THE decision to bring hi,:; family to the United .,hock to Elizabeth States' Although daughter Binlta etso believes that living "There were two reasons. '. exotetns Andy First It., a tccetne- before marrlaqe IS wr onq. she Sltys she believes In new exper-Ience being here and servIng here, and second the Idea 01 Indl v !dual tr eeocm of choice "In India. children the conttcer situation In IndIa at time we left we s not rely completely on their parents Oood Binda a perky yovng woman wifh long dark haIr th",1 Three and a half years ago when the Kwanll.lns left their uows genlly over her shoulders, had no trouble at all fin home and belongings to come to America, I ndla was under ding a place among students In America She loves to emergency rule enforced by Indira Gandhi travel and would like to "go allover the world and stay The government was "not happy·' WltM Andy when he everywhere voiced his cetecttcns to the demotIon of the church he serv ed. parsonage and school building Althougt1 friends advts Al THOUGH adluo;tments continue. the Kwankln lamily teets very much at home In America ee h~ teeve the count!'"y. jf was Andy who made the tm.a l dedslon to make a new home tor hlm~lt and hi" famIly In All three boys love 10 paInt and Vlnll, the oldest, was Arnertce \ winner of a cetrtonc art cent est sponsored recently by the NortM Bend VFW AUll.lllary HI!l chalk draWing was for AND" HAD visited the United States twice before the warded 10 fhe state and word has not yet come back on move here how he tared stetewtde In 1970 he was a delegate trom the Methodist Chvrch of The youngest son. Jvott. makes friends eeslly enc:thaS THE KWANKIN FAMILY INCLUDES. clockwise old Vlnit. 16-year-old Alok. and 20-year-old 8lnlta. Indla to attend a Worldwide General Conterence In the already toond a sect on tbe Allen baseball team lrom Ironl. 12-year-old Jyotl. Elizabeth. Andy. l1-year- T""y are making their home In Allen. United States. He ceme again In 1975 at the invitation of l~ Andy Is very much ccoceenec about tne divorce rate In the MethOdist Ct'lurch to conduct preectunc missions in the AND THE ENTIRE family stili trying to edjust to An­ Until then the entire Kwankln family continues to bask In AiT..,..;<;.,;, ~:j"~ :-t.a: ;" :'''-:;i''' ';;i..vr-::e ;,. ",:'-'-'lril vobee-c United Stetes ov s arlvlng Anov ana EIIZiloeTn Dam teernec to smve a iflC warrnih shawn io them by ali therr new trrencs In 01 Nebraska One of those preaching mt-s-slons was to The United car about two years ago An extreroetv cautious driver, Andy's top speed has yet Methodist Church In Broken Bow where Andy QUickly "The people are SO very helpful and kind." smiles to pass 45 mpr and he's still not comfortable drlvirlld In the Both he and Elizabeth find the people In and about Allen made friends with the church's mrntster . the Rev Art Ern Elizabeth, adding that she asks eu her new friends and city and Dlxon very friendly "We hope thet we will enloy their st neighbors to be patient with her as she beccmee familiar Drl\/Ings ~ big lob," laughs Andy .'When dad', behind fellowship." say,> Andy. adding that fellowship Is very 1m wlfh Ihelr names and faces It was Pastor Ernst and his wife lane, along with the the wheel we don't talk, roB down the windows or listen to portant to his entire family Hugh~ the radio," 9199-18-5 810Ha ' Rev Morris, District Superintendent trom Om1)ha. "Durlng- our stay here we would like to be a'"parr6f1fie - MEMBERS OF ffle--MeffiOdT5:lcongteg,fficiflsTn Atren aM who helped pave the way for Andy and nts family when community in every way," says Andy, ",ddlng that he Dixon are quick 10 welcome fhelr new minister and his they decided to move here nearly three years later SPEAKING seriously. Andy says he find, the role of a would like the role 01 Ihe minister 10 be a little bit more family with open arms minister In Arne-tea much different then In India than routine THE KWANKINS were sorry to leave all their friends In "In India we spend more time training I"y people and Members ot the Dixon Methodist Church hosted It recep North Bend. It was thet congregation's members who fur reaching out to non-Christians, The rntntster In India else ANDY SA YS someday he would like to return wlfh his flon last Friday evening to honor the Kwanklns. and the 01V\(Wj th@rn wit" ~ h!t'J~ end b::!~!n;~ when thor'; .. ,rl,", ~· as a co;.;n:;oel;:;;. matchmaker, and lob wek6i" too family 10 serve in india, alThoug" It won', be until "'Ii of the Alien congregation hcncred Pastor Kwenkin and ms tamlty ed In the UnIted States trom India member,:; of his congregation children have completed fhi&lr education In America Tuesday evenln.1:J at the church briefly speaking Double Ring Rites in Wayne Unite­

Following lunch. Da ....e Wells. Iravel consultant lor Allied Robin Mosley and James Mischke Historical Society Meeting Tour dnd Tra ....el Agency, spoke on the topic "What You Have Always 'Wanted to Know About Tnivellng." He told about The Wayne County Historical Society will meet Tuesday • Double ring rUes Juoe 13 at fhe travel discounts availeble to senior citizens and announced HONOR. ATTENDANTS were white azaleas and baby's breath knit suit with a white em· e....ening. June 30, at the museum In Wayne for electIon of new United Pre,:;byterlan Church In se....eral upcoming bus tours. A one-day bus trip fo the Corn Brend' Wittig of Wayne and broidered blou58. officers. W8yne unIted In marriage Robin Palace in Mitchell. S. D. Is planned in the fall to see Ernie Marlon Mormann of Sioux City. THE MAID of honor and The meeting begins at 7: 30 p_m Ford Mosley and James Mischke, both Sydney Mosley ot Wayne was bridesmaid wore small peach J ILL MOSLEY of Wayne ar· of Lincoln ~lInd Pitch was played in the afternoon, with prl-zes going to Mrs. bridesmaid Doug Gobel of and yellow floral ·prlnt frocks In ranged gIfts at a reception tor 125 Parents or the coup!e are Mr Virgil Chambers. high game. Lottie Longnecker. low. and Bloomfield was groomsman. polyester coHon. The floor-length g,uesl, In the church fellowship God and Country Program and Mrs. KeIth Mosley of Wayne fashions were designed _with . hall following the ce~emony. Tena Bergholz, most eight bids Candles were lighted by Jill and Mr, and Mrs Cyrus Mischke square necklines, douple'layered Next potluck luncheon will be at noonon Wednesday, July· Mosley of Wayne and Lisa Krls lOberg:o' Carroll cut and The First Church of Christ, loc",ted on Highway 35 East of of Crofton sleeves and flared skirts ending IS. Mischke 01Crofton. served the eake. Margaret NUH Wayne, will present a special God and Country program this In wide - ruffles.· trimmed with Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The newlyweds are making of Wevne poured and Jonl Tietz of scalloped lace end peach ribbon, their home at 4300Holdrege, Apt THE BRIDE, given In mar· Carroll served puoch. The Rev. John Scott, pastor. said Sunday night's program Peach colored bows enhanced the Baptiled in Wayne C201, Lincoln, 68503 rlage f)yh:er tattler, wor.e...a white will Include congregational singing of 'Several patriotic songs warstllnes. Waitresses and walters were and hymns. There also will be special music empire gown of polyester salin Kim liska, Jason Liska and Eric JesslCll Gayle Vandervest, daughter of Mr. and"Mrs. Ran. THE 2 ((clOCk ceremony was with an oversklrt of silk illusion They wore white lace picture The public is Invited to at1end. 9r~nddaughter hats with peach.. and yellow aUk Liska, all of Wayne_ dall Vandervest of Garrett, Ind., and of Mr. performed by the Rev. ROber't and a cathedral train. Handdlp­ and Mrs. Art Grone of Winside, was baptized June 7 at Haas of Wayne. peel lace appliques trimmed the flowers and peach satin Redeemer Lutheran Church In Wayne. ,treamers. Each carried 8 white THE BRIDE, a 1977 graduate CUIIna'Meet Organlsf was Mrs. Jane waistline, bodice and sklrtl and Jessica's godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Grone of wicker basket wltt~__ peach. yellow of Wayne-Carroll High School. Is Rutledge of Wayne. Matthew Ihe full lacesleevnef)ded In wide l Wayne.' - ariCJ white f1owers.- " senior at the Unlvers-Ity 01 Cuzlns Club met with Mrs. Charles Nichols last Thursday of Wayne, sang lace.cuffs ,tln-y pearl Smlfh: also "0. and bu"ons. The men In the wedding party Nebraska·Llncoln. She Is a full =l::~~~:,.= Most Holy" and t'FoIIO'N The dreas wal designed by the to Mrs. Howard Mau and Mrs. Vlrgli Lord were attired In gray stroller tux· time student. 01 preveterlnary 1M,II brlde';s- _mother, edOes, wingtip collared shIrts and medlclne-anl""l ,clen,s. pa~:~t meeting will 2 p.m. Aug. 6 at the Wakefield city Allen aassn,ate. Return Guests were registered by LIM Thebride wore a-whlte lace pic· strIped ascols. The brldegroom'wasgraduated Mrs. Mosley selected a-street· Members of ~e Allen High Schoolgro~uatlng clan of 1961 Mischke 01 Crofton and ushered fure hat wi#! a'walst-le'!9th tulle from Crofton High School In 1975 lengfh dreslS of peach polyester retur.ned with their husbands and wlYM saturday evening for Into tl1e church by Gale veil trimmed with while silk end from the" "University of Her~ silk tor her daughter's weddll't:g, ADee Donnan Hoste.. a 2O-year reu"lon at the Wagon Wheel SfeakhouM In Laurel. Dlnkelman of Waco and Detve flowers. boUquet lnetuded Nebraska-Lincoln In 1980.He Is a Attending-were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plueger and Mr.-and L'Heu,.eux of Campbell. shades 01, peach-colored roses, and Mrs. Mischke chose a peach at UN-L. Mrs. Alice Dormanentertainedseven members of laPorte Mrs. RoctneyJewell. 411 of Allen; Mr. 4nd Mrs. Rod (Lor""a Club June 16. cards were 'pfayed following" carry-In picnic -KjerI NICkerson of Mcoreflold; Mr. a"" Mr.. lMorge lunch. Leedom) Dicus and Mr. and Mrs. Dean 8oeshart. Norfork; Date of the next meeting will be announced. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Malccm, Mr. and Mrs. (LaVonne Mat· Class of '4 J. Returns to Carroll tes) Bauman and Mr. and Mrs. (Barti Sherman) Bauman. Pona; Gr R_. .1. il'r,;.~ m~mberl of"" ~Iai..t•. M"4"1""~iMr.liildMr~.o.J,• Le/lof;I_""" rNCI ~ 10 '"'- In- =..~~~!lomeOf Mr'·';z'rMe1~;m'e\:~n~I':-c1~ A.~. .~"""'>.I!I\I:". cJudIft; Bred Ke/iW _Lcirathy,a,ar:t1etf.,


,. ~- ""t-_.

"..WaY.n,Her.,d, Thursday, June 25,.981

Deb Fletcher-S"II DickeySay Vows

In Lincoln" Indian Hills Church THURSDAY, JUNE 25 . Senior Citizens Ce"lfer paintIng class and crocheh,nd knit- ting lessons, 9:30 a.m. ' . Senior Citizens Center beginners and advanc;ed brldgtt classes, 3 p.m. .. FRIDAY,JUNE26 _ Plano students of Mrs, M_arclle Uk!tn m:!~rm at Senior a e an S ommun y e rl egroom was attired In -~~-;;:::.""::~-~.--=-~-~-:::-==:I==¥'~~i;:~~~ I - CIUzeps Cl1'n-ter ? p m MONDAY, JUNE 29 The Rev. Vlrg Ediger of Lin­ his attendant wore light blue a -----s-enror Citizens Center picnic and fishing af Ike's Lake. 3 coln officiated at the 10:30 e.m. tuxedo In the same siyle. ' p.rn. double ring ceremony. Candles were lighted by Julie Grace Lutheran Due Club, 8 p.m. The silk flower decoratIons ~n­ Dickey of Laurel and Ar:rty TUESDAY, JUNE30 cludec;t light blue tiger lilies and Kardell-of LlncoJ,n, apd guests Senior Citizens Center curren1 event session, 2 p.m. usber~ whIte azaleas. were Intq the church by Villa Wayne Tenants Club weekly meeting, 2 p.m. Bob Dickey incrCennls Dickey, Wayne County Hlsforlcal Society, museum, 7:30 p.m. WEDDING MUSIC Incfuaed '" both of Laurel, and Hal 'r-ever WEDNESDAY, JULYI Will Walt for the Bridegroom," and Jeff Rademscker, both of UnIted Presbyterian Women breexteet, 9 a.m. sung by the bride, "He Has lincoln. Villa Wayne Bible study, 10 a.m. Chosen You for Me," sung by fhe The bride and bridegroom lit a Tops Club, West Elementary School, 7 p.m. bride and bridegroom, and "My unity candle, THURSDAY, JULY2 Tribute" and "What a Difference Altona Flr-st Tdnlty Lutheran Womens Missionary You've Made In My Life," sung THE 8RIDE'S mother selected League by Mr. and Mrs. Norm Stucky of a cream colored stroo1;_-long1h Jefferson CIty, Mo eturtwetst dress with a flared Pianist was Barb Hengen of skirt. Sho wore a wrist corsage of San Diego, catu., and organist blue tiger lilies. was Mrs Vlrg Ediger of LIncoln Tho bridegroom's mother chose a street-length shirtwaist Shower at Dixon THE BRIDE appeared at her dress 01 turquolse blue and wore lather's side in a white gown of if" shoulder corsage of white chiffon over bridal taffeta design· azaleas and apple blossoms. ed with a blouson bodice. The Also attending the ceremony high collar of !lchlffll ruching was Mrs. Lela Tuttle. 91-year·old For Miss White Open 'Hoose: . gave a soft emphasis to the sheer grandmother of the bridegroom. BI/I and Deb Olcke.y Invite yo.u to, . V Insert yoke of point d'esprtt Bride elect Otene White of 01)( Jensen, Mrs. Larry Lubbeestedt, net, The long, sll1 dolman sleeves A RECEPTION was held at the on was honored at a Mrs. Dick Hansen, Eunice shore with us In the fay of o.i:ir rece!'t were trtmmed In schiff1i em­ church following the ceremony. , miscellaneous shower June 16 Oledlker and Mrs. Austin marriage,;- broidery and cuffed w+thrueh-tng..' Hosn were the bride's parent~. SI)(ty !luests attended Ihe 7:30 Gothter. Fro", the natural waistline fell K 1m Kardell of Lincoln p.m tete at St. Anne's Parish Please come -to ~pen.House-o~;­ a !lowing skirt of chtffon registered the guash and Nlesle Hall In Dlleon The guesfs came Miss White, daughter of Mr. oecceetea at the bot1om with a Price and E'Use Christensen of 'rom South SJoux City, Ponca, ttnd Mrs. Duane White of Dixon, 1030 First Avenue Irlple row of schlffll trim, The Lincoln arranged gifts. Norfolk, Laurel, Wayne, DI)(on, and Scott Nelson, son of Mr. and "kirt swept around the dress to Pam Nissen and Sheila Concord, Allen and Wakefield Mrs. Earl Nelson of Concord, Sunday, the 28th day of June. 1981 form a chapel length train Abresch cut and served the cake. Crazy brIdge was played and were married June 19 at St. .Two to Five O'C/ock P.M.. She chose a waltzlength veil of Jane Hahn poured sod Carrie readings were given by Mrs. Anne's C,'hollc Church In Dixon. .uosrcn tulle Schlffll embroidery Goertzen served punch. Susv Pet Leroy Creamer and Mrs Don trrmmed the longer second layer tlbone was at the sandwich table poeder as well as the blusher The veil All are of Lincoln. Assisting the honoree with her was attached to a lace covered A family reception was held In The brIde, a 1970 graduate 0' LeMars, Iowa in 1971 He Is ex­ gifts were Mrs Jay Fisher, Deb­ headpIece dotted with pearl!'> the- afternoon e t the lincoln East High School and a ecutive vice president of the First ble White and Carol Osborn. Mrs Thomasbrook Clubhouse In lin National Bank of Wayne Ralph White of Allen pour-ed and PAMELA Schneider 01 lincoln coin. Family members gathered 1974 graduate 0' Ha!ltings Col Mrs, Dick Hansen of Concord lege, was employed at IBM In was the bride's honor attendant for lunch and'io help fhe couple FRIENDS AND relatives are served punch lincoln prior 10 her marriage She wore a chHfon over tettete open gifts. Invited to honor the couple's mer­ Hostesses were Mrs Don gown of du~ty blue The bodice The bridegroom was graduated rlage at an open house reception Roeder, Mr" Leroy Creamer, teetcrec a round yolLe with a ruf THE NEWLYWEPS are now at Irom Laurel HIgh School In 1967 at their home on Sunday, June 28, Mrs Mike Kneitl. Mrs Floyd uc edge. all 01 Ivory schlffll em horne at 1030 tst Ave., In Wayne and from weetmer College In from 7 'to S p.m Bloom, Mrs Bill Garvin, Mrs. Marv'in Hartman, MN, Doyle M.J. sportswearIn Kessinger. Mrs, Ralph Whlto, Mrs Merie White, Mrs. Norman Linen an., polished CottOIl ttilbon::bifI­ Eagles Celebrotinq Fourth of July Bltners Skirts Slacks In Yellow 0,,1, ~agles Wayne "";111 celebrate FoundatIon to purchase reading lion they received from the club Beretmen. Doris GlIIIIand enc and .Iouses Fourth 01 July Ihls year with a material for senior citizens Bonnie Mohlfeld. picnic at the home of Bonnie and Linda Gamble reported on the SALLY Hammer, delegafe to Harvey Mohlfeld at 7 p.m. July 5 Multiple Sclerosis Drive and ask the state ccnvenucn. reported on A memorial service was con Plans were announced when ed members to complete end the Fraternal Order of Eagles due ted to honor deceesec :T;::Irr.!;;;.; the Au)(Hlary met June 15 with 18 return theIr envelopes to her or 77'h Annual Nebraska State Con members Fern Teat. president. Sally Hammer venucn held June 10·13 In Un The au)(illary was presented a coodoctec 'he meetlng Members were Informed of a corn "Lowest Delinquency'· plaque, Florence Kaplin, Mother of fhe cardiopulmonary resuscitation Theme was "Harvest ot New under 100 In the dl~trlcl Yea" was presented a pin refresher course to be held 'July Members," and the song was "On 1]·15 fhe Road Again." PLANS were completed lor a DeANN Henmers. secreterv. LInda Gamble, chairman of the Wayne members atfendlng fhe Father's Day potluck supper read a letter Iecm the- Golden. N.o-br .Jukn- - -Bov. -R-a-nch ~-wor.o--Sa1J¥ and.Alan Jyn~ 19 Eagle Fund with a 5100 check humanitarian project last year, Hammer, Fern and Larry Test, Nexf meeting Is July 6 al a p.rn enclosed. The check will 00 given received a token made by the Mylet and Elmer Bargholz, wIth Arlene Olsoh and Mary Wert 8S a glfl to the Wayne LIbrary boys In appreciation of the dona DeAnn Hellmers, Janice serving lunch.

You Are Invited Wakefield Book AvaHable to ... our wide ••Iee. tlon of wedding .fa· Orders are being acc;epted for" covering Wakefield's ttrst 100 the publISher by July 1. flon.ry and e e­ book containIng the history of years. IN ADDITION to the history, ceuorl••• Wakefield several pages In the back of the The book, complied and wrttten The book, which will have a Wedding hardback cover and an estimated book wlU Include pictures from by Lynn Holm, Includes an thIs year's centennial cbser Invltotlons, estimated 25,000 words and ap­ 120 pogn, ,. nearing completion vance. Napkins. Guesl prcxt mately 125 photograph. axpocfjCllo be_submUfedlo .nd'" 800ks, and Thonk AOVANCE order price 'or the book Is S17.50, plus 52 for p05tage You Notes In the and handling If mailing 15 re­ latest styles. quired. The book may be ordered at the THE WAYNE True Value Ho(ne Center or by HERALD writing to History of Wakefield, Box 329, W.kefleld, Neb., 68'''. - ... Payment fnllst bt made when the boof( 15 ordered and checks should be made out to History ot Wakefield. .,.., Delivery Is expected by Christmas. m_- ••.,...... u._.....

I COST OF the book after the ad· vance sale deadline will be con­ YO~­ alderably higher. l·STOP WEDDING CENTER . Couple Plan Celebration Mr. and Mrs,. Harry Granquist will be honored., on openhouM recept.Jon In observance of their 5OIhYieddll1ll.nnl...... ry onSun­ Cat/sonC,a', - ifiy-,. July6r fr om 2:30 10.:30p.m, INVltAflO~S at the HIU~est\Ce,.", Center rn ENCLOSURes Laurel. NAP,'NS. THANK YOUs The evenl will be hosled by RECEPTIONITEMS Ihalr children_ or.ndcl1Ildren, ATT~qANTS GIFTS Mr, indMrI.GIIbet'lGr.nqul., and lamUy O! COlorado Sprlngl. Glass Observance Colo':. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Short MIL ANDMRI. VIRLIH lila..ofWar'" will be -.os/of l1lItr2SJlI :..~ ;:'~I~ndof":''':'J::,,~:' wtlIdlnt .nmvenary.,.n...... nlCIPlloII "'" .1I.1_.nd qullf.ndf.mIlYof~Ue!lI.WYo.• ___,.me.7IIosf••"'W.' ,;~_~,.",follOw qulafancffjmllyOiLa\nl...... _,.....-~ _ .. tor1nlr .. __•. AIl_Iixl.-.cIll_... In- ...... wllfbo 1loo....,w.c!tI_, vlf""; . .

'. The Wayne Her.ld, Thursdav, June 25, 1981

Lysqoord Wins Top Honors in Wayne Open

Players From Four States Wfnrvents in Tourney

The annual Wayne Open r eoors Tourna Otck Wintermute of Holdrege and Tom ment may be more accurate at predICting Wylie of Hastings 6-oi, 6-7(4·7), 6·1. Winter weather than tbe Far mer s Almanac mul.e and Wylie wer·e ranked number four In For Ihe lOth co-wee unve year the Wayne the state. State teorvs coorts were hit by rain storms The division which drew the most state during the tournament A downpour early rolled players was the men's 45 singles. Sunday morning let' puddles on Ihe surface Anderson won that event with a 6·1. 7·6(7,3) lor the E'Mly portion at the tma! day'" ec victory over Nell Schllke of Fremont noo Anderson, who also was a double winner, W,nn€;.rs tram lour stete-, were presented 15 ranked third In the state oi5's, Schilke Is trophies during lhe two d"y tourney rdnked first, Roberts IS fifth and WInter mute Is eighth KENT l YSGAARD of Las Vegas was the big winner In the competition The (Jruvers! OTHER WINNERS were Churk ty of Nebr<'lS~N' t h Men's 45 singles; Bernie Anderson, her pdrtnt>rs Omaha. def Neil Schilke. Fremont, 61. Johdnt'~ dptp,llr·d (~I .... ndil R.-'lhr ot Omaha '617)) 0') 0 J In thp "O .. ll p v.oore s tlnals She Ihen Women's novice singles: lindsey carn e b,l' ~ to ""n thp m'H"d tltlp w,th par t Johanelo. Omaha. del Glenda Be nr . ne r PnLJI JOI\,HWk lhp team defeated Tim Omaha. 6 1. 6 J Pvtoero aoo 1I,1fb Harvey of Omdha 6) ,,, Men's open doubles· Kirkpatrick m the I,nals L y<;gadrd del TIm Putnam Jim Conant. In wamp,,', flOVI(1' ooobrs-s Johanek Ornab..., 6 2, 6" reameo ... <11, (Jnle )"Imen I H,lnsen 01 Men's '8' doubles: Tom Roberts, Wayne Wayne to til"t' 1,,\1 With il 6 '} 6) w,n over Pete Vogel, Omaha det Jim t.ooez Dwaine Glpndil 8ilhr lnd Har b Hilrvl"Y 01 Omaha Fee-ken. Omaha, 16,6-1,6 J Han~e-n I" Ih,· "'(P"! br'de 0, Milrty H,lnSf'n Men's ]5 doubles: Jim Johnson Schilke. at Way'li' F reman!. del John Bcends. Norlolk RIck t.acorote. Vermillion. 6 3, 6·0 WAYNE'S TOM RO/)f'rt~ wa .. a double Men', oi~ doubles: Anderson. Omaha ""nner ." tt",f" .our r-e , ue teeo-ec ""Ih Pele Rober t s. Wayne det Dick Wintermute, Vogel 0' to win the rnerrs ·S'double-s Ho!dreqE' Tom Wylie, Hasflngs 6-4, 6-7(4 7), Russ KIRKPATRICK mtsa backhand '0 Kent Lysgaard in the men's slngle~ final of the ..... ,(1, <'I I 6 62 6 J I, lurnph over Jim Looez 6 , Wayne Open. ~irkpatrick placed second ~ the SIngles but teamed with lysgaard to win the ilnd Dwame ~ e-eKen ot Omaha Vogel IS <'I Mlled novice doubles: Paul lindsey Open doubles title. He IS a Wayne State College graduate. The Wayne Tourney was h8'ld Satur Wnynf' ",t<'ll", (ollpCJe student Loper and Johanek Omaha cet. TIm Putnam Barb clay and SUliday at the Wayne State courts Fee-ken MI-' thl· s sete ~ vee one ranke-d ·B Har vev Omena 62, 7 5 double-s l"ilm Women's novice doubles: Johanek. The-n ,n th,· men 5 45 cocbtes . Rober tv Oro aha Gdle Ham.en, Wayne del Glenda KENT l YSGAARD hits a hard stam en route to wlnnlna the men's open singles title in the

Sunday's Race Results Free Tennis lessons

Mike Benson. wakeneto. was In truro place In the late model drvisron at lhe ....eektv aula races at l nter sta ta Speedway ,n Jetterson. S 0 Sunday nIght For Ages 10 Through 18 Benson won his heat and flnl shed fifth In the A feature Area vouths. eqe 10 through 18. are eligible to receive tree teomstessens again thIs sarnrncr ~hr;:;vgh a p'VY'afTI SaId A supper will be catored and charge Is S5 per couple Cost tor golfing Is 11 per couple To register for the event call fhe Wayne Country Club at 375-1151 or sign up at the club CLASSES WILL begin on ..tne mornIng ot Monday, July 6 and are tentativelY Everyone is welcome to attend scheduled al a, 9. 10 and 11 a m on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wedne&days and Thursdays The program is scheduled to run unlil Thursday, July JO Anyone who Is af~t 10 years 0' age and no older thftn 18 Is eligible to take lessons. Royals Tryout Camp Official United State~ Tennis Association certifIcate! and badges will be awarded to those Individuals who successfully complete the classes. One can 0' tennis balls also will be given tor each badge won ThIs will be the seventh year In the continuatIon ot the Wayne Recreation tennl.s pro-­ The Kansas City Royals will be In the area the last part of July The Royals are again gram Youths wilt be required to furnish' their own shoes and racquets possible, sponsoring a baseball camp at Wakefield. If A The camp, which tests young players for tatent and professional potential, Is scheduled limited number of racquets will be avallable_ All tennis balls will be furnished by the Recredtlon Department ' July 27 at the Wakefield ball park. Royals 1K0ut Carl Blando will be directing the camp

Lutt Wins at O'Neill

Terry Lutt, Wayne, won the second flight of the O'Neill Father's Day Golf Tourney held tennis results Sunday at O'Neill Country Club Th@ Wayne resident shot rounds of 38 and 39 to win his flight with a 77 total. LUff was presented a trophy and 16 lG-ounce rlbeye steaks for hIs performance. Other Wayne golfers In the tourney were Les Luff and Gary Wrede. Racque.teer Club Doug Rose de'. Keith ZImmer 12·5. Tennis Standings Gary Van Meter vs. Mark Wiltse-no WL Pet. results. 1 Dan Rose 84 17 .3' Bryan Stoltenberg def, Randy Piodenon Ralph Bishop All-Star Game 2 Doug Rose 84 ,. 12-7. 3. Keith Zimmer 77 24 ."76' Ouane Smith det. John-Mey&r 1'·6. 4. Keith Jarvi 78 38 672 KeUh Jarvi def. Oan kohls 12·1. The annual Ralph Bishop League JuniOr Legion AII..Star game It!.scheduled at 7:30 , 5, Duane Smith 4. J3 5•• Dan Rose def. Marlon Arrle$On 12..2. p,m. Wednesday, July' 1 hi Wakefield. The game was originally planned at Wayne but --, 6. Niels. ZImmer .. SO 580 moved because of ball park renovation '7,Curt Downey .3 ... 565 51,111 W.... R...III The nine Inning game will match top players 'rom each Junior L.eglon team In,~the 8. Ron Graham 52 47 .525 Ron Graham de.. Bryan Park 12·2, Ralph Bishop League. The North team will consist of Emerson, Laurel, Wakefield and 9. Bob EnSl 51 56 .5C)4 Curt Downey def. Tom Eynon 12·6. Hartington. The South will be made y.p of WInside. Bancroft. Wisner end Wayne. 10. Bryan Stoltenberg 55 57 49'1 NiCk Zimmer det, Bob Ensz 12·5. Each team will be represented by tour players. Coaches.should start making selections 11. Randy Pederson 36 43 .'56 Doug Rose del. Oava Coolay12-3_ soon. 12. Dave Cooley 56 rJ .4304 Kallh Zimmer del. Mark Wilt.. 12·1. 1~. Tom E Vnon 4S 59 .433 Randv Ped&rson VIS.Gary Van Meter-n9 14,Judy Janicek SS 75 .423 resuJtlS. IrwlnPrepa,..for AII·Star Game f5. John Meyer "37 51 .'20 Bryan Stoltenberg... de" JOhn -.Meyer 0". ' •• 1.6.·Marlon Ahlesat:! •• 60 .406 '2-1](5-3). 17. Mark WUtse 38 84 .311 J.dy Janicek del. OanKOhli1205_ .18. aryan Park 19 11 .211 K.llh Jarvi del. Marlon Arneson 12-2• 19. Ga~8nMeter 12 48 .200 O.ane 5mllll and Dan Rose,.!>y•• 20.'Dan Kohls_ 13 60 .178 Sov_w~~tiJiS .. N'ckZ'm",....deI. Curt FiftbWeek RKuItI 0_12-"170$1; Ron Griiham clef, Judy J:anlc.e'k'12·10.­ -CQrtDowney def,-ilrvO!l'Par1< 1202; ~:a~~&I:~"';12:i,;"jT~~~~~::iJi;~!~~ 8ol>ensz def_ Tom1':Yl1On 1206. . -Hick Zimmer CIe1, Oave'CooCey 12-6. ~~~:r"~~ i;'§~~J"'" ..... 'l'~rOf~!'.""'.~""""'_I'I~t ..""llil!!.•. !J~:,!.C"."'~=:=!-==-='-==:=;o='-'-="-'---""~--:------~-, . f -;.,~ .'. - .. " , \ ~J.~ ..... ; '"I '0_"""

" ~. r (

. The'Wayne Hera'd,.~,hurs~aY;,June25,'.1~81, Ir " ' . 'I ,,'0' '; ~ L.

...... •...... •.....••...... J .. . ,I COn t roversi;ql ... V'{l"Q.iM9';~P n'~.'",.: Wekafia Id TqJ:?Ctrqlrirtltl'g ", :; J_ "'1· ' wi,,:!'{- When Wayne and Wakefield get together tor a baseball game, there usually Is some controver­ sy. Monday night's Junld;r Legion ball game was no exception. The garmrwasn't as BXC'ttlng as­ the typical Wayne-Wakefield baf· tie through the-early Innings. But things picked up as the game pro­ gressed. Wakefield won the game 6-5 In nine Innings on a controversial call at the plate. It was the second consecutive nlmHnnlng loss tor Wayne's Juniors.

THE GAME ENDED wMn Mike Clay ran home from third base on an Infield grounder. Wayne flrst baseman Todd Skokan fielded the ball and ffred nomd. Plate umpire John Tore­ zen called Clay out as catcher Tad Heier took the throw and tag· ged the runner. Waketleld coach Paul Eaton protested the call. Insisting that Heier dropped the ball. After dIscussion between the two urn­ plres. the coaches and a couple of players-with excessive yellIng from some tans-the call was reversed and Clay's run counted. The run gave Wakefield" 6-5 vlc­ tory. Mark Starzl was the winning pitcher. He threw the final 2~ h nlngs In rellet ot starter Dale Phipps. Phipps struckcut 14 bat­ ters and gave up 8 hits In 6113 Inn­ Pbc!tograp~ lngs. Sterzt fanned sill: batters WU'ne Herald and gave up one hit TOO HEIER of Wayne tags Wakefield's Doug Stanl outat ho,me plate as Stanl tries to score from third ~ on an infield grounder. Wakefield won the Legion game 6-5. • J 1m Sperry suffered the loss tor Wayne. He pitched the final three Innings In retlet of starter Bill Vrflska. Vrflska gave up six hits through six Innings In his first MARl< KUBIK of Wayne slides I.o'ely Into third base for a trip'e aa Ralph Bishop Loogue game 15-'. start. Sperry gave up one hit In Wakefield's Mike Clay tries '0 make the ,ag. Wayne MJdgets won the the final three Innings. from there on a wild pitch by Wakefield AS R H J. Hallstrom I Starz!. M. Stanl 4 0 2 J. Coble -0 THE VISITORS were the first Waketleld threatened to score D. Phipps 4 1 0 T. Harder ~ to put a run on the scoreboard. in the bottom at the eighth and M.Clay 4 3 1 R. Llnafelter 0 Tod Heier reached base In the Wayne threatened In the top at W.Guy 4 2 2 Keith Roberts ~ urat InnIng because at an error the ninth but both threats were Kent Roberts 3 0 1 and scored on a base hit by Tim stopped short. B. Warren 3 0 0 Totals 32 6 eyrie Midgets Rise To Top Clay's winning run in the bot­ -t Pfeiffer Waketleld managect twc runs In tom at the nInth put an end to the the bottom at the Inning. Phipps Ralph BIshop League COnteSt',- We Sell walked and scored on a base hit Wayne Is scheduled to play at by Wayne Guy. Guy scored on a Emerson tomorrow (Friday) and hit by Kent Roberts. Wakefield will host Bencrctt. On AFFORDABLE HOMES Of Ralph Bishop Standings In the fhlrd Inning, the hosts ln­ Monday, Wayne will play at Win­ creased their lead as Mike Clay s/de and Waketleld will play at took advantage at Wayne errors Wisner. A battle of onoee tens turned In watked and Todd Pfellfer walked and Heier scored the runs Wayne AS R H to score a run 10 a one sided contest Monday to load up the beses. Steve OverIn Key hits were a sIngle by Ptett T. Pteltter 3 2 1 Wayne 100 120 100-5 9 6 nIght as Wayne's MIdgets drove In two runs with a double ter , d Iwo-run triple by Overtn. a S.Overln 4 3 2 The Wakefield lead was cut \N~k&fl,g.1d 'In, ~1~ ~1_4 7 1 and TOdd scnwertr brougn, In thumped W",kefleld 15-S to move run scoring double by McCrIght, J. McCright 3 2 1 back down to one run as Pfeiffer tnto sole possession 0' fIrst place two more by blasting a triple A a run scoring triple by Mark P Melena 0 0 0 scored a run In the third. Singles Wayne AS R H In the Ralph Bishop League base hit by Chris ,Wieseler KubIk, a run scoring single by T Schwartz 4 1 1 by Pfeiffer and McCright and B T. Heier 5 2 1 11 was the sixth consecutive broughl In the final run Heier and a run scoring Single by C Wieseler 2 0 1 double by Brian Fleming ac- J. Morris , 2 2 league victory lor Wayne and the Jorgensen Niemann also had a R Metteer I 0 0 counted for the run ~ J. Allen 3 0 1 first loss In Sill league games tor AGAIN, THE HOSTS reteneted hit S Niemann I I 1 The two teams exchanged runs T. Ptelffer 4 1 3 Wakefield with two runs In the bottom of the C. Darcey 2 0 0 In the tilth Inning as Wakefield P. McCrlgh9 4 0 1 Wayne won the game In flvu In Inning Jeff Olson and Brian THE HOME TEAM scored two M. Kubik 2 I I protected Its gllm lead. Heier B, Fleming 4 0 1 nlogs because of the lO-run-rule Soderberg both singled and more runs In the bottom 01 the T Heier 4 2 2 singled and Jere Morris walked O. Proett 2 0 0 The Visitors lumped out In front scored flffh but" wasn't enough to send J Jorgensen 3 II to start off Wayne's rally. A dou­ J. Sperry 2 0 0 with two rum In the first Inning The only run of the thIrd Inning the game In"to Its regullU'"ly K Maly 1 2 1 ble by Jeff Allen and single by T. Skokan 3 0 0 was scored by Wayne's Jeff scheduled sixth Inning Coble and Totals 30 15 13 Pfeiffer brought In the two runs. B. Vrtlska 2 0 0 a~ou' STEVE OVERIN and Jeff Me Jorgensen He reached base on MIke Murphy scored the final two Ask our 'ow 'nf.r.sf fInancIng opflon•• J. Baler erlahl !>.Coredthe first runs of the an error, advanced a base hit 2 0 0 on runs. Both elevers walked and In the bottom at the Inning, Tot::f~ ga~e when a two-out fly ball by by Kevin Maly and came home on Troy Harder ripped a two-out trt­ Clay singled and Guy walked. A '" John or carolyn 375.3374 113 ~,'Mall(: Chris Wieseler was dropped by Plel1ter's sacrifice'. In Ihat Inn pie for two RBI's. sacrifice fly by Billy Warren and thc right fielder lng, Wayne's Cbrts WIeseler was Wayne's third Me. a hit by Hattstrcm accounted for Wakefield got back one 01 the kicked out of the game, reported Crlght.was kicked auf of the Waketleld's runs. runs In 'he bottom ct-the Inning as Iy lor trying to jump over a game for arguing with the base, Jet! Coble reached base on an er fielder's tag umplr~ en e dose call ror, stole second and third and The fifth Inning padded Winning pitcher was Pfeltler scored an Tray Harder's bese trlt. Wayne's lead, The Midgets added and loser was Soderberg DlQ~~®. In the second Inning, Wayne seven runs 10 their tote! 10 take a pushed uve runs across thoplste IS·) edge. Maly, Pfeiffer, Overtn. Wayne 251 t)7-1S 13 Tim Heier singled, Kevin Maly McCright, Niemann. Mark KubIk Wakefield 120 02- S 4 . ' ; Let's Have a Ball! ~.~I wayne . \ \ //:' Yel. w,hell you put your lavlllgt III a lit Sovlllgi bowling ~ Account you can take your choice of top quality

Friday Nigh. Couples Summer Leaguo ltmIII~portlngE~ulpment, WON LOST .\...... < .c::.o Oall-Burt 22 6 Choole;ro~: Wlllo~i:ootbolil -'II!1.k~t'';~ii~;i;. Troutman Baler 19 9 . 6.• ··.··.. :.. ;' i Janke-Jacobsen 18 10 'HEECOKE ~ SoftbaUI'- BOleboll1 - Golf lkiul .:.... Tennl. • '.~ ." Rose- Park 11 11 . Balls ~ or 0 Carrvlllg8cig,· .• -:".. Barner· Barge 14 14 FORAYEAR Taylor-Luellman 13 IS Nlssen-Hotetdt 11 17 Buy a 48 oz. Bucket filled Sthultz·Ounn 10 18 with Coke for $1.99. Cany It Heftl·Lubborstedt 9 19 anywhere you want, but bring Karlberg·Thompson 7 21 ~ High Scores: Anita Burt, 213, it ba4 and we'll fill .. up 540; Keith Lubberatedt, 195; FREEfouHiear anytlllle you Larry Echtenkamp; 538; Rose­ order a medium or largepl$l." ~ Perk, 711. 1,920. Huny though, quantltl~~:a~~ . limited. Limit one Bui:liet refill per pizza order:' ••"d rll. W",n. H.,,,'d for rllt, Lo.....'n . Sporf.Happ••'.",

W.yll. Clu~ tty ..fhw.y ...... ' ,--«I.' ~.t .. tM ".000 ,cu...,,~.,•...... ,...,

ii;.:"::- ~~' . _ ~;:i

~erald; f<"i~ '.. The Wayne nwursday, June 25, 1911 - . (. . ,) .~' l 'Iti'I~N) ---_-_--- _ TV Weatherman t~ Emc.,· 'arad.·

. ':-'-",' :';:~,":-," '. c' (~n"n,"", from page 11 home to Identity and place the ment arrangements and Intcrm­ Tom ·PetersQn, Channel 9 ACCORDING to Wakefield same. each '·~ttWn '(Mtt) Is a . confaln., cocaine -r-. during the defendant there. ' ed the fury of bargain, weatherman, will emcee parade chairmen BerneaJ .dlltlnctlve t.rlan of pertlcul.r -"SCUffle".rthe-'van. Kirby Intet'lected with ques­ At one point, Kirby sfartled Wakefield's Gran~ Centennial GUI'.,... and Don Rciu.... .n· SCol\lsILCIIlI,fit SCol\lsh Reol· ---."1 flm obi" Hans. t b'af.. _'o!/,er e _. _W-ej;L Sabra. wUh ,"..questlon...about lni:­ parade tbis.- .saturdA)'. &wnJng, -,r~n~l", ~!.'~~~~!1~_, _ment of the BrWIh Army, _ when the defendant pulled If out backgrounded with Information . munlty from prosecution outside beginning at 6 o'dock. parade Include til.}' Om.h. Plpls Although 01the membIn of hls fJocket," responded Avery_ about Jaeger's presence at the Wayne County, Peterson, born and. raised In and Druml. 01the blind 01ScoIllsh-' '" \".'~rlg!'\t=!~hlhi (We!b!el, Weible place Tlw'ugh Delay never unce Sl=ux 'Ctf",.~ lolned· C=nne! 9' In Th8 Qn;0h0 PI,.. and Drums ."" _r iM!rfiln"l"s ,...... I had ahold of his ann." In fact, Kirby managed to mentioned Immunity, Sahra'-- In March 1977 as weatherman for flrsf.organlled In 1971. After an most.,. not.1"h8tIInotrequJred According to Brown's Monday place on the record several his response - Indicated he lelf Malor 9 reporfs, In July, 19n, he entire year of practice, the band to becoriI. • member of the testimony. ," the patrol man statements regarding -a he had been promised Immunity and other KCAU staffers 'ormed mustered twopipers and a dru",· group. recovered the pecket from washroom - where some 0' the throughout "'ebraska the Malor 9 Heavy·Hltters Tour· mer proflclenf enough fo play For eXlmp.e; Tony Smith, beneath the parked police van. evidence was gathered - In the KIrby said that was not the Ing Softball Team. That falt they publicly. DfilmMolor01'''''omaha PIp" th9u9h he testifIed that he'dld not house th;il is just off Jaeger's case Sahra grimaced began to plav In area 'cem­ TodaV, the band has over 30 and Drums, II • farmer cadet see It tossed there by Weible, bedroom During DelaY'1I examination cSf munltles as the.....eavy·Hoopers. pipers, drummers and students. membler- or 1M 2nd Battalion of who's on 'trial for three drug Th(' exchange, wblcb saw Sehre. fhe state's witness Iden Peterson was 1980 president of However,.the tradltlonslntroduc·' the QUH'tI'. Own Cameron charges resulting from the mid· Avery responding 10- two at ti'ied 'he bales 0' marijuana ceo­ the Greafer Sioux City Press ed to Omaha by.lhe Omaha Pipes HlghJander!l of Canada. n.ghf raid. toccev s s orn e t l mes lisca'ed during the rald as Club. He serves on fhe bOard of and Drums began In -. much Late Tuesday afternoon Avery simultaneously - ended with "home-grown pot." He said he the Sioux CltV Communl'v earlier era. testified he saw Weible take th:e .Juoce Garden recessing until 9 cui It, dried II, baled It, packaged Theatre. He was the 1979 Sioux· -pecket-trcrrr ~shtrtpocket Clnd; a m wecnescev 11and stored It. then delivered It land Easter Sea's Hono,.ary PERSONS ;"'holook carefully ce::~~:':E~~;~ttn;::~~:: throw it near or beneath the to the 6usskohl bome. Chairman and the 1980 Honorary at the kilt! worn by members of grand parade Fr'.y at 6 p~m. A -poMa-van.llleTiW"esflgator said IT ALSO CAME etter a day Chairman --of ifie"- Siouxland the Om-1mB Pipes and Drum-swnt ltlddh'pareilj~KlMtdufedsaWr­ Brown recovered the packet and long series ot witnesses lor the lATE, MORINING and early March 0' Dimes Walkathon. noflcb the pafferns are nof all fhe . day at 4: 30. handed It to him, Avery said he slate, including Vernon Sebre. afternoon testimony at the trial put It In his coat pocket who took the stand as a state's carne from two chemical experts witness against Weible etter ob as DeLay worked to establish the AVERY'S descriPtiO!01 the. tainlng a plea agreement With the chaIn of evidence and the teen­ packet's contents as "a light special prosecutor ttuceuon of cocaine and mari­ Bonus'Bucks Winner Wanted colored powder" brought more Satvr a. 31 who now lives jue;! juana as the two controlled L loyd Morris of Carroll lost ovf eel In partlclpaflng stores at 8 IGA. Rusty Noll. T & CElee· questions from Kirby, a Norfolk ovts.oe Yilnk.ton S D was ar substances Involved In the case 00 the Grand Glve-A·Way bonus p.m. sharp, The name will be one tronlcs, Wlyne Book Stor., attorney, who. along with lincoln rested in the WlnStde drug raid VIctor Sterup, Nebraska State bucks lasf Thursday night, 10 If's 0' over 8.000 co.dalned In the Swan's Womerta Apparel, ala· attorney Robert Bartle, has been along wrth Bv ss k oh r Patrol forensics c bem rs t. time to go for It again this week. Wayne Herald's wire caga. count Furnltur., DI.mond representing the defendant (Grasshopper I U and Diane testilled for upwardS of two hours Morris was not In .. par­ ff the customer or spouse II Contor. M'dwn' Fodor.1 SovIIl\lS KIrby immediately challenged Coyle ]-4 to establish the chemical Identity ticipating merchant',. store to presenf, It's a winner. The'money & LOlin Auoclatfon, Mike Perry Avery's description of the Seb r a. who h",s agreed 10 ot the evidence setzec In the raid collect the ",000 In bonus bucks will be delivered that night and ClIevrolol-Qlcls. CorvollOorlly. packet's contents, suggesting teslily eqerost wcrote In return Star-up had run -tesrs on the - money he could have spent on can be spenf Immediately Ben Franklin, 8111'. GW, that it could have contained "a Charles Weible and arternev Vincen! Kirby. tor a Quility pie", to a reduced material In late January and ear Tuesday nlghf's Moonlight Here's a list of the per­ KTCH, Charlie's R.rr.....ttan. white piece of somethIng hard" Olarge, the promise Ihal he will Iy Februrary Madness sales. tlclpaflng merchants: Ellingson Motor Co.• The First Among the items Avery said he waiting at the Bu s skobts or w hite hard rock like not serve lime In d sre te penal in After lunch recess. William J Burger Barn. Fredrickson 011 NatIonal Bank, kaup's TV, material tound In whal he described as a residence tor it ride to the Weible stilutlon and that 'he state will Ihm, a chemist with lutheran Under the· contest rules. Co., EI Toro, Wayne Shoe Co., Ar­ Kuhn's Dept. Store. The Morning "kitchen area closet," were vials With the special prosecutor home tor the e;earch recommend leniency In sentenc Medical Center In Omaha. took spouses CIIn claim the bonus nie's Ford·Mercury, Black S,,-. McDonald' .. _chon! shaking his head and Judge and a coke spoon ing, was repree;ented by Pete ~ubstanfjated bucks. but no spouse answered Knight. The Vets Club. Carhart 011. Pamlda. RELENTLESSLY, Kirby the stand He Richard Garden listening intent crall. Lumber Co., Triangle Finance, Wayne Grain and Feed, began to challenge the testimony Bldke'Slee for lincoln atforney Sterup's testImony - t@sflmony the Iy. Kirby further suggested that KIRBY, who had IUSI huddled Kirk Naylor ''-.J that Identitied some of the Another '1,000 In bonus bucks Is Karel's, The 4th Jug. Northeast Associated Inaur.nee, TP ,about the Weible home, sug the investigator could not reealt with &rtle. Judge Garden and' ready tor lIOme lucky lucky_shop­ Nebraska Insurance AiJency. Lounge. KIng'. Corpeto, ~ gesttng in his line of questioning evidence as cocaine and marl what pocket - coat or pants - he DeLay in an on-the record ses DURING HIS testimony Tueo:, per this Thursday nlgttf. Jack Tomrdle.-Kuhn', Carpet and Valley Implement.' Chrysler that the defendant shared the luana placed the packet in sian on the west side of the court dily mornlnQ Sahra ellpldined his Throughout the evidence Draperies, Surbers. Jeff', Cafe, Contor. Grl R II. o.-·s rl)om, returned to the defense hovse with others, namely Terry Avery, who offered to recheck reldllonshlp w,th Weible ('OmPilCter C1~ rhey started And earshot con terence wae; part 01 ot cocaine wllh Intenf to deliver ilnd heildlng tor W,nSld" Irom rf>~umed Ier tenl 10 deliver and poe;seSslOn 01 the IUry tlon part at the running trial THE FIRST cocaine "'ff>., 01 <'I Irrend wdh a -4 wheel Aliery lonllnued to testlty And record Judge Garden has The tlrst counl IS a (lass II drllfe pickup 10 del'ver the marl '10= '>it,d Ihat dmOnq the things he ordered Ihat the detense be bar leiony which carfles a ma)(lmum IUiH1'!> te'!>llfied thaI minimum IS one year In lad J€'sllga'or said h~ .turned the tor Weible's defense PossessIon 01 cocaine IS a Class Weible was at the Busskohl I ,tems over '0 Rardy Brun IV telony and carrIes a mall reSidence that December nigh! lkhorst an ·Omaha based drug THROUGHOUT Kirby'S cross FUND only becau';€' Sahra would not- Imum penalty at I,vE' years In Iff nV€'''itlgator tor the Ne-bra-:.ka examination of Avery, DeLay ob lall a l,ne of SlQ,OOO or both let the deal go down·' wllhout State Palrol lecfed to the Quee;t1oning and was the tdvern owner ~ustalned Brunckhorst, who has spent a number of times Sahra ,o'>lsted he had mel OFFERS HIGH RATES ON SHORT TERM Kirby went so lar as to ask KIRBY continued to cross two ddY'S at the special pro Busskohl only once before Ihe secutor's right elbow In a Chdlr p.very wnetner, In a maner a~ presence at Brummels and nlqh! of thp rilld He said INVESTt-y'\EtUS WITH A MINIMUM DEPOSIT OF only an :e-d more q;;e" witnesses who have been bUilding lions aboul the time lap't>e bet ty we will transfer yeo..r fu ..... ta your chackllltJ or lavl.... account.·'lnt .... the links to an evidence chain ween the bust at Busskohrs home tlonal may withdraw thl. offer at any tim. and rat.. on future offerl may that reaches from the drug bust and the search of Weible's home vary••ublaet to ma....t condltl...... Thl. Inv..tmant I. avallabl. to H a date to the courtroom Avery told the lury he was the ASHLEY by As Delay contlnue(f to elicit re.leI.nt. only. . testimony from the investigator who was among -those State after;~ Patrol officers and undercover Read and Use agents who searched Weible's Six' // home within hours affer the Dec Wayne Herald 19 raid on Ihe Busskohl home, the Annual Rate jury heard Avery's account of fin ding more evidence at the tavern Simple Interest owner's home - several blocks Want Ads Term away 89 days '13.00% Toda~ ittakes two... Over 89 PARTNERS and YOU 5000"" days 13.50%

•..._Iu...J...... ,rt .... flntl luIMII...not~. - .._.'''e,.__.-lor ,.o.I.e. _ ...... ,._"", for_om ...... CQ

Deciding on the guest list for your wedding can ~ be 10Ullh.Deciding on the men.'sformalwear Is ealY. Just look lor the Alter Six label. If. your assurance orquality and fit thaI corry you from ."",,,,",,.~ Ie ..,.,... the ollar 10the reception. And your assurance w.· '" , a! the lalest !aShlon and color ... like the new Ashley shown above withIII debonair salin as­ cal. See the Ashley eollectlOn and ather flne AlterSIxForraols al ~.


. \J •II~iiiiiIIjJ If II TheWavne Herald,.Th'ursday, June 25,1901 • Ii ~pt ~oticej------J If Garage Sale 'j ------DISCOUNT ~I~EWORKS, A FOR SALE: 4·1001 display tables the VIII,\ge Clllric that such Ivbjecls were NonCE OF.AMENDMENT TO (ontDlned If) said agenda for alleast Iwenty ! dl.~play every government offlcl.' or ARTICLES OF INCORPQ/tATION complete of all legal and with shelving Contact four hour! prior 10 saId meellng; thaI ~ald safe day and night fireworks at Pamlda 118t3 board '.that handl•• - pUblic mlnules were in wrl!lon form and available ALl'EN AY~:TION: I,k ! RUMMAGE SALE the stand located at PAMIDA manop. IIhould publish lit for public ,nspllcllon wllhln len workIng(jays AI's Air Service, Inc., whosBfegl,leredo!· regular Intervals un acc6un· "nd prior 10 fhe nul convened /neetlog of 'IU Is Eesl HlghwlIY No. 35, Wayne, DISCOUNT CENTER In Wayne. FOR SALE: Charolets Bulls, ','id body Nebrllska, Iljloph!d by consent 01 an .dlr~c· Open stock and family assort tins of It shawlng where end AliceC. Rohde, Clerk tors, offlcers and 'Shareholders an"lImend· z-vserotcs, yearlings, one 3·yei!r and BAKE SALE merits. Open day and night In­ how .ach dollar is .apent. We ment 10 Arncre I Q1'the Articles 01Intorpora· old. 718, 15/16 and purebreds (Publ June251 tlon by dUlnglng.the nameDl Ihtcorpc;lTatlon hold this to bo II fundamanUtI cludlng July 4th. FREE punk 10Allen AI/Illtlon, Inc SomethIng for Everyone Nineteen years. breeding principle to damocratlc; with every purchase 125t3 Charolals Top bloodlines. AIie-ttAvlatlon.lnc. ~ governmont. NOTICEOF INFORMALPROBATE B, aIds, ~warts lind Eon. Attorneys Saturday, June 27 - 10- EVANS STOCK FARM, Bloom ANONOnCE TOCREDITORS (Pub!. June II. te.'lSI ONE SET of double windows; field (402) J7:)·4576. • m21112 C4511 No_ 45ajl fIrst UnIted MethodIst Church screens and storms Included. One County Court ofWayne Counly, Nebraska CARROll "ILLAGE E~llI!e ~;.~~j~l.l~ 6th and MaIn. Wayne wooden door. round kitchen table BOARDPROCEeDINGS NO!lceof'5 LouisherebyG givenWalde,Ihaloeceesecon June la, NOTlCEOF INCORPORATION wtth one teaf and four chairs; one FOR SALE: Now almond colored"'" 1981. II> lhe- Wayne -Counly ~1W+.----Ihe------~her..ei:l)t..gJ,y~hll followln bath tub and double mirror Jun02.1981 R of Ihe Inllllli rlllJlsfered 01· Presldenl, secrel"ry. r-eescrer. and such speeo for bOlkot In Wlllo,SlImpl 1 !Ice II 2U Pearl. Wa,no, Nebrllska. lind lh1! olher of"cen as mllYbe pro.... lded lor In Ihe :; 'Automobiles Ce-ecu po,lm",f(>, 260 InitIal rll'llislerlld agent III lhal "ddrllU Is By Lllws D_E.S..tnc backl. If In.ores.ed. call Special Notice A mollon 10pny ~II bdl, ~, p,(>,,,nled w", wnne L Wlsemlln. M.D mad" by HlItt/lnd '"",,ondedb~ J"n(~ A roll J Th" generlll ~ture 01Iho busIness lobi! 'Publ June1S. July 2.91 FOR SALE: 1976 VW Rabbit, 1 Tad Draw"". 375·9974 ceu vol" "'II' laken ""fh..,11mon,bcr, vollng Irllnlllchtd Is 10 carry on lind cOl1ducl TEACHER FOR grades 4.5 and 6 THE DISCOUNT FIREWORKS v•• dlaQnosls, care and trelltment of humans door, 4 speed, air cooctuooec Bamotlmo In tho p.m. no at St Mary's School In Wayne stand will be open all day and Into OLD BU~INESS "h(>,·, '(>I><"'~ were lind to provide h~lIh servla!s In<:htdloobut Phone 375 3616 j1StJ nof limited 10 lhOl precttce 01 modldne lind $1.50<1 available with principal/head lator than July 2. the night June 2S through July 4th l' b"dg"j ~ The authorized captlIII slO{"~ of tM cor CHOICI NEIGHIO~ Morey Hall Rm )11 115t] CENTER parking 101 In lor a\ 81 A .pe"/Il bUdllel me.,II"Qwill be per/l'lon Is 10,000 ,hares of co.nmon ,tock Wayne j15f] ne,(>"ncy wh"n ,f "'l'..dy I" b~ e."mlned A wllh IIpllr value 01'1,00 oach 01which may Low utlll.y IlI!U. I~ .bl. ,~~" HELP WANTED: Two live In roll (lIli vol" "'/I' '..ken ...,Ih "" "'"mber. be Issued for any medium perml"lble lInder ranch .tyl_ homo~ ~~t':'~ , apartment supervIsors 10 super pro... nt ~ollnll yeO fhe lawlof 1M Stllh! 01Nllbrll!ka.II"dlll Is FOA ·SA,L~: 1954 BUick Special four bedrooms and tV, .... vise .two developmentally dlsabl Th""'belno "0 f"flh", b,,"""" 10' dl,c"s determined Irom time to lime by IhI!800rd 1 doOr hard top Phone MOVING? lion a motton fa M1Io",nw,,'"'"d., by J"nck of Dlrector~ lu.t on the main floor. At. I'd women In an aparlment o;jtua lind '...-ono1..d by H~Jj .. '011 ",II _ole w'" )75 ]~, IlSlJ Don't "d,o c:honc:o. with ,.our s The corpol'lIllon commenced ax'stllnc:e tached gar..ago aner"centraf lion Apply at Region IV Ser , For Rent I"ken wllh /IIIm"mbe" p'~"'r" .-ol'no ye~ on Ihe /Hln",lind recOl'dlnQ of II~ Artlc1n of olr. Ta.e a look at tbl. On•• woluoblo bolo"'9InO" Mawo with Th~ npol 'cooula' mtj, air conditioned, garage, no All11 N.,b'/lskll r,,,,,,by c"rhl, th~f "II 01 Wayne J7S 1111 We (,1n !>ave rled couple or single prelerred mill' bOI prescribed by lhoe by lawo. or lip yOU money I a14t4 Ihe ."bl"(!S Included ,n Ih" lorl'go,ng pro polntod by lhe 80ard of Directors ]75 J081 125t] c""dlngs "",ro contained ,n ,0,,,..gendll 'or Willis l.. WIIOCNln,M.D fh.. ",,,,,t'''g kepi ,,,,,,I'n,,,,II. ,,,,ce,,1 ..nd In~tor SALlES a~ ..II..t>I .. !m publ" '"'0''' '10"," II..., ofllceo! (Publ June 11l2S.July 2) good selection TWO BEDROOM apartmenf for MANAGEMENT renl Phone ]75 1918 m 18H DISCOUNT FIREWORKS. A of $900·$800 tomplete display of all legal an_d !lafe day and nlghl fIreworks at APARTMENT FOR RENT: SPECIAL SAVINGS _ 1P[Ei! WU!( , the stand locatud at PAMlOA Phon\)-375·2257 ..:::.'U 0771t Dodge If you con 'ruIn ond manQgo. DISCOUNT CENTER In Wayne coli mo. 'ast growing company Open slock and lamlly as!lorf with tromondaUll opportuni_ APARTMENT FOR RENT: 7 ments Open day and night In FOS~,i:, ~?~~~~ose ~1 ty o.panllflng inta thl. oroo. bedroom with cenlral all' condl dudlng July 4th FREE punk m Aries Coli Id lpont:or colloet Qt: lIonlng and utility room Near with every purchase i25tJ ilohopplng area, no pets 402·592-3170 3752097 14ff Wanted 3 Pair for only$2.00 - R & Omni's Beautiful shades sunlight, belgelone, coffee ~' WilL 00 tustom slacking with Sizes A Ihru Queen ~Ize (ell.tro lorge) Cardof Thanks John Deere ilolacker Call Remember 3. yes 3 poir of Legg's panfyhose . iust 1200 .... ~ - 5854755 '" m71 II CHRYSLER

SPECIAL THANKS fo relaflves MANY THANKS 10 Gary Wesl A VERY SPECIAL thanks 10 our COUNTRY GIRL DRESS SHOP SUMMER OUTSIOE palnf jobs, and tr~ends who vlSlled me while the Providence Medical Center tamlly, trlends and neighbors lor North 01 AI\~" al Ihe h""'flO1f1 "I Hwy,_ <;) & 20 Free estimates given. H & L CENTER I was In Ihe hospital and Since I staff, my Kappa sisters, my taml all Ihe prayers, Ilowers. gifts. OPf:N Mnndi1\ <)-()()·9:00 lllt"~day-Salurday <;)'00.5:00 Painting,. call4Q2-638-2585 j'22f4 have\j)een at Ihe Wayne CtHe Iy and The Wayne Herald !>talf (ards and visits d\Jrlng our slay 7th & Main Cenlre For Ilower~i. gills and 'or your concern and care atter in fhe hospital A special thank'S the lovely cards. fhe wonderful my accident lasl week SpecIal '0 Or Benthack and Gary Wesl. nursing stalt SI':iter Gertrude thank.s '0 lhe Bruce Johnson 10 Pastors Weiss, Pastor Haler Or Bob and Waller Benthack. family, Yogi, Nanny, Deb. Sandy mann and Pastor Carter lor fhelr c"aryWeS1 and 10 Rev Edmond", ROI and "Or Cindy" tor your prayers and visits Also, a thanks lor his visits Thanks also 10 all of special care Randy, thanks lor 10 the people who helped out at (For the F'nollt you lor remembering my birth k.kking me when I needed II It's Ihe accldenl You'll always be In CUfJtom Drapory NEW CONSTRUCTiON day with cards and glHs I dId ap people like you who make all the remembered Randall Lorraine "Motorial and Servllto" mu~h predate II so f mmd bumps, bruise!> and aches easier and Chris Johnson )25 I'han<> 375-11101 HIcks 11S to live wIth becau~e I you're Ihere Theresa Wulf 115 Jock YomrdlQ Kuhn'o Carpet £ Drapery A SPECIAL Thank You to I AM GRATEFUL to everyone W~yno. Neb. relatives and IrlCmd!> lor their I WOULD LIKE 10 thank all. tor their cards and phonB calls HOURS ._ kInd and con~lderille cards whose many get well wishes were durIng my hospital stay and since floworr., memorial!>, prayers and directed my way during my stay returning home. A spedal thank expres!!.lons of sympathy al the In Ihe hospitaL also a big thank you to Dr. Walter and Or. Bob loss Or our beloved father LouIs you 10 helpful neighbors' since Benthack. Gary West, Pastor Walde's daughters Evelyn and returning home Yes, the nurses Peterson, Sister Gertrude end the Mary Lou 175 are Included too! Geo 0 nurses, II was appreciated very Macklin j2S much, Lois Gust 125 NlR. I OUR HEARTFELT THANKS ·to fARMER: j il all who ektended comforting { r sympathy and help In our recenl $If ! sorrow. For the floral offerings. cards. food, memorials and other Take A free Look At kindnesses we are deeply SHERRY grate~ul The Sleube Family j25 One Of Wayne's BROS. Finest Homes FOil -Anhydrous -Soli Sampling

-Complllfli Fe;tililer fREE Punk with Program '!,ery fireworks .3 bodroom. • Formal living room ,e Dry & Liquid purchale at the I Flnltohed bOllomont • Formal dining room comploto with kitchen • largo, ,paclou, 101 ferflllier :Dllcount Stand • FomilV room • Try our blendod • Nearly I'.500sq. ft. Intu(ellt. rotu itlocated at Ike . • Formate,~'ry • Lowottllty bill, . -Chemlcols PAMIDA ,SHERRY ·.8R05. ~ISCOUHT CENTER MID,WESTLAND, to. 'arlit & Homt'Center .."",..N.,.. 116 W. 1st.· WayM' parking lot N.It'...'orO'... 25 'hI tJHt 3150%011­ ".ylle-.~--1HI--"~~='i'!'!'''"--,v..,. ~'n<::'\M~---c-i_ b,...",~ i=:m SoMItl.ow...... II----tI- "-1;",,"


1------"-"- ·.'n8 "Tho times are such tha' It's lust to be anyone who wants to "build Implement them as the dollars that dldn't have OJ college. a the people who bring us the pro­ While holding the city ao. THE 1973 graduate 0' Mankato from Il"QlJ la.il_ 11 going to bo 8 little slower." an edifice" to his or her term In become eveuebte.' hospital and en lillrpcrt:' ho said. ducts to,. our customers. So, we mlnlstrator's lob at Forest Cjt~ state, ties worked for Nor J*IIlIe ' post nlvenary M&y J1) of Forest City member of t.,o Forest Clfy Undaunted by the fact Ihi'll he ~. teo.. ··If I have soma doubb. prcqresstve enough to consider here ·'We beve merchants who was selected on Outstanding Chamber 01 Commerce lost the Rusty Nail's Ugly TIe arnooK'lw poo;))la will have tt\3m A BUSINESS qr eouete of alternatives - "the new and be, We need fa land one or two make customers fool welcome:' Young Repubqcan In Iowa lor Downtown Renov atton Cornrntt Contest, Klos'er Is an optlml~1 by th~' IY7o-71 01",,- Mankato State u nrver sr tv. fer ways of doing things' moderate err e d . preferably he added "Ultlmately, sold tee and a member Q11he North """",,- ~~.twamt:o~ Mo.n.k.ato.. Mlnn..... K.!osJe,. &.!Hd he KtOSteL wee nned the posJf1on clMn, lndu~"'h~! so we can get me on wevec" HIs mother ls a retired elernen Iowa MunicIpal Electric 'I enjoy life, he sard 'II I' from now I we feola Wayne Is financially sound left vacant since last tall when more tamille' to move Into Selected <'!In Ouhtandlng Young lary school teacher Ccooer euve board of drr ectors. m yea" can say sounds corny, bul I'm Il;ankful Qd Ul3 right thing 50 yean ego." ·'We will continuo to work on e Darrell BrewIngton let1 the post Wayne to gel more dollars 'urn Man of America In 1980, Kloster HI, father owned and operated A track and field man, Ktoster that every mor runq I can SC'(' Iha! sound basis:' he Sl'Ild "There seld the attitude of the Council Ing up and down Main Street," he (tKp!alned tha' he had some II flllmlly locker plant and grocery also played I;lgh set-cot football sun come up in the east ""-.50mattIing 01 0 flSCllI reenet. won't be any rt1ak·taklng wIth the contrIbuted heavily to his coer said 'creative rceee" to help promote ston.., and basketball He attended K.~ 1$ quick to pc»nt out thet flu.payers' pocketbook slon to take the city ad r m p r e s sec wltl; Wayne's Wayne HI!> wtte. E ueeo Zuehlke 01 Hamillon Business College etter "And. I'm learning 10 enloy mo cost 01 municipal eervrcee III Kloster, who ha5 been doing mtnstretors lob here marketing area and Industrial Among them Is a "Salesman Mason City, and their two his 1963 qr eooettoo and whIle at golf again I sH11 try to play verne fJl:nro:Clng budgab 811 over ttm graduate study at Iowa State 'I think there', a tr ameworn development to 1t,ls point Appreciation Ol rlC'SSmcn They orc home carne only la,t week coJlege foolball leam petlflve spirit It_tm- maid. "The publk Is going budgo1l"9 advice He ~Id the Council seems wIll to havo to ulldantcna tnt we oro "The City Council Is conser Ing 10 Iry new technology a~ long beam'tlng mcnr end more han \lo!ttlve In bUdget matters and has all It's ., tes ted Ie<: hnolog y CUCGIlJ'PSd b0<:Dvsa of limited 000n able to keep the book ~ ~." balam:cd," ho ~Id Wayne IS KLOSTER'S plans lor W<1yne fortunate to heva tho people It M, Include upgrading city ser\llces. r.i:LOSTER. whooo father. Paul, em the Council not only 10 provIde quality w<11er Is a rotIrcd Forest CIty merchan( "Thlry are nof tour hours-a sew-er and power for resident!> OJ:iPlolned thot otten Wayne finds month councilmen, ne con bul a!!I.O to make Wayne an al Itwff In thd ~ltlon of trying to tlnued "They l're spending many trl!lctlve industrial base for fulure ~Ido oorvlC6!) with IMS man o:ll:tTa hOUri beyond the Council growth ...- meetIng' and they have been We need to do some modernll "19 may taftc!) ft lIttle Iongot'" to more thnn willing to work e:l(fra 1"9, he e..plalned 11 you don' prcvl~ the servl~ ~ !>ef"vlces hours on whatever projecf need~ keep on II, they all {services I lll1G'YO provldod much morc attantlon start deteriorating Wc've I;ad ~tdtJy In tho pa5f. .. he added K l03tOC Mid tnere doesn ! seem the 51udlC'5 made, now ,r s Ilmc 10

(Comlm.ted from po{)O 1) r&l,lng a dacent crop Witt; d Ih,sfrycne Wins !Entra IDh;ccunts Off V'NIG:llGi weae: no better at Foudl; of July re planting The Wayne (oun!y "m<'!11 wor~ ~~ OGfmor I(remlu!I farm we!lf ot 'Things Cl'ln'l get Itny (llIlmS UISoe of Gayle ",hnler IDIBc@unt Furnih.lllf'e's Guaranteed lew, i..m~ Mud In the dr8w'!. and The hali storm p<"lssed through Wayne plalntltf v'lo (1<'I"'on Ton ~ p:crt.~ of the 'lold$ wB9 "I .. WInside find left its mark at Ie'S, Wayrle detendant wfj" '>eft I lew Price!!! ...PlUSH !leverlll buslnC'!l.~ and homE"~ ed before trl<'lr rc(entl) Iftd>oo """" ,·It '$1111 take l' long tIme to dry Awnings 3M roofs ot some ot the Y1tc t\all stones; were thl5 big downtown mercl;Bnts were S(hnler h<'td ~gh1 \~'O ,n b ..H It MCVttd." I( rumke g.ald a' he hold damaged by the hall /lind wme _a9

Ci:VOt9TIAf4 LIFE ASSEMBLY GQACELUTHERANCHURCH Sunday Md~~, II and 10 a rn lSi Wlnne.s Cit lA. f.l:.WGi~. pcIskl1-1 Mluourt Synod Monday M<"l!lo!lo, Q d m 'or- ~_., _ ...-..-, ~.,: wnQcy lK..i-..i, Y 4.:> ., '-'._" .~_._---'" ,.-_._. a.M_, worship, 10 45, evenl"'9 (Jcn Vog4tl. D9.5Oc:. p.l)gtorJ WGI"tlhlp, 7'10 P m Suftd£lY' The Lutheran Hour tt.~V Evening wor'Jhlp broadcast K TCH 1 JO <'I m Svn 1'~p_m cWy Khool and Bible class. Q ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN WOf"!!ohlp with holy communion CHURCH 20 WlnnenCllt I. l Donivor Peterwn, p.!'tltor) crVAMSEllCAL FREE I\IbndDV: Duo Club, e pm H:unday Men's Bible 5tudy CHUaCH Wcdh0!ldDy Men's Bible claS5 bre~jd8st 6 J() 8 m I mU" EDlJfof Country CJGo1b 63'11am Sunday Sunday ~chool lind tLDrry ~mp.peafc,.) adult Bible study, 9 15", m wor ~V; Sunday !lChool, 10 ship 10 30 Sunday school picnic O.m.; ~Ip, I" evening SGY IMMANUEL LUTHERAN lor entIre congregatlOt1 <')1 Lions ....~,'~ .... CHURCH Ciub Park. noon ~~y: Bible Il.tudy, B p m M.tssouri Svnod Wednot>day: NE District Sun (Mllte Teusd'ta,., vleDr) day School As.soclation, Pendar Sunday; Worship, 9 a m Sun 9 JO a m LeW Btble i>'udy ~AIT" EVANGELICAL day school. 10 leade~, 1 JO P m LUTHlERAN CHURCH \;~ln$VnOO (W'ot~y Iilr'uu, pastor) INDEPENDENT FAITM THEOPHILUS UNITED ~.,; Wonahlp., 7 10 a.m 0APTIST CHURCH (HURCH OF (HR 1ST 2QZJE. Fourth St (Gall Axon, paster) (Barnard MaX!lOn, pastor) Sund!ly: Worship, 9 d m (::,QST BAPTiST CHURCH Sunday: Sunday school 10 C~erd Corter, J:lI9ator) a.m.; WOf"ship, 11. evening wor WOli"klJ ~,: Morning Worship. 9'-45 ship, 7:30 p_m UNITED PRESBYTERIAN HeliCBl'g How Ot O.M.; coffeo fellowship, 11; Sun VJedOO1l4Dy: Bible ~tudy, 7-)0 CHURCH 1. Visit Discount Furnltu... today and find tho Quality homo ~ church school, 11 :2D; evening pm (Robert H. HODS. pastor) ~Ip end tellO'Mlhlp, 8 p.m.; For treo bU!l trsMparteflon call Sunday: Worship, 9'45 8_m_; 1Iu.nlllhlnes you'".. boon wonting. Choosblo HCIlIcsl<>•• lI'/atQ.l»ury 20% \''\11''''6' £!aotK~y2S For more Information cBlII and/or transportation call Ron My.on Millo•• \''1fIRGldo 1il% t'17lmue. U~_.l'Os1or) 31S-23%. Jones, 37S-43S5. 5% to 50% Dh1l\6@MrnltT ~.,r Bible lSChool. 9:30 Don [email protected] •• c...o,oli 20% W1 o. 8.m.; mzrohlp end children's REDEEMER LUTHERAN KGry &l:s"G". II'Isl".. o 51 % WI e. cbn'Ch C~ through lat CHURCH WESLEYAN CHURCH 0""*'1. lO::lll; Gcll ."" Country «Dmnlol Mooscn, pastor) (BernJo Cowgill, pasta,.) Mro.l:!oy M",t....n. W@l"n", 10% lil.?ln"ov """",,,,,,.9j>.m. Thurr.aao.,: Mens study group. Sunda.,: Sunday school, 9:45 rJlIch@olW'CIlI''''''. W@y"" 5% WI"no. An~ _ ""'"" Blbl. study 6:.45 a.m. a.m.; worship, 11; Bible study, 7 ohmO'o ililll ohe." 10to It I E"eryono 113 III winne, and "oboll'll" ~. Fer Information call Sun~V: ElIIrly service, 8: 30 p. m,; evening worship, 7: 30 Aill"'" v.o"",rt. W@l""o 51% WI""",. I_II Additional dl_lBnt applleo to o"ery It,em In out ato.el 117!U743 ln5t. OUlticmny Dnd occo&­ CJoma.a M. Borno1t,poster) cortea. k."ndsYl Holy Eucherls1', 10:10 O.m_ U.dd,ny 7nll ,l cUfl"'-, A opJuu. lJ_.u 71=J;, IIT.MARY·S and 76anJ yfR "('01'1'1 CATIl Yau, _ --~--lQeas..-Us!-- ;J ~J'!I!!!! • ~.o• • __O_·_·pln n TbeW.yneHerald. Thursday. June"'.".' d Senat~rsStill inState Spotlight After Session's End BV Melvin Paul monp.lace In the news for about a week rvnn­ speculation thaf Dworak would be a can teo.stettve session because Wesety, like and not the legislative chamber was the tlclpate In a dunking st~nd July .4. The Nebraska Pre" Association ing i,Jfte,. the session was Don Dworak of Col dldate tor governor In 1982 But fhe Colum many of his colleagues. seems to take his tceum for the debate. The news media can Chambers In 0 s .A casual headline reader mlght'thlnk umbus v c a nsu ,an s stalements were e r-roun . w t e Republican Party made statewide news regularly, was ofl on a vacation and senator-s. as we~1 as other lawmakers y/ho no caretully recorded In headHnes across the Capital CIty newspapers, as well as news could not be hounded by reporter's seeking AMONG OTHER names that likely will doubf will get Involved hl the Issue state, His comments evoked a public publications across the state. have ~ with Dworak, as well as GOP and Democratic more Information appear wlth some frequency are those of Stili of her lawmakers whose names have ilPQlogy from the Seward Jaycees, who said considerable frequency emce the 1981 ses regulars, was quoted frequently as Dworak Isn'! the onty senator whose name ChriS Beutler of Ltncoln and John DeCamp appeared In the state's newspapers during they never Intended the Invitation to be an ston ended ~ carried such familiar reporters attempted to track hls thought has appear-ed In newspaper headlineS' 01 Nel'gh Their names most recenfly have what, for them, might seem tc be a pest­ Insult. legislative names as Dworak, Wesely. process when he was deliberating whether the 1981 session ended Don Wesely of Lin cropped up In stories about the controver session slowdown ere Vard Johnson of Beutler. DeCamp. Johnson. Maresh and So, regardless of whether the to switch his party affiliation 'rom coin shared a recent Capital City headline ~Ial Norden Dam project 0n:'~_~{h_Rkhar~_ MBr_~h_ or and Legtshlfure-19 rn---WWn;- -many Jawm.akers Chambers Republican to Democrat With the sfatU-new1¥---dppO.lIl~~J.I.Ler. De£d1'TlP, ctralrman oT--me-U~9TSTaTu-re;s Ernesf Chambers ot Omaha. nan:'~ QLQfh~_Lla)~'1Ila.Ma,--R".ll from across the slate manage to keep their T!'e aml - ~tll:lS lanji.aket, affeTrecelving ·-·~lncoln Aanklng Commerce and Insurance Com Johnson raised some Interesting Issues present. ve found their way Into names In the news between legllllative 58S' na widespread exposure as he weighed "the Orr was Sworn In June 15 as Ihe successor rorttee was quoted as saying he would set when he told a government seminar cam newsprmt many times since fhe 1981 stons. Sometimes they'll air their dlf· merits switching parties. ended specula to tor-mer state Treasurer Frank Marsh up pob!rc hearings on the Norden Dam con palgn volunteers can, and do, have an ablll· 0' terencee In the press, pr'obably because legislative ves sjon drew to a dose in late tlon about whaf he would do with it news who resigned to move on 10 another lob trovefsy ty to influence officeholders May - their usual torum - the legislative release Wesely's name was essocreteo With the Beutler was qurr k to respond in a letter to chambers - Is unavailable. Sometimes The release, delivered to reporters by an state treasur~r's job because he would like Ir,p (hair man 01 Ihe Lectstetores E xecuttve MARESH'S NAME hlt the headlines when official tor the Democrettc Party. announc to see the otnce abolished they'll Ivat make an announcement or BUT THE 90-DAY leglslat1lle session has Hoard, saying DeCamp had no aufhorlty to Me took off his legislative hat and donned the discuss an Issue. technically ended although some senators eo Dworak's swttcf fa the Democratic fold An Interim stud)' resolution mtcodvceo by '>c necoro such he<'lrings Beutler asked the cap of the deputy state agriculture director. have managed 10 hold on to the .spotllght He ~ald he switched beceuse the Nebraska Wesely calls tor a stuov 01 hiS suggestion 10 ~ e er uttve Board '0 do what It could to keep And Chambers, a senator who r(>9ularly But If's probably a sure bet many ot the through me-dia coveraqe 01 thelf an Oemocrettc Party "bas a broader diversity do away With the ou.ce whIch the Lincoln [>P(dmp from scheduling the hearings shares centes 0' lattars. memos and stafe's lawmakers wIll be heard from time ooooceroeotv iK'lv,tles, speeches proqres of people and ideas" lawmaker thinks IS obsolete DeCamp s announcement and Beutler's releases With the Statehouse press corps, and time agaIn before the preSiding oHlcer'S Slans and even thelf qrrces wesetvs name to doubt will appear again 'f'

I viewpoint Animal Welfare long Live Wakefield Happy Blrthddy Wak,elleld' Activists Mdy you see many many many more Your townspeople "ave -r-ocf to be proud at .nctudmq a flch pioneer heritage that make.., vov 100 yedrs Old but stili very young In Ihe pages 01 clvllilallon s hls'ory book You vur v.vec through 10 decades that have seen of her towns - towns that also had prO mise knv( k,1l;' under to na tue at and man m.vde elements Serious You ar e small town Ameflca ....,Ih much 01 the sophistication tovnc In thiS country S cr eatevt (,ties By M.M. Van Kirk You ar e r ufal eoooct- to 'tee the sun (orne over 'he ridges each morning were II no' lor the Nebraska Farm Bureau now and aqa,n "ame loud Iha' nurtures vour agricultural economy With morsture tor dr vtand Impractical and silly as are most of the tar ms arguments -being advanced by animal You r-ave YOUf share 01 young and old rich and poor and leaders and tortowers But more welfare ecuvtsts. the tbreet to the nation's than that you ve had 'he magic that made " ..... ork rood production posed by the retest actlvtet By and large YOUf townspeople have t arrul.e-s oe.ot-cor s trrencs homes schools (hur group movement must be taken serlousl.,. cnes lobs vete streets. playgrounds parks sunshine and splrl! and promptly combatted Your tnr tndev celebration l'i tesnrooov to Ihat Hundreds of the people ....ho call yOU home Most people knowledgeable about the have worked hard to celebrate your lite In northeast Nebraska reeuues 01 larm and ranch production find HundredS more ""ho have c aueo you home over the years probably Will r eturn tor eootbe­ It dltllcult to believe that non larm people In look another hilndshdke aootner memory of what yOu are all about America can be persuaded Ihat eating meat You are spec ,al not IUSI because you are 100 Ihls year but also because "au are 'IOu are Is bad and that animals are entitled to the home 10 hundred~ il '_ilrlng fetUge ,1"1 an uncaring world same rlghh as those of humans, Including Generations have ..... or ceo oero to see 10 Illhat you survived that way And generallons yet those enumerated In the Declaration of In 10 come Will continue 10 mold you -otc a hometown thaI has h~art d~P.fJndpnrp Bul we have overlooked the So, a ,>ai'~te then '0 YOU and "ours to the years and the tears to Ihe heartbreak dnd hdfl subtle opportvntues lor mIsguided mischlet plness 10 the pasl and the presenl by which these kind of groups work their And a N1<;h 'or, tomorrow that carfles you ,nto Ihe luture tor many more centur'es will To ...0, Wif~pf,e\o;;! '" Jonq I,le May you never stop being a homelown tor s.omeone

tlclals of the Japanese Ministry of Interna ~~ Honal Trade and Indultry. Mfnlstry of ;.~, i..uiiurc, oiGpGm:sc CJllicrnai Tracie and are e_pe-Oed 10 glVf' ,j an p,,,,n blgq"r Organization. Manutacturer~' Import Pro­ boos! In the n("_t several rear., motion Organization, groups InterMted In To Inc.rease sales 01 N{'!lraS"'-d produ< e promoting fravel from J4~n fa the U.S and and producl., I am spend,ng Jun~ 19 lS If' with America's ambas~dor to Japan, Mike another viewpoint Japan, July 16 July I In ChH1il and Jilly 1 4 ,n Mansfield. ____I Hong Kong I qlonill (am IN CHINA, I expe In the pa,>l r f)" known In this country as Peking pIe 01 .....eeks Illuslrale ho..... "nporlant f nt of greater quan'ltles In years to t;ome finally has declined to levels more nearly in lil'le With U S Department 01 Agriculture hog In Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong Trade 'he construc I'on 01 a lermmal in Oregon fhilt ventory and pig crop estimates To slimulafe more ~Ies from Nebraska Development Council, banking and tr"dlng Will be aille fa move 100,000 bushels of grdlrl Although a decline In slaughter was e:.:pected this ,>pring, lis e:.:tel1t was uncertain or lobs lor our slate. I will Visit the Japanese ofticlal~, Chlne~e Manufacturers A!>5ocla per hour At ttlat slle. wheat and corn QrOWrl Slaughter for the fir'it ) '", months of this year was considerably higher than e:.:peQ1ed Then, headquarters 01 Kawasaki. which establish lion and the Federatlon'of Hong Kong In In Nebraska and nelohborlna <,Ie to this "The other news story reported Ihat ViSitS With other Japanese industflal the Far East That will mean more and bet Ilevel) Slaughter In the live weeks ending May 16 was about \0 percent below the lIery high Nebraska manufacturers 01 center PiVOt ,r leader,> ter jobs tor Nebraskans and Incre4se~rln the volume of a year earlier Slaughter, wMlch has dedlned seasonally. ISexpected to decline fur rlgatlon equipment e_pect 10 sell 1.000 of "WMlle in Tokoyo. we will meef-wlth of slate'!> Income from agriculfure " fher through thIS month and volume for the resf of the second quarter should be at least 6.8 percent under lasf year ThIs further seasonal decline In ho9 slaughter. along with a slJghl drop In beef supply. shouid nudge prices upward If summer volume Is 6-8 percent under last year as e:.:pecfed, July-August prices are likely way back when to be in the low $50's and possibly fa the mid·$50 level at times A moderate seasonal downturn In price5 is likely this tall. but if present supply indications materialIze, prices should be In the upper $40' s JO VEARS AGO 25 YEARS AGO Relatively large stocks at pork in cold storage could help hold down potential price In June 28. 1'51: Joe Gifford of Wayne was June 28. 1956: Owen Jenkins, a Carroll creases on market hogs. Stocks on April 1 were the largest for any month since MfJY, 1974 elected preSident of the city's midget farmer. found a spearhead used by Indians Stocks were the equivalent of a little more than one week's output at carcass pork While baseball organization Women over ·70 for kttting buff--Moon ht5 farm Monday while stocks normally are not a major Influence on the market, high Interest rates make It expen y~rs 01 age were specIal guests at fhe an plo¥"lng_ Fishing .was good In Lake slve to hold I_nventory _Thus, efforts to redl.lCe stOCks could be a tempering influence On prIces nuat WSCS sunset tea at Wisner MethOdist LaRonge tor Perry JarvIs ot Carroll and The expected higher prIces this summer could improve returns to pork producers to near Church Thursday Cattle owner'"S were E_P. Caauwe_ The brought back 45pounds of ~ profitable levels for the first time this year assuming there are no malar Increases In teed warned to be on the lookout for a dangerous fillets each... Heavy raIns continue to 1m· costs. new cat1ie disease, leptospirosis, which flrsl prove the crop picture In Northeast But profit conditions are not likely to be favorable enough to encourage an early upturn In appeared In fhls country seven years ago Nebraska, More than 4'l:llnche5 have tallen terrowlngs. Rather, poor returns seem more lIkely to keep farrowings below year-earlier . -and appears to be spreadlng... Two German during the past week, bringing the month's levels throughout 1981. This would provIde fhe potential for further decline In pork supplies teachers, Elsie Garmhausen and Llsegerf fotal to 5.70 Inch~, during the first half ot 1982 and the potential tor berter profit conditions. Steinmetz, who are making a lO-day visit at AIWellman WSTC. were guests at the mid-summer pk 20 YEARS AGO Ag Economist nle ¢ Concordia Lutheran Church In Can JuRe 29. "61: Construction Is expected fo Un.versity of Nebraska cord. start today on a mal~r 'expansion and letters

To the &lIttor: portent. We of the Wayne senior Citizens Center But It seems you were unduly harsh wish to thank the'l':Iuslnes$ men and women. From reading the Wayne paper I get the 1m who purchO!ed advertising this, past week, pression It was felt the man ls a fake, Any that ma~ It possible for ·us. to have gift any Chrlstlan.has Is lust that'- a glH of ~s printed; which we wilt .sell for the HoIy-Spfrlt. The ultimate fest Is what the ~.2>each. person bell.-v@5'of Jesus Christ, whether he We hope·to have these oYollabletor sale to gives glory to himself or to God who has .the publlc.t our annual home-made pie and given !fie gill. _.a.1t IOIean TlwrBdey, Oct. 22from It seems'1bt man 41d Mt take the ;Iory for 2p.m. unm'p.m. Mdwlha'IlI hadoffsnlo himself. You rnentl~ he spoke In ather them of the .,.:Iia ufor ...."'," In some t~ W~ :tneTe,an We:t'arefer ore'Htrt? tKP'''''' pieces • :Tbt' funds *UJ be' f.IMCt wfMly. at our 1 ~ wfWIf're-aU--f bug$ me Is fha1 the _I

\ , f. ~. r _l i, The Wayne Herald, Thursday, Ju'!e 25,1981 agriQtdtIJ,...... •.•. MiJJ(~-,~ce-SuIlPo t.·.·tevenllitit····.··~t. this and that .. don c••plUe wayne county. extension agent Souring DairYProJ.n:er~~~c;FijliJ------__. __ _ ' ,,... '" • '-',,""", '" }"l' '!'-'

Wb! Ie Npbrask e na- The administration also wants lion's dairy producers should c anges n· fare reasonably well In 1981. for adjustment 1" the support toneer-term prospects wIll be In­ level, Frederick said. fluenced heaVily by the new farm While the final form cif-the bill now under consideration In dairy teclstencn in the. farrri--bIK Washmg.t&n. D.C., eccol dlllg 10 a Is uilcer lain, It appears likely It UnIversity of Nebraska extension will provIde more flexibility In economist. changlng the price support level Roy Frederick said with milk than has been the case In recent production running well above years, and probably for more present market demands, the moderate increases as long as price support level on manufac­ milk production Is running fairly turing milk that will be set In the high, Frederick analyzed. new legislation will be an Impor­ tant Influence on milk prices and THE SETTING In which the on pfbtt\n:er: returns. new legls-tatioR,' Is. _being ccn­ TIPS ON TOMATOES-If you decided to stake voes.tcmetoes. by sldered Includes record mllk pro­ now you already may be pruning out suckers from the axil of each UNDER PROVISIONS of the ductlon and a sizable buildup of leaf Food and Agriculture act of 1977, government stocks of dairy pro­ During hot weather, pruned and staked tomatoes may sunscald the price support level 'or milk ducts, I' you care to put In the additIonal tlme pruning, suckers can be has been set at 80 percenf of pert­ MHk productlon--in the United allowed to develop to a point where they have some foilage, then the ty with semt-ennuet adjustments States In 1980 was a record 128.4 growing pctnts can be pruned from the suckers on April 1 and Oct. 1 billion pounds, 4 percent more It you are tying plants to a stake be sure to tie loosely around the The scheduled Aprlt 1 edtust. than In 1979. The Increased plant and tightly fa the stake This allows the plant plenty of room rnent was In the news earlier this reflected the first upturn In cow to grow, Add mulch around your tomatoes to help conserve sprIng, Frederick recalled. The numbers (up 1 percent) since the moisture and reduce weed competition Reagan Administration re mld-1950s and a falrty strong gain quested and received Congres of 3.4 percent In milk production CUCUMBER BEETLES - The cucumber beetle 15the carrier of stoner approval to waive the per cow. a disease which l-ater on causes will of the cucumber and other vtne scheduled Increase. Since milk Through March, milk crops The beetle spreads the bacterium from one vine to another produc production was running higher tlon this year was up percent As the wilt organism grows Inside Ihe vine. It clogs up the water 3.5 than a year earlier. government from and percent more conducting tissue of the vIne Eventually the plant w\lts and dies 1980, 1 purchases of manufactured datry milk cows were on hand In March THE PRICE received by As soon as the seed emerges trom the sol\ or as soon as products were rising and the Nebraska producers for milk dur­ transplants of vine crops are set In the field control should start than a year earlier. Frederick costs of the price support pro Ing the first three months ot 1981 Sevin would be a good choice of Insec ttctoe said If now looks like milk pre­ gram were creating concerns, ductlon tnrs year will be up averaged $13.77 per hun­ Frederick explained. another 2 to 3 percent. dredwelght. up 9 percent trom "For the new legislation, the The use of milk and dairy pro­ the year-earlier average of Electric !Exterminator$ administration Is proposing more ducts. however. has not kept pace $12.67. The January-February flexlbilify In the range of price wi th the Increase In production average on milk for fluid uses supports. and is asking for sup Commercial use of milk and was $14.23, while mll'k for Attractive to §nseets port at tram 70 to 90 percent of dairy products was down nearly 1 manufacturing averaged $13.03. parity, depending upon supply percent in J980. Some increase in The latter was a little below the E lec tr !r exterminators cur beeues. June bugs, sod webworm and stock revels The Senate use is expected this year, but not support level of $13.10, for 3.67 en by mall order r tlv marketed rn oths . blister beetles, and some Agricultural Committee has enough 10 ottset the further gain percent butterfat milk. National­ and In many discount and depart "wasp/Ike parasites" Most are basically endorsed the ad in producflon ly, the price on manufacturing ment ee. may attract more s.tor moths and millers ministration's pr-oposal. bvt the milk has averaged about 15 cents msects Ihan they exterminate. a They could aflract Insects House Agriculture Commitfee THIS IS resulfing In large a pound below the Support level, University 01 Nebraska extension whkh would never contact the has proposed a 7S percent of pari government purchases of dairy primarily reflecting the large Ditch Full of Ice entomologist reports grids. but which would remain in ty minimum." the economist can products and a sizable bufldup of supply of milk, Frederick THERE WAS onough Ice In the dUeh after a severe hall etor rn 'his Piut weekend 10 fill many coolers Robert Rosette. enlomologlst In Ihe area unoed stocks, the economist said. Net reported. tbe NU l nsututs 01 Agrlcuttur:e Jack Brockman, Eldon Thlc'Ii and Tyler Frevert kick some of the hail stones loose from thh three-foot In general. light traps are an lind Natural Resources. said the Inellicient means lor controlling deep pile which is covered with top 'Jooil The storm !Iohredded crops on fields near Winside, Sunday morn r e r e n t t v advertised lnsec f s in the home or garden 'n" . exterminators rely on ourevrctet light to attract certain "THERE MIGHT be some 'lIght flying tnsects and then etec p~y(hological satfstectton in see tr occte them on small grIds that Inq iI bug fry," Rcseue said. "but VVindbreak Success Depends encIrcte ille biack::ghl so far as a practical sotutton to in He exptetoec that the light sect problems \Is concerned) ­ source Is the same used by NU no On Summer Months Tree Care reserctrers as an attractive force The major problem he could to determine what soectes of see. he said. are that tnere might The success 01 a new Wind around Ihe trees Pre emergence tr oueo by hoeing or spraying With nlghf tlylng bugs are emerging be more millers than before break depends upon the car-e herbiCide...may be help tut. he ex herbicides Gras!'> between rows Roselle cautioned prospective Yellow light bulbs also current given to the newly planted trees plamed should be mowed regularly buyers aq eln s t expecting Iy advertised to "drive bugs Highly erosive sue-, I equrre dramatic results with a "bug during the summer months, ec L rve-stor k should not be atowed away" do have some value In that rordln9 to Arnold Marr _ district machine:· as they are ttmes soectet tr ea trnent A cover r.r cp ,~ ..... '~"~""... ~~ .. 1. .. I ..... " II ...... I ... some nlghl flyers are not as attracted _.. -- ~-' - -, ~ such as qr etn sorghum may be acverttsoc 10 conservationist et Wayne addl1lon 10 tt-e physical damage yellow light as to white or blue During the first three years 01 it planted between the row to hold light. Roselle said. However, he s cetue do to tr ees. they compact Windbreak 5 rrte w a t e r IS the SOil A ...tcrp aboul 4 feel Wide HE SAID that consumers explained. yellow light bulbs do the sou preventing Ihe ebscr p ~peclally Important When rain should be aware of thre~ aspects not "drive Ihem Insects should be Ie!! between the cover tlon at water and will qUKkly away." tall IS not sotncreot. newly crop and the row of the cr oovcts value as a deter are [us t not as affracted to them t-ee oest-ov even a well es tebusbeo planted tr ees need 10 be wafered Cover crops provide weed can rent Roselle advised bug battlers to Windbreak, he sate with a deep soaking, about three tr ot. er ostcn controt. protection The machines have no In spray with an appropriate tnsec limes il week Drip watering Irom sun and wind, rood and Other regular Windbreak uoenco on day tnsects They are uctde when needed as a more system'!'. may need 10 run four 10 cover for wildlife and the crops maintenance such a'} removing desIgned only to etjrect and kill practical deterrent to night eight hours at a lime, depending hold wm te r s now tor extra trash 10 prevent a 'Ire hazard. night flyers sucf as cor nseec flying Insect control. on the sou tvpe moisture, Marr added protecting trees tram rodents find Aller th~ Ifr st three years treating Insect or dtseese out frees may be water-ed once ever y breaks Is also Important week or two An eetebusnec tree trees have been planted In Proper care Is the dillerence needs water only during extended shallow furrows leaving sad bet between lust planting trees and dry periods. Marr said ween the rows. weeds and grass establishing a windbreak. accor around each tr ee $hould be con ding to May IN NEBRASKA, moisture IS short during part ot the growing season Large, ttbrous weed and Thursday Night Saturday Nlgi1l~ grass roots compete wll/'1 tree roots for mots ture prOViding one 1m IIJ iIJI Ribs Prime Rib of the leadIng causes of tailure to establish new trees . . Noon Lunches On non erosive sites, tree plan ',_ . Monday Ihru Friday - 11:00101 :00 tlngs should be clean cultivated Evening Dinners until the trees enclose the eree Monday Ihru Salurday - 5:00 1010:30 p.m, and shade out weed growth. The Wematch cutttvettcn should be shallow (2 ~ ~~~~ p~~~?':'~.OOOOJVO.AwOY' to 4 Inches) to prevent damage to /: Chlluro '0 Itott In Ther~ the tree roots. Is no 100 per Phone: cent method of ellmlnatlng the dollars h~O.~I=ngliiiiiiiiii~~p."~;'~'~~~Nf~375-9968 need tor some hand todreams. Ifyou're anagricultural operatorwithdreams ofimproving or rRA1T&LAM8ERl increasing your production capabilities, we'd BRIGHTEN THINGS UP around fI Ar)d!>aVE'money on every gallon yourhouse withlinequantyPrittt during thIs liketo talk.We'rethe Production CreditAssociation JUNE 25th through JULY 3rd S Lambert products ttlat stand Hurry In soon. while selectton5 AD NO. PL-135, 140, 145 SERIES up against weather andwear. arecomplete. h'."., ~.,""" 1",'.-.1 -the agricultural credit. Our PRICES EFfECTIVE THROUGH (JULY3). loanofficers know and understand the business CUSHION B.ELT ~-.·.0. '" ~ ~ rnt!J·~" of financing agriculture. They'reinterested inyour F.E,T. GJ·~p:'l,,; ~~.01 tf).,~.. ~.te•.. ~"";:'~.... ----.. plans. They'lllisten. WHITE NO TRADE ( SIZE SALE PRICE NEEDED ...;:;-~ ~==" I't~l ~=l !IO~:'.\:~ ~m: Our goal is tol1elp makeour.borrowers' dream,S 878-13 39.00 1.80 T:€ :?:~ 'e:~~ "~~ :;g:~~ €5 cometrue..Andwhenitcomesto matching.dollars. -SALE, -SALE, -SALE, -SALEI, -SALE, -SALEI 078-14 204 113.46GA1- IS11$.87GA1.. '15.90GAI.. '1.25QAL S'10.62cw.. tS.6"9GA1.. to dreams, ther~'s no matchto peAl . .c.n.nclMpau."'<__."'I:~- i G78-15 250 ,IM.M.Lessmann Co =a~s ':;:·;;';!.•o,/:",·:; H78-15 55.20 2.72 ·.";;'i I· ~,.. Paint Farm lea···.'i:a~;,i~;;;\Oi',;.i·i,'.~..;i'ti~: ~ion,Cr.~itli rlIiil----'__--=2~'A=-2~m_lI~u~a._t_o_n_~w_V._3_S_ Norfolk ·Prod.. ... "

The Wayne Herald. Thund.y. June 25,1981·

Wranglers members_atte'nded. GlntIIi.1t\ Gall -!urena al$O returned, recer(tly, The Wranglers A·H Club held Minutes were read by The Gingham Gals ..-H Club from theJ4,sbraska State.H Con' 16. Innln at 6 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church. Wayne, Members .me a e e ote the mee Koch farm and traveled to the farm of every member enrolled In It livestock project.

'arm where a 'poiluck lunch and Demonstrations wete given by - Vice PresJden'f "Lorr Sorensen beef carcaSiln the 1980 contest. business meeting were held. There were 14 members and 19 g~:'~aG;:~~r:~I~~~~:~~ ~~ed~::re:tI::..~'~=~:~ Gue~~ e~ the June meeting •.~ guests present Cindy Berg gevea speech. follow- discuss the demonstratlCSn ~~Ino~ rudlgen lind. Shawn .. Next meeting will be held July ed wllh. ludglngwjll"kshop. worklhop;1'onca-Day:'ClImp and 'The-f'ullHlnd Waldo lamlll" ,- 16 at 8 p.m. at the Northeast Sta­ Guests were Mrs. Lon DuBois the county .Judging contest. served refreshments. .. \Ion'";"- near Concord and Laurel. Mrs. Dennis Evans. The club decided to sponsor II Next meeting will be July' 13 at She"~ Koch, news reporter. Mrs. Harry Suehl Jr.. Mrs. Alan swimming party -and the Hoskins Public SChool. Helping Hands Schrant lind Mrs. Carl Berg. i refreshments for another "·H Cynthia Walde, news reporter. The float committee of the Next meeting will be July 13 In club-sometime In July. W.yiieWr.ngl.... Helping Hands 4·H Club fteld a IheKelth-McClaryhomeat2p.m. Manna VonSeggern gave a T'tWWayMWt.ngt.,.. ..·HClub meeting June 15 at the Winside Cindy Berg. newsreporter, demonstration. followed with met June- 17 at the Wayne Two Stop Inn. Five per-sons attended. lunch. Falrgroundl. members were Modern Misses Next meeting will be July 2 at absent. Idees were discussed for a float The Modern Misses ..·H Club 1:30 p.m. No business meeting was con- for the Old Settlers Parade. met this month In fb.1!! V~.r.OC~ft -Shelley Emry..-news reporter. -- --ductect..-AIJ.,membef"t; were- gtven-. The group mef again Jun,nB et Bauermeister home. Main topic Sprlngbranch 4.H a written telt on a demonstration the Ncrrts Janke home to be9ln of discussiOn was the theme UpcomIng events were dlscuss- which wal 'glven at the preylous#. work on the float The club also made plans to booth. ed by members of the Spr- meeting on gt'Oomlng a harM. -. ".H all enter the float In the laurel Dairy Carol Bauermeister served Ingbranch Club at their Members brought their lunch. meeting -last Monday evening In horses end leader Kathy Luff Days parade on June 24 and the Mell~8 Wakefield centennial parade johnson, news the Melvin Melerhenryhome, acted a.Judge almemberlprac- reporter. Activities Indude demonstra- t1ced'showmanshlp procedures. Sunshine Kids tlon workshops, Ponca Day Mrs. Luff allO Worked with Nch Sunshine Kids 4-H Club met In POp', Partners Camp, Meat -Judging Day, the member on the proper way to the Dan Sukup home wUh prest­ The Pop's Partners "'-H Club dfstrld livestock ludglng contest, mount a hone and helped them dent Debbie Lutt calling the met In the Wakefield Park June and the county fair. with procedures for Western meeting to order 15 ot 7:30 p.m. Thlrty·one Turena Walde recently attend· Pleasure. Ten members answered roll members were present. ed Counselor Camp at Halsey, Meetings and pradlces Ire .j.. call by naming a word that Jonathon Stellln9 Gove a where she received training to be scheduled at 5:30 p.m. .t· the cescrtbes themselves using the demonstration on hOw to shear a senior camp counselor at Pon- fairgrounds on July I, 22and 29. same _first letter as their first sheep. and Susan Baker ca. John Etter. newsroporier. name presented a demonstration on The group decided to par behavior of klndergarteners. ttcjpate In the- ,song contest. The group discussed work Dtscvastoo also included the schedules for Wakefield" swme ludglng contest at laurel. Centennial celebretten. PholOljlTi.phy ~ Lessons were given on swtne. Leigh Johnson, news reporter. 5'OAcr,t.Acrn hayROCkland.County.Inc' 3 with V.'rer",-Ifgr.fn _ .... sewing and baking He's Taking a Two-Row Corn Break' Nellt meeting will be In the CGntract. .. .. ': Denny Lutt home on July 10 lit 8 ART KRUSE, a semi-retired Hoskins aru fllrmer takes II bre.k tractor with a two-row cultivator. His.corn patch is right in the heart I~ Au" . OiI..ond. HE. '"!g.11d. ".,1 ~ . pm ground. Tiled. Hew Zimmatic ~I""', '1Ow wetl, from cultivating his sweetcorn PoItch on ill hot summer afternoon. of Hoskins. Steven Lutt. news reporter ,o.yMi\ Kruse, who lives in Hoskins, runs an International Harvestor 200 Balloon Contrad, 1'" Interest. Deer Creek Valley The Deer C reek Valley ,f·H 10 Acres . Lev.*', Irrlg.";', N.E. of SChu' ..... NebJ ~ Club met June 17 In the Patrick - Improvemorm. F inn home with seven mernbe-s Rare Bacterium Strain May Trigger responding to roll call with where • 160 Acres· Schuyler, N~.t...lrrlpr.d. Pivot, Hag ...... they would like to go for vacation. CGntract. Member!; discussed upcoming events and selected a date for the 1'1'l~me'Eioot1i'comm[tiee"to"mee-i" An OutbreckofErysipelcsinHoqs Members of the display booth r omrrurtoo for tne fair are Da-wfi and Patrick Sands and Joan and Research ~ the National In an tnttte! stUdy. Wood found Reseercb. found In additional to se-otvoes 1 and 2 Ruth Loberg Animal Dlsease'&e:nter in Ames, that vaccinated pIgs were 1m th~t studies the strain of serotype All ooovecrroetec pig!; penned Patrick Sands gave an 11 Iowa, sug~ests a n,ason for unex mune or parfly Immune to 10 previously used will produce With ve c cf oeteo pigs were otemeo swine e-vstcetes out virulent erysipelothrix tustr eted talk on colors, aad...Joe acute generalized erysipelas in svscecnbte after E'ltposure to one Finn presented "0 IlllIstrated talk ---~ A aEEIAatesl9i§s -~_slet""'_<>-et o\)lpes: entitled "Plug in Safety" Valerie Relatjv~y ret-e ser-ctvpes of the tlng serotvpes t. 1. 4, 9 and 11 but that vaccinated mice are suscec In a second experlment. Wood Bush explained dairy breeds. bacterium causing erysipelas were susoepttbte to a serotype 10 tlbte to some strains 01ser otvpes Similarly vaccinated albino mice Girls laking a clothing project may be involved, says Richard L. strain. He vaccinated these pigs 4.9.10 and \1 and then challenge exposed them ....111 rnNiPI th.. lr 'J~rrnO?'nt<;. ~t thO?' W~. ':~~er;~~r'f mectcat ctttccr wl f h atandard .:-ry~el4~ to cultures each containing 10 of the U S Department of bectertns and observed. tt1e pigs ONEEXPERIMENT was ~Ith .next meeting. July 1510the Glenn strains of se-otvpe 1. 2. 4. 9, 10or Loberg home Agriculture for skin lesions et the truecttcn hysterectomy-derived plg~ that II Annette Finn, news reporter site. Indlcatlng susceptibility. had been' deprived of colostrum Half of the mice p';,oved svsceo WOOD SAYS only two at 20 after challenge-exposure. to one and raised in Isolation All pigs uore to serotype 10. about 1 In 10 , Helping H.nds known serotypes of of the five serotvpes of the vaccinated with standard were suscepttbte to se-ctvpes 4, 9 The Helping Hands 4-H Club :::~;~:~~thlri:n;~U~O~~;h~~~v~ bacterium reference ervstcetes bacterin or 11. and vaccination produced met In the Carl Berg home June " Wood. of -tbe department'~ developed the acufe fOf-rn of the immunity to serotype~ 1and 2 1J Three It;laders and 1r causes of outbreaks_ Isolatl:!s of Science and Education disease after challenge-exposure --""'------serotype 2 are used In bacterins Ad'm i 0. Istratlon-Agr Icul tural to serotype 10 put were Immune produced In the United States for immu.nlzing pigs But standard erysipelas r------, bacterins did not produce 1m· munlty In pigs or ~lbino mice ex· posed to some vIrulent straIns of 'l . FISH 'FRY : four ofher serotypes In Wood'~ studies. Albino mice may can I ~7to 11 Friday, June 26th I ~ tract Infection by ~ the swine I . I erysipelas organism I PLATE I Wood says that 'some serotypes $1.00 other than' and 2 had previously known- capability of causing erysipelas In pigs, even though : TP Lounge "'....w:..071-"'" : they have not. been linked to out­ breaks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~

Electric .rri.tors liYAifc and

STAIN.Of __. >tClllCOl.OR AHO 0""" WOOO WATER <1fNHJP '.DRIES FMT Consumers RIfSD«l. . SHAKES .. SHWGlES' TRIM • Fe«:EI i Hned by the_~_. I Wayne County Public Power District ·1 Olyl,tpkLatuStilitt In an effGl't ta·...._·hl.h .lecfrlcal ...... peake'that accur durl", tha SpeciallyformufatedtoletyoustainoVer paintor hat, dry oum_ -the. tho Wayne County Pu"lIc P_r District has mad.' anypreviously'E'. surli!C9S. Also~rks th~ p__ beautiMIyon I)!!W.wood. Ones fast andclean> dlffarant I.....-maitiiij.....nt lIa..1a upwilhj stsoapandwater. tlan ....t-.. In thaDletlfct'. Wayne _fy....,1.. a ...... 1'ha Wayne County Pubnc I'owar DIstrIct hae al tan that .re not In oltharat thatwo~II"""lOIllllMd.ul. to JIlIrtldJlllt.ln the "VOluntary'" . 1...... 101I echGlIula JIfCllINM.I~""'W lleten toWJAC-071O AM..,•.30 a._,_ to·ICTCH.I590 AM" 1' '0 whl~...Y"'I!o!ntary ..J t..... Or!>uP'-A•• fIII:'C~" tolllnl;aff ~ afactrIc,...... tJon _11-'- tho hooin at t1!GO ,,""'•. "",1,," , : tha'-Jlllf'1ltu expectacl to ...... <~ ...... ,p...... ~~1i¥.~W'!l'M,'~.~.~DIetrIct ...... ,""'_ Itha__ _· :.~::Jt·/~ ~wtit ~,... '-• .-I'...... '''. , 'the'wavne Herald, Thursday, June 25. 1981

Ag5peciaHst·Say~s~-~J3 farm b,fe's Farmer Minority Alilmal Care Guldeli•• Due - The Animal are omm e Agriculture and Natural Resources will develop guidelines for all Institute units Involved In'lIvestock pro­ "We know how reproductive toweanlng (~.9-pen:ent) and fetal ree· duction, according to the head of the University of failUre occur's In beef cowsand deaths during gestation (23 ,per· no ebraska Animal Science Department. heffers.' says U.S, Department cent) accounted tor the redoctlon Or. d development and Implementation of Agriculture physlaloglstRa-lph rri potentlat"-calt crop: ~_ " anal R. Maurer. "Now, we a-re-seeklng -Maurer--i~i:J I~ona--res'earcn­ units across the state follow the same nage­ agricultural leader setd durIng a the reasons why - and have ar tIl..few prev-Ious studle ment prllctlces In sheep, swine, beet dairy and pou r N Council for Public some very preliminary leads." ad been do~~et.eerr.ll1lnlng the. production. Relations Ip Agr meeting The proportion of re ctlve stage_of embryonf~velopm", ProfeMOf' Bob Frltschen will coordinate development of In Lincoln eecenttv. failure was about e same In when reproducttve fall curs the guldeJlnes. Frltschen, currently associate director at Edward Anderson of Waterloo cows an~at heifers by the In heifers and cows. The study In­ the the NU Panhandle Station In Scottsbluff, wlll loin the currently master of the National CUR v, THE U.S. ex- l~of gestation, In a study at . volved 102heifers 18 to 2-4 months had normal erri~r.tO;jl"EJ~4t op­ Animal Science Department staff In lincoln July 1. He Grange, spoke to some 120 per ports about 42 f feed the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat old and' 57 COws3 to 12 years-old. ment, 20-and 8 percent, unfet-tUlz­ will ha ....e 8 leadership role In Incorporating more em­ sons attending the NCPRA an grains. 61 percent of our wh Animal Research Center, Clay ed or degenerating 'embryos/-'57 phasls on animal care Into teaching, research and exten­ nual meetIng on the UnIversity of and a little more than half of our Center. But the causes were dlf· 'AFTER MATING, the anImals and 50 percent no recovery,'_:of sion programs, Omtvedt said. Nebra~a Ea,t Campus. soybeans and rice. If the dollar ferent In cows and heifers. were slaughtered on eltber di;lY 2 either egg or,embr_y(), . ,~" A second goal of fhe Anima' Care Committee wlU be to Andersen, who has been tnvotv continues to strengthen, It will af· to 5, day 6 to 8 or day 14 to 16 of­ ,:" ~<' study 'he feasibility of developing a resource bank on the ed in lobbying Congress on teet our export program to some IN COWS THAT had prevIously gestation. Under the microscope, DIFFERENT, BU.~LSI:;us8d,:'ln campus for animal cere Issues and Information, Omtvedt agriculturally'related legjslatlon countries, he prophesied. calved, reproductive failure was Maurer searched for 'embryos or the two, years' "rri'ay ,nave '-CO,,­ said. Dr. James Amend. associate professor of veterinary since his election to the Grange The need to bolster exports was entirely the result _.DI embryonic eggs (occytes) In flushlngs from trlbuted to dlffer:ences In--unfer­ science, will head a subcommittee for that protect post in 1979, discussed decision the reason tor Reagan lifting the death, Maurer says. About 67 per uterine horns of the steuqhtered tllized or degenerating embryos, ­ making on CapUol HIli and In the Soviet grain embargo, Andersen cent of thIs embryonic mortality animals. Further _ detailed ex- Maurer says'•.: White House and reviewed cur said, to gather support for alarm had occurred or was occurring by amination determined the ter- The percentageof cows In 25,500 Fanner. Recertified rent discussions on the farm bill program. He would not have day 8 at gestation. The other 33 tillzaflon rate and vlabfllty of em- which. no e9g'. or .embryo was RECALLING THE Congres lUted II tor any other reason, he percent occurred between days 8 bryos or eggs. recovered Indicates either" ec- Nebraska termera turned out 25,500 strong this spring slana I Farm Bloc of the 19305and said, because the president felt and 16. Cows also had a higher Two subsequent studIes by celerated egg transport or for recertification training to use restricted-use 1940S, when It was perceived that the need "to send the correct fertilization rate than heifers. Maurer and Sherrill E. Echter defects In shedding of tt)9...egg pesticides. That's a "" percent better return rate than farmers "got whatever they signal to Russia': about how the In heifers, Maurer and nkamp of the dep"!rtment's from the follicle, fhe:,J?h.y~,loJ,Og,lst other states, according to Emery Nelson, extension darned pleased." Andersen said, U.S. telt abo4tJhe Invasion of physiologist John R. Chenault et­ Sc I e nc e and E du c a tt on sevs. The inereeeec proteI", zinc pesticide training coordinator In the University of ''I'm not sure It was true then. Afghanistan. trlbuted reproductive failure Admlnlstratlon-Agri'cultural and calcl.JJ,m content of uferlhe Nebraska Institute 0' Agriculture and Natural Resources and I'm sure It Isn't now' . Noting that many persons equally to fertilization falture and Research suggest that less than flushings from these animal,; In More than "00 Iralnlng meetings were held by 82 at t~e But he said the agricultural wanted the U,S. 10 sell the Sov let embryonic mortality - which optimum functioning of the turn, suggests an Increase ,In state's county extension agents, Nelson saId. Approx' sector does very well In getting UnIon more grains, Andersen had occurred or was occurring by lemaIe's hormone (endocrine) estrogen secretIon - whl,ch Imately .t3,OOO farmers were eligible to be recertlfled as desirable legislation enacted. reminded that "this (USSR) Is day 8 of gestation system may have a fer would hasten egg transport.. ' " crtvete applicators, he said, but many who took the Initial because "mosf people In Con the same country thaI not many Hail, Hail Fertilization failure and ern­ tlllzatlon failure or ernbrvonlc "The processes of egg f~r:rna- tr.!'llnlng In 1977·78 found they did not use restricted gress - there are exceptions -­ years ago It's the same bryonlc death together produced death. ttcn, fertilization and embr'yon'lc government, the same t~e pesticides, A large number of the orlgln.!'l' group also has recognize that eqrtcutture Is that BRIAN BOWERS, son of Mr. and 60 percent of the reduction In One study Identified ln- developmel"!t all depend on phllosophy that we stood at retIred lrom farming, Nelson St'Jld basic Industry. All the rest of Mrs. Denny Bowers ot rural Win­ potential calf crop weaned, In an complete synchronization of lu- mater-net hormone system," Response to the training was excellent, Nelson said. our slate conventions and said, ~etalli!d 'hem (Industries) revolve around side, holds a hall stone In the earlier USDA study by Robert A. telnlzlng hormone and pro- Maurer says. "Much Calibration, storage and disposal were emphasized don't sell them anythIng," It," palm of his hand to show the sbe Bellows and associates at Miles gesterone releases as a possible research is needed to pinpoint because mos.! pesflclde accidents occur in those The USSR hasn't changed, But Anderson warned that ot the hall that pelted their farm, City, Mont, The net calf crop over cause of reproductive failures. In lust what goes wrong during Andersen said. "they stili have categories agriculture must maintain tts Sunday morning. The Winside 14 years was 71 percent In that 46 crossbred cows and heifers, 17 - those first 16 days of gestation to pecerttttcaucn tor private applicators Is effective tor designs on your and my world." credibility. Speaking from Ihe area was hit by golf ball sbe hall study. Nonpregnant females (17.-4 had norma! embryonic develop- produce reproductive. failures, three years, Nelson setd Grange viewpoint, he said .I and damage was severe. percent), calf deaths at birth (6.-4 ment. B urrterrtltzed egg or and whafwe might do to prevenf don't think we will tmetnte:n ANDERSON SAID most farm percent), call deaths from bIrth degenerate e rub r vc. 6 no some of them." credibility) If we bring Congress o-ceotzettcns are opposed to the Feed Additive Boo.t. Beef prcpcsets. asking for 100 per provision of the proposed farm cent 01 parity programs" bill that would give the Secretary of Agriculture discretionary Monensln, a widely used feed additive, Increases feed Even when demands for parlly powers rerett ve fo setting price efficiency at beet cattle during the finishing phase of back oH to 9'0 percent, Anderson support levers growth, according to research done by University 01 declared, "the gov,ernment He said that despite any efforts Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources doesn't owe this agriculture in and recommendations by staff members dustry any type at program that's The research project was designed to determine the et­ going to guarantee them Secreterv Block, "the Boss Is In teet 01 monenstn on cattle receiving high forage diets and (agriculturists) 90 percent 01 the White House. that's where the ttna! decision is made and Two ofour to study the carry-over effect 01 manensln In each phase 01 parity, or any other industry In than where It should be," the growing process this country" Flfty.nlne heifers were tested In a ..-phase program which Included 1 cornstalk grazing; 2. stalklage feed1no; a summer pasture grazing: and ... flnlshlng_ The malor majOr allies . lor age so~e used In the study corn plant residue, a Pressed Alfalfa is grain byproduct Dering the forage phaseS 01 the trial an additional 15 .pou~wer.e galned.Jnt: ~t~r fQdf!'I_onesln._A~t_1SO pounds IMS corn were required for equal gains during the Top Protein-Sotlr-ee Iinishing phase for cattle fed monensin. the study dlsclos· ed Pressed alfalfa Is an excellent diets contatnlnq corn silage and ~f Jt~~r~ (,;,;,-i{l :.uv,....1i: 10,- ' .... ''';'ICllli:>, dt. '-V"I,-VO:>. cording to research done by Sixty Angus, Hereford and University 01 Nebraska Institute Hereford-Angus crossbred steers Forage System Cuts Grain of Agriculture and Natural were led JndlvlduallY",uslng etec Resources staff members trcntcetlv controlled gates, so the orotetns could be evaluated. A forage svstern being researched by University of Dr, Terry Klopfenstein. pro energycosts Presscake Is. the fibrous Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources tessor 01 animal science. Or Robert Britton, associate pro residue cbtetned by mechanical st4" members greatly reduces the amount of grain fessor ot animal sctence and John Iy squeezing the alfalfa plant" p necessary to finish beef cattle. \\~ O. Merrill, animal science Centrifuging the[ulce yields pro , The rising costs of grain, pressure to use more grain for - xan (proteins and xanthophylls) human consumption and the possibility of beef grade research coorotnetor. authored 'a \il~ paper on pressed alfalfa as pro and brown [ulce (liquid fraction) . 1\' changes In the future may allow animals to be finIshed us­ J S!-- Ina mare faraoe. the .tud,! 41~1~ teln for ruminants. RATES AND efficiencies of The four.phase program conducted to e....aluate ma~ gains were higher for natural Imum use Of forage In a growing-finishing system Inelud' NEBRASKA Is tM largest protein sources than for urea and ed: cornstalk grazing (56 days); stalkage feeding (121 dehydrated alfalfa state, produc days); summer pasture grazing (112 days); and finishing Ing 45 percent ot the fI,atlon's sup protein efficiency was. highest with the presscake and brown (96 days). Flfty·nlne heifers were used In each phase of ply annu'llly. The research pro lulce diets. t~ program. The malor forage source used was corn ject was designed to Increase the Higher protein efficlences of plant resIdue, a grain byproduct. efficient "se of alfalfa by reduc Ing the dryIng costs necessary lor the alfalfa products emphasize .deh-ycfrated alfalfa and producing that this protein source Is 8 a hIgh proteIn product for higher bypass protein utilized poUltry, swine or hU,mans. with greater efficiency than a Four alfalfa trea~~'?nts were more highly rumen degraded ~ Pesticide Pit Slated e.... al-uated In a 112·day growth protein source such as soybean trial. Pres.cake, presscake and medl. A new pesticide disposal pit will be one highlight of the brown iulce, pre5scake, brown Researchers at UNl will con annual Agronomy Field Day at the university of lulce and pro'l(sn were compared IInue to study pressed alfalfa 8Sa Nebraska Field Laboratory near Mead Sept. 11. The day to soybean meal and urea by ad protein source for ruminants In Is 5poni01"ed by the Department of Agronomy In the NU ding the protein sources to basal the future. Institute of Agriculture and Neturo' Resources. The pesticide facility I, a new concept for disposing of unused product or exceSS mixture, according to Emery To Be Sold At Nelson, extension pesticide traIning coordinator a! IANR. "Pesticides are very difficult to dIspose of and e....erybody hes.'aproblem when cleaning up the sprayer," Irrigato~ The HOiDeiD~ker~?'" The , . , , . '.", , he Hid. An unused bag of pesticide put Into Improper AUCTI,ON storage can become lost and create problema later, he He knowsthat Irrigating in the middle She wants to keep her e\~tric llill, directly Into the sprayer tank, so the farmer does not have control Peak demands. use the drapes to keepJ!;tll,hQt,.,; ,/~,;!", to pour It. '-sun,ou!, ,1 .. -- . ;") """it· Twmght W.ed Tour Set , "J " I Remember, sumriiefifFNebr~~~!eCfI,l~t,sff~a; We'recoiJnting 'on you to u$eifefficle ••" ", ,', -' '-".' .'" ,',',', :!- )",:,',,",; } ::'·:o~~1i· .i,: '.- "I NebraskitPtiblit~~illeF·tJl~~I;i. . , . ~_.-.:.:._; ..: , ..- r~·~::.''";±;:;;:t:t,,·,~-~\~i~:.·..~'.i.;,

",,:,-J'-" {,- DeII6;"'n '.l mrs. dudley blatchfonl· 584-2588

~;~~j~~~"'~~E~5ETESTS ., Mrs. Irma ~I:!dersan cmd the The Kenny' Oledikers were SUnday'supper guests In the Supper guests' 111 the The Don Oxleys arid Br18nand' '~·O'_CoUnlydrlver'•. neense Rev. and Mrs. Anderson Father's Day dinner guests In the Duane Dtedlker home for Kavanaugh home June 11 were Gregg Oxley of Opraha visited In _._ !J!l!ml""an. will be gl""n-etlh. Kwankln visited Mrs. G~~hflmeIn Tyndall S p Father's Oa', aRd the blrt"'d~n-Vtnce---Mobtey-ot-t:l!Ike Pi esIOi,.·-tne-M.artmrOxley nome In Sioux ~ c:pu~se July 9 and 23, BowersanctMrs. Lenus Anderson of the Kettb DledlkersafSlouxCI: S_D., Ed Lux. and Cindy of Hub· City June 14. The Nell Oxleys ~,30 a.m,~.p.m. ~ the OSmortd---Hospltal. Fdday The Harold Gathjes and girls ty were the Oledlkers and Ryan, bard and the Alden Servens. came June 17 for .the b"oys and ali afternoon. met the Lyle Weaks and family at Carol and Karl Dledlker of South returned home June 18. TUTTLE.GRADUAT£s They· also visited May Jewett Malvern, Iowa at the Lewis and Sioux City, the Kenny Dledlkers, Mrs. Vincent Kavanaugh and ------val...1.1'utI....~ --at--the- Golontat Manor -tn-Ren­ Clark State- Park in Onawa, Iowa E-lml-<;& Oledi-k-er- and Dawn, daughters attended 'the Wal~hc Thlr Roy A-nken-V5. the ROiiiTd ~K.nnv· ..TtJftles of Dixon. dolph Bndseveretrestcertts at the and camped over the weekend Kevin Dlediker and Jo Nelsen- Kunzman wedding and reception Nlcholses_and Mark of SIoux City graduate,,_ June 10 from" Hltlcrest Care Center In Laurel. Peggy Weak returned home at the FIrst Lutheran Church In w.ere Friday guests In the Russeli SoullleaSt· Cflmmunlly C.IIog. In h~r family. "Jeremy Stewart of Emerson Emerson on June 13. Ankeny home. ~IIICOln IvIIl1 ari a~I"1e degree A wetccme 'tor the new pastor, sent June 14-15 In t o es Stewart home.· Karla The Garold Jewells visited the Vern George at Lincoln and Attending the graduation were Kwankln and tamily, was held at Moines, Iowa were Friday Me$serschmldt of Hubbard was a Ballne Gettmans at Wayne June Renee Hurlburt of Omaha were Mrs-=- Tuttle and Mrs. Mike the Dixon' United Methodist Sunday visitors In the Ernest guest there June 14-2l IB In observance of the hosts' weekend guests In the. Harold Hlrsc;hmiln. Derrickand Marla of Church Friday evening. Follow Lehner home. All were Father's wedding ermlveeserv George home. Lawton; la. A picnic supper was Ing a program, refreshments Day dinner guesfs in the Elmer Mrs larry Becker and family held JU~ 13 In thl!' Kenny T-uttle were served. Echtenkamp home In Wayne. of Norfolk were June 17overnlgh-t Asa and Ter--olof Nyqulst- of-­ Marcy --Graham 01 Omaha home - Vaferie'-s -honor, w1Th F~her's Oa.,.. Dl1mer guests In qvests in -the Austtn Go1hler SciOlI. Sweden spent" June l8·'l3 n spent last week with her grand about lends andrelatives at- the Ctevtcn Schroeder home were June 18 visitors in 'h~ Clifford home the Ted Johnson home before parents, the Garold Jeweus. Frl tend n • Dr. and Mrs. John Schroeder and Strivens home were the BJIl lea-vl"g to vIsit in San Francisco. In the season of tam yo, tze-a of Sacramento, Cetu Kim and Kris Manz ot Omaha day evenIng the Jewens and Mar Sctwttes and family, the Jerry the Monte Burnses an re u a er e a eyer ngers an the Dale Strtvenses and tamily spendTng a weekend with supper qvests In tbe Duane famIly of Bloomfield were Sun­ LOgan Center Scnroecers. the Jim Sctvceoers mew and the Kenny Stelvenses eno grandparents. the Melvin Erickson home In Wakefield day dinner guests of Mrs. J_L. United Methodls' Church and Lucas, the George There is a time for all Ihings, but grief like family Manles Saunders. The Rick Benlamlns of (ArthurVI. Swarthout. p8stor) Schroeders and girls, the Randy joy must be shared. Let us prouide the Jormscns ot Columbus, Ellen Hef The Scttzers were overnight Fremont were aHernoon guests 5unct.y: Worship, 9:15 e.m.. The Ernest Certscns. fhe Ken consolation and assistance you need when ter rneh t of Norway, Rena guests The John u-tsbes ot Col Anna Borg 01 Hastings spenl and Mrs. Bill Gagnon of Olympia, Sunday school, lO: 15 a.m ne th weckers and Kevin, Jana Schroeder, and the Randy umbus and the Spillers were Hie weekend ,n the S' Borg Wash. was an overnlghf guest such a time of trial must be faced. We handle Wacker of lincoln, Sneue Twohig Papenh-au-sens, Kend-ra and Saturday overnight Quests also home everything, we Dixon United of Jackson, the Gary Lutes and pay attention to every detail. Rachel of ColerIdge The Randy Rassmussens at Methodist Chuf'ch lamily and Mrs_ Fred Burnses The Dee Karneses spent the Visitors last week In the Newell fended the Arenson reunion at (Anderson Kw.nkln, pastor) The Roger Wrights of Moville, Father's Day weekend in the Stanley home were the Leroy were Friday supper guests in the Gavins Point Dam Sunday. Sunday: Worship, 8:30 e.rn.. ~ Iowa were Sunday overnight Keith Karnes home in Spirit Stanleys of Kansas CIty; Mrs Jim ErwIn home to help Wiltse Mortuaries Sunday school, 9:30 a.m celebrate Jessica Ann's IIrst bir guests In the Wilmer Hertel lake, Iowa Mildred Haines of Minneapolis, The D.H. Blatchfords were .-0_ ~ W.yn., L••rol & WI••ld. home. Minn, the Earl Htncees. Leta thday Sunday dinner guests In the Lelia St. Anne's Enjoying a picnic at the Ponca Rahn, Mrs Walter Rahn of Blatchford home In Sioux City. Catholic Church Park Sunday were the Wilmer Best Ever Club members Ponca. Ihe Metvln Manles and (Jerome Spenner, pastor) He-tets. the Rober-t Dempsters asslsted,n the party lor Mrs E lin the William Schultes Vince Kavanaugh, Jr and Jan Sunday: Mass, 9-30 e.m and tamily, Wayne Dempster. Carlson's, 91st birthday at the and Tam' Kavanaugh were Frl the Jim Coopers and Jan. Klyde Hillcrest Care Center Saturday Vince Kavanaugh, Jr returned day supper que!>!s In the Harlan GUESTS IN THE Charles Matthews ot laurel, the Marion fa Bracketfsvllle, Tex Saturday Malte:o. home Pierce home on the aHernoon ot Bobenmeyers of Maskell. the La The Jim Erwlns and tamily atter spendirlg---th"ree weeks in the June 17 In honor ot Chris' seventh mont Hertels and Deanna, the were Sunday dinner gue~t'i In the Vincent Kavanaugh. Sr home The Howard Goulds. Dan and birthday Included Larry, Shane. Roger Boyles and Troy, Tom Ernest Carlson home Afternoon While home he and his ·'amlly Arlin Gould, the Keith Goulds and CARPETING, Jesse, Charity, Tina and Lance Warnock of Ponca, the larry VISitors were Gust and Paul Visited In the Ed Kessler home In Brian, the Leslie Noes, and the Jacobsen, Kevin Garvin; CraIg, Hertets and LeAnne 01 Lawton KVlck otLMI!chell SO Randolph. the James and Merle o H Btetctisords attended the Mark and Trtsne Bathke; Chris te. the Rodney Herlels and Kavanaughs al Belden, the Jack ...... eddlng of Elaine Hearing and Hartung and Jason Freeman ot Rodney, Jr of Charleston, S( Father s Day dinner que,;I" In Kavanaugh:o. In Carro/I. Gerele Scott Barto af the Northside Omaha linda Herfel of SIOUX. (ity, the the Gerald Stanley home were Ka\lanaugh. Doyle KeSSinger and AII,ance Church In Siou)( City Frl Guests that evening in honor of Dick Stenes and family, the Dan Frank Boeshdf t of Coler ,dge the McHgaret Gensler home:o. in day evening the hostess' birthday were the Grahams and April Sunshine oj J(>rry Wellse<, and Jason at Nor laurel Leroy Bathkes and family and Beresford.--~ Vernon Petersons toll< and the Jerry Stanley<, and They also vl!>lted the Ron The Elmer Rarnse:o. of Pisgah, fa~ the Leonard Jacobsens and fami and of Sac City and the Peggy JOining them lor supper Whitney home ,n SiOUX City and 10Wd were Saturday overnIght Iy_ Mrs. Elsie Bathke later joIned leroy Meyerses and sons at were the Frank BopshiHI<, JI ...dh lena Sull,van In South SIOUX dnd Sunday VISitors In the home them Newcastle ilnd Gregq 01 South )IOU' (,',. (Ily of E ISle Patton

[concord news mrs. art johnson 584-2495

spent F afher'!> Day ,n the Stt"Ve neM Madison, S 0 They return LUTHERAN WOMEN MEET St Paul's talk Jodene Npl,;on K"'\Iln of Wayne, the Doug Krl(" School home In SIOUX Cdy e"; June 20 They also visited ConcordIa lutheran Women luther"n Church lamlly 01 Laurpl_ the Evert Lake POlensett and Demet, S 0 met June 18 Mrs Glen Thursday _ ladies Aid at lily Johnsons Bruce John!>on lne 1 he family 01 Arv'd Peterson The Ab Pearson!> spent the Magnuson opened the meetIng lIptJolf home, WinSide, 2 p m Marlen Johnson,; 8rl<'ln and ('lnd Hillcrest Care Center hosled w,:-ek(>nd In the Clarence Pearson with a poem called "God Gave Sunday; Morning worship ser Layne and the J,m Nel<,.on<, and a p.iffly Saturday loren.oorl h9nor home, returning to l,ncoln Sun Men the Earth to En ioy, Not vice, 7 30 a m Sunday school LaRile Ing Ar\l'd·s B2nd birthday d,y Destroy' B 30 d m Dar,!> Nel!>on baked dnd E\langelical Minute! and reports were read Father <, D.1"f !;;"ch gU€,>:s '" de-.:oral€-d 11",€- birtt-,d':;,. (ilk.l:" Tht:' The- Ddn Johnsons and family Carol Erwin r~ a letter tro.m Free Church the EriCk. Nelson home were !hp (hlldren brough! €l! furnished 'ce cream and weekend gue:o.t:o. of Tekla slonary In Japan .~ Sunday: Bible school 10 a m Arl,ngton the Fred Hermanns (ollee tor the 'amily members Johnson The Johnsons brought Mrs_ W,,"fon -Wallin was morning worship serVice, 11 Kim and Kregg 01 West POint re!atlve,> Ir.end!> and all her home altE'r she had spent 10 nominated delegate and Esther d_m , evening serVice, 7 )0 P m 'he Cliff StallIngs and Beth 01 Hdluesf reSlde-nfs and stall C1! days In Omaha With them ~·a#eFRate Elele§l"te ta cpncert nIght Jl...JO._P_nL _ 0llef' tRE'°13AP~~ttsapgflP-l4!~~ _ Mrs Bill Shat1uck Karen and the Nebraska Synodical Unit Con Wednesday: Kids Fellowship 01 Wayne the Jim Nelsons and ' Bra-dIeYOf SiOUXClfy iOlned them ventlon at Fremont August 14-16 and prayer meeting B p m LaRae, the Dean Nelsons and Thl' Abner Pearsons, lincoln lor supper al Tekla Johnsons A t~.~_. ~"eerl trQm Mr'~ youth 9rouos meet _9 0 m 'jaiurti"y evening Tne Lee Roy Pearson June I] and spenl a week at J()hns.on family of OIXon joi'ned PAULETTE HANSON 01 The Erne!>t Swansons and Lon Marr's Resort on MadIson lake fhem tor Sunday dinner Sarah Circle gave the program Tecu-mseh and Doreen Hanson oj on "Faith At Work," Lutherans Norfolk spent Fajher'!> Day in ChIli, wIth Mrs. Pat Erwin as weekend in the W E Hanson leader Circle members took part home In a skit anQ Scripture readings Psalm 146 read re'5ponslvely and Carla lohnson at Norfolk spent prayer were devotions the Father's Day weekend In the BILL'S <;'b :~r:~~$2~ Rebekah Circle served E vert Johnson home GUiOUND refreshmenh. The Jerry Jacoby lamlly of STORE HOURS L Kearney spent Father's Day ~~~N~~:: ~ 19 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. Mon,lOru'rL H' ,u #, ....eek~r:d in H,;€ Ci€r, "w";agr,u;,c.r, I 51 B. E. I:I: ""'··9·."" C.;m;::;;;.-' O""..di 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. Solur••y (D.lvid Newman, pastor) home_ Joining them for Sunday WIENERS "~.'. ~ , II; Sunday: Sunday school and Bi· dinner were the Veldon 8:30 A.M. - 6 P.M, Sund.y ble classes, 9:30 a.m.; morning. Magnusons and family of Omaha WIMMER. ,')89 .---. Lb. ' worship service, 10:45 JUTl.; ser· and the lynn lessmans and Itrlces good Wednesday, June 24 GRILLER 8 vice at Hillcrest Care Center In Nathan of Winside thru Tuesday, June 30' ~149 Laurel, 1:30 p.m. FRANKS GROUND CHUCK" l(IUv Clovflr lb. Patg. Lean 80nele,11 Wednesday: Sunday school Father's Day cooperative din " REGISTER nmuTUESDA' ­ DRAWING TUESDAY EVENING FOR convention, St. Peter's Lutheran ner guests ~n the Arthur Johnson HONE'LOAf M ...... Chuf'ch, 'Pender home were Carla Johnson of Nor Sl09. STEW BEEF._, NEW ENGLAND SAUSAGE .~~. ~.. 5)79 BHUAFRE9H $)9 LUNCHEON 1~~ ~. 09 ~~~TS~I':;'. 5129 ui!~~ ,1,IU I $1 LIBBY'S BACON ,1~5 "". SIZZLERS " .... * =-- FRUIT .~ • JOHN MORRELL ~ ~~ L liIi.12: S 39 HOT Q COCKTAIL BACON o ,~~~ ." - DOGS ..,i.ii' e aU8G.AJfXiL fARMb\ND----;- '8g .L1NK . StIUStl

." don't belIeve 1'(Je evet wrlUen a policy that covers SAUSAGE·;...... GremKryplDnlte , ' .,. ···~-·POtISH Auto-Oimen for .,'.,'... LIfeInsulance NORTHEAST .>..•...•. SAUSAGE· IIlI of USneed to be protected, No, And when you'vegot spedal NEOASU needsj or are lookingfor lnnova­ tIoRsthat CZln save youmoney, INS. AGENCY the~totalk to Is ~oucreate .. agen,;:;:) 111 We.t 3rd ;;;;;&Ihot'~ust~;'your • "''''{~~~)U51- rhone; 375·2696 super,wan.· , ..

..... t I

i, "i- 'i,~ " , -t "'I' I PRESENT nus ADTOTHEPHOTOGlUlPPR I TORECEIVE OUR NEWEST PORTUIT $'1"Y'U. 8xl0ColorPortrait: I Only88t 88C per sitting. The Soft Oval Portrait is available for ~SUbje<:ts only One special per family. Poses our selection. 50 ds may occasionally change. Additional portraits av le for I purchase with no obligation. Remember. minors must be accomp~;:~~~~~d;:~;;;mon~ SUSAN MILLER. A 20·YEAR·OLD student et Concordia Teachers College In Seward, addition to the SO-acre field Susan Is windrowing, Miller has another 83 acres In alfalfa I is spending tho summer ot home helping her father farm. Susan, daughter of Mr. and "The kids are pro1ty handy," said Miller. adding thai another daughler Kristt, an Mrs. Elton Miller of Wakefield, Is pldured windrowing the first cu"ing of 'his year's olghth grader, will loin Ihem In the bean fields when it comes lime to walk them alfalfa crop. According to her father, the three-year-old field was fully developed and a MlIIer'i also are the parents Dfanother daughter, Joan, who graduated thi'i spring from good crop. Some new alfalfa froIO earlier Ihis spring and will nol have very high yields. Wakefield High School. She and 19 other youths from this area are touring Europe this Miller said tho attalfa will be chopped and will be pa,tured In tho ,pring with cattle. In summer as part of the People to People program I Thursday-friday-Saturday I June 25-26-27 wakefield news mrs. walter hale 287-2128 IDaily:l0AM : 8PM Saturday:9AM- 4-H BARNYARD and Ilene Miller served lunch Mrs Alvern Anderson won the Evangelical Covenant Church THE JAMES Barkers 0' Pocs Partners 4 H Club will Their next meeting Is July 2:3at 8 lack pot and Mrs AI!red Benson (E. Neil Peterson, pastor) Pomroy, Iowa were weekend have a barnyard containing a pm won the cake walk Tuesday Friday. Covenant an quests In lhe Arthur Berke­ ~ variety of farm animals Thurs KING DAUGHTERS Mrs Randell Blatter! Will host nuet meetings In Columbus, Otuo home ~ East Highway 35, Wayne,lU day, June 15 from 69 pm The BRING GUESTS the jUly 11 meeting at 8 p m et Sunday; Sunday school. 9 45 They were all Sunda v evening I barnyard will continue on Friday The King Daughters 01 the the Graves Library meeting am wor'lhlp.]1 a m Quests in Ihe Walter Hille home and Saturday immediately Christian Church had a guest Wednesday: Bible study and 10HowLng the Grand Parades un night on June 18 et 7 pm Each prayer meeunq. 6 pm !iI 9 JO P m Pony ndes will also member brought a guest be ctveo Guest speeker wes Jonl 8vr,,' United Pre'ibyterian Church The barnyaroj will be located on ot Wayne, who gave a devotional 'Dana White, paslor) .. ------the empty lot, south of tne and a demonstration of floral er Sunday: Sunday"school. 9:45 Fe-me-s Union Elevator on Main a m. worship, 11 a.m Chrl'itian Church rangement (Marty Burgus, pastor) Str-eet The officers served lunch SundalY The living Word Their next meeting wIll be July 16 Salem lutheran Church KTCH,9a m Bibleschooiforall CHURCH WOMEN MEET at 2 p.m. The Salem Lutheran Church (Robert V. Johnson, pastorI ages. 9 JO a m wor srup and [untor wor shtp. 10 JO a m even WerneR. .mot- June- l8. .at -8- ..p.....m. Vj;WAUJULlARY..MEE.I5 .SI,!,~.lIY: W9r.~l:!ip service, 6 JO Tf'\§ be announced with ...1>l,adu." !Jon.ownt Tho Allen Keecte VFW AUll: am, church school followIng serVice wrn They celebrated Wakefield's Illary met June 16 -at 8 p.m. at the Pes rors class. 9·30 /) m :';:"';';""'''O(lY ill',iUw.,..,.;", oiu,t' lOOth birthday Lynn Holm and Graves Library mooting' room studies will be announced Mrs, Sam Utecht told the story of Mrs Hubert Eaton was hostess the settling 01 Wakefield. They They discussed the uoat they St, John's also showed slides of Wakelleld will have In the Centenn!aJ Lutheran Church Immanuel Luther'"'an Church from the late 1800'.,; 10 the early Parade A blue spruce was (Ronald E. Holling, pastor) (Mlchaell. Teuscher. vicar) 1900's planted on the school grounds by Sunday; Sunday. school. 8 45 Sunday: Sunday school and BI Mrs James Martindale, Can Robb Eaton, given by the AUll: am; worship with norv.ccmmv ore class, 9 e.m worship With nle Utecht. N'r!>. Vernon Fegley Illary nron. 10 a m holy commonlon. 10 a m

hoskins nAWS mrs. hilda thomas 565-4569

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Mrs. Lane Marotz, Mrs Paul lion Lutheran Chul"Ch L t, Col and Mrs Michael Dual parish vecettcn Bible Bauer and Mrs. Wagner were (fRobln Fish, pas'or) Davenport, Kerrl and Michael school wIll be held at ZIon named as a committee to make a Sunday: Sunday schoct. 9, JO Jr. lett Sunday mornlrig for Fair Lutheran Church June 19·July J new banner for the church, A a m: wbrshlp service. 10'45 a.m field, Catlt. etter spending since from 91130 a m dally monetary gilt will be sent to the, Monday·Frlday: Vacation BI June J8 with the Ed WInters MISSIONARY SOCIETY mtsstcn at Antlgula, Africa bte school, 9·11: 30 a m Davenport, who Is a grandson of The Lutheran Women, Mis Mrs. Wagner was coffee chair the Winters, has been stationed at .,;Ionary Society met June 18 at man for the no-host luncheon SOCIAL CALENDAR Montgomery, Ala. and will now the Trinity School basement, The The next meeting wI/I be on July Thursday, June 25: Hoskins be stationed at Travis Air Base et meeting opened wlth devotions 16 Mrs. Wesley Bruss will be Garden Club birthday party, Fi:!lrfleld topic leader Mrs, Laverne Walker by Pastor Bruss Or. Charles Winter of Lo\ Mrs. Orvtue Brcekemeter was Peace UnlteP Altos, Calif. wes a FrIday to Man THE ERWIN Utrtcbes. accom leader lor the tcptc. "We Ke:ep Church of Christ day guest In the Winter home (John C, David, pastor) pan led by ErzB Jochens and Clint ~oke keep·'~\drlnk His Teachings Pure by Opposing Other guests Satur'day evening summer lmockln9 more ccnvenrent ,with with 115 own handy server. To .at Reber, went to Hector, Minn. Godless Teachings on the Untver Sunday: Worship service, 9:30 were the Harvey Keusters of Nor Columbus Federal'S gifts lor savers. These one your f1ngtrtlps, the quart and a half Rubbermald am June 14. The Ulrlches. visited In and two gallon "Sketch Koolen and Jugs" go slty Campus" folk. pitcher Is peTtect. President Mrs Leonard the Fred Ouehn and Eldora anywhere and keep drinks deliciously cool. Everylhlnr. for ._0 refreshing luiftmer .nack~ pre~lded Trinity EvangeU<-al Raker home and Jochens and For a lemonade on the patio, try a 10 oz. rnsu­ Marlen at the bustnees lng 1& -availab e tor. savers of Cotu~bu. Fed;.ral. meeting The secretary and Lutheran Church Reber were guests tn the Rueben The Ervin Utrtches were Frl latecl tumbler, available In sets of four. Serve cheese and crackers on 1hls gloss cheese plotter See chart below for quollfylns_d.!p.9!ft.iL_ treasurer's report!. were read by (Weslev Bruss. pastor) Nickel home. day overnight guests In the Dr Mrs Alvin Wagner, acting Sunday: Worship service. 9 The HoskIns folks returned and Mrs. M. Gene Ulrich home In e.m. home June 18. SI-ouxCity. secreterv ITEM Plostic Tumblers (s,;, of 4) Rubbermoid Pitchers Cheestl Cutter/Server ., DISCOUNT fIREWORKS Cheese Ploller ON SALE FROM THE I-gal. Cooler "I,~""""'~ ....o=---~ 2-gol. Cooler ft/ STAND LOCATED AT ~~..J 7~~ Come ..J~!t;Qd'¥!'!i!!' PAMIDA DISCOUNT CENTER· Downtown7~~ndo~;F;~P~*4:3~;:~yr~r~f:~f1~iQQ; o Ea.t Hwy. 35 Wayne,NE ...---...... •! Complete. of all18gal doy and".worbaldl;~v&t prlCilli. Open stock and family auortment.. FREE ,unk with'."'l}u'ch.... Open all day Clnd IntotIr. nit. Including lilly

NEW STORE HOURS Mon.. Sat. 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.-10 p.m. W~DNESIl)A,{ 15 DOUBLE MANUFACTURER COUPON DAYI

PASCAL POTATOES CELLO CRISP CHtERV CARROTS Each Stalk Bog ~ ~ ~~.'b;let..•.•...·, ...... •......

A'fT~NiaON MINUTE MAID KEEBlUI KITI' CLOVER ~ARMre~S WHEAT OR SESAME THRln KING ~ SNACK POTAYO iFiliOSiiiNG ~ach weel< for the next few CHIPS CRACC(IERS MDt ORE IDA weeks we will be dhlplaylng an Pkg. 1.19 HASH lih: 10 color photo of CDn area farm. Pleg. We are offering It free to the BROWNS farmer who Identifies It as their 15~ hum. 41 The farm picture will be 4'0.":.$1 00 .2;;;89 displayed for one week. even If If i9 Identified before the week 15 THRIFT KING ended. PINIEAPPU ROBEIITS These lue beautiful aerial ph:­ 20.0•. MII.K Can tunes of farms, \fClllued Clt approx­ 1 ~. Imately ~80.01Oi. G"I.

Last week's farm was claimed by Norman Meyer, RIl 2, Wakefield Nebraska. ~i1ann STOREHOURS-­ mrs. andrew Z86·4461 Monday,'rld,ay 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturdoy 9:00 a.m. to=-6101)' p:m. --fl~YAUI£IGHaORS Paul's Lutheran ChurctL-.-B.ase· hOI _tlQme WJt~ her daughter and .Jl!t!..Q'!ln P~f!1es5et's and faml· MiSS Johanna Jensen hosted ment. family. iy of Om8fia, Leonard Lar.!?~n 'of .' ­ , 210~ p.:::n::::;oo-;;:-';; the Royal Neighbors of America The IIrst 30 minutes will be a O'Neil, the Lyle Thleses" Mrs,. at her home Friday. slide show on possible recree­ The Andy Manns, the Dean Steve -Schult~. and Jeremlen of Routine business was con tional equipment and Instructions Jankes and Darla, Mrs. Dare! Norfolk, Mrs. Les Alleman' and ~~.IOWNIQC. '. A"EMPLIII.t.. Hw.,. 3$ w.yn.,OMtiANYN' ducted. Mrs. Anna Wylie will on how to build them. An open Janke of Lincoln, the Andy the Jerry Allemans and Ryan of ";1; -. have the next meeting on JUly 17 discussion will follow. Manns, Jr. and A.K. of Norfolk Wayne were g-uests Ih the John . ws.. . ~J?~}' at her home. o Awards for. the winners of the and Mrs. of Asmus home'Saturday In hcner'ot Bike-A·Thon and recognitIon to Madison spent Father's Day In the Asmus's 58th wedding -en­ _nlEoI>IUUJSLADl£SAIO_. _.Jill ~[tlclpants. will be !;Jlven. the Roger Thompson home at nlversarv: . Theophllus ladles Aid met Refreshments"wm be served. Newman Grove - Tile Iiall y MIUet"5--ftftd-g""nd--IL - - - - - ";.,,...,:lJ.. \.t. June 18wtth all members and the The Association would like to children Stanley and YettaMiller Rev. Gall Axen present. Invite all Interested trjends to The Walter Hamms were of Comrpftrce. City. Colo. were The meeting was called to come and express their Ideas for among guests In the MervIn guests In the John Asmus home , order by President Mrs. Herold Ihe Community Improvement Hamm home June 14 In honor of June 12. Ritza. Mrs. Fred Reeg was pro­ They are asking all who come to their granddaughter Pamela The Herb Haltzes of Seward. gram leader. bring a pan' of bars or cookies Hamm's confirmation. The the Dave MlIlers and tht! ·Alfred They will provide lemonade and Hemme spent Sunday afternoon Carstenses visited the Colorado ".:1.' :...1. Members sang "Come Thou '.!..... AlmJgbty__ Kll9.':' !gIIJ,wed by a coffee. with Mrs. Hamm's father, Harry people FrIday evening. prayer by Mrs. Reeq. They also 'Gay 'Lea-'Hafermann or G'Of"h't McCune, at Raru:tolph, The Sam -S'ifrlses-orROilOfijTu, sang "For the Beauty of the Lessman wlfl answer any ques Ha. are spending some time In Earth." ttcns. The Ronald Ditmars and faml Mrs. Reeg read an eructe on Iyof Jenison. Mich. visited In the the Cliff BurrIs home. Pentecost and Father's Day. She FRIENDLY WEDNESDAY Elmer Monk home June 18. Mrs. also read a short poem called CLUB Oltmar Is the former Beth Miss Gladys Reichert and "The Dollar and the Cent," and The Friendly Wednesday Club Misfeldt and a former Winside Willis Reichert attended the 40th an article on Mound Chapel near met Friday at the home of Mrs resident wedding anniversary of the Ar Farragut, Iowa, The program Dorothy Rubeck nold Obsts of Grand Island, who are former....Wlnslde residents closed with the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. AlvIn Longe won the game The Dean Wolfgrams and faml The event was held at the District The business meeting was con chance. Iy of Columbus spent the weekend 0' 97 school house west of Madison Wenzel Fo,...t.., Tent, 7'4"x9' 01 lightweight dueted by Mrs. Rttre The club will eat out at the in the Elmer Monk home. The Wenzel Vantage Cabin Tent, B'x f O'. Balek KnIght at Wayne July lS Gene Wagners and Bill joined nylon. Complete with stokes, guy rope or The next meeting wltl be July Reg. $148.97 j 2J al the church Mrs. Fred Reeg them Sunday and celebrated shock cords and carrying case•.Reg. $108-.-97-­ :·~I i __: will be hostess and Mrs. Herman United Methodist Church Father's Day. bIrthdays of DARRIN'S No. 31014 No. 31036 Reeg will be program leader (Shirley Carpenter, pastor) Kristin and Kara Wolfgram and Sunday: Sunday scncct. 9'15 the Dean Wolfgram's wedding DISCOUNT GT PINOCHLE CLUB a.rn worship. 10.30 a.rn anniversary Wenzel Thunderbird nw xaw GT Pinochle Club met Friday Guests In the home of Mrs Wenzel Screen House at the home of Mrs Ella Wittier Trinity Lutheran Church Rose Thies June 14 were the Jay fiREWORKS Cabin No. 31,C1J~~_ At cards Mn Herman Jaeger (Lon Ou Bois.- pastor.) 12' K \2' Matteses of Allen and the Brad on Marn $J!.~t In Wayne received high prize and Mrs, Ella Sunday: Worship service. 8' 30 Matteses of Cody. Wyo .. Mrs. Miller received low am. Sunday school, 9'30 a.rn Don Thles. Mrs. Edna Dangberg. is open all day Rag. '99.97 The nellt meeting wll1 be July 3 Worship services will be at 8 30 Mrs, MIldred Dangberg and Lor and into the night , at the home 01 Mrr:. Otto Herr 8 m for June 18 and all of July ~:~!169.97 . ree and Mrs Llllle Lippolt No. 31022 $79.00 mann including JUlly 4th $139.00 The Nell McClarys and Amy of St. Paul's See our largedl'iplay of SOS CLUB Meadow Grove and the Keith Me Lutheran Church Open Stock and Family 50S Club met at the home 01 Clarys were Saturday dinner (John E. Hafermann, pastor) assortments at Mrs Ed Hetthotd. Roll call was guests In the Hubert McClary Thursday: Women's Bible Discount Prices "Your Favorite Flower·' The home topic wes "F lags 01 Other Coun study. 1 30 pm. Dialogue trtee ' evangelism, 7 30 P m The birthday song was sung ror Sunday: Sunday school and B! w~.-shlp Mrs. lillie LIppert and Mrs bte classes. 9 )0 a m Freda prelffer with holy communIon. 10 )0 iI m DONALD IE. KOEBER, 0.0. Mrs Ella Damme was In Monday: Women·s Bible study. 9 30 iI.m charge 01 entertainment Ten Doctor of Optometry point pitch was played Mrs Adolph Rohltf received high SOCIAL CALENDAR 313 Main St. Woyno. Nobr. 60787 prize, Mrs Rose Thies, second Tuesday. June 30 Senior high and Mr!l Freda Ptettter. Cjuzens. Slop Inn, '] p m COMPUTE VISION SeRVICE low Wi79.00 THE BEN Kur r ermevers 01 CONTACT LENSES The ne x t meennq Will be a 11 30 P m dinner al the Step Inn Fremonf were weekend guests In Wenzel 7'x7' Dame the Ivan Dtedrtcnsen hbme July 17 Mr"> Helfhold will be In Co"",o"tlonol Hard Lon_a_ Tent has 0 unique charge of the entertetoment Soft LonlOIl Wonzol Sleeping Bag Insulated with 3 Ibs design. Has a nylon Mrs Twlla Kahl entertained at synthetic titlflbers. Nylon outer with tricot lin­ dinner June 18 lor Mrs Carrie triple zl.Pper on the BIKE·A·THON FELLOWSHIP Apklng·s 941h blrlhday Mrs For Appointment Call 375·2020 Ing 33)(75 inch size Reg, $18.97. dome, Reg. $99.97. The Winside Community 1m Apklng'S daughter. Mrs Dale No. 45043 CUflvonl..-; pcili'lilttp b_;d.. and In reef 0' oUI".. No. 31095 proveroeot Aseocteuon I,,> oteno Kenny. WS5 also e guest They lng a Bike A {han s euowstuo are trom Oakland. Neb Members 01 American cetcmetrtc Assoctetton Sunday, June 18't{.om) 4 30 pm Mrs Apklng was a former rest betore fhe ball qames al S! dent of Winside and now makes

r~ow flim JulV III, 19111. • ONEIDA OPEN STOCK SALE -f-. $"o c~ 5'4"ay T I .71 Wonzel Siooping Bag in­ "'&''''.''''Wenzel Oversized Sleeping "" A. sulated with 4 lbs. of Du Pont Bag with 4 Ibs. insulation of Ou Wenzel Slumber Bags, in Hollofill BOB Reg. $4097. Pont Hollolill BOB. Reg. $41.97. your favorite characters. Reg. 1/3 OFF No, 44509 No. 44095 $22.97. Save now on Oneida ... the American-Made Tableware Choose from Oneida's finest silverplate, gold electroplate and stainless. 17 beautiful patterns in ell! ~

Canteon, 2 qt. blanket covered. Pamlda Camp Fuel, 1 gallon. No 711P

Igloo l.>, t­ 97 6 gal. sturdy plastic iU~. , m· water container. i Primul 2 Burner Propane Aluminum Cook Sot. Service ~6.91- Stove. 8000 BTU burners. for 4 No. 4500

,. Community' Community' Oneida' Sllverplate Gold electroplate Heirloom' by Oneldo by Oneida Slelnlesn :r. Reg GALE" . Rog SALE Reg. SALE Blue Ice teaepccn $ 9.00 8 8.00 811.00 '11.33 $ 6.25 S 4.t7 P1eceJSoIJpSpoon 1175 7.83 20.00 13.33 775 5.17 ~cf~~l ~~~~;foon 9.00 6.00 17.00 11.'33 7.25 4.63 5.50 Ul1 $1.69 Cooler 5 o'creee T04apoon2 700 4.67 Dermteese Spoon 6.00 4.00 1100 7.33 5,25 3.50 No Ice needed. iust freeze lid. Place Forll 1375 9,17 22,00 14.67 600 5.33 SQled Fork 11,75 7.0. 19.00 t2.87 • 775 $.17 Ray.O-Va•• 5ealoodiCockteil Fork 8,75 5.8' 14.50 Gofl? 700 4.6' 6 Pock size PlacoKnlle 16.50 11.0D 26,00 18.61 10.25 8.83 6-volt spring SlellM Knlle 16.50 11.00 29.00 "19.33 11.00 7.33 1 PislolHandleKnife-' 11.00 7.33 terminal heavy Ptalo1 Stoak Knlfel 11.00 1.33 _ duty lantern BuiltH Spreader 12.60 8.33, 24.00 18.00 10.00 e.67 Butter Kolle 13.00 8.87 28.00 18.17 10.50 '.CO battery. Reg. Sugar Spoon 10.00 1IS.'7 20.00 13.33 8.25 5.50 Tablespoon 16.00 10.00 29,60 7.17 10.SO ,... $2.77 Plorcod Tabloepoon 15.00 10,00 29.60 17.87 10.50 7.00 Cold Meat Forti 18.00 , ..., 34.50 23.00 13.00 &.t17 16.00 '0.87. 23.00 13.00 B.67 Ca:!l&Ofoio Spoon ".60 16.00 10.87 34.60 , 23.00 \3.00 ~1~2o;:d~:rver 35.00 23.33 / 30.00 2g:~~ ~ OO,"fll"1 SeNor 1800 10.87 ".50 2.... Cerv,ng Fork 36.00 .•4.00 CafVlngKrille ··---32;00 21.33 CO"''"'i1 'Fork jPIS10J~ 35.00 . 2".00 C~tVlng Knll" (Plslol)) 32.00 21.33 A,vall.llble In 00V6r, Wlll.'O' WiSpand MiChelangeloonly. . '~---- ~.'~--' Pal~lcI8" .•.. 'A,vellabhlIn Aflectlon, SllVfilfArtll:llry. Modern Baroque enG only. n ONEIO' N° '''vlIllble In American Colonial only. ~ M. ."..,..,v.. "'''''"',. "" ~. ,.. :" .."_0.. "' "".." . :~ ':oi?fJ: '''_..... w~~ tJ"'li..~-- _ .375.2~ao I 1980 Census ShowsIncrecse In~-AAed}ciflAge ln Nebraska· "., . _~Jl1atlomL..Qf ]980 figures show that the medtan age for: Nebraskans Jn 1980 was 79.7 years. an Increase of 1.1 years over the 1970 median age of 28 6 years. The 1980 figure reverses the decline In median age that began with the 1960 Census, when the . eers down "trcm 10SO'~ 31.0 median. The 1960 and 1970 are the only Census counts recordlna a decline In me­ • Qui. Smoking • Lose W.lgh. dian age srnce Nebraska was • ftypnOi:l. • .....m.o ..... first Included In the U_S. Census In 1810. COu....lln. Tharaplot Call 712.276-4598 ~C«;QR[~)ING TO the Unlv;;-sj' Slou~ Clty,_lowa ty of Nebrask-a·[lric-ofn- Coll&ge of Business Administration's Bureau of Business Research, the largest s-veer age group In THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Nebraska Is 'he "20 '0 24-year old" category, which comprises Thursday, Jun. 25th 5-7:30 p.m. 9_5 percent of the total state population Persons aged 65 years and OV8" account tor 13.1 percent of CHICKEN BUFFET Nebraska's population, givIng Netn-eske the seventh largesl ­ as a percent of total populatl'on ­ "65 years and over" age group In "j'eff'is"Cafe-' the nation Alaska has the lowest 212 Main Street 375-9929 Wayne ~~ro-~Ir~~~~~d65 IT'S YOUR MOVEI

'Talk to the Animals' WHAT DO YOU DO WITH tcvr hones, three rabbits... stray kitten. eight baby kiNen!, ny day, such as this one last week in Allen, anyone of 'he gIrls can be found out frollck. an assortment of Tom cats, eight coon hounds, a housedog, and another stray dog? You Ing In rhe yard wirh their pets. It was Tammie last week who was caught by the camera give them three little girls to love them, teed them and play with them. The John and as ihe ted the bunnies. Pictured nibbling gra!.!. in the background h one of the family'!. Agnes Hoe family of Allen provides both the animals and the girls. John and Agnes and four hones. "We don't let the horses out on the lawn \le,.-y often," say!. lamie, "Iu,' their three daughten. lamie, 11, Annet•• 9, and Sandy, 8, have a soH hean when it when we're out of hay" comes to furry creatures. They lust can', turn the darn things away. On any br-ight sun-

lallen news mrs. ken linafelter 635-2403

LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS HISTORICAL SOCIETY United MethOdist Chu,.-ch grandson:'> Rusev and Cur! Sweet II' 01 Waterbury Mr!o Trudy The Floyd Gleason post 1)1 Dixon County Htstortc a! Sooe (Andenon Kwankln, pasto") 01 Sergeant Bluffs, 103 Peter .. 01 Dillon, the larry lub , Moy. Into .hl, now home ond h •• you..-If hom the burden. of yord...,o"', maintenance, be- ..ted! Carmen and Stuart 01 198182 officers lor the If'9lon Me ty rrt't Tuesday at the county Sunday: Sunday school. 9 a m The Rod Nrcxer sons came lor upke.p. 'now romoyal and leIYO a bundl. on your hea'lng and coolinO bill•. commander Dean Chase vue m...,~um in Allen Nine 01 lJ wor-stup. 10 a m their daugl'1ter and for Lori'S uo oo the Jerel Sc hr oeder s and Condominium Uvinljl affon .h. benoflt, of homeown.nhlp wl.hou' .h. problem. or worry. cornmander . Kenneth Swanson townships in the county were class r eootooo They ..pen! the Jone 01 wakeuetd. the Millard Ju,t lock .ho door whon you want to 1_•• and your ....soclatlon" to .... cor. of •••ry'hlng. COMMUNITY CALENDAR finance ott.cer Maurice Swan represented weekend In the K ter home The Roeber"> and the Harlin Mattes You own the In.ld. of tho lIylnljl unit and a lolnt own.rshlp of th. out.ld., which I, shar... 2~ son adrutant Keith Hili servrce Several persons offered their Thursday, June Rest Eldon Sweets were Sdlurddy family with all ownen, Awhile club With Les te Hubbard officer Dean Chase child assistance with the current pe o etternoon gues!s Thos. or. dolu••, '·bodroom unit, with a laro. main floor laundry. gas hea. ond cen.rol air, we t t e r e (ra,g Y·...rtrte rn s let-I of publishing tne history 01 'p m MI"'~ VI Schupp 01 Omaha was a noorlv 1180 .-.uor. toet. 00" cobln.ts and trim, ,",Ivot. patio or_. an .n.rgy .Hldent In. SundilY, June 28: DIl<:on County Chaplain, Earl. Potter athletic DIxon County since 1896 Bob Kathy O'Neill of Goldlleld, te. noonday guest in the Jay Matte~ 'ulotlon paCkOljlO that Includ., o..rkln Weatherllnat' _Indo_•. ond a trlpl. otaud patio Hlstorrcal museum open lor chairman ~elth Hili Jonnson of Lincoln helped Irom spent June 14 18 With her grand home J ooe 17 MI..s Schrupp and door. On. unll I, ,'"l cUlollabi. ""Ith a full, and. all unit. hay. wator lO.t....n. fours. Vern Ge os veno--s hosting Americanism, leroy Creamer standing c o m rrutr e s . With parents. the Bill Sovcer s The the Brad Malteses \llSlfed tr enc Tau hove on opportunity to lI.t anD 0' the flr.t units built with 1980 con.trudlon co•••. ']-A p m Ice cream social spon Snyders traveled to Goldfield on merncerswc. verIe VonMinden, Rosernerre Pepe weterbvr v o::=:-=e ~~cel",O_..__prlco, bogln at $61.000. .. _ scree b-V F U:s! ~~'<--fi ---¥--t-e-tnam-er-d-,-G.cH=-v--HGf-f-md.A- votonteering te-ee e- te-mporary the tttttl- to taxe-trer-trorne and IT Allen park, 6 9 P m All welcome memeo until Friday =Conventton . 01 ..... l1lch Brac was a CallPatGroasat37S·1132or AUXiliary otttcers are pr esr chairman ACT NOW 25 cents a lor homemade dent, Donna Stalling, vice pr esr A spe held In me Waterbury 1 m secretary, E lien Nee, treesorer. publiShing of the Dillon county Audi tortum. 30 P 89th birthday 01 E verett (arr Allen pdrk on June II nonorroq Guests were the Red Carrs 01 Ben Jackson on hi" 85th birthday Kathleen Lee historian. Marlene history . THE BRAD MATTES 0' Cody Wayne. Dlan~ Carr Omaha and Swanson sergeant at arms. lunch ot lingerfood was served Wyo lIis~ted hiS g"andpa"enh. 01 the loren Carr", and Gregg The Cldylon SchroedN:'> ollin Carol Schroeder and Pauline dt the close 01 the meeting Mrs Irene Bleche of Wayne and coin were gue",t.. In the Ken KMbe"g, chaplin, Norma Smith the Jay Matteses 01 Allen 1hl:'> llnalelter home over the SUNRISE CONDO'S The Brad Malleses wefe Tues LIBRARY NEEDS HELP past week On Monday afternoon day dinner guest:<> 01 Ihe Larry weekend They were 10lned by The Legion and AUlllliary wll! Sprlngbank Township library the Maffeses we.f"e afternoon lubber../edt:<> Brian L Inaleller ot South SIOux not meet during July and August is in need 01 volunteer help to Quests of Mn" Rose Thies of Win 14th & Linden Stre.t Wayn., N.b....ka City and Ardltl1 llOdfelter lor --A picnic will be held on the reorganize and sort books and !!olde Monday evenIng Ihe Brad The /ollowlng were Tuesday Father'~ Day and Ken .. birthday 'regular meetIng night, the second magazines on the tables and M.atteses were guest:'> 01 the Je"el ellenlng gue..t .. In the Jay Maltes dinner Monday I n September shelves. Anyone wishIng to lIssist Sch"oeders and Julie at home 10 IIISII the Brad Matteses in this project 0" clubs or Waketleld Guest.. In the (hester Benlon oroanll.atlons wishinQ fa help Freddie Mattes of Dixon. Mr:,> 7he Bud Kiel:' v;~jlcd i.. :=.1 ..... ee;., t...;",,-,o: i"lCrt.t:;o;, af ,·"",rtlm.tufg, H·,E home $;..;~d.a·" ...' ·c.e R.. :ph Bun tor, ALLEN FUTURE FARMERS with a community project are In the Rod Nlcker:,>on nome dl Raymond Mattesas ot Concord, 01 (arb-andale, III, St-acy The Allen Future Farmers of asked to contact Kathy Boswell Monefleld Their g,.-anddaughler the Joe Matteses ot Wakefield, F urness and Brenda lisle 01 America held their annual Julie returned home with them the Frances Matteses of Water Amarillo, Tell bnd the Wayne barbecue and tractor driVing con SENIOR CITIZE-NS SALE for a "'sit and was iolned by bury, 'he lin Mattesas and taml Jansas, Jay. Slevenjtnd (",ndace test June 15 The senior citizens bake, rum Winners of the contest were mage and craft sale, held Satur Rick Hingst. first; Stuart Lub day af the Cenfer, netted them June 26 & 27 berstedt. second, third, Bruce over 1200_ The communIty is ask Malcom; and lourth, Dennis ed 10 save thel" rummage ar Smlth, There were 10 drivers. tlcles as they plan to have The fop two drivers will go to another sale In the future FriClay_& fhe districts at Pender Avgusf 13 FOUR ATTEND CAMP The Friends Church has lour Saturday young people attending camp at BIKE-A-THON FOR Quaker Ridge In Colorado this CYSTIC FIBROSIS week, Campers are Jennifer and R.gist.r For 3 Gift C.rtificat•• of $10 - $15 _.'2$ A Bike-A-Thon for cystic Sean Neal, Shawn lsam and fibrosis will be held In Allen June Valerie Puckett. They were ac Drawln.heldSaturday at 10100 p.lll. 30. Those wishing to particlp~fe companied by Mrs. Burnett. - ,_The Bike-A·Thon Is mapped out (Galan Burnett, Pilstor) MINESHAFT Janetta .. Doug ~Jf, fown. There will be different"" Sunday: Sunday school. 9 a.m.; NACHOS GRANDE 33.8 az. - Lltar 33.8 oz. Full Lllar ~eck points with retres:hmen'ts_ worship, 10 a.m.-; senior camp RECORDS .Jhe maps are available at the this week, Quaker Ridge-. Phone 375·-4691 50 Eash Store, Somethin' Country, Wednesday: Midweek prayer & TAPES '1 -JERO _ "the-bank and the cafe. meeting, 8 p.m. LARGE Proteulonal MI"•• . CHILDREN'S sHOu, . _"'''ul 2 LITER Buy one 25 ounce SUMMER ART So/act/an - . pop bott.le at our & Of .regula, low price Fish Chicken-, ---... . CLASSES "1928" .;ccc-··~,- .!qUi".... 'Of n.79 and Jewelry" ntt05% .r_lve·a second ~~;t"l $1. ..•19 12oCh. Friday, June26th-= .....M 1Iriow'1I3 bott•• 'REEl ··St 01_ Cana .~tltchl... /WaOd "GianI

RON'$"BAR"""'• -, , -:' '.;'. I, ': "~ _. ,: ,. ,. , .. MAR,i'SART STUD"IO ·_J75-1807 "OPtIf.-o , t;MIfy ••oR:'MoII! ......

SUNDAYS 1""...

SILVER STARCLUB Members of the Stiver Star Club -Surp-liseo1iArs:-PeairFlsh­ for her birthday -the afternoon of . . UIli~.B~,i;lGE .' June lS at the ColonIal ¥anor hi U&I 8rl~ge'cluJ"~as en'tertaln­ Randolph. Mrs. Fish ts a member ed Friday afternoon In the home of the dub. of Mrs. Fred Pflanz. Mrs. Frank,· The afternoon was spent social­ Kittle was a guest and also Iy, followed by ice cream' and .received ·h1gh. cake. Those attending wer-e ·Mrs. Manley Sutton, Mrs. REBI!.KA:H LODGE WII,lIam Eby, Mrs. Fred f»f1anz, Belden' Rebekah" 'Lodge met Mrs. Maud. Grof, Mrs. vernon Frlday,'~lght In the home ~f Mr's. GOodseel, Mrs. Ted Le-.ttpl~Y, Elmer Ayer with nIne 'members . Mrs. Gordon Casal, Arigela Pet­ present. Memorles'of fathers ,and ters. Renee Sydow, Mrs. Earl poems were read In honor of Fish and Bonnie. Father's Day. Lunch wee- served by Mrs. June 17 supper' guests Tii 'the." c:~T~':rtC~-l6--!n--#le-'_ MLir~~~~~_el_ln_e_n._ -----.:~~~~:".i=~:.:;:::~~~~~~;E;~~@l:U~-:...Ronald Stapel man homewere the Scott Pede' 'so "_ Pitch and/J~Ydt~rJiiJ;t!,,; home of Mrs•. Lawrence Fuchs. Presbyterian Church Leo Thelen, Cheryl, Byron and Incoin ••!. Mrs. Frank Kittle was a guest. (Thomas R..obson,pastor) Mike of Elgin, 111. th:~~~:~I,~~;i:U~~I~~:;;~~:r- Mrs. Ray Andef,on recetved high Sunday: Church, 9 a.m.; and Mrs. Earl Fish, low. church school. The Lewis Ebys of Rosalie B.r. uce~SC;hmldt~., ',Me.II.'.S~'.'.,.B.r.-... I...... ng... were June l5 overnight and sup- the To.m:_.Ohtons, ~and.: KtJ$tin->Of:.:.~J: ROYAL NEIGHBORS LODGE Catholic Church per guests In the ChMJ~ Hlot~_ ~erae._~~~t~~.:i$;I~~~~.,~j~J:'- ....:. Royal Neighbors Lodge met (Robert Duffy,pastor) home. -JenJClrises--arid .family ,0f;:C,ar~pH: Tuesday nlghf in the home of Sunday; Mass, 10 e.m. Mrs. Roberf McLain. The Don Roblnsons and family and Mrs. Helen MltChe,I.l"~!,:f~~'.-n::t Plans were discussed concern­ SATURDAY AFTERNOON and Arland Harper of Fremont dolph.. :,',-,:" '."" ,·,i Ing the NCIP program. Mrs. Ted coffee guests In the home of Mrs. were Sunetav dinner guests in the w;r~,~t~~ ~:~elnE~~~-~~~~'~'~'·" Leapley received the door prize. Byron McLain were Mrs. David Robert Harper home. Gole'na, III. the Craig' B~~,tel,.~s~ Abrahams of LIncoln, Mrs. ~ohde. ~.~-':' SENiOR CITIZENS MEET Manley Sutton, Mrs. William Visitors the past week In the and Luarin ',:"'/ :J Senior Citizens met June 18 In EbV, Mrs. Dan Painter, Mrs. ~~o~~ BRa~~ :~";:ere~~~~, ~~:: The James McGlIIs of ~)~J~~c4 the F Ire Hall with 17 persons pre­ Robert Harper, Mrs. Charles sent; Hintz and Mrs. Ted Leapley. e~:~~I~ ::a~~I~r L~~~ln~:d ~ ;:r~.~~n~r~~=o~~~n:~,!~~,\I.~l"J Mrs. William Eby read an ern­ cte. "Is Your Husband a Sloppy The Dan Pedersons and family ~~k~.and Lisa Root of Richfield, The Robert Harpersspe~;:J'~~n~l': Joe?" Earl FIsh, Bonnie Fish and of Omaha were weekend guests 15·18 In the homes of tJ:l.e:':'Qon; Arnold Hansen spoke and showed In the 'hOMe of Mrs. Pete Peder The Coin Beucks of South Sioux Roblnsons and Arland Har~~ of; slides on solar energy. City and Mrs. Dennis Krte of Col- Fremont. L 3 Perhaps, what you are Keeping Your Eye on the Ball looking for is a more CONNIE BURBACH, Carroll. watches the softball scoot past her as In Carroll. were at practice recently for an upcoming 08mo on 'he teammate Sheri Milligan atralns to help out on the play. Behind them town's softball field. Coach I, Merlin Jenkins, but he was busy that I, Olano French. The glr"h, member.! 01 Merltn's Girls softball team day. So. the C-Town Warrlof1l wore helping with practice. refreshing way to bank!

If you are. ..we hope you'll try banking at the carroll news mrs. edward fork S85-48Z7 State National Bank we work to merit your trust and confidence year after year. The State BUSINESSMEN'S CLUB bte " Mrs Milton Owens had the Clarence Hoemans of Hoskins, weekend guests In the Arthur National Bank has built a reputation for being The Carroll Businessmen's ressoo "Exulted Through Suffer Corrine George of WinsIde, the Cook home. Scoff remained to Club met June 16 af Ron's lor lng .. The group sang ..Speak ftJ Lem Jonses and the Erwin Mar· spend the week with his grand­ the bank that offers their customers routine business. PreSident Ed Thee ' rtsees and Eddie parents, Simpson was In l;har9c Mr!> Cllllord Lindsay something extra In services, convenience and Mr'!>. Richard Jones read the hostess The wetter Ludwigs of Signal The Enos Wllllamses returnee "plain old fashioned friendliness." secretary's report Plans were Mountain. Tenn. came June 16 home June 12 after !pendlng WO~KERS made to enter It Carroll HAPPY and the Robert Stmmonsee came ebout 10 days visiting with their We think you'll find banking at the State Na­ Businessmen's float In all area EIght mernbers and a quest June 17 lor a shari visit In the daughter, the Everett Mard cetebr e ttcns "tlls summer Mrs Clarence MorrIs, were pre home of 'heir brother and family, quordf! and family, at St. Louis, tional Bank a refreshing eJ at Gary MUfliOn home In Norfolk ln­ ding anniversary celebration Your Stote Notional Bonk Mrs Gerald Hale won high twin sons 5haun snd Shane, the cluded the Dale Curtrlghts; the honoring the Robert Nagels Hos A Wide Range Of Banking score in cards Mr!l, Duane 18th wedding anniversary of the Marlin Curtrlghts and hlf!llly of The Val Demmes and the Rod Creamer won low and Mrs Ar Jesse MllIlgans and the bIrthday Scottsbluff; the Darryl Fields Tompklnses and Nathan, all of Servines To Suit The Needs Of : nold Junek. Iravellng 01 Ed Milligan of Wayne Included and Carrie Jo of Wisner, the Wayne, also attended the open Everyone...From Lorge Business Mrs Steve Jorgensen and Clarence MorrIses and Pat and house to honor the Nagels Alycla; Mrs. Edna Milligan: the leo Stephens, all of Carrot!. The Dammes are parents of Accounts To the Smollest Sover! UNITED PRESBYT{ZRiAN Darin Buthetmer. Michelle King The Clair Swansons of Wayne Mrs. Robert Nagel. 'Mrs. 'rom­ WOMEN and Ed Milligan, allot Wayne; joined the group In tbe evening pklns 15 her' sister. Mrs. Susan Nine members and guests Mrs Cher!. Christie and Michelle following their return on a bus Nagel and Mrs, Melvin Dowling Seporate Auto Bank Walter ludwig of SIgnal Moun Milligan of Shes-Iden, Wyo.; the tour' to Nashville, Tenn. are mother and sister of Robert * taln, Tenn,; Mrs Robert Slm· Jerry Fredrlcksens and fomlly Nagel. * Highest Interest On SaVings mons of Torrington, Wyo. and and the George Jorgensens Carl Swanson began classes at Allowed By Law Megan Owens were present June the University of Nebraska· ­

17 when the United Presbyterlan Kristin Rhode was an overnight Lincoln on June 8. ~-~~~- ~ - - ~- ~~ * Traveler" Checks Women met al the church guest In the home of Mrs. The John Swansons went to BICYCLE PROBLEMSn * Auto Loans· fellowahlp hall Dorothy Isom June 16 to honor SIoux Falls, S.D. June 7 where See Western Auto, ypur Mrs. Keith Owens, vIce presl Jennifer for her ninth birthday. they attended a plcnlc; dinner to authorized service center for * Homelmp!Qvement Loans dent, conducted the business h.ooor Mrs. Swanson's mother, Hully and Murray bicycles. * Banklns By Moil meeting. Mrs, Lam Jones and Robert Thomas and Bill of ...4JIrs. H.M. Kirkeby, who We repair all brands of Well-Lighted Night Mrs, Esther BaHen read the HO!klns were callers June 15 in celebrated her 85th birthday. bicycle... Weltern Auto * secretary and treasurer's the Alfred Thomas home to honor 375-1342. Depo~itory reports. the host for his 88th blrfhday. The ArchIe Underwoods and Roll call was "Books of the Bl Evening guests Included the family of Lincoln were June 14 * Convenient Drive-In wittde~.•s , * Checking Accounts For "Super Sounds" this Summea'. * Low C()st Mon,y Car Stereo Syst{'!iis - Order$ (!.D PIONEER'

Your POISport To "World. of Flt" TS-6!J:i 6"x9" three-way speakl'rti. .w. H~. Tlck.t, Available. High efficiency 20-01". magnet, QlmjllIOtlO n.~. ,< ;"ii.g. $11.5O'Onl, Unobslruded. brldge)csH 'constru('­ '9.71 tlon. 40 walt!'! POW('!' handli,:,fl. Sv'tllm l811ulo, System ,Save$1.75. Picl''-ThemUp TOday. Reg, $149,95 lIidr:t;.flu. + R8B' U19.9$· .369.90 Only·· r&73 ~ '299_'$ ~i SALES and SERVICE ~- I ' /, J , J, /" r ,. , I r,I ...,1ur1I ,. St., Inf'I""*Y,:'" .,... __ n,",.~-....ri :l11 rkJ'n V1d'lf1c 7"',{_, 375 448Jl 1.--;'-'-'

~. ~~- i.:.•.;."...,...•.•.:.. r::':c h '.·.··'·v.·-..",."··

• f , 'f The Merchants olWayile Con9rlfulate the·CoMMunity of oatheir 1:.··.'.'" ..·· I h alion

Bauman Shows Carnival win he set lip on Main Street Saturday Thursday thru Saturday Th8usday June 27tf1 8:00 a.m. - 2-Mlle Fun Run June 25th 4:30 p.m. - Kiddie Parade 2:30 p.m. - Mlcro·Mlnl Tractor Pull ':00 p.m. - Bar·S-Que. Spon.ored by 6:00 p.m. - Bed Race. Wakefield Horse Pullen 7:30 p.m. - Crowning of King & Queen Auoc:latlan of the Grand Generation 6:00 p.m. - Grand Parade Following crowning. there will be 8:00 p.m. - Pled Plpen Family Comedy ludelng of famllle. and fudging of Theatre beard. and whl.ken. 8:00 p.m. - Ball game. South Sioux " •. 8:15 p.m. - Baseball - Arlington. Wakefield Jr. Legion Wakefield town team. Teen Street Dance. by A"atar American Legion Dance. Mu.ic by Artie Schmidt Friday Sunday JOJlne 26th June 28th of Antique Con and Machinery 6:00 p.m. - Grand Parade 11:00 a.m. - Bar·S-Que. Sponsorod by 8:00 p.m. - Pedal Tractor Pull for Wakefield Horse Pullers young.tors, 4-9 yean old. Anodatlon 1:00 p.m. - Sanctioned Draft T.....m Hone and Mule Pull. 82..000

2:00-6:00 p.m. - Art. and Croft. Fe.thlal at the School

8:00 p.m. - Baseball. Valley"•• Wakefield town team


The Diamond Center Morris Machine Shop Fredrickson's 011 Co. Merchant Oil Co. The Wayne Herald , Black Knight Bar .- Griess Rexall The Burger Barn Karel's Wayne Co. Public Power Dist. fUBll'fUa - WAtU IYSfIMI EI Toro Package Store & Lounge Rich', Super Food. Chrysler Center Wayne Greenhouse Yaus __ID IUPilIMAIIlCtr Western Auto Wiltse Mortuary .Surber'. _'NO POll MIN &_ Siever's Hatchery WAYNI - WIN". _ LAUH1 Doescher Appliance McDonald's DiScount Furniture Wayne Care Centre Midwest Federal Savings & Loan Pat's Beauty Soion Century 21 State-National Wayne Auto Parts Barner's Lawn Center Melodee Lanes Pamlda -Discount c...ter Wayne Book Store ~Mlk.iPc~-rv First National Bank Carhart Lumber Co. £he"..o'd, Coast to Coast Rudy's Pro Shop' '. "eel Qlrt Impleinent ' WAnn-.""" a.u. i'i .irSherry IrOi;; Inc. . Koplin Auto Supply Charnes Refrlg. & Appl. Service. Ellingson Motors Northeast Nebr. Insurance 'Agency 'M & son Co. $ay.Mor Drug 1 Weliman'llGA 4th Jug -,--..=-,-. ',- Eldon'. Standard Service & Car Wash Tlinlierllne - 'J"l - ..-, , .... ,.-- . f