First Quarter 2019 Vision Report

Current Reporting Date: Jul 15, 2019

Report Created On: May 07, 2019

Page 1 Report Legend No Update Overdue # Priority

Page 2 Plan Summary

Vision 1 50% Vision 2 Progress 53% Owner: Tanisha Briley Owner: Tanisha Briley

% # % # On Track 83.33 20 Status Pending 4.76 1 Completed 16.67 4 On Track 47.62 10 Status Status Upcoming 9.52 2 Completed 38.1 8

Goal: 5 Action: 24 Goal: 6 Action: 21

Vibrant Neighborhoods Cleveland Heights will be a city of strong, safe, Complete Transportation Network Cleveland Heights will be a and vibrant neighborhoods composed of a variety of beautiful homes community where getting to work, meeting friends over dinner, or and buildings, well-maintained yards and greenspaces, historic shopping can be accomplished easily by foot, bike, transit, or car districts, active neighbo... along beautiful and well-maintained...

Vision 3 Progress 37% Vision 4 Progress 57% Owner: Tanisha Briley Owner: Tanisha Briley

% # % # Status Pending 7.14 1 On Track 66.67 10 On Track 71.43 10 Completed 33.33 5 Status Upcoming 7.14 1 Status Completed 14.29 2

Goal: 5 Action: 14 Goal: 5 Action: 15

Environmentally Sustainable Community Cleveland Heights will be an Business Friendly Cleveland Heights will be a business-friendly environmentally sustainable community that uses green community that leverages the city’s entrepreneurial spirit, well- infrastructure to capture and slow stormwater, encourages active educated population, solid services, strong infrastructure, and transportation, and promotes state of the... proximity to world-class instituti...

Vision 5 Progress 14% Vision 6 Progress 65% Owner: Tanisha Briley Owner: Tanisha Briley

% # % # On Track 100.0 16 On Track 44.44 4 Completed 55.56 5 Status Status

Goal: 6 Action: 16 Goal: 3 Action: 9

Strong Business Districts Cleveland Heights will have an appropriate High-Quality Infrastructure Cleveland Heights will be a city of high- number of strong, safe, and walkable neighborhood business districts quality infrastructure and solid public services that support and spur that serve the needs of local residents and attract visitors from business activity and serve residents. throughout the region t...

Page 3 Vision 7 Progress 33% Vision 8 % Owner: Tanisha Briley Owner: Tanisha Briley

% # % # Status Pending 6.67 1 Status Pending 12.5 1 On Track 73.33 11 On Track 37.5 3 Status Some Disruption 6.67 1 Status Upcoming 25.0 2 Completed 13.33 2 Completed 25.0 2

Goal: 4 Action: 15 Goal: 3 Action: 8

Hub for Arts and Culture Cleveland Heights will continue to be a A Diverse and Open Community Cleveland Heights will continue to be cultural leader that supports an active arts community through a diverse community that is open and welcoming to all who choose to vibrant events, incorporation of art in public spaces, and support for call the City home. the artists and arts organiz...

Vision 9 Progress 53% Vision 10 Progress 50% Owner: Tanisha Briley Owner: Tanisha Briley

% # % # Status Pending 5.88 1 Status Pending 7.69 1 On Track 64.71 11 On Track 61.54 8 Status Completed 29.41 5 Status Completed 30.77 4

Goal: 5 Action: 17 Goal: 3 Action: 13

A Safe and Engaged Community Cleveland Heights will continue to be A Healthy Community Cleveland Heights will be a city of optimal a community of active and engaged citizens that pursues innovative physical health and general well-being through access to healthy partnerships with local and regional groups critical for providing safe foods, a strong park system, and healthy homes. communities, resilien...

Vision 11 Progress 20% Owner: Tanisha Briley

% # Status Pending 14.29 1 On Track 28.57 2 Status Upcoming 42.86 3 Completed 14.29 1

Goal: 2 Action: 7

Future Land Use To guide the City’s future development, the Future Land Use section describes the way that buildings and parcels should be used if developed or redeveloped.

Page 4 Goal 1.1 Progress 65% Goal 1.2 Progress 56% Owner: Tim Boland Owner: Susanna Niermann O'Neil

% # % # On Track 80.0 4 On Track 75.0 3 Completed 20.0 1 Completed 25.0 1 Status Status

Action: 5 Action: 4

GOAL A: Revitalize and rehabilitate neighborhoods affected by blight, GOAL B: Continue to promote the city’s neighborhoods to potential abandonment, foreclosure, rental conversions, and demolition Strong residents, especially the workforce in university circle Promoting housing and neighborhoods are essential to a stable community, and Cleveland Heights to potential residents can attract new citizens that revitalizing strugglin... can stabilize the City’...

Goal 1.3 Progress 77% Goal 1.4 % Owner: Allan Butler Owner: Richard Wong

% # % # On Track 66.67 4 On Track 100.0 6 Completed 33.33 2 Status Status

Action: 6 Action: 6

GOAL C: Strategically use local dollars, state and national grants, and GOAL D: Continue to promote the preservation of historic homes and comprehensive incentive programs to stabilize the housing market buildings Preserving Cleveland Heights’ historic homes and and spur private investment Strategically investing dollars in targeted neighborhoods is essential to maintaining the City’s character and areas helps maximi... charm

Goal 1.5 Progress 28% Goal 2.1 Progress 56% Owner: Richard Wong Owner: Joe Kickel

% # % # On Track 100.0 3 On Track 80.0 4 Completed 20.0 1 Status Status

Action: 3 Action: 5

GOAL E: Continue to promote and support neighborhood identities to GOAL A: Adequately repair and maintain the city’s network of enhance the sense of place and build pride among residents attractive streets Well-maintained streets provide safe transportation Delineating neighborhoods and benchmarking them begins to build for residents and convey community quality to users. identities among residents living wit...

Page 5 Goal 2.2 Progress 35% Goal 2.4 % Owner: Susanna Niermann O'Neil Owner: Richard Wong

% # % # Status Pending 20.0 1 On Track 25.0 1 On Track 60.0 3 Upcoming 50.0 2 Status Completed 20.0 1 Status Completed 25.0 1

Action: 5 Action: 4

GOAL B: Ensure parking accessibility, availability, technology, and GOAL D: Develop a bicycle network that incorporates management are conducive to shopping, living, or opening a business recommendations of the eastside greenway plan and local bicycle The ease of parking is essential to attracting the shoppers and plans, and achieves silver bicycle friendly community designation A residents that make Clevela... complete bicycle network that incorporates ...

Goal 2.5 Progress 83% Goal 2.6 Progress 50% Owner: Richard Wong Owner: Richard Wong

% # % # On Track 33.33 1 On Track 50.0 1 Completed 66.67 2 Completed 50.0 1 Status Status

Action: 3 Action: 2

GOAL E: Promote biking and walking with a system of complete streets GOAL F: Review the sidewalk network to ensure a well-connected that incorporate options for all types of transportation Complete system of routes that are accessible for residents of all abilities As a streets provide safe and comfortable spaces for people of differing walkable community, Cleveland Heights relies on a safe and abilities to bike, walk,... accessible sidewalk network to c...

Goal 3.1 % Goal 3.2 % Owner: Collette Clinkscale Owner: Joe Kickel

% # % # Status Pending 20.0 1 On Track 100.0 2 On Track 60.0 3 Status Completed 20.0 1 Status

Action: 5 Action: 2

GOAL A: As part of an integrated plan, use green infrastructure in GOAL B: promote and use energy efficient echnologiest such as LED public projects and promote it in private investments in order to lights or alternative energy sources to reduce the city’s carbon minimize the impact on the city’s sewer infrastructure Green footprint and be more sustainable Energy efficient echnologiest can infrastructure such as rain barre... reduce the City’s carbon foo...

Page 6 Goal 3.3 Progress 29% Goal 3.5 Progress 69% Owner: Susanna Niermann O'Neil Owner: Richard Wong

% # % # On Track 80.0 4 On Track 100.0 1 Upcoming 20.0 1 Status Status

Action: 5 Action: 1

GOAL C: Promote walking or biking as a more sustainable way to get GOAL E: Continue to promote sustainability through city regulations, around Active transportation—getting around on foot or by such as the adopted sustainable zoning code amendment A Zoning bike—promotes healthy lifestyles, reduces carbon emissions, and Ordinance should require, allow, and encourage a variety of lowers the requirements for parking. sustainable development techniques,...

Goal 4.1 % Goal 4.2 Progress 78% Owner: Tim Boland Owner: Tim Boland

% # % # On Track 100.0 4 On Track 50.0 1 Completed 50.0 1 Status Status

Action: 4 Action: 2

GOAL A: Partner with institutions and capitalize on proximity to GOAL B: Work with local and regional economic development capture university circle spin-off development Cultural and organizations to increase the number of high-paying jobs available in educational institutions are hotbeds of innovative people and new the city by assisting the expansion of existing businesses and ideas that can spur new businesses. attracting new ones Assisting in the...

Goal 4.3 Progress 25% Goal 4.4 Progress 75% Owner: Tim Boland Owner: Tim Boland

% # % # On Track 100.0 1 On Track 50.0 2 Completed 50.0 2 Status Status

Action: 1 Action: 4

GOAL C: Invest in infrastructure that supports businesses GOAL D: Promote and support the city’s start-up culture to grow new Infrastructure is a key reason businesses choose to locate in a businesses Cleveland Heights’ start-up culture and innovative community, and having strong infrastructure can be attractive to residents can be harnessed as a powerful force for new development. businesses.

Page 7 Goal 4.5 Progress 85% Goal 5.1 Progress 0% Owner: Tim Boland Owner: Tim Boland

% # % # On Track 50.0 2 On Track 100.0 2 Completed 50.0 2 Status Status

Action: 4 Action: 2

GOAL E: Continue to aggressively market the city as an ideal location GOAL A: Redevelop severance town center as a mixed-use and for business and investment Marketing your assets and opportunities walkable area consistent with the character of Cleveland Heights As is a critical step in attracting new jobs and employment to the City. the largest business district in Cleveland Heights, Severance Town Center’s redevelopment could prov...

Goal 5.2 Progress 33% Goal 5.3 % Owner: Tim Boland Owner: Tim Boland

% # % # On Track 100.0 2 On Track 100.0 6

Status Status

Action: 2 Action: 6

GOAL B: Redevelop underutilized and outdated retail space to other GOAL C: Promote the repair and redevelopment of the city’s older uses to focus business in key areas Concentrating business in select commercial buildings Proactively working with building owners to areas can make those areas more successful while providing repair their structures can assist in improving the look and feel of redevelopment opportunities in o... commercial districts.

Goal 5.4 Progress 0% Goal 5.5 Progress 20% Owner: Tim Boland Owner: Richard Wong

% # % # On Track 100.0 4 On Track 100.0 1

Status Status

Action: 4 Action: 1

GOAL D: Fill vacant, unbuilt, and underutilized parcels with new GOAL E: Enhance the walkability of business districts as a competitive development Filling parcels with new development can contribute to advantage With increasing interest in walkable places, Cleveland positive momentum and expand the City’s tax base. Heights can attract further investment with improvements to walkability.

Page 8 Goal 5.6 Progress 20% Goal 6.1 Progress 70% Owner: Richard Wong Owner: Joe Kickel

% # % # On Track 100.0 1 On Track 40.0 2 Completed 60.0 3 Status Status

Action: 1 Action: 5

GOAL F: Create memorable experiences by developing a strong sense GOAL A: Develop an integrated plan to coordinate multiple and of place People and businesses are increasingly attracted to authentic simultaneous infrastructure investments in order to lower and vibrant places to live, work, shop, and play. construction and maintenance costs By coordinating planned infrastructure investments such as storm sewers,...

Goal 6.2 Progress 68% Goal 6.3 Progress 50% Owner: Collette Clinkscale Owner: Tim Boland

% # % # On Track 50.0 1 On Track 50.0 1 Completed 50.0 1 Completed 50.0 1 Status Status

Action: 2 Action: 2

GOAL B: Partner with the City of Cleveland department of water to GOAL C: Capitalize on infrastructure investments to spur growth operate and improve the water system The City’s water department Infrastructure investments have the potential to encourage private merger should include coordination of efforts and infrastructure. businesses and homeowners to invest in their properties.

Goal 7.1 Progress 60% Goal 7.2 Progress 33% Owner: Joe McRae Owner: Tim Boland

% # % # On Track 66.67 2 On Track 66.67 2 Some Disruption 33.33 1 Completed 33.33 1 Status Status

Action: 3 Action: 3

GOAL A: continue strong arts and cultural programming at Cain Park GOAL B: Use events to activate neighborhoods and business districts Arts and cultural programming is the bedrock of Cain Park and attracts By promoting events in business districts and neighborhoods, the City residents and visitors alike. and its partners can attract additional visitors and promote neighborhood pride.

Page 9 Goal 7.3 % Goal 7.4 Progress 17% Owner: Tim Boland Owner: Joe McRae

% # % # On Track 83.33 5 Status Pending 33.33 1 Completed 16.67 1 On Track 66.67 2 Status Status

Action: 6 Action: 3

GOAL C: Construct, promote, and program vibrant public spaces that GOAL D: Support arts organizations that can be linchpins in act as attractors and points of community pride By identifying existing neighborhood revitalization Arts organizations can plan, organize, and public spaces and investing in new artworks there, the City can invite promote events that attract new residents and support community residents and vis... pride.

Goal 8.1 Progress 50% Goal 8.2 Progress 50% Owner: Susanna Niermann O'Neil Owner: Tim Boland

% # % # On Track 50.0 2 On Track 100.0 1 Completed 50.0 2 Status Status

Action: 4 Action: 1

GOAL A: Promote and maintain the city’s longstanding tradition of GOAL B: Promote affordable housing by continuing to partner with fair diversity and actively foster an environment of inclusiveness Fostering housing organizations, investing in a variety of housing options, and a mutual sense of inclusiveness is important to maintaining continuing to use federal funds to support these efforts Affordable community cohesion and a shar... housing is critical...

Goal 9.1 Progress 80% Goal 9.2 Progress 42% Owner: Susanna Niermann O'Neil Owner: Tim Boland

% # % # Status Pending 20.0 1 On Track 100.0 3 Completed 80.0 4 Status Status

Action: 5 Action: 3

GOAL A: Partner with the school district to promote a quality school GOAL B: Continue to develop, encourage, and support a mutually system through initiatives to attract and retain families with children proactive relationship between elected and appointed officials and While the City and School District are separate entities, they can residents Cleveland Heights is an active and large community with a collaborate to bett... history of activism and engag...

Page 10 Goal 9.3 Progress 58% Goal 9.4 Progress 33% Owner: Tim Boland Owner: Annette Mecklenburg

% # % # On Track 66.67 2 On Track 100.0 4 Completed 33.33 1 Status Status

Action: 3 Action: 4

GOAL C: Continue to forge partnerships with community groups to GOAL D: Enhance safety in the city’s neighborhoods and business directly respond to unique local needs The City can engage existing or districts Safety is essential to providing a place where people and new community groups to address the local needs that can improve businesses feel comfortable living and investing. quality of life.

Goal 9.5 Progress 33% Goal 10.1 Progress 42% Owner: Tanisha Briley Owner: Joe McRae

% # % # On Track 100.0 2 Status Pending 12.5 1 On Track 75.0 6 Status Status Completed 12.5 1

Action: 2 Action: 8

GOAL E: Promote a proactive relationship among surrounding GOAL A: Ensure all residents have access to a variety of parks, communities and regional entities Working with surrounding recreation facilities, open spaces, and programs for active and passive communities on joint services and collaborative development recreation that contribute to positive health outcomes and improve decisions can improve designs of new buildings, l... quality of life Providin...

Goal 10.3 Progress 38% Goal 11.1 Progress 20% Owner: Karen Knittel Owner: Richard Wong

% # % # On Track 66.67 2 Status Pending 16.67 1 Completed 33.33 1 On Track 16.67 1 Status Status Upcoming 50.0 3 Completed 16.67 1

Action: 3 Action: 6

GOAL C: Maintain access to a variety of healthy foods for all residents GOAL A: Future Land Use Actions Improving access to healthy foods helps prevent illnesses and chronic diseases by making fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy options readily available.

Page 11 Goal 11.2 Progress 25% Owner: Richard Wong

% # On Track 100.0 1


Action: 1

Evaluate the Future Land Use Plan (page 109) and Height Districts (page 113).

Page 12 Vision 1 Progress 50%

Vibrant Neighborhoods % # On Track 83.33 20 Completed 16.67 4 Cleveland Heights will be a city of strong, safe, and vibrant neighborhoods composed of a variety of beautiful homes and buildings, well-maintained yards and greenspaces, historic districts, active neighborhood associations, and revitalized blocks.

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 5 Action: 24

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 05, 2019 22:08:55

GOAL A: Revitalize and rehabilitate neighborhoods affected by blight, abandonment, foreclosure, rental conversions, and demolition Strong housing and neighborhoods are essential to a stable community, and revitalizing struggling neighborhoods is critical to maintaining the quality housing that attract residents. (65.0% completed)

City-wide CRA is being heavily marketed and the program is receiving strong interest. One application has been made to date. Given the nature of the program requires that work be completed prior to application we did not anticipate substantial application activity in the first quarter of the year. Staff is currently working to identify a marketing firm to assist with the marketing efforts for the program.

Several homes with strong redevelopment potential have been identified for rehab by the City's partners including Future Heights, Heights Repair Resource Center (HHCC), and Start Right. Three homes are currently in the transfer process as of the end of the first quarter of 2019.

GOAL B: Continue to promote the city’s neighborhoods to potential residents, especially the workforce in university circle Promoting Cleveland Heights to potential residents can attract new citizens that can stabilize the City’s population. (56.25% completed)

A new ad was prepared and placed in the Northeast Ohio Relocation Guide which also included a great write-up and description of our City. Staff is preparing a special supplement to Cleveland Magazine that focuses on why CH is a great place to live, work, open a business, shop, eat. The piece will be an insert and we will receive additional copies to share with realtors and other community partners.

GOAL C: Strategically use local dollars, state and national grants, and comprehensive incentive programs to stabilize the housing market and spur private investment Strategically investing dollars in targeted areas helps maximize investment by improving neighborhood dynamics and attracting reinvestment from developers and homeowners. (77.0% completed)

Targeted work as directed by this Master Plan continued with the City's numerous grant funded programs including HOME, CDBG, CDBG SIO, Lead Safe Cuyahoga, County Demolition Fund, Healthy Homes Fund, SBA Grant, Economic Development Fund, HRRC Challenge Fund, County HELP Loan, and CRS Heritage Home Loan. No new updates to share from the first quarter.

GOAL D: Continue to promote the preservation of historic homes and buildings Preserving Cleveland Heights’ historic homes and neighborhoods is essential to maintaining the City’s character and charm (18.67% completed)

City Council enacted a new Administrative Code Chapter 143 Landmark Commission to increase the City's ability to safeguard locally designated historic properties and protect designated historic properties from inappropriate action. This revision met the standards required to be recognized as a Certified Local Government (CLG) by the Department of the Interior. Being a CLG demonstrates Cleveland Heights’ commitment to saving important buildings, sites and districts for future generations and encouraging preservation through partnerships with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and National Park Service.

The City was granted a $12,000 Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Pipeline Initiative grant to cover the entire cost of nominating the Stadium Square/Monroe district along Taylor and Superior Park Drive as a National Register Historic District. HP Group, LLC has been contracted and is currently working on the nomination. We anticipate the district will be listed by the end of the year.

GOAL E: Continue to promote and support neighborhood identities to enhance the sense of place and build pride among residents Delineating neighborhoods and benchmarking them begins to build identities among residents living within them. (28.33% completed)

Various neighborhood centered planning studies are underway:

Page 13 -Noble Corridor Study is lead by Future Heights & their consultant Cameros. The study is looking at the entire length of Noble Road from Mayfield Rd. to Euclid Ave. The public has been engaged by two public meetings with 80+ people in attendance at each and an on-line survey. Current conditions and preliminary concepts have been shared.

-Taylor Corridor Study lead by NOACA staff in ollaborc ation with University Heights and Cleveland Heights. This quarter meetings were held with large institutions and merchants along the corridor. The study should be completed by December 2019.

-The Cedar-Lee Mini Park Planning Effort is considering how this park could be activated through re-design and planned events. Future Heights is leading meetings with participation from Heights Arts, CH-UH Public Library, merchants and City staff. A general clean up and plant rescue is planned for May to enable various site configurations to be tried out during planned events that will begin in June.

Goal 1.1 Progress 65%

GOAL A: Revitalize and rehabilitate neighborhoods affected by blight, abandonment, foreclosure, rental % # conversions, and demolition On Track 80.0 4 Completed 20.0 1 Strong housing and neighborhoods are essential to a stable community, and revitalizing struggling neighborhoods is critical to maintaining the quality housing that attract residents.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 5

Update provided by Tim Boland on Apr 23, 2019 23:10:13

City-wide CRA is being heavily marketed and the program is receiving strong interest.

Workshops have been held and will continue to be held to assist the promotion of the program with citizens, real estate brokers and developers;

Program has been marketed in Crain's, most recently in the April 15-21 edition;

Goal 1.2 Progress 56%

GOAL B: Continue to promote the city’s neighborhoods to potential residents, especially the workforce in % # university circle On Track 75.0 3 Completed 25.0 1 Promoting Cleveland Heights to potential residents can attract new citizens that can stabilize the City’s population.

Owner: Susanna Niermann O'Neil

Action: 4

Update provided by Mary Trupo on Mar 27, 2019 15:42:39

New ad in Northeast Ohio Relocation Guide - included a great write-up/description of our city

Preparing special supplement to Cleveland Magazine focusing on why CH is a great place to live, work, open a business, shop, eat...

Page 14 Goal 1.3 Progress 77%

GOAL C: Strategically use local dollars, state and national grants, and comprehensive incentive programs % # to stabilize the housing market and spur private investment On Track 66.67 4 Completed 33.33 2

Strategically investing dollars in targeted areas helps maximize investment by improving neighborhood dynamics and attracting reinvestment from developers and homeowners.

Owner: Allan Butler

Action: 6

Update provided by Allan Butler on Apr 01, 2019 15:36:21


Numerous funds have been identified including HOME, CDBG, CDBG SIO, Lead Safe Cuyahoga, County Demolition Fund, Healty Homes Fund, SBA Grant, Economic Development Fund, HRRC Challenge Fund, County HELP Loan, CRS Heritage Home Loan to coincide with identified target areas of Master Plan. Lead Safe Cuyahoga, and CDBG Paint and Violation Repair programs are focusing efforts on target areas by offering reduced match dollars and priority scheduling. The Housing Inspection Department utilizes an inspector designated specifically to HUD LMI areas which directly overlay the city's target investment areas.

A city wide CRA has been passed by City Council and the State of Ohio which provides tax abatement incentives for new construction and renovation. The CRA map can be found on the City's website. City staff has met with interested parties to discuss renovation and new construction projects including in-fill housing.

Additional funding sources are continually sought out in order to help our citizens. Additional CDBG fund were made available in for a Strategic Impact Opportunity grant which the Housing Preservation Office has been awarded $50,000 in funds to aid LMI homeowners in violation repair and home painting. Home Repair Resource Center has also received $50,000 to bring back their home purchase/rehab program in order to renovate a home in a target neighborhood. The Housing Preservation Office was granted $494,200 from HUD through the Cuyahoga County Board of Health to continue our Lead Safe Cuyahoga program for 2018-2021 .

The City has recieved $399,000 from Cuyahoga County for demolition of abandoned and blighted properties. The City has adopted a fix-it-first policy to it's housing stock but the county funding is crucial for eliminating the blight of properties that cannot be repaired.

City staff has is orkingw with our CDC partners including HRRC, Future Heights, Start Right to transfer vacant or tax delinquent properties to them with the help of the County Land Bank for renovation. The City has approved its own CIC in order to facilitate the transfer of properties to our partners, and will be filing the articles of organization soon.

Vacant lots and properties continue to be strategically acquired in target areas. The vacant lot committee has reviewed the vacant property list in conjunction with our target areas and identified potential development sites, potential side lot program sites, and designated green space locations.

The City Housing Department has a new software agreement with CitizenServe Inc. through the efforts of First Suburbs Housing Committee. The City has joined together with 6 other inner ring suburbs to request proposals from multiple companies for a Regional Code Enforcement Software. The implemetation process has begun and the Contractor Registration portion is complete. Building Permits and Rental registrations are underway to be followed by Housing Code Enforcement, Zoning and Property Maintenance.

Staff is orkingw on the 14th National Register District and on legislation that would permit designation of local landmark districts.

Page 15 Goal 1.4 Progress 19%

GOAL D: Continue to promote the preservation of historic homes and buildings % # On Track 100.0 6 Preserving Cleveland Heights’ historic homes and neighborhoods is essential to maintaining the City’s character and charm

Owner: Richard Wong

Action: 6

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 01, 2019 18:49:49

City Council enacted a new Administrative Code Chapter 143 Landmark Commission to increase the City's ability to safeguard locally designated historic properties and protect designated historic properties from inappropriate action. This revision met the standards required to obtain Certified Local Government status.

The City of Cleveland Heights has been recognized as a Certified Local Government (CLG) by the Department of the Interior. Being a CLG demonstrates Cleveland Heights’ commitment to saving important buildings, sites and districts for future generations and encouraging preservation through partnerships with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and National Park Service.

The City was granted a $12,000 Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Pipeline Initiative grant to cover the entire cost of nominating the Stadium Square/Monroe district along Taylor and Superior Park Drive as a National Register Historic District. HP Group, LLC has been contracted and is currently working on the nomination. We anticipate the district will be listed by the end of the year.

Goal 1.5 Progress 28%

GOAL E: Continue to promote and support neighborhood identities to enhance the sense of place and % # build pride among residents On Track 100.0 3

Delineating neighborhoods and benchmarking them begins to build identities among residents living within them.

Owner: Richard Wong

Action: 3

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 25, 2019 16:07:00

Various neighborhood centered planning studies are underway:

-Noble Corridor Study is lead by Future Heights & their consultant Cameros. The study is looking at the entire length of Noble Road from Mayfield Rd. to Euclid Ave. The public has been engaged by two public meetings with 80+ people in attendance at each and an on-line survey. Current conditions and preliminary concepts have been shared.

-Taylor Corridor Study lead by NOACA staff in ollaborc ation with University Heights and Cleveland Heights. This quarter meetings were held with large institutions and merchants along the corridor. The study should be completed by December 2019.

-The Cedar-Lee Mini Park Planning Effort is considering how this park could be activated through re-design and planned events. Future Heights is leading meetings with participation from

Heights Art, CH-UH Public Library, merchants and city staff. A general clean up and plant rescue is planned for May to enable various site configurations to be tried out during planned events that will begin in June.

Page 16 Vision 2 Progress 53%

Complete Transportation Network % # Status Pending 4.76 1 Cleveland Heights will be a community where getting to work, meeting friends over dinner, or shopping can be On Track 47.62 10 accomplished easily by foot, bike, transit, or car along beautiful and well-maintained streets that safely and Upcoming 9.52 2 comfortably accommodate all users. Completed 38.1 8

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 6 Action: 21

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 05, 2019 22:55:01

GOAL A: Adequately repair and maintain the city’s network of attractive streets Well-maintained streets provide safe transportation for residents and convey community quality to users. (56.0% completed)

Bids were prepared and released for the 2019 Annual Street Resurfacing and Surface Treating programs as well as the Striping program. Work is on track for these annual processes to repair and maintain the City's street network. We are currently in the second year of our two year citywide pavement evaluation, and we are evaluating all of the gateway signs along the various entrances to the city.

GOAL B: Ensure parking accessibility, availability, technology, and management are conducive to shopping, living, or opening a business The ease of parking is essential to attracting the shoppers and residents that make Cleveland Heights a vibrant community. (35.0% completed)

Promotion of the parking app continued this quarter.

Goal C: Support the development of high quality transit connections, and incorporate TOD concepts

Nothing to report for the first quarter.

Goal D:Develop a bicycle network that incorporates recommendations of the eastside greenway plan and local bicycle plans, and achieves silver bicycle friendly community designation A complete bicycle network that incorporates existing planning efforts can encourage visitors and residents to explore the City’s business districts and neighborhoods. (25.0% completed)

-Taylor Corridor Study led by NOACA staff with University Heights and Cleveland Heights is preparing conceptual plans to make the corridor more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. This quarter, meetings were held with large institutions and businesspersons along the corridor. The study should be completed by December 2019.

-The Noble Corridor Study consultants, Camiros, in January at the Community Center and April at MacGregor Nursing Home, presented to over 160 total attendees their work, including a market study, website questionnaire, and conceptual plans of possible improvements such as protected bike lanes and improved pedestrian amenities.

GOAL E: Promote biking and walking with a system of complete streets that incorporate options for all types of transportation Complete streets provide safe and comfortable spaces for people of differing abilities to bike, walk, or run in addition to drive. (83.33% completed)

The intersection of Edgehill and Overlook will be under construction starting in April. Comfort of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists will be improved.

Complete Streets planning for Taylor Road from Cedar Taylor to Euclid Heights Boulevard is progressing.

A study for Compton Road will begin in the second quarter. Funded by $20,000 in CDBG dollars, the consultants and City staff are looking at reconfigurations that will create a more ecological infrastructure, a stronger sense of place and a more comfortable pedestrian and bicycle route on Compton to Cain Park.

A parking and traffic tudys of Grandview, Bellfield, Delaware, South Overlook and Harcourt will begin in April. Consultants will document existing conditions and propose alternatives that address problems identified for the neighborhood.

GOAL F: Review the sidewalk network to ensure a well-connected system of routes that are accessible for residents of all abilities As a walkable community, Cleveland Heights relies on a safe and accessible sidewalk network to connect neighborhoods and business districts. (50.0% completed)

Page 17 Recent intersection enhancements to improve pedestrian walkability include crosswalk improvements at Pennfield and Monticello to create pedestrian refuge islands in the median along with the installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacons, as well as changing some of the curve geometry along Meadowbrook Boulevard at the intersections of Queenston and Rinard in an effort to shorten the lengths of the crosswalks.

Goal 2.1 Progress 56%

GOAL A: Adequately repair and maintain the city’s network of attractive streets % # On Track 80.0 4 Well-maintained streets provide safe transportation for residents and convey community quality to users. Completed 20.0 1

Owner: Joe Kickel

Action: 5

Update provided by Joe Kickel on Apr 22, 2019 15:29:46

Work is on track, this is an ongoing process. We are currently in the second year of our two year citywide pavement evaluation, and we are evaluating all of the gateway signs along the various entrances to the city.

Goal 2.2 Progress 35%

GOAL B: Ensure parking accessibility, availability, technology, and management are conducive to % # shopping, living, or opening a business Status Pending 20.0 1 On Track 60.0 3 The ease of parking is essential to attracting the shoppers and residents that make Cleveland Heights a vibrant Completed 20.0 1 community.

Owner: Susanna Niermann O'Neil

Action: 5

Update provided by Mary Trupo on Mar 27, 2019 18:36:26

Promoting that mobile parking app is available at all city lots and garages

Goal 2.4 Progress 25%

GOAL D: Develop a bicycle network that incorporates recommendations of the eastside greenway plan % # and local bicycle plans, and achieves silver bicycle friendly community designation On Track 25.0 1 Upcoming 50.0 2 A complete bicycle network that incorporates existing planning efforts can encourage visitors and residents to Completed 25.0 1 explore the City’s business districts and neighborhoods.

Owner: Richard Wong

Action: 4

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 24, 2019 18:43:30

Page 18 -Taylor Corridor Study led by NOACA staff with University Heights and Cleveland Heights is preparing conceptual plans to make the corridor more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. This quarter, meetings were held with large institutions and businesspersons along the corridor. The study should be completed by December 2019.

-The Noble Corridor Study consultants, Camiros, in January at the Community Center and April at MacGregor Nursing Home, presented to over 160 total attendees their work, including a market study, website questionnaire, and conceptual plans of possible improvements such as protected bike lanes and improved pedestrian amenities.

Goal 2.5 Progress 83%

GOAL E: Promote biking and walking with a system of complete streets that incorporate options for all % # types of transportation On Track 33.33 1 Completed 66.67 2 Complete streets provide safe and comfortable spaces for people of differing abilities to bike, walk, or run in addition to drive.

Owner: Richard Wong

Action: 3

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 02, 2019 13:44:07

The intersection of Edgehill and Overlook will be under construction starting in April. Comfort of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists will be improved.

Complete Streets planning for Talyor Road from Cedar Taylor to Euclid Heights Boulevard is progressing.

A study for Compton Road will be starting soon. Funded by $20,000 in CDBG funds, the consultants and City staff are looking at re configurations that will create a more ecological infrastructure, a stronger sense of place and a more comfortable pedestrian and bicycle route on Compton to Cain Park.

A parking and traffic tudys of Grandview, Bellfield, Delaware, South Overlook and Harcourt should start in April. Consultants will document existing conditions and propose alternatives that address problems.

Goal 2.6 Progress 50%

GOAL F: Review the sidewalk network to ensure a well-connected system of routes that are accessible for % # residents of all abilities On Track 50.0 1 Completed 50.0 1 As a walkable community, Cleveland Heights relies on a safe and accessible sidewalk network to connect neighborhoods and business districts.

Owner: Richard Wong

Action: 2

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 01, 2019 18:57:54

Page 19 Recent intersection enhancements to improve pedestrian walkability include crosswalk improvements at Pennfield and Monticello to create pedestrian refuge islands in the median along with the installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacons, as well as changing some of the curve geometry along Meadowbrook Boulevard at the intersections of Queenston and Rinard in an effort to shorten the lengths of the crosswalks.

Vision 3 Progress 37%

Environmentally Sustainable Community % # Status Pending 7.14 1 Cleveland Heights will be an environmentally sustainable community that uses green infrastructure to capture On Track 71.43 10 and slow stormwater, encourages active transportation, and promotes state of the art building techniques to Upcoming 7.14 1 preserve the environment. Completed 14.29 2

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 5 Action: 14

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 05, 2019 23:02:58

GOAL A: As part of an integrated plan, use green infrastructure in public projects and promote it in private investments in order to minimize the impact on the city’s sewer infrastructure Green infrastructure such as rain barrels, bioswales, and permeable pavement can reduce stormwater, beautify the community, slow the flow of water entering the system, and create cleaner rivers and natural environments. These actions should be done in coordination with the Integrated Planning process described in Goal A on page 190 of the Master Plan. (26.0% completed)

Continuing to target impacts to green infrastructure by undertaking measures to mitigate surface water runoff on all City elar ted infrastructure projects. This process will be ongoing and consistent with the City's Complete and Green Streets Policy as outlined in the Integrated Plan.

GOAL B: promote and use energy efficient echnologiest such as LED lights or alternative energy sources to reduce the city’s carbon footprint and be more sustainable Energy efficient echnologiest can reduce the City’s carbon footprint while also saving taxpayer dollars. (40.0% completed)

The City continues to make upgrades where feasible utilizing LED lighting technology. The Economic Development team met with G.E. to initiate a conversation about the implementation of new emerging technology in future street projects.

GOAL C: Promote walking or biking as a more sustainable way to get around Active transportation—getting around on foot or by bike—promotes healthy lifestyles, reduces carbon emissions, and lowers the requirements for parking. (29.0% completed)

Beginning this quarter City messaging in advertising includes an emphasis on our bike-friendliness.

GOAL D: Link incentive programs to green development and building techniques, such as LEED certification

The new city-wide CRA provides incentives to encourage sustainable practices in new construction.

GOAL E: Continue to promote sustainability through city regulations, such as the adopted sustainable zoning code amendment A Zoning Ordinance should require, allow, and encourage a variety of sustainable development techniques, improving energy efficiency for all types of development and taking full advantage of existing resources and services. (69.0% completed)

Staff ontinuesc to encourage sustainability best practices through review and enforcement of City zoning regulations.

Page 20 Goal 3.1 Progress 26%

GOAL A: As part of an integrated plan, use green infrastructure in public projects and promote it in private % # investments in order to minimize the impact on the city’s sewer infrastructure Status Pending 20.0 1 On Track 60.0 3 Completed 20.0 1 Green infrastructure such as rain barrels, bioswales, and permeable pavement can reduce stormwater, beautify the community, slow the flow of water entering the system, and create cleaner rivers and natural environments.

These actions should be done in coordination with the Integrated Planning process described in Goal A on page 190 of the Master Plan.

Owner: Collette Clinkscale

Action: 5

Update provided by Collette Clinkscale on Mar 27, 2019 19:37:47

Continuing to target impacts to green infrastructure by undertaking measures to mitigate surface water runoff on all City elar ted infrastructure projects. This process will be ongoing and consistent with the City's green streets policy as outlined in the Integrated Plan.

Goal 3.2 Progress 40%

GOAL B: promote and use energy efficient echnologiest such as LED lights or alternative energy sources to % # reduce the city’s carbon footprint and be more sustainable On Track 100.0 2

Energy efficient echnologiest can reduce the City’s carbon footprint while also saving taxpayer dollars.

Owner: Joe Kickel

Action: 2

Update provided by Joe Kickel on Apr 22, 2019 15:53:12

The City continues to make upgrades where feasible utilizing LED lighting technology. Recently, our Economic Development team met with G.E. to initiate a conversation about the implementation of new emerging technology in future street projects.

Goal 3.3 Progress 29%

GOAL C: Promote walking or biking as a more sustainable way to get around % # On Track 80.0 4 Active transportation—getting around on foot or by bike—promotes healthy lifestyles, reduces carbon Upcoming 20.0 1 emissions, and lowers the requirements for parking.

Owner: Susanna Niermann O'Neil

Action: 5

Update provided by Mary Trupo on Mar 27, 2019 18:37:46

Coordinating with SIDs and bike coalition.

Page 21 Have added bike-friendliness to key messaging.

Goal 3.5 Progress 69%

GOAL E: Continue to promote sustainability through city regulations, such as the adopted sustainable % # zoning code amendment On Track 100.0 1

A Zoning Ordinance should require, allow, and encourage a variety of sustainable development techniques, improving energy efficiency for all types of development and taking full advantage of existing resources and services.

Owner: Richard Wong

Action: 1

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 01, 2019 18:58:47

Staff ontinuesc to encourage sustainability best practices through review and enforcement of City zoning regulations.

The new city-wide Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) provides incentives to encourage sustainable practices in new construction

Vision 4 Progress 57%

Business Friendly % # On Track 66.67 10 Cleveland Heights will be a business-friendly community that leverages the city’s entrepreneurial spirit, well- Completed 33.33 5 educated population, solid services, strong infrastructure, and proximity to world-class institutions to foster new businesses, grow existing ones, and provide meaningful employment opportunities.

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 5 Action: 15

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 05, 2019 23:17:16

GOAL A: Partner with institutions and capitalize on proximity to capture university circle spin-off development (10.0% completed)

The primary focus of this goal is to facilitate the development of the Mayfield Road Innovation and Technology Corridor (MITC) as a leading center for innovation and technology related businesses. The University Circle Area is a natural location to look for spin-off uses orf the MITC. City staff has met with UCI staff members to discuss initiatives each is pursuing, such as Top of the Hill, and how the two organizations could more effectively collaborate in the future. A higher frequency of interaction is anticipated between the two organizations going forward. Staff ontinuesc to routinely share information with UCI. Nothing to substantial to report at this time.

GOAL B: Work with local and regional economic development organizations to increase the number of high-paying jobs available in the city by assisting the expansion of existing businesses and attracting new ones (77.5% completed)

Staff ontinuesc to work closely with the County Economic Development Department, Heights Hillcrest Chamber of Commerce, ECDI, SBDC, Greater Cleveland Partnership, UCI and other regional organizations to promote economic growth and expansion in the City in order to increase employment opportunities, payroll, investment, and tax base expansion. Staff articipp ates in quarterly meetings of the County Development Department. This effort is ongoing. Nothing new to report this quarter.

GOAL C: Invest in infrastructure that supports businesses (25.0% completed)

Page 22 ED staff is oorc dinating internal review of infrastructure needs along Mayfield Road - the proposed City Innovation and Technology Corridor. Staff is inventorying technology as well as bricks & mortar capacity along the Corridor. The approval of the City-wide CRA provides a tax incentive for new investment along this Corridor that did not previously exist which should make the Corridor more marketable in the future. This effort is ongoing.

An RFP for a broadband citywide feasibility study was prepared in this quarter. The resident group encouraged the City to invite University Heights and the CH-UH Library to participate in the process. Those discussions are currently underway and the RFP is expected to be released in the second quarter.

GOAL D: Promote and support the city’s start-up culture to grow new businesses (75.0% completed)

Staff holds business networking events focused on entrepreneurial, small businesses and start-up activities. The city-wide CRA provides eligibility of tax abatement for new investment for all sizes of businesses including start-ups. The City offers a full range of tools to grow new business including financing, grants and abatement. No significant updates to report this quarter.

GOAL E: Continue to aggressively market the city as an ideal location for business and investment (85.0% completed)

The ED staff has developed and published the ED e-newsletter and the distribution list has steadily increased. The e-newsletter consistently promotes business districts, programs and successful ED projects throughout the City, including new business openings. The Economic Development team continues to work closely with the Public Relations staff ot promote development opportunities in the City, including business testimonials featured on the City's Business YouTube Channel, targeted ads in Crain's and facilitating media coverage of major business/ development happenings in the City. This work is ongoing. No significant updates to report this quarter.

Goal 4.1 Progress 10%

GOAL A: Partner with institutions and capitalize on proximity to capture university circle spin-off % # development On Track 100.0 4

Cultural and educational institutions are hotbeds of innovative people and new ideas that can spur new businesses.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 4

Update provided by Tim Boland on Mar 27, 2019 22:06:22

The primary focus of this goal is to facilitate the development of the Mayfield Road Innovation and Technology Corridor (MITC) as a leading center for innovation and technology related businesses. The University Circle Area is a natural location to look for spin-off uses orf the MITC. City staff has met with UCI staff members to discuss initiatives each is pursuing, such as Top of the Hill, and how the two organizations could more effectively collaborate in the future. A higher frequency of interaction is anticipated between the two organizations going forward. Staff ontinuesc to routinely share information with UCI.

Page 23 Goal 4.2 Progress 78%

GOAL B: Work with local and regional economic development organizations to increase the number of % # high-paying jobs available in the city by assisting the expansion of existing businesses and attracting new On Track 50.0 1 Completed 50.0 1 ones

Assisting in the expansion of employment through business attraction and retention provides opportunities to residents.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 2

Update provided by Tim Boland on Mar 27, 2019 22:07:20

Staff orksw closely with the County Economic Development Department, Heights Hillcrest Chamber of Commerce, ECDI, SBDC, Greater Cleveland Partnership, UCI and other regional organizations to promote economic growth and expansion in the City in order to increase employment opportunities, payroll, investment, and tax base expansion. Staff articipp ates in quarterly meetings of the County Development Department. This effort is ongoing.

Goal 4.3 Progress 25%

GOAL C: Invest in infrastructure that supports businesses % # On Track 100.0 1 Infrastructure is a key reason businesses choose to locate in a community, and having strong infrastructure can be attractive to businesses.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 1

Update provided by Tim Boland on Mar 27, 2019 22:08:23

ED staff is oorc dinating internal review of infrastructure needs along Mayfield Road - the proposed City Innovation and Technology Corridor. Staff is inventorying technology as well as bricks & mortar capacity along the Corridor. The approval of the City-wide CRA provides a tax incentive for new investment along this Corridor that did not previously exist which should make the Corridor more marketable in the future. This effort is ongoing.

Goal 4.4 Progress 75%

GOAL D: Promote and support the city’s start-up culture to grow new businesses % # On Track 50.0 2 Cleveland Heights’ start-up culture and innovative residents can be harnessed as a powerful force for new Completed 50.0 2 development.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 4

Update provided by Tim Boland on Apr 23, 2019 23:11:40

Staff holds business networking events focused on entrepreneurial, small businesses and start-up activities.

City-wide CRA provides eligibility of tax abatement for new investment for all sizes of businesses including start-ups.

Page 24 The City offers a full range of tools to grow new business including financing, grants and abatement.

Goal 4.5 Progress 85%

GOAL E: Continue to aggressively market the city as an ideal location for business and investment % # On Track 50.0 2 Marketing your assets and opportunities is a critical step in attracting new jobs and employment to the City. Completed 50.0 2

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 4

Update provided by Tim Boland on Apr 23, 2019 23:13:01

The ED staff has developed and published the ED e-newsletter and the distribution list has steadily increased. The e-newsletter consistently promotes business districts, programs and successful ED projects throughout the City, including new business openings.

Staff orksw closely with our public relations staff and marketing director to "get the word out" about economic opportunities in the City.

The ED website had been expanded and in continuously updated.

ED and Marketing staff have arranged for marketing of the City's Business Districts through Crain's Business publication, continuing to publish ads during the 1st Quarter of 2019. Additional ads are anticipated throughout 2019, most recently the CRA program was featured in an ad in the April 15-21 edition of Crain's;

Vision 5 Progress 14%

Strong Business Districts % # On Track 100.0 16 Cleveland Heights will have an appropriate number of strong, safe, and walkable neighborhood business districts that serve the needs of local residents and attract visitors from throughout the region to unique shopping, dining, and entertainment.

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 6 Action: 16

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 06, 2019 19:58:38

GOAL A: Redevelop severance town center as a mixed-use and walkable area consistent with the character of Cleveland Heights (0.0% completed)

Staff has engaged outside counsel to execute the phased strategy outlined in the Severance Market Feasibility Study conducted by HR&A. Staff has maintained contact with the owners. The next step is to engage the owners in a joint RFP for a consultant to develop a master plan for the site. A RFP was drafted in the first quarter. Working with outside counsel to refine it in preparation for presentation to the mall ownership.

GOAL B: Redevelop underutilized and outdated retail space to other uses to focus business in key areas (32.5% completed)

Nothing to report this quarter.

GOAL C: Promote the repair and redevelopment of the city’s older commercial buildings (20.83% completed)

Page 25 Construction is nearing completion on the Weinstein & Frankel storefront project. The total projected cost of the project is $231,745 with the City providing $25,000 in the form of a rebate and a $100,000 loan through the Storefront Renovation Program as previously approved by Council. This project is to be completed in 2019.

Staff actively promoting the CRA program as a potential tool to repair and redevelop older commercial buildings;

GOAL D: Fill vacant, unbuilt, and underutilized parcels with new development (0.0% completed)

Nothing to report this quarter.

GOAL E: Enhance the walkability of business districts as a competitive advantage With increasing interest in walkable places, Cleveland Heights can attract further investment with improvements to walkability. (20.0% completed)

With increasing interest in walkable places, Cleveland Heights can attract further investment with improvements to walkability.

The Noble Corridor Study is creating plans to improve pedestrian comfort and amenities.

The Taylor Road Corridor Study is preparing plans based on NOACA staff observations, best practices and stakeholder input. The goal is to increase comfort and safety for the high number of pedestrians on the sidewalks and crossing the streets. Alternative designs will enhance pedestrian comfort while balancing the needs of bicyclists and motorists.

GOAL F: Create memorable experiences by developing a strong sense of place People and businesses are increasingly attracted to authentic and vibrant places to live, work, shop, and play. (20.0% completed)

The FutureHeights/HeightsArts initiative to improve the Cedar Lee Mini Park with improvement plans and programmed activities was awarded $10,000 in CDBG funds. A plant rescue activity will enable the various design alternatives to be tested during programming beginning in June.

The Future Heights’ Noble Corridor study and the NOACA-Cleveland Heights-University Heights Taylor Road Corridor study are preparing plans for potential streetscape improvements to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist comfort and safety and strengthen a sense of place.

Caledonia Park was comprehensively upgraded and renamed Barbara H. Boyd Park, creating a destination and contributing to a sense of place.

Top of the Hill development standards and Planned Development Overlay District have been approved. A strong sense of place will be created at this important entry up Cedar Hill.

The Cedar Taylor Development Association was awarded $10,000 for additional physical improvements based on the 2014 Idea Book that will continue to enhance the sense of place.

Goal 5.1 Progress 0%

GOAL A: Redevelop severance town center as a mixed-use and walkable area consistent with the character % # of Cleveland Heights On Track 100.0 2

As the largest business district in Cleveland Heights, Severance Town Center’s redevelopment could provide significant amenities and opportunities.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 2

Update provided by Tim Boland on Mar 27, 2019 22:12:42

ED staff has er ached out to Severance Town Center ownership and will continue to engage them in working towards the redevelopment of the site. Initiatives consistent with achieving a Severance Town Center overall redevelopment agreement and master plan of the entire site by the City in partnership with Mall ownership are ongoing;

Page 26 Goal 5.2 Progress 33%

GOAL B: Redevelop underutilized and outdated retail space to other uses to focus business in key areas % # On Track 100.0 2 Concentrating business in select areas can make those areas more successful while providing redevelopment opportunities in other areas.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 2

Update provided by Tim Boland on Mar 27, 2019 22:13:18

ED staff is ontinuouslyc reviewing available spaces within the City's commercial districts to match high performing businesses and opportunities with available space; staff evaluates possible strategic parcels to acquire in an effort to establish site control which is a key to successful redevelopment; staff ontinuesc to update, expand and refine its available sites & buildings platform and Economic Development toolbox of programs accessible from the ED website to assist developers, brokers and citizens in evaluating available sites for redevelopment - ongoing.

Goal 5.3 Progress 21%

GOAL C: Promote the repair and redevelopment of the city’s older commercial buildings % # On Track 100.0 6 Proactively working with building owners to repair their structures can assist in improving the look and feel of commercial districts.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 6

Update provided by Tim Boland on Apr 23, 2019 23:15:27

Construction is nearing completion on the Weinstein & Frankel storefront project. The total projected cost of the project is $231,745 with the City providing $25,000 in the form of a rebate and a $100,000 loan through the Storefront Renovation Program as previously approved by Council. This project is to be completed in 2019.

Staff actively promoting the CRA program as a potential tool to repair and redevelop older commercial buildings;

Goal 5.4 Progress 0%

GOAL D: Fill vacant, unbuilt, and underutilized parcels with new development % # On Track 100.0 4 Filling parcels with new development can contribute to positive momentum and expand the City’s tax base.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 4

Update provided by Tim Boland on Apr 23, 2019 23:18:03

Page 27 Staff has updated the ED strategic plan and reviews and continuously updates this document on an on going basis. The City is making steady progress in filling vacant, unbuilt and underutilized parcels with new development as evidenced by the Top of the Hill, Cedar-Lee-Meadowbrook, Evo Domus, Mister Brisket, and Boss Dog Brewing Company projects.

Top of the Hill has received approval of the PDO Zoning Amendment, as well as an amendment of the project Development Agreement. The project is nearing the completion of the detailed design review phase. The City has issued a new RFQ/RFP for the expanded Meadowbrook & Lee site, now known as the Cedar-Lee-Meadowbrook Redevelopment Site with responses due in May.

Goal 5.5 Progress 20%

GOAL E: Enhance the walkability of business districts as a competitive advantage % # On Track 100.0 1 With increasing interest in walkable places, Cleveland Heights can attract further investment with improvements to walkability.

Owner: Richard Wong

Action: 1

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 24, 2019 18:44:28

With increasing interest in walkable places, Cleveland Heights can attract further investment with improvements to walkability.

The Noble Corridor Study is creating plans to improve pedestrian comfort and amenities.

The Taylor Road Corridor Study is preparing plans based on NOACA staff observations, best practices and stakeholder input. The goal is to increase comfort and safety for the high number of pedestrians on the sidewalks and crossing the streets. Alternative designs will enhance pedestrian comfort while balancing the needs of bicyclists and motorists.

Goal 5.6 Progress 20%

GOAL F: Create memorable experiences by developing a strong sense of place % # On Track 100.0 1 People and businesses are increasingly attracted to authentic and vibrant places to live, work, shop, and play.

Owner: Richard Wong

Action: 1

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 24, 2019 18:45:15

The FutureHeights/HeightsArts initiative to improve the Cedar Lee Mini Park with improvement plans and programmed activities was awarded $10,000 in CDBG funds. A plant rescue activity will enable the various design alternatives to be tested during programming beginning in June.

The Future Heights’ Noble Corridor study and the NOACA-Cleveland Heights-University Heights Taylor Road Corridor study are preparing plans for potential streetscape improvements to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist comfort and safety and strengthen a sense of place.

Caledonia Park was comprehensively upgraded and renamed Barbara H. Boyd Park, creating a destination and contributing to a sense of place.

Top of the Hill development standards and Planned Development Overlay District have been approved. A strong sense of place will be created at this important entry up Cedar Hill.

Page 28 The Cedar Taylor Development Association was awarded $10,000 for additional physical improvements based on the 2014 Idea Book that will continue to enhance the sense of place.

Vision 6 Progress 65%

High-Quality Infrastructure % # On Track 44.44 4 Cleveland Heights will be a city of high-quality infrastructure and solid public services that support and spur Completed 55.56 5 business activity and serve residents.

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 3 Action: 9

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 05, 2019 23:34:38

GOAL A: Develop an integrated plan to coordinate multiple and simultaneous infrastructure investments in order to lower construction and maintenance costs (70.0% completed)

Work is on track. Efforts are ongoing to create an updated sewer system model with most of the Sewer System Evaluation Survey requirements at 50% completion. We continue to televise and coordinate sewer repairs with streets to be resurfaced, and resurface streets with water line replacement projects. Dominion Energy provides the City with an annual three year look ahead, and we continue to coordinate construction around these projects.

GOAL B: Partner with the City of Cleveland department of water to operate and improve the water system (67.5% completed)

Coordination is on-going with CWD to address infrastructure needs. The City has successfully applied for grant funds to replace water mains on Meadowbrook and Selwyn. We will continue to regularly submit applications for water main replacements that support the City's Integrated plan and Complete & Green Streets Policy.

GOAL C: Capitalize on infrastructure investments to spur growth (50.0% completed)

No updates this quarter.

Goal 6.1 Progress 70%

GOAL A: Develop an integrated plan to coordinate multiple and simultaneous infrastructure investments % # in order to lower construction and maintenance costs On Track 40.0 2 Completed 60.0 3 By coordinating planned infrastructure investments such as storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water lines, street resurfacing, gas lines, and others, the City can lower costs and reduce redundant construction.

Owner: Joe Kickel

Action: 5

Update provided by Joe Kickel on Apr 22, 2019 16:01:02

Page 29 Work is on track. Efforts are ongoing to create an updated sewer system model with most of the Sewer System Evaluation Survey requirements at 50% completion. We continue to televise and coordinate sewer repairs with streets to be resurfaced, and resurface streets with water line replacement projects. Dominion Energy provides the city with an annual three year look ahead, and we continue to coordinate construction around these projects.

Goal 6.2 Progress 68%

GOAL B: Partner with the City of Cleveland department of water to operate and improve the water system % # On Track 50.0 1 The City’s water department merger should include coordination of efforts and infrastructure. Completed 50.0 1

Owner: Collette Clinkscale

Action: 2

Update provided by Collette Clinkscale on Mar 27, 2019 19:42:52

Coordination is on-going with CWD to address infrastructure needs.

Goal 6.3 Progress 50%

GOAL C: Capitalize on infrastructure investments to spur growth % # On Track 50.0 1 Infrastructure investments have the potential to encourage private businesses and homeowners to invest in Completed 50.0 1 their properties.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 2

Update provided by Tim Boland on Mar 27, 2019 22:16:09

ED staff is promoting use of incentive programs in all commercial districts and where infrastructure is being upgraded. Commercial Loan Fund, ED Fund, Storefront Loan Program, Microenterprise Loan and SBA Performance Grant program are being utilized to assist projects in areas where infrastructure investment has been made such as the Boss Dog project, Weinstein & Frankel Building storefront renovations, and Paws Play N Stay use in the former Rite Aid building in the Cedar Lee District.

ED staff orksw with SID’s and businesses affected by streetscaping and street reconstruction before, during and after construction begins.

Page 30 Vision 7 Progress 33%

Hub for Arts and Culture % # Status Pending 6.67 1 Cleveland Heights will continue to be a cultural leader that supports an active arts community through vibrant On Track 73.33 11 events, incorporation of art in public spaces, and support for the artists and arts organizations that call the City Some Disruption 6.67 1 home. Completed 13.33 2

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 4 Action: 15

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 05, 2019 23:39:02

GOAL A: continue strong arts and cultural programming at Cain Park Arts and cultural programming is the bedrock of Cain Park and attracts residents and visitors alike. (60.0% completed)

The 2019 Cain Park season (the 81st season) featured a diverse array of talent and big shows including Lyle Lovett, Air Supply, the Multi-Music Fest, India.Arie, Dionne Warwick and more. The annual musical theater production will be Ragtime. This season also featured movie showings in the Alma Theater such as scary hit Get Out and much more. The Cain Park Art's Festival featured approximately 130 artists booths in 2018 along with good music and food for attendees. With an improved application process, staff has seen an increase in applicant interest and the quality of the art submittals. Final selection of participants occurred in March 2019 with the actual festival taking place the second weekend in July.

GOAL B: Use events to activate neighborhoods and business districts By promoting events in business districts and neighborhoods, the City and its partners can attract additional visitors and promote neighborhood pride. (33.33% completed)

Staff has orkw ed closely and participated with the SID's in all of their events promoting the districts and the arts. We look forward to working closely with Future Heights CDC and SID's to develop and encourage events to promote the arts in the City. City ED staff performs these activities on an ongoing basis. Staff ta tends these events and provides information for distribution.

GOAL C: Construct, promote, and program vibrant public spaces that act as attractors and points of community pride By identifying existing public spaces and investing in new artworks there, the City can invite residents and visitors to use parks, plazas, and open spaces. (26.67% completed)

Staff ontinuesc to explore ways to utilize public spaces as attractors to the City.

City staff eprr esented the City at the Noble Corridor Study meetings and providing active support for revitalizing this area;

GOAL D: Support arts organizations that can be linchpins in neighborhood revitalization Arts organizations can plan, organize, and promote events that attract new residents and support community pride. (17.0% completed)

No new progress has been made so far this year.

Goal 7.1 Progress 60%

GOAL A: continue strong arts and cultural programming at Cain Park % # On Track 66.67 2 Arts and cultural programming is the bedrock of Cain Park and attracts residents and visitors alike. Some Disruption 33.33 1

Owner: Joe McRae

Action: 3

Update provided by Joe McRae on Mar 29, 2019 20:01:17

Page 31 Cain Park continues to be a focal point of the Cleveland Heights Parks and Recreation Department. In the past year, staff has been diligent in making needed repairs to the facilities such as roof repairs to the Feinberg Art Gallery (replaced May 2018) and Evans Amphitheater (repaired May 2018), bathroom upgrades (2017), tennis court upgrades (2017), concession stand upgrades (2017) and retention wall maintenance. In 2019, the City will repair and replace the Alma Theater roof in the spring (weather permitting) prior to the 2019 summer season production of Ragtime.

With regard to expanding program offerings throughout the year, staff ontinuesc to research potential sponsors and partners to address the potential funding issues. The current budget still does not allow for season expansion, but creative partnerships may provide opportunities for small events or limited special events in the park. Staff is ontinuingc to look for potential sponsors to supplement City funds for expanded operations. We have not identified a partner as of yet.

The 2019 Cain Park season (the 81st season) featured a diverse array of talent and big shows including Lyle Lovett, Air Supply, the Multi-Music Fest, India.Arie, Dionne Warwick and more. The annual musical theater production will be Ragtime. This season also featured movie showings in the Alma Theater such as scary hit Get Out and much more. The Cain Park Art's Festival featured approximately 130 artists booths in 2018 along with good music and food for attendees. With an improved application process, staff has seen an increase in applicant interest and the quality of the art submittals. Final selection of participants occurred in March 2019 with the actual festival taking place the second weekend in July.

Goal 7.2 Progress 33%

GOAL B: Use events to activate neighborhoods and business districts % # On Track 66.67 2 By promoting events in business districts and neighborhoods, the City and its partners can attract additional Completed 33.33 1 visitors and promote neighborhood pride.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 3

Update provided by Tim Boland on Apr 23, 2019 23:19:46

Staff has orkw ed closely and participated with the SID's in all of their events promoting the districts and the arts. We look forward to working closely with Future Heights CDC and SID's to develop and encourage events to promote the arts in the City. City ED staff performs these activities on an ongoing basis. Staff ta tends these events and provides information for distribution.

Goal 7.3 Progress 27%

GOAL C: Construct, promote, and program vibrant public spaces that act as attractors and points of % # community pride On Track 83.33 5 Completed 16.67 1 By identifying existing public spaces and investing in new artworks there, the City can invite residents and visitors to use parks, plazas, and open spaces.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 6

Update provided by Tim Boland on Mar 27, 2019 22:19:56

Staff ontinuesc to explore ways to utilize public spaces as attractors to the City.

Page 32 City staff eprr esenting the City at the Noble Corridor Study meetings and providing active support for revitalizing this area;

Goal 7.4 Progress 17%

GOAL D: Support arts organizations that can be linchpins in neighborhood revitalization % # Status Pending 33.33 1 Arts organizations can plan, organize, and promote events that attract new residents and support community On Track 66.67 2 pride.

Owner: Joe McRae

Action: 3

Update provided by Joe McRae on Mar 29, 2019 20:02:32

No new progress has been made so far this year.

Vision 8 Progress 31%

A Diverse and Open Community % # Status Pending 12.5 1 Cleveland Heights will continue to be a diverse community that is open and welcoming to all who choose to call On Track 37.5 3 the City home. Upcoming 25.0 2 Completed 25.0 2

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 3 Action: 8

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 05, 2019 23:43:54

GOAL A: Promote and maintain the city’s longstanding tradition of diversity and actively foster an environment of inclusiveness (50.0% completed)

No new updates this quarter.

GOAL B: Promote affordable housing by continuing to partner with fair housing organizations, investing in a variety of housing options, and continuing to use federal funds to support these efforts Affordable housing is critical to providing safe and clean housing for low-income individuals and to promoting social integration. (50.0% completed)

No new updates this quarter.

GOAL C: Ensure accessible units and opportunities for independent living through incentives and education in designing universally accessible homes

No new updates this quarter.

Page 33 Goal 8.1 Progress 50%

GOAL A: Promote and maintain the city’s longstanding tradition of diversity and actively foster an % # environment of inclusiveness On Track 50.0 2 Completed 50.0 2 Fostering a mutual sense of inclusiveness is important to maintaining community cohesion and a shared sense of direction.

Owner: Susanna Niermann O'Neil

Action: 4

Update provided by Mary Trupo on Mar 29, 2019 14:09:17

Attending and developing events and activities that include our diverse community - block parties, Thursday's with the Police, community meetings, WE Are Noble

Goal 8.2 Progress 50%

GOAL B: Promote affordable housing by continuing to partner with fair housing organizations, investing in % # a variety of housing options, and continuing to use federal funds to support these efforts On Track 100.0 1

Affordable housing is critical to providing safe and clean housing for low-income individuals and to promoting social integration.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 1

Update provided by Tim Boland on Mar 27, 2019 22:21:23

Staff will xplore e the feasibility of broadened use of low income housing and historic tax credits to encourage affordability in housing. Staff ecr ently provided letters of support for an application for Historic Tax Credits for the proposed redevelopment of the Medusa property. Staff plans ot continue to discuss universal design as a consideration by developers in the City, particularly in the redevelopment of City-owned property. Ongoing.

Vision 9 Progress 53%

A Safe and Engaged Community % # Status Pending 5.88 1 Cleveland Heights will continue to be a community of active and engaged citizens that pursues innovative On Track 64.71 11 partnerships with local and regional groups critical for providing safe communities, resilient neighborhoods, Completed 29.41 5 and strong schools.

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 5 Action: 17

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 06, 2019 20:04:13

Page 34 GOAL A: Partner with the school district to promote a quality school system through initiatives to attract and retain families with children (80.0% completed)

The City and School Board continue to meet quarterly to enhance collaboration. City Council members and the City Manager participated in the recruitment and selection process for the new superintendent.

GOAL B: Continue to develop, encourage, and support a mutually proactive relationship between elected and appointed officials and esidentsr (41.67% completed)

Over 30 Top of the Hill stakeholder meetings have been held since August 2017;

The City has held and is Developing future CRA workshops for Real Estate Broker, Developers and citizens, to highlight and educate on City-wide CRA.

GOAL C: Continue to forge partnerships with community groups to directly respond to unique local needs (58.33% completed)

City staff has been actively involved in the working group sessions designed to create and establish the FutureHeights Community Development Corporation in the City.

Staff ontinuesc to work closely with FutureHeights and to assist their transition towards becoming a full- fledged CDC.

ED staff er gularly attends FH Planning & Development Committee meetings and makes presentations on development topics such as the City-wide CRA program.

GOAL D: Enhance safety in the city’s neighborhoods and business districts (32.5% completed)

Continuing to promote the Neighborhood Watch Brochure.

Maps have been created for past three years that plot where the most common violent and property crimes are occurring. Will be looking to target those areas as we approach the warmer weather. Maps have been provided at community meeting for residents to review the crime occurring in their neighborhoods.

Continuing to keep residents informed of criminal activity in their neighborhoods through social media and providing safety tips on how they can protect themselves.

Maintaining foot patrols in heavily populated business districts. Interviewing officers to add to bike patrol unit.

GOAL E: Promote a proactive relationship among surrounding communities and regional entities (32.5% completed)

Continued coordination with Heights Hillcrest Communication Center partner cities.

Cleveland Heights and University Heights are working together on the NOACA Taylor Road study.

The NOACA study to design Mayfield Road to include multi-modal transportation including pedestrians, bicyclists, buses and other motorized vehicles is completed. This study included Cleveland Heights, Mayfield Heights, Lyndhurst, and South Euclid working together.

The Doan Brook Watershed Partnership provide continued coordination efforts along the Doan Brook and the surrounding parklands between the Cities of Cleveland, Shaker Heights and Cleveland Heights.

The HOME Consortium continues to coordinate affordable housing efforts with Cuyahoga County, Euclid, Lakewood, Parma and Cleveland Heights.

Staff ontinuec to serve on NOACA Board and Committees.

Page 35 Goal 9.1 Progress 80%

GOAL A: Partner with the school district to promote a quality school system through initiatives to attract % # and retain families with children Status Pending 20.0 1 Completed 80.0 4 While the City and School District are separate entities, they can collaborate to better understand how to attract and retain families with children.

Owner: Susanna Niermann O'Neil

Action: 5

Update provided by Mary Trupo on Mar 27, 2019 18:40:13

City Council and School Board continue to meet on a regular basis to discuss incentives to attract and retain families with children.

Working with schools communications manager to develop messaging promoting City schools.

Working with Future Heights.

Goal 9.2 Progress 42%

GOAL B: Continue to develop, encourage, and support a mutually proactive relationship between elected % # and appointed officials and esidentr s On Track 100.0 3

Cleveland Heights is an active and large community with a history of activism and engagement that the City should support through communication, continued engagement, and collaboration.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 3

Update provided by Tim Boland on Mar 27, 2019 22:23:32

Over 30 Top of the Hill stakeholder meetings have been held since August 2017;

The City has held and is Developing future CRA workshops for Real Estate Broker, Developers and citizens, to highlight and educate on City-wide CRA.

Goal 9.3 Progress 58%

GOAL C: Continue to forge partnerships with community groups to directly respond to unique local needs % # On Track 66.67 2 The City can engage existing or new community groups to address the local needs that can improve quality of Completed 33.33 1 life.

Owner: Tim Boland

Action: 3

Update provided by Tim Boland on Apr 23, 2019 23:21:35

Page 36 City staff has been actively involved in the working group sessions designed to create and establish the FutureHeights Community Development Corporation in the City.

Staff ontinuesc to work closely with FutureHeights and to assist their transition towards becoming a full- fledged CDC.

ED staff er gularly attends FH Planning & Development Committee meetings and makes presentations on development topics such as the City-wide CRA program.

Goal 9.4 Progress 33%

GOAL D: Enhance safety in the city’s neighborhoods and business districts % # On Track 100.0 4 Safety is essential to providing a place where people and businesses feel comfortable living and investing.

Owner: Annette Mecklenburg

Action: 4

Update provided by Annette Mecklenburg on Mar 29, 2019 13:03:45

Continuing to promote the Neighborhood Watch Brochure.

Maps have been created for past three years that plot where the most common violent and property crimes are occurring. Will be looking to target those areas as we approach the warmer weather. Maps have been provided at community meeting for residents to review the crime occurring in their neighborhoods.

Continuing to keep residents informed of criminal activity in their neighborhoods through social media and providing safety tips on how they can protect themselves.

Maintaining foot patrols in heavily populated business districts. Interviewing officers to add to bike patrol unit.

Goal 9.5 Progress 33%

GOAL E: Promote a proactive relationship among surrounding communities and regional entities % # On Track 100.0 2 Working with surrounding communities on joint services and collaborative development decisions can improve designs of new buildings, lower costs of services, and enhance regional relations.

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Action: 2

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 03, 2019 20:34:55

Continued coordination with Heights Hillcrest Communication Center partner cities.

Cleveland Heights and University Heights are working together on the NOACA Taylor Road study.

The NOACA study to design Mayfield Road to include multi-modal transportation including pedestrians, bicyclists, buses and other motorized vehicles is completed. This study included Cleveland Heights, Mayfield Heights, Lyndhurst, and South Euclid working together.

The Doan Brook Watershed Partnership provide continued coordination efforts along the Doan Brook and the surrounding parklands between the Cities of Cleveland, Shaker Heights and Cleveland Heights.

Page 37 The HOME Consortium continues to coordinate affordable housing efforts with Cuyahoga County, Euclid, Lakewood, Parma and Cleveland Heights.

Staff ontinuec to serve on NOACA Board and Committees.

Vision 10 Progress 50%

A Healthy Community % # Status Pending 7.69 1 Cleveland Heights will be a city of optimal physical health and general well-being through access to healthy On Track 61.54 8 foods, a strong park system, and healthy homes. Completed 30.77 4

Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 3 Action: 13

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 05, 2019 23:59:33

GOAL A: Ensure all residents have access to a variety of parks, recreation facilities, open spaces, and programs for active and passive recreation that contribute to positive health outcomes and improve quality of life (41.88% completed)

Spring and Summer programming is underway. Staff is in the process of hiring summer seasonals for the pool, Cain Park and other recreational program offerings. Staff is also assessing maintenance and completing repairs where needed to park infrastructure. This includes CIP projects such as completing the baseball dugouts at Forest Hill Park and working with the contractor to resurface the Forest Hill Park tennis courts, replacing playground mulch and small equipment as needed and resurfacing the Denison Park basketball court which is heavily used during the summer months.

Staff is also preparing for the upcoming 81st summer season of Cain Park with talented artists such as Air Supply, Lyle Lovett, Dionne Warwick, and India.Arie on the concert schedule. With Ragtime selected as the musical theater production, the park is set up for another season of diverse entertainment for the residents and the region to enjoy. Staff will ensure the Alma Theater roof is replaced in time for the grand opening in June.

GOAL B: Continue to promote policies that limit exposure to environmental hazards

City staff ontinuesc to implement the 2018-2021 Lead Safe Cuyahoga and Healthy Homes programs which are funded with a grant of $494,000 from Cuyahoga County.

GOAL C: Maintain access to a variety of healthy foods for all residents Improving access to healthy foods helps prevent illnesses and chronic diseases by making fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy options readily available. (38.33% completed)

Noble Neighbors and City staff have been researching regulations and practices for cottage foods and farmers markets. The Noble Gardeners Market will take place on 10 consecutive Saturdays beginning mid-July to early September. The market will again focus on community building with only residents offering fresh food and plants that they have grown in their own gardens.

Goal 10.1 Progress 42%

GOAL A: Ensure all residents have access to a variety of parks, recreation facilities, open spaces, and % # programs for active and passive recreation that contribute to positive health outcomes and improve Status Pending 12.5 1 On Track 75.0 6 quality of life Completed 12.5 1 Providing access to safe, clean, and up-to-date parks is the first step in increasing physical activity, which can lower health risks.

Owner: Joe McRae

Action: 8

Page 38 Update provided by Joe McRae on Apr 01, 2019 15:38:09

Spring and Summer programming is underway. Staff is in the process of hiring summer seasonals for the pool, Cain Park and other recreational program offerings. Staff is also assessing maintenance and completing repairs where needed to park infrastructure. This includes CIP projects such as completing the baseball dugouts at Forest Hill Park and working with the contractor to resurface the Forest Hill Park tennis courts, replacing playground mulch and small equipment as needed and resurfacing the Denison Park basketball court which is heavily used during the summer months.

Staff is also preparing for the upcoming 81st summer season of Cain Park with talented artists such as Air Supply, Lyle Lovett, Dionne Warwick, and India.Arie on the concert schedule. With Ragtime selected as the musical theater production, the park is set up for another season of diverse entertainment for the residents and the region to enjoy. Staff will ensure the Alma Theater roof is replaced in time for the grand opening in June.

Goal 10.3 Progress 38%

GOAL C: Maintain access to a variety of healthy foods for all residents % # On Track 66.67 2 Improving access to healthy foods helps prevent illnesses and chronic diseases by making fresh fruits, Completed 33.33 1 vegetables, and healthy options readily available.

Owner: Karen Knittel

Action: 3

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 24, 2019 18:52:47

Noble Neighbors and City staff have been researching regulations and practices for cottage foods and farmers markets. The Noble Gardeners Market will take place on 10 consecutive Saturdays beginning mid-July to early September. The market will again focus on community building with only residents offering fresh food and plants that they have grown in their own gardens.

Vision 11 Progress 20%

Future Land Use % # Status Pending 14.29 1 To guide the City’s future development, the Future Land Use section describes the way that buildings and On Track 28.57 2 parcels should be used if developed or redeveloped. Upcoming 42.86 3 Completed 14.29 1 Owner: Tanisha Briley

Goal: 2 Action: 7

Update provided by Tanisha Briley on May 06, 2019 00:00:37

GOAL A: Future Land Use Actions (19.5% completed)

Planning staff ontinuec to include information on conformance to the Future Land Use map in reports to Boards and Commissions. Also, staff ontinuesc to refer to the Future Land Use map when development proposals are reviewed.

GOAL B: Evaluate the Future Land Use Plan (page 109) and Height Districts (page 113). (25.0% completed)

Planning staff ontinuesc to include information on the conformance to the Future Land Use map in 6 Board of Zoning Appeals and 9 Planning Commission cases.

Page 39 Goal 11.1 Progress 20%

GOAL A: Future Land Use Actions % # Status Pending 16.67 1 Owner: Richard Wong On Track 16.67 1 Upcoming 50.0 3 Completed 16.67 1 Action: 6

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 24, 2019 18:46:25

Planning staff ontinuec to include information on conformance to the Future Land Use map in reports to Boards and Commissions. Also, staff ontinuesc to refer to the Future Land Use map when development proposals are reviewed.

Goal 11.2 Progress 25%

Evaluate the Future Land Use Plan (page 109) and Height Districts (page 113). % # On Track 100.0 1 Owner: Richard Wong

Action: 1

Update provided by Karen Knittel on Apr 24, 2019 18:46:54

Planning staff ontinuesc to include information on the conformance to the Future Land Use map in 6 Board of Zoning Appeals and 9 Planning Commission cases.

Page 40