RHH: ms\ ': '•' I" WWI W MB

Ike, Sugar, Ez Dethroned; Who's Next? THE OHIO J

- •••—g * **^*»— \%:*n High st. 10 Poop**** Walcott In 1 Punch KO ^ .—Four tune* previously a challenger but taever a winner, ancient rewrote THLZ OHIO M VOL. J. Wa. 7 SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1951 COLUMBUS. OHIO boxing'* Cinder*?! I * Story by ocotriog a one-punch seventh •round kayo over Champion Eaaanrl Charles of Cincinnati before a shocked throng of 30,000 fane here at Forbes INEL field Wednesday night. Thus, the up.iet Mtrinir, be­ . gun with ' de* coming in with a hard right m«*e in the di- hand. VOL. 3, No. 6 Saturday, July 21, 1951 CoJumbae, Ohio vi-tioii. Sugar Ray Robin- Ex fell forward, rolled aon'a fumbling of the mid­ over and making a dee- dleweight crown m London perate effort to rise, as Tragedy a week aft*o, w tarried over the count reached nine, Sports Gleanings into the divi­ slumped on his face and sion, mo-rt lucrative of the the year's biggest sports lot, and where thi* crazy story was born. Thc kayo •pin of up.net event** will end was recorded at 55 sec­ no one dares predict. onds of the seventh round. Turpin Gives Boxing Needed Walcott had been refer­ That's the fight simply. red to by many as "Often a There were no sensational beat man but never a bride," early round exchanges and and along with the Drornot- the finish came as sudden as ers of Wednesday's fight was the surprise with which Shot In Arm In Beating Ray was being ridiculed, by fans it was received. who believed he should have Charles, unsuccessful in Br BILL BELL totaj Nod Carver wa. re.pon.i~ been tocwed along the way- his ninth defense attempt, Sentinel Sport. Editor bio for 12 victoria, and fowr SLAYER OF NOTHER aide after suffering a kayo held a pre-figh-t agreement The shot in the arm that boxiiiar In.ses. Th* rest of tk* »Uff ac­ at the hands of Joe I>>uis in to meet Walcott in a return needed came from the most un­ counted f.- the other It win* • nd 52 losses. If Old Satck c.u- match within 90 days. Thc expected source. England. their second meeting. not aid that staff then 1 wall new champion's . We are referring: to thegreat- was another •*t hi. glov*. in the excitement of events a»t upset in boxing- circles in the •wedding scene and the 37 at- Forbes field, said thev Veeck was not fooling when ho year old father Z.» > .\r*tt • la.*


PAGE 2 SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1951 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1951 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 3 Loans Aid Workers Ovingfon Rites . ~- Schenley NEW VOBK. — The life and Slander Is Charged By Physician In Suit Filed Here linlu-.it i<*.. Inc., a corpora*,ion cm- works of Mary White Ovingtoti plciyiitg skilled Negro workers li were reviewed and praised by het Traffic Box Score ryn W ILUAM O. DUGGAR, with offices at falsely and maliciously spoke and publisbed of harmed; that he bas been ridiculed and has lost many phsse* of ltd activity, ha:i friends and associates who at­ The. boa .cor* i. published weekly in coop«i*tion with the Columbu. Polee* Dept. It*, purpei.* 112 Hamilton av., a prominent obstetrician and concerning his profession in the presence gains and profits which would' otherwise ac­ granted interetit-free . emergency tended memorial service* for her i. to caution our reader, again.t tatting uranoces.sry chance, in traffic, whether -•« *r* a driv*r or and physician, filed a suit last Friday in com­ and hearing of divers and sundry people dur­ crue to him in his profession; and that the loans totalling *5tlU,873 to work- at thc Community church here podo. Irian. mon plea* court for f 25,000 against Jack Kirk, ing thc month of December, 1959/' statements have greatly vexed and harassed er*e through the Schenley Founda­ Wednesday. July 18. Miss Oving- 178 N. Garfield av., charging slander. The suit further charged that "by reason of and humiliated him and by reason of the slan­ tion, Inc., since extablinhmcnt of ton. a founder of the aVAACP. The suit was filed by the law firm of Toler derous statements he has been damaged in suns the fund in 1938. During th* died nt the home of her sister. the false and malicious and scandalous state­ foundation's 13 vents ot ex intone Mrs. K. W. Kingsbury. Auburn- WEEKLY ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS BY CRUISER DISTRICT and Toler and claimed that Kirk "wilfully, of $25,000. ments of Kirk the practice of his has been 4*23*1 regular and short term loan:-. dale, Mass.. on July lf». She was HOUR PERIOD ENDING 7 A. M. JULY ZZ, l»»t hava- been made to employee* by* 8fl. the organization^ board of trun- PEDESTRIANS tees *nd special committees act CRUISER TOTAL PROPERTY PERSONS PERSONS INJURED KILLED un at the offices of Sehenlcv af­ Raps Commies DISTRICT ACCIDENTS DAMAGE INJURED KILLED JUV. ADULT JUV. ADULT Woman, 26, Is Bound 1. filiate* in Cincinnati, Milwuukee NEW YORK.—"If Communists 13 12 2 and San Francisco. The founds gained influence among Negroes 2. IA 16 2 tiun lends money to employees for 3. IO 10 such purposes as medical care. they would not hesitate for a 4. moment to foment racial strife » 9 To Jury In Murder Case household repairs, personal debt*, 5. 13 10 6 and dissension, and all for the in- tart payments and education. 6. I** 10 2 t* Genevieve Payne, 26, 1135 Atcheson st., who killed her mother, Mrs. Nettie terests of the Soviet Union." 7. II 10 1 Payne, 63, 667 E. Mound st., last Thursday morning when she pumped five bullets into writes Herbert Hill In his article, • fl. 13 13 Mrs. Payne's chest while she was in a telephone conversation with Mrs. Mamie White, Enjoy Popularity "Communist Party—Enemy ot, 9. S 5 Nugro Equality." in the June-July also her daughter, waived examination in municipal court Wednesday morning and was PHILADELPHIA.- One* of the to. 10 10 held to the grand jury on a first degree murder charge by Judge Fred Donnally. most significant trends in the issue <>f the Crisis, official II. II 10 1 NAACP organ. 12. 7 3 Miss Payne is alleged to bave murdered her mother wine industry in recent years is s • I 13* 4 3 1 when she became enraged because the former had taken heiej Monday at C. D. White *rad • li.* increased use and popularit*. ^V of table wines in better restau- 14. S 4 1 Sosas mortuary with Rev. P. D. her 10 year old daughter to Cleveland and left her there SEC'Y OF STATE TED W. BROWN check, registration li.i laiits. according to Max Sage*", Visiting Prof IS. 6 6 Hale, pastor of Union Grov. 16. 6 -with relatives for a summer vacation. al .lata—rid. meeting of Ohio e-l»cli«>» official, in Cleveland with eastern divinional manager ot tho « Baptist church, officiating. Dur­ Dr. Lowell Kagatr., chairman of 17. t 1 The mother, reported to two member, of his staff—Mary Bush. Lit, ***d Marjorie Hcln-sera. CVA Corp., an affiliate of Schei.- have been given custody of! only reached thi fifth •: *.*•'.. la ing tke services hundreds of I'.*v Industries. Inc. Sager report? the department of history at 0hi> IS. 1 1 Av. Elementary curious spr< tatora literally tbat table wines are accountiui | State university, is serving ss vis. IS. the child when she was 2) Mt. Vernon blocked the .idawalk. years old, was said to have j t-eheo). fur an increasingly large percent­ iting professor of histotry at the 20. 3 3 She ia survived by her husband age* of wine business. This claim 21. 2 1 1 informed the irate woman The -i.i.' woman hud been. a Richatd Pay-no; MX daughters, I 1951 summer -a* -ion of the Uni- I the child would be returned resident of Columbus for over 3."» Knives, Guns Other is substantiated by Wine institute Charlotte Robinson, Nettie Payne, figures and U. S. Treasury Dept j versity of Southern California. In in time for school this fall. ve-arv »nd came here ftom New TOTALS 161 134 20 2 I .Mamie White, Catherine Wood- reports. j August. Dr. Ragate will be one of f This occurred on Mondav York where **hc li»ed for four *-on, Genevieve Payne and Lillian night, according to the po­ venra after leaving her native Payne; three sons, Charles, Isaac Weapons Active In I the principal speakers at the In­ 7*14-51 and died 7-13.51. lice, and everyming appear­ home in Kentucky, For a .ub.cription to Th* Ohio stitute of World Affairs on the an»| Leroy Payne; 13 grandchil­ M ed to have been satisfactory IN PRIVATE FAMILY dren; four great-grandchildren; Sentinel Call EV. 2240. to the youthful mother un­ California campus. She worked in private family two sisters. Kva Gatewood and —___ . til Wednesday when she .end assisted her husband in sup- Elisabeth Edwards; one brother, Week, Several Hurt _..... called her mother and told llogan Hancock, and a host of her she would be over4© see r> itiiivr and rearing her children. Neighbors described her as peine other relatives. Violence flared in rapid succee- ..!)<) be received a lacerated ha Husband Didn'f her Thursday. hospital. tegsrded a» "a good neighbor." Interment was in Evergreen sin over the. weekend a* a number of persons were treated for Orie Given., 25, 156 N. 21*1 Thursday .moiriitiK sometime-, Private* funeral srrr.cee were i-emetery. she allegedly stole ber brother-in- wound* resulting from fights an*! St., rrportc-* to police that three Comraii Suicide, law"* pistol from hi« room ans brawls. men jumped him at 20th »t. and walked from the Atcheson st. ad- Among the victims was Charle* Mt. Vernon av. Sunday at 3 *JJ**--V tirc***. meeting one of hc[ bleth­ •White, 26, 222 W. Cth »t. w*h i P. m. Two of the men held him ers, in an alley ju*-t half w bloc* while Harold Bower.. 411 N. Wife Declares Frank D. Kloffs reported he w*as cut with a rasoi i from the slain woman's hohw. at 4 p. m. Saturday by Margie Garfield av., rut bim 12 times *S Final rites for Spencer When she arrived.she reported- Wells. 22, 233 N. Giant av , with a tithing knife. Given, de­ j Austin. 33, 758 E. Long st., Iv entered the back door, which while they were in a fight at :"'!•> clared. He wai transported to j who died early Sunday was unlocked, and approached the N. Grant ..v. He was treated at St. Franci. hospital hy Crosser I morning after he had taken Write-In Aspirant No. 10, tr«*t*d for wonnd. in dining room where her mother St. Francis hospital for a 6" j a fatal dose of roach pow- was using the phone, and without wound in the right leg. He report­ Ihe chest, stomach, right area j der, which it was believed exchanging words or giving her ed he would prosecute. • nd left tempi*. He wa. held for *urg*ry. he.mistook for epsom.salts, any warning, took the old fash­ Julius Thompson, 31, 39S W. were to be held Thursday Though Given, received * ioned .3H calibre pistol from a ba,* For Local Mayor Goodale st., reported he was cut • efternoon at the chapel of doaen knife wound*, hi. troub­ nnd fired five shots into he* Sunday at It a. m. on the ling ! Whittaker and Sons mor- le, were not over. At 4:18 the mother's, chest, killing her nlmosst Frank D. Kir. tie, 53. a Demo­ 37th division, and wa,-; in the ser finger of th* right hand by ; tuary with Rev. P. D. Hale sans* day, Mr*. Ro.i* Bower., lOFtantly. crat who lives at 26!) 13th av., vice for two years and one , 27, had taken flight. The emergency through a aide window of Ihe A. Jones, officiating. ' sound arrived, followed closely by have occurred at close range. place, Mr.. Mamie Brook., man­ * McClure, employee at 1 Nos. fi and 9 cruisers and the via-.* ANI'-Sarseiear l'h..ia . Miss Payne, witnesses saiif, ager, reported lo police. The Buckeye Steel Castings •a*'"'-. squad. Ware was taken to St. NOTED PERSONALITIES WHO ATTENDED dedication went west on E. Fulton ?l. and window wa. valued at $15. Co. for the last 30 years, MR., MRS. AUSTIN was apprehended half an hour Id Francis hospital for treatment. cercmoni*. pf Chicag-o'. new Wa.hinalon Pk. YMCA exprea.ed By-Producl 'BBC died just one week after turning home, he w*<< too wesk ter at the Greyhound bus statim. Rennick was jailed on a charge e.pinion it wa. fine.! in the country. The fiv* story high, fireproof Schenley Distillers, ln<* ' in it* the date his wife, Mable. to remove his clothes and com­ at 3rd and Town Si*., where sh<„ of Investigation tot shooting to was buried. He had ap­ by-product recovery p r o g r am, wound. Grain Inspection building; coat $1,400,000. Soma of it. fe*tur*. oro a *:afarteria and plained of * severe headache. admitted the **hootihg. parently taken ill while private dining room, both air conditioned, two lounge., one for mis has developed neveral livestock Samples liom every carload of H»* went to sleep and never In jail she is reported to haVo visiting and when the No. aast* one for women, 278 residence- rooms, 24 for married couple*, feed?, the best known of which woke up. She said she knew of n . fc&id she was sorry she had t-i Ben Walker. 3X. 548 N. 18t'« grain sent to the Lesington, Ky., 3 fire squad was called he and a banquet hall. Located south of building is an all-purpose is> "Pro-Gro-Flnv." reason why Au-itin would take his shoot her mother. Police officers st. reported about 7:50 p. m. Sat­ plant, where James E. Pepper was pronounced dead on who questioned her, stated she playground. O. O. Morri. i. ***cutive director of both the new "Y" own life, and •!.- i-nni, ,) the re*, urday while at 3351 N. 20tli sv i.'.ittl.ii m-liimi straight burbon arrival. port alleging he committed sui­ *howed no sign< of regretting she whisky is produced, arc tested to and Waba.h av. branch. Hi. staff i. interracial. Left to right in committed the killing and express­ he was involved in an argument McClure was a veteran above photo: A. W. William., ch*irm*n of board of director.; Di. cide. verify their compliance with gov­ The case is in the hands of tha» ed a desire to attend the funeral j with Benny Irbv. 4621 S. 20th member of Mt. Olivet Channing H. Tobias, director of Phelps-Stokes fund, who delivered . service:w ernment standards. coroner who withheld his offk-iut st., over a gun owned by Irbv. aj Baptist and was active in main addre... and Morri., W3M ihoi was fired through the celling j religious work. >.".C verdict pending a final report, For a subscription to Tbe Ohio presumably from the hospital. Mis-: Payne is ••!..• of ninc-enji*' which was treated at St. Frana-i- ^ die rt r-f the deceased woman; lle-i •Sentinel Call EV. 2240. < Friends could call to Mrs. Austin expressed the he- view tbe body Thursday Largest Enrollment Penicillin def her husband's death was -In » reaction to the killing was des­ AUGUST cribed by detective* a* normal. m afternoon at Whittaker Luri*" -( Graduate *K-houl enroll­ Schenley entered the pharma­ 11 to gross neglect of the doctor and She had been in trouble only funeral borne, which is in ment in history of Ohio State lint- ceutical field as an outgrowth of nurse who tresled him. once before. This happened in charge of arrangements. Austin is a veteran of War It "THE PEOPLE'S CHAMPION" v**r.iity wa* recorded during thj War II when its research scien­ Cincinnati a year ago and her He is survived by two lirRU-51 fiscal yesr. Durinp; the tists were seeking to increase the and was employed at the Colum­ mother i,« said to have gone there £*tahttabo4IJuma t. 19*9. Published aar.* wotk at h '0-8*1 E. Leo* Street, •sisters, Mrs. Katie Langs­ bus government depot. He i* sur­ "*' ri. ', 7 I*. °h"> S*'-''***>» Fea*sUs»l«S Cosap»ay. Lsl-rauied B Paaloa. pre... 12 month period, which includes output of war alcohol. Durin** - . JSSSS3X 1 ton and Mrs. Mayrtie Da­ vived by his wife, step-daughter. and obtained her release from -ail I!' . , . * Sowar*. •*** Pre.**, aa "Aanie Slevea., eetrel.ry-tr«-».ur«r 1 R»s*» the I960 summer quarter, a rec- their experiments on molds, they and brought her home. * ANI'-Se—-tiraet ftkola .•II A. J.CISMSS. rdiloa-ia-tK..!; Am* H. Lynch. edv.rta.ia, *ir«ct*r| _**•• vie, and several nte-ces and Miss Thelma D. Hickson, brothers, it.sr.rt. circulation '..tele,.- K,„.,i R. M.rtla, prex5aa.-t.oQ asaaagert Maltl. aird hreakinft* total of 4823 stu­ discovered methods that could be She wan employed as a domes SFOLK SINCER JOSH WHITE, famed America **t*rt-i»er. ••»».., production assistant. nephews. Ulysses and Carl - Austin; sister, dent* were registered for gradu­ adapted to the commercial pro­ Mrs. Elisabeth Pryeock. snd other tic, doing day w«rk for variou recently ha. b**n featured *n i.rl.1 ef radio hroadca.t. in London Sobwrirrtaco Rat,., Oa. V^r: S4-S0; SU Menlh.i IU.40. Too cent. pe» oomt interment will be in ate study. That number repre HAVE r.» B.-strvyt .ad oa .ewistarads. CrecnUwn cemetery. duction of penicillin. Subsequently i% i datives. f..'i.ilia-... Her education wa* des­ for British Broadcasting C*». Hi. guitar and hi. voice have .ounded COLUMBUS TELEPHONE: EVERGREEN 2240 sents more than is percent of :ii • "Schenley Laboratories. Inc.. war; Interment wsis'to be in the •»«»1- cribed as 'very JitUe," in that she oil mm 'Th* CiW; Road,' loraaod byJIBC a Negro •atJselogy. £at«rael a. 2eid clas. matin July e*. IsMlr, at r**t MI'l... Celunabu*. tX. mmAmt eMitire svtieleat body •_ 2S.948. -t of M»r:b i, l*7tr. formed. IA SAFE TRIP t| dior plot of I'rvenlawn ..a»«ej».«v.ier» ""^ slMe.aij .. . .a. a., sssa >, st. -as. svw»artliaal $


A.**JI*-*4.-.atine** I*|,„|,, ALLOWANCE DR. KWAME NKRUMAH, GOVERNMENT L EADER OF COU> COAST and minister of commu­ nication, .nd work., recently returned lo homeland *fter an eventful visit lo U. S. »nd Great Britain. ON YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR OR ICE BOX REGARDLESS OF CONDITION A great crowd greeted him «» airport in Acer* a. a e arrived witb Kojo Bottio. tmin'ster of education for Cold Co*.I. Above. Nlsrum.h hat been hoi.ted -I « »e crowd by hi. admirer, a. they enthusiasti­ 2 Doors THE REFRIGERATOR BUY OF '51 cally greeted him. >4&m- .— (^msmm _— : — Instead Js&m Of 1 PHILCO GIVES YOU MORE!

\ ANI -V-.,.«.,.-• 1I..I. MEMBERS OP DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY are proud lh*** days for ackievament of winning Letter Library award of American Library Ann at il. recent meeting in . Delta, T(a« near Pkilca sensation ... A Deasata* Kat'riferetor witk Automatic Defrost . . . earned group', top .ward for tmmod boolimobilc-lib rary-on-wheolt project in rural south. Above tkr.o » CU. FT. PHIL-H, Z I »v»< refriferation lu.urr at a new low top sorors display plaque. They are (left to right) Janet Avery Hamilton, regional director) Masse*. L_ CO 915 (left*. pre a. Revoleetionarjr New Philco Desplet Watkin., chairman. Delias' national library commit tee, wko accepted plaque, and Jcanrttc Triplet! Da-lux? Combina- Oeaifo. The fir.it 2-door combination re- t i >.» n Refrlirera- Jonea, pa.I grand pre.ident of sc.ra.ritr. friica'rai-ar treetet ever built, with l»ot»i II CU. FT. PHILCO t.er-Fre*<.*r.ei Sn»- complete freedom from excessive moisture* t'inus 0 cu. ft. *n,l fully automatic defrostliii*. tits (shove). Newest Advanced De-djcn tea- cnoecitt**. raid tures with huge 11 cu. from top tn hot- Real Estate Dealer Loses Damage ft. capacity Fa 1 I- laim. Zero 7..>he C A L la FLetcher 2645 leiutth, fully-equipped Frrrener for froz­ with IJ* lb. Zero Zo»«* en faiods. Exclu­ Suit Brought By Eastside Woman Today And One Of Our Freesei. Quick Chiller. sive Philio Ad- P.utlt in Covered Ment iUStable Shelve**. Action has been brought by Mrs. Anna Smith, 99 Coinnnrtment, F ii I I v Qra»s, da*+- Winner av., against William C. Culpepper, prominent real A d j u ii.ibl.- Shrive*. faletss-covered »e»rts. •» a I • J -a. estate dealer, in municipal court for $425 damages. Come To Your Home Foi Cris-pers. 18.-* -to. ft. Ill,-al Tw.e Criaajs- er». , The actum way brouirbl .-ben! shelf area. after Mr.«. Smith r«*id *h* ha.i de which ;.!-< required a J.'lt'OO down Complete Details On PRICED FROM (Kisited the $425 with Culpepper payment, .inasmuch ar - i». -...- (*u on a piece of property located at ing to pay the same amount down Your TRADE-IN 1273 KuMwooa) av., as a tempor­ for another piece of property, *«• ary down payment. She .tate.l his contract called for. she might that the payment wis made with a provision that, unlt-Hs she could ,-K. well buy it-from him. Culpep­ iai**e» the balance of 12,575 the per pointed out. The court, how­ The OHIO MALT BEVERAGE*: initial money would be returned. ever, .felt differently and so GOLD'S IS OPEN SUNDAY & EVERY DAY FROM 8 A.M. 'TIL 10 P.M. rule-d. DISTRIBUTING CO. Shi- allrfrt-d tbat Culpepper re­ "Central Okie'. Only NEW YORK.—A campaign d* fused to re-turn the money- in Mr.«. Smith wa> represented bi N.gro Distributor" i-i-med te. *p*ed and improve in- compliance with their agreement Att'y William II. Brooks. »0 N. Fourth St. ADsai AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT after she deckled not to JCO sheet! rtallation an*! servicing of home with the contract. As a result, CHARGE OVER 25 YEARS OF SERVICE AND RELIABILITY television receivers was recenlfy Mr*. Smith said she filed the suit, coneJuded bv the RCA .Service Co. which was tried before Judtct* GET a LOAN Remember—The Long St., Cleveland Ave.. Mt. Vernon and Leonard Ave. Bute* Stop At with awardt to four top scorm* Fred Donnally. who, after bearint* the "evidence, ruled in favor of . The COLO'S CORNER, Lot.*; St. and Crant Ave. branches and an overall report ot THI COMMONSINSE WAY FOR CREDIT marked improvement* HI the Mr*. Smith. AT Commonweallh IMPLOYIO WOMIN ouality and acceleration of **r- Through his attorney, Jo*»e>pn Hogan, Culpepper filed a motion Vour applic.tioo handled quickly. Kama* w a>».U — ae* yWe» yire operations. Loans promptly on our tomwoartott moptvymt yeas caa aa. caa* IM*. • for a new trial, which was over­ principle for (./ purposes— eras,apeljr. Us. cor Spatial latest* ti'-*. Sarvlcai ***-.*» l.r.i omi ... USE OUR FREE ruled by the court. After this was mrdicsl or dental bills,home or cur re­ ttaa leaaa la ooo vent. Oae II yomt done, Culpepper decided -not to go pair., *tc. Cammonunir toitmul. Phone v.jr i see last, staa.liyas a* *a- Waxes For Victor any farther in the matter and for one-visit loan or come in toaj.y. paroma! iMa*. ac* la.s4.sS. PARKING LOT paid the judgement and the couit lOANS SaS Te >*0* PHILAPELPHJA. — B i x I e eeeta, thu* making final disposi teU.MC COMMONSIIaS.OmMOHUHll f lOANSi l*NCJncft >»»*)»,"; | Crawford, west coast thru*h who tion of the 1 •; month old ease. AT REAR OF STORE scored ep-ith ber f»r»t RCA Victor Culpepper told The Sentin**! jmonweafth WHEN SHOPPING aides "Please Let Me Be" and Tueteday that Mrs. Smith contract­ r "Tonight of AH Nigbta," has wax­ ed te buy a piece of property for LOAN SB__3g ft AT GOLD'S -$8500 with a $3000 down pay­ Room 20e\ 44 t LONG ST., COLUMBUS ed another coupline oa the Vic­ Phone* ADamt *B» . A. J. SmUrtfca, Mgr. ment,. She later changed her mind. LONG ST. at GRANT AVE. (OPEN EVENINGS) FL. 2645 rrr lanes gjjdj »e SStUlatt of oH mnsmsSam lomfm \ tor label-"Mv Maa'* a Devil'* he said, and wanted to buy an- sacked by "Waitin' Arcund." *.*>..; home at s cost ef $11,500, *< 1

PAGE 6 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY 28, 19&1 PAGE f, Eastside Legend SATURDAY. JULY 28, 1951 THE OHIO SENTINEL Charles W. Comer SOCIETY WOMEN These Folks Once Suffered, Too! In Business At Gleaners

17th-Long 31 Yrs. fin Picnic I Us JOraiM B. Cw»>«.i>... I ... 1.:..... al? . sub oi Mt. Vol z. ^ lion Av. A ME i-t.iin la ii.iij it* jan- i • ..- .1- VV. 17.M, , i, t>i>, Mi' i.. I.Uill |i» hit Slii.iiaa.a- ill tilt* rotlllj-'a* •ii*.' t., tiprrator a-l the.* Comei vf Att'v amij Mr*-. I';i\ K lliaj.*l.t - | >.* j a".i • a-I.Jl;* t.Ollt'lV Stl.l .• ;.l lUv *V;,b*,i! ( e-a,r: I • a,- rttal.. (Jn A**. • -Mail I 1 1 .' llil I',.-...,, iv *%*• I u-.l.a-.it. ,:. tin »;.iue la*a ;al lull f all Mis. I'^i.iii,- Williams, (iii tin- i«i. i '-It li.(i\ ill' «-i< i.iaa Mi.< nt fcvv ! :. . i.iiiia.ilte-a- vveii- Ml*-. Iliittti* i^«r"a.- ,r ' • ii.rriiu- (.«..• -..*; \\ 1 !.. t-li.lii lliiin. Ml-.s K< * ".;. a a a ... ,j ,(] j , ..a hll,j>. (•lariiem .I*..! Mi** iiv.t Htn.-ii«- I Oint-i i ;e:na tt> ' • IU •.-•••..- I*! a-ili i i...,. ).. a -,-i:l vv a-. , Ml . ait.! V> ;•!..>;,!, *.ii. \. (".. about Mi**. i...va..a>,.r \\ illi.itt,-. Mr. ..'... i?.'0-J, ami u.-ikvu at * fetttltrer Mrs. So mi nu Ui.iia-. Alt'.*, nm! it I'la'H fa.r ;. number .*f \a-.:l^. :eflc> Mis. l;.(v ll.ai-l,.-v Mi anil Mi **»-tin h he veit.« i ri:l'i.,v ii' ir. privoti .i..r/i.^ I'IM-I., Mi. nrui Mi- Van- flal»)i|* . aa... k.y,-- fpl (111 ire's- F. Iv. vi«ui I'rtiiia.va. Mi. »nd Mr* Kii tlu-.tliij-l..!.. (if •• . i • ' ifi_ ';,.., ^** -ar..* Tyree. Mi .,.,,! Mt* Km! COI.OMAMIC OINET It: SKIS SUCH AS ONE .SHOWN hr'e.-e. n.a, f«i| 1 , • . fi'iil'ilKii Mi. jn.,! Mt- i.iii-.i.- luholar slerl fnrnilurr eaul of kitcheev ond even into the pa.lot .f l.utlirr II KI i- suffered aehea'and jiain-a. Ollie May tuo|»er suffered stoinae'li tlistrr**. Mm, Waldo Heath waa nereous and ran-tlvwn. livwi.n. Mi*-- Iii* lliij.'!.,-. Mi- Ill U»'JI li. taavO.,1 .... las - I... you will! The tablr ta,p siraaulalr, «....,: a>r*in an pa-tel color., wh,' a iiK/*-.c More.. iiiild. Mi*- Kai...v;i r,r.ttli.|| Ihe* plastic chair rovers lr.e.k .....: frel like faille fabric*. T hr leas •• iit h's pre>'«-tit tii-atii.n, H'II-M- ha- lalllj Vt»> K11.1; Ih.miHon. heat, slain ,nd ch.p rci.lanl. ( I>a ya I r a.n. Cevrri ) sold pitino)), jihiinoirf»e).h», -ii""*v l-iii! umii iit.-tt tirnent* until 1! 1 * Wbeit I.i •*.'»*. feafred OUt of busi. Query to the June bride: How doe* it feel to be back lo earth again? l.o* l.e'.ai;-»- i-f the rla |'H--.••• Centenary HADACOL Relieves The Cause CHARLES VV. COMER Hi *r*i<' t.t la.neve' nathiri|» ahtrnt niovit, biit --.-* nu '.••:! 1».*r *u< ...... t,: t,:i} .,,.,,.,.,1 t„ (>t. Ilfi ) ouths Direct * '*'•-' '»»• *<•' Ka«f»itU -• ..,: •* >„. .uai.-.ia-.l. "a x, , ,.| tK, Of Stomach Distress, Aches and Pains. Weak. Run-

.-a- '.a !>:. I. Va;. - ((lJ(; FellliWr. ..n,| KI*-. va ho ...-,.; tall. il'iyi.au- -a-va!..' >II,|V .,j...... \,.u I Sunday Service •KEEP COOL! >lc»a-. Tfx- -'. -re- taja-. It -lian--. I.a .Ulf.'l think the) need rue- iiml I Down Conditions and Nervousness When Due to *a.|. . IIII<.III.-II..:I1 tha- iitfce, iVai:-^,,,,', na ,-.! theill. Pa-n't pel nia' i,f By MATTIE RUTH COOK "' •*"' ' '''• **"* 1'..- H.Ke- „ ,,.,.>. , •,,„,,•, „„.,,„ _„,,, ~„m|„ BUY THE BEST---BUY lox. radio snd Df n. ....--..-i „,, ,,,. -„,„• F.„. ,,,,_, ,„„, kitIl The youth- of L"e-nle-l>ai\ Mai,-. Deficiencies of Vitamins B„ B2, Niacin and Iron va.oM.l ».,„, 1. >...*,-...,*, ti.e- Ml*) ••„-> ,,jvl ,,,.,, „.,. ,,„„•, |U4d |int. "ili»t 1 hi.ia h wil! hi- in (-httrtce of '"' ,"'*' - •'•'••'"•'"'•"'V *n I j another any 1....1.. ! think nl! il s. 10. servicer- Sunday, .luh f ...... I'nrUr-r. Siairrieriaiai. / llittoil : Mr., t totit* Brawn, 7/2 t.m Due! »r.. HHm Ht.ljrrfir-Id. ttH .'•••**->*•. f yoiinee men should IM-IOIII; lo ••• -ft, diirtn** which the Rrooh: Why Settle for Syrnptomotic Relief When HADACOL Can "A friend of mine had iriven me freeeue, C.eaforiarsvn, t.rorfiu: "I ;\ fiemymimmt Arrnur Wr.t, llirming QUIET UNASSUMING I ,,, -..-.ranixatio,., ... ,„,*>• tan Welch Air Flight :illv Id.tn-1-. lhe ya-uth choii ^nn a bottle at am "JO y.-ni s old, reerni. Ala.: "'I've Help People With Such Deficiencies? been using 'J*t.t Comer **i.*ie* i- a .*nv ,-ni, i,*V f r<1,,) ,,. f,„ ftvm K)u.,n •priii;: Ca.-i-ai 1 hi.MIS will tender m»«ii- H A D A C 0 L and I just want to tell you how IIADAl'.O LI i«, r.iiKhl-i'ihaa.,1 -he.j^.i:!, and 1.- Jopd. law abidinir citizens.' Ai II i>. m. Sundav the* feospt-l I alitor Hit, ',16 i I,,..t,nti Si., I lira. »'.,;»/., Hfoth, W20 Jt,t Jtsori tor my , lui-tli- CIRCULATING FANS .lay. I had been your wonderful a year now and 1 I.,;_»..*.ay.-.' by many hbii*ewive-»- i',.tiu /*.»„..,., '.re.-, I\, ntni!. • .* "For M.. M ^.r fluiit, Hi.oaurit "I want man.) *horvs will present Rev. Ke-nin-tl feel mir run- . HADACOL has it sure h a s! stfHJ ehihltt-n who fl„rk tin-re from ,„., , , , ii'iit.- ^.»m<* lime ; to K.ve thank *99ufm avi h rvinjs hi- lessnderaft and choir- of Mt. /.ii..-. down, and tu>t \ vg ** helped me. I helped tne. I] I Wie-e. lie-l Vi.us i.i the wonder­ y A. m. 'til 6 p. m. i);:il\ t<> |.tir- 1 A, n didn't rieeni to was weak, ner- didn't have anv .•i..'.i*c'ii, ..i.lc that h^ iua> I.'-!. '"/',""': """;' Addition. Th li ml i un - (1<. ful preparation a ...-ir -11,:.;: ile-irx. puhlir i- invited, have much vou* and run­ appetite at all moil at>le to hunt anil fi-h. th flll-l I -ailllcl .'tl j II Wi VOL nnd energy. So I down and could couldn't sleep! ' t'a.irte-i );• n I|UM*I. Oiia?.iiminti Annual ("hutch -almol oiaiii. li -nu n. IK*.- Slid loll you liow it • i.fa hohhj* he ha-. Me- 1- a devout da-.-ialod to try hardly do my well, and -te. 'ie.i| iiiiafi who (fin-s shout hi- hitsines-* |i a i n - . 1 wax ' 'i.a- helped mc iovci of aml.a.f .ii.or-< .ports anil v.ili he- ha-ld Ssiurday. July L'S. a the HADACOL work. anr.* I stui t- VailiMR on 1 u>lr.iiH-r- ru {4 iiie- f.ir Walnut vin!.. Huse.« will leave (hat had been I ate didn't I've been taking! whenever a ^i*.*n i- -«-i-n on hi- i-mid hai city dei e d t » k i n g (iiodn-al munnt-r Mi- w..ik- alort.> the- rhllrch al !' 'Ml anal II *. m. Us^Tr^s given to me. I •grave; with me. IIADACO Lj HOOT le-llilinar "(-li.-at-ii 'til III" (a., ta .liey'a work. I H A D A < O L -jOg*-' •'' -•*"»——_ i-ould notice af- I decided to irive I can't get' »ai.«! ne-ve-r Sppt-ar* ti.- be in ;. jvt *rl t'd Ink mi I waa I net volM, rente other specified rime I. yoj ku>»; i.*r the first bottle that I was feel- HADACOL a trial. I have taken enough to eat now. I o to sleep hinry throughout rlie- I I ba.ur* In* i rouldn'l rut and K can re*>t SSSUred that h«- is. e-ithe-r k! \li\i ill. and iiiK much stronger. I have since six bottles of HADACOL. ani-l^now and can re-it all night. I can- V l didn't huve the oj.irate.* daily. He- -«>* he u.««-e| to I'—-:: Iniught the; Ini'ife family size l>ot- can tell the difference since I have work haid and it doesn't even tire. in the- woods hiiiilin*.'. or -ittini' • i>.iu my first ' e n c r r* y to do staiy i.j.i-r. !«; hoiii-a s ilay, but Mrs. Devine tle and feel that HADACOL \\a\ been taking HADACOL. Use ny me now like it did. 1 am Hb years eir. the- n\e*r hank fi-hir.i». lest tie I fill liet- l.a.ve h, i« ' v" "* i.',|-' old." He- | my housework helped tn*. 1 intend to continue letter. aMaybe it will enciuruge tne Now. I fe*e*l old and feel goa>d mont of tha* Th* ("onia-r grocery store hat N«»w, I'm on my eighth bottle of taking \<" a lot of p.-..pie that are weak think- 11 hour- i- leant* enonj-h t 1 I» t.. Shoo.,, Route I, for letting me tell you about ..ru! l.onf* am! apparently nas a rand I wouldn't. du .nee what MtnrJtr. Wi.....!/./,.. "1 wa.s weak, HADACOL." able to buy it. Use my letter—it Jiiai.aj HADAI'OI, vny* highly.** ( lor.j;, hiiyht- futiiit*. The- system *,•,» \\ ,n„. Mae Devine. 2K nervous, hud may help someone." n.Mr., Fa-ina-r i> will le.Miiiuintt-.i Mr. Etlird t tHtprr. Itt.x URt. ih« wonderful HADACOL hss upon which he operate*- hi- -ton av.. had ar houfc *srti<-v>t> lost my appe­ Mr. R. It. Rryont, T. O. with the price situation •an.' say. M..rk.rUtf,, t.a.: "My i:)-vear-old doits for me. 1 want to stay thanks tite, could not 191. Miss Omtethe IT hit*, 1709 Bmoh 1. unique indeed, hut it ha« been J over I)I«- wa-e*ki-n«l he-t i-ia.lhei-. daiitchter. Ollie -»»,..• •./', Mi..<»<•/>/.i. he ha.« long -inter quit worrying • ualii to HADACOL. I'm 21 year, ,-ven litund the I. — /all.-. .'/- .f-tdrin, I.it.: ''I am rhoma? Chase of \ a-i-aille... Ky M*e C «s.o per. have been a shout it. Hit rusturners are* aware profitable tea the owner, and of age." smell of food. HADACOL twenty - five, an,| Am-a I'ha.-e- of l.exir.trlor.. j vv*i under- Having to eat user for one years obi and . i-f the hijrh COM of f«,<„1. he- «aiei, ; hanilv e-nteipri>e for ne-ij/hhor- wa*i^lit. *n'l alio Ky.. ami her cousin, Mr-. Mae \ to live. I would hav* lived in I l-iul seldom - "inplsm. UP base-.. *,„.„,* , i,|,.„t^ * Mi/Cereal f r unl J. IP. ttmmbin, 16.1 NeerisW tirior, year. I WHS ner­ lr K Hover* of N'ersaille*.. fori** down a Alexandria a 11 s t "> tn a c ii 'ii • -mm t'.-.mi.triit. I.o.. * I have taken vous, could not th. suici-sri of hi* Imsine-s- «.ri , few mouthfuls, my life. I am Sunday afternoon, Mis. lie vim j 11••-.-. Site* in >>n__L -*»* three bottles of sleep, was tired ki-e-pins* price* as la.w ar- rxirisible. then 1 v, otlld employed by a !I.*I fourth bottle H A D A ( 0 L. and rundown. 1 had a Jo\e-l\ turkey ilnii.er in I suffer from canning C o HI • e*per»tinjf strictly a.n a , at-h I>*M*-\ of HADACOL and I could teli have taken Crooner In Florida fheii honor, which was »e-iv«*ii j stomach dis­ seven or eight p*ny. A year; e >ie-i,ii;i,,' courtesies lo each aaf N*iw, she fc<*l*a i ti e difference : tress. Then I ago I was ner- lr«*m an attractively uppointefl fine laml she is in my condition. bottles of hi. eo«toiiier.«. heard about voua and run- PHILADELPHIA. — Baritone J table. Columbu* irue«t). wen- Mr i *Me» t«, fj" where HADACOL iaefora. I took all your wonderful HADACOL. I lown. I lost my, NOT VERY ACTIVE . n.oi.er Johnny Hartman, recently j anrj Mrs, Albert T, Johnson, Mi»« I if the first l...t- and 1 feel so ...,..,...... bh.i want. tn. lietran taking HADACOL four much hotter. I v At nne time he belonged t.« I tie I'm '18 year*-; appetite andlj sijinnl RCA Vjrtoi recordine- ar [ Blanch* Van Hook. • Mr*. Emma I She* elm* K*M"ed times a day. Within a week ! was do all my hou.e- *«*v '•/• many fraternal, civic ami either 1 of sue. Before I couldn't sleep.rj ti»t. i« currently appearintr at V\"atei«. Miss Abiahn Oreeorv I weight am) n*> l..in*-r sulTerri from cooking for my family and doing work. milk two cows, sleep well j A . a jetarted takinc A friend told' ora-aniltation-, iiiclnilinjr the K1'.*- I'lub 22 III Tampa, r'la.'s, swank' Mi. I.eve John steimsch distress I intend to con­ most all the housework. I have and eat anything I want without j me about HADACOL ana 1 de- II A D A C 0 I. tinue Kivm« her HADACOL. I Ireeii taking HADACOL about a stoniarh misery. I have reeoni- cided to try it. I have been taking t'tUi Fellow.-. Frontier*.. YMCA pe*"*"»ta hotel. Th«. v.,,...r vocalist [ The table centerpiece wa- of NO MONEY DOWN I I was tired, and K/e HADACOL t.» All the faintly year. 1 have been teaching It mended HADACOL to many of j ^^ a week for . yeftr ^j sin! I'rbon i-.e-ajrue. j has beer, piliiiK up successes on j various Colon „f unap "drafrtenn j I had ache* and now." nd 1 ju.st c«,n't recall friends and neighbors. 1 just "I wa* native in all of them • theatre and nicht club date** j and "tintlia* which 'Mrs. Ileviue pains, and I veins, and I just c«,n l recall a i my triend.s and neignoors. i just m.MA„rt..\ , ,„,n r COMPARE HADACOL .on help you if your veur that I wasn't happy cannot praise it enough, for it bas} • can report wonderful lesults. I j ai !..«-• the country ami 1- -late I • }tti,\ jfalhei,.,J I., flow I . outdid sleep well at niffht. Now, rendition i** dm* i>» delieieneies of i ,m.* 1 am taking HADACOL 1 (or school t«* close, because I wa.s don* so much for me. 1 sin 54 ; am gaming weight, my nerves sr* 1 hy critic*; to be reeoj/nucd ami.in* j t-ar.iei, THESE AIR FLIGHT : Vitamins B-. I< , N'ia.in snd Iron. j feel so muVh better, and the so tira*d. It is different this year. years old and I believe what j O.K., I have s good appetite ani Protest Brings Ban ; lh. top croi.net> jn show bu-ines.. . FEATURES WITH ANY I will be very unhappy «» •«**; | HAIMCOL has done for me. it 1 can sleep nights again. One bot- HADACOL is sol.l on » strict I svhes and paina have disappeared, NEW YORK. — The adjutant OTHER FAN ichool out this year I have told - , I . , ... .. , , ^.„_.«,J Cottees In Canada motley - b*vHv «ii*> sntee — you'll , and I sleep soundly. I can't recom- .the. teachers shout your won- w.ll do for others. I highly recom- . tie a week dtd it and I recommend rceneralV office of the I>ept. of AIR FLIGHT SPECIAt t>.,i-, I mend HADACOL enouirh." I dei ful HADACOL." I mend HADACOL. HADACOL' I Mr. ami Mi f»*-el better or your money bsvk. the, Army ii*5 sriven axsorance $5 Million Sought (.ilbet t makes il a stand.out in spi-esr- thai there wil! be no recurrence j -TM7 -"ml av.. Irhan, |a-t. a race* — «*ns;inasrrir>c, . .i,,.,l in No Money Dosvn The American Real Cross hn-j .Hist returned from vacationinK >c of the instiltinjr sin1 ilttnada. Thev motored over HiilPi 19 29 re-ferena es ti» Nct-lOes which hav, not v.lur. Patented louetra direct Only $1.25 Per Week mailed "Baseball Talk." an armv raise fo million for the rehabil. fmile*. Moppipf/al variour. point' in Trail Size*!. Family Size $3. cool air. Sealed motor. ree,veirrs TAKE ADVANTAGE OF GOLD'S LOW PRICES (all 1, r.f famihe- 111 the midwest "rti.ri,, and Qui bit The 0'ilte-* No Charge For Credit laalin 1.1. a/i.-.n: iicani in K..re».. no oilin. Of .parl(lina; ,.,»,....,, The NAAIT nl«ve<{ l.. the M- flood """*-'< •* < <• ompanierl bv Mr. •nd »'•> plastic. fei,*e Het.t. the complaint* of I.. (ottee'v narenis. Mr. ami Mis. An* \- < in., j well as a healthy carrier vaiti av . i« rc-iufu-iatint; ai home n t 11 mnlain- j during seasonal out- follow iiiaf a recent


EARL BLAND, Ms D. serious because blood cells have a With Wine Recommended life expectancy of about four Anemic i n d i- months and unless new ones re­ "A vegetable dish with a parly heat. Add lite, spinach, Cggd, creamed mushrooms :>r other viduals usua 11 v places the old. the outcome wil. air" is tbe best way to a|.*scribe onion, .alt, pepper and nutmeg. i-ra*utiii-d Ve*ga:tHble. or HolUn- are pictured as be a severe anemia (Aplastic) spinach -i"'! rice ling piquant Turn into an oileil J quart ring .lais,. or a'heese eim-.*. pale and weak. This deep-green ring with its deli­ In other instances the factor-, mold, Hake in a moderate over. cate texture and delectable flavor Thi*- is true, but is working but not all lhe parts (•••">•) K.) for about IT, minute**., or owes much of its goodneia* to "he In Youngstown it does not indi- can be replaced. This condition until firm. Remove froni oven California white table witia* that rate that every- is compaiable to tbe anemias and let, stand for "a to 10 minute) Mrs. V.va Bark-edale, ill N. goes into its preparation. one with these• that develop in persons who do before unmolding, Fill centei 18th si., has been visiting friend* m a it infestation,! not obtain the necessary bloo 1 Spinach nnd rice riiia^ piquttnl with creamed chicken or shellfish. in Youngslaiwn, ia anemic. Such | filled with Hollandai.-e 01 chcis-. hiiildiiiir elements in the diet. *Rlv^**»*tF»'*l**3 syroptons are as--' sueh at. food rich in protein and sauce is* an especially good «»,•- ••.:..- ed with] iron and other minerals. companimeni to broiled or fried a nemia because j The same- can be said when the fish. With a creanu-il vegetabl;* there are too few .' nutriment is improperly absorbe'l such as creamed carrots or mush­ ned corpuscles in I from the" stomach because ef rooms in the center; it can play the blood. .*,omv abnormality. The result u a! the vegetable role i" practically These tiny cells contain bemu* | deficiency anemia and treatment any menu. giobin, the coloring matter of the ! ifj different. Iron may be given For in attractive and delicious KEM-GLO m blood. Tbe chief constituent of' but in some instances the iion Ml main course for luncheon or hemoglobin is iron, which carries' dinner, unmold spinach and rivSJ not absorber! by the system be- Fritos Stuffed Peppers Have For kiiohenn, bathrooms, all wi^advvork. m oxygen to the tissues and carbon I cause the *-ti>mach lacks hvilro- | ring piquant un a platter, fill lh.' Ready to use, assy to apply, driers quickly. dioxide back to the lung-. Pallor! chloric acid. center with creamed chicken, 39 ••tents from a shortage of heme--1 tun or shellfish '-and surround the If the liver extract principle If ' a f a4_0Ufl*T rlobin: fatigue, frsm an oxygen' Eye Appeal, Flavor, Aroma rinK with broiled fomatoen, P»i»ft *>..r-.>.-»(.ne-i . n.-v the diet is absent or deficient, or j LOOKS AND WASHES ICONOMIOU deficiency. the individual is unable to absorb hot biscuits an<| a tray of assort- HALTER SUN DRESS ia F o o al enthusiasts frequently Season inside of squash witb sjill LIKE BAKED ENAMEL It is easier lo understand une- ' this element the pernicious nnc- j eal relishes, and complete the pic-1 6AL *71f claim th.it to get the moat en­ and melted butter. Fill with mix­ lure with glasses of well-chilleal | raay and white checkerboard mis. by comparing the number off i..ia will occur. Iron, in the^e ei- joyment ami of meals we not only ture snd bake in oiled pan at 350 ANr-Srtiliaa.l !';. ..f.a i'.a,uer Was own mate-hing bol.ro red corpujioJes with the autumn-; cumstances, will not be of value California Sauterne .»i other Buy It At biles on the street. There will be need dishe** that are good looking degrees* for 20*-.'J0 minutes. white t»blt. wine. "The Avenue's Most Complete Paint 8c for cover- up o-rrasions Avail­ whereas liver extract and vitamin THIS PEACHY-LOOKING YOUNG HOMEMAKER I. e.n(«(ed fewer cars if the .factory fails to ' and go(i(| tasting but dishes who**.* III2 will. ia one of tbe most sestisfyinej of .11 household tusks. Sh« is making Wallpaper Center" able in the borne from hoe.se- manufacture them, or if nothing tantalizing aroma stimulates the FRITOS TAMALE LOAF *atf« rrprrsrnt.tisetea of Fashion imagination even before we l-ke I can cream-style ce>rn • fresh I"-,. I. jeam .raaj is using spices to snks.es the deliciousaess SPINACH AND RICE i*. done to renew the supply of II. Y. writes: Can the presence j 1 the fir-t taste. 1 lb., I oz. can) of its flavor. RING PIQUANT Frocks, Cincinnati. s.41 ts so that ,-siitn-; can be kent in ! of gall-tones be ignored safely if There'* extra pleasure in antki 1 4 oz. bag, corn chips to. BEST MERCHANDISE MART good repair, or the workers may j there are no sympton»7 (Serves 4 or 5) pation, aaiial long by for a mealtime 2 tsp. salt 1013-1015 Mt. Vernon Ave. FE* ft,2& ' slow down or go o.t strike. Reply* Yes. but the situation e.f- 1 (II or..) package froaert yout family will receive an aro­ 1 trip, pepper Many other things can happen. fets a potential hazard. matic message of delightful eating 1 clove garlic, minced chopped spinach Duchesses ^ The factory may burn down or be* * s a 3 tablespoons butter cup Calif..i oia Sauterne or Honor'Dukes giene in tbi* column and by smell, too. fiom the first bite e>f ground leftover meat lo the hone marrow where the mail. He will not make diagnosis other white tnldc wine their corn-chip crown down to the 1 | cups canned tomatoes Now, Try Recipes Thursday evening nt ihe Dukes red cells ure made. Fat or bon .• or prescribe for individual*. 1 cup cooked r'<'e l.*i«t tn«tv morsel. 1 tbsp. chili powder PER FOOT OF FOOD SPACE? elubroeiine. bT»l E. Lvng yd., the may KIOW into the spaces noim.il. Send stamped, .elf addrrssrsl By BETTY COOK FOR ANP 2 eirirs. slightly beaten 2 beaten eggs I'ua'o.-M*- club gave a farewell Iv occupied by marrow. Cancer envelop, and addre..: R. Earl What a iia*u. li crop wc aio h_viri|C this yrar' It'* always i lucky 1 teaspoon minced onion FRITOS STUFFED PEPPERS 24 ripe olives party in honor of Dukes Warrant cells mav invade or. as in leuk­ Bland. M. D., Tko Sentinel lir<»ak whe'n pcarht's are plentiful an.l many -.mail yuiiiij. h.xiia-m.ikei - Salt and pepper to taste* Officer John Grady. Jr.. M-Sgt. tSEE PHOTO ABOVE) Combine first four ingredients. emia, the norma) cells can be Health Forum. Ml E. Lon( St., are* reveliiijc in thU lufcious, golden fruit. Kurlunatery the nubtle fl«- Ila-b a.f nU&ICg Donald Lee, M-Sgt. Arthur Terry. Lightly saute garlic an<] meat m crowded out. There disorders are Columbus 3. C green •••>.-• rs vair uf thi; fruit never become** niniiot.Mi.ius, ami there 'are s<> many- (Vok spinach according to di-1 Jr., and S-Sgt. Robert Otey, who I cup ground beef ii lb.) fat, add chili powder and toma­ re.-iioiis tsri carton* drain thor-l toes. Simmer for -"> minutes and variation!) in jam and coimerves. .'.. . . ia,: Saturday evening for a i cup whole frain coin oughly. Melt butter »"•.-• cinnamon and Iruits. . Mrs Clara Myrick. Chairman o: 1-8 tap. chili i ' a. >ia r allstiiee. To make conserve. Ad.l »ugai, thc party was Mr*?. Beatrice Today, everybody loves a party - Especially the hostes*. for pent} Remove* top« an,) centers from If Polio Comes . . . Take your choice of thei<* ahe'irics. and nutia to prepared Thompson. j lefreshments arc as much fun for her to make as tbey are for the peppers. Mix beef. corn, crushed DO — Telephone your recipes— fruit in large saucepan, filling up Thoie present weie. guests to sample. corn chips, onions, eggs, milk aad local chapter of the Nat'l \ PEACH MARMALADE the la*r one hour. Six serving*. skins in quarters from 1 orange >i in ford, Mr and Mrs. George keeps an array of ready-in-a-min- BERRY TRIANGLES partment. No patient need skim by tunis for o minutes \o ute party foods on her kitchen and I lemon. Lay quarters flat; .Saunders. Mr. and Mr*. Nor mar. Make baking powder biscuit FRITOS SQUASH A LA PATO go without care for lack shave off and discard about hai* '."oo,"| •»«'~»IH.slightlVy tI"o prevent ffloatint g NATlONAl MESS lUHOINO shelves. She can entertain at a ,u,t L l WASHINGTON. 0 C Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ralah dough. Roll out on fluured board U lb. fi yellow summer of money. Your chapter of white part. With a sharp knife. J. » "c quickly into glasses. Slaughter. moment's notice. into rectangular shape and cut snuash will pay what you cannot •.In.* remaining rind very fin.. Cover conserve at once with I->* ' Summer sheers look then be**, Mr. and Mrs. John Mays. Mr. See what wonderful party foods dough into 3" squares, \" thick. 2 strips bacon, ftied crisp an.l Aet.l i cup water and l-iti tea- i '"'* i*«i*uffin. when worn over a mulching petti­ and Mrs. Clarence Thompson, Mr. you can plan from simple market afford. Because "— tbe Place a spoonful of jellied cran minced spoon soda; hrini; to a boil ait's i coat. And with all purpose tini-> and Mrs. Edward Richey, Miss menus. 2800 local chapter* of the berry s^iee on each. Fold diagon­ 1 tsp. salt simmer, covered. 1 0 minutes, slit- PEACH JAM rtlld p. onions minced, and your contributions to tbe skin of peeled fruit and slip pulp j . i up lemon juice yellow — jti.-i name it. *.vh..ni are Dukes and Duchess***. 1 pound can whole witb a little water and sprinkle sauteed in bacon fat March of Dimes, exist for out of each section. Add pulp 7J cups SUKJII Guests were Capt. and Mrs. cranberry sauce with granulated sugar. Bake on a 1 tbsp bacon fat juice, and 2 tablespoon*- lemon 1 bottlc,Jiquid fruity pectin Robert Clark of Ft. Bragg. N. C, this purpose. Other March With pineapple in season again, ' 1 package ice cream mix greased cookie sheet in a hot 1 egg, hard cooked, and put juice to undrained cooked rin.i , To prepare fruit* IV-H and pit Mrs. Kathryn Busey and Lt. Ca'l of Dimes funds are spent I here's the usual reminder: nevei i (or 1 quart ice cream oven, 450 P., 12 to 15 minutes. through seire ... i simmer, covered, "JO mnut<*s I about 3 pounds soft ripe peaches, Johntfaii. for scientific research and i use ireal, pineapple in a getatto j in the freezer) Makes P to 10. 1 cup corn chips (crushed) longer. Pe.-I and pit about I'. J Grind. Measure I cups into a ver.- Games and refreshments were Servo colorful SNOWBALL the training of much- I dessert without first cooking it. • , . . Boil whole v-uash in salty water p.a.inds soft ripe peaches. Chop f large saucepan. Squeeze the iuic<* enjoyed. CRANBERRY SUNDAES: The enzymes in fresh pineapple Witk ... 4 tablespoons butter, until tender. Remove renter., needed professional per­ very rina*. Combine fiuits an*l from 2 mcdiuui-sixed lemons. Roll scoops of vanilla ice cream prevent gelatin from setting. MOOeS. I I.I-Il a melted mash and add above ingredients. sonnel. measure • cups into a large sauce- Measure ' cup juice into sauce­ in shredded coconuL Spoon whole pan. 1 cranberry sauce over each cran­ 2 cups graham cracker pan with peaches. crumbs To make marmalade: Add. To make jam: Add -sugar t . You can have the convenience I FULl-WIOTM FREEIE8 MORE STORAGE IK Second Tin berry t-nowbaii and serve. .f salt in'a shakei al picnics. Jus*; » e » 1 pound can jellied sugar to fruit in saucepan snd fruit in saucepan ami mix well HKW DOOR SHELVES LESS KITCHEN SPACE, TOO! cranberry sauce*, n.ix well. Place over high heal, fjlacc over high heat bring to a cover the opening with papei'be- You ran serve u CRANBERRY crushed bring to a full rolling boil, ami full rolling boil and boil hard I tore you screw on the top. Then FUlL-tEHCTH COtO Clinic Slated GINGER REF RICERATOst Make ... A CRANBERRY ICE the salt won't spill. on boil hard 1 minute, stirring con. minute, stirring constantly. Re­ As-ifal CAKE: BOX CAKE , s> * MEW BUTTER KEEPER urn Seven businesswomen's clubs WANTED! •slantl.v. Remove from heat and at move from heat and al once stir it tl If you have .. . J p«und ginger of Columbus arc sponsoring the .Mix butter and grsham cracker once stir in liquid ft uit pectin. iii bottle fruit pectin Then «ti.- Cracks in a wooden salad bowl •v. a, snaps jellied cran- , SCIENTIFIC SHEtf SPACIBG ».**.. crumbs. Line mold with wax pa­ Then stir and skim by turns for " '•'' ' skim by turns ."» minutes t» can be mended by filling idem -second annual pin money anJ i pint a-rearn, berry sauce per. Alternate layers of cracker ft minutes to cool slight, to pre- • ( ' slightly, to prevent floating with shellac. It will harden quite MEW GLACIER HUE INTERIOR small busints-ss clinic on Aug. 1 whipped i cup nuta crumbs and crushed cranberry vent floating fruit. Ladle quickl\ fruit. Ladle quickly into glasses.. permanently, to help Franklin county resident**, 1 pound can 7Ji cu. ft. ill tbe fleior *!•»«>» sauce. Place in refrigerator 1 Used Furniture ( v « I a into glasses. Cover marmalade »i ; " er i«m a( once with I -»*" hoi particularly women, turn money- Line a pan with a layer of of Ibe smallest pre-war making ideas, into profit. hours. Unmold. Serve in slices once with \-x" hot paraffin. | paraffin. Never let an electrie. tan blow •finger "maps. Crush cranberry with whipped cream. Dave**, is jn a position to s:vr yoi "kitchenette'* models; 9.rt The clinic will be held in thr* directly on you. Set it hi;;h over sauce with fork and fold ia whip fu-niture if veu arc reaev *« buv now. cu. ft. in tbe space of the ballroom of the Deshler-Wallick SPICED PEACH JAM everybody's head and focus it «>n ped cream. Spread a layer ot the plr-t-r ...l,^*;,,;.- r *' 4 - - __ t^, RIPE PEACH CONSERVE old style "G"; it cu. ft. in hotel, with sessions scheduled fot Straughter* Hosts c v n r or Add 1 to I teaspoon each cin­ lite wall opposite :e window. \Vhe'< cranberry whipped cream mix­ 1 euns prepared fruit. the space oTan old -style "S". 9 a. m. to 12r.10 p. m., 2 to 4 p. m. ture over the ginger snaps. Re­ sir. and Mrs. I^eoriani Wooten *n^ ^'^Hen .urntahina*-. sr ir.se. evervdav ...,. namon, cloves and allspice, or any the air hits the wull, it will re- r 71 cups sugar There ia no admission. peat with alternate layers of gin .if Los Angele* spent a witk as r desire.! combination of apices, u» hound and *>pread out. That's] PIX.*-* . fair trade-in sMowsr-..**.. -n yo>.,- old * t*r*v*u-'> 1 cup chopped cherries I'tnpo-i? of the clinic is to help ger snaps and whipped cream guests? of Mr. and Mrs Victor pouches before cooking. ProCfJed cooler and more healthful. 1 cup finely rhopped nutmeats individuals increase their incomes mixture. Toy with chopped nuts Straughter. 1362 Kent sL as directed, Why --.ol step in or ! Admiral 91 v«« you 11 % mmro lhroii>;h gacceaaful merchandising and let stand in thc refrigeratoi 1 .-.<•!.- liquid fruit pectin f To prepare fruit: After serving ;he* family ills all food space, par dollar Ikon rf their homemade kitchen pro- 4 hours or longer. Serve in shei- Weekend In Marion C \LL FEmwoor, 2.i25l TODAY! Canadian Visitors winter long, hot water bottles, ice bets and. if desired, top with a Peel off yellow rind of 1 me-' the s»»e>rofl. of "•»•» lesrga.l- d»«t«, needle Hork and handicrafts, Mrs. Nettie Bray, 427 St. Clair Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Himes. Jr.. packs, and the like, need a cool and netting un small shops and ilium orange ami 1 medium leinor. .•Iling r«frsg.resl»r brand.. small amount of whipped cream. av.. recently spent a week end in Our E*iy Budget P].an W.'J C.ve y ., A o,^^ formerly of Columbus but now of vacation. Sprinkle them inside and i-;ervi•' "' \ ja- -'.': s,e . ' f-. '•' utes. Cut off lhe tight skin of th** spoken found from Cleveland to Of.eae. M.S., Fri. St S«t. 'Til 4 P. M. Assy Otkvr Ev«, By App't. cream and spoonfuls of whole Mr. and Mrs, Norman Smith, Denver in one-fifth the time it man. cranberry *>auce just as it cornea that, yet somebody does, and peeled fruit and slip pulp out of i5*?S> Granville st.. have been va­ would take for a word to pais Comple-te in.... dilation can be from the can. Top with whipped those who look at me may have- each section. Add pulp and juico 1479 E. LONG ST., (or. TAYLOR AVE. FE. 2525 setuiiii .1 tbe public library. •""''• -M ST., Cor. TAYLOR AVE Ff ?52? cationing in Roanoke. Vs., and front a to a second base- eieam, tf desired,. .. thc identical thought; and juice of an additional lemon to th* rind, and simmor, covered. elsewhere*. si.-ni aerobes a baseball diamond. ft "A

SATURDAY. JULY 28, 1951 SATURDAY, JULY 28, 19SI THE OHIO SENTINEL PACE It Cavalliers Give Picnic endrix 'Whipping The Problem' (Red Style) LILLIAN ALLEN'S Member-* of the t'livallier* club Members an«l guests -ftM-f-ent j held their annual Outdoor .picnic were: Sunday at the country home of Mr. and MrrMr*| Lawrence John­ ommenls Mr. Jena! Mrs. Edward Kichev, at son ot Cleveland. ..Leeroy Madi- K VIEWPOINT ! l.ua-y I'I-PP i>... mur Powell. .-nn, !••• i of Iris. club, anal By Moss H. Kendrix : .i;.n,a-v Yarborough **«» chairman Mr*.. Madinon. Mr. and *M#* Wal­ mm,

; Slit] \*i'»ll»i e McDi'iiulil -was to- lace McDonald. Mr. and^krs Ed IK* nowatwa. ..H.^,.«.| la It.,, r/.'-.a..,. saT*. ttsaaa. eat —> -a*- aasd 4m mo., PITTSBURGH. —sJsr rails*. .... •,„„,.,,.. .1 ]., -j • „ , •__*. 1 DITOR. ! .hairnmn. ward Kichey, Mr. and M»V*«. r>Mul - Arnold Ray* Piper. Mr. and Mrs. James llay- inund Cream, th.* i nie. Mr. and Mm. .Eugen, Yar- "f I g htuiji ilea* .':>(> tn .- >a ti <.- ,i .U.-.l wil*. lorotigh. Mr. and Mrs. Clem euti" ~-.l.re Wsl- would oil spell tho differ­ Ray's Garden Creeiic. Mr. and Mrs. Richard i.ill to you — I** ence between "life and Mann-e. Mr. and Mrt*, Charles i it the a.-resin death" for the nation* of the Clltewooil. now. while Ju*-" free world? This point wa*. Mr. and MK Jack White, Mi. (.••ui-*, Kay Ko!>- omitted in last week's arti­ Party Slated and Mr-, Roger Williams, Mr. an.l iII-..in anil I k e cle but not intentionally, for lo understand the problems I Filial I'lans are being m.edi fa-r Mrs. John Kiniter, Jr., Mr. _n,* Williainti f it t in anv are-a on the globa' sphere*. •'•y5ftf the lawn of t'eiiten Charlie Chat.man, Mr. and Mrs, t-hum lhe hell has tolled, inrff'.**t clmrah from *t to John Watkins. Mr. and Mri. Tho position attained by petto . Lin- Kxzard Charles is no lungei m. ! \«>>oil Ridge way, Mr. and Mm. In* svy weight titlehohler of the leUffl makes il far more important Ch.iii inaii nf the affair i> Mr^i j Windsor Ramtaey, Mr. and Mrra w.ail.f. Instead (hat crown in no** than th,* avetiis*,* layman can be­ Lloyd .Ionian. Mi**. Simon Peter* j William Wofford. lieve oi comprehend. This article ' is co-chairman. Committee chai»- v«<-H some of as r.udo uses I lefferson, Blanche Van H„„k r-int; hut l't tirm**. "The Sutrar' Fnli.-i priH-eedr from lh< tea When we speak of oil. we are j Messrs. Sonnie Daniels of Nor^ went the di-atatic*. ie***** (gjQ will go lo Ihe cancer clinic. specifically referring to petro­ folk. Va., .lames Yarborough. Tha* 1IJ|.|.I.-.I. matt iu the world, leum, which exists in combination Fugale Page. Sammy Boa*,*!,! no douht. Is Jersey Joe. And why with other materials found in th* . Bray Guest MKS. LILLIAN ALLEN [ iMiah Middlebrooks, Uwreme •ah.iuhlu t he be*'.' It took the RSI tipper slraLi of the earth*, sur­ Mrs, \'ettie Bray, 427 SI, Clair «lnn .md Nitt^ Seward, taut. Camden warrior 21 years t-i face, and which is ptcpared for use by ''tiactional n Marj n land the punch that niailc him SENTINEL EDITORIALS gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, lubi ia-itiinj oils an.l wav-a. . ,»ke, fuel, a- giia-*>! af Mr. and Mi*-. Pinkney kiiia; of the heavies. In thai time. Hy Va,-*4 • i!s. Kohall. -en," .ai -,- N'icholja^anil Mr.*-, S>l\ia Stewait I B. & B. CAJRRYOUT | he linl- his ups an«l downs, mostly MISS LOWELL LOCKE BEER & WINE diswiia. This ws.s hi> fifth trv for PRODUCES MANY WONDERFUL THINGS thar diamond belt, and he feels (If course, all of us cannot be » ontmeicial rhetuistii who have • Wootens Visit « Bring this ad and ask fot I thai he wt> robbed in al |i*a.*u This Is Courage Personified •Aorking knowledge of the number of finished ptoduats and their for­ Mr. ,-nni Mt>. Leonard Wo.dei. I (.*r2.85 with this ad). | throe of hi* f*' thc Mason-Dison Inn-, university, working t<>war«U a r v.ii. entertains.,' U-t Sunday bv Mr.-- T:,i -ell A. Jackson, Mi.ve On Dec. f», that year. Madison .and written by L. K. Austin, the editoi. fine QUI thinking lo a few of those thitii»s people have * kiio'wle?dg«j ,i iJi.-ucr'*- ilewree. Orphd Put I.-. Naomi Burn-. out seldom talk about. Wr- Msrie Sewell t he-r Jovelv Square tsurden witnessed one of We have renal many coursgeoiis Atstements by Negro men asid ;< lThe fallowing cue-st.*. were fore**- Bertha Mian. Me*damea Albert.. l.a.me, a* J» ffe-rsa-i- j,x . lh.* ifroat battle.s of the- Joe I.otii.-- women, journalists and otherwise, and those .UtemcnU, have met wltll Were our nation without petroleum, our apothecaries and drug .iiVja. welcome thi visiter: \ a 1 I • .,. Crohn p. Sanford. stores would have lo close shop, for most of our present day drug* Mjt* Locke, i* the daughter of reu'cf. The split decision went t > our utmost respect. But never before have we seen as penetrating, ur Mr. ami Mr*. Earl Hood. Mi. Ailvan Hogg, Ih.llv Banks, Amie th«. then champion from , contain it. Women would look in vain for disinfectants, antisep­ Mr. nnd Mi-. .1. C. I.e-ek,- of De­ ACII defined, a manifesto pointing up the sentiments of s coursgeou< .md Mr*-, (iea.rjrn Schuck*. Mr. an.l B. Phillips. its-hough he took it witlv an smat- tics, shampoos, hair oils, lotions, aiad maaay perfumes (which wo troit and is n teacher in the pub. individual of Negroid descent as Mi. Austin's ediloiial. Ma- >v Me-N'ellioua Sharp and would die if we didn't have). lie school sy.vtem «.f Detroit. Shv WANTED! int; -aorprrise. Walcattt shouted. . . x Mr. Austin tells, in term.-a ss classical as those'of a Patrick Henry, In the home, petroleum finds its way again. It may Ita'at th.« ncentlv returned! from a trip James |t. Davija of t itirinnntt, robbery! : i Nathan Hale, a Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Negro's reason fan fight­ house, insulate it. paint il, or varnish ihe furniture aiul floors, it may bbto.1," where? -he "toilicd musk Pete Brown. Melvin Hawkins, June - "». I "J Iri. saw Mr. Loui.- Merry Makers 1 ing segregation in the south. be pan of laundry soaps, cleaning fluids and polishes. The cooling of fciw! art ir, 12 European countries. Donald W illitam*. Norman Dalla**. •i.vi* face by putting the man Wa Thi» is Mi. Austin', editorial: wax papers that travel with us on picnics, ,.t al, an,f the paraffin thai Shi 15 m.u enrolled at Ohio Stati Jivbcn Stenhenv, Maurice Madrv, oil* to sleep in thc 1 1th before Used Furniture a Ysnkee sladium a-rowd which It is asnwsinc to note tha .»' ..'.••-• ... . tsul pereeicaous altetmpl -eals our preserves contain pel role'.im. Picnic Held Coleridge Jotiess Roland Phillii>«. -.a'tt-aeal the tolluiR bell for the spr- nasw brans* made **»jr tbe whale press aad certain white leaders in Old McDonald's farm could not operate, without p**tiol*uoi It Dnve't is in a position »o ;ive you more for your med iinr Bomber. Walcott's try No. '.' Ktvea power to much of farm machinery, help* ripen fiuii, kills insect Mimbetr. i>f the Merry Makers Giles To Leave North Carolina to intimidate Negaoes into a stampede away from came at ChicafCU on June 22, l'.M!l pests, eradicates weeda, disinfects farm animals, fuels the incuhatoi i Int. htad their annual picnic Sun­ furniture if vou are rearfv to buv now. See our cvm. the fifht of the Nat'l Ass'n for the Advancement of Colored Peo­ Miss Allen Dr. .,*,,j "tip. Howard D. Gilei, -I.at hatches the chickens. The farmers' wives may cook with petrOa whenV the Internat'l Boxing club dav afternoon at Big Walnut ple te» es>d segregation in the south. Ttse effort follows the usual Ittl^ E. Lot.i* -t . will leave earlv plete selection of living room. Hedroom. dmmg r -. mi*. t\l him with tha; youthfui i-'titn iras lo feed their families. Couiittr.*.- club with their families pattern of organi.ed editorial attack on matters of this kind and m Aturu-i f.r n motor trio to ind kitchen furnishings at low. -;vervda> •" *%, Ch;»iIu-, for th«; title earlier va HAS OTHER FARM USES and a large numher of guest-, Washil-gtun, P, C. . cal.-.l bv Louis. wall be understood by intelligent Negro leaders. Petroleum has Other uses on the farm. Il may take the farmer Honored present, several i.f whi.m were Md,. Philadel|.hia, Atlantic Citv. PLUS a fair trade-in allowance on your old furniture. "Even Gov. Scott joins lhe daily press in its frantic efforts to U town, or to market, or take his produce to market, or take the fam­ from other cities. And once attain the Walco'.t New Y.rk and other eastern Why not stop in or niMiMitonipiii, Joe too. declared it* drive a wedge between Negro teachers a'.,l Negro parents who are ily taa Sunday worship, In town, i' work- the same for city folk The club di*tributed refresh cities. M-II* robbed of the Bii? Prir.e. which reghtfwlly seeking for their children tlae " • t education the slate has In the lynthetie rubber Industry, petrolvUm plays quite an impor. ment*- to those attending. Gajinet CALL FErmvr)*>H 2523 TODAY! Officials Rave to Charle* on a I "• t tin I role. Plasties that have taken lhe country by storm, are being At Party - lo offer its citi.ens. Both strike at what tkey consider lhe weakest were played. Generul chairman Issue Invitations r.aiin.l deciaion. But the delei- and most vulnerable spot our teachers—by suggesting that tkey used in place of metal, irljss and woo.I in many aeroplanes, uUonio- of the picnic was Luc-Sen Wright. Our Essv Budget Plan Wi,| G-.v? v0,. ^ ^•%^ Mi-** Harriet Allen of Brookly mioed Walcott was to have an- oiles. frigiduirt'd, and pven in furniture, and petroleum is fcertaiiily The following member*, were Mr. and Mt- Richard B. Lynch, are certain to lose their Jobs if and when segregation is ab'olished in was honored gucit at a surprise (sthei chance, and snothei. Il wa.* ;ised in the manufacture of plastics. hosts: I i:*:* \. itth a-t., have itesued iitv** tk. public .''...I.. party Saturday at the home of j Ii.*ir*iit. March 7, 1961. that Jet- Quite i number of household utensils and U-xtile* art» mad.- ***itti Mesers. Lawrenee TolbeK, pre*- lation* to the wedding reeeptioei "Evidently it kas not yet dawned on tbe daily press or (. >* Mr. nnd Mr**. Robert farreke-r,' honoring their daughter, Amlra* m\IV* APPLIANCES & ley Joe tsRRe.i himself into peti oleum. In.fait, it is much easiv*i to think of things people do nor. idetn: Vincent Walter*-, \ ire pres­ Scott thai there is a strong possibility that the same resmn, tbat Si. ILL* Chittenden av. He*M Jean, ami Mr, John Mixon, on Charles' respect an well a* lhat of •ise or do with petroleum and certainly it would le*t*H'ti the words if ident; Earl Wilson, recording -»••- will prompt the U. S. supreme court to rule against segregation for «••*-•-« were Lettie Carreker and Sunday, Aug, "*,. f,„ni c lo ;, p m lh- fiifht world. this article. lis-nrietta Essex. retar> ; Alt y Frank Shearer, cor­ FuRNiTURE It t'l \cd to I'ittshurich and an­ pupils in public schools will rule against it for teachers. By wkat Oil played a tremendous role in the last war. It supplied high at Kimbiir.-t party home, 1 (i . responding secretary; Wiley other chance for a man who would stretch of imagination can either Ihe daily press ... our governor octane aviation fuel to the air forces. Petroleum went into incen­ Among the- jruetds present Were Hamilton ;.%• •- Von. Fe" 4 >,- •- i , y A. Bates, treasurer; Lucien Wright. Lf. 3v x- diary bombs, demolition bombs, flame throwers, grenades and shell*, -Jean lta.ger>. Karl Benson, M.i\-I ? o.ai accept la\s> than the title. hope ta justify the expenditure of public funds for the segregated parliamentarian. it powered mammoth tanks, huge ships and gigantic plane*. Petro­ •iiit Ware, Johnny Thornton. Har- i "A'e.inv-sday nighl I saw two fa - teacher any neore .than for tke'segregated pupil? j Have House Guest leum even cleared the fog for our landing fields. Oil moved then eld Smith. Bernice Mitchell,, Edn i' Dr. William Iiuggar. L»r. J't,"o- 47? E LONG ST., Cor. TAYLOR AVE ff ?52S torn el work: Reaped and Deter "Tkea again there is tke matter of economics. Negroes have ert Manuel. Mewrs. Owen Boyce, r tiiitttti'in. To ins* the respect tluai: and now in tank ships on the sev.n ocean, and from the defense Reed. Christine Hatri*. Mr. and Mr. i.r.(| Miv. Ermond Hale. - »v lo eat, wear clothes, lave in houses, obtain medical care, pay lae.es mobilization standpoint, interests in oil are definitely global. There Mrs. Albert Pimento. Pfc. Gai-i Floyd Brown, Robert Carter, j N. -Mith v!.. have h..d s« house the Cincinnati Cobra had for the and taaeet every responsibility of other citiaens. To secure these is no way to consider domestic petroleum without considering for­ fiehi Tody of Selnia, Ala.. Quin-j Robert Cromwell. Emmett Evans, I guest Mrt--. Hale's sister, Mrs. Lil (hallencer from Camden wfts quil.* things in the arena of competition they will need ei|uat educational eign petroleum. The fact that wa u.e about a milliot* barrel, per •«n Earl**, Marrie l.a.nif. Muric* ' William Evans. Eugene Lovelace, • lian Ciigshv of Dayton. iahri.au*e. Charles remembered all aspportunities or they must continue as second class citi.ens where day >f imported petroleum is one illustration of this. The impend­ Alfred. Evelyn Collins, Eleanoi Fri-aJ Plage. LeRoy Price. Raymond lei-i well his Detroit encounter with tbey are the last to be hired and the first lo be fired. ing ave effects, alt o.or the world, of a cessation of all operation. • • liin«. Judson Gianloii and Al-j Redman, Wodie Sounders, Paul in ia;.*.I but detei mined Walcott, ... Iran is another illustration for approximately fiv. percent of all l-'i! Allen, brother of Mis* Alle*. \ Shearer. Clifford Stcnhens. Har A & B Meat Market Charles will remember Pitts­ "Gov. Scott or aay other white person assumes a, ridiculous SMAUWOOD MARKET burgh even more vividly than h.» oil available las nations outside the iron curtain comes Iran. After graduating from Linden old Ward. Shelby White. Jame- role when he attempts to say what Negroes want or do not want in remembers Detroit. I fear Charles When it became evident* that if this country were to tunlfnue at McKinley High frhool. Mi»s Allcr,.' Willis, Jumer- Young, North Carolina. Either must not be misled by head-scratching, grin­ AD. 0716 196 South 4th Street AD. 0716 will have to arrr*st his crown from went to Brooklyn, where she hn* I Quality Meats & ning and body-bowing Negroes wbo endeavor to nail down their a strotiit-hold of freedom against the agression of milltani Comnoi. some other irent. iiUm, il was necessary to embark upon .. tremendous mubtlizati ill ;n s- laiade her home. She it- here yi»U'v Groceries ACKOSS FROM MARKET HOUSE own jobs by tickling the ears of white folks with 'Uncle Tom' state- Wednesday's "upset*' does not gram amt^ihis program fi»st amitn-a- ather things th.* reargaiiiiation of ing her familv and friends. eveenta. Open Eves & Sundays ha*i|i the chances of My-Champion- I ue petroleum industry -government team which futsCtiOPed pretty welt Mis* Allen it the daughter of "There i. not a respectable Negro in North Carolina or any. Party At Korever. Jot« Louts At least. Louis in the last war. Mr. and Mr*. Alfred AJIer,. Sr.. 80S Mt. Vernon Ave. (ALU HAMS Small - Lean - (ooked 45c lb. will nut ajcl that September .shot where else in the south who does not want abolished now and for. 134f St. Clair av. ESSENTIAL TO NATIONAL SECURITY William at Butler. Proo**. at the belt which was in store had ever any system, whether it be in the public school* or elsewhere, With the outbreak of hostilities In Korea last year anal the nt- PORK SAUSAGE Pan Style 39c lb. Charlem successfully defended hi- that relegates Negroes to an inferior status. If there is one th.t ilcrtaking of this greatly expanded defense mobilization program; the* Payne's Utl<* ..:..i. •'. Walcott. doesn't, let the culprit speak out in these columns without price and petroleum Industry had lo offer increased sld to the gwerhraent jtid While I do not believe Charles without lb. limitation of space en which to do it. the government in turn re«p***>ted substantial a*sistanct* from iiiduttry Visitors In A lovely dinner wa* given Sat­ GROUND BEEF ..-.en make a comeback in the heavy lean - Fresh 59c lb. "As in tke past, there wilt always be some self-styled Negro in planning and carrying but this program. urday evening bv Mix* August* BLUE VALLEY division, even nt '"•<). I am cnnfi* Payne and Harry Adams. Jr.. at leader, *..-.! others that have been handpacked wbo will say anything This in it-ell explain- the in.* •• apahte fact tha" a" adequate >'jp- d.iii. that thr 31 vear old Ray Mis* Payne's home*. C67 S, State BACON ;-ly oT petroleutii i, absolutely essentia! to national security in 'im,* if Urbancrest Sliced Or Piece 39c lb. Robinson will regain hi* title tbey think will please while folks. It was so during the days of *t.. Marion. •vai- as wv'll as i.. the national pr->. pei-iiy in time of peace. Onlv by BUTTER came September, However, after slavery, it was so during the reconstruction period and il is sn now. oil measure- can our nation ar any othet nation foi thai mattet tben Visiting with their parents An elaborate dinner was served CHUCK ROAST the London defeat al the hanals of "However, such Negroes did not chart the course to freedoan Jind Rranrip*irt*»it.«. Mr. and lender Beef 59c *. 1 ecp its stfOHgeHt weapon in its lU'ht ai;att»-.t .ii;*;n--si..|.. f from a table centered with purple Randy Turpjn. Robby likewise will and the progress of their race. It renaa.n, for those like Frederick fan-any olhri stilrstam-e of the earth'* siitCi.e ctallen^-- it Mrs. Charles li, Blair. :.:i 17 • and lavendar ranters, with a pair of 'riesMU** aa unu.-tial respect for h'.s Douglas, Harriett Tubnaan, Nat Turner, Kacbard Allen and other re­ fold position t">..t ot the .'-oild'- it.-.-t ..*.s:,nl* servant, md y»*t the Int av., Urbancreste last , blur f*ndle*tick*i in double branc » PORK CHOPS oppmierit whei^h.* climbs into tlua Le-an - Shoulder 49c lb. bellious and "uppity' Negroes to focus the eyes asf the nattotv atad greatest ruler of the ^!-«hf ' "week wen* Mr. and Mr- : crystal holder*, on ea.-h side, re*t- parrel) Hicks of Indianapo- I'ailo t.rounds square. the world on-' the injaastaces under which the Negro was living. , ing upon a reflecting mirror. The tolling of the ba*II for the lip and their children. Sher­ CUBE STEAKS "This newspaper takes its stand against thc pattern of segrega­ Wool-knit sleeves ave used in many of the dresses Covers ware laid for Mr. anil Tender 83c lb. ch. millions has definitely don.* rill. Larry and Raymond. « and suits. Effective is gray yarn-dye rayon flannel ' Mr*. John I^ng. Mr. and Mrs. Niifnethiiig foi the fiuht Kama*. tion everywhere and in whatever form it raises its dirty and slimy Thev were accompanied hv Wil head. We will never coase, we will never refu.e to cry out a Visiting the Blairs were ; Mr*-. Pete Calloway and Mrs. He!- ib,; million iii.irk for the 5< lieduled iriviicged child '" this nation, be he white or black, shall have tbe comes out. •William Anile r?.vr. oi Clt *. c';-t-. Harry Adams. Sr.. Mi.*>i There .should be* much inoney been endowed. British Overseas Airway G>rp. operated th:* Ion.;esl **»»it relatives, and Herbert Cage Mary Elisabeth Moore, Mix* Jane ia good butter in i Wai. on thai 1-s rclunii But and Mi*. U»,v . White, both ©f SALT BACON Extra low Price 25c lb. "In our t|uest for lull cati.ensbap, we will be polite. We wilt he charter flight in itt history in June v.hen it FK*w lw» t Adam*. Me**r*. Pinkney NichoK I believe the ^bigge>t gule j.*et Detroit. accompanied bv Mra coopetative, we will even be hum"."-, hut h»f irr Cod we will be crews of seam-n on a 25,000 tn:le rauad trip .**-t ween . Charles Hayes, William Adamr that's why million, us. il wouU bo th< batUe of tha.- *«v.*(.>i Emmetl Cage at Colombo*. positive and'determined, and w« wiil not b« anlieoid.ted." 'and Robert Saunders ot Marioa. WE ACCEPT RELIEF ORDERS — Walcott Vi. (aOUtaVv' London and Melbourne. ...

______• • • R__MHMM__B* n

»*i*vi*^ . - ••• HHHHHBHHHHHHHHHHDH • -•-•JJOSrr.

SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1951 SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1951 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 13 PACE 12 THE OHIO SENTINEL Some Favor! Gladys Cooper. Former Columbusile, Spacing Important Assaults Woman, Bail Set At $1000 Regional Red Cross Blood Confer Has New Blood Quota; Donors Lag Jack Searcy, 30. 229 Cleveland JEFFERSON CITY. Mc - I: Ley erne (Leroy) MCCMA, '.lb, When she ran ft am *her apart- av., reported to police that an 70 N. 22nd (at., Va*- bound to the Thar, is a n*M blood owes!* fa. lhe Red Cro.. rrerioraal blood It is now necessary to collect A , pints, ahuwed a drop from tha.* is important for married e-ouple** rnetit to the home ot a neighbor, unknown man who befriended a/rand jury on $1000 bail in mu- tenter. f-}l2 E. Brfpl .1. ' minimum of" 7'»00 pints of blood j previous month of nOO pints when Promote At University Of Syracuse to have the number of children he fired two "but.-, at her, both :-*4t>3 pints were collected. Collv*- him bv **ivin*<* him n ride from niciiuil court Tuesday by Jud*?*! Althioiirh (aearewilks are beinr in--thi« region each month. Mi*. CUeJy. Cooper, dauvKler of Mr.. Henry W, Coepsr and the they can tnr't for adequately, de- picri-intf her tire**, she dealared. ( tion<* in the coop«.ratinK chapters! Parsons av. and Fulton st. rou­ Fred Honnallv on the chaiire of hebi in horay. Carl II. Hralcv. th - into i! u in.i each day, that no* The report from the blood cen- Is-it*- B*v. H*nry W. Cooper, form*r pa.tor "of Bethany Presbyterian clairid Grace Hale, Negro con­ utesatili to kill. amounted to .1244 pint* a fc»aln of ted hiA of $05 *evhen he fell She also *b pints of blond. hood Federation of America, to Morrison, :i!'. 1277 Hawthorne for t-ju i. month be>riniiin»r July I. the- iiiu.'i.ni needed for civilian eional area coverm**- 23 Central• money haiT-been taken from hir Mlss^Cooper Is s graduate of' lieved wan the butt of lhe re­ An average ot 141 pint* of delegates at lending the conven­ av.. Apt. D, who repotted. th*'. Jt is fur 18bn pint* nf blood per ''••• -)•••.ii here, and whole blood j Ohio counties?. This was a train for i wallet. Searcy contended. He Ohio State university and holds a [ ^,,,1 Attended the American Horn**) volver. the entire region of 240 pints over! blood per operation in visits ot" tion of the Missouri State Feder­ about II-.10 p. m. Saturday she •ttOtUh illSt fe*r eh fctn-c. Thin for the wounded in Korea and in nave police the lllpnr-e/nuinber of muster's degree from the Stale j Economics, Ass'n convetitton in Mas. Mi'iii-aon v.a- run -M-iitiusty that collected in Mav. the bloodm.-bile to penal institu­ ation of Colored Women's clubs hail been in a fiifht with McCrea. Rtrans t'aat n.<-teai) of 8*6 pints *>f j r*.ilitnry hospital"* in this country the car. / ' • Co I lege* of Washinjrton. j Cleveland, before returning to Franklin county, with ISM' tion*. «ere> also recorded for Jinn*. •aho the Miid »,w' her bov friend. iniure-il. blot!,! ti* be- sahipned for pf©ce**sh_ and in .Ja|.mn. She holds membership in Siumu j teach summer school al Syriecus-. here. "Xi. Sigma Helta Kpsilon and Omi (t cron N'u honor societies and i« . YOU'LL DO BETTER AT SPICER'S" TO DO YOUR JOB GOOD me • tuber YOU MUST FEEL WE HHHMKSMRMIM#BEBB*fl_ _ / HADACOL Relieves Nagging Aches and Pains, Stomach Distress, Poor Appetite, Weak, Run- Down Condition and Nervousness When Caused by Lack of Vitamins B„ B2, Niacin and Iron. When folks .lon't fed good, everything M*t*niM lo go wrong. Ultle wn+lt**^^^ problem** become big*ones. Their work seems more 4liflir1.lt what- ^ra.tir.^1 l*ha.lo lt> Wt-«.4 ever I heir job . . . housework, ollice work, farming, etc. Nothing is GLADYS COOPER Hght. If this is your problem and your condition—nagging aches the Syracuse and Onondaga coun­ ft ty nutrition committee. She ir u and pains, stomach distress, poor appetite, weak, run-down condl* member of the school health com­ lion and nervousness due.to lack of Vitamins B|, Ha*. Niacin and mittee of the Onondajra Health AsVn anil treasurer ot the Syru Iron—is polling yon doMjp. making your work seem like drudgery, cuse A**r*'n for the United Na. then vou owe it lo yourself to try today's great HADACOL. For tiona. Mifrt* Cooper visited her family HADACOL was formulated to help overcome !h«*s«* deficiency-caused ailments, and continuous use of HADACOL will help prevent these ailments from returning. Thousands of letters have been received FOL To Sponsor m from happy HADACOL users lolling how this fine family formula has helped them. Shown below are jusl a few of these reports. 1st Annual Fair - HADACOI MllfVIs NAOOIMO »tMIV A NO SAINi, STOMACH DIVI.ISS »00* Ae.Illlf, VVIAK, SUN­ C1.FVK1.ANI>. The Futura DOWN CONOIIION AND NCSVOUlNtSS WHIN CAUSIO ST IACK O* VltAASINl St. Ss. NIACIN AND ISON. Outlook Li-ague **ill r-ponraor *i WILLIAM J. 1 )i si M*. 4404 Freer, MRS. D. C. HINTON NI.KMAN CiiKisnii'jiiii 2344 mammoth fair at 'if'th nt. ami Apt. 2. Driroit 10, Mich.: "Alone* Farntrn lilc, lu>uimann: Cumberland, Houston, Tex.: "After Wooalland ;av. thraiujrh to Oriswoln I got out of the \ with the pains . year* of «ae>. For ui. AUK. 2 1-2!'. inclusive. 1 BuflVrenl, mv * while, I haive Army when lhe i•.-.'.-, had * tired, not even felt like war wan over I Various ri«)e», over 25 aide WIL underweight, EUGENE SIPES, Station )r Box 688, Canyon, Texas, worn-out feeling. doing mv house­ shows, exhibits and other in.,i IM-rviiu.. conlein't I had to force* work. 1 would event,* will be featured. The was having trouble keeping his job because he niyreelf to keep have had -(•••IN -le-.-p and had $22.- didn't feel well. poing. I read m of pain. I was no « t ime ge It ing FOL purchased thc- »ite foi \ About HADACOL tired, I didn't food to agree 000 in I'M-V Plan!« called for the tend decided to think I would with me I could bmldini; of a community centa*i HERE IS WHAT HE SAYS: give it a try. feel re-nted again. never eat breakeast ­ g* that will cost approximately $ ><*: . noon before ture- attractions to raise funds t. nights and my employer threatened to fire without *n ample'supply. Mv first *o I decided to trv it. Now, 1 hav* eating vour lirst meal of the day. boffin erection of the project. bottle pave me aratonifahin** relief. .tnrte-d on my third hotlle of it. Kven then just * few mouthful, of John O. Holly is founder an4 year, gtnrte-d feeling lot* beltfr. My and ton* all night. After lhe third tles, I began to notice a difference. That was old. Veteran of two world warn, pain* are nearly gone. 1 will truly botlle of HADACOI. I could tell a 1 have given, your HADACOI. every say I am going to take my HADACOL, dilTet-encs in my eating and sleep­ Earning Power a month ago. Yesterday my boss said that I iraine to friends and reluliven, and just as long are they m*ll it. I tell ing habit*. Now »fter a yeur's time t of inking HADACOI. I have gairw-d did my job so good that I was due for a pro­ mow some are uaing if with just all of mv friend, about it." A survey of alumni of Ohio as antoniaihing result* as I myself - *lmo«t twenty pound.. I »l«?ep well State university's School of Journ- motion. Thanks to HADACOL." h*ve found." HAIIACOI. ia Kb economiaul. Trial — and the moat wonderful thing, I tan enjoy three full meal, a day." aliam reveals today that .1*1 per­ raize onlv S1.26. Ijirge Family Eeo- cent of the school'** *«-raduatfi> Nothing tlo turn off, nothing to watch, nothing to empty. MHH. ANNK FHANK*. 4.'I4 Went "Kimy size. $.».M). Srtrri St., fcetcttort, Ky. "A* a from 1030 to I960 are earnintc No musts,.no fuss, no bother. This sensational new Shelvador Ml,- KaNtSHT JOHNHON, Jacks- Ms*. FSANK P. MahiiMi, .V>24 constant uaer 01 Mi,.*- l.KiiiA Fir/.rAr«u*K, Mas. ZINA III HOWISAK. Rt. 6, JMifi; a year or more. )-.-•. Truncate: "1 am writing you WiekfietdDr., Apt. H., NewOrleamt, HADACOL — am E. Elm St., Soottm'tlte, Ky. Clrc* Ferry Road, Nashville, Tenn.: to tell what I. a.: "I am a on my fourth Couldn't r.leep. "I was weak. I Refrigerator defrosts itself automatically at 3 a.m. H*iui(il. has housewife, age bot tie— would I didn't haveany r could hardly do don*- for me. I 27, taking care not hestitat* to appetite. Then I 1 my housework. I Defrosting requires onJy two to ten minutes; so fast that haive .uttered of my baby who acclaim it the heard and read un 30 years old. with stomach is three and * bent. I was so :.!>•>.1! HADACOL I am the mother frozen foods and ice cubes don't even begin to thaw! diAtrit* for quite Cci* *5,y half years old. run -do w n , I and what it had of nine children. ftome time, and I wasn't able.to could hardly do s«£-_""* done lor others. 1 was nervous. I J wtia very tverv- take care of my my work. And I decided to give have taken al­ There's startling new beauty, too, in the new "SOPT-GIX)" iiur. Since I baby and do my that.- ui.•.••*-! ..ui if it a trial. I have most four bottle* e 1. ft..! taking work .ii t!i, »:iim* as I do a man's taken »everal of HADACOL and Interior Styling on many models. And Crosley's exclusive HADACOL I eat time. I was al­ job in .-. ..lure fac- < !,.••: :'..•- 1 r,f age-, and I feel bvtte*r than I half months and have experienced so much that now I'm up and weirk. work in my flowers, also in to spread the good news aboul IM us show you how wonderfully convenient a refrigerator I. • < feir years." a wonderful change for the better. ready and anxious to get my work the garden. Now I'm putting up HADACOL." I tjim't'feel nervous, or run-down done and am not tireii but able to my fruit and vegetahlifi. I can t enn be! Come in TODAY and see the Shelvador! » any more, t feel and eat a lot bet- Hai.AioL IR America** favorite do my houaework. I cannot praise thank HADACOL enough for wliat Ur. Iliank* to HADAC-OI.." Only HADACOI. give-* you* that •"• "inula. HADACOL and it* makers enough." it's done* for me." Wonderful HADACOL Feeling.' Str* YOUR FRIENDLY DRUGGIST—TED GREENE -HE PACE-SETTING DESIGNS ARE COMING FROM CROSLEY I

OVER 38 YEARS ON Ml VEKNON AVE OUR l.OCA I IONS "-* i^ <-' *-'«-»U MONEY Opportunity Knocks Every Day In The 993-995 Mt. Vernon Ave « % BRA Want Ads. They're 895-897 East Main St. EH.V TO Place. Corner of 18th St. IA1LY 9 A. M. Till »* P. M. Just Phone OF'HN DAILY FROM Mondav ;n*i


PAGE 14 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY 28, 19SI SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1*951 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 1* 2ad Baptist Chnrch Appeal Scheduled In Alabama Police « he 'Woman Looking' Case Usher's Day Observance He CHARLOTTE. N. C.-~KeUv M. Killing Probe Alexander, president of thr. North Carolina state conference of £, HATTYE B. REDMOND Viola Pritchard. Mrs. Frederics Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs, Hattie Foust branch*** of the NAACP. an­ (Churches Poindexter Men's liible . ... Butler 'm president, Mrs, Sadie Wooten. Mrs. Odessa Sought By NAACP nounced here that the NAACP • >->-. its Sunday school lesnon SOCIETY MEETS Allen, Mrs, Jennie Henry. Mrs. will nppcnl the conviction and WASHINGTON. - Afle re- Soniliiv on the luwn of Mr. and The Missionary Society met AdelJ Grayson and the hostess. sentence of Mack Ingram of Yan- r CATHRRTNK FEARS. EDITOR — 67G ANN ST. — EV. 6837 Peate-d Insistences on the IMII of >lt*. Elmer Hums, loUl E. Ixinj*. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. cr-yvillc to two years nt hard la­ The Soul Winners Bible class the NAACP the Dept. of justice M. There were 15 members pres­ Geneva Free. 4222 E. Broad st. bor for "attempted aftagtilt" on n ig giving a program for benefit of .nnounced this week that it Is ent. Att'v H. 11. GiUiard, teacher, Plans were completed /or a gar­ white woman. The case caused « Greater Gay St. the building fund, entitled "The looking Into the NAACP ihmges tut lined the lesson and talked on den party Friday. Aug. 17, on the **tir when newspaper* headlined Spirit of the (Jay 110s," Wednes­ of brutal police slaying-- of Negri* "Living Together As Neighbors." lawn of Mrs. Anna G. Sellers, the fact thiit the 44 year old citizens fo Birmingham, Ala. Other .speaker* were Prof. J. A. 143] E. Long st., for benefit of day, Sept. 10, at the church. Mi. farmer, father of nine children, 2,5th Anniversary Ends Sunday Mitchell, Hubert T. PeckinpauKla the building fund. Members in Marv Sawyer is chairman and was convicted although Willie) The most recent complaint ,.i.. when ClAieiue president, made closing remarks. Mrs. Frederics Butler, Rev. and e.f_ the class. testified that he was 7-V away and Mitchell, director of the NAACP By LETHA SHAW i tude to those who whared will he the Sundav morning. July Al ltl:15 a. m. Sundav the uns only "looked" ,.t her. Washington bureau, iind Emory mi, , ,.,.,. i in any WHV." -'•, ijucsl stiesker. lor .of 2nd Baptist church. Rev 0. Jackson, editor of the Birming­ 1wi>t.ty-lifth annivewary Thursday, Julv 26, the Clara Fifth Sunday night musical will C P. Jenkins, spoke on "The Price! Shiloh Baptist Church ham VVorld,-presented a plea to and homecoming Of breater \Vrtrd SnecUla, prominent siugeni bo under direction of Prof. L. F. i.i Endurance.•' The young peo­ UNC Accepts Grad Av't Att'v Gen, Peyton Ford that the Justice Dept. move in to see Gay St Baptwt churell was},,,- Philadelphia, will be heard in Jackson, popular musician and ple's choir sanit under direction CHAPEL HILL. N. C.,~ Th. climaxed Sunday afternoon, j (; , that the killing*-*, latest of •fetiich peraon nl RV s The program member of the So. '2 choir of (lay of Prof. J. C. Lemons. One addi­ Rev. Parrish On Vacation, hoard of rees*iits of the Universitj.' The week-long observance , iM at ft:S0 ' tion waa' made to the church. occurred Julv 4. lOSt'i .ire stoo­ was highly nticceaaful. The „ ... „ ,. m. -, ,. . St. of North Carolina agreed'to a*:- r r The ' .i,n( .1 City Ass'n will Ushers dav wan observed '»t ped. MRST LUCILLE FULLER. I.ft. seloctod "oot.t.eajio, mother ,. - ,. ,^. , Kev. L. It. Walker of Hunting- cept*Gwendolyn L. Harrison ai convene at (Jay SI. Date will In* morning services. Charle* Harnett the summer session of itc grail Delegates, to the recent 4'ln 1 of 1951" Of Basraas. for Colored Children, rfctura n..diom. RCA Ii.i.st.ir. Dr. J. P. Fincher, UM, . VS.. former |.a,l..r of Rev. Ruffin Guest Minister W announced later. •»»»s rhaiienan, CneM inher* were nale school without any form a>f annual NAACP convention in At­ Vector portable radio from Mi.s Barbara C. Harris, repro.ejnling wishes to express his "grati-1 Bethany Baptist in Columbus, J*, in Shiloh Baptist. lanta, where Jackson reported The WJPF music and recording By K'ATHERINE HAYNES segregation Announcement wis Raiao Core, of Areearica. al annual Founder*, day ecsn-ci.es at Pons- At 7:45 r>, m. special services ville. Tenn. For futther informa­ that Birmingham police had kille.l studio will open in the nt»ar fu­ Rev. J. W. Parrish. pastor of made after attorneys for th*- Mt. Olivet Baptist Church •evere by the ushers. Devotional! tion contact Mrs, Johnnie Gate- four Negroes in the find six oroy. Pa.. Fare** and Vocational school. Harold L. Pitfrine, ce.lsr ture. Shiloh Baptist church, i*} on va­ NAACP filed action in federal •mere by Mrs. Lydian Schucks. wood. Fe, 4 4 62. months of 10(1.1, unnninvuisly ssrasad.nl ol hoard of slirextor* of BCC, look. on. Miss Adrientie K. Martin of cation. He will resume his duties court to restrain university off] Kev. Q, V. Jenkins spoke on Hattie Saunders, Grace Gant/., adopted * resolution calling upon i* visntins* her fa­ Sunday. Aug. 4. The senior and eials from continuing to exclude •'Keeping the Door of the Lord." Oludys Robinson and Granville. the Justice Dipt, to intervene. ther. J. II. Martin. 1474 B. Mound Cospel choirs are on vacation Seward were representatives to Negroes from the graduate Rev. Frank Cleveland, Athens, Soloists were Mrs. L«*vi Stewart, Records compiled by Jaa V-on •it. until September. Due Sundav school anal BTU con­ schools. 2nd Baptist Church Circle Jr.. and Robert Ingram. The jun­ show that since 10-tl->. «*i2 Ntgi.-> Rev. A. .1. Ruffin **n« guest vention in Toledo last week. Joe Frank Show, yuungcret of ior choir also sang. William Mc- citizens of Alabamu have been minister Sunday. New time for the "Steal Av.ay ' Scheduled As Sunday Speaker the Famous Shaw Brothers .inf­ Daniels is president of ushers. Non-Bias Pledge police victim*"—35 of the slayintr. ers, i.- vacationing at Indian Vil- I>eaca.nes> Fireside club is host broadcast ig Sundav from 8:15 Picnic Held Xt Thistle-dale At 4 p. m. Nannie Burrougi I WASHI.VGTO.V. —• A pledge takini: place in Jefferson county By CATHERINE FEARS la»te camp for two weeks. Missionary Society presented Mrs. at a fell* Thursday. .July 26, on until 8:30 a. m. after Aug. 10. thr lawn of Deacon and .Mrs. He! - thiat there vs. ill be nu segregation and 26 in the citv of Birmingham Edmund Paxton as guest speaker, ANNUAL BREAKFAST A delightful picnic was given; -mi Baptist, lctfi N 17th at., Sunday, July 29, at the 10:45 a. rh. wor­ at the proposed pew national an- alone. (suesf" .soloist was Mrs. Naomi nun Jackson, 415 Taylor av. la, (.a.!,- N.a. 3 iif 2nd Baptisi niorstlay. Aug. '22. from 11 :.'<> ship service at Mt. Olivet Baptist church Sponsoring Jamboree Gleaners class ut the adult de-| i.orl near Burke, Va., was given Wright of Cnion Grove Baptist, j Mrs. (eladvs P. Jackson is chair­ eh.mh on Satui.lay afternoon a' ;*4Tm. t<» i* n. m. Mrs. Winnie Ham- Rev. Prank Cleveland* pantoi of Mt. Zion The Loyal Ladies club of partinent of the Church school op- j to the Washington bureau of th,* READ DR. BLAND'S ce>ls.ra« Devotionuls were led bv Mrs. man. Mrs. Margaret Lambert Is Thistle laiv. country home of l>«*. j dtoh i* chairman, an.l Sirs, IJii- Baptist, Athens, will preach. His choir and Frieudithid Baptist church is spon­ president. served its unnual breakfast anil NAACP bv Sec'y of Commerce on how to keerp well every ea'crk and Sirs ifdWarii IX Cities' near j heha Weaver iii to-chairimsn, Marv Mitchell of Shiloh Baptist congregation will accompany him. soring a summertime, jamboree HntUe .fnakson Missionary So­ lesson study at Riverside 0 p. in. Rev. H. H. Teague. pastot of llu Friday, July 2~, at Mound st. and Bessie M. Stanley was chairman. ciety was entertained nt the home I.aang table*., t.*U»n with food, ft.. n •• . sf*l L of Mrs. Ruby Comer Monday. of arrangements and Mrs. Lillit*; •aaek Baptist, will preach fur the caterer* anniver­ Grant av.. to which the public i« Mis. Frederics Hutler is presi­ met* arranged >n the lawn. {Pilgrim DaptlSt IhUrCh sary .service. His choir and congregation will ac­ Mrs. Comer i>< president. B, Williamson wa* speaker an'. | invited. Refreshments will b« dent. tcja< her. Can..-. an ; ia day, July 31. Tran rpnrtution will At I.. i pk. Thomas, 2h0 N. 21st si.; Sarah I refrigerator in the PHILCO J!' r.V' o K" % r S;-' Receives I rip leave the church !.t G p. in. for All men of Ml (Jlivel are urged Emerson Black, superintendent Convocation Reiel, Lelia Waldroph, Florence Mc. an.l Airs t)y> ut r rca-, *->r.. Mi-: / Shelte-r hou.se No. I, Riverside dr. to attend. 2ND. BAPTIST CHURCH •>( the young people's department. and Mrs. Warren Washington.* Bradley, 71 Winner av.; Rose The monthly testimonial meet­ Mi". N. 17th St. reported two new teachers—-Clar- Pr.jf. and Mrs. J. Cleveland Lem- By ELIZABETH COOPER We regret lo announce tho Winston. J577 E. 4th av.; Ethel ing will be led Hy tbe ("ospcl r | *nce E. Owenis and his brother. ....i. Mr. -.ut Mrs. William R.j Sunday morning n«J afternoon death of Mr. Walter McClure. 410 At Rehoboth Chapman, J708 E. ftth av.; Via-- Otd Refrigerator Derby a choir Wednesday, Ao*. I. at 7:*t0 Lexington .iv. Mr. McClure wa*> Church School: »:lt> A. M. IJmmanuel Owens, both from Harris. Si . Mr. and Mrs. Ch«rk> , ^,vuei al pj|~rj.,, Bsptist chura*!, toria Hill, 62 N. Garfield av : p. in. the husband <>f our beloved church STexns, who are attending Ohio For the first time in 26 years Bertha Guthrie, 18*1 Lexington! B. Mean. Dr. and Mix Howard I). , ^ we„ att4.ndetJ Morning Worship.-10:45 A. M at secretary who died two weeks r Si..', university- die.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. Rev M j Miun,.,u pat,tor Kev. and Mrs. h Bea*cher Hicks the national convocation of the av. ago. Funeral arrangements ha-1 Evening Worship, 7:l. » P. M ' Vune 16-11' the state Sunday j SPICER'S Mr. an.l Mr,, Oseai Free, .Jr.. Mr , ,t^d f)>r hjs nior.,-,,~ theme, "Thc will re-turn from their Furopeun Church of Christ (Apostolic) will Biithdav shower is extended to not been completed at Sundav ?rcl\ol and BYPU convention was and Mrs. Jack-on C. Grundy. Mr. : y^ fr>r Cnri,tian Experience.'' tour Wednesday. Aug. I. Rev. C. F. JENKINS convene at Rehoboth Tempi-.. Mrs. Theresa Hull. 322 Hamilton worship service. Wid in Toledo. Attending were I an.l Mra. Hammond Russell, Mr .j <;gr _. illc.,ud.d Edward Williams. Hicks will deliver the 10:45 a. m. libng and 22nd st--*.. of which El­ av. Minister Rev. Jenkins. Mrs. Fleisnie Crad- j der H. J. Spencer i*- pastor. snd Mr,. l*»ac Bea.on. | Jr ^of ,»,., ^j^ choir djrec. sermon on Sonda) Auc. I, Mrs Josephine Brown was Misses and Mt-scianie- )''*•*•*, lor who tesides in New York City. The Rose of J-haron Mi»si«n» Welcome To dolph, Misses JoAnn Collins and i Delegates will be present from Marv Harris. hosteas to the following person*, Ogtetree, pre.idciif of the circle j Sunday. July 2'.*, at ft p. m. will hold their msnthiy meelinat MT. OLIVET BAPTIST points as far away as Africa. at the ihonie of her son-in-law and Hattve Redmond, Lucille Culpen-: another musical progrsm will be at the church Thursday. Aug. 2. CHURCH Welcome To Fridar. Aug. 3, Circle No. 1 Dates are Aog. 1.1-26.'inclusive. •©'« .ill have s garden party at the I daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond per, Adele Craynon, J en n J e. j resented bv the music depait- st 7:30 p. iri. "Th. Hot... Of Hope" Regular Sunday services at Re­ CALDWELL TEMPLE •parsonage, 22!» N. 17th st. Music Muse. Saturday: -Theresa Hull. • Henry. Odes-a Allen. Mac Finnev, j merit. Prof, E. L. Henson, head of BROTHERHOOD MEETING 434 ft. Main St. hoboth are as follows: Deloies King. Rosea Dallas, Eliza­ L'.rain White, t*. innie Hamilton the department, will he sssisted AME ZION CHURCH land games will be featured. Mrs Sundav school. 10 a. m. Morn­ The monthly meeting of the Church Sv-nool, 9:30 A. M beth Barksdale. Eva Yates, LaRuc I I* .-. • . , Weaver. Kmma Waters, i. Miss Reginia Brown. Miss Se- Huth Waller is president. Mrs. j ing worship. 11:30 a. m. ABYPU, v Brotherhood will be held at the Morning Worship, 10:46 A. M Keeler. Azalia Walker. Katherine! i:i •. . :. • Van Hook, Messrs. Chui •.Jem. Lambert. Mrs. Vera Sawyer 524 E. Long St. I^fPrankle Potts is, chairman. 6 l>. m. Evangelistic service. 8 «| y»ar church Friday, Auc. *», at 7:30 B.T.L. 6:00 P. M. E. Haynes. Thf luncheon was in I li.* itiltxell and Thei>dore McKee. j ..nd Edwar Williinis. The senior choir is presenting j li, m. d p. m. Rev. David Jones, assistant Vesper Hour, 7:30 I*. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. honor of Mrs. Walker, s sister of i,_~3 "0- the committee of arrang«*j The Convention club is sponieoi-- an evening of music Sunday. Aug. i|i**l>a. pastor, will be discussion leader Prayer Se.-vice. 7:30 P. M Youth Services 0:311 P. M. 12. at 7:45 p. m.. featuring Mr<*. | Mrs. Keeler, visiting fre>m Tope- • were Mr«. Pearl Lemons, I.jfl|r a contest, winner of which (Wednesdays* kie. Katis. I chairman, Mrs. Huttye 1" Red will rtrceive a trip to the Nat'l Kvening Services 8 P. M. Marv Hill, artist, artii j PHILCO ui.sn.J, Mrs. Ella P. Ftee* and Mrs. Baptist Convention, Inc., meeting To Sponsor "Feast** Baptizing St Communion, Air Conditioned i.tlu-r local talent, for benefit of j A universal y A bake sale will be held at East Martha Miller. in Oklahoma City. Contestant? (I -r Sundays. 3:30 P. M.) the building fund. Mrs. Alma j market Saturday. Julv 28. spon­ The Woman's Society of Wheat DR. ALBERT L. FULLER sored by E. B. Deloney Mission­ The publii. ta inviiaaj to s chick­ will be announced at a later date. land Av. Methodist church is spon REV. H. BEECHES HICKS. Terrill is chairman. Mrs. Pearl REFRIGERATORS en dinner th< cirele will have at P i I g r i m's May "king" and Pa.le»r Ijemons is co-chairman. Commit* ary Society. The public is in­ soring a '"Feast of the Seven Ta­ Pasta* Tea Is Sunday vited. Mi.*. Minnie* Isbell in chair j •'oueen,'' Deacon Cooper and Dea- bles" Tuesday. July 31, on the tee members are Mrs. Odes*. j cones* iKira Goodwin will take Allen. F'rof. J. C. Lemons. Mra. msn. Mrs. Jessie Mills is presi residence of Mrs. Anna Browi*, The public is invited to the iient. Soldiers Hear j their first trip since receiving the ni2 S. Wheatland av. Serving wili we aiding anniversary tea to be list Price '439.95 honors] when; Oh Sunday, Aug. 12, begin al "> p, m. The public is in. gi\en Sunday, July 29, from 4 to B=^ , j ihey sponsor a bus trip to OIu vited. St. Luke Methodist, 7 p. m. by the Mothers club of St. to the owners of /)»•• f~f C* f~itrhc\ Mart's Cave. The public in inviteJ. Paul AME church in the lower au­ • MiiiJMNM-'*' Men's Dav Set the oldest tlectrk A-Si ' A. 1 . LJ. /i/t\JlTho., desiring to make the trif. ditorium of the church, 6*'0 -E. are advUed to purchase ticket • Rev. Wood Is refrigerators In NL'RNCURG. Germany. — Dr. CYNTHIA'S Iii.)- st. « , FLORAL SHOP President of the club is Mrs. Edn:, queen, *87 E. LONG ST. Guest Speaker West, (ieneral chairman of the O..- now Inuring Europe und--»r The public ia invited, Friday Dining Annual .Men's dav of Hebrew au-ipices of the World Council of '? "Flower. For f.'rcia, Orrej-sfos" M tea is Mrs. Jessie Pierce and co- i'iu-ii.-t church will be held Son- evening of this week, to hear th • By CHARLOTTE C. MACWOOD chairman is Mr**. Clara Brown. THIS NB\A/ *9995 Churches, was featured speaker Famous Ward Sin*»a»rs of Philadel­ -*; Mrs. Cyntlei*. Thomas, Pi op M day, July 20, with programs be at i .uccial assembly of the 371st 1FA. 4500 FE. S3191 Pleasure! URBANCREST. — Sunday On the various committees are: ginning at 11a. m. and ending ut phia at Pilgrim, .sponsored by thc Jui! 3 Door. West Of 17th St ' morning, July 20, the pastor, ReV. Program. Mr*-. Cora Turner. II.i .*. . battalion here last Tues­ Convention ciub. 5:.'l0p. m. Speakers for the day day Maj. James Hiliard is in com­ e^mj/gmm^mTgugj^^fff^f;tr-r-rti'-f"!^!' rlftXsssTTBy J. C Purr, will spesk on "The chaii*Wtan, Mr*^ Rachel Robinson, will be Rev. E. H. Hall of M'.. PHlico mand of the unit. m lacking Elements In Our Lives." co-chairman,- publicity, Mrs, Yin. l.uala Baptist, Springfield, and More than ~U members of th.: His evening topic will be "Here ella Clark, chairman. Miss Nina Rev. D. A. Mosely, a member of huUalu.d. representing every and Hereafter Life Insurance." Moore, co-chairman; decorating, Refuge Baptist, recent graduate ttetSftS*** atate in the union, stood in rajs' The MYF enjoyed an outing at Mrs. Clara Brown, chairman; hos- of Morehouse college Atlanta. "—* -^ttmroZ **' '•*"«»- attention as Dr. Kicks spoke on Dinner here with the family . . . enjoyable ending Norwood pk. Sunday evening. !<•-•• <•• . Mrs. Wanda T>c. chairman. Rev. Mosely who has preached "Mviviilg Forward." The modem to a hot summer day! You'll relax, in cool comfort The Stewardeau Board is spon­ On the general committee are throughout the south, will spenk At tha> conctusi.in of the »er- . . . dine promptly on delicious food cooked exactly soring a fish fry and weiner roast .Mrs. Carolyn King. Miss Daisv at -'i :'J0 p. m. in a Men's day ad- 0 »it the home of Mr. snd Mrs. R. E. Perkins, Mrs. Willa Tynen an.! el real**. m.ari Dr. aiiaj Mrs. Hi. ks, in com- f^MU*«*r ^raclc wall pa' ^ to your taste! Choose the best from B S •*••"" jia/ay with ilia- bnse chaplain, werf Galloway Central av. and Mail. Miss Louie Hunley. Also featured will be a number Just regsstsf yovro/cf BMttc escorted thruugeli the camp and our menu . . . the check stays small! St.. Satui-day. 3ulv 28. Everyone in attendance will be a.f outstanding local male chor- Buy It At Dine here often . . . drop in this eve­ Sunday, July 20, at 3 p. m. served refreshments, and all la­ P the city of Norn burg. *& i ses. ^mmmi '*' ftfr*?**. msmmmmttorestifmasaowJl Dr fit. I:, left here for Stug- ning. Rev. I). T. Wood of Centenary dies present will receive favors. Wi, Methodist will be guest speaker A musical and literary program gari. Germatiy, where he s • 'The Avenue's Most Breakfast August 5 , gUarst of I'tiMiitain It t'.d. John under aospicei* of the Stewardean is being arranged. i: •».=.**.-. Complete Paint cV Board. Special honors are to be con­ Aug.- 2 is the deudline set for Wallpaper Center" T>tt OIL w^rit The board of education held a ferred upon person*, who have those desiring to make reserva­ K«inodeling Parsonage successful meeting ^Sunday after been married thc longest and the tions for the annual breakfast to Ossr Low Rent Locations Save Yoe. M'..«.y Officers and member*, ^if l'n>..'. *'«.aora. Among the .ifssuc-s settled least number of years. be given by Class No. 31 of St. liapti^l churj-h, UibsncreSt, ars- NOVELTY FOOD BAR were the dates of the church'*" ' Couples will be represented by Paul AME church Sunday in Shel­ training class, which will be Fri- contributing two cents for each ter House No. 6 at Riverside pk., SPICER FURNITURE (0. bias7 reriiflideling ,ir,vi cleaning the BEST MERCHANDISE MART church's parsonage, preparing u 741 E. „ONG ST. ADams 0.5.52 day. July 27, and Sunday, July year that they have been married, on Sunday Aug. 6. Mrs. Francis ("">*! ."•"-• Y«-«.»* iar... I.oootiom f.r th--U I.--A :».-e...; W'l'* wilt 1013 MT. VERNON AVE. FE. 1328 At), at Y p. m. Classes wili he multiplied by two. Single persons Whitelow Threadgill i s taking Malss Store Diswi. Slo*.- tuov-i bore iu '.lie '.cai LuUtro, taught by Russell Pace, youth di- are requested to donate two cents reservations at 892 E. I.s-r.,* st.. ****et«ir of the Columbus Methodist for each year that their parents Fa, 7615. Cars are to leave from M3 Mt. Ve* A*.*. M>aV*S>? E. Most. St. -M iJ»*itriet, have been married. the church at 7 a. m. EV. »S*43 fA.9*i9 ' '. . A,;; "SsBanH___HRHHHs£*Ess*^l^*-^^tHfl_H_H~ s_--__M__R-M_--H_-_-_l Viy *V^. W.-4.V -*«*st*i|WB9W**«w^^ r


Increased use of vital electronic Cleveland Bar Group Backs Judge Jackson equipment in military aircraft ha caused a complete revamping CLEVELAND, — One ot the cities Of its shte in the country. filling the post hehl succes-efulh of/ training so as to provide air- 1 nia*.t haifi.ar-* ever given a '*.. I.:r Jackson received the for ntsny years by the lale Te* t raft-.observcrs adept at the new Cleveland (udke-war* awarded l***t Unanimous endorsement of the ^iiea'tie of Akron. He tt< a former kills required by tremendoui a%e.*k ... the? city'.* only Negro bar group wills an overwhelm. ;.resident of the State Ass'n of .speeds ariUd , ajl-weatheall-weatiter opoperation**i , jurist when Municipal f o u r't ....; vole, even while the (roup Klks and is their a-wistanl gran.' the air fo.rer C announced. Judge Perry B. Jackson not tb*-' was taking lhe almost unprece­ legal advisor. hitthest vote of .ill th.* men en* dented action ef flatly refu.inf In a hrilliiwit record of publi. .ioi-.*.| fin office by th,. Cleve- ta endorse two -ither municipal service which began after he fin- Among Top Mags liainl HAI A»'M. judges for reelection. The group i-hed Western Reserve university commended him as "liberal, pro­ The tihio State University Judge .,l,n-k*si»n. i iillufner M SUc- in 15*1!». be was a member of the ces-.| biiiiself am ihe bench, re gressive, capable and fair; a .Monthly has been named one of state House of lii'iuesentatives. c-iitia achieved national promt* credit lo the bench in his sis the lota nine alumni magar.itie*. in n -i>. ,- When he Mient several year, of incumbency." member of the Cleveland city the natiam in the 1051 competition months in the citv'* traffic COUrt The-.iudftc spendii a* much of euun.il nsststanl police proseci for the* Sibley award of the Amer* ami entirely revi-rd thi- i -mimu hi* time in community activities teir. jee-ci -'tare to the director ol lean Alumni Council. luty"* methods ot dealing with f(f the bench «.« he does on it. public .itiltties. and secretar*/ <»f a drunk driver. *><.i other traffic He is the Negro member of Mia, Cleveland college. offender*. y.»r Thomas Burke's emergency li. 5. TV Total I!iider what became known a. committee on housing, a vital NEW YORK.—According to a "the J At It Son system" alrunk driv­ l*o.lv seeking to correct thin city'.-* Book Circulation j recent estimate by Hugh M. Bev- er*.. resjcardleM of th«-ir local mt- terrific condition of overcrowding j llle, Jr., director of plans -Mid re- i»>ri.iiue. were given a "coolini* an.l dangerous, firetrati housing Public libraries of Ohio circu j search for the Nat'l Broadcasting •»ff" period in the airy iail before ;ale*a.s. » taed over 86,700.000 book, during j Co.. television sets in use in tho beinir brouirbt tn trial. So effec­ • He w«s rece'iilly named na­ JUDGE PERRY B. JACKSON ' U. S. total !2.7'i9,.SOD.- tive wa-. the method that before tional graii<| treasurer - Cross. KI, loll. u\.'• Hew, Thrilling Colors... Lovely Pastels There was no spot in that glad heart. and Rich Deep Tones... Easy to Apply! For worldly such or care. Induction Hike All. all was well Ya>u can wash it again and again without marring its matchlcs*. Hs*r ship had kept its course. The Dept. >f I* e f e n S e an­ W**,M.lsO OOliM't MAIM It - M-. . IIC.IHI). Super Kern-Tone is easy to apply—goe*. on smoothly, Throughout life's stormy billowed nounced «n increase in induction •a as ...... -'•', !,..•! IrMI sT.oav uniformly, over -wallpaper, paint, plaxcr, wood and other surfaces. seas. calls from -f-i.duii to ft5,000 in SsapCI Kr«s lusir •ill -...... ' rt- |>. ..« J **.!..«.s *..!*, usual l.-.war Dries in less than an hour. She anchaireal on Ifi^ shores. Augu-t. I...M psans . Luther Barne-e its visitin*.- at Village hall. i her Barents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wai The teacher. Mrs. M. Omlor. is lis. in Monmouth, III. aa c.perienced instructor in illus­ William Lewie and his sisle. : Martha have returned from KEM-TONE KEM-GLO trating the Bible to the children. Tk* Miracle Wall P.i.t Pamphlets are available for j-an- * Elyria. where they visited thci MssSi mm i4l Man .at wttw. The miracle lotrre en­ ior. and intermediate*. grandmother. .Mrs. Ella Hayes. the ouiNt.ndenK value in amel thai /-.oa. snJ Mrs. Wyomia Wymn of Clen..- • i ei/i'i likr bm-ktA The Community clash i. .poa.or good home decoration rnmmrt. For katcheo of lhe ciaa.es. | iand spent the past week visitin^, whesee e.trenve w.e.h.hil- and h.throom wall*, HAVE LAST MEETING I her cousin*. Mr. an»| Mrs. CunKv ii> a. not rcqsured. A Kal- and for woodwork I...I of Kem-Toese.chinned Membena of the Community I Raiwman. throtsgbowt the hssusc. with water, makes It a One coat uuiatly t»v club held their laal meeting of Romie Krvin is spending the gallons of paint, ready a. IVM. qiiss kl jr. the .ummer Tue*edav .»f thi** week -. summer with his grandparents, lo us*, a< only $IM a at Village hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Donald, in fiattoev The new club home "f Hanfoid R.ae-kv Mount. Va. American Legion Po.t U'.iU ha*. ON VACATION been completed. It is located on LaTanya. Adonis, James and Hamilton av. and will open in Darrel Critchlow are vacationing OVER 25 YEARS OF SERVICE AND RELIABILITY a few w*>i*k<. l-aw-renee Mcdill IS ! in Kansas City, Kalis., with their commander. The post is planning > grandparents. Rev. and Mrs. R. Remember—The Long St., Cleveland Ave., Mt. Vornon and Leonard Ave. Bute* Stop its annual basket picnic Sunday. ! Voung. At The COLO'S CORNER Long St. St. Grant Ave. Aug. 5. at Madiabn lake. All L Mr>. Walter Beard and children member s, their families an.l j have moved to Camp Hill air '..•-•-. friends are Nnvitafi. Boat riding, ' where they joined Sgt. Beard. USE OUR FREE .swimming. fi.shing ttnd game* ar.: New arrivals: Mr. and Mrs. Al- PARKING LOT among the attractions offered. j on*o He.rri«on are parents of ,» AT REAR OF STORE HOME ON LEAVE j baby boy and Mr. and Mrs. Cpl. T^roy Willi- is home on j Casmua Bray of a baby girl. WHEN SHOPPING

»«••'( from Germany, where he All friend* of Joan Miller wish . C**s*C 5 1 at GRAf-iT AVt fvtN.fiCS U ib 4 AT COLO'S wa« stationed tor two and a half ' ber a .peedy recover/.

••••••MMMan _n__H*M______H______IH__H MaMMHHBj m m •MMHBPMH ^~ \m%U%UmWmT ™''

SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1951 PACE 18 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY 28, 19SI Scouts Study CANDID COMMENTS John B. Combs Talks POSTAL SERVICE NEWS ON CURRENT By .Deal Beale Race Goodwill EVENTS POLITICS WIa\V) MOUNTAIN. Nash. — By J. B. C. One hundred teenage Girl Scouts. Main Office reprDMetittng various nntionalitios Aee announcement mad* last we.li by William J. Reardon, lawyer and races front I-I countries., .-nti.. aw i iodustri.list of Cincinnati, proposing a mo*, through whs, 1. ".. While I have the utmoav Heard one of the "letup indef." .ay the so-called 'Vast bar.* ered herlere for ttlh u three week respect and admiration for apparently hopes to elect a midwest*! r« fighting for civil an.l e-.aa.al right, for ike country*, largest minor- | lion regarding your work and he's never too busy to assist you , , . equal opportunities for the j Harry Mann located another mu.ic .ludio oul ea.t and learned hi. iin*iin; people, in their effort* i. Arlf.tWntinel Phaii*. it» Undegroupr .the : sordid move of the Negro for over three dec­ lesson to the tune of all ke bad! . . . Emerson Edward, allow, all ref j devise ways in which they can ades, I am wondering if thc MEMBERS OF NATL URBAN LEAGUE recently contributed sa^alled Repahllcan Committee worthy of close scrunity. Tbe further promote good human ro­ a.lar mail to be delivered at bis borne addreas, but tba "awak mail" organization's leaders are blood lo American Reel Cross blood bank in New York. Among for Norih-Soulh Union, the tw * very thought of «uck a move usually addressed to tha east ca.e. tations. LAST WEEK ROBERT FREEMAN OF CINCINNATI was ap- eaudi.latest would run un the COP justified in the recent tirade those who cooperated wa. Lester Granger (shown above) eaeru. should .erva to alert us that a Mild mannered but sharp wit- Florence Miller, young Negro pointed claim, inve.tigalor in Cincinnati office of Inaluslri.l Corn* ticket in the- north, the l-crno- against the ail-Necro-por- live director. He is chatting with members of'his staff in Red Cross •chame i, being mapped out j ted slim Park* in sn excellent Ohi-i girl from Chicago, who traveled crstic ticket in tha* nouth. with i to wise- talk the man down '•> formed TV "Amos *n' Andy" mission of Ohio. Frromon. third from right, i. being congratulateM which will definitely rotord our I man anal can work any of the in Kurope last year, summed up and "Beulah" shows. canlrrn. Urban League is one of a number of Negro organisations n ii r t li r r II man »eli**cted from •Mil.50 another Joe walk* up by Alt'y Thee^lore M. Berry. Cincinnati councilman. Seated i. Mr.. progress toward becoming fir.t ! (eecaindarv direct Cases . . . Wo ti­ the feeling expressed by many which have contributed to blood bank* throughout U. 5. .-m.»n«T Sen.*. Taft. Wherry, Hirk with $160 cash and rides away, The N'AACr ch.ii| the two clas. American citiaens. ler if Riinu Emhrey remembet* tarter felt like the tax on a dol­ other camper, by saying; Lihby Freeman, secretary, Hamilton County Council of Democrat!* «rn nr Mondt. while the vis-sji We as .Venice- must fight every j hen Uncle Sam classified him is "We appreciate and understand TV shows wish "dfpicting th.* i w lar. Negro in a ftereotype, derogatory! Clubs. Standing from left; Robert Virc I. president, Hamilton t..e,..lent would b.> chosen from v,olitu.l or social program design- L *.„„, passt.r-* Blld paid him each other and our different prob. Sen... Boyd or Kefauver. Mayor; ^ ,„ ,evate Sen. Byrd. Tsl* ,,,,*„ per annum? . . . Walter ieniM by meeting and getting ac­ motuier." New Legal Step Taken By NAACP In County Council of Democratic Clubs; A. L. Hinsoa, preaidrnt, '•'. e Mail Handlers M"»rri»«»it of .New Orlean*. or Mai. mails..* Hvin,-- an.l th.-ie ilk tn -,,',. .-.. a* •, , n . .; quainted. Living together, eating Thc organization HIM> <-it«-«i the Ward Democratic club; E. McReynolds, 16lh ward Democratic com. Elisah Re.tled.-e ;s a wh»*tlin,t wonder. When character development in such a a must unfavorable profeMatonal j "..hi . . . f'aul Cook get. moro th- support of such men will j voi, e <>f the Dixiccritt** wan raided *-,. whistles von wonder what! wav that we will become better light." The local branrh Issued al CIIAKI.KSToN, S. C. — With phone call, per night than the black the N.«w V.»rk gr.-up •'which; ihrnugh Seti. Byrd in the In-art if! Xdkt Jersey Joe Walcott. Meivin thinking and reasoning citiaens ma morandum, il«te*«l July 7. to it* . tin- filinjf of a tn-litiiin nf appeal entire night crew, best he', a at she present time control, both the deep smith and approved bv Bowman K<>,,, to church (and of the world." fin mher*, urging them to view the' Hi the C. S. district court here bigtime operator. ,-liuw on Thursday and then write tiRepublicae n and Democratic P-r the Reardon group in a northern j ,,ravs „? can beat the syndicate Fridav 'he* Nat'l Ass'n fur lh. Ike Kisenhowesnd .-eek.- r t-<>> nnominat both nationae Gehl ' .itv with a southern exposure. 'before he's tdl . Like Kst Carriers a protest to national N'AACI' Advancement of Colored People** |»«i l.v tickets under a synthetic If >uch a drastic step in thi j Charles. Abe Wilson was out but OSU Appointee l.e'*iaii*iiart<-r« in N'e-w York and t . entered the second ^*t**i. of tin George Hayden has a new Met - the sponsor* ia? the program. emergency to be invented and re only way fot the Republicans t > ,.-members nix round* (at tO To <-ontiiiue and strengthen fiirht to nbolit.Ii segregation in the; curv but this one i< no lemon . leBased befoie both conventions." regain a hold of the White House. ! rents a glass) . . . And like Ikj the degree program ot nursing ed­ public e'la*nii*ntur>- and secondare r Patronize Our Advertisers Eugene White (Ft. Hayes) geti v c h i> o 1 .* in neiirliv f l.'i t'ii<)e>n He itl*><> stated, "This was a ilea- then I think it better for it to ro-\ Williams. Jim Philpot look off ucation at Ohio State university The |.a i l.,i t,.r, . Sre talented all "private" mail at the station. p«*rate effort of a group of Kuro ; ""•" an«* hi* shaky cabinet I ta.o fast. Now he*, on the carpet. Pres. Howard L. Bevis announced actors, an accomplishment thev a ounty. T . . . John Johnson and Robert appointment of Mildred K. New- The petition, filed by Thuigood pean-Ameiicien operators to koep j he Negro, and particularly th,-! fr,lf|Teleirt'Ji| Chattanoogam from , BTenn. P.. WalkeClaimsr achieved through Ions; years and Ne rr,J Hunks are the cream of the Ft. Ion, assistant dean of the Univeri- Marshall. NAAf'P ?pe-cial counsel. Control of t»,e C. ,S." He added | » Republican leader*, shouljl jjokness . . . Caution! When Phil grueling hours of work, so like in Hayes crop . that his group "is convinced that j »*•**** *'° M«»« voicing their re. Kutlcr locks you up in one of his Mauria e Games j itv of Calif on ia School of Nursing, any other professional people, appeals from the majority handcl l t"< a carpa*nter plumber by trade practical political cooperation be-' .*'"*""*'"t j»v«r the so-called ninth-',porting bets he's already got his as head of Ohio State's School of they .hould be entitled to earn ilown on June 21 by a three iudtfi- / ,,uth a carrier bv choice. federal court, upholding a provi­ tween con-tun live northern l*.ey « proposal. Such a repulsive { *.„,„,, ;,, youf WBi|et . . . Story of Nursing. Iheir living hy following Ibeir sion of the South Carolina consti­ publican*, sitd constructive sout+T( oxigram should be viewed with ,*.,<, w|>ek. Koger Carter dealing trade. Suppose all other na. b Mofor Pool tution requiring neDaration of ,rn Democrats in l*>5:> is neede I; »"*ter contempt and repelled be-] #or a j|5o used car. While trying tie.nality group, took a similar fur the njti'iri'.s u«'lfare." '""' ll can advancs- I.i a dangerous' H->» Bradley do-e.ts't have altitude about such comical TV j iac<*s in public schools. an» housing problem*. He can The NAACP suit brought in DEVIOUS PLAN i *«**•* „ . . and radio attractions. The Irish easiljr sal up housekeeping jn | behalf of Negro school-age chii- This devious nlan should not be Th<" **»*•" ''"'vcment would Good Hunting would condemn "The Life of ,J V> th N r vwt his Caatillac. 1 dren and their parents residin;.* taken to-, Iltrhtlv. for k wa« a*-! " " "«*»'"'" <* - «'« " '.»« Reilly" .how, .tarring Wiiiam , WlM The 1'•'•">') Ohio game kill sur­ Bendi., who depict, an Irish- in School I>i>.inet No. "J"' of Clai*- .-..rately timed to coincide witT • " ' '" • **«• *' insignlfi ; a ndoii county. And tried before w vey ju*>t completed by the Ohio Annex snan so disgracefully dumb he rousing ,,>,*,,», delivered in Vt!{?"**,* V »<*'»""' ^^ich we csn- i the court on May 2ri-2'.t. chal- uffor< ,,ur,n th* dissenting, .lodges -John J, Parker clares!: further congilicate matters in th * there . . . Tbe NAPE is no doctor -thai il.r Friend, of Italy and «n,i George J'ell Timmcrman con- By one measure, tbe Fair Republican party. down the number of license sale« —don't wait 'til y.su need it t» ••ber Italian organisation. Employment Practices Commis- I'm agin it! and actual hunting days. cur red in sustaining the riuht of would voice resentment against the stiiw-s to impose segregation .ion. it is proposed to set up support it' the innocent and bumble Ital­ of the races in ptihlic education. another co.lly. powerful and in- ian, a. rharacteriaed by the tak qui.itorial bureau to send the 6fh Ward Republican Organization \ «*nled J. Carroll Nash. strong arm of ibr national gov­ ernment into daily tran.action. The OHIO MALT BEVERACaES Aidj 'Boro B«' of virtually ooory man's private DISTRIBUTING CO. An,) what alx.ut 'The Gold NEW YORK, —• The NAACP. business; to tell employers Mass Meeting Scheduled August 1 "Central Ohio'. Oalf bergs.," who have filled the ai. A TRIBUTE to both the patronage of readers of The Ohio Sentinel -,..1 to the progress..,. CROSSROADS Of OHIO NEWSTANO N.fro Distributor" convinced of the innocence of whom tbey must bira, fire and wave* for at least If . years witn ight." last to be freed ne., of co-owner. Bailey W. Jack.on and Orval E. Peyton, i. ibe new addition, lo the chain of A mass meeting will be sponsored Wednesday eve- $«ailta-ca«l Ccaenrref 9eooA fl*«l H.qKSte »0 N. Fourth St. ADaaa. UGOe. An it see-nis to the writer thna The businesses advertised in The Ohio ben tine] back your paper, employ people interstate aspects. It is; clearly an • ng which Republican candidates J miJUeeman and Edna P. Coleman the NAAf'P is perhaps being just Signs Removed °"< °f your community and help to maintain a constant flow of dollars into areas invasion of state", rights." will be introduced. is. eommitteewoman. _Thc modern .-. little too militant in its reaeni that help to improve living conditions for all. Read their ads before you buy . . . In opposition to the poll tax. 7 denunciation of the all.Negro WASHINGTON., — A si«-n re- Give them a chance. he pointed out that such s move tlfl^evMl** ^.jnifaclr wall f**^. acts. It's difficult to conveiv strictinge colored veteranvet... s in th i* in defiance of the first article Brady, Chamber Official, Sees their point of view. For. from one j Soldiers home at Kecoughlan. j of the constitution which gives the fide of the leaders' mouths, they Vs.. to a separate entrance to tbe i states the right to establish the Buy It At BY SPENDING MONEY WITH sre saving "hire the Negro on the mess hall was removed following qualification,?, of voters and con­ haais of qualification," and out protests from the NAACP. duct all elections." Liberia In 'Strategic Position' "The Avenue's Most of the other side they are saying, SENTINEL ADVERTISERS He further denounced the civil Complete Paint & "providing ha isn't given a comi­ righta program and the president In e*8e of **r*111 Liberia will b in cal ride." I don't recall any com­ Floor Space # You help create more job opportunities in our communities. for threatening to deny all fed-! «- • strategic position, declared He pointed out that Liberia is Wallpaper Center" plaints shout, Eddie Anderson er.l grant-, in aid to states which! "• B- Br*dy* **«*«l've secretary beginning to tap his huge irou # You make it possible for your newspaper to be of greater servica te ;f the 0h,(> t,h mb (Rochester), whose gravel voice As a contributin to tbe -na-l refused to repeal sit locsl segre * er of Com- tesources and a new $23,000,000 yells "boss" to Jack Benny tion's preparations strain-it a **>«> the masses of people who make up its readership. gation laws. merce, here this week before -s t-ort ha. just been completed, pav- 0 You help to speed'the prosperity of the businesses in our coiamoni- w throughout all of his shows. sible enemv attack, Schenley In-1 He said. "Thia was deliberately • «»t»ide group of businesa and i.ig the way for large-scale world BEST MERCHANDISE MART dustries. Inc. and its subsidiaries t»e» . . . Prospering businesses make good, strong connmunities. aimed st the south. What, let ma { f»rofeasionsl people. trade. aie. .-i.ii.ii: l,iia- blood banks at | To me i.nti.M.,- Ig more repul­ ask. has the south done to justify Brady pointed out that Liberia Meanwhile, the country U un­ 1013 MT. VERNON AVE. FE. 1328 plants anil offices. sive than to call a white man thi, treatment from the nations') haa continued to maintain an air­ dertaking a huge road building 'bos*,' but it apparently is no: 1 Democratic partv!" port used by the allies in War II program, Brady added. Make 11 A Habit To ... He praised the work of the ** * *Jb>pment point for rubbei seen in such lig-ht bv the leaders n iron Brady has attended the UN ..authernrr* in the reconstruction J " <-* "Ppl«es. of the NAACP 'ExtraDry'' wi trencral assembly at Lake Suc­ r days During the last war Liberia fur* DON'T BE WITHOUT cess. N. Y., or* several occasion* As far as the local branch it*j "We had only our own charac-j "••"••ed 50 percent of the natural as a delegate to the Liberian U. S. concerned there are enough ill-! .l*t: p* ter and our determination to go I rubber supply for the allies when treated, ill-housed Negroes in Co ! Far Ensl rn delegation, and is a commissioner THE OHtOg forward to our destiny." he de'if** '' sources were cut in the U. S. to the Republic of lunii.iiv t,, )(t.,.p the organization| Zryslal Clear -j dared. "Never in the history of] &fr by the J a pan eae. he declared, Liberia centennial commission. busv fear a long, long time. So hov» Bottle V-* the world is there sn example of 5ENTINEL about delegating their services, PATRONIZE advancement e.iual to that of the I CnAakf Af Fitlf Psopls-t toward breaking down job dis­ Negro in the v,uth. We mum not; •»rlcaw **1 ,l»* May Be Separated lOampaoea J crimination on the buses, the j short-cut the constitution ... NASHVILLE. — Henry I.e* w taxis and in our public utilities. } Seiuthern aenatorg and eongreas- { Moon, director of public relation.*, .Naval reserve enlisted per*on- I think if the local group woul 1 .• men fought the.se proposal, wilts j of the aVAACP. dadivered an ad nel who arc veterans and who HAVE IT MAILED TO YOUR HOME take SjUch a broad step, and de j all their power. They were fight {dress entitled "Political Powe* were not receiving drill psy oi | EVERY WEEK vote, its time to such a worthy ing not only for the south bui t)»nf Mr. • i-aper submitted by a member of Write or call about our .nbevcriptioas rate*. Circulation Dept.. available by appointment at -^ow ia a r*rioue out. j _>p N. Foorth St. ADam. geou R.ardon*. prefraan heomiag a \ the Ohio Academy of Science's | Ohio Sentinel, 881 £. Long St.. Columbus 3, Obi*. EV. 2X40. j raalitg a»«* he remote., St ia ' chemistry »••( li-m. Spri-ag St. YMCA. I


PACE 20 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY 2ft, 1951 SATURDAY. JULY 28, 1951 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE at KIDS*. _a__ai___fieK' * —*•» COMPLETE EARN* WHILE •t^os^ggrwssm^^r^ **it. Rusty Bryant MOVING lynch's column Makes New Bid For YOU LEARN ?/io*e Yovr SERVICE Columbus After Dork Hi i I I Fame Locally f At Cabana Nite Club WANTM LynchirT The News Rusty Bryant, who retains hii Rots- on bass, both of whorn were* Moving to a new home? Need stcrstgc space? popularity as an entertainment at­ members of his original crew,. Shipping .omething out of town? Our cotnpj- The? hie* wifttl thai *li«*H*t traction iu Columbus despite hii fn.Q«Ul li •inal Hill Ray, on 01 un.: tcn: staff will care for these and ai.y oth.M *s»e rkiiiii had as its author Re-y 1„ dllrvpie, the Cleveland rolunmiit gypsy-like safaris to first oni* moving or storage needs you have Why not promoters Wales rfprmcntalive uml .1 variety of other thing* equal in place and then another, returned Ray replaces, young Jimmy number to Mr. Heinz' r>7 viirietief. Riy'n venture to our town wiif-, Tuesday to make n bid for new- Rodger*, who is with the J'i7t*, en thiia |iartic*ulnr rxcaslon, in iiehttlf of the Garling** beer am] ale fame with another combo, it.. AAA Dattalion of the Ohio Nat'l % 1. WARD TRANSFER & STORAGE (0. ••e-ei'iil, for whom he nl*a -Extra Pale" H EVERGREEN 2240 "elrafted" for mayor, counril or sump'n. Which i« a.veorly good p<>»- Downstairs Troc SAMUEL D. HOOKER Mbility theM* dayo. Crystal Clear LICENSED BKOKER • . « Bottle FE. 4331 768 Mt. Vernon Ave. And where ran you find two more effim-nt cops than the dett'C- To Remain Open tiff team of Hob (Jm rison and Stanford l^-i ? They're doing a taplen- ADVERTISE IN THE SENTINEL ilul job of .sorting tbe ho"d- from tlae lawful people in our' town The street level bar of Club MEET CHR I S T I N E REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY which make* them deserving of the. long overdue columnar curtsy Trocaveria. 8!'2 Mt. Vernon av . will remain open during the en. MAYO. 10 year old FOR SALE LEGAL NOTICES A brick house for sale. Reason­ we're extending M> readily , . . Congrats to the Alon_o llutrstiin*i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. able. Income property. Eacol- (she's the former newsgel, DeWilda l*u*-ah), who part-rued a boy in­ tirety of the club's second floor Walter Mayo, 160 Winner and exterior remodeling program. if-.-..- ... 1T case—SIS. 8 ft TkaeseJeus " Turssar, wko.e la.t lent condition. Maceo Hill. Real fant s fortnight ar*o . . . Wanna buy a newnpaper? The Cleveland Owner A. H, Flint announce,1 av., a member of the team l-abie e.se>—$4 631 S. Tharsl st »J.ir-ss is eseekneswes, will rake- no Estate. FA. S2S7. Herald*.* for >ale at a reasonable figger, we're reliably informed PAPER Monday. or* young ladies who each tka tkat on Jesno 2S, 1951. Sheer, Might alf*. be able to make a deal on a Dayton gazette, or so we hea* week join in the task of lea F. Turner filed k.r petition in Mates., $1.25; news, 50c; from the same variety of source ... A delight to the ear-drums 11- Personnel working lhe bar dur­ getting The Ohio Sentinel tke Common Plea. Court s>f delivered. 10' Bonus Ihf Negro college choir network program being webbed into (.'-town ing thi< period include Lillian into thousands of Colum­ USED REFRIGERATORS Franklin County. Okio, Dierissoi ' Charity Organiza t i o n a. •very Sunday at 10 in the ayem via WCOI. ABC. The Xavier univer­ Paschal, Ruby Clark. Margie 1 a.n won liens . punsOO Blackwell, Marie Richards and bu* and Central Ohio of Domestic Relation, an Cau.e To do a We buy iron-metal-raga- sity (N'Orleans) college choir wan in exceptionally rare form the • it, corner into ticdlam with a tor- Fred Roebuck. Tho OHIO MALT BEVEKACE9 homes. A newsgirl for FOR 5All No. 64576, prayin'f fe»r a divorce* ! autos. AD. 5951. RIMCO, jaast Sunday. Programs designed to stir up interest in united Negr" • 1 ul five hour iam session. Three of the top names in the DISTRIBUTING CO. two years, Christine sells Bar-f.-tasis white llhey last. 2.door. from !>.... on tka ground, of wil- i BETTER JOB 1061 McKinley. Augmenting the tenor riffs of college fund. entertainment world, S o n n y "Caalral Ohla*. Oal-f 10 papers each week, all 7 catsec ft. *eV..liac**oes.e* -'<•- ful ab.ance for tmoro tkan tiara-' j Bryant's whiz-ting saxophone are Thompson, the Lvnn Hope combo Na.ro D.slrabolor" . within whistling di.itn.-ic:* tree fi.i.frai.iM Cossetitiosi yaars. j on , Harry Use a A. H. Flint is doctoring tba and the Dominoes, have been ten­ 90 N. Kourtl. St. ADSBI netXs) of her Winner av. home. ood. 93S.OO. Call at Com Saed caissa will be for kearine* : t appearance of the second floor of tatively engaged for appearance*, She is a 5-A student at bridge Arm. Apia. 9-*S E. on or after Auges.t 18, 1951. •a 2nd av. Elementary BETTER PAINT! Ma's Dream hi-. Trocaveria dispe'isorium. but when ihe club reopens late in Top Dry Drink Broad st. FA. 37 IS. W. S. Lymon, Ally. lbs big news, entertainmeiit-wis.-, school, is a member of 7.7. 14, 21. 14. S-4. II, 1951. 283 August. continue* to come'from the ave­ The street level bar is open Bethany Baptist church 187 598 PHILADELPHIA.—Fo r those! • noo spot. While his. competitors daily from r- a. m. lo 2 MV a. m. and sings in the ybuth Andrew Dobbins. wbosa las! 369 462 consumer*, who have a penchant choir. Christine, like linos t • e«- a sesbacripteoa Ies Tb. Oka. staittl pat on nonentity booking.-. known nddra*. i. 15231 Ckesa- for martini;, and manhattan-* Ihe 2ml Floor of other Sentinel newsWs. 5«e>tiesel Call EV. _Z4U. 649 834 the Troc'8 mastermind has hooked peake av., Columbu., O , will take Schenley Import Corp. offers J. enjoys the importance of 175 three of the bistro circuit's too Characters On Deck notice that on June 11, 1951, white* wine created chiefly ae* an earning a part of her own attractions — the Sonny (l-on** The Characters, a new enter­ Florins Dobb.es, filed ker petition •pending money. She likes PERSONALIZED (ieme) Thompson, the Lynn Hope tainment packet to Columbu. ingredient for the extra dry mar­ to play ball, and despite i SERVICE DIRECTORY i. tbe Common Pleas Court of (on.).a. and the Dominoes, each Ea-stsiders" are the current at­ tini CLUB Franklin County. Okio, Division parted for one-week-only engage* traction at Club Regal. Tbey fea­ her youth, has already an­ x* nounced that she would of Domestic Relations in Cause ments following the club's re­ ture a musical trio comprised af Raigaetr*. Market. Comjllete Ills? No. 64372. prayine; for a devorc. like to go to college and of gra>cerie«. 516 K. I-ong r*t opening late next month . . . Ca'i Howie* Parker, piano; Eddie Wad. from kim on tbe ground, of gro*. aman, bass; War«} Kaklor. tenor TROCAVERIA study to become a regis­ FA. 2r>2d. Calloway headlines tho list of RUSTY tered nurse. The Sentinel • •gleet of duty. etars on the Ed Sullivan show. •axophone, and comedian Duke Rousseaux. hopes to be able to help j Wes>«t»«'« Baasslsr Cormor. limit Said cau.e wall be for kearing 74* "Toast of the Town," WIINS-TV, BRYANT is closed for he-r achieve that goal. ntyling. croauinole «nd *-•»* i e>ss or after Aug. II. 1951. Sunday, 7 p. m. . , , Downtown Enter tainment is scheduled W. S. Lyman. Ally. nightly beginning at !»:.'10 p. m. A and His { waving. 1007 N. 4th sL UN PoCoXtAVt* Bigger Y Better \ office* of N'eth theatres- aopnr- Cf.(JS. o.i*J. 7-7, 14. 21. 29. 8.4. 1951. • fitly failed to check the record special matinee performance if of the Clovers, recording atar-i scheduled Sundav from 4 to •* remodeling. COLUMBUS PtttHt Buys In Used Cars Regalaires (Caerl". 4\ Nacbols. Mimeograph'*!.*, Lottie Ogilvie, wkose la.t ad who skyrocketed to a (op role 0, m. Appearing Nightly FUNERAL DIRECTORY VJiiireh bulletin,, etc. 867 Mt dr*.. i. unknown, will take no. among the juke box enthusiast* LYf-em HOPE Vernon av. KE. 4'102. lis** tkat on June IS 1951 BEST MERCHANDISE MART J. W. WATSON & CO. via thc waxing of "Don't Vnj' 9:30 P. M. 'til 2:30 A. M. WATCH Cbarle* W. Ogilvie filed hi. oeti Ford Deal. For 20 Ynar» Know I Love Vou," for they've tentatively booked the so-so outfit as* • Legal Beverages C D. WHITE & SONS LEGAL NOTICES tion in the Common Plea. Court "Tke Avenue'. Most Complete 12S8 N. High St. headliners of a forthcoming stage revue at Lincoln theatre . . . The of Fraakiia County, Ohio, Divi. Paint etc Wallpaper Center" FUNERAL HOME Asny Arlene Doughty, who.e Kelly Mils nit (he's operator of a new avenoo cleaning plant) are lul* eion of Dome.tic Relations, ia 1013 Mt. Veraoa Ave. FE. 1328 UN. 2118 # Excellent Service 1217 Mt. Vernon Av«. last known addre.a i. 202 S. 4tk labyin' an heiress (their second) who debuted via University hosp Cau.e No. 64438. praying for a THIS EV. 1514 St., Streetor Illinois, will take no­ Thur-aday h.-t p»at ... A boychiid for tiie Leon Clarks. s*me day. divorce from her oa the ground, RIBS • CHICKEN tice tbat »S July 14, 1951, Rob­ of gro.. neglect of duly. saiae place. MRS. D. A. WHITTAK.ER ert Martin Dougkty fairs! hi. peti­ P0RKT0IN * HAM Said lauir will bo for hearing AND SON, INC. tion iss the CiimmoB Plea. Court Hill and Esther Toler. the barrister ta-am, unveil their Parkwood *o*i COLUMN FUNERAL HOME of Franklin County, Ohio, Divi- •a mr after A*«gu«t 4, 1951. KAUFMAN MOTORS, INC. L. P. Hender.oa, Ally. av. manse at a July 2b house war mm' . . . Aren't the Rudolph John- WOOD COOKED 720 E. Long Si...... of Domestic Relations, in COLUMBUS* LARGEST PONTIAC DEALER Mm* (he's the baseballer who flopped in a V'enesuelan Sid last win. Cause No. 64759, praying for « 6-23, 30. 7-7. 14. 21, 28. 1951 vt'h H1CK0RV artd *i EV. 9549 { I«*r) trying to legalize a splituation? . , . Add ni*w faces: Pe'rt Helen Sal For Our divorco frosts her on tbe groused, SALES AND SERVICE COOD USED CARS 4 Pace, who'll wed Cliff Rose, ex youth ed. The Sentinel, when latter SASSAFRAS of gro*. aegloct of duly and wil­ Jam*. B. Ware, who.e last ad. 1224 N. High St. UN. 4161 — UN. 2175 BURNS MEMORIAL lurleiughs here next, in bii offjees of Spicer** avenoo furniture mart? ful ab.ence. dress is unknown, will take nolica Re-Opening FUNERAL HOME , . . Carrie K. Duncan (nee Lynch), dotter of the Di. Amos L.s, out IAVtOR»,t5HiAve. FA.2Q6 Said cau.e wilt be foe* bearing that on June 13. 1951. Ckarlolle 1072 E. Long St. ON Franklin avenoo, long distances from that she may be on or after September 1, 1951. Beatrice Ware filed her peliliou Dale! FA. 1555 Gartner eft Armstrong, Atty.. in lhe Common Pleat Court or 1.11 "any day" vistant hereabouts) . . . The Carl Davisej (ht's the pop'- 7 21. 2d, a.4, tl. IS, 2S, 1951. Franklin County, Ohio, Division lar Southside sportsman better known at* "Funnyboy") are complet­ WILLIAMS & McNABB •f Domestic Relation., ia Cau.e ing their honeymoon cottage just in time. Medics slated her for *• No. 64407. praying f«r a divoice m visit on a local maternity ward come September-October . . . The pi I • • • MORTUARY, INC. Anna Csr.se Holmes, who.e CLUB REGAL FUNERAL HOME last address is unknown, will lakv from ham o« the ground, of wil­ Inr'e- conniscur of fine foods recommends Mel Staples' new Samaritan aotico that o« July 23. 1951, I. ful ab.ence for move than throe) iso&ems Food i"hop carryout sea food menu. "Strictly for those who go for 818 E. Loag Si. year.. EV. 9521 S. Holmo. filed bi. petition in the rare sauces and expertly pwpared .«.*« food," says Dayton Erby, whe Common Plea. Court of Franklisa Said cau.e will be for hearing e.iighia know. Staples' located at Long-Miami . , . Formal opening o.' COLUMBUS^ MU.SICAL HOT SPOT Meanwhile, Visit Our County, Okio, Divi.ioa of Doma.- mm or after August 4, 1951. the new Long.Taylor addition to the Peyton Sohio chain goes on BROOKS tsc Relations in Cau.e Ne. 64873, Certorr eat Armstrong, Atty.. FUNERAL HOME, INC. while partner-supervisor Bailey W. Jackson mi".il* from a Aession un­ praying for a divorce from ker on 6-23. 30, 7-7. 14, 21, 28, 1951 der Dr. W. H. Walker's scalpel at Crant hovp. H. .W.'g condition "ex- Sfreel Level Bar For The 1105 E. Long St tbe ground, of gross aogloct nf PRESENTS SPECIAL tellent" at column's bedtime, FE. 1411 duty. Jaate. Alvea Loag, who.e la.t »r| NASASIH Airfligkt. • addre.. a. uakaown, will take no- Jl Finest Selection Of Said cause will bo for hearing Heal overdrive 1595 Wilson1* Chesapeake reestaurant. shuttered for a face lifting, re- T*M A***. IM ITS.1***. SSM.W. on me after Sept. 8. I95t. lice thai •» July 13, 1951, Viola a i-en*. on or about Aug. f> . . . The "athletic club set is showering the Ot Tb. Csa_.*,_, fWr, >u.*a W. S. I.yresaj., Attv. May Long filed her petition ia Hob Robinsons with flowery phrases for tin* splendiferous time they Legal Beverages On 7-28. 8-4, 11. l», 25, 9-1. ItSt. the Common Pleas Court of '50 FORD De t.UKe* 2-D.x.r, Kill \ &(, THE Franklin County. Okio, Division '50 PONTIAC 1-Duar us,& bad e>* Sunday's picnic. It's an annua! event, tossed by Hob and Mil­ dred . . . Ohampale, the aew drinking rage, debuted here Tuesday jr. CHARACTERS Home Of of Domestic Relation, in Cause '30 FORD Custom 2-Door, RAH., O.I) 1545 Tke Edshide Na. 64743, praying for a divorce '.SO PLYMOUTH Club Se*d»n, R.tH tf,<»5 ...!....ui- and over bistro bars. First round comment indicate*! that from hia. oa tke grouad. of wil­ '18 OLDS Convertible*. Hyaiiamatia* ^^9•» Ibe champagne copy will become as big a seller here as it ir in Cleve­ COMPLETE HOUSE OK Howie Parker, Piano - Ward Kayjor, Tenor ful ab»eace for more tkan 3 year, '47 CADILLAC Club Coupe? •«!•(•, land, Akron and Voungstown where it is making inroads on many USED CARS la.I past. premium brand beers. I>.cal distributor is the Ohio Malt Beverage? CLEANING SERVICE 'lrj NASH 2-Door, radio, heater *. •JUts Duke RouMeaux, Comedian - Eddie Wad man, Bassist PAUL DAVIES Said csu.e will bo for heariag *t8 PLYMOUTH t-Door. Radio, heater 11,4 5 Diratributitig Co., whooe line includes loyally brewed Augustiner and CLUB Gambrinus beers, and Rita, a Chicaafo labeled drink. Champale is pr-i- Wall. Washed CHEVROLET oa or after Sept. I, 1951. '46 CHEVROLET 4-0oor RUf, ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY 9.30-2:30 22 Cleveland Ave. W. S. Lyman, Ally. *1« STUDKBAKER I Door 7. .,95 duce«| by the Metropolis Hrewing Co. of Trenton, N. J., anotiier whos" Wall Paper. Porches 7-21. 28. 8-4. It, 18. 25, 1951. • mployment pattern compares with the best along PEP lines. Forth­ and 'tit FORD 4-Damr. Radio, Overdrive l_4fi •••J PONTIAC Convertible ,. •nasf, coming .advertisements on Champale will be built around endorse- MATINEE SUNDAY 4-6 P. M. TROCAVERIA Basements Cleaned n.1 us* by Savannah Churchill and Peg Leg Hates, both claimed by Kern-toning . Other.-- to Chouse From Cap City u adopted rhillun ... An announcement forthcoming from Floors Waxed and Visit Our Tropical Cocktail Lounge, The Spra-Con Co. Our Reputation Your (iunrantee? the executive board of Spring St. YMCA will sbeavk the sock*, of? 892 Mi. Vernon Ave. Polished (Conveyor*) many who'v*. watched the brain-V* progre** -since the war ... So long Guaranteed Satisfaction BEASLEY-GROVE CO* V .10. Home of the "Finest Barbecue In Town.*' JACK HARRISON GEO. PACE FA. 0271 WA.5911 1402 N. Western Ave. ' Chicago, Illinois 784 WEST BROAD STREET 772 E. LONG ST. FA. 0469 "~"\ .DVERTISE IN THE SENTINEl J[ s:


THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, JULY 28, 19S1 PACE 22 SATURDAY, JULY 2*, 1961 THE OHIO SENTINEL PACE 2* While Sox Contract Clowns' Star Sam Hairston, Late Of Coast Loop Mass. Bars Waicoff Hays Doing OK Big news emanates from head* Ring To Pulpit local rookie and save tbe game and will be the first night gunu NEW YORK. — Anyone who esourieg* of the Indianapoli* NEW YORK.™Willie Mays, 'AJ for tbt Funmakera. f«/r the Clowns at their new heme icfers to Jersey Joe Walcolt ns Clown*?, this week since, all mem­ year old batting phenom of the A rubber game between tbe base, Offerman stadium. Buffalo, world heavyweight boxing cham­ bers ef the club will be keeping New York Giants, early this week Clowns and Geese Curry's Merr- on Wednesday. Aug. 1. The club*, pion will do se without the back­ an eye on tbe Chicago White -Sox had rlooted lh home rnrfs, inelue**- pbis Hi ,i Sox has been arrangsri sallt a thrilling dooblchcader at ing of the xtate of Massachusetts For Ex-Boxers in their AL pennant drive. Buffalo a few Sundays ago an.l ing two against thr- Cineinna'i A state law there says that box­ Reds Sunday. By A. S. (DOC) YOUNG Witb two regular the Red Sox made such an im- ers over 35 shall be prohibited . LOS ANGELES.—The prixe ring, about as far from a vial, lu.a ii. the Sox flew in Samniy iirensionxwith Bison City fans that from fighting in the slate an.l, the third nm| rubber game wan Sunday school as one can get, recently produced two min­ Hairslem. former member of the Arc Swim Parties in addition *ahall not be reee>g Clowns, from their farm club. noickly arranged. isters who give promise of doing as much "good"—if not nixed M chnmpinns. ':.e. ..-.: M i.t- of the Pacific Coast The secon,} half NAL pennan*. ARROW more—in their new fields as they did in the squared circle. League. Are Scheduled race is a nip-and-tnek affair with ', SB*""*1 i»i I, "•> One aif these-. Hanunerin' Henry Another big item is the naming the Clowns holding their own Series Preview? Atnistieintr, is Intel nationally fa «*f player-manager Busier Hay­ Firxt of a series of night swim despite loss of services of l,en Shirts and Tits The former Homicide Hank , S. ..!.... i J'taaato Br Wood CLEVELAND. - Baseball fan.- mods. The other. Calvin (Tiger) wood, who led the Clowns to the Mrtics was initiated at Maryland (Preacher) Williams, out with an hopes to obtain a full block, in-; may be in for a world series ore- Ed Baile tVelson, *ainn* localised LEONARD AV. SCHOOL PLAYGROUND is roproaontod in Jirst half Negro rk. swimming pool Wednesday. ankle injury, and Boy Neil and Bailey eluding the erstwhile Allena thea- j view when the Cleveland Indiani •wwjs *i fame around Detroit before tho The Oh..> Sentinel Boy.' Softball League by. front row, from left: championship of the eastern divi­ The practice wilj be continued at Sherwood Brcwei playing with tre building on Santa Barbara and play host lo the Nat'l league war. Both of them have sontc- Albert Thoma., Caleb Tatbert, Donnia Herren, James* Tn.m.i. Back sion, to manage the East nine in least one night a week lo accom­ injured ankle, tightly band«ged. to locate his foundation there leading Brooklyn Dodgers' in an thine in common: neither wanted row, .am* order: Nathaniel Jobn.on, Jame. Cou.ar, Bobby Hum­ tbe annnal Kast-West classic to modate »|efens*r workers, Pool Dir Some help ),-.>• been received Once the local setup is aubstan- j Aug. 6. Write to Cleveland In- to heeraime a preavber. Fast i*. phrey, Valentino Smith, Merlin Jobn.on, Norman Child.. Player, be held at Comisltey pk., Chicago, Carl Jones tnld The Sentinel with th.- porchase of Lefty Bich- exhibition conUM at tbe Stadium both of them fouirht it. but in tial, he want, to branch out na- Tuesday. not pro.ont when photo wa. taken were Raymond Sparrow, Pbillip ©n Sundy, Aug. 12. ardson, Orlando All-Star hurlei dinnr*. The Stadium, Clcvelan'* different ways. tlonallv. The night •<• n.n, •.-.• from 8 Robinson, Darryl Walker. The downs, in one of their who joined the Funmakera' «taff 1-J, for tirkr.t information. rVelsOn, a good friend i»f Clai . In a way. Arns.lrong'. lean­ more recent outings, handed the to 12 p. m. wilh an admisnion fe** this past weekend. Richardson. enee Henry, was a . I ing to tbe ministry date, from New Castle Indians ©f the Mid- cf 35 cent**. was having a M-n-ational" season ANNOUNCEMENT of pur. He f.iuirht pro three years, beat • bi. birth in Mississippi. When Atlantic Le.ngue a 9-JS setback »•, with the Florida club when the Killed In Korea cheer of Nat Peebl*., .lugging • Five lifeguards, in addition to ing such men a« Billv Mitchell he was a youngster, be "saw a New Castle, l'»., with Henry Clowns acouired hi.« contract. tssstfielder of Negro American • Jones, wbo regularly is assigned Arnold Perm, I950 feother- «nd Dsve Young, the latter in vision" which stayed witb him Giants, Dodgers Set (Speed) Merchant displaying* hhl League leading Indianapolis to the fire department as a cap­ wciitht Golden Glove** champion. Honolulu. He also was a good during bi. fight earner. Hi. versatility by hurling six score­ Onsen., wa. made tbi. waak ">» ! tain, are' en duty daily at the te second of the eight titleholder. batteball player, having; maintain­ .i.ler a .piriluali.t, wa. a less frames after New Castle pool. of that tourney killed while «erv tba Brooklyn Dodgers. Peebles ed a .H50 sveratre in postsl league .Iroug influence for bim. And, nicked him for two rmia in the They are Ray Clark, Eurl WI. inc a tOUi of dutv with the aimed ba. hrr.. a..ig«*d to Elsnira, iiiiiipetition But, a war service there were .ign. which poinlod For Invasion Of Cincy opening . liams, Clayde Sawyer, Pat Tny- forces in Korea. Maurice Dono­ Ea.tera Lo.ges. farm club ef injury cut short hi* career in the to tke mini.try a. bis life*, Oedger cbain. In the seventh. Merchant left lor. Keith White. van, heavyweight ehnmn. was the ring;, and the Tieer turned to work. CINCINNATI. — Home schedule for the Cincinnati witb an K-2 lead in fneor of A lo- othci. thiiisr« less via. ion- Reds of July 27 through Aug. 5 brings the New York B e g i nners' swimming dor-se­ -* But, like* Nelson, Arnistron** cnl hoy. Mickey Walls whom em* conducted at the pool daily in "I had been singing ia (iiants, Philadelphia Phillies and Brooklyn Dodgers to Haywood wanted to give thr churches for some time,* ba says, "I didn't want to preach. the evvning. by Fat Taylor. PAGE for FENCE About two "years ago. the idea CroH.ey field for their third and next-to-la--»t appearances once-over. Walls was scored on For aidditional information on Tunnell Bock toy., "but I didn't want lo font times, in the eighth, and thi ar.scn. It .ooraex", however, .-tni.-k home and wouldn't let go. of the 1051 season. the night swimming schedule and I couldn't sleep. Something: kepi The Giants, hanging on des- j Clowns' Frank Carswell came on beginner swimmer instruction in­ thai I ju.t couldn t gel awaf tc finish tb* ninth to rescue thc With Giants from il—like lhat was mf des­ telling me that I haai to preach. perately to second place and hope- i urday afternoon and a double*' quire at the pool. tined work. So. firiallt*. I gave Vet, I fought against it. As a last ful of a Brooklyn collapse, arrive! header Sunday, the "*'.'th. lesurt -in an effort t.i get rial of Friday (July 27> for a nigh'; OHIO MALT BEVERAGES S/RANAC. IT. V. — ELmlenj in." HtUok w||| DISTRIBUTING CO. tha* insistent impulse—I went ou: game at d 0 clock and are also Tunnell. veteran defensive half-^ Under the tutelage »f Kev. R. i be Monte Irvin and PAUL PETERSON CO. "Control Ohio*. Only haek. was one of "I" players wh-i R. Williams, past »r of the Crest- and >ri»t drunk!"' .slated for a Ladies day game Sat j Willie- Mays, whose collective ef- Browns, All-Stars Prep •50 DUIIIN »0. HL till Negro Di.tribe.lor" look pbvau-sl i-vrt/u- a> the New e-ri m1sat i»a»i»v>»>Baptista «..«,-.church. ..in. .Lo .v,s. ...An. • A i nist i oii(r left the liar j|»he*re I forts at the plate during last PCL BAT LEADER Bob tO N. Fourth St. ADssn. 940O] York Football (Aunt- liegran a •re'le-*. Nelson made hi* start*. For J he had been drinking under hia i week's ir sines helped the Polo Boyd, flashy fir.I ba.emaa of thra«i. and a half >e)»^eek training I/irmsl study he enrolled at th?ja>wn power. He wasn't clear of j Grounders edge back into the run. Sacramento Seslons, wa. ridisas; j.i'ri.ad here Monday. I.iff Bible college According to j mind, however, for w'len he came j nerup spot ahead of the resur- bench early •*» Jussc b.c.use? af Tunnell, on,, of tho strongest reports, listeners to his sermons! to himself, he was heading to For All-Star Contest At weak hitting. Rv.lored Ies lin«- ' gent St. Louis Cardinals. stays in the '•unibrella" seeondarv have been startled by his prog -j ward Malibu .it 7"> miles per hour! up, he staged one mast bl.stini* OUT OF TOWN SECOND IN RBI. i«»r the Giant*, snared 10-opposi- resa. His IIK-UI fame grows with < party with cippoanr pitchers HEEDED THE CALL - tion serials two .»a*a*<>n-a ago. an.l everv sermon and he has re-1 Irvin. batting .21IH when play victimis«d it. hitting- strrak of PAPERS - Sobered bv the impact of what ran them hac-k 251 vardr*. Lat.*. t-eived manv invitation-. t>> visit i began this week, i* tied for ****** • Chicago's Soldier Field 2C comctiiliec |imii. Ho bat- n.ighi hav«« happened, Aimstrong year, with more Aiinnott in th-* i.thcr churches and speak. ' ond in runs batted in with <»t, t«*J .429 desrissa. tkfin. uppinr r«**cundary. he trrabbed seven I only two off the pace being set by As a minister. Nelson natur*- uecided t«» he.*,l the call Today. CHICAGO..—(Special). — Thh from Texas Christian unirer.-eity, Ki. season's «»rras*c lo .355 I* e n e m y iosaes, returning t «>T 1 Sea. ally doesn't approve of some •""-' •» preaching much in the same i o-leaders Duke Snider and Ralph i« tbe week collegiate footba"! 1946; Jtvhn Sandusky, tackle from capture Pacific Coa.t Leageso vardtf. and waa a key man ' i things attendant lo the fight i nianner he fought-- not exactly nt Kiner. fans have* been waiting for. The Villanora. 1**50; Tommy Thomp­ koltiner led. He ml.o lead, ia throttling the fabulous aerial CROSSROADS OF OHIO NEWSTAND game. However, he attends ever/UrthodoK style punching with Mays, called up to the Giants. All-Star football MI.KW' which en­ son, center from William and stol.n fcas.s witb 30. Boyd is irame of lhe world ehamfiion fight Henry has and prior to these) words, trying to lead listeners well after the season was under- gages the Cleveland Browns ir. Mary. 1949. properly of Chie.rro White Sou.h*ea*>T Copncv of Bpoad and High Sfr*. Cleveland Browns in handing 1 ,h scrap., he prays and tea.Js th,* i" " <* correct ways of living. w»v. has captured the Soldiers' field tbe night of Aug., Mail ticket requests to All-Star 5.. them two losse* m regular season scripture. Henry in turn, attend; A"***, he. like Nelson, or vice vet. leadership of ths- (iiants with Hi. 17 in the 18th annual all-*-ta* football ticket manager. Chicago piny. * x churches wlo-re Nelson is preach -"i* •• finding success. Only re- Brooklyn's front-running Dod­ K»mc sponsored by Chicago Trib­ Tribune, Chicago 11, HL . Make Tunnell i* recoarnir.ed ai* "fie of m_ ce-ntly. he delivered a stirring ders, minus services of pitchar une Charities. Inc., begins as- checks payable to Chicago Trib­ the hardest tac-klers in the lejegui*. PLANS FOUNDATION I message to a group in Inglewood. Dan Bankbead. sold to Montre.il Mi-sbling at St. John's Mitita-J- une Charities. Inc. Prices of re- He in fast sod flever. i*. rareli Rev Armstrong, soniet i m e » There is another item they hav.* ; Monday, provide the Redlega op- academy in Dela/ield. Wis. maining tickets are 14, 9,2.75. GREENE'S TOP QUALITY REGULAR STOCK fakeal out of iMsition, snd ra'i in common: there are many peo­ DAN BANKHEAD. big right- called "The Punching Parson." | • i o.sition in a night game un Fri- Herman Hickman of Yale, head 31.50 and $1. play offen~e if needed at left handed pitcher wko ha. beeu has plait;, for an ambitious pro. ple who doubt the sincerity of : day (Aug- ->>. a latdiaa* night «.*ach ef the All-Stars, was on half. these men. It is hard for them t > disappointment to Nat'l League : gram. This program will be an­ gume Saturday afternoon and a band Wednesday morning to be- IHIIIIIIIII""*"- a | figure out how a man can make Brooklyn Dodgers, was headed chored by the ; ; douhleheader on Sunday, the Gth. gia greeting All-Stars who re­ MEN'S SUITS, TOPCOATS and FURNISHINGS the extreme shift from the ring back to minor. Monday follow­ Foundation, a boy's benefit or- ! Appearance of the Dodger*, and ported from all parts of the Match Set Over to the pulpit. The writer, who ha- ing .ale of hi. contract to Mon­ CFJV* gaeiiutloh patterned along the , .'heir magnetic Negro stars. Jav^'i* country. A team match between thc lines of the CYO (Catholic Youth talked with both men. would be treal Royal., leader of Inter, , Robinson, Roy Campunclla ami Tbe biggest group of All-Star, Capital City! (CoJumbus) and Organization) plan the last to set himself as s iuii«a- nat'l League. Bankbead pitched j Don Nrwcombe. is expected t*« were scheduled to arrive Thurs­ OFFERED IN THIS Cincinnati Golf clubs schedule' Currently he is speaking lo­ of their sincerity. He feels that only 13 inning, for Brook, ihi. i -..well the Red legs' home stand at- day and were to be given a thor­ lor July 2'a has he*e-5heets # Novelties TRAINING EXPENSES MOO ble and took the middleweight championship from Sugar champion was a few months old. He had been gassed in All-Stars. Otto Gruham, Cleveland Large assortment Pocket Ray Robinson. The loss in sterling of Americans in Lon­ France. Training expenses for Turpin during his preparations quarterback, helped the collegians don was considerable. MOTHER IS NEARLY BLIND for the Robinson fight were only about $400 a week. sWat Washington in J94.1 and thc Books. Magazines, Comic SAVE 7 Most Britons, too, were surprised by the result of the Turpin's while mother, who is now nearly blind, took Tuipln'g reading tastes run to comic books and thrill­ Los Angeles Rams in 1S46. Bill Books to select from. figbt but their patriotism and dogged determination to up the task of supporting the five children—Dick, Joan, ers. He is a great miniature golf fan and likes the Willi*, guard, represented Ohio 0 to (Order your mail sub­ accept the best of any subject of George VI affected movies. Slate on the 1944 and 1945 * Jackie, Kathlene and Randolph, the latter the youngest. scriptions through us.) their wagering. Residing in tbe very mid-Fnglisb town of Leamington, Apparently set to become one of Britain's mo.-it tmuads. F Tuipin, J ; year old new middleweight champion, .si-. • familiar to many Americans as the entrance to Strat­ wealthy fighters in history. Turpin hus .-.aid he wants '•• Otber Browns and the years Variety of out-of-toivn may have been mildly surprised as he broke training aft­ tbey were All-Stars follow: ford-Warwick in the Shakespeare country, they scraped do only three things: take a holiday in Paris, buy a small newspapers, Daily and We Carry Only Famous Name Brands er the fight snd went back to his beloved comic books through a few shillings a week until the boys were abb* car. and buy his mother a house in Warwick, two milsj** Tony Adiiinlc, fullback from Sunday. Gazette and But bis laconic remark that it would be "fun" to ftgh*. to go to .work. west of where the family has been living for the last few Ohio State. 11M7; Alex Again-, Kobinxon again indicates thst next time he will be sur­ guard from Illinois. 1947; Ken Racing Forms. Recognized by Everyone Street fighting was one of tbe champion's eartie.t years. prised if he. loses. Carpenter, halfback from Oregon •cceapatien*. Many »f ike .crap, came about, be .ay. Both of Turpin's brothers turned out to be fair fight, DISTRIBUTOR FOR: TURPIN HAS GENTLE MANNER era. Jackie a featherweight and Dick a middleweight. State, I£i50; Lcn Ford, end from For Quality and Styling «•> —. b<*caus. of jibe, about hi. color. He recall, that r Michigan. 1948; Horace Gillom. New York Amsterdam Turpin, possessor of a gentle manner outside the ring he mo.ily won and siaumsd tbe nickname of "Lickcr." TURPINS IN ARMED FORCES end from Nevada. 1947; William News and of a soft, high pitched voice, fought his way to the When about IS, Turpin joined the Leamington Boy'-, During the war. all the Turpin children were in tbe toa amid a blast of local publicity. His prowess was nc fPub) Joncr, halfback from Tu- Norfolk Journal 6. Guide club and hit the amateur boxing trails. He had about 100 armed forces. secret to the British, >anc. I94f.; Werrell Palmer, tackle* amateur fights. The champion was a navy cook. Dick Turpin fought Atlanta World We Arv Moving to But his reputation shriveled even here under the Baltimore Afro-American ;e.*t .i .!.*'.( tattoo of stories about the incomparable world These were, in addition to his appearance in the booths witrh Montgomery's desert rats from KI Atameiu to Ber­ as a kid. The champion and his brother Jackie, wearing lin. Jackie Turpin saw service in the Pacific and on thu beater. . Also the British bad been 1 CIGARETTES I I \. II liil II SI. tiny gloves and other regalia of the ring, would appea * Russian convoy route, and the two girls were in the GREENE'S) badly burned by the flop of Bruce Woodcock, onetime CIGARS • CANDY heavyweigbt hope of these islands. at carnivals under the billing of "Alexander and Mose." WAAF. ronr» wr«iT psoao S They fought for pennies that spectators would throw oft SOFT DRINKS Taefssn*. record certainly was a* o.eelleot •••—40 The la*t fight Turpin lost w.i on Sept. 21, DM*, when as soon o$ remodeling is completed S*-"©**!*- rOR ***** r.ctori.s and one draw in bi. 43 fight, sine* tura'ng the stage. he was stopped by Frenchman Jean Stock in the fifta, Tserjain's brothers help kim tea training. Hie e««.Ja l nrefeaaioieal in 1946. But, of c*e.r»«, k« bad uoror But he later knocked Stock out in the fifth re**u*i- Pay »3 in August, V3 in Sept., 3 in October le>e»,jht Robias-on. »r a reel t«ea America* meddlew«.ight_ '« tk. big fagest Last week were his Wither Dick aesei a a-ound. , FAirfax 0502 m